Apostle and Evangelist of Luke. To the Apostles: prayers Icon "Apostle Luke writing an icon", 16th century

Holy Apostle Evangelist Luke
Luke the Apostle and Evangelist
Apostle and Evangelist Luke (1st century).
Apostle and Evangelist Luke (I).
Ὁ Ἅγιος Λουκᾶς ὁ Εὐαγγελιστής

Commemoration October 18/31, April 22/May 5 and January 4/17 (Cathedral of the 70 Apostles)

Apostle and Evangelist Luke

Evangelist Luke was from the Syrian city of Antioch and from a young age devoted himself to science. Having fully studied Jewish law, he also learned the art of healing and became acquainted with Greek philosophy, and knew the Greek and Egyptian languages ​​perfectly. From Antioch, Luke came to Jerusalem at the very time when the Lord was sowing the seeds of divine truth there. Luke was honored to see and hear the Savior. The seed of the Gospel teaching fell on Luke’s heart, as the Gospel parable puts it, as on good soil, and bore fruit a hundredfold. Belonging to the ranks of the seventy apostles chosen by the Lord Himself, Luke walked before the face of Christ, with his preaching preparing the way for Him and assuring people that the long-awaited Messiah had come into the world. During the saving suffering of the Lord, when the Shepherd was struck and the sheep of His flock were scattered, many of His chosen disciples were torn away from Christ - Luke remained faithful and grieved in soul for the Teacher.
For these heartfelt tears, Jesus gave Luke indescribable joy, which the apostle himself talks about in the Gospel, without naming himself by name. On the day of the Resurrection of Christ, Luke and another apostle, Cleopas, went to the village of Emmaus, near Jerusalem. At this time, the Risen Jesus Himself approached them. But their eyes were held, and they did not recognize Him. The Lord asked what they were talking about and why they were so sad. Luke and Cleopas spoke with emotional anguish about the free suffering and death on the cross of their beloved Teacher. “And we hoped,” they continued, “that He was the One who should deliver Israel... But some of our women astonished us: they were early at the tomb, and did not find His body, and when they came, they said, that they also saw the appearance of angels, who said that He was alive.”
Then the Lord answered: “Oh, foolish ones and slow of heart to believe everything that the prophets foretold! Wasn’t this how Christ had to suffer and enter into His glory?” And beginning with Moses, he explained to them from all the prophets what was said about Him in the Scriptures. Walking and talking with the Lord, Luke from His own lips drew the depth of ineffable wisdom, and, as a good disciple of Christ, learned the mysteries of God and thereby subsequently converted many peoples to the faith of Christ. But at that time the apostle had not yet recognized the divine Companion.
And only when Christ, reclining with Luke and Cleopas at the evening meal, took bread, blessed, broke and served, then their eyes were opened and they recognized Him. But Jesus became invisible. Here the flame of divine love, hitherto hidden in Luke’s heart, was revealed with the words: “Didn’t our heart burn within us when He spoke to us on the road, and when He explained the Scriptures to us?” And, getting up at the same hour, Luke and Cleopas returned to Jerusalem and told the eleven apostles about the appearance of the risen Lord on their way. During this story, in the upper room where they gathered, Christ himself appeared and taught everyone peace and instruction (Luke 24:13-49).
After Christ’s ascension into heaven, Luke and the other apostles received the Holy Spirit, who descended in tongues of fire. When, after the murder of the first martyr Stephen, the persecution of Christians began, and the apostles, except for a few, left Jerusalem to preach the Gospel in other countries, then Luke went to his homeland, to Antioch. On the way, he preached through the city of Sebastia, where the incorruptible relics of John the Baptist and the Baptist of the Lord were located. The Apostle wanted to take them with him, but the local Christians, diligently honoring the Baptist, did not allow them. Then Luke took from the relics only his right hand, under which Christ had once bowed his head, receiving baptism from John. With this priceless treasure, Luke arrived home, to the great joy of the Christians there.
In Antioch, Luke joined the staff of the Apostle Paul and became a participant in his labors and sufferings. He and Paul preached the name of Christ not only to the Jews, but also to the pagans, and was in Rome, as can be seen from the book of the Acts of the Apostles. The Apostle Paul loved Luke very much and in his letters called him brother, beloved physician. And Luke loved Paul with all his heart and revered him as a teacher and father. One of all the disciples of the chief apostle, he was with him during his dying imprisonment in prison, about which Paul wrote from there to Timothy: “I am already becoming a sacrifice, and the time of my departure has come. For Demas has left me, having loved this present age, and has gone to Thessalonica, Crescent to Galatia, Titus to Dalmatia; Luke alone is with me." (2 Tim. 4:6-10). Perhaps Luke, with his medical skill, alleviated the illnesses of the prisoner, who, as legend says, suffered from headaches, weakness of vision and other bodily ailments.
After the suffering death of the supreme apostle Paul, Luke preached the word of God in Italy, Dalmatia, Gaul and Greece. Already in old age, the Apostle Luke, who in the course of his life accepted many sufferings for the name of Christ, visited Libya, walked through it all and arrived in Egypt. Here he multiplied the flock of Christ, converting the pagans to the holy faith.
Returning from Egypt, Luke preached the Gospel in the Greek city of Thebes, built churches there, appointed priests and deacons, and, having cured many of both physical and mental illnesses, finally received the crown of martyrdom from idolaters in this city. In the absence of a cross, he was hanged on an olive tree. This is how the apostle and evangelist Luke ended his life at the age of eighty-four.
Saint Luke was buried in Thebes, and the Lord, glorifying and after the death of his apostle and evangelist, in commemoration of his medical skill, rained down on the place where his body rested, healing callurium - a medicinal lotion for eye disease. At the tomb of Luke, through the prayers of the saint of God, believers received healing from many other diseases.
In the second half of the 4th century, the Greek emperor Constantius, the son of Constantine the Great, having heard about the healing relics of the Apostle Luke, sent his commander for them. The holy relics were transferred with great honor from Thebes to Constantinople. And a miracle happened. One of the royal bed-guards, Anatoly, who had been lying on his sick bed for many years, hearing that the relics of the Apostle Luke were being brought into the city, fervently prayed to the saint and ordered himself to be carried to him. As soon as he, having bowed with faith, touched the ark with the shrine, he instantly received healing and, together with others, carried the relics to the church built in the name of the holy apostles.
The Apostle Luke bears the name of the evangelist because he wrote in Rome, by inspiration from the Holy Spirit, the Gospel, which contains all the details of the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Apostle conveyed to us in the Gospel not only what he himself saw and heard, but also what others saw and heard, those who had previously followed Christ, others like him, and first those who witnessed themselves...
Luke begins his Gospel with a story about the service of Father John the Baptist, Saint Zechariah, one of the Old Testament priests who were obliged to sacrifice calves to God, among other offerings. That is why a calf is usually depicted on icons with the Evangelist Luke.
The Apostle Luke also wrote the book of the Acts of the Apostles, in which he depicted in detail the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, their labors and miracles, the spread of the Gospel among unbelievers through the apostolic preaching and the structure of the original church of Christ on earth, and especially told in detail about the life and deeds of the Apostle Paul.
Tradition says that Evangelist Luke was the first in the world to paint an image of the Mother of God holding the Eternal Child in her arms, and then two more icons of the Most Holy Theotokos and, wanting to find out whether this pleased the Mother of God, he brought them to Her. The Mother of God, seeing her image, said with her most pure lips: “The grace of Him who was born of Me and Mine be with these icons.” Evangelist Luke, who tells the same legend, also wrote on the boards images of the holy supreme apostles Peter and Paul. Thus, from the Apostle and Evangelist Luke, icon painting began in the world.
In the middle of the 12th century, one of the icons of the Mother of God, attributed to the Apostle Luke, was delivered from Constantinople, where it had previously been kept, to Kyiv. From here it was soon transported to Vladimir, and in 1395, during the invasion of Tamerlane, it was solemnly transferred to Moscow, after which Tamerlane abandoned his intention to take possession of the capital and left Russia. The miraculous Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was placed in Moscow in the Assumption Cathedral.
The memory of the holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke is celebrated by the Church on October 18 (31), and the day of the transfer of his holy relics is April 22 (May 5).


Ὁ Ἅγιος Λουκᾶς ὁ Εὐαγγελιστής

Εορταζόμενο όνομα: Λουκᾶς

Καταγόταν ἀπὸ τὴν Ἀντιόχεια τῆς Συρίας. Ἦταν γιατρὸς στὸ ἐπάγγελμα, ὅμως γνώριζε πολὺ καλὰ τὴ ζωγραφικὴ τέχνη. Μάλιστα σὲ αὐτὸν ἀποδίδονται οἱ πρῶτες εἰκόνες τῆς Θεοτόκου μὲ τὸν Ἰησοῦ Χριστὸ βρέφος στὴν ἀγκαλιά της, καθὼς καὶ αὐτὲς τῶν Ἀποστόλων Πέτρου καὶ Παύλου.

Στὴν χριστιανικὴ πίστη κατηχήθηκε ἀπὸ τὸν Ἀπόστολο Παῦλο καὶ ἔκτοτε ἀφοσιώθηκε στὸ κήρυγμα τοῦ Εὐαγγελίου. Περιόδευσε στὴ Δαλματία, Ἰταλία, Βοιωτία κ.ἄ.

? ς καὶ τὶς πράξεις τῶν Ἀποστόλων. Ἀναπαύθηκε εἰρηνικὰ σὲ ἡλικία 80 ἐτῶν.
Ἀργότερα ὁ γιὸς τοῦ Μεγάλου Κωνσταντίνου, ὁ Κωνστάντιος διέταξε νὰ μεταφερθεῖ τὸ λείψανο τοῦ Εὐαγγελιστοῦ στὴν Κωνσταντινούπολη καὶ νὰ τοποθετηθεῖ κάτω ἀπὸ τὴν Ἁγία Τράπεζα τοῦ Ἱ. Ν. τῶν Ἀγ. Ἀποστόλων, μαζὶ μὲ τὰ λείψανα τῶν Ἀποστόλων Ἀνδρέου καὶ Τιμοθέου.

Akathist to the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke

Kontakion 1
Chosen by the wise providence of God, to preach the lordship of Christ's Gospel to the whole world, O all-blessed Luke, you have great boldness before the face of the Lord, whose earthly life and teaching you wrote off. Ask us, the weak and weak, for forgiveness of sins and confirm in us the hope of the Kingdom of Heaven, so that we may cry out to you with all joy:

Ikos 1
The All-Merciful Lord sent His Son to the drowned human race in sin, so that He, through His life, death and glorious Resurrection, will bring this race out of darkness and direct it to holiness. Through you, holy Evangelist, the secrets of heaven and earth were inscribed, so that all people until the end of the century would lead the way to that holiness and, giving thanks to those who exist, cry out to you:
Rejoice, enlightened by the Holy Spirit to write off the Gospel;
Rejoice, you who have found the precious beads of the Gospel of Christ to the venerable Theophilus and to all of us.
Rejoice, for you have been chosen by God, so that you may declare the mystery of salvation;
Rejoice, evangelist of the Good News.
Rejoice, for you who preached Christ came to save sinners;
Rejoice, for you are one of the four Evangelists.
Rejoice, for through you you poured out the Holy Spirit into the world;
Rejoice, you have ascended in spirit into the mysteries of God.
Rejoice, for your words have enlightened the universe;
Rejoice, for through the depths of your Gospel I have caught many verbal souls.
Rejoice, expositor of the New Testament;
Rejoice, shining star in the Heavenly Church.
Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 2
In your youth, having desired worldly wisdom, Luke the Wise, you learned it, but having come to Jerusalem from Antioch, when the Lord Jesus Christ sowed His Divine word on earth, you received the good seed in your heart, and, filled with heavenly joy, you sang loudly to the God-man Christ: Alleluia.

Ikos 2
The grain of divine love has grown in you a hundredfold fruit, as if you, listening to His teaching and seeing miracles, were filled with divine wisdom and knowledge, since the Hellenic and Egyptian schools were in vain. From there the Lord chose you and seventy other apostles and ambassadors, so that you could preach the Good News of the salvation of the human race. Through your Holy Gospel and until now, drinking that wisdom of God, we sing to you like this:
Rejoice, wounded in your heart by the grace of Christ;
Rejoice, for you have received divine wisdom instead of worldly wisdom, for which you have been trained.
Rejoice, for having left everything, you followed Christ the Lord;
Rejoice, messenger of the Lord.
Rejoice, builder of the faith of Christ;
Rejoice, see for yourself, the pagans were waiting for Him.
Rejoice, you who have traced the genealogy of Christ back to Adam;
Rejoice, the first to paint the icon of the Lady.
Rejoice, you who declared Jesus to be the Son of God and Man;
Rejoice, tireless warrior for the truth of Christ.
Rejoice, artful catcher of human souls;
Rejoice, sower of the good seed, bearing a hundredfold fruit.
Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 3
Armed with power and authority from the Lord, Saint Luke, preaching the Gospel and performing miracles, will come with the other Apostles before the face of the Lord Christ, preparing His way and preaching to the people that the Messiah promised from the ages has come into the world, to whom all things are like God from now to let the centuries cry: Alleluia.

Ikos 3
In the last days of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ, when you condemned the unrighteous judges of the Righteous Judge and crucified the Lord on the Cross, you, Saint Luke, remained in Jerusalem, looking with tears at how the innocent blood of your Teacher was poured out on the sinful earth. Weepingly one with you, with sadness we say to you:
Rejoice, for you have written off the suffering of Christ the Savior;
Rejoice, faithful servant of the All-King Christ.
Rejoice, for you have proclaimed the glory of God;
Rejoice, heavenly ray in the darkness of this world.
Rejoice, you who entered Judas against the enemy and armed us;
Rejoice, you who taught us mercy, the servant who was beheaded by Peter and healed by Christ.
Rejoice, thou storehouse from which we will drink living water;
Rejoice, for you brought the words of God to people joyfully and without fear.
Rejoice, you who desired circumcision of the heart rather than carnal circumcision;
Rejoice, good bunch of grapes of the Lord.
Rejoice, for you have seen God face to face through Christ;
Rejoice, for you still see the Lord in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 4
Your sadness will turn into joy, but the joy of the murderers of God will turn into sadness, for death is not powerful against the Source of Life and the grave stone cannot hold back the cornerstone. Your Lord has risen from the dead and given the world eternal life. You and your brethren exclaimed to the heavens in omnipotent joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 4
When I went to nearby Emmaus with Cleopas on the week of the Resurrection, the Lord appeared to you and went with you. And your heart was burning and your soul was trembling, while He taught you about Himself from the prophets and the scriptures, but you did not know the Lord, until at the supper table He broke bread and blessed you, and your eyes were opened and your understanding was opened, as if it were the risen Lord. Learning about this from your Gospel, even now our souls are trembling, and for this reason we joyfully sing to you:
Rejoice, you who saw the Resurrection of Christ;
Rejoice, brought from foolishness to wisdom by Christ.
Rejoice, for Christ opened your mind so that you could understand the Scripture;
Rejoice, for you had a burning heart, always listening to the Lord on the way to Emmaus.
Rejoice, for you gave Christ the broken bread with His own hands;
Rejoice, for Christ has sealed your words about His appearance on the way to Emmaus, having once again appeared as a disciple.
Rejoice, for having drunk the cup of wisdom, you have given many to drink with the knowledge of Christ the Savior;
Rejoice, for you preached the Gospel of the risen Christ to everyone.
Rejoice, for you have opened the source of salvation for us;
Rejoice, for you have taught us a Guide to life in the image.
Rejoice, brightness of the intelligent Sun;
Rejoice, for you have taught us to believe in the Holy Trinity.
Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 5
When the risen Lord of our salvation founded His Church and according to the promise, on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection, He sent the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, so that they might be sealed by witnesses of the unshakable Christian faith, and you, Saint Luke, who dwell in Jerusalem. Together with other Apostles, they faithfully testified to the God-man Christ and sang to Him as to the true God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5
You went to your fatherland, Antioch, which was a country inhabited by many Christians, but in Sebastia you delayed, preaching the Gospel of salvation, and there you buried the incorruptible relics of St. John the Baptist. Seeing these, you wished to carry them with you, but the Christians of Sebastia did not want to lose the maize shrine and thus handed you the right hand of John, under which the Lord Himself bowed the Divine head in baptism, you joyfully carried the same, we, marveling at your love for saints, we exclaim to you this:
Rejoice, witness of the condescension of the Holy Spirit;
Rejoice, for you have described to us how the Church was created.
Rejoice, for you have revealed to yourself the dew of heaven and enlightened the light;
Rejoice, for by the Holy Spirit the New Testament has been inscribed on your heart.
Rejoice, for through the Holy Spirit you have explained to the world the divine truth;
Rejoice, Lord of peace and evangelist of all.
Rejoice, chosen Mystic from God;
Rejoice, for you have purified your heart with the grace of the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, for you have found the intercession of the Forerunner;
Rejoice, beginning of the pious use of consecrated things.
Rejoice, Zacchaeus, who was wounded by the love of money and who showed himself cleansed;
Rejoice, for many have you as an intercessor before God.
Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 6
With the right hand of John, Saint Luke, a lover of money, having acquired a priceless treasure, reached his fatherland to the great joy of the Christians of Antioch, whom you strengthened in the divine words and joy of the Gospel of Christ, and spoke to them the miracles of the Son of God, which you saw with your own eyes, and the teaching The Savior of the world, you heard with your ears. Listening to your wise words, they joyfully sang to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6
You remained in Antioch until the Apostle Paul called you, so that you would become his colleague and companion on the path of God and you would not go to the Hellenic country to preach the Gospel. Saint Paul left you in the city of Macedonia, Philippi, and established and multiplied the Church. There you remained, preaching and propagating Christianity. Marveling at your work, we cry out to you:
Rejoice, tireless companion of the Apostle Paul;
Rejoice, chosen teacher of languages ​​with Paul the Wise.
Rejoice, for you ineffably enlighten the entire universe;
Rejoice, comforter of all the wounded.
Rejoice, physician, who by the power of the Most High Physician gives healing;
Rejoice, for with your Gospel you have delivered us from the deadly tree.
Rejoice, you who demonstrate praiseworthy service through your possessions;
Hail Mary, Joanna, Susanna and others, the preacher of prudence does not love money.
Rejoice, praiser of Joseph of Arimathea;
Rejoice, for you have banished despondency from our hearts.
Rejoice, our prayer book before God;
Rejoice, for you have called many to the lordship of the Belly.
Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 7
When Saint Paul, at the end of the third apostolic journey, visited Philip again, he, Saint Luke, sent you to Corinth, so that you may receive a blessing as an orphan Christian living in Palestine. From that hour, without departing from the great Apostle, you sang with him to Almighty God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7
Having gone around in joy all the Churches in Asia and Judea, you reached Palestine, naturally, the city of Caesarea, where the Jews, possessed by the Evil One, naturally imposed shackles from the Roman power on St. Paul, who also demanded the judgment of Caesar in Rome. On the way to it, you constantly stood before him, enduring many troubles on the sea and on land. Praising you for this, we exclaim in reverence:
Rejoice, Pavlov’s helper in service;
Rejoice, for you have described his preaching.
Rejoice, beloved physician;
Rejoice, you who welcomed the Colossians in bonds through Paul.
Rejoice, you who testified to Christ in word and in writing;
Rejoice, for you have sweetened the bitterness of godless salt with Divine salt.
Rejoice, arrow of Christ's piety;
Rejoice, for you have filled us with the Gospel of Christ.
Rejoice, trumpet of Divine grace;
Rejoice, preacher of the unspeakable mysteries.
Rejoice, strengthening of all the weak;
Rejoice, deliverer from demons.
Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 8
Having reached Rome, you, together with the Apostles Paul, Mark, Aristarchus and others, preached Christ, first to the Jews, after them, to your words that did not believe, those who had discord among themselves, and to everyone who did not know God, who, having heard the words of salvation and were enlightened by the Holy Spirit , joyfully sang to the Lord Christ Incarnate: Alleluia.

Ikos 8
During this time in Rome, you, Saint Luke, do what God has chosen you to do from all eternity: copy the Holy Gospel, in which you outlined the life and family of the Lord Jesus Christ, as you yourself saw and heard and as you received the Word from the witnesses and servants of the Word. The Apostle Paul led you in this holy obedience, and later he praised your Holy Gospel. In Rome, you exist and listen to the words of the Apostle Paul, and the acts of the apostles were copied by you. We don’t know that others praise you, but we bring you this:
Rejoice, for you have filled the godless world with Divine grace;
Rejoice, sealed with the Holy Spirit.
Rejoice, faithful disciple of the ineffable mysteries of Christ;
Rejoice, understander of church dogmas.
Rejoice, for by the hand of the Lady you have been enriched with the highest knowledge;
Rejoice, for you heard and copied many of the mysteries of Christ from the Apostle Paul.
Rejoice, tireless cooperation Apostle of languages;
Rejoice, for your gospel has spread throughout the whole earth.
Rejoice, for you have gladdened our hearts with the wine of God’s wisdom;
Rejoice, for you are the only one who wrote off the prudent thief’s repentance in the Gospel.
Rejoice, thou who hast brought wealth to those who have acquired the prudence of the publican;
Rejoice, you who showed the pagan Samaritans to be grateful and merciful.
Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 9
When the Apostle Paul, after two years of imprisonment, was released and flowed from Rome to go around the previously founded churches, you, Saint Luke, were found as his faithful companion on that journey. When Nero instituted a cruel persecution of Christians in Rome, you returned to encourage and strengthen the persecuted Church, which, even in chains and in blood, joyfully sang to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9
When the enraged atheists seized the Apostle Paul and imprisoned him in chains, you, Saint Luke, and so on, faithfully and relentlessly remained with him. When your mentor martyrically surrendered his pure soul to the Lord, you remained with him with tears. Grieving your pain, we sing loudly:
Rejoice, for you alone did not leave the Apostle Paul in chains;
Rejoice, for you saw the martyrdom of the great Paul.
Rejoice, you who followed Paul from Troas to the gates of heaven;
Rejoice, you who were well instructed by the godly Paul.
Rejoice, expounder of the acts of the Apostles;
Rejoice, lamp of the Church.
Rejoice, for with the brilliance of your spirit you enlighten the hearts of the faithful;
Rejoice, having driven away demonic flattery with the warmth of faith.
Rejoice, for through you the Lord has taught many virtues;
Rejoice, sacristy, filled with heavenly gifts.
Rejoice, unshakable pillar of piety;
Rejoice, for all the nations remember your holy name.
Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 10
After the martyrdom of the Apostle Paul, you, Saint Luke, in the country of Italy, Dalmatia, Gallia, especially Macedonia and Achaia, you preached Christ, dispelling the darkness of godlessness everywhere and teaching tongues, so that everyone exclaimed to the Living and True God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10
In your old age you went to Egypt and preached the Good News of the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ. While preaching, she endured much torment and performed many exploits. Having returned to the country of Hellenism, you established the Church, ordaining priests and deacons, healing those who were sick in body and soul, for which we joyfully cry out to you with gratitude to God:
Rejoice, for you have built the Body of Christ - the Holy Church;
Rejoice, dawn of a new day.
Rejoice, our guide to heaven;
Rejoice, good tree, bearing much fruit.
Rejoice, thou who has received the reward for the good news in the Kingdom of Heaven;
Rejoice, denouncer of godlessness.
Rejoice, preacher of God’s glorious miracles;
Rejoice, for you have written down the new law of God for us.
Rejoice, you who strive us for the feat of active love;
Rejoice, for from your lips rich water flowed.
Rejoice, for you have shone like the sun through your preaching;
Rejoice, for your icon adorns Christian churches.
Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 11
You were eighty years and four years old, when the wickedness of the idolater seized you and beat you for Christ the Lord's sake and hung you on an olive tree in Thebes of Boeotia, and there your holy relics were quickly buried. You betray your holy soul to the Angels, as if you had ascended to the Lord, Whom you faithfully served in this life, and in this light you sang to the Lord faithfully: Alleluia.

Ikos 11
Your holy and miraculous relics have healed many, but those who are especially sick with their eyes. King Constantius, hearing this, brought them to Constantinople with triumph. One eunuch, who was in great pain, having heard about this, was ordered to bring your relics to the shrine with firm faith, and with firm faith you touched the shrine, and from that hour you have been healthy. Rejoicing, he carried the relics with others, and they were placed under the holy table along with the relics of the holy Apostles Andrew and Timothy. We marvel at such a miracle and cry out to you:
Rejoice, for the Church of Christ was built on your martyr’s blood;
Rejoice, thou crowned with the crown of martyrdom.
Rejoice, physician, well healed from corruption by Christ;
Rejoice, you who offered yourself a fragrant sacrifice for the good news.
Rejoice, for you have endured many reproaches for Christ;
Rejoice, for through martyrdom you have testified your faith in Christ.
Rejoice, for in these torments you grew old and did not faint;
Rejoice, for you have sealed your good course with your suffering.
Rejoice, for the servant of the Lord Christ has not appeared unfaithfully, for there are many from us;
Rejoice, for both the earthly and heavenly Church glorify you.
Rejoice, finger of the Holy Spirit;
Rejoice, as you rejoice together with the saints in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 12
Together with the verbal Gospel, Saint Luke, you left us the Gospel in images, as the Christians of those times deigned to paint three icons of the most blessed face of the Mother of God, saying: “May the grace of the One born of Me and My mercy abide with these icons.” Having given thanks to the being, as you have deigned us too to reverently look at the beauty of the Virgin and Her Son, we joyfully cry out to the All-Wise Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 12
You painted, Saint Luke, on the panel the icon of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. And thus you laid the first fruit in this wondrous and godly work of writing holy icons for the glory of God, the Most Holy Theotokos and all the saints; they still splendidly adorn the churches of God and call to salvation all who reverently venerate them. And for this being given to us by you, we are grateful to you, we exclaim:
Rejoice, preacher of the Gospel mysteries;
Rejoice, thou who hast understood the whole human race to look forward to the Savior.
Rejoice, thou who depicted the Mother of God in the icon;
Rejoice, for She blessed your holy work.
Rejoice, immortalizing the face of the Virgin;
Rejoice, for you brought unspeakable joy into our hearts.
Rejoice, for through you the Queen of Heaven began many miracles from Her icons;
Rejoice, for the good face of the Mother of God, reflected by you, drives away despondency from us.
Rejoice, for you told the Mother of God the secrets about Your Son, carried in your heart;
Rejoice, for we sing the magnification of the Mother of God in Her honor from your Gospel.
Rejoice, for the Mother of God told you the Archangel gospel;
Rejoice, as you are blessed by the Mother of God.
Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 13
Oh, holy Evangelist and Apostle Luke, heavenly trumpet, accept this weak word of ours as a prayer and ask us from God, the Lord Jesus Christ, Whom you have so tirelessly served and have received great mercy from Him, forgiveness of all our sins, peaceful and painless the end of the belly and the passage into the spiritual world is not forbidden, in it all the saints sing the heavenly song: Alleluia.
This kontakion is read three times, then ikos 1st and kontakion 1st

Prayer to the Apostle and Evangelist Luke

O holy servant of God, Apostle Luke! Having fought a good fight on earth, you have received in Heaven the crown of righteousness, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him. In the same way, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us against the wiles of the devil, so that, having been delivered from sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, we will live piously and righteously in the present We will be worthy through your intercession, even though we are unworthy, to see good on the land of the living, glorifying the One in His saints, the glorified God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever.

Prayer to the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke

Oh, Saint Luke, chosen by God and blessed by the Mother of God, preacher throughout the entire universe of the Gospel of Christ, martyr and apostle, helper to all who prayerfully call on you, help us, the indecent servant of the Lord, as we, due to our many sins, are found in darkness and the shadow of death, farther from God sucks. Through shame, those who are not imams have the boldness of the Lord to pray for forgiveness, we call upon you, the great lamp of God, as one who abides in His eternal light, pray to the Lord for us, that He may have mercy on us. Pray to the Lord, Saint Luke, that the fear of the Lord may renew in us, which attracts love and drives away sin. As we have become accustomed to sinning every day and hour, and in our sleep, as if we do not know the words of the Lord: watch, for you do not know the hour when I want to come, He can call us at any hour from this temporal life to the eternal. Awaken in us, Saint Luke, fear and wisdom, about which the holy king and psalmist David spoke. May we receive tears of repentance through your prayers, in which all our souls will be cleansed from sin. Because we, in spiritual blindness and debility of existence, cannot cry over our dead, that is, to ourselves, but we need to shed many tears, streams of tears for the many sins we have committed. Help us, foolish ones, so that we may understand the Scripture, which you yourself copied, as if with true reason we will understand the true words, so that we may flee from sin as from fire, and let us exert all our strength, may God bring us closer. Let us understand that sin is death, but God is life. Help us, Saint Luke, so that when we understand, we will be cleansed of sin and pass from death to life. May God be all in all to us. And now and forever may we remain near Him. So that when we traveled to Emmaus, like you and Cleopas, our hearts and souls would be trembling at His presence. From here, may heavenly peace descend upon us, leading us towards the Kingdom of Heaven and creating joy for us, so that we may drive away the arrows of the Evil One, which are fired at us at every hour. With the same, we will receive the love of God, may he lead us to the eternal Fatherland, where all the powers of heaven, all the saints, the Mother of God are before them, even the good face in the icon you painted, you are immortalized. May the eyes of our hearts continually look at that beauty and enjoy it, may the Kingdom of Heaven reign in us, in which we hope that through your prayers, Saint Luke, will dwell when the Lord calls us, and there we will forever glorify God in the Holy Trinity: the Beginningless Father, the Only Begotten Son and the Most Holy Spirit, to all endless ages.

Troparion to the Apostle and Evangelist Luke

Troparion, tone 3:
Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke, pray to the Merciful God that he may grant remission of sins to our souls.
Troparion, tone 5:
The apostolic acts of the narrator and the Gospel of Christ are a luminous writer, Luke praised, glorious is the existence of the Church of Christ, with the sacred hymns of the holy apostle we praise, as a physician of human infirmities, natural ailments and illnesses of souls, healing and praying unceasingly for our souls.
Kontakion, voice 2:
Let us praise the true piety of the preacher and the unspeakable mysteries of the rhetorician, the church star, Luke the Divine: for his word was chosen with Paul the wise, teacher of tongues, the only one who knows the heart.
We magnify you, Apostle of Christ and Evangelist Luko, and honor your illnesses and labors, in which you worked in the gospel of Christ.

Luke the Apostle and Evangelist
XVII century, Russia, State United Vladimir-Suzdal Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve
wood, tempera
The personal letter is executed in a complex, life-like manner. Possibly the authorship of Simon Ushakov.
The icon is a mark of the unsurvived Royal Doors and was originally inserted into a round carved frame-cartouche. The saint is represented shoulder-length, and on the sides of his halo there is an inscription with elements of ligature. On the back of the icon there is an image of the Calvary Cross and a dedicatory inscription with the date.

Ἀπολυτίκιον. Ἦχος δ’. Ταχὺ προκατάλαβε.
Ἀκέστωρ σοφώτατος, ἱερομύστα Λουκᾶ, ζωγράφος πανάριστος, τῆς Θεοτόκου Μητρός, ἐδείχθης Ἀπόστολε· ἔγραψας μάκαρ λόγους, διὰ Πνεύματος θείου· ἔδωκας ἐννοῆσαι, συγκατάβασιν ἄκραν, Χριστοῦ τῆς παρουσίας· διὸ πρέσβευε σωθῆναι ἡμᾶς.

Κοvτάκιον. Ἦχος δ’. Ἐπεφάνης σήμεροv.

Μαθητὴς γενόμενος τοῦ Θεοῦ Λόγου , σὺν τῷ Παύλῳ ἅπασαν ας τὴv γῆν, καὶ τὴν ἀχλὺν ἀπεδίωξας, τὸ θεῖον γράψας, Χριστοῦ Εὐαγ γέλιον.

Μακαρίζομέν σου τὴν δεξιάν, Λουκᾶ θεηγόρε, δι’ ἧς ἔχομεν οἱ πιστοί, τὰς τοῦ Θεοῦ Λόγου, διττὰς ἁγίας πλάκας, καὶ τὴν σεπτὴν Εἰκόνα, τῆς Θεομήτορος.

Luke the Apostle and Evangelist
16th century, Russia, Kirillo-Belozersky Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve
15.3 x 11.7 cm, wood, tempera
The painting of Ferapontov stamps is distinguished by the elegance of the design, a bold combination of bright colors - blue and cyan tones with red, light green and various shades of ocher. It is believed that the executor of the marks could have been Theodosius, the son of Dionysius.
Evangelist Luke is presented writing the Gospels. He sits on a low seat in front of the table.

Ap. Luke. Icon. Rus. Mid-16th century 89 x 65. PGOIAKHMZ. Pskov.


Ap. Luke. Miniature. Byzantium. 1125-1150. Oxford.

In the Orthodox Church memory Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke It is celebrated several times a year: January 17, May 5, July 3 and October 31 according to the new style.

Life and works of the Holy Apostle Luke
It is known about the Apostle Luke that he was from Antioch in Syria. It can be assumed that he came from a Greek environment, which was reflected in the language of his literary works. Luke was well educated and knew Greek philosophy, Jewish law and medicine.
Called by Jesus Christ in the last year of the Savior’s earthly life, he became one of the 70 apostles and began his preaching ministry even before the suffering on the cross and death of Christ. After the Resurrection of the Lord, he was honored with His appearance together with another apostle of the seventy, Cleopas, when both were walking along the road to the city of Emmaus. From the books of the New Testament, as well as from church tradition, it is known that Luke accompanied the Apostle Paul, starting from his second missionary journey until the martyrdom of Paul in Rome. After this, the Apostle Luke preached in Achaia, Libya, Egypt and Thebaid. According to legend, he suffered a martyr's death in the Greek city of Thebes, where he was hanged around the age of 82
The Holy Apostle Luke is the author of two books included in the New Testament. This is the Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles. In his Gospel, Saint Luke tells a lot about the Nativity of Jesus Christ, as well as about the early years of His earthly life, which the apostle wrote about, according to legend, from the words of the Most Holy Theotokos herself. In addition, the main goal of the gospel story is the idea that Christian teaching has universal significance, and the salvation accomplished by the Lord extends to all humanity. The redemptive significance of the Savior’s ministry, emphasized in this Gospel, led to the fact that the calf became the symbol of the evangelist, as an image of a sacrifice offered to God.
The second work of the Apostle Luke, the Acts of the Apostles, is the only historical book of the New Testament that is dedicated to the first years of the Christian Church and the preaching of the apostles. The main events of the book of Acts are the Ascension of the Lord, the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles on the day of Pentecost, and the Apostolic Council of 51. The significance of this Council for the Church was very great, since it was at it that Christians declared themselves adherents of a new religion, separating from the Jews. Most of the narrative is devoted to the missionary journey of the Apostle Paul, in which Luke also took part. The main theological idea of ​​the book of Acts is the economy of the Holy Spirit in the Church, which began on the day of Pentecost and continues until the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Apostle Luke as an icon painter
According to legend, the Apostle Luke was also an icon painter, the first to paint the image of the Most Holy Theotokos with the Child of God in her arms. The legend says that when he brought this icon to the Mother of God, She blessed his work and said that from now on everyone who turns to Her with prayer in front of Her image will receive help and consolation. Not a single icon painted by the Apostle Luke has reached us, but it is generally accepted that the Vladimir, Czestochowa and Kykkos icons of the Mother of God go back to the prototype created by Saint Luke. In addition, there is an opinion that he also painted the first icon of the supreme apostles Peter and Paul.
The Apostle Luke himself on icons is often depicted sitting in front of the Most Holy Theotokos with brushes in his hands and painting Her image, and behind him stands an Angel who helps the icon painter.

Apostle Luke is the patron saint of icon painters, which is why everyone who works on creating icons often turns to him.

Troparion, tone 5:
We praise the apostolic acts of the narrator, and the bright writer of the Gospel of Christ, Luke, the glorious being of the Church of Christ, with the sacred hymns of the holy apostle we praise, as a physician, human infirmities, natural ailments and illnesses of souls, healing, and praying unceasingly for our souls.

Kontakion, voice 2:
Let us praise the true piety of the preacher and the unspeakable mysteries of the rhetorician, the ecclesiastical star, Luke the Divine: for his word was chosen, with Paul the wise teacher of tongues, the only one who knows the heart.

We magnify you, Apostle of Christ Luke, and honor your illnesses and labors, in which you worked in the gospel of Christ.

Oh, glorious Apostle Luke, who gave up his soul for Christ and fertilized His pasture with your blood! Hear your children's prayers and sighs, now offered by your brokenhearted hearts. Because we are darkened by lawlessness, and for this reason we are covered with troubles, like clouds, but with the oil of a good life we ​​are greatly impoverished, and we are not able to resist the predatory wolf who is boldly trying to plunder the heritage of God. O strong one! Bear our infirmities, do not separate from us in spirit, so that we may not be separated in the end from the love of God, but protect us with your strong intercession, may the Lord have mercy on all of us for your prayers for the sake of, may He destroy the handwriting of our immeasurable sins, and may He be honored with all the Saints of the blessed The kingdom and marriage of His Lamb, to whom be honor and glory, and thanksgiving and worship, forever and ever. Amen.

Apostle and Evangelist Luke. Icon.

Evangelist Luke. Prayer. Icon.

Evangelist Luke, an apostle of the seventy, a native of Syrian Antioch, a companion of the holy Apostle Paul. He was a doctor and is considered the patron saint of doctors.

The Apostle and Evangelist Luke heard about Christ and arrived in Palestine, where he received teaching from the Lord Himself. He was sent by the Lord, among the seventy disciples (apostles), to preach the first sermon about the Kingdom of Heaven, when the Savior was still living on earth. Saint Luke and Cleopas went to Emmaus and the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to them after the Resurrection.

Saint Luke, together with the Apostle Paul, also took part in the second missionary journey. From that moment they became inseparable. Even when all the co-workers turned away from Saint Paul, the Evangelist Luke shared all the difficulties with him. The Apostle Evangelist Luke left Rome only after the death of the chief apostles and went preaching to Achaia, Libya, Egypt, and Thebaid. In the Greek city of Thebes, he was hanged, ending his 84-year earthly journey as a martyr.

It is believed that Evangelist Luke was the first icon painter; he was the first to paint icons of the Mother of God. The Russian Orthodox Church attributes about ten icons of the Mother of God to Luke. Apostle Luke also painted icons of the supreme apostles Peter and Paul. Under the leadership of Paul, Saint Luke wrote in Rome in 62-62. The Gospel, which from the very beginning described in full chronology everything that Christians know about Jesus Christ and His teaching, firmly substantiated the Christian hope historically. He described the carefully researched facts of the stories of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the oral tradition of the Church.

Saint Luke also wrote the book of the Acts of the Holy Apostles, which tells about the exploits and labors of the holy apostles after the Ascension of the Lord. The center of the story is the Apostolic Council, held in 51, which is a fundamental church event in dissociating Christianity from Judaism, as well as spreading it as an independent creed throughout the world.

The relics of St. Luke are located in Italy in the city of Padua in the Basilica of St. Justina.

Memorial Day of the Holy Apostle Evangelist Luke April 22 (May 5), October 18 (31), January 4 (17) (Council of the 70 Apostles).

Apostle and Evangelist Luke, physician, apostle of the 70, companion of the holy Apostle Paul. He took part in the second missionary journey of the Apostle Paul, and since then they have been inseparable. After the martyrdom of the apostles Peter and Paul, Luke left Rome and preached through Achaia, Libya, Egypt and Thebaid. In the city of Thebes, he ended his earthly journey as a martyr. Tradition credits him with writing the first icons of the Mother of God. Patron of missionaries and catechists, doctors, artists and icon painters. The symbol of the apostle is a winged calf holding the Gospel.

Icon "Apostle Luke writing an icon", 16th century


Troparion to the Apostle and Evangelist Luke, tone 5

We praise the apostolic acts of the narrator and the Gospel of Christ as a luminous descriptor, Luke praised the glorious existence of the Church of Christ, and with sacred hymns let us praise the holy apostle, as if he were a physician, healing human infirmities, natural ailments and ulcers of souls and praying unceasingly for our souls.

Kontakion to the Apostle and Evangelist Luke, tone 2

Let us praise the true piety of the preacher and the unspeakable mysteries of the rhetorician, the ecclesiastical star, Luke the Divine: for his word was chosen, with Paul the wise teacher of tongues, the only one who knows the heart.

Prayer to the Apostle and Evangelist Luke

Oh, Saint Luke, chosen by God and blessed by the Mother of God, preacher throughout the entire universe of the Gospel of Christ, martyr and apostle, helper to all who prayerfully call on you, help us, the indecent servant of the Lord, as we, due to our many sins, are found in darkness and the shadow of death , farther from God sucks. Through this shame, the imams who are not the boldness of the Lord to pray for forgiveness, we call on you, the great lamp of God, as one who abides in His eternal light, pray to the Lord for us, that he may have mercy on us.

Pray to the Lord, Saint Luke, that the fear of the Lord will renew in us, it attracts love and drives away sin. As we have become accustomed to sin every day and hour, and in our sleep, because we do not know the words of the Lord: watch, because you do not know the hour when I want to come, He can call us at any hour from this temporal life to the eternal. Awaken in us, Saint Luke, fear and wisdom, about which the holy king and psalmist David spoke. May we receive tears of repentance through your prayers, in which all our souls will be cleansed from sin. Because we, in spiritual blindness and debility of existence, cannot cry over our dead, that is, to ourselves, but we need to shed many tears, streams of tears for the many sins we have committed. Help us, foolish ones, so that we may understand the Scripture, which you yourself copied, as if with true reason we will understand the true words, so that we may flee from sin as from fire, and let us exert all our strength, may God bring us closer. Let us understand that sin is death, but God is life. Help us, Saint Luke, so that when we understand, we will be cleansed of sin and pass from death to life. May God be all in all to us. And now and forever may we remain near Him. So that when we traveled to Emmaus, like you and Cleopas, our hearts and souls would be trembling at His presence. From here, may heavenly peace descend upon us, leading us to the Kingdom of Heaven and creating joy in us, so that we may drive away the arrows of the evil one, which are shot at us at every hour. With the same, we will receive the love of God, may he lead us to the eternal Fatherland, where all the powers of heaven, all the saints, the Mother of God are before them, even the good face in the icon you painted, you are immortalized. May the eyes of our hearts continually look at that beauty and enjoy it, may the Kingdom of Heaven reign in us, in which we hope that through your prayers, Saint Luke, will dwell when the Lord calls us, and there we will forever glorify God in the Holy Trinity: the Beginningless Father, the Only Begotten Son and the Most Holy Spirit, to all endless ages. Amen.

Kontakion 1

Chosen by the wise providence of God, to preach the lordship of Christ's Gospel to the whole world, O all-blessed Luke, you have great boldness before the face of the Lord, whose earthly life and teaching you have written off. Ask us, the weak and weak, for forgiveness of sins and confirm in us the hope of the Kingdom of Heaven, so that we may cry out to you with all joy:

Ikos 1

The seven-merciful Lord sent His Son to the drowned human race in sin, so that He, through His life, death and glorious Resurrection, will bring this race out of darkness and direct it to holiness. Through you, holy Evangelist, the secrets of heaven and earth were inscribed, so that all people until the end of the century would lead the way to that holiness and, giving thanks to those who exist, cry out to you:

Rejoice, enlightened by the Holy Spirit to write off the Gospel; Rejoice, you who have found the precious beads of the Gospel of Christ to the venerable Theophilus and to all of us.

Rejoice, for you have been chosen by God, so that you may declare the mystery of salvation; Rejoice, evangelist of the Good News.

Rejoice, for you who preached Christ came to save sinners; Rejoice, for you are one of the four Evangelists.

Rejoice, for through you you poured out the Holy Spirit into the world; Rejoice, ascended in spirit into the mysteries of God.

Rejoice, for your words have enlightened the universe; Rejoice, for through the depths of your Gospel I have captured many verbal souls.

Rejoice, expositor of the New Testament; Rejoice, shining star in the Heavenly Church.

Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 2

In your youth, having desired worldly wisdom, Luke the Wise, you learned it, and when you came to Jerusalem from Antioch, when the Lord Jesus Christ sowed His Divine word on earth, you received the good seed in your heart, and, filled with heavenly joy, you sang loudly to the God-man Christ: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

The grain of divine love has grown in you a hundredfold fruit, as if you, listening to His teaching and seeing miracles, were filled with divine wisdom and knowledge, since the Hellenic and Egyptian schools were in vain. From there the Lord chose you and seventy other apostles and ambassadors, so that you could preach the Good News of the salvation of the human race. Through your Holy Gospel and until now, drinking that wisdom of God, we sing to you like this:

Rejoice, wounded in your heart by the grace of Christ; Rejoice, for you have received divine wisdom instead of worldly wisdom, for which you have been trained.

Rejoice, for having left everything, you followed Christ the Lord; Rejoice, messenger of the Lord.

Rejoice, builder of the faith of Christ; Rejoice, see for yourself, the pagans were waiting for Him.

Rejoice, you who have traced the genealogy of Christ back to Adam; Rejoice, the first to paint the icon of the Lady.

Rejoice, you who declared Jesus to be the Son of God and Man; Rejoice, tireless warrior for the truth of Christ.

Rejoice, artful catcher of human souls; Rejoice, sower of good seed, bearing fruit a hundredfold.

Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 3

Armed with power and authority from the Lord, Saint Luke, preaching the Gospel and performing miracles, will come with the other Apostles before the face of the Lord Christ, preparing His way and preaching to the people, that the Messiah promised from the ages has come into the world, to whom all things are like God from now on. and let them cry forever: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

In the last days of the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ, when the unrighteous judges condemned the Righteous Judge and crucified the Lord on the Cross, you, Saint Luke, remained in Jerusalem, looking with tears at how the innocent blood of your Teacher was poured out on the sinful earth. Weepingly one with you, with sadness we say to you:

Rejoice, for you have written off the suffering of Christ the Savior; Rejoice, faithful servant of the All-King Christ.

Rejoice, for you have proclaimed the glory of God; Rejoice, heavenly ray in the darkness of this world.

Rejoice, you who entered Judas against the enemy, arming us; Rejoice, thou who teachest us mercy by the servant who was beheaded by Peter and healed by Christ.

Rejoice, thou storehouse from which we may drink living water; Rejoice, for you brought the words of God to people joyfully and without fear.

Rejoice, you who desired circumcision of the heart rather than carnal circumcision; Rejoice, good bunch of grapes of the Lord.

Rejoice, for you have seen God face to face through Christ; Rejoice, for you still see the Lord in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 4

Your sadness will turn into joy, but the joy of the murderers of God will turn into sadness, for death is not powerful against the Source of Life, and the grave stone cannot hold back the cornerstone. Your Lord has risen from the dead and given the world eternal life. You and your brethren exclaimed to the heavens in omnipotent joy: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

When I went to nearby Emmaus with Cleopas on the week of the Resurrection, the Lord appeared to you and went with you. And your heart was burning and your soul was trembling, while He taught you about Himself from the prophets and the scriptures, but you did not know the Lord, until at the supper table He broke bread and blessed you, and your eyes were opened and your understanding was opened, as if it were the risen Lord. Learning about this from your Gospel, even now our souls are trembling, and for this reason we joyfully sing to you:

Rejoice, you who saw the Resurrection of Christ; Rejoice, brought from foolishness to wisdom by Christ.

Rejoice, for Christ opened your mind so that you could understand the Scripture; Rejoice, for you had a burning heart, for you always listened to the Lord on the way to Emmaus.

Rejoice, for you gave Christ the bread of breaking with His own hands; Rejoice, for Christ sealed your words about His appearance on the way to Emmaus, having again appeared as a disciple.

Rejoice, for having drunk the cup of wisdom, you have given many to drink with the knowledge of Christ the Savior; Rejoice, for you preached the Gospel of the risen Christ to everyone.

Rejoice, for you have opened the source of salvation for us; Rejoice, for you have taught us a Guide to life in the image.

Rejoice, brightness of the intelligent Sun; Rejoice, for you have taught us to believe in the Holy Trinity.

Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 5

When the resurrected Lord of our salvation founded His Church and, according to the promise, sent down on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles, so that they might be sealed as witnesses of the unshakable Christian faith, and you, Saint Luke, staying in Jerusalem, together with the other Apostles, faithfully testified to the God-man Christ and sang to Him as to the true God: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

You last went to your fatherland Antioch, which was a country inhabited by many Christians, but in Sebastia you delayed, preaching the Gospel of salvation, and there you buried the incorruptible relics of St. John the Baptist. Seeing these, you wished to carry them with you, but the Christians of Sebastia did not want to lose the maize shrine and thus handed you the right hand of John, under which the Lord Himself bowed the Divine head in baptism, you joyfully carried the same, we, marveling at your love for saints, we exclaim to you this:

Rejoice, witness of the condescension of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, for you have described how the Church was created for us.

Rejoice, for you have revealed to yourself the dew of heaven and enlightened the light; Rejoice, for by the Holy Spirit the New Testament has been inscribed on your heart.

Rejoice, for through the Holy Spirit you have explained the Divine truth to the world; Rejoice, Lord of peace and evangelist of all.

Rejoice, chosen Mystic from God; Rejoice, for you have purified your heart with the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, for you have found the intercession of the Forerunner; Rejoice, beginning of the pious use of consecrated things.

Rejoice, Zacchaeus, who was wounded by the love of money and who showed himself cleansed; Rejoice, for many have you as an intercessor before God.

Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 6

With the right hand of John, Saint Luke, like a lover of money, having acquired a priceless treasure, reached his fatherland to the great joy of the Christians of Antioch, whom you confirmed in the divine words and joy of the Gospel of Christ, and spoke to them the miracles of the Son of God, which you saw with your own eyes, and the teaching of the Savior of the world, which you heard with your ears. Listening to your wise words, they joyfully sang to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

You stayed in Antioch until the Apostle Paul called you to be his colleague and companion on the path of God, and you went to the Hellenic country to preach the Gospel. Saint Paul left you in the Macedonian city of Philippi, so that you might establish and multiply the Church. There you remained, preaching and propagating Christianity. Marveling at your work, we cry out to you:

Rejoice, tireless companion of the Apostle Paul; Rejoice, chosen teacher of languages ​​with Paul the Wise.

Rejoice, for you ineffably enlighten the entire universe; Rejoice, comforter of all the wounded.

Rejoice, physician, who by the power of the Most High Physician gives healing; Rejoice, for with your Gospel you have delivered us from the deadly tree.

Rejoice, you who demonstrate praiseworthy service through your possessions; Hail Mary, Joanna, Susanna and others, the preacher of prudence is not a lover of money.

Rejoice, praiser of Joseph of Arimathea; Rejoice, for you have driven out despondency from our hearts.

Rejoice, our prayer book before God; Rejoice, for you have called many to the lordship of the Belly.

Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 7

When Saint Paul, at the end of the third apostolic journey, visited Philip again, he, Saint Luke, sent you to Corinth, so that you may receive a blessing as an orphan Christian living in Palestine. From that hour, without departing from the great Apostle, you sang with him to Almighty God: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

O, having rejoiced all the Churches in Asia and Judea, you have reached Palestine, naturally, the city of Caesarea, where the Jews, possessed by the evil one, have naturally placed Saint Paul in chains from the Roman power, who also demanded the judgment of Caesar in Rome. On the way to it, you constantly stood before him, enduring many troubles on the sea and on land. Praising you for this, we exclaim in reverence:

Rejoice, Pavlov’s helper in service; Rejoice, for you have described his preaching.

Rejoice, beloved physician; Rejoice, you who welcomed the Colossians in bonds through Paul.

Rejoice, you who testified to Christ in word and in writing; Rejoice, for you have sweetened the bitterness of godless salt with Divine salt.

Rejoice, arrow of Christ's piety; Rejoice, for you have given us to drink the Gospel of Christ.

Rejoice, trumpet of Divine grace; Rejoice, preacher of the unspeakable mysteries.

Rejoice, strengthening of all the weak; Rejoice, deliverer from demons.

Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 8

Having reached Rome, you, together with the Apostles Paul, Mark, Aristarchus and others, preached Christ, first to the Jews, after them, to your words who did not believe, who were in discord among themselves, and to all who did not know God, who, having heard the words of salvation and the Holy Spirit enlightenment, joyfully sang to the Incarnate Christ the Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

During this time in Rome, you, Saint Luke, do what God has chosen you to do from the ages: copy out the Holy Gospel, in which you wrote the life and birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, as you yourself saw and heard and as you received the Word from the witnesses and servants . The Apostle Paul led you in this holy obedience, and later he praised your Holy Gospel. In Rome you exist and listen to the words of the Apostle Paul, the acts of the apostles were written off by you. We don’t know that others praise you, but we bring you this:

Rejoice, for you have filled the godless world with Divine grace; Rejoice, sealed with the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, faithful disciple of the ineffable mysteries of Christ; Rejoice, understander of church dogmas.

Rejoice, for by the hand of the Lady you have been enriched with the highest knowledge; Rejoice, for you heard and copied many of the mysteries of Christ from the Apostle Paul.

Rejoice, tireless cooperation Apostle of languages; Rejoice, for your gospel has spread throughout the whole earth.

Rejoice, for you have gladdened our hearts with the wine of God’s wisdom; Rejoice, for you alone wrote off the prudent thief’s repentance in the Gospel.

Rejoice, thou who hast brought wealth to those who have acquired the prudence of the publican; Rejoice, you who showed the pagan Samaritans to be grateful and merciful.

Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 9

When the Apostle Paul, after two years of imprisonment, was released and flowed from Rome to go around the previously founded churches, you, Saint Luke, were found as his faithful companion on that journey. When Nero instituted a cruel persecution of Christians in Rome, you returned to encourage and strengthen the persecuted church, which, even in chains and in blood, joyfully sang to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

When the enraged atheists seized the Apostle Paul and imprisoned him in chains, you, Saint Luke, and others faithfully and relentlessly remained with him. When your mentor martyrically surrendered his pure soul to the Lord, you remained with him with tears. Grieving your pain, we sing loudly:

Rejoice, for you alone did not leave the Apostle Paul in chains; Rejoice, for you saw the martyrdom of the great Paul.

Rejoice, you who followed Paul from Troas to the gates of heaven; Rejoice, you who were well instructed by the godly Paul.

Rejoice, expounder of the acts of the Apostles; Rejoice, lamp of the Church.

Rejoice, for with the brilliance of your spirit you enlighten the hearts of the faithful; Rejoice, having driven away demonic flattery with the warmth of faith.

Rejoice, for through you the Lord has taught many virtues; Rejoice, sacristy, filled with heavenly gifts.

Rejoice, unshakable pillar of piety; Rejoice, for all the nations remember your holy name.

Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 10

After the martyrdom of the Apostle Paul, you, Saint Luke, preached Christ in the country of Italia, Dalmatia, Gallia, especially Macedonia and Achaia, dispelling the darkness of godlessness everywhere and teaching tongues, so that everyone exclaimed to the Living and True God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

In your old age you went to Egypt and preached the Good News of the salvation of the Lord Jesus Christ. While preaching, she endured much torment and performed many exploits. Having returned to the country of Greece, you established the Church, ordaining priests and deacons, healing those who were sick in body and soul, for which, thank God, we joyfully cry out to you:

Rejoice, for you have established the Body of Christ, the Holy Church; Rejoice, dawn of a new day.

Rejoice, our guide to heaven; Rejoice, good tree, bearing much fruit.

Rejoice, thou who has received the reward for the good news in the Kingdom of Heaven; Rejoice, denouncer of godlessness.

Rejoice, preacher of God’s glorious miracles; Rejoice, for you have written down the new law of God for us.

Rejoice, you who move us to the feat of active love; Rejoice, for from your lips rich water flowed.

Rejoice, for you have shone like the sun through your preaching; Rejoice, for your icon adorns Christian churches.

Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 11

You were eighty and four years old, when the wickedness of the idolater seized you and beat you for Christ the Lord's sake and hung you on an olive tree in Thebes of Boeotia, and there your holy relics were quickly buried. You betray your holy soul to the Angels, as if you had ascended to the Lord, Whom you faithfully served in this life, and in this light you sang to the Lord faithfully: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

With your holy and miraculous relics you have healed many, but those who were especially sick with their eyes. King Constantius, having heard this, brought them to Constantinople with triumph. One eunuch, who was in great pain, having heard about this, was ordered to bring your relics to the shrine with firm faith, and with firm faith you touched the shrine, and from that hour you have been healthy. Rejoicing, he and others carried the relics, which were placed under the holy table along with the relics of the holy Apostles Andrew and Timothy. We marvel at such a miracle and cry out to you:

Rejoice, for the Church of Christ was built on your martyr’s blood; Rejoice, thou crowned with the crown of martyrdom.

Rejoice, physician, well healed from incorruption by Christ; Rejoice, you who offered yourself a fragrant sacrifice for the good news.

Rejoice, for you have endured many reproaches for Christ; Rejoice, for through martyrdom you have testified your faith in Christ.

Rejoice, for in these torments you grew old and did not faint; Rejoice, for you have sealed your good course with your suffering.

Rejoice, for the servant of the Lord Christ has not appeared unfaithfully, for there are many from us; Rejoice, for both the earthly and heavenly Church glorify you.

Rejoice, finger of the Holy Spirit; Rejoice, as you rejoice together with the saints in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 12

To the rest with the verbal Gospel, Saint Luke, you left us the Gospel in images, as the Christians of those times deigned to paint three icons of the most blessed face of the Mother of God, saying: the grace of the One born of Me and My mercy abide with these icons. Grateful being that you have deigned us also to reverently look at the beauty of the Virgin and Her Son, we joyfully cry out to the Wise Lord: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

You painted, Saint Luke, on the tablet the icon of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. And thus you laid the first fruit in this wondrous and godly work of writing holy icons for the glory of God, the Most Holy Theotokos and all the saints; they still splendidly adorn the churches of God and call to salvation all who reverently venerate them. And for this being given to us by you, we are grateful to you, we exclaim:

Rejoice, preacher of the Gospel mysteries; Rejoice, thou who hasst understood the whole human race to hope for the Savior.

Rejoice, thou who depicted the Mother of God in the icon; Rejoice, for She has blessed your holy work.

Rejoice, immortalizing the face of the Virgin; Rejoice, for you brought unspeakable joy into our hearts.

Rejoice, for through you the Queen of Heaven began many miracles from Her icons; Rejoice, for the good face of the Mother of God, reflected by you, drives away despondency from us.

Rejoice, for the Mother of God told you the secrets about Her Son, carried in your heart; Rejoice, for we sing the magnification of the Mother of God in Her honor from your Gospel.

Rejoice, for the Mother of God told you the Archangel gospel; Rejoice, for you are blessed by the Mother of God.

Rejoice, Saint Luke, Evangelist of Christ and Apostle.

Kontakion 13

Oh, holy Evangelist and Apostle Luke, heavenly trumpet, accept this weak word of ours as a prayer and ask us from God, the Lord Jesus Christ, Whom you have so tirelessly served and have received great mercy from Him, forgiveness of all our sins, peaceful and painless the end of the belly and the passage into the spiritual world is not forbidden, in it all the saints sing the heavenly song: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos: “All-merciful Lord...” and the 1st kontakion: “By wise providence...”.


Oh, Saint Luke, chosen by God and blessed by the Mother of God, preacher throughout the entire universe of the Gospel of Christ, martyr and apostle, helper to all who prayerfully call on you, help us, the indecent servant of the Lord, as we, due to our many sins, are found in darkness and the shadow of death , farther from God sucks. Through shame, those who are not imams have the boldness of the Lord to pray for forgiveness, we call upon you, the great lamp of God, as one who abides in His eternal light, pray to the Lord for us, that He may have mercy on us.

Pray to the Lord, Saint Luke, that the fear of the Lord will renew in us, it attracts love and drives away sin. As we have become accustomed to sin every day and hour, and in our sleep, because we do not know the words of the Lord: watch, because you do not know the hour when I want to come, He can call us at any hour from this temporal life to the eternal. Awaken in us, Saint Luke, fear and wisdom, about which the holy king and psalmist David spoke. May we receive tears of repentance through your prayers, in which all our souls will be cleansed from sin. Because we, in spiritual blindness and debility of existence, cannot cry over our dead, that is, to ourselves, but we need to shed many tears, streams of tears for the many sins we have committed. Help us, foolish ones, so that we may understand the Scripture, which you yourself copied, as if with true reason we will understand the true words, so that we may flee from sin as from fire, and let us exert all our strength, may God bring us closer. Let us understand that sin is death, but God is life. Help us, Saint Luke, so that when we understand, we will be cleansed of sin and pass from death to life. May God be all in all to us. And now and forever may we remain near Him. So that when we traveled to Emmaus, like you and Cleopas, our hearts and souls would be trembling at His presence. From here, may heavenly peace descend upon us, leading us to the Kingdom of Heaven and creating joy in us, so that we may drive away the arrows of the evil one, which are shot at us at every hour. With the same, we will receive the love of God, may he lead us to the eternal Fatherland, where all the powers of heaven, all the saints, the Mother of God are before them, even the good face in the icon you painted, you are immortalized. May the eyes of our hearts continually look at that beauty and enjoy it, may the Kingdom of Heaven reign in us, in which we hope that through your prayers, Saint Luke, will dwell when the Lord calls us, and there we will forever glorify God in the Holy Trinity: the Beginningless Father, the Only Begotten Son and the Most Holy Spirit, to all endless ages. Amen.

Troparion, tone 5

And we praise the postal deeds of the narrator and the Gospel of Christ as a bright descriptor, Luke praised the glorious existence of the Church of Christ, with the sacred hymns of the holy apostle we praise, as a physician, human infirmities, natural ailments and illnesses of souls, healing and praying unceasingly for our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2

And let us praise the true piety of the preacher and the unspeakable mysteries of the rhetorician, the ecclesiastical star, Luke the Divine: for his word was chosen, with Paul the wise teacher of tongues, the only one who knows the heart.
