Always be open and active. Folk calendar of holidays, traditions and signs for October Kondrat and Ipat help the rich get rich

From thoughts for every day, collected by Leo Tolstoy

Just as the first rule of wisdom is to know oneself, although this is most difficult, so the first rule of mercy is to be content with oneself, although this is also difficult; and only such a contented and peaceful person will appear girded and strong to show mercy to others. (John Ruskin)

Common name: Efim, Efim the pious, Efim autumn, bee-grower, flaxseeds.

Traditions for October 28

IN popular imagination Efimy closes the roots of grass and trees with the ground with the cold, covers every insect in the withered grass, and brings sleep to nature. Winter is starting to get stronger.

From this day on, the kikimora, expelled in the summer, returns to the houses and begins to disturb the girls and women. This creature is invisible, she spins in the hut, sitting on a golbt - a small outbuilding near the Russian stove, the roof of which is often used as a couch, and inside there is a staircase leading to the underground.

Kikimora is usually represented as a small creature - a tiny woman, girl or old woman. It is believed that she does not appear on the street for fear of being blown away by the wind.

These creatures became those who died or were kidnapped evil spirits children, newborns who died in their sleep, or infants who were accidentally crushed (fell asleep) in their mother’s sleep.

If you catch a kikimora and cut a cross on its head, then this creature can become human again, but as a memory of being in the guise of a spirit, it will have an ugly appearance or dementia.

Before trouble, she weaves lace underground and makes herself known with the loud sound of bobbins. Sometimes she can “stick to the mistress,” but more often she confuses, procrastinates, tears and burns the yarn that was left without being crossed or blessed. Seeing her is unfortunately a sign of changes in the house. The kikimora most often spins during the holidays, and then the whistle is heard throughout the hut; it was believed that she spins in reverse, that is, she twists the thread not towards herself, but away from herself. Such threads were considered the strongest amulet. On the eve of the wedding, the bride, backhandedly, from herself, spun a harsh thread - a talisman against sorcerers. Such a thread, spun before light on Maundy Thursday, was a remedy for all illnesses: it was used to bandage an arm, leg or head, and the pain subsided.

Signs for October 28

The flax is dried, crumpled, torn, towed - all week long.

They started to ruffle the flax, so they couldn’t stand over it.

Bees are being removed from Yefim.

The sky in the evening is clear, but large circles are visible near the moon - there will be frost, and if these circles are reddish and blurry, snowfall and wind are possible.

If the sun rises and there is a cloud above it, don’t expect good weather.

If mosquitoes appear in late autumn, the winter will be mild.

Good weather will continue if the sky is a clear, clear blue color.

The name of the day is Athanasius. Characteristics of a person named Afanasy

This Greek name means "immortal". This man is a born explorer.

This manifests itself from early childhood: with an expression of sly simplicity, he, not yet able to walk, will turn out all the drawers, examine all the shelves and cabinets. In adulthood, he may be content with traveling and going to bars and cafes, retelling stories from old newspapers and magazines to friends.

He is good at working in the tourism business. Men with this name are non-conflict and kind; they can be compared to Vladimir. Outwardly, Afanasy is very pleasant, modest and often indecisive. He moves up the career ladder slowly.

Afanasy, born in October, is sociable, he will take on some of the household chores without coercion, and loves animals. He is merciful and will always selflessly help people.

October 28, 2017 - Saturday, day 301 of 2017 according to the Gregorian calendar. October 28 corresponds to October 15 of the Julian calendar (old style).

Holidays October 28, 2017 in Russia

  • All-Russian Gymnastics Day. On the last Saturday of October, Russian athletes celebrate Gymnastics Day, established in 1999. The initiative to introduce this date into the calendar was made by the Russian Federation of Artistic and Rhythmic Gymnastics.
  • Day of the creation of army aviation. The Day of the Creation of Russian Army Aviation is celebrated annually on October 28. This date was chosen for the holiday in honor of the anniversary of the creation of army aviation in Russia: on October 28, 1948, the first aviation squadron equipped with helicopters was formed. This squadron marked the beginning of a separate branch of the USSR Armed Forces.

Also read:

Holidays on October 28, 2017 in Ukraine

  • Day of liberation from fascist invaders. Ukraine celebrates October 28 significant date in its history - the Day of Liberation from Fascist Invaders (Ukrainian “Day of liberation of Ukraine from fascist prisons”) is a national holiday dedicated to the expulsion of the troops of Nazi Germany from the territory of Ukraine by the Red Army in 1944.

World and international holidays October 28, 2017

  • International Animation Day. International Animation Day, celebrated annually on October 28, was established by the French branch of the International Animated Film Association (ASIFA) in 2002 in honor of the 110th anniversary of the public presentation of the first animation technology. On this significant day - October 28, 1892 - in Paris, the artist and inventor Emile Reynaud invited spectators to a new, never-before-seen spectacle - the “optical theater” (theatre optique). The talented inventor for the first time publicly demonstrated his praxinoscope apparatus, which showed moving pictures. Now we would call this event the birth of the prototype of modern cartoons, and it is this date that is now considered the beginning of the era of animated films.

Orthodox holidays October 28, 2017

The following memorial dates have been established:

  • Dimitrievskaya parent's Saturday;
  • Memorial Day of St. Euthymius the New, Thessalonica, hierodeacon;
  • Memorial Day of the Venerable Martyr Lucian of Antioch, presbyter;
  • Memorial Day of St. Athanasius (Sakharov), confessor, Bishop of Kovrov;
  • Memorial Day of St. John, Bishop of Suzdal;
  • Memorial Day of the Hieromartyr Lucian of Pechersk, in the Far Caves, presbyter;
  • Memorial Day of the Martyr Sarvil and the Martyr Vevey;
  • Memorial Day of St. Savin of Catania (Sicily), Bishop;
  • Memorial Day of Hieromartyr Simeon Konyukhov, presbyter;
  • Memorial Day of Hieromartyr Dimitry Kasatkin, presbyter;
  • “Spreader of the Loaves” - icon of the Mother of God.

National holidays October 28, 2017

  • Efimy Osenniy. The national holiday "Efimy Autumn" is celebrated on October 28 (Old Style - October 15). In the church calendar, this is the date of memory of St. Euthymius of Thessalonica. Other names of the holiday: “Lenyanitsy”, “Luki”, “Efim”, “Efim the beekeeper”. Nikita (this name was given to the future saint at birth) was born in Christian family, at the insistence of his parents, he married early, but already at the age of 18, leaving his wife and daughter, he took monastic vows in a monastery on Mount Olympus. After some time, Euthymius became a schema-monk, went to Athos and settled there with the hermit Joseph, with whom he competed in mortification. After the death of his comrade, Euthymius founded monastic community near Thessaloniki, restoring the ruins ancient monastery St. Andrew They said about this day in Rus': “Efimy closes the roots of grass and trees with the ground with the cold, covers every insect in the withered grass, brings sleep to nature.” It was a correct observation: winter was approaching, and all plants and animals were preparing for its arrival. Winter was gaining strength, and with it, unclean spirits became more active, for example, kikimora, which did not dare to harm people in the summer. According to legend, with Efimiya she began to interfere with women and girls in any endeavor: she tangled yarn, tore fabric, and broke pots. They said that you can see a kikimora only in one situation - if it sits down at the weaving mill to ruin the weaver’s work. In this case, it was necessary to overshadow the evil spirits sign of the cross and ask Efimy for help. However, the kikimora could be completely kicked out of the house only with the arrival of spring, after performing a certain ritual. Despite the tricks of the undead, the peasant women continued to do household chores. First of all, flax was crushed and ruffled and yarn was prepared. The girls took on this work with all care and diligence. How high quality the raw materials are prepared, the high quality will be the final result of the work, that is, linen fabrics that come from loom. On this day, they held a show: they took frayed flax out into the street and looked at who had it thinner and softer. The men felted felt boots for the winter, repaired agricultural implements, repaired sleighs, and in warm areas they removed the last hives from the omshaniks. Therefore, another name for this day is Efimy the beekeeper.

Holidays on October 28, 2017 in countries around the world

  • Holiday in the Czech Republic October 28, 2017 - Independence Day. October 28 is celebrated annually as Independence Day of the Czech Republic. This Public Holiday dedicated to the anniversary of the formation of the independent Czechoslovak Republic in 1918. Then the Czech Republic, as part of Czechoslovakia, gained independence from Austria-Hungary, and subsequently the independence of the Czech Republic itself was proclaimed in 1993.
  • Holiday in Greece and Cyprus October 28, 2017 - Okha Day. In Greece and Cyprus, Okha Day is celebrated annually on October 28th. This holiday is of national significance and is dedicated to the anniversary of an important event in the history of Greece. On October 28, 1940, Greek Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas rejected an ultimatum from Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, in which the latter proposed that Greece surrender without a fight. Metaskas’ refusal was accompanied by a categorical cry of “No!”, which in Greek sounds like “Ohi.” Therefore, the holiday dedicated to this event was called Okha Day. Okha Day was first celebrated in Greece during the Second World War, and later the holiday acquired the status of a state holiday.
  • Holiday in China October 28, 2017 - Chongyang Festival (Double Nine Festival). In China, as well as in many other countries that use traditional Chinese lunar calendar, celebrated on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month Chongyang Festival, also known as the Double Nine Festival. This holiday has ancient roots and traditions. According to Chinese beliefs, the number "9" symbolizes yang, and double nine (the ninth day of the ninth month) has very strong yang energy. Such a day is potentially dangerous for people, so in order to prevent possible troubles, several important rituals should be performed on this day. Thus, during the Chongyang Festival, it is necessary to climb a high mountain, drink some chrysanthemum wine or chrysanthemum tea, and wear dogwood branches. And on this day a special five-layer cake should be served, decorated with a flag, which symbolizes the dogwood.

28 of October Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Euthymius of Thessalonica (824-898), who before his tonsure bore the name Nikita. Euthymius was born into a Christian family. His mother insisted that he marry early. When the guy turned 18, he left his wife and daughter and went to a monastery on Mount Olympus, where he took monastic vows. He was sent to the cenobitic monastery of Pisidion, where he stayed for about 16 years.

In 858, the saint accepted the great schema and went to Athos, where he began to live with the hermit Joseph. They began to compete with each other in mortification. When rumors about his asceticism began to spread, Euthymius went to the island of St. Eustratius, located next to Athos.

In 863, Euthymius came to Thessaloniki, where he took on the feat of pillar-bearing. When his friend Joseph died, he moved to Mount Peristera, located in east side from the city of Thessaloniki. There he restored the dilapidated monastery of St. Andrew and organized a monastic community in it. Later Euthymius founded convent, in which many of his relatives settled, who believed in Christ after the sermons of Euthymius. When life in the monasteries he founded improved, he returned to Mount Athos.

A few months before his death, Euthymius went to Palestine. From there his relics were transported to Thessaloniki, where they are kept today in the Basilica of St. Demetrius.

October 28: rituals and traditions of the day

It's getting colder every day. People said about this date: “ Efimy closes the roots of trees and grasses with the ground with cold, covers insects in the grass, induces sleep».

At this time, our ancestors carried out crumpling and fraying of flax. The crumpled flax was ruffled to clear the remains of the fire. They worked very quickly so that the flax did not have time to fill with moisture. Otherwise, it had to be dried again.

They ruffled flax in different ways - hitting the fiber against a wall or pole, but more often they did this using a “ruffle” - a knife- or spade-shaped board made of coniferous wood. Each house had several such instruments, some of them were passed down by inheritance.

During work, the direction and force of the impact were carefully measured. For chatting, women gathered in a bathhouse, in an empty stable, in an uninhabited but warm hut. Scraping is a dirty and difficult task. During the day's work, the walls and windows of the room were covered with gray flax dust. If the weather allowed, we worked outdoors. While chatting, they discussed various events, sang songs, and composed ditties.

The torn flax was sorted by quality and color. The remaining waste was used for household needs - they made coarse ropes, made ropes, bedding for livestock, and caulked wooden buildings.

The flax was carded 2-4 times, using different brushes: iron, wooden, and pig bristles. Flax combed and prepared for yarn was called tow.

On this day, healers read a conspiracy to crave female body. To do this, they took a bone left over from the dinner of a person indifferent to the female sex and threw it to a stray dog. When the dog takes the bone, you need to say:

Like a dog throwing itself at a bone,

This is how the servant of God (name) awakens his desire for a woman’s body.

Now, forever, for all time!

October 28: signs and beliefs

  1. If snow falls on this day, then next autumn there will be a rich harvest of bread.
  2. If the moon is in circles, but the sky is clear, frost will soon strike.
  3. Reddish and blurry circles near the moon indicate snow and wind.
  4. A cloud is visible above the rising sun - a sign of bad weather.
  5. A cat drinks water more than usual - this means bad weather.
  6. If the dog refuses to eat, then bad weather is approaching.
  7. There are a lot of mice on the threshing floor - there will be winter with thaws.
  8. If a rooster crows 12 times before taking off to roost, then tomorrow the weather will change.
  9. Chickens scratching means rain.
  10. If mosquitoes appear, then the winter will be warm.

Person born 28 October, has excellent organizational skills. He is almost always full of strength and energy. His stone is Amazonite.

Video: church calendar for October 28


    • . In other words, a horoscope is astrological chart, compiled taking into account place and time, taking into account the location of the planets relative to the horizon. To construct an individual natal horoscope, it is necessary to know with maximum accuracy the time and place of birth of a person. This is required in order to find out how the celestial bodies were located at a given time and place. The ecliptic in the horoscope is depicted as a circle divided into 12 sectors (zodiac signs. By turning to natal astrology, you can better understand yourself and others. A horoscope is a tool of self-knowledge. With its help, you can not only explore your own potential, but also understand relationships with others and even make some important decisions.">Horoscope130
  • . With their help, they find out the answers to specific questions and predict the future. You can find out the future using dominoes; this is one of the very rare types of fortune telling. They tell fortunes by tea and coffee grounds, by the palm of their hand, and by Chinese Book Change. Each of these methods is aimed at predicting the future. If you want to know what awaits you in the near future, choose the fortune telling that you like best. But remember: no matter what events are predicted for you, accept them not as an immutable truth, but as a warning. Using fortune telling, you predict your destiny, but with some effort, you can change it.">Fortune telling67

What is important to do today? Signs for every day of October will help you! This is important to know - they will help you avoid troubles and misfortunes in the future, as well as properly prepare for winter.

The first month of autumn has come to an end, and with it the Indian summer has come to an end. In October, as usual, cold rains, falling leaves and the first reminders of the onset of winter await us. At this time, there is a sharp change in weather conditions, and many signs are a kind of forecast for the coming months. Signs for October will help you find out what changes await you in the near future and whether it is worth taking out warm clothes from your wardrobe, or whether autumn will still delight us with warmth.

Signs for every day

In October, every day is associated with certain signs. The experts of the site have prepared the most important and useful of them for you.

October 1st. If you see a flock of cranes flying away on this day, it means that the first snow will fall on Pokrov (October 14).

2 October. On this day the hives were collected. The bee harvest began - the period from October 2 to October 10, when it is customary to collect honey. Anyone who eats a spoonful of honey on an empty stomach during these days will be happy all year. For girls, this day could be a harbinger of a wedding. If you look into your lover’s eyes on October 2, he will soon fall madly in love with you.

October 3. If today the wind blows from the north it means cold weather, from the south it means clear and warm weather, from the west it means rain, from the east it means dry weather.

The 4th of October. It was believed that if the weather was clear but cold on this day, it meant that there would be severe frosts in winter.

October 6. This day was considered the most suitable for fortune telling with money. To do this, take water from a river or lake into a glass and leave it on the windowsill with open window. If something falls into a glass overnight, next year awaits you financial well-being, if not, get ready for difficulties with money.

October 9. If snow falls on wet ground on this day, it will lie for a long time; if it falls on dry ground, it will melt quickly.

October 10. If there are few cones on the spruce and pine trees at this time, there will be severe frosts in winter.
If the weather is warm on this day, it means that autumn will be warm and dry.

October 1st. Among the people - Kharitonov Day. It was believed that on October 11, evil spirits were walking through the streets, and many did not go outside to avoid damage, the evil eye or misfortunes.

October 12- Day of Theophan the Merciful. It was believed that on this day Feofan blocked the sun from frost. If the weather is warm on this day, it means there will be no cold weather.

October 14- Pokrov day, religious holiday dedicated to the appearance of the Virgin Mary. It was believed that the first frosts began on this day. People harvested the crops and finally completed agricultural work. If snow fell on this day, they prepared for a cold and snowy winter, and clear weather foreshadowed a warm winter.

October 15. People believed that on this day demons go for a walk. Therefore, people went to church in the morning, prayed and asked to take away troubles and misfortunes from them. However, those born on this day were promised happiness and good luck for life.

October 16. On this day, people with an evil eye were avoided: it was believed that if damage was caused on October 16, it would be very difficult to remove it later.

17 October. In Rus', a sharp cold snap was always expected on this day. If it was warm on October 17, it means there will be no frost in winter.

October 18. If you see a lot of crows or jackdaws on this day, cold winter will soon come.

October 19. On this day, the quantity and quality of the harvest was assessed. If there is a lot produced over the summer, the next year will pass comfortably. If the harvest is poor and rotten, financial difficulties are expected next year.

The 20th of October. If snow falls on fallen tree leaves today, it will soon melt. If the weather is clear, you will have to wait a long time for winter.

October 21. On this day it is good to buy winter clothes. It was believed that purchased warm clothes would last a long time.

22 of October- Yakov Day or Day of the first porridge. People expected the first snow on October 22 and associated it with cereals. If it snowed, they said that “Yakov sent grain.” Anyone who serves porridge on the table on this day will live in abundance throughout the next year.

October 23. If by this day there are still fruits on the rowan tree, there will soon be a lot of rain.

October 24. If by this day the ice on the river is already strong, then you can walk on it, and the whole year will pass in prosperity.

the 25th of October. The starry sky today portends a rich harvest for next year. Bright stars indicate the coming cold, dim stars indicate warmth.

October 26. If on this day you see a cat licking itself, it means that severe cold and snowfall are approaching.

27th October. The day was considered women's day. Young girls and women were forbidden to do household chores, and those who neglected this sign could attract misfortune to themselves and their home. If labor begins on this day, it will pass quickly and painlessly.

28 of October. The most favorable day for cleaning. It was believed that today, along with the garbage, all troubles and misfortunes are swept out of the house.

29th of October. If you get caught in the rain on this day, illness will bypass you all year.

October 31. The last day of the month was considered the last day for leaf fall. If the leaves have not yet fallen by this day, the winter will be long and cold.

It was not for nothing that our ancestors attached great importance to signs. After all, thanks to them, they learned what awaited them in the future and could prepare themselves for unforeseen circumstances. Many signs have reached us. If you follow them, you can attract happiness and good luck and avoid troubles and misfortunes.

10/01/2017 | Visitors: 9112


Day of St. Eumenius, Martyrs Sophia and Irina - Arya’s day;

By this time the last flocks of cranes have flown away. According to legends, Arina directs the flight of cranes. Only she alone knows whether the time has come to fly to warmer lands. It was believed that Arina “gives the cranes the way” and charms the winds, tells them the time of flight and turns them away from poisonous herbs. She also lubricates the birds' feathers with cranberry juice so that the cranes can easily fly away. Arina puts her ear to the ground, which tells her everything about autumn, or goes to the crossroads and turns to the four cardinal directions, asking about the upcoming weather. The peasants believed that Arina, having seen off the cranes, locked the heavens with a key, which she kept until the next spring. At the same time, they began to harvest rose hips. In Rus', rose hips were used as a medicinal and anti-inflammatory agent, and its oil was used as a wound healing agent. Although this plant grew everywhere, in ancient times rose hips were very expensive; it was replaced with satin, velvet and sable furs. But rosehip was considered not only a good medicine. Like other thorny plants, it was endowed with the ability to ward off and frighten evil spirits.

Signs of the day October 1: If cranes and geese are in no hurry to leave their homes, the cold will not come soon, and the winter will be mild and short. The cranes will fly - in two weeks we must wait for the first frost: if they are not visible on Arina, winter will come in a month.

On Arina there is the first winter (the first snow and frost). The sun at sunset seems flattened - it means rain. Light crackling noises began to be heard from the closet - indicating rain. The east wind, as a rule, does not bring rain.

Day of the Martyrs Trophimus, Savvatius and Dorimedont. Trofimov day.

Martyr Zosima, hermit. Zosima is the protector of bees, a tasty table.

By this time, bee ambushes begin: the bees stop flying out of the hives for nectar, seal the entrances with wax and hide for the winter. Hence one of the names of this day - bee ninety, which means “wake for the bees”, which will no longer be seen until next spring. Saint Timothy was considered the bee's protector and patron. In the old days, peasants imagined that he was friends with a bear and helped beekeepers remove bee hives - natural bee hives in the hollows of trees. Later he began helping in the apiaries. There is a popular belief that people are not feeling well these days, so I need to eat more honey. And on October 2, even the poor were treated to fresh honey. Anyone born on this day was revered as an excellent beekeeper. Trofimov's gatherings were held on this day. “Happiness does not pass by on Trofim“Where Trofim goes, it will follow him,” people said, because at such gatherings, unmarried girls looked for grooms. The search for a future husband was framed as a game of choosing a bride and groom, accompanied by cheerful songs. Guys brought honey to such gatherings (a symbol of health, prosperity, a happy life and beauty) and treated the girls to it. It was believed that Uslad himself, the deity of fun and pleasure, whose image arose during pagan times, was present at Trofimov’s gatherings. The first glass of wine was raised in his honor.

Autumn morning frost - to dry and clear weather. The swan flies late from north to south - the autumn will be long and warm. The ermine turned white early - for the imminent snow and winter. Martens change their summer fur to winter fur earlier than usual - in anticipation of the coming winter. If the wind blows from the south on Zosima, there will be a good harvest of winter grain for next year.

Day of the Great Martyr Eustathius Plakida - Astafiev's Day.

Signs of the day October 3: Not all bad weather, Astafya will have a clear day. Northern Astafievsky winds - to the cold, southern - to the warmth, western - to the phlegm, eastern - to the bucket.

If it is foggy and warm, and long white cobwebs are flying along the alleys, the autumn will be favorable and the snow will not fall soon. If the wind blows from the south on Eustathius, it means a good harvest of winter grain. On Astafya, the north wind (north wind) will catch up with the cold. In October it rains and snows in one hour. In October the moon is in a circle - the summer will be dry. After October there is no smell of summer. September smells like apples, and October smells like cabbage.

Apostle of the 70 Kondrat.

Hieromartyr Hypatius, bishop, and Andrew, presbyter.

Day of Kondrat with Ipat (Ignat, Ignat and Kondrat, grinding, yards). Girls of marriageable age celebrated their holiday, called “yards”. It got its name because on this day the girls were putting their yard in order, while the matchmakers walked around the village and looked into the gates, checking - who has a cleaner and more beautiful yard. Having tidied up, the girls took out a sheaf of oatmeal decorated with ribbons and walked around the yard with it. This sheaf was small, only a few ears of corn, but it was of great importance to the peasants, and the image of the sheaf symbolized unity and harvest. After this, neighbors and friends came to the yard to wish the owners abundance and prosperity, and their young daughter a good groom. If the girl was already betrothed, then the ritual of her ablution was performed. She stood on the straw in the woman’s kuta (the corner in the hut where the stove stood), and her mother began to wash her. Straw, which has been used since ancient times in magical agricultural rituals, carried the spirit of grain, the imprint of the harvest, past fertility. After ablution, the mother dried her daughter with a special wedding towel, while reading a special love spell - a wish for a happy family life. At the end of the ceremony, the father took the wet straw into the yard and threw it to the cattle. If the cow willingly ate the straw, then the daughter will be happy in marriage.

There was a tradition on October 4 remove the ash from the stove and scatter it in the garden. Ash is an excellent fertilizer. But, in addition, it was believed that the ash that had been in the furnace had the power of sunlight, therefore the harvest would be good. From this day on, threshing began - the threshing of grain. Porridge was cooked for threshers, which often served as a ritual dish, symbolizing fertility, growth and abundance. In the evening, the workers were fed pies and given beer to drink.

Kondrat and Ipat help the rich get rich.

Whatever the weather is like for Kondrat and Ignatius, it will remain like this for the whole month. On Kondrata it is clear with a sharp north-east wind - for a cold winter. If the cold gets worse, say goodbye to good weather. The weather of this day will remain unchanged for almost another week. If there are a lot of nuts but no mushrooms, the winter will be snowy and harsh. If it gets cooler during the day and warmer at night, there will be bad weather. The cold drove all the people to the stove, and all the warmth went to heaven.

Prophet Jonah (VIII BC). The Prophet was sent by the Lord to preach His word to Assyrian Nineveh (the territory of modern Iraq). But the ship on which the saint was sailing was swallowed by a huge whale during a terrible storm. Jonah spent three days and three nights in the belly of the whale, and only on the fourth day did the monster let him go alive and unharmed.

Day of Jonah (Jonah, leaf eater). In memory of the miraculous events that happened to the prophet Jonah, Orthodox Christians on this day didn't eat or fish. Moreover, it could not even be bought and sold. According to popular belief, October 5 was a bad day. It was believed that the wind blows in gusts on this day, tearing leaves from the trees (hence one of the names of the day - leaf blower). And as soon as such a wind blows, all the evil spirits immediately come to life and attack people. After all, the wind is not only God’s breath. It was believed that the souls of great sinners and demons fly with the wind, and a strong gust of wind means someone’s violent death. Gusts of wind accompany the appearance of a witch or devil. Winds were also considered the source of many diseases. Therefore, on this day a person is attacked not only by evil spirits, but also by shaking fevers. Along with such winds, not only diseases, but also damage flew away. To prevent strong winds from rising, there were several prohibitions: You cannot beat the ground with a stick or whip, burn an old broom, destroy anthills, curse the wind etc. But if the wind was necessary, then they called it by whistling, singing or blowing in the right direction.

Protect yourself from strong wind It was impossible, so they tried to protect themselves from the machinations of the raging evil spirits, using aspen. There are several legends associated with aspen. According to one version, aspen is the only tree that allowed itself to be made into the Cross on which Christ was crucified. For this, the Mother of God (according to other versions, Christ himself) cursed this tree and doomed it to eternal fear. The second version is that Judas, tormented by repentance, hanged himself on an aspen tree.

To prevent evil spirits from entering the house, aspen stakes were driven into the yard, aspen poles were placed at the gates, and aspen branches were stuck into the wall.

If the birch leaf has not fallen, the snow will fall late; and if it falls in due time, then at the end of January - beginning of February there will be a prolonged thaw. The maple and bird cherry were bare - they submitted to winter. Leaf fall begins - the hazel grouse flies into the spruce forest. In autumn, one berry is a bitter rowan, one tree is a bitter aspen. October is a real autumn month - pre-winter.

The conception of the honest, glorious Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John. The Prophet Zechariah and his wife (John's parents) lived to a ripe old age without children. One day, when Zechariah was serving in the Jerusalem Temple, the Archangel Gabriel appeared to him and announced that he would soon have a child. Zechariah did not believe it and was punished with muteness for doubting. At the appointed hour, the prophecy was fulfilled - the couple had a child, who was named John. At the same hour Zechariah spoke again - Midsummer (Conception of John the Baptist, Forerunner).

October 6 stove-makers' holiday- important and respected people. On this day, ritual pies were baked for them from rye flour with potatoes, reminiscent of large cheesecakes, and presented with a low bow. The stove for villagers had not only practical, but also sacred meaning. And if the red corner was associated with spiritual life, then the place where the stove stood was responsible for bodily, earthly life. They cooked food in the stove, slept on it, and in some places even used it as a bathhouse. Children were born on the stove and passed away into another world on it. By the way, according to popular belief, the soul of the deceased flew out of the chimney. The chimney was presented as a kind of transition between the real world and the otherworldly, inhuman. Witches flew to the Sabbath through the pipe and entered the house through it to harm people. Through the pipe, devils or a fiery serpent enter the house - the embodiment of cunning and deceit. (All female suicides were attributed to the machinations of a fiery serpent, who knew how to turn into a beautiful young man and seduce women.) To prevent evil spirits from entering the house, it was customary to talk chimneys. We tried especially hard on the days big holidays: Annunciation, Christmas, Easter, Trinity, Ivan Kupala. A brownie lives behind the stove.

This day received the name Iraida-controversial because every person who got into trouble on October 6th could find out their fate. To do this, they went to the confluence of two rivers, drew a mug of water from each and took them home. At home we looked at which mug would make the water evaporate faster. If the mug containing water from a deep river is the first to be emptied, then the troubles will not end soon.

The upcoming winter was determined as follows: if ferrets and martens change their summer fur to winter fur before the deadline, then winter will be early. If the weeds are high, there will be a lot of snow. If the cries of wild geese flying south are heard from above, winter will come soon and will be long and cold.

It's time to harvest rose hips.

First Martyr Equal to the Apostles Thekla. Thekla Zarevnitsa Day

Venerable Nikander the Desert Dweller, Pskov Wonderworker

Venerable Martyr Galaktion of Vologda

Day of Thekla Zarevnitsa (threshing, zarevnitsa, spinning). In the old days, peasants spent almost the entire day of October 7 in fun, games and amusements. Young threshers gathered at the barns, preparing for the upcoming work, and peasant women treated them to special porridge with butter and milk. Only at midnight they lit fires in the fields to burn dry grass, and went to the barns to thresh bread. Hence the names of this day - “threshing” and “zarevnitsa”. They began threshing with a zazhinny sheaf, which was stored until that day in the red corner. From the grains of this sheaf they made flour and baked bread, which was then divided among all family members. It was customary to treat livestock with the remains of this bread. This ritual symbolized the involvement of all family members in growing bread - a sacred food symbolizing prosperity and well-being. To dry the barn, a fire was lit there in the morning. This work was trusted only to experienced people and old people, since due to fires, not only individual houses, but also entire villages often burned down.

On this day the girls wondered about their future husband. At night they came to the barn and stuck a pie into the slightly open window. If no one takes the treat, then no one will ask you to get married. If the hand reaching for the pie is cold, the husband will be poor. And the warm and fluffy hand that touched the girl’s fingers promised a rich husband.

On this day it was customary to collect beets from the garden.

On Thekla-Zarevnitsa, watch the glow from the autumn lights. On Thekla, the nights are dark, and the day is decreasing at a horse's pace (very quickly). Thunder in October foreshadows a snowless, short and mild winter.

We observed an oak tree: if there are a lot of acorns on it, it means a warm winter and a “grain-filled” summer.

Feast of St. Euphrosyne of Alexandria

Repose of the Reverend Sergius of Radonezh of All Rus', the Wonderworker. Founder of the famous Trinity-Sergius Lavra. It was Sergius of Radonezh who blessed Prince Dmitry Donskoy for a campaign against the Tatar Khan Mamai.

Day Sergius Kapustnik(cabbages, Sergei, Sergius of Radonezh, chicken coop, chicken keeper). Among the people, Saint Sergius is revered as the patron saint of chickens. Since ancient times, it was customary in Rus' to place all more or less important animals in the household under the protection of saints. Perhaps such a famous and revered saint was specially chosen for the chicken, which was considered a sacred bird. The peasants believed that God spoke to people through the chicken, and the eggs that it laid and which the Orthodox broke at Easter symbolized rebirth, renewal and fertility. The egg itself is presented as the beginning of all beginnings. But the chicken was revered not only as a sacred bird. Since ancient times, not a single table could do without it.

It was served in soups (cabbage soup and fish soup), brine and fried on a rotisserie (skewer). Cabbage soup with chicken was called rich. And in wealthy houses, chicken navels, necks, livers and hearts were served for dinners. It was customary for Sergei to prepare chickens for the upcoming sale, in order not only to earn money, but also to get rid of excess eaters for the winter.

This day got its name “cabbage” because On October 8 they started chopping cabbage. The whole family was involved in this matter. Salting and fermenting of cabbage began with the onset of the first frost. If you do this earlier, then it could turn sour in the warmth. Chopped cabbage was fermented in huge barrels, seasoned with carrots, apples or cranberries. Flatbreads were baked on cabbage leaves in the oven. Pies were made with cabbage filling. Existed the custom of burying a pie in a cabbage bed to ensure a rich harvest next year.

The repose of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian. John the Theologian was Christ's favorite disciple. He witnessed the Transfiguration of the Lord on Mount Tabor; during the Last Supper, it was he who sat next to the Lord and asked Him about the traitor. The Apostle followed the Lord when He was taken away from the Garden of Gethsemane, and he was also present during the interrogation. Being crucified on the cross, Jesus entrusted John with the care of his mother, the Virgin Mary.

John received his nickname, Theologian, due to the fact that in his Gospel he called Jesus Christ the Word of God. This is the only one of the apostles who died a natural death, having lived to be 105 years old. John the Theologian is revered among the people as the patron of icon painting.

Ivan the Bogoslov (Theologian, Ivan the Traveler, Traveler). There is a legend that John the Theologian taught a simple hussar (geese shepherd) icon painting skills. Since ancient times, icons in Rus' have been treated with respect and fear. The respect was so great that when buying icons, neither the seller nor the buyer talked about money. If they changed the old image, they silently left it on the counter along with the money, and the seller also silently made the exchange. An icon that had become unusable was never thrown away, but was taken to the river and, with the word “forgive,” lowered into the water. If guests came to the house and fun began, then the images were covered up so that the saints would not see the “obscenity” happening in the house. They believed that ridicule and desecration of icons could bring God’s wrath to the entire region. Therefore, such “merry fellows” became outcasts. But what can we say about ridicule, if it was impossible to simply touch the icon without need. After all, this could be perceived as an attack on the image. Icons were removed from the wall only during a wedding, to bless the newlyweds, or during religious processions . Also, the icon could be removed for a grieving person who has lost loved ones or cannot get out of need. Seeing an image in a dream meant finding unprecedented happiness and prosperity. It was believed that behind the icons were the souls of parents (ancestors), so pancakes, hot bread and drinks were placed in front of the images. If an icon was found in the ground, then it was necessary to build a temple, monastery or dig a well in this place. But the “departure” of the icon from the church signaled its imminent destruction.

If a family or ancestral icon “left”, then this meant the imminent death of the entire family. John the Theologian was revered as God's wanderer. It was not for nothing that he followed the Savior to Golgotha. Therefore, people also reverence him patron of travelers

. They turned to him when setting off on a long journey: they asked for blessings, advice and protection.

Day Weather signs for Ivan the Theologian: If it rains, it will rain for 3 weeks. If it snows on Bogoslov, winter will fall on Michaelmas Day (November 21). After a long calm, the wind blew - it will rain or snow. A yellow, golden or pink sunset means good weather. Bright stars mean good weather, dim stars mean rain or snow. When the rook flies away, then it will snow. The leaf fall passed quickly - the cold will soon come and the winter will be harsh, and if the leaves remain green and stay on the trees for a long time, the winter will be short, with light frosts. St. Savvaty

Day of Savvaty (Savvaty, Savvaty the beekeeper, Savatey the Beekeeper, beekeepers).

Zosim and Savva, the patrons of bees, treat their household members with honey-based cookies. The queen bee carries away the keys of summer to distant warm lands. People say about her: “Not a girl, not a widow, not a husband’s wife. She leads children and feeds people.” October 10 the patron saint of bees, Savvaty, closes them in their hives for the winter. On this day, the bee nine, which began on October 2, ends. Therefore, on October 10, beekeepers bowed to the saint, thanking him for the honey and asking him to help the bees survive the winter. Honey in Rus' is not just a sweetness. This is both a ritual food and a symbol of health, prosperity, and the “sweetness” of life. First of all, honey was important for funeral meal, since it was believed that the souls of the dead fed on it. With honey they prepared kutya (porridge with ground almonds, raisins, pearl barley, wheat or rice), kolivo (porridge made from spelled or rice with raisins), kanun (bread crumbled into water sweetened with honey), sytu (honey diluted in water) , jelly. Pancakes, which were considered food associated with the world of spirits, and ritual breads were smeared with honey. Honey was added to beer and mash. Since ancient times, honey was brewed in Rus' - a strong intoxicating drink. Various berries were added to such honey for taste: currants, cherries, raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, etc. This drink, in addition to its pleasant taste and aroma, also had a number of medicinal properties.

The expression “honeymoon” came to us from ancient times. Then A special low-alcohol mead was brewed for the wedding, which the young people drank not only during the holiday, but also for thirty days after it. There was a custom on October 10 not only to eat honey, but also to treat neighbors and the poor with it.

It was considered a sin to work on this day. They believed that such work would be of no use anyway.

Savvaty was also revered in Rus' as a patron of horses. Therefore, on October 10, the Savvatievskaya horse fair was held.

What the bees have in their honeycombs, Zosima (July 2) and Savva (October 10) gave. In the fall, bees close the entrances tightly - for a cold winter, and if the entrance remains open for a long time - to keep the winter warm. Clouds float in October from north to south - to sunny weather, from south to north - to stormy weather.

Day of the Venerable Khariton the Confessor (Khariton, Kharitonov day).

Khariton - damage in the hut. This day was considered bad. We tried not to go outside unless absolutely necessary. Firstly, from October 11, heavy rains usually began, and the mud was such that it was impossible to walk or drive through. Secondly, it was believed that on the street on this day the evil spirits have fun. Therefore, they preferred to sit at home and do household chores. Under no circumstances was it possible to sweep dirty linen in public, because Throwing out garbage could bring disaster to the house.

According to an old belief, on October 11 no berries are eaten - neither soaked, nor in jam, nor in compote. Ancient legend says that three days before the Intercession, the devil spat on all the bushes that could give fruit to people. Therefore, whoever eats the berries on this day will take into himself the poison of the serpent - the saliva of the devil.

In the old days, on this day, girls secretly wondered whether they would come to the Intercession to match them or whether the matchmakers would bypass the courtyard. And mothers slipped charming words to their beloved daughters to seduce the good fellow. The young people secretly brought the witch a pie and a glass of honey. So that she doesn’t inadvertently upset the wedding, so that she doesn’t send emptiness to a woman’s womb.

Day of St. Kyriakos the Hermit.

On this day, hunters walk through the powder, catch a birthday hare and end the day with hunting stories during a feast.

Venerable Theophan the Merciful.

Feofan's Day, Feofan.

Warming usually begins at this time. However, the warm weather will not last long. The people believed that it was Saint Theophan who specially sent warmth to the earth, and he covered the sun, which had gone to rest until next spring, with a warm caftan. There are many stars on Feofan - for dry autumn weather. If fog appears late in the evening or at night, there will be no frost. If a late fungus appears, there will be a late snowball. If trees bloom in the fall, this is a bad sign. To avoid trouble, prune the lower branches of a flowering tree with the words: “Beware of us, trouble, mind you, not me and not my family. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.”

Three days before Intercession all dreams are true and true and come true within twelve years.

Day of the Hieromartyr Gregory, Bishop and Illuminator of Great Armenia. The exploits of Saint Gregory pushed the Armenian king Tiridates, and with him the entire Armenian people, to accept baptism.

Venerable Gregory of Pelshem, Vologda wonderworker.

St. Gregory's day. New feather beds were filled with fresh straw for Gregory. At the same time, they turned to Saints Michael and Gregory so that the straw would benefit the person.

If snow does not fall on Gregory, then winter will not come soon. If the squirrel has moulted cleanly, then the winter will be good. The first dry snow promises nice summer. Before bad weather, the moon is cloudy, clouded or pale, but before a bucket (sunny day) it is clean, clear and bright.

Day of St. Michael, the first Metropolitan of Kyiv - transfer of relics.

Mikhail and Gregory are straw. Straw was an indispensable material in rural life: it was used to stuff mattresses, cover the roofs of houses, and feed livestock if the summer was wet and the hay rotted. Ash from straw has been used since ancient times to make enamels that were used to cover jewelry.

On this day, the ritual of washing from a sieve was carried out. To do this, they took the children to the threshold and poured water on them through a sieve, while reading special spells so that no illness would stick to the child. If you manage to find Pokrov in the forest mushrooms, dry them in the oven (oven) and put this gift to the house owner, then after this you will not experience a shortage of money for a whole year. Just don't pick mushrooms during a leap year. Under the Pokrov they read a conspiracy against shortness of breath, the cause of which is heart disease.

Intercession Cover Holy Lady Our Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary

This holiday appeared after an event that occurred in the Blachernae Temple in Constantinople in the 10th century. At that time, the chasuble (outer dress) and part of the belt of the Virgin Mary were kept there. One day, during a service, the Mother of God, dressed in white robes, appeared under the arches of the temple, surrounded by saints. Crying, she began to pray with the believers, and after finishing the prayer, she took off her omophorion (veil) and spread it over the people who were in the temple. After this, both the Mother of God and the veil disappeared.

Pokrov, Pokrova. By this time the first snow had usually fallen. The white cover that lay on the ground was associated in the popular consciousness with the white omophorion (veil) of the Virgin Mary. Therefore, peasants tried to insulate their houses before the onset of the first frosts. On October 14, it was customary to “feed” the cattle so that they would not starve in winter. To do this, they fed the animals a special, “reaping” sheaf of oats left over from Ilyin’s day (August 2). The holiday of the Intercession ended the agricultural year, and the peasants, freed from hard work, organized fairs.

Before the Intercession it is autumn, after the Intercession it is winter. If the wind on Pokrov is from the south - it means a warm winter, from the north or east - it’s cold, from the west - it’s snowy. If waterfowl have flown away, autumn will be short. If not all leaves have fallen on the trees, the heat will remain for a long time. The grain will fall on Pokrov - expect frost this week. Between Intercession and Dmitriev's day (November 8), winter does not become. If a leaf falls from an oak or birch tree cleanly, it means a light year, and if it falls uncleanly, it means a severe winter.

If it is windy on Pokrov, there will be a great demand for brides. If snow falls on Pokrov, the young people will have a happy life.

On Pokrov, the housewife, seeing that three people are coming to visit her, will not let them into the house - this is considered a bad omen. Smart girls will jump out into the yard in the morning, grab a handful of snow and put it on their faces with the words: “Pokrov-father, cover the land with snow, and cover me with a good bridegroom.” You cannot borrow money in Pokrov. Since ancient times, matchmakers went to Intercession. According to the legend, the girl who refused the matchmakers on Pokrov will not be matched by anyone for another three years.

Hieromartyr Cyprian, Martyr Justina and Martyr Theoctistus.

Ustinya Ustilalnitsa Day, Kupriyan Day, (Kuprian and Ustinya, Kupriyan, Kupriyan).

They thought he was a saint Kupriyan helps against evil charm(twice a year - September 13 and October 15). It was customary to pray to Saints Kupriyan and Ustinya for protection from evil spells and witchcraft of evil spirits. And there was something to pray for, because in the popular imagination, evil spirits were omnipresent, and anyone could become a victim of its machinations.

Whoever is born on Kupriyanov's day will know the way to the cranberry patch. After the Intercession, people most often go to the healer for treatment with a shaker.

Clear sky means frost.

Day of the Hieromartyrs Dionysius the Areopagite, Bishop of Athens, Rusticus the Presbyter and Eleutherius the Deacon. Dionysius was present at the burial of the Mother of God. He preached the teachings of Christ, for which he was captured and beheaded. According to church tradition, the martyr picked up his head, walked with it in his hands to the nearest church and died at its threshold. It was customary to address Saint Dionysius asking for relief from fever- Day of Dionysius, (Dionysus, Denis, Denis Pozimny, autumn fevers). It was believed that from this day on, feverish fevers left their home in the swamp and began to wander around the world, tormenting people. A good remedy for fever there was aspen bark, which should be carried with you. If you had a headache, an aspen log was placed at the head of the bed. (Aspen was considered an excellent amulet.)

Low, dark clouds foreshadow cold and possibly snow. Jackdaws gather in flocks and shout - the weather will be clear. Sparrows fly in flocks from place to place - before bad weather. If mice dig holes on the south side, the winter will be cold. The first snow falls forty days before winter.

In autumn, due to changeable weather, people often suffer from colds. The old masters knew that it was better not to treat a disease, but to prevent it, so they read it in the fall a conspiracy after which a person did not have a cold for a whole year.

Take a piece of chalk and draw a line on the floor, step over it with your right foot and read the spell:

“There is no line for the devil, there is no cross for him.

So I don’t have any illness or pain either

neither for tomorrow, nor for the day after tomorrow,

not for a week, not for a month and not for the whole year! Amen."

Day of the Hieromartyr Hierotheos, Bishop of Athos - Erofeev day(Erofey-leshegon).

From Erofey the cold is stronger. No matter how furious the peasant Erofey is, Erofey puts on a fur coat even in winter. The first day with snow falls on Erofey, soon the puddles will be covered with ice, and a week from Erofey’s day the pond will become thinner and the snow will fall.

Usually, housewives in villages infused vodka with aromatic meadow herbs in the summer and took the “first sample” with the first cold weather, so they often called vodka “erofeyich” and joked: “On Erofeyev day, one “erofeyich” warms the blood!”

October 17 is the last day when goblin walk the earth. By evening they will fall underground, urged on by Saint Erofei, where they will sleep until next spring. Therefore, they “celebrate” their last day on earth with wild revelry: they break trees, tie grass in knots, swell swamps, fight, chase animals through the forest, whistle and clap their hands so that they can be heard in neighboring villages. When the time comes and the goblins fall underground, they drag with them animals and birds, herbs and berries, mushrooms and nuts - the forest becomes empty. If the devil comes across a person, then he will instantly drag him underground. Therefore, they tried not to enter the forest on October 17.

From Erofey the cold is stronger.

Martyr Charitina, suffered under Emperor Diocletian.

Kharitin's day. Kharitina is an eternal weaver. The Kharitins have arrived, start weaving feather canvases. The work in the field, garden and vegetable garden was completed, the evenings became long, but in the villages they could not rest without doing anything, women began spinning canvas. The women sat down at the weaving mills, plugging the first crosses, weaving the first canvas. Spinning in folk culture was considered one of the main women's occupations, and the thread obtained during spinning symbolized the thread human life. It winds and winds, and then suddenly breaks off. From that day on, evening gatherings were held in the villages, at which the girls not only chatted and had fun, but also spun. Usually the mother was given instructions on how much yarn she had to bring with her after such evenings. The guys also came to such gatherings, but later, when the work was almost finished. Such gatherings usually lasted until Maslenitsa and were not held until Christmas.

The clicking and crackling of trees in autumn means good weather. Fog that disappears after sunrise portends good weather. The first snow fell on wet ground - it will remain, but on dry ground - it will soon melt away again. If the snow doesn't fall, winter won't come soon. Leaves remain on birches and oaks - for a harsh winter. Autumn snow is good for rye if it falls on the ground damp. The bird flies south together - towards a harsh winter. The autumn night travels on twelve carts (long). The day has fallen behind the night - it has tripped over a stump with its felt boots (the days are getting shorter and colder).

Day of the Apostle Thomas.

Before the Savior chose Thomas as one of His 12 apostles, he was engaged in fishing in the Galilean city of Pansada. According to church tradition, the Apostle Thomas at first did not believe in the Resurrection, but then, repenting, he went around preaching Christianity to almost the whole world. It is customary to pray to the Apostle Thomas if doubt about faith has crept into the soul.

Thomas' Day (Fomin's Day, Thomas, the Bread Man). Foma is a big sum. Foma is a big feeder: a loaf of bread won’t break. The breadgrower is breaking the bins - take everything for free. On October 19, the bottoms were supposed to be filled with already cleaned grain. Before work, it was necessary to turn in prayer to the Apostle Thomas. It was believed that it would help preserve grain and distribute it correctly throughout the long winter. On this day, the locks were changed, new icons and lamps were installed in the shops.. They went to the healer, who gave him a charmed Easter cake left over from Easter, or a dyed egg that had been exchanged up to 12 times. Previously, whisperers would come to the shop to whisper so that the trading place would always be full of people.

The first snow is dry - promises a good summer. The early autumn arrival of northern birds is a sign of early cold weather. Typically, a windy, warm and humid autumn is followed by a long winter.

Day of St. Sergius of Nurom (Vologda). Venerable Sergius was a student of Sergius of Radonezh. For some time he lived in the monastery of his mentor, but then retired to the deep forests, to the banks of the Nurma River.

Sergius the winter (Sergei, Sergius, Sergius the chief, Svyatobor). With Sergius, winter begins, with Matryona (November 22) it is established. By this time, winter usually begins and the first snow falls. Of course, during the day it still melts, but at night there are real frosts. Therefore, October 20 was popularly called the Chief, that is, the day of the beginning of winter. But the name Svyatobor has been preserved since pagan times and is associated with the forest deity Bor. This god was considered the ruler of forests and the patron of animals and hunting. The goblin served Bor. They were each responsible for their own forest, while Bor “managed” all the forests. Over time, the image of Bor was mixed with the image of Sergius of Nursky, who was also popularly called Svyatobor.

On this day, first they feed the cattle and only after that they have breakfast themselves. The stove is lit by the youngest member of the family, then in winter the house will not be chilly. Women put on new scarves. There is a sign: whoever covers his head with a new scarf on Sergius will not have a headache all year. Pregnant women pray to God not to give birth on St. Sergius Day, because childbirth on this day can be difficult. We washed ourselves with sour milk, reading a spell for health: “I whiten my face. Just as people cannot live without milk, so should I not be without health. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.”

If snow falls and the trees have not yet shed their leaves, it will soon melt. The moon is cloudy and pale - frost and snow are possible. If the ground is covered with snow, winter will return to its feet on November 22. Sergius, frosted the oak groves, whitened the waste (sheaves of hay from the second mowing). Sergius beats the grass with frost, but Matryona (November 22) does not allow winter to turn back. The first powder is still a long way off.

Day Venerable Pelagia and Taisiya.

Venerable Tryphon, Archimandrite of Vyatka, wonderworker.

Tryphon and Palagea. Broadswords-Zyabushki (Pelageya, chilliness, chills, chills, Taisiya, mending).

From this day on, it was customary in the villages to cut down repairs (new arable land was laid out in the forest). To do this, they determined a new place for the fire and began to cut down the forest. And having cut down the forest, they “began” to transport firewood and timber (whole tree trunks) for the construction of new houses in the village. It's getting colder from Tryphon and Pelageya. This day was also called pochinki because for the first time they put on winter clothes: a fur coat, felt boots and mittens. This is where the sayings came from: “Tryphon is mending his fur coat, Pelageya is sewing sheep’s mittens”, “Prepare your fur coat - winter will come”, “Cold and need - there are no worse ones.”

Pelageya - women's undertakings: women gather for gatherings.

Day of Righteous Abraham, the forefather, and his nephew Lot (2000 BC). According to church traditions, Abraham is considered the forefather of the Jewish people. After construction Tower of Babel and confusion of languages, he is the only one who remained faithful to God. Together with his wife Sarah and nephew Lot, he retired to the Canaanite desert (on the shore Mediterranean Sea), where he died at the age of 175.

Day of Jacob (Jacob, Yakov the cold, wood sawyer, wood sawyer). On October 22, everyone began to cut down forests and prepare firewood for construction. It gets dark early at the end of October, so the peasants tried to finish their work before sunset - they were afraid to meet the boletus mushroom. Borovik was the spirit of the forest and grove. He appeared in the form of a huge bear without a tail and was very aggressive. Of course, it mainly fed on animals, but it could also attack humans. The boletus was subordinate to the boletus - little people who were considered the owners of mushrooms (milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps). They lived under mushroom caps and ate them.

White snow on Jacob is a blessing. The first snow falls on Yakov - forty days until winter. Prepare warm clothes - winter is coming. From Jacob the Cold the cold flaps its wings. Not the snow that blows, but the one that comes from above. Yakov spills white grain on the ground, cools the paths, and shortens the day. Snow falls on thawed ground - it will be difficult for people to live (the harvest will be bad next year), but on frozen ground it will be easier. It was flowing and frozen, icicles were hanging from the roofs - autumn would last a long time. After the autumn icy conditions, expect rain. Until the larch needles fall off, there will be no snow, and if it does fall, it will melt anyway. Until the leaves fall from the cherry trees, no matter how much snow falls, winter will not come, the thaw will drive it away. If there are a lot of clothes on the bulbs, the winter will be cold. The first and last cold spells are dangerous. The first snow does not promise a quick winter.

Day of the Martyrs Eulampius and Eulampia.

Lampei (day of Evlampius, Evlampius, Evlampius the lamp).

The days are getting shorter and shorter, so people said that Evlampius splits a torch, lights a lamp, illuminates the darkness. And fire in the popular imagination, along with water, earth and air, is one of the main elements, ruling the world. Fire helps in business, but if it gets angry, it can burn down the house. Therefore, they always approached the fire respectfully, trying to appease. At night they “put him to bed”, extinguished him, affectionately wishing him good night. It was impossible to spit in the fire. Such an act was considered a great sin, for which fire would certainly punish. On this day, it is customary to remember everyone who set an example for people with their holy lives.

The pre-winter period begins (from October 23 to November 27). If the horns of the month are at midnight (to the north) - it will be a severe winter, the snow will fall dry; if at noon (to the south) - don’t expect winter to come soon, there will be mud and slush until November 4th. The weather is predicted for the month of Eulampia: its horns will indicate where the winds will come from. Early freeze-up is possible on large rivers. Last days cumulus clouds.

When the first frost hits, healers go to collect rue, an herb that has enormous witchcraft powers. They store it under the eaves (hang it from the ceiling). This herb protects all children living in the house.

Day of the Apostle Philip, one of the seven deacons.

Philip's day (Philip, Philip's gimmick). Autumn for peasants was a time of fading, dying of nature. It was believed that at this time God sealed the earth, which "fell asleep" or "died" until the next spring. The cattle were no longer driven out to pasture, but were locked in a warm stable. And all field work (mowing, harvesting) was completed by the beginning of October. The roads are bad - it’s impossible to pass, it’s impossible to pass, the weather is such that a kind owner would not let his dog out into the yard. It was time for homework: spinning, weaving, sewing clothes and shoes, weaving bast shoes. The cheerful street festivities were ending, and the time for winter gatherings began. That is why the saying appeared: “Philip himself stuck to the stove.” In Rus', a thin gold or silver thread for gold embroidery work was called a canitel. It takes a long time to make a gimmick: first you need to stretch it, then flatten it and twist it. This is where the figurative meaning of the word “gimp” comes from – to delay, to procrastinate.

The fog descends - towards a thaw. The wind blew from the north - leading to great cold. The moon on Philip in a dim haze means bad weather (snowfall). Dry leaves rustling on the trees mean snowfall. Chickens roost early - you have to wait for frost; the higher they sit, the stronger the cold will be. Poultry hides its head under its wing - to the cold. A clear moon is a harbinger of frost. Late leaf fall means a harsh and long winter. If the snow falls on the damp ground on Philip and does not melt, then in the spring there will be good earnings. If there is ice on the river, you need to walk on it: there will be a lot of money.

Martyrs Provos, Tarakh and Andronikos.

Prov, Andron, Andron the Stargazer. According to legends, Saint Andron sweeps the sky with a broom, cleanses the stars and the moon. People said: “Andron can reach the sky with his pole, scoop up stars with a scoop,” “Andron with an andron (pole) and a broom goes out into the field at night.” To him prayed so that the star of life would not set. Since ancient times, it was believed that the stars influence human destinies and earthly events. There was a belief that there are exactly as many stars in the sky as there are people on earth. A person is born - a star lights up (the Lord lights a candle), dies - it goes out, falls to the ground. If a person’s star is strong and bright, then he easily overcomes all adversity and becomes the darling of fate. If, on the contrary, she is weak and dull, then such a person is constantly tormented by adversity and illness. The symbol of a shooting star was closely associated in the popular consciousness with death, hence the fear of comets, which were considered harbingers of future misfortunes. And a strong meteor shower, which sometimes happens in August, could be interpreted as a harbinger of the death of an entire state. Also, the fall of a star was interpreted as a sign of future epidemics, famine, and war. They used the stars to guess the fate of a person, determine the damage caused to him, the time of the beginning of field work, etc.

When they see the martyr Prov, they look at the stars and wonder about the weather: there are many bright stars - frost is just around the corner, and dim stars - for long rains. Stars with a blue tint and twinkle strongly indicate snow. If Prov stars poured into the sky (clear sky and many stars on October 25), pick peas in the summer. When distant objects appear close, which happens when the air is clear, it may rain or snow. The wind is weak or slightly gusty and does not change its direction - cloudy weather will remain for a long time. The south wind promises warmth, the north wind promises cold, which will come after the low clouds.

On this day you cannot: Wash, bleach, beat out feather beds, put out kvass, buy church candles for the house, quarrel with people, kick animals and tell fortunes on cards. Whoever laughs loudly will incur terrible torment for himself. Whoever was born on this day will suffer a lot of grief. Don’t offend anyone on Provo - you won’t be happy at all. On this day, when someone knocks on the door, they don’t ask: “Who’s there?”, so that torment and misfortune do not come to the house. On Prov they tie a rope on the gate (door handle), saying: “As you, Prov, came, so go, and you, torment, do not come into this fence to toil. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and ever, Amen."

Day of the Martyr Carp, Bishop of Thyatria.

Great Martyrs Chryses (Zlata).

Carp, Zlata, Zlata-onuchnitsa. In the old days they believed that on this day the saints would bring health and increase the fertility of the earth. Zlata was revered among the people as a skilled seamstress who helps sew onuchi (foot wraps for boots or bast shoes, similar to foot wraps). It was believed that it was to Zlata that one should turn to prayer in order to correctly cut out the onuchi and then wear them for a long time. They asked Saint Carp for deliverance from various misfortunes, for consolation in troubles, for increasing the fertility of the earth. This day was also called the bathhouse routine - they put this very important building in order, changed rotten boards and benches, cleaned water containers, the stove, etc. There lived a spirit, the owner of the bathhouse, who was called the bathhouse, apostle, grandfather, shepherd, zhikharka , bump, anchugka. Bath day. On this day it was accepted take a steam bath, drive illnesses out of sick people, infuse medicinal herbs in milk and drink this decoction. Infusions from medicinal herbs, so that they will rot there. On this day, the sick were driven away from epilepsy. Those born on this day should wear emerald.

Avid hunters can't wait until the end of October to go hunting.

They use the stars to tell fortunes about the weather and the harvest: bright stars mean frost, dim stars mean thaw. Strong twinkling of stars (mainly in blue shades) - to snow. A rooster crows without time in the evening - signifies a change in weather. The roosters crowed early in the morning - it will get warmer.

Day of the Martyrs Nazarius, Gelvasiya, Protasia, Kelsia.

Hieromartyr Silvanus, Bishop of Gaza.

Venerable Paraskeva of Serbia

Praskovya Gryaznikha Day(Paraskeva-Friday, gryaznikha, gryaznikha, gryaznukha, powder, flax, spinner, Nazar, Protas)

The holiday of flax, spinners and weavers was celebrated on this day, because Saint Paraskeva was their patroness. Women October 27 put on their best linen dresses and went out into the street to show off their skills. And in the evenings they baked pies: with cabbage, fish, berries or honey. When the cake was taken out of the oven, it was brushed with cow butter and covered with a towel. Then they took off this towel and told fortunes using the circle left by the oil on the fabric. A broken or thin circle line foreshadowed illness, misfortune and even death. Paraskeva-Friday – Christ's Passion communicant. Paraskeva-Friday is a woman’s intercessor, protector of peasant women. She was revered in Rus' and was primarily patroness of marriage and childbirth. The image of Paraskeva in the popular consciousness was closely associated with the pagan female deity Mokosh, who was also considered the patroness of women. Friday herself was represented in the form of a beautiful girl or young woman, on whose body one could see injections from a spindle and knitting needles. These injections appeared on the saint’s body due to the fact that women violated the ban and weaved on Friday. She was dressed in a wide caftan, belted with tow (combed and twisted flax or yarn). Paraskeva was also considered the patroness of Friday, therefore all the customs that were observed among the people on Friday were also followed on the day of Saint Paraskeva. Friday has always been a day of fasting and abstinence women's work: weaving, spinning, sewing, washing, cleaning, etc. Friday was considered a dangerous day. They believed that a child who was bathed on Friday would definitely develop dryness (painful thinness, which is a symptom of a number of dangerous diseases). We didn’t start important things on Friday, otherwise there would be no luck. It was forbidden to laugh and sing on Friday, otherwise on Sunday this person would cry bitterly. It was believed that Paraskeva severely punishes those who violate the ban on working on Friday.

On this day, widows or old maidens (vekovukhi) beg for a life partner.

If there is a lot of mud on Gryaznikha, there are four weeks (four shifts, weeks) left until winter. It's never dry when it's dirty. Neither a wheel nor a runner can overcome the path from Gryaznikha. A “false” sun appeared in the sky - signifies calm weather. The west wind blew - dampness.

Day of the Venerable Martyr Lucian, Presbyter of Antioch. The pagans killed Saint Lucian and threw his body into the sea. But the dolphins carried the remains of the saint to land, where he was buried in a Christian manner.

Venerable Euthymius the New, Thessalonica

Efim Autumn Day(Efim, Efim the pious, Efim autumn, bee-grower, flaxseeds). The flax is dried, crumpled, torn, and towed - all week long. They started to ruffle the flax, so they couldn’t stand over it. Bees are being removed from Yefim. After the feast of St. Paraskeva, flax began to be ruffled, and the girls began to spin yarn. According to legends, from that very day onwards, a kikimora sneaks into houses at night and begins to spin the left yarn or weave, weaving in its own evil witchcraft. Kikimora can spoil the yarn, break the tow (combed and twisted yarn), and tangle the wool. It was possible to get rid of it by understanding evil spirit making the sign of the cross and turning in prayer to Saint Euthymius.

The sky in the evening is clear, but large circles are visible near the moon - there will be frost, and if these circles are reddish and blurry, snowfall and wind are possible. If the sun rises and there is a cloud above it, don’t expect good weather. Good weather will continue if the sky is a clear, clear blue color. If mosquitoes appear in late autumn, the winter will be mild.

Day of the Martyr Longinus, centurion, like those at the Cross of the Lord. Among the people, Saint Longinus was revered as a saint capable of healing eye diseases

Longinus (Longinus the centurion, Longinus the gatekeeper). The image of the warrior Longinus, who stood guard at the Cross and the Holy Sepulcher, is associated in the popular consciousness with the image of a watchman protecting the house from evil spirits. According to legend, Saint Longinus stands at the gate and does not allow evil spirits into the courtyard. On October 29, it was customary to take winter clothes outside so that they would absorb the warmth of sunlight and provide better warmth during the winter.

If the stars on Longinus are bright, expect good weather, and if they are dim, expect rain and snow. If the leaf, although yellowed, falls slightly, frost will not come soon. If the moon on Longinus is cloudy and pale, frost and snow are possible. The sun wanders in the clouds, as if in fog, - to bad weather. The wind blew from the north - there will be no rain, the sky will clear.

Day of the Prophet Hosea (820 BC). The prophet became famous for predicting the destruction of the kingdom of Israel (in 586 BC, the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar II destroyed Jerusalem). The prophecies of Hosea are included among the books holy scripture. Died at a ripe old age.

Day of Hosea the Wheelman (day of Hosea, Hosea, Hosea). “Hosius came - take the wheels off the axles” - On October 30, the peasants put the carts in the barn and took out the sleighs from the village. The day is quickly melting - you can’t tie it to the fence. By the last creaking of the cart wheels, they guessed about the harvest. If the wheels move quietly and do not creak, a lot of bread and vegetables will be harvested next year.

Day of the Apostle and Evangelist Luke, companion of the Apostle Paul. According to church tradition, Evangelist Luke was the first to paint the icon of the Mother of God and Child. Therefore, from ancient times in Rus' he was considered the patron saint of icon painters. They turned to him with prayer for help in painting icons. Patron of the hunt

Lukov day(Luke, Luke is hungry)

“If the earth doesn’t feed, the water will feed. The onion shines the fish - it teaches to live.” From this day on, the autumn fishing season began (going to sea to fish). Therefore, among the people, the Apostle Luke was also considered patron of fishing: people turned to him with prayer for a good catch and a safe return home. In the old days they caught fish not only with nets. There was a special method of fishing called beaming (from the word “ray” - a bunch of splinters that were used to light a fire on the bow of the boat). This is a nocturnal method of fishing, which was well suited for autumn fishing, since at this time it got dark early. A goat (a tripod, a type of brazier) was placed on the bow of the boat, and a fire was lit in it. The fish, which descended into the depths with the onset of darkness, rose to the light; then she was killed with a harpoon. Our ancestors caught sterlet, roach, ide, chub, bream, asp, crucian carp, perch, catfish and even taimen. But especially often they caught pike, which was popularly associated with evil spirits. There was a belief: if a pike splashes its tail in front of a fisherman, he will soon die. Bad omens were also associated with ruffs. They said that if a ruff is the first to be caught in the net, then there will be no good catch. Usually called ruffs evil people, and about the drowned they said: “He went to Ershova Sloboda.”

Traditional Russian cuisine includes many fresh fish dishes. They also prepared it for the winter: salted it and froze it. But children were not given fish dishes until they learned to speak. It was believed that otherwise the child would be dumb as a fish. Dreams about fish were popularly interpreted as harbingers of rain or tears. If a woman dreamed of fish, then this could be interpreted as an omen of pregnancy. The fact is that in Rus' they believed that the souls of the dead often move into fish. IN folk medicine fish, as a cold-blooded creature, was commonly used to treat fever. For this purpose, the patient was fumigated with fish bones from the Christmas table or halves of a tench cut alive were applied to his feet. But people with fever could not eat roach.

There are still leaves on the cherry tree - it will snow, but it will melt soon

The moon is foggy and pale - foretells snowfall, frost or rain.
