The tree hides its roots in. Slavic beliefs about trees. Respect, good news

Why do you dream of climbing a tree? The dream book often interprets this plot as a positive omen. A person who sees such a sign in a dream expects career growth, success in his personal life, and excellent profits. There are also several negative interpretations, but they are more related to the descent from there.

Respect, good news

Why do you dream of climbing a tree? The dream book states: in reality a person will receive respect and recognition. However, climbing to the top often means: he is burdened by monotony. It is necessary to dilute the daily routine with something interesting - a new hobby, activity or outdoor recreation.

Climbing to the very top of your head in a dream means the dreamer will receive good news. Feeling fear at the same time means he recognizes his future.

Did you dream of climbing a tree - to the high top of your head? The Ukrainian dream book says: you will rise to the top.

Career growth, wealth

Getting in there in a dream means in reality trying to seize the initiative under difficult circumstances. How successful this will be depends on the dreamed development of events.

Climbing, persistently climbing up is a good omen. The dream book promises: a promotion is coming, thanks to which the well-being of the sleeping person’s family will significantly improve. However, you need to be more careful with money, because otherwise unpleasant surprises are possible.

Seeing as if they climbed up in a dream and sat there is a plot that determines the dreamer’s future wealth. If you sit comfortably, the branch is thick, reliable - everything will turn out well.

Determination will help you achieve success

Why dream of climbing a tree, climbing up the trunk and looking around the surroundings? According to the dream book, thanks to his determination a person will achieve great success. He will be able to carry out his plans, even in spite of obstacles - if he puts maximum effort into it.

In a dream, seeing yourself climbing an almond tree where there are fruits (nuts) foreshadows success and wealth very soon.

If it was blooming magnificently when the dreamer climbed there, success awaits him in his personal life. Love relationship will turn out very successfully, making your wildest dreams come true.

be careful

Did you dream of climbing a tree that broke under you? This means: you may soon become very ill or seriously injured or injured.

To get off it upside down means to be mentally in other worlds. However, seeing such a plot too often is not very good. The sleeper devotes more time to something unreal, sometimes missing important things in reality.

Did you have to climb down from there in a dream, carefully feeling the branches with your feet? The person is not very confident in himself and is burdened by responsibility. He is afraid of not being able to cope with the new position and is looking for an opportunity to refuse it.

There are no colorful candy wrappers with candies or small chocolates on the branches of the tree, but unique candies undoubtedly grow on it. Otherwise, where did sweet Hovenia (Hovenia dulcis) - a close relative of our buckthorn - get such an unusual name?

Externally, Khoveniya also resembles a linden tree: from eight to fifteen meters in height, a straight trunk, a tent-like crown, falling broad-oval light green leaves with jagged edges and pointed tips. Even the flowers are similar. They are extremely fragrant and are collected in semi-umbellate inflorescences.

Next come the differences. Neither flowers, like linden, nor fruits, like buckthorn, are used. The fruits of the candy tree are dry little “peas”; no one would even think of including them in the diet: they are not edible.

But the candy tree pleases with its… fruit stalks. Thanks to them, it received several more “talking” names. “Sweetroot”, “raisin tree”, “crooked date” - this is how the exotic plant is called in its homeland. The last of the names is associated with the shape of the "candies", which are shaped like intricately twisted pencils. The length of the stalk reaches 4 centimeters, the color is reddish-brown. The taste is amazing. Sweet gifts are slightly sour and reminiscent of aromatic melon and raisins at the same time. They are eaten both fresh and dried, often put under a press and dried. After loss of moisture, the sugar content in the stalks increases to 50 percent - these are real sweets!

With the stalks and seeds of the plant, asthma and addiction to alcohol are successfully treated; wonderful furniture and musical instruments are made from wood (“Japanese red wood”).

There is only one shame: the candy tree in natural conditions is distributed only in “exotic” countries (India, Korea, southern China, Indonesia). But how tempting it would be to have it in your small garden under your window...

Our distant ancestors treated the forest with reverence, which they looked at only as Living being. Villages were built near the forests, temples were located in them, and they were inhabited by friendly (and not so friendly) undead. The forest fed, provided shelter and shelter. It is no coincidence that the tree became the symbol that unites Prav, Yav and Nav: the roots leading from the underworld gave the trunk - the reality in which you and I live, and the branches, the crown - the abode of the gods.

Thanks to this, the tree began to be considered a ladder along which one can travel through the worlds. For many Slavic peoples Beliefs have been preserved according to which the soul of a deceased person moves into a tree. Most likely, they arose after the baptism of Rus', since most of them contain references either to the Bible or to Christian cemeteries. However, this is also part of our history. According to these legends, the creaking tree became the abode of a restless soul; This is also where the ban on collecting any raw materials from cemeteries originates. A tree was planted at the grave in which the soul could find peace. That is why it was forbidden to break branches and pick fruits from cemetery trees. A very clear example is given in the “Divine Comedy”: without knowing it, Dante embodied on paper the echoes of Slavic beliefs: in his Hell, in the fifth circle, the souls of suicides are kept, who languish in the guise of trees. If you break off a branch or pick a leaf from such a tree, blood flows, and you can hear moaning and crying.

Life is also inextricably linked with the tree. Not only the Slavs, but also many other peoples believed that when a baby is born, a tree should be planted near the house. It was specially selected: for boys, “masculine” (oak, maple, ash), for girls, “feminine” (birch, linden). There is even a special horoscope for this case, calculated by the Druids: by the position of the Sun twice a year (winter and summer solstices, spring and autumn equinoxes) they determined the fate and character of a person. Each sign of their horoscope had two periods: for example, people born from December 23 to January 1, or from June 25 to July 4, belonged to the Apple sign. There are also signs of Fir, Elm, Pine, Linden and others. If you are planning to plant a tree near your house in the near future in honor of the birth of a child, then first familiarize yourself with its properties: there is a category of vampire trees that will not bring any benefit, but will only take away your vitality. The tree must also die “humanly” - by its own death.

No less than with man, a tree is inextricably linked with gods and spirits. My great-grandmother told me that you shouldn’t hide under a tree during a thunderstorm. She did not mean the possibility of a fire from lightning - in her village they believed that during a thunderstorm, evil spirits hide from God's wrath in the trees, preferring lonely trunks. Accordingly, in addition to evil spirits, it was also possible to receive from a deity, who would accidentally miss and, instead of an evil spirit, throw lightning at the little man. By the way, this belief came specifically from the Slavs: Perun chased devils with lightning (or whoever he was aiming at - don’t consider it blasphemy, God simply had enough enemies), and then his image was brazenly plagiarized by Christians, replacing Perun with Elijah the Prophet.

Among the revered ones, old trees with large hollows, standing apart from the rest, stood out. People turned to them for treatment: the sufferer tied a small gift to a branch, hid a small gift in a hollow or roots; it was believed that such a “sacrifice” allowed a person to be saturated with tree vitality and accelerated recovery from illness. People went to these same trees to celebrate wedding ceremonies and other important rituals: God’s judgment was held at their roots, and the crown was a silent witness to oaths and solemn promises. After baptism, the veneration of trees was transformed, but the essence remained almost unchanged: they no longer took vows near the old oak tree, but they confessed to it in the absence of a confessor in the vicinity. Cutting down old large trees like oaks or elms was strictly prohibited: the Slavs believed that if you cut down the Tsar Tree, you would be in trouble - such an offense promised pestilence, drought, famine or war.

It is known that the Slavs built huts from wood. However, not all the forest could be cut down for this purpose. The following were considered prohibited:

  • old trunks that have survived more than one generation;
  • giants who were spared by lightning and hurricanes;
  • young trees;
  • crooked, unusually fused trees, or trunks with abnormally large hollows;
  • dead wood (the woody “mask of death” can be seen here: it was impossible to bring home a “dead” tree);
  • some peoples did not cut down trees in winter;
  • what was planted by a person preserves his memory - such plantings were also protected from the prospect of being turned into a log house.
There is also a corresponding sign: if a fallen tree falls to the north, then there will be trouble.
A separate category includes “lush” trees growing at road intersections. They are considered cursed, and Belarusians call them “Stoyarosovs”. They cannot be chopped: the business in which the trunk is planned to be used will not be successful. All trees that feed on human energy, in particular aspen and spruce, were considered cursed.
And when trees were chosen, say, for the construction of a new house, then you should have talked to them. They explained to the tree for what purpose they were taking it, and asked the spirit to come out. It was also necessary to drag the trunk to the construction site carefully: if you damaged the young shoots, you could incur a fatal series of failures. And the obligatory final ritual was a bath: no matter how noble it was final goal felling, but still this was the murder of a living creature, and the sin was washed away with hot steam.

The following trees stood out among the Slavs:

  1. Oak is the sacred tree of Perun, a truly masculine species, the embodiment of strength, courage and wisdom. Temples and divine courts were set up in oak groves. It is the oak that is considered the prototype of the World Tree, growing through three worlds immediately from the very moment of Creation.
  2. Birch is a female tree with a dual interpretation. On the one hand, the birch was revered as a protector from evil forces, placed its branches in the house and laid out its branches in the attics, and knitted brooms for the bathhouse. The girls washed themselves with birch sap, and birch was given to pregnant women and women in labor. a strong talisman. At the same time, lightning often struck it, the place where the birch grew attracted evil spirits, and restless souls settled in the lonely crooked trees.
  3. Hazel is a universal shrub, the fruits of which were eaten (especially during rituals and ceremonies), and baskets were woven from its branches. On the days of remembrance of the dead, nuts were scattered on the floor - in this way they lured the spirits of deceased relatives. Hazel was not struck by lightning, so it was used to make protective amulets both for people and for home.
  4. Elderberry, spruce, aspen, maple are trees that carry a negative load. It is believed that evil spirits like to live in them, so they were not used in construction, but were successfully used as amulets against evil forces. According to legend, the maple is a man turned into a tree; its wood was not used for kindling or making coffins.
  5. Spruce is still used today to create cemetery wreaths - its “funeral” meaning has stretched through the centuries. The tree is considered “feminine”; it cannot be planted next to a house in which there are many men - it can cause trouble.
  6. The role of thorny bushes is to drive away all kinds of evil spirits. Already in Christian beliefs, plants with thorns were attributed to the devil - they say, people will cling to them and swear. And before the baptism of Rus', they were used as a talisman and for various kinds of love spells. It is not for nothing that the blackthorn is associated with Polel - the wreath on the young man’s head is woven from this plant, strewn with flowers.
This is a very rough description. I have no doubt that the ancestors of almost every plant had their own “knowledge base”. I would be grateful if you could share in the comments any beliefs you know about “tree omens.”

Igoryan did not tear the bag very successfully, and the wind tried to blow all the corn out of it, as if hinting that the corn was also airy. I had to hold it, press it. But while we were standing at the traffic light, several pieces still fell onto the sidewalk. On the gray, small frozen explosions of a milky yellow color looked very fresh and bright.
“This is not garbage,” said Igoryan. - The environment will not suffer from edible food.
At that moment, out of nowhere, a pigeon fell on the fallen corn and swallowed it in two bites, as if confirming that the environment would not suffer at all.
And I won’t get hurt if I scoop up a few popcorns from a torn bag right on the street. And stopping there will not be so easy.
- In what century was popcorn invented? - Igoryan asked.
In which? Most likely in ancient times. Someone made an accidental discovery and then told everyone. Or he didn’t want to tell, but everyone saw it themselves even without his telling.
I opened my personal popcorn, not yet knowing that it was edible. The adults said that this was the name of the cheerful jumping music, to which every Sunday “Sportloto” balls were thrown and jostled in a transparent container. Then one random ball rolled down a special chute, and the presenter announced in a solemn voice:
- Number seventeen: water polo.
And the whole country (just think!), the whole country at that moment wanted to cross out in their personal lottery tickets No. 17, and someone actually crossed them out. Feeling his heartbeat increasing, he waited for the next ball.
Everyone, of course, wanted to guess six out of thirty-six, faint happily and become a legend. But they guessed best case scenario for three rubles. Nothing, this is also hope. Next time, next Sunday...

Monday, August 12, 2019

In August they like to visit with melon. They could walk with a watermelon, but they walk with a melon. Somehow more elegant, or something...
You can buy watermelon yourself. Tell the men, and they will take the largest one, casually showing with their faces that for them it is a trifle. Men pressing watermelon strong hands, listen to what the crunch is like, and know how to distinguish a girl watermelon from a boy watermelon. And for me, they are all boys in the prime of life - beautiful and, as usual, moderately well-fed.
Watermelon is brutal and requires a certain amount of power when purchased. Monumental, everyday.
Melon is another matter. Melon is suitable for all segments of the population. Melon is tender. She is brought into the house in the crook of her arm, like a child. And its color defies any description. Melon color. And on top there is a dry thin mesh of a natural wood shade - you can immediately see that the melon has been properly lying in the sun.
Watermelon is an extrovert, sociable. It sounds loud and black-toothed. Melon, on the contrary, is a thing in itself, matte, incompatible with anything. This is exactly what they advise: eat the melon separately, without interfering with or confusing it with anything. They give melon.
When I went fruit shopping with my little daughter in August or September, a gift of melon from a flamboyant southern seller was a common sight. Or rather, the melon is small, strong, similar to a children’s orange ball “Collective Farmer”. Such a toy melon, simple and unmistakably sweet.
But they don’t take someone like that for a visit. They take a brooding “torpedo” as a guest, pale and unpredictable. The gentle and mysterious “torpedo” is taken as a guest. Beautiful, like a stranger.
If she wants it, she will be sweet, completely honeyed. Translucent from its inner sun. And then suddenly it doesn’t turn out very well. But invariably tender and mysterious, and therefore we easily forgive her for this not very good thing. How we forgive summer for endless rains or severe heat. How we forgive ourselves for the fact that we again failed to choose the best, even though we honestly tried our best.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

On a viscous and stuffy, unbearable August night, when the body is not getting sleep, but an exhausting rotation from side to side, and exhausting, meager, lateral thoughts are spinning in your head. Some insignificant thoughts are spinning, instead of great and inexhaustible thoughts.
They talk about what's in future life, if it exists, of course, you would never want to become a mosquito. A lonely passing mosquito in a dark and stuffy room. Because you immediately want to kill such a mosquito.
Yes, I want to kill such a mosquito - for itching right in my ear, for landing with its light paws and preparing to drink my mysterious night blood...
Clap! Past.
The mosquito immediately became frightened and became quiet. But after a few seconds he forgot about it, and again it itched right above his ear, again his paws...
Clap! Past. Clap! Past.
Precious minutes of external and inner life go to fight insects, which are also in the food chain, and therefore necessary on the planet. And it doesn’t wish me harm at all; I came up with this evil myself. And he doesn’t even suspect that I’m a person, and I can’t sleep.
Clap! Past.
And again the mosquito song is right next to your ear. Maybe Rh negative blood is considered a special delicacy by lonely mosquitoes at night? I'm really sorry, mosquito, but...
So that you don't recommend me to your proboscis friends.
Clap! Clap!
I completely forgot, mosquito, that you are lonely.

Monday, August 5, 2019

There are so many flowers in the world that have a round center and thin petal rays in all directions. Including wild flowers, timid flowers, and passing flowers. But for some reason people chose chamomile to talk frankly. Maybe because she's the cutest? The tongue cannot dare to say anything bad about chamomile. For example, large roses on a girl’s dress can be condemned and even said that she is “wearing creepy roses.” Try saying: “In creepy daisies.” It will be wrong, not in Russian. These are completely incompatible words.
Chamomile is more than a flower. This is a state of mind. A special mood, a spontaneous impulse, very often abstract and addressless, just in case: what if someone loves me? It's a small thing, but nice.
We were sitting in our sunny courtyard, at that age when everyone actually loves you unconditionally, but you are already starting to doubt. You also begin to doubt abstractly, vaguely. But the shadow of a presentiment approaches the heart like a cloud approaches the sun. That's why once again It wouldn't hurt to clarify.
Loves, doesn't love, loves, doesn't love?..
The petals were very white, very thin, very unpredictable. And if “doesn’t love” suddenly came up, I became anxious, as if I really didn’t love her. Who? What's the difference?
It's good that we had a lot of daisies in our yard.
Loves, doesn't love, loves, doesn't love, loves...

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Of course, I couldn’t love nettles as a child. I avoided it, like all normal people. But the nettle did not give up, and regularly got in my way, preferably at my full height, preferably unexpectedly, somewhere in the shade. Very often in raspberry bushes, which themselves are prickly, so that while you are reaching for the berries, which make your eyes run wild, while you are dodging for the ripest ones, covering your thin brown hands with thin white scratches, and the nettles are already right there. On your feet, like on a boulevard. Ai, it burns, ai!
Now I wish I had the courage to stop scratching the bitten areas. But, as a rule, there was not enough courage, and then nettle blisters appeared on the skin - not very scary, but unpleasant.
Not a single summer was complete without nettle blisters, no matter how masterfully we avoided sharp, bright green corners. I heard out of the corner of my ear that they even make a pleasant and very vitamin-rich soup from this unpleasant herb. But no one here has ever prepared something like this. We cooked it with sorrel, and I even ate it those days. summer days. In those truly summer days, when I was absolutely happy and therefore could love any kind of soup, even green. And then I never loved again. Did not happen.
At that time I avoided nettles exclusively. At that time, I still knew nothing about abandoned houses and overgrown front gardens. This knowledge comes later, gradually. When you suddenly start to catch yourself thinking that the nettle bush here doesn’t look like a weed, but quite like a property. It's as if nettle is its own name. Nikolai Petrovich Nettle. And next to him is Anna Ivanovna Nettle. In close proximity to them exist Vasily Egorovich and Marfa Ignatievna Konoplya, and the widow Lebeda Klavdiya Zakharovna, and the unshaven bob Makar Stepanovich Repey. And all together they are the Weed family, and the house is now completely theirs.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

It is known that some people in some countries stop eating last year’s potatoes already in May. Dark potatoes, which have accumulated in themselves the heavy energy and boredom of the winter they have experienced, potatoes that have lived and lay down, sad, like an earthen spirit.
I also wouldn’t want to eat one of these since May, but our country is not like that. And only towards the end of July, around these days, the first movement, the first test, begins in most of the territory.
It is advisable to find yourself in a real village at this moment. It is my deep conviction that every Russian person should find himself in a village at least once in his life. Only in the village can you understand that nothing ever changes in life, and it is endless. After all, this is close to us - when it is endless and nothing changes.
In childhood, a Russian person cannot do without a village. The ideal is to stroke the cow's son's forehead and his small, toy horns, and accept the crowing of a rooster and the smoke from the chimney as the norm of life. At the very end of July, you see how an adult, armed with a pitchfork, goes to the garden. Like Neptune in the green vegetable sea. He walks with a pitchfork past the dill umbrellas, past the high cucumber bed, past the feathered onions and mustachioed strawberries - to where the gentle potato waves flutter in the wind, all the way to the fence horizon.
Someone adult will critically select a suitable bush. Somewhere neatly, on the edge. He tries it on with a pitchfork - and now a young and light potato family is already lying on top of the ground, and their dark, wrinkled ancestor is in the center. The most visual of all aids, proof of endless and unchanging life.
The dark ancestress will be thrown into a heap for humus, the gentle and naive family will be taken with them. Maybe another bush? Maybe a bush.

But as soon as you see a calm, detached grasshopper on a rose of some beetroot color, who doesn’t care about you, and your whole big telephone, and your whole rich inner world - at that very moment what comes to mind is not Pushkin and everyone else, and certainly not a children's song about imagine, but here he comes - the majestic and versatile genius Lomonosov. “Dear grasshopper, since you are so blessed...”
And the grasshopper sits further - he is blessed and gifted with happiness.
How I love these poems! I don’t like any more of everything that came before Pushkin, only these. “You jump and sing, free, carefree, What you see is all yours...”
It is much easier to remember this poem than its title: “Poems composed on the road to Peterhof, when in 1761 I went to ask for the signing of a privilege for the academy, having been many times before for the same thing.”
I imagine a great man sitting in a shaking carriage wearing an awkward powdered wig and lace cuffs that make it difficult to write down the lines that hastily come to mind as he goes. Lomonosov is fifty, old at that time, he had already discovered everything before everyone else and was mortally tired of fighting with officials and ignoramuses. Tired of asking to sign privileges for the academy, there is little rage left in him, but still there is some left, so he goes and goes, writes and writes about the dear grasshopper who doesn’t ask for anything and doesn’t owe anyone.
Dear grasshopper... And then there will be Pushkin and everyone else.
But who knows what kind of things are going on in that insect kingdom, inaccessible to our mind? Maybe the grasshopper on the beet rose is aloof for a reason. He, too, discovered everything before everyone else, and now he is tired, and composes in his green mind: “Dear little man...” And then nothing comes, and he gives up in the middle of the line, and begins to sing about the beetroot rose and the familiar butterfly - how it flies bang-bang-bang-bang.

Man has always known that a tree is a living creature. The magic of wood was used by our ancestors. In ancient times, people considered trees to be simply another species, on a par with people. They talked to them, they were asked, sacrifices were made to the trees. Treasures were hidden under trees because they believed that the magic of the tree and tree spirits would preserve them; ritual objects and money were buried.

Even in ancient times, people noticed that different types of trees have different properties. Since people first studied any new plant from the point of view of its suitability for food, everything from trees was tested: leaves, flowers, and bark. This is how we learned that some trees help with illness, some fruits are good for food, and some trunks are best for making weapons or building.

But we are now interested in the magic of the tree itself, namely magical properties trees. Spells are made on trees, different parts of plants are used in recipes.

A whole religion druidism– based solely on the worship of trees and the study of tree magic, magical influence trees per person. We attribute trees to the control of the Earth element.

The powers of stone and metal are usually used to enhance energy and perform rituals. And trees are used for treatment and sometimes for performing household rituals.

Trees are energy vampires and energy donors

All plants, including trees, can be divided into two categories: some absorb energy (let's call them energy vampires), while others give it away (let's call them energy donors). In this case, the word energy vampire does not have any negative connotations, since in some cases it is simply necessary to absorb a negative energy flow. This refers to the magical healing of complex diseases. Usually, after absorbing negative energy, it is necessary to restore balance so that there is no emptiness. As you know, a holy place is never empty. To prevent other negative elements from appearing in the cleaned space, it is necessary to use an energy donor.

Trees are energy vampires: aspen, poplar, bird cherry, lilac, linden. Come, put your hand on the trunk (lean against the diseased organ), stand in this position for no more than 5-10 minutes (if you stand longer, you will give off too much energy). They draw out harmful currents from our body. It is best to interact with vampire trees after 16.00 – that’s when they are most active.

Energy donors: oak, birch, pine, maple. But you also need to stand with them for no more than 10 minutes. If you stand longer, you may feel dizzy from excess energy or your blood pressure will rise. Everything is good in moderation. You can communicate with energy donors at any time of the day, but the optimal time is from 7 to 10 am and after 18.00.

Using wood magic to heal and recharge

How is wood therapy typically used? Direct skin-to-bark contact is required. To do this, you first need to choose a tree that you personally like. First, approach him at a distance of about two meters, wait. Try to tune in to him, feel a connection with him. If you want to come closer to it, it means that contact with this tree is possible, it allows you to use its power. After this, come close and touch it with your palms. After a while you will want to get even closer. Some hug the tree with their arms, while others prefer to press their backs against it. Everyone decides according to the circumstances. If you want to heal, press the sore spot against the tree.

Treatment should be regular, every other day if possible. If you don’t have the opportunity to go out into nature so often, make blocks of wood the length of your palm and the width of half your palm. Before you take wood for these blocks, ask the tree for permission to do so. These blocks should be applied to the sore spot according to the same scheme as described for interaction with wood. The time can be increased slightly, up to 15 minutes a day, since the block cannot produce a flow of the same force as a growing tree.

Magicians develop their own habits of working with this or that tree. Usually this tree corresponds to the element and type of temperament of the natural magician. If you make friends with “your” tree, you can give it some kind of gift: bury a coin under the roots or hang it on a branch colored thread. Despite the apparent primitivism, this really improves energy exchange with wood. Proper use of wood magic will give you strength, relieve fatigue, take away illnesses, and normalize internal vital energy.

How to choose your tree

Even in ancient times, druid magicians developed a special scheme for choosing “your” tree. This scheme also works for people born in Russia, only with the caveat that not all trees grow here. For example, olive is replaced by alder, cypress by cedar. In the table you can find your tree and start practicing with it.
