Fortune telling for Christmas. Methods and rules of fortune telling for Christmas. The best Christmas fortune telling! All types of fortune telling for Christmas at home Christmas fortune telling with milk and wax

Probably, Christmas night is the time when we all subconsciously feel something magical in the air, we succumb to this charm, are charged with the magic of this moment. It is believed that on Christmas Eve the world enters our world. evil spirits, various spirits and ghosts who want to come into contact with us. For this reason, it was at this time that our ancestors tried to look behind the dense veil of time, when all these spirits could help them during Christmas fortune-telling sessions. On Christmas Eve we want to lift the dark veil that hides our future, see secret signs, change our lives. The Christmas fortune telling presented here will help those who believe not only in our physical world, but also into hidden signals coming to our subconscious from the unknown, astral plane.

In this article you can familiarize yourself with various folk fortune telling for Christmas, which have been used on our land since time immemorial. Most fortune telling can be used at any time, not just on Christmas Eve. But greatest strength, as you know, they are acquired precisely at Christmas, on the night of January 6-7. Christmas fortune telling is very popular among girls who want to find out their future in their personal lives. During fortune telling on Christmas Eve, many people see their future grooms, who are believed to be shown to them by the devil himself.

If possible, do not forget to adhere to the following necessary rules for fortune telling for Christmas:

1. The room where the prediction session takes place should be as quiet as possible. The slightest sounds, whispers and noise outside the window pose a serious problem, forcing you to focus more intensely on the question, all the time “tying up” a thin thread of contact. All this is not useful, since the magnetic substance does not tolerate ruptures and shocks.

2. During the entire fortune telling session, it is not recommended to cross your arms and legs. Otherwise, this will lead to “overlapping” of communication channels, which will cause their narrowing and subsequent difficulties in overcoming these “barriers.” It looks like a kinked hose with water flowing through it. It will either stop altogether or run in a thin stream.

Christmas fortune telling for marriage using a thread

A group of girls is armed with scissors, a skein or spool of thread, and matches. They all have to cut identical pieces of thread and light them.
The girl whose thread burned out earlier than the others will be the first among her friends to put a wedding ring on her finger.
If the thread goes out before it has burned halfway, or even immediately, this means that the fortune-telling girl will not get married this year.

Fortune telling about the future husband's financial security using beans

For this fortune telling, three bean grains are needed, and one of them should be unpeeled, the second should be half peeled, and, finally, the third should be completely peeled.
They are placed in three bags and placed under the pillow, on which they sleep all night. When you wake up in the morning, you need to put your hand under your pillow and take one of the sachets. If you receive a completely peeled grain, this promises a rich groom - this prognosis is considered the most favorable. Accordingly, an unpeeled bean portends a groom with a very modest income, and a half-peeled bean portends a life partner with an average level of material security.

Fortune telling on a person using a candle

Use the magical Christmas night to get to know the person you like better. Have a candlelit dinner, and this will be the very occasion when business and pleasure combine. Observe the candle burning next to this person, from his side.

  • An even, calm flame speaks of the reciprocity of feelings and the similarity of the direction of your thoughts.
  • The burning out of a candle on one side hints that this person is not telling something or is simply lying.
  • If the candle “cries”, a stream of wax slowly flows into the candlestick, this indicates that the life of this man (or woman) is not so easy.
  • A candle darkening before our eyes, making a crackling sound, or smoking is a bad sign, indicating bad thoughts and intentions of this person or the presence of damage on him.

Christmas fortune telling for the future and the character of the husband using snow

This fortune telling requires snow and your willingness to roll around in it a little. Its essence is to lie face down on the snow, lie there for a few seconds, and then get up and leave. The main thing is not to look back. In the morning you need to return to this place and carefully examine the imprint of your own body.

  • If the depression turns out to be deep enough, this portends repeated marriage.
  • A noticeable imprint promises long loneliness.
  • If you see a snowdrift in a place where your body left a depression yesterday, this is a reason to be very careful throughout the year, because... This result indicates a threat to health and even life.
  • If the outlines of the footprint remain even and smooth, this indicates the future docile, gentle nature of the spouse.
  • If the trace appears to be cut off, this indicates that you will have a hard time in the company of your chosen one, because he will have a cool and rude disposition.

Christmas fortune telling using different objects

For this fortune-telling, some rather large container is taken, for example, a bag, box, chest, into which various objects are placed, each of which serves as the personification of future fate.
Sugar, for example, symbolizes a “sweet”, prosperous life, salt - the need to work hard, an onion foreshadows tears, a potato - difficult times, a simple ring - the fortuneteller has a couple, a gold ring - material wealth, a glass - a carefree, cheerful existence, and so on .
A company of fortune tellers can take any objects or things at their discretion and endow them with symbolic meaning. Whichever object is drawn at random will be the fate of the fortuneteller in the near future.

Fortune telling using shadows

Despite the slightly mysterious name, this fortune telling is very accessible and simple, and therefore is popular.
It requires a clean sheet of paper, a flat large plate, matches, and a candle. Taking a blank sheet, the fortuneteller crumples it and throws it on a plate, where it burns completely. They light a candle, and thanks to it, what is left of the leaf casts a shadow on the wall. They pay special attention to it and, using their imagination, try to understand from its outlines what fate has in store.

Christmas fortune telling for love using matches

Insert two matches into the matchbox (on the sides) and light them. As they burn, the matches begin to move, and if the heads “look” at each other, it means that the girl and the guy they are guessing on will be a couple, they have a future together.
Also, by the direction and angle of bending of the matches, one can judge the degree of love of the intended couple.

Fortune telling about your betrothed using cards (king of diamonds)

When you go to bed on Christmas night, take the King of Diamonds with you. Place the card under your pillow and before going to bed, say the following words: “Dream, betrothed, dream, mummer.”
Before you rush into the kingdom of Morpheus, “make a mess”: wash your face, comb your hair. You can put some of the decorations under your pillow along with the card. The future groom is considered to be the person who visits you in your dreams on this magical night.

Fortune telling on ill-wishers using needles

To make this happen Christmas fortune telling, 21 brand new needles are needed, none of which have been used in any way.
They are placed in a plate or saucer, into which water is slowly poured. Pouring water forces the needles to take a certain position and create a “picture” that will personify a future life situation.
The needles that form crosses speak of hostile or simply unfriendly people, and by the number of such “crosses” one can judge the hostility of the environment in which one will live and work.

Fortune telling (yes-no) to a question using a needle

This fortune telling helps answer a question, the answer to which can be given in words.
The needle in this fortune telling is used as a pendulum. You need to thread a red silk thread into it. Take a piece of approximately 75 cm, fold it in half and tie the ends with a knot. We also need a coin belonging to a fortuneteller. In the old days prerequisite a coin made of silver was considered, but now it is not observed. The coin is placed on the table and a pendulum made from a needle is directed to its center (they hold the thread by the knot), while the fortuneteller should sit at the table, leaning his elbow on it.
If the pendulum never started to move, this means that a clear answer to this question is in at the moment absent. Movement in the transverse direction symbolizes a negative response, while movement in the longitudinal direction symbolizes a positive response. A needle moving in a circle indicates a not entirely successful formulation of the question - in this case, it needs to be put into a different verbal form.

Fortune telling using nut shells

For this fortune telling, you need a basin of water, paper and a walnut shell.
Attach small paper strips with writing on them to the edge of the pelvis. significant events, for example, moving, new job, travel, marriage, pregnancy, etc. Then, in half the shell, attach the stub of a candle, but not a simple one, but one bought in a church or a birthday candle. The candle is lit, after which the shell is lowered to float in the basin.
Which piece of paper it will moor to or, remaining in place, will lean towards it, then the event will occur within a year.

Christmas ritual for meeting a loved one

This ritual can be called not so much fortune-telling as a way to overcome painful loneliness and meet a person who will make you happy. On Christmas midnight, go to the church (any church that is closest to your home) and walk around it 12 times.

Fortune telling for a husband's choice using bulbs

The results of such fortune telling are not immediately visible, but this is the case when you can wait, because the price of the matter is choosing the best groom!
On Christmas Eve, take several bulbs according to the number of candidates for the vacancy of your life partner, sign them with the appropriate names. Place them in water and wait for them to begin to sprout. Pay attention to the onion, which sprouts earlier than all the others: the person with the name written on it is the most suitable candidate.

If you didn’t have time to tell your fortune on this wonderful night, don’t be upset! Christmas time is ahead of you, and that means almost 2 weeks of exciting and fun fortune-telling!

Christmas night and Christmas time are the times when the universe is ready to reveal its secrets to you. You can’t guess after baptism, but before January 18 you can try to find out your fate.

For fortune telling to succeed...

People who have comprehended the secrets of fortune telling give some advice on how to tell fortunes for Christmas at home.

  • They tell fortunes on Christmas night (from January 6 to 7) and on Christmas Eve (until January 18).
  • The future will open up if you take fortune telling seriously. It is better to do magic alone, in peace and quiet. You can guess in a company if everyone is serious. In any case, lock yourself in a separate quiet room.
  • You should not cross your arms and legs - this will block information channels.
  • Girls unravel their hair and let their hair down.
  • Tune in to joyful, bright events. Consider all unfavorable forecasts as a warning. “Forewarned is forearmed” - now you can definitely cope with adversity.
  • At the end of the fortune telling, they thank the higher powers for their help.
  • You definitely need to wash your face after casting a spell.

Fortune telling in company

Girls usually do fortune telling, but men can also try to look into the future.

On the cups

You will need:

  • 6 identical cups;
  • a piece of bread;
  • spoon of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • coin;
  • ring;
  • water;
  • towel.

One of the above items is placed in each cup, and water is poured into one. The fortune tellers take turns approaching the table and, without looking, choose a cup. To prevent prying, all cups are covered with a towel.

The result of fortune telling depends on the contents of the selected cup.

  • Water - everything will remain the same, without changes.
  • Sugar – a “sweet” carefree year.
  • Salt is for tears.
  • Bread - the year promises material well-being, prosperity.
  • Coin - for marriage with a rich man.
  • The ring is for the wedding.

On the bulbs

Simple and truthful fortune telling for Christmas at home, time-tested.

Girls choose an onion and mark theirs (you can tie a thread or stick a sticker with a name). The bulbs are placed in a bowl of water. You will have to wait until the onions sprout: the one who sprouts first will be the first of the fortune-tellers to get married (the second, third are also determined...). If the bulb does not sprout, the girl should not think about marriage yet.

Fortune telling by words

In these fortune telling words predict the future. Sometimes you have to rack your brains about what they mean - their meaning is not always clear. It is best to write down the text so that in a year you can check whether the prophecy has come true.

Fortune telling by book

Pick up a book and focus on what you want to know (what it will be like) coming year; will you meet your love; how your career will turn out, etc.). Now guess the page and line number (top or bottom). Open the book and read the hidden line - it will be the answer to the cherished question.

Fortune telling on TV or radio

The principle of fortune telling is the same as in the book. Ask an exciting question and turn on the TV or radio. The first words heard will become the answer you are looking for.

Relationship fortune telling

This fortune telling is for those who have already met their soul mate and want to know what their relationship will be like in the new year. Suitable for singles and family people.

On pins and needles

They tell fortunes about a loved one or several close people (friends, parents, children) to find out which of them will be around next year.
You will need as many needles of different sizes: how many close people you are surrounded by. Safety pins (tailor's pins, with a ring eye) will do. Each needle corresponds to a certain person, one belongs to the fortuneteller. They can be marked in some way, for example, with a speck of nail polish or remembered by their size. The needles are dipped in a cup of vegetable oil so that they are covered with a fatty film.

Carefully place the needles into a bowl of water, one at a time, and carefully shake the bowl. The result is interpreted by the arrangement of objects.

  • If the needle remains on the surface, this person will be nearby in the new year. If it sinks to the bottom, relations will go wrong next year and conflict is possible.
  • The tips are connected - to a strong union (including marriage).
  • Connect along the entire length - to cooperation and friendship.
  • If the needle floats far away, the connection with the person will weaken.
  • If the fortuneteller’s needle sinks to the bottom, it means that a new stage will begin in his life and a change in his usual environment will occur.
  • If all the needles sink, it means they have not been sufficiently oiled. You will have to repeat the entire procedure again.

On salt, sugar and ash

A pinch of salt, sugar and ash is thrown into a bowl of water at midnight. Then separately lower your hair and the hair of your loved one and carefully shake the bowl. The result is seen in the morning:

  • the hairs are united - the union will be strong and long-lasting;
  • apart - separation awaits the couple in the future;
  • the hair has drowned - adversity awaits its owner.

Fortune telling for the unborn child

On Christmas night you can tell your fortune about the gender of your unborn child.

On the ice

In the evening, water is poured into a glass and a ring is placed. Before going to bed, bring the container into the house - the water should freeze to the bottom - and look at the surface of the frozen water. Each hillock is a son, each hole is a daughter.

Around the ring

For unmarried girl the result is interpreted for the first child.
IN wedding ring thread a thread from the length of the fingers to the elbow. Hold the thread with the ring over your palm: soon it will begin to move. If the movements are circular, the birth will be a girl, if the movements are pendulum-like, the birth will be a boy.

Fortune telling about your future husband

Simple fortune telling for Christmas at home will tell you the qualities of your future spouse.

On the logs

Fortune telling is suitable for those who have a woodpile at their disposal. You should go to the barn and take the first log you come across. The qualities of a future spouse are judged by appearance tree.

  • A flat log with smooth bark is a handsome, hard-working spouse.
  • Rough bark - the spouse will be distinguished not by beauty, but by hard work.
  • The thicker the log, the richer future husband, and vice versa.
  • A log with knots promises a friendly and large family.

On the bulbs

If a girl has a large choice of suitors, divination will help determine her betrothed. On Christmas night they take as many bulbs as there are guys in mind. Each onion corresponds to one of the fans (you can mark them with stickers or threads). Place everything together in a bowl of water. Now you need to wait for the first onion to sprout. The one whom it means is the betrothed.

On beans

Take 3 beans: unpeeled, peeled and half peeled. Each grain is wrapped in a separate bag - they should be identical in appearance. Place grains under the pillow. In the morning, immediately after waking up, without looking, take out one bag.

What do beans mean:

  • purified promises a rich groom;
  • unrefined - poor;
  • semi-purified - the husband will have an average income.

Fortune telling in the snow

At midnight they go outside and fall into snowdrift(first loosen the hair and all the ties and remove the pectoral cross). Then they get up and leave without looking back. The result is looked at in the morning according to the state of the depression in the snow.

  • Soft smooth snow - the husband will be kind and flexible.
  • Rugged surface in rough stripes - the husband will have a tough, unyielding character.
  • The trail turned out to be very deep - to several marriages.
  • There is not the slightest trace left at the place of the fall - in the near future the girl will be alone.
  • There is a snowy hill at the site of the fall - caution should be exercised, as troubles and danger are expected next year.

Christmas fortune telling is an interesting pastime, but it should be remembered that a person’s fate is in his hands.

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Fortune telling Catholic Christmas, which is celebrated on December 25, is usually reduced to a “culinary” meaning. Usually, in every Catholic family Some national dish is prepared and fortune tellers try to find out their future by its appearance and taste.

When it comes to choosing fortune-telling for long winter evenings, literary or electronic sources most often offer all sorts of rituals directly related to the past Slavic peoples, ancient customs and traditions of our ancestors, which were used on the eve of Holy Christmas.

In most cases, these are so-called Orthodox fortune-telling on Christmas night. However, even the smallest ones know them all: fortune telling by shadows, with a shoe, with mirrors, etc. Another thing is Catholic fortune telling, which came to us from Catholic tradition.

How to tell fortunes on Catholic Christmas

Of course, every nation has its own set of rituals, rites and traditions, directly based on the history, faith and culture of the people who make it up. This happens with nations whose main religion is Catholicism.

Representatives of these social groups have customs that are unusual to our eyes, strange beliefs and original fortune-telling practices, which can be used by everyone during the winter holidays, regardless of their religious affiliation.

However, you should take into account the fact that if you decide to tell fortunes within the framework of the Catholic tradition, then you should not do this on the eve of Orthodox celebration Nativity of Christ, and strictly on the night of December 24-25.

Since these rituals have been practiced exclusively at this point in time for centuries, it is more logical to use the power they have accumulated directly during this period of the year. Then the reliability of the fortune telling readings will be higher, and the result will appear clearer and clearer for the fortuneteller.


The second option for using Christmas fortune-telling is Christmastide, which refers to the holy days (and nights) between Christmas itself (celebrated on December 25th) and the next important holiday - Epiphany (now falling on January 6th).

Often, traditional Catholic fortune-telling on the night before Christmas is based on the gastronomic traditions of the nation within which they are carried out.

Simply put, if in Germany the traditional Christmas dish is baked carp, then it is customary to guess on the remains of the fish after the celebration, but if in Hungary they prefer to serve lamb as a festive dish, then after the feast they tell fortunes on the bones of the lamb.

Of course, such variations of fortune-telling objects arose in ancient times, when the festive table was set both as a dish, and as entertainment, and as an occasion for communication.

Therefore, when choosing one of these fortune-telling practices, you will also have to master the traditional cuisine of the people who gave this fortune-telling to the world. In other words, the penetration into the culture will be maximum.

Fortune telling for Catholic Christmas

The principle of all fortune telling is standard and boils down to finding out your own future by receiving information about it from indirect sources.

Orthodox fortune telling and Catholic fortune telling have a common basis. They strive to provide the fortuneteller with maximum information about what worries him or what will happen to him in the next year.

The following methods are used to clarify these facts.

Looking into an icy hole

One of the methods of fortune telling for people with strong nerves. It assumes the following algorithm of actions:

  • On Christmas night, take a candle with you and go to the river (the river should be covered with a layer of strong ice).
  • Find or make an ice hole by placing a candle on its edge.
  • Bend over the ice hole and peer intently into the water turning black under the ice.
  • Water spirits are obliged to festive night show in the hole, as in a screen, the future of the fortuneteller.

True, to see this, you need to look very closely into the water.

The interpretation of such fortune telling is, as a rule, primitive and intuitively understandable to everyone.

For example:

  • if a wreath, ring or married couple- to be married next year,
  • if a specific man is visible, this is the betrothed, if the woman is a friend or, on the contrary, a rival (depending on the context),
  • symbols such as a cross, fire or coffin do not bode well,
  • if plants or trees are visible, this promises fertility and prosperity.

Catholic fortune telling by apple

And here is a similar to Orthodox fortune-telling by passers-by, whose result depends on who appears on the street during the ritual. But Catholics prefer to perform this ritual with the fruits of fruit trees, such as apples. The ceremony is carried out as follows:

A girl goes out on Christmas night to the porch of her house (outside, to the entrance) with an apple in her hand. Be sure to go out alone, without a support group and empathetic parties (this may affect the result).

Stopping on the porch, she must take her red apple and eat it.

While eating the fruit, you should watch the street. If a man appears on at least one of her sides (even if it’s far away), then you should count on marriage next year.

If an individual of the opposite sex is not noticeably in sight, then he will have to stay in the girls for another year.

A good fortune telling for Christmas night - with sweets that are baked independently by the hostess of the house receiving guests.

While baking, a woman should put something with meaning in every gingerbread, pie or candy:

  • a lot of sugar or a piece of chocolate - to the sweet life,
  • raisins - for adventure,
  • salt - to tears,
  • a coin - to wealth, etc.

During the feast, each of the guests must independently choose their own treat and, along with it, their fate for the future. next year. Whoever chooses what, so be it.

Since this fortune-telling directly depends on the imagination of the hostess of the home, she may well add only favorable “fillings” to her gifts, promising goodness, happiness and joy, so that each guest has a positive attitude for the coming year.

Catholic fortune telling on carp scales

It is not for nothing that the Germans prefer to eat fish at Christmas, especially from the carp family. These representatives of scaly animals can serve not only as a tasty main dish on the table, but also as a good source for fortune telling on Christmas night.

All other scales, except those borrowed for financial purposes, can also be useful. It needs to be dried well in the sun, laid out all as it is on clean white sheets of paper. After two days, you should turn to the stored scales.

If they curl, turn gray and begin to look bad, or even smell bad, then the year will be sad, difficult and contradictory. If there are a lot of black scales, then big changes are coming, and even troubles, you need to be prepared for them.

It’s a different matter if the scales remained clean and smooth, were slightly warped and hardly changed color. This means a good year, without changes and difficulties.

Carp can also be useful as a harbinger of future children. It is enough to take a little fresh scale in your hand and, having unclenched it, lower it under a small stream of water, repeating to yourself three times something like:

“I want to know how many children I will have.”

By how many scales stick to the hand, you can determine how many offspring to expect during life.

How to tell fortunes according to Orthodox traditions

Christmas fortune-telling takes place during the yuletide period. Christmastide is a two-week period of winter holidays. They begin on Christmas Eve, which falls on January 6, and end on January 19, i.e. for Epiphany. Fortune telling during this period is considered the most plausible.

During the Christmas and Yule fortune-telling season, you can find only the best in all predictions. Fortune telling using coffee grounds and fortune telling for love are especially popular at Christmas. If the results of any fortune telling do not suit you, you should not pay attention to it, as you may set yourself up negatively for the next year. Let's look at some of the most popular fortune telling during the Christmastide period. I hope they will reveal the whole truth to you and bring only positive emotions.

Christmas fortune telling by barking dogs

Christmas fortune telling by barking dogs will help tell you about your future spouse. For this fortune telling, you must pick up a knife at midnight and go outside. Outside, go to the nearest snowdrift and start cutting the snow. At the same time, say the following words: “Damn don’t be silent, damn tell me what kind of husband I’ll get, will I have to cry or laugh?” After you say the words, listen to the dog barking. If you hear a jerky and angry bark, it means that your husband will be gloomy and strict. If you hear a loud and “cheerful” dog barking, it means your husband will be kind and cheerful. If you hear a dog howling, this is not good. The howl indicates that your marriage will not last long, and your wife may become a widow.

Christmas fortune telling by candles (on wax)

Christmas fortune telling with wax is done as follows. It is necessary to take the remaining wax or paraffin from candles (only white, multi-colored and holiday candles will not work). Place the wax in a metal bowl, quickly melt over high heat and immediately pour into cold water. The figure that is formed during these actions will tell you about the future. Christmas fortune telling is preceded by fortune telling for the New Year.

Interpretation of figures

  • If you saw a house, this means that in the near future you will have a new household; for a girl, this is primarily a groom.
  • If the figure is shapeless, this means a bad future.
  • A cave or pit is one of the most undesirable figures, because... it symbolizes a burial place; it foretells the coming death or serious illness.
  • Tree - there are several interpretations of this figure. If the branches are directed upward, this means immediate joy, if downward, this means boredom, melancholy and sadness.
  • A candle or ring - predicts an imminent wedding.
  • If a pancake fell to the bottom, it means, on the contrary, a long-lasting girlhood.

Christmas fortune telling with milk and wax

This Christmas fortune telling is done in this way. You need to pour milk into a saucer, then place it on the threshold. Next, you need to take the remains of the candles (wax), melt them on the fire, while saying the words “My brownie master, come to my doorstep, drink milk, eat wax.” After pronouncing the last word, immediately pour the melted wax into the milk and take a closer look at what kind of figure you get.

  • The cross is a sign of an upcoming illness. If the edges of the cross are not clear, blurry, this means that soon you will face many small troubles that will affect all aspects of your life.
  • A blossoming flower - within a year you will get married.
  • Any animal - your ill-wisher has appeared among your surroundings.
  • Small stars mean good luck at work.
  • Stripes - most often this is some kind of move, be it a trip, a business trip or any other trip.
  • A human figure means that you will soon have a new friend.

Christmas fortune telling by shadow

Fortune telling for Christmas by shadow is very easy. You need to take a sheet of newspaper and crumple it well. Just don't roll it too tightly into a ball. After you have crushed it well, place the newspapers on a plate and set it on fire. After the paper has completely burned, place a candle next to the plate and light it in complete darkness. Pay attention to the shadow on the wall that will result from the burnt paper. A figure that will appear and indicate the answer to you. The figures are similar to wax divinations.

Christmas fortune telling by hair

Christmas fortune telling by shadow is performed at midnight. At this time of day, you need to pour water into a bowl and add a little salt, then a little sugar and a little salt again. After which, the liquid needs to be thoroughly mixed, and when the water stops and stops swaying, you need to throw a few hairs into it, pull the first hair from your head, and the second from the head of your loved one. Leave the bowl with water and hair until the morning. If your hair is intertwined with each other, then you will soon have a wedding. If the hairs are distant from each other, it means that separation is very close. If one of the hairs drowns, this means a serious illness or even death of the owner of the hair.

Fortune telling for Christmas by ring

To tell fortunes for Christmas using a ring, you need to take the simplest glass with smooth walls. There should be no different patterns or polishing on it. Pour water into it three-quarters of the volume, then carefully lower the wedding ring into the middle of the bottom. The ring must first be cleaned. If you look long and closely at the middle of the ring, you can see your future groom. It is important to remember that in order to see the image, you need to peer at the ring for a very long time.

Christmas fortune telling by log

Christmas log fortune telling will show you what your future husband will be like. To do this, go into a wooden shed, close the door so that it becomes dark. Then take out one log at random and return home. Already at home, carefully examine the log. Whatever the log is, that’s how your husband will be.

Fortune telling for Christmas using a log

  • If the log is even and the bark is thin and smooth, it means that the husband will be young and handsome.
  • If the bark is thick and rough, the husband will not be very handsome.
  • If the bark is torn off in places or is missing altogether, it means that the husband will be poor.
  • If the log is cracked, it means the husband will be old and decrepit.
  • If the log is large, the husband will be strong and strong.
  • If there are a lot of knots on a log, it means that you will have many children. Every bitch is a child.

If you don’t have a log on hand, you can replace it with any tree in the forest, park or square. To do this, blindfold yourself, ask someone you know to promote you, and then you can send you in search of your tree. The characteristics that the tree will have will similarly characterize your future spouse, as will the interpretations for the log.

Fortune telling for Christmas is a long-standing tradition of the Russian people. There is no need to be alienated or afraid of Christmas fortune-telling. Fortune telling does not require much effort or knowledge, and is accessible to absolutely everyone. After Christmas, Christmas fortune-telling begins, which lasts 12 days from January 7 to January 19.

The most faithful rituals from different countries

There are a great many ways of divination. Czechs tell fortunes by apples, the British hug firewood, and the Greeks, to predict the birth of a child, are blindfolded and brandishing a knife. But the most original fortune-telling ritual - erotic - was invented by our great-grandmothers: lifting up their skirts, they went to the barn at midnight...

The New Year has arrived, opening the doors to a series of mysterious winter holidays. The holidays, which begin on Christmas Eve, have long been considered the best time for fortune telling and divination. These days, pagan and Christian rituals are intricately intertwined, making those who hope to look into their future tremble. Around Christmas, throughout the Christian world, even notorious careerists and respectable businessmen turn into timid “grooms” and “brides” and, holding their breath, like many centuries ago, take off their crosses and belts and “get into mischief” with evil spirits...

    Each country has its own favorite methods of telling fortunes: for betrothed ones, for the birth of a child, for success and wealth in the coming year.

    In England, after dark, a girl would go to the woodpile and bring home an armful of firewood. In the morning they were counted: if the number turned out to be even, the wedding was to be celebrated in the coming year; if it was odd, it was postponed. In Russia, fortune telling is very similar - at midnight they approach a plank fence and, with their arms outstretched, try to cover as many boards as possible. If there is an even number of pieces of wood “in the embrace,” there will be a wedding.

    And here’s how guys in Norway wonder about their future wife. On Christmas Eve, the fortuneteller is locked in a dark room, blindfolded with a scarf. Late in the evening he is taken out and seated at a table on which there are 3 cups - beer, milk and water. After this, the eyes are untied and he is left alone.

    The young man casts a spell, like the Russian “Betrothed, show yourself to me!” if everything is done correctly, after a while a rustling and crackling sound is heard, which becomes increasingly louder. The house begins to shake, and even the yard can be seen through the “dancing” logs. Soon the betrothed appears. She takes the cup, drinks from it, and then disappears. If a girl drank beer, it means family life will be successful, and there will be great wealth in the house. If there is milk, then the income will be average, but if it is water, then the young people will have a difficult life.

    In the Czech Republic, it is customary to tell fortunes with apples. After Christmas dinner, the apples are cut crosswise, and if the correct seeded star is inside, the coming year will be a happy one.
    And in order to find out whether the feelings of the heart are mutual, an ancient Czech custom prescribes choosing the most appetizing apple and treating the object of your passion with it. If a lover or beloved eats this apple to the core, you can count on reciprocal feelings, eat it along with the middle - be young together. Well, if he refuses, doesn’t eat enough, or worse, gives the apple to someone else, he doesn’t love and won’t love.

    For Bulgarians, the surest way to get an answer to any question is to ask a book. It's simple: you think about a wish, a page number, a paragraph and a line - that's where the prediction is stored. If the answer is not direct, then everyone can interpret it according to their own understanding.

    This is how they try to predict the birth of a child in Greece. Take a pie or cheesecake and place it in the center of the table. The fortuneteller is blindfolded and given a knife with a wooden handle - let him cut the cake. If the knife touches the middle of the pie - in the coming year you can expect the birth or conception of a boy, the edge - the child will not appear soon and will be a girl, will fall on the tablecloth - it is useless to expect children in the coming years.

    But the most “come true” fortune-telling is, of course, our original Russian ones.

    In the Pskov province, for example, water was poured into a saucer or shallow bowl and taken out to the red porch for the entire Christmas night. In the morning they looked at it: the ice rose up - the year will be good, the ice froze - the year will be calm, the ice froze in waves - there will be both grief and happiness; and if the water freezes like a hole, the year will be bad.

    Fortune telling for men: give the girl you like a kitchen towel, a pie, a salt shaker and a knife. Let her somehow stack everything one on top of the other and walk through the threshold. If the salt doesn’t spill out, the knife doesn’t wobble, and the towel doesn’t come loose – grab it: in front of you is an extremely valuable specimen that needs to be taken. You will be lucky with your wife!
    Those who want to find out whether the year will be rich need to prepare forty blank identical pieces of paper. On twenty of them you should draw banknotes, all of which you know. All pieces of paper are rolled up into tubes and dropped into a deep hat or bag. Having conceived something for which money is required, with eyes closed The fortuneteller mixes the pieces of paper and tries to grab as many of them into a handful as possible. Then he opens his eyes and counts: what is more - empty pieces of paper or with banknotes. The ratio will indicate what the upcoming financial year will be like.

    For girls who want to tell fortunes in a non-trivial way, “erotic” is suitable Christmas fortune telling. IN ancient times our great-grandmothers, lifting up their skirts, stuck their naked bottoms out the barn window and spoke. “Betrothed-mummer, pet me.” If it seemed that a furry paw had grabbed it, the girl should become the wife or mistress of a rich man. If you stroke with a bare hand, then everything in bed will be smooth and loving. Well, if someone slaps, pinches or scratches - they interpreted it, their imagination suggested.

    The bathhouse, a refuge for demons, is also an excellent place for predictions and divination. Here it is customary to tell fortunes with two mirrors by candlelight: in the depths of the reflected “corridor” of candles a narrowed one should appear. Fortune telling on crumpled and burnt paper is also welcome here, the shadow of which will show what to expect from the coming year. This is how you can tell fortunes in a city apartment, preferably in the kitchen, with nine lit candles.

    But the easiest way to find out your future on Christmas Eve is to simply go to bed early. Dreams these days are the most prophetic.

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The brightest holiday of the Nativity of Christ is not only one of the most significant Christian holidays, but also a truly magical time during which you can tell fortunes about the events of the coming year.

Personal life, well-being, health - these and many other areas human life are important for each of us, and how many questions may arise about this - so many options for fortune-telling exist to obtain answers. Let's look at the most truthful, interesting and popular ones in order. types of fortune telling for Christmas, and for your convenience, they will be sorted by who or what they are telling fortunes about and with what items.

Christmas fortune telling for your betrothed

The most popular type of fortune telling, every girl resorts to one version or another at least once in her life, regardless of whether the result is taken as a joke or seriously. So, how can you tell fortunes for your betrothed for Christmas at home?

Using a mirror

Since ancient times, only the bravest girls have used mirrors during fortune telling. The reason for this was not only the relatively high price of such an accessory in the old days, but also its mystical aura, based on many beliefs. And these beliefs promised severe retribution for inattention and sluggishness during fortune telling - the betrothed seen in the mirror could harm the fortuneteller.

However, this did not keep the girls, trembling with fear, from the temptation to see their future lover. And if you are not a timid person, you can also try your luck and try to see your betrothed.


For the first option, you will need 2 mirrors without flaws (one larger, the other smaller), 2 white candles, a piece of red natural fabric (wool, silk, cotton or linen) or a red tablecloth, a new box of matches. It is better to tell fortunes in a non-residential space (attic, outbuilding, garage), and if you have to use a living room for this, then during fortune telling you should be completely alone.

On the night of January 6-7, lay a cloth (tablecloth) on a table or any other sufficiently spacious horizontal surface. Then place the mirrors opposite each other so that the larger mirror is with its reflective surface facing you and away from you, and the smaller one is closer to you, but “face to face” with the larger mirror. In this way, the effect of multiple reflection is achieved - the so-called mirror corridor.

At the end of this corridor you will see the betrothed one or a thing or event associated with him. In the same way, you can look for answers to other questions not related to your personal life.

Place a candle on both sides of the mirrors, then light them with one match. Unwind your hair, remove your belt, chain and other enclosed items (bracelet, watch, headband, etc.). Pectoral cross, if you wear it, you also need to remove it. Ideally, you should be naked during fortune telling, but if for some reason this is not possible, comfortable and spacious clothing is sufficient.

There should be no other sources of lighting in the room other than lit candles. Sit in front of the mirrors so that you can see the mirror corridor mentioned above in the larger one. Focus on your desire to see your betrothed and look carefully down the corridor.

As a rule, before the images that answer your question appear, the candles begin to crackle or their flames dim, and the surface of the mirror may also become cloudy. As soon as you get an answer to your question, say “Get out of this place!” and place one of the mirrors with the reflective side down so that the mirror corridor disappears.


The second option of fortune telling for your betrothed will also require considerable courage from you. To do this you will need a mirror as possible larger size, but which you can carry without much discomfort. With this mirror you will have to go out to a deserted intersection at midnight from January 6 to 7.

The intersection can be anything - pedestrian or vehicular (choose country roads, where no one drives at night). The ideal option is the crossroads of 5 roads, the so-called witch's crossroads - this place has special power, thanks to which you will be able to get the most accurate and reliable answer.

When you arrive at the place, draw a vicious circle around yourself, you can just do it on the ground or in the snow with a stick. After this, stand in the center of the circle, pick up a mirror and hold it at eye level so that you can see not only your reflection, but also the space behind you, always from one of the roads (paths) of the intersection. Focus on your desire to see your betrothed and say, “Mummer-betrothed, come to me along the path and along the white snowball!”

After some time, you may hear strange sounds and creaking snow, regardless of its actual presence. At this moment, the betrothed should appear in the reflection of the mirror behind you and head towards you.

It’s not customary to look at a reflection for a long time, so as soon as you remember the image of your future spouse, say “Keep me out of this place!” and turn the mirror away from you. Return home without looking back and in silence.

The third option of fortune telling is the simplest, and for it you will need a mirror, a glass of water and 3 candles. Place a mirror on the table, in front of it is a crystal glass of water (if this is not available, then a glass glass will do), around which, on three sides, you place candles.

Candles should be the only source of lighting in the room, and white wine can be used instead of water.

After this, light the candles and, concentrating on your desire to see your betrothed, look at the mirror through the glass. At first you will not see anything, but after some time, images - silhouettes, faces or objects - will begin to appear in the reflection of the sparkling glass on the surface of the mirror. In them you will find a hint as to who your future spouse will be.

There are faster and simple fortune telling on the betrothed or future personal life, during which a mirror is used.

For example, if the weather is clear on Christmas Day and the moon is visible, you can go outside with a mirror and catch its reflection. Once you start looking closely at it, after some time you can see not just one month, but several. How many such reflections of the heavenly body there will be - so many people will live in the house of the future husband.

Guessing on cards

Cards are a popular tool for everyday fortune telling, but at Christmas you have the opportunity to get the most accurate answer to your question regarding your personal life. At the same time, it is not necessary to buy Tarot cards for this, because an ordinary deck of cards that has never been played will also work.

So, if you have several suitors and you want to know which one to give preference to, then card fortune telling will help you find out their feelings and the prospects for your relationship. To do this, select 4 jacks from the deck, assign each of them a specific name young man, then shuffle thoroughly and place them face down on the table side by side.

Shuffle the remaining 32 cards in the deck and divide them into 4 equal piles and distribute them from left to right. After this, each stack must be laid out sequentially under each of the jacks.

The contents of each pile represent the prospects for your relationship. It should be interpreted first according to the dominant suit, and then consider the meanings of specific cards.

So, first you need to determine the dominant suits in each of the piles - this will mean the general trend of the relationship and what will become their key characteristic. So, hearts represent love and sincere feelings, spades represent the presence of children, clubs represent constant quarrels and suffering, and diamonds represent material wealth. Based on this general characteristic, you can remove a jack that does not suit you from fortune telling, along with a stack of cards corresponding to it.

After that, you select the three remaining jacks, shuffle them and place them on the table. You collect the cards that correspond to them, also shuffle them, divide them into three piles and lay them out according to the principle described above. Next, study the prospects and remove the least attractive jack. Repeat the procedure with the two remaining candidates for your hand and heart.

After completing the layout for two jacks, you choose the more attractive one and look at which cards are in his pile. Below are the meanings of the cards of each suit, but remember that in this layout each of them is independent and is not interpreted in combination with others.


· 6 - useless crossings, a road that does not bring results;

· 7 - problems in the “state house” - a state institution;

· 8 - pipe dreams, building so-called castles in the air;

· 9 - small gifts and tokens of attention;

· 10 - unexpected cash profit;

· lady - the presence in your general environment of an intriguing woman who does not treat you very well;

· king - during a relationship with this person you will have a married admirer;

· ace - you will have an ill-wisher who can harm you.


· 6 - short but memorable trip;

· 7 - a calm life without any special reasons for sadness;

· 8 - happy life and promising future;

· 9 is a person who will completely satisfy your desire to be loved;

· 10 - unexpected good news, minor surprises;

· lady - you will have a rival;

· king - passionate, emotional relationships;

· ace - it’s better to start this relationship with romantic correspondence.


· 6 - you shouldn’t travel far, an accident is possible;

· 7 - a random word can cause a major quarrel, so it is better to be more restrained in these relationships;

· 8 - there are no feelings between you and this person and it is possible that he has been cheating on you for a long time;

· 9 - treason, betrayal or unworthy act of someone whom you considered your support and closest person;

· 10 - a serious illness, but you will overcome it without complications and consequences;

· lady - there is a gossip in your circle who is spreading bad rumors about you;

· king - you have an ill-wisher, so be careful in your actions and words;

· ace - think carefully about your choice, as rash actions will bring you serious trouble.


· 6 - pleasant travels that bring long-awaited rest;

· 7 - betrayal is possible, and your behavior will cause it;

· 8 - difficult relationships, uncontrolled aggression towards you;

· 9 - the emergence of unexpected obstacles, but at the same time completely surmountable;

· 10 - a gift or news awaits you that will impress you;

· lady - you will have a rebel friend who lives by her own rules;

· king - you will have a lover;

· ace - unexpected news from afar.

Made from January 6 to 7, this layout is true for 1 year - until next Christmas.

There is also a quick option for telling fortunes about your betrothed using cards. To do this you need to take four kings and put them under your pillow. When going to bed on the night of January 6-7, say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream about him in my dreams.”

By which of the kings of your deck the dreamed person will resemble, you can judge your future spouse. Moreover, the similarity can be not only in the appearance of the person himself, but also in his clothes and facial expression - focus on characteristic features kings of your deck.

If you dream about the king of hearts, your lover will be young and with money, the king of spades means a jealous husband with a significant age difference, the king of diamonds means marriage for mutual love and life in complete harmony, while the king of clubs foreshadows family life with a businessman or military man.

We use available materials

Many Fortune telling for Christmas at home For the betrothed, they suggest using various available materials - rings, needles, sugar, salt, and so on. Let's look at the most truthful and popular of them.

Take a bunch of twigs from a used broom and weave them into a symbolic bridge, placing it on a bowl of water. Place the bowl with the bridge under your bed, and when you go to bed on the night of January 6-7, say: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, will take me across the bridge.” If in a dream a man leads you across a bridge, take a closer look at him, your future spouse will look like him.

On Christmas Eve, go outside and go to your neighbors' windows. If you hear laughter and a joyful conversation, your betrothed will be a cheerful person with a light disposition, but if you hear a quarrel, you risk marrying a jealous and quarrelsome person.

If there is a lot of snow on Christmas, you can also use it for fortune telling. To do this, you need to take off your rings, chain, belt and any other surrounding objects, go to a snowdrift and lie down in it, without crossing your arms or legs. After this, you need to get up and leave without looking back.

In the morning, one can judge the future husband by the nature of the footprint left in the snowdrift. A jagged trail with a large number of cracks promises a stern and cruel husband, a smooth and soft trail promises a loving and kind husband, a very deep trail foretells several marriages, and if it is snowy before the morning, then family life will not come soon and it is too early to judge it.

You can also tell fortunes using a wedding ring (take it from your mother, married sister or friend), a glass of water and two candles. It is important that there are no edges, inscriptions or patterns on the bottom of the glass.

For fortune telling, you need to fill the dish ¾ full with water and place a pre-cleaned wedding ring on the bottom. Place lighted candles on the sides and look at the bottom of the glass through the ring. After some time, you may see the image of your future husband.

Fortune telling on Christmas night

Another popular type of divination, which includes a wide variety of options for using improvised objects to obtain symbolic answers and their subsequent interpretation.

Pouring wax

There are two basic variations of wax divination, with one performed in comfortable conditions rooms, and the second - on the porch, threshold or front door. Let's look at each of them in more detail.

For the first option, you will need a wax or stearin candle and a plate of water. You can tell fortunes either alone or in company, in any room of your home. Light the candle and wait until enough melted wax accumulates under the flame. After this, tilt the candle over the plate and pour wax until a pattern or figure is formed at its bottom. Take the frozen wax figurine out of the water and try to determine what you see in it.

It is also worth interpreting the resulting images, trusting your imagination and intuition. Whichever interpretation comes to mind first is the correct one.

Of course, it can be considered a great success if a figurine cast from wax clearly points to some object or living creature. But this does not happen often, so large figures should be interpreted according to their shape and the associations they evoke.

For example, a bag can mean unexpected profit or a gift, a fish - new acquaintances or pregnancy, a mountain - obstacles in achieving your goal. At the same time, these interpretations are not the only correct ones, because you may have other associations with the figures you see. But if you see a scattering of wax droplets at the bottom of the plate, it means prosperity in the coming year, and many small stars promise success in the future. business sphere or social activities.

For the second option, you will need a piece of wax or stearin and a saucer of milk. Take the wax melted in a spoon, place the saucer on the threshold or porch, say “Brownie, my master, come to the threshold to drink milk, eat wax!”, after which pour the wax into the milk and watch how it hardens.

During this fortune telling, not only the final figure in which the wax solidifies in milk matters, but also the intermediate forms that it takes before solidifying.

In the figure that the finally hardened wax will show you, look for a hint of the key event of the coming year, while intermediate forms indicate the circumstances of the formation of these events.

If we talk about interpretation, here you will also have to trust your imagination and intuition. Examples of the meaning of some figures:

· mushroom - physical health, material well-being or recovery from illness;

· bunch of grapes - good luck, a pleasant surprise or unexpected help in difficult times;

· bell - news, and the smoother and more beautiful the figure, the more pleasant the news will be;

· snake - the appearance of an ill-wisher or the machinations of an existing enemy;

· heart - support from loved ones, in some cases symbolizes health problems (cardiovascular system).

Sometimes it is not immediately possible to recognize a living creature, plant or object, and if a comprehensive examination of the figurine does not evoke any associations, try looking at its shadow.

To do this, light a candle or any other portable light source (flashlight, table lamp) and place the wax structure so that it casts a shadow on the wall. Rotate the figure slowly to achieve maximum full picture and the largest amount of information for interpretation.

Fortune telling on coffee grounds

People use coffee grounds to tell fortunes on the morning of January 7, combining fortune telling with the enjoyment of a morning cup of coffee. The prophetic drink is prepared from finely ground coffee, only by hand in a Turk or small saucepan, and it must be mixed thoroughly before pouring into cups.

While drinking the drink, you need to focus on your desire to find out the events of the coming year (if you are guessing alone) or discuss it with those who keep you company. When the coffee is drunk, the cup must be taken to right hand, cover it with the saucer with your left hand, then shake the coffee grounds in a wide circular motion and turn the cup upside down on the saucer to drain the remainder.

After 10-15 seconds, you need to remove the cup from the saucer and carefully examine the resulting pattern on their surface, formed by the smallest particles coffee grounds.

When recognizing and interpreting images, you will need to demonstrate associative thinking and imagination as much as possible, because different people in the same pattern can be seen different symbols. And in this case, what is important is what you see, so outside help is unlikely to be useful here.

It is necessary to examine the cup and saucer in a certain order, since different areas of the dishes correspond to different areas of life and time periods.

First, the sides of the cup are examined from top to bottom, and the symbols near the edge give a short-term prediction (will come true within a month), while those located closer to the bottom are responsible for the long-term forecast (will come true within a year). Patterns on the bottom of the cup warn of troubles or events that will require you to be careful. The symbols near the handle mean your condition at the moment or in the near future, and a panoramic examination of the walls of the cup from right to left of the handle will first show you what will soon leave your life, and from left to right - what will soon appear. If you can see the patterns on the saucer, they will give you clues about your past.

Let's look at the meaning of some symbols as an example. So, an ax without an ax promises you difficulties, a teapot (near the handle of a cup) - family well-being, while located closer to the bottom this symbol promises minor squabbles and domestic quarrels. A flower symbolizes the fulfillment of a cherished desire, straight lines - the achievement of set goals, a bee - receiving good news, a fish - good luck in all matters (on the walls) or a warning about the need for well-informed decisions (on the bottom of the cup).

Many small dots mean money, and one clear dot enhances the meaning of the symbol located next to it. A large, clean space (without coffee grounds) symbolizes a balanced state of mind. A vertical white stripe from the bottom to the very edge is a serious warning of danger, especially if located close to the handle.

As you can see, there are many symbols, and only a small part of them is listed above, but in general the process of interpreting them is a very interesting and exciting activity. So fortune telling on coffee grounds on Christmas morning is not only a way to find out your future, but also an excellent opportunity to have fun with your family or a group of friends over a cup of aromatic drink.

Subject divination

The most famous and in a simple way To tell fortunes about the events of the next year is to pull out objects at random. This option is best suited for a large company, each person in which gives some small item - a ring, a coin, a hairpin, a handkerchief, a mirror, candy, and so on.

All these items are put into a suitable headdress (cap or hat), or, alternatively, into a bag or box.

While placing an item in a hat, a person must publicly announce what exactly the item he has placed will symbolize for all fortune tellers. It is not prohibited to participate in fortune-telling of objects that are similar in form but differ in interpretation.

Further actions are simple - everyone takes turns taking out objects at random from a hat (bag, box) and judging by their nature the events awaiting them in the coming year. Despite the rather frivolous and entertaining nature of fortune telling itself, it has amazing accuracy and is perfect for friendly gatherings on Christmas night.

There is also a simpler variation of the divination described above. It requires only two items - paper and pen. All those present write on paper various phrases like “Prosperity awaits you,” “Be careful, you have an ill-wisher,” and so on, for each person - 3 leaves with a prediction on each.

All these strips are put into a hat or bag, mixed thoroughly, after which all fortune-telling participants take out 3 pieces of paper. It is believed that what is written on them will come true within a year.

We use candles

Candles are an indispensable auxiliary attribute of most fortune telling. At the same time, in some types of divination they are the main tool for looking into the future.

So, if you want to know what the coming year will be like, write the expected characteristics on strips of paper and fasten them one by one on the edge of a large bowl. Then pour water into this vessel and carefully lower onto its surface a small candle inserted into a nut shell or chicken egg. Whichever strip the candle lights is how the coming year will be for you.

Also on the night of January 6-7 (between 1:00 and 2:00) you can tell fortunes using a candle on general characteristics the coming year. For this purpose in
