Fortune telling for Elijah. Fortune telling of Elijah and decoding. To unpleasant situations, conversations

Events of the near future have always interested humanity; a sufficient number of types of fortune-telling have been invented over the past centuries, among them is the fortune-telling of Elijah. Where did this name come from, you ask? Elijah was a famous saint and prophet in Old Testament times, there were legends among people that the Lord God himself spoke through his lips, maybe this was the reason for the creation of this fortune telling...

Christmas fortune telling by Elijah with a complete decoding of the prophet’s 125 predictions.

Orthodox Saint Elijah and Slavic hero Ilya - what do they have in common?

Elijah revered the cult of Yahweh and therefore tried in every possible way to help spread it in Israel. According to other sources, Ilya was a hero of the myths of the ancient Slavs, whose image later merged with the image of a Christian saint.

Elijah was credited with great power, he could command thunder, and was the patron of good harvests and fertility. For his predictions of the future, he was persecuted by people whose predictions of the future, for various reasons, were not pleasing.

Incredibly, everything that this holy man predicted came true. Even after death, the glory of the saint did not lose its power and helps people look into the future. Saint Elijah will help everyone who turns to him to receive accurate fortune telling.

Hello. Tell me, please, is it a sin to guess at Christmas time? I really want to see my betrothed in a dream, but I’m afraid of the consequences. I believe.

Is it possible to hold Christmas and Christmas fortune telling at another time?

Hello. I really love the tradition of New Year, Christmas and Yuletide fortune-telling, and I can’t imagine the winter holidays without them. But in this.

Good day. I found a lot of interesting online fortune telling on your website. Please tell me, is online fortune telling true? I'm especially interested.

You can choose any day to perform this ritual, but the most better days Christmastide and August 2 (known as popular name Elijah's day).

The essence of fortune telling is quite simple:

  • Ilya’s predictions are written on 125 pieces of paper, which must be prepared in advance. Each prediction is written in a stylized folklore form. Each prediction has its own number;
  • On the sheets of paper you can write predictions in their entirety, or simply put down numbers;
  • The ritual must certainly be carried out in the company of people who know each other, among which one leader must be chosen;
  • Leaflets with predictions are placed in a vessel, from which they will then be drawn in random order by the participants;
  • After the group of people is ready, you need to turn to the Holy Spirit with the following words:
  • These words are repeated three times and only the leader speaks them;
  • Then each of the participants in turn pulls out 3 pieces of paper with numbers from the vessel;
  • When everything is ready, the predictions corresponding to each specific number are deciphered;
  • When performing this ritual, it is strictly forbidden to leave the room in which the ritual is performed, and in addition, you cannot laugh loudly, make noise and distort the meaning of the prophecies themselves.

Complete fortune telling by Elijah with decoding of the meanings of all numbers. You can download all 125 predictions with interpretations for printing here.

  • Number 1. The mother baked some pies and is waiting for suitors for her daughter. For an unmarried woman, this means that the wedding is coming soon and the groom will be a wealthy man. And for young man- a wealthy bride.
  • Number 2. The couple hurries to church, so that the ground is shaking. They wanted to get married, so they put on their best outfit. Wedding for love. For married people - a strong, happy life together.
  • Number 3. A man was walking out of the forest, carrying a backpack with fur. Wedding with a rich man. Marriage is not for love, but for convenience. Security in marriage.
  • Number 4. No matter how lazy I was, I cooked cabbage soup for my husband. Marriage with a loved one. A long marriage with one person.
  • Number 5. The shop is full of grooms, each more beautiful than the other. I chose the red shirt. Short-term romances, changing partners, attraction to the opposite sex.
  • Number 6. Roll the apples on the plate. One for a guy, one for a girl. Early marriage with a loved one. For married people, the early wedding of their children.
  • Number 7. Two Anyutkas and two Vanyutkas sat opposite each other. They admire and kiss. A successful marriage with a loved one, happiness in family life.
  • Number 8. Eggs rolled on the floor, guests flocked to the mansion. Festive feast, wedding feast.
  • Number 9. Well done blacksmith, forge a crown on your head. The betrothed will propose. For a guy, it’s a meeting with his bride.
  • Number 10. Two little doves are sitting peacefully on a pole. Strong love that will lead to a lasting marriage that will last a lifetime.
  • Number 11. A cart of goodness appeared - three pots of silver. You will be lucky three times in different areas: travel, personal life, career.
  • Number 12. There is a little gold in each stamen. Meeting with your betrothed, who is very rich. For a guy - a rich bride.
  • Number 13. I would have gone out into the street but not bought any pants. Loneliness.
  • Number 14. Knock and knock. Come back my dear friend. The speedy return of your loved one.
  • Number 15. Come quickly, my dear, I’ll soon go out to the garden. A long-awaited date.
  • Number 16. A pillow fell towards the gate, which means someone is waiting for me there. Wedding. The other half will appear soon. The beginning of a love relationship.
  • Number 17. The yeast was growing in the beer; you couldn’t keep it on the reins. An ill-considered quick wedding. Relatives are against marriage.
  • Number 18. There is a roar all over the tree. Scandal in the house. Family discord. Big quarrel.
  • Number 19. The kitty walked around the bench, rubbing her paws on it. She walked around, lay down, and hugged her sweetheart. Peace in the house. Harmony and mutual understanding. A wise wife who always compromises with her husband.
  • Number 20. A pike walks along the creek, and its tail drags along the shore. Return of the betrothed from a long journey.
  • Number 21. Vanyusha sat on the bench and stayed there to sleep. The betrothed will appear soon.
  • Number 22. The bed is narrow - two people can’t turn around. Lonely life. Bad luck in love.
  • Number 23. A little man sits in the corner, scratching his belly in the morning. Well-being. Peace and harmony in the house.
  • Number 24. The horses are fast, the horseshoes are like fire. The bells are ringing - they are telling you to get married. Desired marriage.
  • Number 25. There was mold on the pancakes, and the garden withered away without water. Lack of a partner. Loneliness.
  • Number 26. I sewed a shirt for my father and put it on a stranger. A wedding with a groom who is older in age but capable of caring.
  • Number 27. The hothouse is heating up, someone is in a hurry with a broom. Treason. A betrayal for which retribution will soon come.
  • Number 28. A heifer walks across the field, looking for her share in the field. You are not living with the person who could bring you happiness.
  • Number 29. I kneaded two sauerkrauts and invited the grooms. Several suitors. One of them will soon interest you the most.
  • Number 30. I sit and cry bitterly, soon my dear will pay for everything. Loneliness. Bitter relationship.
  • Number 31. Harness a gray filly, choose a beautiful girl. Quick marriage.
  • Number 32. The falcon flapped its wings, and that was all they saw. Your partner's betrayal will be revealed, but you will be glad about it.
  • Number 33. There are many stars in the sky, many girls in the world, many tears have been shed on the pillow. Resentment. Tears. Get rid of the victim image.
  • Number 34. Two dogs bark loudly and are not allowed home. A mistress who has invaded your married life.
  • Number 35. The flies are flapping their wings and making porridge. Showdown. Argument.
  • Number 36. A sleigh covered with carpets is flying. Soon marriage.
  • Number 37. They took the crowbars and shovels and left the hut. Someone close to you will become very ill.
  • Number 38. The old woman's hands are busy, the child is sitting on them. Illness of a relative.
  • Number 39. The canvas is woven invisibly, the mortal creature sneaks towards the house. (Death, serious illness. Be careful).
  • Number 40. Vanya walked from the forge and lost himself along the street. (Alcohol addiction. Addiction).
  • Number 41. Pine coffin, nail in a horseshoe. (Fatal disease).
  • Number 42. The white birch tree rustled with its branches and put on a green outfit. (Soon recovery from illness).
  • Number 43. The sparrow sits, cleans its beak, and will soon fly away. (Serious illness, illness).
  • Number 44. The man has a shirt without a single button. (Craving for alcohol, you need to abstain from drinking alcohol).
  • Number 45. The door in the hut creaked, the disease was no longer under control. (The child gets sick).
  • Number 46. The wooden bench is covered with white linen. (To an imminent illness).
  • Number 47. Around the corner of the house - the house is ready. (Death).
  • Number 48. Full of sixteen stretched intestines. (You'll get sick soon).
  • Number 49. A white cow came out into the field and fell. (To ailments).
  • Number 50. The timber from the ceiling broke and fell. They tried to correct it with three axes, but they did not correct it. (Death. Grief).
  • Number 51. They bake pies and row with shovels. (Serious illness, perhaps even death).
  • Number 52. A sled is riding, with two dogs harnessed to it. And the daughters are dressed up in the sleigh. (Death of someone close).
  • Number 53. They threw a pad through the gate, aimed it into the mud, and it fell into gold and silver. Rich, prosperous life.
  • Number 54. Seven of us are wearing only pants. Poverty.
  • Number 55. They were waiting for one cow from the field, but she came with her offspring. Unexpected financial assistance. Money.
  • Number 56. A cockroach crawled from the window and brought a whole basket of bread. Promotion. Receiving an inheritance.
  • Number 57. Ponies are running across the field, horseshoes are shining with gold, bells are ringing. Great wealth in the house.
  • Number 58. While the coffin was being dragged, the sleigh fell apart. The upcoming lack of money. Be frugal, otherwise you will go broke.
  • Number 59. A cockroach sits on a rubble, holding a washcloth in his hands. Life without excesses.
  • Number 60. Ilya walked around the world, counting his fields. I counted and counted, but didn’t count. Big money. Favor of the authorities. Promotion.
  • Number 61. The chicken was rummaging under the window and dug up a golden basket. Cash profit. Winning the lottery.
  • Number 62. I started a small batch of sauerkraut, but there was not enough dough in it. Immediate poverty. No financial receipts are expected.
  • Number 63. The dough was kneaded, the pies were baked and there was still some left over. Rich life.
  • Number 64. The blacksmith forged a gold crown. Fight for victory. A successful career.
  • Number 65. A little cow walked through the spruce forest and brought the calf to Monday. The appearance of the long-awaited offspring. Prosperity.
  • Number 66. The field is a harrow, I don’t let the crows in. Receiving unexpected profits.
  • Number 67. Seven boxes and each with a spool. Repayment of old debt. Wealth.
  • Number 68. The blacksmith is no stranger, a hundred rubles stick out from each patch. The appearance of a rich companion.
  • Number 69. The sparrow flew by and lost a hundred rubles. Winning.
  • Number 70. The sea pike has a golden tail. Cash winnings. Fortune will smile on you.
  • Number 71. I started the dough a little, and woke up - the tub was full. Unplanned, unexpected profit.
  • Number 72. An old woman walks around, taps her crutch, and asks for money. Poor life. Material instability.
  • Number 73. I’m walking around the yard, counting cattle, and I’m missing my fingers. Cash reward.
  • Number 74. The two of us went to the bathhouse to take a steam bath, but we didn’t think that a third one would appear. Pregnancy. To the children. Unexpected profit from relatives.
  • Number 75. Unexpectedly, out of the blue, I struck gold. Rich life. You will not know deprivation and poverty.
  • Number 76. The sleigh is standing by the porch, the bells are ringing, they want to go into the distance. A quick trip. Road.
  • Number 77. On every street the tangle is unwound. Traveling with friends.
  • Number 78. Arina was beating out the feather bed, fluff and feathers were flying, they wanted to visit. Moving to a new place.
  • Number 79. The sleds are greased, the runners are shiny, they want to roll. Have a nice trip. Smooth road.
  • Number 80. I walk and walk, but the road only gets longer. Long journey. Delay on the way.
  • Number 81. Arina was weaving canvas, and a sparrow dropped a hundred rubles on it. The appearance of unexpected money for travel.
  • Number 82. Shurka hid in the kennel, but the dog kicked her out and barked. Gossip. Backbiting. Enemies interfere with your plans.
  • Number 83. The dog's tongue curls, but his mouth never closes. Rumors and gossip spread about you. Don't pay any attention to them.
  • Number 84. I went to the bathhouse, but forgot to get dressed. Unpleasant rumors. Evil tongues that will undermine your authority.
  • Number 85. They kneaded the dough, but forgot to keep an eye on it. Minor domestic quarrels.
  • Number 86. A little cow walked through the streets and completely polluted them all. Enemies are plotting, beware.
  • Number 87. A man took a gun into the forest, but it was not loaded. Empty troubles. The futility of the work started.
  • Number 88. The goat went to the garden, but there was no cabbage. Trouble from people you know.
  • Number 89. I bought a hundred bags, but there weren’t enough roots for them. The dream will not come true. Empty hopes.
  • Number 90. Three boards were buried in the sand. A stranger will bring bad news.
  • Number 91. She didn’t finish sewing and put the sewing aside. Lack of self-confidence.
  • Number 92. The kittens played in the hut. Petty quarrels between friends. Make peace with them first.
  • Number 93. They cut down a birch tree and boiled tar. Gossip is against you personally.
  • Number 94. Wooden legs do not bend at the knees, but break. Your authority will be undermined. Show restraint, circumstances are against you.
  • Number 95. The cricket is looking for a warm pole. Changes.
  • Number 96. Geese walk around the yard, nipping at your heels. Someone wants to disturb you.
  • Number 97. I harnessed the pop chicken and drove along the street. Minor quarrels. Troubles. Small material losses.
  • Number 98. The horses are hobbled, their hooves are worn to holes. Happiness was close, but passed by.
  • Number 99. I lie down in the trough and cry out for trouble. Bitter tears. You don't need to open your heart to everyone.
  • Number 100 The horses went out of the gate, but returned back. Deception of hopes. Empty promises.
  • Number 101. Cockerel, you are a cockerel, lock your voice. A betrayal that you won’t find out about right away.
  • Number 102. Don't knock your axes, I'll soon part with Vanya. A breakup, a break in a relationship, after which you will start your life again.
  • Number 103. The horse is running, but the hooves are all worn out, the groom is stubborn. The groom is older than the bride. Marriage of convenience.
  • Number 104. The horses are tied and hobbled, it is impossible for them to escape. A forced wedding, an arranged wedding. Marriage to someone you don't love.

Events of the near future have always interested humanity; a sufficient number of types of fortune-telling have been invented over the past centuries, among them is the fortune-telling of Elijah. Where did this name come from, you ask? Elijah was a famous saint and prophet in Old Testament times, there were legends among people that the Lord God himself spoke through his lips, maybe this was the reason for the creation of this fortune telling...

Christmas fortune telling by Elijah with a complete decoding of the prophet’s 125 predictions.

Orthodox Saint Elijah and Slavic hero Ilya - what do they have in common?

Elijah revered the cult of Yahweh and therefore tried in every possible way to help spread it in Israel. According to other sources, Ilya was a hero of the myths of the ancient Slavs, whose image later merged with the image of a Christian saint.

Elijah was credited with great power, he could command thunder, and was the patron of good harvests and fertility. For his predictions of the future, he was persecuted by people whose predictions of the future, for various reasons, were not pleasing.

Incredibly, everything that this holy man predicted came true. Even after death, the glory of the saint did not lose its power and helps people look into the future. Saint Elijah will help everyone who turns to him to receive accurate fortune telling.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Principles and rules of fortune telling

You can choose any day to perform this ritual, but the best days are considered to be Christmastide and August 2 (popularly known as Elijah’s Day).

The essence of fortune telling is quite simple:

  • Ilya’s predictions are written on 125 pieces of paper, which must be prepared in advance. Each prediction is written in a stylized folklore form. Each prediction has its own number;
  • On the sheets of paper you can write predictions in their entirety, or simply put down numbers;
  • The ritual must certainly be carried out in the company of people who know each other, among which one leader must be chosen;
  • Leaflets with predictions are placed in a vessel, from which they will then be drawn in random order by the participants;
  • After the group of people is ready, you need to turn to the Holy Spirit with the following words:

Elijah, Elijah!
Whatever happens to anyone will come true.
Who should be rich, who should get married.
Elijah, Elijah!

  • These words are repeated three times and only the leader speaks them;
  • Then each of the participants in turn pulls out 3 pieces of paper with numbers from the vessel;
  • When everything is ready, the predictions corresponding to each specific number are deciphered;
  • When performing this ritual, it is strictly forbidden to leave the room in which the ritual is performed, and in addition, you cannot laugh loudly, make noise and distort the meaning of the prophecies themselves.

Interpretation of the meaning of Elijah's prophecies

Complete fortune telling by Elijah with decoding of the meanings of all numbers. Download all 125 predictions with interpretations for printing.


  • Number 1. The mother baked some pies and is waiting for suitors for her daughter. For an unmarried woman, this means that the wedding is coming soon and the groom will be a wealthy man. And for a young man - a wealthy bride.
  • Number 2. The couple hurries to church, so that the ground is shaking. They wanted to get married, so they put on their best outfit. Wedding for love. For married people - a strong, happy life together.
  • Number 3. A man was walking out of the forest, carrying a backpack with fur. Wedding with a rich man. Marriage is not for love, but for convenience. Security in marriage.
  • Number 4. No matter how lazy I was, I cooked cabbage soup for my husband. Marriage with a loved one. A long marriage with one person.
  • Number 5. The shop is full of grooms, each more beautiful than the other. I chose the red shirt. Short-term romances, changing partners, attraction to the opposite sex.
  • Number 6. Roll the apples on the plate. One for a guy, one for a girl. Early marriage with a loved one. For married people, the early wedding of their children.
  • Number 7. Two Anyutkas and two Vanyutkas sat opposite each other. They admire and kiss. A successful marriage with a loved one, happiness in family life.
  • Number 8. Eggs rolled on the floor, guests flocked to the mansion. Festive feast, wedding feast.
  • Number 9. Well done blacksmith, forge a crown on your head. The betrothed will propose. For a guy, it’s a meeting with his bride.
  • Number 10. Two little doves are sitting peacefully on a pole. Strong love that will lead to a lasting marriage that will last a lifetime.
  • Number 11. A cart of goodness appeared - three pots of silver. You will be lucky three times in different areas: travel, personal life, career.
  • Number 12. There is a little gold in each stamen. Meeting with your betrothed, who is very rich. For a guy - a rich bride.
  • Number 13. I would have gone out into the street but not bought any pants. Loneliness.
  • Number 14. Knock and knock. Come back my dear friend. The speedy return of your loved one.
  • Number 15. Come quickly, my dear, I’ll soon go out to the garden. A long-awaited date.
  • Number 16. A pillow fell towards the gate, which means someone is waiting for me there. Wedding. The other half will appear soon. The beginning of a love relationship.
  • Number 17. The yeast was growing in the beer; you couldn’t keep it on the reins. An ill-considered quick wedding. Relatives are against marriage.
  • Number 18. There is a roar all over the tree. Scandal in the house. Family discord. Big quarrel.
  • Number 19. The kitty walked around the bench, rubbing her paws on it. She walked around, lay down, and hugged her sweetheart. Peace in the house. Harmony and mutual understanding. A wise wife who always compromises with her husband.
  • Number 20. A pike walks along the creek, and its tail drags along the shore. Return of the betrothed from a long journey.
  • Number 21. Vanyusha sat on the bench and stayed there to sleep. The betrothed will appear soon.
  • Number 22. The bed is narrow - two people can’t turn around. Lonely life. Bad luck in love.
  • Number 23. A little man sits in the corner, scratching his belly in the morning. Well-being. Peace and harmony in the house.
  • Number 24. The horses are fast, the horseshoes are like fire. The bells are ringing - they are telling you to get married. Desired marriage.
  • Number 25. There was mold on the pancakes, and the garden withered away without water. Lack of a partner. Loneliness.
  • Number 26. I sewed a shirt for my father and put it on a stranger. A wedding with a groom who is older in age but capable of caring.
  • Number 27. The hothouse is heating up, someone is in a hurry with a broom. Treason. A betrayal for which retribution will soon come.
  • Number 28. A heifer walks across the field, looking for her share in the field. You are not living with the person who could bring you happiness.
  • Number 29. I kneaded two sauerkrauts and invited the grooms. Several suitors. One of them will soon interest you the most.
  • Number 30. I sit and cry bitterly, soon my dear will pay for everything. Loneliness. Bitter relationship.
  • Number 31. Harness a gray filly, choose a beautiful girl. Quick marriage.
  • Number 32. The falcon flapped its wings, and that was all they saw. Your partner's betrayal will be revealed, but you will be glad about it.
  • Number 33. There are many stars in the sky, many girls in the world, many tears have been shed on the pillow. Resentment. Tears. Get rid of the victim image.
  • Number 34. Two dogs bark loudly and are not allowed home. A mistress who has invaded your married life.
  • Number 35. The flies are flapping their wings and making porridge. Showdown. Argument.
  • Number 36. A sleigh covered with carpets is flying. Soon marriage.


  • Number 37. They took the crowbars and shovels and left the hut. Someone close to you will become very ill.
  • Number 38. The old woman's hands are busy, the child is sitting on them. Illness of a relative.
  • Number 39. The canvas is woven invisibly, the mortal creature sneaks towards the house. (Death, serious illness. Be careful).
  • Number 40. Vanya walked from the forge and lost himself along the street. (Alcohol addiction. Addiction).
  • Number 41. Pine coffin, nail in a horseshoe. (Fatal disease).
  • Number 42. The white birch tree rustled with its branches and put on a green outfit. (Soon recovery from illness).
  • Number 43. The sparrow sits, cleans its beak, and will soon fly away. (Serious illness, illness).
  • Number 44. The man has a shirt without a single button. (Craving for alcohol, you need to abstain from drinking alcohol).
  • Number 45. The door in the hut creaked, the disease was no longer under control. (The child gets sick).
  • Number 46. The wooden bench is covered with white linen. (To an imminent illness).
  • Number 47. Around the corner of the house - the house is ready. (Death).
  • Number 48. Full of sixteen stretched intestines. (You'll get sick soon).
  • Number 49. A white cow came out into the field and fell. (To ailments).
  • Number 50. The timber from the ceiling broke and fell. They tried to correct it with three axes, but they did not correct it. (Death. Grief).
  • Number 51. They bake pies and row with shovels. (Serious illness, perhaps even death).
  • Number 52. A sled is riding, with two dogs harnessed to it. And the daughters are dressed up in the sleigh. (Death of someone close).

Material well-being

  • Number 53. They threw a pad through the gate, aimed it into the mud, and it fell into gold and silver. Rich, prosperous life.
  • Number 54. Seven of us are wearing only pants. Poverty.
  • Number 55. They were waiting for one cow from the field, but she came with her offspring. Unexpected financial assistance. Money.
  • Number 56. A cockroach crawled from the window and brought a whole basket of bread. Promotion. Receiving an inheritance.
  • Number 57. Ponies are running across the field, horseshoes are shining with gold, bells are ringing. Great wealth in the house.
  • Number 58. While the coffin was being dragged, the sleigh fell apart. The upcoming lack of money. Be frugal, otherwise you will go broke.
  • Number 59. A cockroach sits on a rubble, holding a washcloth in his hands. Life without excesses.
  • Number 60. Ilya walked around the world, counting his fields. I counted and counted, but didn’t count. Big money. Favor of the authorities. Promotion.
  • Number 61. The chicken was rummaging under the window and dug up a golden basket. Cash profit. Winning the lottery.
  • Number 62. I started a small batch of sauerkraut, but there was not enough dough in it. Immediate poverty. No financial receipts are expected.
  • Number 63. The dough was kneaded, the pies were baked and there was still some left over. Rich life.
  • Number 64. The blacksmith forged a gold crown. Fight for victory. A successful career.
  • Number 65. A little cow walked through the spruce forest and brought the calf to Monday. The appearance of the long-awaited offspring. Prosperity.
  • Number 66. The field is a harrow, I don’t let the crows in. Receiving unexpected profits.
  • Number 67. Seven boxes and each with a spool. Repayment of old debt. Wealth.
  • Number 68. The blacksmith is no stranger, a hundred rubles stick out from each patch. The appearance of a rich companion.
  • Number 69. The sparrow flew by and lost a hundred rubles. Winning.
  • Number 70. The sea pike has a golden tail. Cash winnings. Fortune will smile on you.
  • Number 71. I started the dough a little, and woke up - the tub was full. Unplanned, unexpected profit.
  • Number 72. An old woman walks around, taps her crutch, and asks for money. Poor life. Material instability.
  • Number 73. I’m walking around the yard, counting cattle, and I’m missing my fingers. Cash reward.
  • Number 74. The two of us went to the bathhouse to take a steam bath, but we didn’t think that a third one would appear. Pregnancy. To the children. Unexpected profit from relatives.
  • Number 75. Unexpectedly, out of the blue, I struck gold. Rich life. You will not know deprivation and poverty.


  • Number 76. The sleigh is standing by the porch, the bells are ringing, they want to go into the distance. A quick trip. Road.
  • Number 77. On every street the tangle is unwound. Traveling with friends.
  • Number 78. Arina was beating out the feather bed, fluff and feathers were flying, they wanted to visit. Moving to a new place.
  • Number 79. The sleds are greased, the runners are shiny, they want to roll. Have a nice trip. Smooth road.
  • Number 80. I walk and walk, but the road only gets longer. Long journey. Delay on the way.
  • Number 81. Arina was weaving canvas, and a sparrow dropped a hundred rubles on it. The appearance of unexpected money for travel.

To trouble

  • Number 82. Shurka hid in the kennel, but the dog kicked her out and barked. Gossip. Backbiting. Enemies interfere with your plans.
  • Number 83. The dog's tongue curls, but his mouth never closes. Rumors and gossip spread about you. Don't pay any attention to them.
  • Number 84. I went to the bathhouse, but forgot to get dressed. Unpleasant rumors. Evil tongues that will undermine your authority.
  • Number 85. They kneaded the dough, but forgot to keep an eye on it. Minor domestic quarrels.
  • Number 86. A little cow walked through the streets and completely polluted them all. Enemies are plotting, beware.
  • Number 87. A man took a gun into the forest, but it was not loaded. Empty troubles. The futility of the work started.
  • Number 88. The goat went to the garden, but there was no cabbage. Trouble from people you know.
  • Number 89. I bought a hundred bags, but there weren’t enough roots for them. The dream will not come true. Empty hopes.
  • Number 90. Three boards were buried in the sand. A stranger will bring bad news.
  • Number 91. She didn’t finish sewing and put the sewing aside. Lack of self-confidence.
  • Number 92. The kittens played in the hut. Petty quarrels between friends. Make peace with them first.
  • Number 93. They cut down a birch tree and boiled tar. Gossip is against you personally.
  • Number 94. Wooden legs do not bend at the knees, but break. Your authority will be undermined. Show restraint, circumstances are against you.
  • Number 95. The cricket is looking for a warm pole. Changes.
  • Number 96. Geese walk around the yard, nipping at your heels. Someone wants to disturb you.
  • Number 97. I harnessed the pop chicken and drove along the street. Minor quarrels. Troubles. Small material losses.
  • Number 98. The horses are hobbled, their hooves are worn to holes. Happiness was close, but passed by.
  • Number 99. I lie down in the trough and cry out for trouble. Bitter tears. You don't need to open your heart to everyone.
  • Number 100 The horses went out of the gate, but returned back. Deception of hopes. Empty promises.
  • Number 101. Cockerel, you are a cockerel, lock your voice. A betrayal that you won’t find out about right away.
  • Number 102. Don't knock your axes, I'll soon part with Vanya. A breakup, a break in a relationship, after which you will start your life again.
  • Number 103. The horse is running, but the hooves are all worn out, the groom is stubborn. The groom is older than the bride. Marriage of convenience.
  • Number 104. The horses are tied and hobbled, it is impossible for them to escape. A forced wedding, an arranged wedding. Marriage to someone you don't love.

Good events

  • Number 105. The little ladle floated in a bucket, stuck to one edge, and stayed there. A big joy. Family happiness.
  • Number 106. No matter how deep the grave is, it is gradually overgrown with greenery. Forget about the past, start a new life.
  • Number 107. The man is sitting tied up and blindfolded. Longing for someone.
  • Number 108. The table is shining, the samovar is boiling. An unexpected guest.
  • Number 109. I'm going home, and the blacksmith is following me. An unexpected meeting that will change your life.
  • Number 110. I went to the river and caught three pikes, each with three tails. Luck will turn its face to you three times.
  • Number 111. Birch stands and curls and never grows old. Favorable coincidence of circumstances. Unpleasant situations will pass you by.
  • Number 112. The cat is curled up in a ball and doesn’t want to get married at all. Everything will go smoothly, no need to worry.
  • Number 113. The king released the chicken into the garden, and lo and behold, she was carrying a needle. Circumstances will change for the better. Luck will smile on you.
  • Number 114. Any dirt is good for a grain; it will germinate in it and produce a harvest. Getting rid of evil people. Victory over the enemy.
  • Number 115. As soon as the sun came out, there was a knock at the window. Good news.
  • Number 116. A cat and a cat walk, holding each other's paws. Good and loyal friends.
  • Number 117. There is a haystack in the field, a pitchfork and a broom near it. Pleasant meeting with old friends.
  • Number 118. I thought and thought, but I was right, I ended up in a clean garden. Joy. An unexpected but good event.
  • Number 119. No matter how much the swan swims, it still gravitates towards its native shore. Everything will return to normal. Do not despair.
  • Number 120. The evil chest is locked with a hundred locks; whoever finds the key will gain good. In order for your dream to come true, you need to show quickness and ingenuity.
  • Number 121. The pillow has four corners, when you go to sleep, sleep will come from each. Your wish will come true soon, you just have to believe and wait.
  • Number 122. If you stand at the gate for a long time, you will invite trouble. Don't try to fight circumstances, they are stronger than you now.
  • Number 123. The entire hut is cleanly tidied and washed. Whoever the song is sung will hear. Joyful changes in life. Nice people. Good introduction.
  • Number 124. The birch tree blooms brighter than May and invites you into its circle. Good news. Profit.
  • Number 125. Three ryes are worth a stack, from the first - to make beer, from the second - to marry a son, from the third - to give a daughter in marriage. Marrying your children. The message concerns only those people who have adult children.

Traditional church and folk holiday Elijah's day Celebrated by Eastern and Southern Slavs, Greeks, Georgians and other peoples who converted to Orthodoxy, August 2. The Prophet Elijah is the most revered Old Testament saint in Christianity. According to church tradition, Elijah was taken alive to heaven, to some secret place, where he awaits the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Before him, he will descend to earth to expose the Antichrist in lies and convert the rest of Israel to the true God.

As for folk traditions, Elijah is considered the patron saint of thunder, rain, harvest and fertility. IN Slavic legends Ilya was immobilized until he was 33 years old, and then he was healed. It was the popular image of Ilya that became the prototype of the hero Ilya Muromets. In the past, on the eve of the holiday, it was customary to bake ritual cookies and stop doing field work. Instead, on Elijah’s Day, residents of neighboring villages gathered for a festive meal - fraternity - which ended with festivities, dances and games.

In addition, Elijah’s day is associated with all kinds of rites, rituals and fortune telling. On the eve of the holiday, July 29 at 10.45, the MIR TV channel will show the series “Divination by Candlelight”. According to the plot, the main character Marina inherited the abilities of providence and witchcraft from her grandmother. However, in her hometown, unusual abilities brought happiness to the girl. Marina goes to Moscow in the hope of finding the famous sorceress and becoming her student.

Fortune telling is especially true on Ilya’s day, an esotericist told a MIR 24 correspondent. Elena Redkova. Even before the advent of the church holiday, Perun’s Day was celebrated at the same time in Rus'.

“Ilya’s Day is a church holiday, and the church does not recognize fortune telling, it is considered a sin. But the tradition of fortune telling dates back to pagan times. In pagan holidays, Ilyin’s day is Perun’s day. Any such days that have been celebrated in Rus' from time immemorial have particularly strong energy. After August 2, the days become shorter and the water gets colder.

There is a belief that from this day on you cannot swim, because goblins and mermaids come out of the reservoirs. Even mosquitoes stop biting after Elijah’s day, and flies go into hibernation. Perun was a just God, just like Ilya. Therefore, all the fortune-telling that people did on this day was considered truthful,” she said.

In addition, on Elijah’s day the connection with ancestors is especially strong. The tarot reader advises to thank your family and ask them for help.

“These days there is a very powerful connection with family. In principle, one’s clan – deceased ancestors – must not be forgotten, because the energy of the clan is transmitted to us with blood, DNA. Our family is eternal, it supports us, even if people do not know our family, for example, orphans from orphanages. The only thing is to not forget about your ancestors, ask for their help, support and thank them. Sometimes people come in dreams, warning of impending danger, and if you listen to them, you can avoid trouble. On Elijah’s day such help is especially strong. There are clan elders whom you can contact and ask for help, and they will definitely help,” Redkova explained.

“MIR 24” collected fortune telling that were considered traditional in Rus' on Ilya’s Day.

Fortune telling for your betrothed by tree leaves

On Ilya’s Day, it is customary for girls to tell fortunes about their betrothed. To do this, on August 1, you need to pick leaves from different trees, put them under your pillow and ask Ilya to prophesy the betrothed-mummer. Place all the leaves under your pillow, and in the morning, without getting out of bed, pull out one of the leaves. If you come across an apple leaf, then future husband will be sweet and responsive, aspen - strict and grumpy, poplar - sociable and cheerful, willow - attentive and accommodating. But an oak leaf foreshadows a strong and courageous husband, a birch leaf - gentle and tremulous, a rowan leaf - quiet and calm, a maple leaf - fussy, and acacia leaf - gallant and refined.


In the past, fortune telling on Elijah's Day helped to find out the gender of a newborn child. Today, there are medicinal methods for this. However, you can still try your luck in fortune telling in the early stages. Well, or at least have fun with your spouse on the holiday. On Elijah's Day, a pregnant woman should bake a kalach from new flour, let it cool, and then, together with her husband, tear off a piece from each end. If the husband tears off the larger piece, then a boy will be born, and if the wife, then a girl will be born.

Fortune Telling for Marriage

If a girl wants to find out whether she can get married before the end of the year, then at sunrise you can go to any water source (lake, river, pond) and look at the surface. If the water is covered with ripples, then the wedding will not take long to happen, but if the water is calm, then marriage is not yet in sight.


To find out whether the remaining year will be happy, you need to mix sour and sweet berries in one cup, and then with eyes closed take out one berry and put it in your mouth. If it is sweet, then interesting months filled with good events await you, and if it is sour, the rest of the year will be difficult.


Another popular fortune telling on Elijah’s day can be done using a candle and water. Pour water into a bowl, take half a walnut shell and attach a candle stub to it. In addition, you need to prepare pieces of paper with written predictions and place them around the edges of the bowl. Place the walnut in the middle of the bowl, and whatever prediction it floats to will come true.


However, in addition to fortune telling, conspiracies are also popular on Elijah’s Day. For example, you can plot your house for money. To do this, you need to sprinkle the rooms with poppy seeds with the words:

Generous Ilya, be generous with my poppy,
So that he gives me a nickel,
Pyatak gave birth to ten,
Dozens would give me prosperity.
Key, lock. Language.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

The poppy should be left for several days, and then swept under a tree.


If you cannot meet your loved one, then you can perform a special ritual on Elijah’s day. The truth is, you'll only be lucky if it's raining outside. You need to collect at least a few drops of water in a cup; it is important that they all get there naturally. After this, return home and drip water on the corners of the bed. With the remaining water, sit in the center of the bed and say the phrase three times: “I ask you, through this fresh, sweet rain, to give me a person who will ease my pain of loneliness.” Place a cup of water at your head and let the water evaporate.


But astrology does not recognize Elijah’s Day and considers it only a religious and pagan holiday, an astrologer told MIR 24 Natalia Zakharova. But even in this case, August 2 will not be easy, our interlocutor claims, since this day is included in the period of eclipses.

“From an astrological point of view, this year this day falls during the period of three summer Eclipses. It lasts from July 13 to August 11. Solar eclipse in the degree of Cancer took place on July 13, Moon eclipse expected on July 27 and the last - Solar Eclipse will be on August 11. The period between Eclipses in Astrology is called the Eclipse Corridor. It is karmic, that is, fateful. Accordingly, a person’s freedom of choice is somewhat narrowed. Everything that happens during this period is not without reason, and there is no point in resisting the events,” said Zakharova.

According to the expert, during eclipses you need to especially pay attention to the signs and clues of fate. At the same time, eclipses do not influence what is happening on their own; they simply allow a person to see what is necessary. However, to be afraid of these natural phenomena not worth it.

“There will be no accidents during this period. This is a time of non-random people and events. Know how to see and read the clues of fate. Try to get rid of negative emotions. Eclipses help us, from an energetic point of view, get rid of “emotional waste.” The period of eclipses is given to reboot, to cleanse your subconscious, emotions, and work out negative programs, everything that worries and prevents you from moving forward.

Need to pause social life, it is undesirable to start new things. It is recommended to complete everything started earlier and look deep into yourself. That's why there's nothing scary about eclipses. Any astrological phenomena are needed in order to correctly use the energy of the cosmos, use its benefits, and fit into the general rhythm,” concluded Zakharova.

But a follower of ancient Indian astrology Lydia Boyko astrological rationale religious holidays does not deny. She built especially for MIR 24 astrological chart on August 2.

"Points like church holidays, to some extent, have their own astrological justification. I built a map for August 2 and, in general, I don’t see any features in this day. Now there is a corridor of eclipses, but August 2 is an ordinary day that affects each person in its own way, and not humanity. Specifically on the second of August there is no special situation that would persist on this day from year to year.

When there are floating points, this is more accurate, but such stable dates that affect all of humanity cannot exist. Everything changes, the Universe expands and one date cannot influence all of humanity. Astrology is a very individual science and cannot be viewed in the abstract. Even during an eclipse, you need to look at a person’s specific chart and relate it to general tasks,” Boyko said.

In addition, the astrologer claims that specialists who are accustomed to predicting the negative consequences of eclipses simply do not understand astrology.

“Eclipses, of course, affect fate. But many are accustomed to scaring them and explaining their negative impact. Real ancient Indian astrology Jyotish brings only light, there is no fear there. If someone talks about negative consequences, it means he doesn’t know astrology at all,” the expert concluded.

Christmastide in Rus' was traditionally called holidays, from Christmas to Epiphany. These days were important and festive even during the reign of paganism. They were filled with cult, mystical actions, which even today it is not possible to completely eradicate. And although Christian tradition and does not accept any fortune telling or dancing, these customs are still alive to this day!

Traditionally, it was believed that these days are the easiest times to look into the future, get answers to secret questions, and find out your destiny. Young girls were engaged in fortune telling and, naturally, most often they wanted to know when they would get married, who their betrothed would be, etc. Therefore, basically, fortune telling at Christmas time helps to find out the name of the betrothed, determine whether the girl will get married in the coming year, whether family life happy, etc. Girls always looked forward to the arrival of Christmastide! The most truthful predictions were those received on Christmas Eve (the evening of January 6, before Christmas), as well as on Vasilyev's evening (January 13) and on Epiphany Eve (January 18).

Fortune telling was approached very seriously and thoroughly. First of all, you need to tune in to receive a prediction, to believe in the seriousness of the whole undertaking. Then the girls must loosen their hair, take out all the hairpins, take off their chains, rings and bracelets, and also remove the belt, which from time immemorial has been a talisman against otherworldly forces. You also need to untie the knots on your clothes and, of course, remove the cross. In the room where fortune telling takes place, it is advisable to provide a mysterious atmosphere: dim light, silence, burning candles will enhance the perception. During Christmastide fortune-telling, especially impressionable girls could see deceased relatives, pictures from the future, and hear voices from another world.

Now that even fortune-telling on the Internet is possible, such tricks are no longer very important. All Christmas online fortune telling less romantic. And yet, today they are quite popular.

Various fortune telling on Christmastide have been repeatedly described in fiction, and shown in films. Perhaps the simplest and most famous version of fortune telling is fortune telling by a boot (shoe, felt boot, shoe). Fortune telling with wax, using mirrors, using coffee grounds, with a ring or chain, fortune telling by Elijah and others are also popular. Fortune telling with forfeits (fortune telling Elijah) has many different variations. The girls pulled papers with fortunes from the bag, baked them in pies, put them under the pillow to pull them out in the morning, etc. Often Elijah's fortune telling was accompanied by a special song.

Today, a variety of variants of divination that have survived to this day are supplemented by new, more modern fortune-telling. Now they have appeared unusual fortune telling by phone and TV, by elevator, by luminous windows, by a box of chocolates, Christmas fortune telling online, fortune telling by car license plates, etc. And this is quite natural - after all, in old times Almost all objects used in everyday life were used to obtain predictions. So why not tell your fortune mobile phone or not to believe in Christmas online fortune-telling - after all, the telephone and the Internet are as familiar and ordinary to us as candles, a torch or a stove for girls in Rus'.

It's interesting that even from the point of view Orthodox Church on holy days from Christmas to Epiphany devilry weakened. And fortune telling, which is always considered “demonic,” was called simple fun on these holidays. Naturally, young girls were always in a hurry to take advantage of this connivance and happily wondered, eager to see what awaited them in the future.

Which will last until January 19th. These days you can find out the name of your betrothed, the age of marriage and the number of future children. And also much more. I learned the five most popular methods of fortune telling among Kirov residents.

Fortune telling Elijah

As Kirov resident Marina Vozisova said, Elijah is a well-known and famous prophet. Legend has it that it was through his lips that God spoke. This is one of the most popular types of fortune telling during Christmas time.

The presenter takes a vessel with pieces of paper on which numbers are written and reads the appeal to the spirit three times: “Elijah, Elijah, whoever gets this song, this song will come true, who lives richly, walks well, who is happy, who is caring. Elijah, Elijah, Elijah ". After which, each participant in the ritual must pull out three pieces of paper with numbers from the vessel. When everyone has numbers in their hands, it is necessary to decipher the ready-made predictions. Remember, during the ritual you cannot leave the room in which the ritual is being held, make noise, laugh, or distort the meaning of the prophecies.

Coffee fortune telling

The key to correct fortune telling on coffee grounds is, first of all, thick, strong coffee.

Before you start online fortune telling with coffee grounds, you need to clearly formulate the question in your mind. It must be extremely specific and simple so that the answer is equally clear and definite. It is important to adhere to the correct recipe for making coffee so that fortune telling predicts only the truth,” said Kirov resident Svetlana Boltacheva.

How to brew coffee for fortune telling? Pour 3 teaspoons of coffee (without a slide) into a pot of cold water. On the first spoon say: “for the past”, on the second: “for the present” and on the third: “for the future”. Place the Turk on low heat and cook. While the coffee is brewing, stir it clockwise 3 times, counterclockwise 3 times, and then clockwise 3 more times. As soon as foam appears above the coffee, remove the Turk from the heat. The coffee should not boil.

Drink the coffee, leaving a little, about a teaspoon, at the bottom. This residue needs to be “shaken” - making circular movements with your left hand. Men rotate the cup clockwise, women - counterclockwise. Then you need to cover the cup with a saucer and turn it over. Wait a little while for the coffee grounds to drain onto the saucer, then remove the cup. There will be stains on the walls of the cup from coffee grounds, forming a complex pattern. This is what you should try to decipher.

Wax fortune telling

As Kirov resident Galina Turysheva said, for fortune telling you will need a bowl of cold water, a tablespoon and two wax candles.

Cut off some wax with a knife and melt it in a spoon over a burning candle. Pour the melted wax into cold water in one motion and wait about a minute. Then look carefully at what happened. It is incredibly interesting to interpret the resulting wax figures among girlfriends and the older generation.

Fortune telling by shadows

For fortune telling you will need: a newspaper or a large sheet of paper, matches, a plate and white wall. Roughly crumple the paper into a ball shape, place it on a plate, place it near the wall and set the paper on fire.

When it's all burned down, look at the shadow of the paper on the wall. The interpretation can be arbitrary,” said Kirov resident Marina Vozisova.

Fortune telling using a wedding ring

And one more fortune telling, which Galina Turysheva told about. Take a glass, pour a little more than half of water, tie it to wedding ring a thread. Now, holding it by the thread, we immerse it in water as many times as the fortuneteller is old. Then we hold it over some water, but in a glass. When it starts to swing and hit the walls of the glass, we count. How many blows - at so many years you will get married.
