Blue moon when you can see it. Blue Moon. What is Blue Moon

A Blue Moon is a rare phenomenon that is of particular importance in the world of astrology and astronomy. 2018 is unique in this regard, because we have two whole months of a blue moon ahead of us.

A Blue Moon is when two Full Moons occur in one calendar month. The second is the Blue Moon. In January it will not be just Full Moons, because on the 31st there will be a partial lunar eclipse. The beginning of 2018 will be unique.

Blue Moon in astrology

In astrology, this is what the second Full Moon of the month is called. Two Full Moons are very rare, but in 2018 there will be two Blue Moons - one in January, the second in March, and in March the Full Moon will also be on the 2nd and 31st. This is a unique, extremely rare event.

There will be something else special in 2018. Since there are only 28 days in the coming February, and lunar month consists of 29 and a half calendar days, then there will be no Full Moons at all. This is also an incredibly rare phenomenon, which suggests that the month will be very calm and measured.

In astrology, the Blue Moon has special meaning, because during such periods there is a certain restructuring of everything at the energy level. Along with the usual processes associated with the full moon, related parallel processes will occur that will lead to a reboot of people's consciousness. This is useful for world politics, for resolving major conflicts at the global level. We are facing a very unusual period of time. Perhaps something will change at the mental level. You may not notice this right away.

The first month with a Blue Moon is always good news, because in the middle of the year it can lead to losses in the area of ​​finances and in love. Now, while our consciousness is not yet fully tuned to the new stage, we can safely rebuild it the way we want, or the way the Moon wants it.

Full Moon January 31st

On January 31st there will be a full Moon in the Sign of Leo. This is a terrible time for anyone who wants to learn to be restrained, because the Full Moon itself does not imply a diplomatic attitude in most people. Here the constellation Leo bursts into our world, shaking things up even more.

Most of the problems will occur in the areas of work and finances. The moon will “blow away” all your luck with very powerful streams, replacing it with aggression and an uncontrollable flow of doubts. The presence of the Full Moon in Leo will change your perception of moral standards for the worse. The boundaries of what is permitted will be blurred, so the number of crimes will increase. At the same time, the number of road accidents, quarrels, fights, and conflicts in general will increase.

This will be a very difficult day for emotional people. The calmer you are, the easier it will be for you to live and conduct your business. By the way, about business, it’s better that they be calm. Solitude will help you withstand the blows of fate. Don't try to find solace in complaining about life. to strangers. Don't resist fate, but don't sit idly by either. No one will help you deal with your problems. Only you can do this yourself.

Features of the Blue Moon in January

Features of the Blue Moon in January 2018 indicate that something unique awaits us. The first feature is the eclipse. On January 31, there will be a partial eclipse of the Moon, which will lead to an explosion of the situation. Chaos will be the norm, but it will be invisible. Only the most attentive people will be able to feel this with the fibers of their soul. The human aura on days like this, when the Blue Moon and the eclipse come together, experiences enormous pressure from the outside.

If we could change the past, then on such days everyone would travel back in time and try to correct what simply cannot be corrected. That is why on January 31 everyone will reminisce, be sad and think about their mistakes. Few people will be interested in the future, although they should be. If you make an effort on yourself and begin to act, and not become slack, then you will direct yourself along the right path.

On days like these, you can and even need to think. Your thinking abilities will improve, so you will need to choose the mental path rather than the physical one. Material problems should fade into the background.

The Blue Moon Day will be unique in spiritual terms. This means that you can’t just pick up and walk away from your bad habits - you need to learn to live with them, or change yourself radically. It is necessary to approach the solution of spiritual issues as responsibly as possible. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

21.01.2018 03:43

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On January 31, 2018, the so-called Blue Moon could be observed in many countries around the world. What is this and how can such a phenomenon affect our lives?

What is Blue Moon

In the scientific community, the Blue Moon is usually called the third full moon in the astronomical season, which has four full moons instead of three. In this case, the calculation is carried out according to the system of the tropical year, which begins on the day of the winter solstice. In accordance with the usual monthly calendar, this term refers to the second full moon in one calendar month.

The name of the phenomenon is not due to the fact that the Moon turns blue; it comes from the English idiomatic expression “Once in a blue moon,” which means a rare event. A very succinct definition of it was given by the American amateur astronomer James High Pratt back in 1946: “Seven times in a 19-year cycle there are years with 13 full moons. This gives us 11 months with one full moon and one month with two. This second one, as far as I understand, will be the Blue Moon.”

Unique match

This is exactly what happened on January 31 of this year. However, the situation this time was, one might say, unique, since Blue moon coincided with a partial lunar eclipse and a supermoon - this is the name for the effect when the Earth's satellite visually increases by 14% (compared to its minimum size), and its brightness increases by 30%. For example, on January 31, the Moon approached the Earth at a distance of 359 thousand kilometers. The last time such a coincidence of three rather rare astronomical events at once took place in 1982, and it will happen again only in 2037.

In fact, the Moon at this time has the most common color - ash-gray. Sometimes you can actually observe a blue tint in the Earth's satellite, but this is an extremely rare optical effect associated with the peculiarities of the scattering of light rays.

The current Moon is also called “bloody”, since at the moment it emerges from the earth’s shadow, the satellite turns red due to the refraction of the sun’s rays.

Why is the Blue Moon dangerous?

There are many myths associated with lunar phenomena. Thus, it is believed that on the days of full moons and lunar eclipses, people’s psyches become unstable, they lose control over themselves, as a result, more conflicts, crimes, and accidents occur.

The Moon really influences various processes occurring on Earth. It has been scientifically proven that supermoons cause earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, tornadoes, melting glaciers and other natural disasters. All this is explained by lunar gravity. During the supermoon period there are also strong magnetic storms, so many may experience headaches and pressure surges. Doctors advise those who have problems with the cardiovascular or nervous system these days to reduce stress as much as possible.

Recently, American scientists conducted a study in which they analyzed more than 13 thousand fatal accidents in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia from 1975 to 2014. Only accidents that occurred at night were considered. It turned out that most of them happened on full moon nights. The number of fatal accidents also increased during supermoons.

But the fact that the position of the Moon in the sky affects the exacerbation of mental disorders and increases the likelihood of injuries and epileptic seizures has not been confirmed. In any case, experts from the University of Washington did not find any pattern here. Although they do not deny that belief in the destructive influence of the Moon can cause a negative psychosomatic effect. And as a result, the person will feel weak, apathetic, and may become a victim of a panic attack.

The Blue Moon also threatens equipment failures. NASA is very concerned about this. This time, on January 31, 2018, due to a combination of three astronomical phenomena, the instruments installed on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter probe, an artificial satellite of the Moon, had to be turned off. “We started the engine to position the satellite in the best position - we have to keep it in the light for as long as we can. In other words, we minimized the time it spends in the shadows,” comments NASA employee Noah Petro.

In general, there is no mysticism; all problems associated with the Moon are explained by purely physical effects.

On January 31, 2018, the so-called “Blue Moon” could be observed in many countries around the world. What is this, and how can such phenomena affect our lives?

What is Blue Moon?

In the scientific community, it is customary to call the “Blue Moon” the third full moon in the astronomical season, which has four full moons instead of three. In this case, the calculation is carried out according to the system of the tropical year, which begins on the day of the winter solstice. In accordance with the usual monthly calendar, this term refers to the second full moon in one calendar month.

The name of the phenomenon is not due to the fact that the Moon turns blue; it comes from the English idiomatic expression “Once in a Blue Moon,” which means a rare event. A very comprehensive definition of it was given back in 1946 by the American amateur astronomer James High Pratt: “Seven times in a 19-year cycle there are years with 13 full moons. This gives us 11 months with one full moon and one in which there will be two. This second one, as far as I understand, will be the Blue Moon.”

Unique match

This is exactly what happened on January 31 of this year. However, this time the situation was, one might say, unique, since the “Blue Moon” coincided with a partial lunar eclipse and a supermoon - this is the name for the effect when the Earth’s satellite visually increases by 14% (compared to its minimum size), and its brightness increases by 30%. For example, on January 31, the Moon approached the Earth at a distance of 359,000 kilometers. The last time such a coincidence of three rather rare astronomical events at once took place in 1982, and it will happen again only in 2037.

In fact, the moon at this time has the most common color - ash-gray. Sometimes you can actually observe a blue tint in the Earth's satellite, but this is an extremely rare optical effect associated with the peculiarities of the scattering of light rays.

The current moon is also called the “blood moon.” This is explained by the fact that at the moment of leaving the earth's shadow, the satellite turns red due to the refraction of the sun's rays.

Why is Blue Moon dangerous?

There are many myths associated with such lunar phenomena. Thus, it is believed that on the days of full moons and lunar eclipses, people’s psyches become unstable, they lose control over themselves, as a result, more conflicts, crimes, accidents occur, and many also feel unwell.

This is partly true, because the Moon influences various processes occurring on Earth. So, since there are strong magnetic storms during the supermoon, many may experience headaches and pressure surges. Doctors advise these days for those who have problems with the cardiovascular or nervous systems to reduce stress as much as possible.[С-BLOCK]

Recently, American scientists conducted a study in which they analyzed more than 13 thousand fatal accidents in the UK, USA, Canada and Australia from 1975 to 2014. Only accidents that occurred at night were considered. It turned out that most accidents occurred on full moon nights. The number of fatal accidents also increased during supermoons. But the fact that the position of the Moon in the sky affects the exacerbation of mental disorders and increases the likelihood of injuries and epileptic seizures has not been confirmed. In any case, experts from the University of Washington did not find any pattern here. Although they do not deny that belief in the destructive influence of the Moon can cause a negative psychosomatic effect. As a result, a person may feel, for example, weakness, apathy, and may have a panic attack.

Also scientific fact that supermoons are associated with earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, tornadoes, melting glaciers and other natural disasters. All this is also explained by lunar gravity. [С-BLOCK]

"Blue Moon" also threatens equipment failures. NASA is very concerned about this. Due to a combination of three astronomical phenomena, the instruments installed on the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO), an artificial satellite of the Moon, had to be turned off. “We fired up the engine to position the satellite in the best possible position - we have to keep it in the light for as long as we can. In other words, we minimized the time it spends in the shadows,” comments NASA employee Noah Petro.

In general, there is no mysticism; all problems associated with the Moon are explained by purely physical effects.

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The full moon on March 31, 2018 will be the thirteenth full moon of the year. The thirteenth full moon is a rare phenomenon and can be observed once every two or three years. In astrology, this full moon is called the Blue Moon. This is a particularly strong magical time that brings many unusual events.

Blue Moon: Do's and Don'ts

The Blue Moon period is difficult. To survive this difficult time without losses and failures, it is recommended to adhere to certain prohibitions and recommendations.

    Communicate with unpleasant people. Every person has a dozen people in their life, communication with whom only brings devastation and irritation. During the Full Blue Moon, this hostility will only intensify, which can cause conflict and even physical aggression. A complete refusal to communicate with unpleasant people will help maintain peace of mind. This rule should be followed two days before and two days after the full moon.

    Start new things. Changing jobs, moving, starting your own business or making large purchases are undesirable during this period. Any undertaking will turn out to be a failure; the energy of the full moon will not allow it to develop. It is better to postpone the undertaking for one or even two weeks.

    Travel by transport. If possible, you should give preference to walking. A full moon increases your risk of getting into a car accident.

    Do treatment. Any procedures, even cosmetic ones, can lead to serious complications and cause allergic reactions even in those who are not at all prone to allergies. Surgery should also be postponed, but only if this does not concern the elimination of tumors.

The danger of the Blue Moon is that it greatly affects people with weak psyches. As a result, the risk of nervous breakdowns, criminal attacks and accidents increases. It is necessary to protect yourself from communicating with unbalanced people, try not to get into quarrels and not respond to rudeness with rudeness.

But you shouldn’t think that the Blue Moon is an exclusively negative period. Esotericists value this time for a special surge of strength and the opportunity to carry out complex witchcraft practices. Rituals aimed at revealing one’s hidden potential, as well as meditative practices, give a good effect.

Blue Moon 03/31/2018: influence on zodiac signs

Astrologers note that the Blue Moon affects representatives of the zodiac signs differently. Some zodiac signs will survive this period without much loss, while others, on the contrary, will face serious life difficulties.

    Aries. Aries is one of the few zodiac signs to which the Blue Moon will be favorable. First of all, you should wait for changes in financial matters; a new opportunity to earn money and find profitable business partners may appear. The love sphere of life will also experience a favorable period; the full moon will bring mutual understanding and long-awaited resolution of problems. However, most of your efforts should be directed specifically at improving your financial wealth; any work will be rewarded with the energy of the Blue Moon.

    Taurus. For Taurus, the unusual astronomical event will be neutral. Attention should be paid to rest, because the period during which no major events or major changes occur in life is ideal for relaxation and relaxation. In addition, neutral energy always comes before great achievements.

    Twins. Geminis should be wary; the full moon will bring clouding of reason to all representatives of the sign. In this regard, conflict situations may arise, both at home and in the work team. Preferably for a period full moon take a day off and interact with people as little as possible. This is the only way to avoid irreversible quarrels, the consequences of which can put an end to many areas of life. Solitude and tranquility will help avoid problems.

    Cancer. For Cancers, the full moon will bring a long-awaited reward - love. This will not necessarily be marriage or a proposal for a serious relationship, but the need for love will be fulfilled. In order not to scare away the impending gift, you should not show aggression both before and after the full moon. This will help maintain love and the feeling of being filled with it for several months to come.

    Lion. Lviv can rightfully be called lucky. It is for representatives of this sign that the thirteenth full moon will bring the fulfillment of a long-cherished dream. This could be the purchase of real estate, healing from an illness, or a long-awaited meeting with your soulmate destined by fate itself. But in order to receive a gift, you need to notice it in time and not miss it. For this reason, you should try to be attentive, pay attention to any little things, agree to the proposed adventures and try to go outside as much as possible.

    Virgo. For Virgos, the full moon will be exhausting, and a strong loss of strength may be observed. We can say that the Moon will feed on representatives of this sign. It will be like contacting energy vampire, in which the Moon is the vampire and Virgo is the victim. Tiger's eye stone can help get rid of lunar vampirism. His magical power allows you to retain energy and not waste it on others.

    Scales. Representatives of the Libra sign should spend March 31 at home with their family. The energy of the full moon will help to reconcile with relatives, strengthen family relationships and will bring long-awaited peace. However, this will become possible only if you manage to pay attention to your household. By getting busy with work, you may miss the opportunity to strengthen family ties.

    Scorpion. For Scorpios, the Blue Moon has prepared a serious test. You'll have to choose what life period is of great value - love or career. One of these areas will be hit hard by the energy of the day, and this will be the area to which Scorpio will pay less attention. Failures in the area that will be hit will not go away within the next six months, so you should take your choice seriously.

    Sagittarius. Another sign that will receive a gift from the full moon will be the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius will have a real chance to return something of their past life. It could be a past job, a once-ended relationship, or even a missed opportunity. To receive this gift you just need to think about it and imagine that what you once missed has returned again. Such visualization will require full dedication, so it is not recommended to plan time-consuming tasks on March 31.

    Capricorn. For Capricorns, the Blue Moon will end with great losses. The blow will fall on the most vulnerable area of ​​the representatives of this sign – free will. There may be a need to change free work to strict subordination in a bureaucratic or even military organization. Friendship relationships will also suffer difficulties. Old friends may turn out to be traitors, and once offended comrades will appear in life as avengers. Don’t despair, problems cannot be avoided, but sooner or later they will come to an end. The energy of the full moon will subside after a week, and then the situation will gradually begin to improve.

    Aquarius. Aquarians should not worry, because the thirteenth full moon of the year will not affect them. You can spend your day the way you want.

    Fish. Representatives of the water sign of the zodiac will encounter complete surprises. The rose-colored glasses through which Pisces are accustomed to perceiving the world will fall off with the arrival of the full moon. Real world will turn out to be hostile and not as colorful as before. But don’t despair, the opportunity to see the real state of things will help clear your life of unnecessary garbage. Accepting this will result in a complete change in life, while reluctance to look at the world will lead to representatives zodiac sign to depression.

Meditation on Blue Moon Day

The Blue Moon brings changes to people's lives. If you want these changes to benefit you, help you get out of a difficult life situation, or simply brighten up your gray everyday life, you can do a simple meditation.

To meditate, you will need to wait until the full moon on the night of March 30-31. As soon as the clock shows midnight, you need to sit facing open window and close your eyes. Imagining a large blue moon in front of you, you should try to touch it, saying:

“Blue Moon - Full Moon - fulfill the request,

Enliven my life, bring a holiday into it, do not bring trouble,

I will hug the Blue Moon, I will spend the night with her, I will raise her child.”

After this, you need to imagine for an hour what changes you want to attract into your life. It is important to use the method of fulfilled desire, that is, think as if these changes have already happened to you. Immediately after visualization you need to go to bed. Before going to bed, it doesn’t hurt to once again consolidate your desire in your thoughts.

Blue moon is an astronomical term that has two meanings.

1. Traditional (seasonal) - A “Blue Moon” is the third full moon in an astronomical season that has four full moons instead of three. In this case, chronology is carried out according to a system with a tropical year, in which the beginning of the year is considered to be the day of the winter solstice.

2. Modern (monthly) - The “Blue Moon” is the second full moon that occurs in one calendar month.

This phenomenon occurs every 3-4 years, when the date of one of the full moons falls at the beginning of a calendar month, and the next one occurs just before the end of the same month.

The appearance of a blue tint on the Moon is an extremely rare phenomenon due to an optical effect.

The moon may take on a bluish tint on rare occasions. For example, on cold winter nights, when ice crystals in the air form a halo around the moon, dissipation occurs moonlight, which causes this effect (light from the blue part of the spectrum is scattered in the atmosphere much better than the red part).

It is known that light with wavelengths corresponding to the color blue and its shades is better scattered in the earth's atmosphere. This occurs due to the fact that the frequency of the scattered light is significantly lower than the natural frequency of the molecules; a similar phenomenon in physics is called Rayleigh scattering. The same thing happens when the Moon takes on a blue tint. In this case, light is scattered not only by air molecules, but also by dust particles produced major fires or volcanic eruptions. For example, in Alberta (one of the provinces of Canada), after a large fire in peat bogs on September 23, 1950, which had previously been slowly smoldering for many years, thick smoke containing particles measuring about 1 micrometer in diameter spread to the south and east of the country. Thanks to this, the moon and even the Sun, visible during the day, acquired lavender and blue shades.

In addition, an unusual shade of the moon can appear as a result of a volcanic eruption, for example, in 1883, the Indonesian volcano Krakatoa erupted, which was so powerful that columns of ash rose into the upper part of the atmosphere. The ash particles absorbed the red wavelengths of the spectrum, causing the moon to appear blue (sometimes green) for several years. Volcanologist Scott Rowland of the University of Hawaii said the sun turned lavender and the sunsets were so bright red that in New York and some other cities people called the fire department because they thought there was a fire.

The rarity of such events as a bluish moon gave rise to the English proverb “Once in a blue moon”, i.e. something that happens very rarely.

The next additional full moon on our planet will be seen on January 31, 2018, but only residents of time zones located closer to the west will see the Blue Moon.
