Horoscope for children born in August. Birthday in August: who is according to the horoscope, characteristics of people, male and female names. Those born in August often reach the highest levels of their careers.


Psychologists do not advise naming babies with too exotic names. Such children, who do not always have the initial prerequisites that set them apart from the general mass, have a less stable nervous system, and end up in various difficult situations. In addition, the unusual nature of the name often makes them much more eccentric.

You can follow Orthodox traditions and give the child a name depending on which saint is honored on the date of his birth or baptism. Moreover, they can receive the name of the saint closest to the date, because corresponding ones do not happen every day. Often a person has two names: the first “secular” one, given to him by his parents, and the second, received at baptism, known only to a narrow circle of relatives.

People born at the end of summer are constantly moving forward, striving for new knowledge, and want to be a leader in their field. They constantly need the admiration of others, recognition of their merits and achievements. They love to be the center of attention and try to achieve this in any way; they want others to have a good opinion of them. However, despite this, these people are independent and self-sufficient. They always do everything as they see fit.

August people are unusually charismatic, attractive to members of the opposite sex, and capable of becoming the center of attention in any company. But, despite everything, family occupies a special place in their lives. They are distinguished by decency and honesty, are not capable of intrigue and are always ready to help. Those born in August become excellent leaders who can soberly assess possible prospects and risks. They also make specialists in the fields of art, politics or science.

For boys born in August, names such as Alexander, Gleb, Nikolai, Zakhar, Prokhor, Boris, Evdokim, Ilya, Ivan, Sergey, Anton, Roman, Maxim, Leonid, Stepan, Denis are ideal. The following names will bring happiness to girls: Maria, Anna, Ulyana, Yulia, Christina, Anfisa, Margarita, Elizaveta, Tatyana, Tamara.

If a child was born before 23, then his zodiac sign is Leo. These are energetic, powerful people, they are bright and independent, sociable and active. Their names most often begin with the letter “A” and sound firm and short. Names that suit men well: Artyom, Alexey, Abram, Bogdan, German, Zakhar, Ilya, Nikolay, Roman, Rostislav, Yan. For women, Alla, Daria, Diana, Lydia, Lyubov, Regina, Ella, Elvira, Yulia would be appropriate.

A child born after August 23 is considered a zodiac Virgo. These are cold-blooded, calculating and rational people, they are distinguished by analytical abilities and increased concern for their health. Names for representatives of this sign sound more calm. For example, a Virgo can be called Valentin, Gleb, Gennady, Denis, Nikita, Stepan or Timofey. Ideal options for girls: Anastasia, Irina, Ksenia, Taisiya, Tamara or Tatyana.

Depending on what day in August a person was born, he may be patronized by two zodiac signs. The greater half of the month belongs to the constellation Leo (July 23 – August 23). Those born in the last week of the month will be ruled by the constellation Virgo (August 24 – September 23).

On life path born under the sign of Leo great influence renders the Sun. The symbols of the sign are the lion and the swan. Favorable colors for Leo: gold, purple, orange, black, scarlet. The talisman stones for this sign are amber, topaz, peridot, ruby, diamond, and onyx. For a fire sign, a precious metal such as gold would be suitable. Sunday is considered a lucky day for him, and favorable numbers are 1, 5, 9.

Those born under the sign of Leo have leonine, royal ambitions. Although this can not always be noticed externally. Such people refuse to play second fiddle. They strive for a leading role, leadership, leadership. Leos have no shortage of desires to be in the center of noisy companies, to have fun, give gifts and have fun. Like the king of beasts, people ruled by the constellation Leo are generous and always ready to protect their loved ones. They are often quite outspoken and proud. Material values ​​are important to them, as well as their appearance.

Professionally, Leos are suitable for work in the field of intellectual work, art and entrepreneurship. They should choose a profession where they work independently and separately, or hold a high administrative position.

Such great people as Napoleon Bonaparte, Henry Ford, Alexandre Dumas (father), John Rockefeller, Guy de Maupassant, Benito Mussolini were born under this sign.


Virgos are born under the influence of Mercury. The symbols of the sign are Virgo, cube, vat. Colors that are positively not Virgo: green, purple, white, blue. The amulets stones are jade, cat eye, carnelian, agate, jasper, carnelian, malachite, chrysoprase, topaz, marble. Metals such as tin and copper also have a beneficial effect on Virgos. Wednesday is considered a lucky day, and positive numbers are 3, 5, 6, 12, 20, 27.

The complex nature of Virgos is due to the constant need for improvement, understanding things through logic and analysis. They do not believe in revelation and intuition. But at the same time, purity, clarity, and simplicity are important to them. Such people are very receptive and curious. Virgos tend to think for a long time before making decisions. They are distinguished by high efficiency, extraordinary intelligence and reliability.

Virgo professions are often related to medicine and natural sciences. They do their job well, both in a team and independently.

The following people were born under the Virgo sign: Paul Gautier, Leo Tolstoy, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Ivan Franko, Sophia Loren.


  • Characteristics of the zodiac signs

In August, people born under the zodiac signs of Leo and Virgo. Leo is a true leader in everything, fighting fiercely for his honor. Virgo is a calm intellectual, down-to-earth and thorough person.


Lions will fight for their honor to the end, God forbid they cross their path. In anger, Leo is terrible; from anger he becomes completely blind. From flattery, Lions melt, turning into harmless animals.

Leos protect not only themselves, but also the weak. They make excellent patrons. Leos are big fans of teaching others, but at the same time it is much more difficult for them to understand themselves.

Leos are immediately visible, they behave with dignity and do not fuss. They attract people with their majesty. Leos usually have a wealth of life experience.

Leo's weak point is their painful pride, which is easily hurt. If anyone questions their authority, they become angry. It's better to play along with Leo so that he reveals his generous and friendly nature to you.

» the site talks about those who have made an undeniable contribution to science, art, culture and other areas of life. This review includes a cult jazzman, a famous Russian artist, an engineer whose last name is known to everyone, and other significant people born in August.

Louis Armstrong (1901 – 1971)

Louis Armstrong birthday: August 4

American jazz trumpeter and talented singer who made a tremendous contribution to the jazz genre of music. Known for his improvisational skills, Armstrong could command melody and lyrics into inimitable combinations. Despite the popularity of racist views in America during this period, Louis' talent as a performer was highly valued by people of all skin tones. The musician is considered by many to be the founder of the jazz movement in America. Armstrong was born into a poor family in New Orleans. His childhood was not easy, and he found solace in music. IN adolescence began to play musical instruments and thereby earn a living. As a result of his career, Louis became one of the first stars of the 20th century.

Carl Bosch (1874 – 1940)

Carl Bosch birthday: August 27

Yes, this is the same Bosch, the founder of the company of the same name, whose components are now installed on almost every production car. German chemist and engineer. Winner of the Nobel Prize for the invention of the Haber process (together with Fritz Haber) - the synthesis of ammonium under high pressure. Also among his achievements is the production of synthetic fuels methanol and gasoline from coal and oil, respectively. Bosch was one of the founders of IG Farben, one of the largest chemical companies in the world. In addition, Carl Bosch had an excellent private observatory, being also an astronomer.

Georgy Danelia (1930 – present)

Georgy Danelia, birthday: August 25

Georgian, Soviet and Russian film director, screenwriter, actor. In 1955 he graduated from the Moscow Architectural Institute. In 1959 - Higher Directing Courses. In the same year, Danelia began working in cinema as a production director at Mosfilm. Danelia’s 1964 film “I Walk Through Moscow” becomes a cultural event during the Thaw period in the USSR. The film “Thirty-Three,” released in 1965, is the debut for the future master of comedy. Until now, such films as “Afonya”, “Mimino”, “Autumn Marathon” and “Kin-Dza-Dza!” are of genuine interest. They have become truly iconic for several generations of film lovers. Georgy Danelia is an academician of the National Academy of Cinematographic Arts and Sciences of Russia, an academician of the Russian Academy of Cinematographic Arts "Nika". Since 1987 - President and artistic director of the Rhythm film studio of the Mosfilm film concern. Since 2003 - President of the Georgy Danelia Foundation for the Preservation of Traditions and Development of New Cinema.

Charles Rolls (1877 – 1910)

Charles Rolls birthday: August 27

English aviator and motorist from London, one of the first in this field. Together with Henry Royce, he founded the Rolls-Royce automobile company. In 1894, young Rolls entered Trinity College, Cambridge, where he studied mechanics and applied science. At 18, he already went to Paris to buy his first car. It was the Peugeot Phaeton. At the same time, the young engineer joined the Automobile Club of France. It is believed that his car was the first in Cambridge. In addition, Rolls was seriously interested in cycling. After graduating from college in 1898, the enterprising young man, with the support of his father, opened the C.S. Rolls & Co. auto dealership in 1903, where he began selling French Peugeot and Belgian Minerva. The historic meeting between Charles Rolls and Henry Royce took place on 4 May 1904 at Manchester's Midland Hotel. The first car under the joint name was born at the Paris Motor Show in December 1904. Soon the legal registration of the joint company took place. Rolls was also an avid flyer. He made more than 170 balloon ascents. In 1903 he won a gold medal for the longest solo flight. At 32, the bright life of Charles Rolls was cut short when his plane crashed. The first in Britain. Here he was also the first.

Arkady Strugatsky (August 28, 1925 – 1991)

Soviet writer, translator. Screenwriter. In collaboration with his brother, Boris Strugatsky, he created works in the genres of science and social fiction, recognized as classics of 20th-century literature throughout the world. Arkady's father is the editor of the Batumi newspaper "Trudovoy Adzharistan", his mother is a school literature teacher. In 1942, the war overtook the family in besieged Leningrad, from where Arkady and his father were evacuated along the “road of life,” while his mother remained with his brother Boris, who was ill, in the city. Later, Arkady managed to take them out of captivity. Graduated from the Berdievsky Infantry School, then the Military Institute foreign languages specializing in translator from Japanese and English languages" Later he worked by profession in the army, teaching languages ​​at the Kansk officer school. He has been a member of the USSR Writers' Union since 1964.

Signature works:“Monday Begins on Saturday”, “Roadside Picnic”, “It’s Hard to Be God”, “Inhabited Island” and others.

Michael Jackson (August 29, 1958 – 2009)

American pop artist, considered No. 1 in this genre. Jackson, as a true music enthusiast, changed the way millions of people view the performing arts. His albums and individual compositions have remained popular for decades, sound unusual and make the heart beat to the beat of the music. Jackson borrowed a lot from famous musicians in the genres of hip-hop, post-disco, R&B, pop and rock, creating his own unique and fascinating style. Michael Jackson is the owner of such titles as “King of pop”, “Artist of the Decade, Century and Millennium” and others. He is recognized as the "Most Successful Artist of All Time". Creator of the famous moonwalk and robot dance. This is the very case when it’s worth watching the videos for the author’s songs, because in them Michael revealed himself as a talented choreographer.

Ilya Repin (1844 – 1930)

Talented Russian painter. Representative of the direction of realism. Ilya Repin was first trained by I.N. Kramskoy, then he studied artistic craft at the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts. In his works, the master reflected a wide range of Russian life of an entire era, using stylistic techniques from various painting schools. Repin achieved his greatest rise in the 1880s. Many portraits of his contemporaries, historical and everyday themes - a rich heritage that is admired in art halls to this day. In the time of Ilya Repin, photography was not as widespread as it is today. That is why the paintings painted by the master amaze with their photographic accuracy. Thanks to them, people a century later have the opportunity to touch the past, as if frozen in amber, the true past of the country called Russia.

Ilya Repin, birthday: August 5

From the instructions of I. E. Repin:

Look more, draw longer, write easier.

Expression is more valuable than anything.

Nothing extra.

Look for the meeting of large planes.

Sense of proportion! Sense of proportion!

The body must be a body, water must be water.

As it happened, stop.

Text: Ivan Natanov

Esotericists and astrologers are sure that given to a person at birth, the name can determine his fate, level of intelligence, health, morality, and professional inclinations. Therefore, when naming a child, parents put into it not only genetic factors, but also certain qualities that do not depend on them.

August is the month in which great people and true champions are born. Many celebrities were born this month - among them Napoleon, Pierre Richard, Steve Martin, Robert De Niro, David Duchovny, Barack Obama, Coco Chanel and many others. Therefore, if you intend to raise a winner, you should plan the birth of your baby for August. And in this article we will consider the question of what is the best name for a child born in August.

What does the Zodiac say?

August is the month of Leo, the majestic and very selfish representatives of the Zodiac. But it is worth noting that Leos themselves do not consider themselves selfish at all, since they have absolutely no doubt that they are superior to everyone and in everything. They absolutely do not tolerate competition and are confident that they must be winners in any business they begin.

In relationships with people, Leos are extremely picky and picky. For them, everyone around them is divided into two groups: those close to them, and everyone else. With the former they are completely frank, while the latter are forced to be content with the crumbs of his attention.

Despite their selfishness, Leos are very kind and noble. They are monogamous, caring for their family and protecting the family hearth from life’s adversities. In addition, they are very honest and decent.

A Leo who is not praised by others and not in the spotlight is not a Leo, and that is why representatives of this zodiac sign strive for self-respect and recognition by any means. They easily attract people and subjugate them.

Leos are wonderful leaders who easily see the potential of the team they manage and are able to maximize its capabilities, achieving success in the shortest possible time. Leos are generous and selfless, they are practically incapable of being disappointed in people, regardless of how they are treated, and they quickly forget minor grievances because they do not consider them worthy of attention.

Since people born in August are very decent, they are not inclined to intrigue and deceive, so they do not expect similar behavior from others. It is because of this property that Leos are often deceived. However, even after serious disappointments, they are ready to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it. They tend to do good deeds without expecting anything in return.

Name selection

If you are wondering what to name a girl or boy born in August, then there are no special recommendations for such babies. The child should have a simple but memorable name that will serve him throughout his life. For boys, it is better to choose names that sound very catchy. And girls can be pampered with slightly exotic, but not too unusual names.

And the boy is the successor of the family, who will always bear his father’s surname. A correctly chosen name will help form the necessary character traits that a future man will need. And when he has his own child, the name will also become a patronymic, so it should be beautiful and harmonious.

When thinking about what to name a girl born in August, remember that each letter in the name carries a specific meaning. The predominance of growling, hard sounds in it will make her character very stubborn and unbending, while soft, melodious sounds, on the contrary, will add tenderness.

Parents often name their babies after saints. Church Saints. In this case, the baby’s birthday coincides with his name day, or falls in almost the same period as the day of his guardian angel. True, it may be that church name not suitable for a baby, as it is hopelessly outdated. In such a situation, due to unusual name The baby may receive offensive nicknames in children's society, which will result in low self-esteem and complexes. Therefore, when choosing a name for a child in honor of his guardian angel, you need to carefully weigh everything.

Male names

If you are still in doubt about what to name a boy born in August, we offer the most suitable names: Leonid, Nikolay, Trofim, Evdokim, Gleb, Anton, Markel, Mikhail, Alexey, Nikanor, Seraphim, Savva, Yakov, David, Semyon, Egor, Stepan, Valentin, Elizar, Konstantin, Julian, Ermolai, Boris, Makar, Miron , Fedor, Athanasius, Polycarp, Roman, Ilya, Philip, George, Clement, Naum, Yuri, Frol, Christopher, German, Gregory, Dmitry, Arkady, Pavel, Vasily, Kuzma, Evdokim, Gury, Leonty, Denis, Peter, Tikhon , Maxim, Alexander, Ivan, Prokhor, Matvey.

Female names

Evdokia, Nonna, Svetlana, Natalya, Anna, Praskovya, Magdalena, Milena, Susanna, Ekaterina, Elizaveta, Maria, Christina, Ulyana, Tatyana, Valentina, Seraphima, Anita.

Every parent asks the question: what are those born in August like? Today we will reveal all the secrets to this mysterious question. People born in August are influenced by the only star in solar system- Sun; other planets revolve around it. Therefore, Augustans are similar to the Sun in many of their qualities. They are distinguished by spiritual and physical strength. August personalities burst with energy, who stand out for their innate oratorical and leadership qualities. Their positive traits: generosity, honesty, kindness and optimism, but does not tolerate criticism at all.

1. Distinctive features

All their lives they attract a large number of people, both friends and foes, with their energy and open disposition.

Love of life and rational thinking help those born in August to always find the optimal solution in their affairs and become a hero when getting out of difficult situations. A depressed state is not typical for the “August” ones, and a little sadness rarely visits them. This allows you to gather new strength.

Individuals born in August are characterized by success and multifaceted talent. They are not touchy, they quickly make peace and give in to others. But at the same time they are distinguished by pride and vanity; and these properties sometimes interfere with building relationships between these individuals and other people.

Augustans love company, various events and being the center of attention. It is a pleasure to work and communicate with Augustans. Sharing optimism and energy with everyone is their credo.

How planets and zodiac signs influence

Individuals born before August 23 are influenced by the Sun (Leo constellation), and after this date in August - by the Sun and Mercury (Virgo constellation). Virgos are more reasonable and balanced than Leos. Therefore, fame and success accompany them.

2. Health problems

People born in August are usually in excellent health. You need to pay attention to the following diseases:

  • heart problems appear already in childhood;
  • poor vision (myopia);
  • overwork (it is necessary to rest in a timely manner);
  • strong exposure to the sun (sunstroke and heatstroke).

3. Creativity and career

People born in the last month of summer are characterized by public professions in the fields of law, politics, journalism, pedagogy, and the media.

They will not make any wasted investments. They know how to save money, but remain generous towards loved ones. When selecting an employee for a job, they can correctly use labor resources, possessing excellent psychological skills. They don't like lazy employees, but they give bonuses to enthusiasts. They devote all their strength to the work, only after completing it can they relax a little.

4. Family relationships

A couple chooses an individual personality that is different from everyone else. Jealousy and uncompromising attitude towards their partner distinguishes these individuals. They treat their children democratically and unobtrusively.

5. Colors of happiness for people born in August

These are all shades of sunlight: golden, yellowish, orange, purple... When choosing clothes, accessories, and household items, it is advisable to choose exactly these colors and shades.

For wearing, it is advisable to give preference to the following precious stones: ruby, amber and topaz.

6. Days of luck

people born in August should better plan their main activities on the following days: on Thursday, on the first and last days weeks. And there will be happiness!

People born at the end of summer are strong in body and spirit. The powerful flow of energy emanating from them gives rise to leadership and oratorical abilities. At the same time, they are kind, honest, generous, walk through life with optimism and cannot stand criticism.

Basic character traits

Throughout their lives, “Augustians” will be surrounded by people - friends, admirers, and often envious people and flatterers. Like a magnet, they are attracted by the powerful energy field, openness of character and enthusiasm of these people.

Optimism and a light-hearted attitude towards life (but not frivolous!) allow them to always find a way out of impasses, solve the most difficult problems and emerge victorious from troubles. They are not characterized by depression or despair, but attacks of mild despondency sometimes occur. But they do not last long, as if they allow wasted energy to accumulate.

“August” birthday people are multifaceted, talented, and successful. They do not hold grudges for a long time and always make reconciliation and concessions. Their main drawback is pride, sometimes vanity. These qualities spur the success of an individual, but sometimes they can play a cruel joke on their owners.

Influence of planets and zodiac signs

People who were born in August are patronized by the constellations Leo (until the 23rd) and Virgo (until the end of the month). By temperament, Virgos are more balanced and reasonable than Leos. The planets of this month are Mercury and the Sun. Such influence makes people bright personalities, many of them achieve fame and success.


As a rule, “August” people do not complain about their health and look great at any age. But you should still be careful:

  • with the heart (for some it manifests itself since childhood);
  • with vision (myopia, weak eye muscles);
  • with overwork (the habit of taking on everything on oneself will not benefit even such energetic individuals);
  • with the influence of the sun (overheating, sunstroke and heatstroke).


People endowed with such ambitions and willpower usually occupy leadership positions and realize their “fiery” potential. Any public profession is suitable for them: journalists, announcers, teachers, politicians, lawyers. They feel people very well, are able to correctly guess a person’s capabilities and distribute functions accordingly. Laziness is not tolerated, but honest hard work is encouraged and rewarded. Having devoted themselves to work 100% and having completed a gigantic amount of work, only then are they able to calmly exhale and get a little distracted.

Those born in August are not prone to scams and never invest money in dubious projects. Thrifty, able to accumulate capital. At the same time, they are generous and attentive to loved ones.


The companion of a person born at the end of summer usually becomes a bright personality, brilliant outside and inside. Such a couple always attracts attention in society. They are jealous with their marriage partner, demand constant proof of their feelings, and do not forgive infidelity. As parents, they are wise, democratic, but at the same time support their children without imposing personal opinions.

Lucky names

Men's: Alexander, Stepan, Maxim, Gleb, Nikolay, Roman, Leonid, Denis, Boris, Ivan, Sergey.

Women's: Maria, Tatyana, Margarita, Ulyana, Anna, Elizaveta, Christina, Tamara, Anfisa, Yulia.

Auspicious colors and decorations

All sunny shades will be successful for them: from pale lemon to purple and gold. It is better to use them in the interior, things, personal items.

When choosing jewelry, you should pay attention to products with rubies, amber or topaz.

Lucky days

It is better to plan important matters and responsible events for Monday, Thursday or Sunday - then “August” people will definitely be lucky!
