Lord, I am listening to you. In two years, a great sign will appear in the sky. Apocalypse? Star of Bethlehem, message from Fatima, king before the guillotine. Lord, I listen to you 09/23/17 what will happen

Every year on March 23, the Chechen Republic celebrates a regional holiday - Constitution Day of the Chechen Republic.

According to Decree of the Head of the Chechen Administration No. 34 of March 24, 2003, the holiday date is an official non-working day and an additional day off in Chechnya.

That is, in the Chechen Republic:
* March 23, 2020 (Monday) is a day off.

The working week will begin on Tuesday and last 4 days (with a five-day week). Tuesday March 24, 2020 is a working day.

Another additional day off awaits residents of the Republic on April 16, 2020, which was declared Peace Day by Decree of the President of the Chechen Republic. And a week later, on April 22, 2020, a day off was appointed in connection with the all-Russian vote on amending the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

On March 18, 2020, a message appeared on the official website of the Eurovision Song Contest about the cancellation of the event this year.

We tell you why the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 was canceled - the reasons why the event was not moved to a later time, was not held without spectators or remotely.

Why Eurovision 2020 was cancelled:

The reason for the cancellation of the popular music event was the uncertainty caused by the spread of a viral infection in Europe called COVID-19 (coronavirus).

Why the date of Eurovision 2020 was not postponed to a later time:

The organizers posted a statement on the official website of the competition, in which they said that they were considering various alternative options for holding the competition. This includes the option of holding the competition without spectators, or moving the date to a later time, after the spread of the infection has subsided.

However, the transfer was complicated by the fact that The epidemiological situation in Europe is extremely uncertain, and it is unclear when everything will return to normal. If it is possible to hold a competition, for example, at the end of 2020, the winner will have very little time to prepare for the organization of the next event(which is scheduled to take place in May 2021).

Previously, the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 was planned to be held in the second full week of May: from 15 to 16 May 2020.

Why Eurovision 2020 was not held without spectators or remotely:

Currently restrictions in the Netherlands the number of people who can simultaneously attend public events does not allow Eurovision to be held even in the “without spectators” format.

As for the “remote” format, in this case the organizers will not be able to provide all participants with the same opportunities to demonstrate their talent, which is contrary to the values ​​and traditions of the organization.

Where will Eurovision 2021 be held, in what composition:

Likely to host next year's Popular Song Contest Rotterdam (the second largest city in the Netherlands) will remain after the capital Amsterdam).

The decision will be made by the competition organizers and the leadership of the Netherlands later.

It has also not yet been decided whether the selected participants will be able to perform the submitted songs next year, or whether they will have to compose new compositions. Let us remind you that this year she was supposed to represent Russia at Eurovision 2020 group "Little Big" with the composition "UNO".

The Internet began to discuss the next end of the world, which supposedly awaits us on September 23, 2017. American ufologists began to spread theories that the apocalypse would happen on this very day. The most active among them is David Meade, who regularly publishes long videos on this topic on his YouTube channel.

Mead's theory is that on this day the Earth will supposedly collide with the planet Nibiru and all life will come to an end.

David Mead. Photo: YouTube

Ufologists, including Russian ones, link this idea to the prophecy of John in Revelation 12: “And a great sign appeared in heaven - a woman clothed with the sun; the Moon is under her feet, and on her head is a crown of twelve stars.”

Proponents of this theory believe that the prophecy refers to the constellation Virgo, in which Jupiter is now located. Mars, Venus and Mercury should supposedly line up next to it. Together with the constellation Leo, there should be a “crown of 12 stars”, allegedly predicted by John.

Fans of conspiracy theories have linked these two approaches and write on social networks about the end of the world on September 23. It really scares some people.

Others were skeptical about the idea and joked about the end of the world and unpleasant things that they now don’t have to do.

The planet Nibiru officially does not exist and NASA had to once again refute the crazy theories of ufologists.

Some people "predict" the end of the world on September 23 when another planet crashes into the Earth. The planet Nibiru in question does not exist, therefore there will be no collision

Back in 2016, NASA released a special video with explanations about the planet Nibiru, or, as it is also called, Planet X. The director of the planetary research department, Jim Green, said that according to scientists’ calculations, there may be another planet behind Pluto.

If we find this planet, we will do it all together. If not, then we will find an alternative explanation for the data we received.

Jim Green.

To test this theory, a research apparatus was sent to the suspected zone. So far, he has not found anything and the theory about the new planet has not been confirmed in any way.

Astronomer, candidate of geological and mineralogical sciences Lyudmila Konstantinovskaya told “360” that she calculated the flight trajectory of the “star” mentioned in the biblical prophecy.

Not a single star can break away from its path to fly somewhere. The period of its circulation is about three thousand years. If it was seen at the beginning of the zero century, then in 800 - 1000 years it should appear again

Lyudmila Konstantinovskaya.

Even if the end of the world happens, it will happen in several tens of millions of years, the specialist reassured.

The end of the world most likely depends on the period of the Sun's revolution in the galaxy. The revolution period of the Sun is about 200 million years. The last time the world ended was 66 million years ago - this is geological data

Lyudmila Konstantinovskaya.

Often people continue to spread theories about the end of the world and other conspiracy ideas because of mythological consciousness, says psychologist Olga Makhovskaya.

Olga Makhovskaya.

Man with mythological consciousness bases his reasoning not on experience, critical thinking and his own conclusions, but believes information from external sources.

Mythological consciousness always operates with non-existent entities - be it a planet or a hurricane, some kind of virus, some kind of person

Olga Makhovskaya.

People like to believe in fictional stories if they are told in an interesting way, they are more likely to perceive and believe visual information - pictures and videos. Social insecurity and low level of education are also a serious basis for the spread of such theories, the psychologist believes.

There is no systemic worldview that would suggest that people have been living for a very long time in complex natural conditions, but no end of the world has come. This ambivalence and complexity are characteristics of life itself

Olga Makhovskaya.

In Russia, the popularity of information about the end of the world is also explained by the influence of the difficult historical past and past wars.

People believe because they are afraid. The idea of ​​the apocalypse is a fatal scenario that is very important for Russian consciousness. Because we have fought wars many times. And every time a war is a training session for the end of the world

Olga Makhovskaya.

Behind last years There were several theories about the end of the world. The apocalypse was most actively discussed in 2012 - it was the last in the ancient Mayan calendar. Many decided that the Mayans knew something and since the calendar ends, then there will be no more living things.

For a week now, various news portals have been grinding out yet another “terrible” news. Next End of the world- another from another great prophet of the past. There is really no information about him. But we were not lazy and dug deep into these “reliable facts”. So.

If we discard the identity of the little-known Benedictine monk Gipedan, or Gepidan... Seriously, we couldn’t find any reliable information about him at all, not only in the Russian segment of the Internet, but also in foreign countries . But there were a bunch of other “prophets” who also prophesied all sorts of things for September. So, if we discard the personality of the prophet, and focus solely on the prediction of End of the World, then we get the following.

Revelation 12:1-2. “A great sign will light up the heavens. A woman illuminated by the Sun, with the moon under her feet, crowned with a crown of 12 stars.”
(free translation, our own).

Nothing new, in short. Biblical texts, signs, “incredible mysteries of the universe” and answers to “all the questions of the universe.” You just need to interpret them correctly. Which, in fact, is what numerous monks of the Middle Ages did. And Comrade Gipedan, most likely, was among them. He finally realized that these strange lines could describe not a specific woman with the moon and stars, but the position of the heavenly bodies. That is, the constellation Virgo and the stars surrounding it.

Having looked at the astrological tables (and the monks of those times had them, and quite detailed ones at that), he established that yes, on September 23, 2017, such a combination was quite possible. The Moon will be near the constellation Virgo, and the constellation Leo (9 stars), as well as Venus, Mars and Mercury, will form something like a “crown”. Well, how will they form it... You need to have a remarkable imagination to imagine all this exactly as described in Revelation. However, yes, from a formal point of view, the conditions of the prophecy are met. And of course, such an astronomical phenomenon MUST mean something. End of the world At the very least, it is very rare. Happens once every 7000 years.

Well, then came the fantasy. What can cause us End of the world? Some kind of global war. And climate catastrophe. Hurricanes, for example. Well, earthquakes are already boring, volcanic eruptions too. But we haven’t seen terrible winds in Europe for a long time. So let them be responsible for the “next” death of humanity. The monks had a good imagination, very good.

So, if we put aside speculation and religious nonsense. Yes, on September 23, 2017 it will be possible to observe a unique astronomical phenomenon. As on any other day, you will be able to observe absolutely unique combinations of stars in the sky, which will be repeated in who knows how many years. And, in fact, that’s all. As for the Third World War, even according to Nostradamus ( if we really want to listen to famous prophets) the nearest one should be no earlier than 2038.

So, dear readers, stop listening to various prophecies. If for every unfulfilled prediction the prophets were hit in the face (and the same would be done with weather forecasters, stock analysts, political scientists and “strategists” economic development"), then they would very soon stop carrying out their subversive activities. However, no, we will not wait for such happiness.


September 23, 2017 – we will witness the greatest sign in heaven.
Perhaps you and I are living at the beginning of apocalyptic times.
Brief diagram of the apocalypse https://azbyka.ru/shemy/kratkaja-skhema-apokalipsisa.shtml

On the specified day the following falls:
Feast of Trumpets (Jewish New Year's holiday September 20-22)
The Feast of Trumpets is a prototype of the restoration of the people of Israel - this is the only holiday, or rather “the appointed day of meeting,” which can last more than a day, because in ancient Israel, this holiday was determined by visual observation of the sky. When the two appointed Levites confirmed that a narrow strip of a new, nascent month had appeared, then the high priest declared de facto that the Feast of Trumpets had begun. That is why a tradition was formed in Israel to celebrate this holiday for two days. In 2017, it should be celebrated from the evening of September 20th to the evening of September 22nd. And starting from September 22nd in the evening until the second half of the 23rd, a unique astronomical event will occur in our sky; this can happen once every 7000 years. And in 1000 years this will not happen.

Today, every now and then warnings are heard, such as:
The revelation of John the Theologian is coming true in full swing. People get ready. Hell is coming to earth! Repent collectively to our Lord Jesus Christ. On September 21, 2017, the demons of hell will arrive - UFOs, stay at home, curtain the windows with thick curtains, stock up on food, water, buy candles, medicines and personal hygiene products. SIT QUIET AND NEVER TURN ON. LIGHT! DON'T LOOK OUT OF THE WINDOW! The Lord will let you know when it's all over. Possibly from September 21 to September 23. But it’s better to know and be prepared in advance!

Revelation from the Bible, chapter 12, Book of the Apocalypse of Revelations of John the Theologian.
verse 1-2:
09/23/2017 There will be a great sign in the sky (occurring once every six thousand years).
verse 4:
The Red Dragon (devil) threw a third of the stars to the ground (and as we know, the third of the stars is fallen angels or in other words demons - “UFOs”) This dragon stood in front of his wife (here is the hint! STANDED IN FRONT OF THE WIFE) The wife is due to give birth on September 23, 2017, which means that before this day the dragon - the devil - will come with his fallen UFO demons. And the wife was about to give birth and the dragon wants to devour her baby.
verse 5:
And she gave birth to a male child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron; and HER CHILD WAS CAUGHT UP TO GOD AND TO HIS THRONE.
(if deciphered, then the baby born of the Virgin in order to rule all nations with a rod of iron is Jesus Christ. The wife is the church of the Lord Jesus Christ and the children of the church of Jesus Christ. This is everyone who will be caught up (ascended) to Heaven to God and the throne His.

The Rapture of the Church.
By “rapture” we mean the ascension of the Church of Christ to meet Jesus Christ before His Second Coming. The term "admiration" is taken from Synodal translation Bible, from the words of the Apostle Paul addressed to christian church in Thessaloniki:

“Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.”
…And the seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and loud voices were heard in heaven, saying: The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and He will reign forever and ever. (Rev. 11:15)

And at this moment, as 1 Thess. 4:16-17 tells us, the Church admires: because the Lord Himself, with a proclamation, with the voice of the Archangel and the trumpet of God, will descend from heaven, and the dead in Christ will rise first; Then we who are left alive will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.

We clearly see the Orthodox revealed doctrine of the rapture faithful children Churches in which the following order is indicated:
1. The coming of the Lord from heaven.
2. The resurrection, first of all, of the dead faithful children of the Church.
3. The joining of the children of the Church living on earth, who will not die, but will be changed by a wondrous change for eternal life to the resurrected.
4. The ascension or rapture together of the entire host of the faithful children of the Church: resurrected and living, but miraculously transformed, on the clouds (like the Lord at His Ascension; it is clear that we are not talking about rain clouds) to meet the future with myriads of holy Angels and human souls Lord by air.

The timing of this rapture should also be noted: during the most glorious coming of the Lord. The meeting will take place in the air! Only the spiritualized, resurrected or miraculously changed (for the living of that time) bodies of the holy children of the Church will be able to rise. Those who cannot rise in this way will wait for the Lord on earth along with the infidels for the Last Judgment to be carried out on them, which will decide their eternal fate.

Thus, to talk about the rapture of the Church until the glorious coming of the Lord and until the resurrection of the dead is false, incorrect and erroneous. This very admiration will serve as a watershed between the faithful and the unfaithful, between the holy children of the Church and the unworthy or unrepentant. Lastly, it will serve as a chastisement and a kind of judgment before the Judgment.

In this sense, the expression should be understood that judgment will begin from the house of God, i.e. Church, which, as the pure and immaculate Bride of Christ, will not be judged by Last Judgment, but Her saints will judge other people and demons!
That's how it is Orthodox teaching and the revelation of the rapture of the Church of Christ, although it is more correct to speak of the rapture of part of the children of the Church, for the Angels and holy souls coming from heaven also enter the Church. It is interesting to add that the union of the holy souls coming with the Lord with their resurrected holy bodies will take place in the air... It will be a wondrous and delightful sight!

Firstly, this Universal Church(Church of Christ) is a worldwide community of Christians, consisting of both those living on earth now (the earthly, militant Church) and those who have fallen asleep and are with Christ (the heavenly, triumphant Church) (See Kingdom of Heaven). According to the New Testament, the head of the Universal Church is Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:22-23; Col. 1:18). In the New Testament, the Universal Church is called the Body of Christ (Eph. 1:17-18), the Bride of Christ (Eph. 5:27), the spiritual House, or the temple of God (Eph. 2:19-21, Heb. 3:6), The flock of Christ (John 10:16).

Secondly, this is a church, as a meeting of Christians in one locality. In this value it is close to modern concepts Christian community or parish. However, there is a difference: there is no mention in the New Testament that even in large cities there would be more than one such church. In modern Christianity this is quite acceptable. It was the use of the concept of “church”, as a local Christian community, that over time was associated with the premises where meetings of Christians of some kind were organized settlement or locality (see Church (building)).

Thirdly, this is a home or small church - a meeting of Christians in one family, including relatives, neighbors and slaves (if there were any).

The appearance of the Russian Orthodox Tsar to the people.
According to the prophecies of the holy fathers and the monk Abel the Seer of Mysteries, we find another and, perhaps, the most mystical coincidence directly in the date of the appearance of the “imache of the begotten king,” falling on the “DAYS of the feast of this icon,” i.e. for the Christmas holiday Holy Mother of God. It should be noted here that the icon indicates the appearance of the king not on the day, but precisely on the DAYS of the Great Christian holiday. From Orthodox tradition We know that it is celebrated on September 21, but in addition it has 1 day of pre-celebration and 4 days of post-celebration, i.e. lasts from September 20 to 25. The most amazing thing here is that the date we discovered from the heavenly sign described in the 12th chapter of the Apocalypse, associated with the “spiritual birth” of the Lamb of God, “caught up to God and his throne” (September 23, 2017), falls precisely on this period of time.

So, the prophetic apotheosis of many predicted messages of the past becomes precisely the accession to the throne of the Orthodox sovereign, as the central event of the entire planetary history, which will probably occur not in 2024, as they tried so hard to convince us of, but much earlier. This is an event to which various forecasts and predictions are addressed, separated by borders and centuries, and to which the lines of the Revelation of John the Theologian are dedicated, in which the coming Orthodox king is described as the Lamb of God.

We can assume with a high degree of probability that on September 23, 2017, there will be a turning point in the destinies of not only Russians, but also the entire “very sinful world”, the significant threshold of which, according to the testimony of Abel, will be the beginning of a “very terrible war” in which Russia will face alone to confront all the world's evil. And by the standards of those who are at the top of the pyramid of world evil, Russia’s fate is predetermined, because even those who seemed to be Russia’s ally will meanly betray it at the last moment. But even in this seemingly hopeless situation, Russia is not destined to perish, because the Russian people have the truth, and therefore God!

The national holiday of Peter and Paul - Rowanniki is also celebrated in Rus' on September 23 (September 10 is the date according to the old style). On this day, rowan celebrates its birthday, and its berries, thanks to frost, acquire a sweetish taste. And the believers Orthodox Church they honor the memory of Saints Peter and Paul, bishops of Nicaea.

Glory to the wondrous God - our race forever and ever, amen!
