How zodiac signs gather for kindergarten and school. How do different zodiac signs behave during school years? School horoscope

How do patron planets influence a child’s success? We invite you to find out why Aries become excellent mathematicians, and Pisces become talented creative individuals.

Aries: best grades in math

The patroness of Aries is the fiery planet Mars, named after the God of War. Aries students are goal-oriented, well-motivated, attentive and prepared. Best success achieve at the beginning of the academic “race”, and until the end of the year they can relax slightly. They express a sense of competition, which helps Aries fight for leadership in terms of academic performance.

On the other hand, Aries' impulsiveness does not allow them to concentrate on one subject. But if the subject truly interests Aries (and this is often the exact sciences), then they will reach unprecedented heights in this area.

Taurus: best grades in fine arts and drawing

Taurus is protected by the earthly Venus, so they are distinguished by perseverance and perseverance. However, laziness is also inherent in Taurus - in the morning it can be difficult to wake them up for school. Salvation for Taurus is collective work. This zodiac sign works well in a team and shows the best results in subjects such as fine arts and drawing. Taurus are called to be engineers! They also make good musicians and artists.

Gemini: Best Grades in Physics

Thanks to the patron planet Mercury, Gemini children are characterized by increased curiosity. They love to learn and are often given the "title" of being the most successful student in the class. Geminis like natural sciences most, especially physics. In the future they can make a useful discovery and become famous. Of course, if they don’t switch to the creative side, the twins have a lot of talents!

Cancers: Best Grades in Biology

Cancer children, who are patronized by the Moon, treat the class team as a friendly family. For them, studying is not as important as warm communication with peers. Cancers get the best grades in simple subjects - biology, geography. They cannot work long and painstakingly on one subject. Cancers always need mental development. Such children should be sent to dance classes or to a music school. Just remember that creativity for Cancers is often just a hobby.

Leo: best grades in computer science

Leos have a talent for exact sciences. They are patronized by the Sun itself, so Leos are distinguished by leadership qualities and strive to be the first in everything. They receive the title of “Walking Encyclopedia” and earn the respect of teachers and students. Leos show excellent results in computer science and programming.

Virgo: best grades in Russian language

At first glance, Virgos do not seem to be particularly gifted children. Mercury's wards often hide their potential and reveal it in the last moments. Virgos are that category of students who cannot answer at the board, but receive the highest score in the class for the test. Virgos are very meticulous and neat - teachers always like this. Virgos get the best grades in Russian.

Libra: Best Chemistry Grades

Libra rules the planets Air Element. Libra children have a high level of intelligence and love competition. Libras will not tolerate anyone in the class getting better grades than them. Representatives of this zodiac sign often graduate from school with a gold medal. However, it is very important for Libra to find their own path and not get lost in the race to “be the best.”

Scorpio: best grades in a foreign language

The patrons of Scorpio are the planets Pluto and Mars. Scorpio children easily achieve heights in linguistics - they learn with great enthusiasm foreign languages. It is important for Scorpios to be in a non-conflict school group, otherwise they can “sting” the offenders painfully and provoke a scandal.

Sagittarius: best grades in geography

Sagittarius is ruled by the huge Jupiter - the planet of adventure and adventure. Sagittarians are fickle in their interests: today they are the best mathematicians, and tomorrow they play the piano perfectly. It’s not easy to seat such an adventurer at his desk. However, in the future, Sagittarius becomes more serious and often chooses professions related to teaching. For example, a geography teacher.

Capricorn: best scores in literature

Capricorns, ruled by Saturn, are very stubborn and determined. They set themselves the goal of getting a good grade at any cost. The other side of Capricorns is their love of creativity. Most often, Capricorns show the best results in world literature.

Pisces: best grades in history

Pisces cope well with any school subjects, especially history. But the main potential of Pisces lies in their unearthly talents. This zodiac sign can create music that the whole world will listen to, or paint a picture that will be considered a masterpiece. It is very important not to suppress the creative impulses of Pisces and develop their talents in every possible way.

The first bell rang, the students sat down at their desks after the summer holidays, and the teachers rustled magazines.

What does the upcoming school year have in store for schoolchildren? What ratings should you expect from all zodiac signs? He'll tell you about it astrologer Alena Zemelina.

September, from an astrological point of view, is the best month to start studying. From September 1 to September 22, the Sun passes through the sign of Virgo, this is a time of learning, developing memory, logical thinking and acquiring new knowledge.

Of course, there is no sign under which only geniuses or only potential losers are born, but perseverance, the ability to develop one’s talents, the ability to assimilate and acquire knowledge are largely determined by the character traits that the horoscope will tell you about.


Aries is just as restless at school as in school. Everyday life. His interests can be very different: today he is interested in biology, and tomorrow he is already “clicking” equations. But sooner or later, Aries will choose a subject that will really captivate him.

Aries finds learning easy. These are resourceful and brave kids. They easily answer the teacher’s questions, surprising him with their intelligence. But this applies to those items that Aries likes. In order for your son or daughter to study well, maintain interest in subjects, tell them more than a child can learn at school.


The Taurus student asks the most questions. And not because knowledge is difficult for them to assimilate, but so that once again make sure he understands everything correctly.

Taurus sometimes find it difficult to express their thoughts. This circumstance may affect. Taurus may know the lesson perfectly, but the teacher will not understand this, the Taurus student will not be able to convey his knowledge to him. Help your child learn to express his thoughts correctly, let him retell how he spent the day, what he did - correct, instruct, advise. Be sure to try to stick to the routine from the very first days, teach your child to fill out a diary and do homework on time.


Gemini meteor children love to learn, and they are especially fascinated by languages. It seems that they have time to do everything in the world: do their homework, go to extra classes, and engage in their favorite hobbies.

But good grades for Gemini can alternate with. Why? Because Gemini, in pursuit of everything new, can very quickly forget the old. Their knowledge is not deep, and teachers often complain that their subject is taught superficially.

Therefore, try with your student to master new horizons of knowledge as fully as possible and do everything so that he remembers the information.

Cancers are essentially philosophers. They love to rant, so the humanities are easier for them than the exact sciences.

Cancers, as a rule, choose one favorite subject, but study it thoroughly. Often such a subject becomes history or literature. In literature lessons you can talk, speculate, and argue. And history attracts Cancers with a past in which they love to delve.

Guide your student, talk about the interesting aspects of other subjects, but in mathematics, it is likely that you will have to hire a tutor.

Leos love school, they especially like to go to the blackboard, because then all the attention of the class is focused on him. And it doesn’t matter if he hasn’t learned his lesson, Leo will try to get out.

Since Leos love to be the first in everything, they also need to do their homework in a team - then they will definitely want to learn everything first and show off their knowledge. But Lion Cubs don’t like lessons “alone” at all. Such activities completely dampen him.

Leos at school will not only sit at their desks, they will become active participants in amateur performances. It is the stage that will allow them to self-actualize and become teachers' favorites.


These are not students - these are “walking encyclopedias.” Parents will be proud of them, teachers will not be overjoyed, and Virgos themselves will fully enjoy the process of acquiring new knowledge.

It is Virgos who have their entire class copying homework; they will not come to class without being properly prepared.

Virgos are ready to learn throughout their lives. In addition to school, they also manage to attend a number of elective classes and activities. But don’t put pressure on your child, he is quite capable of choosing his own path in life.


Libras learn easily, they generally try to go through life happily. And they often succeed. But reading textbooks becomes a real challenge for them. Libras learn material “by ear” much easier. That is why we must try to ensure that they do not miss lessons at school, listen to the teacher, and discuss new knowledge at home.

Libras know how to defend their point of view. They love history, law, literature, exact sciences - not their strong point.

They are good storytellers and may become teachers themselves in the future.


These are very smart and responsible students. Their tenacious mind can surprise teachers. They always remember what happened a month ago and make excellent use of basic knowledge to acquire new ones.

Scorpios have an analytical mind; mathematics and other exact sciences are easy for them.

The main thing when choosing a favorite subject for Scorpio will be his attitude towards the teacher. If Scorpio does not respect the teacher or doubts his competence, the child may stop doing homework on this subject altogether.

Aries finds learning easy. There is only one problem - restlessness. Aries finds it difficult to sit still, much less follow the rules of behavior. Moreover, the more you demand from him to “behave decently,” the less result you will achieve. Silence and stagnation are a signal for him to “fight.”
Aries grasps the idea of ​​what the teacher says and develops it independently; the details pass by his consciousness. Because of this, Aries will not answer “according to the textbook”, but will present his concept, without being at all embarrassed by gaps in the evidence. He sketches the topic in broad strokes, believing that the rest is already clear, especially to the teacher. Why waste time on obvious details. Therefore, Aries needs to be puzzled - and left alone. The surest way to force an Aries to learn something is to arrange something like a competition so that he can stand out, shine, and show himself. Aries teaches what he believes he needs. If he sees no reason to load his head with some knowledge, then he will not teach, limiting himself to best cases minimum. If there is a goal, he is capable of becoming a highly qualified specialist, even top class. They are best at technical disciplines; among school subjects, they are most drawn to physics. Mathematics is too abstract for the specific Aries.

Most teachers love Taurus. They are assiduous, diligent, and efficient. They do not argue with the teacher and do not give away their theories. Very comfortable students.
Taurus for successful assimilation educational material Methodology, consistency, logical constructions and what is called “consolidation of the material” are necessary. New knowledge must be consistent with old knowledge and in no case deny it. Taurus learns the basics of science through practice. Theory without practice is difficult for him. Taurus must check and touch everything himself to make sure the statements are true. You can’t tug or rush him; in this case, he stops understanding anything at all. But if Taurus has learned something, it is forever. What Taurus knows will correspond to the source from which he drew his knowledge, so he answers by repeating what he has learned “word for word,” without allowing himself any ad-libbing, approximation, or free interpretations. Time has no power over the knowledge of Taurus. He remembers everything he once knew. Taurus is good at learning what can be practically useful, and shows the wonders of slow-wittedness in abstract theories. Preference is usually given to the humanities and natural sciences. They attend folk art clubs, where they can do something with their own hands. And, of course, cooking.

Geminis are nimble, agile students like mercury. During the lesson, they manage to redo a bunch of things, while still hearing what the teacher says.
Teaching comes easily to Gemini; he easily grasps new information, but the learning process is based on interest. Geminis are greedy for everything new, so while they are receiving new information, their attention will be focused on the teacher; as soon as the material is repeated and consolidated, Geminis are distracted and do other things. The process of memorization occurs as if by itself, thanks to innate associative thinking. Due to the versatility of their interests, Gemini’s knowledge is most often superficial, but they easily replace gaps in knowledge with information from other areas, tailoring it to their needs. required item. Teachers often give them positive marks “for their resourcefulness.” It’s easy to spur Gemini’s interest in studying: you need to tell him that someone knows “this”, but he doesn’t. A Gemini won't be a Gemini if ​​he doesn't at least read about it. For Gemini, it is important who teaches him. If the teacher is authoritative for him, then he learns from him with enthusiasm. If Gemini is disappointed in the teacher, he is able to abandon the subject altogether. They often have equal abilities in all subjects, which makes it difficult for them to choose a profession. But it is better to choose “mental” professions, because monotonous work with your hands can lead a Gemini to a nervous breakdown.

If little Cancer has problems with his studies, do not rush to accuse him of laziness and dishonesty. Cancer's teaching depends on his internal state. If you don't like the teacher, your performance in that subject can drop to almost zero. At the same time, he will neither shout nor misbehave, nor will he even run away from class. He will simply stop studying the subject. And by no means is it possible to force him to change his opinion about the subject and about the teacher associated with it. Once he dislikes someone, Cancer remains unconvinced almost forever. Cancer's perception is figurative, therefore new material must be associated with something already known. As a result, he can present even dry information in an almost poetic form. It can be beautiful, heartfelt, but not accurate. Moreover, he is confident that he remembered everything correctly. Excessive imagination and daydreaming can create problems in learning. Having caught a word or phrase, Cancer, by association, floats far away from the essence. But if a subject interests him, he will pore over it day and night. So, in the end, Cancer is able to become a professional in his chosen field of knowledge, usually the humanities. Special love for historical sciences. Although Cancer loves military specialties, he is still not a technician, but more of a supply specialist.

a lion
Leos are confident that they know everything and can do it better than anyone, so it’s bad if this is true. In this case, there is no element of competition, struggle for leadership, which is characteristic of Leo. There is no better way to spur Leo's interest in a subject than to say that someone knows better than Leo. Leo does not need supervision, you can simply give him direction and the opportunity to further work on the topic on his own. Leo’s problem is that, having heard what is being said, he no longer listens to explanations, but finds his own and remembers it. It is Leo who is able to argue with the teacher, assuring him either that it was the teacher who gave such an interpretation, or that the teacher is fundamentally wrong. Leo is very capricious and touchy. If he is humiliated in front of a group, he is able to demonstratively stop studying the subject, masterfully playing the role of a misunderstood hero, gaining fame and gaining enthusiastic fans. But in general, Leos are diligent, because they do not like to be second in something. They know how to present themselves, and playing a scene to please the teacher is not difficult for them. Teachers usually love them. Your favorite subject is usually one in which you can show off your extraordinary knowledge. They gravitate toward literature, rhetoric, and languages, but they are also attracted to technical subjects.

The most diligent students are undoubtedly Virgos. Smart, intelligent, moderately nimble, but generally obedient. Teachers usually don't have problems with them. Virgo grasps the material quite quickly, but will definitely check and double-check everything. Virgo has logical, practical thinking and unique ability notice all the details. It is Virgo who points out to the teacher his mistakes, asking him if she correctly understood what the teacher said. But Virgo’s problem is that she gets stuck on little things, worries about mistakes, and is capable of rewriting her homework more than once, so she spends more time on lessons than representatives of other signs. Her desire to check everything does not allow her to take information for granted. She always doubts whether she understood correctly, whether she remembered correctly, she strives to convey what she has learned almost word for word, so she repeats herself. Her speech is replete with many details and digressions, which in her opinion are necessary to understand the essence. It is clear why her favorite subjects are mathematics, computer science, logic and other exact sciences.

Libra just like anyone else air sign are inquisitive and easily grasp information. Studying comes quite easily to them. But in order to avoid the superficiality of knowledge, they need to know why they need this or that knowledge. If they have a choice, they learn from people with big names, in any case highly professional people. In this case, the difficulty of choosing is only which of the big names to prefer, and if there is even the slightest opportunity, learn from both. Having found their calling, Libra sometimes learns all their lives: they constantly improve their professional level, constantly travel to conferences, seminars, courses, including abroad. They often have diplomas in different, unrelated fields of knowledge and manage to use all the knowledge they have acquired in their work. Libras are creative and enthusiastic people, so they often choose the profession of a freelance artist. They often love social sciences, with particular preference given to psychology or any specialties related to the world of arts.

Scorpio is usually a diligent student, but at the same time very capricious, recklessly defending his understanding of justice. Scorpio knows the word “must” well, he has patience and perseverance, he knows how to be demanding not only of others, but also of himself. You can arouse his interest in the subject by hinting at a certain secret that this or that knowledge conceals (this is not so far from the truth) or not telling it to the end, arguing that it is too early for Scorpio to know this. Rest assured, he will unearth something you didn’t even know about. He learns better from strict, demanding, but crystal-fair teachers, although his personal assessment of the teacher is often subjective. He masters the subject to an extent proportional to his sympathy for the teacher. It cannot be said that he grabs information on the fly, but what he has learned, he remembers for centuries. The real difficulty is that once he remembers, he considers it an immutable truth, it is difficult for him to change his point of view, because this is associated with a deep breakdown of his internal foundations. Which subject will be given preference depends on the internal mood. One that will blow his mind. He will make efforts where he wants to “get to the point.” Psychology has a special place.

Studying is easy for Sagittarius, but this does not mean that he will be an excellent student. It is impossible to force a Sagittarius to learn anything. He prefers to do what interests him, ignoring everything else. He chooses “his” direction on a whim, often this happens unexpectedly for himself. But if Sagittarius becomes interested in something, he will dig up everything that can be found on this issue. Therefore, Sagittarius can be highly professional in one area and not know basic things in another. But it’s difficult to catch a Sagittarius not knowing some things. They are able, without blinking an eye, “with the learned air of an expert” to talk about almost everything and quite successfully. Sagittarians are virtuosos of generalizations and a global view of the problem, so listeners often do not suspect that he is incompetent in one area or another. Sagittarius parents should not tear their hair out when they see the “gentlemanly set” of grades on the report card. Great scientists, as a rule, were not diligent students in childhood. If there are extremes in the report card, then there is still hope. Preferences are often given social sciences, history, geography, although technical sciences are not excluded.

Capricorns are a teacher's dream. Diligent, persistent, focused, serious beyond their years. But they are stubborn. Capricorn's intelligence and abilities primary school may not manifest themselves in any way, since all processes in Capricorns are slow. It takes him a lot of time to master the material. But somewhere in high school, it suddenly turns out that the silent Capricorn is ahead of many of his peers in intelligence, out of nowhere he is declared to have abilities. Capricorn begins to win in all sorts of Olympics. It turns out that in certain disciplines his knowledge is much wider than the school curriculum. Capricorn's strength lies in his consistency and thoroughness in everything he undertakes. He is a logician and a practitioner; he tests any acquired knowledge with practice. Having taken on something, he “digs” to the very depths, so he often becomes a professional of the highest class. Capricorn studies all his life and learns from absolutely everything, drawing conclusions from everything and building any newly acquired knowledge into the foundation of success. There is no particular selection of items due to the serious approach to any information.

For a smart Aquarius, teaching is usually easy, even too easy. Due to his natural curiosity, he comes to school well savvy; he knows a lot, as if on his own. The problem is that Aquarius is usually enthusiastic about learning what interests him, and not very diligent about what is not interesting. True, if he sees a means of self-affirmation in an “uninteresting” subject, then he will surpass everyone, sometimes even the teacher himself. But as soon as he achieves his goal, he immediately loses interest in the subject and goes back to his own business. But due to the fact that he hears everything that happens around him, even if he is busy with other things, he does not have any special problems at school in terms of studies, which cannot be said about behavior. Aquarius is a well-known troublemaker and fighter for truth. You can spur his interest in the subject by dismissively noting that the clever Aquarius turns out to not know something. All the highest peaks will be conquered. Aquarius cannot be called academic knowledge, but this is perhaps for the best, because he replaces the gap in knowledge with fate, which often contains a world discovery. It is among Aquarius that the largest number of inventors are found. Usually they have no difficulty in mathematics, physics, and computer science. They love frontier sciences and choose new directions. They are not alien to psychology.

Fish are usually shy and too impressionable, so their abilities are not revealed immediately; they first need to “get used to” their environment. If they feel uncomfortable in an educational institution, especially if the information is presented dryly, leaving no room for imagination, success on the educational front cannot be expected. The detached appearance of Pisces should not confuse teachers; on the contrary, it is precisely this that often indicates that Pisces is listening to you attentively. If Pisces looks straight into the eyes, then with an almost one hundred percent guarantee we can say that they have “swimmed away” far, far away. But at the same time, Pisces hears everything, although most often they are not able to repeat what they hear. Pisces have an excellent memory, but their knowledge is a mysterious mixture of guesses, insights and completely real facts, and it is almost impossible to separate one from the other, and Pisces itself does not feel the need for this. Despite their penchant for mysticism and everything mysterious, Pisces, nevertheless, gravitate towards the exact sciences. Although by nature they are undoubtedly humanists.

I provide a table showing how cosmic factors influence the success of learning in the new academic year. It should be remembered that the data are averages, since character traits such as the ability to learn, perseverance and determination are very individual.
September October November December January February March April May June
Aries 2 3 5 4 5 4 5 3 3 5
Taurus 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 2
Gemini 5 5 4 4 3 5 3 3 3 5
Cancer 2 2 2 3 1 3 2 2 2 2
Leo 4 4 3 5 3 4 4 3 3 5
Virgo 4 4 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 3
Libra 5 5 4 4 4 5 3 4 4 5
Scorpio 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 2
Arrow 3 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 4
Capricorn 2 2 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 2
Aquarius 4 4 3 5 4 5 3 4 4 4
Pisces 1 1 3 3 4 4 2 2 2 3

5 - most favored nation regime, nothing prevents you from studying to your full potential, everything depends only on diligence and diligence. Luck is with you.

4 - mostly favorable, but sometimes luck fails.

3 - there are limiting factors that do not allow you to use your abilities to their full potential; luck is capricious and unpredictable.

2 - there are significant factors that interfere with the successful assimilation of the material; not everything depends on diligence.

1 - learning comes from labor and effort. Maybe you're just unlucky.

PS the table will apparently be crooked)

Aries at school age are characterized by activity, stubbornness and perseverance in achieving their goals. Aries are proactive and responsible. If someone needs their help, they will definitely share their acquired knowledge.

Astrologer's advice: For most individuals, manifestations of properties that are not inherent to him are likely. This is due to the fact that the majority have a dependence on celestial phenomena, some of them are the retrograde of planets, the parade of planets, etc.

For Aries study and education no problem. Here he is at his best. This is exactly the case when you are excellent in all subjects, but poor in behavior. The problem is lack of perseverance. He can’t sit still, what rules of conduct are there? Moreover, every remark made to him is perceived as a call to action. For him, silence is perceived as the calm before the storm.

Astrologer's advice: Often, a lucky chance global change personal life for the better, appears only once in life. Don't miss it - sign up and find out how soon you can expect it!

Aries have a lively mind: they literally immediately grasp everything on the fly, but just as quickly forget everything. This is their main characteristic as students.

Aries is independent. His place is always ahead. They will never follow the herd. Often teachers can understand them. Aries will not bow down just because the teacher is older and has power. But a teacher who inspires and encourages will turn into his idol.

Aries loves to prove his abilities, but at the same time he is very impatient, quickly rushes to a conclusion, so sometimes he looks funny. He needs to restrain himself and only after thinking, give the result.

Aries needs a quality education, since they are unsuited to low-skilled work. To interest him you need to organize competitions. Here Aries there will be no equal in studies and education. He will go out of his way to be the first. We need to give him the opportunity to shine, to stick out. He's just not interested in working for grades.

Astrologer's advice: In order to understand and understand well the character and traits of a zodiac sign, it is advisable to consider it from different angles and the section will help you with this -.

Aries needs a goal, and he is ready to do anything to achieve it. He will sit and tirelessly delve into it, figure it out, even open books, outside the school curriculum - he needs this. Otherwise, this is superficial knowledge and nothing more. It is difficult to force him to study, but he is one of those who will not sleep the night before an exam, and in the morning he will pass ahead of everyone else. He won’t worry at all, because he owes him a bonus for his courage.

Aries is a leader in life and if he is the leader in the class, he will run to school ahead of the rest. Otherwise, he becomes disappointed, begins to be lazy and capricious. This condition can only be overcome with help from parents and teaching staff. After all, the ability to adapt to others is so lacking in Aries in the future.

Having matured, Aries do not change. They are so full of energy that there is only one Aries in the lecture hall, this is already too much. Their behavior, while positive, borders on extremism.

Astrologer's advice: High quality and useful. Go to the horoscopes category. We invite you to read for a month, a year for all zodiac signs. Astrological forecast will allow you to make the most effective decisions on any issues.

Aries can excite a crowd in just a couple of minutes. If an Aries student is present in the classroom during a lesson, the teacher needs to have another pair of eyes. Moreover, it is better if they are behind you.

From time to time I would like to suggest that an Aries student go for a run to relieve stress and calm down. The teacher needs to remember that these are those Aries children who always got an A in subjects at school and a two in behavior. You must always be fully prepared to take off.

The given data about Aries and his manner study and education will allow parents and teachers to determine their line of behavior with students and achieve a good assimilation of knowledge from Aries.

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Will your child fly to school at all speeds, cheerfully waving his briefcase, or walk sluggishly as if undergoing torture? Will it be easy for him to obey educators and teachers, or will his diary be full of bad marks and comments? Our zodiac signs will tell you how our children will feel about kindergarten and school!


Create scandals with shouts of “I don’t want to go there!” or jump out of bed and quickly get ready, brush your teeth and at the same time jump, collect in your backpack everything that you didn’t put yesterday (and this is practically everything that is necessary) - little Aries can get ready for school (or kindergarten) this way and that. It all depends on how interesting he is there and how much they allow him to be a leader in the team. And of course, the noisier, funnier and more playful, the more interesting! Start a fight with high school students, throw a firecracker in the toilet, keep your roommates from sleeping in kindergarten- all this is about them, the young representatives of this zodiac sign. However, their energy and haste backfires - already in class, Aries may discover that he forgot his shift and pencil case, and during the day he spends a long time looking for a jacket in the wardrobe...


Representatives of this zodiac sign have everything in order: notebooks in a separate folder, books in covers, lessons learned, classmates not beaten, girls' braids in place. Little Taurus constantly processes information in their heads, and therefore, even having learned the material in advance, they can get up in the morning and pick up the book again to finish reading or repeating something. Don't worry, it won't stop you from coming to class on time, they have everything under control!


For Gemini, illness and missing kindergarten or school results in a huge tragedy. After all, there, in a group or class, it’s so interesting, so fun, but at home... it’s dull and empty. And there is also a dance club, and chess, and additional physical education, and English, and I want all this, but I just don’t have enough time! When Geminis are outside the home, surrounded by their peers, they feel in their own environment, and therefore go to school or kindergarten with joy, without forcing their parents to persuade themselves. They put everything they need in the backpack, and even more - a ribbon for Tanya, a jar for Anya, etc. They grasp everything on the fly: the teacher is explaining the rules of multiplication, Vanka on the first desk sneezed, and Katka on the last desk in the third row whispered something to her neighbor. Information flows into the representatives of this zodiac sign, and if they want, they can study with straight A’s.


Young Cancer slowly brushes his teeth and thinks about his own things. He does not have a quick breakfast, but a thorough one, like in a restaurant. And he gets angry at his parents’ urging: “Why are you driving me away?!” Cancer goes to kindergarten or school calmly - why rush? - along the same path. And in school or kindergarten he takes the place of the spectator no closer than the fourth desk and does not bother, that is, to the blackboard - but why? It’s easier for Cancer if he knows in advance what, when and how - if there is an order, he will adhere to it, without delays or bad grades.

a lion

Little Leos go to kindergarten and school at ease and can even rush their parents: “Let's hurry up, we'll be late now!” They seem to have gathered themselves, but if you look into their backpacks, you will be surprised to not find half of the school supplies there, but to find various toys, a screwdriver, a couple of candies, and other things that will help gather an audience around them. After all, Leo cannot live without an audience - he needs to become the star of his team, and how to conquer him, each Leo decides individually: someone tells interesting stories, someone is mischievous, someone becomes a trendsetter in a new hairstyle fashion, and only a small percentage of Lion Cubs conquer the collective with their knowledge.


Young Virgos not only always know where their pre-prepared clothes and textbooks are, but they will also answer which page the topic is on and give an exact schedule of classes for the week ahead. They get up at the first bell, brush their teeth without being reminded, dress neatly and always leave on time. At school and kindergarten, too, everything is fine, and in relationships with peers they do not try to become a leader, but they will always find 2-3 friends with whom they will become friends. Virgos do not get into fights, but they will always be able to accurately say, by measuring the strength of their opponents, who will win the fight.


Libras are more difficult to wake up - they rarely get up at the first sound of the alarm clock. They need to be pushed aside, set up to be positive, it is advisable to say something nice and kiss them. When getting ready for kindergarten or school, Libras will admire themselves in the mirror twenty times, may change several outfits and, of course, will not think about what is in their backpack. Two minutes before leaving, they remember that they did not take something important, and begin to hastily look for what they had forgotten. However, they are little worried about this: if they are late, they will be late; after all, lessons are not the most important thing in life. But friends, girlfriends - yes!


Scorpio prepares for school or kindergarten with all seriousness - he watches his appearance, carefully examines himself in the mirror. Parents don’t have to shout and rush, but this is not because Scorpio likes studying so much, but because there are a lot of things to do at school: we need to reconcile Sveta and Olya, find out how the boys’ fight ended, give a dozen tips on how to behave with my parents, my desk neighbor. And what the teacher says is rarely interesting! After all, representatives of this zodiac sign from an early age feel like great psychologists and professionals in the field of relationships, but where can they practice if not in a team?


Sagittarians do not need to organize, they organize themselves perfectly: they get up on time, the bed is made without reminders, the textbooks are folded in the evening, and besides, they will also take a couple of other books to read at their leisure. On the go, you can also make a few calls to your classmates - to remind them what to take and what time to be there - the Sagittarius will not only gather themselves into a fist, but also others without any problems. Peers may consider them boring, but Sagittarians usually don’t care: if they have set their goal to take someone in tow, then rest assured, they will hit the bull’s eye!


Capricorns can be ambivalent about gardening and school. Some set as their goal excellent discipline and study and become so exemplary that there is nothing to complain about. Such representatives of this zodiac sign go to kindergarten or school clearly and precisely on schedule, do not forget anything and obey adults. Other Capricorns start a riot: an untucked shirt, porridge dried on the cheek, different color socks are their normal appearance. They rarely arrive on time, and teachers are already so used to their tardiness that they don’t even ask what happened this time, afraid to hear the story again. Studying for Capricorns is not the goal itself, the main thing is to have fun, after all, with the help of a blade and ink, a deuce can be transferred to a four, and pages from a diary can easily be torn out!
