What will it be like to be 18? Who comes after the year of the dog. What dishes to cook

When does the year begin according to the eastern calendar?, this question arose for me because I was born in January. And you probably know that our modern calendar and the New Year do not coincide with eastern horoscope (calendar), also called Chinese horoscope (calendar). Moreover, those who are born at the beginning of the year according to the modern calendar may have eastern horoscope(calendar) a completely different year...

According to the eastern horoscope (calendar) There are 12 animals representing the years. They follow in strict sequence one after another. And they represent the constellations under which a person is born. Let's figure it out what does the eastern horoscope (calendar) consist of?.

Years according to the eastern horoscope (calendar)

  1. year Rats
  2. year Bull
  3. year Tiger
  4. year A rabbit
  5. year Dragon
  6. year Snakes
  7. year Horses
  8. year Sheep
  9. year Monkey
  10. year Rooster
  11. year Dogs
  12. year Pigs (Boar)

Also in the eastern horoscope (calendar) five main elements are used

  • Earth
  • Tree
  • Fire
  • Metal
  • Water

Another important characteristic of each year according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) is color

  • white
  • black
  • blue
  • red
  • yellow

Now let's figure out why all this is needed. Year according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) starts differently. The interval stretches from mid-January to mid-February according to modern time. Those who were born during this time period may be especially interested in knowing in what year according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) he was born.

Why did I bring up this topic? It’s just that I myself was born at the very end of January and I was tormented for a long time by the question of whether I really belonged to the year of the eastern horoscope (calendar) that my parents told me about. Or maybe I have something completely different patron animal according to the eastern horoscope (calendar). I have processed quite a lot of sources in order to collect truthful and accurate information and am posting it here in a convenient format, I hope this will be useful to someone else besides me.

Next I give table of years according to the eastern horoscope (calendar). First comes the year, the date of its beginning according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) is indicated in brackets. The following are animal symbol according to the eastern horoscope (calendar), element and color of a given year. For example, if you see the following phrase: “2012 (January 23) - animal: Dragon, element: Water, black,” then this means that the upcoming New Year 2012 according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) begins on January 23, 2012 (modern time calculation) , the symbol of this year according to the eastern horoscope (calendar) will be the Black Water Dragon.

start date, animal symbol, element and color.

1900 (January 31) - animal: Rat, element: Metal, color: white
1901 (February 19) - animal: Bull, element: Metal, color: white
1902 (February 8) - animal: Tiger, element: Water, color: black
1903 (January 29) - animal: Rabbit, element: Water, color: black
1904 (February 16) - animal: Dragon, element: Wood, color: blue
1905 (February 4) - animal: Snake, element: Tree, color: blue
1906 (January 25) - animal: Horse, element: Fire, color: red
1907 (February 13) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Wood, color: red
1908 (February 2) - animal: Monkey, element: Earth, color: yellow
1909 (January 22) - animal: Rooster, element: Earth, color: yellow
1910 (February 10) - animal: Dog, element: Metal, color: white
1911 (January 30) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Metal, color: white
1912 (February 18) - animal: Rat, element: Water, color: black
1913 (February 6) - animal: Bull, element: Water, color: black
1914 (January 26) - animal: Tiger, element: Wood, color: blue
1915 (February 14) - animal: Rabbit, element: Wood, color: blue
1916 (February 3) - animal: Dragon, element: Fire, color: red
1917 (January 23) - animal: Snake, element: Fire, color: red
1918 (February 11) - animal: Horse, element: Earth, color: yellow
1919 (February 1) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Fire, color: yellow
1920 (February 20) - animal: Monkey, element: Metal, color: white
1921 (February 8) - animal: Rooster, element: Metal, color: white
1922 (January 28) - animal: Dog, element: Water, color: black
1923 (February 16) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Water, color: black
1924 (February 5) - animal: Rat, element: Wood, color: blue
1925 (January 25) - animal: Bull, element: Wood, color: blue
1926 (February 13) - animal: Tiger, element: Fire, color: red
1927 (February 2) - animal: Rabbit, element: Fire, color: red
1928 (January 23) - animal: Dragon, element: Earth, color: yellow
1929 (February 10) - animal: Snake, element: Earth, color: yellow
1930 (January 30) - animal: Horse, element: Metal, color: white
1931 (February 17) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Metal, color: white
1932 (February 6) - animal: Monkey, element: Water, color: black
1933 (January 26) - animal: Rooster, element: Water, color: black
1934 (February 14) - animal: Dog, element: Wood, color: blue
1935 (February 4) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Wood, color: blue
1936 (January 24) - animal: Rat, element: Fire, color: color: red
1937 (February 11) - animal: Bull, element: Fire, color: red
1938 (January 31) - animal: Tiger, element: Earth, color: yellow
1939 (February 19) - animal: Rabbit, element: Earth, color: yellow
1940 (February 8) - animal: Dragon, element: Metal, color: white
1941 (January 27) - animal: Snake, element: Metal, color: white
1942 (February 15) - animal: Horse, element: Water, color: black
1943 (February 5) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Water, color: black
1944 (January 25) - animal: Monkey, element: Wood, color: blue
1945 (February 13) - animal: Rooster, element: Wood, color: blue
1946 (February 2) - animal: Dog, element: Fire, color: red
1947 (January 22) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Fire, color: red
1948 (February 10) - animal: Rat, element: Earth, color: yellow
1949 (January 29) - animal: Bull, element: Earth, color: yellow
1950 (February 17) - animal: Tiger, element: Metal, color: white
1951 (February 6) - animal: Rabbit, element: Metal, color: white
1952 (January 27) - animal: Dragon, element: Water, color: black
1953 (February 14) - animal: Snake, element: Water, color: black
1954 (February 3) - animal: Horse, element: Wood, color: blue
1955 (January 24) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Wood, color: blue
1956 (February 12) - animal: Monkey, element: Fire, color: red
1957 (January 31) - animal: Rooster, element: Fire, color: red
1958 (February 18) - animal: Dog, element: Earth, color: yellow
1959 (February 8) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Earth, color: yellow
1960 (January 28) - animal: Rat, element: Metal, white
1961 (February 15) - animal: Bull, element: Metal, white
1962 (February 5) - animal: Tiger, element: Water, color: black
1963 (January 25) - animal: Rabbit, element: Water, color: black
1964 (February 13) - animal: Dragon, element: Wood, color: blue
1965 (February 2) - animal: Snake, element: Tree, color: blue
1966 (January 21) - animal: Horse, element: Fire, color: red
1967 (February 9) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Fire, color: red
1968 (January 30) - animal: Monkey, element: Earth, color: yellow
1969 (February 17) - animal: Rooster, element: Earth, color: yellow
1970 (February 6) - animal: Dog, element: Metal, color: white
1971 (January 27) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Metal, color: white
1972 (February 15) - animal: Rat, element: Water, color: black
1973 (February 3) - animal: Bull, element: Water, color: black
1974 (January 23) - animal: Tiger, element: Wood, color: blue
1975 (February 11) - animal: Rabbit, element: Wood, color: blue
1976 (January 31) - animal: Dragon, element: Fire, color: red
1977 (February 18) - animal: Snake, element: Fire, color: red
1978 (February 7) - animal: Horse, element: Earth, color: yellow
1979 (January 28) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Earth, color: yellow
1980 (February 16) - animal: Monkey, element: Metal, color: white
1981 (February 5) - animal: Rooster, element: Metal, color: white
1982 (January 25) - animal: Dog, element: Water, color: black
1983 (February 13) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Water, color: black
1984 (February 2) - animal: Rat, element: Wood, color: blue
1985 (February 20) - animal: Bull, element: Wood, color: blue
1986 (February 9) - animal: Tiger, element: Fire, color: red
1987 (January 29) - animal: Rabbit, element: Fire, color: red
1988 (February 17) - animal: Dragon, element: Earth, color: yellow
1989 (February 6) - animal: Snake, element: Earth, color: yellow
1990 (January 27) - animal: Horse, element: Metal, color: white
1991 (February 15) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Metal, color: white
1992 (February 4) - animal: Monkey, element: Water, color: black
1993 (January 23) - animal: Rooster, element: Water, color: black
1994 (February 10) - animal: Dog, element: Wood, color: blue
1995 (January 31) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Wood, color: blue
1996 (February 19) - animal: Rat, element: Fire, color: red
1997 (February 7) - animal: Bull, element: Fire, color: red
1998 (January 28) - animal: Tiger, element: Earth, color: yellow
1999 (February 16) - animal: Rabbit, element: Earth, color: yellow
2000 (February 5) - animal: Dragon, element: Metal, color: white
2001 (January 24) - animal: Snake, element: Metal, color: white
2002 (February 12) - animal: Horse, element: Water, color: black
2003 (February 1) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Water, color: black
2004 (January 22) - animal: Monkey, element: Wood, blue
2005 (February 9) - animal: Rooster, element: Tree, blue
2006 (January 29) - animal: Dog, element: Fire, red
2007 (February 18) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Fire, red
2008 (February 7) - animal: Rat, element: Earth, color: yellow
2009 (January 26) - animal: Bull, element: Earth, yellow
2010 (February 14) - animal: Tiger, element: Metal, white
2011 (February 3) - animal: Rabbit, element: Metal, white
2012 (January 23) - animal: Dragon, element: Water, black
2013 (February 10) - animal: Snake, element: Water, black
2014 (January 31) - animal: Horse, element: Wood, blue
2015 (February 19) - animal: Goat (Sheep), element: Wood, blue
2016 (February 8) - animal: Monkey, element: Fire, red
2017 (January 28) - animal: Rooster, element: Fire, red
2018 (February 16) - animal: Dog, element: Earth, yellow
2019 (February 5) - animal: Pig (Boar), element: Earth, yellow

2019 is the Year of the Pig Chinese calendar. In 2019, the Year of the Pig will begin on February 5 (Chinese New Year lunar calendar) and will last until January 24, 2020.

12 Animals of the Chinese Zodiac

Chinese zodiac ( Eastern zodiac) is based on a 12-year lunar cycle, with each year represented by a specific animal. It is believed that the sign of the zodiac animal influences the character of each person. The traditional order of the zodiac animals is: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig!

What is your zodiac sign?

The Chinese zodiac (whale, "Sheng xiao") literally translates to "to resemble birth." It is determined by the lunar calendar - with the onset of the Chinese New Year, the zodiac year begins.

Every year Chinese New Year comes in different date, between January 21 and February 20. That's why, if you were born in January or February, then be especially careful when determining your zodiac animal.

Determine who you are by your sign Chinese zodiac Our special calculator will help you! Enter your date of birth and find out the sign of your zodiac animal!

Horoscope zodiac signs by year

Animal Year
Year of the Rat - 鼠年 (子) 2008, 1996, 1984, 1972, 1960, 1948, 1936, 1924
Year of the Ox - 牛年 (丑) 2009, 1997, 1985, 1973, 1961, 1949, 1937, 1925
Year of the Tiger - 虎年 (寅) 2010, 1998, 1986, 1974, 1962, 1950, 1938, 1926
Year of the Rabbit - 兔年 (卯) 2011, 1999, 1987, 1975, 1963, 1951, 1939, 1927
Year of the Dragon - 龙年 (辰) 2012, 2000, 1988, 1976, 1964, 1952, 1940, 1928
Year of the Snake - 蛇年 (巳) 2013, 2001, 1989, 1977, 1965, 1953, 1941, 1929
Year of the Horse - 马年 (午) 2014, 2002, 1990, 1978, 1966, 1954, 1942, 1930
Year of the Goat - 羊年 (未) 2015, 2003, 1991, 1979, 1967, 1955, 1943, 1931
Year of the Monkey - 猴年 (申) 2016, 2004, 1992, 1980, 1968, 1956, 1944, 1932
Year of the Rooster - 鸡年 (酉) 2017, 2005, 1993, 1981, 1969, 1957, 1945, 1933
Year of the Dog - 狗年 (戌) 2018, 2006, 1994, 1982, 1970, 1958, 1946, 1934
Year of the Pig - 猪年 (亥) 2019, 2007, 1995, 1983, 1971, 1959, 1947, 1935

Determine your zodiac sign

Enter your date of birth and find out who you are by zodiac sign

Chinese eastern calendar:

Your Sign:

Chinese zodiac compatibility in love

What will bring good luck in the year of your animal?

In China there is the concept of "Benmingnian" - this is the so-called Year of Destiny, i.e. the zodiac animal in whose year you were born. In 2018, Benmingnian in people, born in the year of the Dog.

The Chinese are traditionally very sensitive to the Benmingnian offensive. This is a very special year for everyone and its arrival is awaited with joy and impatience.

However, in China they believe that those people whose year has arrived are insulting the great deity of time, Tai-Sui, and may face trials. Therefore, the Year of Destiny is considered a time of unexpected changes and anxieties here.

Find out, How to keep good luck in your year (Benmingnian) and about the traditions of modern China.

Zodiac signs - why these 12 animals?

The 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac were not chosen by chance. These were animals either closely related to everyday life Ancient China, or those that, according to Chinese beliefs, brought good luck.

Ox, horse, goat, rooster, pig and dog are the six animals that were traditionally kept in Chinese households. A famous saying in China says: "Six animals in the house means prosperity". This is why these six animals were chosen.

The other six are the rat, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake and monkey - animals very beloved in Chinese culture.

Zodiac signs - why in this order?

12 Animals of the Chinese Zodiac presented in a certain order according to the teachings of Yin and Yang.

The Yin and Yang of animals is determined by the number of their claws (paws, hooves). Even is pure for Yin and odd is pure for Yang. The animals in the zodiac are arranged in an alternating Yin-Yang order.

Animals usually have the same number of toes on their front and hind feet. However, the rat has four toes on its front paws and five on its hind paws. As they say in China: "Things are valued by their rarity". Therefore, the Rat comes first among the 12 animals of the zodiac. This unique animal combines both odd Yang and even Yin characteristics:
4+5=9, where Yang is dominant and therefore the rats are ultimately classified as odd (Yang).

Symbolic meaning of the 12 zodiac signs

IN Ancient China Each zodiac animal was endowed with a certain symbolic meaning - a sign. 12 animals were divided into 6 pairs in such a way that the characteristics of one animal in the pair were opposite to those of the other animal from this pair. This is how harmony was achieved - Yin and Yang.

The order of the zodiac animals is presumably not chosen by chance: in China it is customary to start with the most important, and then put all the other signs in descending order. Just as in the beginning there is always a strong, dominant beginning of Yang, and then Yin gives harmony.

Animal of the Zodiac Sign Proverb
Rat Wisdom Wisdom without hard work leads to mediocrity.
Bull Hard work Hard work without wisdom leads to meaninglessness.
Tiger Bravery Bravery without caution leads to recklessness.
Rabbit Caution Caution without courage leads to cowardice.
The Dragon Force Strength without flexibility leads to destruction.
Snake Flexibility Flexibility without strength leads to infringement.
Horse Striving forward Striving forward without unity leads to loneliness.
Goat Unity Unity without striving forward leads to stagnation.
Monkey Changeability Changeability without constancy leads to stupidity.
Rooster Constancy Constancy without changeability leads to stiffness.
Dog Loyalty Loyalty without a smile leads to rejection.
Pig Friendliness Friendliness without loyalty leads to immorality.

Time was determined by the Chinese zodiac

Everyone knows that in the Chinese zodiac every year is associated with a certain animal, but not everyone knows that in Chinese culture there are also 12 zodiac signs used to indicate time.

In ancient times, before the invention of clocks, the earthly branches (the cyclic signs of the duodecimal cycle of the Chinese zodiac) were used to indicate time in China. For convenience, we resorted to the names of the 12 animals of the zodiac, allocating 2 hours for each sign.

According to Chinese astrology, a person’s character and life are largely determined not by the year, but by the hour of birth. And these data are widely used in the analysis of personality type and fate.

Rat Bull Tiger Rabbit The Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig

Legend of the Animals of the Chinese Zodiac

We'll talk about how Jade Emperor- the lord of heaven - decided to choose 12 animals so that they would guard his peace.

Table of distribution of animals by year for quick search:

Refers to the Chinese millennial calendar and the Feng Shui directions of the compass school. It is known that each year, month and main direction in the Lo Pan compass corresponds to some kind of animal. In any Lo Pan compass, the most important ring is the “24 Mountains” ring, which consists of the hieroglyphs of 12 animals, four trigrams and 8 celestial trunks. Twelve animals are associated with the elements and seasons of the year. For example, the year according to the Chinese calendar begins on February 3-4 with the month of the tiger, the first month of spring. And the tiger symbolizes the yang tree, since in spring the most powerful element is the tree. There are peculiar relationships between animals, some are friends and love each other, others attack or clash.
Here are basic descriptions of the 12 animals, as well as the dates of the years they belong to.

RAT(creativity). Yang water, winter, December. Born under the sign of charm and aggressiveness. At first glance she seems calm, balanced and cheerful. But this apparent appearance hides constant excitement. It is enough to talk with her longer to discover her nervousness, anxiety and choleric temperament. Any rat prefers to live by cunning rather than by labor and often achieves a lot in life at the expense of others who work hard for it. Years: 1900/12/24/36/48/60/72/84/96.

BULL,(diligence, hard work). Yin earth, end of winter, January. Patient and silent, reserved and slow, inconspicuous and balanced, precise and methodical, the Ox hides an original mind under a somewhat rustic appearance. He has the gift of inducing frankness, this is one of the trump cards of his success. He is a contemplative. Maybe that's why he loves solitude. He is a true hard worker who brings prosperity to his family. Years: 1901/13/25/37/49/61/73/85/97.

TIGER(master of the situation, aggressive invader of territory). Yang tree, beginning of spring, February. Tiger is a frontier. He is undisciplined and has a short temper. It's hard to resist his magnetism. Always goes forward, despises established authority, hierarchy and conservative minds. Loves all types of activities that involve risk. He is a warrior, sensitive, emotional and capable of deep reflection, strong love. Years: 1902/14/26/38/50/62/74/86/98.

RABBIT(calm, charming person). Yin tree, spring, March. The cat always falls on its paws. This is the lucky one. Gifted, ambitious, pleasant companion, modest, reserved, refined, virtuous. He speaks well and knows how to evaluate himself, but he is superficial and his best qualities are superficial. He is a socialite and loves to receive guests. Usually he does not lose his balance, is calm and unperturbed. Conservative, strives for comfort and safety. Years: 1903/15/27/39/51/63/75/87/99.

THE DRAGON(Showman, bright personality). Land of yang, end of spring, April. The Dragon has an excess of health, vitality, and activity. Open and pure, he is incapable of pettiness, hypocrisy or slander. Scrupulous, demands a lot, but brings much more. Proud, capable, strong-willed, resilient and generous. He is influential and does not need anything all his life. He is the winner! Years: 1904/16/28/40/52/64/76/88/2000.

SNAKE(wisdom, spirituality). Yin fire, beginning of summer, May. An intellectual and philosopher, she is not talkative and thinks deeply. Dresses elegantly and pretentiously. Intuition is highly developed and is trusted more than facts. Calm by nature, she makes decisions quickly and always resolutely brings things to completion. But be vigilant, think before you turn to the Snake for help: it tries to wrap itself around the debtor and strangle it. Just. Because of the tendency to exaggerate. Years: 1905/17/29/41/53/65/77/89/2001.

HORSE(honesty, activity). Fire yang, summer, June. She's personable, she's well-behaved, she knows how to dress. Loves shows, theater, concerts, everything connected with a crowd. Knows how to give a compliment, is cheerful, talkative, attractive and popular. Can succeed in politics, is brilliant, loves and knows how to manage people. The mind grasps people's thoughts before they are expressed. A hard worker, dexterous in handling money, a good financier. Years: 1906/18/30/42/54/66/78/90/2002.

GOAT(home). Yin earth, end of summer, July. Elegant, artistic, in love with nature. Drives those around him to despair with his whims. Shy and feminine, loves to complain. She likes to be talked about, guided and advised. Not knowing which direction to choose, he always relies on others. She has good taste and talent, but she is not capable of leading, since she was created for obedience. Smart. Of the year: 1907/19/31/43/55/67/79/91/2003.

MONKEY(ability to use technology). Yang metal, early autumn, August. The most eccentric character of all the signs. The soul of society, but cunning and cunning. Very selfish. Playful, amiable, even helpful, she covers up her pitiful opinion of others with her ostentatious politeness and affability. The monkey is an intellectual. I read everything, knows a lot of things, is aware of everything that happens in the world. She is well educated and has an excellent memory. She is resourceful and capable of solving the most difficult problems with amazing speed. Years: 1908/20/32/44/56/68/80/92/2004.

ROOSTER(original ideas, fashion). Yin metal, autumn, September. He does not mince words and sometimes acts sharply aggressive. He really says what he thinks. But this is a tendency towards selfishness: he is indifferent to the vulnerability of others and believes that there is no reason to spare them. Likes to be noticed and dresses accordingly. At the same time, he is deeply and completely conservative, he thinks that he is completely right and knows what he is doing. Does not trust anyone, relying only on himself. Brave and courageous. Years: 1909/21/33/45/57/69/81/93/2005.

DOG(loyalty, home protection). Land of yang, end of autumn, October. Always restless, as if on guard, never resting. Closed, rarely shows her feelings. She is stubborn and often a cynic: she is feared for her harsh and unpleasant remarks. Always acts bravely against injustice. A skeptic, but her critical mind, sense of humor and greatness of spirit save her from pettiness. Doesn't like gatherings or crowds. But at the same time she is loyal, faithful, honest and has a sense of duty. You can rely on her: she won’t betray you. Years: 1910/22/34/46/58/70/82/94/2006.

PIG(kind, loving comfort). Yin water, beginning of winter, November. Knightly character. Gallant, helpful, scrupulous to the extreme. Naive, trusting, defenseless. Will never sell. She has few friends, but she keeps those few throughout her life and is capable of making great sacrifices for them. Attentive. He will never argue or argue with you if he loves you. Thanks to his sensitivity, he can achieve success in art. Smart, but simple-minded. Helpless against hypocrisy and gets confused in attempts to justify itself. Years: 1911/23/35/47/59/71/83/95/2007.

Despite the fact that there is still enough time left before the celebration of the new year 2019, many are already beginning to wonder what animal year 2019 is according to the horoscope, what to celebrate this holiday in (in terms of clothing), where and how best to do it, what to cook for New Year's table. We will try to answer these and other questions in as much detail as possible.

2019 is the year of the Earth Pig (Yellow Earth Pig)

According to astrological data and generally accepted norms, 2019 is considered the year of the Pig, and the Earthy one. Those people who were born in this year (or earlier, but also in the year of the Pig) are considered very diligent, they always achieve their goals, even if for this they need to go over their heads (not everyone, of course, does just that). In addition, people born in this year can boast of restraint, prudence, and caution. They always try to find mutual language with all their interlocutors, they are never the first to enter into conflicts.

Representatives of this year can be considered calm, balanced people with a solid inner core and unshakable character. They are often accompanied by prosperity in the monetary sphere; they have the qualities of a thrifty person who values ​​all living things.

A person born under the auspices Yellow Pig(Boar) can be safely taken as an ally in business or business, since they are very responsible and obligatory in important matters. But do not assume that a person born this year will not demand the same return from his business partner or spouse. This is what they consist of distinctive feature- they are demanding not only of themselves, but also of the people around them. The negative (although it is actually positive) side is manifested in the fact that people of this year cannot tolerate laziness in others.

Pigs are relatively loyal to others; they always give their all if they are really interested in a favorable outcome of the matter.

Pigs cannot stand other people's moral teachings and advice. If they themselves need someone’s advice, then they will think a thousand times before opening their inner world even to a loved one.

Boars are trying once again do not take risks, always remain on the neutral side. They can often be called reconcilers between warring parties.

They always calculate everything a few steps ahead and cannot stand chaos in the workplace. When assigned to large amounts of work, Pigs try to distribute tasks incrementally, smoothly, in “portions,” which is very prejudiced. After all, if you take on everything at once, you may end up not getting anything done.

Let's summarize what qualities people born under the auspices of the Earth Pig usually have:

  1. Reasonable.
  2. Fair.
  3. Be careful.
  4. Compassionate.
  5. Hardworking.
  6. Flexible.
  7. Virtuous.
  8. Generous and hospitable.
  9. Sometimes they can be quick-tempered.

It can also be noted that people of the Year of the Pig have heightened morals regarding justice in the world and in relation to people. They also usually act as the soul of the company.

Some people born in certain months of the year of the Pig have overly arrogant traits. They consider themselves too important, but in reality they are practically nothing. Such people produce the effect of “rose-colored glasses”, as they know how to throw dust in the eyes of their interlocutor.

What awaits people of different signs in the Year of the Pig?

So, 2019 is coming, we already know which animal represents it according to the horoscope. This is a Pig ( Earth Boar). But how will this year affect people? What to expect from him?


So, astrologers and other experts for Rats (people born in the year of the Rat) predict successful endeavors in business and the financial spectrum. Too much strong changes not coming for them. After all, Pigs, as you know, are very lazy animals, so there shouldn’t be any strong shocks. It is also worth considering the fact that Rats and Pigs are friends in “life”. They live together in the barn and other outbuildings. We can conclude that 2019 is a very favorable and comfortable time for the Rat. They should not worry - there should not be major changes if the person himself does not want to bring them into his life.


The year will also turn out quite well for bulls. In their professional activities, only favorable changes in fate await them. After all, Bulls and Pigs are to some extent “related” representatives cattle. In 2019, representatives of the Bulls are recommended Special attention pay attention to your well-being and health, take timely rest, travel more and devote time to your family. After all, Pigs themselves love to relax.


Who do you think will be the luckiest in the Year of the Pig? Chinese horoscope predicts good luck for all representatives of the Tigers. They will be lucky both in winnings and in relationships with their soulmate. There may be some positive change in your professional activities. Tigers in the year of the Pig can feel very comfortable, because Boars are wary of these large feline animals.


It seems that Pigs are twinned with Rabbits. After all, for the Rabbit, 2019 will be very fruitful in love relationships. For lonely representatives of this sign, Chinese sages promise new love relationship, and for married couples a new addition to the family or the purchase of your own property is coming. The only negative thing for Rabbits in the Year of the Pig is the possibility of a sharp increase in body weight. Therefore, astrologers recommend moving more and eating less.


For Dragons, 2019 will not be such a successful year in terms of love. The main thing to remember is do not get into conflicts and try to turn them into a joke. It is worth paying attention to yourself and your nerves, because dragons are very “flammable”. Among the positive aspects for the Dragons, it is worth noting the fortune playing on their side, as well as possible career growth.


Astrologers are favorable to snakes in 2019. A lot of positive emotions and events await them, among which it is worth highlighting a significant increase in income. If a representative of this sign takes a risk and takes advantage of the chance from fate, then his reward will be enough for more than one year of life without financial hassle. For Snakes, without exaggeration, the year of the Snake is one of the luckiest. And even in family relationships the stars promise for them only minor chores around the house and in relationships with children. We can say that the Yellow Pig will support the Snake in all areas of life.


For Horse representatives, the Year of the Pig will be no less successful than for the Snakes. The stars promise them big financial purchase. This can be either the acquisition of real estate or the purchase of shares or an enterprise. Of course, before buying, the Horse will have to plow a lot (as the proverb says). Astrologers do not recommend that Horses enter into adventures with money and play in casinos. Otherwise, representatives of this sign may lose everything they have acquired through backbreaking labor.


Goats are in for a real rush in 2019 vital energy and strength. They will be successful in absolutely all endeavors, both at official work and in family and household matters. But sometimes Goats will fall into small bouts of sadness. This is necessary in order to somehow recover. Communication with relatives and their all possible support will help raise the mood and vital spirit of the Goat.


Monkeys will experience changes in everything in 2019. The Year of the Pig can be called a real reboot for them. New emotions in family life, replenishment of friends' bank, promotion at work, increase in income, emotional rest, new hobbies - all this is promised by the stars for Monkeys in the coming 2019. The Monkey and the Pig will be able to solve all their financial problems, will have a lot of rest and communicate with friends.


For Roosters, 2019 will not be as cloudless as for the Monkey. There will be difficulties, but they can be avoided if you initially make friends with the Pig. You need to not only work, but also relax, and you shouldn’t react too harshly to the opinions of others. Then 2019 could be a very successful year for the Roosters.


Representatives of Dogs are recommended this year to devote more time to themselves and their growth and development as a self-sufficient person. It is also recommended not to give in to emotional impulses towards loved ones, otherwise you can ruin your relationship with your loved one for a long time.

Pigs (Boars)

Everyone is probably wondering what the year of the Boar will bring to the Pig itself. So, nothing unusual, if I may say so. Only good and positive things await Pigs in 2019. We can say that they will be lucky in everything and always. The pig is a symbol of monetary well-being and new financial opportunities. It is no coincidence that piggy banks are made all over the world in the shape of a pig. 2019 will be especially fruitful for people involved in farming, agricultural production and farming.

Video about animals in the Chinese calendar

According to the eastern calendar, each year has its own original symbol in the person of some animal or mythical character. There are twelve such signs in total: Goat (Sheep), Monkey, Rat, Rooster, Pig, Snake, Horse, Dog, Tiger, Dragon, Ox and Rabbit.

They all have a certain meaning and are distinguished by their individual influence on people born under their auspices. Together, these symbols form time periods of twelve years, which have been repeated for three thousand years.

As is already known, the coming 2019 will pass under the sign of Yellow Earth Pig(Boar), which, thanks to its flexible and patient disposition, promises to bring many positive changes to the life of every person.

During this period, people will find long-awaited calm, become more reasonable, and will finally be able to understand themselves by discovering previously unknown facets of their own personality.

What will 2019 be like?

The symbol of the coming year - the Yellow Pig is a very patient, calm and reasonable sign, constantly in search of new experiences. Therefore, next year it is better for people to give up excessive work activity and devote the freed up time to themselves and their loved ones.

An excellent vacation option can be trips to nature or long journeys, which are guaranteed to bring a lot of pleasant impressions.

In family life, 2019 will be a very productive year. Love unions will be created, marriages will be registered, and previously broken families will be reunited, because this symbol always strives for creation. Connections between relatives and friends will strengthen, and each person will acquire dozens of good acquaintances.

Conflicts that arise at the everyday level will seem unusually petty, not worth attention. All grievances will be forgotten and a sense of respect for one’s neighbor will come to the fore.

As for the state of health, everything will not be so rosy. The stresses accumulated over previous periods will definitely make themselves felt this year. As always, the older generation, which is the most vulnerable to such a merciless factor of modern life, will be at risk.

Thus, in 2019, all people, without exception, should take care of themselves, abstract themselves from stressful situations and devote more time to relaxation and self-improvement.

People born in the year of the Earth Pig (Boar)

People who are lucky enough to be born in the year of the Pig are always distinguished by pragmatism and high intelligence. You can always confidently entrust even the most complex tasks to them, without fear for the quality of their implementation. Representatives of this sign are very punctual, but at the same time do not tolerate irresponsible behavior on the part of others.

If it happens that at work or in his personal life such a person meets a person without stable moral principles, their paths will most likely diverge.

Pigs are very trusting and often take manipulations from others at face value. They should be very careful in the area business relations, because it is there, most often, that ill-wishers try, if not to harm, then at least to shoulder part of their responsibilities on others. Each such case must be stopped immediately, not allowing one to take advantage of one’s good nature.

Those born under the sign of the Pig will never weave intrigues against others or deceive loved ones for their own benefit. These are truly devoted people whose friendship you can be proud of. They will not leave you in trouble and will always help, no matter what the cost.

Often such dedication plays a cruel joke on them, dragging them into unpleasant situations, but this only emboldens them.

In family life, Pigs feel unusually comfortable. These are those soul mates who are always ready to support their partner in absolutely any endeavor. They plunge headlong into worries to achieve their goals, sparing neither effort nor money. In return, representatives of this sign demand very little: sincere love and honesty from their life partner is enough for them.

Astrologers recommend that such people be very careful in choosing partners and those close to them. Each applicant for a place next to you should be carefully checked before revealing your most secret things to him. You should not allow everyone you meet to take advantage of your generosity and friendliness, because subsequent betrayal can cause deep emotional wounds.

Who will be lucky next year?

The coming one will bring with it many changes that will affect absolutely each of us. Some people will be lucky in life, while others will not be lucky. According to astrologers, in 2019, only a few signs will be able to ride luck and stay at its peak.

One of the luckiest signs in the new year will be the Dog. In the life of representatives of this symbol, a lot is expected positive changes related to both career and personal life. They will easily overcome obstacles on the way to achieving goals, without encountering difficulties that would be difficult to cope with.

Pigs are advised to be persistent and self-confident in the coming year. Only by cultivating these qualities will representatives of the sign be able to count on a positive outcome in the implementation of their plans. They must also constantly remember the dangers posed by ill-wishers, because they tend to let people get close to themselves. strangers, can often cause harm.

Next year the rat will become, perhaps, the main outsider. No matter how hard such people try to achieve success, everything will constantly slip through their fingers like sand. Only on the personal front will some of them be able to find a safe haven and wait out difficult times.

Snakes and Bulls will find their joy in the professional field. They will be incredibly lucky financially. Some representatives of these signs will cross the next step in career ladder, others will see new prospects for additional income. The material condition of these people will improve significantly.

Tigers in the year of the Yellow Pig will discover previously unknown qualities in themselves. They will feel empowered to become leaders and lead other people. For many, there will be good prospects for quitting boring jobs and engaging in individual activities.

In 2019, Goats (Sheep) will be able to immerse themselves in the wonderful world of romantic adventures. They will have no equal in matters of the heart, and fate will allow representatives of this sign to find their soulmate.

Dragons and Horses will become real lucky people in the coming year. All their intentions, both professional and personal, will definitely come true.

Roosters and Monkeys will have a rather controversial year. On the one hand, they will receive love and good health, but on the other hand, they will have to beware of betrayal. Moreover, a setup can come at the most unexpected moment, from a very loved one.

How to celebrate New Year 2019

It is best to celebrate the coming year of the Earth Pig (Boar) with your family or the company of your closest friends. These should be the people you value most. Only by creating a familiar, favorable atmosphere will you be able to fully enjoy all the delights of this joyful holiday.

The color scheme for clothing and formal decoration of the room is best chosen in shades from yellow-green to brown. It is this color scheme that will allow you to simultaneously match and please the symbol of the coming year.

The festive table on this gala evening should not be affected by any restrictions. There can be everything here, from the most exquisite meat dishes to all kinds of salads and desserts. This evening you can completely forget about diets and the fear of extra pounds, everything you eat will definitely be used for future use.

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The article was written specifically for the website “2019 Year of the Pig”: https://site/
