Who is a guardian angel for children? Who is the Guardian Angel and what does he want from a person? How to celebrate your name day

In a difficult situation, even an unbeliever turns to Higher powers for help. According to Orthodox beliefs, an invisible protector protects everyone from birth to death. The guardian angel invisibly monitors the actions of his ward and tries to protect him from steps in the wrong direction, to guide him on the right way, pleasing to God.

Who are Guardian Angels

Guardian angels are immaterial beings, good spirits appointed by God for support and guidance. They are beautiful and more perfect than humans. Patron saints were sent to protect the entire universe; they have an influence on animals, people, natural forces and elements, thanks to the special qualities with which they are endowed. Defenders vary in their power to manipulate events and their capabilities, but they often help when doom seems imminent. The contact between the ward and the guardian becomes stronger if the former listens to advice, trusts his intuition, and leads a pious lifestyle.

It is difficult to describe what these good spirits look like, because they are incorporeal. Guardian angels are immortal, but their lives, like everyone else on earth, depend on the will of God. They never rest, are always filled with energy, compassion, forgiveness and kindness, deal only with their care and never lose heart. Their goal is the salvation of man; these defenders accompany him to God after death and provide their intercession in the face of the Almighty. The calling and role of the guardian saints:

  • ensure a person’s constant spiritual connection with God;
  • make sure that people’s requests, prayers and appeals are heard;
  • protect from dangers and evil, guide on the right path;
  • to educate the soul of man;
  • help him understand the will of God;
  • pass through space and time and end up in the place where they are needed.

Hierarchy of Angels

Angels are divided by 9 various types and are subject to a strict hierarchy. The highest, middle and lowest levels of guardians each contain three ranks. Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones are the executors of his instructions closest to the Lord. They belong to the highest spiritual beings.

Seraphim are sanctified by burning love for the Almighty. These spiritual creatures are capable of elevating and inflaming lower beings with this feeling, filling them with kindness and light. Seraphim are located near the throne of the Most High and are in constant motion. Cherubim have spiritual wisdom and are the second-ranking celestial beings. They guard the entrance to the Garden of Eden. Thrones have a third rank. On them, based on the name, the Almighty sits as if on a throne.

The middle degree of the hierarchy includes the Dominions, Forces and Powers, and the lowest - the Principalities, Archangels and Angels. The last rank is those closest to people. Guardians help to heal from illnesses, overcome troubles, and overcome difficulties.

The appearance of Guardian Angels

There are many religions, but their key commandments and dogmas converge. In almost every faith there is a belief that a good person is protected by invisible good spirits. A guardian is given to the baby at birth and cares for it until death. During childhood, babies are also looked after by the angels of their mothers. The Bible says that a person receives a saint at baptism. Therefore, many theologians are of the opinion that a person has at least two guardians. Their strength is determined by the life and thoughts of the ward, his good deeds. There are prayers and appeals to a personal angel that help you ask him for something or thank him.

The more active a person is in good deeds, the more guardians can appear and support him in case of any obstacles. Angels are bearers of light and goodness. Bad people who have a cruel disposition, have bad thoughts, and commit criminal acts cannot have angels. They leave him. Such a person remains without protection.

Number of angels a person has

The question of how many intercessor angels a person can have has been raised more than once among theologians, esotericists and psychics. The pages of holy scripture do not provide a clear answer, so opinions have diverged over the centuries. There are three main opinions about the number of keepers.

  1. A person has only one angel who takes care of him. He receives it from the Lord at the time of birth or at baptism. The power of an individual's angels may differ depending on the life a person leads.
  2. The number of holy protectors depends on the purpose and path on earth. The more complex the tasks of a particular individual, the more angels he can be given to realize them.
  3. The angels themselves choose their wards, so during your life you can acquire up to 9 angels or not keep a single one.

Determining your Guardian Angel

You can find out who your personal heavenly guardian is by character using your date of birth. To do this, simple mathematical calculations are performed. For example, if you were born on March 24, 1978, you need to add up all the numbers. 2+4+0+3+1+9+7+8=34, 3+4=7, the number of the personal intercessor is 7. The meaning of each number is given below.

1 - your holy protector angel. He is very fast and energetic. Provides protection immediately, even if the person does not have time to ask him for help. However, such patrons often go to energetically weakened people who really need strong support and continuous care.

2 - you are protected by an angel of light. It is larger than the others, they are usually depicted with large snow-white wings. According to legend, the protector kisses the baby during birth and freckles or a mole appear on the child’s cheeks. The Holy Spirit follows its ward everywhere and more often maintains contact with him, giving advice in dreams and subconsciously. Those protected by such a guard need to trust their intuition.

3 - air angel. Goes to those who are loved by different minor troubles. The patron maintains contact with the ward through various sounds, light air movements, vibrations of curtains and other similar incidents. There is a belief that the air guardian loves to leave a person and go about his business, but instantly provides help if the needy turns to him in prayer.

4 - you are the owner of the angel of wisdom. Typically, such people are distinguished by good knowledge and success in studies, sciences, and careers. The wards of wise patrons are able to calculate the situation in advance, draw conclusions from any incidents and make informed decisions. The Angel of Wisdom is a very reliable advisor in any difficult situation.

5 - metal angel. This is a strong and brave guardian. Has powerful wings and rushes to help when those in need cry. The more upset and agitated a person is, the more unbearable it becomes. They love strong-willed people with courage and fortitude, and provide physical and energetic protection.

6 - rainbow guardian. Goes to creative people, art lovers. Helps to reveal abilities and use talent. The rainbow patron has colorful wings, plays musical instruments, and is able to dispel the sadness and sadness of those under his care.

7 - angel of energy. Needs continuous interaction with a person, does not accept if his care is ignored, takes offense at rude words and unpleasant actions. The connection with the angel is strengthened if the ward is pious, gentle and filled with gratitude for the help.

8 - people. Such a guardian is the soul of a deceased ancestor. He is merciful, full of love and forgiveness. You can establish a connection with your patron by honoring deceased relatives and close friends.

9 - angel of warmth. She is distinguished by high moral support, gives optimism, filling the soul with faith in the best. People who have such a protector are calm and happy.

To find out the age of your guardian, use the following numerological calculations. You need to add the sacred number 4 to your birth number. For example, you were born on January 18th. 18+4=22. The holy angel has had this age for centuries, it does not change.

Some psychics believe that it is possible to find out the name of a personal intercessor. To do this, you need to enter into deep meditation, during which the patron will probably name himself or even dream about him. If this did not happen, then the concentration of attention was incomplete. Another method is mechanical writing. The angel himself will tell you the name if you put a pen and paper in front of you and mentally concentrate. With the right actions and thoughts, the defender will write it in your hand.

Meeting with the Guardian Angel

Christians believe that you can meet and see the Guardian Angel only if you have true and strong faith in God and the ritual of baptism and cleansing from sins. To do this, you need to turn to him in prayer, ask for help and appear in a dream. At this moment you cannot be irritated and embittered. It is advisable to remain alone with yourself and immerse yourself in a trance, meditate so that extraneous thoughts do not distract you during the ritual, then there is a high probability of seeing your guardian.

You cannot ask an intercessor to punish enemies, give privileges or positions and material values. All wishes must have good intentions.

Usually the meeting is described as a feeling of warmth and lightness, the presence of an invisible assistant or a vision of a shining, golden ball. Very rarely do holy angels appear in human form.

Common Myths About Angels

Folklore and art have endowed angels with new features that are far from the truth. If you use holy scripture as the basis of information about angels, then some ideas about them are false:

  1. Cherubs have baby faces and protect people. This image was created for them by folklore and art. Despite the fact that they are painted next to people, these angels do not contact or help a person. They are servants close to the Lord and have a very specific appearance, it is described in the Book of Genesis in Ezekiel, chapter 1: 5-11. Cherubs are similar to humans, but instead of feet they have calf hooves. Such an angel has two pairs of wings covering his hands, and four faces: in front like a person’s, on the right is a lion’s muzzle, on the left is a bull’s, and behind is an eagle’s. The Cherub's entire body and wings are covered with eyes.
  2. The angel has a halo. It has never been stated in the Holy Scriptures that there is a halo over the heads of the guardians. Perhaps the artists represented the rays of light emanating from some biblical heroes in this way. IN fine arts The halo above the head of Christ began to be depicted in the 4th century AD. e. Then, as a symbol of kindness, he crowned the heads of all the saints.
  3. Cherubs are always kind. Cherub angels received sacrificial animals on the Ark of the Covenant. The ceremony was held annually, observing rituals and rules; deviation from them was considered fatal. After Jesus' crucifixion, it was believed that his blood was sufficient to satisfy the cherubim forever.
  4. Angels are either men or women. In the Bible, guardians often appear as men, but they are genderless, incorporeal, and take on the bodily form necessary to communicate the will of God.
  5. Guardians have two wings. The biblical descriptions do not indicate that angels have a pair of wings. Seraphim are often described as having six wings, while Cherubim have four.
  6. There is an Angel of Death. As the Bible says, only God has the power over life and death. An angel can realize his will and carry out an order, leading a person’s soul to the Lord after the end of his life’s journey, but this will be one of many other orders.


People have different ideas about guardians. Some see them as relatives who left them, others see them as men and women with a shining halo above their heads and with wings.

Theologians believe that these are disembodied invisible spirits that accompany and protect our world. They are endowed with unlimited abilities and support believers, good people. Patrons send warnings in case of impending dangers in the form of signs, premonitions and dreams. They should not be distracted by trifles; they are approached with prayer in case of need and with gratitude for their care and guardianship.

Every person from birth is under the protection of a Guardian Angel. Sometimes we clearly feel a connection with him, he is able to protect from harm and provide support, protect us from committing a dubious act. It happens that a person is unlucky in almost everything: troubles in his personal life, frequent health and financial problems, disagreements with employees and relatives. Perhaps she simply lost contact with her angel. So who is this, is it possible to determine who your Guardian Angel is by date of birth?

Guardian angel - who is it? How to get in touch with him?

According to many psychics, a Guardian Angel is inner voice human, what we call intuition. Angels are able to leave signs and clues that we, unfortunately, do not always notice. They often do this through numbers; we’ll talk about deciphering such signs later. You need to at least mentally communicate with them, talk about your plans for the future, and dream. If a good event happens in your life, be sure to thank the angel. A good way to hear it more clearly and clearly is to learn meditation. By concentrating and mentally drawing his image, you can turn to him with requests and thanks. In order to establish contact, you need to know who your Guardian Angel is. This can be done using numerological calculations.

How to find out the age, gender and character of an angel?

Oddly enough, angels also have an age, but it does not change over time. Is it possible to determine who your Guardian Angel is by date of birth? Without a doubt. First, let's find out his age. To do this, add the month (its serial number) to the number of your birthday. For example, the date of birth is August 20, 1994, then 20 + 8 = 28, it turns out that your angel is 28 years old. Next, let’s sum up all the numbers of the date of birth: 2 + 0 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 = 33, 3 + 3 = 6. What does this mean? In this example, it turns out that the Guardian Angel by date of birth is a man who is 28 years old. As a result of the calculation, an even number is responsible for the male gender, an odd number for the female gender.

Now I would like to know the character of the angel. The second digit of your birthday will tell you about this. In our case, this is the number 0. Another example: if you were born on the 19th, then it will be the number 9, and if you were born on the 7th, then it will be 7.

Guardian Angel character according to date of birth

  • 1 - Saint. This angel personifies the most beautiful thing that can happen to a person. He will not calmly watch a person suffer; he is the most active defender. It is believed that such an angel is given to people with a weak energy field.
  • 2 - Light. In ancient drawings, such angels are depicted with large white wings. They are always close to their charges. At birth, a Bright Angel can kiss a person. Manifestations of such kisses are unusual or freckles. Bright angels keep in touch with their wards through dreams and mirrors. If it turns out that this is your angel, you should trust your dreams more and be attentive to reflections in mirrors.
  • 3 - Air. Such an angel cannot be seen, but can be heard by rustling and unusual sounds. He is very carefree and can be absent for a long time. But if you sincerely ask him for something, he will make every effort to fulfill the request.
  • 4 - Wise. People who are lucky enough to be wards of the angel of wisdom are prudent, endowed with a flexible intellect, they carefully consider every step. They move up the career ladder faster.
  • 5 - Metal. Protects physically and spiritually those who commit courageous acts.
  • 6 - Rainbow. These angels protect creative people. Such individuals, as a rule, are very vulnerable and prone to discouragement and despondency. Angels will help them find a source of inspiration, dispel melancholy and lift their spirits on the most difficult day.
  • 7 - Energy. These angels are extremely active and at the same time changeable. You need to constantly thank them so as not to lose contact.
  • 8 - the role of these angels is played by the souls of deceased loved ones and relatives. They are extremely merciful, always helping and protecting. It is necessary to constantly preserve the memory of them.
  • 9 - Warm. A kind and optimistic angel. A person under his care lives in harmony and peace.
  • 0 - Fiery. An almighty angel who can be reborn like a phoenix. People who find themselves under his protection are incredibly lucky - the almighty Guardian Angel is able to help in any situation - be it a trifle or a serious problem.

How to decipher the signs sent by an angel?

Have you noticed that you are constantly haunted by a certain combination of numbers? Time on the clock, phone number, car number - the same numbers are found everywhere. Perhaps this is your angel trying to convey his message to you. You already know who your Guardian Angel is by date of birth, let's now figure out what is hidden in such messages:

  • Combinations of ones indicate that you need to quickly decide on your life priorities, and everything you have planned will soon come true.
  • Deuces are good sign, which is sent to a person when he is on the right path.
  • Threes are a sign of special support, a call not to give up if something you started fails.
  • Fours indicate that your angel is already rushing to the rescue.
  • Fives are a warning about imminent global changes in your life.
  • Sixes - you are changing, and not for the better. Become kinder and pay less attention to material goods.
  • Sevens are the luckiest combination. A sign of powerful angelic protection, luck will not leave you.
  • Eights - the next stage of your life is coming to an end, a new stage is just around the corner.
  • Nines can be a sign that your life is coming to an end. Be prepared for this and draw the right conclusions.
  • If you see combinations of zeros everywhere, this is a sign of unity with the Divine powers. You are capable of achieving a lot in your life.

How to thank an angel?

You can not only ask angels for help, you need to thank them. You can express your gratitude mentally, being in a good mood, or you can buy a prayer book and read a prayer from there. In Christianity there are special chants. Akathist to the Guardian Angel is a song of praise, special gratitude, glorification of the angel. The akathist is performed standing; only sick people can sit.

Where and how to read the Akathist to the angel?

The akathist is pronounced not only in church; reading it at home is encouraged, because it belongs to home prayers. Before pronouncing the akathist, you need to read all the prayers that precede it, morning and evening. After this, they begin the akathist itself.

The Holy Guardian Angel is always close to a person, and if he sins and behaves inappropriately, he can punish him or even move away. If a person has pure thoughts, goes to church, prays and reads akathists, the angel’s help will be much stronger.

Angel Day

Name, given to a person at birth, largely determines its essence. It is also believed that the nickname acts as an intermediary between the material and spiritual worlds. A guardian angel by a person's name is determined using church calendar. Sometimes the name of the saint who protects you may not be the same, but it may sound close to your nickname. If your saint has several days of remembrance a year, then your name day will be on the nearest date after his birthday, and the remaining days of remembrance are called small name days.

How to celebrate your name day?

Name days, or celebrated differently from a birthday or any other holiday. On this day, it is customary for Orthodox Christians to visit the temple, prepare in advance and confess, and take communion. If the name day falls during fasting, then the celebration should be postponed or the treat should be fast. The bright joy of the holiday can be shared with relatives and friends.

Everyone has Orthodox Christian there is “your Angel” - this is the Guardian Angel who protects you from the moment of Baptism, a Heavenly being.
Our second patron is the namesake saint. The patron saint is usually found by date of birth. Such saints are also called “our Angels,” but this is not entirely true. A patron saint is a person who lived a holy life on earth and shone in the Kingdom of God for his ascetic or martyrdom.

How to distinguish an icon, image and face from other heavenly forces

The angel on the icon shines with the light of God's glory. Every person can pray before the image, because all Angels are similar to each other. That is, when purchasing an icon of the Guardian Angel, you pray to him as your protector.

The angel is usually depicted in ancient clothes - a cloak and chiton with gold trim around the collar and around the wrists - this is how the king's courtiers were distinguished in ancient times. The colors of clothing can be very diverse: gold and blue, white and blue, white and green, only white, red.

The Angel is also dressed in deacon vestments with an orar (wide ribbon) thrown crosswise over the shoulders and in a surplice - a wide, long robe made of brocade. This is a symbol of his ministry.

Behind the Angel’s back are golden wings, a symbol of the speed of his movement.

An Angel can hold in his hands either a staff (a symbol of wandering, movement) or a cross.

The donated or purchased icon is placed in your home iconostasis.

It is usually arranged in the “red corner” - opposite the door, by the window or in any clean and bright place. It is better to orient yourself to the east - this is where, according to tradition, the altars of all Orthodox churches face.

On a special shelf for icons, which can be bought in shops at churches, an image of the Holy Trinity is placed in the center, you can place a special icon of the Lord Jesus Christ next to it, Holy Mother of God, as well as Guardian Angels and revered saints, for example, St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

If necessary, you can arrange an iconostasis on a bookshelf, but only next to spiritual books, and not entertainment publications.

You can also hang the icon over your or your children’s bed so that God’s grace will protect you visibly and during sleep.

There is a small book “Reflections dedicated to the Guardian Angel for each day of the month.” From it you can learn a lot about nature and the help of Guardian Angels.

Who are Angels and Archangels and what is the difference?

Several saints have given the hierarchy of Angelic Forces. The most well-known and accepted by the Church is the following classification, developed on the basis of the books of the Old and New Testaments by Saints Dionysius the Areopagite and Gregory the Theologian:

    • Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones - they are very close to God, they accompany Him, as if they were guards (although He does not need protection), courtiers who glorify Him.
    • Dominance, Strength, Authority (transmitting information to God that helps in managing the Universe).
      Beginnings, Archangels and Angels.
    • Angels are closest to people and are at the very bottom of the hierarchy of Heavenly Powers. They most often appeared to people, usually the righteous and saints, but it also happened that they punished or admonished sinners.

According to Sacred Tradition, Angels are individuals, but their nature is different from human and animal. They are taller and more perfect than humans, although they also have limitations. Their nature is this:
They are invisible to the human eye, but can be revealed to people only by the will of God.
Appearing in human world, they can influence it (in Old Testament stories are preserved of how Angels destroyed the cities of the pagans).
They move on land, in water, and in the air.
Angels can read people's thoughts and can speak to people of all nationalities in all languages.
Angels are similar to each other and have no gender, usually depicted as beautiful young men.
Even before God began creating the Earth, the Angels had free will. Some of them, together with Lucifer, wanted to rise above God, becoming proud; other Angels chose the side of good. Since then no bright angels, nor the fallen angels (angels, demons, devils led by Lucifer, that is, Satan) do not change their will and, accordingly, do only good and only evil deeds.

The Angelic Hosts are headed by Archangel Michael. His very name “Michael” is translated from Hebrew “Who is like God.” His title of Heavenly Archangel means that Michael is the leader of the army of angels. by God's grace It was he who overthrew the rebel Lucifer (Satan) and legions of demons into hell, exclaiming: “Who is like God?!” - this is how the Archangel expressed his indignation that the devil had set himself up as God, equal to the Creator Himself.


Unfortunately, in addition to our loved ones, who always wish us only the best, among our acquaintances there may be envious neighbors or colleagues, and friends who suddenly became angry with us, and even our closest people, whose evil word can turn into a curse for a person, not living the church life, not resorting to the power of prayer. An ordinary meeting with an ill-wisher, ending in a quarrel or deception, can leave a deep trace of resentment or despondency in the soul.

It can be even worse: a person turns to sorcerers and psychics to harm another. And the other goes to the same psychic to take revenge or drive out melancholy from the soul.

But there is a way out of this vicious circle! In any trouble, you need to turn to the Lord, His saints and Heavenly Powers, so that with the help of God evil is transformed into good, in order to avoid spiritual confusion.

Do not forget about turning to your Guardian Angel, because he is your closest and first protector and patron. Since ancient times, the Holy Church testifies that a special Angel is assigned to each person at birth by the Lord, trying to guide him to life path and ready to help at the first call. Many miracles during prayer to the Guardian Angel have been witnessed in our days.

How to find out who your Guardian Angel is

Many people are interested in who will be an Angel based on their date of birth. Orthodox man. The patron saint or "Angel" will be the saint or saint (for girls and women) whose memory is celebrated in the days following the birthday. For example, if you were born on October 6 and have the name Sergei, then your patron will be Venerable Sergius Radonezh (his memory is October 8), and if October 10 - the martyr Sergius (his memory is October 20).

Every Orthodox Christian knows and reveres many saints. Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ and His Most Pure Mother is a common petition that accompanies the life of a believer. But often it seems to us that our requests are small for God, and we are overcome by doubts: will He hear us, will He have mercy... In such cases, we pray to spiritual patrons - saints. It is traditional to pray to different saints in different areas of life, for example, for the healing of serious illnesses - Panteleimon the Healer, for animals - Saints Florus and Laurus.
In addition, every Christian has his own patron. The patron saint and intercessor is your namesake saint, to whom you can pray as your intercessor.

Your name day will be the day of remembrance of the saint in whose honor you are named in Baptism. In addition, you can choose your own patron saint if you have not yet been baptized or do not know who you are named after.

Parents can be advised to consult the Saints - the Orthodox calendar - at the birth of a child. Try to name the child in honor of the saint whose memory is celebrated on this day or the next.

If you yourself bear the following common names of great saints, pay attention to your name days:

    • St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, commemorated on December 19 and May 22;
    • Venerable Sergius of Radonezh, July 18 and October 8;
    • Martyr Tatiana, January 25,
    • Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica, November 8;
    • Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, July 12;
    • Holy Prophet Elijah, August 2;
    • Great Martyr George the Victorious, May 6, November 16, December 9;
    • Holy Apostle Andrew the First-Called, December 13;
    • Holy Queen Helena and Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Emperor Constantine, June 3.

We have listed the most common names of the most famous saints in Russia. However, you can baptize a child in honor of your favorite saint and even in honor of your relative, making any named saint the patron saint of the child. This does not require any special customs. One has only to warn the priest before the Baptism, for example, of Alexander, that the heavenly patron of the child will be the blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky or the Monk Alexander Svirsky.

You cannot baptize a child in honor of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Virgin Mary. Their names have long been revered. The names of Mary are given in honor of the martyrs, and Jesus - this is a rare monastic name - in honor of the Old Testament righteous man Joshua.

In addition, you can baptize a person with a name different from the name on the passport. This is necessary when the name you have chosen for the child is not in the calendar - for example, Amelia or Svetozar. Therefore, you can baptize your girl named, for example, Aramina with the name Irina.

If you don’t know how to choose a name for a child whom you didn’t name according to the calendar ( Orthodox calendar), take a baptized name that sounds close to yours, for example:

    • Zhanna, Yana, Yanina - Joanna;
    • Angelica - Angelina;
    • Lily - Leah;
    • Svetozar - Svyatoslav;
    • Alice is always Alexandra, because the name of Alice before Baptism in Orthodoxy was borne by the holy queen Alexandra Feodorovna, the wife of the passion-bearer Tsar Nicholas II;
    • Vladlen (that’s what our parents and grandfathers were called - if they were not baptized, you can baptize them with a different name) - Vladislav.

Also in the church Orthodox tradition There are names that sound different when translated. The main and most common example: Svetlana - Photinia. It is important that you and your family write exactly the baptized name in the health notes submitted for the child in the church. This is what will be written in the certificate of Baptism.

The child may be named after the Archangel, one of the seven commanders over the Angelic Host, the Archangels who, according to the Bible, offer prayers to God and stand close to Him as military leaders of His Heavenly Host of Angels

DIY icon embroidery

Today they have become popular cross stitch and beaded icons. You can make the image of the Guardian Angel with your own hands using different techniques to please your intercessor. You can carve it on wood or write it with paints, embroider it with ribbons, or diamond embroidery. There are many patterns and ready-made kits for this in any craft store. You can also easily choose any framing frame for your look.

Any icons must be consecrated in the temple. This can be easily done by contacting a church shop employee or priest directly after any service. It is he who will consecrate the images, taking them to the altar, where he will place them on the holy of holies of the temple - the throne - and read a special prayer.

Prayer for help

How does the Guardian Angel help?

    • from the influences of demons and servants of the devil - psychics, magicians, “healers” and the corruption of sorcerers;
    • from deception, the influence of slanderers, evil people and other ill-wishers - but you yourself - should try not to do harm to those attacking you;
    • about healing diseases;
    • in driving away all fears, depression, mental illness;
    • with temptations to fall into sins, dangers of witchcraft influence;
    • in fact - in any problem, with any difficulty.

Prayer to the Angels of God - the invisible shield of an Orthodox Christian, strong protection from evil, because these heavenly beings constantly fight with demons for the souls of people. You must always pray with attention and sincere faith in help, in the fact that even the weak prayer of an ordinary, non-holy person will reach your personal Heavenly assistant - an Angel, and he will intercede for you before God.

You can use your own words to address God and His saints and Angels - the main thing is sincerity. Let us note that you can also pray for protection and help to the Lord Jesus Christ, the Most Holy Theotokos and the saints you reverence, the patrons of your family, if there are any.

You can pray to the intercessor in your own words, sincerely, simply and at any time. In addition, the Church gives its blessing to read morning and evening prayers according to the prayer book. Start by saying a prayer to your personal intercessor.

Morning prayer to the Guardian Angel, from the prayer book, can be read online

Holy Angel, accompanying my sinful soul and my passionate life, do not depart from me, a sinner, do not depart from me because of my intemperance. Do not let the evil demon possess me through the violence of my mortal body; hold me by my weak hand and guide me on the path of salvation. Oh, holy Angel of God, guardian and patron of my sinful soul and unclean body, forgive me everything with which I offended you all the days of my life, and everything I sinned with this past night, cover me in the coming day, and save me from any temptation, so that I do not anger God with any sin, and pray to the Lord for me, so that He will confirm me in His fear, and see me worthy as a servant of His grace. Amen.

Evening prayer to the Guardian Angel before bedtime, you can read online

Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and patron of my soul and body, forgive me everything I have sinned today, and deliver me from any evil of the enemy, so that I do not anger my God with any sin; but pray for me, a sinful and unworthy servant, so that I may be worthy of the goodness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity and the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen.

Through the prayers of your Guardian Angel and your patron saint, may the Lord protect you!

We have all heard the word “angel” more than once. And they not only heard it, but also used it in their speech. What do we know about angels? Who is this, and why is the first association that arises when mentioning this word - divine power and something spiritual? What do they look like and what is their mission? We will learn about all this in this article.

Who is an angel?

An angel is a messenger of God, His servant. This is exactly how this concept is described. This is actually a literal translation, which from the Greek ("angelos") is translated as "messenger, messenger."

Who an angel is is known all over the world, in every religion. According to Holy Scripture, angels were created long before the creation of the whole world, and their purpose was to serve God. What kind of service? They glorify God, convey messages from Him to man, protect people and carry out many other tasks. Many of them have a specific mission.

But there are also those angels who refused to obey the will of God for unknown reasons. They were cast into the underworld as punishment and are called fallen. The fallen angel refers to the misanthropic and evil army of entities that rebelled against God and man.

What does an angel look like?

Many clergy express their opinions regarding the essence of the angel. For the most part, they agree that an angel is a light, fiery, insightful and quick entity. They are also credited with the desire for good and service to God, which is quite appropriate, discipline and infallibility, nobility and humility. Such qualities of an angel come from the purposes they serve.

An angel does not have a physical body, and is endowed with immortality. A rational entity with intelligence and relative freedom. Angels, not surprisingly, have no age or gender and do not change over time. As it was originally created, it remains in this form.

Despite the freedom given to the angel, he is limited by space. That is, he cannot be in several places at the same time, but he is capable of moving at great speed.

Who this angel is can only be learned from the words of clergy and eyewitnesses who managed to see his coming. It is impossible to confirm or deny these facts.

Of course, we can only assign all these traits to angels conditionally, since no one knows exactly what they look like. This is a completely different level of understanding and awareness that people are not given.

We know angels as creatures that look like a person with white wings on their backs. Wings in this case are a symbol of the speed of fulfilling the will of God.

Angels are often depicted in armor or robes, with staffs, spears or axes in their hands as the personification of the Heavenly Host.

Angelic ranks

There is a certain system, a special hierarchy, generally accepted by everyone. Thus, the entire angelic army is divided into three large groups, or triads.

The first triad includes Cherubim (the name means “abundance of knowledge and wisdom”), Seraphim (“flaming ones”) and Thrones (“those withdrawn from earthly things and striving for God”). These are the highest ranks who are the purest and most unbreakable in their devotion to God.

The second triad contains Dominances, Powers and Powers. These angels are constantly enlightened by God's wisdom, and they do not listen to it, but simply contemplate it. Dominions are engaged in instructing earthly kings and rulers to wisely rule. Angels of the rank of Powers send grace God's saints and work wonders on earth. But in the powers of the Authorities there is the taming of the devil’s plans, the angels of the Authorities take temptation away from us; also these church angels control natural elements.

Well, the third triad consists of the Principalities, Archangels and Angels. This is the group closest to people. Thanks to them, the will of God is conveyed to us, helping us to improve ourselves. The principles govern all the laws of nature, the Universe, and protect nations and peoples. Archangels are conductors of God's revelations, they bring good news about the mysteries of God. There are angels with every person. They are assigned to protect and instruct us in spiritual life.

Who are fallen angels?

In fact, this essence was once also light and pure, created by God. But having once abandoned God, this angel was expelled from Kingdom of Heaven for his atrocities, which is why he became dark and vindictive, and was now called “ fallen angel» .

In Orthodoxy, fallen angels are also called angels of darkness. The most famous representatives are demons and demons; they serve Satan, the devil.

Satan first appears during the time of Adam and Eve in the form of a tempting serpent who persuades Eve to taste forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and disobey the will of God, for which they were later punished and expelled from Paradise.

A fallen angel is a cunning tempter whose mission is to destroy a person’s inner peace, his faith in God and virtues, and encourage him to commit sinful actions that alienate a person from God.

The Devil (Lucifer) was also once the supreme angel, among those closest to God. But it so happened that he became proud of himself and equated himself with the Father, for which he was cast into Hell. It was he who became the first of the fallen.

Guardian Angels: who are they?

The idea that each of us has a personal patron is repeatedly mentioned in literature, cinema, music and everything that surrounds a person. What kind of patron is this, on whose help many people count? This is a guardian angel.

According to Holy Scripture, such an angel is given by God to every person from birth and baptism. The strength and capabilities of this angel depend on the spirituality of a person, the positivity of his thinking and the good deeds that he performs.

Christian traditions say that every person has two principles - good and evil. Behind his right shoulder stands a good guardian angel, guiding him on the true path, and behind his left shoulder is an evil tempting spirit who wants to turn a person into evil. These two angels accompany a person throughout his life. Afterwards they lead to the gates of Paradise ( heavenly angel) or Ada (fallen angel), depending on what path a person has chosen in life - good or more evil.

That is why we cross ourselves from right to left, a handshake is done right hand, and the right hand is also applied to the heart. We can give many more such examples, but the essence remains the same: the right side is very symbolic in Christianity.

Do Guardian Angels Really Exist?

When it becomes clear who the patron angel is, questions arise about whether their existence is true. Is our spiritual protector really with us throughout our lives? Can anyone confirm the existence of such an entity as a guardian angel?

Of course, there is no scientific confirmation of the existence of angels, nor is there a refutation. Many people turn to angels and God in the most difficult moments in their lives, despite the lack of evidence.

There are many various situations, in which people miraculously survive. This can be attributed to a happy accident and said that “a man was born wearing a shirt.” That's what the skeptics will do. But we can conclude that since a person survived under incredible conditions, it means that he is kind, and a strong guardian angel is assigned to him, who protects him.

Angel of Death

Before we talk about this angel, it is worth noting that the Bible does not say anything about the existence of a separate angel responsible for being with a person who is dying.

Despite this, there are references to such a creature in other religions. For example, in Judaism the angel of death is known as Sariel, Azrael or Samael, in Islam it is Malak Al-Mawt, in Hinduism it is Yamaraja or Yama.

IN different religions and mythologies, this angel is represented in different ways - a skeleton with a scythe in a black robe, a young woman or an old woman, even a child. Despite appearance, its mission is one: being present at the moment of a person’s death and either contemplating this process or directly participating in it.

In Christianity, such obligations could be placed on any angel solely by the will of God, but the angel of death does not exist separately. Often these angels are mistakenly called fallen angels, but this is not true.

What language do angels speak?

Today it is generally accepted that Enochian is the language of angels. The reliability of this fact cannot be confirmed or refuted. This language was created by occultists J. Dee and E. Kelly, it was classified. As the creators of this theory themselves claimed, Kelly received this knowledge from angels during meditation.

Doesn't exist as a separate one. There is an alphabet, and also the keys to it, since the language is encrypted.

How to pray to an angel correctly?

You can turn to an angel for help. There are special prayers addressed to a personal guardian angel and calling on him for protection and assistance.

It is important to treat with all sincerity and to be pure at heart. In fact, it is not so important what you say and what your prayer to the angel will be. He knows about your thoughts, and if you ask for help in a good deed, he will definitely help.

Who are Guardian Angels? Why, when in trouble, experiencing pain or fear, does a person often turn to them for help? What kind of power do these incorporeal creatures have? Why is human faith in them so great? Mystery...

Who are Guardian Angels

All world religions, as well as the folklore tradition of peoples, consider angels to be beings of a higher order, created by the Almighty even before the creation of man. There are angels close to God - these are archangels. Angels and archangels are made of light and have wings; both angels and archangels are sexless and live in heaven, guarding the throne of the Almighty. Angels are messengers and servants of God.

They monitor people's actions and record them in special books, test people and resurrect the dead, accompanying them to the Judgment of God. They guard the gates of heaven and hell. Angels protect the pious and righteous and send visions to the prophets, conveying to them the word of God. Each of them performs a specific mission and is responsible for one or another area of ​​human activity.

It is believed that every person from birth has two angels who accompany him throughout his life, guide him in all earthly deeds, and after death accompany him to the gates of heaven (if the person deserves it) or to the gates of hell.

After the creation of Adam, God commanded the angels to prostrate themselves before man, but one of the highest angels opposed the will of the Almighty and became the enemy of the entire human race. The angels serving this enemy of God and the entire human race create all sorts of obstacles for people, torment and torment them. The good ones are called upon to stand up for a person and help him avoid temptations and escape from temptation.

What are guardian angels?

Personal guardian angels, By Christian tradition, stand behind the person’s right shoulder, and the devil or evil demon stands behind the left. That’s why we cross ourselves from top to bottom and from the right side to the left, as if relying on the help of an angel and throwing off to the devil all the bad and evil that is in us. Right side is generally symbolic in the Christian religion.

Icons in the house are always placed in the right corner, greetings - handshakes, pressing a hand to the heart - are also done with the right hand, symbolizing everything good and good that comes from a person. Everything good that a person does is righteous. They also say that a person is right when they want to emphasize his sincerity. Likewise, the word “truth” also symbolizes truth.

So, guardian angels are located behind our right shoulder. It is believed that they rejoice at every good deed of a person and are sad when he does something unkind or evil. These are personal guardian angels. Angels guarding the house are called guardians of the hearth. When you consecrate your house and apartment, you thereby invite them to your place.

There are angels guarding your car, if it is blessed, they save the owner’s car from robbery and theft and help avoid a car accident. There are angels who patronize travelers. When a person “goes on a trip or simply leaves the house, he is sure to be baptized on the threshold, thereby enlisting the help of his guardian angel and relying on his support along the way.

Where do guardian angels come from?

Guardian angels appear in a person from the moment of his baptism and initiation into holy sacrament. But besides them, there are other heavenly patrons. They can become saints and martyrs. If, for example, a child is baptized in a church created in honor of one or another saint, it means that the patron of this church will take the person under his protection.

His help is enhanced if a person carries his image with him on a chain or on a cord hung on his chest, closer to his heart. It is very good if there are icons with the image of this saint in the house. This enhances the help of the heavenly patron and creates protection for both the house and its owner.

At various moments in life, a person can turn to higher powers for support and help. This has been the case since ancient times. And if he shows piety and determination, he invisibly feels the presence of an angel or saint, invariably accompanying a person in all difficult situations And. giving good advice in difficult times. The Church teaches us that all messages received from saints or angels in dreams or visions bring only benefit to a person and will be a guiding star in his destiny, but only a select few are awarded such a vision.

A person who has received a message or vision from an angel or patron saint must definitely think through everything and draw some conclusions for himself, because such messages do not happen by chance. They either warn a person about impending danger, or herald a change for the better.

If a person himself is not able to understand the meaning of the message, then it is better for him to seek advice from a priest, his church mentor. In any case, such a message must be taken into account and, in the future, act in accordance with the instruction or message received.

It is known that Jesus Christ received support and sought advice from his heavenly patrons. Angels and ancient prophets of Israel accompanied the Savior throughout the journey and helped Him with advice, strengthening His strength and faith.

When Jesus Christ was baptized by John, a dove, a heavenly messenger, descended on his head and announced that Jesus was the beloved Son of God and chosen by God to carry out his will on earth.

© Elena Safonova
© site, 2008
