Who knows the hundredth name of Allah. The Arabs say that he knows the hundredth name of Allah. Who is he

In the section on the question What, according to the Arabs, did Allah create from lumps of clay left after the creation of man? given by the author Kind-hearted the best answer is Camel...
When Allah created man, He dropped a lump of clay onto the Earth. From it the camel was born. Allah is so disposed towards the camel that He revealed His hundredth name to it alone, while people know only 99 names of God.

The date palm is a man's sister, the camel is his brother.
Source: “Allah created first man and then the camel,” say the Bedouins.
...from another piece of clay Allah created a date palm.
The date palm is a man's sister, the camel is his brother.

Answer from Irina[guru]
According to the Koran, Allah created man from clay

Answer from I-beam[newbie]
probably a woman

Answer from way[guru]
The Bedouins call the camel "apau lla", which means "gift of God." They have a legend that the Almighty created from one piece of clay not only Adam, and then his companion, but also a date palm and a camel. A camel is a favorite poetic image of a nomadic poet, just like Europeans have, say, a rose or a delicate lily. A Bedouin in love compares his lady love with a camel. It is impossible to imagine the life of desert nomads without this animal. Bedouins drink camel milk and use wool to make fabric for clothing. Camel dung is called "jalla", it is completely devoid of water and serves as good fuel for a fire. (It turns out that this is what Mahmud meant when he said: “Camel poop is used for this!”!) Even camel urine is used: if there is no water, Bedouins wash their babies in camel urine.

On this page are excerpts from the Koran describing the names of the Almighty. You will also learn about what repetition of God’s name can bestow upon you with a humble attitude towards it.

Below are descriptions of all 99 names of the Almighty. And also what they can graciously give you. We are talking about only 99 names, although the Almighty has many of them. But it was these that He singled out for Man as especially important for him. Allah revealed some of His names only to a select few - prophets and angels. There are names that Allah has hidden from us, these are names that are known only to Him or to a special select few.

All names of God describe His glory. But this does not mean that we can come up with His names ourselves. For example, praising some of his qualities, using some word and deciding that it would be suitable for His name. No. Allah Himself gave us His names. And we should use only them, and not invent our own, whatever we want, even though they also praise God, describing His greatness.

It is also important to understand the meaning of each name of the Almighty, so read the description (it is given below for each name of the Almighty).

Listen to a beautiful rendition of the main name of Allah:

You can listen to all 99 names at one time (for example, every day), this is also very beneficial. Click play to listen to all 99 names of Allah in one go:

How to practice repeating the names of the Supreme?

A short list of why this or that name of the Almighty is read:

One is the greatest name of God, indicating his Divine essence, different from the multiple things of the created world. The Quran begins with the words: “Bismillah ir-Rahman, ir-Rahim,” which is usually translated “In the name of Allah, the Gracious and the Merciful.” Islamic theologians emphasize that it is important to pronounce this name correctly. No one else is called by this name.

All types of doubts and uncertainty will be removed from the heart of one who repeats this Name 1000 times daily, and in return certainty and faith will be firmly established. It is also very effective for healing incurable diseases.

This beautiful name Allah is very effective for improving memory and for getting rid of cruelty in the heart and inattention in religious matters, if this name is read 100 times - 5 times a day after prayer.

Whoever reads this beautiful Name of Allah 100 times - 5 times a day after prayer, will be freed from all troubles.

A person will become financially independent if he begins to read this beautiful Name of Allah many times in the afternoon.

A person who knows this name of Allah Almighty rids his heart of everything that offends the dignity of Allah.

Allah will protect from all disasters the one who reads this beautiful Name of Allah many times. And if you read this Name 160 times and blow on a sick person, then Allah will restore his health.

Whoever pronounces this beautiful Name of Allah 630 times, being in a state of understanding the greatness of Allah, Allah will protect him from all troubles. It is also advisable to repeat this Name for protection.

Allah will reward the one who recites this beautiful Name of Allah 40 times for 40 consecutive days with honor and independence. There will be no shortage or need for anyone or anything who repeats this name.

Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 226 times morning and evening will be protected from oppression by tyrants and despots. One who often reads this beautiful Name of Allah will not have to do anything against his will, and he will be protected from cruelty and difficulties.

Whoever repeats this beautiful name of Allah 100 times daily for 7 consecutive days, Allah will protect him from all misfortunes. And whoever forms the habit of repeating this beautiful name of Allah for a long time during the night hours, then Allah will create an angel for the purpose of worshiping Allah in favor of that person.

Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 100 times after prayer on Friday can soon expect forgiveness from Allah. It is also recommended to recite this beautiful Name of Allah many times for forgiveness.

Who will blow into all 4 corners of the house after pronouncing this Name 10 times in each corner until morning prayer, Allah will open all the doors of prosperity to him. And whoever reads this beautiful Name of Allah many times will be in abundance.

Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah many times, Allah will open the doors of knowledge and wisdom and fill his heart with nur (the power of faith). It is especially recommended to repeat this beautiful Name of Allah in the evenings.

Whoever raises his hands in dua every day after prayer (prayer from sunrise to noon) and repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 10 times, then runs his hands over his face after dua (saying his request to God), Allah will reward him with independence and protect from loneliness.

Whoever makes a dua (request) for protection after repeating this beautiful Name of Allah 75 times, Allah will protect him from the evil of enemies, oppressors and envious people.

Allah will improve vision and give His radiant light to the one who reads this beautiful Name of Allah 100 times after the Juma prayer (Feast prayer). And Allah will give respect in society to those who repeat this Name of Allah after sunnah prayer (prayer), but before jumah prayer (before Friday prayer).

To the one who repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 99 times in a state of ablution in the last part of the night, Allah will fill the heart with nur (his radiance) and make him aware of the unseen. It is especially good to repeat this Name many times and with inspiration on the night from Thursday to Friday.

Whoever writes (you can just use your finger) this beautiful Name of Allah on 20 pieces of bread on the night of Thursday to Friday or on Friday and eats it, then all of Allah’s creatures will help this person. And if this Name is repeated 20 times on Friday night, it will help increase the sincerity and loyalty of friends.

Who will repeat this beautiful Name of Allah with sincerity for four days many times, Allah will allow him to comprehend the unseen. And repeated repetition is effective for getting rid of insatiable desires and bad habits.

Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah will be rewarded with respect and honor.

Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah often will be cured of headaches and colds, and his sorrows and sorrows will go away. Moreover, Allah will bless him with wealth and children. And Allah will forgive the sins of those who sincerely say, “Ya Rabbi igfirli.”

Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah daily and, having written it, keeps it with him, then Allah will exalt the reader, increase his wealth and fulfill his lawful desires. And to the one who reads this Name repeatedly and regularly, Allah will strengthen iman(faith) and will make it easier to achieve your cherished goal.

The dua (requests) of a believer will be accepted if this beautiful Name of Allah is read constantly.

Allah will honor the one who writes this beautiful Name of Allah on paper or fabric and keeps it.

Let those who strive for spiritual growth and material independence repeat this beautiful Name of Allah many times. And whoever has difficulty earning money, let him often read this Name of Allah, and he will have income.

Whoever has lost or disappeared one of his relatives, or someone has been kidnapped, let him write this beautiful Name of Allah in all four corners of a square sheet of paper and, before starting morning prayer(prayer), place this sheet on his palms and read the dua (request). The missing person will soon return (or the stolen item will be returned), everything will be found.

A woman whose breasts do not produce milk should drink water in which the paper with this beautiful Name of Allah is soaked. And her breasts will fill with milk. Also, by the will of Allah, troubles will disappear for the one who often repeats this Name.

Bad habits will change to good for the one who reads this beautiful Name of Allah in solitude 93 times for 45 consecutive days. He who repeats this Name of Allah often will be loved and respected.

Whoever repeats this Name 20 times daily and at the same time blows on 20 pieces of bread, everyone will help him.

If you sincerely repeat this beautiful Name of Allah many times and blow on a sick person (you can blow on yourself), then Allah will bless you with healing of the disease. And to improve your character, it is advisable to read this Name into your hands and run them over your body.

Who wishes good health, let him repeat this beautiful Name of Allah 3000 times daily. And to heal any disease, you need to write this Name with musk and rose water on paper and soak it in water, which you offer to drink to the sick person.

Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah in solitude many times in such a way that he experiences an unusual spiritually elevated state, the light of faith will become obvious to him.

Whoever, in the position of sajdah (bow, touching the forehead to the floor) before the start of Fajr prayer (morning prayer), repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 115 times, will acquire honesty and truthfulness. And if, while in a state of ablution, you repeat this Name of Allah many times, this will help you gain independence from everything earthly.

Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah constantly, Allah will give him courage, courage and protection from the enemy (do not forget that your own ego is worst enemy person). And whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah often will become obedient and humble.

Whoever desires a child, let him repeat this beautiful Name of Allah 40 times daily. If you repeat this Name 1000 times during (40) Fridays, then: 1) if the traveler himself repeats this beautiful Name of Allah, he will return back with dignity and safety; 2) the reader will be protected from harm and damage; 3) Allah will fulfill the request of the reader.

*Namaz-Ishraq: Number of rakats: from 2 to 4. Time of performance: 15-20 minutes after sunrise.

By constantly repeating this beautiful Name of Allah, all the problems of the reader will soon be solved. Moreover, lost strength and dignity will even be restored.

Whoever repeats this beautiful Name of Allah 7 times daily will be protected from committing such great sins as drinking alcohol or frivolous relationships. Thanks to the constant repetition of this Name, love for earthly things will go away, and if you read 7 times and blow on a newborn, he will be protected from evil.

Allah will forgive the one who repeats this beautiful Name of Allah many times. It is highly recommended to read after repeating this beautiful Name the following dua (request): “Allahumma innakya afuvvun, tukhybbul-afwa, fafu annii.” Translation: “O Allah. You are the Forgiving One. You love to forgive. So forgive me.”

Allah will give honor, respect and independence to the one who repeats this beautiful Name of Allah many times.

Material and spiritual wealth will be given to the one who reads this beautiful Name of Allah 1111 times before and after reading salawat-durood 11 times (i.e. salatul-ibrahimiya or the last part of tahiyat - what is read in all prayers after tahiyat in the last rak'ah ).

The meaning of the words found in the text is written.

Idin is one of the most famous saints in India - Shirdi Sai Baba- was a Muslim.

Lies are very common among Arabs, and the truth costs little... The Arab does not feel remorse if he achieves his goal by lying... He listens more to feelings than to facts, is more interested in making an impression than in telling something true. Moreover, Arabic gives its bearer the opportunity to exaggerate.
sociologist Sania Hamadi. "The Character and Temperament of the Arabs"

The Arab is forced to exaggerate in almost all types of communication in order to be correctly understood. If an Arab says only what he thinks, without the exaggeration expected of him, his listeners will doubt his correctness and even suspect him of completely the opposite intentions.
Egyptian scientist Ali Shubi

Arab culture is completely different from ours. In our culture, the spoken word obliges, but in Arabic it decorates. The word in this case is not intended for communication, but for ornament. Enter the mosque and you will see decorations woven from letters - this is the function of letters and words in the Muslim understanding.
Shimon Peres

No Arab has yet admitted that he was mistaken, that he was to blame for the failure of the battle, or that he had miscalculated his strength. Among the Arabs with whom I communicated and fought in their ranks for 7 years, someone else is always to blame for their troubles.
Lawrence of Arabia

In order to accept Islam, you need mental atrophy, a willingness to live like an ant or a bee, who do not have their own will and their own personal appearance.
Lawrence of Arabia. "Memory Imprints"

The Israelis do not understand why the Arabs are constantly demanding certain gestures and concessions in their favor, and their demands are constantly growing. Because in their cultural baggage the concept of “I owe you” simply does not exist. Since you conceded something to me, this is only proof that you are a weakling, you have no choice, that strength, and therefore right, is on my side, and therefore I am entitled to more and more.
They will not hate you more if you show them your strength - on the contrary, they will begin to respect you.

For Arab psychology, lack of retribution is synonymous with lack of courage and determination. They themselves can refuse revenge only out of fear, and do not accept any other explanation.
psychologist Vadim Rotenberg. "JUST ONE QUESTION"

U christian cross four ends: the top symbolizes good, the bottom - evil, the right - strength, the left - weakness.
The Muslim crescent has only two ends: strength and weakness.
Good is where there is strength, and evil is associated with weakness.

Because Islam is based on materiality, it has developed an anti-productive culture. Why plant a tree whose fruits I will not enjoy?
When there is no good and evil, the only criterion for development is direct benefit.

The Arab does not steal or rob - he simply earns his living. The Arab states will never have a developed economy; wherever they go, the desert will come.

The Arabs plunder not only matter, but also spirituality.
The mosque on the Temple Mount has no value for Islam; the Temple Mount itself was abandoned for centuries, as can be clearly seen from old photographs. It became sacred to Muslims only when they stole it from the Jews.
The Arabs were as interested in Yosef's grave as last year's snow when it was under their rule, but as soon as it was taken away from the Jews, a mosque was immediately built there and the place was declared sacred.
They do not have their own holiness, so they even have to steal it.
Moshe Feiglin. "World War"
* * *
Arabs are characterized by hard work, which lacks discipline and scrupulousness, lack of initiative and enterprise, carelessness and carelessness towards the future, increased reactivity, impulsiveness, and lack of restraint in expressing their feelings and emotions;
- a tendency to exaggerate in assessments of the surrounding reality, not so much a logical understanding of the information received, but Special attention to the form of presentation and eloquence of the speaker;
- spread of superstitions and prejudices;
- arrogance and rudeness in relations between superiors and inferiors,
- ostentatious servility in the speech and behavior of inferiors in relation to superiors.
Vladimir Krysko. "Secrets of Psychological Warfare"

So, imagine the main street of a small Arab city on a hot summer day. On the spacious loggia of one of the most beautiful houses in the city, a rich merchant lay down to rest after a hearty lunch, yawning sweetly in anticipation of the usual afternoon “keif”. But suddenly the rich man’s ears hear the sharp cries of boys who are starting a ball game right under his windows. The enraged merchant rises from the sofa and tries to drive the troublemakers away from his home with shouts and threats. But the boys are not going to run away, openly mocking the owner and his threats. And then the merchant resorts to cunning. Having mastered himself and grinning into his mustache, in a casual tone he informs the noisy boys of the latest “news”:
“By the way, while you’re kicking a ball here uselessly, they’re giving out free dates in the market square...” As one would expect, the boys are blown away like the wind from the street where the rich man lives, and the rich man, terribly pleased with himself and his deception, tries to take a nap. But within a minute the cunning Arab jumps up, as if scalded, from his bed and, clutching his head, shouts: “Well, what an ass I am! While I'm lying here, the damned boys will snatch up all the free dates!
This parable, like a drop of water, reflects one of the main features of Arab national psychology - the ability to create bright myths out of nothing and then fervently believe in them, hating everyone who dares to doubt their reality. Conversely, any “authentic” phrase uttered by an Arab in conversation, or an oath confirmed by his own signature and seal in any written document, means absolutely nothing.

Islamic terror did not arise as a reaction to the Arab-Israeli conflict or the policies of the West, it was a consequence of the rejection of laws by a significant part of the Arabs modern world generally. The Arab peoples feel humiliated by their inability to respond to the challenges of the time, the Arab mentality cannot adapt to the pace and rhythm of life in the modern world - and a return to the norms of medieval Islam is the only way for them to resist the inevitable loss in the competition of civilizations.

Princeton University Professor Michael Doran

"The most in a simple way, quite in the spirit of the times and in accordance with the prevailing methods of evidence from tradition (“swearing”), it was possible to justify the admissibility of deception by turning to Holy Scripture“To the Koran,” writes A. Ignatenko. - The book provides a wealth of material for this. Thus, there is a whole series of “ayat” (Quranic verses) in which Allah commits “makr” (cunning, cunning, deception). “And they were cunning, and Allah was cunning, and Allah is the best of cunning people” (3:47) ... Allah also resorts to “qaid” (intrigue, deceit): “... for My cunning is strong” (7:182); “...for my wiles are strong” (68:45). “They plotted a trick, and I plot a trick” (86:15-16). God,
The above quotes are quite sufficient, considering that even one word written in the Koran in the name of Allah was and is a mandatory guide to action for a Muslim. Let us also note that the abundance of Arabic concepts denoting deception and deceit (makr, qaid, khuda, as well as “kizb”, “ibram amran” and many others) cannot be considered a mere coincidence. So, for example, in the language of the Eskimos of Greenland there are about seventy words denoting snow and ice in various states, and in the dialect of the Pamir Tajiks the phrase “walking” sounds completely different if we are talking about moving up or down, about moving across the plain , along a glacier, along a mountain slope, etc. In short, whoever hurts, talks about it... And he talks very brightly and with pleasure.

The Arabs retained the patriarchal morals of their ancestors; they are the very contradiction; they are at the same time cruel and obsequious, superstitious and enthusiastic, ardent, greedy for faith and fiction; they have retained the youth of their souls and, being obsessed with any idea, are capable of great things.”

The free, proud, generous Arab can be impudent and hot-tempered; he contains in himself all the vices and virtues of his nation: the need to constantly take care of his needs makes him active, the many sufferings that he is forced to endure make him calm. The Arab loves independence - this is his only joy, he hates all power and is ready to fight against it with exceptional cruelty. The Arab is often driven by a feeling of revenge. Honor for an Arab is above all. Sword, eloquence and hospitality are the glory of a nation. For an Arab, the sword is the only means to defend his rights; the underdevelopment of writing gives special weight to eloquence, thanks to which disputes can sometimes be resolved peacefully, without the use of weapons; Hospitality for an Arab is part of the universal human code. I will quote the words of the Desverger:

“Perhaps the most striking character trait of an Arab is the close interweaving of a penchant for robbery with hospitality, a craving for theft and generosity, cruelty and chivalrous generosity, that is, a combination of polar opposite qualities. A story about the same Arab causes multiple changes in the listener feelings of contempt and admiration. It is difficult to understand the character of the Arab if one does not consider it from the point of view of the conditions of existence of the nation as a whole, isolated from the rest of the world and forced to live on such an ungrateful land. The poverty of the Arab lands justifies the Arabs' penchant for robbery: deprived of rich pastures and fertile lands. The Arabs correct the injustice of fate by force, robbing caravans of goods. They do not distinguish between open war and an attack from an ambush; armed robbery, the robbery of a traveler, are as commendable for them as the capture of a besieged city, as the seizure of foreign territory.

Arabs rarely allow words to reveal secret feelings; they are firm in their intentions and terrible in their revenge. These are merciless enemies, these are false friends of strangers
These people do not obey momentary impulses; they follow a pre-planned system. Having rather limited thinking, but strong will and perseverance, they are capable of such a high social organization that provides them with triumph over their enemies and tyrannical power over others

Arabs are very sensitive to insults, hints, and ridicule.
Sometimes they perceive completely innocent actions and words as an insult.
Russian journalist Dmitry Zgersky:
- Where a European perceives criticism directed at himself or at
the address of his country thoughtfully and agrees with it, the Arab will be indignant,
will be offended and make a retaliatory attack. In the company of Arabs, as a rule,
will willingly laugh at the Russian Ivanushka the Fool, but any ridicule
in the same spirit, treating an Arab fool will be taken as a personal insult

Dostoevsky says that by the inhabitants of the prison you can find out what the people are like. If you judge the Arab people by their prisoners, using Dostoevsky’s method, the picture turns out to be unsightly: they are all informers, bigots, and every living thing is the object of their sexual passions. Not less than a woman they are turned on by a man, a teenager, a boy and even an animal.

An Arab cannot be trusted. It seems that he is your friend, but suddenly the beast awakens in him, and he may well stab you in the back. Any attempt to escape is doomed to failure; among those preparing to escape, there will definitely be an informer.

Much has been written in Russian literature about the feeling of repentance. The Arab is not too sad about the past. What happened, happened. Repentance will not help matters. Why repent?
During an afternoon walk, one prisoner hit another on the head with a stone. I saw this picture. In the depths of the courtyard two prisoners are sitting and talking peacefully. Suddenly one of them grabs a stone - the only one in the entire prison yard - and begins to hit his interlocutor on the head with it. Until the very moment when he grabbed the stone, it was impossible to imagine how tragically their conversation would end. There was no transition from idyllic conversation to being hit on the head with a stone. The absence of any transition from idyll to attempted murder is very characteristic of the atmosphere of the East.

First of all, the reaction of the Arab prisoners and Jewish prisoners who happened to be in the yard at that time is curious. The Arabs pushed each other aside to give evidence to the officer, who immediately appeared there. The Jewish prisoners, seeing the fight, began to leave the battlefield, pretending that they had not seen or heard anything.

They brought to trial an Arab of noble origin who, in a field not far from Herzliya, raped a beautiful Arab woman and abandoned her there. Three of his servants helped him. The accused will receive 15 years in prison. What happened in the field near Herzliya?

In one of the noble Arab families, a beautiful daughter grew up, the pride of the family. Her father demanded a huge bride price for her, and made it a condition that the groom come from a noble family. A competition has begun among young people in the area: which of them will get the beauty? Who more money? Who has more noble origins? But the beauty's father is in no hurry. As the years go by, passions among the suitors heat up more and more. The beauty, meanwhile, has “overripe”: she is already 22 years old! And her father still hasn’t decided who to marry her to. And while he hesitates and ponders, a certain young man takes a decisive step.

Several years ago he was in love with her and wanted to marry her. But now love has been replaced by hatred. Hatred for this beauty’s father and her entire family. So he kidnaps her, rapes her, and throws her into a field where jackals howl. What all this means is this: “yes, you are really beautiful and your father is proud of you, but I give you a kick in the ass just like I give a kick in the ass to some four-legged creature.” That's the way of thinking oriental man"noble" blood. A young aristocrat goes to prison with his head held high. The years of imprisonment will be brightened up for him by the thought that now this girl’s father will have to marry her off without a bride price, because none of the noble young men will want to marry her.

Arab prisoners are embarrassed by each other if they are not dressed. Obviously, a naked male body excites their sexual instinct no less than a naked female body in us. Many Arabs can only urinate if no one can see them. Otherwise, they won't succeed. They are unable to urinate if they know someone is looking at them or even listening. Many Arabs “in the wild” are distinguished by a similar sensitivity. But here, in prison, due to the eternal thirst for normal sexual life, this abnormal sensitivity develops in them beyond all measure. An Arab prisoner will not urinate before going to bed until the other inhabitants of the cell fall asleep. He will wait until midnight to make sure his cellmates are asleep.

The Arab is "panerotic". Not just a woman, anyone Living being excites the sexual instinct in him: man, child, animal. A man excites an Arab no less than a woman. And even more - a young man. Pets do not leave him indifferent either.

I have always been amazed at how easily and naturally Arabs lie.

It’s not that I’m surprised that people lie, what’s interesting is that this is part of the national character of the people.

This is the skill, predisposition and ability to speak words that not only do not reflect reality, but are often its complete opposite.
Arabs sincerely do not notice the contradictions between the fantasy that they produce in their minds (often without realizing it) and the “facts of reality.”
Therefore, in a sense, it is not correct to use the expression “he is lying” in relation to an Arab. And in the same way the words “he speaks the truth” do not apply to him. In any situation, it will be about his fantasy world and, therefore, about what is beneficial for him to say at the moment.
I wrote this answer not because I found the character traits noted here among the Arabs, but only because these traits are constantly, hourly and everywhere manifested in their behavior. In all countries of residence.

The Arab's nature reveals hot temper, lack of culture, complete primitiveness of the social organism, extreme greed for money, dishonesty in trade transactions and treachery.
Indeed, as soon as the defenseless guest leaves the shelter of his host, all friendly relations end, unless they are based on kinship and a longer acquaintance. The same Arab who placed his entire tent at the disposal of a guest would not consider it a crime to rob him in the most treacherous manner in the desert, if only the guest’s luggage seemed worthy of attention to him, and his readiness to defend himself was doubtful.
These contradictions in the nature of the Arab are the result of opposing evolutionary processes: physical, associated with the deterioration of the climate, and hence with increasing need, and ethnic, developed during the struggle for life among extremely unfavorable conditions.
