“Men don’t notice me”: harmonization of Venus

When choosing gifts according to zodiac signs, you need to refer to the position of Venus in a person’s horoscope. It is this planet that is responsible for our tastes, desires and feelings, what we like and what we don’t.

And so, draw up a natal chart of the person you want to give something to, and look at what zodiac sign his Venus is in. And first of all, pay attention to the element of the sign; it will show the general and key features of a person’s likes and dislikes.

Gifts according to zodiac signs - Venus in the element of fire

Aries - Leo - Sagittarius

Venus in a fire sign strives for dynamics and intensity.

People with this position of the planet are disgusted by procrastination, gradualism, anything that requires waiting, endurance and patience.

Just as they do not like to move slowly, they also do not like to get stuck in place - that is, to plunge into the depths.

Depth, in the broad sense of the word, is not the strong point of fiery Venus. But the brightness and strength of experiences is what you need.

Principles for selecting gifts for people with Venus in fire signs:

1 Ease of use - no complex technologies if a person is no longer an expert in this matter. A person should immediately try how your gift works and it should work for him.

2 Integrity - no parts - your gift must be complete and, again, ready to use. If it's something mechanical, take care of the batteries. Nothing for which you need to buy something else, search, WAIT and make additional efforts.

3 Feature. This is important for each fire sign, but everyone understands this feature in their own way: -

Aries - the most new, at the peak of the trend, preferably exclusive, something that no one else has. Venus in Aries wants to be first in everything.

Leo – status, prestigious, luxurious, expensive or looking like it, exclusive is also suitable. Leos want to demonstrate their status in every way, or better yet, not their own, but simply higher.

Sagittarius - something unusual, not a mass market, foreign, rare, unique - for example, handmade, with an ethnic touch, exotic.

4 Demonstrativeness - Fiery Venus, secretly or openly wants to show everyone her gift, so help her with this. Let it be something that everyone can see, something you can take to work and casually show off to your colleagues. And of course something that will definitely attract their attention.

And of course - the wrapper - brighter, more impressive, do not ignore the packaging under any circumstances. And no eco-friendly options, with gray paper and twine - only bright and rich colors, ribbons, glitter.

Gifts according to Zodiac signs - Venus in air signs

Gemini - Libra - Aquarius

Venus in the air – the main characteristics are lightness and simplicity. For airy Venus, movement is just as necessary as for fiery Venus.

But there is a difference here - intensity is not encouraged.

Airy Venus does not have to rush to the goal; she only needs space and the ability to soar.

Air does not like to wait, but also does not tolerate frames and restrictions.

From this, the following are important characteristics for gifts to air Venus:

1 Multifunctionality - ease of use is important, but airy Venus is able to spend some time learning about an item and its many functions, the more capabilities an item has, the better.

2 Breadth and freedom of use - this point is similar to the previous one, but still different. Your gift should awaken the imagination - if the notebook is empty, then you will spend a lot of time and have a lot of fun just thinking of what you can write there.

3 Many elements - a gift consisting of many small ones will greatly please the airy Venus. The sets are simply perfect.

4 Functionality - unlike popular belief, the airy Venus does not fly in the skies. And although she has a developed imagination and will figure out how to use a candlestick that she will never use for its intended purpose, she still wants your gift to be useful in everyday life. In a word - usefulness first, and then decorativeness.

5 Let it be something related to their hobbies, and here are the features:

Geminis have a gadget that makes their life easier. Geminis do not like complexity, especially in what they love. Programs for sorting information, dictionaries, notepads, courses - they love to study - reference books, gadgets, wireless headphones. Everything that makes life easier and more mobile.

Libras are drawn to beauty and love to impress. Functionality competes with beauty and style. Therefore, if the brushes are for painting, then in an elegant case, if it is a book, then in a good binding. Libra loves public attention, and even everyday things should be beautiful.

Aquarius - unlike many other signs, Venus in Aquarius is very democratic. She does not need beauty and demonstrativeness. It is believed that Aquarius They gravitate toward extravagance, but essentially they simply don’t care about opinions. And fashion. Hence the periodic excesses. And yet they will appreciate something unusual, or high-tech, and of course useful.

Gifts according to Zodiac signs - Venus in water signs

Cancer - Scorpio - Pisces

Watery Venus gives a person a craving for the mysterious and a desire to dig into the depths. For people with this position of the planet, the hidden meaning, subtext is important, and they are more inclined to the process, at least it is very important.

So, unlike the previous two elements, there may be things that still need to be sorted out, rummaged around, understood how it works, put together, look for additional elements, etc. Emotions and sentiments are also important.

Water Venuses simply adore souvenirs - memories and feelings are important to them, which are much preferable to functionality.

And so, the principles for selecting gifts for Venus in water signs:

1 Associations – sentimentality and emotions, remember? Albums with photographs, memorabilia and everything connected with it, romance and cuteness, cards with tender wishes and beautiful gestures, champagne and candlelight dinner. Even an inscription under the window will not seem childish to the water Venus, let alone symbolic jewelry - hearts, rings, watches with engravings, etc.

2 Magic - deep down, every water Venus believes in magic. If you find out about her secret desires and dreams and support her with your gift, believe me, she will never forget it. For example, in a conversation a person mentioned that as a child he loved to ride horses - give him a riding lesson.

3 Attention - like no one else, water Venus appreciates your attention and care. If it is a handmade gift, or something for which you had to work oh so hard - it is difficult to get, expensive, had to be adjusted, sewn in, personal engraving, signature of the author, etc.

4 A mystery or process is a riddle that needs to be solved, this would be an excellent option, or something that you need to do yourself. Water Venus is capable of long-term concentration, and even enjoys it. So let it be yarn, knitting needles and a knitting tutorial, and not a finished scarf.

5 Something for yourself. Water Venus tries a lot for others, and often forgets about herself. Let it be something for which you always feel sorry for money and time. A trip to a spa salon, expensive perfume or eau de toilette, jewelry, a course of lectures on literature, a concert of your favorite singer - everything that is not functional, but so pleasant.

Gifts according to Zodiac signs - Venus in earth signs

Taurus - Virgo - Capricorn

Earthly Venus - the main focus of attention of people with this position of the planet is the material side of life.

This does not mean that they are greedy or complete materialists; this is not always the case.

It’s just that earthly Venus knows a lot about things, and this knowledge is more intuitive than conscious.

Color, texture, density everything matters, and density is often determined by eye, and color by taste.

Synesthesia is very common among terrestrial Venus owners.

Of course, after such a description, the question arises of how to choose gifts for such a demanding person according to the signs of the Zodiac,

and here are some general principles:

1 Materiality - even if you decide to give your beloved wife a trip to Paris for their anniversary, you should back it up with something that you can at least put in your pocket. Most likely, earthly Venus does not realize this, but on an emotional level she will feel some dissatisfaction, in the absence of a material gift, even a small one. Therefore, if you wrote a song or poem to earthly Venus, do not forget to format the text beautifully and preferably insert it into a frame, and not just recite it.

2 Less surprise – everyone loves surprises, but earthly Venus is really hard to please, so it’s better to ask in advance. Or even choose together. In this case it will be received very well. And if you really want surprises, then let them be intangible - a trip, a party, a certificate for the purchase of something, etc.

3 Reliability - the gift should give the impression of reliability and durability, and be strong. Earthly Venus does not like to change things, and not because she is tight-fisted. She just becomes attached to them with all her heart. Therefore they must be durable.

4 Practicality – If you choose something strong, then let it also be useful. Remember the connection with things? Give earthly Venus the opportunity to constantly use your gift, and not gather dust on the shelves. Decorative items are not the best choice. But the means that increase reliability and consistency will go with a bang - all possible cases, bookmarks, covers, storage containers, etc.

I dedicate this book to the memory of my mother, Virginia Gray. Family members, friends, acquaintances and everyone who had the opportunity to communicate with her will never forget the modesty and dedication that mom showed every day, every hour, in any circumstances - both at work, in her bookstore, Aquarian Age Bookshelf, and in free time. For me, she was, is and will be a standard in all areas of life, especially with regard to spiritual development.

Thank you, mom, for always being with me, and also for the fact that the memory of you to this day helps me remain wise and guides me through life.

* * *

John Gray

Practical Miracles for Mars and Venus

Translation rights were obtained through an agreement with John Gray Publications, Inc., with the assistance of the literary agency and Andrew Nurnberg. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

Text Copyright © 1994, by J. G. Productions

© Shevtsov P., translation into Russian, 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

* * *Wisdom for every day!

Unlike John Gray's other books, which are focused on specific topics, this book is aimed at improving life in general. This is a real guide for life. I found amazing and original ideas and concepts here. I constantly caught myself thinking: “This is so smart! How did he come up with this?”

Ellis Shepard This book is inspiring!

Practice is John Gray's calling card. No boring thoughts. Excellent examples and clear guidelines for action. You can pray to heaven for help, but it’s easier to create a miracle using this book! The author offers clear recommendations on how to achieve success in all areas of life and, of course, in love. He teaches how to enter a special state in which you can do everything - survive stress, find love and heal illness.

Sandra O. Nine principles of miracles!

John Gray breaks the usual beliefs that a miracle is possible only by the will of Above! He offers nine principles that help create miracles in real life. It's very simple and absolutely real!

H. E. Foley Great, as always!

I admit, I am an ardent Grey's fan. Why? Because with him everything is always clear, clear and accessible. No need to buy hundreds of self-development books. It is enough to buy one Gray! Having bought his book, I can always count on common sense and advice that is actually useful and applicable in real life. This book is no exception. She can easily teach any person to live in happiness, prosperity and harmony.

Michael Burke For those who are looking!

This book helped me take a strong action... and I don't regret it!

Joseph R. Gallagher Practical and useful!

This book frees you from drab life and dull ideas that a miracle is a rarity, an exception to the rule. If you want to learn how to heal, how to get what you want, if you want to master your internal energy and change events at will - read, and a miracle will definitely happen to you.

Meredith O'Brien


Before the New Year, many make a promise to themselves to make every effort and change for the better. Maybe you do the same. However, after a few weeks, these people (and probably you included) realize that their goals have not been achieved, and there is no trace left of their previous motivation and readiness to “move mountains.”

We often don't believe in our ability to change anything. But it is precisely this faith that allows a person to know himself and open new horizons. If you want to make real changes for the better, then you need to base all your thoughts and actions on the belief that miracles are a normal part of life.

My experience of communicating and working with people shows that the main obstacle to success is almost always a tendency to procrastinate. Often it occurs after just a few steps leading to the realization of a dream, and leads to the fact that a person is mired in a swamp of indecision and inaction. For some time he tries to resist, but soon realizes that he has no strength left. After some time, the person again tunes in to achieving the goal, begins to work hard on himself, overcomes obstacles, and then... again loses motivation. After a few weeks or months, everything is repeated again and ends with exactly the same unsatisfactory result.

This series of emotional ups and downs can last for years, and sometimes decades. This fruitless struggle does not stop until a person realizes what it is real change and how exactly they happen.

If we refuse to fully perceive the natural laws according to which the surrounding reality exists and changes, then quite natural suffering awaits us. You will be surprised, but I am convinced of the following: life becomes much easier and more interesting if you stop constantly fighting with something or someone and try to go with the flow along with the entire Universe.

Often, having promised ourselves to be more open and understanding towards those we love, we suddenly realize that they do not live up to our expectations in some way. And now we have a whole list of claims ready. We are gradually losing trust in each other. Passion and emotions disappear, and the feeling of love no longer seems so strong. After several years of living together, many couples notice with sadness and bewilderment that their union is no longer at all similar to what it was at the very beginning. Such disappointments were and remain one of the main reasons why happiness in personal life has become so rare and the divorce rate has increased so significantly.

If we talk about work or business, then usually we, even having achieved any significant success and become rich, become more vulnerable because we take on overwhelming responsibility, get into debt, and plunge into a state of constant worry about the benefits we have acquired. In such a situation, we have neither the time nor the energy to truly rejoice and enjoy our successes. In addition, to be competitive in our time means to be able to foresee absolutely all scenarios and make decisions almost at the speed of light. This requires enormous effort and nerves of steel. A person who strives to achieve high results in the business world either plays by modern rules or leaves the game defeated, desperate and almost ruined.

All these stress factors ultimately affect not only family relationships, but also our health. We strive to spend more time on physical exercise and healthy eating. But no matter how much determination and purposefulness we show at the very beginning, after a few weeks we really, really want to return to our old, unreasonable and harmful way of life. And we do it. And we do it surprisingly quickly.

Divorce, debt, obesity - these, oddly enough, are some of the most basic problems of the modern Western world.

Of course, we see that medicine has advanced a lot. However, today people depend on doctors and medicines more than ever before. What's the matter? The fact is that many people simply do not feel when the surrounding reality gives them a signal that it is time to change. It is this lack of sensitivity that has led to such serious problems of our time as poverty, domestic violence, disease and rising prices for basic necessities.

So, we need not just to believe in miracles, but to understand how and what needs to be done so that they become part of our real life. I realized that miracles are not science fiction at all when I witnessed the healing of several seriously ill people. It is worth noting that such cases are not uncommon. They occurred not only in this and last centuries, but also earlier, throughout the history of the world. Official medicine could not and still cannot explain this.

I gained an even deeper and clearer understanding of what a miracle is when, without the help of doctors or medications, I managed to restore the visual function of my left eye, which was previously unable to see due to infection.

I started researching and after a while I realized that the principle underlying non-standard healing for various diseases can be applied to solve any problems in all areas of life. And also that our tendency to explain miracles by luck, that is, by a simple coincidence of circumstances, limits our consciousness and makes us think that it is almost impossible to manage our lives. When we become spiritually myopic, we pay very little attention to the most important factors of success such as beliefs, feelings, emotions, thoughts, decisions and actions. They merge into one continuous uncontrollable mass, and their essence and potential benefits elude us. Meanwhile, it is these listed components of our conscious life that determine how successful and happy we are.

Venus in signs

Venus in Aries

Selfless Venus.

When Aries Venus is in love, she does not see anything in the world, including the object of love. She is completely absorbed in her feeling and can, unnoticed by herself, scorch her partner with her fire. Here Venus is imprisoned, and Venusian perception goes well only on strong energy flows, in particular, she does not feel or recognize weak feelings, her own and those of others. She understands this when running to her loved one’s unit on all fronts. In society, especially if there is no strong defeat of Venus, she is loved for her frankness, directness, strength and ingenuousness in expressing herself. She is attracted to bright colors, loud music, a distinct rhythm and clear intentions - but not rude actions. Venus is generally alien to rudeness; Only with its severe defeat is a sadomasochistic complex and a perverted tendency to violence in love possible.

Aries Venus is waiting for a challenge or another spark that will ignite her. Then the world flashes before her with countless lights, its colors from gray become colorful and shining, and life turns into a blinding and dazzling holiday... for a while. Then Aries Venus counts the bumps, unnoticed during an emotional upsurge or social revelry, and, drying her tears, tries to quickly wise up and instill in herself the need for attention and caution in the outer world, while these qualities are no less necessary for her in her inner life. .

The affected Aries Venus can make a very difficult impression in society with the black fire burning in her eyes; It is better not to get in her way in socially defined and strictly defined situations, because she despises the rules of social games, which may look simply dishonest. When working through a defeat, hard but constructive work in social programs, the ability to understand and illuminate the life of any person, even with the most distorted psyche.

Venus in Taurus

Plastic Venus.

Venus is the ruler here, but second (after Chiron), so this is a potentially strong position, although it requires some preparatory work. Taurus Venus perceives the world through plastic images, somewhat ponderously, at a low level, very mundane, but clearly and unambiguously. At a high level, this is an aspect of artists, sculptors, architects and public figures: what is expressed by the developed Taurus Venus is not only beautiful, but also very convincing; if it is an idea, it is almost material; if it is a sculpture, then it may be more alive than those who admire it; if it is a poem, then with such a convincing semantic-rhythmic phonetic synthesis that if you throw it through the window, you risk breaking the glass.

Without elaboration, this aspect gives extreme social pragmatism; any other person or group is considered only from the point of view of the specific material benefit that they can bring; when affected, laziness, complete social apathy and vampirism, aggravated by a demanding taste, especially for material objects, extreme addiction to things and close people.

The words of Taurus Venus sound weighty in society, at least when pure reason (that is, Mercury) is not included, but there is an orientation towards the social subconscious. In a harmonious version, she is unusually attractive in communication with her gentle manners and pleasant self-confidence; the complete impression that this is a person you can rely on (whether this is true, the horoscope as a whole will not tell you, since a person’s reliability is determined not by the absence of tense aspects to Neptune, Saturn and the planets in the moving cross, but by his evolutionary level). Harmonious aspects of Taurus Venus will show areas where a person can do everything beautifully and well; intense - where he must learn it and become unsurpassed.

Venus in Gemini

Frivolous Venus.

If Aries Venus is seduced by the inner fire and energy in a partner, and Taurus Venus is not indifferent to the beauty and silkiness of the physical body and material gifts, then Gemini Venus cannot resist a brilliant mind and a kaleidoscope of entertainment. Her manners in society are somewhat cold, and although she knows etiquette very well, sometimes she breaks it (regularly when Venus is defeated), just to see what will happen, and thereby break the boredom. If she is in love, she will speak brilliantly (if there is a Mercury sextile), cook (if she is in the fourth or sixth house) or entertain (if in the fifth house) her lover - until she gets tired of him or the Moon turns on.

When poorly developed, this aspect gives extreme superficiality in social contacts: a person quickly and easily gets along with people, also diverges, but the relationship turns out to be unsatisfactory for both parties; with defeat, promiscuity in relationships, sexual and social, is very likely (the first can be suppressed and repressed, but remains in the form of a secret dream of free love). In general, karmically affected Venus in the moving cross means the need to give your love to everyone you meet, but at the same time accurately choosing the form and dosage of its manifestations.

Venus in Gemini (and in air signs in general) often gives a love of music and an understanding of it, even abstract, mathematical abilities, a love of ornaments and decorations that embody a clear idea, fine literature; she feels the aesthetics of precise formulations and is delighted with a wise aphorism. Without smart conversations and people, she languishes, and the world around her turns gray and hopelessly fades - but being in an adequate environment and a free spirit, she is able to decorate any society and communication, and at a high level, show the world an extraordinary synthesis of thoughts and feelings in the harmony of a work of art or social concept.

Venus in Cancer

Trembling Venus.

Venus in water signs, as well as in air signs, gives love and understanding of music, but in water signs the perception is more emotional, and in Cancer - one might even say, intimate. When worked through, Cancer Venus is capable of such a depth and warmth of human contacts that is inaccessible in any other position. By communicating with her, you discover your soul, and it turns out to be kind, soft, gentle and beautiful - such a discovery can turn your whole life around. At the same time, at a low level of Cancer, like Capricorn, Venus is extremely distrustful of people and is completely unable to express her feelings, especially love, openly and directly.

However, inside she (unlike Capricorn) has more than enough love and romance, which, when Venus is defeated, leads to great personal troubles and attempts to reduce her sensitivity by growing a thick shell; a more effective and constructive option - to think not about yourself and your feelings, but about others - comes to mind only at a fairly high level of personal development, since here the psyche is really very vulnerable, especially in matters of human relations: even a casually thrown tactless remark can cause undeveloped Cancer Venus suffers more grief than its more protected positions can imagine.

True, a thick shell sometimes compensates for this, but it gives such insensitivity in many important situations that those around Cancer Venus usually do not stand on ceremony, completely not understanding her internal structure and incorrectly interpreting her behavior. This aspect gives a huge range of social feelings towards a person: from universal love to equally universal hatred and complete misunderstanding, and the real fate of relations with society depends much more on the person himself and his efforts to work through Venus than on the environment, as well as aspects of this planet . Cancer (karmically) should not hide deeper into its shell, but rather regularly go out into the outside world naked, to be devoured by its best friend Scorpio.

Venus in Leo

Lush Venus.

A gourmet astrologer, when choosing a lover, will undoubtedly make sure that her Venus is in Leo. With such a woman, especially with a harmonious Sun in the tenth house, there is no shame in appearing in any society.

At the same time, not receiving her due (that is, the lion's) share of public attention, respect and admiration, undeveloped Venus in Leo begins to wither away or demand these feelings by force, often without any reason for this (from the point of view of society, but not from her personally ).

The developed aspect provides excellent social adaptation; a person behaves and looks so beautiful and expressive that you just want to admire them and, as far as possible, imitate them. Gaining his favor and praise is the best gift you can imagine. On the other hand, Venus in fire signs in general and in Leo especially, makes it difficult to perceive the simple, gray, expressionless, low-energy. She will perfectly perceive the panorama of a sunny afternoon in the snowy mountains and the enthusiasm of the builders of a new social structure, but it is difficult for her to be included in the beauty of the twilight rural landscape or to experience the delights of editing a thick industrial novel by an aspiring 60-year-old author from among former industry executives.

It is difficult for Leo Venus, especially harmonious ones, to distinguish public opinion from personal opinion: in her subconscious they sound very similar and often strong enough to drown out reason, especially if Mercury is weaker than Venus. Therefore, in aesthetic and ethical matters, she is often apparently authoritarian (if defeated, dogmatically stubborn), but in fact is the mouthpiece of standard social views. If you want to win her favor, say more often and louder how wonderful she is dressed and looks today; If you are also sincere, success is guaranteed.

Venus in Virgo

Modest Venus.

It is very difficult to fall in love for a long time, because the beloved being, at the moment when he surveys the starry sky, may reveal a not quite clean-shaven lower part of the chin, or at a gala dinner an unironed fold on a pleated skirt may be exposed, and what African passion can withstand such a test? Virgo Venus definitely cannot, so she prefers to stay away - from a distance these strange and sloppy hairs in places not intended for this are not so visible, and much more that less sophisticated people are simply not aware of.

The main aesthetic problem of Virgo Venus is to learn to see the harmony and unity of the whole despite the imperfection of even all its constituent parts. Working out the aspect can produce a brilliant artist, jeweler or microsurgeon (the latter still requires a strong Mars), but most importantly, a person who knows how to express the love burning in his heart with the smallest but precise gestures and actions, which are often much more effective than energetic ones , but inaccurate and untimely actions.

Undeveloped Virgo Venus is usually naive; she tries to observe social etiquette in every detail (or, if defeated, also denies it), but this does not achieve the goal - adequate behavior in social situations; she needs to learn the spirit of society, that is, to look for a direct, intuitively felt channel into the corresponding egregor, and if she clearly sets this goal for herself, she will achieve it and will be able to do much more for people than others and she herself suspects. The ability to see fruitful social prospects based on the smallest signs and distinguish them from stillborn projects is not encountered every day, and a skeptical attitude towards one’s own and others’ passionate feelings is justified much more often than one would like to think.

Venus in Libra

Exquisite Venus.

If Virgo Venus can appreciate the impeccability of execution (this is generally an aspect of professional art critics), then Libra Venus will see the harmony and unity of the idea, the plan, that which connects the details into a single whole.

Venus rules Libra, and in this sign she is given a lot: an excellent aesthetic sense, and brilliant abilities to adapt to society and skilfully manage it; at the same time, this aspect also gives many temptations, especially with the harmonious position of Venus. At a low level of development, social snobbery, a false sense of superiority, a superficial and cold attitude towards people with the appearance of external elegance and secular manners are possible.

Libra Venus is too coldly balanced and can cynically see world harmony in the sequence of your falls and misfortunes. But when worked through, it can find and show you the slightest imbalance in your attitude towards the world, and if you can hear it, then many of your problems will disappear by themselves. Libra Venus gives subtle musical and, possibly, mathematical abilities; when developed, a synthetic-aesthetic vision of the world, when it can entirely be located within the confines of a novel or painting. The defeat of Venus gives, when worked through, an unusually precise sense of world harmony and an unusual and sharp aesthetic vision; this is an aspect of theater and ethnic directors; an unprocessed defeat can result in social and aesthetic nihilism, harsh or perverted artistic tastes and a tendency to shock the “everyman,” tactlessness, social aggression, expressed in the deliberate violation of the unwritten rules of one’s circle. But her exquisitely cold beauty will always leave a mark on her social appearance and manners.

Venus in Scorpio

Irresistible Venus.

Here in captivity, but this is not weakness at all. Great emotionality in social contacts, at a low level extreme toxicity; There's probably a sign hanging over her bed with a skull and crossbones and the words "don't interfere - she'll kill you." Passionate in love; when she wants it, a fire burns in her eyes that no one can resist: half will rush towards her, the rest will take flight. She constantly strives to remake her partner, at a low level trying to adjust him to herself, at a high level - helping him follow the spiritual path, transforming his consciousness and especially the subconscious.

This is a difficult position, since Venus gives love and life, and the pathos of Scorpio is transformation, death. Scorpio Venus embodies the principle that cosmic love is merciless: it teaches us whether we like it or not. When we are changed for the better against our will, this is often perceived as real violence and abuse, so the life of Scorpio Venus, this natural black teacher, will not be sweet. In her inner life, she will constantly lack love and attention until she understands that she must give much more than she receives (regardless of the aspects of Venus!), and only then will peace of mind and balance become possible for her; on Scorpio Venus, God's grace much more often descends directly from heaven than through specific people.

When defeated, the desire and ability to eat loved ones and enemies whole; such an attitude is difficult to sustain for long, so usually a person is quite lonely until working through, usually accompanied by a large number of shed crocodile and ordinary tears, turns the tarantula into a gray lizard, and she into an eagle. Then a practical magician and social magician is born.

Venus in Sagittarius

Perky Venus.

Sagittarius Venus will conquer society with its warmth, cheerfulness, optimism and lightness of character. Here she is not as rude as in Aries, and not as domineering as in Leo, but no less energetic. In love, she is inattentive and trusting, but she will express her indignation more than directly, and rejoice if you stand on your feet.

Defeat is characterized by some kind of unnatural misunderstanding or ignoring of the main problems of social communication, constantly changing hopeless or unsuccessful short novels (not to mention novels or short stories), ardent creation of fantastic romantic images and their rapid destruction at the slightest contact with life.

In art, Sagittarius Venus loves expression, breadth of views, philosophical approaches and generalizations, broad strokes and a rich palette. The details are not as important to her as the general idea, the essence; she is very attracted to religious and philosophical motives in art, attempts to express the unity of the world through its main idea.

If defeated, all this looks extremely naive and helpless, but the elaboration bears fruit, and the world can get a creator with an original vision of the world and its aesthetics. In a harmonious version, there is universal love, which is taken for granted, and the temptation to go with the flow of social life, in a sweet slumber, accepting signs of attention and admiration from numerous fans. The elaboration here gives Venus extraordinary energy, which can be directed into social or artistic channels, always with a talented, although not necessarily pre-thought out and foreseen result.

Venus in Capricorn

Strict Venus.

Capricorn Venus is not dry, but strict; she has the opinion that the form needs to be worked out to complete perfection, but unlike Virgo Venus, she does not get lost in the details, always keeping the idea of ​​the whole in her mind. The technique of art must be filigree and refined, says Capricorn Venus, and this is achieved through years and decades of hard work, which, naturally, is not given to everyone; but in this case, working out the aspect requires long and difficult efforts, which, however, over time become a natural and necessary part of life (if Venus is not completely affected). This is when working out the aspect of ballerinas, artists, pianists and violinists. At the same time, Capricorn prevents Venus from perceiving art that is frivolous, underformed, superficially emotional, in a word, insufficiently serious and accurately expressed, and if Venus is defeated, aesthetic and romantic tastes can be completely rigid: a person will love all his life one poet and one woman (okay, if not created by the imagination), and will not be able to perceive anything else, at least without long-term focused efforts.

This, naturally, does not add charm to social contacts. Nevertheless, Capricorn Venus, due to her determination, usually achieves what she needs, and this quality evokes subconscious respect. In the harmonious version, this is a polite, correct, carefully dressed, full of reserved dignity person with a clear sense of his place in a given society; I want to listen to his opinion and words, he seems older than his years. Human contact with him is difficult, but if you gain his trust and follow his path with him, you will find a constant companion - if you can stay close... however, he will try to help you.

Venus in Aquarius

Democratic Venus.

Aquarius Venus tends to confuse love and friendship: the first is so cool, and the second is so warm that the difference is practically not felt; at the same time, oddly enough, she is completely sincere. However, oddities in love are forgiven much more easily than oddities in other social contacts, and Aquarius Venus also has plenty of them. Deep down, she doesn’t understand why all these written and unwritten laws of behavior and communication are needed, when it is much better to have free, sincere and not tightly tied relationships between people, which they themselves will establish in each specific case in the way that is most convenient for them. In the absence of strong emotional experiences, such a point of view is more than natural, but Aquarius Venus needs to understand that her social and emotional reactions are not universal.

The developed aspect gives original and brilliant creativity, especially in abstract music and mathematics. Pictures of Aquarius Venus will not be entirely clear, as if a little from the future or a long-forgotten past, with a peculiar, but clearly felt internal harmony and a visible structure of relations between plans and details; her poems will be full of meaning, not always understandable as a whole, but distinct and musical. An unprocessed defeat of Aquarius Venus results in great social difficulties, mutual misunderstanding with people and groups based on too original social thinking, in extreme cases, mental illness and sexual perversions, ultimately motivated by the impossibility of social adaptation.

In general, social bisexuality is typical for Aquarius Venus, so to speak, which in a harmonious version looks like very tender relationships with friends of both sexes.

It is difficult to get bored with Aquarius Venus, but constantly having her next to you means working out a difficult karmic program.

Venus in Pisces

Tender Venus.

At a low level and especially when defeated, this aspect gives rise to an extremely selfish personality without a sign of moral and social principles, who is able to adapt plastically to any social situation, quickly grab something for himself in dirty water, and deftly stir up something clean for the same purpose. From time to time she falls (for some time) into harsh hands, which can thoroughly exploit her, using her sadomasochistic complex, but it is difficult to completely enslave her - she will escape, often with the help of outright lies, from a completely unbearable situation.

At the average level, this is a very sensitive and touching nature, prone to love, deep emotions and a sensitive perception of art, at least that part of it that appeals to the senses. In a harmonious version, such a person will easily enter any society, which will simply be happy because of it, poorly understanding why; but soon it will seem to everyone that he has always been here; unfortunately, it will often float away just as painlessly. With the defeat of Venus, there is a tendency to very peculiar emotions and great difficulties in human relationships, which are often and easily established, develop emotionally unsatisfactorily and soon unravel, with or without conflict, but for unknown reasons.

". Where we made a short trip to New York from the point of view of combating hooliganism, graffiti and other manifestations of antisocial behavior. Today we will travel much further back in time - to the ancient Roman city of Pompeii. And let's look at the other side of the coin, which the broken windows theory does not take into account - at modern graffiti as memories of ancient social networks. We will rely on new research on ancient graffiti and be able to make assumptions about modern graffiti.

Modern graffiti as memories of ancient social networks has not yet been considered in this context. The generally accepted opinion is that modern graffiti is left by a variety of semi-criminal elements or those who wish to appear so (not counting, of course, professional artists who make money from this). In order to see modern graffiti, you don’t have to go to New York, especially since there is practically none left there (since the city authorities make full use of the above-mentioned broken windows theory). To do this, you can walk under our bridges :)

However, the question Why are so many people suddenly eager to leave graffiti behind?"remains unanswered. And today’s article will try to answer it. At least to a first approximation.

So, Pompeii is an ancient Roman city that was located at the foot of Mount Vesuvius. This city was completely covered in ash during one of the eruptions - along with houses, streets, belongings and those residents who were too slow to escape in time. Accordingly, the completely buried city remained untouched for thousands of years - until it was accidentally discovered. Well, then there was a sensation - after all, under a layer of ash, the ancient city was preserved almost unchanged, which could be explored for your own pleasure. One aspect of this study will be discussed today.

After the eruption of Vesuvius, the first floors of the buildings were best preserved, where modern archaeologists mainly work. And, analyzing these walls, interesting results emerged.

If these days you try to “ennoble” a wall in the middle of nowhere by spray painting it, you will most likely be fined. However, among our distant ancestors, scratching inscriptions in someone else’s home with various sharp objects was by no means considered unacceptable. On the contrary, if the “rules of the game” are observed, such creativity even welcomed and caused sincere joy of the owners.

This and other unexpected conclusions were made possible by the “graffiti” that has survived to this day in Pompeii. The quotation marks are not accidental, because the analogy is not complete. But, we must admit, representatives of any culture experience joy when they find features similar to their own in civilizations that have long since died. However, until now archaeologists who have tried to study the life of the Roman lower classes from inscriptions on the walls have been invariably baffled by various details that do not correlate with scientists’ ideas about that time.

Although the inscriptions themselves, preserved by the volcanic ash of Vesuvius in 79 AD, have long been known to scientists, new research expands the scope of their possible purpose and gives new assumptions. who exactly could be the author. It turns out that in contrast to the conventional modern Harlem in Pompeii, the walls were enthusiastically painted

  • like the poor
  • so are the rich
  • like nobles
  • so are slaves
  • with or without reason.

The walls of houses in Pompeii were plastered with white. Bright paint was applied on top. Therefore, graffiti that exposed the lower layer was very visible. Inscriptions and drawings on the walls in Pompeii were not only scratched (above), but also painted - so much so that the paint in other places is still perfectly preserved:

Classical antiquity expert Rebecca Benefiel of Washington and Lee University has been working in Pompeii for six seasons. The main evidence of her thesis about the non-marginality of graffiti in the society of ancient Rome is the recently surveyed walls of a four-story villa of a citizen named Mai Castricius.

As a result of their work, scientists discovered that

  1. In the main room of Villa Castrizia, in the space between the frescoes, his friends left good wishes scratched with something sharp.
  2. On the walls of the stairwell there were wittily altered popular poems, and the letter, curiously, was clearly of an adversarial nature.
  3. Also, in different places of the house, his long-time visitors more than once made drawings, judging by the care of execution, also sanctioned by the owner. Such are the boat, the peacock and the leaping deer.

Studying the inscriptions on the outer walls, in the kitchen and servants' quarters helped Benefil uncover a number of interesting facts and make a bold assumption:

In ancient Rome, graffiti was the prototype of today's social networks.

If we start from this hypothesis and accept that for the inhabitants of Pompeii of all classes, each wall was in some sense simultaneously

  • forum,
  • blog
  • and ICQ,

ancient graffiti becomes much more interesting and clearer.

  • assurances of love
  • sophisticated curse words
  • notice boards.
  • philosophical sayings.
  • and so on.

Below we give some examples of graffiti from Pompeii:

  1. At the "Gate of Vesuvius": "Marcus loves Spendusa";
  2. Atrium at Pinaria's house: “If someone doesn’t believe in Venus, they should definitely take a look at my friend”;
  3. House of Caprasius Primus: “I would never want to sell my husband, even for all the gold in the world!”;
  4. Theater corridor: “Mete, slave of Cominia from Atella, loves Cresus. May Venus, the patroness of Pompeii, be favorable to both of them, and may their lives be in harmony”;
  5. Theater Street: “A copper pot has disappeared from my store. I will donate 65 sisters to anyone who returns it. He will receive another 20 if he provides information about the person who stole”;
  6. Facade of Centenaria's house: "One day you die and become just nothing";
  7. At the door of the house of Hercules and Nessus: “Remember: while you are alive, the hated death is approaching.”

Or, for example, graffiti - a caricature of an official:

Relative anonymity of the forum, equalizing everyone's rights, exposed the soul and gave freedom to primary impulses, which have remained almost unchanged to this day. And we’re not just talking about the textbook “Vasya and Sasha were here,” which two thousand years ago looked like this:

“We, two good people, friends forever, visited this place. If you need our names, then know that they are Gai and Aul.”

Or take, for example, the statement “ I am surprised! Oh wall! The only reason you did not fall into ruins was because you dispelled the boredom of all your writers." Behind his high-pitched style probably lies the same impulse that now prompts the inhabitants of the Internet to advise their interlocutor to drink poison or loudly ask into the virtual space “who are all these people?”

Graffiti combining both inscriptions and drawings:

Among other interesting finds of Benfil in Pompeii - “ private chat" These are messages of a romantic nature that were exchanged for quite some time between a man (under the nickname Secundus or “second”) and a woman (Prima, “first”). They apparently lived at different ends of the block and either wanted to keep the secret, or simply enjoyed this kind of game.

Graffiti in Pompeii was not only scratched out and drawn with an outline, but also completely painted over (like modern ones):

The “sublime” character also turned out to be very popular Burim. A similar version can still be found in the vastness of modern online diaries: someone starts with a stanza, another continues, and so on until everyone gets tired of it. Previously, I must admit, it got boring pretty quickly - the longest example Rebecca discovered consisted of 8 messages scribbled in different handwriting.

Another interesting fact: it turns out that Emperor Nero (at least before he killed his first wife) was very popular among the people, contrary to the textbook image that we know. Benefil estimates that of the 100 graffiti she found glorifying various emperors, more than half are directly or allegorically dedicated to Nero.

A humorous inscription in Pompeii on a pillar of the peristyle (an open space, usually a courtyard, garden or square, surrounded on four sides by a covered colonnade) of the house of Marcus Lucretius on Stabian Street:

The inscription above the drawing: “Labyrinthus Hie Habitat Minotaurus” (“The Labyrinth. The Minotaur lives here”) was probably a playful warning to the owner of the house, or perhaps an act of revenge by the young mischief-maker.

Another function of the inscriptions on the walls was similar guest book. Thus, visitors often expressed their attitude towards the city they visited using graffiti. Many inscriptions were found on the walls of Pompeii Felicter Pompeii(approximately “Greetings to you who inhabit Pompeii” is a generally accepted formula for glorifying the place).

Another ancient function of the walls in Pompeii is notice boards. For example, this graffiti reads:

“Pedestrian, go from here to the twelfth tower. Sircus runs a wine cellar there. Look there. See you." 🙂

According to scientists, the work already done allows us to say that almost all the facades on every street in Pompeii were covered with writing like giant notice boards. It is easy to imagine how the ancient Romans rejoiced at such a simple “interactive game”, especially with the participation of several hundred people from different classes.

So, having dealt with the phenomenon of ancient graffiti on walls, which was a kind of social network (preserving anonymity and giving free rein to imagination for all segments of the population), we can return to the topic of our article. Let us remember the question posed at the beginning of the article: “Why are so many people suddenly eager to leave graffiti behind?”

Now the answer to it is clear: because genetic memory (or memory of past lives, it doesn’t matter) pushes them to do this. So, the inhabitants of ancient Pompeii wanted to communicate using a social network. It is quite possible that if the Internet had existed then, the graffiti culture would not have arisen. But there was no Internet before (horrible as it may be), and communication took place using the walls of houses and a sharp object. Since the townspeople clearly enjoyed this process, the descendants of these townspeople, modern people, preserve the memory of this pleasure. And they are trying to resume it - as best they can. This is what we see on the walls.

Of course, this hypothesis is not necessarily true. But it explains the facts and allows us to make an assumption: if people who leave graffiti understand that this is not the 500th century BC, and that now there is the Internet, then there will be much less graffiti.

Shall we check?

So, modern graffiti is nothing more than memories of ancient social networks.

Based on materials from http://www.membrana.ru/particle/884

Current page: 1 (book has 17 pages total) [available reading passage: 4 pages]

John Gray
Men are from Mars, women are from Venus
Wish fulfillment course
Even if you don't believe in magic and wizardry

I dedicate this book to the memory of my mother, Virginia Gray. Family members, friends, acquaintances and everyone who had the opportunity to communicate with her will never forget the modesty and dedication that mom showed every day, every hour, in any circumstances - both at work, in her bookstore, Aquarian Age Bookshelf, and in free time. For me, she was, is and will be a standard in all areas of life, especially with regard to spiritual development.

Thank you, mom, for always being with me, and also for the fact that the memory of you to this day helps me remain wise and guides me through life.

* * *

John Gray

Practical Miracles for Mars and Venus

Translation rights were obtained through an agreement with John Gray Publications, Inc., with the assistance of the literary agency and Andrew Nurnberg. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

Text Copyright © 1994, by J. G. Productions

© Shevtsov P., translation into Russian, 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

* * *
Wisdom for every day!

Unlike John Gray's other books, which are focused on specific topics, this book is aimed at improving life in general. This is a real guide for life. I found amazing and original ideas and concepts here. I constantly caught myself thinking: “This is so smart! How did he come up with this?”

Ellis Shepard

This book is inspiring!

Practice is John Gray's calling card. No boring thoughts. Excellent examples and clear guidelines for action. You can pray to heaven for help, but it’s easier to create a miracle using this book! The author offers clear recommendations on how to achieve success in all areas of life and, of course, in love. He teaches how to enter a special state in which you can do everything - survive stress, find love and heal illness.

Sandra O.

Nine principles of miracles!

John Gray breaks the usual beliefs that a miracle is possible only by the will of Above! He offers nine principles that help create miracles in real life. It's very simple and absolutely real!

H. E. Foley

Great, as always!

I admit, I am an ardent Grey's fan. Why? Because with him everything is always clear, clear and accessible. No need to buy hundreds of self-development books. It is enough to buy one Gray! Having bought his book, I can always count on common sense and advice that is actually useful and applicable in real life. This book is no exception. She can easily teach any person to live in happiness, prosperity and harmony.

Michael Burke

For those who are looking!

This book helped me take a strong action... and I don't regret it!

Joseph R. Gallagher

Practical and useful!

This book frees you from drab life and dull ideas that a miracle is a rarity, an exception to the rule. If you want to learn how to heal, how to get what you want, if you want to master your internal energy and change events at will - read, and a miracle will definitely happen to you.

Meredith O'Brien


Before the New Year, many make a promise to themselves to make every effort and change for the better. Maybe you do the same. However, after a few weeks, these people (and probably you included) realize that their goals have not been achieved, and there is no trace left of their previous motivation and readiness to “move mountains.”

We often don't believe in our ability to change anything. But it is precisely this faith that allows a person to know himself and open new horizons. If you want to make real changes for the better, then you need to base all your thoughts and actions on the belief that miracles are a normal part of life.

My experience of communicating and working with people shows that the main obstacle to success is almost always a tendency to procrastinate. Often it occurs after just a few steps leading to the realization of a dream, and leads to the fact that a person is mired in a swamp of indecision and inaction. For some time he tries to resist, but soon realizes that he has no strength left. After some time, the person again tunes in to achieving the goal, begins to work hard on himself, overcomes obstacles, and then... again loses motivation. After a few weeks or months, everything is repeated again and ends with exactly the same unsatisfactory result.

This series of emotional ups and downs can last for years, and sometimes decades. This fruitless struggle does not stop until a person realizes what it is real change and how exactly they happen.

If we refuse to fully perceive the natural laws according to which the surrounding reality exists and changes, then quite natural suffering awaits us. You will be surprised, but I am convinced of the following: life becomes much easier and more interesting if you stop constantly fighting with something or someone and try to go with the flow along with the entire Universe.

Often, having promised ourselves to be more open and understanding towards those we love, we suddenly realize that they do not live up to our expectations in some way. And now we have a whole list of claims ready. We are gradually losing trust in each other. Passion and emotions disappear, and the feeling of love no longer seems so strong. After several years of living together, many couples notice with sadness and bewilderment that their union is no longer at all similar to what it was at the very beginning. Such disappointments were and remain one of the main reasons why happiness in personal life has become so rare and the divorce rate has increased so significantly.

If we talk about work or business, then usually we, even having achieved any significant success and become rich, become more vulnerable because we take on overwhelming responsibility, get into debt, and plunge into a state of constant worry about the benefits we have acquired. In such a situation, we have neither the time nor the energy to truly rejoice and enjoy our successes. In addition, to be competitive in our time means to be able to foresee absolutely all scenarios and make decisions almost at the speed of light. This requires enormous effort and nerves of steel. A person who strives to achieve high results in the business world either plays by modern rules or leaves the game defeated, desperate and almost ruined.

All these stress factors ultimately affect not only family relationships, but also our health. We strive to spend more time on physical exercise and healthy eating. But no matter how much determination and purposefulness we show at the very beginning, after a few weeks we really, really want to return to our old, unreasonable and harmful way of life. And we do it. And we do it surprisingly quickly.

Divorce, debt, obesity - these, oddly enough, are some of the most basic problems of the modern Western world.

Of course, we see that medicine has advanced a lot. However, today people depend on doctors and medicines more than ever before. What's the matter? The fact is that many people simply do not feel when the surrounding reality gives them a signal that it is time to change. It is this lack of sensitivity that has led to such serious problems of our time as poverty, domestic violence, disease and rising prices for basic necessities.

So, we need not just to believe in miracles, but to understand how and what needs to be done so that they become part of our real life. I realized that miracles are not science fiction at all when I witnessed the healing of several seriously ill people. It is worth noting that such cases are not uncommon. They occurred not only in this and last centuries, but also earlier, throughout the history of the world. Official medicine could not and still cannot explain this.

I gained an even deeper and clearer understanding of what a miracle is when, without the help of doctors or medications, I managed to restore the visual function of my left eye, which was previously unable to see due to infection.

I started researching and after a while I realized that the principle underlying non-standard healing for various diseases can be applied to solve any problems in all areas of life. And also that our tendency to explain miracles by luck, that is, by a simple coincidence of circumstances, limits our consciousness and makes us think that it is almost impossible to manage our lives. When we become spiritually myopic, we pay very little attention to the most important factors of success such as beliefs, feelings, emotions, thoughts, decisions and actions. They merge into one continuous uncontrollable mass, and their essence and potential benefits elude us. Meanwhile, it is these listed components of our conscious life that determine how successful and happy we are.

Don't be passive and wait for great success to knock on your door. Let's try to put the theory of creating miracles into practice together! To do this, I will introduce you to nine principles, allowing you to take control of life into your own hands and stop focusing on such a “great”, ominous, unpredictable force as a happy accident.

Enthusiasm and disappointment

When miracles happen in the life of a person, many believe that this is a consequence of intense self-hypnosis, with the help of which he tuned his mind to a positive perception of the world. But I am convinced that optimism alone, even unshakable, is not enough.

Sometimes it happens that a disease that seems to have disappeared after a session of unconventional healing, after a few weeks or months, reminds itself again. While researching this problem, I began to understand that, in addition to faith in the power of healing, a person must follow a number of additional rules for achieving what he wants. Enthusiasm, unfortunately, disappears from our consciousness quite quickly. Those of us have experienced this when, after watching a talk show featuring some fitness star, we run to the store and buy fancy exercise equipment.

Determination disappears so quickly and imperceptibly that after a few days you sit on the couch and wonder: “Why don’t I want to not only exercise, but even just open the package with the mini-exercise machine I bought?!” It's sad, isn't it? This is exactly what usually happens if you are inclined to trust the promises of various “experts” who talk about “supernova”, “incredibly effective” methods of getting rid of all the problems in the world.

The rapid attenuation of the impulse that makes a person determined, hardworking, and overactive is a problem that can stall development in any area, be it health, business, or personal life. Obviously, to achieve the desired result, you do not need rabid optimism, but the ability to maintain calm confidence in yourself and in the possibility of achieving your goal.

People constantly begin to believe in something good, and then, due to difficulties and hardships, they lose faith. Sooner or later they come to the conclusion that it is better not to believe in anything good, so as not to be disappointed later. Their expectations have not been confirmed many times before and are not confirmed now, so many give up faith. It seems that this is a consequence of growing up, the accumulation of life experience. However, in reality, this mentality develops due to insufficient knowledge about the principles of achieving success.

Faith is not outbursts of emotion, not self-confidence, not euphoria. Faith must be deep and strong, not subject to momentary mood swings. And for this, faith must be maintained.

Expectations, intentions, plans are wonderful, but where there is no sustainable belief in the best, there cannot be real motivation and passion for the business that, according to your plans, should help you make your dream come true.


Miracles can become natural phenomena in your life, but you must not forget that a person is not able to achieve absolutely everything at once. Science tells us that everything in the surrounding reality arises and happens in strict accordance with the laws of nature. At the same time, scientists admit that they do not have comprehensive information about these laws.

It is likely that people still do not know very, very much about their real capabilities. And yet, at least at this stage of human development, it is obvious that we are not omnipotent and cannot, with a snap of our fingers, do everything that comes into our heads. For example, you cannot make a broken bone heal in one day. But by using methods that allow you to act in accordance with the laws of the universe, you can purposefully and gradually move towards complete healing.

The nine principles described in this book will help you achieve results that at first may seem like something truly incredible and magical. It won't take long for the power you discover within yourself to stop shocking or awe-inspiring. Very soon you will discover that it is already familiar to you and can only bring peace of mind and joy from new achievements.

However, you should remember that if you, for example, are drawn to junk food, then it will harm you in any case and in the end you will only get natural suffering. Poison always remains poison; no principles of creating miracles will turn a bad product into a useful one. The only and most intelligent thing you can do with the help of such principles is to get rid of the craving for junk food itself. This is it the present a miracle, that is, one that is directly related to you and to reality. I think everyone should learn how to create just such miracles.

One of the main elements of this training is the ability to separate the wheat from the chaff in order to clean up false desires and identify true based on the dictates of the heart. After all, doing the latter will give you everything you need for happiness. As you will learn in this book, the third millennium is an era of frequent and rapid change. People simply need to approach solving modern problems with maximum awareness. Only a full perception of current events will allow us to make changes that seemed impossible in the past.

John Gray

Creating miracles and fulfilling desires

Walking on water is certainly a miraculous ability. But for you and me, a much greater miracle would be the ability to walk calmly, confidently, without unnecessary worries. Jesus Christ could bring a dead person back to life, turn simple water into wine, etc. He helped people, showing that he had such power that is beyond our understanding, but at the same time brings amazing and very real results.

What can an ordinary person do? Much. By following the principles of fulfilling true desires, any of us will be able to get rid of, for example, ear pain or a banal headache. Better yet, apply the natural principles of the universe so that your body can independently maintain a good level of health, thus protecting itself in advance from the influence of viruses and other adverse environmental factors.

We are already living in an era of serious shifts affecting all spheres of human life. People have been needing change (and actively making it!) for the last 50 years or so. This was evidenced, in particular, by the emergence of many spiritual mentors, religious leaders, various mystical and pragmatic teachings, as well as revolutionary systems of self-development. And how many controversial books on the topic of personal growth have been written during this time!

Of course, not all changes have been positive. Humanity has made mistakes, but in the future they, fortunately, led to new amazing discoveries in the spiritual and material spheres of life. It is obvious that the fruits of the thinking and actions of people such as Adolf Hitler, for example, made it clear how disgusting and catastrophic the consequences of a one-sided, primitive perception of the world and others can be.

Considering yourself above everyone else, and your views on life as the only correct ones, is madness, dangerous both for the individual and for the whole world. Only by abandoning radical thinking can one count on the possibility of true progress, prosperity and happiness.

Jesus said that the time would definitely come when people would be able to perform miracles themselves. The Buddha knew that a period in history was inexorably approaching in which there would no longer be room for ignorance and for people to deny their own greatest natural abilities. Moses had no doubt about the salvation of his people and believed in the Promised Land. Subsequently, many spiritual leaders and ordinary people were convinced that the repeatedly predicted period of great change meant nothing less than the end of the world. But for most it was obvious: humanity was moving towards the long-awaited stage of universal reconciliation, love, justice and prosperity.

The role of spiritual practices

It is very important to never forget about inner harmony. For quite some time now I have been engaged not only in my own spiritual development, but also in helping other people work on themselves in this direction. In my youth, I devoted myself to Hindu monasticism and spent 10 hours every day in meditation for 9 years. I have reached heights in everything that concerns the inner world, and I consider these achievements my real breakthrough. However, then it took me another 20 years to learn how to achieve the same serious results in the outside world, that is, in such areas as relationships with people, personal life, money, career.

Meditation is wonderful. However, it is worth noting that the most common reason why many people quit this activity is simple boredom. After all, mentors often devote so much time to explaining the basics of meditation, chewing over elementary questions, that students begin to go crazy from the monotony and apparent complexity of this art.

People learn high-level meditative exercises with great interest, gradually memorizing and improving the initial elements and simplest techniques as they learn, for which, as I now understand, there is no need to devote special time. Humanity at the current stage of development no longer needs a detailed analysis and study of the basics, as it was before, in the everyday life of our ancestors. We have truly become more advanced.

I have always tried to follow the words of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount: “Therefore, do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ Because the Gentiles seek all these things, and because the Father your Heavenly One knows that you need all this. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6: 31-33). This simple truth is the foundation that will allow any person to restore connection with the Creator and create miracles in their life.

Jesus tells his disciples that real, sincere prayer should contain the following words: “...Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven...” (Matthew 6:10). You don't have to suffer every day and wait until you die to see heaven. It can come today, in the daily life of every person, if he turns to God. This requires a good mentor or simply having accurate information on how to put into practice the principles of well-being and abundance.

Miracles in my life

A miracle can be called not only getting rid of any disease. Weakness also occurs in the human soul; and then the healing, which improves his moral condition, also brings no less wonderful results. True desires begin to come true. Some people stop long-term mood swings, others gain the motivation necessary to eat right or exercise effectively, and still others manage to establish excellent relationships with others.

The practice of creating miracles helps remove internal barriers to happiness and enhances the positive effect of all those actions that you take every day to get what you want. For example, if you are undergoing any prescribed treatment at home, then following the principles of prosperity that we will talk about in this book will give your body additional energy to recover.

In 1993, I developed an infection in my left eye, and after just a few months I could see quite poorly in that eye. I found the strength to remain more or less optimistic and decided that this problem was just another challenge that life had thrown at me. I believed that this way of looking at the situation would definitely bring me benefits in the form of new knowledge about myself and expanding the boundaries of my mind.

At that time, my book “Men are from Mars, women are from Venus” 1
"Men are from Mars, women are from Venus" Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus) was published in May 1992 and has been published in many languages. – Note ed.

It was on the bestseller list, so financially I was doing great. I changed my lifestyle a little and stopped the exhausting pursuit of success. I allowed myself to do more of what I wanted rather than what I needed to make money, and so I decided to give myself the gift of a new car. It was perfection: black, incredibly fast and of high quality.

My wife and I took a road trip from California to Oregon and back. We stopped wherever we wanted, walked in the forests, swam in lakes, meditated in the fresh mountain air, and contemplated the stunning landscape. We felt better and happier every day. On the fifth day of the trip, I suddenly noticed: everything visible with my left eye was no longer as blurry as before! And when we returned home, my vision became even better.

My desire to do what I really wanted to do led to such a wonderful result. I listened to the voice of my soul and followed its desires. She wanted to help me restore a full connection with the world around me, with nature, with the Creator and achieve inner harmony. And this is the basis of real healing.

It is very important to pay attention to the prompts of your inner voice. He never makes anything up. He always knows what your real problems are and how to solve them. When you listen to your inner voice, you live and act in full accordance with the laws of the Universe. It is under such conditions that wishes come true and the creation of miracles begins, not in theory, but in practice.
