Happiness pleasure hedonism summary. Presentation: Philosophical concepts of morality. Criteria for moral choice: hedonism and eudaimonism. We are pressing the Swedes army after army

Some scientists believe that the science of morality historically arose from discussions of what constitutes human happiness and how it can be achieved. Usually this was clarified in a polemic between a philosopher and a simpleton - through the contrast of what the wise and the people of the crowd understand by happiness. The simple ones call it happiness highest state joy, a feeling of ecstasy from finding what you want, delight, satisfaction from the fact that the goal has been achieved. Since people have different desires and goals, happiness is understood differently. Some see it as gaining fame or favor

beloved girl, others - in wealth and peace. But no matter how different the objects of desire, they have the same form - something visible, tangible, concrete. Why is there no abstract happiness? Use your imagination and try to imagine abstract happiness. I'm sure it instantly transformed into something else. This is no longer happiness, but, let’s say, a state of complete peace. Apparently, there is no abstract happiness, it is always concrete. Moreover, it is targeted, very specific and deeply individual. When talking about happiness, people first of all mean personal happiness, and it is different for everyone. But if this is so, then what does it have to do with morality? this concept, because all moral norms, ideals and values ​​are universal, i.e. are they the same for all people?

Wise philosophers refute everyday ideas about happiness and believe that it, as a moral category, is possible only when we are talking not about personal, but about social happiness. It’s easy to be happy, reasoned L.N. Tolstoy, but make him happy stranger very hard. But striving for the difficult to achieve is precisely the path to moral improvement. A truly moral person is happy when others are happy, when his homeland has found happiness. If this is not the case, then his soul is restless. Maybe there is an abstract, universal happiness after all?

Ancient Greek word for happiness- "eudaimonia"(eudaimonia, eu - good, daimon - deity) - literally meant the fate of a person under the protection of the gods. Only in the time of Aristotle (IV century BC) did it begin to mean possession the highest goods. Likewise, the Russian word “happiness” has as its root “part”, which also meant “fate”, “destiny” (compare with the word “fate”). To be happy at first was understood as being under the mercy of higher powers, to be lucky, to be involved (participating) in fate. Happiness means luck, lucky chance, luck. But in this case, happiness is something that does not depend on a person.

Wealth inherited can be classified as luck, but only if it fell out of the blue. If you were counting on him, then there is no luck here.

How. Happiness comes despite all calculations and even hopes, it is like a miracle. It comes even despite your efforts and labors, otherwise it is no longer happiness, but a well-deserved reward. But why then are people happiest when they have achieved something through their own labor, when they got it through incredible efforts? And the higher the effort, the stronger the feeling of happiness.

Happiness is what a person gains through his efforts. Misfortunes, be they grief, pain, torment, come against his will. Happiness is not a matter of chance or luck. “The smile of fate” or luck in itself does not represent happiness. Somewhere in the corners of the subconscious lies anxiety: as it comes, it may go away. And nothing can be done. And you can’t complain, because you don’t deserve it. It is luck, given, random. And everything is fair. Why does the feeling of happiness disappear from a random gift of fate? Perhaps because he is not yours? Or is it not deserved? And losing it will be as fair as gaining it? It is not wealth itself that makes a person happy, but only righteously acquired wealth. We should not give up on prosperity and wealth, because in need it is more difficult to find happiness.

Happiness can be understood as lasting and complete satisfaction with life in general. But for some reason it turns out that in order to fully experience life, there must be unhappiness next to happiness. Only by encountering suffering, by experiencing suffering, does a person learn to better appreciate the happiness that befalls him. When a group of young people were asked to imagine what they thought would happen if there was no suffering in the world, almost all of them responded that it would also be a world without joy, without love, without family and friends.

Thus, good and evil, happiness and unhappiness are not just paired categories. In life they must be tightly welded, inseparable. Only their alternation allows us to appreciate each of them. When a person is lucky for too long or he constantly feels good, he begins to get nervous: something is wrong here, this does not happen.

Happiness and unhappiness are present in the life of every person. No one can avoid mistakes, illnesses, unkindness

the wishes of rivals or the loss of loved ones, which is often the cause of misfortune. In the 19th century in Great Britain there arose philosophical direction, which received the name “utilitarianism” (from the Latin utilitas - benefit, benefit). Its representatives considered benefit the basis of morality and the criterion of human actions. In utilitarian ethics, the main moral goal of a person is proclaimed to be the greatest happiness. the largest number people and thereby assumes that a person can be truly happy only by fulfilling his duty, i.e. being virtuous. But society is structured in such a way that it is impossible for everyone to be happy at the same time. The happiness of some is always adjacent to the misfortune of others. Scientists see this as a paradox of happiness. In it, according to scientists AL. Guseinova and R.G. Apresyan, two ideas about happiness are combined- as about pleasure and satisfaction from the possession of personal goods, on the one hand, and as about satisfaction from a virtuous lifestyle- with another.

There really is no happiness as a separate goal of activity or personal life goal. Everyone wants happiness, everyone strives for it. But it does not follow from this that happiness should become the moral basis of activity. In pursuit of pleasure, peace, prosperity, wealth or fame, happiness cannot be found. Happiness is rather a consequence of a certain way of life - a virtuous life.

Happiness and pleasure- interconnected states human soul. But does pleasure belong to the category of virtues and moral norms?

PLEASURE(or pleasure) is a feeling and experience that accompanies the satisfaction of a need or interest.

In ethics this position is called hedonism(from Greek hedone - pleasure). At the heart of hedonism as a system of beliefs and a way of life is the idea that the pursuit of pleasure and aversion to suffering is the root meaning of human action, the real basis of happiness. Hedonism is called the ethics of pleasure. According to the logic of hedonism, everything that exists in the world around us is created for its pleasure. All “morality” is hedonistic

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Slide 2

Lesson Plan - Discussions

1. What is happiness? 2. Pleasure and hedonism. Hedonism and its manifestations.

Slide 3

“Happiness is when you are understood...”

  • Slide 4

    In what cases can a person consider himself happy?

    1. Happiness is when you are understood. 2. Why do you think such a proverb appeared: “There would be no happiness, but misfortune would help?” 3. Can there be happiness without suffering and unhappiness? 4. When wishing happiness to another person, what do you mean by this word? 5. Have there been times in your life when you considered yourself a completely happy person?

    Slide 5

    Happiness is…

    Did you know that... The word “happiness” owes its appearance to bread. The fact is that in ancient times, when someone was born into a family, bread was baked according to custom. Guests were invited to the house and the bread was divided into parts. The newborn was also given his share, a part. It was believed that from that moment on he lived “with part” of life’s blessings. This is how the word “happiness” came about

    Slide 6

    Happiness is…

    Happiness is long-lasting and complete satisfaction from life in general. Happiness is a psychological state in which a person experiences inner satisfaction with the conditions of his existence, completeness and meaningfulness of life.

    Slide 7

    Happiness is…

    Happiness - (from the Greek "eudaimonia") - the fate of a person under the protection of the gods. This is a state of complete satisfaction with life, a feeling of joy.

    Slide 8

    Pleasure is a positively colored emotion that accompanies the satisfaction of one or more needs. Nowadays, pleasure means sensations controlled by a certain part of the brain that create a positive emotional background.

    Slide 9

    Pleasure is...

    He who enters the house of happiness through the door of pleasure usually leaves through the door of suffering. B. Pascal

    Slide 10

    Hedonism is...

    Hedonism – philosophical doctrine, which is based on the idea that the pursuit of pleasure is the main meaning of human actions and the purpose of life. Aristippus - ancient Greek philosopher

    This is another topic in the “Culture and Spiritual Life” section. Previously, we considered the topics “Moral feelings and moral behavior”, “Moral categories and virtues”. Then we will have the topic “Fairness and Equality”. Those. We are systematically working on the “Spiritual Sphere” module. Nevertheless, I attach the lesson special meaning. The moral category of happiness is very important among other moral categories. It forms the basis of ethics.

    “Lesson notes and self-analysis”

    MBOU "Belyaevskaya secondary school"

    Social studies lesson in 11th grade.

    Topic: “Happiness, pleasure, hedonism”

    Prepared by teacher

    highest qualification category

    Polozov Valentin Zinovievich

    Self-analysis of the lesson.

    Social studies lesson in 11th grade

    This is another topic in the “Culture and Spiritual Life” section. Previously, we considered the topics “Moral feelings and moral behavior”, “Moral categories and virtues”. Then we will have the topic “Fairness and Equality”. Those. We are systematically working on the “Spiritual Sphere” module. Nevertheless, I attach special importance to the lesson. The moral category of happiness is very important among other moral categories. It forms the basis of ethics.

    This class is functional. Most of the students (15 people) chose social studies as their final exam. There is a group of students who are purposefully and systematically preparing for the Unified State Exam (.....). They study consistently in the subject......, but they do not pass the Unified State Exam in social studies. There are those who have recently decided to take the exam. There is a risk group (……………) who…

    Of course, in preparation open lesson relied on strong guys. They made up the so-called “analytical group” (text analysis, express survey of classmates on the topic of the lesson, made generalizations, conclusions, and also wrote essays. The other part of the guys, less prepared, was involved in the selection additional material to the lesson: they were involved in making slides, searching for poems, proverbs and sayings about happiness). Everyone was tested.

    Lesson objectives:

    Cognitive– introduce students to the essence of the main moral categories of the topic

    Practical– continue to work on developing the ability to argue for one’s choice, to operate with facts based on synthesis and analysis.

    General subject– develop communicative competence.

    Educational– cultivate spirituality, a conscious desire for self-improvement.

    Task: preparation for the Unified State Exam.

    Lesson type: combined.

    The set goals and objectives have been achieved.

    The study of new material was built using research, search and problem-based teaching methods.

    The guys conducted a quick survey, made a presentation, and a selection of poems, proverbs and sayings about happiness. We tried to define this moral category ourselves. The main stage of the lesson was independent work with the texts of D.S. Likhachev and the textbook. Students read the texts and answered the questions provided. Based on the work done and the received ideas about the moral categories “happiness”, “pleasure” and “hedonism”, these concepts were defined. The students, in my opinion, mastered the material because... Not only were they able to answer questions, but they also participated in the discussion and expressed their opinions.

    The time at the stages of the lesson was distributed rationally, the connections between the stages were logical. Everything worked towards the main result. There wasn't enough time at the consolidation stage. I planned to analyze two essays prepared by different groups of students. But testing and students’ oral answers took a long time (they are not always able to express thoughts quickly and clearly).

    Didactic material and TSO are selected in accordance with the objectives of the lesson. The slides and music helped the emotional mood of the lesson.

    Control of students’ knowledge, skills and abilities took place at two stages of the lesson: updating knowledge on the topic “Moral categories and virtues” - testing. And when studying, consolidating new material - evaluating answers to questions, participating in discussions, analyzing essays.

    The psychological atmosphere in the lesson was friendly, calm, efficient. Communication between students and teachers is correct, businesslike, based on respect and mutual understanding.

    The lesson achieved its goals. Basically, we managed to implement everything planned. I had to shorten some questions on the topic of the new material that were previously planned. This did not significantly affect the course of the lesson.

    What you need to do in your activities is to pay attention to a clear distribution of time at the stages of the lesson, to accustom the children to specific, accurate answers to the question.

    Lesson topic: "Happiness, pleasure, hedonism"

    Lesson objectives:

      educational: introduce students to the essence of the main moral categories of the topic;

      practical: continue to work on developing the ability to argue for your choice, operate with facts based on their synthesis and analysis;

      general subject: to continue the development of students’ communicative competence;

      educational: cultivate spirituality, a conscious desire for self-improvement .

    Lesson objective: preparation for the Unified State Exam

    Training equipment:

    • exhibition of books, dictionaries, cards - tasks with texts by D.S. Likhachev, Handout(questions for texts, requirements for essays), computer, presentation.

    Board design: lesson topic, epigraph, homework.

    Who enters the house of happiness

    through the door of pleasure, that one

    usually comes out through

    the door of suffering.

    B. Pascal

    Lesson type: combined

    Forms of organization cognitive activity:

      frontal (test control)


      independent work with additional literature and a textbook

    Teaching methods:

    by source of acquired knowledge:




    by level of cognitive activity:

    • search



    Lesson structure.

    I.Organizational moment.

    II.Updating background knowledge on the topic “Moral categories and virtues”

    III. Studying new material:

    2. Working with educational texts.

    3.Independent work with the textbook.

    IV. Consolidation of the studied material.

    1.Reading and analysis of essays (in groups)


    VI. Reflection and lesson summary.

    VII. Relaxation.

    Interdisciplinary connections: literature, music.

    During the classes

    I . Organizing time .

    The purpose of our lesson is to get acquainted with the moral categories “happiness”, “pleasure”, “hedonism”; learn to express your thoughts in a reasoned, logical and consistent manner. Think about what these mean for each of us. moral concepts.

    II . Updating students' basic knowledge on the topic "Moral categories and virtues ».

    In the last lesson we noted that moral world human is a world of values ​​that are expressed by moral categories. - Name these moral categories. (Good and evil, virtue and vice, shame, freedom, mercy).

    You were given a homework assignment to explain the expression: “Destruction of the individual...” How to understand this statement? What can be the cause of personality destruction?

    Testing on the topic “Social norms”.

    Instructions for performing the test: time to work 5 minutes. Option 1 performs even tasks, 2 – odd, and everyone completes the last task. After completion of work, mutual check. Answers and evaluation criteria are displayed on the screen.

    III . Learning new material.

    1. Conversation. What is happiness .

      Teacher's word.

    Today we will pay attention to other moral categories: happiness, pleasure, hedonism. Some scientists believe that the science of morality historically arose from discussions about what constitutes human happiness and how it can be achieved.

    Did you know that the word “happiness” owes its appearance to bread? The fact is that in ancient times, when someone was born into a family, bread was baked according to custom. Guests were invited to the house, and the bread was divided into parts. The newborn, who, of course, still only drank milk, was also given his share, a part. It was believed that from that moment on he lived “with a share” of life’s blessings. This is where the word “happiness” comes from.

    While doing their homework, a group of children conducted a small express survey of their loved ones and classmates. Respondents were asked to complete the phrase: “Happiness is...”. Let's see what they came up with (students' answers).

    What do you think happiness is?

    Another group was tasked with choosing poems about happiness.

    (Reading poems about happiness, selected by students (Eduard Asadov “What is Happiness”, Veronica Tushnova “One Hundred Hours of Happiness”).

    The third group had to find out how they interpret “happiness” folk wisdom what proverbs and sayings say (students' answers).

    We have prepared a short presentation about happiness ( slide view).

    You see how many different ideas about happiness you have given.

    Yes, there are different types of happiness: maternal, family, creativity, happiness in work, happiness in battle...

    In different eras, philosophers and writers understood happiness in different ways, which is why a lot of books have been written about happiness. (refer to the book exhibition).

    2.Working with educational texts

    Let us turn to the texts of Academician Dmitry Sergeevich Likhachev. In his books “Reflections” and “Letters on the Good and the Beautiful,” he discusses many important philosophical issues: about good and evil, about the meaning and value of life, about happiness. You definitely need to read these books. They are good for the soul, in addition, they will help you write an essay on social studies and the Russian language for the Unified State Exam.

      Read and answer the questions (questions on handouts sheets).

    Now let’s try to define happiness (students’ answers, teacher’s definition)

    So. Happiness is moral satisfaction from the consciousness of the correctness of the main life line of action.

    The secret of happiness is in the ability to bring joy to both people and yourself, in the ability to organize your life in such a way as to fully reveal your creative abilities.

    The source of happiness lies in the full manifestation of a person’s physical and spiritual powers. Happiness is multifaceted. The main core of human happiness is creativity in any field: mental and physical work. In creations, a person shows his individuality, part of his Self flows into the sea of ​​general culture.

    Pleasure and hedonism.

      Teacher's word (go to the second question of the lesson)

    Happiness and pleasure are interconnected states of the human soul. But does pleasure belong to the category of virtues and moral standards, like happiness?

    “Happiness is always participation in human good deeds».

    What about pleasure? We look at the definition in the textbook on page 121.

    3.Students’ independent work with the text of the textbook (pp. 121 – 125 – reading with a choice of information).

      Student assignment (questions on handouts)

      Is it good or bad to be a hedonist? (element of discussion)

      Teacher's word.

    The state of satisfaction is ideal for the body and a person should do everything to achieve such a state.

    Hedonism is reasonable when it obeys the ethical requirement: while striving to fulfill your desires, do not allow arbitrariness and respect the right of others to enjoyment.

    Reasonable hedonism can be not only tolerated, but also encouraged by society if it turns into the engine of creativity, art, and science. A scientist and an artist, any person should receive maximum pleasure and satisfaction from their activities, otherwise they will have no incentive to work.

    IV. Consolidation of the studied material.

    Today we examined such familiar and at the same time difficult philosophical concepts: happiness, pleasure, hedonism.

    We have already said that these questions may be included in the Unified State Examination WITH both in social studies and in the Russian language.

    Two groups were given the task of writing an essay:

    “Whoever enters the house of happiness through the door of pleasure usually leaves through the door of pain” (Blaise Pascal).

    These words are the epigraph to our lesson.

      Reading and Analysis of Essays .

    V . Homework.

    T If you are taking the Unified State Exam in Social Studies, write an essay: “I never stand if I have the opportunity to sit; and I never sit if I have the opportunity to lie down” (Henry Ford).

    When completing the assignment, use the memo “How to write an essay in the essay genre.” Everyone: paragraph 15, questions 5 and 8 (page 126).

    VI . Reflection and lesson summary.

    Today we worked productively in class. We got acquainted with the concepts of “happiness”, “pleasure”, “hedonism”. They are also part of the moral categories we studied earlier.

      Lesson grades with commentary.

    For work with the text by D.S. Likhachev

    For working with the textbook text

    For active work in class

    Guys, I will post the test scores in the journal after I review them.

    VII . Relaxation.

    And at the end of our lesson, I want to offer you an unusual recipe for happiness: “Take the Cup of patience, pour love into your heart, add two handfuls of generosity, sprinkle with kindness, sprinkle in a little humor and add as much faith as possible. Mix all this well, spread it on the piece of life allotted to you and offer it to everyone you meet along the way.”

    Be happy, do good and enjoy life.

    View document contents
    “Likhachev Increase the level of happiness”

    Increase your happiness level

    In life there is some level of happiness from which we count, just as we count height from sea level. So this is the task of every person, in both large and small ways, to increase this level of happiness, to increase it in life. And your personal happiness also does not remain outside of these concerns. But the main thing is the happiness of those around you, those who are closer to you, whose level of happiness can be increased simply, easily, without worries. And besides, this means increasing the level of happiness of your country and of all humanity in the end.

    The methods may vary, but there is something for everyone. If it is not possible to solve government issues, which always increases the level of happiness, if they are resolved wisely, then at least within your family, within your work environment, within your school, within the environment of your comrades and acquaintances, you can increase the level of happiness. After all, everyone has such an opportunity to increase creativity in life.

    Life is, first of all, creativity, but this does not mean that every person, in order to live, must be born an artist, ballerina and scientist. Creativity can also be done. You can simply create an atmosphere around yourself, as they say now, an aura of goodness around you. After all, here’s a curious thing: when someone enters society, he can bring with him an atmosphere of suspicion, painful silence, or he can immediately bring joy and light. This is creativity. It is continuous.

    D.S. Likhachev

    Conquered happiness

    ...But clearly the happiness of battle

    It's starting to serve us...

    We press the Swedes army after army:

    Darker is the glory of their banners,

    And God fights with grace

    Our every step is captured.

    Happiness can only be in battle, only achieved by us. There is no such thing as eternal, permanent happiness. You can't be happy when there are people suffering. But you can be happy with something that has now been mined and received.

    A television announcer in one of his programs stopped people on the street and asked: what do you think happiness consists of? In response, millions of people listened to baby talk. Something like this: “Happiness is when my girls grow up beautiful, healthy and get married well.” This is all philistinism. And even when big people insisted: “This is harmony between something and something,” they didn’t go far.

    You can only be happy for a short period of time after achieving something, and after that new worries begin, because, I repeat, there is no happiness for anyone while there is unhappiness nearby.

    D.S. Likhachev

    View document contents
    "Read and answer the questions"

    Read and answer the questions.

      How does Academician D.S. Likhachev understand what happiness is?

      What, according to D.S. Likhachev, is the level of happiness?

      Why can't there be eternal happiness?

      Why is happiness always a struggle?

    Independent work of students with the text of the textbook (pp. 121 – 125).

    Student assignment .

      What is the essence of the concepts “pleasure” and “hedonism”?

      What are ethical principles hedonism?

      What are the forms of manifestation of hedonism?

      How can you characterize the behavior of a hedonist?

    Requirements to essay

    1) Presentation of one’s own point of view (position, attitude) when disclosing a problem.

    2) Disclosure of the problem at the theoretical (in connections and with justification) or at the everyday level with or without the correct use of social science concepts in the context of the answer.

    3) Argumentation of your position based on facts public life or your own experience.

    View presentation content

    Answers to the test.

    Option 2

    1 option

    Evaluation criterion:

    0 osh. - "5"

    1 osh. - "4"

    2 osh. – “3”

    What is happiness?

    There are many interpretations of the concept of happiness. Here are some of them:

    • the word “happiness” is also used as a synonym for the concept “luck”.
    • happiness is a state of mind in which there is no feeling of grief and melancholy (feelings of loss).
    • happiness is feelings in themselves, but positive feelings, feelings of joy and love.
    • happiness is a state of mind at a certain point in time.
    • happiness is an internal feeling of harmony and satisfaction obtained as a result of events or actions.

    Which It happens happiness?

    For each person, happiness is individual and unique; we will look at several striking examples that characterize happiness.

    Mother's happiness

    With motherhood, a person’s life takes on a different meaning, because with the birth of a child, your life has a continuation.

    Family happiness

    “Family happiness is a multitude of components, of which it is not possible to put anything in the foreground, the inner world of two (or more) people is multifaceted and the more facets that can touch, the closer (happier) the people who make up the family will feel”

    Happiness of love

    Only love pushes us to do everything better and significant. Only love gives us patience and the will to win.

    The presentation was made by a student of class 11A of the Belyaevskaya Secondary School.

    Bondarev Alexey
