Screw it. Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit. Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit in the village of Shkin Shkin Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit schedule of services

Driving along the Severka River from Nepetsin, from afar you can see the temple of the village of Shkin - an example of the capital's architectural style and a scale similar to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra Cathedral in St. Petersburg. The customer of this construction was Gavril Ilyich Bibikov (1746-1803) - a famous Moscow philanthropist who built palaces in Moscow and Grebnev near Moscow, the owner of a popular Moscow theater at that time, a man with subtle taste, and, importantly, a significant fortune.

In 1794, at his expense in the village of Shkin, instead of a dilapidated wooden church The grandiose construction of the now existing stone temple began. Construction proceeded slowly, and by 1800 only the chapels of Archangel Michael and St. Nicholas of Myra were completed and consecrated. The construction of such a significant structure was entrusted to one of the best students of M.F. Kazakov - Rodion Rodionovich Kazakov (1758-1803), who by that time had built about three dozen buildings in Moscow. All work was carried out under the supervision of the provincial architect I.A. Selekhov, who was working in Shkini at that time.

The temple was painted at the beginning and mid-19th century already under the son of G.I. Bibikov. According to data for 1852, 348 peasants and 405 peasant women lived in the village in 99 households.

The iconostasis and most of the stucco decoration were destroyed during Soviet times. In the 1930s the temple was closed, but not destroyed. According to the stories of a local resident, they began to steal church property after the war, when everyone walked around in rags and had nothing to wear, so the saved church property came in handy.

In the 1960s, the temple was converted into a warehouse. At the same time, some of the openings for the entry of tractors and loading equipment were cut out. When the bell was thrown down, the opening of the bell tower was ripped apart. When the bell fell, it broke off the white stone cornice of the temple on its western side.

The temple was returned to believers and is slowly being restored. In 1991, in the attics of one of the local houses, an icon of the church was found - a large image of Seraphim of Sarov. Regular services have been held since 1996.

The famous, revered and still blessed Daniel (1825-1884) is buried near the walls of the church - recent years lived his life in the village of Shkin, took part in repairs and collected funds for the maintenance of the temple.

Based on the book by O. Penezhko “Kolomna and the surrounding area. Temples of Kolomna district"

The ancient trading village of Shkin in the 18th century. belonged to the family of famous Moscow boyars Bibikovs. There was a wooden church on the estate.

In 1795-1800 With the care of Major General G.I. Bibikov and the Priklonsky family, a new stone church was built. Researchers believe that the project was created by Rodion Kazakov, and the temple was built under the direct supervision of I.A. Selekhov. The monumental building is decorated with twenty powerful white stone columns. The loggia of the western entrance is crowned with two bell towers. The Summer Church has five light tiers. High altar- in honor of the Descent of the Holy Spirit - was located in the summer church. In the warm church, separated by a glass partition, there were two more altars: in the name of Archangel Michael and St. Nicholas.

The building was continuously decorated and updated. Blessed Daniil Kolomensky (1825-1884) played a special role in the decoration of the shrine. They willingly donated alms to the perspicacious Danilushka. The holy fool gave entire mountains of copper coins to the Shkin temple. With the money donated, the belfries were repaired, a large bell was cast, and the entire temple was painted anew. The blessed one was buried at the altar of the temple. His spiritual mentor and friend, the rector of the Holy Spiritual Church, Father Gabriel of the Resurrection, constantly headed the parish for 50 years, enjoying the great love of the surrounding residents.

Services were interrupted in the 1930s. Until the 1960s the temple stood intact. Then the temple was destroyed and used as a warehouse. Until 1991, the church was in disrepair. And then a wonderful event happened. A resident of Shkini, Seraphima Ivina, the Monk Seraphim of Sarov appeared in a dream, who commanded her to find an icon with his image, and then appeared again, directing the search. And finally, a large, splendid image was actually found, hidden in the attic of one of the Shkin houses. From that moment on, the revival of the Holy Spiritual community began. In April 1996, regular worship was restored in one of the three chapels - Nikolsky.

In 2003, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the glorification of Seraphim of Sarov, a grandiose religious procession with the Shkin icon of the saint throughout the Kolomna land. On these same days the first Divine Liturgy in the main, summer church - the Descent of the Holy Spirit.


Shkin was first mentioned in documents of the 15th century - in the first spiritual charter of Grand Duke Vasily Vasilyevich (1462) and in one of the acts of the Simonov Monastery (mid-15th century). Until 1671, the village was listed as a palace, and in that year “it was granted as a patrimony to Prince Yuri Andreevich Dolgorukov for outstanding role in the suppression of Razin's rebels." In the 18th century, the village of Shkin, Kolomna district, Moscow province, located on the right bank of the Severka River, belonged to Major General Gavrila Ilyich Bibikov. A participant in the Suvorov campaigns, G. I. Bibikov was better known as the owner and builder of a luxurious estate near Moscow Grebnevo, where the consecration of the stone summer church in the name of the Grebnevo Icon took place Mother of God. And three years later - on August 25, 1794 - the nobleman received from Kolomna Bishop Athanasius a new church charter, now for construction in the village of Shkin. Bibikov planned to build stone temple with three thrones, the main one of which was dedicated to one of major events Christian history- the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, revered as the day of the formation of the universal Church.

In the document that marked the beginning of construction, it was said: “According to the power given to us by God, we bless instead of this wooden one again stone church build in the name of the Descent of the Holy Spirit with two chapels. To the dean of the Trinity Church, which is in the Yamskaya Sloboda, the church of priest Mikhail Feodorov with the appropriate prayers, and to report to us, and to the petitioner to build it in the likeness of other holy churches, and to supply it with everything decent. And at the same time, make sure that the altars are not cramped and the thrones are not higher or lower than an arshin and 6 vershoks; When this church with its chapels is complete and equipped with utensils, books and silver vessels, then the dean must describe the weight and present it to them. Therefore, we will not leave the sacred antimensions and blessings of ours to provide that church with our blessing. This document was given, signed by our hand, with a seal attached in the city of Kolomna, which, after the construction of a new stone church, must always be kept there.” New temple was erected on the site of the previous one, consecrated in the name of Archangel Michael and called Arkhangelsk in documents of the 18th century. However, this was not the first time that construction in stone had been attempted.

In 1762, Ivan Andreevich Drutsky-Sokolinsky turned to Bishop Porfiry of Kolomna and Kashira for permission to build a stone church in Shkini, since the wooden one was “built a long time ago, all very dilapidated” and the priesthood was performed “in great need.” The temple was supposed to be built not far from the wooden one, on the same graveyard, and named in honor of the feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord, with a chapel of the Archangel Michael, for which a charter was received. But construction was not destined to begin, and the new owner of Shkini, Prince Lieutenant General Vasily Vladimirovich Dolgorukov, sending a request to the bishop in 1775, continued to write about the “Arkhangelsk Church”. In 1791, the clergy registers showed an increase in the parish of the Shkini temple by 60 households. This was probably due to the loss of the St. Nicholas Church in the village of Borisovo, which was located opposite, on the left bank of the Severka. The name of the architect to whom G.I. Bibikov turned for help in construction is still unknown. Modern researchers, who noted the “undoubted skill of the designer,” assumed the authorship of V. Bazhenov, Rodion Kazakov, and even the provincial architect I. Selekhov. Only at the beginning of the 21st century was the typological similarity of the Shkini and Grebnev temples, erected by order of Bibikov almost simultaneously, noticed. The author of the project of the Grebnev church was the second lieutenant of architecture Ivan Ivanovich Vetrov (Johann Veter), and the idea interior decoration belonged to the captain of architecture Stepan Vasilyevich Groznov (Gryaznov). In addition, both of them served in the military engineering department, subordinate to G.I. Bibikov.

Construction began in 1794 and lasted six years. Erected by 1800, the temple was an extraordinary spectacle and characterized “a whole stage in the development of Russian architecture.” Not only its dimensions were rare for a rural church - length 38 m, width 10 m - but also its appearance. Two dozen white stone columns surrounded the temple with an apse. The decoration of the western facade was a covered porch topped with an attic and two two-tier bell towers - northern and southern. The main altar - in honor of the Descent of the Holy Spirit - was placed in the summer part of the temple. In the winter room, separated by a glass partition and heated by two Dutch ovens, there were thrones in honor of Archangel Michael and St. Nicholas. The temple was richly decorated with stucco and carved details. The white stone needed for construction and decoration was mined near Kolomna, from the lower reaches of the Moscow River. This is evidenced, according to the researchers who inspected the temple building, by the quality of the limestone “without rejection with the inclusion of shells.” Yellow dolomite, apparently mined there, despite its high hardness and strength, soon began to collapse due to saturation with water, which affected the appearance columns (dolomite near Moscow does not withstand even 30 cycles of freezing and thawing). The plinths, columns and capitals, cornices with medallions, the patterned base of the rotunda head and numerous other decorative elements were made of white stone. Local peasants were involved in the construction. And among them could be a native of the neighboring village of Borisovo, hereditary mason Iona Gubonin, who ran a stone-masonry workshop in Podolsk. In 1800, the Holy Spiritual Church was consecrated.

After the death of G.I. Bibikov in 1803, Shkin passed into the possession of his second wife, Ekaterina Alexandrovna Bibikova (Chebysheva). By the second half of the 19th century, the Holy Spiritual Church began to deteriorate, at the same time it was updated and decorated with shrines. In 1848, at the request of the church clergy, a church fence with a white stone gate lined with brick was built. After the 1850s, the temple was repaired and painted, including funds collected for several decades by the holy fool Danilushka Kolomensky, whom the rector of the temple, priest Gabriel Voskresensky, looked after. WITH right side The only grave left from the altar is from the graveyard, which was once located around the Spiritual Church. Here in 1884 Blessed Danilushka was buried, whose work on renovating and decorating the temple became known far beyond the Shkini.

On February 23, 1922, a decree was issued on the confiscation of church valuables throughout the country, which was the beginning of the destruction and desecration of numerous Orthodox shrines. The Shkini Holy Spiritual Church did not escape this fate; as a result of its seizure for transfer to the Gokhran for the famine relief fund, sixteen pounds thirty-six spools (7 kg 394 g) of pure silver were confiscated from the church. Services in the Holy Spirit Church continued in the 1920s. The last priest Father Vasily (Voinov) was there before the closure. The temple itself was closed in the 1930s and subsequently looted. On August 23, 1959, the architect G.K. Ignatiev carried out a technical inspection of the building for the warehouse of the Industriya state farm. Soon the measured area is 470 sq. m - they began to store fertilizers, and a little later the internal openings for the passage of agricultural machinery were cut out.

The “Passport of the cultural monument, the Holy Spiritual Church in the village of Shkin. No. 223. A114 1362” talks about the conservation of the building carried out in 1966 by the architect M. B. Chernyshov. It is also indicated that the church was taken under protection by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR dated August 30, 1960, No. 1327. Apparently, this is what made it possible to talk about “an extraordinary temple from the era of classicism” in Soviet guidebooks to the Moscow region, and also gave rise to the legend about “the original appearance, close to the Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in Leningrad.” In 1975, a restoration project was developed under the leadership of architect S. P. Orlovsky, accompanied by photography. She recorded not so much the damage to the building as the remnants of the former beauty of the temple visible behind them. At the end of 1987, news appeared that VOOPIiK allocated 500 thousand rubles for the restoration of the church in Shkini, but the fate of this money remained unknown. The real restoration of the temple and the revival of spiritual life within its walls began only in the early 1990s.

On September 7, 1991, a community of believers of 24 people was formed, which adopted the Civil Charter. Since 1993, services in Shkini have been performed by the rector of the Znamensky Church in the village of Nepetsino, Dimitry Kireev. On March 18, 1996, priest Oleg Gorbachev was appointed to the parish, and regular services began in the Nikolsky chapel. In 2001, priest John Novikov became the rector of the Holy Spiritual Church. In 2007-2009, the church was included in the Federal funding program and restoration began. On May 10, 2015, the consecration of 10 bells took place, which were raised to the restored temple belfries. The largest of them are: Blagovestnik - weighing 5200 kg, daily bell - 2000 kg, Lenten bell - 530 kg. December 19, 2016 Metropolitan of Krutitsky and Kolomensky Juvenaly consecrated the St. Nicholas chapel; on June 5, 2017, he also led the rite of the Great Consecration of the Holy Spiritual Church in the village of Shkin.

From the book: Indzinskaya A.V. “Holy Spiritual Church in the village of Shkin.” - Kolomna, publishing house: Old Bobrenevo, 2017

Since 1782, the Shkin estate belonged to the Knight of St. George, a participant in the Russian-Turkish War of 1768-1774, Major General Gavrila Ilch Bibikov. At his expense at the end of the 18th century. In Shkini, the majestic Temple of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles (Holy Spiritual Church) was erected. In 1936 the church was closed. In the 1990s. Its gradual restoration began (the restoration was completed in 2017). Today, the surviving temple is all that remains of the Bibikov estate.

In the village of Shkin, Kolomna urban district, Moscow region, on January 22, 2020, a monument to the noble family of the Bibikovs was unveiled. They have served Russia since the time of Ivan III, and are known for their numerous works for the benefit of Russia: governors and mayors, statesmen and military leaders, representatives of creative professions: writers, actors, teachers, journalists. The sculptural composition, 9.5 meters high, was proposed by the architect Konstantin Fomin and installed by the Russian Military Historical Society. In its composition, the monument represents a column of white stone blocks, which is completed by the bronze coat of arms of the Bibikov family. Part of the column is made of white stones that remained from the restoration work of the Holy Spiritual Church, built by Gavrila Ilyich. The monument was consecrated by Metropolitan Yuvenaly of Krutitsky and Kolomna, noting that its opening is a symbolic phenomenon of the revival of Holy Rus', “for in our memories and prayers all the ancestors of past centuries who lived and served great Russia are united.”

From the site:

Date of publication or update 04/11/2017

Temples of the Moscow region

  • To the table of contents -
  • Created using the books of Archpriest Oleg Penezhko.
  • Church of the Holy Spirit

    Shkin village.

    In the 18th century The village was owned by engineer-lieutenant general Ilya Aleksandrovich Bibikov (1698-1784), one of the most learned generals of that time. The Bibikovs are a historical family that has done a lot for Russia and Russian culture. The son of steward Alexander Borisovich Bibikov, Ilya Alexandrovich received a good education, and in 1715 he began serving in the engineering department under the command of Feldzeichmeister-General Count Yakov Vilimovich Bruce, who treated him with great affection.

    In 1749 I.A. Bibikov was promoted to major general. He distinguished himself in the Seven Years' War in the battle of Kunesdorf and especially during the siege of Kolberg, where, commanding the entire cavalry, he did not allow the enemy to even lean out of the fortress. Bibikov attacked and took the city of Treptow, pursuing the Prussians, forced the corps of General Werner to lay down their arms. In this battle his son Alexander Ilyich was with him. Ilya Alexandrovich was engaged in strengthening the fortresses of the Ukrainian Line, Taganrog, Kizlyar, Mozdok, Bakhmut.

    Holy Spirit Church. Shkin village

    Story. The ancient trading village of Shkin in the 18th century. belonged to the Bibikov boyars. In 1794-1798. At the estate of G.I. Bibikov, the Holy Spiritual Church was built - an outstanding monument of architecture of mature classicism, presumably according to the design of Rodion Kazakov and under the supervision of I.A. Selekhov. The monumental building belongs to a rare type of two-bell temples. The building is decorated with twenty powerful white stone columns. The main altar - in honor of the Descent of the Holy Spirit - is located in the summer temple; in the warm church there are chapels: in the name of the Archangel Michael and St. Nicholas. St. played a special role in decorating the shrine. Blessed Daniil Kolomensky, who brought mountains of copper coins to the temple for the needs of the church. They willingly donated alms to the perspicacious Danilushka; The blessed one was buried at the altar of the temple. His spiritual mentor Gabriel Voskresensky continuously headed the parish for 50 years, enjoying great love among the parishioners.

    Services in the Spiritual Church ceased in the 1930s. The temple was destroyed in the 1960s, when a warehouse was set up there. In the early 1990s. the temple stood in desolation, but then the following events occurred. Resident of the village Shkin Serafima Ivina appeared in a dream. Seraphim of Sarov ordered to find an icon with his image. The icon was not found immediately, in the attic of one of the rural houses. From this moment the revival began church community, popular veneration of the acquired image increased.

    In 2003, during the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the glorification of Seraphim of Sarov, a grand procession with the Shkin icon of the saint took place throughout the Kolomna land. On these same days, the first Divine Liturgy was celebrated in the main church - the Descent of the Holy Spirit.

    A narrow asphalt road goes off to the right from the Ryazan highway. She runs leisurely through fields bordered almost on the horizon by open forest, accompanied by the blue ribbon of the Severka River...

    Beginning of June 2012. Standing on the platform of the Kurovskaya station, I notice that they are serving some kind of too long train. It turned out to be a washed outside and polished inside ED4M-0230 in Yaroslavl colors with 11 cars. For these parts it was somehow strange, considering that all these ring “locomotives” of Kurovskaya ran in six (sometimes four (EM2-005)) carriage versions.

    Well, since it was the first time I went from Kurovskaya to O.-Zuevo, it was quite possible to relax, drink beer and think about incomprehensible oddities. However, it was then that the question arose of visiting Ratmirovo and...

    2012 End of June. The required section left at 9:32 am from Voskresensk. At 10:06 I was supposed to get off at the platform called Shkin. But, first things first.

    Voskresensk met me completely clogged with commodity railway developments. Over the loudspeaker they announce that Zhilevskaya will be at least 30 minutes late. Well, it’s okay, there’s time to take pictures. For starters, a magnificent trio led by ED4M-0197. She was accompanied by VL11-m-322B and VL10-k-1032.

    Behind them, ChMukha with onboard 2034 is occupied with carriages, and VL11 is thinking whether to go further.

    ER2K-1184 departs from the high Yegoryevskaya platform on schedule.

    After it, VL10-u-595 was released, which we later beat in Nepetsino.

    And after that, about 15 minutes later, maneuvering along the arrows, my “electric locomotive” arrives. That's it, there's no turning back. The cool air of a sunny morning still has a beneficial effect on the surrounding space. There is a good atmosphere around.

    Outside the window, beautiful landscapes of morning nature rush by during the night, having rested from yesterday's heat.

    Soon we reached Shkini. Hissing with compressed air, the doors on the right side did not open. An interesting journey, especially when it’s unclear which doors closed and you moved on. It turns out that the landing came from the other direction. Well, okay, somehow I got out. I start to look around the surroundings. The platform here is different, not like everywhere else, however, like any other place on the ring it is different in its own way.

    Here again one can argue, but there is no time. The silence of the surrounding nature was broken by VL11-m-304B and went home.

    It's time to stop wandering along the tracks. The road ahead now is not close. The plan, or rather its first part, was as follows:

    In total, we had to cover about 11 kilometers. The provisions in stock included several sandwiches and two liters of iced coffee. I don’t miss the opportunity to photograph the panorama of the surrounding area from the railway.

    October 6, 2013. After long rains and always cloudy weather, it was finally a warm, bright, sunny day. While still in the city, I watched a huge cloud of cloudy humidity pour into the area. The sun begins its path across a clear sky, and only rare clouds slightly block the luminary.

    There is nothing to think about. I quickly get ready, start the heart of my iron horse, and now the sun peacefully peers through the windshield into the car with its bright ray. The road flows as usual, soon a sign appears, which means to the right - to Shkin.

    Incredible beautiful places. The fields are crossed by stripes of forest, and beyond them there are again fields, and all this in a bright warm light.The road here is now worn out. The wheels keep bumping into a “washboard”, which was made here by passing caterpillar tractors, and right at the approach to the BMO, the Zhilev section from Nepetsino left from under our noses. Before moving to BMO, a freight train stopped.

    I decide to hang here for a bit and take pictures. Time passed, but nothing came from Nepetsino.

    And at the entrance to the Shkin platform, a BTS man suddenly appeared with a liquid and that was it. Well, it’s okay, something else will go. And off we go. So it’s inconvenient to shoot against the sun. Again BTS and again with liquid. And after it there is dead silence.

    One of the paths was recently changed.

    Well, I couldn’t get going today.

    There is a lonely timetable on the ground nearby. This time they did not use it to cover the pole. There are fewer electric trains there.

    I take in the views from the railway. In the distance you can see the grandiosely beautiful Temple of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles (marked on the map: “1”).

    A visit to this shrine will be the first point of my journey.

    And even the stubble does not interfere with contemplating the autumn forest.

    A noise was heard in the distance.

    There is an asphalt road leading into the village near the platform of the same name, which, after passing under the tunnel, which is indicated by the sign in the photo above, goes out into the fields on the opposite side of the railway.

    And I go to Shkin along the asphalt until the turn to the village. The same cowsheds, but a year later, still stand in an incomprehensibly uncertain state.

    June 2012 Well then. Walking along the tracks, I came out onto this asphalt road. In the photo you can see the height limiter in the distance - this is the entrance to the above-mentioned tunnel. You need to go to it from the platform along the tracks towards Yaganovo for 700 meters. From here begins the journey to the land of the fields, to the region where grandiose Temples were once built, which still stand to this day.

    There are potatoes growing in the field, which is very encouraging. Nice to see this. Especially in our time. Fields near Moscow are either abandoned or given over for development, and this is not always good. Of course, people need somewhere to live, but they also need to eat. And here, albeit small, is a corner of life.

    Along the road there are those same old cowsheds. With them it is not clear whether there is life in them or not.

    There is no need to find out and I pass by, capturing the rarities of the “not all-seeing eye.”

    In one story I already wrote that each place on the ring has its own unique image, atmosphere, and attractions. The interests of community members, of course, also vary, but we all have one thing in common - BMO. That’s why I consider it necessary to talk about this epastasia of the ring.And here it is necessary to delve into history.

    Screw it. There is such a village in Nepetsinsky rural settlement Kolomna district, Moscow region. The village is located on the banks of the Severka River, opposite the village of Borisovo, located on the opposite bank. The village of Shkin is relatively small in size, it has one street.

    The village of Shkin on the Severka River has been known since the 15th century, when it was left by Vasily the Dark, Grand Duke of Moscow, to his wife Maria Yaroslavna in his will. Under Ivan III, the village again became a grand ducal village.

    The village was significant and commercial, according to documents at the beginning of the 18th century. the Church of the Archangel stood in it Saint Michael of God. In the 18th century The village was owned by engineer-lieutenant general Ilya Aleksandrovich Bibikov (1698-1784), one of the most learned generals of that time. The Bibikovs are a historical family that has done a lot for Russia and Russian culture. The son of steward Alexander Borisovich Bibikov, Ilya Alexandrovich received a good education, and in 1715 he began serving in the engineering department under the command of Feldzeichmeister-General Count Yakov Vilimovich Bruce, who treated him with great affection. In 1749 I.A. Bibikov was promoted to major general.

    When you drive along the river. Severki on the road from Nepetsino, then from afar the temple of the village of Shkin is visible. A magnificent sight: a temple, in every way similar to the Alexander Nevsky Lavra Cathedral in St. Petersburg. This is the border of the Kolomna district. In Prusy, in Sapronovo, where the wooden Znamenskaya Church stood, destroyed in Soviet times, only country roads lead to Gorodnya and other villages.

    Who built among the fields huge temple? The customer of the construction was Major General Gavriil Ilyich Bibikov (1746-1803), the son of engineer-lieutenant general Ilya Aleksandrovich Bibikov (d. 1784), head of the Tula arms factory, in whose possession the village was located.

    Gavriil Ilyich Bibikov, a Moscow philanthropist who built palaces in Moscow and Grebnev near Moscow, had his own theater. All of Moscow gathered for the concerts of his serf orchestra, led by serf conductor and composer Daniil Kashin.

    Instead of a dilapidated wooden one, in 1794, at the expense of Gabriel Ilyich Bibikov, the construction of the now existing stone temple began.

    It went slowly, by 1800 the chapels of Archangel Michael and St. Nicholas of Myra were consecrated. A person like Gabriel Ilyich could only entrust the construction of a temple to an experienced architect. This was probably one of M.F.'s best students. Kazakova Rodion Rodionovich Kazakov (1758-1803), who built about three dozen buildings in Moscow.

    Construction was carried out under the supervision of the provincial architect I.A. Selekhov, who was working in Shkini at that time.

    The temple was painted at the beginning and middle of the 19th century. The iconostasis and most of the stucco decoration perished in Soviet times after the closure and destruction of the temple in the 1930s, and adaptation into a warehouse in the 1960s.

    Some of the openings were cut to allow tractors to enter. After Gavriil Ilyich, the village was owned by his son Dmitry Gavrilovich Bibikov (1792-1870).

    D.G. Bibikov died on February 22, 1870 and was buried in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. His wife Sofya Sergeevna received, together with her sister Elizaveta Sipyagina, a large fortune from her mother, part of the colossal Myasnikovsky wealth that formed the basis of Bibikov’s fortune.

    In the 2nd half of the 19th century. Priest Gabriel of the Resurrection served in the Holy Spirit Church for about 50 years. It was Blessed Daniel who helped him in repairing the temple.

    In 1906, the priest of the church with. Shkin became Mikhail Mikhailovich Ostroumov (36 years old), the son of a priest of Kolomna district. Since 1905, the church warden was a peasant from the village. Shkin Dmitry Ivanovich Trushkin (53 years old), received a salary from the peasant society.

    During Soviet times, the church was closed. The large bell from the northern bell tower of the temple was thrown down.

    The bell opening was widened to allow the release of the bell, which, falling, knocked off the white stone cornice of the temple.

    The church remained without services for a long time after the arrest of the priest, but everything was intact.

    A local resident said that the church began to be plundered after the war, everyone walked around in rags, had nothing to wear, they dragged it away, ashamed, quietly. In the 1960s The outside of the church was intact.

    Nowadays, the destroyed temple has been returned to believers, and its restoration has begun.

    In 1991, a large image was found in the attic of one of the houses in the village. St. Seraphim Sarovsky.

    The monk himself, appearing in a dream to a village resident Serafima Ivina, indicated where the icon was located. In 2003, on the 100th anniversary of his glorification, a procession with the icon of the saint was held throughout the Kolomna land.

    In 1996, in the church in the village. Shkin, regular services began in the chapel of St. Nicholas of Myra.

    Nothing remains of the Bibikovs' estate.The beautiful house opposite the church was built at the beginning of the 20th century. and belonged to the merchant Kvasov.

    In 1852 in the village. Shkin had 99 households, in which 348 peasants and 405 peasant women lived.

    Metropolitan Yuvenaly of Krutitsky and Kolomna consecrated the Holy Spiritual Church, which opened after restoration in the village of Shkin, Kolomna district.

    The consecration ceremony was attended by parishioners of the temple, as well as honored guests - Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative in the Central Federal District Alexander Beglov, Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Moscow Region and Head of the Administration of the Governor of the Moscow Region Mikhail Kuznetsov, Head of the Kolomensky District Andrey Vaulin.

    The Holy Spiritual Church was built in 1800 and is a smaller copy of the Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Trinity Alexander Nevsky Lavra. The majestic building is decorated with twenty powerful white stone columns. The loggia of the western entrance is crowned with two bell towers.

    In the 1930s, services were interrupted. But until the 1960s, the temple stood intact. Then it was destroyed and used as a warehouse. In 1991, the temple, in disrepair, was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church.

    In 2014, a Board of Trustees for the restoration of the temple was created. In December, Bishop Yuvenaly consecrated the St. Nicholas limit of the temple. On at the moment The main restoration work has been completed.

    3.5 years ago the temple could have collapsed if restoration had not begun. The northern limit began to float into the river. A lot of strengthening work was carried out with money from the Board of Trustees.

    - Andrey Vaulin,
    head of the Kolomna district.
