Rowan branch tattoo. The magical properties of rowan - how to use it for rituals and treatment. Rowan - a symbol of female destiny

The meaning of tattoos

The meaning of the Pansy tattoo - symbolize thoughts. Presumably this association is due to the fact that pansies resemble the wrinkled face of an elf, immersed in deep thought.

Tattoo meaningAster

For the Chinese it means beauty, modesty, humility. For the ancient Greeks it symbolizes love.

Tattoo meaning Orange

For the Chinese, it is a symbol of immortality and good luck. In Christianity, an orange means purity and virginity.

Tattoo meaning Bamboo

A symbol of constancy, good upbringing, longevity.

Tattoo meaning Marigold

They mean fidelity, as well as a symbol of longevity. In Hinduism, it is the flower of Krishna.

Tattoo meaning Oak

Oak is a symbol of longevity, wisdom, strength and endurance. The oak is dedicated to Zeus, Thor, Perun and other gods.

Tattoo meaningSpruce

Symbolizes courage and honesty.

Tattoo meaningViolet

The violet is a symbol of Aphrodite; the violet was considered the “flower of desire.”

Tattoo meaningFig tree

Fertility, life, peace, prosperity.

Tattoo meaningWillow

The tree is dedicated to the moon goddess. Weeping willow means grief, unhappy love. Willow is also associated with funerals.

Tattoo meaningCedar

Cedar means strength and incorruptibility, symbolizes greatness, dignity, and beauty. Among the Jews, cedar is the sacred tree of Solomon's temple.

Tattoo meaningMaple Leaf

For the Chinese it means autumn. Emblem of lovers.

Tattoo meaningClover

Symbolizes the divine triad, the triple aspect of life of body, soul and spirit.

Tattoo meaningLily of the valley

Means sweetness, virginity and modesty.

Tattoo meaningLaurel

Laurel is a symbol of victory, protection, immortality.

Tattoo meaningLily

Several lilies on one stem mean virginity, rebirth and immortality.

Tattoo meaningLinden

In European culture, it personifies feminine grace, beauty, and happiness.

Tattoo meaningLotus

The lotus is a symbol of perfection as its leaves, flowers and fruits form a circle - the Lotus represents spiritual unfoldment.

IN Chinese culture lotus means purity, perfection, spiritual grace, peace.

For the Egyptians, the lotus means “fire of intellect,” creation, fertility, rebirth, immortality.

Tattoo meaningMagnolia

Magnolia means self-respect, spring, feminine charm and beauty.

Tattoo meaningPoppy

Symbolizes fertility, fertility, oblivion, idleness.

Tattoo meaningMandrake

Mandrake personifies conception and fertility, and also has magical powers and is used in witchcraft.

Tattoo meaningDaisy

The daisy symbolizes innocence and purity.

Tattoo meaningMaypole

The maypole symbolizes renewal of life, sexual union, resurrection and spring.

Tattoo meaningJuniper

Juniper signifies protection, confidence and initiative.

Tattoo meaningNarcissus

This flower got its name from greek god Narcissa. Narcissus is a symbol of selfishness.

Narcissus is a flower of spring, a symbol of death in youth. In China, the daffodil symbolizes a couple in love (happy marriage).

Tattoo meaningOlive

The olive branch is a symbol of peace, meaning peace, resilience, generosity and sophistication.

Tattoo meaningOrchid

Represents splendor, luxury, love, beauty, feminine charm.

Tattoo meaningPalm

Means honesty, glory, victory.

Tattoo meaningFern

Represents loneliness, sincerity and humility.

Tattoo meaningPeony

In China it means masculinity, light, glory, love, luck, wealth, spring, youth, happiness.

Tattoo meaningIvy

Ivy means immortality and eternal life. In addition, it symbolizes rivalry, friendship, immortality, and loyalty.

Tattoo meaningRowan

Symbolizes wisdom and protection from fairies and witchcraft.

Tattoo meaningRose

The golden rose signifies perfection; red - desire, passion, joy, completeness (this is the flower of Venus, the blood of Adonis and Christ); white rose - innocence, spiritual revelation, charm.

Tattoo meaningPlum

Plum symbolizes longevity and purity. For the Japanese, the plum flower is a symbol of spring triumphing over winter, virtue and courage overcoming difficulties, marriage and happiness.

Tattoo meaningPoplar

In China, the poplar is symbolized with the moon and the sun.

Tattoo meaningShamrock

The shamrock-clover symbolizes trinity, unification, and also destruction.

Tattoo meaningCherry

For the Chinese, cherry symbolizes spring blossoms, hope, courage, and feminine beauty.

Tattoo meaningAsh

Represents prudence and modesty.

Tattoo meaningJasmine

Symbolizes femininity, grace and attractiveness.

Rowan is a tree significant in many cultures. When it comes to its symbolism, they mainly talk about its protective, magical and medicinal properties. Rowan was used everywhere in protective magic. But what does rowan mean as a symbol for a person, if we step aside from the methods of its practical use?

Rowan is a well-known and beloved tree in Russia, a symbol of its native land. Source:

Through the thin ice of the window glass,
Among the crooked mirrors of shop windows and lanterns
One appears, graceful and familiar,
Rowan is a beacon and the pulse of autumn days.

The rain will open its eyelids and run along the buildings,
Dropping hundreds of arrows in a dank veil -
A stormy day is warmed by rowan tree breath,
And a scarlet beacon is burning in my window...

(I. Rodozinskaya)

Rowan - a symbol of protection

Indeed, the first association when it comes to mountain ash is related to protection. Moreover, what kind of protection is meant and from what is difficult to say. This is how the collective unconscious works: after all, in reality different cultures and traditions, rowan was used for protection. For protection from various things: witchcraft, troubles and misfortunes, to preserve marriage and health, etc.

Rowan is a symbol of protection from a variety of misfortunes in many cultures.

Norwegian fishermen put rowan branches in their boats for good luck. In Scotland, to protect against evil spirits they hung rowan branches on which a red thread was tied with a cross. There is even a Scottish proverb: “The witches are not so playful from the rowan tree and the red thread.” In England, it was customary for cab drivers and horsemen to use rowan whips and wear rowan branches on their hats to prevent witches from bewitching their horses. A Yorkshire proverb says: “If you have a rowan whip, you can ride through any city.” In Rus', there was a ban on cutting rowan trees for firewood and breaking its branches, so as not to bring misfortune. The newlyweds planted a rowan tree near the house, and quarreling spouses were recommended to sit together under the rowan tree. In Karelia, mountain ash was used for protection against fires.

The “star” on each berry enhances protective properties rowan.

As you can see, the symbolism of this tree is protective, preserving and calming. Rowan appears as a symbol of peace, good life and a strong family.

IN Christian tradition Rowan is mentioned as a tree that Satan created from Eve's tears. But God saw that the rowan leaves resemble a cross in shape, and took the tree to the Garden of Eden. In retaliation, Satan made the rowan berries bitter, but since then a mark in the form of a five-pointed star has appeared on each berry. And the star, as you know, is a symbol of protection.

Rowan is a symbol of happiness, peace and a good life.

If we talk about the fact that the berries of this tree become sweet after the first frost and serve as food for birds in winter, then rowan is a symbol of support, help and care.

This is mentioned in an ancient Indian legend. One day there was a very cold and hungry winter. Tribes of Indians, stuck in the snow, wandered through the forest. It was so hungry that the whole earth was strewn with the bodies of dead birds and small animals. Then the tribes united and appealed to the spirit of Manitou, asking for protection from starvation. In response, the spirit ordered to take a drop of red blood from the dead birds and animals and anoint the trees with the blood. The Indians obeyed and did as they were told, and the next day clusters of red berries bloomed on the trees, which birds and animals ate. And the great spirit promised that from now on every winter he would produce a good harvest of berries.

In many cultures, rowan is associated with a wet nurse who prevents people from starving to death in difficult times.

Rowan has the symbolism of a nurse, help and care. Waxwing on a rowan tree in winter.

Rowan - a symbol of female destiny

Rowan, personifying fertility and care for food, is a tree associated with a woman. But in this aspect, the symbolism of the rowan is contradictory.

On the one hand, rowan symbolizes female beauty, grace, maturity, ability and readiness to bear children, as well as modesty.

On the other hand, it indicates a short-lived age of female beauty: rowan berries ripen and turn bright red in time for Indian summer. And the “Indian summer” is short-lived. It played out, and the passage of time turned to autumn and winter, which symbolizes withering and dying. “The Indian age is short,” says a popular saying.

The bitter taste of the berries is associated with a woman’s difficult lot, a woman’s bitter fate, separation, longing for a loved one, loneliness and lack of love. Bright clusters of rowan berries remind you that summer has passed, cold and sadness lie ahead. In a figurative sense, rowan symbolizes good times gone by.

At the same time, the rowan symbolizes woman's love strong and faithful until the very end, the only one for life, when no one else is needed. This theme has found a great response in folk art (“Why are you standing, swaying, thin rowan tree...”) and modern art (“Rowan Beads” performed by Irina Ponarovskaya, “Tell Me Rowan Tree” by Sofia Rotaru, “Bunches of Rowan Berry” by Vika Tsyganova, etc.). d.).

I will find a bunch of red rowan under the snow
Forgive me, my love, and I will forgive you
I don’t need new meetings - everything has happened and passed
Rowan happiness did not take away drop by drop

Rowan beads like dawn
Confessions of artless pure light
Rowan beads once a year
They prophesy happiness and misfortune

(poems: Anatoly Molodov)

And even the respectable man Mikhail Shufutinsky in his hit song succumbed to the sadness of parting, expressing this feeling in the words:

The third of September is the day of farewell.
The day when rowan bonfires burn.
Promises burn like fires
On a day when I'm all alone.

Autumn is the time when rowan bonfires burn.

Rowan - a symbol of Russia

Together with birch, rowan is a favorite tree for Russian people and evokes strong associations with the native land, since rowan is ubiquitous in Russia. Even in the northern regions, this persistent tree grows well, and in the fall it delights people with the brightness of its leaves and, of course, red-scarlet berries. The patriotic text of the famous song “The Edge,” written in 1950 by the poet Anton Prishelts, begins with the words “Now a birch tree, now a rowan tree.” For most Russians, rowan symbolizes their homeland.

Now a birch tree, now a rowan tree,
Willow bush over the river:
Native land, forever beloved,
Where else can you find one like this?!

(Anton Prishelets)

The symbolism of the rowan tree, associated in people’s minds with protection and care, also echoes the image of Russia itself, a country that is warm-hearted, hospitable and able to stand up for itself.

A tattoo with the image of a rowan symbolizes wealth, prosperity, tranquility, happiness, innocence, purity, health, eternity, and sadness.

Meaning of rowan tattoo

Trees and flowers are the embodiment of the surrounding world. They personify the cyclical nature of life, the birth of children, and reincarnation. Trees can carry different meanings in different civilizations.

Rowan is the main talisman against witches and magic. It was used for this purpose by the ancient Greeks. For a long time, branches and leaves of rowan trees were placed in a shepherd's cane. A similar tradition is also observed among the Estonians and Scots. Even where rowan was considered a witch's tree, it was somehow awarded the ability to repel sorcery and illnesses.

On the Day of the Holy Cross, global ceremonies took place that were directly related to the symbolic meaning of the rowan tree. During the so-called “Rowan Celebration”, rowan branches and sprouts were triumphantly brought into the home in order to protect it from various disasters.

In Scotland, the rowan tree is a symbol of Maundy Thursday. In certain areas of Europe, crosses were always made from rowan, because it was believed that its berries were sprinkled with the blood of Jesus. The Swedes believed that with the help of a rowan stick one could find treasures. A necklace made of rowan berries, popular everywhere, was both a decoration and a talisman.

To protect against witches, rowan branches were placed in the doorway, and paired rowan branches tied with a red ribbon were hung over the barn and stable.

For a similar effect, in most areas, coachman and cavalryman use a rowan whip and wear its branches on their headdresses.

To this day, this tree growing near the house is a good sign. If the mountain ash dries up for no reason, this is interpreted as an unkind symbol.

In the works of artists, the mountain ash, like the birch, serves as a lyrical symbol of Russia.

It is also associated with purity, innocence, religiosity, fertility, awakening strength, health, and, accordingly, eternity.

A divine tree among the Normans, according to the customs of the Slavs, the rowan is a talisman to which healers “transferred” human ailments (because of this, it could not be cut down or the leaves on it could be torn off).

Girls usually choose the most “ladylike” trees for tattoos, while men, like the true stronger sex, decorate their own bodies with strong-willed, heroic images of trees. The area of ​​the abdomen, hips, and shoulder is suitable for applying such tattoos.

In addition to tree designs, tattoos with various leaves are widely popular. Their meaning is closely intertwined with the tree itself to which they belong. Leaves often determine specific character traits man, his essence.

Esotericists recommend that newlyweds and lovers be sure to make a talisman from rowan in order to preserve the ardor of feelings and protect the relationship from envious people. The mighty female tree quickly responds to requests, charges you with energy and beauty. Fresh fruits and branches in your home will not cause harm, but will only protect you from otherworldly forces and evil people.

Magic properties

Rowan is a dormouse, and therefore it is better to come to the tree to feed it from noon to 16:00, when it is most active.

According to esotericists, a plant with scarlet berries has powerful energy that suppresses other trees. The red rowan tree was considered sacred by the Slavs, and therefore it could not be cut down. A tree with a warlike disposition protected people, livestock and housing from otherworldly forces and curses. You can make a talisman from the bark of a tree that will protect you from magical attacks and envy. In villages, protective beads against the evil eye were often collected from scarlet berries. The wise men advised to place the sick person under the branches, since the tree would take away all the diseases.

Rowan favors women most of all, enhancing beauty, developing intuition, healing women's diseases and helping you get pregnant with a healthy baby. A slender tree is used to cast a love spell or attract the attention of others. A girl who is often near plants with scarlet berries also becomes bright, desirable and attractive. A twig hidden under the pillow helps women experience love without reciprocation and symbolizes readiness for a new relationship.

How is it used in magic?

Removing damage and negativity

To remove magical negativity sent or to cleanse yourself of human envy, practitioners recommend the following proven rituals:

A decoction of this plant is drunk during the ritual of removing damage.
  • Removing the evil eye and light damage. You need to surround yourself with fresh branches with red berries and drink 1 liter of warm rowan decoction in one go. The branches are then thrown away.
  • Home protection and practice. To cleanse yourself, it is recommended to go to a rowan tree in the evening, preferably in nature. A bunch of keys is hung on a branch. Having embraced the trunk, a slander is pronounced: “It’s not I who heal, I do the conspiracy, but the mother rowan tree. She heals, cleanses, calls out the truth with the forces of heaven, the morning glow and the pale-faced moon. She came to the rowan tree, found an iron key, and went home. I will close the door with 3 bolts, 3 cast-iron hooks, place grabs and block the entrance with a shovel. No one will move the grips, remove the bolt, throw away the hooks, or move the shovels from their place. No one (name) will cause harm either on the street or in the home. As it was said, so it will be!” You need to pick up the keys and kiss the bark. Do not open the door for anyone until the morning.
  • Removal of damage with return. A dried branch is thrown to the person who sent the curse, with the caveat: “To me from the yard, to someone else’s yard. Receive a reward for an evil gift. Perhaps he will serve you as he served me.” If the negative was not sent from him, then the spell will not cause harm.

Attracting Men

The following simple ones are suitable for arranging your personal life: magical rituals with a growing tree:

While reading a love spell, you need to hug a tree.

  • Universal admiration. At dawn you need to cover your head and go to the rowan tree. The trunk is grasped with a magical reservation: “I will wake up with a blessing, walk under the mountain ash, turn to the east. On east side The scarlet dawn breaks out, the red sun rises. It floods the rowan tree with pink, sparkling light. May I (name) be more beautiful than the daylight, brighter than the crescent moon, blusher than the glow of the evening and morning, slimmer than a tree. Just as oaks and elms cannot take their eyes off rowan trees, so guys will look at me. They reach out to me, are shy, and look. A key, a lock and a knot on the scarf. Let it be so!". The scarf is removed and tied to a branch.
  • Love spell. In the morning the rowan tree hugs and kisses, and then a slander is uttered: “I walk under the rowan tree - I start round dances, make circles - I envelop the man in witchcraft. You, servant of God (name), fall in love with me like a dove with a dove. The flame will flare up in you, your blood will boil. You can’t put out a fire, you can’t cover it with earth, you can’t calm it down with water, you can only curb it with love. Let it be so!". 2 branches are broken off from adjacent sides and held together with a scarlet thread made of wool. A rowan amulet is brought and hidden in the house with a reservation: “As the branches are screwed, so (name) will be screwed to me. He won’t give up on me until the thread unravels on its own.”
