Trinity: history and essence of the holiday. Trinity Day: customs. Trinity: traditions and rituals Church holiday Holy Trinity Day

Trinity Day


Trinity, Venki (Voronezh), Gulino (Kostroma)

Trinity Day, Pentecost (church)


farewell to spring, meeting the passage


Slavs, Christians

In 2015:

In 2016:


last spring-summer round dances, ritual rituals, bride viewings, collection of medicinal herbs

Associated with:

10th day after Ascension and 50th after Easter (Great Day)

Trinity Day (Trinity)- holiday folk calendar Among the Slavs, it is also celebrated by Christians: among the Orthodox, Trinity Day is the 50th day after Easter; Catholics and Protestants celebrate Trinity Day on the 57th day after Easter.

In Slavic folk tradition Trinity is called and celebrated as a holiday either for one day - on Sunday, or for three days - from Sunday to Tuesday. In general, the period of Trinity holidays includes Midsummer, Ascension, Semik, the week preceding Trinity, Trinity week itself, certain days of the week following Trinity, which are celebrated to avoid drought or hail or as a wake for unclean dead (primarily Thursday), as well as Petrovsky conspiracy. Trinity completes the spring cycle, and after the next Peter's Fast, the new summer season begins.

Other names

Trinity, Wreaths (Voronezh), Venoshnik (Voronezh), Semik (Belgorod, Voronezh), Gulino (Kostroma), Birch Day (Siberian), Colored Easter, “Green Week” (Ukrainian), “Klechalna” week" (Ukrainian), "Klechanye" (Polesie), "Trinity" (Belarusian), "Syomukha" (Belarusian), "Zelyanets" (Belarusian), "Dukhau Zen" (Belarusian), Turitsa (Galician .), “Zielone Świątki” (Polish), “Palinocki” (sub-Las., Pol.), “Sobótki” (South Pol.), “Letnice” (Czech) - Letnica, “Zielený svátki” (Czech .), “Zielené sviatky” (Slovak), “Svatégo Ducha” (Slovak), “Turice” (Slovak) - Turitsa, Peddesetnitsa (Bulgarian), Sveta Trinity (Bulgarian), Dukhovden (Bulgarian), Spirits (Serb.), Trinity (Serb.), Mother of God Rusalia (Serb.), Duhovi (Croat.), Bincosti (Slovene).

Rituals of the Eastern Slavs

Trinity Day is one of the most important holidays in Eastern Slavs, especially loved by girls. In folk tradition, Trinity Day is part of the Semitsko-Trinity holiday complex, which included Semik, Trinity Saturday, and Trinity Day. Often the Trinity was called the entire holiday period from Semik to Spiritual Day or from Trinity Day to Water Day. In general, the holidays were called “Green Christmastide”. Sometimes only Semik was called Green Christmastide, and in some places - Trinity Week. In the Kama region, three days were considered holidays:

It is believed that the holiday of Trinity was introduced by the Russian Orthodox Church at the beginning of the 15th century. Sergius of Radonezh. For a long time, the ancient rituals of the Semitic week were gradually transferred to Trinity. In many places this process is 19th century completely completed. In other places, part of the ritual actions remained with Semik; in other cases, Semik itself shifted to Sunday. In some cases, the May Day and Ascension rituals (“maypole”, “meeting of mermaids”) were moved to Trinity. In the old days, this holiday was celebrated for six days - from Thursday to Tuesday.

Farewell to spring. “The Trinity ritual complex in most cases is perceived as borderline between spring and summer, since it occurs at the peak of nature’s flowering.” The main components of the Semik-Trinity festivities were rituals associated with the cult of vegetation, maiden festivities, maiden initiations, commemoration of the drowned or all the dead. In Ukraine they believed that on Green Christmastide the dead come out of the earth for the second time (after Easter).

On this day, pies and loaves were baked, wreaths made of birch (in the south made of maple) and flowers were made, guests were invited, and young people held parties in the forests and meadows. The people revered Trinity as a great holiday; they carefully prepared for it: they washed and cleaned the house and yard.

The girls wore their best outfits, often made especially for these holidays. In the Belgorod region, a special dress was required for each day of the Trinity cycle: on Trinity Saturday they wore red shirts, on Sunday - old white shirts, on Monday - sewn from factory fabric. Everywhere heads were decorated with wreaths of herbs and flowers; in the North they were replaced by headdresses embroidered with gold threads and metal plates, which were not worn on other holidays. Dressed up girls usually walked along the main village street during a general meeting of people, or sat down and tried to show themselves from all sides - the so-called “bride viewing”.

In the village of Urakovo, Krasnensky district, Belgorod region, guys gave their bride a cane made of svidina wood (“a type of maple”). This is how the old-timers describe its making: “The stick is cut off, the bark is removed from it. They use a knife to scrape up such a shag that you can’t even take a handful of it. Every guy gave his girlfriend a cane. And when the girls came home they decorated it different colors. Girls walked along the street with such canes and sang songs. Our great-great-grandfathers also made canes like this.”

On Trinity Sunday they sang the song “Reed grass, spring water” (Rogovatoe village), and to it the guys “ringed” (beat) their braids.

In the steppe villages, the Trinity festival is considered the last spring holiday (in other places on Eremey the Harness, May 1st according to the old style). The godfathers send sinful loaves and yellow eggs as gifts to their goddaughters. The girls give each other ribbons and exchange rings. Exchange wreaths are kept as souvenirs of friendship, tied with ribbons.

Usually on the days of Semik-Trinity, maiden initiation rites were performed. They were accepted into the clan and recognized as full members of girls who had reached marriageable age. Nepotism-sisterhood cemented the gender-age female union. This was emphasized by the dropping of the wreath, a symbol of girlhood.

In Belarus, one of the most respected women in the village, well knowledgeable about the ritual, gathered girls who wanted to join a girl’s group, participate in girls’ get-togethers with guys, and take on the household responsibilities of an adult family member. There was no specific age, but the parents’ opinions were always taken into account. In the birch grove, the girls sang chants, curled the tops or branches of birch trees into an arch, danced in circles and performed a rite of worship: two girlfriends in a couple walked under a birch arch, kissed, exchanged gifts (rings, ribbons, etc.) and called each other godfather. A ritual meal was also held there - fried eggs.

Belarusians, who often preserved more ancient traditions, worshiped twice: on Trinity - only girls, and on St. Peter's Day - girls with boys. In the southern Russian regions (Kaluga, Oryol, Kursk, Kostroma, Tula, Bryansk provinces), the cumulation of girls was accompanied by the “baptism of the cuckoo.”

The essence of the ritual was that girls and young women, often under the guidance of an elderly experienced woman, made a “cuckoo” from grass, dressed it in a shirt, a sundress and covered it with a scarf. Sometimes a cuckoo was a name given to a birch or bird cherry branch decorated with ribbons and stuck into the ground. Moreover, in some places the bird cherry branch had to be cut off just before spring St. Nicholas. The “baptism of the cuckoo” consisted of putting a cross on it or hanging it on branches, under which the “cuckoo” was placed, and then they worshiped it. This could also be followed by a “funeral”: the “cuckoo” was placed in a small coffin and buried, and the next day it was pulled out; the cuckoo was left behind, and the coffin, and here and there clothes, were kept until next year.

In Russia they “curled wreaths” in different places on Ascension, Semik, Trinity, Spiritual Day or Peter and Paul.

The customs of Trinity Day ended the spring maiden and women's holidays, starting from the day of the vernal equinox. In some places they end a week later on the day of the prayers (that is, on the eve of Peter the Great's Fast).

There was a belief that plants on Trinity were endowed with special magical powers, which was reflected in the local custom of collecting medicinal herbs on the night of Trinity.

On Trinity Day, Belarusian villagers, celebrating the arrival of the flyover, weave green wreaths onto the horns of cows.

Trinity was a kind of division between spring and summer. In Polesie they said: “We have eight nedils, until Triitsa.” In many places, all spring agricultural work was completed by Trinity. As on other border days, on Trinity, according to legend, otherworldly forces became more active. In some local traditions, it was considered the last day of the mermaids’ stay with people, in others, as the last day before the mermaids came to earth. The personification of the evil spirits walking the earth were the mummers, who were called “uncles.” To protect your homes from influences evil spirits Peasants in some provinces used chalk to put crosses over window and door lintels on Trinity Sunday.

In those areas where they believed that on the night of Trinity, mermaids come out of the river, forest and run in the rye, they were afraid to walk alone through fields, meadows and generally outside the outskirts. Throughout the Semitic week, they scour the fields and shores, luring unwary travelers to tickle them to death and drag them with them into the underwater kingdom of “Grandfather Vodyany.” In some places, on Trinity night, with birch trees in their hands, young boys and girls run through the fields, chasing mermaids, and at sunrise they all swim together in the waters, which are already safe from the tricks of the waterworts.

In the Verkhne-Omsk volost of the Tomsk province, Siberians had their own ideas about holidays Trinity: the 1st day of the Trinity was considered “for the Forest” and was called “forest” (Sunday), the 2nd day was created “for the Earth” (Monday), the 3rd day was intended “for Water” (Tuesday) and included corresponding prohibitions for washing, watering, etc.

In Belarusian Polesiena on Trinity Sunday they pour water on each other (Belarus. Ablivaha during the Traetsk week, around Christmas time, we drank with vada, shchob doshch shoў). They did the same in the Voronezh region: “They doused themselves with water. They did this to make it rain.”

Descriptions of the Ukrainian custom of the mid-19th century “Drive Poplar” have been preserved (in Ukrainian poplar female- poplars). The girls chose the most stately of their friends, tied her upraised hands to a stick, richly decorated her with wreaths, beads, ribbons, colorful scarves, and led her around the village and fields where wheat was growing with choruses:

When the girls entered the yard, the “poplar” bowed low to the owners, and the owners treated the girls. “Topol” was given gifts or money “for ribbons.” The wishes of “Topoli” were considered prophetic, and meeting her was considered lucky.

Trinity Day for Russians

Russians have Holy Trinity Day (usually just Trinity) was one of the most important holidays of the annual cycle. Numerous folk customs and traditions associated with this day, as well as with the weeks before and after Trinity. On the Saturday before Trinity, one of the most important commemorations of the deceased ancestors of the year took place.

On Trinity, it was customary to decorate churches, huts, courtyards and even streets with fresh herbs, flowers and branches. A special place was given to young birch branches.

In addition, Russians have preserved an ancient custom that has pre-Christian roots. It consisted of coming to church on Trinity Sunday with a bunch of grass that was to be mourned. Tears meant rain. It was believed that after this there would be no drought in the summer.

We find a description of this custom in A.S. Pushkin in "Eugene Onegin"

On this day, the spring maiden and women's holidays, which began on the day of the vernal equinox, ended.

Trinity kings among the Slovaks

In Slovakia, Trinity kings were chosen (in the western part of Slovakia and the Czech Republic this happened on May 1) and Trinity queens (Slovak. Turíčna kráľovná, Kvetná kráľovná), the first evidence of which dates back to the 16th century. In the 17th century the game was banned everywhere. Large fines were levied for violating the ban, and in the 18th century it disappeared completely. The surviving brief evidence suggests that on the first day of Trinity, the guys chose a so-called king for themselves. A crown was placed on his head, and a decorated stick representing a scepter was given in his hand. During the three days of the holiday, the village authorities lost their powers and the judicial executive power passed into the hands of the king. The latter appointed himself an “adjutant” from among his comrades, whose duties included conveying his orders. A jubilant crowd led the chosen one through the streets of the village. There were dances. The king was seated on a dais and served with the best dishes. As he danced, he was accompanied by an aide-de-camp who held the royal staff. From time to time the king took the rod and threw it to one of the guys. If he did not have time to catch him, he was rewarded with cuffs. After Trinity, the king's power came to an end, but throughout the year after that he enjoyed great respect from his fellow villagers.

Bull driving among the Poles

Among the Poles in some Polish zones, the central character of Trinity rites was a bull. In Mazovia, they covered it with an old net and dressed it with flowers and branches, hung a birch wreath on its horns and drove it ahead of the herd, or put a stuffed “knight” made of alder bark on the bull and then threw it to the ground, calling this ritual an ox wedding (Polish. wolowe wesele). In Kuyavia, a bull, covered with a blanket, with a wreath of flowers on its horns, took part in a solemn procession, accompanied by a dozen shepherds, a dozen girls with flowers and musicians, who were greeted by the entire village.

Sayings and signs

  • “The three three are rich in saints: flowers, herbs and ruddy summer” (Ukrainian).
  • “God loves the Trinity” (sib.).
  • “Trinity takes three days to build” (sib.).
  • “There are no round dances from Trinity to Dormition.”
  • “Round dances stop from Trinity to Dormition.”
  • “Float my wreath to that shore, whoever catches my wreath will wake up the groom” (Voronezh).

TRINITY (church holiday) TRINITY (church holiday)

TRINITY (Pentecost, Greek Pentekoste), Christian holiday (cm. CHURCH HOLIDAYS), celebrated on the 50th day of Easter (cm. EASTER Christian) in memory of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles and dedicated to the glorification of the Trinity (cm. TRINITY (Christian dogma)). In the Orthodox Church - the great twelfth holiday (cm. TWELVETH HOLIDAYS). In the West, the holiday of Pentecost does not bear the name of the Trinity, although it is closely associated with its veneration. Since the 14th century, the feast of Trinity in the Catholic Church began to be called Sunday after Pentecost.
Contents of the holiday
The holiday received the name Pentecost because the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles took place on the Old Testament holiday of Pentecost, established in memory of the giving of the Law to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai; it was celebrated on the 50th day after Easter and coincided with the end of the harvest and gathering of fruits, the first fruits of which were sacrificed in the temple. It was on this day, on the 50th day after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, when all the disciples were gathered in one upper room, that suddenly there was a noise, “as if from a rushing strong wind... and cloven tongues as of fire appeared to them, and one rested on each of them.” The apostles were filled with the holy spirit and began to speak different languages(Acts of the Apostles 2:1-47). With the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, the perfect activity of the third person of the Trinity was revealed, and the teaching of Jesus Christ about the Triune God reached clarity and completeness. The event of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles is considered the beginning christian church.
history of the holiday
According to legend, the Feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit was established by the apostles, but references to it contained in the New Testament (1 Corinthians 16:8; Acts 20:16) do not give reason to believe that it is about the celebration of Christian Pentecost. (cm. From 2nd century There is no reliable evidence of the existence of this holiday. However, already in historical sources of the 3rd century. Pentecost is a common holiday. Yes, in Tertullian TERTULLIAN) (cm. Pentecost appears both as a period of 50 days and as a Christian holiday (On Baptism, Chapter 19). Origen clearly speaks about Pentecost as a separate holiday ORIGEN) (cm.(Against Celsus, VIII, 22). In the “Apostolic Constitutions” (3rd-5th centuries) it is commanded to celebrate Pentecost: “Ten days after the Ascension is the fiftieth day from the first day of the Lord (Easter); let this day be a great holiday; for at the third hour of this day the Lord Jesus sent the gift of the Holy Spirit. Celebrate Pentecost for one week” (Book V, Chapter 20). From the 4th century testimonies about Pentecost both as a sacred period of 50 days and as a special holiday become common among church writers (Augustine, John Chrysostom JOHN CHRYSOSTOM) (cm. BAPTISM (holiday)) on this day. From 4th century We have reached a detailed description of the service on the day of Pentecost in the Jerusalem Church, belonging to the Western pilgrim Sylvia. The service continued almost continuously throughout the day and consisted of All-night vigil (cm. ALL-NIGHT VIgil) in the Church of the Resurrection, two Liturgies (cm. LITURGY (worship))(in Martyrium and Zion) and lithium (cm. LITHIA) on the Olivet, in the church of the cave, in the Martyrium, in the Temple of the Resurrection and in Zion. The entire service ended around midnight.
Liturgical celebration
From 7th century A description of the ancient rite of the Pentecost service in the Jerusalem Canonar (Charter) in Georgian has been preserved. This rite has the same litias as those described by Sylvia, and in them the germs of the modern three-kneeling prayers, read today at festive Vespers, are given. (cm. VESPERS). In the Charter of the Great Church of Constantinople(9th century) there is a full rite of worship on the day of Pentecost for Eastern Church. This is one of the most solemn services of the year and has the same features as the services of Easter and the Nativity of Christ. (cm. NATIVITY).
The feast of Pentecost was given special solemnity by the custom of the ancient Church to perform the baptism of catechumens on this day. In the 4th century. Basil the Great (cm. BASILY the Great) kneeling prayers were composed and read at the festive Vespers, connected with the Liturgy.
The Feast of Pentecost has one forefeast day (cm. PRE-CELEBRATION) and six days of afterfeast (cm. CELEBRATION). The day after Pentecost, Monday - the holiday in honor of the All Holy Life-giving Spirit(Whit Monday). The celebration of Pentecost takes place on the Saturday following the holiday. On the day of Pentecost, churches, according to ancient custom, are decorated with greenery and flowers.

encyclopedic Dictionary . 2009 .

See what “TRINITY (church holiday)” is in other dictionaries:

    TRINITY- (religious holiday). From Art. sl. language In Art. sl. language is a tracing paper of the Greek. trias... Sitnikov's etymological dictionary

    Report card, holiday (time card, non-attendant, royal) day; celebration, triumph. A big holiday, church, patronal. Table of highly solemn and victorious days. .. Prot. weekday See day to rule a holiday, celebrate a holiday...... ... Synonym dictionary

    Feast of the Epiphany in the Catholic Church- In 2011, the feast of the Epiphany in Catholic Church fell on January 9th. On this day, following the tradition initiated by John Paul II, Pope Benedict XVI baptized 21 infant children of employees in the Sistine Chapel (Chapel) of the Vatican... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

    THE YEAR OF THE CHURCH- a system of holidays, fasts and ordinary days, which forms the basis of the liturgical life of the Church. Dedicated to the memory of the events of St. history, veneration of the memories of saints, which serves to edify the faithful by introducing them to the truths of the faith. Despite some... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

    BAPTISM OF THE LORD (Epiphany (see THEOPHANY)) (Greek: Theophaneia or Epiphaneia), a Christian holiday dedicated to the remembrance of the Baptism of Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan. In the Orthodox Church it is one of the great Lord's twelve... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Orthodox church calendar- time counting system used by the Orthodox Church. church to determine the sequence of churches. holidays (see Holidays of the Orthodox Church) and fasts (see Fasting in Orthodoxy) of the annual cycle, as well as the corresponding services. WITH… … Religions of the peoples of modern Russia

    12 most important Orthodox church holidays: December 25 (January 7) Nativity of Christ, January 6 (19) Epiphany (Epiphany), February 2 (15) Candlemas, March 25 (April 7) Annunciation, a week before Easter Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    1. PENTECOST see Pentecost. 2. PENTECOST, s; and. One of the names of the holiday of the Christian church, celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter (the first day of this holiday is called the day Holy Trinity or Trinity, and the second is Saint's Day... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    A; m. [from Greek. eikōn image, image and stasis standing, place of standing] In the Orthodox Church: a wall with icons separating the altar. Restoration of the iconostasis. / Joking About a large number of orders, medals, badges hung on someone’s badge. breast.… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (from anti... and lat. trinitas trinity), adherents of movements, sects in Christianity that do not accept one of the main dogmas of Christianity, the dogma of the Trinity. * * * ANTITRINITARIES ANTITRINITARIES (from Greek anti against and Latin trinitas trinity), adherents ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Trinity is considered a holiday of the earth. On this day it was forbidden to dig or disturb it in any way. Trinity is considered a green holiday and all houses were decorated with green branches and flowers. The main role in decoration was given to birch.
On Trinity Day, they collected herbs and flowers and took them to the church for their consecration. These herbs were believed to be beneficial and cure various diseases. At the same time, it is advisable to shed a few tears on the flower during the service. Even Pushkin has the lines:
"Touchingly at the dawn's beam
They shed three tears"
The holiday itself was also celebrated outdoors. In the villages, loaves were baked and invited guests were decorated with flower wreaths. The girls danced in circles, and the boys chose future brides.

When to celebrate, celebrate Trinity (date in the year) 2019, 2020...

The Feast of the Trinity (Holy Trinity Day) is celebrated 50 days after Easter. Hence the other name Pentecost (Greek: Πεντηκοστή). As you remember, Easter has a floating date, which means the date of the holiday - Trinity also changes in the year, depending on Easter. In order for you not to calculate the dates of the Trinity in the years closest to us, we did it for you and presented this information in a table. Which we invite you to familiarize yourself with.

Year Trinity date
2019 June 16
2020 June 7
2021 June 20
2022 12 June
2023 June 4
2024 June 23
2025 June 8
2026 May 31
2027 June 20
2028 June 4
2029 May 27
2030 June 16

The dates given in the table refer to Christian Easter, that is, they are correct for Trinity celebrated by the Christian church.

To better understand when Trinity is celebrated, in relation to the religious holidays dependent on Easter, take a look at the table below...

Chronology of holidays associated with Easter (Resurrection of Christ). Easter main religious holiday, so everything is tied around him.

Maslenitsa Lent (49 days) EASTER
(Resurrection of Christ)

(first Sunday of spring, after the first full moon)

9 days Radonitsa x Trinity
x Forgiveness Sunday
(burning an effigy)
x Palm Sunday

(Christ's entry into Jerusalem)

Holy Week (last 7 days of Lent) 50 days
(on the 40th day of ascension)
Great Wednesday
(betrayal of Judas)
Maundy Thursday Good Friday
(crucifixion of Christ)
Holy Saturday
(blessing of Easter food)

That is, Trinity is the 50th day after Easter. And here it becomes clear that every year Trinity will be in different dates! Look at the information above and now you know when Trinity Sunday will be this year!

Other names of the day

Trinity, Trinity-Virgin Mary, Wreaths (Voronezh), Venoshnik (Voronezh), Semik (Voronezh), Gulino (Kostroma), Birch Day (Siberian), “Klechalna nedilya” (Ukrainian), “Klechanye” ( Polesie), “Zelyanets” (Belarusian), “Duhau dzen” (Belarusian), Turitsa (Galician), “Turice” (Slovakian) - Turica, “Letnice” (Czech) - Letnica, Spiritual day (Serbian) .), “Palinocki” (sub-Las.), “Sobótki” (South-Polish), “Virgin of Rusalia” (Serb.), “Rusalii” (Rum.), Pentecost.

Church traditions

On this day in Orthodox churches One of the most solemn and beautiful services of the year is being celebrated. After the liturgy, Great Vespers is served, at which stichera are sung, glorifying the descent of the Holy Spirit, and the priest reads three special lengthy prayers for the Church, for the salvation of all those who pray and for the repose of the souls of all the departed (including “ in hell held"). While reading these prayers, everyone (including the clergy) kneels - this ends the post-Easter period, during which no kneeling is performed in churches. prostrations. At Matins two canons of this holiday are sung: the first was written by Cosmas of Mayum, the second by John of Damascus.

According to Russian tradition, the floor of the temple and villagers' houses on this day is covered with freshly cut grass, the icons are decorated with birch or maple branches, and the color of the vestments is green, depicting the life-giving and renewing power of the Holy Spirit. The next day, Monday, is Spiritual Day.

Rituals of the Eastern Slavs

Trinity Day is one of the most important holidays among the Eastern Slavs, especially loved by girls. In folk tradition, Trinity Day is included in the Semitsko-Trinity holiday complex, which included Semik, Trinity Saturday, Trinity Day. Often the entire holiday period from Semik to Spiritual Day or from Trinity Day to Water Day was called the Trinity. In general, the holidays were called “Green Christmastide”. Sometimes only Semik was called Green Christmastide, and in some places - Trinity Week.

It is believed that the holiday of Trinity was introduced by the Russian Orthodox Church at the beginning of the 15th century. Sergius of Radonezh. For a long time, the ancient rituals of the Semitic week were gradually transferred to Trinity. In many places this process by the 19th century. completely completed. In other places, part of the ritual actions remained with Semik; in other cases, Semik itself shifted to Sunday. In some cases, May Day and Ascension rituals (“Maypole”, “meeting of mermaids”) were moved to Trinity. “Before the adoption of Christianity, this holiday was celebrated for six days - three days before the seventh Sunday after Easter and the same number on next week» .

Farewell to spring. “The Trinity ritual complex in most cases is perceived as borderline between spring and summer, since it occurs at the peak of nature’s flowering.” The main components of the Semik-Trinity festivities were rituals associated with the cult of vegetation, maiden festivities, maiden initiations, and commemoration of the drowned or all the dead. In Ukraine they believed that on Green Christmastide the dead come out of the earth for the second time (after Easter).

The people revered Trinity as a great holiday; they carefully prepared for it: they washed and cleaned the house and yard, put out dough to prepare dishes for the festive table, and prepared herbs. On this day, pies and loaves were baked, wreaths made of birch (in the south made of maple) and flowers were made, guests were invited, and young people held parties in the forests and meadows.

The girls wore their best outfits, often made especially for these holidays. In the Belgorod region, a special dress was required for each day of the Trinity cycle: on Trinity Saturday they wore red shirts, on Sunday - old white shirts, on Monday - sewn from factory fabric. Everywhere heads were decorated with wreaths of herbs and flowers; in the North they were replaced by headdresses embroidered with gold threads and metal plates, which were not worn on other holidays. Dressed up girls usually walked along the main village street during a general meeting of people, or sat down and tried to show themselves from all sides - the so-called “bride viewing”.

In steppe villages, the Trinity festival is considered the last spring holiday (in other places on Yeremeya the Harness, May 1st according to the old style). The godfathers send sinful loaves and yellow eggs as gifts to their goddaughters. The girls give each other ribbons and exchange rings. Exchange wreaths are kept as souvenirs of friendship, tied with ribbons.

An arch made of birch trees for cumulation at girls' parties. 2008

Usually on the days of Semik-Trinity, maiden initiation rites were performed. They were accepted into the clan and recognized as full members of girls who had reached marriageable age. Nepotism-sisterhood cemented the gender-age female union. This was also emphasized by dropping the wreath - a symbol of girlhood.

Belarusians, who often preserved more ancient traditions, worshiped twice: on Trinity - only girls, and on St. Peter's Day - girls with boys. In the southern Russian regions (Kaluga, Orel, Kursk, Kostroma, Tula, Bryansk provinces), the cumulation of girls was accompanied by the “baptism of the cuckoo.”

The essence of the ritual was that girls and young women, often under the guidance of an elderly experienced woman, made a “cuckoo” from grass, dressed it in a shirt, a sundress and covered it with a scarf. Sometimes a cuckoo was a name given to a birch or bird cherry branch decorated with ribbons and stuck into the ground. Moreover, in some places the bird cherry branch had to be cut off just before St. Nicholas Day. The “baptism of the cuckoo” consisted of putting a cross on it or hanging it on branches, under which the “cuckoo” was placed, and then they worshiped it. This could also be followed by a “funeral”: the “cuckoo” was placed in a small coffin and buried, and the next day it was pulled out; the cuckoo was left behind, and the coffin, along with some clothes, were kept until next year.

In Russia, wreaths were “curled” in different places on Ascension, Semik, Trinity, Spiritual Day or Peter and Paul Day.

The customs of Trinity Day ended the spring maiden and women's holidays, which began on the day of the vernal equinox. In some places they end a week later on the day of the prayers (that is, on the eve of Peter the Great's Fast).

It was believed that on the night of Trinity, mermaids come out of the river, forest and run in the rye. Throughout the Semitic week, they scour the fields and shores, snagging unwary travelers in order to tickle them to death and drag them with them into the underwater kingdom of “Grandfather Vodyany.” In some places, on Trinity night, with birch trees in their hands, young boys and girls run through the fields, chasing mermaids, and at sunrise they all swim together in the waters, which are already safe from the tricks of the waterworts.

There was a belief that plants on Trinity were endowed with special magical powers, which was reflected in the local custom of collecting medicinal herbs on the night of Trinity.

On Trinity Day, Belarusian villagers, celebrating the arrival of the flyby, weave green wreaths on the horns of cows.

Icon "Trinity mixed-hypostasis". 1729

Trinity was a kind of division between spring and summer. In Polesie they said: “We have eight nedils, until Triitsa.” In many places, all spring agricultural work was completed by Trinity. As on other border days, on Trinity, according to legend, otherworldly forces became more active. In some local traditions, it was interpreted as the last day of revelry for mermaids, in others - as the last day before the mermaids came to earth. The personification of the evil spirits walking the earth were mummers, who were called “uncles”. To protect their homes from the influence of evil spirits, peasants in some provinces used chalk to put crosses over their windows and doors on Trinity Day.

Trinity kings among the Slovaks

In Slovakia, Trinity kings were chosen (in the western part of Slovakia and the Czech Republic this happened on May 1) and Trinity queens (Slovak. Turíčna kráľovná, Kvetná kráľovná), the first evidence of which dates back to the 16th century. In the 17th century the game was banned everywhere. Large fines were levied for violating the ban, and in the 18th century it disappeared completely. The surviving brief evidence suggests that on the first day of Trinity, the guys chose a so-called king for themselves. A crown was placed on his head, and a decorated stick representing a scepter was given in his hand. During the three days of the holiday, the village authorities lost their powers and the judicial executive power passed into the hands of the king. The latter appointed himself an “adjutant” from among his comrades, whose duties included conveying his orders. A jubilant crowd led the chosen one through the streets of the village. There were dances. The king was seated on a dais and served with the best dishes. As he danced, he was accompanied by an aide-de-camp who held the royal staff. From time to time the king took the rod and threw it to one of the guys. If he did not have time to catch him, he was rewarded with cuffs. After Trinity, the king’s power came to an end, but for the entire year after that he enjoyed great respect from his fellow villagers.

Bull driving among the Poles

In some Polish zones, the central character of Trinity rites is a bull. In Mazovia they covered him with an old net and dressed him with flowers and branches, hung a birch wreath on his horns and drove him ahead of the herd, or put a stuffed “knight” made of alder bark on the bull and then threw him to the ground, calling this ritual wolowe wesele- ox wedding. In Kuyavia, a blanketed bull with flowers on its horns took part in a solemn procession, accompanied by a dozen shepherds, a dozen girls with flowers and musicians, who were greeted by the entire village.

Sayings and signs

Trinity with food. Trinity is rich in three holidays: flowers, herbs and ruddy summer. God loves the Trinity (sib.). Trinity - three days to build (sib.). On this day, the spring maiden and women's holidays, which began on the day of the vernal equinox, ended. From Trinity to Dormition there are no round dances. Round dances stop from Trinity to Dormition. “Swim my wreath to that shore, whoever catches my wreath will wake up the groom” (Voronezh). On Trinity Sunday, the girls asked the cuckooing cuckoo how long they would have to stay in their father's house - how many times the bird crowed, how many years would they have to wait for marriage. On the first dew of May, throw a handful of spring grass on the strip. On Trinity, rain means a lot of mushrooms. If it rains on Trinity Day, then throughout the summer there will be a lot of mice. On this day, wells are blessed. The young month is flat - all moon month(until the next new moon) - rain. “On Zelyanets Viasny Kanets” (Belarusian). “On Zelyanets - the end of bread” (Belarusian). “Go, winter, to Kuchev, you’ve already bothered us. Go, winter, to Krakow, but you will come before us” (Belarusian). “Three lives like this: sim nydil post, vysim nydil vysny” (Polesie). Semik and Trinity are one and the same (Voronezh). Semik week after Trinity, Semik happens on the third day (Voronezh). Trinity is a trinity, but three candles are not placed on the table.

see also



  1. Agapkina T. A. Mythopoetic foundations of the Slavic folk calendar. Spring-summer cycle. . - M.: Indrik, 2002. - 816 p. - ISBN 5857591420
  2. Afanasyev A. N. Poetic views of the Slavs on nature. - M.: Modern writer, 1995. - T. 1. - 1221 p. - ISBN 5857591420
  3. Vinogradova L. N. Trinity // Slovenian mitology. Encyclopedic Riverman / Editors: Svetlana M. Tolstoy, Yubinko Radenkovic. - Beograd: Zepter book world, 2001. - 695 p. - ISBN 86-7494-025-0(Serb.)
  4. Gromyko M. M. The world of the Russian village. - M.: Young Guard, 1991. - 446 p. - ISBN 5-235-01030-2
  5. Zimina T. A. Trinity. Russian holidays and rituals. Russian Ethnographic Museum. Archived from the original on May 27, 2012.
  6. Calendar rituals and ritual poetry of the Voronezh region. Afanasyevsky collection. Materials and research. - Vol. III / Comp. Pukhova T.F., Hristova G.P. - Voronezh: VSU Publishing House, 2005. - 249 p.
  7. Katovich A., Kruk Y. Summer is holy. Book 1. Issued. - Mn. : Adukatsiya i vyhavanne, 2009. - 368 p. - ISBN 978-985-6029-99-1(Belorian)
  8. Kotovich Oksana Rings of fate: How to choose the right wedding date? / TUT.BY, 04/26/2010
  9. Maksimovich M. A. Days and months of the Ukrainian villager (III. May) // Russian conversation, volume 3. - M.: Printing house of Alexander Semyon, 1856.
  10. Pashina O. A. Calendar-song cycle among the Eastern Slavs. - M.: State Institute of Art Studies, 1998. - 56 p.
  11. Russian folk poetry: ritual poetry / Comp. and preparation text: K. V. Chistov, B. E. Chistova. - L.: Fiction, 1984. - 526 p.
Trinity. End of the 14th century From the collection of N.P. Likhachev. State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg

Trinity. Icons

One of the first in the iconography of the Trinity was the story of the appearance of three Angels to Abraham (“Hospitality of Abraham”), set out in the eighteenth chapter of the biblical book of Genesis. It tells how the forefather Abraham, the ancestor chosen people, met three mysterious wanderers near the oak grove of Mamre (in the next chapter they were called angels). During a meal in Abraham's house, he was given a promise about the coming miraculous birth of his son Isaac. According to the will of God, from Abraham a “great and strong nation” was to come, in which “all the nations of the earth will be blessed.”

Catacombs of Via Latina
Hospitality of Abraham. Santa Maria Maggiore. Mosaic of the Roman temple of Santa Maria Maggiore (1st half of the 5th century)
​Mosaic in the Temple of San Vitale. Ravenna (1st half of the 6th century)

In the second millennium, the custom arose of adding the words “Holy Trinity” to the plot of “Abraham’s Hospitality”: such an inscription appears on one of the miniatures of the Greek Psalter of the 11th century. In this miniature, the head of the middle Angel is crowned with a cross-shaped halo: it faces the viewer frontally, while the other two Angels are depicted in a three-quarter turn.

The same type of image is found on the doors of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Suzdal (c. 1230) and on the fresco of Theophanes the Greek from the Novgorod Church of the Transfiguration on Ilyin Street. The cross halo indicates that the central Angel is identified with Christ.

Trinity. Theophanes the Greek. 1378 Fresco in the choir chamber. Church of the Transfiguration on Ilyin Street, Novgorod
Zyryan Trinity. End of the 14th century Vologda State Historical, Architectural and Art Museum-Reserve, Vologda

It is known that the iconographic version of the Trinity without forefathers existed even before Rublev in Byzantine art. But all these compositions are not independent in nature. Andrei Rublev not only gives the image a complete and independent character, but makes it a complete theological text. On a light background, three angels are depicted sitting around a table on which there is a bowl. The middle angel rises above the others, behind him is a tree, behind the right angel is a mountain, behind the left are chambers. The angels' heads are bowed in silent conversation. Their faces are similar, as if the same face is depicted in three versions. The entire composition is inscribed in a system of concentric circles that can be drawn along the halos, along the outlines of the wings, according to the movement of angelic hands, and all these circles converge at the epicenter of the icon, where a bowl is depicted, and in the bowl is the head of a calf. Before us is not just a meal, but a Eucharistic meal in which an atoning sacrifice is made. The Trinity of Andrei Rublev is a symbolic image of the trinity of the Divine, as already pointed out by the Council of the Hundred Heads. After all, the visit to Abraham by three Angels was not a manifestation of the Holy Trinity, but was only “a prophetic vision of this mystery, which over the course of centuries will gradually be revealed to the believing thought of the Church.” In accordance with this, in Rublev’s icon it is not the Father, Son and Holy Spirit who appear before us, but three Angels, symbolizing Eternal Council three Persons of the Holy Trinity. The symbolism of the Rublev icon is somewhat akin to the symbolism of early Christian painting, which hid deep dogmatic truths under simple, but spiritually meaningful symbols.

Trinity. Andrey Rublev
Trinity. XV century. Sergiev Posad State Historical and Art Museum-Reserve
Icon “The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles” Novgorod, 16th century
The descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. Athos, Dionysiat Monastery, XIV century
Trinity of the Old Testament. Mid-16th century Yaroslavl Art Museum, Yaroslavl
Trinity of the Old Testament. Second half of the 16th century. Moscow, State Tretyakov Gallery
The Holy Trinity. End of the 16th - beginning of the 17th centuries. Yaroslavl Art Museum, Yaroslavl
Trinity of the Old Testament. End of the 16th - beginning of the 17th centuries. Moscow, State Tretyakov Gallery
“The Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles” Mosaic in the dome of the church of Hosios Loukas. Phokis. Greece, XI century

Trinity churches in Rus'

One of the first churches in Rus' was dedicated to the Trinity. It was built by Princess Olga in her homeland, Pskov. The wooden temple, erected in the 10th century, stood for about 200 years. The second temple was made of stone. According to legend, it was founded in 1138 by the holy noble prince Vsevolod (baptized Gabriel). In the 14th century, the vault of the temple collapsed and a new cathedral was built on its foundation. But it has not survived to this day - it was badly damaged in 1609 during a fire. The fourth cathedral, built on the same site and still bearing the name of the Holy Trinity, has survived to this day.

St. Basil's Cathedral, on Red Square in Moscow, was built on the site of the Trinity Church, near which there were seven more wooden churches - in memory of the Kazan victories, they were consecrated in the name of those holidays and memories of the saints when the decisive battles took place. In 1555-61. on the site of these temples, one stone temple was built - nine-altar. The central altar was consecrated in honor of the Intercession Holy Mother of God, and one of the chapels was dedicated to the Trinity. Until the 17th century, the cathedral was still worn popular name Troitsky.

The most famous Russian monastery is dedicated to the Most Holy Trinity - Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Having settled on Makovets in 1337, the Monk Sergius built a wooden Church of the Holy Trinity. In 1422, on the site of the former wooden temple, a student St. Sergius, Abbot Nikon, laid the stone foundation for the Trinity Cathedral. During its construction, the relics of St. Sergius were discovered. The cathedral was painted by famous masters Andrei Rublev and Daniil Cherny. The famous image of the Old Testament Trinity was painted for the iconostasis.

In the name of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Trinity Markov Monastery was founded in Vitebsk. The foundation of the Markov Monastery presumably dates back to the 14th–15th centuries. There is a legend about the founder of the monastery, a certain Mark, who retired to a plot of land that belonged to him and built a chapel there. Soon he was joined by like-minded people. The monastery existed until 1576, after which it was abolished, and the Trinity Church was turned into a parish church. The monastery was reopened in 1633 by Prince Lev Oginsky, and closed in 1920. The police and other institutions were located on its territory for a long time. All buildings, except the Holy Kazan Church, were destroyed (including the Trinity Cathedral - one of the best examples of wooden Belarusian architecture). Kazan Church during the Great Period Patriotic War was damaged, but then partially restored. This the only church in Vitebsk, which did not close in the post-war years. High altar The temple was consecrated in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, and the side chapel - in honor of St. Sergius of Radonezh. The monastery was revived in 2000.

Trinity Cathedral in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra

In honor of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Trinity (Troitsky) Monastery was founded in the city of Slutsk (Belarus). The time of foundation of the Holy Trinity Monastery is unknown. The first mention of it dates back to 1445. There was a monastery near the city, downstream of the Sluch River. People began to settle around the monastery, the suburb of Troychany was formed, and the street from the city to the monastery began to be called Troychany. The monastery had a charter from the Polish king, confirming its Orthodox status. Since 1560, there has been a theological school at the monastery, where theology, rhetoric, Slavic and Greek grammars were studied. It is also known about the small library of the monastery: in 1494 there were 45 books. In 1571, the abbot of the monastery was Archimandrite Mikhail Ragosa (d. 1599), the future Metropolitan of Kyiv. Opens at the monastery Orthodox seminary, which was led until 1575 by the former abbot of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra Artemy (? - early 1570s). IN early XVII centuries the seminary no longer existed. It appears again in the 18th century. During the First World War there was an infirmary in the monastery. In the summer of 1917, the buildings of the monastery, where 13 monks and 13 novices lived, were transferred to the Belarusian gymnasium, the rector, Archimandrite Afanasy Vecherko, was expelled. On February 21, 1930, the monastery was closed, the relics were transferred to museums. The monastery buildings were finally destroyed in the 1950s. Subsequently, a military camp was located in its place. In 1994, a memorial cross was erected on the site of the monastery.

Slutsk Holy Trinity Monastery. N. Horde. Second floor. 19th century

In 1414, on the banks of the Nurma River, not far from its confluence with Obnora, in the territory of the modern Gryazovets district Vologda region The Trinity Pavlo-Obnorsky Monastery was founded. The founder of the monastery was a disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh - Pavel Obnorsky (1317–1429). In 1489, the monastery received a charter from Grand Duke Ivan III allocating the monastery with forests, villages and exemption from taxes. The privileges of the monastery were subsequently secured Vasily III, Ivan IV the Terrible and their successors. The cathedral church of the Trinity was built in the monastery (1505–1516). IN mid-19th century, 12 monks lived in the monastery. In 1909, the monastery was damaged by a severe fire. The cross received in the fire melted St. Paul from Sergius of Radonezh. Before the revolution, about 80 inhabitants lived in the monastery. The monastery was closed in 1924 by decision of the Gryazovets district executive committee of the RCP (b). In the 1920s and 30s, the Trinity Cathedral with adjacent temple buildings, the bell tower and the fence were destroyed. An experimental pedagogical station, a school, and an orphanage were located on the territory of the monastery. In 1945, a children's sanatorium was opened, then a regional sanatorium-forest school. Returned to the Russian Orthodox Church in 1994.

Holy Trinity Pavlo-Obnorsky Monastery

The Ulyanovsk Trinity-Stefanovsky Monastery was consecrated in the name of the Holy Trinity. Located in the village of Ulyanovo, Ust-Kulomsky district of the Komi Republic. According to legend, the monastery was founded in 1385 by Saint Stephen of Perm (1340s - 1396) with the aim of spreading Christianity in the Upper Vychegda. But this building did not last long. According to local legends, the Ulyanovsk monastery was named after the girl Ulyaniya, who, not wanting to fall into the hands of the enemy, decided to drown herself in the river. A monastery was built opposite this place. In the years Soviet power The Ulyanovsk monastery was closed and its property was looted. Many monks were repressed. The Trinity Cathedral was completely destroyed, most of the outbuildings were in deplorable condition. Items seized from the Ulyanovsk Monastery were kept in the National Museum of the Komi Republic. In 1994, the monastery was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Trinity-Stephano-Ulyanovsky Monastery

In the name of the Holy Trinity, the Holy Trinity Ipatiev Monastery was founded in Kostroma. The monastery was first mentioned in chronicles in 1432, but it may have been founded much earlier. According to the generally accepted version, the monastery was founded around 1330 by the Tatar Murza Chet, the founder of the Godunov and Saburov family, who fled from the Golden Horde to Ivan Kalita (c. 1283/1288 - 1340/1341) and was baptized in Moscow under the name Zacharias. In this place he had a vision Mother of God with the upcoming Apostle Philip and Hieromartyr Hypatius of Gangra (d. 325/326), the result of which was his healing from illness. In gratitude for the healing, a monastery was founded on this site. Initially, the Church of the Holy Trinity was built, then the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, several cells and a powerful oak wall. There were residential and outbuildings. All buildings were wooden. After the death of Prince Vasily and the abolition of the Kostroma principality, the monastery came under the patronage of the Godunov family, which rose to prominence in the mid-16th century. During this period, the monastery developed rapidly. After the October Revolution, in 1919, the monastery was abolished and its values ​​were nationalized. For many years there was a museum on the territory of the monastery, part of the exhibition of which is still there today. In 2005, the monastery was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Ipatiev Monastery. View from the old bed of the Kostroma River

In the name of the Trinity, the Stefano-Makhrischi Holy Trinity Monastery was founded. Located on the Molokcha River in the village of Makhra, Aleksandrovsky district, Vladimir region. Founded in the 14th century by Stefan Makhrischsky (d. July 14, 1406) as a monastery. From 1615 to the 1920s it was assigned to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Closed in 1922. Reopened in 1995 as convent.

Stefano-Makhrishchsky Holy Trinity Monastery

In the name of the Holy Trinity, the Trinity Anthony-Siysky Monastery was founded in 1520. The monastery was founded by the Monk Anthony of Siysk (1477–1556). In pre-Petrine times, the Siysky Monastery was one of the largest centers of spiritual life in the Russian North. From the monastery book collection come such unique manuscripts as the Siya Gospel of the 16th century and illustrated calendars. After the revolution, ancient documents were confiscated from the monks and transferred to the Arkhangelsk Regional Archive, from where in 1958 and 1966 they were transported to Moscow (now to the RGADA). The monastery was closed by a resolution of the Yemetsk Executive Committee dated June 12, 1923 and by a decision of the Presidium of the Arkhangelsk Provincial Executive Committee dated July 11, 1923. The territory was used for the needs of the labor commune and collective farm. In 1992, the monastery was transferred to the Russian Orthodox Church.

Trinity Siysky Monastery. Pre-revolutionary postcard

A monastery in Astrakhan was consecrated in the name of the Trinity. The history of the Trinity Monastery in Astrakhan begins in 1568, when Tsar Ivan the Terrible, sending abbot Kiril here, ordered him to establish a common monastery in the city of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. By 1573, Abbot Kiril had built: “the temple of the Life-Giving Trinity, to which was attached a meal about six fathoms, and a cellar about three fathoms, 12 cells, two cellars with dryers, a glenna and a cookhouse.” All buildings were wooden. By the time of the death of Abbot Kiril in 1576, he had built two more wooden churches in the monastery: in honor of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The monastery itself, originally called Nikolsky, later received the name Trinity, in honor of the cathedral church of the Life-Giving Trinity. In the 90s of the 16th century, the new abbot Theodosius began rebuilding the monastery from wood to stone. On September 13, 1603, the new stone Trinity Cathedral was consecrated. A little later, a chapel was added to it in honor of the holy passion-bearers Princes Boris and Gleb. In addition, under Abbot Theodosius, the following were built: a stone bell tower with the Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker under it and wooden temple Origin of the Venerable Trees of the Holy Cross with a chapel in honor of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary. During the Soviet years, an archive storage facility was set up in the monastery, and the shrines were desecrated.

Trinity Monastery in Astrakhan

In the name of the Trinity, a monastery was founded in the city of Murom, Vladimir region. The monastery was founded in the second quarter of the 17th century (1643) by the Murom merchant Tarasy Borisovich Tsvetnov, according to a number of local historians - on the site of the so-called “old settlement”, where originally a wooden Cathedral in honor of Saints Boris and Gleb, and later there was a wooden Holy Trinity Church. In 1923 the monastery was closed. In 1975, a wooden church in honor of St. Sergius of Radonezh was brought to the territory of the monastery from the neighboring Melenkovsky district, which is a monument to wooden architecture of the 18th century. Opened in 1991. The main shrine The monastery contains the relics of the holy saints Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia, transported from the local museum on September 19, 1992. Until 1921, the relics rested in the city's Nativity Cathedral.

Holy Trinity Convent of Murom in the 19th century

Also consecrated in the name of the Holy Trinity are the Alexander-Svirsky Monastery, the Zelenetsky-Trinity Monastery, the Klopsky Monastery, the Eletsky Trinity Monastery, the Belopesotsky and Trinity Boldin Monasteries, monasteries in Kazan, Sviyazhsk, Kalyazin, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Tyumen, Cheboksary and other cities.

In honor of the Holy Trinity, monasteries were founded in Serbia, Georgia, Greece, Palestine, Finland, and Sweden.

A temple in Veliky Novgorod was consecrated in honor of the Trinity. The temple dates back to 1365. Built by order of Novgorod merchants who traded with Ugra (Ural region). The Trinity Church suffered the greatest damage during the Great Patriotic War. Along with other monuments of Novgorod architecture, it was restored in 1975–1978, although in fact the work is still ongoing.

Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Yamskaya Sloboda in Veliky Novgorod

Also in honor of the Trinity, the Church of the Spiritual Monastery in Veliky Novgorod was consecrated. The Trinity Church with a refectory chamber was built around 1557 by order of Abbot Jonah. It is located almost in the center of the monastery territory. On the ground floor of the refectory there was a cookhouse, a bakery and two leaven cellars; on the second floor there is a refectory and a cellar room. The church was seriously damaged during the Swedish occupation of 1611–1617, as well as from a severe fire in 1685.

Trinity Church of the Spiritual Monastery in Veliky Novgorod

In the name of the Life-Giving Trinity, a temple in Moscow - in the Fields - was consecrated. It was first mentioned in 1493 in the Resurrection Chronicle. It was built in 1565 stone church. In 1639, next to the stone Trinity Church with the chapels of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker and Boris and Gleb, built by the boyar M. M. Saltykov (cousin of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich), a wooden temple was built in honor of Sergius of Radonezh. Trinity Church was destroyed in 1934. The speed of demolition did not allow for a detailed study of the architectural monument. In its place a square was laid out, and a monument to the first printer Ivan Fedorov was erected in place of the refectory.

Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in the Fields. Photo from N. A. Naidenov’s album, 1882

A temple in Nikitniki (Moscow) was consecrated in the name of the Trinity. Back in the 16th century, there was a wooden church here in the name of the holy martyr Nikita (d. c. 372). In the 1620s it burned down, and by order of the Yaroslavl merchant Grigory Nikitnikov, who lived nearby, a new one was built in 1628–1651. stone temple in the name of the Holy Trinity. Sources mention construction work in 1631–1634 and 1653. The southern aisle of the temple was dedicated to Nikita the Martyr, and the revered icon of this saint was transferred to it from the burnt church. It served as the tomb of the temple builder and members of his family. In 1920, the temple was closed for worship and in 1934 transferred to the State Historical Museum. In 1991 the temple was returned to the Russian Orthodox Church.

S. Kamen, Liepaja (Latvia), in the village. (Latvia), in the village. (Lithuania), city (Estonia), village. Wodzilki (Poland), Irie (USA).

Church of the Life-Giving Trinity DOC. Liepaja
Church of the Holy Trinity DOC. Kublishchino

In addition, the feast of the Holy Trinity is patronal for the Nikolo-Uleiminsky monastery of the Russian Orthodox Church and for the Holy Trinity monastery RDC in the village Kamenka, Zlynsky district, Bryansk region.
