Lesson for Sunday school children: Christ is risen. Lesson summary for Sunday school “The bright holiday of Easter. The Legend of the Easter Birds

How to tell children about Easter? Offer the kids something like this interesting story about the holiday with poems.

The sun is shining brighter today,

The wind beats stronger at the window,

And the cry reaches the skies:

“Christ is truly Risen!”


Alyonka and Sasha are very busy today. Mom allowed them to paint Easter eggs. The children work smartly. There will be sun, trees, and waves on the eggs! And my mother and grandmother are baking Easter cakes in the kitchen. The grandmother promised that while the dough was resting, she would tell the story of this holiday.

Listen too...

Easter - Holy Resurrection of Christ. This main event in the spiritual life of Christians was called the Feast of Feasts, the King of Days. We prepared for it for 7 weeks - 49 days. And the week before Easter was called Great, or Passionate. Maundy Thursday - day spiritual cleansing, receiving the sacrament of communion. Good Friday is a reminder of the suffering of Jesus Christ, a day of sadness. Holy Saturday is a day of waiting; the Gospel of the Resurrection is already being read in church. Easter is the Sunday when we celebrate the Resurrection of the Savior.

The Son of God came into this world to save people. He preached Love and the Kingdom of Heaven, created many miracles, healed and resurrected people. Do you remember the Christmas story? Many rejoiced at the appearance of Christ. But there were also those who did not believe in his holiness. They tried to stop Jesus from talking about the Kingdom of God. Among the leaders of that time there were many who hated Christ and wanted to get rid of Him. Judas, one of the Lord's disciples, decided to hand over Christ to these evil people. He approached his Teacher and kissed Him. It was a sign. Jesus was immediately taken into custody. And Judas received 30 silver coins for this. Thus he sold his Master.

Jesus was interrogated before the Sanhedrin, the highest Jewish court. The elders and judges were looking for evidence to convict Jesus. They bullied him, but he endured.

In the end He was sentenced to death. It was a terrible event. Jesus was crucified on the cross on Mount Golgotha. When he died, the earth shook and the rocks began to disintegrate. This happened on Friday. Now we call this day Good Friday. On this sorrowful day we must pray.

When Saturday passed, at night, on the third day after his suffering, the Lord Jesus Christ came to life and rose from the dead. On Sunday morning, women came with incense to anoint the body of the Savior. But instead of Him they saw an Angel. He announced the Resurrection of the Lord: “Do not be afraid. I know that you are looking for the crucified Jesus. But one should not look for the Living among the dead. He has risen as He promised you. Go and tell Jesus’ disciples that He has risen from the dead and is waiting for them.”

Joy overwhelmed the people. Since then we have been celebrating Easter - the holiday of the Renaissance. The Lord defeated death and showed that for those who believe in Him and live according to His commandments, there is neither death nor hell.

As people prepare for Easter, they are filled with joy and faith. WITH Maundy Thursday The favorite activity begins - coloring and painting eggs. There is a lot of meaning put into simple patterns. The wavy lines are seas-oceans. The circle is a bright sun. According to tradition, ready-made krashanki and pysanky were placed on fresh sprouted oats, wheat, and sometimes on soft green lettuce leaves, which were specially grown for the holiday. The lush greenery and bright colors of the Easter eggs created a festive mood.

And when mom bakes Easter cakes, the whole house smells of sweet vanilla and raisins - a real holiday!

On the night of the Resurrection of Christ occurs festive service(Easter Service of God). Various foods are brought to the church in beautiful baskets - Easter cakes, cheese, butter, which symbolize well-being, pysanky and krashanki. Salt is placed in the basket - a symbol of wisdom. A solemn procession with a singer and a priest blesses the people.

Returning home, people break their fast - eat delicious food after Lent. The rich Easter table is a symbol of heavenly joy and the Lord's Supper. The closest relatives gather for Easter breakfast. The owner approaches the guests with wishes and the words “Christ is risen!”, and then kisses everyone. You should answer like this: “Truly risen!” The sacred egg is cut into as many pieces as there are persons present. A candle burns on the table as a reminder of the brightness of this day. You should definitely start your Easter breakfast with Easter cake. Even crumbs of this bread that fall on the floor should under no circumstances be thrown away.

The holiday lasts throughout Bright Week. There was a custom in the villages: in the evening violinists walked around the villages and played under the windows in honor of Christ.

Poems about Easter for children


Boys and girls

Candles and willows

They took it home.

The lights are glowing,

Passers-by cross themselves

And it smells like spring.

The breeze is distant,

Rain, little rain,

Don't blow out the fire.

Palm Sunday

Tomorrow I'll be the first to get up

For the holy day.

Easter announcement

The blows came

To the blue skies

Quiet Valley

Drives away sleep

Somewhere down the road

Paska - The Bright Resurrection of Christ The Resurrection of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ Death will be swallowed up forever, and the Lord God will wipe away the tears from everyone... And they will say on that day: Here is He, our God! We have trusted in Him, we will rejoice and be glad in His salvation! Book of the prophet Isaiah (25:8-9)

Paska (Greek πάσχα, Latin Pascha, Hebrew פסח pesach “passing by”); in Christianity also the Resurrection of Christ in memory of the exodus of the Jews from Egypt and from Egyptian slavery, when the Angel, striking the Egyptian firstborn, passed by at the sight of the blood of the Pascal Lamb on the doors of Jewish homes.

In memory of these events, on Passover, in Jerusalem, the ritual slaughter of a one-year-old male lamb, without blemish, was prescribed, which should be baked on fire and eaten completely, without breaking the bones, with unleavened bread (matzo) and bitter herbs in the family circle during the Paschal night. After the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem, ritual slaughter became impossible, so Jews eat only unleavened bread on Passover. Jewish paska

The ancient Church called Easter two weeks: the one preceding the day of the Resurrection of Christ and the one following it: Easter of the Cross, or Easter of Suffering, and Easter of the Resurrection, or Easter of the Resurrection. After Council of Nicaea(325) new names of Holy and Holy Week are introduced, and the day of the Resurrection itself is called Easter.

Holy Thursday Holy Thursday Christ establishes the Sacrament of the Eucharist in the Zion Upper Room in Jerusalem. At the Last Supper, the Old Testament Passover of lamb, wine and unleavened bread is mystically associated with the New Testament Christ, His Body and Blood. *Degtyareva E A Verkhoturye 2010

Good Friday According to tradition, before Easter, Pontius Pilate wanted to release one prisoner, in the hope that the people would ask for Jesus. However, the people demand the release of Barabbas. John emphasizes that the crucifixion occurs on the day of Easter, since the slaughter of the Pascal sacrificial lamb on the Old Testament Passover is a prototype of the New Testament Passover, the slaughter of Christ as the Lamb of God for the sins of the world. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus, having asked Pilate to bury the body of Jesus, they put it in a nearby tomb in a cave before the Sabbath rest. Mary Magdalene and the “other Mary” are present at the burial. Good Friday *Degtyareva E A Verkhoturye 2010

On Holy Saturday, the high priests, remembering that Christ spoke about his resurrection on the third day, despite the current holiday and Saturday, turn to Pilate to set a guard for three days so that the disciples do not steal the body, thereby depicting the resurrection of the teacher from the dead. Holy Saturday

The Resurrection of Christ (the first day after Saturday) after the Saturday rest, the Myrrh-Bearing Women go to the tomb. In front of them, an Angel descends to the tomb and rolls away the stone, an earthquake occurs, and the guards are thrown into fear. The angel tells the wives that Christ has risen and will precede them to Galilee.

Pascal traditions Almost all pascal traditions arose in worship. Even the scope of Pascal folk festivities is associated with breaking the fast after Lent. The symbols of Easter become everything that expresses Renewal, Light, Life: Pascal streams, Pascal fire, Pascal cakes, eggs and hares. eggs

Pascal greeting Starting from the Pascal night and the next forty days, it is customary to christen, that is, greet each other with the words: “Christ is risen!” “Truly he is risen!”, while kissing three times. This custom comes from apostolic times: “Greet one another with a holy kiss” (Rom. 16:16), also (1 Pet. 5:14, 1 Cor. 16:20). "Christ is Risen" on different languages Mira Russian: Christ is Risen! English: Christ is Risen! Ukrainian: Christ is Risen! German: Christus ist auferstanden! French: Le Christ est ressuscité! Italian: Cristo è risorto! Greek: Χριστος Aνεστη! Serbian: Christ is Risen! Arabic: Al-Masih-Qam! Japanese: Korean: Kristo Gesso!

Pascal fire Pascal fire plays an important role in worship, as well as in folk festivities. It symbolizes the Light of God, enlightening all nations after Christ's Resurrection. In Greece, as well as in large cities of Russia in Orthodox churches Before the Pascal service begins, believers wait Holy Fire from the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Believers light their candles from it. After the service, many take the lamp with the fire home, where they try to keep it going throughout the year.

Pascal meal During Holy Saturday and after the Pascal service in churches, Easter cakes are blessed, During Holy Saturday and after the Pascal service in churches, Easter cakes are blessed, During Holy Saturday and after the Pascal service in churches, Easter cakes, curd Easters are blessed. During Holy Saturday and after the Pascal service in churches, Easter cakes are blessed, Easter cottage cheese, eggs During Holy Saturday and after the Pascal service in churches, Easter cakes, Easter cottage cheese, eggs and everything that is prepared for the festive table for breaking the fast after Lent are blessed. Believers give pascal eggs to each other as a symbol of the miraculous birth of the Resurrection of Christ. Easter cakes, Easter eggs Easter eggs Although eggs are painted in different colors, traditional is red as the color of life and victory.

In the Orthodox tradition, artos, leavened bread of special consecration, is blessed on Easter. Now artos is distributed to believers to keep at home for a year; it is customary to eat it on an empty stomach in case of illness. On cottage cheese Easter they put stamps with the letters “ХВ” and a lamb. The symbol of Easter is a lamb, in the shape of which a pie is usually baked in Russia. In the southern countries of Bulgaria, Italy, and the Balkans, a lamb is always slaughtered for Easter, or at least “cheverme” (Bulgarian for “thigh”) or “shish” (Bulgarian for “shish kebab” of lamb) is fried. Bulgaria

Pascal Ringing In Russia, after the silence of the bells during Holy Days, the bell ringing is especially solemnly ringed on Easter itself. Throughout Bright Week, anyone can climb the bell tower and ring in honor of the Resurrection of Christ. In Belgium, children are told that the bells are silent until Easter because they have gone to Rome and will return with a rabbit and eggs. The soundtrack of the holiday also has an evangelical meaning.

Folk customs On Easter evening, folk festivities begin right in the churchyard. In Russia, folk festivals with round dances, games, and swings continued in different areas from one day to two or three weeks and were called Krasnaya Gorka. In Bulgaria there are hundreds of large and small decorated clay pots made before the holiday. good wishes thrown from the upper floors to commemorate the pascal victory over evil. Any passerby can take a shard from a broken pot for good luck

In Russia, people “show Christ” with Pascal eggs by breaking different ends in order, just as people kiss Christ three times on the cheeks. Pascal painted egg in Russian culture meant new life, revival. Pascal eggs in Russia were rolled on the ground to make it fertile. Pascal games for children. Pascal games for children.

In some countries in Europe and North America, there is a custom of hiding pascal eggs on Easter morning. When children wake up, they immediately rush to search the entire house. Since the eggs come from nowhere, the kids eventually discover a Pascal rabbit’s “nest” with many colorful eggs. Europe

The tradition of the Pascal Hare or Pascal Rabbit comes from a Northern European legend. The legend says: “Long ago, in a small village, mothers did not have money to buy their children gifts for Easter. They painted eggs with many beautiful pictures and hid them in the forest near the village. When the children went to play in the forest on Easter Sunday, they saw the eggs, but they did not knew where these eggs came from. Suddenly a hare jumped out from behind a pile of eggs and the children began to shout: “These are hare eggs!” The Easter hare as a symbol of fertility and wealth has become a symbol of Easter in Germany since the 16th century and has since spread throughout the world. They make toys and sweets in the form of bunnies, as well as souvenirs, which sometimes make up entire families or different professions.

In most European countries Holy Week and the week after Easter are school and student holidays. Many European countries, as well as Australia, celebrate Easter and Easter Monday as public holidays. In Australia, Great Britain In most European countries, Holy Week and the week after Easter are school and student holidays. Many European countries, as well as Australia, celebrate Easter and Easter Monday as public holidays. In Australia, the UK, Germany, Canada, Latvia, Portugal, Croatia and most Latin American countries, Good Friday is also a public holiday. The entire Pascal Triduum is a public holiday in Spain. Great Britain Germany, Celebration of Easter in various countries

Long before Easter, Easter fairs open in the main squares of European cities, where you can buy handmade things. Bridges and fountains are decorated with greenery and colorful eggs, symbolizing the Pascal streams. In many courtyards you can see bushes and trees decorated with eggs and various characters. In France, on Monday, wives can beat their husbands, and they can hit them back on Tuesday. Alexander Alexandrovich Blok Boys and girls Candles and willows They carried it home. The lights are glowing, Passers-by are crossing themselves, and it smells like spring. A distant breeze, a little rain, a little rain, Don’t blow out the fire! On Palm Sunday Tomorrow I will be the first to rise for the holy day.

Crossword D P I L A T M A R I A I S U S C H R I S T O S A N G E L Who passed judgment on Jesus? Mother of Jesus Christ Name born of the Virgin Mary... risen! Truly risen! Who informed the shepherds about the birth of Christ?

Materials used: Russian Paska. Choir of the Holy Trinity Lavra Northern Athos. Choir of the Valaam Monastery Ensemble Valaam Choir VPDU (Verkhotursk Orthodox Theological School) Video recording in the Church of the Three Saints in Yekaterinburg www. www. paskha.gatch www. paskha.gatch

Lesson summary. EASTER OF CHRIST (history of the holiday)
A story for children of senior preschool age.

Target: Introducing children to Christian holiday Happy Easter,
talk about the customs and rituals associated with the holiday.
To develop the spiritual and moral potential of students.
Create motivation for the holiday through familiarity with its history, traditions, and customs.

Tasks: Introduce children to Orthodox holiday"Feast of Easter", with its history. Talk about the customs and rituals associated with the holiday. Arouse children's interest in folk culture. Foster patriotic feelings for Orthodox traditions Russian people, to folk art
Progress of the lesson:
The history of Easter is a journey through millennia. Leafing through its pages, you can discover something new for yourself every time, because the history of the origin of Easter is an interweaving of traditions, beliefs and customs.
Let's go on such a journey! Do you agree?
Easter is the holiday of the Holy Resurrection of Christ. We joyfully celebrate Easter and sing: “Christ is risen!” We all unanimously answer: “He is truly risen!” Years pass in succession Under the azure skies. And the peoples everywhere sing: “He is truly risen!” There is joy and hugs everywhere: “Brother, sister, Christ is risen! Hell is destroyed, there is no damnation: He is truly risen! (V. Kuzmenkov)
Jesus Christ was sent by God to earth for our salvation from sins (bad deeds)
He was kind, fair, never condemned anyone and fought against evil.

The kings were afraid that Jesus Christ would himself become the ruler of the whole world. And they executed Him - crucified Him on the cross.

Jesus Christ was executed on Friday. At this time, the earth shook and stones fell from the cliffs and mountains. For people it was the saddest and most mournful day. Today this day is called GOOD FRIDAY.
After the execution, Christ's disciples removed his body from the cross and placed it in a cave and closed the entrance to it with a huge stone.
On Sunday, the women came to the cave and saw that the entrance to it was open. The women were very surprised that such a huge and heavy stone was moved away.

The angel reported the good news about the miraculous resurrection of Christ. Christ has risen, which means he has become immortal.
One of the women, Mary Magdalene, decided to inform the Roman emperor about the resurrection of Christ. She gave the emperor an egg, which symbolized a miracle. But the emperor said to Mary: “This egg would sooner turn red than I would believe that Jesus has risen.”
The egg immediately turned red... Since then, the tradition of painting eggs for Easter has appeared.

Have a bright holiday Resurrection of Christ their traditions, customs, symbols and ancient rituals associated with them.
The Easter fire, the spring water of the stream, a wreath, eggs, Easter cakes - all these are symbols of the Great Day and have roots in the distant past.
Fire protected our ancestors from predatory animals and evil spirits, people lit fires to drive away winter and welcome spring faster. The Easter fire embodied the power of the hearth.

The Easter wreath is the personification of eternal life.

The egg symbolized the small miracle of birth. There are many customs with eggs. Our ancestors wrote prayers on them, magic spells and signs. Deep meaning is embedded in simple patterns. For example, a circle symbolizes the bright sun, and wavy lines symbolize oceans and seas.

On the holiday, egg fights at the Easter meal, or “clinking” eggs, as people say, are popular. This is a simple and fun game: someone holds an egg with the nose up, and the “opponent” hits it with the nose of another egg. The one whose shell is not cracked has won and continues to “clink glasses” with the other person.

The holiday lasted throughout Bright Week, the table remained set, people were invited to the table and treated, especially to those who could not or did not have such an opportunity.
Easter is the main holiday of the Christian calendar. It is not for nothing that it is called “the holiday of the holidays and the celebration of celebrations.”

Alla Sadovaya
Scenario for Easter Sunday school

Easter in Sunday school 2017 parish of the Temple in honor of the icon Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice".

Kaliningrad region, Nivenskoye village.

Children and guests enter the hall to the music and take their seats.

Presenter: Christ Risen! I sincerely congratulate you on Holy Easter. With all my heart I wish that joy Resurrection Christ filled the heart, and the light Divine love warmed each of you. Peacefully, calmly, confidently walk along the path destined from above, grace, good health, miracles, mercy, faith. Easter spring always comes to us and this is the only time when everything wakes up from sleep, from a small bug to human soul. Let every heart be open to goodness and good deeds. Christ Risen

(word to Father).

I invite everyone to a big round dance to celebrate spring and bright Resurrection of Christ! A round dance is being performed "Spring is red".

Children read poetry:

1. Alyosha. Only in Easter sun plays like that!

The bells bring good news.

Let everything from small to large know:

Christ resurrected! Truly resurrected!

2. Roma. Miracle! Easter has arrived,

Gave people joy.

I tell my mom, lovingly:

May the Lord protect you!

Leading: Guys, all the days in our lives are divided into weekdays and holidays. Holidays are different.

Is there holidays are special: Christian.

Spring has come and the world is full of wonders!

The great one has come again, the Light One holiday!

And they will say everything again: Christ resurrected

"Truly Risen» - everyone will answer"

Easter- the most joyful of all Christians holidays.

Holy Easter is a holiday victory of life over death, good over evil.

In our classes we talked a lot about Easter holiday, about history and traditions. And now the guys will tell these stories.

Roma: One day God sent his son to earth to teach people love and kindness. But there were also such evil people who did not want to believe their son God's Jesus and killed him by hanging him on a cross on Friday (Good Friday). Jesus might not have died, but he agreed to sacrifice himself to wash away all human sins. And in Sunday he rose again - came to life. His resurrection and celebrated on Easter.

Alyosha: Throughout Easter sounded for weeks in Rus' bell ringing. On Easter for everyone, especially children, were allowed to ring bells. Anyone could climb the bell tower and ring the bell. When many bells are struck, the ringing is special, it is called trezvon. It has long been noted that ringing bells heals the soul and restores a person’s strength.

Presenter: Let us listen to beautiful music - the ringing of bells. (listening).

It is impossible to imagine a light egg without a red egg. Feast of the Resurrection of Christ. Previously, everyone, young and old in Rus', stocked up on colored eggs and after Easter services gathered for festive table. And they also believed that if the egg was saved until the next Easter, then it will fulfill any desire. And the guys know the song about Easter Egg.

A song is being performed.

Educator: Where does the custom of making Christ with a red egg come from? Tradition says.

Arina: One of the Savior’s disciples was named Mary Magdalene. After Resurrection Christ she came to the city of Rome to Emperor Tiberius, she said to him:" Christ Risen! But the emperor did not believe her and replied that it was the same as if this white egg suddenly turned red. And then the egg turned red, and the surprised emperor exclaimed: "Truly Risen.

Presenter: Guys, the Lord loves us all, especially children, and He knows your every desire and fulfills your every dream. During our classes, we dreamed that the kindest, funniest and funniest man who lives on the roof - Carlson - would come to us. We even called him and invited him to our holiday. Do you think he will come to us? (children's answer). I also think that he is already in a hurry to our holiday. Let's see if he has already arrived? Send to the window, he’s probably already on the roof and waiting for us when we call him. (the children come to the window, look and wait for Carlson, and at this time he comes in to the music).

Presenter: Guys, look, Carlson has arrived!

Carlson. Well, what are you looking at? Let's land! You see, my strength is running out!

Presenter. So land quickly! (Carlson slows down and stops)

Carlson. Hello, girls and boys, mischief-makers and naughty girls!

Presenter. Hello hello! But, in my opinion, you got something wrong - our children are not at all mischievous or naughty. If only just a little... Come on,

Say hello to them!

Carlson. Hello, nice kids,

Cheerful, funny,

The kids are great

Very cute!

Presenter. Now you just said hello wonderfully! We have been waiting for you, our dear!

Carlson. Yes, in front of you is the biggest mischief maker and very cheerful, funny man! I live on the roof and often visit the kids. And I know that everyone has today holiday and you called me and invited me, and so I arrived! Christ Risen my dears!

All in unison: In Truth Risen!

Carlson. What gifts have you prepared for me?

Presenter: Our guys have a lot of wonderful and amazing gifts, here is one of them. We will now tell you poems.

Children read poetry:

3. Arina. Christ resurrected, all hopes have been resurrected.

And again people believe in miracles.

The sun is shining more joyfully than before

And the skies sparkle blue.

Willow fluff is a symbol of rebirth.

Life has risen. Will rise again and again!

Today, on Saint's Day Sunday

Faith and Love will rise again!

4. Alyosha. We carry the blessed Easter cake from the church.

With him we bring peace and tranquility into our home.

The aroma of the Easter cake rose to heaven.

Christ will be with us! After all, for us he resurrected!

Carlson: Wonderful poems from wonderful guys. And I have gifts and surprises for you. I'm Carlson, the funniest man with a propeller. And I have been to many interesting places all over the world where I saw how all the people rejoiced at the coming of the Great Easter holiday and congratulate each other. I have a wonderful backpack that I take on my travels, would you like to see what I have in there?

Presenter: Of course, we want Carlson! Show me what you have there?

Carlson gets it Easter egg and invites the children to play. The game is being played "Relay race". Children are divided into 2 teams and given a spoon. The child must carry the egg in a spoon to a certain place, return back and pass the spoon to another participant.

"Hot Egg".

For this game you will need Easter, chocolate or plastic egg. Sit the children in a circle and play music they like. While the melody is playing, you need to pass the egg around. When the music stops, the one with the egg leaves the circle. The game continues until the last player remains, who receives the winner's prize.

Presenter: What else do you have in your backpack?

Carlson takes out a bag of riddles. The game is being played "Solve a funny riddle".

He's big, huge,

Like a boulder

Trunk, two huge ears.

Well of course it is...


Small animal with a tail

Cheese finds, and then

He gnaws it in the hole.

Well of course it is...


All green, in the warm Nile

Swims in the bottom mud

Crocodile tears are shed

Evil toothy...

(Hippo / Crocodile)

A red animal lives in the forest

And in the village he steals chickens.

Dashingly hiding in a hole

The tailed rogue - ...


Digs holes underground

A small animal is blind,

Between the roots, where there is eternal darkness,

Black lives...


Annoyed by the color red

He hits the ground with his hoof,

Nostrils release steam.

A very scary beast...


Stores water for future use



Knows a lot about wild honey

Clubfoot brown...


Protect grain and rice,

we will send gray ones


Crows awake

Dear, kind... Piglet.


Who's chewing a pine cone on a branch?

Well, of course, it's Mishka!


Who's about to fly off the flower?

Multicolored Hippopotamus!


Who moos in the stable in the morning?

I think so Keith!


Who's cooing on the balcony?

A small two-ton Elephant!


Who sleeps in a den all winter?

Blue octopuses!


Who's purring on the bed?

The mouse that ran away from Katya.


Lacy web

Woven skillfully? Pinocchio!


Barking loudly in the yard?

Old pike in a bucket!


There's a big fight in the chicken coop!

And the instigators? Two Cancers!


Glowing in the grass in the dark,

Who's hiding? Crucian carp!


Splashing in a puddle - qua-qua!

All green! Owl!


Breaking the silence in the morning,

Singing in the grove? Mouse!


Who hangs all day long

Upside down in the dark

Does it fly at night?

Long-eared hare!


Makes nests on the rock

And it flies fast!

Who can tell? On a broomstick

Two smart ministers!


Who is called the king of beasts,

Proud, red-haired, like the sun?

Roars intimidatingly!

Who is this? Of course Keith!

(a lion)

Who is unbearably quiet

Is it crawling on a leaf? Hare!


Underground, who is digging the passage?

No other way, it's a cat!


Who said with delight - Woof!

And his tail wags!

Well, of course, Giraffe!

Everyone knows this.


Carlson: (starts to cry) Oops, I’m tired of having fun with you here. (sits on a chair). I am the most unfortunate Carlson in the world, no one loves me or feels sorry for me.

Presenter: Well, Carlson, you’re wrong, we love you very much and we’re glad that you came to us, right guys?

Carlson: Yeah, where's my Easter cake? Easter. They probably forgot that I need to eat so that I can fly and amuse all the kids.

Presenter: (pointing to the Easter cake). Not at all, and we have prepared a cake for you, just don’t get upset and don’t fly away from us.

Carlson: You are my good ones, you are my golden ones, I love you very much and appreciate your care. Do you know how to prepare Easter cake?

Presenter: Of course we do. We all helped our mothers bake Easter cakes for holiday!

Carlson: Now I’ll check what kind of bakers you are and whether you know what Easter cakes are made of. I will tell you the products you need, and you will tell me loudly "Yes", or "No".I put cinnamon in the cake,

Honey will flow there too,

Vanillin powder

and a big bag of oats,

I'll pour some cucumbers.

And here is my grandmother

I poured flour there,

The eggs will be at the top.

Easter cake needs water,

They always put rum there

And also raisins, candied fruits,

Nails, hammers, shovels,

Cottage cheese, butter, yogurt,

And also our prayer,

Salt and sugar and cement.

And the cake is ready in no time!

Carlson: Well done boys! It's fun and good with you. And I would play and dance with you for a long time. It's just time for me to fly.

Presenter: Thank you Carlson! We were very pleased to make friends with you. Guys, let's say thank you to Carlson and wish him a good trip.

Presenter: A choreographic group from Kaliningrad came to visit us with Russian dance, let's greet them with applause. (after the dance the girls will read poetry).

A song is being performed. “The birds settled in the nests”.

Upon completion tea drinking awaits everyone on the holiday.

Compiled by muses script. head Sadovaya A.N.

Easter / Matt. 27:38-66; Matt. 28:1-10

Topic: Jesus died and rose again.

Truth: Jesus died and rose again so that we could live forever.

Purpose: To show that Jesus died for our bad deeds, but God raised Him up so that we could live forever with Him. Learn to thank God for salvation.

Dogmatics: Jesus was crucified, buried and resurrected.


Option 1:

Summary: “We have shared the good news that belongs to each of us, but do you know the good news that belongs to all nations?” This news is the best news for everyone! It spread very quickly and is passed on from century to century - “Christ is risen!”

Option 2:

Would you guys like to live forever with Jesus in heaven? How to get there? The teacher shows a folded paper rocket. Can you fly to heaven on a rocket? To the moon - you can. But the moon is not the sky.

The teacher makes a cross from a rocket. What is this? Today I will tell you why the cross will help us get to heaven.

Bible story:

  1. Evil people.
  2. Jesus was crucified on the cross.
  3. Jesus asks the Heavenly Father to forgive people's sins.
  4. Women cry at the cross.
  5. Jesus died for our bad actions.
  6. Joseph placed the body in a coffin.
  7. The guard is at the tomb, the stone has been rolled away.
  8. An angel and then Jesus appear to the women.
  9. Jesus rose again so that we could live forever.

The biblical story is told using a model of Mount Golgotha ​​with 3 rising crosses (the crosses are made of cardboard, lie on the mountain, the lower edge is glued to the mountain, they are lifted by a thread tied to the upper edge), a garden with a coffin and figures of people or pictures.


Prayer of thanksgiving. Children pray in a chain, thanking God for salvation.

Golden Verse:

“We believe that Jesus died and rose again” 1 Thessalonians 4:14

Memory game: "Echo".

Who knows what an echo is? (If you shout loudly in the mountains: “Katya!” The echo will repeat for a long time: “Katya, Katya, Katya...”). The news that Jesus died and rose again swept through the world quickly, like an echo.

Children and their teacher stand in a circle, holding hands. The teacher speaks one word at a time from the golden verse, imperceptibly squeezing the child’s hand, now to his left, now to his right. The child whose hand was shaken repeats this word, then the next one, and so on until the teacher. In this way, the children echo each word from the golden verse, and then the entire golden verse.

Craft "Jesus is alive." With its help, biblical history is repeated.

Homework: poems by heart “Joy”, “Our Lord”


- paper rocket

- scissors

- supplies for crafts

– visibility to Biblical history

– poems “Joy”, “Our Lord”

– hymn: “He gave us...”


The joy of resurrection overflowed:

God gives salvation to those near and far.

The golden sun lit up the distance,

A new song is sung without sadness.


– Who was crucified as a villain,

To save people?

- Our Lord. He is for the people

Was rejected as a villain.

– Who destroyed the forces of darkness,

So that we can live in the light?

– Christ who conquered death.

He brought us happiness!

- Who will return to the world again,

To take those saved into heaven?

– Our Glorified Christ

The faithful will be delighted with tears.

Gave us

The children's choir sings about Jesus Christ,

We proclaim to everyone that the Lord has risen.
