The meaning of the name according to the zodiac signs. Human names dedicated to the zodiacs. Aquarius female names

All people eventually face the question of choosing a name for a newborn, and this is one hundred percent fact. They use different methods, the study of family history, a naming scheme based on the elements and the eastern horoscope, foreign name books and even the Saints, but the zodiacal one, discussed here, cannot be excluded...

Zodiac signs and human names

Ancient astrologers discovered an interesting connection - it suggested that the child’s fate depended on the zodiac affiliation and the significance of the chosen name. As a result of this discovery, they began to choose names for boys and girls, relying solely on attachment to star symbols.

Until modern times, methods for determining membership. Of course, they were lost, but lists of names corresponding to certain stars remained. As a result, there are so-called names of the zodiacs, which, by the way, can be found here. But that’s not about that now...

Modern scientists and researchers of name books are also inclined to believe that the connection of name forms with star symbolism is undeniable and plays a vital role in building not only the future of the named person, but also character, appearance, luck, success and personal happiness. Therefore, we recommend that you do not exclude this factor in the process of selecting a name.

Is there really a connection between destiny, name, and zodiac sign?

The answer is clear and undeniable - there is certainly a connection between the future of the individual, the zodiac that protects him and the name, and it was described even by ancient astrologers.

In those days, it was fashionable among people of high social strata to check this connection before naming the child. It was believed that in this way they endowed him with characteristics important for success, including power, wealth, respect and honor.

Now this theory is also adhered to famous specialists, but, unfortunately, they could not advance further in the study or develop a methodology. But there is a whole list of name books by zodiac and month, with the help of which you can select the name corresponding to your birth.

Male names by zodiac affiliation

All individual months have certain name forms for men. Among them are beautiful names of modern origin, and old ones, derived from ancient European or Hebrew words, but there is one simple fact - they all promise different qualities, varying depending on the zodiacal influence, elemental, planetary, and seasonal.

An interesting point is that each male and female name also has additional symbolism attached to it, giving the person additional properties. These are talisman stones, animals, eastern astrological symbols, and numbers.

When choosing a name for a man, be sure to focus on all of the above “sacraments” in order to predict as accurately as possible the possession of certain traits.

Female “star” name book

Female names signs of the zodiac depend no less on the influence of various symbols, and also relate to individual periods of the twelve-month cycle. But in the case of women, everything is simpler, because the reference point and the impact itself mainly affects the ability to lead, rule, or show femininity.

Well, ancient researchers even claimed that the combination of signs and names has a particularly strong influence on the appearance of ladies, although modern astrologers do not risk vouching for this statement with one hundred percent confidence.


As you can see, the zodiac affiliation of a name plays a very important role in human life, and therefore, do not ignore this factor under any circumstances and be sure to use it so that your child will definitely achieve everything that you wish for him.

A name, like any word in a language, is a certain image based both on its meaning and on its sound. If the sound of a name resonates with the internal (astrological) nature of a person, it contributes to the maximum disclosure of his potential. A name that does not have such resonance, on the contrary, dims the brightness of the personality. And then it happens that a person is dissatisfied with his name, because the impulse that guides him from within does not correspond to the one he receives from those around him who address him by name.

Until 1917, there was a tradition of giving a name based on church calendar. Now the Saints help little in choosing a name, since the names given there have mostly fallen out of use. In addition, the choice of names in the calendar is quite limited, especially for women, of which there are significantly fewer men.

This system cannot be called universal for other reasons. We inherited the system of naming people according to the holidays of Christian saints and saints from the ancient traditions of naming children according to holidays pagan gods. And we can say that initially the name of each saint was not accidentally associated with the day to which it corresponded: the holiday, which marked a certain life event, recorded the rhythms of one of the points of the annual cycle, reflecting the patterns of the cosmic natural cycle. But later, due to changes in the calendar and style, errors and repeated alterations of the Saints, as well as the rather formal introduction of the names of high-ranking church officials into the Saints during the period of late Christianity, the purity and spontaneity of this connection was violated. This is evidenced, for example, by the high repetition of names in different days of the year. For example, the name Ivan appears up to 100 times in the Saints. On the other hand, the Saints do not touch upon a large layer of Slavic names from the pre-Christian period that have been resurrected in our days, not to mention those borrowed from Lately eastern and western, as well as newly created names.

How to find a name that matches a person, the only correct name for a child, reflecting his future character, or a bright nickname for an adult? How can you take a new approach to revealing the image of a name and its inner meaning? Astrology, which has developed over the centuries a rich system of images of the world, can help with this. Astrology is the science of analogies, exploring the universal relationships present in the world around us. Astrology, describing the signs of the Zodiac as 12 universal psychotypes of people, presents a classification that reflects the laws of the natural process. Representing a holistic system of images, it allows you to combine names into a system and makes it possible to understand the real connection between a person and his name.

It is impossible to deny the imprint that a name leaves on a person, but it is also impossible to absolutize the name. A name is just outer clothing, which, as you know, may or may not suit a person. The name does not determine the fate of a person, and his astrological predestination - his abilities and life tasks - do not depend on the name. They only hide behind it if the name does not suit, and appear more clearly if the name is in tune with the rhythms of fate.

We present a summary table of names by zodiac sign, where names are distributed within each sign according to the second dominant of the horoscope (the most important planet). The table will help you choose a name for a newborn according to personal horoscope, change your name or find a pseudonym. For this, in addition to the zodiac sign you know, when analyzing the horoscope there is strongest planet or the planet corresponding to the second most powerful sign of the Zodiac. Based on this planet, the required line in the table of names of its sign is determined - although the entire list of names for a given zodiac sign will to some extent correspond to the person born under this constellation.

The lines are composed according to the principle of a single sound line, and if the found column does not contain a name that you like, try to feel the consonance common to the names of this column. It will reflect your character or the character of your child.

An accurate choice of name will make it possible to correctly capture the individual qualities of a person in sound vibration, and thereby contribute to their greatest disclosure and realization.

Aug 22

The meaning of a name for a person is difficult to overestimate. A successful choice largely determines in life.

In ancient Slavic culture, it was customary to give a person not one, but several names. At the same time, the present was carefully hidden until a certain age. It was believed that this would help protect the baby from unwanted influences.

Nowadays, the tradition of changing the name has been preserved, for example, upon initiation into new faith, clergy, etc. A new name means a new stage in life. An adult is able to make his choice consciously.Choosing a name for a childlies entirely with parental responsibility. The baby will simply accept what you give it.

That's why it's so importantchoose the right name for your baby.

The child's name must matchits psychophysical characteristics, fit into the sociocultural context, and be in tune with family values ​​and traditions.

What are they usually guided by when choosing a name for a child:

1.Church calendar

2.Names of relatives

3.Names of close friends, favorite heroes, musicians, politicians

4.Astrological and other techniques

However, the most interesting and exciting way to choose a name is asteroids.It is them that will be discussed further. Asteroids receive undeservedly little attention. Although many of them have an obvious influence on our characters and destinies.

What are asteroids?

These are small bodies of the Solar System that formed in its inner region. Translated from Greek, asteroid means “star-like.”

Asteroids are extremely numerous. In our solar system there are more than a million of them. Moreover, more than 17,000 have official names.

The main asteroid belt is located between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. This arrangement gave rise to the hypothesis that the planet Phaeton died in this place. The period of revolution around the Sun for most asteroids is from 3.5 to 6 years.

Ceres, Pallas, Vesta and Hygiea are the largest objects. They are well studied and used by some astrologers. The rest of the asteroids elude our immediate attention.

How to choose a name for a child?

Many asteroids are named after people. Since there are quite a lot of such objects in the sky, the possible choice of names is large. We will be primarily interested in asteroids:

  • Conjunct natal Sun or Moon.
  • In conjunction with the Ascendant, the planets of the 1st house, the ruler of the 1st house;
  • Having other major aspects with the indicated points.

Selection example

Let's say you need to choose a name for a child born on August 20, 2016 at 17:36, St. Petersburg.

The Natal Sun is located at the 28th degree of Leo, the Moon at the 28th degree of Pisces, the Ascendant at the 22nd Sagittarius, and the ruler of the Ascendant Jupiter at the 26th degree of Virgo.

We need to look at which asteroids were located at the indicated degrees at the time of birth. Many astrology programs provide this opportunity. As a rule, to do this you need to go to a special catalog and select the necessary objects.

Display on natal chart all asteroids are impossible, because for each selected degree of the Zodiac there will be several of them. Indeed, let's see what we got. We will try to choose only those names that are obviously associated with the names of people.

We see that already by the Sun we can make a preliminary choice: Inna, Ada. According to the almuten of the first house, Nadya is read, and according to the Ascendant, Sophia.

It is interesting to select names based on associative connections. In the “Ascendant” column there is the name of the asteroid - Simonov. Let's ask who this is.

We ask Yandex and find out that this is the same writer and poet Konstantin Simonov. Remember “Wait for me and I’ll come back...”? Therefore, we consider the name Konstantin.

You can also start from the parents' map. For example, look at which asteroids the cusp and ruler of the fifth house of the child’s mother interact with.

The orbs should be small, up to one and a half degrees. Consider only major aspects, giving preference to the connection.

Playing asteroids can be extremely educational and fun. Try looking for matches between your first house elements and asteroids. Coincidences are sometimes simply amazing.

For example, in my natal chart, the asteroid with my child's name makes an exact trine to the cusp of my fifth house. It would be too bold to talk about rectification using asteroids. However, it is possible to use asteroids as evidence of the map's accuracy.


I wish you new discoveries in your own natal chart and the charts of your loved ones!

Well, if you are interested in learning astrology and want to plunge into an atmosphere of mystery, find like-minded people, become confident in the future and simply get a new fashionable profession in which you can make good money, we are waiting for you at the open webinar “” daily at 12.15. and 19.15 Moscow time.

The name, like the birth horoscope, is a kind of magical code for each person. It is no coincidence that young parents painstakingly choose what to name their baby - the character and even the fate of a person largely depends on this!

How to determine name compatibility?

Name and destiny

Name, horoscope

It is impossible to overestimate the role of a name in a person’s fate. Even ancient people came to the understanding that changing a name would immediately entail significant changes in life.

Today, an increasing number of people are using this opportunity: among them are both public figures who choose a suitable pseudonym for themselves, and simple people for whom a name change gives comfort and self-confidence.

This rule also applies to a person’s last name, so marriage is often a turning point for a woman. life stage, followed by a dramatic change in fate.

According to astrology, in order to decipher a name, it is necessary to use information about the connection of each letter of the alphabet with one of the nine planets.

This relationship is determined based on numerical in nature each letter.

The name leaves its imprint on the fate of each person thanks to the planets that “rule” them. How exactly is determined by identifying the connections between the letters of the name and the planets of the horoscope, with a parallel analysis of their position, strength and aspects.

As a result, a conclusion is given for each planet: how beneficial it is, how harmful it is; how it affects a person and his areas of life.

For example, when the planets of a name are in an unfavorable position in the horoscope, this is a direct sign that the name will not bring success and recognition to a person, but will cause difficulties and troubles.

An unsuccessfully chosen name may well weaken the positive characteristics of the zodiac sign to which you belong, and with them your natural capabilities.

In such cases, it is recommended to find a more suitable name option (for example, a short version) and change the old one to it. And vice versa, when the name and zodiac sign enter into a positive resonance, then things can go very successfully for you.

Noble Aries

Find out compatibility!

Name, horoscope

Formula compatibility of signs zodiac and names looks like this:

Harmonious combinations:

1) Aries, Leo, Sagittarius;
2) Cancer, Taurus, Libra, Capricorn, Pisces;
3) Aquarius, Leo, Virgo, Gemini;
4) Aquarius, Cancer and Virgo;
5) Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.

Inharmonious combinations:

1) Leo and Cancer;
2) Aries and Taurus;
3) Sagittarius and Capricorn; 4) Virgo and Sagittarius;
5) Gemini and Capricorn.

Suppose you were born under the sign of Aries, and your parents gave you a name belonging to the sign of Sagittarius - you are lucky!

This is a harmonious combination, your name is in complete harmony with the planetary energies of the horoscope and the best features of your zodiac sign are enhanced.

If you choose the right name, you will find yourself in a field of sound vibrations that are beneficial for your body.

If your zodiac sign is Gemini, and your native name is under the influence of Capricorn - alas, this is an absolutely unsuccessful combination.

You will often feel that your name does not suit you at all, you will experience an acute reluctance to respond to it, and perhaps for this reason you will want to change your name.

In some cases, an inappropriate name can even have an adverse effect on one's destiny.

To determine if your name is right for you: first, you need to check which zodiac sign it belongs to; secondly, look again at the formula for the compatibility of signs and names.

Don't be surprised if you find that your name is mentioned in more than just one zodiac sign - this means that it is plastic in nature and influenced by several planetary energies.

This is a big plus for you, because it expands the possibilities for getting into a harmonious formula.

Compatibility between people, taking into account the influence of names, can also be determined based on an analysis of the relationships of the zodiac signs that are reflected in your names.

For example, if you are the owner of the Cancer sign name, and your partner is the owner of the Pisces sign name, this is an excellent combination.

Using the information provided here, you can independently determine the compatibility of your name with the name of another person.

You also have the opportunity to get acquainted with information on the topic of what characteristics in love and relationships the names give you and your partner.

It is important to remember that the compatibility or incompatibility of names is not the key to a successful or unsuccessful relationship; it is only one of many factors that determine the prospects of your relationship.

Practical Taurus

Name, horoscope

Aries male names

Andrey, Alexander, Abel, Adam, Anzhey, Aron, Arthur, Alexey, Arseny, Artem, Avdey, Azary, Ariy, Arkady, Bogdan, Boris, Valery, Vladimir, Gabriel, Gury, German, Egor, Gorislav, Radiy, Radoslav, Rodion, Rostislav, Ruslan, Svyatoslav, Yuri, Stepan, Yaroslav.

For women, men whose names are ruled by Aries are desirable candidates for husbands.

They stand out due to their radiant appearance, noble manners and impeccable behavior. They know how to please a woman and have the gift of communicating with people.

However, their main drawback is the high demands they place on their partner.

Next to them, such men want to see a beautiful, well-groomed woman who is endowed with the best qualities of character, masterfully manages the kitchen, and is also capable of driving him crazy in bed.

If you want to impress a man with name Aries, you will need to be extremely polite but decisive, maintain a soft tone, but be extremely honest.

Keep in mind that such men are very vulnerable and sensitive, so an accidentally spoken offensive word can turn them away from you forever.

Therefore, show courtesy, respect and trust when communicating with him.

A man named Aries will demand mental strength from you, which will be invested in the development of his business. In addition, his partner must be in harmony with him both physically and spiritually.

On the other hand, the names of Aries give a man openness and straightforwardness with simultaneous caring and unwavering principles of fidelity.

The inexhaustible energy supply of such men makes them restless and competitive. They will always strive to show in any situation that they are the best, the first, the invincible, proving their primacy and superiority.

However, one must also take into account that such people have innate egoism. If a man’s partner with the name Aries can remain desirable, mysterious and beloved for him, then such a union can last a lifetime.

Aries female names

Agata, Agnia, Aina, Alexandra, Alla, Asta, Arina, Anisya, Alisa, Alena, Adele, Aza, Aida, Asteria, Angela, Anastasia, Aprilia, Valeria, Varvara, Vassa, Vasilisa, Borislava, Galina, Gertrude, Ekaterina, Zlata, Daria, Zhanna, Larisa, Rada, Raisa, Larisa, Lydia, Nadezhda, Ruslana, Elvira, Eliza, Yaroslava.

Women with the names Aries are the most self-sufficient and independent, they have a sense of self-worth.

Their emotional excitability is due to the fact that they tend to listen to their inner self more than to the voice of reason.

Women named Aries are deeply romantic and sensitive natures who cannot live without love and experiences.

They are quite stubborn and willful, and therefore cannot tolerate comments and objections. With such women, you will never know what boredom is, but you will experience feelings of jealousy in relation to them more than once.

Women with the name Aries are quite difficult to win, since their ideal chosen one should be distinguished by special energy: with elements of strength, masculinity and even aggression.

They need partners who can surpass them in spiritual and physical power. However, they will not tolerate it if their partner suppresses their feelings.

If a man decides to have a relationship with a woman named Aries, then he must take into account that over time he will either have to submit to her influence or completely sever all ties.

Sociable Geminis

Name, horoscope

Taurus male names

Adam, Alexander, Anatoly, Anisim, Anton, Artyom, Arthur, Bogdan, Boris, Vadim, Vasily, Veniamin, Victor, Vsevolod, Gury, Gleb, Daniil, Darius, Demyan, Denis, Egor, Emelyan, Ilya, Lyubomir, Matvey, May, Maxim, Mark, Nikita, Ostap, Pavel, Peter Fedor.

Men named Taurus love life and try to take all the delights from it. They have a large energy reserve, which, with the wrong lifestyle, can, however, be used up quite quickly.

They give preference to the pleasures that can be obtained from material things, believing that earthly joys require financial support.

In their lives, they give a significant place to money, preferring to save more than to spend, and therefore they always try to be in those life circles where there is the smell of banknotes.

Men named Taurus are wonderful partners who place loyalty and devotion above all else in relationships. In addition, these are ideal fathers for children.

Such a man has magnetic sexuality, and also has a penchant for romanticism and beautiful actions that are distinguished by sincerity. They are looking for a reliable friend who will be close to them in spirit.

The other half of a man named Taurus will have to come to terms with his innate stubbornness, pride and self-will.

They cannot stand lies and betrayal: otherwise they will take revenge on you for your actions.

For their part, they will give their partner an oath eternal love and they will sacredly protect her, which they will demand from her.

For such men, trust is the fundamental basis of a strong relationship, so if it is lost, it will be impossible to keep Taurus.

Taurus female names

Angela, Antonina, Bella, Bronislava, Vasilina, Vera, Veronica, Victoria, Galina, Daria, Diana, Inna, Irina, Zoya, Eva, Ekaterina, Karina, Magdalena, Maya, Maria, Marianna, Marina, Nadezhda, Natalya, Oksana, Polina, Tamara, Tatyana, Ulyana, Eleanor.

Women named Taurus are wonderful housewives and housewives, with a highly developed sense of maternal love and care.

They are distinguished by a realistic outlook on life and a practical approach to resolving any issues. They are characterized by extraordinary femininity, softness and tenderness.

In the first place for women named Taurus is family and children. In life, they always show caring and loyalty, which gives them the right to consider them excellent partners.

In relationships, they seek stability and strength, preferring to create and cherish.

Women with the name Taurus are possessive by nature, and it doesn’t matter so much whether we are talking about a partner or about their things: they will fight with all their might to defend and try to return what belongs to them.

However, we must give them their due, because when protecting their world of feelings, they exert no less tenacity.

It is very important for them to feel beautiful until old age, so these women carefully cherish their youth, trying to prolong it.

Men who have made their choice in favor of women with the name Taurus need to remember that the chosen one will be able to forgive you and your actions, but will never forget them. It is not so easy to win the heart of this beautiful person, but your efforts will return a hundredfold.

Sensual Cancers


Name, horoscope

Gemini male names

Arkady, Anatoly, Valery, Gennady, German, Gleb, Georgy, Daniil, Evgeny, Igor, Konstantin, Makar, Nikita, Nikolay, Rolan, Savely, Stanislav, Sergey, Thomas, Felix, Edgar, Ernest, Eduard, Yuri.

Men named Gemini often change their fundamental views on life under the influence of meeting new people and learning about other cultures and peoples.

Several ideas are always being worked through in their heads, plans are being made and prospects for the future are being considered.

They are unsurpassed speakers, showing a master class in debate, conversation and defending their opinion.

Throughout their lives they are in search, comparison and testing, easily parting with what does not suit them.

These men remain forever young, this also applies to issues in the personal sphere of life. Their problem area is the nervous system, which is especially susceptible to overstrain and fatigue.

For them, mood plays an important role, which leaves an imprint on all their affairs. Such men prefer variety in everything.

A woman who makes her choice in favor of a man with the name Gemini must remember that he has a tendency to deny family ties, power and social order. It is difficult to get them emotional; they like a certain coolness and closedness in this regard.

Gemini female names

Alisa, Anastasia, Alina, Albina, Angelina, Angelica, Valeria, Veronica, Gloria, Dina, Evgenia, Evdokia, Elena, Elizabeth, Ekaterina, Inga, Karina, Claudia, Clara, Christina, Ksenia, Liana, Lika, Lucien, Margarita, Nadezhda, Nelly, Oksana, Evelina, Edita, Ella, Elina.

They are endowed with excellent oratory skills, and therefore are interesting interlocutors.

Women named Gemini are sociable, making it easy to get along with everyone. mutual language. Their cheerful disposition and wit make them the life of the party.

Women named Gemini are known to be amorous from a young age, and also have the habit of “collecting” admirers. Men find it difficult to win them over.

Such women spend their entire lives in search of their prince. They are excellent housewives and caring wives, and cope well with both the functions of a friend and a mistress.

However, this state of affairs can only occur as long as the woman is interested and passionate about her partner.

Men who have had relationships with women named Gemini note that they changed their lives, filling it new energy and emotions.

Demanding Leos

Name, horoscope

Cancer male names

Andrey, Arseny, Valentin, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Ilya, Leonty, Maxim, Melenty, Moses, Robert, Peter, Fidel, Felix, Julius, Janis.

Men endowed with the name Cancer are very sensual, emotional and decent individuals.

They are endowed with a subtle soul, full of trepidation and patience. Their mood can often change, in addition, their actions and words are often contradictory.

Men named Cancer try in every possible way to avoid quarrels and conflicts, while they have to keep their opinions to themselves.

These individuals value their freedom and independence, so in serious life issues they rely only on their intuition.

Men whose names are ruled by the zodiac sign Cancer are reserved in love and do not openly show their feelings.

Their real life– this is home peace and comfort. These men are devoted and reliable partners, despite their isolation and mistrust.

A man named Cancer cannot remain alone in life. He simply needs comfort and help in difficult times. It is important to remember this for the woman who decided to choose him as her life partner.

Cancer female names

Anita, Juliet, Elena, Ivetta, Leah, Lolita, Lucien, Lilia, Melania, Milena, Olesya, Simona, Selena, Ulita, Florita, Yuventa, Julia, Yana.

Such women captivate with their noble heart, kind disposition, richness of soul and depth of feelings. They have a special mindset.

Women whose name is ruled by Cancer have a sensitive romantic character, are unusually feminine and very gentle. Sometimes it seems that they live in another world, which is so far from reality.

In marriage they are distinguished by fidelity and devotion. They get married early. Having a weak, soft character, such women look for a husband among strong men to feel him as an assistant and protector in the family.

Men who have chosen a woman named Cancer as their life partner should not forget that their beloved experiences true happiness only at home, among her children. These women can surprise with self-sacrifice and unexpected hysteria.

Reliable Virgos

Name, horoscope

Leo male names

Alexander, Alexey, Albert, Anatoly, Andrian, Anton, Apollo, Arkady, Artyom, Arthur, German, David, Dobrynya, Daniil, Ilya, Kirill, Leon, Leo, Mark, Nazar, Nikolay, Peter, Raphael, Rodion, Ruslan, Roland, Roman, Robert, Rostislav, Spartak, Samson, Solomon, Theodor, Edward, Edgar, Eldar, Julian, Yaroslav.

Men with the name Leo certainly love to be better than others, to surpass everyone, in connection with this they strive to have an award, rank, title (and no matter in what area).

They set high goals for themselves, make exorbitant plans, but to implement them they make any sacrifices, they are ready to sacrifice their conscience.

Men whose name is ruled by Leo are demanding of everyone and everything in life: their personality, the people around them, the world in general.

Such individuals try to do what they do even better, even more. They are picky and very intelligent.

Men whose names are ruled by Leo show openness of soul and unlimited generosity, which attracts many different people to them.

In their personal lives, they are able to show real feelings: deep, thorough and strong. His wife will find no reason to be dissatisfied.

A woman who has chosen a life partner with the name Leo should know that he requires unconditional recognition of his authority, constant attention to his person, otherwise a noisy scandal may follow, and the result of a quarrel may be a break in family relationships.

Leo female names

Augusta, Aurora, Agnia, Alla, Alexandra, Alena, Alina, Angela, Antonina, Ariadna, Arina, Aphrodite, Aelita, Bella, Veronica, Vlada, Dana, Darina, Diana, Daria, Zhanna, Zarina, Ilona, ​​Ilona, ​​Kira, Kapitolina, Clara, Christina, Lada, Laura, Lydia, Nadezhda, Natalya, Rosa, Susanna, Ulyana, Edita, Emma, ​​Elina, Elvira, Elmira, Eleanor, Ella, Yulia Juno, Yuliana, Yana, Yaroslava.

IN family life she is a good, ideal wife, a wonderful housewife, a caring, loving mother.

Women whose name is ruled by the sign of Leo are distinguished by their open nature, decency, and cheerfulness. Ready to help others and give them warmth, such women do not expect anything in return.

Most likely, they will sacrifice something dear, themselves, just to make others happy. They love high society.

Women named Leo can flirt and flirt, preferring male company, but they will confidently and decisively part with unwanted suitors.

They behave generously and are very demanding with those they love. Self-confidence, inner pride, a very developed sense of self-esteem and the desire to be visible help them gain reputation and unique prestige in society.

Men who have chosen a woman named Leo as their life partner need to remember that for the happiness, peace, well-being of their loved ones, their relatives, they will bravely and courageously fight under any circumstances. Their true first love will remain in their heart forever.

Courteous Libra

Name, horoscope

Virgo male names

Boris, Valentin, Victor, Vladislav, Vsevolod, Gennady, Gleb, Gregory, Demyan, Denis, Dmitry, Evdokim, Elisha, Ignat, Joseph, Klim, Clement, Konstantin, Leonty, Melenty, Mstislav, Nikita, Nicodemus, Rostislav, Stepan, Stanislav, Sergey, Timofey, Felix, Ernst, Ernest, Justin.

Such men are distinguished by their intelligence and pedantry. They always follow the letter of the law and instructions, all the rules and regulations in life. No circumstances will force him to take risks.

A man whose name is ruled by the Virgo zodiac sign is capable of subtly and acutely analyzing, reasoning and calculating, and making plans.

His frugality often turns into stinginess. By nature, such a man becomes a critic and mentor.

Coldness and sober calculation are inherent in men named Virgo in love relationships. They usually become reliable partners for their chosen one.

But first, when “searching for the ideal” wife, there will be a thorough, lengthy test of all her abilities, knowledge and skills. The wife should be smart (not only to run the household properly, but also to understand her husband), elegant and moderately powerful.

For a woman who has decided to choose a companion with the name Virgo for life, it is important to remember that his experiences will be hidden, almost unnoticeable under the mask of coldness and complete calm.

Such a man will find many facts and arguments for any actions or deeds.

You shouldn’t expect chivalrous deeds or fabulous moments in your personal life from him. If passions are boiling in him, then they can be found at the very bottom of the soul.

Virgo female names

Anna, Anastasia, Alevtina, Valentina, Victoria, Diana Dina Evdokia, Elizaveta, Zinaida, Zoya, Inga, Inessa, Irida, Irina, Inna, Kira, Christina, Ksenia, Clementina, Linda, Lydia, Maria, Natalya, Raisa, Regina, Stanislava, Stella, Stefania, Tamila, Tatyana, Taisiya, Tina, Ustinya, Celestina, Tsiliya, Justina.

The bearers of this name are distinguished by their balance and rationality.

A woman whose name is influenced by the sign of Virgo is not only smart, but also unusually beautiful and charming. In her professional activities, she is valued as an employee whom everyone respects.

This woman is diligent and diligent in doing any work.

You can count on her; she has such important qualities as loyalty, accuracy and accuracy.

Despite the advice of friends, family and friends, she organizes and builds her personal life herself.

A woman with the name Virgo creates her ideal man independently, according to her own vision. At the same time, all her actions are calculated, and emerging circumstances are carefully weighed.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that such a woman does not allow herself to express her own feelings, she has a hard time experiencing love difficulties within herself, she rarely experiences the joy and happiness of family life.

After difficult disappointments, she becomes even more strict and cautious, prudent.

A man who has chosen a woman named Virgo as his life partner should not forget that it is difficult for her to make a final decision, she is very indecisive in various life situations.

Such women suffer from platonic love and often remain “old maids.”

Mysterious Scorpios

Name, horoscope

Libra male names

Akim, Artem, Oleg, Alexey, Aksen, Arkady, Borislav, Aristarkh, Savely, Philip, Albert, Anatoly, Anton, Arkady, Boris, Borislav, Veniamin, Konstantin, Victor, Vitaly, Vyacheslav, Evgeny, Illarion, Leonid, Mikhail, Nazar, Nikita, Oleg, Osip, Pavel, Porkhor, Rostislav, Semyon, Sergei Tikhon, Philip, Thomas, Yakov.

These men are distinguished by elegance, poise and love. In their relationships with other people, they are polite, courteous, kind, and behave easily and cheerfully.

For men whose name is ruled by the sign of Libra, it is very important that there is wealth, luxury in the house, and around it - fame, recognition, external splendor.

Such people can be either cheerful, cheerful, or flighty and frivolous. They do not like to get into disputes and conflicts and try to avoid them.

Men named Libra cannot live alone, but in their home they strive for comfort and coziness; they need all the comforts of life and a favorable environment. Ambition is their main character trait.

If a woman has chosen a man named Libra for herself, she needs to remember that if there is adultery, he will never forgive this: it will all end in divorce.

Such men decide to get married in the second half of their lives.

Libra female names

Angela, Vera, Nadezhda, Love, Lyudmila, Sofia, Evgenia, Lika, Dominica, Claudia, Klena, Bella, Beata, Paola, Lyubava, Lucien, Kupava, Vilena, Milena, Emilia, Elena, Yesenia, Ella, Elmira, Lyubomira, Caroline.

These women are distinguished by selfishness and capriciousness. They are beautiful in appearance and have a beautiful physique.

Women named Libra love expensive things, jewelry, and adore luxury and comfort. They have such charm that men do not have the strength to resist.

Already at a young age, girls bearing the name Libra have many fans, early learn the art of passion and all the delights of love adventures, make many mistakes that in later life interfere with the growth of self-awareness and the formation of independence.

These beautiful creatures are afraid to be left alone and depend on the choice of men. Women whose name is influenced by the sign of Libra are able to enjoy love and satisfy men.

For them, the most important things in life always remain: the desire to be loved, a successful marriage and making love.

Men who have chosen such a woman as their partner need to know that not everyone can win her, because not everyone is ready to create such a luxurious life for her.

Freedom-loving Sagittarius


Name, horoscope

Scorpio male names

Augustine, Oscar, Yaroslav, Artyom, Benedict, Arkady, Alfred, Khariton, Yakov, Savely, Valery, Rodion, Dmitry, Philip, Fedor, Yuri, Taras.

These men are distinguished by the fact that they are energetic, temperamental, sexy, but tough.

Men whose name is ruled by Scorpio are very hardworking, efficient even into old age.

In relationships in society they act rudely and too straightforwardly. They are always confident and love communication.

If they encounter disagreements or contradictions, they can always eliminate them.

Such a man considers his wife to be something like property, which he owns undividedly. A man named Scorpio will never cheat on his wife.

A woman who has chosen such a man as her partner must remember that he easily and accurately sees lies, so you should not deceive him. The reaction to deception will be very strict.

Scorpio female names

Aza, Agatha, Agnessa, Anastasia, Iskra, Oktyabrina, Inessa, Taisiya, Justina, Judita, Stefanita, Kharitina, Alexandra, Radmila, Ekaterina, Cesarina, Matilda, Avdotya, Agafya, Marfa, Maria, Taina, Tamila, Yarmila, Zinaida, Anastasia, Yana, Tamara.

Such women are honest, but suspicious and secretive. They are incredibly attractive, attracting people with an incomprehensible mysterious force.

A woman whose name is ruled by the sign of Scorpio is diligent, hardworking, cares about others; All the time he stubbornly fights his laziness.

They can find application for their abilities in various fields of activity.

Lust for power is a quality that is clearly manifested in the character of such women.

Knowing their worth well, they themselves choose a partner they can rely on in any difficult life situations: noble and reliable.

Women named Scorpio do not consult anyone in personal matters, preferring to solve all problems themselves.

A man who has chosen a woman whose name is ruled by Scorpio as his partner must know that her feelings are always distinguished by fidelity, depth, and strength. Over time, she becomes better, treats a man with understanding and prudence.

Purposeful Capricorns

Name, horoscope

Sagittarius male names

Egor, Georgy, Nikolai, Ivan, Yuri, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Joseph, Stefan, Alexander, Aristarchus, Seraphim, Spartak, Stepan, Stanislav.

The bearers of such names are distinguished by such traits as good-naturedness, resilience, frivolity and extravagance.

Those men whose name is ruled by the sign of Sagittarius love to travel, and eloquence is their integral talent.

They are optimistic in all life situations, so they overcome any obstacles and difficulties in their path and do not succumb to circumstances.

This is facilitated by the courage and masculinity inherent in such men.

They love to dream, plan and always persistently, with self-esteem, achieve their goals.

Men named Sagittarius have great strength will. In society they are frank and straightforward.

It is not easy in a family with a Sagittarius man, because he is attracted to new adventures, hikes, and acquaintances.

Home comfort, the warmth of the hearth cannot contain the extremely freedom-loving and independent nature of this person.

A woman who has chosen such a man as a partner should know that there will always be room in his soul for other friends. No matter how beautiful and smart she is, it will not change his character.

Sagittarius female names

Alina, Diana, Zhanna, Marianna, Alexandra, Vasilisa, Seraphim, Muse, Martina, Marina, Tamara, Ekaterina and Varvara.

The owners of these names are distinguished by practicality, extravagance and independence.

She is interested in the world of art and loves animals. A woman whose name is ruled by the sign of Sagittarius is dexterous, unbridled, original, practical, with an independent mindset and the same character.

They achieve success in any field of activity.

Women bearing the name Sagittarius fall in love early, but none of the men can satisfy her or keep her close to them, so she experiences several divorces in her life.

Such a woman prefers a man with a broad outlook, experience, and impressiveness. If something does not suit her, then the search for a new experience and a partner will tirelessly continue.

These men are distinguished by the fact that they are sensitive, resilient, but ambitious. As a true realist, he is also rational in everything, conservative.

Men who are under the influence of the sign of Capricorn are self-possessed, hardy, and distinguished by extraordinary, exceptional hard work.

He persistently and very persistently moves towards a happy future.

Ambition is the character trait of a Capricorn man that helps him achieve honor, authority and respect in society.

He does not like large and noisy companies or parties of friends and prefers his own personal company to them.

Devotion and fidelity in marriage are the undeniable advantages of men named Capricorn. This is accompanied by a sense of duty and responsibility for the family, for the relatives whom he will protect and protect.

A woman in such a family can be calm and confident in her husband, whom she counts on in any situation. We can say that she was very lucky.

Capricorn female names

Vassa, Vera, Daria, Ida, Kira, Sofia, Nona, Zinaida, Renata, Nina, Tatyana, Polina, Evgenia, Olga, Nora, Natalya, Linda.

These are independent, purposeful, secretive natures. Year after year they seem even more beautiful.

Women whose name is ruled by Capricorn are very smart and insightful. In matters of life they are distinguished by practicality.

They are uncommunicative and live more in their own inner world.

In their personal life, in the family, in love, such women are too restrained, often cool, which may be why crisis situations periodically arise in these relationships.

Temporary, fleeting romantic meetings and relationships do not interest them.

They know how to organize their work correctly and try to be independent in everything. In society they behave secretly, but take matters seriously and responsibly.

Aquarius male names

Andrey, Averyan, Ariel, Haggai, Bartholomew, Voldemar, Velemir, Vitaly, Vladlen, Valery, Vladimir, Vladislav, Vsevolod, Helium, Gury, Gleb, German, Gennady, Eugene, Ruslan, Dorotheus, Hilarion, Hippolytus, Plato, Emmanuel, Filaret, Jan.

Such men are distinguished by restraint, dreaminess, contradiction, extravagance and originality. Among friends, colleagues, and other people, he is considered an eccentric.

Men with Aquarius sign name think outside the box; What’s surprising is the fact that he can change his opinion unexpectedly quickly and easily.

With all his might, with enviable tenacity and perseverance, he tries to bring his amazing ideas to life.

From time to time he wants a renewal of life; everything familiar does not please him, but irritates him.

Men whose name is influenced Sign of Aquarius, are always looking for new friends to plunge into interesting love adventures and adventures.

His love can be swift and sudden. He gives himself over completely to these surging feelings. But just as quickly, his feelings fade away.

Until the end of his days, such a man will be carried away by new women, as if he were writing new passionate novels. A woman who has chosen such an Aquarius as her partner must remember his constant desire for change.

Aquarius female names

Alina, Albina, Ilona, ​​Anna, Aelita, Bella, Alevtina, Vlada, Vitalia, Violetta, Viola, Helia, Gloria, Gelena, Darina, Joanna, Ivetta, Isolde, Isabella, Iya, Linda, Ilona, ​​Iolanta, Irma, Irina, Zhanna, Louise, Novella, Nelly, Nonna, Svetlana, Evelina, Elsa, Yunna, Yuliana, Frida, Yana.

These women are pleasantly distinguished by their charm, dedication, efficiency and carefree disposition. In any case, they are friendly and wonderful.

These bright, graceful creatures can equally easily get carried away by a love adventure, or deal with everyday problems with all seriousness and responsibility.

The woman whose name leads Sign of Aquarius, faithful friends, and in relationships with people, they are selfless and sensitive.

Despite the fact that such women do not like to get into quarrels, they always speak as they think and are not afraid to express their opinions.

Having social thinking, they try to resist any violence and will defend themselves with all their might.

Witty conversationalists, beautiful dancers, they attract men with their elegance and extravagance.

Women with the name Aquarius usually get married early, but are rarely happy. Compromises are not accepted in marriage. They love with full dedication, which they do not receive from their partners.

These men are distinguished by their masculinity, sincerity, and generosity. He loves to dream so much that his dream-projects, like Manilov’s, remain only on the lips of others and him.

Those men whose names are influenced by the sign of Pisces often work only when there is nowhere else to go.

In other options, he is overcome by laziness and talk about future material benefits, about career heights and social ascent.

Since he does not know how to work, he is always looking for an opportunity to adapt in life, hoping for a happy occasion. His mood, feelings, and plans also often change.

Tenderness, softness, meekness are those traits that are characteristic of the nature of men with the name Pisces.

Their friendliness, combined with their inherent cunning and cunning, contributes to diplomacy and even some mystery. He is popular with women; in intimate feelings, in love, he is a master of his craft.

But women whose lives are connected with such people must be ready to accept him as someone who knows how to hide the truth about himself, about his actions, and embellishes his qualities.

It is unlikely that a woman will ever know the truth about his thoughts. Skillfully, with pleasure, he will find the right words and actions to console those who are suffering and unhappy.

Pisces female names

Adele, Alina, Amelia, Aglaya, Eva, Eulalia, Valeria, Ivetta, Inna, Lilia, Leah, Lolita, Vera, Viola, Virineya, Venus, Iya, Lelya, Lada, Iliana, Maria, Marina, Marta, Muse, Irina, Nina, Ninel, Natalya, Polina, Rimma, Rufina, Faina, Elvira, Judith.

These women stand out for their grace, ability to contemplate, attractiveness and bright personality.

These women sincerely give love, show tenderness, selflessness and want the same reciprocal feeling for themselves.

Having a soft heart, those whose name is ruled by the sign of Pisces receive less from their loved ones than they give themselves.

In personal life, in love, people are often disappointed and upset. If the feelings are sincere, and the partner is faithful to them, then women are devoted and faithful to their chosen ones, and become wonderful mothers and wives.

Women with the name of the Pisces sign, thanks to the ability to show great spiritual flexibility, will occupy worthy place at different situations, circumstances, will skillfully demonstrate their abilities in various fields.

If a man has chosen a woman with the name of the Pisces sign as his partner, then he needs to know that after you are lured and charmed, great happiness will not always follow.

The fact is that they are always striving for improvement material well-being. It is not easy for a man to understand her thoughts, her intentions.


When choosing a name for a child, parents should look at the time of year and date of birth, zodiac sign, Eastern horoscope. So, for example, if a child was born in the summer, then soft, gentle and bright names. For winter, on the contrary, something solid, with consonants, short and sonorous, is more suitable. Astrologers also advise studying the characteristics of the name. For example, Agata is a name for a brave, self-confident girl, Roman is for a kind, cheerful boy.

Male names

Below will be presented most suitable names by zodiac sign for boys according to the horoscope:

Female names

Below are the most popular names, according to astrologers, among which you can choose

In order to choose a name for a child, you can study a number of teachings, beliefs, and scientific justifications. Many believe that right choice name will help to lay a baby good fate, happy future. Some astrologers believe that a name should be given only based on its compatibility with the zodiac sign. This will help emphasize and increase all the good qualities of character, as well as reduce negative traits.


This sign is characterized by morality and charm. Aries boys are naturally noble, stubborn, straightforward and sociable. In order to emphasize nobility and restrain excessive stubbornness, it is better to choose names: Alexander, Andrey, Adam, Arkady, Bogdan, Boris, Vladimir, Egor, Yuri.

Aries girls are independent and stubborn. But at the same time, they have tenderness, sensuality and tenacity. Good names will be: Anastasia, Angela, Alla, Alexandra, Vasilisa, Galina, Daria, Nadezhda, Zhanna, Lydia, Larisa.


Taurus boys have the following traits in their character: like optimism, love of life, courage and perseverance. They always achieve what they want, but they are bad at relaxing. To strengthen good qualities, it is better to choose names: Anton, Anatoly, Arthur, Boris, Vasily, Vadim, Egor, Ilya, Denis, Pavel, Nikita, Matvey.

Girls are thoughtful, meaningful, and practical. They never do anything at random, they always calculate their moves. But their character is completely inflexible. For compliance and gentleness, the following names are suitable: Antonina, Vera, Veronica, Victoria, Inna, Zoya, Irina, Diana, Marina, Karina, Polina, Eleanor, Diana and Inna.


Boys have many talents, because of this, they develop delusions of grandeur and significance. Men can become cruel and cold-blooded. To avoid this, the following names are suitable: Arkady, Anatoly, Evgeny, Daniil, Valery, Makar, Konstantin, Stanislav, Eduard, Yuri.

A good choice of names for girls would be: Alina, Angelica, Alice, Anastasia, Elena, Ekaterina, Evgenia, Veronica, Dina, Elena, Inga, Ksenia, Nadezhda, Nelly, Margarita, Oksana, Ellina.


Boys are distinguished by their love of freedom and imagination. They can often get distracted by trifles. The following names will help to consider them more courageous and serious: Andrey, Arseny, Valentin, Vasily, Yuri, Robert, Maxim, Leonid.

Girls are always faithful to their partner, reliable and kind, but they cannot always confidently make a choice and make a difficult decision. The following names will help you become more decisive: Yana, Elena, Lolita, Lilia, Yulia, Olesya, Elena and Juliet.

a lion

Boys who were born under this sign, prefer strong, majestic names: Alexander, Alexey, Apollo, Albert, Arkady, Ilya, Robert, Mark, Rodion, Ruslan, Kirill, David.

The beauty and greatness of Leo girls will be emphasized by the names: Alla, Antonina, Alexandra, Alina, Diana, Daria, Veronica, Suzanne, Rosa, Christina, Nadezhda, Eleanor.


Boys of this sign are attentive, intelligent and kind., they clearly set priorities in life. But to these qualities is also added annoyingness. The following names will add optimism and lightness: Gleb, Victor, Gennady, Grigory, Nikita, Stepan, Victor, Timofey, Leonty, Ernest, Rostislav, Boris.

Girls of this sign have great potential; the following names are suitable for them: Anna, Anastasia, Alevtina, Irina, Inna, Stella, Christina, Valentina, Raisa, Zinaida, Regina, Maria, Kira.


Boys are very attractive in appearance, but they are very afraid to be alone. They flirt easily, but have a hard time deciding on a serious relationship. The following names will help add decisiveness: Artem, Albert, Anton, Alexey, Vitaly, Veniamin, Victor, Osip, Semyon, Sergey, Philip, Mikhail, Leonid, Pavel.

Girls are very selective and picky. They are used to getting everything from life. The following names will help correct the situation: Lyubov, Lyudmila, Vera, Sophia, Nadezhda, Carolina, Elena, Evgenia.


Boys are very amorous by nature, have a passionate character, but can be vindictive, narcissistic and annoying. The names will help soften the character: Arkady, Artem, Yakov, Rodion, Philip, Valery, Oscar, Dmitry and Fedor.

The girls are strong, brave and unyielding; their names will add tenderness and softness: Agafya, Agnessa, Matilda, Martha, Tatyana, Tamara, Taisiya, Maria.


Boys combine the best qualities- kindness, tenderness, understanding, intelligence, curiosity and strength. To further balance all these qualities, the following names are suitable: Ivan, Alexander, Yuri, Vasily, Vyacheslav, Stanislav, Stepan, Georgy, Nikolai, Egor.

Girls also have all their character traits harmoniously combined. To further enhance all qualities, the following names are suitable: Alina, Marina, Muse, Marianna, Tamara, Zhanna, Diana, Vasilisa and Varvara.


Boys - it's best for this calm and reasonable Names suitable for the sign: Arthur, Boris, Vasily, Trofim, Kirill, Ruslan, Gleb and Egor.

Girls are not restrained, charming and simple enough. These qualities will help strengthen the names: Vera, Daria, Natalya, Renata, Zinaida, Polina, Kira and Olga.


The boys are good-natured, cheerful, smart and thoughtful. The following names will help you become more reasonable and constant: Andrey, Vsevolod, Vitaly, Vladislav, Gleb, Gennady, Yan.

Girls of this air sign somewhat fickle, stubborn and very emotional. The names will add harmony: Anna, Albina, Alina, Viola, Bella, Irina, Vlada, Vitaly and Ilona.


Boys lack friendliness and emotionality. The names will help correct this: Vasily, Vladislav, Vadim, Afanasy, Timofey, Valentin and Nikita.

These names will give Pisces girls success and optimism: Valeria, Vera, Venus, Inna, Eva, Marta, Lilia, Lada, Alina and Polina.

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