Angelic runes and their meaning on the body. Meanings of angelic runes. Basic rules of fortune telling

Angelic runes

Runes, simply put, are occult signs. Some of them are very old and we will not touch on them (if you are interested in traditional runes, there are many books on this topic). The runes presented here are intended specifically for use in angelic divination and magical practices.

Angelic runes are twenty-six pictographic images (universal symbols) of ordinary objects that we encounter every day. They are your tool for understanding the past, seeing the present clairvoyantly, and considering the future. They can also be used on your altar when performing magical acts to attract the energy you need to do the work.
Most runes are made from small round stones, discs, round precious stones, small pebbles and even pieces of cardboard (you can make your own runes from whatever you want). There are many rune sets currently available on the market. Some of them are very old (as mentioned earlier), while others appeared about fifty years ago.
General rules.

Cleanse, consecrate and charge your rune set before use. Choose a specific angel to be the guardian of the rune set. This is the angel you will summon every time you use this divination tool, so choose wisely. You can find the symbol of this angel and place it on your cup or rune pouch, or paint an occult symbol representing the guardian on the sides or bottom of the cup itself.
Clean the runes after each work session by placing them in sunlight, Moonlight or by fumigating them with incense.
Interpret the runes for the short term - not for six months or a year. They will tell you what energies are around you right now and what is coming your way over the next week or so. Sometimes a rune may fall out of pattern on the corner of the table. Consider this as a signal that this issue, although not currently on the agenda, may be affected by your current choices. Phrase your questions carefully, as some can be better answered using more complex tools such as tarot cards.
You can make your angel runes one color or color them in different colors. The choice is yours.
All angelic runes are thrown, except for the harbinger (pointer) rune. This rune represents the suitor (the person for whom you are interpreting). Since the angels do not care whether you are a man or a woman, the index rune is a universal symbol.

Rune throwing

Place all the runes in a small bowl or bag. Shake them and think about the question. Ground yourself and center yourself, take a few deep breaths, and relax. Connect with your guardian angel and the angel you have named as the guardian of your runes. Ask them for help. Ask your question and lightly drop the runes onto a flat, stable surface.

Interpretation of angelic runes

Ignore runes that fall face down. These are not the questions and situations that you should consider regarding this matter. Start interpreting from the pointer rune as from the center. Those runes that are closest to the pointer deserve immediate attention. Those further away indicate events or states of mind that are moving closer or further away from the plaintiff.
Runes touching each other refer to the same issue. Runes with gaps or empty ones between them are either separate issues or have some kind of barriers between them.
With practice, you will notice that the runes form patterns around the questions. The designs are usually linear or circular.
Once you have gained experience with your angelic runes, you can draw a chart similar to the ones I suggested for pendulum divination, or you can try using the one below, drawing it on cardboard or embroidering it on a white canvas. You can write out the circle with astrological symbols, phases of the moon, etc. The choice is yours
you. Don't forget to personalize your table. The most accurate interpretations are possible when you reveal your energies to the instrument.


Guardian angel:

This rune represents the suitor's guardian angel, and what he or she is affecting right now, whether he or she is blocked, and if so, by what.
If the guardian angel rune is reversed, it means that the plaintiff does not take the guardian angel seriously or simply does not pay attention to him.


This is the sacred spiral. When this rune lies nearby, it indicates learning in the future, prayers to the deity and your connections with the Universe. Don't forget to perform a ritual, rite, or read a prayer so that it will help you solve a problem or take a fresh look at your life. Perhaps the difficulty lies in how you perceive religion and use it in your life.
If this rune is turned face down, it essentially means that you are too busy with earthly things and are not using your spiritual gift, or it could simply mean that religious matters are not important at this moment.

Uriel - magic.

If there is bad or good mojo involved, this rune will tell you so, especially if it is reversed. If it is near the rune of negativity, it means that magical actions have been performed, but this will not necessarily harm you, but will not bring anything good either. This means that the best intentions can "bring you the worst possible results."
If this rune is reversed, it definitely means that you have become the target of someone's negative thoughts. This may stem from jealousy or simply from incorrect information.

Metatron -wisdom.

This is the ability to make the right decisions (in the right position) or the wrong ones (in the upside down position). Check the surrounding runes to see if wisdom is inherent to you or if you need to seek it from a friend or family member. A reversed rune can mean a hasty decision, which can lead to problems or rash action.

Pallas - meditation.

The situation may improve if you think about it or start planning an appropriate action.
Reversed, this rune shows that you have not sufficiently considered the situation from a positive point of view and you need to change your attitude in a positive direction.

Shekinah - halo.

This rune represents your higher self and the best you can achieve in a given situation. It has no specific meaning when reversed. This rune of spiritual benefits and energy of the Goddess.

Wings - messages.

In the right position means good messages,
reversed may mean that you will not receive the message you are waiting for, or any messages at all.

Negativity - this is negativity

Projected towards a situation such as gossip, bad intentions, dirty dealings or jealousy on the part of the plaintiff or someone else. Check the surrounding runes.
An inverted rune indicates the possibility of escaping the situation. Check the surrounding runes again for how the plaintiff can get rid of the problem.

Gabriel - Start.

This rune represents the beginning of any situation. If it is near the family rune, it means a possible birth or marriage.
If it is reversed, the hope of starting over is blocked and may not manifest itself.

Azrael - endings.

This rune represents the end of a matter.
If it is reversed, the situation may end badly unless you try to do something about it, or perhaps the ending is not currently in sight. Check the surrounding runes again for clarity.

Money - this rune is very simple.

Check the surrounding runes to find out the source and amount of money. If it is near a family rune or inheritance, then it could be a gift from a family member or the result of the death of a relative.
If it is located near the rune of negativity, look around - someone is trying to use you.

Vesta - inspiration and protection.

Look for something new that should help you. This could be a new hobby new job, new partnership, etc. (check surrounding runes).
A reversed rune indicates a lack of inspiration on the part of the plaintiff.


this rune means what it represents. This is a brewing fight, an open scandal, or perhaps a physical confrontation. Near the family rune means family disputes. Near the rune of negativity is an open dispute. Near the rune of bad habits means possible criminal activity or abandonment of a bad habit and abuse of something; The further away this rune is, the more likely it is that the plaintiff will be able to control the damage now or completely nullify the conflict.
If the rune is reversed, the conflict has already occurred and steps are being taken to resolve it.

Anail - family.

Another simple and direct sign meaning something connected by blood or spirit. This could be your close relatives or distant relatives. If it lays down correctly, then everything goes well (although check the surrounding runes).
An inverted rune signifies possible dysfunction or temporary imbalance. . .

Raphael - harmony.

Joy, excitement, pleasant events, happiness, love, self-esteem. Mixing of harmonic energies. Receiving gifts. A reversed rune represents unhappiness, blockage or destruction of pleasant events, or lack of self-esteem.


hope for the future, green light, a predestination that everything will turn out well for the plaintiff. This rune has no reverse meaning. Check the surrounding runes for further clarification.

Online fortune telling has its own characteristics. Firstly, it is a quick result and its ready interpretation, which is a negative factor for novice fortune tellers. However, it has a special appeal for masters, especially for training.

Intention: The first and probably the longest (especially for beginners) part of fortune telling. Necessary clearly formulate the question, the answer to which we want to get. Vague goals, as a rule, give rise to vague results, and on the contrary, the more clearly the goal is defined, the higher the likelihood that you will receive a fortune telling result corresponding to it.

In addition, the question must be justified; it is not superfluous to ask yourself: “Why am I actually asking?” Perhaps it is not important to you what the Runes will tell you during the fortune-telling process, but it is important to receive confirmation of your own thoughts.

And in Perhaps you are not interested in the answer to your question, but in this way you want to get hope, hope that what you are dreaming about will suddenly come true, of course, without effort on your part. Of course, with proper work, you will receive again and again a result that will say that your hope is not destined to come true, and being disappointed in online fortune telling with Runes, you will run to ask the Tarot, then contact an astrologer or some other master... But there are no accidents there is no place for life, a happy accident will find you when it is preceded by a period of painstaking work to achieve a given result. Therefore, it is very important to be ready to accept the result of fortune telling and take responsibility for your destiny and for your actions, otherwise it is better not to even start telling fortunes using the Runes.

Initiation of Runes during fortune telling Online: TOAs we know, any fortune telling requires a developed skill of a medium for the fortuneteller, that is, an intermediary between himself and the forces that stand behind each of the Runes. In addition, sometimes the abilities of a medium will come in handy to perform fortune telling for someone. Thus, you need to tune in to fortune telling, here the algorithm is simple.

First of all, it is necessary to enter the state of stopping the internal dialogue (OVD), which is also a state of emptiness, which is also a state of thoughtlessness. It can be achieved in different ways: some focus on current bodily sensations, visual learners often visualize a snow-covered field with quietly falling snow, a kinesthetic person can do the same by “visualizing” the sensations of grains of sand slowly moving by the wind on the skin, auditory listening to the sound of sea waves, you can generally puzzle the mind with a complex mathematical problem... There are many ways.

Then, having entered the police department, you need to focus on the issue at hand, trying to feel it as much as possible and at the same time remain “unemotional” to the result of the fortune-telling (in fact, emotions will be a sign that you are no longer in the police department, which means you need to start all over again).

After this, as a rule, a ritual is performed that precedes working with Runes and allows you to get ready to work with them, if, of course, the fortuneteller has such a ritual.

Fortune telling with Runes Online: tuned in to fortune telling and the question asked You can start the fortune telling itself. To do this, you need to select runes from the table or click the select button automatically.

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Fortune telling with runes is not just a ritual, but the most ancient cultural heritage of our ancestors. Independently from each other, developed civilizations from all over the earth have discovered or received from above this inexhaustible storehouse of knowledge.

The basis of each runic tradition is the alphabet - a set of abstract pictograms forming an ordered system, that is, futhark. Runes inherit their semantic meaning from Stone Age rock paintings. Abstract heads of bulls, bird paws, triumph of hunters - the natural symbolism of gestures and poses was simplified and over time transformed into features, cuts, dents, mysterious squiggles of glyphs. Centuries, and perhaps millennia, passed before collections of elegant badges were united into a single system, widespread in a particular area. This is how all modern alphabets, numbers and, of course, runes appeared. The latter represent a unique fusion of magical, mythological and written traditions.

Traditionally, fortune telling on runes was performed during the period of actualization of key life milestones, the intersection of peculiar rubicons - birth and death, marriage, an upcoming military campaign, the outcome of an unequal struggle or a dubious enterprise, success in trade affairs, the expectation of offspring, harvest and other unknown facets of the future. People talked to the runes, asked for advice, they were entrusted not so much with the fate of an individual person, but of an entire tribal community. The peoples living in the northern regions in harsh conditions isolated from the rest of the world knew how to look into the future with hope, because this is what the runic tradition teaches us - an unbending will to win and faith in change for the better.

It is generally accepted that the homeland of runic futhark is Scandinavia, the so-called runes of Odin. Meanwhile, if you search carefully, you can find your own alternative in virtually every civilization and people of Europe, Asia and Native America. Moreover, legends, beliefs and rituals encrypted in writing and glyphs served as a kind of marker or pass into the community of people living in a single geographical space. According to this principle, cultural exchange took place between disunited and scattered Germanic tribes, Celts, Balts and Slavic tribal communities lost in the forests living on the islands.

The word runa means "secret" and goes back to an ancient root meaning "to hide, to hide." Its traces have been preserved in modern languages, German raunen - “whisper”, Latvian runat - “speak” or Finnish runo - “poem, spell”. By the way, the Russian “keep” is connected, in all likelihood, with the same root.

Runes are magical and alphabetic signs that were carved on stones or carved on wood, they were used to decorate weapons, dishes, various items, wrote spells above the entrance to the house and on the bows of ships.

The first surviving runic inscriptions date back to the 3rd century. AD, however, many signs have a much more ancient origin, going back to magical symbols Celtic Druid priests, from whom they subsequently passed on to the Germanic and then to the Scandinavian tribes.

Although all representatives of the tribe had runic literacy in one way or another, the true rune experts were magicians and healers. They were distinguished from everyone else by their special attire, were surrounded by special reverence, and taught the youth.

Each rune had its own name and was associated with a particular deity, object or phenomenon. By laying out a rune from wooden sticks or applying its image on birch bark or stone, on the shaft of a spear or on the surface of a clay vessel, a healer, warrior or hunter turned directly to the essence that the rune designated in order to influence it in a certain way. A healer drove out a disease, a warrior asked for victory in battle, a hunter attracted prey. To enhance the impact, the name of the rune was pronounced or sung in a special song. Wanting to cause a storm, to send illness or death to the enemy, they sang the so-called. “evil song” or performed zeid - a magical rite that included singing and dancing.

Not only men, but also women possessed magic. Thus, zeid was generally supposed to be performed only by women; The ancient Normans used special soothsayers - volurs - to predict the future. With the help of songs and runes they also conjured spirits and brownies, the dead and trolls.

Runic magic is extremely multifaceted. According to legend, each rune has a sacred origin and is a sacred sign, has a certain reserve magical power and the ability to connect us to a higher power. The set of runes, together with their powers and connections, forms a real magical system. This system can also be used for fortune-telling purposes: combinations of the signs included in it can describe any possible situation.

There are many ways to lay out runes. You can use one of the options we offer for online fortune telling with runes. We hope that these divinations on runes will provide you with invaluable assistance in everyday life.

Angels and sorcery.

Although I have achieved very good results in interpretation and prediction using the tools of divination, I can honestly say that when I involved the angels in this, everything turned upside down. I have been reading Tarot cards since I was fifteen (more than twenty-five years), but I have always tried to refrain from it, for fear of letting it get out of control. A diviner has a great responsibility to his clients. Your integrity must be impeccable. Your clients depend on your absolute honesty. If you don't know the answer, you can't make it up and hope for the best.
In this chapter we will look at the basic rules of divination and several special forms of this art. No matter what tool you use for divination, I am confident that your work will be much better if you include angelic energy in it.

Basic rules of divination.

You can simplify or complicate the fortune telling process as you wish. For example, I know an excellent tarot card reader who keeps a deck on her kitchen table. If you want to tell your fortune, she says, “Shuffle and cut the deck.” No silks or scarves around. Her cards just sit in their regular box. I know equally wonderful diviners who wrap their divination tools in black silk, use gems and herbs, light candles, say prayers, etc. The way you use your divination tools is part of your existence. It should be individual and convenient. If you feel stupid saying something special out loud, don't do it. If you're embarrassed to light a candle, why do it? I suppose you won't feel stupid after being given some example, but if you don't like something, don't do it. The most important rule, I think, is this:
Never scare a client. It is cruel to frighten someone, whatever the reason.
Other rules that came to my mind are the following:
Ground yourself and center yourself before each reading. Take three deep breaths and relax. Gather all your energy, then release it. Connect with the Universe. A short spell might sound like this:

Angels of prophecy
Touch my heart, my mind, my soul.
Give form to the answers you are looking for.
Bless me with wisdom and knowledge at this hour
fortune telling.

If you want to work with a specific angel, try calling upon Bat Kol, a female angel who upholds words of truth and assists in prophecy. If you ask her politely, she will help you look into the future. Another angel of divination is considered to be Hahaya, who will help you penetrate deep secrets and hidden knowledge.
Do not do fortune telling if you are sick, very tired or angry. Your health or mood may affect your interpretation. When you reach the top of your craft, you will find that you can influence the outcome, which distorts the interpretation. For example, if I think too hard about a certain tarot card, guess what immediately happens? This is why I never associate people with cards when they walk through my door. I no longer do tarot readings for myself. I call my friend Diana for this. When you are sick, you will not be able to achieve the state of mind you desire for pure interpretation. Because your body feels bad, your interpretations may be more negative in nature.
Don't guess for someone you hate. If you can't stand someone, can you be truthful with her or him? Wouldn't you be upset if you saw such a person's bright and wonderful future and would you be horrified if things looked very unpleasant? If you strongly dislike someone, your negative feelings may move into your interpretation, distorting it. Politely refuse to tell fortunes for such a person.
Don't exaggerate or lie. If you don't know the answer, just say "I don't know." From time to time I come across clients who like to torment the diviner. They ask one question that leads to the next and the next, and over time they rephrase the original question. The soothsayer is not in court, and you are not in the witness seat. There is no such thing as "refocusing". There should be no such thing as “diviner control.” If you come across a client like this, simply say “I don’t know” or “Sorry, there’s nothing else here.” Sometimes I say directly: “Sorry, but I am not God. Information is unattainable."
Try to carefully explain the method of fortune telling to a new client. Don't assume the person knows what you are doing. If you are a tarot card interpreter, take the time to explain the images on the cards so that the client knows where you are getting your inspiration from. This applies to any physical tool (runes, cartouche, medicinal cards, etc.) The more you explain to the client (or friend), the less questions they will ask and the more they will understand about the mechanics of the divination session.
Don't act like a snob. The worst thing you can do is start acting like a know-it-all fool. Never be rude or disrespectful to a client. Don't be a deceiver. Even if your clients don't catch you on the spot, other people who also make predictions will. If they talk bad about you, it may get through to your customers.
Never force yourself. Don't force anyone to listen to your prophecies. Do not offer to perform magical actions for money. If anyone is interested in angelic magic (or other forms of magic), explain how to do it. You can teach friends and family simple magic tricks that will boost their self-esteem and make their lives happier. Don't make them depend on you for magic, they must learn to do it on their own.
Learn to give yourself enough time. Using any method of fortune telling, do not force the process. When clients come to me, we relax, drink tea, gossip or talk about life and enjoy each other's company. This helps them get into the right frame of mind, as well as you, and makes it easier to build bridges between you and the information you need. If you stumble during the divination process, don't panic. Sit back, take a deep breath, and change the subject to give yourself time to untangle yourself from this mental web. If you still cannot understand the essence of the prediction, do not despair. The truth is, ninety percent of the time the client will blatantly lie to your face or deny it. If nothing works, mix the cards and say, “Maybe another time.”
If you are not in the mood for a lengthy interpretation, politely explain to the client approximately how much time you plan to spend on it. There are many ways to control the people you love who are always willing to hang around:
Schedule your next reading session immediately after the session with your current client.
Plan to complete some task or errand and explain to your client that you must leave.
Charge an hourly rate and make it high enough so that the client does not stay too late.

Fortune telling using a pendulum

One of the oldest forms of divination uses a pendulum. A pendulum is a weight suspended on a chain or cord, the movements of which provide answers to questions that you ask out loud. Pendulums can be natural (such as a crystal or favorite gemstone) or synthetic. I prefer artificial. You will find them in any store that sells occult items.
The most important rule when using a pendulum, which should not be forgotten, is relaxation. Tension blocks your sensitivity. Remember to use your magic ratios when working with the pendulum. For example, you could light a candle (choose a candle in a color that matches the occasion), burn some incense (check botanical associations), or choose a specific time of day or hour ruled by the appropriate angel.
Cleanse, consecrate and bless your talisman on your angelic altar. Ask the divination angels to help you, give you wisdom and give useful answers using a pendulum.
Place your elbow on the table and pass the pendulum chain or string between your thumb and first two fingers. Let the chain or cord hang from the back of your hand.
Get grounded and centered. Take a few deep breaths, remembering to relax the muscles around your eyes and mouth. You can read the angelic divination prayer given earlier.
Wait for the pendulum to calm down. Then say, “Show me the answer is yes.” Wait until the pendulum starts to move. It can move clockwise, counterclockwise, forward or backward. This will indicate "yes" answers to the interpretation.
Wait until the pendulum stops spinning. Say, “Show me the answer is no.” Wait until the pendulum starts to move. It can move clockwise, counterclockwise, forward or backward, but it will not be the same movements as for the answer "yes". If the movements are the same, try again. Once you have mastered this answer, remember that it means “no.”
Wait for the pendulum to stop, then say, “Show me the answer to 'I don't know.' Wait until the pendulum starts to move. This should be a different movement from the movements for “yes” and “no” answers. Once you have mastered this answer, you are ready to ask the questions you have planned for your fortune telling session.
Record your successes and failures. For practice, predict the weather or use the stock price pages from your newspaper. Make sure first that you are working with something you didn't know beforehand. You will notice that on some days your activities will be successful, and on other days you will not be so fruitful. This can be attributed to your state of mind, health, or current astrological correlations.
Some people prefer to use a pendulum card for fortune telling. You can cut it out of cardboard or make it out of wood or metal. The choice is yours. If you have creativity, use it when creating these cards. Here are some example cards you can use:

Main map

This is a quick way to find out where you need to focus your energy or what your friend or client cares about most.

Archangels Card

You can add other points in each quarter of the circle. This map is designed to give you an idea. For example, Gabriel often predicts births, and Uriel deals with property and the acquisition of physical objects. You can reflect this in your cards.
Our planning
This card helps show the possible outcome of a situation. For example, if Susie wants to start a good relationship with someone, then she knows the places where she can do this, but not everywhere it is safe.
The first thing she must do is ask her guardian angel to help her. She should then draw a map similar to the one below and try using the pendulum in her hand to make the best choice where to do it and where not to.

Angelic runes

Runes, simply put, are occult signs. Some of them are very old and we will not touch on them in this book (if you are interested in traditional runes, there are many books on this topic). The runes presented here are intended specifically for use in angelic divination and magical practices.
Angelic runes (see illustrations on pages 240-244) are twenty-six pictographic images (universal symbols) of ordinary objects that we encounter every day. They are your tool for understanding the past, seeing the present clairvoyantly, and considering the future. They can also be used on your altar when performing magical acts to attract the energy you need to do your work.
Most runes are made from small round stones, discs, round gems, small pebbles, and even pieces of cardboard (you can make your own runes from whatever you want). There are many rune sets currently available on the market. Some of them are very old (as mentioned earlier), while others appeared about fifty years ago.
Start with the runes presented in the pages of Chapter 13, making your own set of angelic runes, but feel free to design your set of runes to suit your belief system and your way of life. I chose symbols that show what each rune means to me. You can add one or two images to cover areas and situations that are common in your life. For example, since I do hypnotherapy, I developed a rune for this case. Not everyone needs such a rune in their set. If your work involves healing through the magical and medicinal properties of plants, you can create symbols that indicate some typical plants - such as bloodroot, rosemary, etc. If you love sports, you can add a rune that represents sports energy . If you have your own business, then developing a rune to represent the business can be very helpful. There are endless ideas for creating runes.
Traditionally, if you have received and learned to use a set of runes, regardless of their type, you should make sets for two other people, teach them the system orally, and give them each a set. This will keep the stability and growth of groupthink around the tool you've developed. Choose the recipients of your angelic runes carefully.

General rules.

Cleanse, consecrate and charge your rune set before use. Choose a specific angel to be the guardian of the rune set. This is the angel you will summon every time you use this divination tool, so choose wisely. You can find the symbol of this angel and place it on your cup or rune pouch, or paint an occult symbol representing the guardian on the sides or bottom of the cup itself.
Cleanse the runes after each working session by placing them in sunlight, moonlight or incense.
Interpret the runes for the short term - not for six months or a year. They will tell you what energies are around you right now and what is coming your way over the next week or so. Sometimes a rune may fall out of pattern on the corner of the table. Consider this as a signal that this issue, although not currently on the agenda, may be affected by your current choices. Phrase your questions carefully, as some can be better answered using more complex tools such as tarot cards.
You can make your angel runes one color or paint them different colors. The choice is yours.
All angelic runes are thrown, except for the harbinger (pointer) rune. This rune represents the suitor (the person for whom you are interpreting). Since the angels do not care whether you are a man or a woman, the index rune is a universal symbol.

Rune throwing

Place all the runes in a small bowl or bag. Shake them and think about the question. Ground yourself and center yourself, take a few deep breaths, and relax. Connect with your guardian angel and the angel you have named as the guardian of your runes. Ask them for help. Ask your question and lightly drop the runes onto a flat, stable surface.

Interpretation of angelic runes

Ignore runes that fall face down. These are not the questions and situations that you should consider regarding this matter. Start interpreting from the pointer rune as from the center. Those runes that are closest to the pointer deserve immediate attention. Those further away indicate events or states of mind that are moving closer or further away from the plaintiff.
Runes touching each other refer to the same issue. Runes with gaps or empty ones between them are either separate issues or have some kind of barriers between them.
With practice, you will notice that the runes form patterns around the questions. The designs are usually linear or circular.
Once you have gained experience with your angelic runes, you can draw a chart similar to the ones I suggested for pendulum divination, or you can try using the one below, drawing it on cardboard or embroidering it on a white canvas. You can write out the circle with astrological symbols, phases of the moon, etc. The choice is yours
you. Don't forget to personalize your table. The most accurate interpretations are possible when you reveal your energies to the instrument.


Guardian Angel: This rune represents the suitor's guardian angel, and what he or she is affecting right now, whether he or she is blocked, and if so, by what. If the guardian angel rune is reversed, it means that the plaintiff does not take the guardian angel seriously or simply does not pay attention to him.
Religion: This is the sacred spiral. When this rune lies nearby, it indicates learning in the future, prayers to the deity and your connections with the Universe. Don't forget to perform a ritual, rite, or read a prayer so that it will help you solve a problem or take a fresh look at your life. Perhaps the difficulty lies in how you perceive religion and use it in your life. If this rune is turned face down, it essentially means that you are too busy with earthly things and are not using your spiritual gift, or it could simply mean that religious matters are not important at this moment.

Uriel is magic. If there is bad or good mojo involved, this rune will tell you so, especially if it is reversed. If it is near the rune of negativity, it means that magical actions have been performed, but this will not necessarily harm you, but will not bring anything good either. This means that the best intentions can bring you the worst possible results. If this rune is reversed, it definitely means that you have become the target of someone's negative thoughts. This may stem from jealousy or simply from incorrect information.

Metatron is wise. This is the ability to make the right decisions (in the right position) or the wrong ones (in the upside down position). Check the surrounding runes to see if wisdom is inherent to you or if you need to seek it from a friend or family member. A reversed rune can mean a hasty decision, which can lead to problems or rash action.
Pallas - meditation. The situation may improve if you think about it or start planning an appropriate action. Reversed, this rune shows that you have not sufficiently considered the situation from a positive point of view and you need to change your attitude in a positive direction.
Shekinah - halo. This rune represents your higher self and the best you can achieve in a given situation. It has no specific meaning when reversed. This rune of spiritual benefits and energy of the Goddess.
Wings are messages. In the correct position it means good messages, in reverse it can mean that you will not receive the message you are waiting for, or any messages at all.
Negativity is negativity projected onto a situation, such as gossip, bad intentions, dirty deeds, or jealousy on the part of the complainant or someone else. Check the surrounding runes. An inverted rune indicates the possibility of escaping the situation. Check the surrounding runes again to see how the stets can get rid of the problem.
Gabriel - began. This rune represents the beginning of any situation. If it is near the family rune, it means a possible birth or marriage. If it is reversed, the hope of starting over is blocked and may not manifest itself.
Azrael - endings. This rune represents the end of a matter. If it is reversed, the situation may end badly unless you try to do something about it, or perhaps the ending is not currently in sight. Check the surrounding runes again for clarity.

Money - this rune is very simple. Check the surrounding runes to find out the source and amount of money. If it is near a family rune or inheritance, then it could be a gift from a family member or the result of the death of a relative. If it is located near the rune of negativity, look around - someone is trying to use you.
Vesta – inspiration and protection. Look for something new that should help you. This could be a new hobby, a new job, a new partnership, etc. (check the surrounding runes). A reversed rune indicates a lack of inspiration on the part of the plaintiff.
Conflict – This rune means what it represents. This is a brewing fight, an open scandal, or perhaps a physical confrontation. Near the family rune means family disputes. Near the rune of negativity is an open dispute. Near the rune of bad habits means possible criminal activity or abandonment of a bad habit and abuse of something; The further away this rune is, the more likely it is that the plaintiff will be able to control the damage now or completely nullify the conflict. If the rune is reversed, the conflict has already occurred and steps are being taken to resolve it.

Anail is family. Another simple and direct sign meaning something connected by blood or spirit. This could be your close relatives or distant relatives. If it lays down correctly, then everything goes well (although check the surrounding runes). An inverted rune signifies possible dysfunction or temporary imbalance. . .
Raphael - harmony. Joy, excitement, pleasant events, happiness, love, self-esteem. Mixing of harmonic energies. Receiving gifts. A reversed rune represents unhappiness, blockage or destruction of pleasant events, or lack of self-esteem.
The star is hope for the future, a green light, a predestination that everything will turn out well for the plaintiff. This rune has no reverse meaning. Check the surrounding runes for further clarification.
Partiality means what it represents. Addiction to drugs, alcohol, sex or obsession - even with power, extreme individualism. A reversed rune indicates that the addiction is a thing of the past or that the individual is making great efforts to overcome the problem.

Chiron – karma. The situation presented is karmic in nature - it is a situation that you may have been working on for several life cycles, or it has just arisen. An inverted rune indicates a process of denial in a given situation and a refusal to work constructively.
A man is a man, or a masculine energy that influences the plaintiff in some way. The bones surrounding this rune indicate his intentions. The correct position indicates his positive influence or that deep down he is good man(the runes around him can indicate whether he makes good or bad decisions). An inverted rune shows that he is a boor and impudent person and his influence on the plaintiff will be bad.
A woman is a woman, or feminine energy, that influences the plaintiff in some way. The bones surrounding this rune indicate its intentions. The correct placement indicates that she is a positive influence or that she is a good person at heart (the runes around her can indicate whether she makes good or bad decisions). An inverted rune shows that this is an evil, insidious reptile and its influence on the plaintiff will be bad.
Juno - partnership. Union of two people in love or business (check the surrounding runes). An inverted rune means that not everything is in order with the partnership or that true feelings are hidden. For more information, check the nearby runes again.

Work is the work that is most important to the plaintiff in currently. This could be full-time, part-time, community service, or even inspirational work. The key here is the one that is most important. A reversed rune means that the plaintiff is not doing the work he really wants to do or his current job.
The full moon is the rune of time distribution. The runes around it show what will happen by the next Full Moon.
The new moon is another rune of time distribution. The runes around it show what will happen at the next New Moon.
Dummy – the outcome is unknown or there is an unknown influence involved in the situation.
The pointer symbolizes the plaintiff. The correct position means that the plaintiff's eyes are open and he is ready to learn the facts and hear spiritual messages. A reversed rune means that the plaintiff is in a state of denial, is not looking at all the facts rationally, or is so caught up in other endeavors that he is not paying attention to the business.

Angels and Tarot cards

For angelic layouts you need a deck of purified, blessed and charged tarot cards. Choose the deck you like. Don't worry if your usual interpretations are somewhat different from the standard ones I present to you here. You may not agree with them.
Because I work with angels, I have discovered hidden meanings in the tarot cards indicating who to contact to receive help from the angelic realms. I have also found that if I seek the help of my guardian angel before starting any interpretation, MY predictions and divinations become more accurate. I included some basic information about tarot in the book, assuming that if you are interested in magic, you love tarot cards and use them often. Additionally, I have included angelic ratios here to help you find solutions to your problems using tarot cards.

The meaning of the major arcana

Jester - the beginning of a new cycle or enterprise; something that was not expected or planned; moving in a different direction, into an unknown future; watch where you jump; use hidden talents.
Ask your guardian angel in which direction you should move and how firm your step should be. Use your angel's eyes when meditating. Aries angels, who go where others fear, are excellent assistants to the Jester.
The angels of Aries are Ariel, Mashidiel, Satararan and Sariel. These angels are brave, unbridled and frantic. Aquarius angels give impetus to start something new.
Magician - has the ability to give form to a question. Creativity, insight.
The Magician is best represented by Raphael with his power over the winds, science, creativity, healing, magical instruments and the gifts of the pentacle. When the Magician appears in your reading, look for a message from this blessed archangel. Remember that Raphael is also a seraph. The Dominions play the role of divine leaders whose efforts encompass the unification of the material and spiritual without loss of control. The Prince of Dominions is considered to be Hashmal or Zadkiel. Remember, Dominion is the name of the first angel. Here Dominance and Magician represent one thing. Capricorn angels can help you “get out” when you feel like you can’t put a thought into form.
Priestess – awareness of the planes of existence; hidden messages with new solutions; feminine balance and occult knowledge; leadership potential; matriarchal idea.
Ask Gabriel for help with women's secrets. Ask Uriel to reveal secret knowledge(he is an archangel and seraphim). Shekhina holds the key to all hidden secrets. Raziel is a divine spy and can help you uncover secret plans that may be affecting your life. Ramiel is the angel of true vision, but his help requires that your intentions be honest. Vesta's angels represent women's desires for certain goals or paths. Pallas's angels concentrate on feminine energy, involved in intuition, bursts of genius, keen insight and the formulation of new and original ideas. Thrones are interested in divine knowledge and the dissemination of this knowledge among humanity. Ariel is the keeper of visions, dreams and prophecies. Although Ariel was first considered a male deity, many believers in angels today associate Ariel with a female being. Neptune's angels will grant the plaintiff mystical experiences, clairvoyance and inspiration. You can use Gabriel's prayer:
I greet you, Mother of God, full of mercy - God be with you. Blessed are you among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Spouse and Son. Holy Goddess, Mother of the Earth, create your sacraments for your children, now and in our time of need. Dd it will be like this.
Empress – financial and emotional security; maternal or tender love; luck and happiness; female partner; pregnancy; the woman is the head of the family.
Ask the Queen of Angels for assistance in matters of fertility or the manifestation of abilities for the benefit of yourself or others. The guardian angels of Ceres, most interested in unconditional love, and the angels of the Great Mother are also associated with the Empress. Venus' angels are concerned with matters of the heart and beauty. The angels of Venus are Anail, Hasdiel, Yurabathres, Raphael, Hagiel and Noguil. Since the Empress can also signify fertility, any request made to Gabriel regarding this condition may be a good idea. Gabriel is the guardian of the energy of the Goddess on Earth, the protector of childbirth and pregnancy.
Emperor - the predominance of reason over feeling; management, policy, system; domination and power; patriarchal idea; the need to be famous; the man is the head of the family.
Michael, the chief among the Forces, the military leader of the archangels, the seraphim, the guardian of those organizations or groups that need structuring, will always help those who are concerned about issues of business, order and the creation of structure. The Angels of Principalities (guardians of large groups), Dominions (divine leaders) and Thrones can be seen in the Emperor's card. Cherubim also operate under the energies of the Emperor card as they are useful when you are seeking divine protection, wisdom and knowledge to create order out of chaos. The Virgo Angels perfectly represent the Emperor's card. The angels of Virgo are Voil, Voel, Hamaliel, Iadra and Skaltiel. These angels direct their actions towards the improvement of a thing, idea, duty or person. The Angels of the Sun (Aritiel, Galgaliel, Ghazar-diya, Korshid-Metatron, Michael, Osh, Raphael, Uriel, Zerashiel) will help the plaintiff in his greatest ambitious plans. These angels are associated with authority figures, privilege, success, health and advancement. Capricorn angels are involved in banking, insurance and management.
Priest – submission and tradition; the desire to keep up with everyone; creating the appearance of something; karma; marriage or ceremony of some kind; brilliance and splendor.
Metatron will come in handy here. Metatron is a super-angel, a divine prince. He is the official celestial scribe, keeping all written secrets; he keeps track of the affairs of mortals. He is considered the creator and librarian of the Akashic Archives. Truly, no other card represents Metatron better than Priest. Neptune's angels will ensure seriousness, humility, sincerity and wisdom.
Lovers - a choice between two opposites; decision that will affect several people; second sight; love versus practicality; possible new love; passion.
Look for Venus angels in matters of the heart such as courtship, dating, affection, marriages and harmony. They adore interaction and romantic love, as well as marriages and partnerships. different types. The angels of Mercury (Tiriel, Raphael, Hasdiel, Michael, Barkiel, Zadkiel and Bene Seraphim) will help in matters of communication between lovers. If you need to make a decision, ask your guardian angel what is the best thing to do. The Moon's angels bring messages of reconciliation and love. Juno's angels will help you if you have marital problems. They are interested in harmony and happiness in relationships.
Chariot – balance through movement; taking control of two opposing points of view; self-control; traffic; buying or selling a car.
The angels of the Moon monitor travel and travel, as does the Cherub (guardian of light and stars). Authorities are spirits of movement that generate and direct elemental energies that influence our planet. Sagittarius angels govern long-distance travel.
Justice – wills, contracts, agreements; what you sow is what you will reap; think before you act; The Goddess will balance the situation.
The main concern of Juno's angels is the balance of power and our individual freedom. The Terminator Angels (Michael, Gabriel and Uriel) are excellent at seeking justice for those who deserve it. The Forces are warrior angels who can help you when the need arises. You can call on the Origins in times of discrimination, the destruction of animals or people, unresponsive leadership, or to call upon force when reform is needed. Dark Moon Angels deal with addictions, change, divorce, enemies, justice, obstacles, quarrels, displacement, separation, criminals and their crimes and the unjustified death penalty. Waning Moon Angels also deal with divorce. The Angels of the Dissipating Moon help in relieving stress and negative emotions in general and can help in divorce cases. Full Moon Angels will help with general legal matters. Saturn's angels take care of debts and deal with lawyers, money matters, real estate, relationships with older people, and anything to do with family and finances (such as wills or real estate). Libra angels are drawn to incidents with legal consequences, to counseling others, or when interaction between individuals is necessary. They can highlight your enemies. The angels of Saturn are Orithiel, Kafziel, Michael, Mayon, Mail, Zaphiel, Skebtail and Zapkiel. Scorpio angels are excellent at handling criminal cases that involve murders and unsolved deaths. And finally, don't forget about the Powers, the warrior angels.
Hermit - introspection and spiritual enlightenment; planning and assessing the next move; search for higher intelligence; teacher meeting.
The Hermit is best represented by the angels of Neptune. They look after the oppressed and unadapted to life in society. They are interested in people who are considered visionaries. Neptune's angels love those who believe in mysticism, show competence and compassion. These angels can bestow upon you clairvoyance, inspiration, genius, devotion, mystical experiences and awe. Libra angels are involved in counseling.
Wheel of Fortune - rotation of any situation or life event; periodic movement; constant and uniform turn of events; upward moving impermanence.
The angels of Jupiter (Zakariel, Zadkiel, Sashiel, Adabiel, Bar-hiel and Zadikiel) are most interested in prosperity, including self-improvement and the well-being of others. Jupiter's angels govern the accumulation of wealth, power and position, and they support your optimism by attracting cheerful events to you and helping you develop your aspirations. The calm and constant angels of Taurus watch over income and property. These are Tual, Asmodel, Bagdal and Araziel.
Strength – victory over difficulties; successful end to a tedious event; spiritual strength; acute and sharp mental action.
This card corresponds to Michael, the angel of strength and victory. The Forces are warrior angels who will help you when you are in trouble or when you feel the need for extra strength to solve a problem. If you are looking for emotional strength, invoke Gabriel (see spell on page 27).
The angels of Uranus bestow strength and resourcefulness. The angels of Mars (Uriel, Sammael, Gabriel and Shamail) provide independence, strength, courage, energy, determination, self-reliance, boldness when necessary, and devotion. The angels of Mars are the angels of victory.
Hanged Man - thoughts, ideas or projects in a state of uncertainty; stalemate; willingness to move in a certain direction.
The angels of Chiron best represent the Hanged Man. These angels hold the keys to the Universe and are considered the masculine side of the wounded priest and wounded healer. Chiron's angels can open any door, move any obstacle, bring you out of uncertainty and allow you to descend from the tree of life and gain the knowledge you need at its roots.
Death is a radical, unplanned change; the old is torn down to prepare the new; instant liberation from illusions; new life path.
Azrael, the angel of death, will bring change to the life of the plaintiff. Saturn's angels also usher in change and deal with power, karmic experiences, boundaries and endurance. The angels of Uranus deal with means mass media and communication with the dead. Scorpio angels are very mystical and deal with death, rebirth and karma.
Moderation - the ability to adapt to new circumstances; action as a result of the higher self or guiding information; mature love; common sense leadership; the art of mixing and matching.
This is a guardian angel card. If this card is reversed, the plaintiff needs to be reminded to talk to his guardian angel; a message awaits him. Neptune's angels bestow patience, endurance, modesty, sincerity and seriousness. The angels of Mercury are also suitable here, bringing adaptability, mental activity, brilliance, eloquence, physical agility and awareness. The angels of Mercury are Tiriel, Raphael, Hasdiel, Michael, Barkiel, Zad-kiel and Bene Seraphim. Aquarius angels deal with friends, hopes, desires. Pisces Angels are most interested in healing and the energies of unseen forces and powers. Moderation can be seen in the healer's chart. I believe that those who are inclined towards the healing arts and gravitate towards the Pisces angels often have this card reversed. Authorities may also be associated with the Temperance card, as they are known as "miracle angels." Raphael, the healer, fits in nicely here as well.
Devil - bound by an idea, word or deed; unbridled lust or deep passion; a charismatic but not trustworthy personality; human vice; addiction to drugs or alcohol; violence; obsession.
The Angels of Ceres assist in counseling friends and in fortune telling with the sole purpose of helping others. These angels find and heal lost pets and children. Neptune's angels will help with problems related to imprisonment, abandonment, addictions, or physical intolerance to medications or other substances.
Tower - rapid disintegration of the situation; seeing things as they really are; unexpected failures or consequences; danger; fate.
Revolutionary changes can be attributed to the angels of Uranus. They will help you understand an unexpected change that may look unclear and bleak on the surface, but in reality will turn out for the better. For me, the Tower represents situations that hit us from the outside, and difficulties that we did not cause, but must deal with. Ask the angels of Uranus for help when dealing with this kind of unexpected change in events.
Star – faith, trust and hope; positive influences; the ability to break through illusion; new life with wider alternatives; predetermination of luck.
This card is more associated with the cherubs, who are the guardians of light and stars. They also create and conduct positive energy from deity to people. They are known as "those who intercede." Cherubim watch the galaxies, protect religious temples and work as personal sword-wielding guardians to help you fulfill your destiny.
Moon – dreams, intuition, vision seeking, imagination, emotionally charged circumstances; a bet made with opposing parties; magical work; possibility of deception.
Gabriel and the angels of the Moon represent the energies of this card. Moon Angels focus on our emotions or the emotions of others. Cancer angels rule intuition and sensitivity, and also reflect negative energy, protecting family secrets and ensuring security. The angels of the Moon are Kyle, Manu-il, Muriel, Radar and Fakiel.
The sun is joy and happiness, well-deserved rewards; family holidays; new creative environment; good news is on the way.
Of course, the angels of the Sun are associated with this card. Michael and Metatron are also of great importance here, representing bright personalities and success. Leo angels (Verchiel, Sagam and Seratiel) are also bright, optimistic, enthusiastic and loyal.
Those in power especially love those who try to push their limits to achieve more than everyone says they can. Sun Angels deal with willpower, power and recognition. Important to them are issues of advancement, health, fun, pleasure, devotion and generosity.
Trial – a project or situation nearing completion; the need to make a final decision; awakening at the end of a long process; the ending may not be as expected; the past comes back to haunt you; you are too critical of yourself.
After much thought, I paired the Judgment card with the archangels (Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Gabriel). When this card pops up for good or bad... this means it’s time to make a decision, although it may not be as soon as you want. For me, this is the “angelic red tape” card. It's not over yet. Thrones also supports this card. Thrones create, collect and transmit incoming and outgoing positive energies that affect justice and justice. They have many eyes and can send healing energy to any victim.
Thrones are very interested in what people do, although they can channel their energies through your guardian angel.
Peace is the end of a cycle in a situation that brings you fair rewards and movement forward and upward; the script has completely exhausted itself; there are no loose ends left; satisfactory conclusion; the opportunity to explore new paths.
For me, Shekinah represents the World map best of all. Shekhina is the bliss that comes from the deity, it symbolizes liberation, so this is her card. She is the Holy Spirit who brings two halves (or many lines of thought or work) together. Its mission is development.

The meaning of identical cards

The more identical cards there are (for example, four kings, three aces, etc.), the faster the outcome of the situation will come. These combinations also have their own interpretations.
4 Fast moving forces are at work; wait for a sneak strike.
3 Quick success guaranteed.
2 Change at hand, such as work or home.
4 Rapid reorganization and possible “shake-up”.
3 Conversations (including gossip) will lead to quick results. 2 And shield the hidden plan in the partnership.
4 Strong finish and great rewards.
3 A lie is somewhere nearby (look for the Moon; revelation of a secret or betrayal).
2 D two targets moving in opposite directions, or you may get hit from both sides at the same time.
4 A strong foundation was laid very quickly. Are there any cracks in it?
3 Possible envy in matters of property.
2 Reorganization of assets.
4 The opposition will soon strike and leave you confused or scrambling for cover.
3 And shield the love triangle.
2 Look for deception.
4 The showdown will hit home.
3 And discover a new hidden opportunity in an old problem.
4 Trouble comes suddenly; hold on tight and swim with her.
3 Close the doors and windows - the main thief is on the threshold.
4 Quick communication on main issues.
3 Pack your suitcases; you're doomed to travel.
4 The end is fast approaching; I hope you're ready.
3 Another person can help you reach a quick conclusion on this issue.
4 Something will be bought or sold very quickly; Remember to read the fine print.
3 There is a certain inheritance associated with this.
4 New ideas will come soon; Get ready for a creative explosion.
4 Quick action on the case. Be careful in your dreams. May indicate changes at home, work or relationships.
Meaning of cisrr on cabins
Numbers on cards not only indicate a length of time (for example, two days, two weeks or two months on a card with the number two), they can tell you something about the development of a situation.
One is the Beginning.
Two – Direction or first meeting point.
Three – This is where the details emerge and the idea takes shape.
Four - They take root here to build.
Five – The first challenge or difficulty in a situation.
Six – Here the question changes and evolves to continue.
Seven – Diversity is now added to expand the idea or project.
Eight – This is the evaluation period.
Nine - Moving forward almost to completion.
Ten – Completion of a cycle, project or issue.
Page – A ritual or ceremony associated with a change in social status.
Jack – Movement and direction.

Angel card spreads

Interpreters are always looking for new ways to gain information through tarot cards. Here are some angel spreads you can try.

General rules

Sit quietly, take deep breaths several times; get grounded and centered. Relax.
Call on your guardian angel and ask him/her to help you with the interpretation.
Invite the angels of prophecy into your life and ask for their help.
Shuffle the deck and think about your question.
When you feel ready, arrange the cards in the pattern you have chosen. You can lay them face up or face down, turning them over as you interpret them.

Arkhangelsk layout

The simplest layout is Arkhangelsk. First of all, this is a layout of messages, although it can also be used for fortune telling. Essentially, each card in the chart symbolizes a message from the specific angel it represents.

.. This is often the question that is most important to you at that moment.
2. Relationship Angels: Information from the angels that connect you to other people.
3. Work Environment Angels: Information from the angels who watch over your work environment.
4. Home Environment Angels: Information from the angels who watch over your home environment.
5. Financial Angels: Information from the angels who oversee your finances.
6. Angels of health: information from angels. who look after your health.
7. Transformation Angels: Information about changes needed in your life or changes you have recently made.
8.Structural Angels: information from the angels on the structures that you need to strengthen or destroy in your life.
9.Attunement Angels: Information on areas of your life that may be in disarray and need a push to achieve harmony.
10.Angels of secrets: information concerning you or
circumstances around you, which ; may be hidden from you,

Angelic lunar spread

This alignment changes with the phases of the moon. You will need to check your calendar to know what phase the Moon is in before you begin. This phase will be your first1 set of two cards. In each set of cards, the card on the left indicates the circumstances during that phase; the map on the right indicates where work is needed. Third card under each phase: indicates the outcome at that time. The last card (middle) shows a general overview of the coming month (see layout on next page).
Remember that when you are dealing with the future, divination tools only show you what is most likely to happen if you remain in your current direction.
This is a reminder to those of us who have been fortune telling for a long time, as well as to those who are just starting to study cards, or to people who are looking for the help of a fortuneteller.
This question came to me one evening. If you have been guessing for a long time, you involuntarily become overconfident and lose your vigilance. Sometimes we get so used to interpreting the future that we forget that we can change it. I'm one of those who forget about this.
“Spread your cards on me,” said Ina.
Wonderful. I explained the result to her. She nodded her head. I ended with the words: , . “That’s the best you can hope for.”
– And what should I do to change this? - La Ina will ask.
I looked at her dumbfounded. I, a person who teaches thousands of people that they have the right and are able to change their lives and shows how to do this, sat and looked at the client in bewilderment. Ina and I began to discuss what she could do to change the negative outcome of the fortune telling.
Later, I reconsidered all my actions that led to this interpretation. Why did I decide that Ina would not want to change the result of this fortune telling? Was it because many of the clients for whom I cast spells on Tarot cards did not want to change the course of their lives, relying only on the result card fortune telling? At the beginning of each fortune telling, I began to tell clients that the result of the card prediction can be changed if you have the desire. Why did I stop listening to my own words?
This happened because I was mired in material matters. I looked around. The winter was hard. My husband and I saved every penny to meet all our family's needs. Everyday problems surrounded us on all sides, replacing spiritual needs with physical ones. My life was not okay and I knew it.
Let's turn to the angels. I mentally asked for help, asking my guardian angel to help me raise my spiritual strength. I asked to be relieved of worries on the physical level and to help me see the whole picture. Finally, I began to think seriously about what is most important to me now and why. This is where I come from. began to act, changing various schemes. in your life to free yourself from physical stress.
These reality checks happen to each of us at different times in our lives. Nobody can escape this. They usually signal impending danger. Instead of sinking into a grumpy existence, or worse, hopeless despair, seek help from the angels who will extend a friendly hand to you.
If you call them, they will come.
