Which feng shui stove in the kitchen is better? Feng Shui rules. Kitchen stove. Feng Shui wallpaper in the kitchen

Feng Shui (literally meaning “wind and water”) is an ancient planning practice that promotes harmony with the environment. Organizing the interior according to the rules prescribed by her not only guarantees good decor, but also improves the quality of life. In order for a home to attract health, it is necessary to individually customize the color of its walls and functionality.

The fundamental rule of Feng Shui is to recognize that the environment affects our lives. Frustration and chaos in the apartment interfere with well-being and material wealth. Balance is the basic norm of Chinese philosophical teaching. Positive energy is the key to good luck.

Kitchen according to feng shui is central place in the house, used not only for cooking, but also for family meetings. This is the heart of the home, so it is worth the effort to properly arrange the room.

In order for a kitchen to truly live up to its high position, according to Feng Shui theory, the following standards must be met:

  1. The cooking room is associated with the elements of Fire and Wood, so its ideal location would be the south or southeast side of the house. Geographical direction may affect functionality. In ancient China, the southeast orientation was considered the best, as it helped to catch the wind that fanned the fire in the stove. If the kitchen is located in the northern or northwestern part of the house, it cannot be moved, but by using other elements, you can compensate for the negative impact.
  2. The door to the kitchen should not be directly in front of the entrance to the toilet or bedroom, or in front of the window.
  3. An open kitchen has a positive effect on strengthening family ties, but according to Feng Shui, it is necessary to separate it with a partition or flooring to stop the energy escaping.
  4. The best shape for a kitchen is quadrangular. It is recommended to avoid pentagons and hexagons.
  5. The basic rule is to separate the stove from the sink. Due to belonging to opposite elements, namely Fire and Water, it is necessary to place some kind of wooden element between them to create a border.
  6. The dishwasher (Water) should not be located next to the refrigerator (Water). An excess of this element can extinguish a fire on a stove.
  7. A large number of burners in the kitchen contributes to wealth.
  8. Order, cleanliness and detachment are the three principles of Feng Shui. Therefore, it is important to properly organize the space and get rid of what is not used. There should be no unnecessary items or decorations in the kitchen. Garbage containers are hidden in closets. The work surface is always kept clean and ready for use.

Kitchen set

Traditional Chinese Feng Shui strives to harmonize all elements, so the dominance of one or two of them is discouraged.

It is preferable to choose a wooden kitchen set with a rounded shape to avoid angularity. Shelves are not used, all utensils are placed in cabinets with closing doors. In open places it is allowed to place round jars with bulk products.

Hanging cabinets are located away from the dining space so as not to disturb people sitting at the table. Drawers for storing kitchen utensils and other cutting and piercing objects must be provided. If they are located outside in special stands, then the sharp side should be directed downwards.


It is recommended to choose an oval or round dining table with a symmetrical shape. It is desirable that it be made of wood, since, for example, energy can easily escape through a glass tabletop. However, the use of an opaque surface is acceptable. The ideal location of the furniture product is in the center, but for this the room needs space. If the kitchen has a common wall with the toilet, it is not recommended to install a table in such a place.

The stools that many people love are not suitable due to the uncomfortable position of the body. For the kitchen, it is preferable to use chairs with comfortable backs, the optimal number of which is determined by the size of the room and the number of people living in the house.

When arranging furniture, you should not fill every area of ​​space. It is recommended to leave some room for freedom of movement. In tight spaces, energy flow is limited.


Arranging a kitchen according to Feng Shui requires good lighting, which means that no decorative curtains should interfere with this. It is advisable that the curtains do not cover the window sills. This allows you to control the order and absence of unnecessary items in this place.

A good solution would be roller blinds or shortened curtains. The last window accessory does not have to be of a strict shape; asymmetry and waves at the bottom are acceptable.


When installing this device, you must be guided by the general principles of the balance of the elements of Water and Fire. In order not to disturb it, the refrigerator, stove and sink should be placed not in one line, but along the vertices of the triangle. This method, in addition to balanced energy, will bring ease of use.

Products from the refrigerator are immediately removed after the expiration date. Spoiled food blocks positive energy. On the other hand, you need to constantly ensure that the refrigerator is filled with food. If it is empty, it is a sign of lack of independence.

Stove and oven

The stove is very important element in the kitchen. It is a symbol of love and good luck for the whole family. It is necessary to opt for a gas model, since fire brings wealth. The oven must be installed so that the front door is visible. The microwave oven should be avoided as it destroys the positive Qi energy contained in dishes and foods.

The stove is located in such a way that it is not visible from the adjacent room. This also ensures the correct position of the person preparing the food: he will not stand with his back to the door.

Several principles for slab placement:

  • the place under the window is not suitable for installing a heating device;
  • Do not place the kitchen stove under a beam or sloping ceiling;
  • behind there should be a solid wall, behind which there is no toilet or bathroom;
  • The ideal position of the heating device is in the southwestern or southern part of the room.

According to the principles of Feng Shui, a pot of rice is placed in the welfare sector, namely near the stove. In practice, you can fill it with salt, which also symbolizes wealth.

The stove should be kept clean and tidy, and it is recommended to use each burner in turn so that the energy does not stagnate.


The best material for washing is stainless steel. Metal, interacting with water, helps destroy harmful energy influence. As in all other parts of the kitchen, there must be perfect order. It is necessary to carefully monitor the taps: repair them in time and not keep them open unnecessarily, since flowing water carries away wealth. The location of the sink is acceptable in the northern or eastern part of the room, for example, near a window with a beautiful view.

When decorating a room, it is important to think about the colors in which it will be decorated. Main principle– do not overload the interior. An excess of glossy and metal surfaces in industrial-type kitchens is not welcome, as there will be a lack of heat. Additionally, metallic shades can slow down the energy of the room.

The colors that are traditionally associated with the kitchen are warm, stimulating digestive energy. These include all shades of yellow, as well as beige and orange. In Feng Shui practices, lemon is considered the color of joy. It creates a cozy atmosphere and adds energy and optimism to the room, which helps strengthen family ties and ensures balance in social relationships.

However, it is not recommended to use bright colors as the main ones. It is advisable to use them for decorative elements. If you want to make the kitchen more joyful, then on the dining table, for example, you can place a vase of delicious fruit or a bright bouquet.

To facilitate the selection of tones that should prevail in the design of the room, a specially compiled map of directions is used - the Bagua octagon. It shows the color scheme depending on the geographical orientation of the kitchen:

  1. The north suggests a choice of bluish tones interspersed with green and brown (water element).
  2. For western direction White and gray colors with the addition of metal are suitable.
  3. The east is characterized by greenish tones (Earth element) combined with beige shades. Houseplants are welcome in such rooms.
  4. For a kitchen located on the south side, it is recommended to use the following colors: pink, light orange, white.

The northeast and southwest belong to the elements of Earth, the southeast to Wood, and the northwest to Metal.

When decorating a kitchen according to Feng Shui, you must observe the following prohibitions on the use of colors:

  1. Water extinguishes Fire, so blue and black tones are not suitable for the southern direction.
  2. Red should not be used in northern cuisine.
  3. In a room that is located on east side at home, you should refrain from using metallic shades.
  4. Western orientation does not accept an abundance of wood and plants.

Feng Shui interior design experts also make general recommendations aimed at ensuring that positive energy accompanies the preparation and consumption of food. Among them the following are noted:

  1. The kitchen should be well lit, clean and properly organized. Then energy will easily flow through it. It is recommended to clear countertops of unnecessary items, as they bring chaos and anxiety into the room. If the room looks too harsh, you can liven it up with a curtain, tablecloth, etc.
  2. The mood during cooking affects the Qi energy. It is important to think about something pleasant, to exclude disputes and showdowns.
  3. It is necessary to remove all ugly and damaged things, as well as broken household appliances. They spread bad energy.
  4. It is recommended to place a basket of oranges in a prominent place. These fruits are a symbol of happiness, health and prosperity.
  5. You can grow herbs in a pot on the windowsill. They are considered a sign of abundance. Other plants are also planted, but they are not poisonous. Bouquets and arrangements of dried flowers are absolutely impractical.
  6. There's no place in the kitchen wall clock. If you need to keep track of time, you can use a small alarm clock that should not be visible when eating.
  7. Water in the kettle cannot be stored for a long time. Such liquid weakens vital energy.
  8. It is necessary to use the stove as often as possible. This helps you develop your potential and increases your chances of health, wealth and love.
  9. There should be no uncomfortable places in the kitchen. The more comfortable the room, the easier it is to find love and support.
  10. It is better to take bowls for animals outside the premises.
  11. You should not prepare food with your back to the front door. Uncertainty behind or surprise at someone's appearance fills dishes with negative energy. When there is no other entrance, you can place a mirror on the wall so that the door is visible.
  12. If the kitchen and eating area are not designed according to the above principles, there is no need to worry. You can change the energy of a room by hanging mirrors, jingling pendants or reflective crystals.


Designing a kitchen according to Feng Shui principles is a difficult task. However, many rules ancient philosophy coincide with the advice of modern architects and designers. Even without trusting the theory about the accumulation of good energy, you can get tangible benefits when arranging a room according to Feng Shui. First of all, it is convenience and harmony with nature.

It has always been natural for a person to take care of comfort in his home. After all, not only the beauty and style of a home is important, but also its harmony and atmosphere. Therefore, it is not surprising that the teaching of Feng Shui is now very popular; with its help, you can arrange all things in the house in a certain way, create the most favorable energy environment, which will be felt by a person as desired comfort.

In Russia, from time immemorial, the kitchen has been a favorite place for the whole family. It just so happens that the wealth of the head of the family and the skill of the housewife reflect precisely appearance and the state of the kitchen. So, the kitchen is the heart of the home, which reflects the well-being and prosperity of the family. Can there be any doubt that it is the kitchen that needs the help of Feng Shui?

Feng Shui is an ancient Taoist teaching that studies the laws of energy distribution in space and recommends ways for a person to achieve harmony with the environment, which allows him to bring more luck and happiness into his life. This is a set of methods with which we can improve our environment, develop an apartment layout and arrange furniture correctly.

Feng Shui is a complex science, and recommendations for harmonizing space are most often given by masters in relation to a given building and the people living in it. And yet, basic rules and recommendations have been developed that can be applied to any circumstances for harmonization with the outside world. And all of them are imbued, in fact, with common sense.

First you need to get to know basic concepts and terms.

The ideal kitchen is spacious and bright

Visually, the kitchen can be enlarged by installing large mirror opposite the entrance.

In a small and dark kitchen, light walls (or even white) and enhanced lighting are needed. During the day, keep window openings free of curtains - natural light is most favorable.

Nowadays, in modern urban conditions, the location of the kitchen is already a given, and often it does not coincide with that recommended by Feng Shui. But such a discrepancy can be corrected using the techniques of this ancient teaching.

It's good when you can do a redevelopment. The ideal location of the kitchen according to Feng Shui is in the south, where the element of Fire is concentrated. Beautiful - in the East, corresponding to the element of Wood.

An unsuitable place for a kitchen is the North of the house, associated with Water: since Water conflicts with Fire. In this case, we resort to the help of the element of Wood, which harmonizes the conflict of these opposing elements: we choose curtains for the walls.

It is also important where the entrance to the kitchen is located:

  • the passage to the kitchen opposite the main entrance to the apartment is contraindicated, in order to avoid a direct attack by Sha;
  • in a kitchen located in close proximity to the front door, guests will immediately want to leave your home immediately after a meal, and household members will want to eat often and in excess.

The following techniques will help:

  • Decorate the kitchen door with thread curtains or beaded curtains;

  • Hang or place something bright diagonally from the kitchen to distract the eyes of those entering the house from the kitchen door. It could be a colorful picture or.

There is also a layout where there is a bathroom or toilet next to the kitchen. The proximity of these rooms threatens the owner with a “leakage” of wealth. Counteraction: above the entrance to the kitchen you need to hang a crystal or “wind chime” with hollow tubes.

Color is an important part of harmony

According to Feng Shui, it must correspond to the side of the world on which it is located, which, in turn, has its own specific color.

The main rule is not to use the colors of the opposing element:

  • in a kitchen located on the south side (Fire), it is better to refrain from black and blue shades (Water);
  • in eastern and southeastern kitchens, do not use imitation or metal colors either in decoration or in furniture.

Feng Shui consultants insist that it is better to avoid using too bright and saturated colors in the kitchen, especially red and blue, as well as gloomy shades of gray and black. The flashy colors of “Fire” – red, pink and orange – can cause irritability and lead to quarrels.

The ideal kitchen color according to Feng Shui is white, as well as light, delicate shades of green, yellow, and brown. The remaining colors can be used as accents.

Feng Shui consultants are always against the use of mirror tiles, as it resembles a broken mirror.

We arrange functional areas correctly

According to the rules of Feng Shui, the stove, refrigerator and sink form a triangle, and a distance between them of 1.5-2 meters will ensure maximum comfort for the housewife. In this case, Fire objects (stove, oven, microwave oven) must be separated from Water objects (refrigerator, sink) by Wood elements.

Where to put the stove?

The cooking area, located in the southern part of the kitchen, contributes to the financial well-being of the owner. Both the southwestern and northeastern sides are favorable, and the unfavorable location of the slab is the northern part of the room. In addition, the stove should not be placed next to a window, so that your wealth does not “fly” out the window.
The location of the hearth opposite the entrance is unfavorable, because the person preparing the food will not be able to see those entering. In this case, you can hang a mirror in the cooking area, which will reflect incoming guests or household members.

Ideal places for refrigerator and sink

The best place for a refrigerator is the south-eastern part of the kitchen, favorable sides are the north and east. It is important that the refrigerator is always full of fresh food!

In the southeast, north and east sides you can place a sink area, dishwasher and washing machine. It is advisable not to place them in the southern, southwestern and northeastern parts of the kitchen.

Arranging furniture

When planning a kitchen, you need to take into account that furniture should not interfere with the free flow of Qi, so try not to clutter the kitchen with it. Remember - a good kitchen should be bright and spacious!

Furniture without corners contributes to the movement of Qi, as it emanates from sharp corners. negative energy Sha.

The kitchen set must have doors; open shelves are not welcome. If you still have them, then purchase round jars for bulk products. According to Feng Shui, it is undesirable to place hanging shelves and cabinets in the dining area - people sitting at the table will not be comfortable.

While planning your kitchen design, it is important to provide in advance places for storing massive kitchen utensils and electrical appliances, as well as convenient drawers for cutlery, because according to the rules of Feng Shui, knives, forks, and scissors must be hidden in drawers. In any case, make sure that sharp objects are not left in plain sight overnight, especially on the table.

Lunch group

Choose a table according to the size of the kitchen - there is a lot of free space in the house, which means there is room for well-being. Not only the size, but also the shape of the dining table is important. Favorable shapes: square (Earth), rectangle (Wood), circle (Metal). But as noted earlier, the fewer corners the better, so round and oval tables are most suitable for the dining area. Semicircular, L-shaped, triangular configurations are undesirable due to their “instability” and “inferiority”.

The best material for a table is wood. A glass tabletop is not desirable, since food on glass, symbolizing wealth and abundance, as Feng Shui gurus say, “falls into the void.” If you already have a glass table, then you can simply cover it with a beautiful light one. Chairs with high backs are desirable.

Order in the kitchen means order in finances!

The state of the kitchen symbolically reflects the life and contentment of the family. Therefore, keep order and cleanliness, try not to clutter the space with different objects. Leave only essential items on tables and countertops. And other things should be stored in cabinets and drawers.

All household appliances must be kept in good condition. Perhaps everyone knows this, but let us remind you once again that a faulty item is a source of negative energy.

Fix leaks from the faucet in a timely manner to avoid wasting your health and money.

There is no need to use dishes that are cracked or have chipped edges; they should be thrown away immediately to make room for new beautiful things.

With all due respect to the teachings of Feng Shui, there is still no need to collect a lot of talismans in the house and kitchen. Cleanliness, pleasant lighting and proper interaction of the elements are the main thing. Create conditions for the harmonious movement of beneficial energy Qi and enjoy prosperity and abundance!

The kitchen in any house or apartment can safely be called the most living space. In the kitchen, all family members most often gather to eat and discuss pressing problems. The kitchen is rightfully considered a symbol of family wealth and deserves special attention and veneration.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, if the kitchen is arranged correctly, then it becomes a source positive energy for your home and its inhabitants, which contributes to an optimistic mood and well-being of the whole family. In this article we will look at how to organize the kitchen space so that it is not only pleasant, but also useful.

Kitchen – where to place it?

According to Feng Shui philosophy, it is best to place the kitchen space in the south side of the house, since the South corresponds to the fire element and the hottest and “fiery” item in the kitchen - the stove. The position from the east or southeast will also be favorable for the kitchen area (these parts of the world correspond to the woody element)

The worst case scenario for a kitchen would be to place it in the northern part of the house. According to Feng Shui, the north is the water element; if you place the kitchen on this side of the house or apartment, visitors will not feel comfortable here. If the kitchen is located in the north, keep an eye on the taps and sewer lines - problems are quite possible.

According to Feng Shui, a kitchen must have free space for the movement of positive Qi energy. She should not allocate a room in the center of the apartment - in this case, the smells of cooked food will spread throughout all the rooms and attract negative Sha energy, which can cause quarrels and serious disagreements in the family.

It is advisable that the doors to the kitchen cannot be seen from the threshold. Feng Shui claims that in this situation you will have to feed numerous uninvited guests all the time. It is also not very good if the kitchen is located near the front door - well-being, symbolized by cooked food, will leave the family, and household members will begin to get sick. In the case of such placement, all the negative energy of the street freely enters the kitchen.

It should be noted that all kitchen furnishings and utensils are easily accessible. There must be a constant flow of fresh air in the kitchen area: when equipping a kitchen, an exhaust hood is required (it is usually installed above the stove) and the possibility of ventilation. The abundance of fresh air creates a favorable environment in the house.

It’s good if the kitchen is square or rectangular in shape. If the kitchen space has curves or several sharp corners, accumulation occurs in these places. negative energy, which brings incurable diseases and great misfortunes.

It is advisable to separate the kitchen from other rooms. When building a house yourself, it is worth placing it last, behind all the rooms. Next to the kitchen, as a rule, there is a dining room. If there is no plan for a separate dining room in the house, then it is worth at least separating the space for cooking from the common dining table.

It is completely wrong to locate the kitchen area next to the bathroom and toilet (in modern high-rise apartments this arrangement is most common). The Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui states that wealth will leave the home along with the water in the bathroom.

What if the position of the kitchen is not changed?

In standard apartments these days, it is difficult to change the placement of the kitchen area. But you can change the situation a little, following the laws of Feng Shui in the kitchen.

First of all, it is better to close the doors to the kitchen. By the kitchen door you should place a large flowerpot with an ornamental plant and hang a photograph or picture. Cover the doorway with bamboo or straw curtains.

To reduce the influence of Sha energy, it is better to take round boxes or jars for bulk products.

Water supply lines must be covered with decorative structures.

It is important to monitor the serviceability of the taps: according to Feng Shui, water drop by drop can take away a family’s wealth.

When decorating kitchen walls according to Feng Shui, the rules advise using elements with plants and fruits. It’s good if there are such drawings on the tablecloth.

To make your kitchen cozy, Feng Shui recommends adding objects made of clay and ceramics (pottery, figurines) as room decor. These things will enhance the energy of the water and wood elements.

When decorating a kitchen, Feng Shui recommends using bunches of onions or dried peppers. These items have long been considered signs of harvest and prosperity.

Another important rule: all kitchen utensils with sharp or piercing ends (knives, forks, etc.) should be stored in drawers and boxes with lids, and not left on the table. It is believed that the sharp ends of such objects are sources of negative energy and provoke quarrels in the family and illnesses in the household. Slavic healers also speak about this, who regard the pointed ends of objects as a source of evil, through which evil spirits bring trouble to the family.

The kitchen area should have good lighting, and the furniture should be located in such a way that there are no dark corners or curvature of the space. In such a room it will be easier for the housewife to move around and easily cope with her responsibilities.

The main kitchen furniture - stove, sink and refrigerator - should form a triangle when positioned. The distance between them should be at least 1.5 meters. If such a relative arrangement is not possible (kitchens in modern apartments are usually small), it is important to separate these main kitchen items with wood or green elements, which are signs of the woody element. The sink and stove must be separated by a countertop or board. This is done so that the fire and water elements do not interact with each other and do not harm the inhabitants of the house.

Where to put the stove?

The stove is rightfully considered the main item in the kitchen, and Chinese philosophy Feng Shui pays special attention to it.

The stove should not be placed near the window - along with the aromas of food, all the well-being of the family can evaporate from the house.

It is best, according to Feng Shui, to place the stove on the south side of the room. It’s good if it is directed towards the center of the house. The direction of the slab towards the front door, stairs or bedroom is considered unfavorable.

In China they prefer gas stoves or stoves with an open fire. An electric stove or microwave oven is not welcome in the kitchen.

What kind of washing can it be?

According to Feng Shui, the sink should be made of stainless steel. This material personifies the element of Metal, which destroys negative energy structures and helps to wash them away with water. Washing in mandatory must be separated from the slab, as stated earlier.

Where should the refrigerator be?

The refrigerator is also a representative of the water element. The best option for its location would be the southeast or southwest side - they believe that such a location has a positive effect on family well-being.

You can place a mirror at the bottom of the refrigerator shelf - such a maneuver will “increase” the number of products and ready-made dishes contained there.

Kitchen colors

In the kitchen, shades of green, yellow, brown, orange and white flowers. In this room there are most representatives of the water and fire elements, so the predominance of intense shades of red, blue or black is not recommended.

Good for the kitchen white– according to Feng Shui, it is considered an intermediate link between the fire and water elements. In addition, it looks wonderful with metal objects that are in every kitchen. When decorating the kitchen interior, you should avoid combinations of opposing elements. Shades of green are very beneficial and pleasant in the kitchen.

Electronics in the kitchen

Feng Shui believes that electrical appliances have a stimulating effect on the areas where they operate. You can take advantage of this by arranging the devices correctly.

When arranging appliances, it is important to avoid conflicting elements; for example, a microwave oven should not hang above the stove.

All equipment used in the kitchen must be in working order and ready for use. Only what is used most often should be on hand. It is better to put devices that are rarely used in a closet.

Everything for the convenience of the cook

The main person in the kitchen is the cook. All measures for equipping the kitchen premises are aimed at ensuring comfortable and convenient work for the person preparing food. It is not for nothing that it is believed that the most delicious food is obtained if it is prepared in a good mood. When setting up a kitchen, it is important not to allow the cook to be behind front door so that the cook at work does not accidentally get scared by the person entering. If this is not possible, you can hang a mirror above the work table or stove - this way the cook will see the door and possible guests.

To make things better in the kitchen

As already mentioned, modern apartments deprive owners of the opportunity to plan the kitchen in strict accordance with the principles of Feng Shui. But it is within our power to follow general advice on improving the energy of the kitchen space. Let's look at some of them.

  1. There should be no unnecessary things in the kitchen that accumulate negative energy.
  2. Dishes and all utensils should be in their places - in drawers and cabinets. It is better to throw away dishes with cracks and chips immediately.
  3. It is better not to leave food and dishes that have begun to spoil within the kitchen.
  4. It is better to use wooden objects and elements of green shades in the decor.
  5. If possible, it is advisable to place fresh fruits and flowers on the kitchen table.
  6. Have fun cooking. Food prepared in a good mood tastes better.
  7. You need to eat food slowly, without fussing.
  8. Try not to quarrel or sort things out in the kitchen.
  9. Be careful with mirrors. You don't want it to reflect the eaters at the table, otherwise you'll have to constantly feed everyone.

If you look at the laws of Feng Shui, then any of them is dictated by common sense. When equipping a kitchen space according to the principles of this eastern teaching, practicality should be observed. A kitchen, no matter how small, should contain the maximum number of really important things. Any kitchen should be comfortable and cozy, because it is not only a place for eating, but also for family conversations, a pleasant rest with a cup of aromatic tea.

The housewife spends a lot of time in the kitchen, so it is important to decorate it correctly.

The oldest science in China, Feng Shui, deals with the development of space, for example, with the proper arrangement of furniture and selection of colors, you can improve or even change your life.

The kitchen is a symbol of the belly, and the words “money” and “food” have the same meaning in China.

Let's consider the recommendations of experts on what a kitchen should be like according to Feng Shui. Abundance and prosperity in the family depend on the kitchen; if everything is organized correctly, then favorable energy will constantly circulate well in the house, bringing financial well-being, health and good luck to all household members.

General rules

The ideal place for the kitchen is in the south of the house; the stove, its main attribute, belongs to the element of Fire. The southeast and also the east, where the element is Wood, are favorable.

The most unfortunate situation is in the north (Water), it will interfere with digestion, plumbing fixtures will break down more often, taps will leak, etc.

We need empty space in the center of the kitchen to good energy Qi brought good luck.

When the kitchen is in the center of the house, the smells in all rooms will attract unfavorable Sha energy, and there will often be quarrels.

If the entrance to the kitchen is visible when entering the house, the house will be constantly full of guests.

You need easy access to necessary items and clean air, so an exhaust hood over the stove and ventilation are required.

The kitchen, like the entire apartment, should have the correct shape of a rectangle or square. Sharp corners, L-shape and improper layout will give “dead zones” where negative energy (illness, troubles, etc.) will stagnate.

It’s good if the living room is near the kitchen, if it’s a studio, then make zoning.

Pay attention! Blinds for the kitchen: photos 90 ideas, which blinds to choose and how to install them?

If the kitchen is separated by a wall from the toilet (bathtub), this will wash away your wealth and health. This is a typical layout in Khrushchev buildings.

Little tricks

If it is impossible to change the layout, there are techniques to improve the atmosphere in the kitchen according to the rules of Feng Shui:

  • Place a “breeze” (tubes) above the kitchen door.
  • The door is covered with bamboo curtains, and photo wallpaper is on the wall nearby to distract attention.
  • A beautiful Feng Shui painting in the kitchen with a still life or flowers will work great.
  • Negative Sha will be reduced by round containers for storing spices and cereals.
  • Water pipes must be hidden.

The refrigerator, oven, and faucets must work. If water leaks from the tap, there will be problems with finances and in other areas.

The decor includes ideal fruit and plant motifs (walls, curtains, tablecloths, aprons).

Earth will strengthen the elements of water and wood - it includes brown color, clay and ceramic products, so their presence is mandatory.

Keep cutting objects (knives, forks, etc.) in closed boxes, otherwise illnesses and conflicts cannot be avoided. Negativity accumulates in inaccessible dark corners, under furniture. Therefore, bright lighting and cleanliness are important.

The rule of the “golden triangle” of kitchen layout according to Feng Shui came from China, where there are 3 main items: refrigerator-stove-sink within 1.5-2 m of accessibility.

It is advisable to separate them, these are green and woody (plant or herbal shade). If it is impossible to separate, place a wooden board between the sink and the stove. Water and Fire (elements of objects) should not come into contact.


It’s bad if the stove is near a window or in a corner, your wealth will “fly away”. It is better to place it in the south and always keep it clean. When the slab is directed towards the entrance to the house (apartment), towards the stairs, toilet, it will attract poverty.

A gas stove is better than an electric one; the Chinese do not recognize a microwave. There is more wealth when there are many burners on the stove.

In the kitchen, according to Feng Shui, it is better to have a stainless steel sink, because the element of Metal breaks down negative structures, and water will wash them away. The sink is the element of Water, so it should be located away from the stove (Fire).

The refrigerator is also Water, it is better for it to be in the southwest (southeast) to increase well-being.

To activate certain sectors (zones that do not exist due to the specific layout), you can place electrical appliances and original gadgets there.

Choosing colors according to Feng Shui

Professionals recommend certain kitchen colors according to Feng Shui:

  • green;
  • ocher or orange;
  • sand (yellow);
  • brownish;
  • cream or white.

The main verses of the kitchen are Water and Fire, so it is better to avoid red, blue or black in designs, so as not to disturb the harmony and balance of energies.

Feng Shui kitchen photo

In the kitchen, as you know, food is prepared, which serves as a source of vitality. And I would like to receive as much positive energy as possible! As Hippocrates said: “we are what we eat. Therefore, the location of the kitchen has important for not only the general arrangement of Feng Shui at home in general, but also for health in particular.

For good kitchen feng shui, the location of the kitchen is first important. slabs. The slab can be attributed to the element of “Fire”, and based on this, the most unfavorable sectors for it are the North-West and West, which belong to the element of Metal. The fire of the kitchen conflicts with them, which can manifest itself as problems with the respiratory system or skin. The location in the North-West is especially undesirable; it is not in the best possible way will affect the luck of the man - the head of the family.

In such cases, we can recommend using the element of “Earth” in the kitchen interior. According to the cycle of 5 elements of U-Sin, “Earth” weakens the “Fire” and strengthens the “Metal” sector. Decorative stones, crystals, objects made of clay, stone and ceramics can be used as attributes of “Earth”. In addition, this also includes yellow or brown colors, as well as rectangular or square-shaped objects.

Other signs of unfavorable slab placement

  • The stove is directly opposite the entrance
  • The stove is not against the wall
  • Slab under beam
  • Stove opposite the sink

But how suitable the other sectors of the house are for the location of the kitchen is an individuality, which depends on what constant energies are in them. A common method among Feng Shui practitioners is to apply the flying stars method to the home. The most suitable rear stars in the sector for the kitchen are 1, 3, 4, 8, 9.

When everything necessary conditions are met, then you can then choose slab direction, that is, its handles, or in other words, the direction of a person’s back when he stands and cooks. One way is to choose a personal favorable Gua direction for the host or hostess. Another option is to direct a suitable facial flying star for the house. It’s good if both of these methods coincide and give a common result.

At the same time, an electric induction cooker does not have as much effect as one that works with real fire. Therefore, in all unfavorable cases that cannot be corrected, a less “harmful” stove or multicooker can serve as an alternative means of correction.

Dining table- another constant item in the kitchen. If it is only used for eating and is not used for anything else, then its location is not so important. It is worth paying attention to only if people spend a long time at the table - working or constantly discussing important issues. Then, for a good Feng Shui location, the same basic principles apply as for a desktop.

kitchen sink, fridge- Same required attributes kitchens. Fortunately, from the point of view of Feng Shui, there are no particularly strict requirements for them. It is only enough that the stove and sink do not look directly opposite each other, and do not stand too close. And the refrigerator, as well as small kitchen utensils - a coffee maker, microwave, blender, can be placed almost anywhere!

Following these general tips will help fill the food prepared here with harmonious energy. Then changes for the better in the areas of health and well-being for you and your loved ones will not be delayed!
