Scorpio horoscope for October 25. Horoscope - Scorpio. Love horoscope - Scorpio

Scorpios, the day is good for active actions- the stars promise that you will be able to achieve your goal. In the second half of the day, some of you will want to change your wardrobe - why are you sitting, it’s time to visit fashion stores. Don't forget about surprises for your household - today relatives are dreaming of goodies for tea.

Scorpion. Weekly horoscope from 12/26/2017 to 01/01/2017

Scorpios, you will reduce your social activities and be busy with personal and household matters. And really, how much energy can you give for others when you need to buy gifts, and meet with friends, and go to the post office, and resolve personal issues in different authorities, and put the house in order for the holiday? You'll start the week by taking care of yourself by visiting the hairdresser or beauty salon on Monday. You will be busy on Tuesday and Wednesday financial affairs: buy gifts, look for money, think about what you’ll wear New Year, clean out the closets. Starts on Thursday Lunar month dedicated to relationships with others - neighbors, relatives, acquaintances. Your circle of friends will expand. But this will happen in January: on the weekend you will prefer to celebrate the New Year at home with your family.

Scorpion. Financial horoscope for 12/26/2017 to 01/01/2017

Scorpios, it's time to strengthen your financial situation. Buy those expensive and necessary things that will serve you for a long time. Get rid of old things to make room for new ones. Save money by not buying unnecessary things and spending money on vacation. It will be more pleasant for you to relax modestly and save money. Some of you will unexpectedly receive financial assistance from an elderly man, father, boss. New income may suddenly appear. He will give small money, but regularly and for a long time. On Monday and Tuesday, it is useful to clean out your closets and get rid of old things. On Wednesday you will purchase something for the decoration and comfort of your home. And on the weekend, gifts will be poured into your house.

Scorpion. Love horoscope from 03/11/2019 to 03/18/2019

Scorpios, like some signs, will want to extend their holidays. You have the right. Arrange a romantic date for your spouses during the week, put aside all conversations about everyday problems. Lonely Scorpios will be active in the search, but the stars cannot guarantee you anything serious yet.

Scorpion. Love compatibility from 02/22/2016 to 02/28/2016

Scorpios, happiness awaits you with the signs that are traditionally compatible with you - the elements of Earth and Water. What exactly the relationship will be like and what its main advantages are, you must guess for yourself. Each representative of these signs is unique, which makes it difficult to identify something common to all couples. There will be only one common feature - ideal, harmonious relationships. But you will figure out for yourself what advantages are inherent in your partner. It is not without reason that Scorpios have a reputation as subtle psychologists, insightful and gifted with extraordinary intuition.

Today your experiences are strong, but unstable. Your mind may be at war with your emotions. You can often move from optimism to despair and back again. It will be difficult for you to hide feelings such as jealousy, excitement, enterprise, inspiration, and religiosity. In close contacts with foreigners, you will react sharply to every little thing. Do not rush to act under the influence of random moods. The impulsiveness inherent in Aries can cause a rash step that you will soon regret.

Horoscope for October 25, 2017 Taurus

On this day, the calmest Taurus are able to take risks or suddenly pull out an unexpected trick. Other people's enthusiasm will be contagious for you. If nature has endowed you with increased suggestibility, try not to spend long periods of time in the company of inveterate adventurers. With their company, you can do things that you would never dare to do alone. This is not the right moment for a new business: once you start acting, you will be constantly nervous, and the number of force majeure circumstances will also increase.

Horoscope for October 25, 2017 Gemini

On this day you may be driven by heightened pride, righteous anger, strong desire, impulse towards an ideal goal. Someone else's challenge will provoke you to respond. But picking up a thrown glove is dangerous for Gemini today: uncontrolled emotions will take you further than necessary. Once you get into a fight, you won't be able to stop. You may decide that in the fight for a just cause, all means are good. Do not exaggerate your capabilities and imagine your goal more clearly, otherwise your nerves and energy will be wasted.

Horoscope for October 25, 2017 Cancer

The experiences of Cancers today take on a very acute form, and from the play of their imagination there is only one step to concrete actions. It is under the influence of feelings that you will be able to launch vigorous activity, including at risk to your own health. You can go out of your way to defend your ideals, earn rewards, realize secret hopes. It is possible that your actions will be determined by lofty motives (for example, religious inspiration or a noble desire to help).

Horoscope for October 25, 2017 Leo

Today you will be surprised at your sensitivity. Leos involved in finance and real estate will need insight, sensitivity to the situation, and the ability to empathize. But emotional imbalance is dangerous if you are busy with business, gambling, or managing your personal life. In this case, you may experience stress, get involved in an unexpected adventure, or take on unnecessary problems out of pity or pride. You may be irresistibly attracted to an existence on the verge of risk and failure.

Horoscope for October 25, 2017 Virgo

Your actions are based on a natural desire to be liked. But the means you choose for this today may be inadequate to the goal being pursued. Do not forget that anger, jealousy, irritability, and inconstancy are more likely to repel others than to attract others. If you notice these qualities in others, do not respond in kind. At this time, Virgos are contraindicated in marital quarrels, business squabbles, and showdowns with family members. It is not recommended to force events or begin active collaboration.

Horoscope for October 25, 2017 Libra

Libra faces urgent worries and related worries. Additional duties will be more honorable than humiliating, but they will still require effort. Your day can be quite interesting if you work with people from afar (for example, with a foreign company, in an international team, in the tourism business). The quality of work and services may be low due to haste, negligence, absent-mindedness, aggressiveness, unsatisfactory physical or mental condition.

Horoscope for October 25, 2017 Scorpio

Whenever possible, choose activities that allow your imagination to run wild. You will have no equal in them, especially if you weaken your self-control. Scorpios who try themselves as managers, stock market players or businessmen should be more careful. In these (and related) areas, one careless step can lead to the loss of money, capital or reputation. If you value your savings, do not get carried away with dubious adventures. You should not purchase equipment, equipment, vehicles, medicines, especially in bulk.

Horoscope for October 25, 2017 Sagittarius

Today you are not able to act half-heartedly. Your enthusiasm may become excessive, and your emotions will run high every now and then. If you are one of the most romantic and sensitive Sagittarius, then you will do everything possible and impossible for the sake of love. Difficult circumstances of this day can make you more aggressive and reveal far from the best sides of your nature. Avoid excesses, stressful situations, emotional overstimulation, haste, arrogance, business scams, domestic quarrels and alcohol abuse.

Horoscope for October 25, 2017 Capricorn

The atmosphere of these days is not conducive to perseverance and concentration. The work related to expanding the circle of acquaintances and the opportunity to expand knowledge is shown. An abundance of impressions awaits you on the road, but confusion, adventure, and technical trouble are also possible. Excessive kindness and excessive zeal today become punishable for a typical Capricorn, and in addition, harmful to health. Don’t rush into grandiose projects; it’s better to invest your physical and mental energy in solving small matters.

Horoscope for October 25, 2017 Aquarius

Excess sensitivity today reduces the effectiveness of your actions. Do nothing under the influence of illusions. Don’t eat your sorrows with a hearty meal and don’t drown them with a portion of a strong alcoholic drink - this will give you nothing but temporary emotional euphoria and speed dial excess weight. A little composure will not hurt Aquarians who are obsessed with shopping. It is undesirable to spend money under the influence of a spiritual impulse: a charity event or a large purchase can eat up all your savings.

Horoscope for October 25, 2017 Pisces

Excesses of any kind threaten Pisces with problems today. Particularly undesirable are alcohol intoxication, abuse of strong drugs, greed, and inability to stop in time and soberly evaluate oneself. The range of your feelings today is very wide. Beware of imbalance, arrogance, and blindness by feelings. There is a high risk of failure as a business person or adventurer. If it seems to you that you are rushing at full speed towards happiness, it is possible that somewhere nearby there is a trap waiting for you.

Lunar calendar for October 25, 2017

-7 lunar day
Waxing Moon in Capricorn
The day is associated with the awakening of the forces of nature. It is believed that a revelation can descend on a person. Don't indulge in sadness or idleness. If you have long wanted to change something in your life, now is the time, especially in the first half of the day. It's good to go on trips and travels.
Haircut - cutting your hair will lower your immunity and make you feel worse.
Hair coloring - give up this idea.
Manicure, pedicure - by having a manicure, you will shorten your life.
Facial care - refuse any procedures, as they will not give any effect.
Body care - give your body a rest and refuse any procedures.

Name day October 25

Amphilochius, Andronicus, Anthia, Diodorus, Domnika, Ivan, Kuzma, Makar, Martin, Prov, Taras, Tarakh, Fedot, Theodosius, Jason.

Folk calendar October 25

Ondronik Day
They use the stars to predict what the weather and harvest will be like. Ondron is a pole, a pole, a scoop, a plitch, a ladle.
In the old days they used to say: “on the day of Ondron you can reach a star with a pole and scoop up the star scattering with a scoop.”
Hence the fortune telling and conspiracies:
The stars are blinking - a change in the weather; blazing - to the winds and dry year.
On Prova, the strong twinkling of stars with blue tints indicates snow.
Many bright stars in the sky - for the pea harvest.
Stars fall to the wind.
Bright stars foreshadow frost; dim ones - thaw.
Those born on this day folk calendar will accept, given the ability to predict by the stars.

Signs October 25

After the summer break, the smelt begin to peck little by little.
If the difference between day and night temperatures increases, then the weather will be good.
The horizon seems close to clear weather.

There may be many questions regarding work that you will have to deal with alone. Don't get excited and don't make hasty decisions. On this day, do not brag to anyone about your successes, achievements, new acquaintances and even purchases. You may encounter black envy, which will weaken your energy.

On this day you must prove yourself to be a good strategist. Don’t stubbornly stand your ground, but don’t allow yourself to be harshly controlled either. Beware of mixing personal and business relations. If you drive a vehicle, be especially attentive and careful while driving.

This period is unlucky for someone who is going to start sorting out relationships, resolving controversial issues and establishing contacts. But for those who need inspiration, this day promises good luck. If today a new “object” appears on your horizon that will arouse your love interest, then do not rush into the pool headlong.

A lot of things await you on this day, and you can handle almost all of them. Try to take everything with full responsibility, as this will later count and bring additional points to your track record. In the near future, you can expect new romantic interests.

Even if on this day you are subject to frequent mood swings and you want to take it out on someone, you should first think about how this could turn out. The day is very suitable for making new acquaintances and romantic interests. Therefore, if you want to change something in your personal life, do not waste time.

This period will pass for you at an even and calm pace. You can relax and do what you like best. But at the same time, try not to take on unnecessary responsibility. IN financially caution must be exercised.

It’s worth re-evaluating your relationships with some people around you, but don’t rush to carry out your sentence. The time has not yet come for this. Now you may not take into account all the nuances. Avoid new acquaintances with people of the opposite sex, especially if you are pushed into communication not by spiritual kinship, but by a love interest.

At this time period, you will be extremely vulnerable and can succumb to any influence, so you need to be extremely careful in everything. Do not act as an initiator of conflicts, as this may affect your health. The fewer steps you take, the less likely you are to fail.

The day promises to be extremely fruitful and generous professionally. Make an action plan and start solving the problems facing you, don’t waste time, it may not be enough. There will be a lot to do, but your persistence and hard work will give you strength, and you can easily cope with any amount of work.

Now you will be more occupied with matters of a personal nature. Do not rush to share information, much less good news, with people who may not share your sentiments. It is possible that a fly in the ointment may be added to your ointment.

You will succeed in almost everything you plan to do on this day. The only thing is that preference should be given to those matters in which no one’s help is required, since assistants may ultimately turn out to be a brake or ballast. But even this will not be a strong hindrance for you.

The day is favorable for love. If you go through life alone, then you have a great chance of finding your soul mate. To do this, you shouldn’t spend your free time sitting at home watching TV, but you need to go on a visit, for a walk, to theatres, to exhibitions or concerts.

The morning will be successful. This should be used to complete what was started before, as well as correct some old mistakes. Later, minor but numerous difficulties and annoying misunderstandings may arise. You react very emotionally to what happens and take a lot to heart.
Disorder and confusion are annoying; it is difficult for you to predict how events will develop; you often have to act blindly. However, intuition does not fail, thanks to it you make the right decisions.

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Love horoscope - Scorpio

During this period, your personal life will develop exactly the way you want - but, for some completely incomprehensible reasons, this will begin to cause vague doubts and worries in you. However, try not to give in to them. Drive away all negative thoughts and experiences and just enjoy life. After all, in reality, everything is going just fine for you, and your worries have no real basis.
Today some of your past disagreements and conflicts will suddenly remind you of themselves again. Don't look for a quick solution to them and take the time to deal with them once and for all. Do not forget that this process requires a considerable amount of time and effort.

Your partner expects your initiative. You should tell him important words, which he has been waiting for a long time from you, to offer new ways to develop your relationship. Remember that excessive initiative is punishable, and do not try to change the usual course of things too dramatically.


Family horoscope - Scorpio

Under the influence of the luminaries, you will become more powerful, but no problems will arise, since your significant other will only rejoice at such initiative. All your decisions will be made with a bang. But still, you will control yourself so as not to turn into a domestic tyrant. Bravo!

Business horoscope - Scorpio

You will want to get down to business with your sleeves rolled up, but, alas, you will have to wait a while until all the circumstances become clear. Try to be patient.

Health horoscope - Scorpio

You may not worry about your own health in general, but it is very important to avoid overwork. In particular, you risk falling victim to stress if you don't get enough rest.

Mobile horoscope - Scorpio

You know where you are heading and that success will soon await you. But inner unrest breaks out, and you begin to doubt yourself. Try not to be led by your emotions and look at your achievements objectively. You know what you are capable of, so why this fear of failure? Remember: You have achieved a lot before and will achieve even more - the main thing is confidence in your abilities.

Beauty Horoscope – Scorpio

It seems that today your relationships with the people around you will be somewhat complicated. The fact is that you will be in an extremely unpredictable state, and unexpected outbursts of your emotions can provoke a number of conflicts and squabbles. Therefore, try to control yourself and not give free rein to your emotions.
