Metaphysical causes of diseases and events. Liz Burbo and her Metaphysics of Diseases: there is a reason for all diseases. Psychological blockage indicates

Back in 1997, readers were able to get acquainted with one of the most delightful books by Liz Burbo entitled: Your Body Says “Love Yourself.” A famous Canadian psychologist, who has been working with psychosomatics for many years, talks in this book about metaphysical reasons the occurrence of diseases in the human body, and also gives advice on treatment. According to Liz Burbo, full awareness of the causes of the disease already triggers the recovery mechanism, and a special technique for obtaining forgiveness helps with this; it is also given at the end of the book. The metaphysics of diseases still remains a not very explored area of ​​science, and although many doctors and psychotherapists conduct their research in this area, the greatest contribution to the development of this area of ​​parapsychological sciences was made by Liz Burbo and Louise Hay, and among domestic healers we can highlight E. Shmorgun and Yu. Zotov. There is even a summary table of all these authors on the Internet, where you can look at the disease you are interested in in different interpretations. But still, the metaphysics of diseases is most fully revealed in Liz’s book, which can be read both online and in the regular version.

How to work correctly with a book on the metaphysics of illnesses

Liz Burbo herself in the preface gave clear explanations on working with this unique book. Here's what she advises:

  • We are looking for our disease in the general list (a table is attached in the electronic version), all diseases are arranged in alphabetical order;
  • We read an explanation of the hidden meaning of the disease, learn the features of its blocking;
  • We remember or write down the most important things;
  • We answer questions that will help remove blocks;
  • Your answers will help determine the cause of your illness;
  • We carefully read what to do next;
  • We begin work to improve our physical and mental state. Before you start searching for the disease of interest, Liz recommended reading additional explanations.

Additional explanations by Liz Burbo for understanding diseases and illnesses

Metaphysics about congenital diseases.

All congenital diseases represent the unfinished conflict of the previous incarnation of your soul. You need to understand what a congenital disease prevents you from doing, and then its purpose will become clear.

Hereditary diseases.

A hereditary disease demonstrates that a given person specifically chose the way of thinking and life of his parent, the source of the disease. They both need to learn the same life lesson. A person must lovingly accept the hereditary disease given to him, otherwise it will be passed on to the next generation.

Why do almost all diseases develop at a certain age?

A person becomes ill when he reaches his emotional, physical and intellectual limits. The less energy a person has, the sooner he will reach the limit of his capabilities.

Why do some people get serious illnesses, while others only get mild ones?

Severe (and even fatal) illnesses affect people who hide severe emotional trauma. Five main psychological traumas:

  1. betrayal;
  2. humiliation;
  3. abandonment;
  4. rejection;
  5. injustice.

Why do inflammatory diseases occur?

Inflammation is the solution to biological conflict. If this conflict is eliminated, the body recovers, but at this moment it may suddenly be struck by inflammation or an infectious disease.

Questions to understand the cause of physical illness

What do I feel in my body? - Shows our attitude towards the situation or person that caused the problems. We ask ourselves to remove physical blocks.

What does the disease prevent me from doing? - Determines which of our desires the block is based on. We ask ourselves to remove emotional blocks.

If I allow myself to make this wish come true... (answer to question #2), how will my life change? - Identifies unconscious human needs blocked by far-fetched beliefs. We ask ourselves to remove spiritual blocks.

If I allow myself to be... (answers to question #3), what terrible or unacceptable things will happen in my life? - Allows you to express beliefs that block a person, his need for self-realization and desires. We ask ourselves to remove mental blocks.

Before moving on to considering diseases, you need to understand that the spiritual block of all diseases is removed in the same way: just ask yourself the above questions. Your answers to such questions reveal the real cause of your physical problem.

Metaphysics of diseases: the most common diseases among people

Now let’s look at common diseases among people (such diseases are contained in the summary table of the metaphysics of diseases by Louise Hay, Liz Burbo, and other authors).


Physical blocks - the main symptom of asthma is difficulty breathing with a whistling sound in the chest.

Emotional blocks - the body of an asthmatic indicates that he demands too much of everything. He seems stronger than he is. An asthmatic often evaluates his abilities inadequately.

Mental blocks - get rid of the desire to take as much as possible:

  • Admit your flaws and weaknesses.
  • Get rid of the belief that power can replace the love and respect of people.
  • Do not manipulate your loved ones with the help of illness.


Physical blocks - myopia is a lack of vision when a person sees objects nearby perfectly, but poorly those that are far away.

Emotional blocks - fear of the future. Also, myopia indicates a very limited horizon.

Mental blocks - we need to get rid of fear that arose as a reaction to past events:

  • Open yourself to fresh ideas;
  • Learn to look forward optimistically;
  • Listen respectfully to other people's opinions.


Physical blocks - bronchitis is called inflammation of the bronchial mucosa.

Emotional blocks - according to Liz, the bronchi represent our family. A person gets bronchitis if there are some serious problems in his family (for example, quarrels).

Mental blocks - you need to approach life joyfully and easily:

  • There is no need to worry too much about what is happening in the family;
  • Live the way you think is right, do not be influenced by your family members;
  • Take your place in your family without feeling guilty.


Physical blocks - our head is directly connected to individuality.

Emotional blocks - a person “hits” his individuality with low assessments and reproaches, and he is also afraid of criticism and has inflated demands on himself. Pain in the forehead is a sign of overexertion while trying to understand everything.

Mental blocks - headaches prevent people from fully using their five senses and being themselves. We need to restore close contact with the inner “I”:

  • There is no need to force yourself to fully meet the expectations of others;
  • Stop being stubborn towards other people;
  • Don't try to understand everything in this world.


Physical blocks - dizziness has a bad effect on the ability to assess the situation and impairs a person’s hearing and vision.

Emotional blocks - dizziness - occur when a person wants to avoid something or someone due to old psychological trauma. Sometimes dizziness signals that a person is acting recklessly, disorganized, or distracted.

Mental blocks - dizziness is caused by a developed imagination and excessive demands:

  • Stop being afraid of the future;
  • Do not exaggerate the situation because of severe suffering or fear experienced a long time ago;
  • Sincerely forgive other people and yourself.


Physical blocks - the flu is manifested by a feeling of fatigue and weakness, coughing fits, high fever, severe runny nose and pain in the head.

Emotional blocks - people who do not know how to express desires and formulate demands get the flu. Flu serves as a simple way out of difficult situations in human relationships.

Mental blocks - reconsider your attitude towards the things you should do and who you should be:

  • Find out what is in your soul, change your position and attitude towards people
  • Stop feeling like a victim.
  • Perform your daily duties joyfully.

Pressure (high and low)

Pressure problems can be of two types:

  1. hypertension;


Physical blocks - high blood pressure (hypertension) can cause ruptures of the eye vessels, as well as blood vessels in the brain, kidneys and heart.

Emotional blocks - a person’s emotions put a lot of pressure on him. All situations remind us of old psychological traumas. Such a person tends to overdramatize the situation and takes on excessive obligations.

Mental blocks - you need to learn to think about yourself:

  • Reconsider the word "Responsibility";
  • Get rid of unnecessary stress;
  • Live every day, enjoy life.


Physical blocks - hypotension is characterized by insufficient blood supply to the arms and legs, fatigue, dizziness and fainting.

Emotional blocks - according to Liz, low blood pressure occurs in people who quickly lose heart. Such people always feel defeated and quickly deviate from their goals.

Mental blocks - you need to start creating your life yourself:

  • Stop listening to various doubts and bad thoughts;
  • Set realistic goals for yourself;
  • Don't be afraid to face difficulties.


Physical blocks - a farsighted person sees very poorly at close distances.

Emotional blocks - farsighted people are afraid to see what is happening in front of their noses.

Mental blocks - you need to learn to interact with situations and people:

  • Don't be afraid to let go of control;
  • Work through unreasonable fears that prevent you from living a full life and enjoying new experiences;
  • Stop being an observer in life, start taking part in it.


Physical blocks - with impotence, the erection weakens so much that it is impossible to have sexual intercourse.

Emotional blocks - according to Liz, you just need to clarify in what situation impotence occurs. If this happens to one woman, then the man subconsciously acts only as a mother, or his love for her is excessively exalted. Sometimes a man punishes his partner this way (and does it unconsciously).

Mental blocks - in intellectual terms, impotence is caused by the following reasons:

  • Sometimes impotence signals that a person feels powerless in another area of ​​life. Stop worrying about other people and let them handle their own affairs.
  • If impotence occurs as a result of a bad sexual experience, the problem will disappear as soon as you stop believing in the recurrence of failure.
  • If impotence is used as punishment for a partner, a man blocks the energy of creativity in himself.

Heart attack

Physical blocks - a heart attack occurs when a blood clot unexpectedly clogs an artery, and sometimes a person subconsciously creates a clot in order to get rid of the flow of negative emotions that block the joys of life.

Emotional blocks - all heart problems, incl. and heart attack are signs of a condition when a person takes everything too seriously. The main message that a heart attack carries is “You have to love yourself!”

Mental blocks - we urgently need to change our attitude towards ourselves:

  • Learn to receive love from yourself, and not depend on the love of others, which you have to earn all the time;
  • Realize that you are unique, learn to respect yourself, give yourself at least 10 compliments every day;
  • Continue to do everything you did before, but for your own pleasure, and not to receive someone else's love.


Physical blocks - coughing is a reflex, a desire to clear the airways of irritants.

Emotional blocks - an unreasonable cough occurs in an overly irritable person who should be more tolerant. A cough is always associated with experiences occurring inside a person.

Mental blocks - you need to analyze what is happening now in your head:

  • Stop criticizing yourself;
  • Treat yourself more tolerantly;
  • Give others the treatment you would like for yourself.

Runny nose

Physical blocks - runny nose - inflammation (acute or chronic) of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.

Emotional blocks - according to Liz, a runny nose overtakes a person who is confused in a confusing situation.

Mental blocks - you need to learn to relax and stop tormenting yourself needlessly:

  • There is no need to suppress feelings;
  • Don't try to do many things at once;
  • Don't blame the situation or people for your problem.

Lack of orgasm

Physical blocks - if a person does not achieve orgasm during sexual intercourse, then this indicates problems with the chakras (energy centers in the body).

Emotional blocks - the lack of orgasm gives a person the opportunity to refuse everything that another person can offer him, to remain closed emotionally. He is reserved and cannot enjoy life because he constantly feels guilty.

Mental blocks - by constantly blocking orgasm, you punish yourself. Learn to love yourself:

  • Make life joyful and enjoyable yourself;
  • Stop controlling yourself in everything;
  • Relax, stop clinging to ideas and things.


Physical blocks - cancer refers to changes in the cell, as well as failures in the cell reproduction mechanism. To determine the possible cause of cancer, it is necessary to analyze the functions of the affected part of the body.

Emotional blocks - cancer affects adults who have experienced serious psychological trauma in childhood, and then carry negative emotions within themselves all their lives. People who have suppressed resentment, hatred and aggression towards their mother or father for a very long time also suffer from cancer.

Mental blocks - a person should not be afraid to admit that he suffered greatly in childhood:

  • Give yourself permission to be angry with your parents;
  • Stop experiencing psychological trauma alone;
  • Forgive everyone you have ever hated. This is written in great detail in other books by Liz Burbo.


Physical blocks - scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine when it becomes shaped like the letter S.

Emotional blocks - curvature of the spine indicates a feeling of insecurity and lack of support. Such a person is not at all confident in his abilities and expects a lot from others.

  • Believe that you can get real pleasure from material wealth and everything else that adds confidence to a person;
  • Actively express wants and needs;
  • Do not strive to be an indispensable support for all of humanity.

Vascular problems

Physical blocks - the heart pumps blood through the vessels to all tissues and organs of our body.

Emotional blocks are vessels that pass through life force. If a person has problems with blood vessels, then he cannot allow himself to live a full life. He feels a lack of joy, social activity and movement.

Mental blocks - stop worrying about little things and restraining yourself all the time:

  • Find out what makes you happy and give it to yourself;
  • Stop rushing between spiritual values ​​and needs;
  • Learn to feel joy all the time.


Physical blocks - joint diseases are usually accompanied by pain and significant loss of mobility.
Joint problems indicate uncertainty and indecision, fatigue and reluctance to act actively.

Emotional blocks - joint diseases affect a person who is too strict with himself, who cannot relax, who cannot express desires and needs. This causes deep hidden anger in him. By the location of the diseased joints, you can understand which area of ​​life is the source of anger.

Mental blocks - learn to express needs and desires:

  • Allow yourself to say “No” if you don’t want to do something;
  • Do every activity with joy, do not criticize yourself;
  • Strive to gain recognition from the people around you by helping them, working with them.


Physical blocks - nausea is a painful sensation in the epigastric region, often accompanied by vomiting.

Emotional blocks - this feeling occurs when a person feels threatened by a person or event. What happens is disgusting because it does not fit with the person’s plans. Disgust can be caused by both people and objects. A pregnant woman experiences nausea if she finds it difficult to perceive upcoming changes. They may have:

  • Aversion to changes in one's body;
  • Fear of losing freedom;
  • Fear of disapproval from father, etc.

Mental blocks - you need to change your attitude towards the events that are happening now in your life:

  • Stop humiliating and rejecting yourself;
  • Analyze what causes fear and disgust;
  • Try to love yourself.


Physical blocks - a bruise is a non-penetrating tissue injury caused by impact or pressure. A bruise can occur at a moment of severe weakness or fatigue, when a person feels that life is “beating” him. Bruises are physical manifestations of mental wounds. In addition, it is necessary to analyze which part of the body was injured and how serious the bruises themselves are.

Emotional blocks - bruising is a way in which a person wants to stop feeling guilty. It seems to him that by suffering, he will atone for his guilt, fictional or real. This decision is made by him on an unconscious level. Serious bruises, combined with other injuries, such as preventing one from working, indicate an unconscious attempt to stop and rest without feeling remorse.

Mental blocks - a person needs to reconsider the idea of ​​guilt:

  • Whenever you blame yourself for something, ask yourself whether you did it on purpose. If not on purpose, then stop blaming yourself, because there is no reason for it;
  • If bruises or other unexpected injuries were triggered subconsciously, in order to gain a break, think about the fact that there are other ways to consciously take the same time to rest without causing pain to your body;
  • If bruises give you noticeable pain, this shows that you have suppressed (subconsciously or consciously) secret thoughts about causing violence to other people. Since you can't be overtly violent, but you can no longer contain it, this desire can turn against you. You must first get rid of your negative thoughts, and then tell them to the person against whom they were directed. It is best to sincerely apologize to him when doing so.


Physical blocks - stye causes purulent, painful inflammation of the sebaceous gland of the eyelids or the hair follicle of the edges of the eyelids. Stye occurs regularly in people with digestive system disorders.

Emotional blocks - stye is a disease of emotional people who find it difficult to digest what they observe around them. What they see is shocking. Such people want to see only what is within their sphere of influence. They strive to control everything that happens to them all the time. They feel angry and irritated when other people dare to see things differently.

Mental blocks - you need to learn to be more tolerant of what you observe around you:

  • Recognize that you can’t control everything in life, at most you can control yourself;
  • Relax and learn to look at other people with your heart;
  • Accept that people may see things differently.

What does the metaphysics of disease teach? Lessons from Liz Burbo

You have found and read a description of the disease you are interested in. You even managed to understand the reason for its occurrence. What should we do next? Then work on yourself begins through special affirmations. Liz Burbo wrote a lot about this in her other books. If we try to summarize her ideas, we get the following:

The philosophy of the metaphysics of disease is very simple: love yourself and your body, and then your body will fully reciprocate you. You deserve to be healthy and happy, but the road to recovery is rarely straight or easy. However, for a person who has realized the subconscious causes of his misfortunes and illnesses, nothing is impossible. Feel free to follow the path blazed by Liz Burbo, and you will find harmony, health and happiness.


Physical blocking

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy before the end of the sixth month, that is, until the moment from which the child can survive and develop independently. After six months, they no longer talk about abortion, but about premature birth. There are the following forms of abortion:

* Spontaneous abortion. It occurs suddenly and ends with the expulsion of the fetus, often already dead, and the placenta. This type of abortion is usually called MISCARRIOR.

* Induced abortion. Since an induced abortion is performed in a hospital setting no later than the second month of pregnancy, the likelihood of complications is much lower than with clandestine abortions.


Physical blocking

An abscess is an accumulation of pus in one place. There are hot and cold abscesses. With a hot abscess (which is much more common), pus accumulates very quickly and all four signs of inflammation appear: swelling, redness, temperature and pain. A cold abscess is characterized by a slow accumulation of fluid in one place without signs of inflammation.

Emotional blockage

An abscess is a sign of repressed anger, which in turn creates despair, feelings of powerlessness and failure. The joy of life is drowned in sadness and anger. Since an abscess usually causes pain, guilt is added to this suppressed anger. In order to determine which area of ​​life this anger relates to, you should analyze the place where the abscess arose. If it occurs on one of the limbs, the person is dissatisfied with the direction his life is taking, his future or the place he plans to go to.


Physical blocking

Agoraphobia is a morbid fear of open spaces and public places. This is the most common of phobias. Women suffer from it twice as often as men. Many men try to drown their agoraphobia in alcohol. They believe that it is better to become an alcoholic than to show their uncontrollable fear. Those suffering from agoraphobia also often complain of living in constant anxiety and worry, almost to the point of panic. An alarming situation causes a whole series of physical reactions in an agoraphobe (rapid heartbeat, dizziness, muscle tension or weakness, sweating, difficulty breathing, nausea, urinary incontinence, etc.), which can turn into real panic; cognitive reactions (a sense of unusualness of what is happening, fear of losing control of oneself, going crazy, being ridiculed in public, losing consciousness or dying, etc.), as well as behavioral reactions (agoraphobe tries to avoid situations associated with anxiety and worry, as well as moving away from a place or person he considers “safe”).


This disease occurs when the adrenal glands do not produce enough hormones responsible for skin pigmentation. See ADRENAL (problems) and SKIN (problems).


Adenitis is inflammation of the lymph nodes. See the article LYMPH NODES (swelling) with the addition that a person suppresses anger. See also the explanation of SPALKING (inflammatory diseases).


Physical blocking

This disease most often occurs in children and manifests itself in swelling of the overgrown tissues of the nasopharynx, which makes nasal breathing difficult, forcing the child to breathe through the mouth.

Emotional blockage

A child suffering from this disease is usually very sensitive; he can anticipate events long before they happen. Very often, he, consciously or unconsciously, predicts these events much better and earlier than the persons interested or associated with them. For example, he may feel that something is not going well between his parents much earlier than they themselves realize it. As a rule, he tries to block these premonitions so as not to suffer. He is very reluctant to talk about them with those with whom he should talk, and prefers to experience his fears alone. A blocked nasopharynx is a sign that the child is hiding his thoughts or emotions for fear of not being understood.


An adenoma is a benign tumor. See article TUMOR.


Physical blocking

As a rule, acne, or blackheads, appear only on the oiliest areas of the facial skin. They appear early adolescence and disappear by the age of twenty, although some people are annoyed for a good ten years. Common acne goes away within a few years without leaving any scars. But there are also so-called nodular (nodular) acne, which develop much longer and have unpleasant consequences from an aesthetic point of view, since ugly scars remain in their place.

Emotional blockage

We can say that acne is a sign of your subconscious desire to push others away, not to allow yourself to be examined, especially up close. This skin disease means that you don’t love yourself, don’t know how to love yourself, and don’t respect yourself enough. Acne is a sign of a very sensitive but reserved nature. This is probably why we most often see them on the faces of teenagers, who, as a rule, place high demands on themselves and are often ashamed of themselves. Instead of hiding, they push people away with their skin disease.


Physical blocking

An allergy is an increased or perverted sensitivity of the body to a substance. Allergies are classified as diseases associated with the immune system.

Emotional blockage

An allergic person usually feels disgust towards someone and cannot tolerate that person. He has great difficulty adapting to people or situations. Such a person is often strongly impressed by other people, especially by those whom he himself wants to impress. Many allergy sufferers are touchy. They often consider themselves the object of aggression and exceed the necessary degree of self-defense.

Allergies are always associated with some kind of internal contradiction. One half of an allergic person’s personality strives for something, while the other suppresses this desire. The same is true for his attitude towards people. So, for example, an allergy sufferer may rejoice in someone’s presence and at the same time want this person to leave: he loves this person, but at the same time does not want to show his dependence on him. Usually, after prolonged torment, he finds many shortcomings in his loved one. Very often, the cause of allergies lies in the fact that the parents of an allergic person had completely different views on life and constantly argued. Allergies can also be a good way to draw attention to yourself, especially if it manifests itself in difficulty breathing when the allergy sufferer cannot cope without the help of other people.


Physical blocking

This disease usually affects older people and is characterized by gradual memory loss. People suffering from Alzheimer's disease easily remember events in the distant past and have difficulty remembering things that happened more recently. This is called fixation amnesia because the patient forgets events as they happen because he is unable to commit them to memory.

Emotional blockage

Alzheimer's disease is a way to escape from reality. As a rule, this disease affects someone who was interested in literally everything during an active age. Such a person had an excellent memory, but he did not always use it effectively. He reacted to literally everything that happened around him. He remembered details that other people did not notice or take into account. He boasted about his excellent memory and was proud of it. On the other hand, feeling obligated to someone, he was angry with these people for not paying enough attention to him or treating him differently than he would like. And now this disease helps him get rid of responsibility and manipulate other people, especially those who care for him.


Physical blocking

Abortion is the termination of pregnancy before the end of the sixth month, that is, until the moment from which the child can survive and develop independently. After six months, they no longer talk about abortion, but about premature birth. There are the following forms of abortion:

  • Spontaneous abortion. It occurs suddenly and ends with the expulsion of the fetus, often already dead, and the placenta. This type of abortion is usually called MISCARRIOR.
  • Induced abortion. Since an induced abortion is performed in a hospital setting no later than the second month of pregnancy, the likelihood of complications is much lower than with clandestine abortions.
  • Artificial therapeutic abortion carried out under the supervision of doctors if the health of a pregnant woman does not allow her to bear the fetus for the full term of pregnancy.

Emotional blockage

In most cases, spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage, is a consequence of the unconscious choice of the mother or the soul of the child she carries in her body. Either the child's soul makes a different decision, or the mother does not feel ready for the birth of a child. During pregnancy, mother and child communicate with each other on a soul level. It is possible that this particular soul will return to this particular woman when she becomes pregnant again, then an abortion or miscarriage is nothing more than a delay.

When a woman voluntarily decides to have an abortion, it means that she is very afraid. If complications arise during an abortion, this also increases the feeling of guilt. It is very important that she explains to the child’s soul that she is afraid and that she gives herself the right to this weakness. Otherwise, the guilt could cause further complications if she ever gets pregnant again. She will constantly think about the child she refused to carry.

During a therapeutic abortion, a woman experiences the same thing as during a spontaneous abortion, with the only difference that she cannot make a decision on her own and prefers that doctors make it. She might have felt much more guilty if she had made the decision to have an abortion on her own.

An abortion or miscarriage usually coincides with some failed project or unfulfilled hopes. Thinking about the bad, a woman cannot or does not want to continue carrying a child.

Mental block

I have repeatedly observed young women who, after an abortion, constantly suffered from various diseases of the genital organs. Feeling guilty about stopping human life, they began to punish themselves. Some women after an abortion continue to carry a so-called “psychological baby” - their belly becomes larger, as if they were actually pregnant. Some people develop fibroids in the uterus - a sign that they have not fully accepted their choice.

If you have had an abortion, you must tell yourself that having a child is simply beyond your capabilities at this time.

If you are just considering having an abortion, I strongly recommend that you seriously reconsider everything. In my opinion, if a woman becomes pregnant, then this is part of the experience that she should get in real life, and if she does not give in to her fears and entrusts herself to the Divine, everything will be fine. Most people have much more strength- both mental and physical - than they think, so if it seems to you that you have reached the limits of your capabilities, this is most likely far from the case.

It is also very important not to be influenced by anyone. Try to establish contact with the soul of the little creature within you and make a decision yourself. If you decide to have an abortion, know that your action towards the child will certainly entail some consequences, the nature of which will depend on the reason why you decided to have an abortion. If you are at peace with yourself, it will be easier for you to accept the consequences of your decision.

Instead of seeing good or evil in an action, wise man understands that all his actions and decisions have certain consequences. Therefore, you must - on a spiritual and emotional level - accept the inevitability that one day you too will receive serious rejection or be rejected. Also, tell yourself that you don't have to always succeed and cope with every problem. Recognize that your options are limited.

In order to understand the spiritual blockage that prevents you from meeting the important need of your true I, ask yourself the questions at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.


Physical blocking

The vagina is the passage connecting the cervix and the vulva. The vagina is the female copulatory organ. In addition, during childbirth, the fetus and placenta pass through it. The most common problems are VAGINITIS, HERPES, TUMOR and CANCER.

Emotional blockage

Most problems with the vagina are related to the sexual sphere of a woman’s life, as they prevent her from maintaining normal sexual relationships. These problems indicate that a woman does not get the desired satisfaction from sex because she has the wrong attitude towards sexuality. She feels like she is being used and not appreciated enough. The anger she feels is because she is not giving herself the right to enjoy sex.

Mental block

Your body is telling you that you need to change the way you think about sex because it no longer brings you anything good. Perhaps you are a dominant woman, and therefore you feel like you are being taken advantage of when it is not you, but your partner, who chooses the time to have sex. Instead of feeling used, try to feel wanted. If you feel like you are being manipulated, think about the fact that you are also manipulating someone, even in other areas of your life, and in most cases, your intentions, like the intentions of your partner, are not at all evil.

If you don't get satisfaction from sex because you were sexually abused or molested as a child, your body is telling you that you should no longer live with the fears of the past. The most effective way to get rid of the past is forgiveness. (See the stages of forgiveness at the end of this book.)

For other vaginal problems, see the explanation for the relevant disease.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

Same as for ABSCESS (see page 27).


Inflammation most often represents more or less extensive tissue destruction. IN Additional explanations at the beginning of this book it is stated that inflammation indicates the body’s desire to recover, to remake itself after resolving some conflict. This does not mean that a person should not take anti-inflammatory medications prescribed by a doctor. But recovery is significantly accelerated if a person thanks his body, and does not consider it sick.


Physical blocking

Herpes - a very common viral disease. Herpetic infection affects the genitals, vulva, penis, vagina, cervix (sometimes also the anus or buttocks) and manifests itself in the form of very painful pustules and inflammations that heal on average in two weeks.

Emotional blockage

This disease occurs due to feelings of guilt associated with the sexual sphere. The patient wants to punish himself for using his genitals poorly or incorrectly. Such a person has sexual desires, but his sex life is controlled by his ideas of good and evil, often very dogmatic. Typically, people with genital herpes would rather try to blame someone else than acknowledge their own desires.

Mental block

The pain caused by genital herpes is a manifestation of the mental pain that your attitude towards your sex life causes you. You must give yourself the right to have sexual desires and reconsider your attitude towards sex. The latter often prevents you from being yourself and makes you suppress your sexual desires. Every time it's quiet inner voice tells you “This is bad”, try to realize that what he says is not yours I, and your attitude towards sex, which was formed on the basis of the views and beliefs of other people. You must get rid of dogmatism in the sexual sphere once and for all. By holding back your sexuality, you do not allow your creative abilities to fully manifest themselves. Don't forget that sexuality and creativity are very closely interconnected.


Physical blocking

A symptom of oral herpes is a skin rash, usually around the mouth. This is a very common viral disease.

Emotional blockage

Oral herpes indicates that a person judges someone of the opposite sex too harshly and tends to extend this judgment to all members of that sex. Someone or something seems disgusting and disgusting to him. This disease is also a way of avoiding the need to kiss other people or one person who makes the patient angry because he humiliated him. The patient is already ready to say some angry words, but at the last minute he restrains himself and his anger hangs on his lips.

Mental block

Herpes suggests that it’s time for you to change your critical attitude towards the opposite sex to love, and the more often exacerbations occur, the faster. Your way of thinking prevents you from approaching the opposite sex, although you really want it. This detachment hurts you greatly, even if you think that in this way you are punishing someone else.


Physical blocking

Breasts are the parts of the body in which the mammary glands are located. Some of the most common breast related conditions include: PAIN, HARDENING, MASTITIS, MASTOSIS, CYST, TUMOR and CANCER.

Emotional blockage

The breast is directly related to the manifestations of the maternal instinct in relation to children, family, partner or the whole world in general. Breast problems, in both women and men, indicate that a person is trying his best to feed or protect those towards whom he shows maternal instinct. Showing maternal instinct means caring for another person the way a mother takes care of her child. Breast problems can occur in those who force themselves to take care of someone, to be a good mother or father. It is also possible that a person tries his best for those he loves and forgets about his own needs. At the same time, he unconsciously gets angry at the people he cares about, since he does not have time to take care of himself. As a rule, if such a person cares about someone, he does it harshly and demandingly.

Breast diseases can also indicate that a person places too stringent demands on himself or that his self-care borders on mania. In right-handed people, the right breast is associated with the spouse, family, or other loved ones, and the left breast is associated with the child (or inner child). For left-handed people the opposite is true.

If a woman has a breast problem that is purely aesthetic, it means she is overly concerned about how she looks as a mother. She must give herself permission to be an imperfect mother, since we are all imperfect.

Mental block

The problem associated with motherhood or the maternal instinct suggests that you need to forgive your mother and yourself for your attitude towards her. If the problem is related to your maternal instinct, then it can be concluded that you somehow had to suffer from the manifestation of your mother's maternal instinct. Instead of forcing or feeling sorry for yourself, you need to understand that your mission on Earth is not just to protect and feed everyone you love.

If these people ask you for help and you are able to help them without going beyond your capabilities, that is, without losing self-respect, do it, but only with love and joy. If you can't or don't want to help, admit it without feeling guilty. Just tell yourself that in at the moment you cannot help someone, but you will try to do it as soon as you have the opportunity. Your sense of duty is too developed, you are too demanding of yourself. Stop worrying so much about those you love. Motherly love does not have to be shown in the form of constant care.


Physical blocking

A cyst is a pathological spherical cavity in an organ with dense walls, filled with liquid or pasty contents (less often solid). The cyst is usually closed, its walls are not connected by blood vessels to the contents. This neoplasm can be benign or malignant.

Emotional blockage

The cyst ball speaks of some kind of grief that has been accumulating for a very long time. This extra flesh accumulates to cushion the blows that ego the patient receives from the outside world. A person with one or more cysts cannot get rid of severe pain associated with some events in his past. If the cyst is malignant, see also the article CANCER. The purpose of the part of the body in which the cyst has formed indicates in which area of ​​life grief and pain have accumulated. So, a cyst in one of the breasts is associated with material interests this person.

Mental block

The cyst is a warning that it is time for you to forgive yourself or another person, and not reopen an old wound again and again. What you accumulate in yourself harms you. It may seem to you that some person has harmed or is harming you, but in reality it is your inner attitude that makes you suffer. The cyst, this ball of flesh, says that you should no longer create protection within yourself from the blows of fate and that it is time for you to forgive others and yourself. (See the explanation of the stages of forgiveness at the end of this book.)


Physical blocking

Fibrosis is the hardening of connective tissue fibers that occurs as a result of some pathology. Most often, this disease affects the LUNGS and PANCREAS (see related articles).

Emotional blockage

A person suffering from this disease has become bitter against himself, other people, and especially against life. He is pessimistic and does not believe in success. This disease often occurs in a person who plays the role of a victim, that is, uses his illnesses to attract attention to himself and finally gain the desired dependence on others.

Mental block

If you are suffering from this disease, it is time for you to realize that you have everything you need to build your life on your own and that you do not have to follow the lead of others. This disease disrupts your life plan because it can make you disabled and thus prevent you from acting. Your soul screams: “Help, I want to live!”


Physical blocking

The uterus is a hollow, muscular reproductive organ in women. The uterus contains the fertilized egg during pregnancy and pushes the fetus out at the end of the term. The most common diseases of the uterus are FIBROMA, EVERION, FUNCTIONAL DISORDER, INFECTION, TUMOR and CANCER, as well as some lesions of the cervix. Read the description below and the corresponding article in this book. Regarding Uterine Prolapse, which affects the functioning of the vagina, see the article VAGINA (PROBLEMS).

Emotional blockage

Since the womb is the first home in this world for the child, any disturbances associated with it should be correlated with reception, hearth, home and refuge. When a woman is unable to bear children due to uterine disease, her body tells her that deep down she wants to have a child, but fear overpowers this desire and creates a physical blockage in her body. A woman who is angry with herself for not welcoming her child into this world can also suffer from problems with the uterus.

In addition, diseases of the uterus indicate that a woman puts forward or implements some new ideas without allowing them to mature. Such diseases can also occur in a woman who blames herself for not being able to create a good family home for those she loves.

Mental block

It's time for you to be more open to new ideas and move on to actively building your life without any feelings of guilt. This way you will create a place in your life for men and masculine. Get rid of fears that only harm you.


Physical blocking

The fallopian tubes are a pair of ducts that carry eggs from the ovaries into the uterus. The tubes also allow the passage of sperm to the site where the egg is fertilized. The most common problem is obstruction of one or both tubes. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes is called SALPINGITIS (see related article).

Emotional blockage

Since the fallopian tubes are the place where sperm meet the egg to form a new life, problems with them indicate that a woman is blocking the connection between the masculine and feminine principles in herself. She cannot build her life the way she wants, and also experiences difficulties in relationships with men.

Mental block

The meaning of this illness is very important to you; you must understand that some of your beliefs are greatly harming you at the moment. Excessive anger and perhaps the guilt you feel for preventing yourself from enjoying life can kill you. Your body wants you to allow yourself to live life to the fullest. You were put on this planet for a purpose, and if that purpose is not achieved, you will not be able to become truly happy. You, like all living things on this planet, have the right to live.


Physical blocking

Menopause is a normal process that occurs in a woman's body around the age of fifty. Menopause is as difficult a period of physical and emotional instability for a woman as puberty. The woman suffers from HOT FLASHES, increased fatigue, insomnia and anxiety. (In men, similar symptoms may begin around the age of sixty. This process is called ANDROPAUSE. See related article.)

Emotional blockage

Menopause is a natural process of transition for all women from one life stage to another. A woman who begins to exhibit the symptoms described above experiences fear and grief because she does not want to grow old. Menopause ends the childbearing years, and it is also difficult for a woman to come to terms with the loss of one of her most important functions. She must move from the stage of having and raising children to the stage of taking care of herself. In order to facilitate this transition, she must use the masculinity inherent in her. The more difficult it is for a woman to discover this masculinity in herself, the harder and longer her menopause will drag on.

Mental block

The more severe the symptoms of menopause, the louder your body tells you that you shouldn't be afraid of old age. Just because you can't have children doesn't mean you can't live. You should reconsider your attitude towards old age. Getting old does not mean dying, becoming disabled or helpless, useless, useless and lonely, or losing the ability to move forward. With age, a person usually becomes wiser as he accumulates experience and knowledge.

From this moment on, you have the right to live for yourself. Before menopause, you lived for others, now it’s time to pay attention to yourself. Create for yourself using the masculine principle, that is, think without haste, make decisions in a calm environment and spend more time alone with yourself.


Physical blocking

Menorrhagia is an increase in menstrual bleeding and an increase in its duration. Menorrhagia often occurs in women using intrauterine devices.

Emotional blockage

On a metaphysical level, large blood loss means a loss of interest in life. If menorrhagia begins after insertion of an intrauterine contraceptive device, it indicates that the woman is having difficulty accepting the idea of ​​using contraception. She wants to have a child, but something is stopping her - either her own fears or someone else's influence. If menorrhagia is not associated with the use of an intrauterine contraceptive device, see the article MENSTRUATION (PROBLEMS).

Mental block

If you're having problems with your periods, your body is telling you that your attitude toward femininity, which you developed during adolescence, needs to be reconsidered. This attitude harms you and prevents you from being happy. Increased sensitivity and irritability destroy your peace of mind. You can do whatever you want, especially now that women are increasingly taking over traditionally male roles.

You no longer have to follow the generally accepted rules that define the difference between male and female roles. Instead of envying men, it is better to make them envy you. This will allow you to achieve harmony between the masculine and feminine principles. Even if you sometimes decide to play a male role, give yourself the right to need a man, but in such a way as not to become dependent on him. Letting go of the urge to play everything male birth, you will make room in your life for the man you need.

Perhaps your problems are explained by the influence of some popular beliefs in your family. Perhaps as a teenager you were taught that menstruation is something shameful, sinful, dirty or unnatural? Maybe you have been convinced that problems during menstruation are normal? If so, you must reconsider your beliefs and accept the idea that menstruation is a painless, completely natural and necessary process for your body.


Physical blocking

Menstruation is the cyclic release of blood from the uterus in girls and women associated with reproductive function. During pregnancy there is no menstruation. The average length of the menstrual cycle is 28 days, but this is ideal. It is considered normal if the menstrual cycle lasts from 25 to 32 days. The following problems may be associated with menstruation: AMENorrhea (absence of menstruation), MENSTRUAL PAIN, TUMOR, KIDNEY PAIN, GROUND PAIN, MENORRHAGIA (heavy bleeding), METRORRHAGIA (bleeding from the uterus during the intermenstrual period).

Emotional blockage

Problems with menstruation indicate that a woman is having difficulty accepting her feminine side. Starting from adolescence, she reacts very sharply (to the point of irritation) to her mother, who was her first ideal woman. This does not mean that she is not feminine, she just does not really like the role of a woman, since this role involves following too many rules. She wants, usually unconsciously, to be a man, and she may even be angry with men because they have some opportunities that she does not and will never have. She often forces herself to play the role of a man, but this awakens in her a feeling of guilt that she does not realize.


Physical blocking

The following description applies to a person who does not achieve orgasm during intercourse.

Emotional blockage

Since orgasm is the opening of all the energy centers of the body (chakras), a person uses its absence to refuse what another person offers him. He doesn't open up to what he needs give. Such a person has difficulty accepting everything that comes from the opposite sex. He prefers to restrain himself instead of opening up to another person and enjoying his presence. He is generally very reserved, and not only in sexual relations. Moreover, since orgasm is synonymous with pleasure, this person cannot enjoy even the small pleasures of life without feeling guilty.

Mental block

If you think that you are punishing another person by blocking your orgasm, you have gone down the wrong path, because you are only punishing yourself. Orgasm is a wonderful way to merge with the opposite sex; In addition, it helps you achieve the fusion of the masculine and feminine principles within you. In addition, sexual relationships, if they are based on love and dedication, are an inexhaustible source of energy. A physical orgasm reminds you of the great merging of soul and spirit that we all strive for.

Learn to love yourself and tell yourself that you deserve pleasure in your life. Only you yourself can make your life pleasant and joyful, so it is unwise to rely on others for this. They can't give you what you can't give yourself ( spiritual law cause and effect). It seems to you that if you don’t control yourself, others will immediately do it, but you’re wrong. You must relax and stop clinging to things and ideas.


Physical blocking

Fibroma is a benign tumor that consists exclusively of fibrous connective tissue and most often develops in the uterus. It is not painful, but may cause a feeling of heaviness in the groin or make it difficult to urinate. Fibroids can remain very small, but sometimes grow and reach a weight of several kilograms. A woman may not even be aware that she has fibroids in her body.

Emotional blockage

A fibroid is a collection of tissue that can be considered a psychological child. Since any neoplasm that is not necessary for the body is directly related to a long-term experience of grief, fibroma indicates that the woman is experiencing, most of the time unconsciously, the loss of a child - as a result of abortion, miscarriage, decision to give the child to a shelter, etc.

It is also possible that this woman does not give herself the right to be childless. Some women would like a child, but do not want to get involved with men and therefore create a psychological child for themselves.

Mental block

Given all of the above, you must realize that your body is telling you to stop worrying about the child you no longer have. You continue to suffer because you are afraid of seeming heartless to someone - but you are not.

If you haven't had children yet, you shouldn't consider yourself inferior; You made your choice, that's all. According to popular belief, a woman is considered a real woman only if she has children. But we are entering the Age of Aquarius and must leave such misconceptions behind. Every woman must live at least one life without having children in order to learn to love herself even without becoming a mother. If you want to have a child, but are afraid of men, first get rid of this fear. Paradoxically, the first stage of this deliverance is to give yourself the right to experience this fear.


Physical blocking

Frigidity is a woman's inability to enjoy sexual intercourse. Frigidity should not be confused with anorgasmia, in which a woman is unable to experience orgasm, but can experience sexual pleasure.

Emotional blockage

A woman who, in her youth, forbade herself to experience pleasure, sexual or any kind at all, suffers from frigidity. As a rule, such a woman has a tough character and tends to suppress her emotions. The idea of ​​showing her feelings causes subconscious fear in her. At the same time, she needs a normal sex life in the same way as most women, and maybe much more. Tightly controlling herself in everything related to sex, she sometimes loses control over herself in some other area of ​​activity.

Mental block

If you are frigid, then most likely you believe that the word pleasure is a synonym for words sin, evil, wrong. And this faith must be very strong if you control yourself so tightly. You must understand that the capabilities of any person are limited; By violating the limits of your capabilities, you lose control of yourself. If this does not manifest itself in the sexual sphere, then it manifests itself in something else - in alcoholism, overeating, tears, nervous breakdowns, etc. By not enjoying sex, you punish yourself much more than your partner. Allow yourself to become passionate and sensual, because your heart wants it. Right now you're like a ticking time bomb. Allow yourself to feel pleasure, and a completely new, wonderful stage will begin in your life.


Physical blocking

Endometriosis is a very common gynecological disease; observed in women who have not reached menopause. With endometriosis, parts of the uterine lining are found on the genitals and other organs and tissues of the body. These elements of the mucous membrane reproduce the uterus in miniature.

Emotional blockage

The main emotional block of this disease is the woman’s inability to give birth to a child. Such a woman loves to lead and shows her ability give birth, create in other areas - in terms of ideas, projects, etc. She really wants to have a child, but is afraid of the consequences of this step - for example, death or suffering during childbirth, especially if something similar happened to her mother. This fear is strong enough to block her desire to have a child. In my practice, there have even been cases when the reasons for such fear were discovered in a previous incarnation.

Mental block

This disease tells you that your attitude towards childbirth as something painful and dangerous creates a physical obstacle to conception. It is very interesting that with this disease, something like a uterus is formed. This fact shows how much you want to have a child: your body even creates an additional uterus.

My experience shows that most women suffering from endometriosis are afraid of the process of childbirth itself, and not its consequences - that is, raising a child, etc. It’s time for you to get rid of the misconceptions that cause fear and finally satisfy your desire to have children. Also, give yourself permission to be imperfect and sometimes fail in your projects.


F physical blocking

The ovary, or ovaries, is a paired female reproductive gland (the reproductive gland in men is the testicle), in which female sex hormones are produced and eggs are formed. The following problems are associated with the ovary: PAIN, OVARIAN INFLAMMATION, CANCER and OVARY REMOVAL.

Emotional blockage

The ovary is a gland that connects a woman's physical body with her sacred chakra (one of the seven main energy centers in the human body). This chakra is associated with a woman's ability create, create. Problems with the ovaries affect both their functions - reproductive and hormonal, that is, accordingly, a woman’s ability to have children and be feminine. Her body is telling her that she is out of touch with her ability to create, to create. She tells herself too often “I’m not capable of this” and experiences great anxiety when she has to create something on her own, especially if it has anything to do with her feminine functions. She does not like to start any business, since the beginning is usually very difficult for her.

Mental block

Your body is telling you that you should tell yourself as often as possible " I'm capable of this" and eventually believe it. If you are a woman, this does not mean that you are somehow weaker or worse. A woman who thinks this way may also have problems with menstruation. She often tries to prove to men that she is no worse than them, although deep down she does not believe this.

To create a child requires the joint efforts of a man and a woman; in order to create your life, you need the joint efforts of your inner man and your inner woman. You already trust the creativity of your inner man, so try to gain trust in the creativity of your inner woman. Believe in yourself, your ideas and intuition.


Human cannot recover without forgiving himself. This fundamental stage opens up the possibility of transforming not only our love for ourselves, but also the very heart and blood in our physical body.

This new blood, filled with the energy of newfound love, will wash the entire body, like a miraculous balm, and heal all the cells along its path. Even if your common sense does not allow you to believe it, try anyway, because you have nothing to lose.

Here are the stages of true forgiveness that thousands of people have already completed and have been rewarded with miraculous results:

1. Identify your emotions (there are often several of them). Become aware of what you are blaming yourself or another person for and identify how it makes you feel.

2. Take responsibility. Being responsible means realizing that you always have a choice to respond with love or with fear. What are you afraid of? Now realize that you may be afraid of being accused of the same thing that you blame another person for.

3. Understand the other person and relieve tension. In order to relieve tension and understand another person, put yourself in his place and feel his intentions. Think about the fact that he may also blame himself and you for the same thing that you blame him for. He is afraid, just like you.


Physical blocking

“What epithets best describe what I feel in my body at the moment?” The answer to this question will fully reflect your attitude towards the person or situations, which caused the problem.

Emotional blockage

“What does this disease prevent me from doing?” The answer to this question will allow you to determine which desires are blocked.

“What does this disease force me to do?” Start each answer to this question with a negative particle “not”, and you will find out which desires are blocked.

Spiritual blockage

“If I allowed myself to realize these desires, how would my life change?”(This refers to the desires that you identified by answering the previous questions.) Answer on this question identifies the deepest need of your being, blocked by some false belief.

Mental block

“If I allowed myself to be... (insert answer to previous question here), what scary or unacceptable thing would happen in my life?” The answer to this question will allow you to identify the belief that is blocking you, your desires and your need for self-realization, thus creating a physical problem.


Having identified what belief or belief is preventing you from being who you want, you can now change or replace it. To do this, you must first give yourself the right to this belief or conviction, that is, get in touch with your inner child, who formed it long ago as a result of some kind of psychological trauma. Then ask yourself: Do you really still need this belief to feel happy?

If yes, then this belief is still good for you. Since you are free to manage your life, you can continue to keep it, but know that everything in your life will remain the same, including pain. Don't hope for change.

If you still think this belief is true, but are not convinced that it makes you happy, compare it to what it was like for you several years ago. Perhaps today your faith has become much weaker. If so, then you are on the road to recovery.

If you are firmly convinced that you no longer want to maintain this belief, the only way left for you is to do everything necessary to realize your desires and become WHAT YOU WANT TO BE.


Give yourself the time you need to go through all the stages of forgiveness. It may take you a day to reach one stage, a year to another, the most important thing is that your desire to go through these stages is sincere. The stronger the psychological trauma and resistance ego, the more time it will take.

If step 6 proves to be very difficult, know that it is yours that is resisting ego. If you think: "S Why should I ask for forgiveness from this person if it was not I who offended him, but he who offended me? I had every reason to be angry with him!”- it’s your ego speaking, not your heart. The most important desire of your heart is... live in peace and compassion for others.

Don't worry if the person you're asking for forgiveness from reacts differently than you expected. Some things are almost impossible to predict. He may say nothing, change the subject of the conversation, be surprised, refuse to talk about it, cry, ask for your forgiveness, throw himself into your arms, etc. Try to be understanding of the other person’s feelings - as well as your own.

As I noted in the description of the sixth stage of forgiveness, you should not tell the person who offended you that you have forgiven him. There are three reasons for this:

1. It may turn out that the person you are angry with had no intention of offending you at all. Reality very often differs from our perception. Perhaps this person did not even suspect that you were offended.

2. You must understand that forgiveness is necessary. you, for release myself. Forgiving another person means taking a necessary step towards forgiving yourself.

3. You must also realize that what is truly not in your power forgive another person. Only he can forgive himself ,

4. Forgive yourself. This is the most important stage of forgiveness. In order to forgive yourself, give yourself the right to be afraid, to show weakness, to be mistaken, to have shortcomings, to suffer and to be angry. Accept yourself as you are present moment, knowing that this is a temporary condition.

5. Feel the urge to ask for forgiveness. When preparing for the stage, imagine that you are asking for forgiveness from the person whom you condemned, criticized, or accused of something. If this image gives you a feeling of joy and freedom, you are ready for the next stage.

6. Meet with the person from whom you want to ask forgiveness. Tell him about your experiences and ask for forgiveness for judging, criticizing or hating him. Mention the fact that you yourself have forgiven him only if he talks about it.

7. Make a connection or make a decision regarding the parent.

Remember a similar situation in the past with a person who represented power, authority for you - with your father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, teacher, etc. This person should be of the same gender as the one you just forgave. Repeat all the stages of forgiveness with him.

If the emotions you are experiencing are directed against yourself, go through steps 1,2,4 and 7.

If a person does not want to accept your request for forgiveness, it means that he cannot forgive himself. You can forgive him, but that's not enough. He must forgive himself. You are only responsible for yourself, but the fact that you have forgiven yourself can help another person forgive themselves.

If you tell another person about your experiences, and he suddenly begins to make excuses, he may have felt that you were blaming him. If this is the case, then you have not yet forgiven this person and are hoping that he will change.

If you, going to meet this person, hope that he will understand the depth of your suffering and ask for your forgiveness, you still have not forgiven him. In any case, you should not be angry with yourself; you just need a little more time to move on to stages 2 and 3. You have probably already forgiven this person in your mind, but have not yet had time to forgive him in your heart. To forgive a person with your mind means to understand the motives of his actions, but this does not bring either relief or internal liberation. This happens often. Forgiving mentally is a good start, since it at least demonstrates good will.

Remember: forgiving someone does not mean you agree with their accusations. When you forgive someone, you are saying that you are looking through the eyes of the heart and seeing something more important in the depths of this person’s soul than his accusations.

Thanks to this forgiveness, it will be easier for you to give yourself the right to be yourself and express your human feelings.

Now let's look at the three emotions that people experience the hardest: fear, anger and sadness. A person usually suppresses, controls, hides these emotions - in a word, he does everything not to experience them, since they reopen spiritual wounds received in childhood and adolescence. These wounds arise under the influence of five negative psychological factors: trauma of the rejected, trauma of the abandoned, trauma of humiliation, betrayal and injustice.

Instead of giving themselves the right to be imperfect and suffer from emotional wounds, most people continue to blame others as the cause of their fear, anger and sadness. This is why people experience so many negative emotions, and emotions, in turn, cause all kinds of illnesses.

But these emotions can be used for good:

Fear helps you understand that you need protection and are looking for it. He also reminds us that true protection should be sought within ourselves.

Anger is useful because it helps you discover your need for self-affirmation, clearly formulate your demands and listen more carefully to your needs.

Sadness helps you understand that you are suffering from a sense of loss or fear of losing. Sadness teaches a person not to become attached.

LOVE YOURSELF means being responsible for your life and giving yourself the right to show this responsibility. If you love yourself, you will have a healthy and energetic body that will allow you to achieve all your dreams.

Never forget that your inner GOD uses all possible means and speaks through your body, reminds you: "LOVE YOURSELF!"

Table of diseases by Liz Burbo- rather than a table in the form we are familiar with, but a structured description of our incorrect mental and emotional attitudes in life. If we do not want to see our mistakes, then they reach the level of the physical body, which begins to “signal” to us that we are thinking wrong, acting incorrectly, etc. The degree of physical suffering is determined by the degree of internal suffering caused by neglect of one's needs; illness reflects what is happening in the inner world."

Illness is the physical expression of emotional and mental blockage. The point of illness is to attract the attention of a person who is not aware or does not want to become aware of his unwholesome thoughts and feelings.


Thoughtful work with the table will allow you to make significant progress in the recovery process. First of all, you need to forgive yourself, a person cannot recover without doing this! The stages of forgiveness consist of:
1. Identify your emotions (there are often several of them). Become aware of what you are blaming yourself or another person for and identify how it makes you feel.
2. Take responsibility. To show responsibility, according to Liz Burbo, is to realize that you always have a choice - to react with love or with fear. What are you afraid of? Now realize that you may be afraid of being accused of the same thing that you blame another person for.
3. Understand the other person and relieve tension. In order to relieve tension and understand another person, put yourself in his place and feel his intentions. Think about the fact that he may also blame himself and you for the same thing that you blame him for. He is afraid, just like you.

Next, you need to find your illness (they are in alphabetical order) and carefully read about the types of blockage: physical, emotional and mental. Also, to clarify the cause of the disease, you need to answer a number of questions:

Physical blocking
“What epithets best describe what I feel in my body at the moment?” The answer to this question will fully reflect your attitude towards the person or situation that provoked the problem.

Emotional blockage
“What does this disease prevent me from doing?” The answer to this question will allow you to determine which desires are blocked.
“What does this disease force me to do?” Start each answer to this question with a negative particle “not”, and you will find out which desires are blocked.

Spiritual blockage
“If I allowed myself to realize these desires, how would my life change?” (This refers to the desires that you identified by answering the previous questions.) The answer to this question determines the deepest need of your being, blocked by some false belief.

Mental block
“If I allowed myself to be... (insert answer to previous question here), what scary or unacceptable thing would happen in my life?” The answer to this question will allow you to identify the belief that is blocking you, your desires and your need for self-realization, thus creating a physical problem.



Physical blocking
Abortion is the termination of pregnancy before the end of the sixth month, that is, until the moment from which the child can survive and develop independently. After six months, they no longer talk about abortion, but about premature birth. There are the following forms of abortion:
Spontaneous abortion. It occurs suddenly and ends with the expulsion of the fetus, often already dead, and the placenta. This type of abortion is usually called MISCARRIOR.
Induced abortion. Since an induced abortion is performed in a hospital setting no later than the second month of pregnancy, the likelihood of complications is much lower than with clandestine abortions.
Artificial therapeutic abortion is carried out under the supervision of doctors if the health of a pregnant woman does not allow her to bear the fetus for the full term of pregnancy.

Emotional blockage
In most cases, spontaneous abortion, or miscarriage, is a consequence of the unconscious choice of the mother or the soul of the child she carries in her body. Either the child's soul makes a different decision, or the mother does not feel ready for the birth of a child. During pregnancy, mother and child communicate with each other on a soul level. It is possible that this particular soul will return to this particular woman when she becomes pregnant again, then an abortion or miscarriage is nothing more than a delay.

When a woman voluntarily decides to have an abortion, it means that she is very afraid. If complications arise during an abortion, this also increases the feeling of guilt. It is very important that she explains to the child’s soul that she is afraid and that she gives herself the right to this weakness. Otherwise, the guilt could cause further complications if she ever becomes pregnant again. She will constantly think about the child she refused to carry.

An abortion or miscarriage usually coincides with some failed project or unfulfilled hopes. Thinking about the bad, a woman cannot or does not want to continue carrying a child.

Mental block
I have repeatedly observed young women who, after an abortion, constantly suffered from various diseases of the genital organs. Feeling guilty of ending human life, they began to punish themselves. Some women after an abortion continue to carry a so-called “psychological baby” - their belly becomes larger, as if they were actually pregnant. Some people develop fibroids in the uterus - a sign that they have not fully accepted their choice.

If you have had an abortion, you must tell yourself that having a child is simply beyond your capabilities at this time. If you are just considering having an abortion, I strongly recommend that you seriously reconsider everything. In my opinion, if a woman becomes pregnant, then this is part of the experience that she should receive in real life, and if she does not succumb to her fears and entrusts herself to the Divine, everything will be fine. Most people have much more strength - both mental and physical - than they think, so if you think you've reached your limits, you probably haven't.

It is also very important not to be influenced by anyone. Try to establish contact with the soul of the little creature within you and make a decision yourself. If you decide to have an abortion, know that your action towards the child will certainly entail some consequences, the nature of which will depend on the reason why you decided to have an abortion. If you are at peace with yourself, it will be easier for you to accept the consequences of your decision.

Instead of seeing good or evil in an action, a wise person understands that all his actions and decisions have certain consequences. Therefore, you must - on a spiritual and emotional level - accept the inevitability that one day you too will receive serious rejection or be rejected. Also, tell yourself that you don't have to always succeed and cope with every problem. Recognize that your options are limited.


Physical blocking
An abscess is an accumulation of pus in one place. There are hot and cold abscesses. With a hot abscess (which is much more common), pus accumulates very quickly and all four signs of inflammation appear: swelling, redness, temperature and pain. A cold abscess is characterized by a slow accumulation of fluid in one place without signs of inflammation.

Emotional blockage
An abscess is a sign of repressed anger, which in turn creates despair, feelings of powerlessness and failure. The joy of life is drowned in sadness and anger. Since an abscess usually causes pain, guilt is added to this suppressed anger. In order to determine which area of ​​life this anger relates to, you should analyze the place where the abscess arose. If it occurs on one of the limbs, the person is dissatisfied with the direction his life is taking, his future or the place he plans to go to.

Mental block
Do not forget that in thoughts, as in everything else, lack of order leads to dirt and infection. Maybe you think badly about yourself or other people? Is your anger related to the desire to harm someone? Maybe your anger has already reached the limit beyond which you can no longer contain it? You probably also feel shame about the fear that lurks within you.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment
To understand the spiritual blockage that is preventing you from meeting an important need of your true Self, ask yourself the questions given at the end of this book. Answering these questions will allow you to more accurately determine the real cause of your physical problem.


Physical blocking
Agoraphobia is a morbid fear of open spaces and public places. This is the most common of phobias. Women suffer from it twice as often as men. Many men try to drown their agoraphobia in alcohol. They believe that it is better to become an alcoholic than to show their uncontrollable fear. Those suffering from agoraphobia also often complain of living in constant anxiety and worry, almost to the point of panic. An alarming situation causes a whole series of physical reactions in an agoraphobe (rapid heartbeat, dizziness, muscle tension or weakness, sweating, difficulty breathing, nausea, urinary incontinence, etc.), which can turn into real panic; cognitive reactions (a sense of unusualness of what is happening, fear of losing control of oneself, going crazy, being ridiculed in public, losing consciousness or dying, etc.), as well as behavioral reactions (agoraphobe tries to avoid situations associated with anxiety and worry, as well as with moving away from a place or person that he considers “safe.”) Most agoraphobes suffer from HYPOGLYCEMIA, so see also the related article.

Emotional blockage
The fear and other feelings that an agoraphobe experiences are so strong that they cause him to avoid situations involving tension and anxiety. For this reason, an agoraphobe usually tries to find a close, “safe” person with whom he could go out and appear in public, as well as a “safe” place where he could hide. Some agoraphobes end up stopping leaving the house altogether, always finding some excuse for it. Of course, their fears are unrealistic, and the disasters they fear never happen. Most agoraphobes experience strong dependence on their mother in their youth and then feel responsible for her happiness. An agoraphobe can help himself emotionally if he establishes a normal relationship with his mother.

Mental block
The two main fears of an agoraphobe are the fear of death and the fear of madness. I have met agoraphobes who have not shown the slightest improvement in fifteen years; For me, this became an incentive to create an interesting theory, which has already practically helped many people suffering from this disease. The thing is that fears arise in early childhood and are experienced alone. The reason for the development of agoraphobia in a child is often the death or madness of someone close to him. It is also possible that the agoraphobe himself had a close encounter with death in childhood or adolescence, or that he adopted the fear of death or madness from one of his family members.

The fear of death permeates all levels of the personality of an agoraphobe, although the latter is not always and not fully aware of this. He is terrified of any change, since change symbolizes death for him and causes severe anxiety and acute attacks of agoraphobia. These types of changes include the transition from childhood to adolescence, from adolescence to adulthood, from single life to marriage, moving, changing jobs, pregnancy, accident, separation, death of a family member or birth of a child, etc. These fears can lurk at an unconscious level for many years, but one fine day, when the agoraphobe reaches the limit of his emotional and mental capabilities, they burst out into the open. Agoraphobes usually have a very rich and uncontrollable imagination. He invents completely unrealistic situations and convinces himself that he will not be able to survive the imaginary changes. Very often he mistakes this intense mental activity for madness. He does not dare to talk about his fears with anyone, because he is afraid that he will be taken for a madman. He should understand that this is not madness, but poorly controlled hypersensitivity.

If you find yourself with the symptoms described above, know that what is happening to you is not fatal and is not madness. It’s just that in childhood or adolescence you paid too much attention to the emotions of other people, because you considered yourself responsible for their happiness or unhappiness. As a result, you have developed excessive sensitivity in yourself in order to always be on guard and prevent all kinds of misfortunes. Now the most important thing for you is to understand the true meaning of responsibility. The responsibility you believed in before today, did not bring you anything good. A correct understanding of responsibility is the basis of my entire theory.


Physical blocking
This disease most often occurs in children and manifests itself in swelling of the overgrown tissues of the nasopharynx, which makes nasal breathing difficult, forcing the child to breathe through the mouth.

Emotional blockage
A child suffering from this disease is usually very sensitive; he can anticipate events long before they happen. Very often, he, consciously or unconsciously, predicts these events much better and earlier than the persons interested or associated with them. For example, he may feel that something is not going well between his parents much earlier than they themselves realize it. As a rule, he tries to block these premonitions so as not to suffer. He is very reluctant to talk about them with those with whom he should talk, and prefers to experience his fears alone. A blocked nasopharynx is a sign that the child is hiding his thoughts or emotions for fear of not being understood.

Mental block
A child suffering from this disease feels superfluous and unloved. He may even believe that he himself is the cause of the problems that arise around him. He should check with close people whom he trusts the objectivity of his own ideas about himself. In addition, he must realize that if others do not understand him, this does not mean that they do not love him.


Physical blocking
As a rule, acne, or blackheads, appear only on the oiliest areas of the facial skin. They appear in early adolescence and disappear by the age of twenty, although some people are bothered by a good ten years. Common acne goes away within a few years without leaving any scars. But there are also so-called nodular acne, which develop much longer and have unpleasant consequences from an aesthetic point of view, since ugly scars remain in their place.

Emotional blockage
We can say that acne is a sign of your subconscious desire to push others away, not to allow yourself to be examined, especially up close. This skin disease means that you don’t love yourself, don’t know how to love yourself, and don’t respect yourself enough. Acne is a sign of a very sensitive but reserved nature. This is probably why we most often see them on the faces of teenagers, who, as a rule, place high demands on themselves and are often ashamed of themselves. Instead of hiding, they push people away with their skin disease. Acne often occurs in people who, in order to please those who love them or those whom they love, try to be different from who they are.

Mental block
If you are a teenager and suffer from acne, try to reconsider the way you treat yourself. Find out what exactly in your thoughts prevents you from being yourself, from showing your true individuality. Maybe you want to become like your father or mother, or maybe, on the contrary, you disapprove of the words and actions of your father or mother so much that you force yourself to be completely different from them. In both the first and second cases, you are not yourself. Ask other people how they perceive you. Compare their opinion with yours. If you are already out of adolescence, but still suffer from acne, try to mentally return to that age and carefully analyze everything that happened to you in those days. If your acne doesn't go away, it means you continue to suffer from psychological trauma from your teenage years and it's time for you to reconsider how you feel about yourself. If acne appears in adulthood, this may indicate that in adolescence you suppressed some negative emotions, in particular those associated with an attack on your individuality. Analyze everything that happened in your life immediately before the appearance of acne - this will help you understand what exactly you suppressed in yourself as a teenager. In this case, acne is a message: your body is helping you release the emotions that are hidden deep inside you and that you can no longer suppress. Suppressing any emotion requires a lot of energy. Your body is telling you that you should respect yourself more and embrace your inner beauty.


Physical blocking
An allergy is an increased or perverted sensitivity of the body to a substance. Allergies are classified as diseases associated with the immune system.

Emotional blockage
An allergic person usually feels disgust towards someone and cannot tolerate that person. He has great difficulty adapting to people or situations. Such a person is often strongly impressed by other people, especially by those whom he himself wants to impress. Many allergy sufferers are touchy. They often consider themselves the object of aggression and exceed the necessary degree of self-defense. Allergies are always associated with some kind of internal contradiction. One half of an allergic person’s personality strives for something, while the other suppresses this desire. The same is true for his attitude towards people. So, for example, an allergy sufferer may rejoice in someone’s presence and at the same time want this person to leave: he loves this person, but at the same time does not want to show his dependence on him. Usually, after prolonged torment, he finds many shortcomings in his loved one. Very often, the cause of allergies lies in the fact that the parents of an allergic person had completely different views on life and constantly argued. Allergies can also be a good way to draw attention to yourself, especially if it manifests itself in difficulty breathing when the allergy sufferer cannot cope without the help of other people.

Mental block
If you suffer from allergies, it means that there is a repeating situation in your life that attracts and repels you at the same time, or there is a person towards whom you feel hostility, but at the same time seek approval from his side - usually this is someone from your loved ones. It seems to you that if you live up to this person's expectations, he will truly love you. Try to understand that this is nothing more than dependence on this person, on his approval or disapproval. You should no longer think that submission is the only way to achieve love.

Interestingly, allergies are very often associated with exactly what a person loves most. So, you can really love dairy products and suffer from allergies to them. If you suffer from allergies to certain foods, this may indicate that you find it difficult to recognize your right to enjoy the joys of life. Your life will become much easier and more enjoyable if you realize that you can achieve the attention of those you love without suffering. Perhaps as a child you were convinced that illness was a sure way to attract attention; but one should not think that this is the only way. If you are allergic to dust or any animal, you may often feel like you are the target of aggression. Why do you suspect that others are aggressive towards you? I suggest you check these suspicions. As a rule, if a person is afraid of other people, the cause of fear should be sought in himself. Instead of thinking that the allergy is caused by some external factors, try to remember and analyze everything that happened to you during the day that preceded the allergic reaction. Perhaps you have interacted with people whom you cannot stand or even hate. Since you cannot change others, you have no choice but to learn to look at the world through the eyes of your heart.


Physical blocking
This disease usually affects older people and is characterized by gradual memory loss. People suffering from Alzheimer's disease easily remember events in the distant past and have difficulty remembering things that happened more recently. This is called fixation amnesia because the patient forgets events as they happen because he is unable to commit them to memory.

Emotional blockage
Alzheimer's disease is a way to escape from reality. As a rule, this disease affects someone who was interested in literally everything during an active age. Such a person had an excellent memory, but he did not always use it effectively. He reacted to literally everything that happened around him. He remembered details that other people did not notice or take into account. He boasted about his excellent memory and was proud of it. On the other hand, feeling obligated to someone, he was angry with these people for not paying enough attention to him or treating him differently than he would like. And now this disease helps him get rid of responsibility and manipulate other people, especially those who care for him.

Mental block
Unfortunately, it is usually not the patient himself who fights this disease, but the people who live next to him. The patient considers this disease to be the only way at his disposal to take revenge. He endured it in silence for a long time, and now he has a good reason to do whatever he wants. If you suffer from Alzheimer's disease and are currently reading this book, you should know that you can realize your desires without this disease. Think about the fact that you can maintain the respect and love of others, even if you want to do nothing else and not remember anything. Think about your past and present. Think about good times that were in your life, and you will continue to live for real. If you would like to read this explanation to someone close to you, take my advice: let that person read it themselves.


Physical blocking
An aneurysm is an enlargement of a blood vessel, specifically an artery; With an aneurysm, the walls of the vessel stretch and take the shape of a sac. The risk of a crack or rupture of a blood vessel affected by an aneurysm increases manyfold. If the aneurysm is in the chest, the person will suffer from pain in that area and a cough and difficulty swallowing. If the aneurysm is located in the abdominal cavity, it is accompanied by abdominal pain and pronounced digestive problems. A brain aneurysm usually results from a congenital physical defect.

Emotional blockage
This disease can appear after great grief, especially family grief, which deprives a person of the joy of previous relationships. A person suffering from an aneurysm is experiencing or has experienced some kind of rupture that literally breaks his heart. He also subconsciously blames himself for this breakup. He accumulated too many negative emotions and decided to break up because he was unable to contain them.

Mental block
An aneurysm signals to you that you must immediately stop accumulating negative emotions.


Physical blocking
- This is a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood. Red blood cells deliver oxygen to the body's cells and remove carbon dioxide from them. Symptoms of anemia are: pale skin and mucous membranes, rapid breathing and heartbeat, severe fatigue. In addition, a patient with anemia may suffer from headaches, dizziness and tinnitus (signs of oxygen deprivation of the brain).

Emotional blockage
In metaphysics, blood symbolizes the joy of life. An anemic patient has lost the joy of life. Such a person may have difficulty accepting his incarnation and may even lose the desire to live altogether. He does not resist the despondency that increasingly takes possession of him, and loses contact with his desires and needs. He feels himself gradually fading away.

Mental block
If you suffer from anemia, you must regain control of your life and stop depending on other people. Become more conscious of negative thoughts that prevent you from enjoying life. Release the little child in you who wants to play and have fun.


Physical blocking
This is a rheumatic disease of the joints, which is inflammatory in nature and is accompanied by all the characteristic signs of inflammation (swelling, redness, temperature, pain), which can appear on one or more joints. With arthritis, pain is felt both during movement and at rest, so the patient suffers both day and night. So, if you experience joint pain and inflammation at night, it's most likely arthritis. This disease reduces joint mobility, significantly limiting the patient's physical capabilities.

Emotional blockage
In medicine, there are several types of arthritis. The severity of this disease indicates the severity of the emotional, mental and spiritual blockages. As a rule, arthritis occurs in a person who is too strict with himself, does not allow himself to stop or relax, and does not know how to express his desires and needs. He believes that others know him well enough to offer him everything he may need. When others do not meet his expectations, he experiences disappointment, bitterness and resentment. He may also have a desire for revenge, although he feels powerless to do anything. This makes him angry, which he hides deep inside. Such a person has a very well developed “inner critic”.

The place where arthritis occurs indicates the area of ​​life in which the source of all problems should be sought. So, if arthritis affects the joints of the hands, a person should reconsider his attitude to what he does with his hands. If he needs help, he should ask for it, and not wait for others to read his mind or guess that he needs help. People suffering from arthritis usually appear very submissive and quiet, but in reality they suppress the anger that they really want to express. Emotions are paralyzing, just like arthritis. A person with arthritis must stop accumulating these paralyzing emotions.

Mental block
If you suffer from arthritis, think about why it is so difficult for you to express your needs and desires. Perhaps it seems to you that if you satisfy your desires, you will not be able to stop in time and will turn into an egoist. Check it out and you will see that you were wrong. Also, check your definition of the word egoist. Allow yourself to say “no” when you don’t want to do something, but if you decide to do something, do it with pleasure and don’t criticize yourself. If you don't give yourself a break because you want to gain recognition, recognize this and understand that you are doing it for yourself, and not because someone is forcing you. Give yourself the right to seek recognition from others by helping them, working for their benefit. If you work with joy and pleasure, and not under the pressure of internal criticism, life will seem more pleasant to you, you will become more flexible and energetic.


Physical blocking
Asthma is intermittent. Its main symptom is difficulty breathing, with exhalation becoming strained and heavy, and inhalation becoming light and fast. This difficulty breathing is accompanied by a whistling sound in the chest, which can be heard through a stethoscope, and often without it. In the intervals between attacks, breathing normalizes, the whistling disappears.

Emotional blockage
Since it is easy for an asthmatic to inhale but difficult to exhale, his body tells him that he wants too much. He takes more than he should and gives with great difficulty. He wants to appear stronger than he really is, because he thinks that this will arouse love for himself. He is not able to realistically assess his capabilities and abilities. He wants everything to be the way he wants, and when this does not work out, he attracts attention to himself with an asthmatic “whistle”. Asthma is also a good excuse for him that he is not as strong as he would like.

Mental block
Asthma attacks are a serious signal that your desire to take in as much as possible is poisoning and suffocating your body. It's time for you to finally admit your weaknesses and shortcomings, that is, recognize yourself as a human being. Get rid of the idea that power over other people can give you their respect and love, and do not try to dominate your loved ones with the help of your illness.


Physical blocking
In psychiatry, autism is understood as a condition in which a person is completely disconnected from reality and closed in on himself, in his inner world. Characteristic symptoms of autism include silence, painful withdrawal, loss of appetite, lack of the pronoun “I” in speech, and an inability to look people directly in the eyes.

Emotional blockage
Research into this disease shows that the causes of autism should be sought in infancy, before the age of 8 months. In my opinion, an autistic child is too strongly connected karmically to his mother. He unconsciously chooses illness to escape reality. Perhaps in past life Something very difficult and unpleasant happened between this child and his mother, and now he takes revenge on her by rejecting the food and love that she offers him. His actions also indicate that he does not accept this incarnation. If you are the mother of a child with autism, I encourage you to read this passage out loud specifically for him. It doesn’t matter how many months or years old he is, his soul will understand everything.

Mental block
A child with autism must understand that if he decides to return to this planet, he needs to live this life and gain the necessary experience from it. He must believe that he has everything to live, and that only an active attitude towards life will give him the opportunity to develop spiritually. The child's parents should not blame themselves for his illness. They should realize that their child has chosen this condition and that autism is one of the things that he must experience in this life. Only he himself can one day decide to return to normal life. He can withdraw into himself for the rest of his life, or he can use this new incarnation to experience several other states. Parents will play an important role in the life of a child with autism if they love him unconditionally and give him the right to make any choice on his own, including the choice between isolation and normal communication. It is also very important that relatives of a sick child share with him their problems and experiences associated with his choice, but only in such a way that he does not feel guilty. Communication with a child with autism is a necessary lesson for his loved ones. In order to understand the meaning of this lesson, each of these people must identify what causes them the greatest difficulty. If your child is sick, read this text to him. He will understand everything, since children perceive not words, but vibrations.


Physical blocking
Infertility (not to be confused with IMPOTENCE) is the inability of the body to produce offspring, that is, to produce or release gametes (sperm or eggs), as well as ensure their union for fertilization.

Emotional blockage
I know of many cases where people who were diagnosed with infertility by doctors had children, and those who did not have any abnormalities were unsuccessfully trying to have a child for many years. For some people, infertility is a necessary experience in this life. Perhaps they want to have a child only because “that’s the way it is,” or because their parents can’t wait to babysit their grandchildren. Some women want to have a baby just to feel like women, otherwise they find it difficult to accept their femininity. For these women, infertility is a necessary experience as they learn to love themselves and feel happy without having a child. Sometimes a person wants to have a child, but is afraid of the problems associated with this, and this fear overpowers the desire. Infertility, therefore, may be a manifestation of fear repressed into the subconscious, and in this case one should not give up the desire to have a child. Infertility also occurs in those who blame themselves for being unproductive and do not receive positive results in some field of activity.

Mental block
In order to find out whether your infertility is a necessary experience for you in this incarnation or a consequence of unconscious fear, ask yourself the questions to determine mental blockage given at the end of this book. If you are a woman, you may have been impressed by some story about a difficult birth. What did your parents tell you about having children, procreation, etc.? Maybe you are afraid that the child will push someone away from you or that pregnancy will ruin your figure? Realize that fear associated with some words or events from your past cannot exist forever. You have to make a decision, either in favor of the desire to have a child, or in favor of fear. Whatever you decide, give yourself the right to do it. This is your life and you can do whatever you want with it. But you must be prepared to bear the consequences of your decisions. In addition, I recommend that you ask those who know you well whether you really have reason to believe that you are unproductive. Most likely, other people think much better about you than you do.


Physical blocking
Anxiety is fear without a reason. A person experiencing constant anxiety lives in painful anticipation of some unclear, unpredictable danger.

Emotional blockage
Constant worry prevents a person from living in the present. He thinks all the time about the past, about what he or someone else experienced. Such a person usually has a very rich imagination, he thinks too much about unlikely events. He is constantly looking for all sorts of signs that justify his anxiety.

Mental block
Whenever you feel another anxiety attack coming on, try to realize that it is your imagination that is getting the better of you and preventing you from enjoying the present. Convince yourself that you have nothing to prove. Accept yourself as you are, with all your strengths and weaknesses. In order to get rid of the fear of the unknown, try to trust your intuition: it will not let you down if you give it a chance. Try to also trust the people around you more. Let them help you the way they want.


Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which both its quality and duration change. Psychological research shows that people who suffer from insomnia tend to be overly emotional and anxious. Read the article ANXIETY and find out for yourself the difference between sensitivity and emotionality. If a person believes that the night is the best advisor, perhaps the anxiety present in his daytime life prevents him from falling asleep and finding the right solution. He must understand that in fact sleep is the best adviser.


Physical blocking
Large bronchi conduct air into the lungs, small bronchi (bronchioles) perform a more complex function: by contracting and expanding, they regulate the working volume of the lungs. Bronchitis is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi.

Emotional blockage
In metaphysics, the bronchi are associated with the family. Bronchitis appears when some problems arise in the family (for example, a quarrel occurs). A person is very worried, he feels angry, since these problems pose a threat to his usual existence in his territory. He may even have a desire to break off relations with one or more family members, but he does not dare to do this because of feelings of guilt. He does not dare to enter into open confrontation, gets tired and becomes despondent. He can't get what he needs, but he doesn't talk about it. This person should take his place in the family on his own, without waiting for others to help him do this.

Mental block
If you suffer from bronchitis, it's time for you to start approaching life more joyfully and simply. You shouldn’t worry so much about what’s happening in your family. You must understand that there are no families in which absolute harmony would always reign. Your family members' views may differ from yours - this is quite normal. Instead of taking what is happening too personally, try to live the way you see fit and do not be influenced by other people, even if they are members of your family. You should not be discouraged, but resist, and without the slightest feeling of guilt. You must take your place, your territory. At the same time, try to respect the right of other people to live the way they want.


Physical blocking
Varicose veins are a disease that manifests itself in an increase in the size of the veins and a decrease in the elasticity of the venous walls.

Emotional blockage
A person suffering from varicose veins wants to have more freedom and free time, but does not know what to do for this. He overexerts himself, and many tasks and problems seem overwhelming to him, as he tends to exaggerate their seriousness. He feels no joy while working. Perhaps this person constantly forces himself to be in a situation that is extremely unpleasant for him. The purpose of the part of the body in which varicose veins have arisen indicates in which area of ​​life the problem should be looked for.

Mental block
The stronger the feeling of heaviness (in your legs, for example), which is caused by diseased veins, the harder your life seems to you. It's time for you to understand that not everything in this life is defined by the word necessary. You can allow yourself to rest, relax, without blaming yourself. The quiet voice that always makes you work tirelessly is not the voice of your heart. Trust your heart, which knows your needs better. Choose what you want and what you love.


Physical blocking
A virus is a microorganism that can only be seen with a microscope. Viruses are one of the tiniest living creatures and the most primitive among them. Their size allows them to be and penetrate literally everywhere, but they can only reproduce inside living cells.

Emotional blockage
If a person falls ill with a viral disease, this means that he has succumbed to some thought form that he himself created and which prevents him from being himself. In order for the disease to penetrate into the emotional and mental body, cracks should form in them. These cracks actually form when a person experiences anger or hatred. Thus, a viral illness is almost always a sign of resentment or hatred. In order to find out what area of ​​the patient’s life these negative emotions are associated with, you should find out the purpose of the affected part of the body.

Mental block
Since the virus is a living creature, talk to it as you would talk to a person. Find a thought form within yourself that is angry at someone for something. Then imagine that this thought form is another person who is talking to you and trying to keep you angry against someone. Explain to him that you don't want to be angry anymore because it's making your health worse. Tell him that you want to forgive the person you were angry with. Even if you cannot forgive this person at the moment, good intentions will soften your pain and feelings of resentment. Now that you know that one of your thought forms is trying to take over your body, it will be much easier for you to fight the disease.


Physical blocking
We are talking about pain that suddenly, for no apparent reason, occurs in some part of the body.

Emotional blockage
The laws of society state that a person found guilty of committing a crime must be punished - pay a fine or go to prison. Our Self, feeling guilty, also seeks to punish itself, but this happens on a subconscious level. Sudden pain is one of the ways in which a person punishes himself and causes himself suffering. We know that pain has been used as a form of punishment since time immemorial. Thus, sudden pain tells a person that he blames himself for doing something or not doing something, or for having some intentions. This feeling of guilt often has no reasonable basis, since a person perceives the situation biasedly. In order to find out which area of ​​life this feeling of guilt relates to, you should analyze the purpose of the part of the body in which sudden pain most often occurs.

Mental block
If you often blame yourself and admit your guilt, you are one of those people who believe that you can atone for your guilt before other people by punishing yourself. Unfortunately, this path is wrong because you have to start all over again every time you consider yourself guilty. The pain will stop much more reliably if you stop to find out how real your guilt is. The vast majority of people who easily admit guilt are often not guilty. A person who has done or wanted to do something bad to another person or to himself is considered guilty. If you feel guilty, although in fact it is not your fault, this means that you must reconsider your value system, your beliefs. It is the quiet voice in your head that convinces you that you are guilty, not your heart, not your inner GOD. This quiet voice is an echo of the voice of some other person (very often one of the parents) that you recorded and decided to believe. Change your attitude towards yourself and this world, get rid of unnecessary feelings of guilt.


Physical blocking
Our hair falls out all the time: it gradually dies off and is replaced by others. This is a natural process. But sometimes they begin to fall out too intensely, much more than usual.

Emotional blockage
Hair loss can occur when a person experiences a loss or is afraid of losing someone or something. Such a person identifies himself with what he is afraid of losing or has already lost, and therefore feels helpless or despairs to such an extent that he is ready to tear his hair out. Perhaps he also blames himself for the fact that as a result of his decision he lost something himself or deprived someone else of something. As a rule, such a person worries too much about the material side of his life and is afraid of other people's opinions and what people will say.

Mental block
If your hair is falling out quickly, think about what you have lost or are afraid of losing, and you will understand that this loss or fear of loss makes your behavior unnatural. It hurts you. You identify much more with what you HAVE and DO than with who you ARE. You think that if you HAVE this something or someone, then other people will think that you ARE better. Remember: if the Universe takes someone or something from your life, then there is a serious reason for it. You should no longer depend on what you have lost or are afraid of losing. Learn non-attachment. In addition, you must tell yourself that you made all your decisions with the best intentions and that the consequences of these decisions always carry some important lesson for you.


Physical blocking
Hemorrhoids are varicose veins of the anus and rectum. The development of hemorrhoids is promoted by stagnation of blood in the veins of the rectum and pelvis with prolonged overflow of blood and increased pressure on the venous walls (constipation, sedentary lifestyle, frequent carrying of heavy objects, etc.).

Emotional blockage
Hemorrhoids speak of emotional stress and fear that a person does not want to show or discuss. These repressed emotions become a heavy burden. They appear in a person who constantly forces himself to do something, puts pressure on himself, especially in the material sphere. Perhaps this person is forcing himself to do a job he doesn't like. Since hemorrhoids occur in the rectum, the final part of the large intestine, the patient tenses and pushes himself because he wants to finish something quickly. He is too demanding of himself. Emotional stress is most often created by the desire to have something or someone, which, in turn, grows from a feeling of material disadvantage or inability to make decisions.

Mental block
The stronger the feeling of self-doubt and tomorrow, the more suffering hemorrhoids cause. In order to drown out this feeling, you force yourself to do in order to have. If it doesn't work out as quickly as you want, you start to get angry with yourself and overexert yourself. You must gain faith in this world, that is, first of all, trust the Universe, trust our mother, planet Earth, who takes care of all her children. You must learn to give yourself freedom, become more confident and boldly express your feelings. Recognize your right to have fears in the material sphere.


Physical blocking
A symptom of oral herpes is a skin rash, usually around the mouth. This is a very common viral disease.

Emotional blockage
Oral herpes indicates that a person judges someone of the opposite sex too harshly and tends to extend this judgment to all members of that sex. Someone or something seems disgusting and disgusting to him. This disease is also a way of avoiding the need to kiss other people or with one person who makes the patient angry because he humiliated him. The patient is already ready to say some angry words, but at the last minute he restrains himself and anger hangs on his lips.

Mental block
Herpes suggests that it’s time for you to change your critical attitude towards the opposite sex to love, and the more often exacerbations occur, the faster. Your way of thinking prevents you from approaching the opposite sex, although you really want it. This detachment hurts you greatly, even if you think that in this way you are punishing someone else.


Physical blocking
Arterial hypertension, or HIGH PRESSURE, is high blood pressure in the arteries compared to normal. Hypertension can cause blood vessels to rupture in the heart, brain, kidneys and eyes.

Emotional blockage
The name of this disease speaks for itself: the patient puts a lot of pressure on himself - because of his over-emotionality. He endlessly experiences the same situations that remind him of old, unhealed emotional traumas. He also tends to dramatize situations; intense mental activity causes him to experience many different emotions. This is a very sensitive person: he wants everyone around him to be happy, and takes on too much weight, increases the pressure, trying to achieve this goal.

Mental block
You shouldn't feel like your mission on this planet is to make life better for everyone you love. This does not mean that you should completely forget about them and not feel any responsibility, just that you should slightly change your understanding of the word “responsibility”. This will relieve you of unnecessary stress that prevents you from living in the present and enjoying life.


Physical blocking
HYPOTENSION is low blood pressure in the blood vessels. Characteristic symptoms are frequent fainting, poor blood supply to the extremities, constant fatigue and dizziness. If your blood pressure is low, but none of the above symptoms are observed, then this blood pressure level may be normal for that person.

Emotional blockage
Low blood pressure usually affects people who become easily discouraged and discouraged. Such a person usually feels defeated in advance. His vital energy is spent very quickly, he cannot accept the burden of responsibility for the events occurring in his life. He lacks courage, he very easily retreats from his intentions.

Mental block
Low blood pressure means you are out of touch with your ability to create your own life. You listen too closely to your bad thoughts and doubts and therefore believe that you are not capable of anything and that the game is lost before it even begins. You should set a goal, something specific that you will strive for. You are not confident that you can cope with life's difficulties, and this uncertainty prevents you from realizing your wonderful dreams.


Physical blocking
Diabetes is a disease of the pancreas, a very important organ that performs many functions. These functions include the production of insulin, a hormone necessary to maintain normal blood glucose levels. Diabetes usually begins when the pancreas stops producing enough insulin. In some cases - such as obesity - diabetes can be caused by the body's resistance to insulin.

Emotional blockage
The pancreas is located in one of the energy centers human body- solar plexus. Any dysfunction of this gland is a sign of problems in the emotional sphere. The energy center in which the pancreas is located governs emotions, desires and intellect. A diabetic patient is usually very impressionable and has many desires. As a rule, he wants something not only for himself, but also for all his loved ones. He wants everyone to get their piece of the pie. However, he may feel jealous if someone gets more than him. He is a very dedicated person, but his expectations are unrealistic. He tries to take care of everyone who comes into his sight, and blames himself if other people's lives don't go the way he planned. A person with diabetes is characterized by intense mental activity, as he constantly thinks about how to implement his plans. But behind all these plans and desires lies a deep sadness caused by an unsatisfied thirst for tenderness and love. Diabetes occurs in a child when he does not feel sufficient understanding and attention from his parents. Sadness creates emptiness in his soul, and nature does not tolerate emptiness. In order to attract attention to himself, he falls ill.

Mental block
Diabetes tells you that it's time to relax and stop trying to control absolutely everything. Let everything happen naturally. You no longer have to believe that your mission is to make everyone around you happy. You show determination and perseverance, but it may turn out that the people for whom you are trying want something else and do not need your benefits. Feel the sweetness of the present instead of thinking about your future desires. Until today, you chose to believe that everything you want is not only for you, but also for others. Realize that these desires are yours first and foremost, and acknowledge everything you have achieved. Also think about the fact that even if you failed to realize some big desire in the past, this does not prevent you from appreciating the smaller desires that manifest themselves in the present. A child with diabetes must stop believing that his family is rejecting him and try to take his own place.


Physical blocking
The stomach is the most important organ of the digestive system, located between the esophagus and the small intestine. The juice secreted in the stomach turns solid food into liquid. The most common diseases of the stomach are ULCERS, gastric BLEEDINGS, CANCER, as well as DIGESTION disorders (vomiting, indigestion, etc.).

Emotional blockage
All stomach diseases are directly related to the inability to take a certain person or situation. A person experiences hostility and even fear towards what he does not like. He resists new ideas, especially those that do not come from him. He cannot adapt to a person or situation that is not consistent with his plans, habits or lifestyle. He has a highly developed inner critic, which prevents him from listening to the voice of his heart.

Mental block
Your stomach is telling you that you need to let go of your desire to control everything. Start listening to other people's opinions. You feel helpless because you can't change the person or situation, but that's wrong. Find the strength within yourself to change your life. Start trusting people the same way you trust your stomach to digest what you eat. You don't have to tell your body how to function and digest food. In the same way, you should not dictate to the people around you, since each of them has their own opinion. It is no coincidence that the stomach is located next to the heart. We must accept everything with love, including the fact that all people are different. Thoughts like “This is unfair”, “This is wrong”, “What stupidity” block your development in the same way that your stomach blocks the digestion of the food you eat. If you learn to be more tolerant of others, your stomach will become more tolerant of what you put into it.


Physical blocking
Stuttering is a speech defect that appears primarily in childhood and often persists throughout life.

Emotional blockage
A stutterer in his youth was very afraid to express his needs and desires. He also feared those who represented power to him; It was especially scary in those moments when he needed to show or express something.

Mental block
It's time for you to realize that you have the right to express your desires, even if your head tells you that it is unreasonable, or if you are afraid that someone will consider your desires not entirely legitimate. You don't have to make excuses to anyone. You can afford whatever you want, since in any case you will have to take responsibility for the consequences of your choice. This is what all people do. You consider other people to be powerful, but you yourself have a power that is trying to manifest itself. Once you realize that this power is not associated with evil and can even help you assert yourself, it will reconcile you with those whom you consider to be powerful.


Physical blocking
Signs of constipation: decreased frequency of bowel movements, difficulty bowel movements, hard and dry stool. If the frequency of bowel movements has decreased, but the stool has a normal consistency, this is not constipation.

Emotional blockage
Since the function of the colon is to excrete what the body no longer needs, constipation indicates that a person is clinging to old thoughts that he no longer needs. A person whose body retains feces often restrains his desire to say or do something because he is afraid of not being liked or seem impolite, or he is afraid of losing someone or something. It is also possible that this is a petty person who is too attached to what he has and does not want to get rid of what he no longer needs. Constipation can also occur when a person feels that he is being forced to give something away - time, energy or money. If he gives what is demanded of him, it is with great displeasure and only because he does not want to feel guilty. A person who tends to dramatize some event in his past and associates some ideas with it that he cannot get rid of may suffer from constipation. Stress caused by the inability to let go of the past creates anxiety, dark thoughts, rage, fear of humiliation, and even envy.

Mental block
If you suffer from constipation, then your body is telling you that it is time to get rid of old beliefs that no longer serve you. Make room for new ideas and opportunities. Your body is telling you that you must empty your bowels or you won't be able to eat new foods. The same goes for your thoughts. You must treat worries, dark thoughts and obsessions as waste and get rid of them in time. Constantly holding back out of fear of losing someone or something only hurts yourself. Better try to analyze the situation and determine what you could lose if you allow yourself to say and do what you want. This approach is undoubtedly much more useful.


Physical blocking
Dental problems include any pain caused by CARIES, TOOTH BREAKAGE or ENAMEL LOSS. People often think of uneven teeth as a problem, but it is more of an AESTHETIC problem. GRINDING OF TEETH is also considered a problem.

Emotional blockage
Since teeth serve to chew food, they are associated with the way a person chews new ideas or circumstances in order to better assimilate them. Teeth usually hurt in indecisive people who do not know how to analyze life situations. Teeth are also needed for biting, so dental problems can mean that a person feels helpless and unable to real life bite someone, stand up for yourself. Below I present an excerpt from the results of many years of research by the French dental surgeon Ms. Michelle Caffin:
The eight right teeth of the upper jaw are associated with a person’s desire to manifest, to express himself in the outside world; if there is a problem with one of these teeth, it means that the person is having difficulty finding his place in the outside world. The eight left teeth of the upper jaw are associated with the inner world of a person, with his desire to express his feelings, emotions and desires; a problem with one of these teeth indicates that it is difficult for a person to reveal his personality, to become himself. The eight right teeth on the lower jaw are associated with the ability to clarify, specify; A problem with one of these teeth indicates that a person is having difficulty giving his life a certain direction. Eight left teeth in the lower jaw are associated with the manifestation of sensitivity; a problem with one of these teeth indicates that the person is not at peace with his family on an emotional level. The signs mentioned above also include the uneven arrangement of the corresponding teeth.

Mental block
Since the right side of your body directly reflects your relationship with your father, problems with teeth located on the right indicate that there is still some kind of conflict in this relationship. This means that you should change your attitude towards your father and show greater tolerance. If the teeth on the left side hurt, you must improve your relationship with your mother. Also, the four upper incisors (front teeth) represent the place you want to occupy next to your parents, and the four lower incisors represent the place your parents occupy. Any problem with your teeth means that it’s time for you to take action and specify your desires. Learn to objectively perceive life situations. Let other people help you with this if you see such a need. Instead of having a grudge against someone, take care of your own desires. Reconnect with your power and allow yourself to protect yourself. If you suffer from WEAR of your teeth - that is, if the enamel is gradually erased from them - this means that you are allowing your loved ones to take advantage of you. As a rule, the one who most often allows himself to be used is the one who actively criticizes internally, but does not show himself in any way externally. Such a person always wants others to change. If you don't want your loved ones to continue to use you, try to feel true, unconditional love for them. GRINDING of teeth, which usually appears at night, indicates that during the day you have accumulated anger within yourself and felt strong emotional stress. Your rational body helps you during sleep to get rid of the tension that arose while awake. But this is only a temporary relief. You must immediately begin to find and solve the problem that is causing you constant anger and emotional stress, otherwise you will face much more serious troubles than grinding your teeth.


Physical blocking
Impotence is a common sexual function disorder in men, in which erections weaken to such an extent that sexual intercourse becomes impossible.

Emotional blockage
Every man at least once in his life felt what impotence was; The erection mechanism is very complex and delicate, so it is not surprising that it malfunctions from time to time. There is nothing tragic or funny about impotence. All you need to do is find out in what specific situation it manifests itself. Repeated failures with a particular woman can be explained by the fact that the man has begun to subconsciously perceive this woman as a mother, or that his love for this woman has become more sublime and he does not want to defile her with carnal desires. It is also possible that a man wants to punish his partner for something and unconsciously chooses this method.

Mental block
Powerlessness in the sexual sphere means that you feel powerless in some situation, in another area of ​​your life, and this feeling is harmful to you. People often feel powerless because they worry too much about someone else. In such a case, you should give the other person the opportunity to sort out their problems themselves. If impotence is caused by some bad sexual experience, you should no longer believe that this failure will happen again and again. As soon as you stop believing it, the problem will disappear. If you use impotence to punish your partner for something, know that you are punishing yourself, because by blocking your physical needs, you are also blocking your creative energy. By doing this, you are only feeding your ego, not your relationship with your partner. The above explanation applies equally to the inability to ejaculate.


Physical blocking
A cyst is a pathological spherical cavity in an organ with dense walls, filled with liquid or mushy contents (less often solid). The cyst is usually closed, its walls are not connected by blood vessels to the contents. This neoplasm can be benign or malignant.

Emotional blockage
The cyst ball speaks of some kind of grief that has been accumulating for a very long time. This extra flesh accumulates to soften the blows that the patient's ego receives from the outside world. A person with one or more cysts cannot get rid of severe pain associated with some events in his past. If the cyst is malignant, see also the article CANCER. The purpose of the part of the body in which the cyst has formed indicates in which area of ​​life grief and pain have accumulated. So, a cyst in one of the breasts is associated with the material interests of this person.

Mental block
The cyst is a warning that it is time for you to forgive yourself or another person, and not reopen an old wound again and again. What you accumulate in yourself harms you. It may seem to you that some person has harmed or is harming you, but in reality it is your inner attitude that makes you suffer. The cyst, this ball of flesh, says that you should no longer create protection within yourself from the blows of fate and that it is time for you to forgive others and yourself.


Physical blocking
Laryngitis is an inflammation of the larynx, the organ through which we make sounds. Laryngitis is characterized by hoarseness, coughing and sometimes difficulty breathing.

Emotional blockage
Partial or complete loss of voice indicates that a person does not allow himself to speak because he is afraid of something. He wants to say something, but is afraid that he will not be heard or that someone will not like his words. He tries to “swallow” his words, but they get stuck in his throat (often this is why his throat hurts). They strive to break out - and, as a rule, they succeed. Laryngitis can also occur due to the fear of not being up to par, not meeting someone’s expectations when it comes to words, speeches, performances, etc. The cause of the disease can also be fear of authority in some area. It is also possible that a person said something to someone and is angry with himself for saying too much, for letting it slip; he promises himself to keep his mouth shut in the future. He loses his voice because he is afraid to talk again. It happens that a person wants to express some important request for him, but prefers to remain silent because he is afraid of refusal. He can even use all sorts of tricks and subterfuges to avoid some important conversation.

Mental block
Whatever fear you feel, it only harms you, because it deprives you of ease and does not allow you to express yourself. If you continue to hold yourself back, it will eventually hurt you a lot, and it may not only hurt your throat. Express what you feel and you will discover the energy center in yourself, which is associated with creativity and is located in the throat. Understand that you will never be able to find a way of expressing yourself that would please everyone without exception. Give yourself the right to express yourself in your own way, and others will recognize this right for you. Know also that your opinion is no less important than the opinions of others, and that you have the same right to self-expression as everyone else. If you ask someone for something, the worst that can happen is that you get rejected. But if a person refuses you, this does not mean that he does not love you or denies your essence. He simply refuses your request!


Physical blocking
The lungs are the main respiratory organs, as they saturate the blood with oxygen (venous blood turns into arterial blood). They provide the body with oxygen and remove carbon dioxide from it, which is formed as a result of oxidative processes in cells. There are many problems associated with the lungs, including all breathing problems.

Emotional blockage
The lungs are directly related to life, the desire to live and the ability to enjoy life, as they deliver oxygen to the body’s cells, without which a person cannot exist. Impaired lung function indicates that the person is feeling unwell and is tormented by some heartache, sadness. He feels despair or disappointment and does not want to live anymore. Or maybe he feels that some situation or some person is preventing him from taking a deep breath. He may have the feeling that he has been driven into a dead end, deprived of freedom of action. Lung problems often occur among those who are afraid of dying or suffering - or seeing someone close to them die or suffer. When a person begins to think that it is better for him to die than to live, he deprives himself of desires, which are the main food for the emotional body. He who is afraid to die is also afraid to die for something, that is, to stop doing something, and therefore does not allow himself to develop, to move on to something new. Any radical changes cause him fear and suppress enthusiasm.

Mental block
Since the lungs are one of the most important organs of the human body, everything that happens to them has a very important metaphysical meaning. The more serious the physical problem, the more decisively you must act. Your body wants you to breathe deeply, to regain your desires and begin to appreciate life. Understand that only you can drive yourself into a corner, suppress, plunge into despair. Instead of dramatizing a situation, try to see something good in your life and analyze all the paths that can lead you to happiness. Change your attitude towards life and learn to enjoy it, because only you yourself can build your own happiness. Be socially active. Try to breathe deeply and deeply for a few minutes a day (preferably in the fresh air) - this will help you live a fuller life on an emotional and mental level.


Physical blocking
Lymph nodes look like small oval thickenings and are located throughout the lymphatic system. Each lymph node has its own functions and its own “territory”. These nodes help the body's cells get rid of waste products, returning them to the blood. They also help the body defend against infections.

Emotional blockage
A swollen or inflamed lymph node indicates that a person has been feeling regret for too long because of someone or something. He would like the situation to develop in accordance with his plans, but cannot come into contact with the person on whom this situation depends. He blocks relationships with him in the same way as he blocks the circulation of lymph in his body. This mental attitude does not allow him to realize his life plans. He stops valuing himself and feels awkward in relationships with people. A swollen gland in the left armpit indicates that a person belittles himself in relationships with his children, in the right - in relationships with other people (spouse, employee, etc.), in the groin - in sexual relationships.

Mental block
You must understand that it is impossible to control all situations and all people with whom you have to deal. Such a misconception is eternal source regrets and disappointments. You overexert yourself because you have too many mistakes about what you should do and who you should be in order to maintain good relationships with people. Your body wants you to understand that your capabilities are not limitless. Try to look at the situation from a different angle. There is undoubtedly a good side to it, namely the opportunity to relax and love yourself. Giving up the fight and trying to slow down the natural course of things is not the best way to face difficulties.


Physical blocking
The uterus is a hollow, muscular reproductive organ in women. The uterus contains the fertilized egg during pregnancy and pushes the fetus out at the end of the term. The most common diseases of the uterus are FIBROMA, EVERION, FUNCTIONAL DISORDER, INFECTION, TUMOR and CANCER, as well as some lesions of the cervix. Read the description below and the corresponding article in this book.

Emotional blockage
Since the womb is the first home in this world for the child, any disturbances associated with it should be correlated with reception, hearth, home and refuge. When a woman is unable to bear children due to uterine disease, her body tells her that deep down she wants to have a child, but fear overpowers this desire and creates a physical blockage in her body. A woman who is angry with herself for not welcoming her child into this world can also suffer from problems with the uterus. In addition, diseases of the uterus indicate that a woman puts forward or implements some new ideas without allowing them to mature. Such diseases can also occur in a woman who blames herself for not being able to create a good family home for those she loves.

Mental block
It's time for you to be more open to new ideas and move on to actively building your life without any feelings of guilt. This way you will create a place in your life for men and masculine. Get rid of fears that only harm you.


Physical blocking
The fallopian tubes are a pair of ducts that carry eggs from the ovaries into the uterus. The tubes also allow the passage of sperm to the site where the egg is fertilized. The most common problem is obstruction of one or both tubes. Inflammation of the fallopian tubes is called SALPINGITIS.

Emotional blockage
Since the fallopian tubes are the place where sperm meet the egg to form a new life, problems with them indicate that a woman is blocking the connection between the masculine and feminine principles in herself. She cannot build her life the way she wants, and also experiences difficulties in relationships with men.

Mental block
The meaning of this illness is very important to you; you must understand that some of your beliefs are greatly harming you at the moment. Excessive anger and perhaps the guilt you feel for preventing yourself from enjoying life can kill you. Your body wants you to allow yourself to live life to the fullest. You were put on this planet for a purpose, and if that purpose is not achieved, you will not be able to become truly happy. You, like all living things on this planet, have the right to live.


Physical blocking
Menopause is a normal process that occurs in a woman's body around the age of fifty. Menopause is as difficult a period of physical and emotional instability for a woman as puberty. The woman suffers from HOT FLASHES, increased fatigue, insomnia and anxiety. (In men, similar symptoms may appear around the age of sixty.

Emotional blockage
Menopause is a natural process of transition for all women from one stage of life to another. A woman who begins to exhibit the symptoms described above experiences fear and grief because she does not want to grow old. Menopause ends the childbearing years, and it is also difficult for a woman to come to terms with the loss of one of her most important functions. She must move from the stage of having and raising children to the stage of taking care of herself. In order to facilitate this transition, she must use the masculinity inherent in her. The more difficult it is for a woman to discover this masculinity in herself, the harder and longer her menopause will drag on.

Mental block
The more severe the symptoms of menopause, the louder your body tells you that you shouldn't be afraid of old age. Just because you can't have children doesn't mean you can't live. You should reconsider your attitude towards old age. Growing old does not mean dying, becoming disabled or a helpless, useless, useless and lonely person, or losing the ability to move forward. With age, a person usually becomes wiser as he accumulates experience and knowledge. From this moment on, you have the right to live for yourself. Before menopause, you lived for others, now it’s time to pay attention to yourself. Create for yourself using the masculine principle, that is, think without haste, make decisions in a calm environment and spend more time alone with yourself.


Physical blocking
A common migraine is characterized by attacks of pain in one side of the head, which are often accompanied by nausea and vomiting and can last from several hours to several days. A migraine attack may be preceded by visual impairment. There is also a much more severe type of migraine that can seriously affect your vision and speech.

Emotional blockage
This disease is directly related to the personality and individuality of the patient. Migraine usually develops in a person who does not give himself the right to be himself. Example: a teenage girl wants to be an artist, but her parents force her to choose another profession. She suffers from migraines because she didn't do what she wanted. Migraines occur in a person who feels guilty when he tries to speak out against those who have significant influence over him. He doesn’t know what he really needs, and he shows such helplessness that he lives as if in the shadow of another person. In addition, people suffering from migraines often experience difficulties in their sexual life because they do not develop their creativity, symbolized in the human body by the genitals.

Mental block
If you suffer from migraines, ask yourself the following question: “If I had ideal circumstances in my life, who would I want to BE?” After that, try to determine what has prevented or is preventing you from becoming who you want to be. As a rule, the main obstacle is the wrong way of thinking. You are mistaken in thinking that people love you more when you show your dependence on them. On the other hand, allow yourself to be imperfect and give yourself the time needed to achieve your true goal.


Physical blocking
Menstruation is the cyclic release of blood from the uterus in girls and women associated with reproductive function. During pregnancy there is no menstruation. The average length of the menstrual cycle is 28 days, but this is ideal. It is considered normal if the menstrual cycle lasts from 25 to 32 days. The following problems may be associated with menstruation: AMENorrhea (absence of menstruation), MENSTRUAL PAIN, TUMOR, KIDNEY PAIN, GROUND PAIN, MENORRHAGIA (heavy bleeding), METRORRHAGIA (bleeding from the uterus during the intermenstrual period).

Emotional blockage
Problems with menstruation indicate that a woman is having difficulty accepting her feminine side. Starting from adolescence, she reacts very sharply (to the point of irritation) to her mother, who was her first ideal woman. This does not mean that she is not feminine, she just does not really like the role of a woman, since this role involves following too many rules. She wants, usually unconsciously, to be a man, and she may even be angry with men because they have some opportunities that she does not and will never have. She often forces herself to play the role of a man, but this awakens in her a feeling of guilt that she does not realize.


Physical blocking
The adrenal glands are paired endocrine glands located, as the name implies, above the kidneys. They perform several functions: if necessary, they release adrenaline, which activates the brain, speed up the heart rate and mobilize sugar from the reserve when the body needs additional energy. They secrete cortisone, a hormone that plays an important role in metabolism and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The adrenal glands also produce hormones necessary to maintain electrolytic balance in the body. The main disorders of the adrenal glands are their HYPOFUNCTION and HYPERFUNCTION.

Emotional blockage
These glands connect a person's physical body with his base, or sacral, chakra (energy center). The sacral chakra gives us the energy necessary to maintain faith in our Mother - planet Earth, in her ability to satisfy all our urgent needs, that is, all the needs associated with the sphere of HAVING. Dysfunction of the adrenal glands indicates that a person experiences many unrealistic fears, mainly related to the material side of his life. He is afraid of making a mistake in choosing a direction. He is not confident enough in his ability to satisfy his material needs. He has an overly rich imagination. He underestimates himself. He is angry with himself because he considers himself not brave and dynamic enough. Hyperfunction of the adrenal glands is a sign that a person is constantly on guard, constantly on the alert, although usually the danger exists only in his imagination. He loses measure and consistency in his thoughts and actions. Hypofunction of the adrenal glands manifests itself in situations where a person does not realize the limits of his capabilities and drives himself to exhaustion. His glands get tired and want to rest. Hypofunction of the adrenal glands suggests that a person should relax and trust the Universe more - She always takes care of those living beings who allow Her to do so.

Mental block
Your body wants you to stop believing that you have to satisfy your own needs and rely only on your mind - that is, on what you know today. You must understand that you also have your inner strength, your inner GOD, who knows all your needs much better than your mind knows them. By trusting this power, you will receive everything you need. Instead of worrying endlessly, thank the world for what you have at the moment. Make contact with your inner strength - this will give you the impetus to move in the right direction.


Physical blocking
A runny nose is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa. With a runny nose, the nose is stuffy and “running”, the patient constantly sneezes.

Emotional blockage
A runny nose occurs in a person who is faced with some confusing situation and is confused. He gets the impression that someone or some situation seems to be attacking him. As a rule, such a person worries too much about unimportant details. He doesn't know where to start. This makes him angry, as he would like to do everything in one fell swoop. The turmoil that arises in his head prevents him from feeling his true needs and living in the present. He may even feel like some situation smells bad. He is capable of getting a runny nose and from the subconscious calculation - that some person unpleasant to him will eventually leave him alone for fear of getting infected.

Mental block
The main mental block with a runny nose is the popular belief that “a runny nose occurs due to hypothermia.” Such beliefs influence us much more strongly than we think, working as formulas of self-hypnosis. No less common is the misconception that a runny nose can be infected. It only affects those who share this misconception. Thus, you must get rid of such misconceptions. If everyone does this, there will be many more healthy people on our planet. In any case, since any illness carries some meaning, a runny nose as a result of some common misconception tells you that you are an easy-to-suggest person and subject to the influence of others. The deeper meaning of a runny nose as a message is that you should relax and not stress yourself out needlessly. Don't suppress your feelings. Don't try to do many things at once. Don’t get used to blaming some situation or other people for your problems: not wanting to feel, smell a situation or a person, you turn off all your senses, and this prevents you from accurately determining your priorities and needs.


Physical blocking
Since an accident is difficult to predict, people tend to consider it a random event. However, recently, completely opposite statements have become more and more common. Personally, I believe that chance, including accidents, is one of the ways in which the Divine communicates with us. It is necessary to analyze which part of the body is injured and how serious the injuries are. If a FRACTURE occurs as a result of an accident, see also the corresponding article.

Emotional blockage
An accident indicates that a person feels guilty, unconsciously blames himself for something at the level of his Self. So, for example, a mother is doing something in the kitchen, and her son calls her from the room. She pretends that she didn’t hear, because she believes that the child can wait. Continuing to do her business, she falls and injures her hand. Asking herself the question “What was I thinking?”, she suddenly realizes that she behaved like a heartless mother and punished herself for it. She injured the part of her body that was active when she played the role of a heartless mother. An accident is one of the ways people try to get rid of guilt. They think that by suffering from an accident, they are atonement for their guilt, real or imagined. Unfortunately, all this happens on an unconscious level. An accident with serious injuries that prevent you from going to work or doing any particular activity is an unconscious attempt to stop and rest without remorse. Typically, such accidents occur when a person places increased demands on himself and cannot consciously take a break from work or other activities.

Mental block
You must reconsider your idea of ​​guilt. According to the law, a person is found guilty if it is fully proven that he acted consciously and intentionally when committing a crime. Every time you blame yourself for something, ask yourself if you did it on purpose. If not, stop blaming yourself because there is no reason for it. Regarding the example above, do you think that the mother wanted to harm her child? In addition, if a person is actually guilty, the law of cause and effect is triggered, since each of us is rewarded according to his intentions. A wise and responsible person is one who admits his guilt, asks for forgiveness from the one to whom he is guilty, and accepts the idea that one day he will be rewarded for this evil. Such a person will accept retribution calmly and with humility, because he knows that there is a certain order, the highest justice. If the accident that happened to you was triggered on a subconscious level as a way to get a break, think about how you could consciously set aside the same time for rest without causing harm to yourself. If the accident entailed serious consequences and severe pain - for example, a FRACTURE - this indicates that you are suppressing in yourself, on a subconscious or conscious level, thoughts of violence towards another person. Since you cannot express this violence and at the same time are no longer able to restrain it, it turns against you. You must free yourself from these thoughts and tell about them to the person against whom they are directed, not forgetting to apologize to him.


Physical blocking
Obesity is the excess deposition of fat in body tissues. Obesity is considered a problem when it poses an immediate threat to health.

Emotional blockage
Obesity can have various causes, but in any case, a person suffering from obesity has experienced a lot of humiliation in childhood or adolescence and still experiences the fear of being in a shameful situation for himself or putting another person in such a situation. Excess weight is for such a person a kind of protection from those who demand too much from him, taking advantage of the fact that he does not know how to say “no” and is inclined to put everything on his shoulders.

It is also possible that this person often and for a very long time feels squeezed between two other people. He tries his best to make these people happy. The stronger his desire to make others happy, the more difficult it is for him to realize his own needs. Very often it turns out that a person gains weight because he does not want to appear attractive to the opposite sex, because he is afraid that he will later be rejected or that he himself will not be able to say “no”. Obesity also affects people who strive to take their place in life, but consider this desire to be unhealthy and indecent. They don't realize that they are already quite good at it (I don't mean that they physically take up a lot of space).

Mental block
My observations show that it is difficult for an obese person to objectively evaluate himself due to his excessive sensitivity. Are you able to clearly see all parts of your body in the mirror? The ability to consider one’s physical body is directly related to the ability to consider oneself at other levels, that is, with the ability to analyze one’s internal state. If you don't have this ability, you won't be able to discover the true cause of your obesity. That is why this article may cause internal resistance in you. If this happens, try to read it at your own pace several times and understand its meaning. Having experienced some strong humiliation in childhood or youth, you decided to always be on your guard and no longer give anyone a reason to mock you. You decided to become very good person and that’s why you put so many worries on your shoulders. It's time for you to learn to accept without thinking that you are taking or borrowing something from someone and sooner or later you will have to return it or pay for it. I advise you at the end of each day to carefully analyze everything that happened that day and note everything that may be associated with shame and humiliation. After that, you have to ask yourself whether what you noted is really related to shame. Check it out with the help of other people. Ask yourself as often as possible: “What do I really want?” before saying “yes” to other people’s requests or offering your services. This will not make you loved and respected any less. On the contrary, people will understand that you respect yourself and will respect you even more. Also, give yourself the right to be an important person in the lives of those you love. Believe in your worth.


Physical blocking
The following problems are associated with the toes: DEFORMATION, FRACTURE, CRAMPS, CALLUS, WOUND and INGROWN NAIL.

Emotional blockage
Since the feet symbolize our movement in life, the toes are associated with how we perceive the elements of this movement. Most toe problems prevent us from walking easily and freely, so they say that a person creates unnecessary fears for himself that prevent him from moving forward or perceiving his future. He is especially worried about all sorts of little things that prevent him from seeing the situation as a whole. They say about such people “they can’t see the forest for the trees.” Eventually he completely loses touch with his desires, and his forward progress gradually slows down. The big toes are most often affected (for example, by ingrown toenails). Since the thumb indicates direction, problems with it indicate feelings of guilt or regret associated with the chosen direction or the direction that the person is planning to take. This guilt will definitely affect his future.

Mental block
Problems with your toes mean you need to get back in touch with your desires and your vision for the future without getting distracted by minor details. Understand that all people experience fear of the unknown and that only those who do nothing make mistakes. By focusing on details, you slow down your progress and block your own desires. Also, know that no matter what your decision is about the future, regret only creates more fears. There are no mistakes, there is only experience that will be useful to you in the future.


Physical blocking
Fingers are the moving parts of the hands: they can make many different movements with great precision. By finger problems we mean PAIN, LOSS OF FLEXIBILITY and FRACTURE.

Emotional blockage
Since fingers provide precision in our actions, a problem with one or more fingers suggests that the human desire for precision does not have a rational basis. This doesn't mean he shouldn't pay attention to detail; rather, he should do it in a slightly different way. Problems can manifest themselves when a person breaks his fingers (worries, worries), hits himself on his fingers (reproaches himself for some action) or blames himself for not lifting a finger (reproaches himself for laziness and indifference). Each finger has its own metaphysical meaning.
THUMB. This is the main finger as it controls the other four fingers. It represents the conscious and responsible part of our personality. Thumb helps us push, promote. Problems with this finger indicate that a person wants to push someone, promote someone and is too worried about trifles. Perhaps this person feels that someone is promoting or pushing him, or that he is pushing himself or someone else to realize some idea, to make some decision.
INDEX FINGER. This finger represents strength of character and determination. With this finger we point, give orders, threaten or clarify our words. The index finger represents power. Problems with this finger may indicate that a person is too often pointed out by someone who has power over him.
MIDDLE FINGER. This finger is associated with restrictions and inner life. The middle finger is also associated with sexuality, so problems with it indicate that a person strives for perfection in this area and is overly sensitive and touchy.
RING FINGER. This finger very rarely acts separately from other fingers. It represents the ideal of a marital relationship and dependence on another person in achieving this ideal. Troubles with this finger indicate dissatisfaction and grief in your intimate life. A person who has pain in his ring finger is prone to bias, and this harms him.
LITTLE FINGER. The little finger represents mental agility and sociability. The ease with which he moves away from other fingers speaks to his independence and natural curiosity. It is also associated with intuition (“L sucked it out of his little finger”). A person who has pain in his little finger reacts very sharply to what other people think about him. He does not dare to assert his independence and use his own intuition - precisely because he is too eager to be different from everyone else. This finger may hurt in a person who blames himself for not even moving his little finger (that is, not intervening in something, not making the slightest effort). If a finger FRACTURE occurs, see also the corresponding article.

Mental block
Generally speaking, all problems with fingers indicate that you should not be distracted by details that are not particularly important at the moment or do not concern you at all. Your desire for perfection is not always justified. It is good that you are able to notice the little things, but you should strive for excellence only at the level of your personality: what you decide to do or have should help you to be in harmony with yourself and the world.


Physical blocking
With this disease, the following characteristic symptoms appear, in varying proportions: trembling, muscle tension and complex disorders of voluntary and involuntary motor function. As a rule, the patient’s face is frozen, the head is tilted forward, speech is impaired, the voice becomes dull and gradually weakens; handwriting changes, all normal movements slow down. Parkinson's disease affects men more often.

Emotional blockage
Parkinson's disease primarily affects those who are afraid of not being able to hold onto someone or something, so it starts with the hands. This disease can affect a person who has long restrained himself in order to hide sensitivity, vulnerability, anxiety and fears, especially in those moments when he experiences indecision. He sought absolute control, but now his illness tells him that he has reached his limits and will no longer be able to control himself or others. His nervous system is tired.

Mental block
Since this disease develops slowly, the patient has a chance to reverse the process. If you get this disease, try to trust people and the world in general more. You should not attach such importance to comparing your successes with the successes of other people. The part of you that thinks all people should restrain themselves is very tired. Give yourself the right to be imperfect, to be indecisive, and even to make mistakes. This will make it much easier for you to understand other people and give them the same right. Also, understand that all people experience fear, and stop considering a humanoid robot without flaws or emotions as your ideal.


Physical blocking
The liver is the most voluminous gland of the human body. Its functions make it one of the most important and most complex organs in our body. It secretes its secretions, including bile, into the intestines, thus participating in the digestion process. The liver also actively influences the metabolic processes of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It is also responsible for blood clotting and cleanses the body of toxins. If any of these functions are impaired, you should first pay attention to the liver. Here are the main LIVER diseases: ABSCESS, STONES, CIRRHOSIS, LIVER FAILURE, VIRAL HEPATITIS, JAUNDICE and TUMOR.

Emotional blockage
The expression emanate bile perfectly explains the general metaphysical meaning of liver diseases. Problems arise when a person becomes angry and anxious instead of being flexible and adapting to the situation. He is afraid of the consequences, especially afraid of losing something. Unable to adapt to the new situation, he experiences anger and disappointment. Liver diseases and disorders indicate that a person is close to depression, even if he himself does not realize it. In metaphysics, the liver is a reservoir in which repressed anger accumulates. Thus, liver problems usually occur in a person who does not let his anger out and tries to appear calm even when something or someone hurts him greatly. Bitterness and sadness accumulate in his soul. If this process lasts long enough, instead of an attack of anger, which would bring release to this person and restore his peace of mind, an attack of some kind of liver disease occurs.

Mental block
Since the liver plays an important role in coordinating many functions of the human body, dysfunction of this organ means that you have trouble coordinating what happens in your life. Instead of adapting to events and people, you begin to judge them, try to change them, and block the movements of your heart with excessive activity of the mind. Your anger indicates that you forget to put yourself in other people's shoes and strive to always be right. As a result, you often feel resentful. Instead of acting hastily and recklessly, you should carefully think and analyze what is happening and only then make decisions. Your liver tells you that you have what it takes to protect yourself.


Physical blocking
Diarrhea is a symptom of intestinal dysfunction. Diarrhea is characterized by the release of liquid or semi-liquid feces. It is often accompanied by abdominal pain, similar to colic.

Emotional blockage
On a physical level, diarrhea indicates that the body is rejecting food before it has had time to digest it properly. It has approximately the same meaning on the emotional and mental levels: a person too quickly rejects what could be useful to him. It is difficult for him to comprehend what is happening to him; he does not see any meaning in it. Thus, he deprives himself of the joys of life and practically ceases to feel gratitude and appreciation. He experiences feelings of rejection and guilt much more often than feelings of gratitude. This rejection belongs rather to the sphere of having and acting than to the sphere of being. A person who suffers from diarrhea is afraid of not having something or doing something badly, too little or too much. His hypersensitivity harms him: if he has even the slightest fear, he immediately rejects the situation, instead of experiencing it and gaining useful experience.

Mental block
Diarrhea helps you realize that you don't value yourself enough. You think you don't deserve what's good for you. But if you don't think well of yourself, you can hardly expect this from others. Moreover, everything that comes from others is only temporary. To better illustrate these ideas, I will give an example from my own life. For the first few years after I started lecturing, I always felt scared before going to the podium. I was afraid that I would not be up to par, that I would fail, that I would be rejected by the audience, etc. Therefore, before each performance, I would have an attack of diarrhea, and I would have to run to the toilet. My body told me to think only good things about myself. And I had every reason to feel good about myself. But at that time it seemed to me that if I praised myself, I would not be able to move on and develop. Now I know I was wrong. In general, I have never stopped and am not going to stop searching for perfection.


Physical blocking
Sweating is the release of sweat through the pores of the skin. The sweating mechanism ensures that body temperature is maintained at the same level - approximately 37° Celsius. The description below applies to those people who sweat unnaturally profusely, as during heavy physical work or in a sauna, as well as to those who sweat very little.

Emotional blockage
Since sweat is 95% water, and water symbolizes the emotional body, sweating disorders are directly related to disturbances in the emotional sphere. A person who sweats little experiences some strong emotions, but holds them back so as not to hurt other people. One who has been holding back his emotions for a long time, but has now reached his emotional limit, sweats a lot. His body tells him that he must express his feelings, even if it does not suit someone. He may express himself a little awkwardly at first due to his lack of experience, so he should psychologically prepare those around him, at least a little. If the sweat has an unpleasant odor, it means that the person hates himself. He is angry with himself for all the negative emotions that he has accumulated in himself for many years. He must forgive himself and those who caused these emotions in him as soon as possible. The stages of forgiveness are described at the end of this book.

Mental block
In this case, the metaphysical significance is obvious. Your body shows you that you should not hold back your emotions, as it will only harm you. By learning to express your emotions, you will stop believing that it is bad, and you will also be able to restore contact with your sensitivity.


Physical blocking
Kidneys are organs whose function is to remove metabolic end products from the body (urine, uric acid, bile pigments, etc.) and actively participate in the removal of foreign compounds from the body (in particular, drugs and toxic substances). The kidneys play a major role in maintaining the volume and osmotic pressure of human body fluids. The kidneys have a very complex structure, so many problems of a diverse nature are associated with them.

Emotional blockage
Since the kidneys maintain the volume and pressure of fluids in the human body, problems with them indicate an imbalance in emotional balance. The person exhibits a lack of judgment or inability to make decisions in meeting his or her needs. Typically, this is a very emotional person who worries excessively about others. Kidney problems also indicate that a person feels insufficiently capable or even powerless in his or her field of activity or in relationships with another person. In difficult situations, he often has a feeling that what is happening is unfair. It could also be a person who is too influenced by others and neglects his own interests in an effort to help those people. He is generally not able to understand what is good for him and what is bad. He tends to idealize situations and people, so he experiences great disappointment when his expectations are not met. In case of failure, he tends to criticize situations and other people, accusing them of injustice. The life of such a person very rarely turns out well, since he places too high hopes on other people.

Mental block
The more serious the kidney problem, the faster and more decisively you must act. Your body wants to help you reconnect with your inner strength and tells you that you can handle difficult situations just as well as other people. Considering life unfair, you do not allow your inner strength to manifest itself. You spend too much energy comparing yourself to others and criticizing yourself. You are not using your sensitivity well; active mental activity makes you experience a lot of emotions, deprives you of peace of mind and prudence, which are so necessary in difficult situations. Learn to see people as they are, without creating ideal images in your imagination. The fewer expectations you have, the less often you will experience feelings of injustice.


Physical blocking
The prostate, or prostate gland, is a gland of the male reproductive system located around the urethra under the bladder. The prostate produces a secretion that makes up the bulk of sperm. This secretion makes the usually very thick seminal fluid more fluid, nourishes and protects sperm, and also ensures their activation. The prostate can be affected by INFLAMMATION, TUMORS and CANCER.

Emotional blockage
This gland connects the human body with its sacred chakra (energy center), which is responsible for the creative, constructive abilities of a person. Prostate diseases most often occur in men over 50 years of age and indicate that a man is experiencing a situation that makes him feel helpless and powerless. He's tired of life. Prostate problems tell him that he cannot control absolutely everything in his life and that sometimes the world sends each of us certain situations whose purpose is to help us get rid of the old and create something new. When a man feels helpless and powerless, his sex drive also weakens. In this case, impotence is just a reflection of internal, emotional processes.

Mental block
Your prostate problem should help you get back in touch with your ability to create your own life. Just because you are getting old does not mean that your ability to create, to create something new, is weakening. The physical body wears out over time, this is completely natural. Now you have an excellent opportunity to use all your emotional and mental strength accumulated over many years and create something new, taking advantage of the physical help of the young. If you delegate some of your functions to others, this does not mean that you become less valuable, less significant; on the contrary, it speaks of your wisdom.


Physical blocking
Cancer is both a change in the cell itself and a failure in the reproduction mechanism of a certain group of cells. In order to more accurately determine what cancer is signaling, you should analyze the functions of the part of the body that it has affected.

Emotional blockage
This disease occurs in a person who experienced serious psychological trauma in childhood and carried all his negative emotions within himself throughout his life. Psychological traumas that can cause serious illness include: trauma of the rejected, trauma of the abandoned, humiliation, betrayal and injustice. Some people experienced not one, but several such traumas in childhood. As a rule, a person suffers from cancer who so wants to live in love and harmony with his loved ones that he suppresses anger, resentment or hatred towards one of his parents for too long. Many are also angry at God for what they have experienced. At the same time, they forbid themselves to express these negative feelings; the latter, meanwhile, accumulate and intensify whenever some event reminds of an old psychological trauma. And the day comes when a person reaches his emotional limit - everything in him seems to explode, and then cancer begins. Cancer can occur both during periods of emotional stress and after conflict resolution.

Mental block
If you are suffering from cancer, you need to realize that you suffered a lot as a child and that now you must give yourself permission to be an ordinary person, that is, give yourself the right to be angry with your parents. The main reason for your problems is that you experience your psychological trauma (suffering) alone. Perhaps you hope to free yourself from this suffering sooner or later. But the most important need of your soul and your heart is to find true love. The ideal way to do this is to forgive those you hate. Do not forget that forgiveness does not mean simply getting rid of feelings of anger or resentment. The most difficult thing for a cancer patient is to forgive himself for evil thoughts or for the desire for revenge, even not fully conscious. Forgive your inner child who suffers silently and has already experienced rage and resentment alone. Stop thinking that being angry at someone means being evil. Anger is a common human emotion.


Physical blocking
Sclerosis is a hardening of an organ or tissue. Multiple sclerosis is characterized by multiple lesions of different parts of the nervous system.

Emotional blockage
A person suffering from multiple sclerosis wants to harden so as not to suffer in certain situations. He completely loses flexibility and cannot adapt to a person or situation. He gets the feeling that someone is playing on his nerves, and anger grows in him. Going beyond his limits, he is completely lost and does not know where to move next. Sclerosis also affects those who mark time in one place and do not develop. Such a person wants someone to take care of him, but hides this desire because he does not want to seem dependent. As a rule, this person strives for perfection in everything and places too strict demands on himself. He wants to please at any cost. Naturally, he is not able to achieve perfection and therefore justifies all his failures by the fact that life itself is not as perfect as he would like. He also complains all the time about how others try less and have more.

Mental block
The more severe the illness, the faster you must act. Your body demands that you allow your natural gentleness to emerge and stop being callous towards yourself and other people. Give yourself the right to be dependent on an emotional level before your illness does it for you. Relax and stop making such strict demands on yourself. Try to understand that the ideal personality that you are trying to achieve is completely unrealistic for you. You don't have to prove anything to anyone. You are afraid of not being liked; it prevents you from being yourself and living the way your heart wants. Perhaps you are so disappointed with a parent of the same sex that you don’t want to be like him and therefore make higher demands on yourself. Acceptance and forgiveness (more importantly, forgiving yourself for judging your father or mother so harshly) will significantly speed up recovery.


Physical blocking
The heart provides blood circulation in the human body, functioning like a powerful pump. Many more people die from heart disease these days than from any other diseases, wars, disasters, etc. This vital organ is located in the very center of the human body.

Emotional blockage
When we say that a person concentrates, it means that he allows his heart to make a decision, that is, he acts in harmony with himself, with joy and love. Any heart problems are a sign of the opposite state, that is, a state in which a person takes everything too personally. His efforts and experiences go beyond his emotional capabilities, which prompts him to engage in excessive physical activity. The most important message, which heart disease carries with itself, - “LOVE YOURSELF!” If a person suffers from some kind of heart disease, it means that he has forgotten about his own needs and is trying his best to earn the love of others. He doesn't love himself enough.

Mental block
Heart problems indicate that you must immediately change your attitude towards yourself. You think that love can only come from other people, but it would be much wiser to receive love from yourself. If you depend on someone's love, you have to constantly earn that love. When you realize your uniqueness and learn to respect yourself, love - your self-love - will always be with you, and you won't have to try again and again to get it. To reconnect with your heart, try to give yourself at least ten compliments a day. If you make these inner changes, your physical heart will respond to them. A healthy heart can withstand deceptions and disappointments in the love sphere, as it is never left without love. This does not mean that you can do nothing for others; on the contrary, you must continue to do everything you did before, but with a different motivation. You should do this for your own pleasure, and not to earn someone else's love.


Physical blocking
The back is made up of many muscles, but when we talk about back pain, we primarily mean the spine - the long flexible column of bone that runs from the head to the pelvis that supports it. The spinal column consists of thirty-three vertebrae, forming five sections: cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal.

Emotional blockage
Pain in the SACrum area, the LOWER part of the back, indicates that a person values ​​his independence above all else and is afraid of losing freedom of movement at the moment when others need his help. As a rule, such a person is afraid of death and life after death. Pain localized between the fifth lumbar vertebra and the eleventh spinal vertebra, that is, BETWEEN THE SCRUM AND WAIST, is associated with the fear of poverty and material disadvantage. Since the back supports the entire human body, any pain in it indicates a feeling of uncertainty, a lack of support. The lower back is connected to the sphere of having - material benefits, money, partner, home, children, work, diplomas, etc. Pain in this area indicates that a person wants to have something in order to feel more confident, but does not dare admit it to himself or others. As a result, he is forced to do everything himself, to put everything on his back. Such a person is very active in the physical sphere, as he is afraid of poverty and believes that the feeling of well-being depends primarily on material wealth. He doesn't like to ask others for help. When he finally does it and is refused, he becomes even more embarrassed, and the pain in his back intensifies. Pain in the UPPER BACK, between the tenth dorsal vertebra and the cervical vertebrae, that is, between the waist and neck, indicates uncertainty, emotional instability. For such a person, the most important thing is to do, since it is action that gives him confidence. He feels loved. He, in turn, shows his love for others by doing things for them. In addition, back pain may indicate that a person wants to find an excuse not to do some work, because he is afraid that people will stop helping him if they see that he is doing a great job himself. Thus, he expects too much from others, and when his expectations are not met, he feels as if everything is being put on his back. He finds it difficult to express his wants and needs, but when he finally does and is rejected, he feels even worse and his back pain worsens. Back pain can also occur when a person feels like someone is doing something behind their back.

Mental block
If you feel pain in the LOWER BACK, in the sacral area, it seems to you that you will lose your freedom if you help someone; but you could be wrong. Try to first objectively assess your capabilities; explain them to the person who asks you for help, and act consciously. Don't forget: what goes around comes around. If you refuse help to everyone, they will not help you in difficult times either. Perhaps you once decided to help someone, but later it turned out that you were simply used, and now you don’t want to meet anyone halfway, because you’re afraid of being made a fool again. But if you don't give anything, you won't get anything. If your fear is about survival, understand that only part of you believes that you cannot survive alone. In fact, you have everything you need to survive. As for the pain between the lower back and the waist, you must realize that you have the right to have, to enjoy the possession of material goods and everything else that gives you confidence. If you convince yourself of this, your life will become much more enjoyable. Even if deep down you think that it is not good to love material things so much, first give yourself the right to possess them. Over time, your self-confidence will strengthen and will no longer be based solely on possessions. It seems to you that no one cares about you, but in reality you simply do not show your needs and desires in any way, so people do not know about them. Be a little more active, don't be shy. At the same time, try to understand that even if you express your desires and formulate your needs, it is unlikely that everyone will immediately rush to help you. Some people have much less need for possessions, so they may not understand your needs. If you give yourself the right to have these needs, it will be easier for you to explain them to others. Pain in the UPPER BACK, between the waist and neck, indicates that you are mistaken when you think that the happiness of other people depends only on you. Nobody forbids you to do something pleasant and useful for other people, but you must change your motivation. If you want to do something for the person you love, then do it with love - for your own pleasure, to give this person pleasure. Don't try to be a support for all of humanity. In addition, you must realize that people have the right to think differently from you and not to do what you expect of them. They probably love you, but their love may not manifest itself in the way you want. In this case, you must express your desires, tell these people what they should do to make you feel loved, etc. Sooner or later you will feel confident enough to stop needing it.


Physical blocking
The ear allows a person to perceive sounds from the outside world. Thus, it represents our ability to listen to what is happening around us. The following diseases are associated with the ears: OTALGIA, OTITIS, MASTOIDITIS, PAIN, INFLAMMATION, ECZEMA, SURDITIS, as well as all other diseases whose names begin with OTO- (for example, OTOMYCOSIS). The ear is also a center of balance, tracking the position of the head and body, as well as their movements in space. Violation of this function is called MENIERE'S syndrome (or disease).

Emotional blockage
Ear problems affecting hearing mean that a person is too critical of what he hears and feels very angry (OTITIS, MASTOIDITIS and other inflammations). He wants to cover his ears so that he can no longer hear anything. Otitis often occurs in children when they get tired of listening to parental instructions. They want to hear reasonable explanations of all kinds of prohibitions, and not just empty phrases “You can’t do this,” “I forbid you,” etc. Deafness develops in a person who does not know how and does not want to listen to others, because during a conversation thinks only about what he is going to say. Such a person, as a rule, always seems to be accused of something, and therefore he always takes a defensive position. It is very difficult for him to listen to criticism, even if it is constructive. Hearing problems, even complete deafness, can occur in a very stubborn person who does not listen to the advice of other people and always does things his own way. Deafness can also affect those who are afraid of disobeying someone or breaking some orders or rules. They do not give themselves the right to deviate even one step from anything. In addition, ear problems occur in people who are so sensitive that they do not want to hear about other people's problems because they are afraid that they will feel obligated to solve these problems and thus waste time that they could spend on themselves. If pain is felt in the ear, but the hearing does not deteriorate, this indicates that the person feels guilty and wants to punish himself in connection with something that he wants or, conversely, does not want to hear. Ear problems can be purely aesthetic in nature. For example, if ear pain prevents a woman from wearing earrings, then her body wants her to give herself the right to love jewelry and wear it without feeling guilty.

Mental block
If you no longer want or cannot hear what is happening around you, it is time for you to learn to listen with your heart. Understand that most people you don't want to listen to have the best intentions, no matter what you think of them. What irritates you most is not what they say, but your attitude towards what they say. Gain confidence in yourself and understand that people cannot only wish you harm - this will make it easier for you to love yourself and be open to what others say. You should not think that others love you only when you obey. By persisting in this delusion, you may even go deaf so that you have an excuse in case you are caught off guard for not following some order or rule. If you want to improve the lives of everyone you love, don't go deaf just so you don't have to hear their complaints anymore. Learn to listen to them without taking responsibility for their happiness. This will help you develop empathy and open your heart. In general, if your ears hurt, try to reconsider your beliefs instead of blaming yourself for something. You can tell others about your feelings of guilt - this will help you find out how justified they are.


Physical blocking
Fibroma is a benign tumor that consists exclusively of fibrous connective tissue and most often develops in the uterus. It is not painful, but may cause a feeling of heaviness in the groin or make it difficult to urinate. Fibroids can remain very small, but sometimes grow and reach a weight of several kilograms. A woman may not even be aware that she has fibroids in her body.

Emotional blockage
A fibroid is a collection of tissue that can be considered a psychological child. Since any neoplasm that is not necessary for the body is directly related to a long-term experience of grief, fibroma indicates that the woman is experiencing, most of the time unconsciously, the loss of a child - as a result of abortion, miscarriage, decision to give the child to a shelter, etc. It is also possible that this woman does not give herself the right to be childless. Some women would like a child, but do not want to get involved with men and therefore create a psychological child for themselves.

Mental block
Given all of the above, you must realize that your body is telling you to stop worrying about the child you no longer have. You continue to suffer because you are afraid of seeming heartless to someone - but you are not. If you haven't had children yet, you shouldn't consider yourself inferior. You made your choice, that's all. According to popular belief, a woman is considered a real woman only if she has children. But we are entering the Age of Aquarius and must leave such misconceptions behind. Every woman must live at least one life without having children in order to learn to love herself even without becoming a mother. If you want to have a child, but are afraid of men, first get rid of this fear. Paradoxically, the first stage of this deliverance is to give yourself the right to experience this fear.


Physical blocking
This disease is most common in women and mainly affects the neck, torso, buttocks and thighs, causing problems mainly of an aesthetic nature. Cellulite is an inflammation of cellular tissue that can cause painful roughening of the affected area of ​​the body. Cellulite is very easily recognized, since the area of ​​the body affected by it, when compressed, is very similar to an orange peel - many depressions and rounded protrusions. In addition, small and hard granule-like formations can be easily felt in this area.

Emotional blockage
This disease indicates that a woman’s creative abilities are blocked. In order to find out in which area of ​​her life these abilities are blocked, she must first determine exactly what part of her body is affected by cellulite. As a rule, women who restrain themselves and do not trust themselves suffer from cellulite. Since cellulite creates aesthetic problems, it indicates that a woman takes too seriously what others think of her. She is easily influenced by others and allows other people to restrain her creative impulses. She is afraid to show her true self, to demonstrate her creative abilities. Cellulite can also be a sign that a woman wants to control her loved ones, but does not want others to know about this desire, and therefore hides and restrains her emotions. IN difficult situations she acts tough and makes herself believe that nothing bothers her.

Mental block
You have to ask yourself the following questions: “Why am I afraid to show my creativity? What terrible thing will happen if I draw attention to my talents and show what I am capable of? Maybe I'm afraid of not being up to par? Do I consider myself a weak-willed person? What bothers you is that, by restraining yourself, you try to restrain others, and in most cases you do this unconsciously. You must stop clinging to the past, as it prevents you from living a full life in the present. You can allow yourself to stand out from the crowd, show your strength, and earn praise and admiration for your talents.


Physical blocking
Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder; may be accompanied by high fever, burning sensation, frequent and strong urge to urinate, even if very little urine comes out.

Emotional blockage
A patient with cystitis experiences some kind of strong disappointment. It burns him that others do not even notice what experiences they bring him. He has little understanding of what is happening around him and acts inconsistently. He expects too much from others. He is also burned by inner anger.

Mental block
Your body is telling you that you need to take responsibility for your life. Only you can make yourself happy. If you hope that someone will come and make you happy, you may wait too many years for it. You yourself will better understand your desires and feelings by explaining them to the people they concern. Remember: you experience some emotions precisely when you blame other people. Learn to love without conditions and demands, and you will have to experience significantly less emotions.


Physical blocking
The neck is very important part body, at the physical level connecting the head with the torso, and at the metaphysical level - the spiritual with the material. Neck pain is uncomfortable and worsens when a person turns his head.

Emotional blockage
Since the neck is a flexible part of the body, any pain in it is a sign of insufficient internal flexibility. As a rule, neck pain occurs in those who do not want to objectively perceive the situation, since they cannot control it. An insufficiently flexible neck does not allow you to turn your head back or look around - such a person is afraid to see or hear what is happening behind him. He pretends that the situation does not particularly bother him, although in reality he is very worried.


Physical blocking
The thyroid gland is shaped like a shield and is located at the base of the neck. The hormones produced by this gland play a very important role in many processes in the human body. The main problems associated with this gland are HYPERTHYROIDOSIS (increased function) and HYPOTHYROIDOSIS (underfunction).

Emotional blockage
The thyroid gland connects a person's physical body with his throat chakra (energy center). A person’s willpower and his ability to make decisions to meet his needs, that is, to build his life in accordance with his desires and develop his individuality, depends on this chakra. This chakra is directly connected to the sacred chakra located in the genital area. The thyroid gland is associated with growth, awareness of your true needs will allow you to grow spiritually and understand your purpose, your mission on this planet. If your thyroid gland is underactive, understand that only you can restore its normal function. You believe that you cannot independently control the course of your life and should not make your own demands, you do not have the right to do what you want to do, etc. All these misconceptions greatly harm you. Perhaps you need to forgive yourself or those people who have harmed you or convinced you that you are not capable of achieving success on your own. Know that these people did not appear in your life by chance, but in order to give you some necessary lesson - in particular, to teach you to show your creative abilities without fear.


Physical blocking
Endometriosis is a very common gynecological disease; observed in women who have not reached menopause. With endometriosis, parts of the uterine lining are found on the genitals and other organs and tissues of the body. These elements of the mucous membrane reproduce the uterus in miniature.

Emotional blockage
The main emotional block of this disease is the woman’s inability to give birth to a child. Such a woman loves to lead and shows her ability to give birth, create in other areas - with regard to ideas, projects, etc. She really wants to have a child, but is afraid of the consequences of this step - for example, death or suffering during childbirth, especially if something similar happened to her mother. This fear is strong enough to block her desire to have a child. In my practice, there have even been cases when the reasons for such fear were discovered in a previous incarnation.

Mental block
This disease tells you that your attitude towards childbirth as something painful and dangerous creates a physical obstacle to conception. It is very interesting that with this disease, something like a uterus is formed. This fact shows how much you want to have a child: your body even creates an additional uterus. My experience shows that most women suffering from endometriosis are afraid of the process of childbirth itself, and not its consequences - that is, raising a child, etc. It’s time for you to get rid of the misconceptions that cause fear and finally satisfy your desire to have children. Also, give yourself permission to be imperfect and sometimes fail in your projects.


Physical blocking
Enuresis, or urinary incontinence, is an involuntary and unconscious urination that occurs constantly and most often at night in children over three years old, that is, at an age when they should already be able to control themselves. If a child wets the bed once, after a nightmare or strong emotions, this cannot be called enuresis.

Emotional blockage
Enuresis means that the child restrains himself so much during the day that he is no longer able to do this at night. He is very afraid of the one who represents power for him - the father or the person performing the functions of the father. But this is not necessarily physical fear. A child may be afraid of not pleasing his father, of not living up to his expectations. He feels no less ashamed of disappointing his father than of peeing in the bed.

Mental block
If your child has bedwetting, read this article to him and understand that all he needs is support. He is already too demanding of himself. His parents should praise him as often as possible and tell him that they will always love him, no matter what mistakes he makes. Sooner or later, the child will begin to believe this and stop experiencing stress during the day. Help him check whether his ideas about what his parents (especially his father) expect from him are really justified.


Physical blocking
The tongue is an organ made up of muscles and mucous membrane and plays an important role in chewing, speaking and swallowing. The taste buds present on it allow us to distinguish between sweet, salty, sour and bitter. Problems associated with the tongue include: ULCERS, CANCER, DAMAGE, TUMOR, NUMBENCY, BURN and TONGUE BITING.

Emotional blockage
Most tongue problems indicate that a person feels guilty about what they eat. These problems can also arise in a person who blames himself for not keeping his mouth shut, that is, for saying something unnecessary. Language has many functions, and therefore, in order to accurately determine which area of ​​​​life the feeling of guilt relates to, you should use additional questions. If a person bites his tongue, he feels guilty about what he said or was about to say.

Mental block
If you often blame yourself for the fact that you like to eat a lot or eat deliciously, the following saying can help you: “It’s not what goes into your mouth that hurts, but what comes out of it.” No matter what you blame yourself for, a sore tongue tells you that your wrong ideas about right and wrong, good and bad, are harming you. You have to get rid of these ideas. Allow yourself to experience situations and emotions that develop unconditional love in you. Try to express yourself and don't be afraid to seem awkward.


Physical blocking
The ovary, or ovaries, is a paired female reproductive gland (the reproductive gland in men is the testicle), in which female sex hormones are produced and eggs are formed. The following problems are associated with the ovary: PAIN, OVARIAN INFLAMMATION, CANCER and OVARY REMOVAL.

Emotional blockage
The ovary is a gland that connects a woman's physical body with her sacred chakra (one of the seven main energy centers in the human body). This chakra is associated with a woman’s ability to create and create. Problems with the ovaries affect both their functions - reproductive and hormonal, that is, accordingly, a woman’s ability to have children and be feminine. Her body is telling her that she is out of touch with her ability to create, to create. She tells herself too often, “I can’t do this,” and experiences great anxiety when she has to create something on her own, especially if it has something to do with her feminine functions. She does not like to start any business, since the beginning is usually very difficult for her.

Mental block
Your body tells you that you should tell yourself “I can do this” as often as possible and eventually believe it. If you are a woman, this does not mean that you are somehow weaker or worse. A woman who thinks this way may also have problems with menstruation. She often tries to prove to men that she is no worse than them, although deep down she does not believe this. To create a child requires the joint efforts of a man and a woman; in order to create your life, you need the joint efforts of your inner man and your inner woman. You already trust the creativity of your inner man, so try to gain trust in the creativity of your inner woman. Believe in yourself, your ideas and intuition.


Physical blocking
Barley is an acute, very painful purulent inflammation of the sebaceous gland or hair follicle of the eyelid margin. Barley tends to recur, especially in people suffering from digestive disorders.

Emotional blockage
Styes occur in a very emotional person who finds it difficult to digest what he sees around him. What he sees leaves him dumbfounded. Such a person wants to see only what relates to his activities. He seeks to control what is happening. He feels anger and irritation when it turns out that other people see things differently.

Mental block
Barley tells you that you should be more tolerant of what you see around you. Even if you don't like what you see, understand that you can't control everything in life. IN best case scenario you can only control yourself. At the same time, you can relax and learn to look at people with your heart - this will help you love them and come to terms with the fact that they see things differently.

We hope that Liz Burbo's table of diseases will help you understand the metaphysical meaning of the disease; if you do not find the disease you need in the list, we recommend reading the book by L. Burbo, in which she describes in detail various ailments and on which this article is based.

Excess weight. Obesity- This is excess fat deposition in body tissues. Obesity is considered a problem when it poses an immediate threat to health.

Obesity can have various causes, but in any case, a person suffering from obesity has experienced a lot of humiliation in childhood or adolescence and still experiences the fear of being in a shameful situation for himself or putting another person in such a situation. Excess weight is for such a person a kind of protection from those who demand too much from him, taking advantage of the fact that he does not know how to say “no” and is inclined to put everything on his shoulders.

It is also possible that this person often and for a very long time feels squeezed between two other people. He tries his best to make these people happy. The stronger his desire to make others happy, the more difficult it is for him to realize his own needs.

Very often it turns out that a person gains weight because he does not want to appear attractive to the opposite sex, because he is afraid that he will later be rejected or that he himself will not be able to say “no”. Obesity also affects people who strive to take their place in life, but consider this desire to be unhealthy and indecent. They don't realize that they are already quite good at it (I don't mean that they physically take up a lot of space).

My observations show that it is difficult for an obese person to objectively evaluate himself due to his excessive sensitivity. Are you able to clearly see all parts of your body in the mirror? The ability to consider one’s physical body is directly related to the ability to consider oneself at other levels, that is, with the ability to analyze one’s internal state. If you don't have this ability, you won't be able to discover the true cause of your obesity. That is why this article may cause internal resistance in you. If this happens, try to read it at your own pace several times and understand its meaning.

Having experienced some severe humiliation in childhood or youth, you decided to always be on your guard and not give anyone a reason to mock you anymore. You have decided to become a very good person at any cost and that is why you are putting so many worries on your shoulders. It's time for you to learn to accept without thinking that you are taking or borrowing something from someone and sooner or later you will have to return it or pay for it. I advise you at the end of each day to carefully analyze everything that happened that day and note everything that may be associated with shame and humiliation. After that, you have to ask yourself whether what you noted is really related to shame. Check it out with the help of other people.

Ask yourself as often as possible: “What do I really want?” before saying “yes” to other people’s requests or offering your services. This will not make you loved and respected any less. On the contrary, people will understand that you respect yourself and will respect you even more. In addition, give yourself the right to be an important person in the lives of those you love. Believe in your worth.
