A new earth awakening to your life purpose. Eckhart Tolle "New Earth"

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About the author

Eckhart Tolle(Eckhart Tolle) - famous German philosopher, psychologist, spiritual teacher and writer. Born in 1948 in Germany. Since 1995, he has lived with his family in Vancouver (Canada).

At the age of 13, he preferred home education to classical education. Therefore, until the age of 22, he studied at home with invited teachers, studying philosophy, literature, astrology and languages. He graduated from the University of London and later entered the University of Cambridge as a graduate student.

In 1977, Eckhart Tolle experienced depression, after which, according to him, his outlook on life radically changed. The author found inner balance, calmness and bliss. Since then, a new page in the life of Eckhart Tolle began - a spiritual one.

Tolle's books are known throughout the world and have been translated into 33 languages. They will help you find inner harmony, heal and realize yourself in life.

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"New Earth"

Eckhart Tolle wrote the book “A New Earth” in 2007 after the release of his first bestseller “Live Now” (“The Power of Now”). In the new book, the author describes the ideas of transformation of collective and individual consciousness, which subsequently lead to global spiritual awakening. He convinces that it is time for people to abandon the selfish “I” (the cause of all troubles and conflicts) and begin to build a new, clean world where harmony, reason and love reign. “New Earth” by Tolle will appeal to everyone who is interested in personal development and complete harmonization of their lives.

"The Power of Now"

Eckhart Tolle dedicated the book “The Power of Now” to solving the problem of imperfection and disharmony with one’s own self. Adhering to the opinion that “all diseases arise from our heads,” the author confirms this with examples from life and practice. In addition, he clearly and accessiblely explains why you need to live in the present and enjoy every moment of life right now.

This page contains books by Eckhart Tolle, which Priya Studio recommends for reading.
In the section “Psychology, philosophy, esoterics” you can familiarize yourself with the works of other authors.

Is humanity ready for such a radical and deep transformation of consciousness, such an internal flowering, next to which the flowering of plants, no matter how beautiful, will turn out to be only a weak semblance? Are human beings capable of throwing off the density of their conditioned mental structures and becoming like crystals or precious stones, in other words, become transparent to the light of consciousness? Can they stop succumbing to the pull of materiality and rise above identification with form, which fixes the ego in place and condemns them to imprisonment in the prison cell of their own personality? The news about the possibility of such a transformation was main theme all the wise teachings of humanity. Their messengers - Buddha, Jesus and others, not all of whom we know - were only the first early flowers. They were the forerunners, the rarest and most precious beings. But in those days, widespread flowering was not yet possible, and their message itself was largely misunderstood and often greatly distorted. Of course, this did not help change people's behavior, with the possible exception of a few of them. Looking at a flower, crystal, gemstone or bird, anyone can at some point feel that there is something about them beyond just the physical form. A person may not even understand that this is precisely the reason why he feels such an attraction to them, feels such a kinship with them. Due to their unearthly nature, their form no longer obscures the spirit living within them than in the case of other forms of life. The only exceptions to these are newborn life forms - children, puppies, kittens, lambs, etc. They are so fragile, delicate, not yet established in material world. Through them still shines that innocence, sweetness and beauty that is not of this world. They delight even relatively callous people. The essential part of awakening is the ability to recognize the unawakened in oneself, to recognize the ego: how it thinks, how it speaks, how it acts, and the ability to recognize the collectively conditioned mental processes that perpetuate the unawakened state. This is why the book covers the basic aspects of the ego and how it operates - be it an individual or a collective. This is important to understand for two related reasons: first, until you understand the basic mechanics of how the ego works, you will not be able to recognize it, and it will deceive you again and again by identifying with you. This means that it will continue to impersonate you, claiming to be you. The second reason is that the very act of recognition is one of the ways in which awakening comes. If you have learned to recognize unconsciousness in yourself, then this has become possible only through rising consciousness, through awakening. You cannot win the fight against the ego; it's like fighting the darkness. All that is needed is the light of awareness. You are this light.

Eckhart Tolle

New Earth

Awakening to your life goal

Awakening to Your Life's Purpose


Chapter one

The Rise of Human Consciousness

Let's refresh your memory

Earth, 114 million years ago, one morning after sunrise... The very first flower on this planet opens to receive the sun's rays. By the time this important event, which heralded an evolutionary leap in plant life, flora had covered the planet for millions of years. Most likely, the first flower lived only a short time, and the others must have remained isolated and rare specimens for a long time, since conditions were unlikely to favor widespread flowering. But one day the threshold was passed, and the whole planet blossomed; there was a sudden explosion of flowering and spreading of aromas - if, of course, one imagines that there was some perceiving consciousness present that could witness this.

Much later, these delicate fragrant creatures, which we call flowers, will play a key role in the evolution of the consciousness of other creatures - humans. Their number will increase, and, fascinated by flowers, they will be attracted to them. Perhaps in the course of the development of human consciousness, flowers were the first objects that people began to value not for their practical usefulness, that is, not for any qualities associated with ensuring survival. They have inspired countless artists, poets and mystics. Jesus teaches us to contemplate flowers and learn to live from them. They say that once Buddha gave a “silent sermon” - he held a flower and contemplated it. After some time, one of those present, a monk named Mahakasyapa, began to smile. They say he was the only one who understood this sermon. According to legend, this smile (that is, spiritual realization) was passed on from one to another along a chain of generations by twenty-five Masters, and many years later it marked the beginning of Zen.

Contemplation of the beauty of a flower can awaken people, at least for a short time, to see the beauty that is the basis of their own innermost essence, to see their true nature. The first act of recognizing beauty was one of the most significant events in the evolution of human consciousness. Feelings of joy and love have an intrinsic connection with this recognition. We haven’t even had time to fully understand this, but flowers have already become for us a form of expression of what is in ourselves - a form of expression of the most sublime, intimate and absolutely formless. Flowers, quickly disappearing, less weighty and more delicate than the plants themselves that gave birth to them, became messengers of another world, bridges between the world of physical forms and the world of absence of forms. Not only do they have a subtle and pleasant aroma, they also exude the fragrance of the spiritual world. Understanding the word “enlightenment” more broadly than usual, we can consider the appearance of flowers to be the enlightenment of plants.

It can be said that "enlightenment" will happen to all forms of life in all areas - mineral, plant, animal or human. However, this phenomenon is extremely rare, since it is not just an evolutionary movement: it contains an element of cessation of continuity, a break in the evolutionary movement, an abrupt transition to a completely different level of the Existing and, most importantly, a decrease in the material component.

What could be harder and more durable than stone, the densest of physical forms? And yet, some stones, undergoing changes in their molecular structure, turn into crystals and become transparent to light. Some of the carbon is transformed into diamonds at unimaginable temperatures and pressures, and other heavy minerals are transformed into precious stones.

Most crawling reptiles, more than any other, are tied to the earth, and have remained unchanged for millions of years. But some of them eventually developed feathers and grew wings, and, defying the force of gravity that had kept them on the ground for so long, they turned into birds. They did not crawl or walk better, they simply no longer needed it.

Flowers, crystals, gems and birds have had special significance for the human spirit since time immemorial. Like all other forms of life, they are temporary manifestations of the underlying one Life, the one Consciousness. Special significance and that attraction, charm, sense of kinship that people see and feel in them may be a consequence of the presence of an ethereal, incorporeal quality in them.

Once a certain degree of Presence, peace and alert attention appears in human perception, people begin to feel the divine life essence, the one Consciousness or spirit living in every being, in every form of life. They realize their unity and kinship with their own essence and therefore love them as themselves. However, until this happens, people will continue to see only external forms, without realizing their inner essence, just as they do not realize their own, and will identify themselves with their physical and psychological forms.

Looking at a flower, crystal, gemstone or bird, anyone can at some point feel that there is something about them beyond just the physical form. A person may not even understand that this is precisely the reason why he feels such an attraction to them, feels such a kinship with them. Due to their unearthly nature, their form no longer obscures the spirit living within them than in the case of other forms of life. The only exceptions to these are newborn life forms - children, puppies, kittens, lambs, etc. They are so fragile, delicate, not yet established in the material world. Through them still shines that innocence, sweetness and beauty that is not of this world. They delight even relatively callous people.

Therefore, if you are vigilant and contemplate a flower, a crystal or a bird, without giving them any name born in the mind, then for you they become windows into the world of the absence of forms. This is your inner, albeit narrow, opening into the kingdom of the spirit. This is why, since ancient times, these three "enlightened" life forms have played such an important role in the evolution of human consciousness; This is why, for example, the gem in the lotus flower is the central symbol of Buddhism, and the white dove symbolizes the Holy Spirit in Christianity. All this time they were preparing the ground in people for the deeper shift in planetary consciousness that was destined to occur. This is the spiritual awakening that we are now witnessing.

Purpose of this book

Is humanity ready for such a radical and deep transformation of consciousness, such an internal flowering, next to which the flowering of plants, no matter how beautiful, will turn out to be only a weak semblance? Are human beings able to shed the density of their conditioned mental structures and become like crystals or precious stones, in other words, become transparent to the light of consciousness? Can they stop succumbing to the pull of materiality and rise above identification with form, which fixes the ego in place and condemns them to imprisonment in the prison cell of their own personality?

The message about the possibility of such a transformation has been the main theme of all the wise teachings of mankind. Their messengers - Buddha, Jesus and others, not all of whom we know - were only the first early flowers. They were the forerunners, the rarest and most precious beings. But in those days, widespread flowering was not yet possible, and their message itself was largely misunderstood and often greatly distorted. Of course, this did not help change people's behavior, with the possible exception of a few of them.

Is humanity better prepared now than in the time of its early teachers? Why should this be so? What, if anything, can you do to bring about or accelerate this inner shift? What characterizes the old egotypic state of consciousness, and by what signs can one recognize the emergence of a new one? This book is devoted to these and other essential issues. Moreover, it itself is a mechanism that appeared as a result of the birth of a new consciousness. The thoughts and concepts it presents may be important, but they are secondary. It's nothing more than road signs, pointing in the direction of awakening. A shift in you will occur in the process of reading.

The main purpose of this book is not to provide your mind with any additional information, strengthen faith or try to convince of something. The goal is to cause and implement a shift in your consciousness, that is, to awaken. In this sense the book is not "interesting". Being interesting means you have the ability to keep your distance, to play with ideas and concepts in your mind, to agree or not. This book is about you. It will either change your state of consciousness, or it will be of no use. It can only awaken those who are ready. Not everyone is ready yet - but many are, and with each person who awakens, the driving force of the collective consciousness will grow, and as a result, it will become easier for others to awaken. If you don't know what awakening is, read on. You will be able to understand the meaning of this word only in the process of your own awakening. Awakening is irreversible. All it takes is a glimpse for it to begin. Some will experience such a glimpse while reading. For many others, the process has already begun, but they probably haven't realized it yet. The book will help determine this. For some, the impetus for starting the process could be some kind of loss or suffering; for others, awakening may have begun through contact with a spiritual teacher or teaching, or as a result of reading The Power of Now or any other spiritually alive and therefore transformative book - or as a result of a combination of both. If the process of awakening in you has already begun, reading this book will speed it up and make it more intense.
