New name for Zagorsk. The city of Sergiev Posad. Temples and monasteries

Sergievsky Posad - Zagorsk - Sergiev Posad

Sergiev Posad had a different name for 60 years - from 1930 to 1991 the city was called Zagorsk, in memory of the deceased secretary of the Moscow Party Committee V.M. Zagorsky. Before the revolution, the city was called Sergievsky Posad, and from 1917 to 1930 - Sergiev.

The city is popularly called the “toy capital of Russia” - in Sergiev Posad there is the only toy institute in Russia, where they develop new types of dolls, soldiers, balls and other children's joys. In addition, there is a toy museum, a toy factory and an artistic carving factory.

In addition, Sergiev Posad is famous for its artists and woodworkers.

Since time immemorial, Sergiev Posad has been known not only for toys - here, near the monastery, some of the most delicious pancakes in the entire area were baked. In a large pancake yard, where there were about a dozen different pancake shops, all kinds of flat cakes were baked with a wide variety of fillings.

Urban legends

There are several legends associated with the emergence of toy craft in Sergiev Posad. According to one of them, Sergius of Radonezh himself, the founder of the Lavra, was the first to carve toys from wood - he carved crafts and gave them to peasant children. Another legend says that the first to make a toy from linden wood was a certain deaf-mute nicknamed Tatyga - he sold his trifle to a merchant who sold bast shoes, mittens and other household items, and he resold the toy at a profit. The merchant realized that the business could be profitable and ordered Tatyga more toys. This is how the toy industry was born.

In 1380, the army of Dmitry Donskoy received a blessing for the Battle of Kulikovo in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Along with the soldiers, local monks Peresvet and Oslyab also went to battle. The beginning of the battle became legendary: the hero Peresvet fought in a duel with the Mongolian strongman Chelubey, and after the first clash both warriors died.

According to another legend, somewhere in the deep underground passages under the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Tsar Ivan the Terrible hid his library. Historians do not refute this version, and legends indeed speak of a wide network of underground passages under the monastery.


Sergiev Posad and its region are a region with a rich history. The history of Sergiev Posad goes back almost seven centuries of eventful life. Having begun its existence in the 40s of the 14th century in a remote protected forest, the monastery of Sergius of Radonezh grew into a monastery, and then united settlements and settlements around itself, becoming in 1782, by Decree of Catherine II, the city of Sergievsky Posad. It began to play an important role in the political life of the Moscow state and gained fame as the spiritual center of Rus'. The monastery of Sergius of Radonezh remembers Dmitry Donskoy, the monks of Peresvet and Oslyabya, who forever entered the history of Rus'. The walls of the Lavra remember Tsar Ivan the Terrible and Vasily the Dark. The Lavra became an impregnable stronghold during the Polish-Lithuanian intervention, protecting Moscow. And in the village of Deulino, near present-day Sergiev Posad, a famous peace was concluded. The walls of the Lavra gave the last refuge to the Godunov family and sheltered young Peter from the revolt of the archers.

V. P. Vereshchagin, Siege of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

The opening of a railway connection between Moscow and Yaroslavl (1862-1870) very soon placed the city among the largest cities in the Moscow province. In 1919, the city received the name Sergiev, becoming the center of the county of the same name.

From 1930 to 1991, Sergiev Posad was called Zagorsk, in memory of the deceased secretary of the Moscow Party Committee V.M. Zagorsky, and recently regained its historical name.

Today Sergiev Posad is one of the largest cultural centers.

Numerous guests of the city visit the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, architectural ensemble which was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1993; State Historical and Art Museum Reserve, whose collection includes more than 120 thousand works of ancient Russian, folk and modern decorative and applied art; Art and Pedagogical Museum of Toys.

In 1969, the city of Zagorsk, the only city in the Moscow region, was included in the Golden Ring.

The blessed land of Radonezh creates a special atmosphere for the development of art. The names of painters and masters of applied art can be heard far beyond the district, more than 100 of them are members of the Union of Artists of Russia.

The products of folk crafts that developed on the territory of the Sergiev Posad region are widely known: Bogorodskaya and Sergievskaya toys, Abramtsevo-Kudrinskaya carving, Sergiev Posad matryoshka doll. The oldest art and industrial school of Bogorodskoe craft and Abramtsevo art and industrial college named after. V.M. Vasnetsova trains applied artists, passing on the traditions of national art to youth.

Dozens of music festivals, competitions, and folk art festivals are held here. The main holiday - the city day is celebrated annually on the day of the Holy Trinity. In 2014, the entire Sergiev Posad region is preparing to solemnly celebrate the 700th anniversary of St. Sergius of Radonezh.

Celebrities of the city

Avant-garde painter Aristarkh Lentulov.

Artist Mikhail Nesterov, whose brush is the famous painting “Vision to the Youth Bartholomew.”

Prose writer Mikhail Prishvin (stories “Floors of the Forest”, “Pantry of the Sun”, “Forest Master”).

Philosopher, writer, publicist of the 20th century Vasily Rozanov.

Famous theater and film actress Alla Tarasova.

Graphic artist and graphic designer Vladimir Favorsky.

Scientist, religious philosopher Pavel Florensky.

Today, the founder of the monastery, and of the entire Sergiev Posad, is written in school history textbooks; the role of Sergius of Radonezh in the formation of statehood is regularly reported in the press; his contribution to the unification of Russian lands is often emphasized by politicians. But even 15-20 years ago, if we had gone out into the street and asked passers-by: “Who is Sergius of Radonezh and why is the city named after him?”, few of them would have answered. Just like in Soviet times, few people knew why the city near Moscow was named Zagorsk. And very few could remember that it was named so not because it was located on a hilly area (remember Agnia Barto: “From hill to hill in the city of Zagorsk...”), but because... and that’s why, by the way?

Even after the revolution, the city was called Sergiev for a long time. Disorder. It was necessary to give the settlement a new name - in the spirit of the times and state ideology. According to local historians, the director of the historical and art museum Zlinchenko, during a party discussion, proposed naming our city Olminsky, in honor of comrade Olminsky, the rector of the communist academy, which had a printing house and library in our city.

They offered another option - the city of Pervogramotny. And it’s close to the mother throne, and, according to legend, illiteracy was overcome in our area faster compared to other district settlements. But this version of the name was not supported by the majority, because, apparently, the legend was not confirmed.

In 1929, the authorities approached the issue with particular zeal. The city urgently needs a Soviet name, instead of “containing a mention of the so-called St. Sergius.”

On May 9, a worker at the then famous Syrnevskaya wool spinning factory (not local - the factory was located in the Ereminskaya volost of the Aleksandrovsky district) proposed to name the city Zagorsk in honor of the revolutionary Zagorsky Nikolai Fedorovich, “who carried out his revolutionary activities both in Sergiev itself and in the Ereminskaya volost.” On March 6, 1930, the Central Executive Committee of the USSR approved the decision, but for some reason Zagorsky turned out to be in the decision... Vladimir Mikhailovich.

Wolf Mikhelevich Lubotsky - this is the real name of Zagorsky, who, according to the long tradition of assimilation of names, was called Vladimir Mikhailovich - had nothing to do with the city. Later they will come up with the idea that Vladimir Zagorsky “was in the city even before the revolution on the affairs of the Bolshevik underground,” but there is no evidence of this. Maybe that’s why his name never took root in the minds of the townspeople.

07/28/1977Cities in the Moscow region are named after them.

...Vladimir Mikhailovich Lubotsky - the name Zagorsky was taken by him later for conspiratorial reasons - lived only 36 years, but his short life contained so many events and glorious deeds: strong friendship with Ya. M. Sverdlov, who studied with Volodya Lubotsky at the Nizhny Novgorod men's gymnasium, friendship , which later grew into the friendship of professional revolutionaries who devoted themselves to the fight for communism; work in the revolutionary underground of Nizhny Novgorod; link to eternal settlement in Siberia; escape from there; communication with V.I. Lenin in the Geneva emigration, and later - already in the Soviet years - in Moscow; struggle on the barricades in 1906, repeated emigration abroad (England, Germany, Switzerland); appointment to the post of secretary of the Embassy of Soviet Russia in Berlin, and from the summer of 1918 until his heroic death in an explosion in Leontievsky Lane in Moscow on September 25, 1919, he led the Moscow Party organization...

V. M. Zagorsky was buried near the Kremlin wall on Red Square. The Soviet people's love for him is great. After 1919, one of the passages in Moscow was named Zagorsky passage. In 1920, the House of Culture was named after him, in 1930 - the district library on Tkatskaya Street in the Pervomaisky district of Moscow; in the same year, Sergiev Posad, Moscow region, was renamed the city of Zagorsk.

L. Dezhina, director of the Moscow Regional Scientific Library.

From the editor: the published material by L. Dezhina can be used by political informants, agitators, teachers, pioneer leaders, workers of cultural and educational institutions in conversations with the population at their place of residence, in workshops, at production sites with workers, in pioneer camps, labor and recreation camps with children. We should all know well the life and work of V. M. Zagorsky, after whom our city is named.

What was the name of the city

Sergievsky Posad (until 1919)

Sergiev Posad is a city (since 1782) in the Moscow region of Russia, the administrative center of the Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region, the largest settlement of the municipal formation "Urban Settlement Sergiev Posad", is the center of the Sergiev Posad urban agglomeration, with a population of over 220 thousand people ( 2014).

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    80 years ago
    On February 1, 1940, the complex of the Zagorsk History and Art Museum was declared a museum-reserve of republican significance

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    • “In the 1340s,” describes Epiphanius the Wise, who compiled the biography of Sergius of Radonezh at the beginning of the 15th century, “in a dense forest on the Makovets hill at the confluence of the Konchura river with the forest stream Vondyuga, the brothers Bartholomew (in monasticism Sergius) and Stephen cut down a cell and a small church in honor of the Trinity." Around the cell and the church a small monastery was formed in the form of a town, surrounded by a fence, where monks, followers of Sergius of Radonezh, served.
    • In 1380, Prince Dmitry Donskoy, according to a later unreliable legend, arrived at the monastery of Sergius of Radonezh for a blessing before the battle on the Kulikovo Field with the troops of the Golden Horde.
    • St. Sergius died in 1392. Canonization took place in 1422 St. Sergius and the laying of the white stone Trinity Cathedral over his grave inside the monastery.
    • In 1408, the monastery was burned to the ground by the Tatar Khan Edigei, who launched another devastating campaign against Moscow and its environs.
    • Ivan the Terrible was baptized in the monastery, who contributed to the transformation of the monastery into a powerful fortress that had important defensive significance for the Moscow region. Instead of a wooden fence in 1540-1550. a powerful wall with towers made of brick and stone was built. Ivan the Terrible, according to his will, was buried in the Archangel Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.
    • In 1608-1610. The monastery was under siege by Polish-Lithuanian troops for 16 months.
    • Peter I retained the significance of a royal and important state fortress and visited the monastery more than once, and in 1689, during the Streltsy riot in Moscow, young Peter took refuge behind the walls of the monastery.
    • In 1744, by decree of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, the monastery was awarded the honorary title of Lavra, which strengthened its status role among other church institutions.
    • In 1845, a highway was built connecting Sergievsky Posad with Moscow.
    • In 1862, Savva Morozov built a railway line that included the Sergiev Posad station.
    • In 1919, the city was named Sergiev, it became the center of Sergievsky district.
    • In 1930 it was renamed Zagorsk in honor of the revolutionary figure V. M. Zagorsky.
    • On January 20, 1930, the city of Sergiev was renamed Zagorsk, and the district - Zagorsky district.
    • On May 20, 1930, Bulakovsky and Novlensky s/s were transferred from Shchelkovsky district to Zagorsky.
    • On November 13, 1931, the Trinity-Slobodsky s/s was abolished.
    • On May 10, 1935, Yazvitsky s/s was abolished.
    • On October 27, Bulakovsky and Novlensky s/s were returned to the Shchelkovsky district.
    • On April 5, 1936, the Malyginsky and Yaryginsky s/s were abolished.
    • On December 26, 1938, the working village of Khotkovo was formed. Khotkovsky s/s was abolished.
    • On July 17, 1939, Bogorodsky, Vikhrevsky, Grigorkovsky, Deulinsky, Zubtsovsky, Novinkovsky, Smenovsky, Chizhevsky and Yakovlevsky s/s were abolished. Kozitsynsky s/s was renamed Bereznyakovsky, Torgashinsky - Okhotinsky, Saburovsky - Alferevsky.
    • On September 19, the village of plant No. 11 was transformed into a settlement. Krasnozavodsky.
    • On July 6, 1940, the holiday village of Semkhoz was formed.
    • October 7 r.p. Krasnozavodsky was converted into a city Krasnozavodsk .
    • On March 7, 1941, Zagorsk received the status of a city of regional subordination.
    • On March 5, 1943, the Red Torch plant and the village of Mukhanovo with it were transferred from the Struninsky district of the Ivanovo region to the Zagorsky district.
    • On April 22, Mukhanovo received the status of a workers' village.
    • July 27, 1949 r.p. Khotkovo received city status.
    • On May 22, 1952, a d.p. was formed. Abramtsevo .
    • On June 14, 1954, Alferevsky, Gorbunovsky, Divovsky, Dushishchevsky, Ereminsky, Iudinsky, Leonovsky, Malinnikovsky, Morozovsky, Ozeretsky, Okhotinsky, Repikhovsky, Svatkovsky, Sosninsky, Teshilovsky and Sharapovsky s/s were abolished. Buzhaninovsky, Kamensky and Mitinsky s/s were formed.
    • On December 7, 1957, Bogorodsky, Veriginsky, Zabolotevsky, Skovorodinsky, Konstantinovsky, Kuzminsky, Novoshurmovsky, Selkovsky, Khrebtovsky and Chentsovsky s/s s/s of the abolished Konstantinovsky district were annexed to the Zagorsky district.
    • On December 30, 1959, Akhtyrsky, Zabolotevsky, Novoshurmovsky and Selkovsky s/s were abolished. Khrebtovsky s/s was renamed Torgashinsky.
    • On February 1, 1963, the Zagorsky district was abolished. At the same time, the cities, summer cottages and workers' settlements that were part of it were transferred to the subordination of the city of Zagorsk, and the village councils - to the Mytishchi enlarged rural district.
    • On January 22, 1965, the Zagorsk district was restored to its previous composition.
    • On December 2, 1976, Vorontsovsky and Maryinsky s/s were abolished.
    • On October 25, 1984, r.p. were formed. Bogorodskoe.
    • September 14, 2004 d.p. Semkhoz was annexed to Sergiev Posad. At the same time d.p. Abramtsevo and r.p. Mukhanovo were transformed into rural settlements.

    Zagorsk in the Moscow region is a city of the Golden Ring of Russia, better known as Sergiev Posad. The main attraction of the city is the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius - the most prestigious monastery in the Russian Federation. The proximity of the city to Moscow allows residents and guests of the capital to visit it in one day. Today we will talk to you about the history and main attractions of Zagorsk.

    Founding of the city

    The history of Zagorsk begins back in 1337, when Sergius (then Bartholomew) of Radonezh, together with his brother Stefan, settled on a hill where the largest monastery in Russia would later operate. In 1340 it was built here wooden church. Soon Stefan went to Moscow, and monks began to populate the hill. The year 1335 is considered the year of adoption of the monastery charter. Mitrofan became the hegumen, who tonsured Sergius a monk and bequeathed his rank to him.

    The monastery rapidly expanded and increased its influence. Even during the life of Sergius, and he died in 1392, this monastery became the main one in Russia. In 1380, Dmitry Donskoy, who was to fight the Tatars, came to Sergius for a blessing. In 1408, as a result of a Tatar raid, the monastery was burned. This did not affect the high status of the monastery, and it was soon restored.

    In the period from the 15th to the 17th centuries, this place was a major cultural and political center of Russia. Chronicles were written here and icon painting was taught. The largest painters of that time - Daniil Cherny and Andrei Rublev - came to the monastery to paint the new Trinity Cathedral. The Moscow princes visited the Lavra with enviable regularity and sponsored it. In 1442, during the internecine wars, it was in this monastery that Vasily the Dark made peace with Dmitry Shemyaka. In 1530, Ivan the Terrible was baptized in the Lavra. By that time, the monastery owned quite a lot of land throughout the state. In the period from 1608 to 1610, the Lavra was under siege by the Polish army of Alexander Lisovsky and Jan Sapieha. Soon a terrible epidemic came to the monastery, killing about two thousand people. At that time, not only monks lived here, but also peasants from nearby villages. Despite all the hardships, the Poles never managed to conquer the monastery. After the restoration of the monastery from the siege, it acquired the appearance in which it has remained to this day.

    In the eighteenth century, due to the policy of subordinating the church to the emperor and moving the capital to St. Petersburg, the importance of the monastery in the spiritual life of Russia decreased somewhat. Despite this, in 1742 a theological seminary began operating in the monastery, and two years later the monastery received the status of a Lavra. The Moscow Metropolitan was appointed its head. The monastery was one of the large landowners of the empire and owned approximately one hundred thousand serfs.

    In addition to agricultural activities, trade flourished on the territory of the Lavra. In 1814 it was transferred here. By that time, the monastery was already one of the largest centers of pilgrimage in the country. A large settlement called Sergievsky Posad was formed around it. In 1919 it was renamed Sergiev and given the status of a city.

    Sergiev Posad in the 20th century

    In 1919, the Lavra, as well as other monasteries in Russia, was closed, and the Theological Academy was dissolved. The following year, a historical and architectural museum began to operate on the territory of the monastery. It was thanks to him that the monastery was practically not damaged during the Soviet years. The main loss for the monastery was the melting down of the main number of bells.

    In 1930, Sergiev was renamed Zagorsk, in honor of the Bolshevik Zagorsky. The city bore this name until 1991, when its old name was returned to it. Among the people this locality are still called differently. In the 1940s, the scientific restoration of the Lavra began, which lasted until the 1980s. As a result, some buildings were reconstructed, and others were rebuilt. Moreover, already in 1946 the monastery was reopened to everyone. In the same year, the residence of the patriarch was moved here. Until the early 2000s, the monastery coexisted with the museum.

    During the Soviet era, large industrial enterprises began to be built in Zagorsk. Fortunately, by this time a railway (1862) and a highway (1845) to the capital had already been built. Thus, in 1934, the Zagorsk Optical-Mechanical Plant (ZOMZ) began its activities. The enterprise engaged in the development and production of optical-mechanical, as well as optical-electronic devices, is still in operation. In 1938, the Zagorsk Electromechanical Plant “Zvezda” appeared. This enterprise manufactured a wide range of products, including for the defense industry. Just like it is still afloat.

    In 1993, the residence of the patriarch was moved to the Moscow Danilov Monastery, and the Trinity-Sergius Lavra was added to the UNESCO heritage list.


    Of course, the main attraction of the city of Zagorsk in the Moscow region is the Lavra, which is visited by pilgrims from all over the world. Churches in the city are located everywhere, and even outside the monastery. Thus, the Chernigov monastery is located 3 kilometers from the Lavra. In addition, Zagorsk has many interesting museums that are not dedicated to church topics. Now let's talk in more detail about this and much more. Let's start with the sights of the monastery, thanks to which the city appeared.

    Trinity-Sergius Lavra

    The Lavra is located right in the city center. This is the largest monastery in Russia, which played a significant role in the history of the state. In the Russian Federation, only two monasteries have the status of a Lavra, and this is one of them. Entrance to the Trinity-Sergius Lavra is free. It is open to tourists throughout the day.

    Assumption Cathedral

    The largest and most visible building of the Lavra is the Assumption Cathedral, which is located in the central part of the monastery. It was built between 1559 and 1585, following the model of the Moscow Assumption Cathedral, which at that time was about a hundred years old. The result was a large five-domed temple, the central dome of which was covered with gold, and the rest were painted blue with stars. Inside the cathedral there is an iconostasis, some of the icons of which were made back in the 16th century, and the lion's share of the rest - at the end of the 17th. It is known that Simon Ushakov took part in the creation of the iconostasis. The entire cathedral, including the domes, is painted with frescoes. They were made in 1684 by craftsmen from Yaroslavl, under the leadership of D. Plekhanov. Macarius Nevsky and Innocent of Moscow (the first bishop of Alaska and Kamchatka) rest in the Assumption Cathedral.

    Outside, at the western corner of the cathedral, there is the Assumption Treasury and a chapel, which resembles a miniature church with paintings and carvings. On the opposite side of the cathedral is the Godunov tomb, in which, in particular, Boris Godunov is buried.

    Trinity Cathedral

    It is the main temple of the Lavra and its oldest building. It was built in 1422-1423 on the site of a wooden church. It is a four-pillar, single-domed temple made of white stone. Trinity Cathedral is one of the few buildings of early architecture of the Moscow Principality that has survived to this day, and one of the best examples of the style. The height of the cathedral is only 30 meters, but thanks to its successful proportions it does not seem low. Initially, the temple was painted by Andrei Rublev. In the seventeenth century, new frescoes were painted based on their frescoes. The iconostasis of the cathedral was created at the beginning of the 15th century and was replenished until the end of the 17th century. Sergius of Radonezh, the founder of the Lavra, rests in the cathedral.

    Nikon Church

    The church is adjacent to the Trinity Cathedral on the south side. It was built in 1623-1624, on the site of an old church. Its dimensions are calculated in such a way that the height together with the cross corresponds to the height of the main volume of the cathedral. The exterior is decorated in a rather unusual way, but the interior has not been preserved in its original form. Nikon of Radonezh, who died in 1426, rests here.

    Spiritual Church

    A small church is located between two cathedrals - Assumption and Trinity. It is the second oldest building of the Lavra that has survived to the present day. The construction of the church was entrusted to Pskov craftsmen and began in 1476-1477. Pskov style can be recognized by the belfries, which are integrated with the main volume of the building. The brick church has rich decor. The interior paintings date back to 1665. The iconostasis was assembled in the nineteenth century, so it is considered new. Several saints are buried here, including Maxim the Greek.

    Church of Zosima and Savvaty Solovetsky

    The tented church, located in the northwestern corner of the monastery, was built in 1635-1637, as part of the restoration of the Lavra. The construction was coordinated by Kelar Alexander, who came from the Solovetsky Monastery. Apparently, this is where the dedication of the church comes from. Its exterior was made quite sophisticated for those times. The iconostasis is modern, comparatively speaking, of course.

    Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist

    The church was built at the end of the 17th century. It is noteworthy that there is an arch under it, which means that the building was once a gatehouse. The construction of the church was sponsored by Grigory Stroganov. Like others, it has an exceptionally rich external decor. The building is a quadrangle placed on a cube and is the basis for five small domes. Inside there is an iconostasis assembled at the beginning of the 19th century.

    Refectory Church

    This name was given to the Church of Sergei Rodonezh, which was combined with the refectory and became one of the largest buildings of the Lavra. The exterior coloring of the building creates a relief effect, which, along with the rich decor, stairs, porches and columns, looks very impressive. The church was built in 1686-92 and became one of the main examples of Naryshkin baroque. The rich interior decoration dates from the late 17th century, as does the iconostasis. The refectory chamber adjacent to the church is the largest historical single-vault building in Russia.


    The bell tower was built between 1741 and 1770. The construction was started by the architect I. Michurin, and completed by his colleague D. Ukhtomsky. The bell tower is 88 meters high, which exceeds the height of the Ivan the Great Bell Tower located in the Moscow Kremlin. It consists of four tiers that stand on a cubic base. The oldest bell was cast in 1420.

    Royal palaces

    The entire northern side of the monastery is occupied by the elegant two-story building of the Royal Palaces (1686-1692). Its decor is dominated by white stone and polychrome tiles. The wooden palace of Ivan the Terrible once stood on this site. The stucco decoration of the mid-18th century has been preserved on the western wall of the palace. Inside you can see two 17th-century vaults and an outstanding vault painting from the mid-18th century. Today this room houses a church-archaeological office in which books, icons and church utensils are stored.

    Walls and towers

    The monastery is surrounded by a wall with 10 towers and the Holy Gate. It is noteworthy that the towers are made in different styles, since they were built from the 16th to the 18th centuries. Each of them is interesting in its own way.

    It's time to get acquainted with the sights of Zagorsk in the Moscow region, which are located outside the Lavra.

    Krasnogorskaya Square

    In front of the entrance to the monastery there is a fairly large square. Around it there were shopping arcades (1902), a hotel complex (1890), and the Krasnogorsk chapel (18th century). The square is decorated with several monuments, including St. Radonezh.

    Pyatnitskoye Compound

    The first attempt to expand the Lavra outside the wall was the Pyatnitskoye Metochion. Today there are two and Pyatnitskaya buildings here. A tented bell tower and a refectory were attached to the latter. Both churches are richly decorated and are striking examples of typical Russian architecture of the 16th century.

    Observation platforms

    There are two in Zagorsk observation decks. The first is located not far from the Lavra and offers a view of it. The second site is located near the Toy Museum, on a hill called Pancake Hill. Before the revolution, on this hill there were two houses of the artist Malyshev, who was the sole owner of a beautiful view of the Lavra.

    Monument to Zagorsky

    Not far from the Church of the Ascension there is the only reminder of the city’s former name - a monument to Vladimir Zagorsky, who died in 1919 from a bomb explosion. The monument itself is quite ordinary, especially in comparison with the neighboring beauties, but it is not valued for its beauty.

    Chernigov monastery

    Three kilometers east of the Lavra there is a monastery, which was founded in 1843-44 for those monks who needed privacy. The historical buildings of the monastery are made of red brick. The most interesting building of the complex is the Chernigov Church, built in pseudo-Russian style. About once an hour, bus No. 38 comes here from the railway station.


    Churches in Zagorsk are located literally everywhere, and even outside the Lavra. The main ones:

    1. Ilyinskaya. It was built between 1765 and 1773. The only church in the city, which was not closed during Soviet times.
    2. Voznesenskaya. Built in 1766-1779. By the standards of Sergiev Posad, it is a standard example of the genre.
    3. Uspenskaya. Built in the village of Klementievo in 1769. In the 18th century the village joined the city.
    4. Church of Mary Magdalene. It is located five kilometers from the city center, in the village of Loza. It was built in 1901 and was not used for its intended purpose for a long time. Today there is also a boarding school for orphan girls. The only thing that attracts tourists to the church is its exterior.

    Museums and exhibitions

    The city of Sergiev Posad (Zagorsk) has a lot of exciting establishments. Here are just the main ones:

    1. Historical and Art Museum-Reserve. The museum was created in 1920 on the basis of the accumulated collection of historical and artistic values ​​of the Trinity-Sergei Lavra. In 1992, when the museum was classified as a particularly valuable cultural heritage site of the Russian Federation, it was almost completely moved outside the monastery and located in several ancient mansions, right in the city center. The exception was the “Sacristy” exposition. In the museum you can get acquainted with a unique collection of Russian art of the 14th-19th centuries: sewing, icon painting, jewelry, painting and carving (on wood, stone and bone) and much more.
    2. Toy Museum. It was founded in 1918 by collector, artist and museum activist N.D. Bartram. In the museum you can get acquainted with one of the largest collections of toys in the whole Russian Federation. There are more than 30 thousand exhibits from all over the world, which are divided into collections depending on their place of origin.
    3. Museum of Bogorodsk Toys. 27 kilometers from Sergiev Posad (formerly Zagorsk), there is the village of Bogorodskoye, which has long been famous for its wood products, and especially toys. In 1960, a factory was opened here, the products of which are sold in the vicinity of the Lavra and outside the city. Anyone can visit a small enterprise as part of an excursion. Excursions are organized on weekdays, by appointment.

    How to get there

    There are three ways to get to Zagorsk:

    1. By train. Electric trains Moscow - Sergiev Posad run quite often. They depart from the Yaroslavl station of the capital. Some of them stop in Zagorsk, and some go further, so you need to watch the stops so as not to miss the right one. The journey by train from Moscow to Sergiev Posad takes about an hour and a half. You can get there in an hour by express train, but it costs a little more. Those arriving from Yaroslavl need to change to the required line in Aleksandrovka. The Sergiev Posad railway station is located just a kilometer from the Lavra.
    2. By bus. You can get to Zagorsk from Moscow by bus No. 388, which goes from the VDNH metro station. This is also where car drivers recruit travel companions. The Sergiev Posad bus station is located near the railway station.
    3. By car. Getting to Sergiev Posad by car is most comfortable. To do this, you need to drive about 70 km from the capital along the Yaroslavl highway. The road to Zagorsk is in good condition, so in the absence of traffic jams you can drive through it quite quickly. Those who do not know where Zagorsk is should not worry, as there are a large number of signs on the way to the city.

    The city of Sergiev Posad is located in the Moscow region, 72 km from the center of Moscow. It is the administrative center of the Sergiev Posad district of the Moscow region. There are more than 250 architectural monuments on the territory of the district, of which more than 50 are active churches. Population – 107,525 people (2009), area – 30.88 sq. km. Currently, the City of Sergiev Posad is a large administrative, industrial, cultural and tourist center, the pearl of the Golden Ring.

    The history of the city began with the Trinity Monastery, founded by Sergius of Radonezh. The first settlements appeared around the monastery at the end of the 14th century. At the beginning of the 18th century, they merged into one commercial and industrial village - posad, named on March 22, 1782, by decree of Catherine II, Sergievsky Posad in honor of its founder. In 1919, Sergievsky Posad received city status. From 1930 to 1991 bore the name Zagorsk in honor of the revolutionary figure V.M. Lubotsky (Zagorsky), and since 1991 it began to be called Sergiev Posad. The Trinity Monastery had large lands, which contributed to the development of trade and crafts. The production of crosses, candlesticks, and icons was developed here, but the Sergius toy gained the greatest popularity. Even St. Sergius himself made toys for the amusement of the children. Here he blessed Dmitry Donskoy for the Battle of Kulikovo, and Andrei Rublev created the world-famous Trinity icon. In 1422, after his death, Sergius of Radonezh was canonized. The white stone Trinity Cathedral was laid over the tomb of Sergius.

    During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the monastery was turned into a powerful fortress that withstood a 16-month siege by Polish-Lithuanian invaders. In 1689, during the Streltsy riot in Moscow, Tsar Peter took refuge behind the walls of the monastery. In 1744, Empress Elizabeth Petrovna awarded the monastery the honorary title of Lavra, which meant the leading role of the monastery among other church institutions. At this time, the monastery owned 214 thousand acres of land and more than 106 thousand serfs in 15 provinces and 45 cities. From 1919 to 1946 Trinity Monastery was closed. The ensemble of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra was included in the list in 1933 world heritage UNESCO. The Moscow Theological Academy and Seminary are located on the territory of the monastery. The Lavra's buildings are a museum under open air. (For reference: the residence of the patriarch is called the Lavra, so tourists should not wear T-shirts, shorts, miniskirts or open dresses. Women should cover their heads with a headscarf.)

    Today the Lavra is active monastery, spiritual center Orthodox Russia. The monastery complex consists of 45 buildings and monuments. Now 300 church ministers live here. The main gate of the Lavra is the Saints with the gate church of John the Baptist. Behind them is the largest building - main cathedral Dormition of the Virgin Mary. Adjacent to the cathedral from the north-west is a small tent - the tomb of the Godunovs. It contains the remains of Tsar Boris, his wife Maria, son Fyodor and daughter Ksenia. Since the 17th century, Russian metropolitans began to be buried here. Next to the Cathedral is a church in honor of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles. In the Trinity Cathedral, the interior paintings of the temple were performed by Andrei Rublev and Daniil Cherny. In the 17th century, due to poor condition, the frescoes were replaced with new ones. The iconostasis, consisting of 40 icons from the 15th century, containing works by Rublev, has survived. The famous Trinity icon was placed in Tretyakov Gallery, and a copy was put in its place. Next to the Trinity Cathedral, in the Metropolitan Chambers, there are the Patriarchal Chambers.

    The most ancient churches of Sergiev Posad are the Church of the Entry into the Temple Holy Mother of God and the Church of the Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, built in 1547 on the site of a wooden parish church.

    Church of Peter and Paul - Church in honor of the Renewal of the Temple of the Resurrection of Christ, also known as Peter and Paul Church (early 18th century) is located north of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in the former Kokueva Sloboda.

    Among the attractions are also the Ascension, Assumption and Elias churches, built in the second half of the 18th century. The monastery hotel was built later, in 1823. The Trading Rows of the early 20th century and the Pyatnitsky Well (late 17th-early 18th centuries) are interesting.

    The Rostov boyars, the parents of Sergius of Radonezh - Cyril and Maria, moved to the village of Radonezh from Rostov the Great. In 1988, a monument to St. Sergius was erected near the Transfiguration Church. At its foot lies a stone with the inscription “Grateful Russia to Sergius of Radonezh.” The tomb with the relics of Cyril and Mary is located in the active Khotkovsky monastery.
    The main buildings of the monastery - the Intercession Cathedral and St. Nicholas Church date back to the 18th-19th centuries.

    Near Khotkovo there is the picturesque Abramtsevo estate, where the famous Russian writer S.T. lived. Aksakov. Many writers, actors, scientists, and public figures have visited here: N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev, actor M.S. Shchepkin and others.

    Later, the estate passed to a major industrialist and philanthropist S.I. Mamontov, whose name is associated with the construction of Russian railways and the founding of the Moscow Private Russian Opera. The greatest Russian artists create in the estate - V.A. Serov and V.M. Vasnetsov, M.A. Vrubel and others. F.I. sang here. Chaliapin. In 1999, a monument to S. Mamontov (sculptor V. Chukharkin) was unveiled on the station square of the city of Sergiev Posad.

    The Chernigov monastery is located three km southeast of the Lavra. Pilgrims always wanted to see the icon of Our Lady of Chernigov, the Cave Church and receive the blessing of the monks.

    In the Hermitage, located 6 km southeast of the Lavra, the future Patriarch of All Rus' Pimen (Izvekov) took monastic vows. Since 1993, the monastic hostel has been restored here. The wooden monastic cells have been preserved, stone temple, and the bell tower.

    In the village of Semkhoz in 1995, in memory of the innocently murdered archpriest, priest, scientist, writer, Alexander Men, the Chapel-Temple of the Beheading of John the Baptist was erected at the site of his death.

    12 km from Sergiev Posad, in the village of Vozdvizhinskoye, the stone Church of the Exaltation of the Cross from 1848 has been preserved.

    According to legend, 14 km southeast of Sergiev Posad near the village of Vzglyadnevo, through the prayer of St. Sergius, the Gremyachiy Waterfall appeared. Its Height is 25 meters. Water has healing properties.

    “In the ancient village of Deulino, in the northern part of Sergiev Posad, in December 1618, a truce was concluded between Russia and Poland. In memory of this, a wooden church was erected in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh. There is a stone church here.

    In 1920, the Historical and Art Museum-Reserve was organized. Currently it is located in the city center, in a bank building. Here you can see unique works of icon painting and embroidery, items made of precious metals and folk art, collections of decorative and applied arts and crafts. fine arts. Materials on archeology and history of the monastery and the city are exhibited. Works of peasant art are presented (wood carving and painting, printed material, metal, costume, hats).

    In the city of Sergiev Posad, the birthplace of the famous Russian nesting doll, there is the only toy college in the country. In the toy museum you can trace the history of Russian toys and learn about toys from other countries.
