Detailed horoscope for the year of Aries woman. Health horoscope for Aries

Many changes occurred in the life of Aries in 2015. However, it seems that big picture remained unchanged. 2016 is a period of deep reflection and understanding of the key forces in your life that are preventing you from being yourself and achieving results commensurate with your efforts. This is the year of recognizing the main problems and obstacles in your life - should they limit you? Or, conversely, should you limit yourself more? Or maybe it’s worth getting rid of some restrictions during personal changes?

In 2016, Aries will face his fears, which will help him once again find the initiative and ability to create anything out of nothing that is inherent in all Aries.

Aries horoscope for 2016 - the main goal of the year

Interpersonal relationships are key this year. A recurring theme throughout 2016 will be working with people and making trade-offs between values ​​and resources. Let's face it, Aries loves to be in charge, but this year it is necessary to tune in to teamwork and create something in common with other people. You may find yourself in a situation where you have to pool resources or even transfer control of something to which you are very closely tied to a group or collective. You will have to learn to get what you need from other people with patience: relationships need to be nurtured, like a tender plant. When things go wrong in a relationship at home or at work, you must consider the character traits that are reflected in your counterpart. The way you may have, willingly or unwillingly, treated others in the past can cause major problems in relationships in the current time. Be careful with who you open up to and express your concerns to, as sympathies change quickly.

Horoscope for 2016 Aries

What awaits Aries in 2016

The Year of the Fire Monkey will stimulate the development of Aries' talents, increasing his energy, passion, ardor and determination. Aries will begin to look for a use for their talents, the sphere of embodiment of an idea.

He will often act decisively, spontaneously, without thinking through his decisions too well. As a result, Aries will make mistakes that will cool his ardor and may even discourage him from moving forward. Therefore, he needs to find partners with whom he can exchange opinions and support each other.

If the idea of ​​Aries is not accepted by the environment, then you should not prove that you are right; you need to change it to an environment of like-minded people. If Aries’s environment does not accept his idea, then being in it, he will find himself in a hostile environment with his disputes and desire to prove his own rightness.

In 2016, Aries expects many changes, in his career, in his personal life and in his destiny in general. The Red Monkey, the symbol of the year, will provoke him to further increase his activity and boldly rush headlong into solving any problems.

There is a very high chance of confusing determination with stubbornness, and those around you will not always adequately perceive Aries’ actions.

There is a high probability that this year Aries will often argue and make bets just to prove his superiority. But this will only lead to loss of time and success.

This year is favorable for those who are engaged in creativity; success is expected in any field. It’s worth daring and not being afraid to take on the riskiest projects.

The Year of the Red Monkey gives Aries an excellent chance to find an environment of like-minded people in order to jointly achieve their goal.

2016 is a great time to take care of your public image and succeed in your dream job. It will take effort, but you can do it. Right from the start of the year, you have more energy and stamina than most others.

Spring is the time to test your patience. Mid-April to the end of June is a good time to polish your methods and approaches, and try out ideas on a small scale.

Respect your physical capabilities and do not overwork in late summer and early fall. Resist the temptation to schedule too many events, meetings, activities during this time, and do not work more than necessary. Your health and well-being are no less important than the praise or profit you may receive.

At the end of the year, especially on the eve of 2017, your intuition will give you signs about you and many of your friends. In many ways, 2016 is a magical year for you and will prove great influence for the future.

Relationship horoscope for couples

Aries, love can be simple and sweet in 2016, but with great excitement! In society, you appear harmonious and enjoy fun with old friends and new acquaintances, both at public and family celebrations, whether large and glamorous events or small and intimate ones.

At home, emotions will be much closer to the surface. From January to early March the most passionate period of time is possible.

Sometimes you and your couple will be required to take a step back from being hypersensitive due to the influence of past issues, but in reality these are small problems and disagreements. Such displays of emotion may peak in August and September.

At the end of September and October, generosity and fun rule the roost. All past differences will be forgotten while you both remember and appreciate why you are together.

In November and December, give each other more time and space. The emotional demands between you will now be lessened, although social obligations may increase.

Relationship horoscope for those who are on their own

Aries, your opportunities for social exposure and dating in 2016 know no bounds, especially in February and March. Often you will be surrounded by exciting and exciting prospects, equally appealing to you.

Perhaps most of your romantic encounters will be more emotional than you would like, but some of them will be with people whose personality suits you. You will attract acquaintances like a magnet, but, alas, you will attract everyone.

Be selective, especially in late May and June. Saying "yes" too often different people, this may create difficulties in the future.

In August, be open to others' feelings, and in September, adopt a more selfish attitude. You will still be generous, considerate, and loved by someone.

In November and December, favors done to friends and time spent on them can become your contribution to meeting that very Great Love.

So, if you're an Aries, expect very little idleness in 2016, stay safe and have fun!

Finance and career development horoscope

Aries, in 2016 you will see slow, gradual and non-stop progress. Don't doubt yourself or your ability to succeed, especially in the spring. For more motivation, don't forget what you love. No matter what happens, keep moving forward.

February and March can be chaotic. The needs of others complicate your plans. Live up to your commitments and don’t allow yourself to be lured into making decisions based on emotions. When it comes to money, it is important to calculate everything properly.

Cash flow will be steady, if not rapid. In September, think twice before spending a large amount.

In November or December, take the time to resolve financial issues or important real estate issues. This may take some time, but if you pay enough attention to it, you can get great benefits. 2016 - good year for Aries to increase capital!

The symbol of 2016 is the Red Monkey. For Aries, it will become a symbol of courage, activity, and determination. At the same time, it will provoke representatives of the signs into conflicts, so you need to be careful when communicating with colleagues and loved ones. 2016 will be very favorable for creative people. This is a time of new ideas and successful projects.

Fire Monkey will give representatives of the sign many bright and pleasant experiences. At the beginning of the year, they will attract the attention of people of the opposite sex like a magnet. Fate will give you a great chance to start a serious relationship. If, of course, you make the right choice. This is a wonderful year for Aries, who have been looking for their soulmate for a long time. They can meet their fate during the trip. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s a vacation, a work trip or a country outing.

Aries who have been in a relationship for a long time need to pay as much attention as possible to their significant other. 2016 will bring them intense workdays; they will need to constantly resolve some work issues and resolve conflicts. That is why their family may feel that they are no longer needed. Although in reality this is not the case. Representatives of the sign will need them more than ever. Joint vacations will help strengthen family ties.

Money horoscope

This year does not promise any shocks for the representatives of the sign. But this is provided that they treat money very prudently. In the summer there may be problems at work, but there is no need to worry too much. The stars promise that they will be small and easily resolved. The end of the year will be difficult financially, so try to save some money until mid-autumn. Aries should refuse bank loans and also lend money. If circumstances do not allow you to do otherwise, try to take or give a small amount and for a short period of time.

Career horoscope

This year, representatives of the sign will experience pleasant changes in their careers. This is a great time to start a business and change jobs. And those Aries who have been working for a long time will be promoted career ladder. The monkey promises that it will be very fast. 2016 will be very fruitful, so they can get a lot of positive emotions from work. New plans will be easy to implement, and new projects will be very interesting. At the same time, it is very important to pay attention to every little detail and carefully think through each step. In addition, relationships at work may be difficult. This also needs to be given attention.

In 2016, all paths will be open for Aries to gain new knowledge and personal growth. Don't be afraid to tell your boss about your new ideas. They will definitely be interested in them. Unfortunately, success at work can contribute to the fact that representatives of the sign will have envious people who will in every possible way hinder the implementation of their plans. That is why do not tell any of your colleagues about your plans, do not share new ideas.

Health horoscope

This is one area of ​​life that Aries needs to pay attention to. special attention. The Red Monkey will force them to devote much more time to their health. There is no need to be afraid; this year does not promise you any serious illnesses. However, if you do not feel well, you should immediately consult a doctor. All recommendations given by the doctor must be followed, otherwise it may result in more serious consequences. It will be simply wonderful if representatives of the sign undergo a course of treatment for the purpose of prevention. Perhaps they will visit a sanatorium.

You definitely need to do physical exercise. Let it not be classes in the gym, but simple light exercises. In any case, it will have a positive effect on your well-being. It is beneficial to drink vitamins and medicinal infusions. In 2016, it's better to give up everything bad habits. As a last resort, reduce them to a minimum. But astrologers do not recommend going on a diet, because due to the fact that they will spend a lot of time at work, they simply need to eat well and eat a lot. In addition, walking in the fresh air and swimming in the pool will be useful. All this will strengthen the nervous system, give strength and energy. Exacerbation of chronic diseases is not expected, but it is still better to take preventive treatment. The main thing is to pay as much attention to your body as possible and listen to any of its signals. In this case, 2016 will be good and fruitful for Aries.


The Red Monkey has prepared many pleasant surprises for Aries. The only thing you need to pay special attention to is health. In this case, representatives of the signs will experience complete triumph in all areas of life.

An important period for the implementation of long-term plans associated with the Saturn trine has begun for you. This aspect will be in force until the end of 2017. It gives slow but steady growth. But only what is planted can grow. Clarify your goals, draw up a step-by-step plan for achieving them and get involved in its implementation. Don't spread yourself thin, choose a key direction and focus all your efforts on it.This good period for training, advanced training, solving legal and legal issues. Everything related to mastering professional and business skills will be useful both now and in the future.

Until September 8, Jupiter will remain in your sixth astropolis. INYou have to put things in order, make your work rhythm optimal and take care of your health, even if you feel great.You may have new job opportunities or improved work conditions.Businessmen will be able to unite a team of subordinates and increase productivity at work.Focus on practical things, on those small steps that will lead you to a distant goal. Do not neglect your health, any excess will have a bad effect on the body. If during this period you engage in recovery, you will bring yourself to good shape, and this energy will last for a long time.

D A period of upheavals and dramatic changes associated with a series of eclipses that occurred in your sign in the previous two years and the Uranus-Pluto square is coming to an end for you. This pair of planets will still cause you trouble until mid-spring and the end of 2016, although leaving the sphere of eclipses makes these influences softer, since the space of your choice in difficult situation X. But it’s not time to relax yet – March 23 lunar eclipse in Libra once again - for the last time - will enter into opposition to your sign, bringing to the fore the themes of competition, business and personal relationships, and the need to decide on them. At this time, an issue that has been in the background for the previous two years may be resolved for you. Carefully guard your secrets; in March they may be revealed and lead to problems in family or business relations. The days around March 23 will be critical in this regard.

From September 9, Jupiter will move into your field of partnerships, cooperation, external relations and marriage, and will remain there until October 10, 2017. This period promotes new acquaintances and an active social life.You may become involved in cultural, religious, or political groups, and may also engage in education or more specialized vocational training.You will benefit from working in partnership. This is a favorable period for resolving legal differences. Relations with foreigners, teaching, and consulting activities will develop favorably.If you are looking for a life partner, go out more “in public”, attend public events, expand the territory of your usual routes. In resolving any issues withtry to take into account your partner’s position, hear another point of view, remember that relationships and cooperation are a two-way street.During this period, you will have a tendency to overestimate prospects, not to take into account pitfalls, and your expectations may be too high. Be optimistic but realistic.

More details about some periods of the year.

From January 05 to January 25, Mercury will be retrograde in your career and status field, and from January 03, Mars will be in the eighth astropolis.Re-examining pending issues now can lead to their successful resolution. In the first week of January, tension may arise in your marriage or your social environment, and conflicts are likely. Pay close attention to yourself when communicating with people, especially on January 3-6. Don't conflict with those you depend on.Refrain from dubious acquaintances and risky transactions.If you act flexibly, the difficulties may soon be resolved.In business, it is possible to cancel previous contracts and conclude new ones. Security, general finances and information retention issues may need to be reviewed.On January 20-25, surprises will create a nervous and tense environment, plans may change due to reasons beyond your control, and deadlines may shift.You can get the result of your previous efforts, understand how to move forward, or decide to complete a project.Maintain your composure and do not make hasty decisions. In the first three weeks of January, preference should be given to old acquaintances in your personal and business life, since new acquaintances and new cooperation between January 5-26 will not be productive.

In February, you may meet a person who will have a strong impact on you and force you to change some of your views. This can also happen as a result of a conflict with this person. The second ten days of February are favorable for business and trade transactions and negotiations. Your goals and objectives will be defined, and your contacts will become more productive. In a marriage or in a business relationship, situations may arise related to the joint expenditure of finances. This good time for important purchases, but with investments and any investments based on future income growth, you need to be careful, since during the year the economic situation may change and what looks promising now may subsequently lose its attractiveness and profitability. The third ten days of February are favorable for friendly and foreign contacts and the beginning of a new course of study. Long trips are favorable. Friendly relationships can turn into romantic ones. Teamwork will work well, social activities. IN last days February there may be an attempt to drag you into intrigue, do not give in to provocations, your unlawful actions will turn against you and become a long-term problem.

From March 7 to May 27 and from August 2 to September 27, your ruler Mars will be in trine to your sign. This is the time when questions will become important higher education, foreign contacts, trips. But the complexity of this transit is in the retro loop of Mars. From April 17 to June 30, Mars will be retrograde. It will travel between your eighth and ninth astropolis. During this period, undertakings can get bogged down in various kinds of obstacles, financial complications, unreliability of those on whom you rely, or simply a lack of your strength. In new cases, everything can take longer and be more difficult than it seemed at first. This can be especially true from April 28 to May 22, when Mercury also goes retrograde in your finance field. Difficulties are likely in travel, in paperwork, in foreign cooperation or in matters of higher education. From May 27 to June 30, the return of retro Mars to the eighth field can emphasize themes of security, shared finances, shared ownership, debts and payments. Conflicts with partners on these issues are likely, the end of some financial relations. This may be a period of crisis, requiring a review of financial policy and alignment of desires and capabilities. Do not use dubious means to achieve goals and do not allow yourself to be drawn into dubious transactions and relationships; now there is a high risk of miscalculations and connections with scammers. This transit stimulates sexuality and the importance of the intimate side of relationships. In the first half of June, romantic acquaintances are likely, but new connections will not be reliable and may cause disappointment. From April to July, try to resolve all disputes and conflicts by agreement. Anyone who initiates a lawsuit from mid-April to the end of June is likely to lose it.

From March 22 to April 20 stelliumin your sign will give determination and increase the need for change, but desires will be difficult to reconcile with circumstances. Situations will encourage new initiatives, and interesting ideas for new endeavors and enterprises may appear. But in fact, those projects that are designed for a short period and quick completion will be successful. You should not make any long-term plans during this period; later, circumstances may unfold unexpectedly, goals and opportunities may change.

From July 5th you will have a good period for undertakings related to housing issues, for renting or buying real estate. In the middle of the month, the topics of work will come to the fore, it will become clear: which previous undertakings and projects are bearing fruit, and which will have to be curtailed as not justifying themselves. In the second half of July, new business and romantic acquaintances, the beginning of a new romance, long trips, and the beginning of a new course of study are favorable. You will be able to find solutions to problems that previously seemed dead-end, but to do this you need to move away from old patterns and approach the issues from the practical side.

In the second half of August, in social or group work, you will have to take on additional responsibility, or, on the contrary, you will decide to leave the group or complete joint work. One way or another, your decisions in the second half of August will have an impact in the coming six months, so make decisions after carefully weighing everything. In the last ten days of August, especially around August 21-28, endurance and patience are required; physical and psychological stress may increase; when communicating, do not give in to irritation. Difficulties are likely on long trips and travels. Be careful while driving. At the end of the month, you will have interesting ideas, but it is better to postpone the launch of new business projects and important changes until the end of September; it is better to focus on everyday activities that can be carried out according to the usual scenario.

From August 30 to September 22, Mercury will be retrograde in your sixth astropolis, and the solar eclipse on September 1 and the lunar eclipse on September 16 also fall on your sixth and twelfth astropolis. This period will place emphasis on your daily responsibilities and health issues. In the first half of September, the course of events may be influenced by factors that are difficult to control. Reorganization of work or changes in working conditions are likely. There may be unhealthy processes going on in your environment. Be careful not to get caught up in a scam. On September 09-12, relationships in marriage or business may become complicated due to disagreements on important issues. Show restraint and don’t “jump off the shoulder.” By mid-September, things started earlier may give results or come to an end. Be careful, at this time the secret may become apparent, and the machinations of secret ill-wishers are possible. But do not make hasty decisions, do not trust rumors and gossip. The impact of September's events may be felt over the next six months. Therefore, a realistic view of what is happening is important now; it will help to avoid wrong steps. Take care of your health, change your habits, diet and daily routine so that you can stay fit.

From the last week of October to mid-December, cooperation and new joint projects are favorable. Business and personal relationships that begin in the first half of October are likely to be useful and important.

Now some clarifications about deans.

If you decided on long-term plans in 2015, this year will be the time for their gradual implementation. All the vicissitudes of difficult transits are already behind you, but you still have to decide on the relationships that are important to you. The last eclipse in the series of cardinal ones falls on your decan - this is a lunar eclipse on March 23 in Libra - in the field of partnership and marriage. During the first three months of the year, dissatisfaction may accumulate in relationships, which will intensify by March. Be patient - life will teach you lessons of tact and diplomacy. In the last ten days of March, you may be more concerned about personal tasks, but you need to remember that your inattention can worsen relationships with companions and loved ones. Contracts or agreements may be terminated or have to be changed in order to continue cooperation. This is a time for important decisions or reasonable compromises. Family ties will also be tested for strength, unstable family relationships may be at risk of divorce. This may be especially true for those born March 21-25. Pay attention to your health, stick to a reasonable routine, and if you feel unwell, do not delay visiting a doctor.From September 09 to the end of October, Jupiter will be in the house of partnerships, marriage and social relations and in opposition to your Sun. This period will bring revitalization to matters related to personal relationships, business cooperation and public relations. The desire to achieve success will increase. At the beginning of October, you may be involved in new agreements in your business life, making decisions related to relationships or career that will lead to change. It is possible to reorganize an old business or start new projects. To “resolve” contradictions and cope with stress, you will need endurance and patience. Sometimes your pressure can be excessive, this can bring discord into relationships that are important to you. This period is conducive to solving important problems, but the role of other people will be key, and cooperation and partnership will be an important theme. Don't demand too much from others and be realistic in your assessment of prospects and opportunities.

Aries born from 1.04. - 10.04 (Sun 11°-20°, II decan of Aries)

Your decan bears the most difficult energies that Aries will experience this year. Pluto's square will probe your decan until the end of 2018, but this year the main portion of this aspect will go to those born on April 05-08. This year's circumstances may bring significant difficulties, but they will not be insurmountable. You may find yourself under pressure, likely to struggle with those in positions of influence and power, or to question your influence or position. What you are used to counting on may not provide the required level of support, and you will have to start radical changes in those areas of life where not everything is going the way you would like.Uranus has been in your decan for the past year, bringing winds of change into your life. This year, Uranus will be in your decan until the end of April, but from the end of November to the end of January it will still influence the last degrees of the decan. Until the end of April, this aspect may give anxiety and unwillingness to put up with restrictions. You may be facing an unexpected breakup that will give you more freedom. You just need to remember that your decisions to end the relationship should not be spontaneous or ill-considered; this is especially important in January and March-June.From January to the end of April, business affairs will be affected by economic problems in the country.But you can survive in difficult situations if you show patience and are willing to make certain concessions. This period can bring you well-deserved rewards and career advancement if you have shown perseverance, organization and discipline in the past.

From October 22 to the end of December, Jupiter provides a period of potential opportunities, and in November-December, the trine of Saturn and Uranus gives a favorable turn in affairs. Business will require transformations, reforms and innovations. This approach will bring good results. Focus on more local issues and you will make progress. At this time, foreign contacts and the establishment of important business and personal connections are favorable. A good time to start education. There will be a chance to correct omissions in some cases, solve legal, legal and partnership problems through official channels. This is a time of new initiatives in partnership, in social connections, politics. When dealing with business matters, act through official channels.

Aries born 11.04 - 20.04 (Sun 21°-30°, III decan of Aries)

Your main portion of transits of slow planets occurs at the end of the year, and the astrological weather of the year will be created by Uranus. From mid-March 2016until the beginning of March 2019he will be in your dean. Those born on April 09-11 have already felt its influence in 2015. Interest in new or well-forgotten old ideas will bring changes in your outlook on life. You may be looking for new ways to express yourself. Make sure that your desire for personal freedom remains within reasonable limits; do not sacrifice personal safety and important relationships for the sake of rash impulses. In the first half of the year, accumulate strength and resources, and it is better to plan important steps for July, August and the period from October to mid-November. You should analyze what changes are necessary so that you can more fully reveal your individuality. But in March-June, October and December, you need to ensure that your need for innovation does not destroy the relationships that are important to you.

Saturn will trine your decan from mid-December 2016 until December 20, 2017. Decide on long-term plans. Jupiter will be in opposition from December 20 until the end of March 2017. In the second half of December, the opposition of Uranus and Jupiter can create instability in business and relationships. The aspect will manifest itself fully next year. During its period, the increased need for freedom and independence can become a problem for relationships, and opposing views and goals will create serious difficulties in marriage and partnership. But the trine of Saturn to Uranus will allow you to find a reasonable compromise in any circumstances; it provides constructive solutions.

In this forecast I describe only the general trends of the year relative to the sun sign. It cannot replace an individual horoscope, for which I need exact date, time and place of birth of a person.
