Schedule of St. Joseph of Volotsk on Kaluga. Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Stary Belyayevo

The village of Razvilka and the Church of St. Joseph Volotsky

The village of Razvilka is relatively small locality urban type, part of the Municipal
Education" Rural settlement Razvilkovskoe" until recently was called "Kartinsky District".
The village is located in the Leninsky district of the Moscow region, on the lands of the Forest Park protective belt of Moscow, near
intersection of Kashirskoye Highway and MKAD. The village was formed in 1954, and its name is associated with the river passing underneath it.
a large gas pipeline that branches right at the site of its foundation. "Town-forming" enterprises,
determining the life of the village are OAO VNIIGAZ and the experimental plant VNIIGAZ located within its industrial zone.
The village is bordered by the villages of Kartino, Ashcherino, Drozdovo, Mamonovo, Besedy and Sloboda, as well as the settlement
"State Farm named after Lenin." On the vast lands of the once large state farm, famous throughout Moscow and the region for its strawberry fields (some of which still bear fruit), luxury cottage communities with luxurious houses, sometimes of the most amazing architecture, are being built, and gardening partnerships are developing.

The attraction of the village is the cascade of Ascherinsky and Kartinsky ponds located in its vicinity, which originated from the small river Yushunka that once flowed here. These are two old natural Ashcherinskys - the small, overgrown Upper, and the formerly very clean Lower Ashcherinsky (once there were oysters in abundance and even carp were bred there). But in last years it has become very clogged, dirty, and on hot summer days the banks quickly become like a big garbage dump. JSC "Gazdevice", the first specialized gas meter plant in Russia, is one of the three largest manufacturers in Europe, established in 1997, 2.7 km away. from the village A fork, on a hillock not far from Ascherinsky Ponds. And everything would be fine, but the sewer drain built by the enterprise, bypassing the Ashcherinsky pond, was made only for appearance and was not put into operation, and wastewater from the enterprise is discharged into the pond, polluting and poisoning the beautiful reservoir. Periodic toxic discharges lead to massive death of fish and coastal grasses (for example, in the summer of 2013). Sewage is added to the pond from the new school built next to it, near which, not finding a more suitable place, they also built a parking lot near the shore. In a word, there is no one here to think about ecology and the conservation of natural resources, there are other concerns... and once again the hypothesis about the rationality of Homo sapiens shows its inconsistency, because everything that can be polluted with impunity is polluted.
From the side of the village, a new building is approaching Ashcherinsky ponds. Further, after the dams, follow the already man-made Upper Kartinsky (with reed thickets in the upper reaches), the miniature round middle one, and the overgrown Lower Kartinsky pond. A stream flows from the latter, from which, a few kilometers downstream, the large Mamonovsky pond originates, surrounded by picturesque, until recently, hilly surroundings. But summer swimming in the local ponds is for daredevils or not for everyone. To the east of Mamonovsky Pond, the village lies on the hills. Mamonovo, to the north - the village. Sloboda, to the southwest on the hills there is an extensive system of sewage settling tanks of the Kartinsky filtration fields of JSC Mosvodokanal (or “Silt storage facility at the Kuryanovskaya aeration station”), partly overgrown with reed thickets, filling the surrounding area on the leeward side with a unique smell before the rain. And from the south - southwest of the Mamonovsky pond there is the rapidly growing Mamonovsky Orthodox cemetery. The area is very picturesque, but on fine summer days the banks of Mamonovsky Pond become very crowded and quickly turn into an almost impassable garbage dump, mainly due to the efforts and lack of culture of citizens who come here in limousines; It doesn’t occur to car enthusiasts to clean up trash and leftovers from barbecues and drinking bouts, so after just a few fine days summer days

It is impossible to find a place on the shore that is not polluted in all respects. Special attention deserves construction since 1999 in the village near the village. Ashcherino in the best Orthodox traditions large two-tier stone temple in the name of St. Joseph
, abbot of Volotsk*. Construction of the temple began on May 24, 1999 in the southern part of the village near the village. Ashcherino, designed by priest Father Alexander (Ivannikov). The temple was designed as a two-tiered building., and the foundation stone of the temple under construction was consecrated by Bishop Tikhon of Vidnovsky. The temple building is being erected thoroughly, without haste or fuss, in the spirit of continuity of Moscow architecture from the most ancient Christian models. The first divine service in the lower rebuilt church took place on the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in 2002. Since 2002, the temple has been an active parish, but it has not yet been completed construction works, services are held only in its lower basement floor, and this lower church is consecrated in the name of St. Joseph, abbot of Volotsk. The central and altar parts of the lower church are united by a rotunda. This early Christian form has been known in Rus' since the times of the house church of the Holy Equal to the Apostles Great Princess Olga, the foundation of which is still preserved in Kyiv not far from the Tithe Church. The upper, three-altar church, still under construction, is supposed to be built in a slightly later style, in the spirit of the Muscovite kingdom, and is planned to be consecrated in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh. The parish of the church belongs to the Vidnovsky deanery of the Moscow diocese.
Next to the temple there is an educational building for the Center for Continuing Orthodox Education, built in 2002. Rector of the temple and confessor of the Orthodox gymnasium in the name of the saint St. Seraphim Sarovsky is Archpriest Alexander Ivannikov.*More information about the temple and the schedule of services can be found at temple website:

The architectural design of this two-tiered temple is based on the idea of ​​continuity of Moscow architecture from the most ancient Christian examples. Construction of the church began on May 24, 1999. In its lower basement floor there is a temple in the name of St. Joseph of Volotsky. Its internal structure dates back to the ancient Byzantine cross-domed churches. The central and altar parts of the lower church are united by a rotunda following the example of the house church of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga, the foundation of which is still preserved in Kyiv not far from the Church of the Tithes. The rotunda is surrounded on three sides by a vestibule. The architectural design of the temple allows it to have excellent acoustic properties. The upper three-altar church is supposed to be built in the style of the Moscow kingdom.
Initially, the entire temple was designed as a two-tier structure. This tradition manifested itself most clearly during the era of the Muscovite Kingdom and had a deeply symbolic meaning of the spiritual connection between the Heavenly and the earthly. With the construction of the basement floor, the construction of the lower church began in the name of St. Joseph of Volotsk. According to the project, the internal structure of the lower Temple goes back to the ancient Byzantine examples of cross-domed churches (Hagia Sophia and Blachernae Mother of God in Constantinople, which differed from the basilica churches adopted Western Church). This tradition, in turn, goes back to the catacomb, that is, cave, underground cross-domed churches of the period of late persecution of Christians in the 3rd - early 4th centuries AD. It was these Byzantine architectural motifs that formed the basis for the interior design of the temple, located in the basement.

The central and altar parts of the lower church are united by a rotunda. This form has been known in Rus' since the time of the house church of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duchess Olga, the foundation of which is still preserved in Kyiv not far from the Church of the Tithes. Although rotundas were not widespread in Rus', the technique itself is not alien to ours. ancient architecture. The rotunda is covered with a flat dome and surrounded on three sides by a vestibule, also with vaulted structures in the ceiling. The dome of the rotunda, pierced by five arches, and the arches of the narthex made it possible to give this temple unique acoustic properties that are entirely conducive to communal church singing, "singing" temple.

Byzantine motifs also determined the artistic style of the iconostasis, the images of which, on the one hand, express the visual techniques of Byzantine icon painting, and, on the other hand, go back to the traditions of ancient Russian church painting pre-Mongol period. Matching traditional icon painting are temple chandeliers in the form of ancient Greek “oros” - hoops that became so popular in Russia in Lately in temple decoration. The internal structure of the upper three-altar church, the construction of which continues, is supposed to be done in the stylistic system already inherent in the Moscow Kingdom. Thus, the general spiritual symbolism of the entire church as a whole will express the continuity of Russian Orthodoxy from the Catacomb period and Byzantium to the present, expressing the pan-human significance of the Russian Church in Ecumenical Orthodoxy.


  • Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Stary Belyaev (parish church), under construction.
  • Church of St. Joseph of Volotsk (parish church), temporary.
  • Temple of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God at the Federal State Institution RNTSRR, under construction.


  • Archpriest Alexander Troitsky


The community of the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in Stary Belyaev was created with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexia II April 9, 2005 on Lazarus Saturday. Priest Roman Markov was appointed rector of the community. The geographical name “Old Belyaevo” was proposed by historians and local historians, who advised linking the name of the village, once located on the territory of the modern Obruchevsky district, with the name of the community. The village was called Dalnee Belyaevo (known since the 17th century, it received the name on behalf of Belyai or the surname Belyaev. In 1960 it became part of Moscow), March 30, 2008. The first prayer service was served on the new plot of land. From that day on, the construction of a temporary wooden temple in honor of St. Joseph of Volotsky. The temple was built in five months and on September 8, 2008. the rector of the community, priest Roman Markov, received the Holy Antimension to perform the Divine Liturgy, and on September 14, with the blessing of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II, the temple of St. Joseph of Volotsky was consecrated by the minor priestly rank of the dean of the Andreevsky district of Moscow, Archpriest Anatoly Kozha.

On September 22, on the Day of Remembrance of St. Joseph of Volotsk, the patronal feast of the church took place. The attention of His Holiness Patriarch Kirill to the holiday was especially pleasant, since with the blessing of His Holiness, Divine Liturgy performed by His Grace Ignatius, Bishop of Bronnitsky. At the end of the solemn religious procession, Vladyka addressed the believers with an archpastoral speech, in which he conveyed blessings and congratulations on the temple holiday from His Holiness Patriarch Kirill.


in honor of St. Joseph Volotsky.

Schedule of services

1.08.16. Monday. Finding the relics of St. Seraphim, the Wonderworker of Sarov 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy

2.08.16. Tuesday. Prophet Elijah 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy

6.08.16. Saturday 18.00 - all-night vigil

08/07/16. Sunday. 7th Sunday after Pentecost. 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy

08/09/16. Tuesday. The martyr and healer Panteleimon. 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy

08/10/16. Wednesday. Smolensk icon Mother of God, called “Hodegetria” 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy

08/13/16. Saturday. Forefeast of the Origin of the Honest Trees Life-giving Cross The Lord's. Prayer for the Assumption Fast. 18.00 - Vespers, Matins - removal of the Cross.

08/14/16. Sunday. 8th Sunday after Pentecost. Origin (wear) of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. The beginning of the Assumption Fast. 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy, blessing of water. Blessing of honey.

08/18/16. Thursday. Forefeast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. 18.00 - all-night vigil

08/19/16. Friday. TRANSFORMATION OF THE LORD GOD AND OUR SAVIOR JESUS ​​CHRIST 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy. Procession. Consecration of fruits.

08/20/16. Saturday. 18.00 - all-night vigil.

08/21/16. Sunday. 9th Sunday after Pentecost. 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy

08/26/16. Friday. Celebration of the Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord. 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy

08/27/16. Saturday. Forefeast of the Dormition Holy Mother of God. 18.00 - all-night vigil.

08/28/16. Sunday. 10th Sunday after Pentecost. DORMSION OF OUR HOLY LORD AND THE EVER-VIRGIN MARY 8.30-confession, 10.00 - liturgy

08/28/16. Sunday. 18.00 - Matins. Order of burial of the Holy Shroud

08/29/16. Monday. Transfer from Edessa to Constantinople Miraculous Image(Ubrus) of the Lord Jesus Christ. Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God. 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy

08/31/16. Wednesday. Icons of the Mother of God “Vsetsaritsa”. Martyr Flora and Lavra 8.30 - confession, 10.00 - liturgy, PRAYER FOR THE BEGINNING OF THE SCHOOL YEAR

Additional Information


Address: Moscow, st. Academician Chelomeya, ow. 3B

Nearest metro: Kaluzhskaya
