Ritual with birch buds against evil spirits. Love spell for a birch twig. Collection and drying

Folk names: Deaf birch, birch, white-bodied, birch, nave tree.
Linguists associate the Russian name for birch with the verb to preserve. This is due to the fact that the Slavs considered birch to be a gift from the gods that protects people.
In European languages, most names for birch come from the Indo-European “bhe” - light, sparkling.
Planet: Jupiter
Zodiac sign: Cancer (according to another version Sagittarius)
Basic properties: cleansing properties, health, love, protection

Birch is the favorite tree of the Russian people, personifying their soul, a tree of extraordinary kindness. It is also called the tree of life. Since time immemorial, the birch tree has been associated with fertility and healing magic; birch branches have been used to impart fertility not only to the land, but also to livestock and newlyweds. Cradles for newborns were made from birch wood (in almost all European countries).

Symbolically and magically, the birch appears as a protection against all misfortunes, both physical and spiritual. Birch is extremely useful and very favorable in healing spells, spells aimed at strengthening the harvest. Birch branches (especially those that have just blossomed in spring) are rightly considered a wonderful talisman, driving away sorrows and illnesses, protecting children from illnesses and many other troubles). Birch is gentle and compassionate, has a very soft, affectionate and at the same time strong influence. In contrast to oak, sick, weakened, and recovering people should turn to birch. It will ease suffering, help restore lost strength, make it easier to endure the disease, and speed up the recovery process. The patient is planted leaning against the trunk, at the roots (birch is a female tree, men turned to oak). The thing of a sick person who cannot be brought, or brought, to a tree is hung on a birch branch with a request for help. In healer practice, going to a growing birch tree to “transmit” a disease to it was considered an effective method of healing magic: the water remaining after bathing a sick child was poured under the birch tree. In the text of the Russian conspiracy for angina pectoris, there is a motive of a threat in relation to the disease: “I will throw the toad under a birch bush, so that it does not hurt, so that it does not ache.”

Communication with birch is useful for people with upset nerves and depression. This tree relieves fatigue, neutralizes the negative effects of everyday stress, and helps restore mental harmony. A birch tree growing next to the house drives away nightmares. The impact of this tree is long lasting. It’s better not to come to it, but to live nearby, then it can heal you. Birch has always been credited with the ability to drive away.
evil spirits Birch is used to make numerous magical artifacts: ogham wands (staves), magic wands, flying brooms (a witch's broom is made from an ash branch and birch twigs, fastened with willow), magic brooms (used in healing), amulets of various kinds (from lightning, evil people
and spirits). Birch branches (especially those that have just blossomed in spring) are rightly considered an excellent talisman, driving away sorrows and illnesses, protecting children from illnesses and many other troubles. A birch branch fused with an oak tree is used in

love magic


Birch roots are used to cause harm and damage.

Thin branches of weeping birch trees are used to tie "knots" - a form of charming. Runic spells are written on birch bark with ink from oak nuts and a feather from a raven's wing.

Symbol of fertility and light. Protects against witches, drives away evil spirits, so lazy people and sleepwalkers were fed birch porridge.

Among the Scandinavians and Teutons, the birch tree is dedicated to Thor, Donar and Frigga. According to legend, the last battle will take place near a birch tree.

In shamanism, the birch is a Cosmic Tree, and the shaman made seven or nine ascending notches on its trunk or birch pole, which symbolizes the ascent through the planetary spheres to the Supreme Spirit.

The birch, like the world tree turned upside down with its roots, also appears in Russian conspiracies: “On the sea on Okeyan, on the island of Kurgan there is a white birch tree, with its branches down, its roots up.”
The Semik (now Trinity) holiday, which is celebrated in June, was dedicated to birches.

It also helps in forecasting the weather: if the birch tree is bushy in advance, then expect a dry summer, and if the alder tree is wet, expect it.

The weeping birch was considered a special tree - it was sometimes called the “navy tree,” that is, the tree of the dead. Its juice, buds, bark, wood and leaves have never been used for medicinal purposes - only for magical ones. They said that this tree has a connection with the world of the dead, that mermaids and drowned women love it. Therefore, the weeping birch was always decorated with mermaid for a week to protect against the mischief of spirits. They tried not to break this tree, so as not to incur the wrath of otherworldly forces. In the old days, people went to him, trying to enlist the help of their ancestors in some important matter or ask for protection from harm.

In general, there has always been a connection to birch in Russia special treatment. They took care of it, looked after it, specially planted it, trying to “ring” the village with a protective belt of birch trees. Jewelry made from birch wood was used to protect against evil spirits. Long before the advent of Christianity, during the time corresponding to the present Trinity, brooms made from freshly cut branches of this tree were used to “sweep out” evil spirits from the hut. On this day, the whole hut was washed with a decoction of twigs from diseases and misfortunes. On the same day, women washed themselves in a bathhouse with an infusion of birch leaves in order to relieve themselves of allergic diseases and restore lost strength and good spirits.
All Slavs believed that birch branches tucked under the roof of a house or left in the attic protected from lightning, thunder, and hail; stuck in the middle of crops in a field, they drive away rodents and birds; thrown on garden beds, protect cabbage from caterpillars.

With the help of birch branches and birch brooms they tried to protect themselves from evil spirits, diseases, and “walking” dead people. On the eve of Ivan Kupala, birch branches were stuck over the doors of barns to prevent witches from getting to the cows and harming them; Birch wreaths were placed on cows' horns to protect them from witches.

The Western Slavs have a reliable means of protection against evil forces a birch broom was considered to be leaning against the bed of a woman in labor or the cradle of a newborn. In many places it was believed that by beating a sick child with a birch rod, the disease would immediately recede.

Birch is a tree that stays awake all day. She falls asleep just before dawn. As the first roosters crow, having dispersed the evil spirits with their voice, the birch tree plunges into a sweet and deep sleep for 2 hours, so that, waking up at dawn, it can give the world its pure strength.
Her sleep period occurs at approximately 3-5 am, and her peak alertness is at 6-9 am.

Symbolically and magically, the birch appears as a protection against all misfortunes, both physical and spiritual. Almost all parts of the tree are used in healing.

According to an old Belarusian belief, in order to keep horses in the new stable, a birch log had to be buried under the threshold.
Spells of a girl for the love of a good fellow
1. They take a birch twig, which they place on Friday on the threshold over which the one they want to influence must step over.
Having done this, the rod, which no one should see, is placed in a dry and hot place, saying: “May (name) dry out of love for (name), as this rod dries.” This spell is repeated three times.
2. Take a rod from a fresh broom made from birch branches and place it on the threshold of the door through which your loved one should enter. When laying down the rod, gently say the following words: “As this thin rod has dried, so let my dear friend (name) for me, slave (name) dry.” The rod, when the person they are talking about has passed through the threshold, they put it away in a secret place, then they heat the bathhouse, put this rod on the top shelf, add more steam and, turning to the side where the rod lies, say: “Steam, rod.” , and be soft as a fluff, let (name)’s heart be towards me, slave (name), as soft as you are.” After this, the bathhouse is locked, and after a while they take the rod, take it to the water and set it adrift. The rod needs to be launched along the river at dawn. The same spell, but only for the dryness of someone’s heart, is done like this: a rod is placed on the threshold, saying, as stated above, then, after the one who is being charmed has passed, the rod is placed on a hot stove, saying: “Be dry.” , a twig, like a bird’s nail, let my friend (name) be just as dry, and when he warms up to me, then let him turn red like a pouring apple and plump up like a clear month after the new moon.” Birch belongs to zodiac sign, and just like water after bathing, it plunges us into sleep, lifting people to the heights of heaven. It gives a person the support of his family.

The bottom line. Birch deals with new beginnings and the acceptance or birth of things. Birch has the power to impart life. This life force gives rise to the birth of all things every year. The aspect of filling with strength and energy provides a cleansing effect. Birch has the power to drive away harmful or malevolent influences with its eternal life force.

A little humor:

Patient: - I have a headache!
500 BC - Here, eat this root.
1000 - These roots are witchcraft! Say a prayer!
1850 - These prayers are stupid superstition! Drink this potion!
1940 - These potions are just quackery! Take this pill!
1985 - These pills are ineffective! Take this antibiotic!
2016 - These antibiotics are of artificial origin! Here, eat this root.

Genus. There are over 50 various types, the genus of birch is called Betula.
Kinds. Paper birch (Betula papyrifera), or white birch (Betula pendula).
In temperate and arctic regions of the Northern Hemisphere and in some countries of South America.
Birch wood has a uniform structure and fine fibers. It is used to make furniture plywood. The Indians used birch bark to build canoes. The bark was used in the production of leather goods and in medicine. Fresh birch sap is very useful.
Peculiarities. Birches are considered the pioneers of the settlement of steppe regions. They form an environment for the further growth of other tree species. Resonance for the body. Frontal and parietal chakras.
Meditation with birch is primarily beneficial for people with well-developed intuition, as it helps to better see the difference between the inner and outer world. Anyone who would like to better perceive themselves or is in a depressed emotional state will, thanks to the vibrations of birch, achieve a greater understanding of themselves and healthy inner harmony.

Astrologers recommend. Cancer and Pisces.
The Sun in Cancer will teach you to better perceive yourself and help you correctly evaluate your abilities. Thus, those born under the sign of Cancer will be able to gain self-confidence and become more open.
Those born under the sign of Pisces will receive from the tree the strength to help others not only with words, but also with actions, without losing themselves. They will be able to perceive themselves better and find their own path on earth.
Both Cancer and Pisces will gain greater frankness from the vibrations of birch and will be able to better realize themselves and their destiny. Connections with other people for these signs will become clearer and more orderly.

Birch tar.

Color: colorless or pale yellow viscous liquid. Tar is an almost black thick oily mass. Rectified oil is a clear brownish-yellow oily liquid with a smoky and leathery aroma.
Aroma: woody Receipt method: 1. Aromatic oil is obtained by distillation with steam from the buds. 2. Tar is obtained by slow distillation from bark. Subsequent steam distillation yields birch tar oil
Application methods
Can be used exclusively diluted with other essential or base oils and in a very small proportion - no more than 2% - only spot on for damaged skin - acne, various rashes, flaky skin.
Precautionary measures: Non-toxic, non-irritating
Complementary scents: The oil mixes well with wood and balsamic oils
Birch tar oil. In the past, especially in Russia, birch tar was as important a technical product as petroleum oils are now. It was not only used in leather production or as a lubricant, but was known to be a powerful germicide. At the beginning of the 20th century. was used by French perfumers to create the “Russian Leather” perfume, unusual for that time. And now birch tar and its fractions are used for the production of medical preparations (Vishnevsky ointment), some perfumes and toilet waters, as well as “tar” toilet soap.
Birch tar is obtained by pyrolysis of wood (along with the bark) of the most common “warty” birch (Betula pendula) in Russia. The resulting mixture of oils is distilled, obtaining a liquid product with a density of 0.94-0.98, which contains 10-15% phenols.
Additional cleaning is required for use in perfumery. This “rectification” consists of single or double fractionated distillation with steam.
The characteristic components of birch tar oil, along with mixtures of cresols and xylenols, are pyrocatechin, guaiacol and creosol (2-methoxy-4-methylphenol).
Although birch tar oil is not mentioned in aromatherapy manuals, it is known to be used in the treatment of eczema and other skin conditions.


It has long been believed that in May birch has the greatest healing power. Therefore, from May 1 to May 12, its juice was collected and given to sick, sick and weak people to drink so that they would quickly recover and gain strength. To prevent the tree from becoming weak, no more than 1 liter of sap was collected from each birch, the wound was carefully covered, and the tree was thanked for its help.

This tree was not touched again for a year and no branches were cut from the donor tree for a year. It was believed that if a birch tree is asked for help too often, it may become offended and take revenge on the person who offended her, sending him “trouble” and failure in his personal life.

Usually, to collect birch sap, trees growing in the forest aged from 7 to 50 years were used, since it was believed that in addition to health, birch can give a person youth, and for this the tree itself should not be too old. In May, half-bloomed birch buds and young sticky leaves were collected for medicinal purposes.

. In the old days they said: “Birch is a wayward and capricious tree. She doesn’t welcome every person, she doesn’t help everyone. But if she falls in love with someone, he should be happy and successful in everything.” Knowing the “capriciousness” of the tree, they tried not to plant a birch tree near the house, so they placed the birch tree at the gate so that trouble would not enter the yard, and placed a bench near it so that at the right time you could talk to the tree, ask it for strength and help.

Birch especially favors children, innocent girls and pregnant women. For children, swings were placed near the birch trees, girls decorated birch trees with their ribbons taken from the braid, on the holiday of Lada and Lelya, on Ivan Kupala, in order to get married successfully. To this day, villages still resort to such love magic. A birch twig is placed on Friday on the threshold over which the person who is wished to be influenced must step over. Having done this, the rod, which no one should see, is placed in a dry and hot place, saying three times: “May (name) dry out of love for (name), as this rod dries.” When the person they are talking about has passed through the threshold, the twig is put away in a secret place, then the bathhouse is heated, this twig is placed on the top shelf, more steam is added and, turning to the side where the twig lies, they say: “Steam, twig, and be soft as a fluff, may the heart of the servant of God (name) be towards me, the servant of God (name), as soft as you.” After this, the bathhouse is locked, and after a while they take a twig, take it to the water at dawn and set it adrift.

Before giving birth, pregnant women asked the birch tree for strength and help so that the birth would be easy and successful, and the child would grow up healthy and happy. Birch branches were also used to impart fertility to newlyweds and to heal from infertility.

Birch belongs to the zodiac sign of Cancer. She transmits for us his strength and the moving, unsteady energy of the Moon. Its energy is cold and refreshing, like clean water, and just like water after bathing, it plunges us into sleep, lifting people to the heights of heaven. It gives a person the support of his family. Birch deals with new beginnings and acceptance or birth.

Birch has the power to impart life. This life force gives rise to the birth of all things every year. The aspect of filling with strength and energy provides a cleansing effect. Birch has the power to expel harmful or malevolent influences with the help of eternal life force.

Birch gives men masculinity, and women gives femininity, and both give self-confidence, in their strengths and capabilities, and also help to maintain good physical shape,

All Slavs believed that birch branches tucked under the roof of a house or left in the attic protected from lightning, thunder, and hail; stuck in the middle of crops in a field, they drive away rodents and birds; thrown on garden beds, protect cabbage from caterpillars. Birch branches They were also stuck into the field in order to get a rich harvest.

With the help of birch branches and birch brooms they tried to protect themselves from evil spirits and diseases. Birch is a tree that stays awake all day. She falls asleep just before dawn. As the first roosters crow, having dispersed the evil spirits with their voice, the birch tree plunges into a sweet and deep sleep for 2 hours, so that, waking up at dawn, it can give the world its pure strength. Her sleep period occurs at approximately 3-5 in the morning, and her peak alertness is at 6-9 in the morning: at this time people went to the growing birch tree to “transmit” diseases to it (water left after bathing the patient was poured under the birch tree). In the text of the Russian conspiracy for angina pectoris, there is a motive of a threat in relation to the disease: “I will throw the toad under the birch bush, so that it does not hurt, so that it does not ache.”

Birch branches (especially those that have just blossomed in spring) are rightly considered an excellent talisman, driving away sorrows and illnesses, protecting children from illnesses and many other troubles. Because of these properties, birch wood was used to make cradles for newborns. During rituals of exorcism, witches were flogged with birch rods, which is why lazy people and sleepwalkers are still fed birch porridge in some places.

Communication with birch is useful for people with upset nerves and depression. This tree relieves fatigue, neutralizes the negative effects of everyday stress, and helps restore mental harmony.

In general, there has always been a special attitude towards birch in Russia. They took care of it, looked after it, specially planted it, trying to “ring” the village with a protective belt of birch trees. Jewelry made from birch wood was used to protect against evil spirits. Long before the advent of Christianity, during the time corresponding to the present Trinity, brooms made from freshly cut branches of this tree were used to “sweep out” evil spirits from the hut. On this day, the whole hut was washed with a decoction of twigs from diseases and misfortunes. On the same day, women washed themselves in a bathhouse with an infusion of birch leaves in order to relieve themselves of allergic diseases and restore lost strength and good spirits.
All Slavs believed that birch branches tucked under the roof of a house or left in the attic protected from lightning, thunder, and hail; stuck in the middle of crops in a field, they drive away rodents and birds; thrown on garden beds, protect cabbage from caterpillars. With the help of birch branches and birch brooms they tried to protect themselves from evil spirits, diseases, and “walking” dead people. On the eve of Ivan Kupala, birch branches were stuck over the doors of barns to prevent witches from getting to the cows and harming them; Birch wreaths were placed on cows' horns to protect them from witches. Among the Western Slavs, a birch broom leaned against the bed of a woman in labor or the cradle of a newborn was considered a reliable means of protection against evil forces. In many places it was believed that by beating a sick child with a birch rod, the disease would immediately recede.
Birch branches were used to impart fertility not only to the land, but also to livestock and newlyweds. Birch branches were stuck into the field to get a rich harvest of cereals and flax. Birch logs were buried under the threshold of the new stable to “drive” the horses. After baking the bread, birch logs were thrown into the oven so that “the lambs would be white.”

Symbolically and magically, the birch appears as a protection against all misfortunes, both physical and spiritual. Almost all parts of the tree are used in healing. Brooms made from birch branches are used in purification rituals. Birch is gentle and compassionate, has a very soft, affectionate and at the same time strong influence. In contrast to oak, sick, weakened, and recovering people should turn to birch. It will ease suffering, help restore lost strength, make it easier to endure the disease, and speed up the recovery process. The patient is planted leaning against the trunk, at the roots (birch is a female tree, men turned to oak). The thing of a sick person who cannot be brought, or brought, to a tree is hung on a birch branch with a request for help. In healer practice, going to a growing birch tree to “transmit” a disease to it was considered an effective method of healing magic: the water remaining after bathing a sick child was poured under the birch tree. In the text of the Russian conspiracy for angina pectoris, there is a motive of a threat in relation to the disease: “I will throw the toad under a birch bush so that it does not hurt, so that it does not ache.”

Birch is used to make numerous magical artifacts: ogham wands (staves), magic wands, flying brooms (a witch's broom is made from an ash branch and birch twigs, fastened with willow), magic brooms (used in healing), amulets of various kinds (from lightning, evil people and spirits).
Birch branches (especially those that have just blossomed in spring) are rightly considered an excellent talisman that wards off sorrows and illnesses, protecting children from illnesses and many other troubles. Because of these properties, cradles for newborns were made from birch wood.
During rituals of exorcism, witches were flogged with birch rods, which is why lazy people and lunatics are still fed birch porridge in some places.
A birch branch fused with an oak tree is used in love magic. Birch roots are used to cause harm and damage. Thin branches of weeping birch trees are used to tie "knots" - a form of charming. Runic spells are written on birch bark with ink from oak nuts and a feather from a raven's wing.

Today Ogham (OGHAM - Celtic alphabet) is used both for fortune telling and analysis of life situations, and directly in magic. For the sign in this iconic symbol "Birch" the key words are: Beginnings - Vitality - Growth.
The bottom line. Birch deals with new beginnings and the acceptance or birth of things. Birch has the power to impart life. This life force gives rise to the birth of all things every year. The aspect of filling with strength and energy provides a cleansing effect. Birch has the power to drive away harmful or malevolent influences with its eternal life force.
When telling fortunes, it matters which part fortune telling circle the sign fell: Center - beginnings, South - vitality, West - delay, North - material growth, East - rage.

With birch esoteric teaching The trees are also connected by two runes of the Elder Futhark - Berkan and Uruz.
Bercana has very powerful magical properties. Its main uses are healing and protection. It is important to remember that the protective effect of this rune does not extend to momentary actions (i.e., you should not think that, having protected yourself with a spell with the Bercana rune, you can not look at your feet when crossing a river on shaky bridges), but on the contrary, rather, it protects the emerging sprout and promotes uniform and fruitful development. The healing function of this rune is primarily to release and cleanse the body of infection. In the Middle Ages, Bercana was used to exorcise demons from a possessed person. Spells based on the Bercana rune promote not only growth, but also new birth - rebirth, or give the strength necessary to start something anew. Both the runic spell and the amulet with the image of the Bercana rune can be successfully used for its intended purpose - that is, for healing from infertility or facilitating the process of childbirth. Bercana can also help to successfully resolve problems related to raising children.
The magic of this rune is sympathetic. In this rune, the masculine and feminine aspects are inextricably fused. Uruz gives men masculinity, and women femininity, and both - self-confidence, in their strengths and capabilities. In addition, the Uruz rune is used in healing, especially when the patient is weakened and needs additional strength. The feminine aspect of this rune contains potential natural energy, which has healing properties. Uruz also helps you maintain good physical shape.


Curling birches - (breaking birch trees, braiding wreaths, curling wreaths, locking gates) - one of the main rituals of the spring-summer cycle, in the center of which are actions performed with the branches of growing and felled birches (less often than other trees) - weaving and twisting; First stage a single ritual complex that ends with unweaving or breaking off the curled part of the tree. Apart from the northern provinces of European Russia, the ritual was widespread everywhere.

Birch trees were most often curled in Semik, and developed - in Trinity. In local traditions, there were other dates for the ceremony: Egoriev Day - Trinity; eve of Nikolin's day - Nikolin's day; the second Sunday after Easter, known under the names of Kumite, Kumish, Zavival, Myrrh-Bearing Women - Ascension, Trinity; Ascension - Trinity; Ascension - Spiritual Day; Semik - Spiritual day; Trinity Eve - Spiritual Day; Trinity - Spiritual Day, Peter's Day (see All Saints' Week), Peter's Day; Spiritual day - Peter's spell; Peter's Day - Trinity next year.

The daily curling time of birch trees also varied by area. So, in the Oryol and Kostroma provinces, the ritual was performed in the morning, “before the sun”, in the Vladimir province. - in the afternoon, and in the Ryazan province. - late in the evening, even at night, in the light of burning birch bark on sticks.

In Dmitrovsky district Moscow province The custom of preliminary selection of a ritual tree on the eve of the ritual action was widespread. In a number of places in the Kostroma and Vyatka provinces, the birch tree was first cut down, installed in a field or in a vegetable garden, and then only curled. A single case of birch trees curling in the north (Kargopol district of the Arkhangelsk region) also illuminates the actions with the branches of cut down birch trees.

Several types of birch curling are known. 1. Curling (braiding) “wreaths” (the most common): the ends of the branches of one or several birch trees were bent into rings and secured with the help of herbs, towels, scarves, and the branches were often intertwined with each other (Trinity wreath). 2. Curling “braids”: branches of one or two birches were twisted in the form of a rope or braid, often intertwined with ribbons, threads, and pieces of paper. In Rostov district. Yaroslavl province. The “braid” called “skein” consisted of three intertwined birch branches, tied with threads that were always spun in Maundy Thursday. In the Yenisei province. the braids were curled differently: the tops of the birch trees were bent to the ground and intertwined with the grass growing under the tree. In some places, wreaths and braids were woven on birch trees at the same time. 3. “Locking the gate”: the tops of two birch trees were intertwined with each other in the form of a rope, tied for strength with a frill from bast shoes (Orlovsk.) or a frill so that a kind of arch was formed. In Kaluga province. The “gates” were in some places made from hazel branches. In Arkhangelsk province. “gates” tied the tops of felled birches installed at the entrance to the house.

Only girls took part in the ritual; in some places they were joined by young women who did not have children; in Zhizdrinsky district Kaluga province. Only married women curled the branches of birch trees. Dressed in the best holiday outfits, girls and young women secretly went to curl birch trees. They carefully concealed the time and place of the ceremony, because... the guys, after some time, could follow and “interfere with the girls’ plans” (Yeniseisk; Makarenko A.A. 1993. P. 112).

The girls all curled one tree together, sometimes weaving its branches with others, making one figure or several, according to the number of participants in the ritual or celebratory couples (see Kumelie), or each girl, in solitude, braided her own birch tree. When curling, we tried not to crush the leaves or break the twigs and branches; The already curled birch trees were decorated with flowers, and towels, scarves, and belts were hung on them. According to the belief that existed in the Nizhny Novgorod province, the girls tied the ribbons that additionally fastened the intertwined branches as tightly as possible so that “the darling would love” (Sokolova V.K. 1979. P. 224).

By curling a birch tree, the girls “conquered” their fate and the fate of their loved ones: to live or die, to get married or not, whether a wish will come true. So, in Tyumen district. when making a “collar” they said: “If I get married, open the gate, if I stay as a girl, close the gate” (Sokolova V.K. 1979. P. 224). Sometimes they made wishes for relatives and friends, braiding a separate figure for each of them. In Rostov district. Yaroslavl province. during fortune telling, the “skein” conceived for a man was made in the form of a wreath, and for a girl - in the form of a braid; in Danilovsky U. Yaroslavl province. braids were also woven for maidens, and wreaths for married women and children. A few days later, when setting out to develop the birch trees, they first carefully examined them: a developed braid foreshadowed an imminent marriage, which was preceded by the ritual unbraiding of a girl’s braid; a broken and “woven” wreath promised troubles in the current year (see Trinity Wreath).

Around the curled birches they danced in circles, danced, and sang special songs that were performed only at this time and reflected the ritual situation of the Semik-Trinity period (see Semik, Trinity). In the Dmitrov region (Moscow), girls twisted three pairs of birch trees into “gates”, and then “walked single file under them,” while singing: “On the mountain of the city
The gates are curled,
Natalya walked through those gates,
She led the red girls behind her,
Red girls, all girlfriends.
Tatyana followed Natalya,
She led..."
(Zernova A.B. 1932. P. 29).

Right under the tree, on a tablecloth spread out on the ground, a ritual meal was served, which included a number of obligatory dishes: beer, kvass, scrambled eggs or eggs, ham, lard, cottage cheese with sour cream, pies, Easter cakes and roe (flatbread with a hole in the middle), loaf . In the Dmitrov region (Moscow), every girl had to bring a scrambled egg with her. Having laid out fried eggs around a curled birch tree, the participants in the ceremony joined hands and danced in a circle to the song:
"Birch, birch,
Curl, curly
The girls have come to you
The Reds have come to you,
The pie was brought
With scrambled eggs."
(Zernova A.B. 1932. P. 27).

Having sung once, they sat down near the scrambled eggs, ate a few spoons and danced in a circle again. This was repeated three times. In some places, scrambled eggs were fried on a fire built under a birch tree. Some of the food brought crumbled to the ground; peasant women of Yaroslavl province. They believed that they were leaving food for the hares. Pieces of fried eggs were sometimes buried in the ground. Among the Russians of the Volga region, a meal often preceded the main action: first they ate eggs and scrambled eggs in a rye field, and then went to the nearest forest to curl a birch tree. In a number of places, men, mostly boys, were allowed to take part in meals and games, and in round dances around curled birch trees. They came to “make them [the girls] laugh with jokes, cheer them up with songs and dances” (Makarenko A.A. 1993. P. 112).

In some places, the curling of birch trees was accompanied by rites of cumulus, baptism and funeral of the cuckoo. They planted a “cuckoo” on intertwined branches, hung crosses and ribbons; They worshiped through them and under them: they kissed and exchanged gifts, fought with eggs, and walked in pairs.

Throughout the holiday, the girls carefully watched so that no strangers would come up and see the braided branches, and the boys would not break them off or cut them off. On the appointed day, they gathered together again and went to the birch trees to dissolve them. At the same time, the girls carefully freed the branches and wove ribbons and towels, threads, scarves from them, took off other decorations, returning them to themselves. In Siberia and in a number of places in European Russia, the “wreaths” and “braids” braided on birch trees were “wrung”, i.e. broke off; on the day of breaking in Galichsky district. Kostroma province observed a strict ban on visiting the garden. The broken parts of the trees were decorated with flowers, and in the evening they were “released” into the water (see Trinity Wreath). In Vladimir province. They developed the birch tree in the following way: they cut it down and used it in subsequent ritual actions: they decorated it and had a party with it, and in the evening they drowned it in the river (see Trinity Birch).

The chosen place for curling birch trees was mainly those groves, forests, and clearings that were located near the rye field, because according to legend, from this, “just like from curling rye on the Ascension, it (rye) will be better” (Propp V.Ya. 1995. P. 73). This idea was reflected in the lyrics of the songs that accompanied the curling (as well as the development), which were actually a spell on the harvest:
"The wreaths were curled, (as they developed they sang "developed")
The curls are green,
For good years
It's thick on zhito
For eared barley,
Resistant oats,
For black buckwheat,
For white cabbage."
(Smolensk; Zelenin D.K. 1916. P. 264).

In the Neysky district of the Kostroma region. in the forest they curled birch trees so that flax would grow and cabbage would curl, while they sang:
"Weigh, weigh, cabbage,
Vesya, veysa, veil!
How can I keep my cabbage from curling up?
How can I avoid falling into winter."
(Traditional rituals... 1985. No. 349).

According to the Russians, mermaids swung on curled birch branches. Residents of Smolensk province. for a week they were afraid to approach so that “the mermaids swinging on what (intertwined branches) would not tickle the impudent one.” And the peasants of Murom district. (Vladimir) believed that “curling a birch tree is a great sin, because on the eve of Trinity Day shishigi (unclean) dance in front of it.” (Zelenin D.K. 1916. P. 264). IN last years, based on these ideas, a hypothesis was put forward “that each participant in the Semitic rite, braiding a wreath for herself on a birch tree, thereby, as it were, called into it a mermaid, i.e., an embryo soul for her unborn child, which in those few days, that the wreath remained on the tree, it could move into it; when the wreath was broken off and put on the head, they waited for the soul to pass from the wreath to the girl" (Denisova I.M. 1995, p. 127).

The process of curling, weaving, twisting (branches) is conceptualized as a ritual action associated with the idea of ​​“life” and having the meaning of origin, development, and multiplication. This can explain the need for all girls and young women to participate in the ritual, whose main function was to procreate. In one of the Smolensk Trinity songs, life is directly dependent on observing the custom of curling:
"Who doesn't go
curl wreaths,
Put that one down
With an oak deck,
His children
Who doesn't weave wreaths,
That mother will die!
And who will turn
He will live!"
(Nekrylova A.F. 1989. P. 476).
(material on curling birch trees was prepared by Tatyana Aleksandrovna Zimina)

Birch is used not only in magic, but also in medicine

Collection and drying
For medicinal purposes, the buds, leaves, birch sap and birch mushroom (chaga) of all types of birch trees are used.
Buds (Gemmae Betulae) are elongated-conical, pointed, bare, with tiled-like scales tightly pressed along the edges. The length of the buds is from 3 to 7 mm, in diameter from 1.5 to 3 mm. Color - brown, taste astringent, resinous. They are collected from January to the end of April (before they begin to bloom) when cutting down the forest, cutting off the branches and tying them into bunches (brooms), dried in the open air, in sheds, and then threshed or the buds are pulled out with hands in canvas mittens. Birch buds can be harvested only in forest areas intended for logging or allocated by forestry enterprises for harvesting brooms.
Leaf - Folium Betulae is small, no more than 1.5 cm. The smell is weak, aromatic; the taste is slightly astringent. The leaves are collected very carefully, trying not to damage or expose the branches, during flowering in May, when they are still sticky and fragrant, and dried under canopies, in attics, in well-ventilated areas. You cannot collect leaves from trees growing near roads.
Birch sap - in the spring during the period of sap flow. The phenomenon of leakage is observed after the first thaw; in the first days, the leakage is insignificant, but then gradually increases and, after reaching a maximum after some time, begins to gradually decrease, and by the time the buds open, it completely stops. It is used as medicine only in fresh form.
Birch mushroom can be harvested all year round and stored for no more than a year.

The buds are used to prepare infusions, decoctions and tinctures. The infusion and decoction are prepared as usual. For tincture, one weight part of the buds is poured with five parts of 70% pharmaceutical alcohol or vodka. The container is tightly closed and kept for 7 days at room temperature, after which it is filtered.
The leaves are used to prepare an infusion. It is prepared in a ratio of 1:10. At the final stage, baking soda is added to the finished infusion (per glass of infusion - soda on the tip of a teaspoon).
Chaga is used to prepare an infusion. The mushroom is washed with boiled water and soaked in water for 4-5 hours. Then passed through a meat grinder. After this, 5 parts by weight of warm water are added to one part by weight of the crushed raw material and infused at room temperature for two days. Then the infusion is filtered and brought to its original volume by adding boiled water.
Chemical composition
In birch buds up to 5.3% essential oil, which includes sesquiterpenes (betulen, betulol and betulenols), betulenic acid and naphthalene, flavonoids (dimethoxyflavone, betuletol, myricitrin, rutin, myricetin-3-digalactoside, etc.).
The leaves contain betulorethic acid butyl ester, up to 2.8% vitamin C, flavonoids, including hyperoside, tannins, triterpene alcohols, saponins, traces of essential oil.

In the old days, birch sap was drunk for consumption, used as an external remedy for ulcers, and used to wash bleeding and weeping wounds. Healers advised starting to drink birch sap to patients on Maxim (May 11) - on this day it was considered the most healing.

Birch sap was used for scurvy and jaundice. It was added to milk, which was given to small children to drink when teething.
A decoction of 15 birch buds per glass of water, 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals - a choleretic agent and a remedy for liver diseases.
Arthritis, arthrosis: 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed knotweed grass, rose hips, birch leaves, pour a glass of boiling water into a thermos, keep until cool. Strain, salt 2 tbsp. spoons of salt, stir. Soak a piece of pure sheep wool fabric (you can wear socks) in the infusion and dry without squeezing. Tie a dry cloth to the sore spot and wear it until it goes away.
An infusion of leaves is used as a remedy for edema of renal and cardiovascular origin. The effect of the leaves is somewhat less pronounced than that of the buds, but they do not cause irritation of the renal parenchyma. Infusions and extracts from the leaves are effective for mild forms of cholecystitis. Patients experience reduced pain, nausea, vomiting, and their general condition improves.
Infusion of leaves serves as an indispensable preventive and therapeutic agent for colds.
Infusions and decoctions from birch leaves taken in the spring and autumn to prevent rheumatism and gout.
Externally alcohol tincture of kidneys Recommended for rubbing and compresses for skin irritations, bedsores, and sluggish granulations.
Medicines are taken orally: infusion - 1/3 cup per day, decoction - 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals, and tincture - 1 tablespoon 1 time per day.
An infusion of birch mushroom is drunk instead of tea, at least 3 glasses a day for catarrh, peptic ulcers and stomach cancer.

Birch. One of the most revered trees among the Slavs. It can act as a “lucky” tree, protecting against evil, and as a harmful one, associated with female demons and the souls of the dead.
According to Carpathian beliefs, if a married man plants a birch tree in his yard, one of the family members will die. In the Russian North, the place where birch trees once grew was not used to build a house.
At the same time, sometimes and in many places birch trees were specially planted near the house for the well-being of the family, on the occasion of the birth of a child...
A birch branch installed at the front corner during the construction of a house was a symbol of the health of the owner and family. Birch branches were stuck into the field to get a good harvest of flax and cereals. A birch log was buried under the threshold of the new stable, “to guide the horses.”
In folk legends, birch is a blessed tree that sheltered the Mother of God and Christ from bad weather, or St. Friday from persecution by the devil; or, on the contrary, it was considered a tree cursed by God, with the branches of which Christ was whipped.
The female symbolism of the birch tree appears in rituals for the treatment of childhood illnesses: for example, sick girls were carried to a birch tree, and boys - to an oak tree. In marriage rituals, the symbols of the bride and groom were oak and birch.
In Polesie it was believed that a birch tree planted close to the house causes women's diseases y its inhabitants; that growths form on birch trees from “women’s curses.” In some Polesie villages, at funerals, a woman’s body was covered with birch branches, a man’s body with poplar branches. In wedding and lyrical songs, the birch tree is the most popular symbol of a girl.
Birch's connection with evil spirits and the souls of the dead also indicate female symbolism: They said about mermaids in Polesie that they “come down from the birch tree.” Birch trees, whose branches descend to the ground, were considered to belong to mermaids. During Trinity week they were afraid to approach them.
In Poland, such trees standing alone in a field were called spirit trees.
They were inhabited by the souls of dead girls, who came out of the birch trees at night and “danced” random passers-by to death. According to Polish beliefs, under a lonely birch tree lies the soul of someone who died a violent death, and
instead of juice, blood flows in it.
Some signs unusual looking Birch trees (twisted or fused with another tree) were for Belarusians evidence that an innocently lost soul was buried under it. In many East Slavic stories, legends, and songs, a dead girl turns into a birch tree. In the Kostroma region, they said about a dying person “going to the birch trees.”
Birch is often mentioned as an attribute of evil spirits in demonological beliefs and tales. The witch could milk milk from birch branches, and could also fly not only on a broom or a bread shovel, but also on a birch stick. The white horses given to man by the devil turned into crooked birch trees, and the bread given by the devil into birch bark; a woman who was “possessed” by a demon during a seizure was “thrown” onto a birch tree.
Trinity rites associated with birch, performed as a rule by girls and women, are widely known among the Slavs. They went into the forest, chose a young birch tree, decorated it, curled wreaths on its branches, arranged a joint meal under it, danced in circles, and told fortunes. Then, with the felled birch tree (which was sometimes called “semik”), they walked around the village and, at the end of the ceremony, threw the birch into the water, into the fire, into the ravine (that is, they “said off the birch”, “buried” it).
The girls had fun with the birch tree, asked for a share of it, and washed themselves with birch sap for beauty and health.
Birch branches, especially those used in Trinity and other calendar rites, were considered a reliable amulet by all Slavs. Tucked under the roof of the house, they reliably protected from lightning, thunder and hail; stuck in the middle of crops in a field protects from rodents and birds; abandoned on garden beds - they protect the cabbage from caterpillars.

"Birch signs":
Birch turns yellow before early autumn frost.
Birch produces a lot of sap for a rainy summer.
Birch will bloom its leaves earlier than alder - in dry summer, and later in rainy summer.
If Yury puts a birch leaf in a bowl, then for the Assumption put bread in a bowl. When the birch tree begins to bloom, sow the oats.
In autumn, birch leaves will begin to turn yellow from the top - early spring; they will turn yellow from below - late.

The following mystery is associated with the varied uses of birch:
“The tree stands green in the morning, in this tree there are four lands: the first is for the sick for health (broom), the second is a well for people (birch sap), the third is light from darkness (spray), the fourth is for decrepit swaddling (birch bark for broken pots). »

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It has long been believed that in May, birch has the greatest healing power. Therefore, from May 1 to May 12, its juice was collected and given to sick, sick and weak people to drink so that they would quickly recover and gain strength. To prevent the tree from becoming weak, no more than 1 liter of sap was collected from each birch, the wound was carefully covered, and the tree was thanked for its help.

This tree was not touched again for a year and no branches were cut from the donor tree for a year. It was believed that if a birch tree is asked for help too often, it may become offended and take revenge on the person who offended her, sending him “trouble” and failure in his personal life.

Usually, to collect birch sap, trees growing in the forest aged from 7 to 50 years were used, since it was believed that in addition to health, birch can give a person youth, and for this the tree itself should not be too old. In May, half-bloomed birch buds and young sticky leaves were collected for medicinal purposes.

In the old days they said: “Birch is a wayward and capricious tree. She doesn’t welcome every person, she doesn’t help everyone. But if she loves someone, he should be happy and successful in everything.” Knowing the “capriciousness” of the tree, they tried not to plant a birch tree near the house, so they placed the birch tree at the gate so that trouble would not enter the yard, and placed a bench near it so that at the right time you could talk to the tree, ask it for strength and help.

Birch especially favors children, innocent girls and pregnant women. For children, swings were placed near the birch trees, girls decorated birch trees with their ribbons taken from the braid, on the holiday of Lada and Lelya, on Ivan Kupala, in order to get married successfully. To this day, villages still resort to such love magic. A birch twig is placed on Friday on the threshold over which the person who is wished to be influenced must step over. Having done this, the rod, which no one should see, is placed in a dry and hot place, saying three times: “May (name) dry out of love for (name), as this rod dries.” When the person they are talking about has passed through the threshold, the twig is put away in a secret place, then the bathhouse is heated, this twig is placed on the top shelf, more steam is added and, turning to the side where the twig lies, they say: “Steam, twig, and be soft as a fluff, may the heart of the servant of God (name) be towards me, the servant of God (name), as soft as you.” After this, the bathhouse is locked, and after a while they take a twig, take it to the water at dawn and set it adrift.

Before giving birth, pregnant women asked the birch tree for strength and help so that the birth would be easy and successful, and the child would grow up healthy and happy. Birch branches were also used to impart fertility to newlyweds and to heal from infertility.

Birch belongs to the zodiac sign of Cancer. She transmits for us his strength and the moving, unsteady energy of the Moon. Its energy is cold and refreshing, like clean water, and just like water after bathing, it plunges us into sleep, lifting people to the heights of heaven. It gives a person the support of his family. Birch deals with new beginnings and acceptance or birth.

Birch has the power to impart life. This life force gives rise to the birth of all things every year. The aspect of filling with strength and energy provides a cleansing effect. Birch has the power to expel harmful or malevolent influences with the help of eternal life force.

Birch gives men masculinity, and women gives femininity, and both give self-confidence, in their strengths and capabilities, and also help to maintain good physical shape,

All Slavs believed that birch branches tucked under the roof of a house or left in the attic protected from lightning, thunder, and hail; stuck in the middle of crops in a field, they drive away rodents and birds; thrown on garden beds, protect cabbage from caterpillars. Birch branches were also stuck into the field in order to get a rich harvest.

With the help of birch branches and birch brooms they tried to protect themselves from evil spirits and diseases. Birch is a tree that stays awake all day. She falls asleep just before dawn. As the first roosters crow, having dispersed the evil spirits with their voice, the birch tree plunges into a sweet and deep sleep for 2 hours, so that, waking up at dawn, it can give the world its pure strength. Her sleep period occurs at approximately 3-5 in the morning, and her peak alertness is at 6-9 in the morning: at this time people went to the growing birch tree to “transmit” diseases to it (water left after bathing the patient was poured under the birch tree). In the text of the Russian conspiracy for angina pectoris, there is a motive of a threat in relation to the disease: “I will throw the toad under the birch bush, so that it does not hurt, so that it does not ache.”

Birch branches (especially those that have just blossomed in spring) are rightly considered an excellent talisman, driving away sorrows and illnesses, protecting children from illnesses and many other troubles. Because of these properties, birch wood was used to make cradles for newborns. During rituals of exorcism, witches were flogged with birch rods, which is why lazy people and sleepwalkers are still fed birch porridge in some places.

Communication with birch is useful for people with upset nerves and depression. This tree relieves fatigue, neutralizes the negative effects of everyday stress, and helps restore mental harmony.

Birch in Rus' has always been a revered tree. The Russian name for birch is associated with the word “to protect.” This is due to the fact that the Slavs considered this tree a gift from the gods that protected people.

In a number of cultures and traditions Birch is a symbol of light, purity and innocence. Since ancient times, many magical and magical properties have been attributed to this tree. medicinal properties, it was used in rituals and ceremonies. How can we use birch in our time? And what can its beneficial properties give us?

Birch to preserve beauty and health

There are a large number of beauty and health recipes based on birch. The simplest and most effective of them is birch infusion. Pick a few branches without using a knife and place them in a vase at home. Let the birch aroma spread throughout your living space. Take a couple of branches from this bouquet, break them finely, put them in a pan and pour boiling water over them. The infusion should stand for at least three hours. If desired, you can add orange or lemon zest. Before using the infusion, you need to wash yourself. The steamed body should be wiped with a towel soaked in this infusion. Don't forget about your face - there is nothing more beneficial and effective for the beauty and youth of the skin than natural products.

Birch to get rid of negative emotions, fatigue and stress

Was it a difficult day? Or are you overcome by anxiety and negative emotions? Go for a walk in the birch grove. If a birch tree grows near your house, then stay next to it for a few minutes. Touch her, talk about your problems. The tree will take away all your negative emotions. It is believed that the peak activity of birch energy occurs from 6 to 9 am.

Birch for protection from the evil eye, damage and disease

The birch tree was widely used as a talisman against surrounding negativity. For this purpose, houses were decorated with birch branches; in the summer there were always bouquets of birch branches in the house, and birch brooms were always used in the baths. They were whipped not only for bodily cleansing, but also for energetic cleansing. And if you plant a birch tree next to your house, it will become your amulet for a long time and will not allow evil and failure to knock on your house.

Birch branches to attract abundance, happiness and prosperity

Previously ours ancestors stuck birch branches in the garden, when sowing time came, because it was believed that this tree endows the earth with fertility. Newlyweds were whipped with birch branches so that they would live in harmony and agreement. During the first pasture of livestock, they took the branches of this tree and whipped the animals so that they would be healthy and bear good offspring.

Birch attracts good luck and fulfills wishes

One of the well-known rituals associated with the birch tree is burning the branches of this tree. Cut a couple of branches, be sure to thank the birch for its generosity. Throw the branches into the fire. Scatter the resulting ashes into the wind with the words of the conspiracy: “As birch dust is light, so my life will be easy.”

There is another famous ritual to fulfill a wish. As a rule, it is held on Trinity, but it can be done on any other day, the main thing is that the tree is young, with green leaves. Take a red piece or ribbon. You can take a piece from your clothing (this way your personal energy will be involved in the ritual). Go to the most beautiful and straight birch tree and tie a red flap on one of its branches, making a wish.

Use the power of nature for your benefit! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.05.2015 09:04

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Many ancient beliefs and legends are passed down from generation to generation, some legends have been known since pagan times. Worshiping trees and natural phenomena, our ancestors believed in the miraculous power and power of their idols. They identified trees with something majestically alive and giving life to many earthly creatures.

From time immemorial, tales and songs have reached us about the white birch tree, so beloved by the Slavs, and so often remembered by those who had to leave for foreign lands. A symbol of nature's bounty and white magic, its branches were used to impart fertility to the land, livestock and people. Cradles for newborn babies were made exclusively from birch.

Talismans made from young branches of birch trees were brought as gifts to the gods. They were believed to have enormous magical power for healing from physical and mental illnesses, as well as for protection from the tricks of evil spirits. Donated birch seedlings were planted in the most honorable places, protected and idolized.

And it will bring wealth, and it will take away illnesses

Birch was credited with healing properties, which brought whole crowds of sick and suffering people to this tree. It was believed that it would restore strength and cure illness, and help children grow up and get educated. In a state of depression, you need to communicate with the birch tree and ask it to restore harmony in life. The Slavs believed that birch products placed in the bedroom... Birch buds, the miraculous tree sap and brooms made from it are valued and loved by many people.

One of the very ancient scriptures says “if on a moonlit night you pick three birch branches with buds that have hatched, tie them with a red ribbon and hang them over front door from the inside, then prosperity and wealth will come to the house. While breaking the twigs, ask the birch tree for forgiveness and give it a couple of coins. You can hang such branches not only at home, but also in the houses of friends and relatives with the wish for their enrichment.”

To make the marriage happy

They are also closely intertwined with “birch” signs. A wedding on Krasnaya Gorka, which most often takes place in May, is called “birch” - it is believed that it brings eternal youth to the newlyweds in their relationship. And so that the young were faithful to each other, they were symbolically whipped with birch brooms and birch coals were poured under their feet.

Brooms symbolized fidelity, and coals symbolized possible hobbies on the side. It was supposed to trample all the coals, and take the brooms into the house and store them there for as long as possible. The wedding cake was decorated with a twig with buds; this symbol originated from birch shoots.

Slender as a birch tree, kind as birch sap, generous as the leaves on birch branches. Birches knew how to sing songs and whisper the right words. Poemists and composers dedicated thousands of songs to these slender trees, and the settlers who left forever tried to plant a birch tree to remind them of home and homeland.

Benefit for health

Recipes with birch buds and tree bark still heal people today, because this plant contains a large amount of silver ions, which have an antibacterial effect.

Cleansing face masks are made based on decoctions of birch buds, and birch lotion, which must be added to the bath when bathing, will help eliminate diathesis from the child’s skin. Tea made from young birch shoots will help cure colds. And the medicinal phytoncides released from the broom in the steam room will forever relieve skin diseases.
