Shamanic “crown” (headdress). Shamanic “crown” (headdress) Amazon of northern latitudes

The indispensable attributes of a shaman in Siberia were a ritual costume and a tambourine. The costume is distinguished by many pendants and strange objects for the uninitiated. However, a careful study of it shows that everything in it is in its place. As one shaman said, there is “not a single extra piece of iron” on a shaman’s costume.

There are arrows, or rather symbols of arrows, that may be needed in the lower world. On the back are sewn images of helping spirits (for example, an image of the patron saint of a Yakut shaman is sewn onto the collar of a cloak). The costume is decorated with images of weapons, luminaries and even bones. Painted, embroidered or made of metal “bones” were supposed to protect the bones of the shaman himself. Enemies can hit the bone images, but the shaman himself will not be harmed.

The costume was created not at the request of the owner, but according to the instructions of the spirits. Usually many years passed before the shaman received permission from the spirits to make himself a full suit. Gradually, new pendants and new images were added to the previous decoration, indicating a range of professional opportunities. A Yakut shaman, for example, hung symbolic images of the moon and sun on his cloak. These are his personal “lighting devices”, which should help the shaman in his journeys through the lower world, where darkness reigns.

The ritual attire of Altai shamans differed. The “white” shamans, who could communicate with the heavenly deity Ulgen, did not have a ritual cloak, but only fur hat white, which was called the “bird hat with three ribbons.” The “black” shamans, who turned to the deity of the underworld Erlik and other spirits, had a ritual cloak with numerous pendants and a black fur hat.

The Tuvan “great shaman” traveled to both the upper and lower worlds. For the “white” road, the shaman had to have a red cloak, a headdress with eagle feathers and a red tambourine. For the “black” path, a black cloak, a black tambourine and a hat framed with raven feathers were required. On the costume, the symbolism of the “white” or “black” path was expressed by the color and type of pendants. The images of helping spirits (in the form of animals or people) were also different, for they were also associated with different worlds. Thus, for the “back door” ritual, an image of a helping spirit in the guise of a bear was needed; It was believed that during the ritual the shaman was incarnated into a bear, therefore, when chanting, he imitated this animal.

The most important attribute of a shaman is the tambourine. Russian ethnographer L.P. Potapov studied the ritual of “revitalizing a tambourine” in Altai. He convincingly showed that the tambourine was understood as Living being. If the tambourine was covered with deer skin, it represented that same deer and at the same time a helping spirit in the form of a deer. The shaman maintained a very close connection with this animal, which continued to mysteriously exist somewhere in the world of spirits. The animal identified with the tambourine is a kind of “outer soul” of the shaman in animal form. He must hide it carefully. If a hostile shaman manages to destroy this animal, he will thereby destroy his rival. Some peoples might have killed a shaman whose tambourine broke during a ritual, since without the tambourine he no longer had any strength.

From the Pacific Ocean to the Danube in folklore different nations There are stories about rivalries between shamans who stage deadly fights. It is difficult to say what the real life basis of such legends is, but they portray shamans as ambitious, eager to measure their strength. For a fierce fight, shamans turn into those animals whose appearance is their “external soul”. The Yakuts called such an animal “mother-beast”. Some people believed that it was not the shamans themselves who fought, invisible to the human eye, but their “mother animals.”

In the Altai region, L.P. Potapov discovered that each shaman was assigned several tambourines for a living with a certain period of ritual. For example, the patron spirit decided: the shaman is given seven diamonds, three years for each. Every three years the tambourine had to be changed. Thus, after 21 years the shaman had to die. Both the shaman and his fellow tribesmen unshakably believed in this. When Potapov met with a Shor shaman in the winter of 1927, he warned the ethnographer that his last tambourine had expired and he would soon die. “Based on this conviction, he even rushed me to take notes. He actually died the day after I left. At the same time, everyone found this death natural and completely inevitable,” the scientist wrote. When a shaman was buried, his tambourine was hung on a tree near the grave. The skin of the tambourine was cut with a knife, and the rim was broken - with the death of the shaman, his tambourine also died.

Sometimes shamans tried to deceive the spirits and made so-called “thieves’ drums.” The fact is that the new tambourine is supposed to be presented to the spirits. The spirit “examines” the tambourine and tells the shaman its opinion. He either approves of it or forces it to be remade, but in any case, the tambourine is, as it were, registered. The extra tambourine, made in secret, was not shown to the spirits. The shaman used it during rituals, as usual, and thus extended his life.

The tambourine was also a “vehicle” for the shaman: it was either a deer or a horse on which he was transported to other worlds.

A hat has always been considered a sign of wealth or non-wealth; it reveals the origin of a person. It was believed that a man without a headdress was an unworthy person, so anyone who could not pay off his debts, who was no longer trusted by creditors, was subject to public removal and confiscation of his hat. Such punishment was considered a disgrace, and the person was considered hopeless.

The importance and significance of the headdress is indicated in the proverbs: “Even a thief’s hat burns.” The meaning of the proverb is related to the fact that a thief will give himself away by his behavior, but there is a hat in it because it is important for the people.

To dream that your hat is being taken off when you are in a crowd means beware of unseemly actions, so as not to repent later.

Seeing a mountain of hats, but not daring to approach it, while others calmly choose from it what they like - to dissatisfaction with yourself, timidity, objections that you do not dare to express out loud; hopes for changes for the better will not come true.

To see a man running down the street with a burning hat on his head - it seems to you that you know the culprit, but compassion does not allow you to reveal your guess to others; You will witness the arrest of a criminal or help detain a criminal.

You try on hats on your head and come to the conclusion: what you like doesn’t suit you, and what looks normal doesn’t suit you - switch to another activity, because the problem of choosing has dragged on and can completely ruin your nerves.

To see in a dream how you are preparing to put a hat on a passerby from around the corner, but he does not pay any attention to it - you will be dealing with a person who will disrupt the rhythm of work with his slowness; you will encounter someone who will surprise you with an inadequate reaction.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Hat

To see your hat being taken off in a dream is a sign of an unpleasant incident. If you had such a dream from Monday to Tuesday or from Wednesday to Thursday, intense and difficult work awaits you.

A dream from Tuesday to Wednesday in which you try on a hat indicates that it is time for you to change jobs.

If from Saturday to Sunday you dreamed that you were buying a hat, nothing serious will happen, your fears are in vain and exaggerated.

By the way, at all times a hat has been a reflection of a person’s social status. It is enough to recall the crown on the king’s head - not a headdress, but a symbol of royal power, or a military cap, by which one can determine his rank.

Interpretation of dreams from

Amazon of northern latitudes

"Fur Factory" offers you exclusive products top class made from natural fur, as well as trophy animal skins obtained by the best hunters in Russia, Alaska and Canada.

In order to make hats, vests, fur coats, shoes, mittens or other fur accessories for you or to obtain beautiful skins, hunters made difficult expeditions to the Far North, Siberia and other inaccessible regions. Each product has its own story, often involving hard work and danger. All this is done so that you can fully enjoy the best natural furs of fox, wolf, arctic fox, raccoon and other animals.

Why is natural fur always in price? The demand for it never falls; on the contrary, fur products only become more expensive over time. The answer is quite simple: these are not just high-quality products that provide excellent protection from the cold and look beautiful (after all, each product has an inherent natural beauty), but also very original things. Animal skins have always been highly valued, because they cannot be produced in series: it is the uniqueness and singularity that gives a special charm to each fur product in our store.

Natural fur has many advantages over artificial fur, no matter how high quality it is. And although in appearance it is often difficult to distinguish faux fur from natural fur, upon contact with it you can immediately feel the difference. Just take our products in your hands: try on a hat, fur coat, put on mittens or throw on a vest. You will immediately feel the warm energy of the fur, its lightness and at the same time its true essence. In addition, natural fur warms much better than artificial fur. It is not surprising that products made from it have a special status in the world of style. It’s just that animal skins are real, and no synthetic structures can replace them or compare with them in terms of purity and environmental friendliness.

In our store you can purchase both excellent gifts for travelers and tourists, as well as magnificent souvenirs for loved ones: winter mittens made of fur will best sign warmth of your relationship, and a backpack made of wolf skin is an excellent gift for almost any occasion. Here you can equip yourself for a trip to any place with a cold climate - or purchase a fashionable fur coat to wear in winter. You can also buy trophies: skins and compositions of skins, which will serve as very beautiful and prestigious decorations for any interior.


The clothes of the Amazons - the legendary warriors - were always comfortable, no matter where they were: in Asia, Europe or even Africa. Nothing should have stopped them from moving on horseback and shooting accurately. And if in warm regions the Amazons wore leather helmets and kidaris (a kind of caps) as a headdress, then in the north the helmets were insulated with fur. At the same time, fur decoration had to be both practical and beautiful. After all, these women won the hearts of men not only in battles! Modern Amazons of northern latitudes wear luxurious fur headdresses equipped with a leather visor. This allows the lint to “not fall on the face” and not hide one of the main weapons of warriors - their enchanting eyes!

Hook closure

Fur: ​​fox

Sizes: 56, 58

Hat "Nakhalenok"

Any mischievous and little naughty person will be pleased with the malachai “Nakhalenok”!

And the tail on the carbine will become a source of pride for the “little hunter” and will attract the admiring glances of others.

One size fits all

Drop-down, snap-on ears

A backdrop that reliably protects the little robber’s neck from the winter wind

Tail on carabiner

Fur: ​​fox

Upper material: genuine leather

Chingachgook hat

When a difficult fate brought the brave Great Serpent to the very north of America, he, of course, did not run after enemies with a bare torso and feathers in his hair, but he was well insulated, including in such a combat hat, named after him “Chingachgook”. This is a transformable hat with a tail and a detachable back. Thanks to such a luxurious tailed back, the classic malachai (see the Malachai hat) turns into an original earflap hat.

Fur: ​​raccoon

Sizes: 58, 60, 62, 64

Shaman hat with muzzle, paws and tail

If you can’t touch the clothes of a real shaman, then you can and should touch this original hat for a real man. An unusual coyote headdress will make any hunter, fisherman or traveler stand out from the rest.

Finish: genuine leather.

Fur: ​​North American coyote

Sizes: 58, 60, 62, 64

Hat "Genghis Khan"

The name of this great khan translated from Chinese means “true ruler.” Indeed, Genghis Khan was one of the greatest conquerors in human history. The territories he captured measured thousands of square kilometers and stretched from the Asian steppes to the very heart of Europe. Genghis Khan did everything on a grand scale. Even the clothes he chose. For example, the headdress named after him is a rich transformable hat with a detachable back and a luxurious tail.

The hat has a comfortable and practical cut. The top is made of genuine leather.

Fur: ​​fox

Sizes: 58, 60, 62, 64


We are accustomed to the fact that a bandana is a practical and comfortable headdress for active people; It is sewn from fabric, or, in extreme cases, from leather. For our bandana, such a definition is not enough. Firstly, it is not only practical, but also extremely beautiful. Secondly, it is exclusive. It is unlikely that you will meet anyone else wearing such a luxurious headdress - the batch of our bandanas is very limited. Thirdly, it is made of soft natural suede and... fur. You can choose whether it is coyote, fox or skunk fur. It all depends on your personality and taste!

Fur: ​​coyote, fox, skunk

Dimensions: no size

Hat "Malahai"

Since ancient times, in Rus' and Central Asia, in severe cold weather they wore malakhai - large eared hats with fur. Two blades covered the cheeks from the frost, another one covered the back of the head, and the fourth, the visor, covered the forehead. We have improved this almost perfect design and equipped the malachai with a leather drawstring cord so that the hat can be adjusted to different sizes.

Sizes: 58, 60, 62, 64

Hat "Mattered"

This hat is made taking into account the traditions of the peoples of Siberia and the Far North, for whom winds howl and frost crackles 250 days a year. It is in such weather that you should protect yourself in full: your face from the wind and snow - with a visor (which can be fastened when the snowstorm subsides), your head - with thick leather and suede, and your neck - with a large “back cap” (that’s what the indigenous people call this part of the hat). peoples). “Mattered” is an irreplaceable piece of equipment and an excellent gift for hunters, fishermen and simply lovers of winter travel.

Equipped with a folding, clip-on visor

The heel is enlarged for better neck protection

The top is made of natural thickened

leather, suede

Fur: ​​wolf

Sizes: 58-60, 62-64

Alapai hat

An old Russian proverb says: “A cap with ears, a young man with curls.” And today's younger generation fully supports this truth. Well, to make it not only warm, but also beautiful, “Alapai” was sewn from genuine leather and suede and trimmed with wild animal fur. The hat is equipped with a folding visor.

Fur: ​​coyote, fox, raccoon dog

Sizes: 58, 60, 62, 64

Hat "Umka"

Do you know that “umka” translated from the Chukchi language means “ polar bear"? Our youth hat “Umka” resembles him: it’s just as white, beautiful and loves the cold. By the way, we also have a variety of blackened “Umka” - for those who prefer it darker. For convenience, the hat was equipped with a folding visor.

The upper is made of genuine leather, suede

Fur: ​​arctic fox

Skin color: black, white

Size: universal

Hat "Ermak"

A light and warm hat that looks like it came straight out of the pages of fashion magazines of the late 19th century. It was then that the fashion for the Russian style began, and not only Russian noblewomen, but also all the leading ladies of the Old and New Worlds wore such headdresses. In its modern version, the Ermak hat is trimmed with fur, with a leather top and an attached tail or paws.

Upper: leather

Fur: ​​arctic fox, fox

Sizes: 58, 60, 62, 64

Hat "St. John's wort"

The iconic headdress of trappers – hunters of the North American continent. Hunting for fur-bearing animals was especially popular in North America at the beginning of its exploration by Europeans, since fur was one of the main items of trade. From the trapper culture, this light and stylish hat with an attached tail has come down to us. In its modern version, it is perfect for both beautiful “hunters” and real “hunters”.

Sizes: 58, 60, 62, 64

Fur: ​​raccoon (Canada), fox

Hat "North"

The “trick” of this model is the ear holes with folding valves. In case you need to get away from everyone into your own world and, if desired, leave it. This modern solution to the usual earflaps will appeal to advanced adventurers.

The hat is adjustable according to the volume of the head. The upper is made of genuine leather and suede.

Sizes: 58, 60, 62, 64

Fur: ​​fox, raccoon dog, coyote

Helmet “Winter”

The classic model of the Red Army flight helmet of the late 30s - early 40s of the last century, tested in many battles, improved and practically unchanged over the years. The peculiarity of this design is that it warms even at very low temperatures; the clamps allow you to secure the “ears” in different positions, if desired, you can create a “soundproofing mode”. The helmet is made of genuine leather.

Sizes S,M,L

Helmet “Winter”

Not only strong-willed men, but also brave girls served in the army. Especially for them - models of the Red Army flight helmet in more delicate colors. The helmet is made of genuine leather.

Sizes S,M,L

Skin color: black, brown

Shamanic “crown” – an important part shamanic costume, in some shamanic traditions it is given special meaning, since it is believed that a significant part of the shaman’s power is hidden in the headdress. Moreover, in some archaic shamanic directions, they believed that without a headdress the shaman performs his actions half-heartedly.

Horned shaman "crown"

The most common form of shamanic “crown” is a cap with antlers, usually deer. Typically, such imagery takes us back to ancient archaic times, since such headdresses are very typical for many authentic pagan cults. Moreover, the motifs of headdresses with horns are still found everywhere. The idea that devils have horns is supposedly due to the fact that when Christianity "demonized" the pagan cults, which actually used horns in their costumes, it created everyone famous image: once there are horns, it means devil, demon, devil.

In fact, horns found on headdresses most often indicate a connection with a totem and the lunar mystical tradition.

Fun fact: when strong shaman died, the horns from his headdress were sewn onto a simple hat, and the shaman was buried in it. At the same time, a thread was tied to the horns, which was brought out of the ground to the surface, where it was attached to a pole that stood on the grave. It was believed that through it the spirits of a deceased shaman passed on to another shaman.

Other forms of shamanic "crown"

In other regions, the shaman's cap resembles a crown, made in the form of a bear's head, with pieces of skin from a real animal's head attached to it. For example, such headdresses are found among Teleut shamans, who sometimes created a shamanic “crown” almost in the form of a stuffed animal, say, an owl.

The ritual hats of Nanai shamans were made of elk skin; deer antlers were attached to the front, between which the shaman settled helping spirits, so during the ritual he beat the antlers so that the spirits sitting in them would work well.

Among the Buryats, shamans wore a helmet made of iron rods, bent like two horns. Moreover, the novice shaman was supposed to wear a cap made of lynx fur, and only after passing the fifth initiation did he receive the right to wear an iron helmet.

The special status of the shamanic “crown”

The shamanic “crown” is not always necessary for the shaman, because not all shamanic activities are directly related to ritual. But in the case of important ceremonies or rituals, the shaman put on the shaman’s “crown,” especially when he needed to travel to heaven.
