Current relationship status is 4 of Pentacles. The magic of numbers. Positive and negative impact on income

The Tarot card Four of Pentacles is the main ruler of stability. It depicts a man clutching what is believed to be a gold coin to his chest. Two more coins are located under his feet, and one is directly above the crown worn on his head. Appearance men reflects the character’s stinginess and reluctance to share his acquired wealth with anyone.

Description of the minor arcana

This Tarot card belongs to the minor arcana, which obeys the Earth Element, like other pentacles. The key words of the Tarot card are:

  • stability;
  • stagnation;
  • limiting the space around a person;
  • presence of business acumen;
  • practicality in business.

The ideas conveyed by the card indicate a willingness to control the surrounding space and the course of all ongoing events, as well as wisely use available resources.

The meaning of the Four of Pentacles may vary depending on the location of the lasso and the proximity of other Tarot cards. The influence of the planet Saturn, which is present in the astrological aspect in the second house of the horoscope, is also possible.

Saturn can act as a symbol of a person's need to protect his property from others.

If you look closely at the image, it becomes clear that this character may well control three of the four visible pentacles.

At the same time, it is not at all clear how firmly the pentacle is fixed above his head. Closest in meaning to the Four of Pentacles is the King of Pentacles.

He is able to spend resources only on vital things, however, those who love a holiday in their lives are usually dissatisfied with this effective method of government.

A card that appears means that you should strictly plan all your affairs and control not only the expenditure of funds, but also the progress towards the goal. In its usual meaning, the card means a financial situation in which a person is firmly on his feet.

General value

The falling out of four Denarii means that a person cares about his future and begins to show greed and stinginess in relation to others. Such an attitude in life interferes not only with the individual himself, but also with the people around him.

In a reading, it is often the predecessor of the Tower (16), signifying a gap. If the Four requires some action, then you should limit yourself, step back and get down to business.

Earth Element – ​​Four of Pentacles

The element of Earth in the suit of coins means the complete combination of all three suits. First of all, this is the World from a material point of view, known to everyone. The suit includes the freedom of Fire, the greater emotionality of Water and the intelligence of Air.

At the fourth stage of the element, a person himself determines the boundaries of his hobbies and areas in which he wants to feel like a master. Of course, you will have to invest not only a lot of work into this, but also money.

But clear certainty leads to the foundation of one’s own principles, evaluation of work results and complete concentration of internal attention.

The meaning of the "money" card

In a scenario for work or money, the four Denarievs show excessive attentiveness to their position and a conservative attitude to life, which prevents them from developing and striving for something new.

At the same time, this card speaks of material stability, which was achieved only through hard work and patience. In financial terms, neither ups nor downs are expected in the near future, but only calm and stability.

Just this time can be regarded as a “plateau”, in which one can finally enjoy the achieved position.

At this point, it is important to solve the problem that concerns the correct choice of investment object. The main mistake is quickly getting used to the regularity of life, and therefore if problems appear on the horizon, it will be difficult to readjust.

In business, the Four of Pentacles denotes a closed cycle in which human intervention is not required. Money goes by itself financial flow inexhaustible. This also applies to ways to increase income - there is no need to look for new ways, since money inevitably flocks to money.

An inverted position, on the contrary, means a possible quarrel with loved ones or tension in relationships in a team. There will be a feeling of resentment, misunderstanding of what is happening and powerlessness.

Meaning in relationships

The Pentacles Tarot card most likely means that a person is in a long-term relationship, which from the outside seems strong and successful. Both partners are 100% confident in each other’s actions, and therefore their family life is calm and natural.

Behind such a pleasant picture there may be a less bright lie to oneself. An attempt to live “as is customary” in society, to immaculately follow standards for fear of being left alone - this is exactly what the Four of Pentacles can mean. If a person continues to live such a life, then the relationship becomes artificial and partly contractual.

Trying to replace trust and love with everyday rituals, a person hides behind the patterns he himself has set. The Four of Denarii serves as a certain warning - even if such behavior is based on good intentions, it will still lead to a break.

Live according to your own vision, and not to please stereotypes, and only then will you be able to understand true meaning happiness.

Another meaning of the card is to indicate a situation in which a person is too passionate about work and does not suffer from a lack of attention in a relationship. On the contrary, he perceives a love affair as an obstacle to achieving his goal.

Tarot meaning in upright position

If you fall out in a scenario in upright position, The Four of Pentacles indicates that a person is prudent in business negotiations, stingy with emotions and material goods, and greedy. He has an ingrained mind, and therefore he rarely starts open relationships and is afraid of losing his own wealth.

He tends to close his eyes to new opportunities, to look at the world with the most conservative look. Other meanings of the card in the upright position:

  • constant refusal to borrow or credit anything;
  • obsessiveness in business;
  • uncontrollable fear of being alone;
  • a positive solution to the situation related to the completion of affairs;
  • receiving an inheritance or gift;
  • existing flair for business.

At the same time, the card also symbolizes a certain margin of safety and respect for property, law-abidingness and pragmatism. First of all, the layout advises you to look at any of the current situations from different sides and from different viewing angles.

If the Four of Denarii falls together with the Knight, then this indicates a very useful gift that will be given to the fortuneteller in the near future.

Reversed meaning

In an inverted position, the Four of this suit symbolizes disorganization, being very busy in business or at work, and the strict framework built by a person to limit his own interests and those around him.

Other card meanings:

  • warning of a serious obstacle on the way;
  • large expenses or easy attitude to finances;
  • greed and loss of self-control due to money;
  • possible problems with the accumulated budget;
  • negative assessment of efforts;
  • selfishness;
  • quarrels over a gift or inheritance;
  • suspicions.

The combination of Four with the Fool means that the fortuneteller goes from one extreme to another - he either spends money at incredible speed, or once again afraid to take a penny from accumulated reserves.

This behavior leaves its mark on the character. The fortuneteller is becoming more and more like the famous character from A. Chekhov’s stories about the man in the case. Such people, as a rule, do not want to look for themselves, hiding behind the veil of the inner world they lovingly created.

Personality card

The Four of Pentacles appears in the scenario of a person who has a certain idea that prevents him from developing further. Because of his preoccupation, he puts off joy and other pleasant moments until later. To prevent this from happening, you should get rid of stubbornness and expand your spatial boundaries.

If the layout was carried out on an individual basis, then the card is a direct call to action. If you obey, all failures will be avoided.


An important role in the layout is played by the cards adjacent to the Four of Pentacles and their meanings. Depending on the cards drawn, you can make a more accurate forecast about the solution to the situation and possible growth.

Description of the Tarot card Four of Pentacles

On the Four of Pentacles Tarot card you can often see a greedy person who does not want to share his coins. This symbolizes the fortuneteller’s property and everything that rightfully belongs to him. Only human behavior here is caused not by greed, but by a feeling of the need to protect one’s property from encroachment.

General meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card Four of Pentacles in fortune telling and layouts

Straight card position

The Four of Pentacles in an upright position symbolizes hyper-caution, the desire to retain values, reluctance to share, and greed. Such an attitude is inherently hostile to life, because any attempts to “stop the moment”, to keep everything as it is, are not only in vain, but also contradict the natural course of things. Thus, this card usually indicates that you are just one step away from stagnation. If the Four of Disks finds itself in a position that requires just such behavior, then this means that at the moment it is necessary to concentrate, limit oneself in something, retreat - or, having taken up the matter, not let it out of one’s hands. If the question in fortune telling concerns something new (idea, plan, business, etc.), then in this case the card advises emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach and attentiveness in order to understand the details, form a correct idea and assess the limits of the possibilities of the plan .

Reversed card position

Finding itself in an inverted position, the Four of Coins symbolizes disorganization, excessive workload, and too strict limits. If the question concerns money and material goods, then Arcanum denotes stinginess or, on the contrary, wastefulness - those extremes that do not allow a person to have consistently satisfactory material security.

The meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in fortune telling and layouts for work, affairs and career

Straight card position

Here the Four of Disks shows that the person holds on to his position, or at least expects that it will guarantee a stable income and well-being. The card predicts that many problems will soon be resolved, order will be restored and business (work) will return to normal.

Reversed card position

Tarot card Four of Pentacles, which appears in an inverted position, indicates improper organization of activities, overexertion, excessive physical effort, which may arise due to the inability to organize oneself or subordinates. Everything planned can go to waste due to stress or apathy. Sometimes the inverted Four of Coins speaks of external factors that can have, if not fatal, but still a noticeable and rather unpleasant impact on the professional activity of the fortuneteller.

Meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in layouts and fortune telling for health

Straight card position

Health is stable, but requires adherence to a regimen.

Reversed card position

It is necessary to conserve strength.

Meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in fortune telling and layouts for love and relationships

Straight card position

The Four of Coins indicates that a person is afraid of open, natural relationships, trying to replace them with given patterns of behavior. He “clings” to his partner, which is caused by his subconscious fear of being abandoned, abandoned. Sometimes the Four of Pentacles indicates a relationship based on the subordination of one partner to the other and imposed strict rules, material dependence of one partner on the other.

Reversed card position

Finding itself in an inverted position, the Four of Disks testifies to conflicts and disagreements that arise due to lack of money and disorder in everyday life; portends quarrels regarding the distribution of the family budget. Sometimes reports a partner’s material interest in the relationship.

The meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card in layouts and fortune telling for personality assessment

Straight card position

Characterizing a person, the Four of Pentacles indicates his pragmatism, law-abidingness and respect for private property.

Reversed card position

The inverted Four of Denariev speaks of a conservative person who hides from everyone in his own boring and unpromising, but understandable and safe, from his point of view, world.

Meaning and interpretation of the Four of Pentacles card as a card of the day

Today you are too fixated on something that actually interferes with the implementation of your plans, so most likely you will end up with something exactly the opposite of what you wanted. Just in case, check what exactly prompted you to intervene in the course of events - fear of your own future or concern for higher things? Based on this, you need to build a plan for today.

Advice from the Four of Pentacles card in fortune telling and readings

Remember to learn from everything that happens, especially if it is a negative experience.


Saturn in the second house as a symbol of concern for the future due to unfavorable circumstances.

Straight position:

The Four of Pentacles symbolizes natural success, reliability, calm family life, health.

Reverse position:

An inverted card means: monetary losses, disorder in the world, especially in the home, in business, cessation of regular income, wastefulness.

Four of Pentacles.

Card Name: Lord of Earthly Power

Correspondences – earth earth; letter Xe(final); Sephira Mercy

Explanation ( general meaning): Prosperity, stability, savings, accumulated goods.

Event: dependence on money, obsession with money. A purely material approach. Grabbing, profiteering at the expense of others.

1. Banking. Any storage facilities, warehouses, storage facilities. The desire to save a lot and spend little (both money and effort). Living on interest, rent, money from renting property. It can mean living on a solid basis, but with little money (small salary, pension).

2. Stable, but requiring adherence to a regimen.

3. Stingy in emotions, possessive. Closedness from each other. Monetary stinginess (even if there is a lot of money)

4. Reserved, cold, withdrawn, callous, stingy, conservative.

5. Advice: you need to save (save)

A word of caution: it's best not to skimp. "Miser pays twice".

6. Calm, stability. The answer is yes.

Additionally: Received; ordered; gained experience; earned money and put it in a stocking - the first cycle is completed.

Upside down.

Explanation (general meaning): complete dependence on money. The temptation of money and its power.

Event: exaggerated stinginess, love of saving on everything. The worst case scenario is a period of austerity.

1. Low wages, extortionate interest rates. A business based on very scarce resources.

2. It is necessary to conserve strength and health. Saving on health by postponing a visit to the doctor until the last minute.

4. Greedy, greedy, cruel to other people's suffering and experiences.

5. Advice: save every penny.

Warning: You are too dependent on money. This is your idol.

6. Lean time.

General value:

The Four of Pentacles signifies an excessive preoccupation with the future, manifested in greed, stinginess and a deep-rooted fear of any change. Such an “attitude” is inherently hostile to life, because any attempts to “stop the moment”, to keep everything as it is, are not only in vain, but also contradict the natural course of things. Thus, this card usually indicates that we are one step away from stagnation (stagnation), and is often a harbinger of the Tower (16), meaning the rupture of the hardened crust. If the Four of Denarii finds itself in a position that requires such behavior from us, then this means that at the moment we need to concentrate, limit ourselves in something, retreat - or, having taken up the matter, not let it out of our hands.


Here this card shows that we cling to our position, or at least expect that it will guarantee us a stable income and well-being. This is an expression of an overly conservative attitude towards life, which blocks our path to new, more favorable situations. Sometimes it means that we are simply accustomed to thinking and acting in a certain way, without wanting to either reconsider our positions or learn new things. We are desperately trying to squeeze at least something more out of an exhausted field, while new paths and opportunities have long been waiting for us; or we simply do not want to notice them, because we do not believe in their reliability, preferring to hold on to our wretched but familiar chair.


At the level of consciousness, the Four of Denarii means a certain fixed idea or ingrained prejudice that prevents us from perceiving new opportunities and views. Here it plays the role of a warning: we are close to falling victim to our own stubbornness or our own limitations. This card should be taken as advice to abandon our previous ideas as soon as possible, to learn to perceive new views and ways of acting, because otherwise we will face a crisis that will ultimately force us to do this.

Personal relationships:

Sad state. A person is afraid of open, natural relationships, trying to replace them with rituals and once and for all set patterns of behavior. A person “clings” to a partner, which indicates his subconscious fear of being abandoned, abandoned. And, although these attempts are humanly understandable, they are at the same time stupid: where trust is replaced by constant concern (“what will happen tomorrow?”), and natural human relationships become ritual, “contractual,” all love dies. Therefore, the Four of Denarii serves as a warning here too: even if such concern is the result of the best intentions, it will still lead to a break.

Four of Pentacles in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - stinginess leading to ruin.

With the “Magician” card - collect resources to open your own business.

With the “High Priestess” card - do not let information come to light.

With the "Empress" card - control over the expenditure of funds, bringing profit.

With the “Emperor” card - accumulation of funds in the family and business.

With the “Hierophant” card - show callousness.

With the “Lovers” card - possessiveness in relationships.

With the “Chariot” card - “break the piggy bank.”

With the “Strength” card - accumulate strength and energy.

With the Hermit card there is stagnation.

With the “Wheel of Fortune” card - inertia leading to instability.

With the “Justice” card - do not repay the debt; cheat money.

With the Hanged Man card - vain sacrifices for the sake of accumulation.

With the “Death” card, what you have accumulated will go to waste.

With the “Moderation” card - finding a balance in spending and the desire to save.

With the “Devil” card - material dependence; hoarding.

With the “Tower” card - bankruptcy, ruin; financial Pyramide; mismanagement; embezzlement.

With the “Star” card - save to make your dreams come true.

With the Moon card - capital is in unreliable hands; dubious investment.

With the “Sun” card - investments that give profit.

With the “Court” card, investing in the past bears fruit.

With the “World” card - lay the foundation; accumulate the required amount.

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Today the topic of our article will be the 4 Pentacles Tarot card, the meaning of which in the old days was considered quite positive, but in modern times it has acquired clearly negative connotations. This is a very interesting, albeit quite simple Arcanum, associated, like all other cards of the Denarius suit, with material values. Let's take a closer look at it.

General description, plot and meaning of the card in the layout

So what do we see? As an example, we consider the Arcana of the most popular deck - the Rider-Waite Tarot. And we see a man sitting on it in a rather static position. Both of his legs stand on pentacles, he has his hands tightly wrapped around another one, and the fourth is on his head. The city lies behind the man, but it seems as if he doesn’t notice it at all, focusing solely on what is under his nose. The main meaning of the 4 Coins of the Tarot is possession.

Key words and ideas of the 4 Denarii card in the layout

  • The Power of Stability
  • Desire to save what you have
  • Something built with difficulty
  • Lack of flexibility and adaptive abilities
  • Owning and maintaining your property
  • The desire to protect one's own from attacks
  • Ensuring integrity and security
  • Stagnation, blocking, fixation
  • Greed, unwillingness to share

Meaning of the card in the upright position

As you can guess from the set of key expressions listed, the 4 of Pentacles is a “fruit”. On the one hand, it seems that protecting what has been acquired with great difficulty is a very useful thing, but on the other hand, we see here not just adequate protection, as it might seem, but a kind of stinginess, pettiness, stinginess, and limited views. A person not only protects what he has, but stops moving anywhere at all, getting stuck in this stability that he so strives for. We can say that this is some kind of vicious circle from which the character on the card simply does not want to leave.

Interestingly, in the old days, quite a lot was attributed to the map. positive value: it characterized the receipt of an inheritance, all kinds of services, favors, etc. Most likely, from the point of view of the people of that era, such stability was a fairly good indicator, especially considering the living conditions of that time. But today we live in a completely different world, so for us the meaning of the Tarot card 4 of Pentacles is more likely associated with stinginess and greed, with a bank that does not give credit, with a manifestation of limitations.

The meaning of the card in an inverted position

Under the reverse card, situations such as loss of money, discord within the family, some useless purchases, waste, inability to manage finances and property, inheritance and property disputes, and deferred payments occur. But often the inverted Arcanum even becomes somewhat useful, because under it a person seems to “come out of his shell”, learns to share, and adapt to changing conditions. But it is not a fact, of course, that this process will be painless for him.

The meaning of the card in matters of love and relationships

When we talk about the meaning of the Four of Pentacles Tarot in relationships, the first word that comes to mind is possessiveness. Let's see if this is really the case.

Straight position

Yes, of course, first of all, this is a feeling of possessiveness, when a person does not want to share his partner with loved ones, friends, work, or anything - he is ready to put the other half in a cage and fanatically control her every step. Naturally, the accompanying manifestation of the card will be furious jealousy, especially if there is such an Arcanum as the Devil nearby.

Another meaning of the Four of Pentacles Tarot in love is stagnation in development. Under this Arcanum, a person does not want to do anything to improve and diversify relationships - he already feels good. Essentially this is the desire to have, but not give anything in return. The card also well describes the “everyday life”, when everything in the family is stable, but boring to the point of impossibility. Also, 4 of Coins can manifest itself as a marriage of convenience, an alliance based solely on material considerations.

Inverted position

The meaning of the 4 Pentacles of the Tarot in a relationship, if the card fell upside down in the layout, this is already a way out of the comfort zone when, for example, the other half begins to actively protest against the rules established by the partner. As a result, the latter can either accept the change in order, adapt to it, or break off the relationship. Under this Arcanum, intra-family quarrels often take place, including over money, property, and inability to manage the family budget.

Meaning of 4 Coins in health matters

Now let's see how the map can be interpreted in diagnostic layouts.

Straight position

The main meaning of the Four of Pentacles Tarot in health is very careful handling of your own body. Under this card, a person can have quite decent health, but is forced to constantly protect it. Sometimes it’s just suspiciousness, and sometimes it’s some real chronic disease, with which, if you follow a number of rules, you can live to a ripe old age. Arkan is also associated with slagging in the body, blockage of blood vessels, and excess weight, which a person does not want to “part with.”

Inverted position

Violation of stability, exacerbation of chronic diseases that did not bother us before.

The meaning of the card in fortune telling for personality analysis and the psychological state of the individual

Now let's talk about the character and behavior of the person who received this card as a personal signifier.

Straight position

A stingy, tight-fisted person with very limited views. More than anything else, he values ​​his own stability, so he is slow to rise and has a negative attitude towards any kind of change. Psychological state - limited consciousness, unwillingness to move forward and develop.

Inverted position

A person who does not know how to save what he has acquired, a spender, a spendthrift, a person prone to disorder. Psychological state - when, due to circumstances, you had to leave your comfort zone.

The meaning of 4 Denarii in work and finance

What is the significance of the Four of Pentacles Tarot in work?

Straight position

Stable, but rather boring. The map often contains routine, monotonous activities, which a person engages in solely because he is used to it and does not want to change anything - “it’s warm, light and flies don’t bite.” Arkan can also mean an employee who does not use creativity and diversity, as well as those who have “fenced themselves off” from their colleagues or subordinates with an “impenetrable fence.” An atmosphere of pettiness and stinginess is often associated with the card. Professions - sellers, customs workers, museums, petty bosses, in a word - activities not associated with any variety. On the financial side - a modest income, a stable, albeit small, but regular salary.

Inverted position

An unstable situation, changes in work that a person perceives as something negative, financial losses, unforeseen expenses, in an unfavorable environment - complete ruin.

The meaning of 4 Denarii in combination with the Major Arcana

Consider the combination of the 4 Pentacles of the Tarot. Let's start analyzing combinations with Trumps.

  • Jester: Mismanagement
  • Mage: Collect resources to implement the project
  • High Priestess: Withhold information
  • Empress: Control expenses
  • Emperor: Accumulation of family capital or business funds
  • Hierophant: Show callousness
  • Lovers: Possessiveness
  • Chariot: "Break the piggy bank"
  • Strength: Potential accumulation
  • Hermit: Stagnation
  • Wheel of Fortune: Immunity to new things leading to instability
  • Justice: Unwillingness to repay debt
  • The Hanged Man: Wasted Financial Sacrifice
  • Death: Everything accumulated will “go to dust”
  • Moderation: Balance between saving and the desire to spend
  • Devil: Greed, stinginess, pathological greed
  • Tower: Financial pyramid, bankruptcy
  • Star: Save money to make your dreams come true
  • Moon: Imaginary safety
  • Sun: Successful investments
  • Court: Investments will bear fruit
  • Peace: Lay a strong material foundation

Meaning of 4 Coins in combination with the Minor Arcana

Now it’s the turn of the Minor Arcana. What would 4 Denarii mean next to them?

With the suit of Staves

  • Ace: Save money to implement an idea
  • Two: Refusal of opportunities that come along
  • Troika: Growing capital
  • Four: Achievements in the financial sector
  • Five: Disagreements over money
  • Six: Managing finances alone
  • Seven: “Pull the blanket over yourself
  • Eight: Meaning of the Four of Pentacles Tarot with the Eight of Wands - Inheritance
  • Nine: Suspect someone's selfish interest
  • Ten: Stagnation in the material sphere
  • Page: Fall into an intellectual stupor
  • Knight: Waste money
  • Queen: Selfish interests
  • King: Enterprising

With the suit of Cups

  • Ace: Love of money
  • Two: Protect the family budget
  • Troika: A holiday only for “our own people”, a closed party
  • Four: Satiation
  • Five: Frustration due to the inability to maintain what has been achieved
  • Six: Protecting your interests in the past
  • Seven: The temptation not to share with anyone
  • Eight: Difficult financial situation
  • Nine: The Ultimate Dream
  • Ten: Reluctance to spend money on family
  • Page: Boasting
  • Knight: Immunity to the feelings of loved ones
  • Queen: Combination of 4 of Pentacles Tarot with Queen of Cups - Think only about your feelings
  • King: Selfish advice

With the suit of Swords

  • Ace: Victory over yourself
  • Two: Willingness to defend your borders
  • Three: Upset due to someone's greed or self-interest
  • Four: “Wilting over gold”
  • Five: Trespass to personal property
  • Six: Escape from difficulties due to cowardice
  • Seven: Cunning selfish plans
  • Eight: A vicious circle that a person created for himself
  • Nine: Shake over what you have acquired
  • Ten: Lose everything you have
  • Page: Maximum vigilance is required - enemies are not asleep
  • Knight: Run ahead
  • Queen: Smart but selfish woman
  • King: Greedy man with great power

With the suit of Pentacles

  • Ace: The need to protect one's position
  • Two: Uncertainty about how to manage what you have
  • Troika: Copyright protection
  • Five: Lack of pity, unmercifulness, stinginess
  • Six: Sponsor, financial backer
  • Seven: Capital that doesn't work
  • Eight: Work purely for the sake of money
  • Nine: Meaning of 4 Denarii Tarot with Nine of the same suit - Ensure a comfortable existence, “golden cage”
  • Ten: “What’s mine, I won’t give it to anyone!”
  • Page: Self-confidence and snobbery
  • Knight: Be in control
  • Queen: To have great wealth
  • King: A tyrant in control of a huge fortune

The desire for stability is always good, but do not turn it into an end in itself, otherwise you risk getting bogged down in limitations and routine. Any capital must work.

What does Arkan warn about?

Stop any manifestations of stinginess, greed, pettiness and possessiveness, otherwise you will lose those people who still value you.

Questions answered by the map

  • Do you strive for stability?
  • Do you know how to share what you have with others?
  • Are you able to manage material wealth wisely?
  • In what ways do you protect what you have acquired?

That's probably all that can be said about the Four of Coins.


Four of Denarii in combination with other Tarot cards

With the “Jester” card - stinginess leading to ruin.
With the “Magician” card - collect resources to open your own business.
With the “High Priestess” card - do not let information come to light.
With the "Empress" card - control over the expenditure of funds, bringing profit.
With the “Emperor” card - accumulation of funds in the family and business.
With the “Hierophant” card - show callousness.
With the “Lovers” card - possessiveness in relationships.
With the “Chariot” card - “break the piggy bank.”
With the “Strength” card - accumulate strength and energy.
With the Hermit card there is stagnation.
With the “Wheel of Fortune” card - inertia leading to instability.
With the “Justice” card - do not repay the debt; cheat money.
With the Hanged Man card - vain sacrifices for the sake of accumulation.
With the “Death” card, what you have accumulated will go to waste.
With the “Moderation” card - finding a balance in spending and the desire to save.
With the “Devil” card - material dependence; hoarding.
With the “Tower” card - bankruptcy, ruin; financial Pyramide; mismanagement; embezzlement.
With the “Star” card - save to make your dreams come true.
With the Moon card - capital is in unreliable hands; dubious investment.
With the “Sun” card - investments that give profit.
With the “Court” card, investing in the past bears fruit.
With the “World” card - lay the foundation; accumulate the required amount.

From other sources:
V. Sklyarov "The Great Book of Combinations".

Four of denarii (pentacles, coins) in an upright position with the Major Arcana

Magician pr and per - Long-awaited honor, reward, prize
Priestess - Intuitive vision, insight into finding new solutions
Empress - Gift of Fate
Emperor - Gifts from the authorities
Priest - Gifts from Father
Lovers - Greed, stinginess. You need to focus on the difficulties
Chariot - Gifts from Afar
Justice - Fear of change and not in vain...
Hermit pr i per - Fear of the inevitable
Wheel of Fortune - Gifts that are especially dear to you
Power - Bribe at the everyday level
Hanged Man - Abusive attention
Death - A bribe required to advance your business
Moderation - Meaningful time, academic success
Devil - Sad circumstances
Tower - Return of debt
Star - Mercy must be shown to you
Luna - Gift from a fan
Sun - Birth of twins - girls
Court - Golden hands. Tailoring art
Peace - Gift from a friend
Jester - Stupid gift

Four of denarii (pentacles, coins) in an upright position with Minor Arcana

2 of Swords - Gift from a relative for the purpose of reconciliation
3 of Swords - Useless gift
Knight of Pentacles - Useful gift
