Orkse monastery lesson with presentation. Presentation for the orxe lesson for primary classes "monastery". Modern view of the Lavra


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What is a monastery? Monastery - - a monastery, a hostel for brothers and sisters, monks, nuns, monks, monastics, converts to monasticism, monastic lunch.

Monks Who are monks? Monasticism (monks, monasteries - from the Greek μόνος - one, lonely) A monk (nun) is a person who, in his own way, religious beliefs decided to live without a family. A monk becomes one who has felt a special calling within himself to always be with God alone. The monastery is an image of the kingdom of God on earth.

The caves where the monks hid from the world. The Skete of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary (Panagia Xirurgu), the oldest Russian monastery in the world, founded in the 10th century. The first Christian monks appeared at the end of the 13th century.

The first Christian monk, Saint Anthony the Great, lived alone away from people and only occasionally came to a village or city in order to exchange the baskets he had woven for flour. Over time, people noticed in the eyes of the monks some special silence, joy, light, peace. And they began to ask them how they could live without anger and suspicion.

Both the townspeople and the princes began to invite the monks to come to them: “You will return from your deserts. We will build temples and houses for you, we will build walls around them so that the noise and sight of the bustle of the city will not touch you. But just allow us to come to you to participate in your prayer and to receive your spiritual advice.”

So, in addition to desert monks, city monasteries appeared - communities of monks. Monasteries now have large churches, bell towers, and workshops. For many centuries, almost all books were copied by monks.

One day a monk was transporting a man across a river in a boat. On the monk's oars was written: "Pray" on one and "Work" on the other. “Yes, you need to work,” the man reasoned, looking at the oars, “but is it really necessary to pray?” The monk did not answer him, but put an oar with the inscription “Pray” on the bottom of the boat and continued rowing with only one oar, and the boat began to spin in place. Parable "Two Oars"

Work and pray The main rule of monastic life: “Work and pray” Is it difficult to become a monk? Read about this textbook on page 81.

1. Fulfillment of the commandments of the Lord; 2. Voluntary poverty; 3. Complete renunciation of one's own will and obedience to the spiritual mentor. Monastic vows


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Monastery of the Basics Orthodox culture We owe the monks our history, and therefore our enlightenment. A.S. Pushkin.


Monastic vestments. Monastics wear hoods - kamilavkas, covered with black crepe, descending down the back in the form of three ends. White hood Patriarch Nikon

A rosary is a cord or ribbon, most often closed in a ring, on which knots are tied, beads or grains, plates or other homogeneous elements are strung, helping the monk to concentrate in prayer. Monastic vestments.

The mantle is a long, sleeveless cape reaching to the ground with a clasp at the collar, enveloping the entire body like life under God's protection. Robe of Patriarch of All Rus' Kirill

The belt is made from the skin of a dead animal as a reminder that all flesh is mortal, and one must care first of all about the life of the soul. Monastic vestments.

The Legend of the Prince and Joasaph Tsarevich Joasaph. Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin. Fresco of the altar barrier. 1481

Saint Luke Instruments belonging to Saint Luke.

The monastery is managed by the abbot or abbess Hegumen John - rector of the Church of the Assumption Mother of God

Abbess Sergius of the Holy Trinity Seraphim-Diveevsky convent

What new did you learn in today's lesson? Do you think it is easy to be a monk? Let's sum it up

References Kuraev A.V. Fundamentals of Orthodox culture. Textbook. M.: Education, 2012 http://experiment-opk.pravolimp.ru/lessons/25 http://sl.btv.ru/index.html http://www.kupola.info/istorija-hrama/1990- 2013.html http://ricolor.org/rus/rz/zo/22_5_11/30_5_11/ http://kotomysh.dreamwidth.org/86594.html http://new.nivasposad.ru/school/homepages/belousova/ 2010-2011/konkurs/belova_elena_b/index.htm http://wiki.iteach.ru/index.php/%D0%A3%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BA_25._%D0%9C%D0% BE%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8B%D1%80%D1%8C

Lesson topic:


The presentation for the lesson was prepared by a teacher of Russian language and literature from the Velyenikolskaya Secondary School.

Abdulmenova Ilmira Yagsupovna

Fundamentals of Orthodox culture

“I’ll go to the monastery!”

What does this expression mean?

What is a monastery?

Who lives there?

Who are monks?

What are they doing?

A monk is a person who has chosen a special life path and dedicated his life to God.

Monks live in monasteries (monasteries), deserts and laurels.

Monastic monastery

Monastery in Greek “monasterion” is the habitat of monks. Habitation-abode.

Monk means another person, living a different, special life, which differs from the life of all other people.

  • He lives on earth, but his soul is directed towards God!
  • Not every person can become a monk - this is the lot of the chosen few.
  • The life of a monk is a silent life.

The emergence of monasteries.

  • The history of monasticism goes back about 1700 years.
  • For 300 years, Christians suffered persecution and persecution.
  • Emperor Constantine was kind to Christians.
  • He issues a decree to accept Christianity

without fear.

Vocabulary work

  • The hermit walked away, i.e. moved away from worldly life, from the bustle of the world.
  • Monasticism grew out of hermitage.
  • Reverend - similar (beautiful, wise, most bright)
  • Venerable means one who has demonstrated the likeness of God to the highest degree. All the saints, called venerables, were monks.

Anthony the Great.

  • “If you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come and follow Me.”

Monks' Habitat

  • Caves and tents
  • "Kakkelion"
  • A separate room in the monastery, or a separate house-cell.

Who runs the monastery? The monastery is headed by a bishop or archbishop.

  • Convent-abbess
  • Monastery - Jegumen.

Abbess Sofia (Grineva), († 03/22/1941), founder of the monastery “Consolation and Consolation”, later the abbess of the Kyiv Intercession Monastery

Types of monasteries

Types of monasteries

  • Kinovia is a communal monastery.
  • Lavra is the name of the largest Orthodox monasteries.

Saint Athos.

Types of monasteries

  • Preserved temples of Tula. Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God in the courtyard
  • Compound is the place where monks of a country monastery live in the city.

Types of monasteries

Pustyn is a monastic settlement in the traditions of Russian Orthodoxy. Remote from the main monastery.

Nilova Pustyn on Lake Seliger.

  • A hermitage is a hermit’s dwelling, a secluded dwelling for a monk.
  • Kosivsky monastery on Valaam.

How to become a monk?

  • Obedience is a duty.
  • Tonsured.
  • Monastic vows:
  • - fulfilling the commandments of the Lord;
  • -voluntary poverty;
  • - renunciation of one's own will.

Monk's robe

  • Mantle
  • Cowl
  • Beads
  • Chiton
  • cassock
  • Paraman
  • wimple

Hermits and hermits

  • Temples began to be erected. Worldly concerns become an obstacle to spiritual improvement and service to the Lord.
  • Those who were especially striving for God began to gradually alienate themselves from those around them.
  • They went to deserted and remote places, settled alone

What does the black color of the monks' clothes indicate?

  • Black color is a symbol of repentance, sorrow for sins, crying for the lost heavenly bliss.

“They don’t go to someone else’s monastery with their own rules”

  • Each monastery has its own daily routine and its own rules - the monastery Charter.
  • The monk obeys the monastic rules.
  • A monk cannot do anything without the blessing of the abbot of the monastery.

Vocabulary work

  • The abbot of the monastery is its head, and most often the rank of hegumen belongs to him.
  • The most important thing in a monastery is the temple; there are several of them.
  • The monastery churches keep shrines - relics saints who carried out their feat in these places.

What are holy relics?

  • Relics are the incorruptible remains of saints, which are stored in special crayfish-arks.
  • Powers from the word power, i.e. force. Great healing power emanates from the relics of saints.

Cancer with the relics of Eustratius in the Near Caves of the Kiev Pechersk Lavra.

Who is the elder?

  • An elder is an experienced spiritual mentor.
  • In his monastery you can get wise advice, instructions, guidance for future life

Artists about monastic life.

  • How are monks depicted in the paintings?
  • What can you say about them?
  • Pay attention to clothes, posture, look.
  • V. Surikov “Monk”
  • V. Polenov “Palestinian monk”
  • I.E.Repin “Nun.1878”
  • V. Tropinin “Monk with a Candle”

Vasily Tropinin

  • "Monk with a Candle"

Ilya Efimovich Repin

  • "Nun. 1878"

Vasily Polenov

  • "Palestinian Monk"

Pavel Ryzhenko "Novice"

Images of monks in the works of Russian artists.

  • Vasily Surikov “Monk”

Historical meaning. Architecture of the monastery.

  • You will distinguish a heavy row of houses,
  • And the towers and battlements of its harsh loopholes,
  • And dark gardens behind the stone fences,
  • And the proud walls of centuries-old strongholds.
  • A. Blok.

Monasteries are centers of culture.

  • They taught literacy.
  • They had huge libraries.
  • Schools were opened.
  • Had archives
  • They rewrote books.
  • They painted icons.
  • They kept chronicles.

The role of monks in the defense of the Fatherland.

  • St. Sergius of Radonezh blesses Dmitry Donskoy before the Battle of Kulikovo.

Alexander Nevsky became a monk.

  • Alexander Nevsky is a patriot of the Russian Land. Prince Alexander Yaroslavovich, 1220-1263. Military successes: Victory at the Neva River (1240) Liberation of the Pskov and Novgorod lands from the German knights. Battle of Lake Peipus (April 5, 1242). G.

Alexander Peresvet.

  • It was Alexander Peresvet who accomplished one of the main feats in this battle, meeting before the start of the battle in a duel with the famous Horde warrior Chelube (Chelubey). In this fight, both warriors died, but victory remained with Peresvet

Heroes of the Battle of Kulikovo.

  • In the Church of the Nativity Holy Mother of God in Old Simonovo, where the relics of two heroes of the Battle of Kulikovo are buried - monks Alexander Peresvet and Andrei Oslyabi, sent by St. Sergius to the Battle of Kulikovo. Here, near the temple, many princes and boyars and the best warriors from Dmitry Donskoy’s squad who fell during this battle were buried.

Russian people are united by faith, history and culture

  • . A Russian is someone who loves and appreciates Russia, who accepts and lives its history and culture, who knows and appreciates the Russian language. Today we have the same churches, the same saints, we pray with almost the same words that Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov prayed. We are united by Christ, by His Blood, shed for our sins, we are united by saints, ascetics, martyrs who suffered for the Truth and remained faithful to It, who pray for us.

Objectives: 1. Based on historical material, reveal the reasons for the emergence of monasteries, their role in the history and development of the culture of Rus'; 2. Convince children that the monastery is a stronghold of faith, a guardian of culture, a place for earthly labor and labor of the soul; 3. Using the example of the Ipatiev and Epiphany-Anastasia monasteries, give an idea of ​​the shrines of the monasteries.

Plan. 1. The first monasteries; 2.Monasteries of Russia: - Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius; - Alexander Nevsky Lavra; - Optina Pustyn. 3. Ordination as a monk; 4.Lifestyle of a monk; 5. Desert Fathers; 6. Epiphany-Anastasia Convent; 7.Holy Trinity Ipatiev Monastery; 8. Shrines of monasteries.

The first monasteries The first “own” monastery with the correct regulation inner life appears under the Grand Duke Yaroslav, who built the monastery with his own money and made it the family tomb of the Kyiv Grand Dukes. He dedicates this monastery to St. George the Victorious, his heavenly patron. “The chronicler speaks of the construction in Kyiv during the reign of Yaroslavovo, from which, according to him, the appearance of monasteries began, only one monastery- this is Georgievsky

Monasteries of Russia: Trinity-Sergius Lavra Founded by Rev. Sergius of Radonezh in 1337 as a monastery with a communal charter. The monastery became the spiritual heart of Rus' and the place of formation of a new generation of monastics - humble disciples of St. Sergius, who created new monasteries in different regions of Rus' as new centers of its spiritual revival.

Optina Pustyn Created in early XVII century, was closed in 1724 in connection with the reforms of Peter I, was soon restored, but vegetated until it was paid attention to in 1795 by Metropolitan. Moscow and Kaluga Plato (Levshin) and then Metropolitan of Kiev Philaret. The spiritual basis for its revival was the ascetic experience of the heirs to the work of St. Paisiy Velichkovsky - Rev. elders Moses and Anthony. Elders Ambrose, Leo, Barsanuphius, Nektarios, Anatoly and others became especially famous

Consecration as a monk The hair on the crown of a monk is cut crosswise as a sign of dedication to Christ and acceptance of monastic vows. There are three degrees of this initiation. The first tonsure in the cassock, when the monk receives a new name and the right to wear a wide and long monastic robe (cassock) and a kamilavka headdress. Those who have undergone such initiation are called ryassophore monks. The next two degrees are tonsure into the small schema and the great schema.

Lifestyle of a monk In the monastery, the monks led an ascetic lifestyle, devoting their time to work and copying books. All this was done in complete silence, since the monks were not supposed to indulge in idle talk. The silence was broken only by the sounds of the bell and pious singing. The monk's commandments were as follows: to love God, to love your neighbor as yourself, to mortify the flesh, to console the unfortunate, not to repay evil for evil, to love your enemies, not to be proud, not to talk much, to attribute everything good in yourself to God, to mourn your past sins etc. The monk’s day was spent in prayers, reading and manual labor

The Desert Fathers The Desert Fathers adhered to anchorite monasticism, that is, they lived in secluded and deserted areas, as far as possible avoiding any communication with others. This movement arose already in the 2nd century and was initially caused by the persecution of the first Christians. Then a theological justification appeared that such asceticism is an imitation of the life of John the Baptist in the desert and the forty-day fast of Jesus Christ during his temptation in the desert; the desire for spiritual achievements came to the fore in the hermitage. St. Seraphim of Sarov

Epiphany-Anastasia Convent The Epiphany Monastery (since 1863 - Epiphany-Anastasia Convent) was founded in the twenties of the 15th century on the then outskirts of Kostroma by the Monk Nikita of Kostroma, a student and relative St. Sergius Radonezh. Currently, the Kostroma Diocesan Administration and the Kostroma Theological Seminary are located on the territory of the Epiphany-Anastasia Convent. At the monastery there is an almshouse in the name of the saint Mary Equal to the Apostles Magdalene and orphanage for orphan girls in the name of the saint righteous John Kronstadt.

Ipatiev Monastery The Holy Trinity Ipatiev Monastery occupies a special place. Founded at the beginning of the 14th century in honor of Holy Trinity and in the name of St. Hypatius, Bishop of Gangra, the monastery is rightfully considered one of the oldest in our Fatherland.

Shrines of the Epiphany-Anastasia Monastery - the miraculous Feodorovskaya icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary; - the miraculous Smolensk-Kostroma icon-fresco of the Mother of God; - holy relics St. Nikita Kostromsky; - the holy relics of St. Timon, Elder of Nadeevsky; - reliquary cross with particles of the relics of 278 saints (from the former Bogoroditsky Igritsky Monastery); - a reliquary fold with particles of the Robe of the Lord, the belt and robe of the Blessed Virgin Mary (from the Holy Trinity Ipatiev Monastery). Feodorovskaya icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary Smolensk-Kostroma icon-fresco of the Mother of God

Fundamentals of Orthodox culture

4th grade


Republic of Crimea


MBOU "Secondary School No. 31"

Borodkina Liliya Sergeevna


Above him there is only the sky, yes, clouds like cotton wool. There is expanse and expanse around the Russian fields, And in the distance you can see the river. The holy spring is hidden among the birches, As soon as the wind rustles the leaves. We wander in the kingdom of our own dreams, Fearing to frighten away the exciting peace. Transparent air, bright blue sky, And in the distance you can see the river. The monastery is lost in the dense foliage, Time and centuries have no power over him.



answers to

main question -

What's the point

human life.

The main rule: “Work” and “pray”

  • Promise to live in obedience (keeping the commandments of the Lord);
  • Celibacy;
  • Voluntary poverty, renunciation of personal belongings (non-acquisitiveness).

Cell - separate

or separate

monk, nun

in the monastery.

Vocabulary work

Monk - from Greek. monos – “one”;

Monk member religious community who took a vow to lead an ascetic life.

A monk is the same as a monk.

A vow is a promise given to God to perform some feat, a deed of mercy or piety.

Group work

1 group

2nd group

Page 119

3 group

(4 paragraph).

Page 120

(4 paragraph).

Who was the first monk?

Page 121.

What did the city monks do?

Tell us about monastic vestments.

  • They rewrote books (and not only church books);
  • Created and maintained hospitals;
  • Schools were created at monasteries.

God bless you!
