Paper flowers in a dream. What does it mean to see artificial flowers in a dream? Dreams and gender of the sleeper

Dream Interpretation artificial Flowers

Why do you dream of artificial Flowers in a dream according to the dream book?

Artificial flowers dream of falsehood in a relationship, your feelings have faded, there is a hopeless stagnant period ahead that does not promise anything good.

The dream foreshadows the onset of sad events; caution should be exercised. Perhaps your health or the condition of a close relative is in serious danger.

What actions with artificial flowers did you dream about?

Giving artificial flowers in a dream ▼

According to the dream book, receiving artificial flowers as a gift is a sign of sad events. Often a dream foreshadows a threat to life or health. Caution should be exercised.

What artificial flowers did you dream about?

I dreamed about artificial roses ▼

If you dreamed about artificial roses, they are trying to deceive you by demonstrating false feelings. Hypocrisy comes from people you always considered true friends.

Why do you dream about a bouquet of artificial flowers ▼

Why dream of a bouquet of artificial flowers? A dream is an alarming sign, promising disappointment, danger to life, collapse of plans and hopes. It is better not to do anything serious until the streak of failures passes.

The ability to interpret dreams is a valuable gift, because sometimes it is in dreams that consciousness gives us the deepest and most important clues.

Did you dream about artificial Flowers, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream of artificial Flowers in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Hello. I dreamed of a grave strewn with artificial flowers of red and red colors, neither a cross nor a gravestone was visible, only a fence and flowers. I understand that this is the grave of my already deceased father, but in reality it is completely different. Please help me figure it out, otherwise this dream scares me. Thank you

I dreamed of artificial flowers. At the beginning of the dream, I was in some unfamiliar house and was celebrating something with teachers and classmates. Then the cool teacher came to get a flash drive with music, but I forgot it at home - she was offended. After her some serious people came, among whom was my uncle. I haven't seen him for a very long time in my life. They asked us to leave this house, which we did. I went to my grandmother. She had some rooms with a small entrance that led to that unfamiliar house. I went to one of these rooms to hide my dogs there. And when I came out, it seemed to me that someone was watching me. Dad came to grandma. I went outside and saw a bunch of artificial flowers in the back of my dad’s car, under which someone was moving. And in front of my grandmother’s garden there were artificial flowers stuck into the ground, but there weren’t many of them. I threw flowers out of the truck and was very angry with those who threw them. Meanwhile, dad got into the car and was about to go somewhere. Then I woke up.

It seems like it’s my mother’s birthday and I ask my husband, upon arrival to my mother, while I am at my mother’s, to buy flowers, how and how he ends up there, I don’t see, but I see the moment he gets up from the table, on the question is where, he brings artificial flowers and gives them to my mother, at that moment I tear off my hand and throw it away with tears in my eyes.

In my dream, my boyfriend and I were walking and he gave me a bouquet of flowers. Moreover, the bouquet was like a wedding one, so small and neat, and the flowers themselves were artificial. What does it mean?

A friend bought artificial flowers from a friend, I didn’t see what he gave to us for three of us, but they were intended for us!

I saw in a dream a bouquet of blue wildflowers (like forget-me-nots) artificial flowers, which I wanted to modify. I wanted to cut the buds and open them more. I wanted the flowers to be beautiful and large. But I woke up

I had to give artificial flowers to my friend's daughter. They were yellow and kind of wrinkled. I didn’t like them. I asked you to choose others. I didn't hold it in my hands. And then I watered fresh flowers at home and they were about to bloom, that is, with buds. Specifically geranium, but I don’t have it. There are a lot of different flowers, the window sills are full.

Hello! The sleep was not long. My boyfriend and I carefully chose artificial flowers for the graves. We didn’t like any of the flowers and never bought them. Before choosing colors, we bought something else and then switched to some other purchase.

Some guy gave me a small bouquet of artificial flowers. There were three flowers. I didn’t accept the bouquet because I know that you can’t give artificial flowers

I went with my husband and some friend, choosing artificial flowers in order to take them to the cemetery of my husband’s late father. My husband offered to buy a soft toy. We didn’t like the flowers, and it was already getting dark, so we decided to go the next day. For some reason I walked around naked and felt normal. Some non-Russian guy admired me. Before this, I had a dream that I was raped by some Ahmed... I have no friends with that name and I don’t communicate with non-Russians.

Good afternoon I dreamed of artificial yellow flowers in a vase. In a dream, someone throws some flowers out of a vase. It was as if everyone wanted to remove it from the vase. Can you tell me what this dream is for?

Well, it all started with the fact that I sort of went to buy flowers for my girlfriend...., I bought 3 red roses... Then I went to the bus, I got on it, it was empty, and then the conductor came up to me to look at the flowers, she came up and praised the flowers, and when I already looked at them they suddenly became artificial, I was surprised, and so I got off the bus, I threw them away and left….


The company gives me two bouquets of beautiful flowers. I took a closer look at them and they are artificial. Someone told me to put them in a vase and not take them with me.

I dreamed that I was walking through a garden of very beautiful flowers. There were beige flowers most often. They were decorated with various beads, they were in full bloom, very beautiful! And then I wanted to smell them, but they told me they were artificial. It became somehow uneasy. And I woke up immediately.

I cheated on my husband, he caught us and ran after me, it was like I was running through a maze and there were artificial flowers on the sides, and I picked the buds and threw them at my husband

I was with my children, lit two candles from someone’s burning candle, my husband came drunk with flowers, in a vase with a beautiful sculpture, a sprig of chrysanthemums (my favorite) on the vase, an artificial rose decoration, and then it turned out that all the flowers were artificial.

I dreamed that in a dream the guy I was currently dating gave me artificial red flowers, and I don’t even know what to think!

The oblong box contains flowers: red roses, branches of white lilac and some blue flowers. I select the lilacs and put the roses on a pallet. My mother sits down next to me - she died 39 years ago and takes roses.

Hello, I dreamed that I was given artificial blue flowers, I accepted them, but then gave them to my grandmother, because of which in the dream I argued with my aunt (grandmother’s daughter), she said that they were terrible, and that only I could be given such . I woke up.

an unfamiliar guy gave me hearts made of artificial red flowers. When I saw this, I cried a lot, why are you giving me a wreath, now I’m going to die

I dreamed that I was walking in the garden, everything was growing, the tomatoes were turning red, the cucumbers were blooming, there were already zucchini, there were a lot of onions, dill and it was blooming. I walked further, and there was a bouquet of artificial flowers, like they put a white one in a cemetery, like a pink one. there was a bouquet and there was a third bouquet. I don’t remember what color

Last night I had a dream that I and a man (I only know him in absentia - we communicate together on the website and have never met) were going up the stairs, carrying artificial flowers in my hand and going into the hall where a dead man was lying in a coffin (a fashionable man aged 30) and I put these flowers in his coffin and we turned with this acquaintance and left this hall, began to approach the stairs to go back down and the dream was interrupted...

I dreamed that it was as if there was going to be someone’s wedding, but whose it was not clear. In anticipation of this wedding, artificial wedding flowers are distributed to guests, which are in a cardboard box. They gave me 2 flowers that looked like a red rose. At this time, my son, who is 10 years old, comes to this box. He also began to choose a flower for himself and seemed unable to decide which one to take, either the white one or the blue one. In the end, he chose blue.

I dreamed that my friend came to visit me and gave me a bouquet of artificial flowers... they were small red roses... then she turned around and left...

I am in a dark, small and rather uncomfortable room. (Something like a garage). And I see my grandmother, who died 8 years ago, lying on a wooden board nailed to the top. And it feels like either I or perhaps someone else is throwing away several artificial bouquets of flowers. This process itself somehow faded from my memory. But I understand that she rises up and asks (perhaps even demands). those bouquets that were thrown away. And they are near me and I, in a panic, frantically try to return them to her.

a former employee made artificial flowers, she seemed to want to teach me how to make them, the burgundy peony flowers are very beautiful

I was visiting, and the hostess and I went somewhere. And I see, as if from the outside, that their entire room is decorated with flowers woven from beads...

I had a dream from Saturday to Sunday, I saw a lot of red artificial roses in a minibus and took some for myself, what does this mean? Thanks for the answer my address

I dreamed that My boyfriend, with whom we are meeting in reality, gives Me artificial flowers, at first He wanted to give Me two roses, one white, the other red, but before giving me, He asked Me, two - it’s impossible. to give as a gift to a deceased person, and My brother told Him that it was impossible, and then He gave Me three artificial roses, but I don’t remember exactly whether all three were white, or two white and one red

I dreamed that my sister was getting married for the second time to her husband. And I made flowers for decoration from lilac or purple felting paper. Then my older brother and I congratulated her. The day before, our brother died. It’s scary

I bought artificial roses for a friend’s birthday for his anniversary, but his anniversary was actually in December, and there were 7 of them, I think one should be removed, but I didn’t give them to him, I also kissed him in a dream

Good afternoon I dreamed of bright red flowers. large.

There was a knock on the door home, I went out into the vestibule and there on the floor there were felting felts in a bag, or a bunch of artificial flowers, bright red, large, a lot. It was as if someone had brought them in and knocked.

I am in some room where people wear a lot of artificial flowers. Then I see a coffin in front and I follow it, in my hands I have a bouquet of artificial flowers. The coffin is brought into some room, placed on a stand, next to it is a photo of some men (I don’t know him). Various flowers are on the floor and I put my bouquet there too. Some woman gave me some kind of piece of paper and I left there. What could this mean?

I came home from the store, unpacked my bags and saw flowers. Having looked closely, they turned out to be artificial paper.

everything happened in the summer: bright grass, a very handsome young man (not sober) gave me a white artificial flower from the grave of some old man, but I forced this man to return the flower back to the grave! What does it mean?

my ex-husband gave me a bouquet. roses are white and red. They turned out to be artificial, but the roots are in the soil.

The man was young in figure, but when he turned around, he had a wrinkled face. He asked for directions, I showed him. In gratitude, he gave me a white-pink flower, I said thank you, but when I looked closer, it turned out that the flower was artificial. I shrugged and thought to myself, why was it necessary to thank me so much? The man was very tall, I stood next to him and felt his great height.

Hello! I had a dream that my deceased father-in-law brought my husband, that is, his son, a bouquet of artificial orange-red roses. And he, in turn, shared with his brother, left 8 roses for himself, and 30 for his brother. And the day before, he dreamed of a gunshot , and a bullet wounded my husband in the heart. And another dream, when I also bought 8 live orange-red roses for my daughter’s birthday as a gift, but they decided to share with my daughter-in-law, I have 5 and she has 3.

There is a holiday and I understand that it is my birthday, there are a lot of guests, I think. that there won’t be enough food, but when everything is on the tables it seems like nothing. much laughter. Congratulations - a whole scenario. Here, bringing out a huge bouquet, I understand that they are artificial, I step back a little - I don’t need such flowers. they are very bright and beautiful. then I start collecting dishes. a lot of crumbs, two plates were broken, then more artificial flowers. They tell me these are roses, but I see them. that these are tulips. There was also a moment where I was pouring water into the kettle. and it starts to leak


I went into our toilet and saw a box with artificial red large and very beautiful roses made of material. the son said that he made them himself at the request of his sister for the coffin of her husband’s grandmother. and he put small plastic flowers in his backpack. His friend was standing in the corridor near the door

A relative was coming from the market with some purchases and there were flowers in the bag. When we met, she kissed me.

In a dream, an unfamiliar woman gave me a rose made of dark green velvet

Hello! Today my mother dreamed of her dead husband. He asked her what time it was and asked for better clothes. According to him, he had to run errands (although he had not been anywhere for several years due to illness). My mother went into the house to get clothes and when she came out there was no one there was none. But a couple of minutes later, a woman I knew appeared in the courtyard of the house, who said that she had left flowers at the gate because she would not appear here soon. This woman (after these words) went to our neighbors. That was all over. The day before sleep, I personally had a small conflict with those to whom this woman went. Thanks in advance!

They wanted to give me artificial flowers in a dream, but I didn’t accept them

A trip to a funeral and a bouquet of artificial flowers for the funeral.

My mother and I wanted to get on the bus, but we were a little late for it and decided to wait for the next one, but I saw my classmate and told my mother to take us on this bus. I sat down, but my mother didn’t, she was in black. I left, deciding that my mother would arrive on the next one. I got to the stop, but not to my house, it was not the same minibus that goes to my house. Suddenly the friend disappeared and was no longer standing at the bus stop, but on the curb and looking at the big road with one turn and absolutely flat. Then I opened the black safe, from which I took out beautiful artificial flowers, there were a LOT of them. There was still not a single car on the road. At this point I woke up, thinking about my mother in my sleep.

They gave me a large bouquet of artificial flowers, I put them in a vase.

I received from a stranger an artificial branch with flowers of synthetic roses

I had a dream in which I got a job selling artificial white flowers, bouquets, but this was not for a cemetery, and I had a lot of profit, paper bills, a full bag of proceeds

I dreamed of flowers in the back of a truck: both real and artificial, which I saw in the cemetery. Mostly I saw greenery on the side of the car... They were being driven by a friend to her brother’s house. I asked her to give me at least one and I don’t remember anything else...

The late grandfather brought home artificial flowers (roses), and it seems he came from the funeral of his godfather, who is also no longer alive.

Hello, I dreamed that my loved one gave artificial flowers to another girl (who, in fact, should get married), and my answer was that I wasn’t supposed to!

I dreamed of beautiful large paper roses that a woman was selling. I asked the price but did not buy.

I dreamed that I was reclining on the bed. My brother's wife is sitting next to me. We are talking about something. Then I notice a beautiful red flower on the wall, then a second one, and then many more. I was surprised when my sister-in-law managed to learn how to make such beautiful flowers so quickly and in such quantities.

I see coffins and bouquets of flowers in the corners, then a gap, then I water the green grass and flowers with a hose. I see a woman who earlier in a dream gave me money in an establishment with the tables set. It’s as if everyone had already left.

I dreamed of artificial flowers of a dark brown color, men of Caucasian nationality gave gifts to women, but I didn’t see women, they just put flowers on the tables in an empty office, one flower at a time

In a dream, I was selling artificial flowers, they were being snapped up, the dream was short, I realized that they were artificial and woke up immediately

I dreamed that my husband was sick with some strange, unidentified disease and my sister knew exactly how to “cure” him: she gave these flowers and told me to give them so that he would recover. Why is this?

Hello! Today I had a dream as if I was cleaning, everything was scattered, I collected the toys and I saw three artificial flowers lying there, like a gift, wrapped three separately, I picked them up and put them on the refrigerator as souvenirs

I rescued beautiful artificial flowers that had already been plucked from clean water, but they turned out to be real.

And before that, red, almost black blood was pouring out of me, flowing in streams. I also wore a white skirt. But then everything seemed to stop.

In general, it's kind of creepy.

Hello, this is a dream. I dreamed that I wanted to sell my house and then it was as if my ex-husband and supposedly the initiative came from him, he put out an ad and men began to come one by one, and at the same time they were on disabled people in a wheelchair and the last disabled person stood up from the wheelchair and on my neck throws an iron stick like a crowbar, a poker is generally an iron pipe. It’s as if he wants to kill me and my ex-husband is involved in all this at his instigation. And I kind of show him why you need it, let’s sell the house and I’ll give you this money. And this disabled person supposedly wants to buy a house, but he can no longer walk in a wheelchair and I tell him that where I show him, and there in the house it’s like the things and furniture of the former and on the wall there are artificial flowers and old carpets, in general there is rubbish everywhere, but this guy , supposedly he wanted to strangle me, he picks flowers and says such flowers should not be in the house, their place is in the cemetery, supposedly such flowers only grow in the cemetery. And they looked like they were hanging from the wall

I was visiting my ex-husband. Instead of my flowerpots I saw the same, but artificial flowers. and instead of lawns, everything is covered with beautiful tiles

I’m standing in the store and suddenly I see three branches of artificial flowers that I lost, the seller, my friend, agreed to return two red branches to me for my late mother and grandmother and did not give the third blue branch for my grandfather, who was also deceased, and took it for myself. Then I wanted to buy salted or smoked fish but she didn't look fresh. I wanted to take apples and tangerines, but they were also somehow not right. then my mother came, I was glad that she was alive and I was worried that she wouldn’t be offended that I removed her things from the closet. Mom smiled and left but promised to return

I bought artificial flowers in stores in Poland to resell in my city. There were a lot of flowers, they were beautiful and colorful. But there were also quite a few competitors (resellers

my mother-in-law came to my grandmother’s house and decorated the entire room in her house with artificial bouquets, and then went outside and gave one more bouquet to a 10-year-old girl passing along the road

I dreamed that my husband gave me an armful of roses of different lengths. I take it in my hands, examine it, and instead of roses I hold two bouquets of artificial carnations, red and made of plastic. In my dream this really confused me, and my husband handed me a flower stand..

I looked at bouquets of artificial flowers. but very similar to life. The colors of the bouquets were pale pink. light lilac...

my husband and friends gave me artificial flowers, a lot of flowers, bouquets and baskets, multi-colored, but artificial

Many bouquets of very bright artificial flowers were on my way. I’m walking slowly and some woman, whose face I can’t see, seems to be trying to slip these bouquets. Yes, I was also in a white dress, sort of like a bride, but I only saw my right hand, covered in thin guipure with a bridge between the fingers. I understand that I don’t need these flowers, they are dead, although very beautiful in the sun’s rays. I try not to pay attention to them and in the end, I take a small bouquet of fresh flowers myself. They are not so multi-colored, mostly white, like lilies of the valley, and the green leaves are rather thin. And I'm leaving...

Hello, I dreamed from Monday to Tuesday that my father (whom I had never seen) gave me artificial flowers. What does this mean?

Mom gave me one branch of lily of the valley (without leaves), on the other side of the stem there were a bunch of lilies of the valley, I thought it was artificial, I wanted to give it to one woman with whom I don’t get along in reality, but I changed my mind and kept it for myself

Hello. I dreamed that there was one artificial flower lying near my threshold and another dried one... I asked my mother to take them in her hand and we went together and threw them away

I shot the gun at the ceiling. Then my husband came and brought a lot of artificial flowers. I started tearing them into pieces.

Hello. I dreamed about how neighbors brought and placed artificial flowers under the fence of my house. I ran up to them and asked why, they said it was the right thing to do and as if this day was some kind of big holiday, so they said it was the right thing to do on this holiday. And then I think I need to go put on a glove and burn them. At the moment I am in another country, my parents live at home.

Hello. I had a very strange dream that scared me….”….I was invited to a cafe by the parents of a guy I really liked during my school years….(now we have our own families and there is no relationship between us other than hello-bye) It was just the three of us in the cafe. The hall was decorated with many flowers, but the flowers... seemed to be artificial. When they met, the husband gave his wife a bouquet of artificial flowers... very large, bright... you could even hear the bouquet rustling when the woman took it in her hands... after which she immediately put it down. We sat, talked, had a meal... The woman stood up and there was a feeling that she had prepared a presentation and would now give it... Tiny bouquets appeared in her hands... made of artificial red and white roses... and... they somehow lined up in a chain... 3 bouquets of red, 3 white... She began to talk about her son... that he is wealthy... good-looking, treats me well... that she and her husband have a high position in society and they could do everything for us... with these words I told her interrupted. I replied that it became clear to me why I was invited. My answer is no and nothing can happen between us, since we have each had our own families for a long time. I got up to leave, the woman told me. The man said the phrase: “I will always help you, with any request, please contact me.”...Then the woman should think about it anyway...and persistently wanted to give me a bouquet of artificial flowers. I pushed them away. several times... I said that I didn’t need them... but for some reason... not them, but another bouquet... ended up in my hands... and... the two flowers seemed to be soldered together... such a factory branch of two flowers, and one single...on long legs...this bouquet was located on such a large, simply huge green leaf...the flowers were scarlet...I twisted it and looked at it...not understanding what it was for me...I wasn’t even pleased to hold it, although the flowers were beautiful…..When I tried to give them away again…a strange phrase came from the man’s mouth…”Take it, maybe you can take it to someone at the cemetery…”I woke up…I don’t remember…whether I gave them away or not (((

There were a lot of people in the large hall, some had fresh flowers of red and light green color and others had artificial ones of the same color, they gave them to me, after that I found myself somewhere in a coffin, my mother buried me, but I was alive, I shouted that I was alive, but she didn’t I heard then I heard and started tearing up the ground and after that there was a marble slab and then I woke up

in a dream I spoke with my deceased grandmother (she is my godmother), my thoughts were as if “very interesting and sincere, it’s a pity we didn’t communicate like that during our lifetime, i.e. I understood that she was not there. and then she gives me 4 plastic flowers on silver hairpins or combs - with the words: I forgot to give them to you earlier, braid them in your hair. I didn’t take the flowers in my hands, but I thought: I won’t keep them for myself, I’ll sell them to a pawnshop...

I collect a bouquet of different flowers in a rectangular box, but I find artificial flowers between the flowers and ask: “Why give artificial flowers to living people?”, someone answers me in a dream, “Live flowers will quickly wither, but artificial ones will remain for a long time” and I wake up in horror for the third day in a row.

As if at work for some event I make flowers from colored corrugated paper: yellow, pink, green. I asked my colleagues to select paper and help in making flowers. I started making flowers but didn’t finish, I woke up

I made a crown out of paper daisies. Hello. I made this crown for my niece in kindergarten. Everything that was in this dream

Hello, I dreamed of my boyfriend who was holding artificial pink flowers in his hand, but I don’t remember which ones, it was a small bouquet, he was supposed to give them to me, but my mother came up to him and he started talking to her while continuing to hold the flowers in his hands. I stood next to him and didn’t understand why he wanted to give them to me...

my mother bought artificial flowers for 3 graves at the cemetery, it was winter time, my mother and I walked around the store and we chose 3 bouquets of artificial flowers for the graves, which my mother paid for

I dreamed that I was standing and holding a large bouquet of artificial flowers. There were many crimson roses and also small white flowers. The petals were green. The bouquet was very beautiful and heavy. Everywhere they write that the dream speaks of inexpensive events in your personal life. I'm very afraid that something might happen between me and my boyfriend


according to Ayurvedic dream book

If in a dream you pick flowers, then this is a harbinger of prosperity. You will be successful in all your endeavors.

I dreamed about flowers

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing flowers in a garden in a dream foretells you pleasure and gain, if only the flowers are bright and fresh; white means sadness. Withered and dried flowers promise trouble. If a young lady receives a bouquet of various flowers in a dream, this predicts that she will have many admirers. Seeing flowers growing on infertile soil foreshadows a sad event. However, the dream also promises that, thanks to your energy and optimism, you will be able to pave the way to a prominent position and happiness.

Seeing flowers in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Flowers are a universal symbol of beauty. For an accurate interpretation, it is important to analyze the color of the flower. This especially applies to dreams in which flowers appear with uncharacteristic colors, for example, green roses. Don't be surprised if in your dream your boyfriend/girlfriend gives you green roses. This means that in real life you are either dating your boyfriend/girlfriend's crush, or they are jealous of your romantic affections. A certain experience with flowers has been recorded in your consciousness, which the subconscious is now trying to use to represent the situation. This particularly applies when you give flowers to someone or someone gives flowers to you. Do you have specific memories associated with certain flowers—for example, your favorite childhood flowers, the death of a loved one, a school date, or a love affair? Here are the interpretations for some of the flowers appearing in dreams: lilac - poison, disease, death; daisy – indecision in feelings; the one who gives is the object of interest; orchid – sexuality, sensuality; rose - red - love, yellow - friendship, white - purity, black - death; lily – renewal, spring freshness, rebirth; narcissist – self-love, a reflection of one’s own Self.

Why do you have a dream about flowers?

according to Vanga's dream book

If in a dream you pick flowers to make a bouquet of them, in real life this dream means your introduction to knowledge and understanding of the world. A dream in which you pricked your hand on flowers given to you means that in reality you will experience severe mental and heart pain due to the betrayal of a loved one. If you dreamed that someone trampled flowers in your garden, this foreshadows the machinations of enemies who will do everything possible to prevent you from receiving the information you need. In a dream, you saw a large number of indoor flowers in your house - this symbolizes the secrecy of feelings. You dreamed of a beautiful garden full of unusually beautiful flowers, you inhale their wonderful aroma. This dream foreshadows an unusual, romantic meeting for you in reality. Withered flowers in a dream predict health problems and separation. A dream in which you plant flowers in your garden means that in reality you will perform a noble and wise act. If in a dream you see fans literally showering you with flowers, in real life this indicates that your mental loneliness may drag on. Your inflated claims will most likely remain unrealized. In a dream, you are weaving a wreath of wildflowers for yourself - this dream indicates that you will soon meet your love and create a happy family. A dream in which you receive a flower as a gift in an indoor pot means that you will receive news of a deceased person.

Why do you dream about flowers?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

sadness (if there are a lot of bouquets); one flower - joy; white - for a wedding, a new business; sniff - comfort, help; for patients - a protracted illness, especially roses; for criminals, smelling flowers means capture; flowers are out of season, in winter - obstacles, worries; flower garden, flower bed - (for a woman) hope for personal happiness; (for a man) beautiful woman, proposal; giving - to separation; in pots - unexpected acquisitions.

Why do you dream about lilies?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to illness, shame; for the engaged - to the disruption of the wedding.

I dreamed of a blue violet

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes modesty

I dreamed about St. John's wort

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes hostility

Why do you dream about bird cherry?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

rejected love.

Why do you dream about water lilies?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to see on the water - rest; collecting is unnecessary.

I dreamed of an immortelle

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes unchanging memory

Why do you dream about a crown?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

marriage (for a woman); respect, gifts or friendship of a big person (for a man).

Crown in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The crown is a symbol of power, inconstancy, patronage, and envy. Trying on a crown in a dream means doubting the correctness of your decision. Seeing yourself wearing a royal crown in a dream means disaster and poverty. Beware of an imaginary friend. A dream in which you saw a man with a crown on his head means friendship and protection of a rich and influential person. A crown falling from the head means intrigue and envy of ill-wishers. A crown lying on a dais means defeated power.

I dreamed about a buttercup

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes disposition In the Greco-Roman tradition it means banter, ill will, madness. Is the emblem of Ares Mars.

I dreamed of a violet

according to the dream book of plants

Hidden virtues and beauty, modesty. In Christianity, it symbolizes humility and, in particular, the humility of Christ as the Son of God. In Greek mythology it is the flower of Io and Ares. Violets grow where Attis's blood fell.

The meaning of a dream about a violet

according to Freud's dream book

If a woman saw these flowers in a dream, it means that she needs to be more careful about her own safety, otherwise the dream from symbolic can become quite real, and the violet promises an encounter with violence. A man who has such a dream should be more caring towards his partner. You may think that you are giving her everything she needs, but believe me, in reality this is not enough at all. Receiving violets as a gift means a quarrel. It can be prevented if you do not pay attention to the bad mood of a person close to you. Perhaps the reason for this behavior lies only in minor troubles at work or in the affairs of your partner. Please be understanding about this.

I dreamed about a dahlia

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes dignity

Dreamed of a water lily

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes purity of heart

I dreamed about forget-me-not

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes - true love

I dreamed of a white violet

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes - sincerity White violet - the emblem of the Virgin Mary and St. Fin.

I dreamed about a narcissist

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes - selfishness, deceptive hope. This flower received its name from the Greek god Narcissus. Narcissus was distinguished by his extraordinary beauty. One day he saw his reflection in the water and died unable to take his eyes off. Narcissus is a symbol of selfishness. Narcissus is a flower of spring, a symbol of death in youth. Narcissus blooms and fades quickly. Persephone was picking daffodils when the chariot of the god Hades burst out of the ground and took her to the underworld. The Greek name for the flower Narcissus has a common root with the word "narcosis". Daffodils are also called the “herb of oblivion” because of their narcotic properties. In China, the daffodil xu-jian, or water immortelle, symbolizes a happy marriage for a couple in love, and if it blooms on New Year's Eve, happiness in the coming year. In Persia, the smell of narcissus was called the scent of youth. Its straight and strong stem has made it an emblem of devotion and faith in Islam. The daffodil is the national emblem of the Welsh. In the language of flowers, narcissus is a symbol of deceptive hopes, desire, and selfishness. Narcissus is the flower of timid lovers.

The meaning of the dream about edelweiss

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing edelweiss in a dream - expect a quarrel with your partner in the very near future. Reconciliation will come only after you yourself take the first step towards it. Picking edelweiss - if until now you have enjoyed making love, then soon something out of the ordinary will happen and you will understand what true pleasure means in comparison with what you experienced before. Receiving edelweiss as a gift means that you enjoy a special favor with one of your acquaintances, and, as you understand, this disposition is of a special kind: the acquaintance has a far from platonic passion for you.

I dreamed about an aster

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes passing beauty In the Chinese it means beauty, charm, modesty, humility and elegance. Among the ancient Greeks it symbolizes love and is dedicated to Aphrodite.

The meaning of a dream about an aster

according to Freud's dream book

Asters symbolize simplicity, modesty, tenderness. So, if you dreamed that you were picking asters, it means that in reality you find your happiness and find harmony only in alliance with unambitious people who are modest and treat you with tenderness. Therefore, your sex sessions are sometimes characterized by excessive caution and trepidation. Haven't you ever wanted to experience an explosion of passion?

I dreamed about lavender

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes - recognition

I dreamed about marigolds

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes - anxiety. Means fidelity. In Chinese symbolism, the symbol of longevity is a flower of ten thousand years. In Hinduism it is the flower of Krishna.

I dreamed about magnolia

according to the dream book of plants

In China it means self-respect, demonstrativeness, spring, feminine charm and beauty.

Why do you dream about a vase?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Promise; with flowers - a love promise; with fruit - business promises, temptations; empty - empty promises and hopes.

I dreamed about a vase

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a vase in a dream is a sign that many pleasant events await you in your family life. Drinking from a vessel or cup in a dream portends you the joys and sorrows of secret love. Seeing a broken vase predicts imminent misfortune. A young woman receiving a vase as a gift means that she will achieve her cherished desire.

Why do you dream about a vase?

according to Vanga's dream book

A vase is a symbolic image in a dream of a vessel of the soul. If you see a beautiful, clean vase, it means that pleasant impressions await you, nothing will overshadow your peace of mind, you managed to find harmony and now it is important not to lose it. In a dream, breaking a vase is a very bad sign, which foreshadows mental pain and bitterness; your heart will break with pity and powerlessness, but you will be powerless to change anything. A vase of flowers means that you, without knowing it, will greatly help someone in trouble, just by talking to him and sharing your thoughts.

I dreamed about pansies

according to the dream book of plants

In Europe, these flowers symbolize memory, reflection and thought. In Christianity they represent the celebration of the Trinity.

I dreamed of a wreath

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself wearing a wreath of fresh flowers means that you will soon have great opportunities for enrichment. A withered wreath is a sign of illness and dying love. Seeing the bride's wreath portends a happy end to an uncertain and difficult situation.

Why do you dream about a wreath?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

wear - the love of others.

I dreamed about mimosa

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes sensitivity Juniper In Greco-Roman mythology, it means protection, confidence and initiative. Dedicated to Hermes Mercury.

I dreamed about an anemone

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes fragility

The meaning of a dream about cornflower

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a cornflower, this indicates that having sex with your partner fits the definition: simple, but tasteful. Picking cornflowers in a dream - a dream means that changes will soon begin in your life. They will be associated with a new partner, who will be distinguished by simplicity and naivety.

I dreamed about a lily

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing lilies in a dream means severe punishment by illness or sorrow. Seeing lilies in lush foliage means early marriage at a young age and a quick subsequent separation. Seeing small children among lilies is an indication of their weakness and fragility. For a young woman, collecting lilies or admiring them means deep sadness combined with joy, since the one she loves will suffer greatly physically. If a woman sees the lilies withered, sadness is closer than she might imagine. To dream that you are inhaling the scent of these flowers means that sadness will cleanse your soul and sharpen your mind unusually.

I dreamed about a lily

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes modesty Symbolizes purity, peace, resurrection and royalty. Dedicated to all Virgin Goddesses, Mother, One. In addition, the lily personified the fertility of the Earth Goddess, and subsequently the Sky gods. In the West, the lily has the same symbolism as the lotus in the East. Several lilies on one stem mean virginity, rebirth and immortality. In alchemy, the white lily symbolizes the feminine principle. In Christianity, the lily represents purity and innocence; symbol of the Virgin Mary. The straight stem of the lily represents her Divine mind; its drooping leaves - modesty; aroma - Divinity; white color - purity. The lily is a symbol of the Annunciation and the holy virgins, emphasizing their purity. Flower of the East. Dante called it the "lily of faith." The lily surrounded by thorns signifies the Immaculate Conception, purity amid the sins of our world. It is the emblem of Saints Anthony of Padua, Francis of Assisi, Casimir, Catherine of Siena, Clara, Dominic, Euthynia, Francis Xavier, Joseph. In art, a lily depicted on one side and a sword on the other signify innocence and guilt, respectively. For the Egyptians, the lily is a symbol of fertility, but the lotus is more often found in this capacity. In Greco-Roman mythology, the lily signifies purity. The lily grew from Hera's milk and is the emblem of Hera Juno and Diana as a sign of virginity. Among the Jews, the lily signifies trust in the Lord and is the emblem of the tribe of Judah. In Islamic symbolism, the lily can be replaced by hyacinth. In Minoan culture, the lily is the main attribute of the goddess Britomartis. In the Sumerian-Semitic tradition, the lily signifies fertility and fertility.

The meaning of a dream about lilacs

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, smelling lilacs means a pleasant acquaintance. But you need to be prepared for the fact that even if you start a relationship with a new acquaintance, it will not last long. A dream about a bouquet of lilacs suggests that in real life you will have a frank conversation with your sexual partner, during which you will find out some amazing details that you didn’t even suspect.

I dreamed about an orchid

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes beauty. Represents magnificence, favor and luxury. In Chinese symbolism, this is a perfect person, harmony, sophistication, love, beauty, feminine charm, the reclusiveness of a scientist.

I dreamed about a peony

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes boasting. In China it means masculinity, light, glory, love, luck, wealth, spring, youth, happiness, the yang principle is one of the few yang flowers. The peony is the flower of the emperor because it was believed that no insect except the bee could touch it. Often associated with the peacock. In Greece it meant healing. In Japan, the peony is a symbol of wedding, fertility, spring, fame, wealth and joy.

The meaning of a dream about peony

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing peonies in a dream - the dream suggests that you subconsciously expect much more emotionality and warmth from your partner than you receive today. Try to talk frankly with your partner and explain what does not satisfy you in bed. In addition, if you are offended by his behavior, think about whether he has a feeling of love for you or is he driven by elementary lust? Giving peonies to someone in a dream - such a dream promises you an intimate relationship with a person who most likely will not appreciate it. He will take everything for granted and you are unlikely to expect warmth and tenderness from him. Picking peonies in a dream - the dream suggests that a period is beginning in your life when the undesirable consequences of the sweet life will not be long in coming.

Dreamed about dahlias

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing fresh bright dahlias in a dream means good fortune for the one who sees this dream.

I dreamed about hyacinth

according to the dream book of plants

Symbolizes the game

Why do you dream about a bouquet?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to see is a pleasant acquaintance; to receive is constancy in love.

Why do you dream about a cemetery?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

see - long life; stones on graves, reading inscriptions - many friends; neglected - alienation.

I dreamed about a cemetery

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are walking through a cemetery or churchyard in winter foretells a long and desperate struggle against poverty; Perhaps you will live far from your home, separated from friends. But if you notice any signs of spring, then you will find a pleasant environment and enjoyment of the company of friends. For lovers to see themselves in a cemetery or churchyard in a dream means that they will never get married, but will see their beloved ones married to others. Seeing yourself in a dream in a beautiful and well-kept cemetery means that you will receive unexpected news about the recovery of someone you have already mourned. Your right to the land taken from you will be recognized. Seeing an old, neglected cemetery means that you will live to see a time when everyone you loved will leave you and you will be left in the care of strangers. For young people to dream that they are wandering through the silent alleys of the dead, signifies the tender and loving attitude of friends. But they will also face sorrow and grief, in which their friends will be powerless to help. Brides who dream that their wedding procession is crossing a cemetery will lose their husbands as a result of accidents. For a mother, bringing fresh flowers to the cemetery means long-term good health for the whole family. If a young widow dreams that she visited a cemetery, it means that she will soon change her mourning clothes to wedding clothes. If she sees herself sad, new worries and regrets await her. Old people who see a cemetery in a dream will soon have their last journey to the land of eternal peace. The sight of small children picking flowers and catching butterflies among the graves promises favorable changes. For the one who sees this dream, health will allow him to enjoy life for a long time, and his friends will not leave him in the middle of life’s journey.

Why do you dream of artificial flowers? Most dream books indicate that non-living plants are always a symbol of incorrect judgments and false hopes. But you shouldn’t think that the meaning of night vision is necessarily negative. The details of the dream and the circumstances under which the plot developed are of great importance. Therefore, for an accurate interpretation, when you wake up, immediately describe the dream in detail on paper. This will help you remember all the nuances and return to the interpretation at any time.

Popular folk interpretations of dreams about flowers

We have selected the most successful and plausible interpretations from popular dream books. Here are the common interpretations:

  • Miller's Dream Book. The author of this dream book states: artificial flowers are a sign of imminent losses and severe grief. Troubles will affect personal relationships: with parents, children, friends, loved ones. A sharp improvement in your financial situation will sweeten the pill
  • Artificial flowers dreamed about a girl? Then she should delve into the past of her chosen one. Something is wrong with his affairs - perhaps he was involved in crime, behaved inappropriately, broke the law. Maybe everything is not so bad, and the chosen one has “only” minor adventures on his account. In any case, it is worth understanding and drawing a conclusion: is this person suitable for further building a love union. The authors of dream books advise breaking up, or you will inevitably have to face deception and deceit in the future
  • Artificial flowers dreamed of a mature woman? Unfavorable sign. In the near future, you will experience severe love disappointment, which will be compensated by a cash bonus. The chosen one will turn out to be a scoundrel, cheat, betray or leave you. But in return you will receive a valuable gift, unexpected profit or win big. The balance of black and white in life will remain, and new love will not linger
  • Sleep has a slightly different meaning if artificial flowers appeared in a man's night vision. Soon he will be involved in troubles related to work or business, but other people will be to blame. Due to the dishonesty of colleagues or subordinates, the enterprise will suffer large losses. The risk can be eliminated if you “turn on” total control over everyone

These are the general and most popular interpretations. But there are others.

Giving artificial flowers in a dream

Receiving a non-living flower arrangement as a gift is unpleasant. What does it mean if this is the kind of present you give, but not in reality, but in a dream? This is a sign of good health. Diseases will not affect you, you will always be full of strength, energy and love of life.

If a girl dreams that a guy gave her lifeless flowers, which means she is tired of attention in life. She is beautiful, popular and liked by many men, she has a lot of suitors. But I’m fed up with popularity, I want to be invisible and take a break from the atmosphere of universal admiration.

If you are in a dream give a one-of-a-kind artificial flower and with an unopened bud, there will be a long loneliness. If you receive a whole bouquet as a gift, you will become seriously ill. But you will be able to cope with melancholy and troubles with honor, and find happiness.

If you are in a dream give an artificial bouquet to a person who has been dead for a long time, this is a favorable sign. Your health will always be good, serious illnesses will bypass you.

Making flowers with your own hands

If in a dream you observe the making of artificial flower arrangements or take part in this process yourself, the meanings may be as follows:

  • See that someone else sculpts the flowers. If this is a person you know from real life, take a closer look. He is not entirely sincere towards you. Presents false feelings and actions as real. If the person is a stranger, pay attention to business partners. They are planning something bad, dishonest, behind your back.
  • Flowers your close friend makes in a dream? This is a very bad omen. Most likely, a person dear to your heart is planning betrayal, and soon you will lose him
  • A colleague produces flowers? Be extremely careful with him - he dreams of taking your position and “promoting” you. Don't make mistakes with your work
  • If in a dream you burning an artificial bouquet, it means you are not satisfied with your life. Do you dream of changing something, reaching a new level of development, becoming more successful. But in reality, material losses or separation from a loved one are coming

Most often, artificial flowers dream of unfavorable events. But this is not a reason to be upset, resign yourself to fate and expect trouble. Perhaps nothing bad will happen if you begin to control your actions as much as possible and are careful with those around you. A dream is just a sign of what to pay special attention to.

Did you have a pleasant dream? Don't you know its meaning? There is no harm in this. Nowadays there are many dream books compiled by people who lived in the past and were versed in various topics. Therefore, there will be practically no problem.

Artificial flowers. Personification of sleep

What did you dream about? Artificial flowers? Hmm!... Real flowers are a sign of happy news and luck in the future, but artificial flowers are, on the contrary, the personification of trouble and a negative situation that may negatively affect you in the future.

But why is that? Because artificial flowers, as you know, do not represent some kind of “living” energy, but rather, on the contrary... This is a sign of lifelessness, dullness and dullness. It's definitely worth expecting trouble. This can happen to you, there and to your relatives, maybe close people or those whom you personally value.

So, let's find out in detail the meaning of sleep and figure out what you have to wait for later. If you are given these artificial flowers, and you accordingly accept them, then this is a terrible sign. Expect deterioration in health: fever, body pain and other various bodily and physical injuries on your body. It can be as simple as a bruised leg or as severe as a disease.

If in your dream flowers are being made, the process of creating them, or buying them, then this is a symbol of deceit and duplicity. That is, some close person or just an acquaintance does not like you and is plotting. It’s worth thinking and finding out who it could be? As soon as you figure out the culprit of your peace of mind, then you can calmly, heart to heart, talk to him and find out all the pressing problems. This will make your life much more pleasant and easier for both of you.

In a dream, you can burn these terrible flowers (within the framework of a dream, of course) - this is already a good sign! This is the personification of new life. That is, in the near future you will want to radically change your life: get a new job, move to another city or even country, perhaps start a family. These changes will naturally affect you in the future...

I especially want to warn women, because artificial flowers have a very detrimental effect on them. If you recently met a guy and you dreamed of artificial flowers, then most likely he is not the best person. Perhaps he is associated with crime or is simply hiding his terrible negative sides, which may later affect you.

In general, this is not the best time for new meetings or any acquaintances. Diseases or deceitful and unpleasant people may be waiting everywhere, who may be adequate in appearance, but in their souls are absolutely opposite to this ideal. But you don’t need to dwell on this either. Live your life and enjoy old acquaintances, this is a good time to call and ask about their business. And one more thing: buy yourself real and “live” ones and put them in a vase! This will bring you only positivity and protect you from stressful situations!

The fact is that lifeless flowers, no matter how beautiful and delicate they are, almost always act as a symbol of falsehood and substitution of life principles and concepts, and that is why a person who sees them in a dream should carefully analyze all recent events.

What if you dream about buying artificial flowers?

When turning to specialized literature, or simply dream books, for help, to find out why they dream of buying artificial flowers, people most often encounter such an interpretation of this symbol as sadness and unfulfilled hopes. In fact, the night vision in which a person buys artificial flowers has a much larger number of meanings, which are not as easy to unravel as it might seem at first glance.

So, it is of great importance who exactly saw this wondrous image (meaning the gender, age and occupation of the sleeper), as well as the storyline of the night vision. So, for example, for a young girl to receive a bouquet of artificial flowers as a gift in a dream only means that her boyfriend will not live up to her hopes, since, most likely, he will not have any serious intentions for her.

To correctly interpret this image, it is important to take into account the nuance of whether artificial flowers have recently appeared in the dreamer’s real life, because in this case their appearance in a dream may not be inspired by encrypted messages from the outside, but by the most ordinary work of one’s own subconscious.

In the opposite situation, you must definitely pay attention to this symbol, since it is very significant and quite informative. For example, for an engaged couple to dream of a wedding arch decorated with artificial flowers indicates that their feelings are not strong enough and are unlikely to withstand the more serious test of time. In this unusual way, the stars can try to convey to the dreamer so that he does not rush things and is not too confident in himself and his soulmate.

At the same time, for a mature married lady, dreams about artificial flowers (buying them, receiving them as a gift, decorating a room with them, etc.) often indicate the “fakeness” of her seemingly completely harmonious and organized life. And what’s noteworthy is that this image can relate to any vital area - from relationships with husband and children to financial condition and career.

What does it portend?

Thus, it is quite possible that the highest powers are sending a signal that the dreamer’s marriage only outwardly seems happy and prosperous, while in fact in this family such concepts as fidelity, respect and love have long lost all meaning. It is possible that material assets acquired over all the years of marriage will eventually lose their significance, bringing their owners resentment, disappointment and acute dissatisfaction with their own destiny.

For a man, a dream in which he happened to buy flowers for his beloved is a symbol of deception, and it is extremely difficult to determine who exactly will become his victim (the dreamer himself or his beloved). Buying fresh flowers in a dream, but eventually noticing that they are fake - the vision indicates that the sleeper himself may be deceived.

The only favorable interpretation of this symbol can be considered a vision in which a person tore artificial flowers to shreds or burned them in a fire, since in this case there is hope that the vicious circle in reality will eventually be broken.

a lion