Former Jehovah's Witnesses explained why they left the community. The elder commented. Confession of a former Jehovah's Witness Will the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses be banned in Belarus?

Jehovah's Witnesses are not dangerous on the one hand, but dangerous on the other. In fact, the sect attracts all sorts of marginalized people with everyday problems, or fixated on the illogicality of traditional Christian theology of the Trinity. This seeker of truth tried to understand how there could be one god in three persons - the Serpent Gorynych, or what? I thought and thought and didn’t come up with it - I understand him. But then I heard from a pestering witness that God does not have three heads, but one. Jesus is not the head - it is Archangel Michael himself. And the holy spirit is also not the head, but in general the energy of Jehovah, (like boiler equipment that gives energy...) if you want, God’s gas. So the unlucky seeker of truth got involved in this sect, found the truth, calmed down mentally, and realized that he now understood absolutely everything and he doesn’t ask questions, he only answers them.

Jehovah's Witnesses believe in jokes about living on Earth forever. Jesus-Michael will come and destroy the entire system - countries, money, internet, etc. and will create an agricultural community on earth - a commune of Jehovah's Witnesses, where they will live forever, harvest crops, rejoice, have sex (if they are legally husband and wife???), but without having children - contraception will be eternal. Lions and vegetarian tigers will walk next to them. And in heaven there will be a government of Jesus-Michael with 144,000 virgins of Jewish nationality (this is according to scripture - see the Revelation of John the Theologian, but among witnesses this is interpreted spiritually - regardless of the nation). So, if you have not yet inserted your reproductive organ into a woman’s vagina, then you still have a chance to become a member of the heavenly government of Jesus, the son of Jehovah. Of course, you need to become one of them.

But what I like most about this organization is its doctrinal philanthropy. Jehovah, according to their teachings, is not as sadistic as traditional Christians imagine him to be. He does not send non-believers to eternal hell - because this is not humane. Logical. Jehovah's Witnesses simply cease to exist - that's all. Just effortless nirvana. But that's not all. When Christ comes, everyone will be resurrected and unbelievers will have the chance to accept the authority of Jesus and become Jehovah's witnesses. Well, if a person did not take advantage of this chance, then the second death is the final nirvana without return. There was a person - there was a problem, no person - there was no problem. As one of the founders of the Watchtower Society said, “When a man is dead, he is like a rover – dead all over.” That is, when a person dies, he, like a dog (rover - there is such a breed, it seems) is completely dead.

Jehovah's Witnesses do not believe in such nonsense as a soul that sits somewhere inside and flies out with the death of a person. Man is the body and everything. Jehovah will resurrect the human body with brains and entrails when Jesus comes. In the meantime, information about the deceased person is stored in the supercomputer mind of Jehovah.

To earn a place in heaven on earth, you need to become a witness and spend at least 100 hours pestering people with now irrelevant questions like “what is the real name of God, what is the name of God, is there a trinity?” and more relevant ones like “what do you think about death, about the meaning of life?” They walk in twos, M + F, as a rule, but sometimes F + F. It depends. I didn’t see M + M.

Witnesses are trying to pretend to be intellectuals, so they consider it their duty to put on a tie, even if it is not relevant. My grandfather, a Belarusian Jehovah's Witness in a tie and felt boots, knocked on my door and sometimes continues to knock. Everyone has their own uniform - what can you do?
The witnesses refuse to take up arms and do not take the oath, unlike various types of Baptists who in Soviet times took the oath with a shovel in their hands - they say, take them to the construction battalion, but I won’t shoot.

If you cannot avoid punishment according to Medvedev, the President of the Russian Federation, even if you cook soup for terrorists, you are also guilty. So Jehovah's Witnesses are the most logical Christians - they do not resist when they are beaten. It’s senile, but logical and without the hypocrisy of traditional Christians, who are in no hurry to turn the other cheek according to the teachings of Jesus when they are beaten one at a time - like you don’t have to understand all this literally. Therefore, in concentration camps, the Nazis used witnesses as barbers - they still won’t slash the throat - Jehovah does not allow it.

Are Jehovah's Witnesses dangerous? Nothing more than a sect of alcoholics, which is spreading throughout the country very quickly, despite anti-alcohol propaganda at all levels. Jehovah's Witnesses will never be able to become a mass sect (that would be dangerous!), but they will still find who they need to find - after all, what else can console them, since the idea eternal life in the lap of nature under the rule of Jehovah himself and Jesus-Michael the Archangel with the support of the energy of Jehovah - the holy spirit. It is worth considering kitchen furniture - for representatives of all cults.

Peter has almost a year of wasted time and a bitter aftertaste. Konstantin has a broken family and a desire to regain his daughter. Both men see the religious organization Jehovah's Witnesses as the cause of their current unsettlement. How right are they? And are they even right? Unclear. And it is unlikely that it will become clear in the near future. reviews ambiguous situation, publishing stories from men, seasoned with the opinions of the leader of the Belarusian Jehovah's Witnesses and an expert on religion.

The story of Konstantin began in the “zero”. His wife hid her involvement in the Jehovah's Witnesses organization for more than a year. It was revealed completely by accident. The man worked mainly in the evenings and at night, but one day he changed his schedule and became an eyewitness to a picture that surprised him.

- I saw my wife teaching her daughter to pray before bed. I listened. I quickly realized that this was clearly not Orthodoxy. I began to take an interest in watching my wife. It became clear that the situation was somewhat unusual. In the evening, my wife called back to some woman. Each time the wife talked about the events that happened to her during the day. An audio diary, a report with the smallest details. It got to the point that the wife shared the personal data of her clients.

Somehow Konstantin could not stand it and snatched the phone from his wife’s hands: they say, under no circumstances should you do this. True, the words turned out to be ineffective, the daily reports continued.

- Around that time we were going to build,- says the man, who seems to be no longer so touched by these memories: he was worried. - Just on the day the contract was signed, the wife admitted that she was a member of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization. I was suspicious of this: “You know, with this situation, it seems to me that we will eventually go our separate ways. Maybe not the first time, but we’ll go our separate ways.” She was very indignant: “This cannot be! We have been together for so many years!”

There have been a dozen and a half years together. Subsequently, the couple divorced.

- Jehovah's Witnesses, of course, do not particularly favor opponents of their faith. Over time, the organization learned that I was one of those. My wife believed very strongly. Therefore, our divorce was expected.

Konstantin believes that he has reasons to dislike the organization.

- I remember one evening I found myself at home. The daughter sits and watches TV. The refrigerator is empty. At the same time, there is always cash in the house, the store is under the entrance, but the daughter is hungry! “Where is mom?” - “At the meeting.” It would seem that the wife should take care of household chores, among which the comfort of the child is one of the main concerns... As a result, I fed my daughter myself and went to the meeting... Yes, several times I had to take my wife by the collar and take her out of the hall, pushing the guards as they walked . “Here is the daughter, here is the house. And I went to work. Because we have to pay rent and pay off the loan,” I told my wife.

The man says that the meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses are an assembly hall filled with people. There are guards around the perimeter. A presenter appears on stage and reads excerpts from the Watchtower magazine. There is a general discussion. In the hall, special people pass microphones. Lots of women. Often with small children.

During the first attempt to dissolve the marriage, Konstantin suggested that his wife agree to reconciliation: “Go wherever you want. But don’t touch my daughter and I”... For two or three months everything was calm. The child's religious education then continued. Exactly a year later, the wife again wrote a petition for divorce. Having ordered many examinations, the court left the daughter with the mother, despite the father’s wishes to the contrary.

- I was left without a family,- Konstantin exhales. - Now I’m fighting for my daughter. Sometimes I ask her: “Why do you go to meetings?” She is silent. Can't give an exact answer. “So maybe don’t go? When you turn 18, you will decide for yourself whether you need it or not”...

The man admits that he has had virtually no success in his struggle so far. The daughter still lives with her mother and is increasingly moving away from him.

- My case is not the only one. I want to gather around me people with similar stories and somehow influence the current state of things,- sums up Konstantin.

A younger man sits next to Konstantin. His name is Peter (in both cases the names have been changed). The story begins with a little less drama. The guy met the girl. They began to meet, get to know each other, and communicate on various topics. We touched on the aspect of religion. The girl said briefly: she is a Christian. It didn't spread for a long time. Then she nevertheless announced that she was a member of Jehovah’s Witnesses. The young man became interested, Googled and read a lot of things. Then he went to a meeting and began to “partisan” in the organization, pretending to be an adherent.

- Meetings take place two to three times a week. There is also door-to-door ministry - these are conversations and distribution of literature,- Peter shares his acquired knowledge. - The attitude towards all sources of information that are somehow against the organization is clear: they are considered apostate literature.

Jehovah's Witnesses are divided into two castes. There is a class of 144 thousand anointed ones. When Armageddon hits - and this will happen, in their opinion, quite soon - these 144 thousand anointed ones will go straight to heaven to Jesus Christ and will rule with him. That is, Jesus is the director of the earth, and the anointed ones are his managerial staff. The rest of Jehovah's Witnesses will remain on Earth and find peace.

Peter says that Jehovah's Witnesses practically do not celebrate holidays. Even birthdays are ignored. An exception is made only for the Lord's Supper. In 2015 it was April 3.

- Well, the most famous thing is that Jehovah's Witnesses refuse blood transfusions. Even in extreme cases they choose death,- says the young man. - These people consider themselves citizens of a theocratic state. A state headed by God. Their government sits in New York. All new legislative initiatives are published in the Watchtower magazine.

Peter tried with all his might to influence his girlfriend. Progress was zero.

- She has been a member of Jehovah's Witnesses since preschool. Now the person is over 20. His mother is a member of the organization, and so are his best friends. The social circle is tied to Jehovah's Witnesses. Yes, my success was extremely unlikely. I realized this a long time ago...

And yet, in his struggle, Peter seems to be a man not without hope. Even in the absence of reasons for it.

It just so happened that the topic of the Belarusian “Jehovah’s Witnesses” became relevant at the start of February. Almost the next day after our conversation with Konstantin and Peter, a succinct commentary by the Commissioner for Religious Affairs and Nationalities, Leonid Gulyako, appeared online.

- I do not rule out that we, together with the regional executive committees, will take concrete steps to deregister some communities of Jehovah’s Witnesses. There will be noise, but I'm ready for it- said the official.

Yadlovsky also indicated his intention to meet with officials. However, after a call to the Minsk office of Jehovah's Witnesses, it became clear that it had not yet been implemented.

- The meeting has been postponed. Unfortunately, for now exact date not defined- says the head of the organization in an extremely kind tone. - I am all for a calm discussion of existing issues.

The chairman reacts to questions about criticism without explosion:

- They don’t criticize those who do nothing. Jehovah's Witnesses are active people who openly express their position. We have nothing to fear. We have strong families. We pay a lot of attention to moral issues. Therefore, I hope that during a meeting with an official at the republican level, many pressing issues will be resolved. Nevertheless, in recent months we have had very useful, in my opinion, conversations with representatives of four regional executive committees.

As for more everyday things, Yadlovsky recalls several dissatisfied people with whom he had to communicate personally.

- It seemed to me that we had a normal conversation. Most often, the issues that arise in families drag on for a long time. Religious differences, unfortunately, simply become a reason for aggravation. You need to learn to resolve issues in a calm environment. I know quite a few families in which one of the spouses is not a Jehovah's Witness. And they live normally. Marriage is still marriage in the eyes of God. Lack of faith in one of the spouses is not a reason to aggravate the situation or get a divorce.

Pavel immediately counters the question about the mixed reaction to the activities of Jehovah’s Witnesses:

- The reaction to the activities of Jesus Christ and his disciples was also ambiguous. Therefore, only time will be able to make it clear who was really right. It is better not to rush to conclusions. Sometimes the media introduces some misunderstandings about the topic of Jehovah's Witnesses. But everyone in the organization is calm about this. We do the right thing by being biblical. They don't become obsolete. The person who lives by biblical principles always wins.

We are going to the capital's theological academy for an expert assessment. The topic is summarized by Vladimir Martinovich, Doctor of Theology at the University of Vienna and head of the department of apologetics at the Minsk Theological Academy.

- There is no concept of “sect” in the legal framework of Belarus. This is not a legal term. Accordingly, from the point of view of legislation, there are no sects in the country at all, but there are only religious organizations. However, both the Orthodox Church and scientists use this term quite actively. Thus, according to the teachings of the church, sects include religious organizations that distort Orthodox doctrine. Jehovah's Witnesses do not consider Jesus Christ to be God and do not believe in the Holy Trinity. This is a fairly significant distortion of not only the teachings of the Orthodox Church, but also Catholicism, as well as Protestantism.

Martinovich says that from the point of view of science, sects include organizations that were formed as a result of a split from some other religious education. At the time of their appearance as such, Jehovah's Witnesses did not have any structural subordination to another religious group. That is, they do not fall under this concept of a sect. However, in the sociology of religion there is a term “cult”, which refers to religious organizations formed as a result of radical innovation or out of nothing. Jehovah's Witnesses fully fit this definition. They were formed in 1879, have religious doctrine, followers and developed structure. This is enough to classify them as a cult from the standpoint of academic science.

- Please note, both for science and for the church, in order to classify this organization as a sect or cult, it is not at all necessary to know whether it causes any harm or not. The terms “sect” and “cult” themselves in this case do not carry any negative connotations.

As for “extremist religious organizations,” there is no such concept in Orthodox theology. However, the Church testifies that belonging to any sect or cult, including Jehovah’s Witnesses, has a detrimental effect on a person’s spiritual life.

Thus, the specialist generalizes, the issue of establishing the presence or absence of elements of extremism among Jehovah’s Witnesses falls outside the purview of the church, but is the prerogative of the same scientists or government bodies.

- This is a question of a comprehensive expert assessment of the organization’s activities. On at the moment In Belarus, not a single government agency, not a single expert or scientist has conducted an analysis of Jehovah’s Witnesses to determine the degree of their danger or safety. At the same time, in Orthodox Church and government authorities are periodically approached by citizens who believe that they have suffered from Jehovah’s Witnesses. They provide relevant arguments to support their position. But the state does not have a structure that would collect and analyze such statements from citizens, and also respond to them.

The Church helps them to the best of its ability. But, as you understand, this issue goes far beyond the boundaries of her powers. Apparently, citizens’ appeals are not enough for the state to think about conducting a comprehensive expert assessment of this or that organization and respond, at least for itself, to the following questions: a) how substantiated the complaints are; b) why no one complains about some religious organizations in the country, while there are quite a lot of complaints about others; c) how to most adequately respond to emerging complaints, while maintaining adherence to the principles of freedom of conscience and freedom of religious organizations declared in the Constitution and laws of the country. The issues are not easy, but the sooner the process of analyzing them begins, the faster and less painfully various controversial situations will be resolved in the future.

At the beginning of the week, Peter wrote on Viber. He said that he had something to add to his story.

- Initially, a soft conversation on theological topics led to a quarrel with my girlfriend. We discussed the doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses. When my friend ran out of arguments, she started to leave. “I don’t even know why I’m continuing all this! If you don’t think our faith is true, why do you go to meetings?” - “To figure it out, so that you can see that there are controversial issues.” - “Everything suits me! I don't need to be saved from anywhere. Since you are so smart and think that we are wrong, it means you were lying the entire time we communicated.” That's all.

The girl decided that she was breaking off any trusting relationship with Peter. She said that the young man became a tempter and provided her with a test. In general, it strengthened a person in faith. The girl is even grateful to him for this.

- Of course, I stopped my espionage within the organization. This defeat happened for obvious reasons. Psychologists explained the essence of my illiterate actions. It is now clear that after an unsuccessful intervention, it has become even more difficult to convince a person. The girl only deepened her gaze.

"They(Jehovah's Witnesses - Euroradio) registered in Belarus, however, unfortunately, there are also episodes that do not relate to the permitted form of activity of religious organizations - the head of the department for religious affairs of the Office of the Commissioner for Religious and National Affairs tells Euroradio Andrey Aryaev. - Distributing literature, simply appealing to people (outside specialized institutions - Euroradio) is a violation of the law on freedom of religion and religious organizations. Such actions imply administrative punishment.”

“We ask you not to carry out such activities...”

According to Andrei Aryaev, citizens constantly receive complaints about the “meticulousness” of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Officials respond by “taking all possible measures”:

“We periodically hold conversations with representatives religious associations. We accumulate such facts. In the near future, when the next meeting takes place, we will raise this issue again and ask not to carry out such activities.”

Administrative liability for extra-statutory activities of religious organizations provides for a fine in the amount of 102 to 255 rubles. However, Jehovah's Witnesses are not held accountable. Why? Euroradio was explained by the organization itself.

Walking from house to house is a personal expression of the will of individual believers

“We do not have the right to prohibit members of our communities, on their own initiative, from talking about God with strangers,”- the chairman of the steering committee of the Jehovah's Witnesses organization in Belarus told Euroradio Pavel Yadlovsky. He does not deny that some representatives of the organization carry out similar activities: walking from door to door, talking on the streets.

Yadlovsky:“The legislation of the Republic of Belarus does not limit the places in which we can talk about faith in God and in which we cannot. It’s about personal professing one’s beliefs, not as an organization, but as citizens.”

“To love your neighbor is to respect the right of another person”

What can citizens do who do not want to talk about God with Jehovah's Witnesses? Pavel Yadlovsky shares a universal life hack with readers of the site: you just need to say that you “are not interested in this question.”

Use it.

The first communities of Jehovah's Witnesses in Belarus appeared in 1994. Now there are more than 20 of them in our country. Every year in Minsk, at the Traktor stadium, a congress of many thousands of Jehovah’s Witnesses is held. But in neighboring Russia, the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses are illegal. April 20, 2017 Supreme Court Russian Federation recognized the activities of the “Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia” as extremist, banning the work of all 395 branches in Russia. The homeland of Jehovah's Witnesses is the United States, where the history of the organization began with the Bible Students circle, founded in 1870. The main religious and administrative center today is in New York. Jehovah's Witnesses typically reject the doctrine of the Trinity. Only one person in the Universe is considered God - Jehovah.

The organization of Jehovah's Witnesses is shrouded in speculation: it was banned in Russia, and there are memes about missionaries who go door to door and offer to talk about God. They say that witnesses should not receive blood transfusions or organ transplants, that it is not hell that they should fear, but Armageddon. We asked questions to the elder of the community in Brest, but before that we collected 2 stories of those who left the organization. True, their family members are still there.

Larisa Nazarevich She was a member of the organization for 20 years, defending its name and the name of God, and now she warns people against it. What's happened? Disappointment or epiphany? “Now I just want to live,” says Larisa, and this is where her story begins.

A story of drive to suicide, family splits and real estate fraud

They came to the door and handed me a magazine

24 years ago Larisa lived in Surgut (4000 km from Brest). My husband was very ill; doctors predicted lifelong disability. In 1995, they “came in” and asked her to talk about religion. Larisa objected: sorry, I’m in a hurry, I don’t have time. The interlocutors did not insist - they handed over the magazine “God’s Name” and left their phone number.

Larisa liked the magazine - with colorful photographs of coins, museums, frescoes: “I realized that this was the first time I had come across a confession that presented such scientifically based material. I heard the buzz: “free Bible study” ( the study was suggested by visiting Jehovah's Witnesses - author's note. ). And I have an education. And I thought: why not get another one?”.

There was no Internet at that time. The woman read the literature provided by the organization and believed: “I asked questions and the answers pleased me. For example, when asked about drinking alcohol they answered: “It’s possible, but not in such a way that it controls you.” And they always referred to the Bible. When the study itself began, I realized: it does not go through the Bible itself, but through “auxiliary” literature - then it was the book “Cognition”.

Until I became a member of the organization, everything was very good

Larisa read the Bible in different translations - the Synodal and the new: “I was encouraged. On the shore, until you become a member of the organization, everything is very good".

To become a member of the organization, you need to pass a short interview: demonstrate what you know Scripture, and show that you have changed your life if you have sinned before.

First you are allowed to become an unbaptized publisher. After this, you can be baptized - devote yourself to God. The same is accepted in other churches, but there is one difference: they usually baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, among the Witnesses - in the name of the Father, Son and Spirit of God's organization.

If walls could talk

5 years ago, Larisa’s family decided to move to Belarus - her husband has elderly parents near Brest. We came to be close and help: “In addition, the organization has such a concept as “preached territory,” and in Belarus there just weren’t enough preachers - everything worked out.”. Larisa and her husband began looking for a house.

“We were going to buy property. We found a farm with a terribly neglected site. The price is fabulous, but it was indicated that the house was after a major renovation. We negotiated for a long time, reduced the price a little, and finalized the deal. We hired builders and went to pick up the children.”

Three days later the workers called Larisa back: “Come, the house is in disrepair.” How so? We started to figure it out, peacefully at first: « I called, but the answer was the following: “Don’t interfere with us, we have connections here, you’re nobody.”. Larisa remembers when she called again, she was advised to “sew up” the walls and sell them.

The woman went to court. At the end of the hearing, the accused side invited a “trump card”: « Their sister came out and said that we are Jehovah's Witnesses, sectarians, crazy. Like, we were selecting real estate in Russia, and now we have come here. It was a shock. The case is lost. But the most important thing is that we, this woman, and the whole family who sold us this house were members of the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses.”

Tried to commit suicide, then searched for the truth on Google

It was difficult to cope with such stress: “Okay, they slandered us, but they also slandered God. People are already spreading dirt about witnesses everywhere, why do this? Slander is a mortal sin. I turned to the elders, to everyone I saw. I said: “This is evil, how can you close your eyes?” The answer was: “Forgive her.”

Larisa tried to commit suicide. After rehabilitation, she stopped going to meetings - “she was stifled by a feeling of injustice.” Larisa recalls that no one from the community was interested in health: “I was shocked. My husband then followed me at night because I was looking for a car to throw myself under.”.

Once in prayer a woman turned to God and said: “I think I have a split soul. Why is this so? Tell me the truth". Larisa sat down to look for the truth in a search engine: “As I said in prayer, I Googled it”. The first link was "Crisis of Conscience" by Raymond France.

How is it with Jehovah?

When you become a Jehovah's Witness, your life changes: you are required to preach, attend meetings 4 times, prepare for these meetings, and be an example. Must work and do everything around the house. " Life was moving so fast that I didn’t have time to look at the birds and flowers,” recalls Larisa.

The woman said that in the organization “There is no ban on education, but the priority is to preach”. Donations are voluntary: everyone gives as much as their “heart dictates.” There is a separate box in the room; they don’t go around the rows with deliveries.

Larisa could not take a position on blood transfusion for 20 years. Members of the organization are encouraged to fill out a document refusing such medical intervention, which they always carry with them in their passport: “I also filled out this document - because it seemed to be correct. But the thought was constantly spinning inside: God forbid something happens.”

Religion is not faith

After Larisa stopped going to meetings and started a group where she talks about inconsistencies in “Scripture” and publishes articles that dispute the truth of the teaching, she was expelled from the organization: “They have such a measure - deprivation of communication. Even those with whom you sat at the same table stop communicating with you. For them, this is a manifestation of love. My daughter doesn’t talk to me either, because I’m a renegade. I tried to tell her: “Katya, I’m leaving the organization, not God.” But they sincerely believe that this is helping me.”

Larisa does not deny that there are good, sincere people in the organization (as elsewhere), but also says that, perhaps, hypnosis and manipulation techniques are used in the services. There was a case when one “witness” sold shares of SurgutNefteGaz, brought all the money from the sale in a bag and put it in donations.

Larisa has no plans to go to any church in the near future: “Now for me religion and faith are completely different concepts. Religion is a crowd that listens to its leader, and I do not want to offend anyone. Everyone has freedom of choice. I am not an atheist, but I see that any denomination translates the Bible the way they need it.

If God exists, he (like my own dad) will find me. Now I just want to live. Notice beauty and be useful - for yourself and for your family.”

A story about blind trust and the other side of the coin

Vitaly is officially a member of the organization, but active work no longer does. Several years ago, he began to study the teaching more deeply and ask questions to which he did not receive answers: “Everything there is based on blind trust in the leaders, and I no longer “fit in.”

Vitaly runs an “opposition” blog. His wife and children remained in the organization.

Opposition blog and religious court

Vitaly has attended meetings of Jehovah's Witnesses since childhood - his parents went there. He heard some rumors from his classmates, but they were “just laughs”: “I knew everything was fine there. Until a certain time, no questions arose and no shocking things happened.”

Now Vitaly is 28 years old. Two years ago he stopped attending meetings. They talked to him, held a religious trial, at which they tried to convict him of blogging, but the hero did not give himself away - and they could not expel him. The blog continues to this day, now more openly. Vitaly is confident: the more people receive complete information about the organization “from the inside,” the more likely it is that their judgments will be more sound.

Vitaly moved to Brest with his wife and children a year ago, also from Russia. As soon as people in his homeland found out that he was running a blog, they almost began to threaten: « They write such nasty things to me in private messages that it makes my hair stand on end. And then these people smile at each other at meetings.”

“Everyone will dissuade you”

It all started when Vitaly began to study the Bible more deeply and ask the elders questions: "SI - christian religion, which bases its teachings on the Bible. I asked why words were inserted into the Bible that were not in the original? But they pour water, they can’t give a straight answer.”.

According to Vitaly, the organization simply does not allow receiving information “from the outside”, because “Satan wants the organization of God not to exist on earth” - therefore people are skeptical of all “worldly” information and simply do not believe what they read: “The idea can be seen everywhere that no one can be trusted except leaders. When you just start joining an organization, you are warned: everyone will dissuade you - relatives, colleagues. Therefore, when such people hear “You’re in a cult!”, they simply don’t answer, because they are already ready for this.”

Speeches for speeches are written by the writing department - for money

The place where the meetings take place is indicated on the official website - this is a hall for public events: “There are chairs and a stage where the speaker speaks. As a rule, more than one person conducts the meeting - they change after 10-15 minutes. The information that is presented is sent “from above.” The speech writing department is handled by the writing department, which is even paid by the same people who come to listen.”

To be in good standing in the congregation, you need to preach - there is even a special reporting system. The time and number of videos you showed are entered there (you can meet such people on the street). The themes of the videos are different - for example, someone’s relative died. Such topics quickly become of interest. “Once - and you have already written down the phone number.”

We asked Vitaly about the main differences in teaching. Here they are:
  1. God is Jehovah. This is how the Witnesses translate the unpronounceable name of God, which is considered to be his own name. It first appears in the Torah.
  2. They don't believe in the Trinity. They believe that Jesus is the son of God, the anointed king.
  3. They do not worship images.
  4. No blood transfusions.
    There is a place in the Bible where it says that one must abstain from fornication, strangulation and blood. Witnesses interpret this as a refusal of transfusion, although such procedures did not exist at that time. Vitaly's friend had a child with a heart defect. He was saved thanks to the fact that within an hour the court decided to remove the child and perform an operation. In Russia, the SI is recognized as an extremist organization.
  5. The SI believe that they are the true religion. All the rest are from Satan, they call them “Babylon the Great.”
  6. You can only marry members of the organization. If you marry a non-SI, God will not bless you.
  7. Everyday life is controlled: what kind of music do you listen to, do you play computer games. There are unspoken requirements for clothing: if you come to a meeting without a tie, something is wrong. You won't be allowed to perform on stage without a tie, just like wearing jeans.
  8. You cannot serve in the armed forces - you must give up weapons.
  9. The end of the world will begin with the destruction of evil and all other religions. Everyone will die except the Witnesses. They don't believe in hell. They believe that the Day of Judgment will come, when all the dead will be resurrected, then Christ will reign for 1000 years. At this time, people will gradually be resurrected. After this, Satan will be released again - and everything will plunge into evil.

10. Vitaly outlined the following as a separate point: “A feeling of guilt is constantly imposed in the organization”. The sisters come to the elder with depressed moods, and he sends them to a psychiatrist. He prescribes antidepressants - and “it’s a real vicious circle.”

We need to provide information, not ban it.

Vitaly considers himself a non-denominational Christian and trusts only the Bible. He believes in God and tries to adhere to biblical standards, and raises his children in the same way: “I understand that children suffer because of different views in the family: dad says one thing, mom says something else. But you won’t achieve anything by force; it will only have the opposite effect. In Russia they act using the wrong methods: they need to provide information, not ban. Because they will say: we are being persecuted for our faith and will call themselves martyrs.”

Vitaly decided: when the children grow up, he will explain everything to them in an adult way, and then let everyone make their own decisions.

Story 3. On the other hand

Andrey Bulyka is the chairman of the Jehovah's Witnesses community in Brest (elder). By training he is a railway worker, but he says: “The profession is for work. Spiritual is spiritual.”

He learned about the Witnesses from his grandmother, who introduced him to the Bible as a teenager. Mom was not a member of the community, but she studied the Bible, so when Vitaly decided to join the organization, she was not against it: “Then I didn’t understand everything as much as I do now, but there was an awareness that God exists and that I answer to him. I wanted to know about him, I wanted to be obedient.”

Andrey said that anyone from the organization can preach. But before that there is a “Bible study with Jehovah’s Witnesses.” You can study according to the manual, which contains the main topics. According to the elder, this is consistent with Christ's command to "Go and teach":

Andrey: If he thought it was enough to give the Gospel to people, he would have said so.
Binoculars: But that’s why they started writing the Bible, isn’t it?
Andrey: Not all disciples participated in writing the Bible.
Binoculars: Ordinary people also participated. But this is the same teaching that the disciples explained in conversation, as we are talking to you now. It should have been just as easy to understand.
Andrey: Well, basically, yes. We are simply providing assistance.

All donations in the community are voluntary. Andrei says that in the church they call for reasonable service - not to give away the last, to provide for the family first. The organization voluntarily collects and organizes help if someone is in trouble.

Andrey agreed to meet with us, not knowing that we had talked with the two previous heroes. We asked to comment on the moments that the heroes talked about.

Who is Jehovah?

Andrey: The name of the church is based on the Bible. In the book of the prophet Isaiah, in chapter 43, verse 10, God calls his servants witnesses. Because they testify or preach about it. This is not something new.
Binoculars: Do SIs use the “regular” Bible?
Andrey: Yes, completely.
Binoculars: Not in the Synodal translation, but in the New World translation?
Andrey: This is one of the translations, yes. The Bible has many of them, the Synodal one is the most common. But this verse is interpreted this way everywhere. “You are my witnesses” is everywhere. I studied the Bible for 10 years according to the Synodal - my grandmother gave it to me.

When is Armageddon?

Andrey: Our publications have never included the date of any end of the world.
Binoculars: In which “of your publications”?
Andrey: For example, there is a biblical chronology that indicates how long to wait for God to intervene. I’ll show you now - Matthew, chapter 24, verse 36: “About that day and hour no one knows...”. Jesus said: we must look at the events that are happening on earth. He didn't give a date. Everywhere it was said that the prophecy was coming. An individual could have figured out that it was coming very soon and voiced it.

Binoculars: Okay, now is Armageddon coming soon?
Andrey: According to prophecies - soon enough.
Binoculars: According to what prophecies?
Andrey: According to the Bible.
Binoculars: And how would you explain to me that the end of the world is coming?
Andrey: The Bible describes events that foreshadow God's intervention. But this is not the end of the world, but Armageddon - God's war to destroy evil on earth, evil people. Well, God has the right to decide who is good and who is bad. The Bible describes a deterioration in society - people will become so selfish, love will grow cold.

Binoculars: Don't you think it's always been like this?
Andrey: No, it hasn't always been like that.
Binoculars: And a century ago, a lot of wars?
Andrey: My grandmother told me that people were different. Didn't your grandmothers tell you?
Binoculars: No. They said it was even worse.
Andrey: It might have been hard, but people helped each other, helped each other out, and shared their last. And now sometimes you look, someone feels bad, people walk by, and that’s it. Biblical prophecies also affect world events: wars, earthquakes, famines, epidemics - they are listed in the same chapter. Just turn on the news and you will see these events.

Christ is not God

Andrey: You were just asking about the differences between SI. We firmly believe that the Bible is the word of God. This is a letter to us given by God. And we treat him with great respect.
Binoculars: But all confessions treat this way. Everything is based on the Bible Christian teaching. What's the difference then?
Andrey: We strictly follow the Bible. There are no other books that can be used to define the basic teachings. So we even looked at what name God has. Everyone says it differently, but the Bible shows that his name is Jehovah.
Binoculars: But this is also a translation. The Bible was written in what language?
Andrey: In an ancient language.
Binoculars: And we read in Russian. Is it possible to admit that the interpretation varies?
Andrey: Nowadays there are many manuscripts and scrolls available where the name is written in the original language. It's on those manuscripts.
Binoculars: That is, if I find these manuscripts, the name Jehovah will be there?
Andrey: Well, yes, but not in Russian. And it appears a thousand times in the original text, so there is no doubt about it. God has many titles - the Most High, the Creator, the Creator. And he has one name. But Jesus Christ is his son. This too biblical teaching, in which we firmly believe. He is the savior, the redeemer.
Binoculars: But not God?
Andrey: Son of God.

So can you have a blood transfusion or not?

Binoculars: It is believed that witnesses do not allow members of the organization to undergo blood transfusions or organ transplants.
Andrey: If treatment is needed, doctors usually figure out what is best, and you need to discuss this with doctors. If we talk about a position (for example, mine), then I want to be healthy and for my family to be healthy. Our life is sacred. For the same reason, we, for example, do not smoke. And so the doctor explains to me: I need surgery, intervention, what the pros and cons are, what complications. I will choose the best.
Binoculars: So the ban on blood transfusions is a myth?
Andrey: There is a command in the Bible to abstain from blood, but there are many other methods of treatment.
Binoculars: Usually a blood transfusion is needed urgently. After an accident, for example, when there is no time to think. How then to make a decision? Does the Church somehow regulate this?
Andrey: I’ll explain it this way: for example, I’m allergic to something. And the doctor says to me: “I’ll now prescribe you something that you’re allergic to.” I'll ask for a replacement. Because there are dangerous treatments. If there is an accident and a person is on the ropes, then, you will agree, a transfusion will probably not help. This is not a panacea.
Binoculars: But if there is a chance to save, shouldn’t you grab it?
Andrey: What if there is a better treatment?
Binoculars: The best? The man dies.
Andrey: Are there cases when a person is given a transfusion and he also dies? There is a biblical commandment, but doctors are a different area.
Binoculars: That is, if necessary, then it is possible?
Andrey: Now you will read in the Bible then. Acts chapter 15, verse 29: “Abstain from offerings to idols, from blood, from things strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you guard yourself, you will be successful. Good health to you."
Binoculars: But if I die, how will I be successful?
Andrey: That is why, when we turn to doctors, we ask for the best treatment. Deprived of the dangers that a transfusion brings. It's no secret - many infections can be transmitted through blood. I read one report in Russia: about 20 children there were infected with hepatitis C. This is all quite dangerous.

How do Jehovah's Witnesses relate to other denominations?

Andrey: Sincerely. If people choose to serve God this way, they have the right, we must respect it. And we expect the same attitude towards ourselves. Golden rule, which Jesus taught: “How you want to be treated…”.
Binoculars: SI in our latitudes is the most active religious organization: only they go from house to house. Why?
Andrey: Because they read Jesus' commands. Luke 10:1 is a verse that says Jesus gathered 70 men and sent them two by two to every place and city that he himself was going to come to. That's why there's nothing so surprising here.
Binoculars: Does all members of the organization do this?
Andrey: Yes. When a person reads the Bible, he understands: Christians bring the message about God. This is joyful, this is something positive! The person wants to do this. The heart must encourage this.

Situation: a painter was ordered to paint Orthodox church. What to do?

Binoculars: To paint because it is his job, or not to paint because it is contrary to his internal attitudes?
Andrey: I think the temple will be painted by a team of specialists.
Binoculars: If he is a member of this brigade?
Andrey: If work disrupts biblical laws, will a Christian fulfill it? Most likely not. For example: a human artist paints pictures, and he is commissioned to paint a picture of religious content. He understands that this is contrary to the commandment “thou shalt not make for yourself an idol.” Most likely, he will not do this work.

Why can they be expelled from the organization?

Andrey: This is an important question. For example, if a person stops living according to God’s standards, begins to abuse alcohol, cheat on his wife, and steal. The Bible says it is a sin. And if he is not going to change anything in his behavior, he cannot be among those who comply with these norms.
Binoculars: How does this happen? Are you holding a council?
Andrey: How does this happen in churches?
Binoculars: I don't know, I want to ask you.
Andrey: Well, they will tell him about it, of course.
Binoculars: Will they warn?
Andrey: And more than once. They will reason with him, and if he is ready to change, he will stay.
Binoculars: What does he lose with the expulsion?
Andrey: Well, the doors are always open to everyone if a person behaves nicely. But most likely they will not communicate with him.
Binoculars: Why?
Andrey: Because this command is written in the Bible.
Binoculars: Shouldn't the lost sheep be brought back?
Andrey: Lost Sheep- this is a person who realizes that he did something wrong and is ready to change. If he says, “I will continue to do this,” what influence will this man have on the Christian congregation?
Binoculars: There are situations when one family member is excluded. For example, a husband. Does his wife remain in the organization and cannot communicate with him because he is somehow “different”?
Andrey: How can you not communicate, it sounds scary... This measure is simply an educational, corrective, loving measure. It does not cancel family foundations. We need to take care, be together, strengthen relationships. Here we are talking more about spiritual communication with fellow believers. There is no need to mix a religious organization and a family.

How does the organization view secular education?

Andrey: Secular education does not interfere with biblical education. Having a profession is normal.

Have you noticed any prejudices about SI?

Andrey: Means mass media This is often covered in a biased way, which can lead to people having prejudices. Those who know me personally have a good opinion of SI. And we have an excellent relationship with my mother, who is not a Witness.

There are many incriminating articles in the media about pedophilia in the SI organization. Entire investigations are published.

I understand that this causes rejection, because what is universal is being trampled underfoot. But if you had given a specific point, I might have said something. I don’t know anyone like that in the Brest region. You can refer to the official website for information.
Binoculars: But the official website is an interested party. Such materials are not published on official sources. Do you have a specific position on this matter?
Andrey: I think the question is not for anyone who could answer it for you. The Bible is clear about what is sin and what is not, and we stand by that.

Photos - Roman Chmel

Trouble suddenly came to a large family from Rechitsa. 16-year-old Sasha hanged himself in the building of the Jehovah's Witnesses community, which he attended with his mother and stepfather. On that tragic day, the teenager went into the building to restore order and locked himself from the inside. Soon the parents entered the room and found the body of their son.

The Investigative Committee is investigating the tragedy, but the suicide note indicates that it was suicide. According to unofficial information, it is known that in it Sasha explained his terrible act by saying that he “defamed the name of Jehovah,” in particular, he smoked and committed other minor and forgivable offenses for ordinary children.

Representatives of Jehovah's Witnesses and the teenager's parents refused to communicate. But the district department of education told Komsomolskaya Pravda that Sasha was an ordinary boy who was loved in the class and who was proud of at school:

He had the same hobbies as his peers, he was actively involved in sports, and the guys in the class said that it was thanks to Sasha that they won many competitions. He didn’t have any conflicts, he was friends with everyone, however, Sasha was always distinguished by the fact that he was a little calmer than other children. But he never talked about religious topics with his classmates; they learned that he visited Jehovah’s Witnesses only after his death, although he was open and did not hide.

There were never any complaints against Sasha’s family either. They lived in prosperity, their stepfather is an entrepreneur, works in the construction industry, and the teenager often helped the man with his work. Mom is now on maternity leave. In total there were four children in the family.

Mom always came to parent-teacher meetings, her children were at the line - in suits, with flowers - everything was very decent. The children from this family are a little different in that they are calmer than others and also run around the corridors, but not so frantically, the school continues.

Sasha's classmates say they can't understand why this happened. Friends say that Sasha dreamed of joining the army. True, Jehovah's Witnesses are prohibited from serving.

By the way, they say that in the 90s, it was in Rechitsa that a guy who attended the community of Jehovah’s Witnesses also committed suicide.


Are Jehovah's Witnesses officially allowed in Belarus?

This is a religious organization registered in Belarus, so it operates legally. This organization has a very specific religious consciousness and very specific behavior. They use their own translation of the Bible, which is not the same as traditional confessions, and do not recognize Jesus Christ as God. Christian denominations and other religious organizations in Belarus are very wary of Jehovah’s Witnesses, comments Viktor Odinochenko, associate professor, teacher of religious studies at Gomel State University named after Skaryna. - The tragedy that occurred among Jehovah's Witnesses does not surprise me. But I don’t think it needs to be directly linked to the activities of the organization; people with unstable psyches are everywhere.
