Church holidays in March '18. Significant dates of March according to the Orthodox calendar

In just a little while the new year 2017 will come into its own. On New Year's Eve, people will make wishes and believe in miracles. Many people think about what signs they need to follow in order to spend the outgoing year correctly. According to popular superstitions, certain events can predict what a person will do next. So what are the signs on New Year 2017 will be able to provide a person with a bright and cloudless future?

  1. It is believed that leftover dishes after a New Year's feast should not be thrown away, otherwise happiness will leave the house along with the food.
  2. For a happy life in the New Year 2017, you need to decorate your apartment festively, listen to music loudly on New Year’s Eve, and put twelve different dishes on the table.
  3. In the coming year, luck will not pass by the one who gets the last drops of champagne.
  4. Anyone who sneezes on December 31st will have good luck all year.
  5. The unexpected arrival of guests on New Year's Eve promises the whole next year host guests.
  6. If, in the midst of the New Year, a festive outfit suddenly tears, this indicates an imminent passionate romance. Getting your New Year's dress dirty means success in financial affairs.
  7. In the coming year, business owners are advised to be the first buyer to sell their goods at a reduced price, then throughout 2017, trade will be in dispute.
  8. According to an old saying, all debts must be paid off before the New Year, otherwise poverty will await you next year.
  9. To avoid getting bogged down in debt in the coming year, you should not lend money to anyone during the New Year holidays. It is better to lend for free.
  10. During a family trip to the store on the eve of the New Year holidays, you need to keep track of how many coins the husband and wife got from the change - even or odd. It is believed that there will be a lot of money next year if the man has an odd number and the woman has an even number.
  11. When the New Year's chimes ring, you need to ring some change in your bag, then the coming year will bring wealth.
  12. Breaking a Christmas tree decoration means profit.
  13. When buying something on January 1, you need to haggle a little with the seller. A product purchased at a discount will provide an increase in income in the coming year.
  14. You cannot celebrate the New Year without a penny in your pocket, otherwise poverty will await you in the coming year.
  15. If the branches of the New Year tree droop, this indicates possible difficulties in the coming year. Conversely, raised branches of a New Year's tree promise good news soon.
  16. Throwing a New Year's tree out of the window is considered the worst omen, since the tree has positive energy.
  17. On New Year's Eve, it is advisable for all family members to spend general cleaning. In this way, you can attract positive energy into your home. But on New Year's holidays there is no need to do cleaning, especially washing clothes, it is believed that this means that someone close to you is ill.
  18. You cannot place dishes with cracks on the New Year's table. It is better to throw away broken kitchen utensils, as they attract negativity into the house.
  19. Before the New Year, you need to buy a broom and tie it with a red ribbon, and then put it in a corner with the handle down - then there will be no need for the whole year.
  20. If at the New Year's table there is a person of the opposite sex, then next year they may unite with some common cause.
  21. If the New Year's Eve ends with dessert, then the whole year will be good luck and happiness.

Celebrating the New Year has always been a welcome and magical holiday. Signs will tell you how to attract good luck and the attention of the Red Rooster on the eve of the holiday.

Signs collected by our ancestors and time-tested are excellent assistants in predicting fate. Life constantly gives us signs, and attentive people have learned to interpret them correctly and successfully apply them for their own well-being. Inner voice and intuition will help in decision making.

There are a lot of signs that make life easier and allow you to successfully realize all your plans and desires. Luck, health, love - all this can be obtained if you listen to experienced people and use the wisdom of many generations.

How to attract good luck

You can enlist support in the coming year with the help of talismans for the Year of the Rooster. Self-made amulets will attract good luck and protect you and your loved ones from evil thoughts.

Do you want luck to never leave you and always have money in your pocket? Prepare the coins and wrap them in red wrapping paper. Before the chimes, give the guests a coin with the words:

“I generously distribute wealth from my own pocket, without knowing greed. The wealth will return to me multiplied by the number of guests added up.”

Luck never leaves optimistic people. If you believe it, then a mask of any animal will help you avoid a bad mood in the New Year. On the eve of the holiday, put it on and go to the mirror. Dance, sing, make faces - whatever, as long as it’s fun. You can celebrate the year wearing a mask with your family and friends - this way you will all be charged with positive emotions.

People leading an active lifestyle could benefit from the support of capricious Fortune. A healthy body must have a healthy spirit, and the following ritual is aimed at protecting against illness and injury. Prepare any herbal tea, pour it into your favorite mug and sip slowly, saying:

“The grasses were saturated with the sun, they gave me the summer heat in winter. I take over the energy of the Earth, I wish you to be healthy in the coming year.”

New Year's signs for good luck

Good news received in the new year is a sign of good luck. Agree with friends and send each other letters by mail. Wish them luck, prosperity and happiness. Describe their best qualities and thank them for having them in your life. Attach a red ribbon to the letter - it will interest the Rooster and will not leave your message unattended.

See good sleep on New Year's Eve or the night before the holiday is considered a good omen. Try not to think about anything bad and pray to the Virgin Mary for a good dream. It is believed that on this magical night it is often prophetic and with strong faith it will definitely come true. Well, if you suddenly have a nightmare, wash your face with cold water three times in the morning and spit over your left shoulder. Think about your nightmare tying knots in a thread and then burn it over a candle with the words:

“Righteous fire burns everything and cleanses everything from filth. Get the bad dream out of your head. He will leave like night from the dawn.”

According to folk signs, have a good year will be for those who met him in new clothes. The rooster is a capricious bird and does not like greedy and petty people. Try not to wear other people's things, and especially not to take jewelry. They are charged with someone else's energy and can negatively affect your biofield. You don't have to buy an expensive toilet. Use tinsel and beads to make the outfit sparkle and attract the attention of the bright Red Rooster.

For those who have a money tree at home, it is useful to decorate it with bills or coins. After midnight, take some snow, melt it and water the plant with the words:

“The melt water of the New Year melted the ice of failure and bad luck. Grow, strong tree, for our joy and good luck in the house."

It is believed that all indoor plants need to be spoken to so that they grow better and cleanse the house of negative energy.

The whims of Fortune can be appeased with cordiality and abundance. Invite good luck to visit and ask to taste the dishes from the table. Place an additional device and fill it together with everyone else, so as not to offend your wayward guest. It is better to pour juice into a glass so that the year is not drunk and full of not always pleasant and acceptable surprises.

The red thread will help preserve the well-being and prosperity of the family, protect it from adversity and quarrels. Tie her around the legs of the table and hold hands before the chimes strike. The ancestors believed that the thread would hold all household members and strengthen relationships.

Not only small children need to believe in miracles. Adults who have not lost their enthusiasm and faith in miracles are lucky in life. Denial of miracles and the idea that only children and fools believe in fairy tales negatively affects the perception of the world and pollutes energy flows. Cast aside doubts and make your deepest wish. Believe, because miracles await us at every step. All the best to you and don't forget to press the buttons and

New Year 2017 is coming very soon. On the festive night, many expect that wishes will come true and life will become better. If you believe the signs, then many events will predict the future. And common superstitions will tell you how not to bring trouble on yourself.

  • Food from the New Year's table should not be thrown away - this way you will throw happiness out of the house. It’s better to finish everything after the holidays.
  • To ensure that happiness does not pass by next year, loud music should be played at home, decorations should be both inside and outside, and there should be at least twelve different dishes on the table.
  • Whoever pours the last drops of drinks from the bottle at the New Year's table will be lucky all year.
  • If you sneeze on December 31st, then the year will be happy and you will be lucky in everything.
  • If guests come to you on a festive evening, then you will be with guests all year.
  • A sign for businessmen: the goods must be given to the first buyer in the new year very cheaply - then there will be financial success.
  • If your new dress accidentally breaks during the New Year, this is a sign of a passionate romance. If your New Year's outfit gets dirty, this will lead to monetary gain, but you won't end up with gossip.
  • Before the New Year, you must pay off all your debts, otherwise you will spend the whole year in poverty and need.
  • On January 1, you must ask for the loan back from everyone you borrowed to, otherwise you will not get your money back.
  • On the eve of the holiday and January 1, you should not lend or lend money to anyone, otherwise you will spend the whole year in debt. If you are asked for something, it is better to give it free of charge.
  • When you go to the store on New Year's Eve with the whole family, be sure to keep track of what change you gave to your husband and what change to your wife. If a man comes across an odd number of coins, and a woman, on the contrary, an even number, then such a family will have money all year round, and the business will certainly bring good profits.
  • When the clock starts striking 24:00, you need to ring some change in your pocket. Then the year will be rich.
  • If you happen to buy something on January 1, then you should ask the seller for a small discount, at least one kopeck. Then the whole coming year will pass without need.
  • Celebrating the New Year with empty pockets is very bad omen, then poverty and need will settle in your home for the whole year. Therefore, you need to put at least a penny or hryvnia there.
  • If the Christmas tree in your house has dropped its branches, then get ready for the fact that you may have serious problems in the near future. If it’s the other way around, then expect good news.
  • It is a very bad omen to throw the Christmas tree out of the window, because it is the tree that absorbs positive energy, which thus evaporates from the house.
  • Before the New Year, the whole family should do a thorough cleaning, since the more family members are involved, the more positive energy you will attract to your home. But on the holidays themselves you can’t do anything, especially not do laundry, otherwise someone might get sick.
  • You need to throw out all broken dishes from the house and under no circumstances put them on the table, as they attract negative energy to the house
  • In order not to be in need all year, on the eve of the holiday, buy a broom and tie it with red thread or ribbon, then put it in its place with the handle down.
  • Look carefully opposite who you are sitting at the table, if it is a representative of the opposite sex, then in the coming year you will have a common interest or business with this person.
  • If the holiday ends with dessert, the year will be successful and happy.
  • To keep your health strong and worry-free in the coming year, you should take a shower or bath
  • Girls who dream of celebrating the New Year on life path your soul mate, must give gifts to seven children.
  • Leave a spoonful of salad and a glass of wine in the kitchen for the brownie;
  • Hang a wreath at the entrance to the door of the house;
  • Light up church candles in the rooms of the house the day before guests arrive (an hour before)
  • Ask for forgiveness from those who have been offended and forgive your offenders.
  • Breaking dishes means a quarrel;
  • Quarreling at the table means inviting trouble.
  • Cleaning the New Year's table, leaving it empty - leads to hunger and poverty;
  • Not receiving a guest means losing material wealth in the house.
  • Traditional sign: in order for the year to be generous, you need to hang banknotes on the Christmas tree, the more, the better. Income will come to you in the currency with which you decorated the tree. That's why they hang everything they have on the tree. Don't forget about other New Year's rituals for money.
  • If on the morning of December 31st the first person you met was of the opposite sex, then the holiday will turn out to be good luck. If it’s yours, then don’t go to visit, it will be boring.
  • Break the Christmas tree decoration on December 31 - good omen. This means receiving an unexpected sum of money.
  • A broken glass will predict quarrels in the family. A plate or cup is an invitation to a wedding next year.
  • If you receive a piece of clothing as a gift (unexpectedly) - to a new fan. Toys or other small things mean success in money.
  • Interesting sign. The rooster is an unpretentious bird when it comes to food, but most of all it loves bread and cereals. So, if there is fresh bread on the table, it means wealth. And grains and cereals mean good health.
  • If you are treated to sunflower seeds on New Year's Eve, you will rest comfortably on your laurels all year (only if this happens by chance, without an agreement).

But not everyone knows that our ancestors considered the days of winter holidays to be the most mysterious period of the year. They say that on this solemn night the door to the future is opened for people. It’s no wonder that so many superstitions and demands are associated with January 1st!

Special New Year's rituals guarantee your well-being in 2017

According to legend, the events of the festive night determine our fate for the next 12 months, so there is no need to relax. Symbol of 2017 Chinese calendar will become the Red Fire Rooster.

The proverb says: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” So everyone’s task is to evoke the favor of the vocal bird. This article contains the most popular signs associated with the upcoming holiday. Let them help you attract happiness and good luck in the coming year!

Farewell to the old year

  • On New Year's Eve, not only do the numbers in the calendar change, but also a transition is made from the old life to the new. It’s not for nothing that we say to each other: “Happy New Year, happy new happiness.” So why not leave all the problems, difficulties and quarrels in the past? Before December 31st, each of us should repay all debts and ask for forgiveness from those with whom we quarreled.
  • Spring cleaning is not just a boring chore. It is better to enter the New Year with a clear conscience and in a clean home. All broken things should be fixed before the holiday. It would be useful to get rid of bad thoughts and unnecessary worries. After all, wonderful holidays are ahead!
  • Esotericism experts recommend throwing out all rubbish from the apartment, first of all, broken or cracked kitchen utensils. This will free up space for new useful purchases. Take the example of the Italians - residents of this country throw unnecessary things right out of the window on New Year's Eve!
  • You shouldn’t leave all the goodies for the evening of December 31st. In the last three days before the New Year, the table should always be laden with hearty dishes - then abundance and prosperity will await your family in the coming year.

The change of year is associated with renewal and the birth of everything new

Preparing for the celebration

  • New Year has been and remains a family holiday. Even if you were not able to gather all your relatives at the holiday table, be sure to visit them in the first days of the new year.
  • Try to remember the dream you have on the last night of the year. According to signs, he indicates what the next 12 months will be like.
  • On a holiday evening, it is not customary to take out the trash from the house. Violating this rule can bring discord in the family.
  • On New Year's Eve you cannot give or lend your things or money, otherwise happiness will pass you by. During the celebration, it is advised to have at least a small amount of money in your pocket. This way you will save yourself from financial problems.
  • According to tradition, on a festive evening they wear everything new - from dresses to jewelry. If you follow this rule, next year will bring many new things.
  • The Red Rooster will bring good luck to those who choose a fiery-colored outfit. Shiny jewelry, feather accessories and precious stones They will perfectly complement your image and will definitely please the owner of the year.
  • To ensure strong and lasting relationships between family members, tie a rope around the legs of the festive table.
  • On New Year's Eve it is better to give up gambling. There is a popular belief that such entertainment brings misfortune.
  • Choose gifts made from natural materials. According to signs, this will scare away mercantile people from you and your loved ones.

Respect the patron saint of 2017 and his favorite fiery flowers

Gala dinner

  • The table should be covered with a white tablecloth and sprinkled with a handful of cereals - it is associated with wealth. You can place home-baked bread and a bowl of salt in the center, and put coins in the corners. This will protect the house from all sorts of troubles and bring good luck in the financial sphere.
  • Even if you are fasting, the holiday meal menu should be varied and unusual. Be sure to include fruits, nuts and grain dishes. A rich table is a sign of prosperity.
  • Avoid chicken dishes. The symbol of the coming year will definitely not appreciate food from its relatives. It’s better to give preference to fish, pork or beef. And don’t forget about the delicious reddish shades!
  • Don't overdo it with alcohol. It is better to replace strong drinks with tasty and bright cocktails. After all, this word itself is translated as “rooster tail”!

Following New Year's customs will bring you good luck and prosperity.

New Year's Eve 2017

  • The last seconds of the passing year are a cherished moment when everyone makes their deepest wishes. You can think of up to twelve things. The main thing is that among them is the health and success of all family members.
  • The tradition of making wishes can be made more interesting. Write your dream on a napkin or piece of paper, set it on fire, pour the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink to the bottom. If you manage to do this while the chimes are striking, your wish will certainly come true.
  • If you want to attract money to your home, at the time of the New Year, hold a penny in your palm. You can also put it in a glass and then carry it with you as a talisman.
  • In the last minutes of the year, women are advised to cover their shoulders with a scarf and throw it off as the chimes strike. This way you will leave all troubles and problems in the past.
  • A minute before the New Year, peel the tangerine and place it under the spruce. After performing such a ritual, the year promises to be joyful.
  • Immediately after January 1st, you need to kiss your soulmate. And then your feelings will grow stronger every day!
  • It is recommended to light a fireplace in the house and maintain the fire throughout the night. In European countries there is a custom of throwing coals into the flame. However, it is undesirable to lend anyone items associated with the fire element (lighters, matches, candles).
  • Did any of the guests sneeze during the party? Means, coming year will be successful for everyone present. The number of times a man sneezes, the number of women who will love him.
  • If three New Year's toys fall from the spruce tree and break, a new addition awaits the family in the new year.

Broken Christmas tree decorations can predict the birth of a child.

Signs for January 1

  • The first day of the year will show what all subsequent days will be like. On January 1, you should not take on hard work, especially cleaning. Otherwise, you face twelve months of worries and labor.
  • Be alert to random finds. Any little thing can be a sign that a lot of pleasant surprises await you in the new year. If the first person you meet on the street is a man, you will be lucky.
  • Are you involved in trading? Don't skimp on a good discount for the first buyer in the new year. Luck will accompany you in all financial matters, and profits will always please you.
  • An unmarried girl should buy milk on the first day of the year. If it doesn't turn sour within two weeks, she'll be getting married soon!

Good luck to you and fulfillment of your wishes in the year of the Red Fire Rooster!

New Year's time is a time of magic and dreams come true. Since childhood, we know: if you make a secret wish while the chimes are striking, it will definitely come true. But not everyone knows that our ancestors considered the days of winter holidays to be the most mysterious period of the year. They say that on this solemn night the door to the future is opened for people. It’s no wonder that so many superstitions and demands are associated with January 1st!

Special New Year's rituals guarantee your well-being in 2017

The proverb says: “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it.” According to legend, the events of the festive night determine our fate for the next 12 months, so there is no need to relax. The symbol of 2017 according to the Chinese calendar will be. So everyone’s task is to evoke the favor of the vocal bird. This article contains the most popular signs associated with the upcoming holiday. Let them help you attract happiness and good luck in the coming year!

Farewell to the old year

  • On New Year's Eve, not only do the numbers in the calendar change, but also a transition is made from the old life to the new. It’s not for nothing that we say to each other: “Happy New Year, happy new happiness.” So why not leave all the problems, difficulties and quarrels in the past? Before December 31st, each of us should repay all debts and ask for forgiveness from those with whom we quarreled.
  • Spring cleaning is not just a boring chore. It is better to enter the New Year with a clear conscience and in a clean home. All broken things should be fixed before the holiday. It would be useful to get rid of bad thoughts and unnecessary worries. After all, wonderful holidays are ahead!
  • Esotericism experts recommend throwing out all trash from the apartment, first of all, broken or cracked kitchen utensils. This will free up space for new useful purchases. Take the example of the Italians - residents of this country throw unnecessary things right out of the window on New Year's Eve!
  • You shouldn’t leave all the goodies for the evening of December 31st. In the last three days before the New Year, the table should always be laden with hearty dishes - then abundance and prosperity will await your family in the coming year.

The change of year is associated with renewal and the birth of everything new

Preparing for the celebration

  • New Year has been and remains a family holiday. Even if you were not able to gather all your relatives at the holiday table, be sure to visit them in the first days of the new year.
  • Try to remember the dream you have on the last night of the year. According to signs, he indicates what the next 12 months will be like.
  • On a festive evening, it is not customary to wash dirty linen in public. Violating this rule can bring discord in the family.
  • On New Year's Eve you cannot give or lend your things or money, otherwise happiness will pass you by. During the celebration, it is advised to have at least a small amount of money in your pocket. This way you will save yourself from financial problems.
  • According to tradition, on a festive evening they wear everything new - from dresses to jewelry. If you follow this rule, next year will bring many new things.
  • will bring good luck to those who choose a fiery-colored outfit. Shiny jewelry, accessories with feathers and precious stones will perfectly complement your look and will definitely please the owner of the year.
  • To ensure strong and lasting relationships between family members, tie a rope around the legs of the festive table.
  • On New Year's Eve it is better to give up gambling. There is a popular belief that such entertainment brings misfortune.
  • Choose gifts made from natural materials. According to signs, this will scare away mercantile people from you and your loved ones.

Respect the patron of 2017 and his

Gala dinner

  • The table should be covered with a white tablecloth and sprinkled with a handful of cereals - it is associated with wealth. You can place home-baked bread and a bowl of salt in the center, and put coins in the corners. This will protect the house from all sorts of troubles and bring good luck in the financial sphere.
  • Even if you are fasting, the holiday meal menu should be varied and unusual. Be sure to include fruits, nuts and grain dishes. A rich table is a sign of prosperity.
  • Avoid chicken dishes. The symbol of the coming year will definitely not appreciate food from its relatives. It’s better to give preference to fish, pork or beef. And don’t forget about the delicious reddish shades!
  • Don't overdo it with alcohol. It is better to replace strong drinks with tasty and bright cocktails. After all, this word itself is translated as “rooster tail”!

Following New Year's customs will bring you good luck and prosperity.

New Year's Eve 2017

  • The last seconds of the passing year are a cherished moment when everyone makes their deepest wishes. You can think of up to twelve things. The main thing is that among them is the health and success of all family members.
  • The tradition of making wishes can be made more interesting. Write your dream on a napkin or piece of paper, set it on fire, pour the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink to the bottom. If you manage to do this while the chimes are striking, your wish will certainly come true.
  • If you want to attract money to your home, at the time of the New Year, hold a penny in your palm. You can also put it in a glass and then carry it with you as a talisman.
  • In the last minutes of the year, women are advised to cover their shoulders with a scarf and throw it off as the chimes strike. This way you will leave all troubles and problems in the past.
  • A minute before the New Year, peel the tangerine and place it under the spruce. After performing such a ritual, the year promises to be joyful.
  • Immediately after January 1st, you need to kiss your soulmate. And then your feelings will grow stronger every day!
  • It is recommended to light a fireplace in the house and maintain the fire throughout the night. In European countries there is a custom of throwing coals into the flame. However, it is undesirable to lend anyone items associated with the fire element (lighters, matches, candles).
  • Did any of the guests sneeze during the party? This means that the coming year will be successful for everyone present. The number of times a man sneezes, the number of women who will love him.
  • If three New Year's toys fall from the spruce tree and break, a new addition awaits the family in the new year.

Broken Christmas tree decorations can prophesy for you!

Signs for January 1

  • The first day of the year will show what all subsequent days will be like. On January 1, you should not take on hard work, especially cleaning. Otherwise, you face twelve months of worries and labor.
  • Be alert to random finds. Any little thing can be a sign that a lot of pleasant surprises await you in the new year. If the first person you meet on the street is a man, you will be lucky.
  • Are you involved in trading? Don't skimp on a good discount for the first buyer in the new year. Luck will accompany you in all financial matters, and profits will always please you.
  • An unmarried girl should buy milk on the first day of the year. If it doesn't turn sour within two weeks, she'll be getting married soon!
