Fortune telling using the Egyptian tarot online. Online fortune telling Egyptian oracle. Features of virtual fortune telling

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The secret knowledge of the priests of Ancient Egypt has amazed the minds of scientists for many years. Many texts on the walls of destroyed palaces and temples have not yet been deciphered, and the wind blows sand over the remains of once majestic buildings, threatening to bury the last secrets of a vanished civilization under the dunes...

It was from Ancient Egypt that many methods of modern fortune telling and fortune telling came to us. Now there are many different versions of ancient predictions, even the famous Tarot Cards have undergone a lot of changes and editions, but there are fortune telling that, no matter what, continue to amaze with their accuracy and fidelity. For example, online fortune telling by the Egyptian Oracle, which recently became popular on the Internet. Translated into the virtual world, the Oracle has not lost its mystical powers and provides answers to all your questions. The mysticism and mystery that once surrounded the Egyptian Oracle with a shroud of mystery have not dissipated to this day. You will be surprised with what accuracy he answers your questions, and how true all his forecasts turn out to be. The Egyptian Oracle is not wrong.

The priests of Ancient Egypt jealously guarded their secrets, and statues of the Gods stood in temples, hidden from the views of ordinary people. There they made sacrifices, and fire blazed in the braziers, casting shifting shadows on the white walls of the temples. There the Priests received answers to all questions. Only on great holidays, with unprecedented respect, was the statue, hidden from human eyes, carried through the streets and people hurried to it, in the hope of touching something great and learning secrets hidden beyond human powers. Now, thanks to the great Champollion, who once deciphered Egyptian hieroglyphs, the opportunity has opened up to touch a piece of those times when mysticism and real life merged together, and people believed that the Gods walked freely between cities, giving mercy to the righteous and punishing the hard-hearted. Nowadays, high technologies help to get answers to pressing questions without leaving your computer. What once seemed to be forever lost knowledge came back to life thanks to the efforts of young and talented people from the Avesta Design company, who painstakingly and diligently collected information about it and transferred the Oracle to the flash platform.

In order to tell fortunes using the Egyptian Oracle, you need to focus on the question that interests you or the current situation, and then select three blocks from the magic triangle. All the numbers hiding behind the slabs will lead you to one or another symbol or Deity.

The Egyptian Oracle will give you the answer in the following order:

1. What is your strength? What's on your side.

2. What is your weakness. Who and what gets in the way of your goal.

3. Outcome of the situation.

This fortune telling has rightfully gained its popularity. It is very rare that fortune telling on the Internet gives such an accurate and correct answer, helps you choose the right decision and makes you look at the world around you with a new perspective. The Egyptian Oracle can do this.

Tarot is an ancient system of symbols depicted on fortune telling cards. There is a legend that this concept of knowledge was invented by the ancient Egyptian God of Wisdom, Thoth. This deck of 78 cards became most widespread in the Middle Ages. According to esoteric traditions, each member of the secret society must create his own deck, which has a complex structure in terms of astrology, occultism and alchemy. Today there are a huge number of varieties of these cards. The Egyptian Tarot deck is a very common card design based on images from ancient Egypt.

When did the deck appear?

The Egyptian Tarot was created by the French Freemason Antoine Court de Gebelin, who was very friendly and even belonged to the same lodge with Benjamin Franklin and Voltaire. According to historical information, the occultist de Gebelin himself came up with the story of his deck, presenting it as a hidden ancient Egyptian apocrypha.

Today, not a single linguist in the world can confirm the version that the ancient Egyptians had these cards or symbols. Antoine Cour, in his fictional pseudo-history about the ancient Egyptian mysteries, translates the name of the deck as “The Path of the King,” which symbolizes the main Masonic meaning of the path of Initiation into secret knowledge. In 1789, this deck was slightly modified by the French occultist and famous tarot reader Jean Baptiste Allette. The version of the Egyptian Tarot by Etteila (the author's pseudonym) looked like a cross between the Egyptian and Marseilles decks.

Fortune telling rules

Each interested person needs to have his own deck. Today, Egyptian Tarot cards are available for free sale in bookstores and specialized esoteric departments, along with special literature and paraphernalia. When choosing cards for fortune telling, you need to listen to your subconscious. Only guided by your own intuition can you determine which deck will “open” to the questioner. Before you start fortune-telling, you need to familiarize yourself with the symbolism of the cards and examine them carefully. Each of these 78 cards can change meaning depending on whether it is dealt upright or upside down. And also depending on what cards this or that card fell out in combination with.

The rules of fortune telling on the Egyptian deck are no different from the rules of fortune telling on any Tarot cards. The main thing in handling them is a respectful attitude and faith in the result. Cards, in fact, are only a tool in the hands of a fortuneteller in order to lift the veil of the unknown.

Card layouts

There are a large number of different card layouts, one of the most popular is the Egyptian Tarot fortune telling. This prediction is made by using 22 cards of the Major Arcana, for this you need to pick them up and mentally form a question. Next, you should carefully shuffle the cards, asking them to answer the question of interest. Absolutely all manipulations with cards should be done in full agreement with your subconscious. When the questioner feels that the cards are ready to answer the question, 3 cards should be pulled out in sequence and placed on the table. The first of them will symbolize the past, the second - the present, and the third - the future. Specialist tarot readers recommend laying out cards on a velvet tablecloth; they say that this way they become more open to the fortuneteller.

Graphics Features

The Egyptian Tarot has a slightly modified interpretation than the classical explanation of most other decks. These cards carry the sacred meaning of the Masonic community, which has its own history, hierarchy, rituals and legends. So, for example, the I Major Arcana in most decks is called “Magician” or “Magician”. In the Egyptian deck, this Arcanum is deciphered as “Amulet”, and is interpreted as “Steps”. Similar differences are found in almost all cards of the Major and Minor Arcana. These mesmerizing Thoth Tarot cards have completely unique graphics. All images are full of many symbols that are directly related to astrology, Kabbalah and alchemy.

Who is the deck suitable for and what is it intended for

The Egyptian predictive Tarot is a rather complex model of cards. Therefore, only people who have experience in handling cards can thoroughly use such a deck. This deck is designed to make accurate predictions and interpretations. In the hands of a beginner, it will be completely meaningless. It should be borne in mind that in making predictions on Tarot cards, both upright and inverted cards are important. This circumstance significantly complicates the fortune-telling process, but it allows you to obtain more accurate fortune-telling results.

Fortune telling with Egyptian Tarot cards can be done through a large number of layouts. For each prediction there is a separate layout. The most common and universal combination on all Tarot cards is the Celtic Cross layout. All 78 cards are involved in this fortune telling, one of which is chosen as a significator; this card symbolizes the questioner himself. To do this, you should use the cards of the minor arcana, for example, to carry out fortune telling on a woman, you should choose the Queen card of a certain suit: Wands, Swords, Cups or Pentacles, taking into account the astrological correspondence. In the same way, a significator for a man is selected from the cards of Knights or Kings. Next, this card should be placed in the center of the table and 10 cards should be placed around it in a certain sequence, which will describe the situation in detail.

Fortune telling with the Egyptian Tarot is a very exciting activity. In addition to a detailed description of the situation, you can get real aesthetic satisfaction from contact with an unusually beautiful deck. It should also be remembered that these cards are the result of the painstaking work of outstanding occult figures and respect this circumstance. Many tarot readers claim that these cards are not simple pictures at all, but a living organism, an organization unknown to mere mortals.

The culture of Egypt remains incomprehensible and alluring for most archaeologists and art historians today, since the secrets of the emergence of civilization and the emergence of stunning myths excite the imagination of any traveler.

We know from history that ancient Egypt was famous for its powerful gods, with their help they resurrected loved ones and restored lost strength and youth. To this day, fragments of ancient wisdom are found in excavations, which continue to arouse undeniable interest not only among archaeologists, but also among famous healers and magicians. The ancient world of Egypt was filled with beautiful and mysterious rituals, which at that time were constantly recorded on papyri and safely stored in dungeons.

The work of archaeologists and historians has led to the fact that the secret writings of the past mystical world have been preserved to this day. Through centuries of centuries, Tarot cards have come to us from antiquity, without which it is difficult to imagine a magician or fortune teller. At that time, the Egyptian pharaohs wanted to understand how to build a life and conduct politics so that the whole world would be subject to them, and their reign would never end. But, as one wise man said, peace cannot last forever, and people even in ancient Egypt had questions about how to maintain calm and balance. This is how predictions were invented in ancient times.

Where to start

Even the pharaohs wanted to find out what awaited them in the future.

The real Egyptian Oracle (online fortune telling) will take you to the world of ancient mysteries. From the very first seconds of turning on fortune telling, pleasant and specific music begins to sound, allowing you to relax and immerse yourself in meditation.

The user of original and truthful fortune-telling must take the most convenient and comfortable position for him and focus on his inner sensations. To get a more reliable answer, you need to try to clear your mind and think exclusively about the topic that worries you.

After this, you should ask a question; the accuracy and reliability of the received answer directly depends on the accuracy of the wording.

The Egyptian Oracle, fortune telling online for free, will remove the veil of mystery and invite the user to use the three movable plates of the pyramid. Mentally asking an exciting question, the fortuneteller must intuitively turn over the slabs, behind which the constantly changing number is hidden. The user does not need to remember the order of the numbers, he just has to navigate according to the oracle's instructions.

Interpretation of the answer

After completing the online fortune-telling Egyptian Oracle, the user will see the full answer, revealing the whole essence of the question. Having studied it, the user will be able to understand for himself how he behaves in society, how correct and worthy his behavior is, whether his actions will lead to something greater and more significant in his life than the baggage that he has today.

A distinctive feature of fortune telling is the fact that the Oracle directs the user to fulfill his desire and gives him colorful motivation.

The answer to the question is just one small benefit for the fortuneteller; the main help is that the Virtual Fortune Telling Egyptian Oracle online guides and corrects a person’s actions for free, while answering the question asked and can provide practical and meaningful advice. Fortune telling will reveal the true worldview of the fortuneteller and possibly guide a person to make adjustments, leading to a complete change in the strategy of behavior and attitude towards people around him or his life position.

Features of virtual fortune telling

The oracle will completely dispel doubts and remove the veil of mystery regarding the question of whether the fortuneteller’s wish will come true. In addition, having received an answer, a person will see instructions on how to behave in the future in order to feel recognition and respect from the world around him.

Find out what the future holds for you. A real oracle from Egypt online will tell you everything for free!

Colorful and original fortune telling will allow you to completely relax and transport yourself to the virtual world of the Cheops pyramid and ancient papyrus, through which the powerful Oracle will reveal all the secrets and provide answers to long-standing questions.

What can you learn from the Oracle? Any question can be asked by a person who decides to communicate with an ancient and mythical creature. You will be able to find out how correctly you have chosen the path of development or how to build your relationship with a certain person.

It is worth noting the pleasant musical accompaniment and design of the account, which engages and attracts you to the monitor screen. The user does not need to go through complex and multi-step registration procedures. Moreover, Egyptian fortune telling is among the free ones, which, undoubtedly, should be considered another advantage.

Every person longs to receive answers to all the questions that arise, but having received answers, people are not always able to competently manage the information received. The peculiarity of the Egyptian Oracle is an accurate, modern and truthful prediction, but also correct assistance to the fortuneteller. After all, getting an answer does not mean saving the result.

The oracle will tell and guide the user on how to do the right thing, to preserve or correct the current situation as much as possible. Feel the opportunity not only to get answers to your questions for free, but also to reveal the secret, inner powers that allow you to achieve amazing success in life! Egyptian fortune telling is available to everyone!

Tarot has a very ancient history; the ancient Egyptians were interested in fortune telling. The symbols of the first cards were the ancient Egyptian gods. Thoth, who was considered the god of wisdom, writing and calculation, was especially revered among them.

The Egyptians considered him the creator of numbers, writing and time. It was he, according to legend, who gave the Book of Thoth to the priests; it described all the secrets of the occult and the meaning of cards for fortune telling.

They encoded this knowledge into special symbols and placed them on cards; over time, they began to be used to predict fate.

The book consisted of 78 plates, the meaning of the symbols and numbers on them, their meaning was contained in a lasso called the door.

This is how, according to one version, fortune telling on the Tarot appeared, but it remains unknown what the first ones were and when they took on their modern appearance.

For the first time, the French pastor Antoine Cours de Gébelin spoke about the connection between the Tarot and Ancient Egypt; it was he who put forward the hypothesis that the Tarot was based on ancient Egyptian sources, but he did not have reliable evidence of this, and there is none now; he considered his hypothesis proven based on the similarity of modern cards , with existing Egyptian images.

  • The design of modern Egyptian Tarot cards comes from the interpretation of another French tarot reader, Jean Baptiste Pitois, and was later added to by 56 more images of the minor arcana.
  • A complete set of these cards was presented in the book of the American occultist, Edgar de Valcourt-Vermont.
  • They have become the basis for many modern Egyptian Tarot decks, however, now there are many versions of them being produced, especially since the original source is unknown to anyone, and special meanings are also invented for them.

If you are interested in fortune telling, then the Egyptian deck will be very useful. Now the Egyptian Tarot is very easy to purchase along with educational literature. When choosing cards, focus only on your feelings and subconscious, they will never deceive.

Features and meaning of the Egyptian Tarot

The rules of fortune telling on Egyptian cards are the same as on others; you must also treat them with respect and believe in the result. Their interpretation is somewhat different compared to classic decks.

It has a sacred Masonic meaning; in most of these decks, the senior arcana is called “Magician” or “Magician”.

  • In the Egyptian deck this is the “Amulet”, it is interpreted as “Steps”, almost all the cards are also different, the Thoth cards have absolutely unique graphics, there are many astrological, kabbalistic and alchemical symbols on the images.
  • These cards are quite complex, so only experienced tarot readers can use them correctly. But they help make accurate forecasts. For a beginner they will be meaningless.

Numerous are known, the most common and universal is the Celtic cross, all cards participate in it and one becomes a significator, this is a symbol of the questioner himself, for men and women you need to select different cards for this role.

This card is placed in the center of the table, after which 10 cards are laid out around it in the correct sequence, they will help to accurately describe the situation.

This fortune telling in itself is very exciting and will bring great aesthetic pleasure. Many tarot readers consider these cards to be alive and should be respected as much as possible, since a lot of work went into their production.

They will help if you need an archetypal interpretation of a situation or if you are interested in global things, self-development or an explanation of the incomprehensible. They will help you feel the spirit of antiquity.

This practice can be of very serious help, but the deck must be taken seriously and not used for trifles; the deck can also be used to prepare for access to other more complex author’s decks that exploit the theme of Ancient Egypt at a higher level.

You may need it if you are going to work with clients.

At the same time, you shouldn’t completely trust the layout, although, of course, the wisdom of Ancient Egypt should be treated with respect, but no one can say for sure whether these cards are related to Egypt; there are many allegations on this issue, but there are no hard facts.

It is quite possible that this was an invention of later occultists in order to give more weight to their works. In any case, fortune telling can only give advice and guide you in some way, just like, but there is no need to consult cards in all life situations.

Before starting fortune telling, you need to study as much literature as possible, since the Egyptian Tarot is more complex than others; the meanings of the cards upright and inverted can vary greatly.

You need to accurately understand the meaning of all cards and their combinations, only in this case the forecast will become accurate. You need to start the practice of fortune telling with simpler decks, although predictions on Egyptian cards made by a professional are usually quite accurate.

One of the oldest symbols of Ancient Egypt is the Ankh. It accompanies almost every tomb of this ancient and mysterious country. It was worn by pharaohs, gods were depicted with it, and to this day many esotericists believe that it contains a mysterious and powerful force, which is why it is often used as an amulet.

Egyptian cross, Ankh - description and meaning

The ankh is also called the Coptic cross or the knot of life. The symbol represents an image of a cross with a loop-shaped top. In ancient times, it meant access to secret knowledge. People believed that those who possessed it could learn higher disciplines, so only enlightened representatives of society - priests, pharaohs, and servants - were allowed to use its power.

As a talisman, the Ankh acts in the following way - it makes the owner more resilient and strong, and helps people with magical potential to reveal their abilities.

One of the main meanings that was put into the meaning of the symbol is the infinity of existence. He says that the Egyptians believed that after death the existence of the soul does not end, and beyond it there is another life. They believed that consciousness is immortal and with each cycle lived, experience and knowledge accumulate.

Many scientists and researchers suggest that the Ankh was considered the personification of the combination of heavenly and earthly forces, masculine and feminine, by analogy with Yin-Yang. The symbol defined the divine principle in every person.

The process of transmission from the god Ra to the pharaoh is depicted on many tombs and shrines of Egypt - this had a secret meaning that spoke of the divine election of the future ruler.

In appearance, the Ankh consists of several parts:

  1. The top element is made in the form of a circle and personifies the sun and the world in which the gods live, as well as the eternal cycle of things and events - the unity of the universe.
  2. Below it is a line in a horizontal position - like an image of the horizon above which the sun rises.
  3. The lower part consists of a line of vertical direction, meaning the path of a person striving for knowledge.

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Cross of Anubis

Anubis is a god in the kingdom of the dead. According to the beliefs of the ancient Egyptians, he transferred the souls of people from the world of the living to the afterlife. The duties of the deity included embalming the body, mummification and protecting the soul from the attacks of demonic entities.

Anubis also served as a judge. He was depicted as a creature with a human body and the head of a wolf, and later a jackal. In one hand he held the Ankh and in the other a scale. On the scales he decided the fate of the deceased. A heart was placed on one bowl, and a feather on the other. If the heart was heavier than the feather, a person did not go to heaven.

The Ankh was needed so that God could open the gates of heaven for those who successfully passed the test.

How to tell fortunes using Egyptian tarot cards

Tarot is a very ancient type of fortune telling card that has complex symbolism and holds deep meaning and potential. Some legends say that they were invented by the wise god Thoth. The deck consists of 78 cards. This type of fortune telling became especially popular in the Middle Ages.

The Egyptian version of the deck was created by a Freemason of French origin - Antoine Court de Gébelin. By conviction, each participant in a secret magical society is obliged to create his own unique deck, which would comply with all the rules of astrology and esotericism. Antoine gave it the name - The King's Path.


  1. The fortuneteller must have an individual deck of cards. In the modern world, acquiring it is not difficult.
  2. When choosing, they are guided not by reason, but by their own energetic instinct. You need to feel the Tarot and then the secret meaning will be revealed.
  3. Before using the image, symbolism and meaning must be mastered and understood, and given time to get used to it.
  4. It should be remembered that the semantic load of each card changes depending on the position and proximity to other Arcana, so a correctly interpreted layout will answer any question.
  5. Fortune telling on Egyptian cards is no different from ordinary Tarot.

The deck is treated with care, respect and with faith in success.


For fortune telling you will need 22 cards from the deck.

  1. Take the Tarot in your hands and, concentrating carefully, ask a question.
  2. Stir thoroughly. Carry out all actions in accordance with internal sensations. When the subconscious signals that it is ready to find out the answer, start laying out the images.
  3. To do this, randomly remove three cards from the deck. The first one reflects the past, the second one represents the present, and the third one represents the future.
  4. The peculiarity of the Egyptian Tarot is its meaning. For example, in the traditional Tarot the first Arcana, belonging to the major type, is called the Magician or Magician, but in this variation the name and meaning are changed to Amulet and Stages.

The meaning of the Egyptian Tarot

  • Fool- means a waste of time, taking hasty and thoughtless advice. It is recommended to change your attitude towards life to a more serious one, and not be afraid of changes.
  • Mage– personifies a freedom-loving personality, an intellectually developed person who knows how to lead competently. Indicates great willpower and self-confidence. However, the card speaks of the need to give yourself freedom to act.
  • Papess– shows a thirst for knowledge, both official and exoteric, and a well-developed intuition. She advises not to rush to achieve your cherished goal and check everything carefully. The advice is to surrender to the sequence of events, let everything go as it is.
  • Empress- in certain cases indicates that the woman is pregnant. In other situations, at a high potential energy charge. In general, the card advises: to follow the path of life without unnecessary leaps - smoothly and maintain a positive mood.
  • Emperor– speaks of control of all processes and a high-level reputation. Advice - if you have planned something, you need to think through everything carefully and build a sequence of activities.
  • Hierophant– talks about the search for meaning. The recommendation is to adhere to public social norms in behavior and find a mentor.
  • Lovers- means that the existing connection between people is strengthening or they are experiencing a feeling of strong passion. It is worth trusting your inner voice and intuition, and entering into a relationship with a person.
  • Chariot– occurs when a trip is expected, perhaps a long one. Another meaning is the promotion of important causes. The recommendation is not to shift things to another date if it can be done today.
  • Justice- the triumph of justice and truth. The card says that difficult goals will be resolved. The advice is to pay off debts and complete the deal.
  • Hermit– characterizes a person as a little detached and independent. The recommendation is to retire more often and listen to your inner voice.
  • Wheel of Fate– opening up new opportunities and horizons. Just don't let your guard down.
  • Strength– shows the personality as a persistent person, with a strong character. The card says that it is necessary to implement plans, but there may be obstacles along the way that must be overcome.
  • Hanged– symbolizes self-sacrifice or punishment due to mistakes made in the past. Tarot advises you to pause your business and conduct introspection.
  • Death– it contains the meaning of the end of the cycle. This can be getting rid of and cleansing from past events, thoughts, personality restructuring. She encourages you to start making changes in your life without risk.
  • Moderation– a search for compromises is necessary to bring harmony and tranquility into life. Advice - forget about controversial situations and disunity.
  • Devil- indicates that a person is highly dependent on something. This is a person who can easily succumb to temptations and temptations. The call of the card is to control actions and thoughts, develop positive aspects of character.
  • Tower– the symbol carries a warning about the likelihood of losing one’s position - for example, planned affairs or started projects may fail. Tarot gives advice not to hold on to the old, but to give opportunities for the new to come.
  • Star– the card says that there is a chance that someone will offer help, and you should not refuse it.
  • Moon– warns of the likelihood of deception and severe stress. Advice - you should not take the word of the information provided, everything needs to be checked carefully. You cannot get involved in adventures and scams.
  • Sun– a positive card. Predicts a person's happiness, joy and success in business. The person who received this Arcanum is enlightened. The recommendation is to believe in your own abilities and capabilities.
  • Court– Arcana of improving life and ending the black streak. The main thing is not to be afraid of the future.
  • World– the card indicates a rapid improvement in people’s understanding. There will be an opportunity to enter into an alliance or union with like-minded people.

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  • Don't be afraid of cards. They won't do any harm. The ritual does not require complex manipulations.
  • It’s easier to start learning with a classic deck and simple fortune telling. It is well developed by specialists and easier to interpret.
  • First, study the cards completely and master the meaning of the Arcana.
  • For learning, it is better to use only one type of card.
  • Keep a diary in which you will record the results of the layouts.
  • At first, interpret the meanings only for yourself.
  • If you are not feeling well, do not practice Tarot.
  • Do not neglect simple means of protection, such as a candle.

The Ankh carries colossal energy. It is a symbol of life, the key to the gates of heaven and a powerful amulet. It endows the owner with intelligence, insight, strength, and the ability to comprehend secret knowledge. Such a symbol will be an excellent gift and will give the owner health, joy and prosperity.
