Healing mantras: what words will help you get well. Magic words for making wishes come true Magic words for recovery


For a long time now everyone has been paying attention to the magical effect of words.
Everyone knows that sometimes you can heal with a word, but you can, on the contrary, send damage to someone. Even in the womb, babies, hearing their mother's voice, develop faster and after birth they become unusually capable.
Psychologists have noticed that in order to overcome a disease, it is necessary to match the rhythm of healing music to a particular condition. Well-chosen music, poetry and prayer relieve a person from all kinds of ailments, having a healing effect on people.
Scientists have concluded that verbal information affects the human immune system. It has been objectively shown that our ancestors were right when they used spells and prayers in the treatment of various diseases.
What words do you think had the most impact on people?

Turns out, simple words: “love”, “hope”, “faith”, “kindness”. Remember as in the Bible: “In the beginning was the word.”
Since ancient times, people have known that words have special power. This is a war cry, a prayer, songs of joy and sorrow.
Most illnesses come when there is discord in your soul. Each of us can regain our health. This is not difficult to do; you just need to include word therapy in various activities.
Each person has a unique mechanism for healing the spirit, soul, and through them, the physical body. It’s not for nothing that popular wisdom says: “A word is like a balm for a wound.”
It has long been proven that certain words, pronounced with a certain intonation, carry a healing and energetic charge. Isn't this the secret of folk spells and conspiracies?
How often do you use word therapy?

Therapeutic alphabet:

*The sound “A” relieves pain of various origins, treats the heart and upper lobes of the lungs, helps with paralysis and respiratory diseases, has a powerful effect on the entire body, promoting the saturation of tissues with oxygen.
*The sound “B” has a positive effect on the nervous system, spinal cord and brain.

*The sound “E” (ye) helps the body free itself from negative energy and has a beneficial effect on the brain and endocrine glands.

*The sound “Z” is used in the treatment of diseases of the larynx, thyroid and parathyroid glands.

*The sound “I” helps with diseases of the heart, eyes and ears, as well as with a runny nose and kidney failure.

*The sound “M” is unique: it affects the entire body as a whole, heals heart diseases and

Positively affects the blood vessels of the brain.

*The sound “N” heals diseases of the right hemisphere of the brain, activates intuition and creativity.

*The sound “O” is called the “savior of the lungs”: it causes healing vibration in the chest, which treats cough, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia, relieves spasms and pain, and alleviates pulmonary tuberculosis.

*The sound “C” is good for the heart, blood vessels, and endocrine glands.

*The sound “X” harmonizes the entire body and restores the nervous system, helps with stress and depression, and heart disease.

*The sound “H” treats insomnia and neuroses, kidney diseases.

The sound “Ш” is useful for atherosclerosis, obesity, blurred vision, liver and gallbladder diseases.

*The sound “E” heals the cardiovascular system, strengthens ligaments, activates the brain

*The sound “Yu” is useful for diseases of the bones, kidneys, and bladder.

The healing effect is enhanced if, after pronouncing this sound, you press left hand to the navel area and cover it with your right hand.

*The sound “I” harmonizes the work of the whole body, relieves pain, and heals the nervous system.
-One or two times a day or more (as needed) sound exercise: take a deep breath, and then

Make the sound that is most suitable, mentally directing it to the diseased organ. Pull as long as possible - until there is enough air, but without tension.
-For diseases of the heart or lungs, pronounce healing sounds in low tones; for diseases of the liver, spleen, stomach, kidneys, intestines - in medium or high tones.
-The syllable “AY” relieves heart pain. The syllables “OH” and “OU” have a general beneficial effect on the heart.
-The combination of “OU” heals the liver, stomach and lower lobes of the lungs.
-the syllable “SU” heals the bronchi and lungs.
-The combination of “SH” and “SH” has a positive effect on the brain and calms the nervous system.
- the syllable “CHEN” is effective for diseases of the heart, small intestine and tongue. To enhance the therapeutic effect, place your left hand on the sore spot and cover it with your right hand.
-the syllable “SHEN” is useful to pronounce for diseases of the skin, lungs, colon, and nose. At the same time, place your left hand on your chest under your neck and cover it with your right hand.
-In case of cerebral atherosclerosis, pronounce the combination “M-POM” more often.
-The combination of “GUO” heals the eyes, liver, gall bladder and tendons.
-The syllable “SI” has a healing effect on the thyroid gland.
-For diabetes and diseases of the digestive tract, it is very useful to laugh and say “Ha – ha – ha” and “Ho – ho – ho” as often as possible, taking 4 inhalations and exhalations at a time. At the same time, the upper respiratory tract is cleared, tissues and organs are saturated with oxygen.
Are you in a bad mood, tired, depressed? In the morning, as soon as you get out of bed, start loudly pronouncing and singing the syllables “Ta-ra-ra”, “Pa-ra-ra”.
In a few minutes you will feel better!
The sounds of nature also have a healing effect. Morning birdsong invigorates and stimulates the nervous system. The noise of leaves and the sounds of drizzling rain relax and soothe. And the sounds of spring are truly healing! Drops normalize heart rate, the sound of the spring wind in the trees

Trees help cope with heart spasms and shortness of breath. Listening to this spring noise, a person feels an upsurge of mental and physical strength!
Everyone knows about the powerful influence of music on a person, on his consciousness and subconscious. From all the variety, choose what you need for yourself and use it to restore strength, mood, for vigor, or vice versa, for relaxation; for dance impact classes. In your quest for balance, music will be a great addition!

Even in ancient times, people realized that words spoken with conviction and repeated repeatedly can have a strong impact on a person’s life and destiny. It was noticed that the frequent use of words with a sharply negative meaning leads to aggravation of problems, and, on the contrary, the predominance of “positive” words in speech gives a person such strength that he gets out of the most difficult life situations and achieves success. Our wise ancestors used this observation to make conspiracies truly effective. And modern psychologists have confirmed the connection between what we say and our sense of self and luck. The thing is that the words we often pronounce are deposited in the subconscious and cause a special reaction in the body, influencing our behavior and life in general. Therefore, if problems haunt you, it’s time to think about what words you say most often. Here is a list of 10 words that will help get rid of problems and attract good luck.

Happiness. Happiness is what you strive for. Remind yourself of this goal every day and look into the future with confidence: “I will definitely achieve my happiness.” By repeating this word, you

Bring your goal closer to yourself, and after a while you will really feel like a happy person.

Gratitude. If you break this word down into its components, you get the combination “to give a benefit.” Fortune turns its back on those who are only able to receive without giving anything in return. Therefore, thank for your successes - pronouncing the word “thank you” - close people, fortunate circumstances, those who provided you with help, albeit insignificant, and next time luck will not deny you its favor again.


1. Cure in 5 hours from any strains of dysentery, salmonellosis, typhoid fever, cholera, acute appendicitis (no need for surgery).

2. Cure in one week from the following diseases: stomach ulcer, intestinal ulcer (small intestine), colitis - inflammatory process in the large intestine, dysbacteriosis.

At the request of readers, I give a recipe for preparing a water infusion of dry pomegranate peels and its use.

The approximate weight ratio of dry pomegranate peels and boiling water is 1:20.
Put approximately 10-12 g of dry pomegranate peels into a preheated cup, glass or glass jar and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them (you can pour 200 ml into this container raw water, add 10-12 g of pomegranate peels and bring to a boil with an electric boiler, but do not boil). Cover with a saucer or paper folded in 4 layers. Leave for 25-30 minutes and you can start drinking.
Do not throw away the crusts; the infusion continues.
As soon as the peels were poured with boiling water, the treatment began, and during these 25-30 minutes of infusion, the container with the pomegranate peels should be located next to the person being treated.

Preparation of an aqueous infusion of dry pomegranate peels for the treatment of all listed diseases is the same. Application is different.

I. To cure in 5 hours from 1) dysentery; 2) salmonellosis; 3) typhoid fever; 4) cholera; 5) acute appendicitis - use the water infusion as follows:

After steeping for 25-30 minutes, drink about half the liquid (half a glass). Do not strain the infusion; the infusion continues. And cover with the saucer again. If 10 minutes after this you feel healthy, then it was a normal stomach upset (diarrhea) and it is completely cured. You can safely go on any trip, because you will not have diarrhea or constipation.

If after 10 minutes you do not feel recovered, then you either have dysentery, or salmonellosis, or typhoid fever, or cholera. You need to stay at home and drink the remaining water infusion after 3 hours. The treatment process lasts 3 hours (with infusion 3.5 hours), and recovery occurs 5 hours after the start of treatment.

II. To cure in 1 week from: 1) stomach ulcers; 2) intestinal ulcers (small intestine); 3) colitis (inflammatory process in the colon); 4) dysbacteriosis - use an aqueous infusion of dry pomegranate peels as follows:

After steeping for 25-30 minutes, start drinking. During the day, drink about half of the water infusion (90-100 ml) in 4 doses in approximately equal portions and at approximately equal intervals, i.e. approximately 20-25 ml per 1 dose. Drink on an empty stomach, with the 1st dose in the morning, after sleep, and the 4th dose at night, before bed.
- Drink a water infusion not every day of the week, but every other day, i.e. on days of the week 1, 3, 5, 7 - drink the infusion, and on days 2, 4, 6 - do not drink the infusion (rest from treatment).
- This is enough for a complete cure. But if, to be on the safe side, someone wants to continue treatment, for example, for a stomach ulcer, then they can repeat the weekly course of treatment no earlier than a week later.
- During the treatment process, do not strain the water infusion - the infusion continues.
- During this treatment, alcohol is contraindicated, and especially contraindicated on the days of taking the water infusion.
- The essence of the treatment is that all pathogenic bacteria are constantly suppressed throughout the gastrointestinal tract (healthy bacteria are not suppressed) and their locations are successfully colonized by healthy bacteria necessary for humans.
- In addition to the above, it is known that Hippocrates treated cut and puncture wounds with this water infusion. A clean (cotton) cloth, previously moistened in an aqueous infusion of dry pomegranate peels, was applied to the wound. This cloth was kept constantly damp until the wound healed.”


Mandarin peel contains essential oil, phytoncides, carotenoids, vitamins, antioxidants and other valuable substances. That is why it is simply unreasonable to throw away such valuable raw materials! 1. For flatulence, dysbacteriosis.
Grind the dried peel of tangerines in a coffee grinder and add to cottage cheese, porridge, and other dishes, 1 teaspoon per serving.

2. For bronchitis. 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed dry peel, pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, keep on low heat for 5 minutes, leave under the lid for an hour, strain. Take 0.5 cups of warmed infusion 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals.

3. For dry cough for better sputum removal. 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed peel, pour 1 glass of vodka, leave for a week in a dark place, strain. Take 20 drops of tincture in a glass of water 3 times a day before meals.

4. For colds, flu, coughs, take inhalations. Pour boiling water over a handful of finely chopped tangerine peel in a vessel with a narrow hole, breathe in the steam for 10-12 minutes. After the procedure, do not go out into the cold for an hour.

5. For fungal infection of toenails. Rub your nail plates with tangerine peel 2 times a day.

6. For fatigue, frequent nervous tension, stress. Place finely chopped tangerine peel in a cotton bag approximately 10x7cm in size, keep it in a plastic bag, if necessary, remove from the bag, place it in front of you and inhale the aroma for 15 minutes.

7. For insomnia, nervous tension, high blood pressure, palpitations. Pour 1 glass of fresh crushed peel into 3 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil again, leave under the lid for an hour, strain and squeeze out the raw materials. Pour the infusion into the bath. Take warm baths (37-38 degrees) for 15 minutes, an hour before bed, every other day.


Simple and accessible recipes will help you maintain your health, strengthen your immune system, saturate your body with useful substances, and therefore prolong your youth and ensure longevity!

* 1. Pour a cup of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Pour in juice; lemon, add 1 tablespoon each of dried mint and granulated sugar, remove from heat; leave for 5 minutes and strain. Drink before bed for two months, twice a year - in spring and autumn.

* 2. Recipe of the ancient Vikings, it is better to drink in the first half of the day - a boost of energy will be provided until the evening! Mix equal quantities of dried rose hips, dried nettles and knotweed. Brew one tablespoon of this mixture with a glass of boiling water and leave for three hours. Strain. Drink in one gulp.

* 3. Mix the juice from; lemon with glass mineral water(can be carbonated), add honey to taste. Drink on an empty stomach every morning. This is a classic!

* 4. Mix one teaspoon each of freshly squeezed lemon juice, honey and olive oil. Consume on an empty stomach every morning. The elixir helps improve complexion and skin condition, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and is a powerful prevention of atherosclerosis.

* 5. Add juice to a glass of cold boiled water; lemon, a teaspoon of honey and 15 drops of Eleutherococcus tincture. Drink in small sips every morning, 15 minutes before breakfast.

* 6. Grind dried rose hips and red rowan in equal quantities in a coffee grinder and mix. Pour 1 full teaspoon of the mixture into a cup, brew with boiling water, leave for 15 minutes and drink (preferably without straining).

* 7. Fill a glass bottle to the top with finely chopped garlic, add vodka, close tightly and put in a cool, dark place for 15 days. Strain and store in the refrigerator. Once a day you need to add 1 teaspoon of elixir to your food until it runs out.

* 8. Mix 50 grams each: ginger (root powder), sage (dried herb), mint (dried herb), galangal (crushed root), pour in a liter of vodka. Infuse in a dark place in a tightly closed glass container for 15 days. The mixture must be shaken periodically. Strain. Take 30 drops three times a day before meals.

* 9. Brew a drink in a cup from a mixture of black leaf tea and dry thyme (equal parts). Add a teaspoon of honey.

* 10. Mince 1 kg of celery root, 100 g of garlic, 100 g of horseradish root, 2 lemons, add 100 g of honey. Mix everything well, transfer to a glass bowl, cover with a napkin, first put in a warm place for 12 hours, and then in a cool place for 3 days. Strain, squeezing out the juice. Keep refrigerated. Take 1 teaspoon three times a day half an hour before meals.

According to scientists, dates are an ideal food product. It is believed that dates contain all the necessary nutrients, and even if you eat only dates and water, you can live for several years.

Dates do have a wide range of beneficial qualities. They will be useful for fatigue and overwork, anemia, hypertension, facial paralysis, tuberculosis and cardiovascular diseases. In addition, they soothe cough, have an expectorant, tonic and strengthening effect, and have a beneficial effect on brain activity.

It is especially useful for women to consume dates during pregnancy, childbirth, and lactation. They facilitate the process of childbirth and stimulate milk production in the female body.

Dates also enhance the body’s ability to resist various infections, strengthen the heart, liver and kidneys, maintain the acid balance of the body and significantly reduce the risk of tumors and cancer.

Mom's recipe for ointment for seven ailments

Simple, effective and no chemicals for your body! If you have a back pain, a hernia in the spine, a twisted leg, cracking joints - try applying ointment, apply a paper towel or canvas rag and wrap it loosely. Do not put tracing paper or polyethylene - the applique must “breathe”.

By morning the pain will subside, and after a couple of days you will forget that anything happened at all. Relief will definitely come, because this is also important. When nothing is possible because of a bad heart, this recipe will help.

Dilute 5 mummy tablets with 5 drops of water, stir with a toothpick until completely dissolved, try to dissolve all the mummy grains, if it is very thick add 2 drops of water, but try not to overdo it with water, as it then does not combine well with the oil and will separated in the final product...

5 tablets of diluted mummy,
1 tablespoon fir oil,
3 tablespoons of honey.
Combine all three ingredients. All the putty - the treatment is ready. Place in a jar with a lid and stir before use.

You need to spread no more than a millimeter layer on the skin, you can rub it into the skin if you want - the effect even improves, but a thick layer can cause redness on the skin from fir oil, cover only with a paper towel or canvas rag. Do NOT store in the refrigerator.


There are such things: one day they come into your head, and you sit down as if you were doused with ice water. How could I not understand this? How did this not immediately occur to me? How could I live without realizing this fundamentally important IDEA? To prevent this from happening to you, an exhaustive list has been compiled for you.

1. Confidence and impudence are not the same thing.
2. Self-analysis is a sign of maturity.
3. Waking up early is important if you want to be a full-fledged member of society...
4. ...but getting enough sleep on weekends is priceless.
5. Even if you don't see each other as often as you'd like, old friends are still very important.
6. Discretion is always good, especially on VKontakte, Facebook, Twitter and SMS.
7. Your C in your diploma does not determine your destiny. You determine.
8. Performance at university does not matter.
9. There are things you do that are downright lousy.
10. Whoever condemned your choice of profession just wanted to prick you.

11. Plan B is usually Plan A.
12. Opinions are like holes in one place: everyone has them, but you don’t need to listen to any of them.
13. Dreams are wonderful, but becoming an asshole to achieve them makes no sense.
14. Drinking is fun...
15. ...but its power must be respected, if not guarded against.
16. Even Frank Sinatra regretted something and continued on his way. Regrets are a sign of self-awareness.
17. Anyone who complains that they can’t get out of the friend zone needs to grow up.
18. Judging a person’s personal choice: the decision to get married, have children, change careers is truly stupid. Live your stupid life.
19. Instagram becomes better if you post photos of people there, not things.

20. The fear of missing out on something is groundless. This applies only to live broadcasts, which can still be watched in the recording, although the effect of presence will, of course, be lost.

21. Sleep + drink well + eat well = hangover gone.
22. The music your parents listened to was cool.
23. Lying on your resume is BAD. Then they will find out everything anyway.
24. If you don't have to do it every day, wearing a suit and tie every now and then is cool.
25. Spending money on things that separate you from the earth: shoes, tires, a bed is justified; you cannot save here.
26. You will learn the most important things in this life from people who have a completely different point of view than you.
27. Intelligence is not a competition; you cannot measure yourself by intellectual limbs.
28. “Personal brand” is bullshit invented by PR specialists, SMM specialists and other marketers who hang out on the Internet all day. Just be yourself.
29. Who were you at school? Ahahahahaha!
30. There is always a right time to leave.

31. Compliments mean a lot, as does constructive criticism...
32. ...but remember: some people don’t know how to listen to criticism...
33. ...and sometimes you really don’t have to listen to her.
34. You don’t choose your favorite team - it happens somehow by itself.
35. Quoting movies with someone is a great activity.
36. Musical tastes are the most subjective thing in the world.
37. There is nothing wrong with staying up until three in the morning.
38. Caring can cause you enormous stress...
39. ...and one day it will be rewarded to you.
40. Relationships are also stressful...

41. ...and in most cases there is also a lot of pleasant things in them.
42. Cheap food seems tasty only when you are a student. Then all normal food costs twice as much.
43. If you can’t decide whether to go somewhere or not, always go: it’s usually more interesting than staying at home...
44. ...but if you stay at home, it’s okay.
45. It is very easy to avoid shallow people.
46. ​​Very few people can influence you.
47. Graduating from college is not the end of the fun.
48. Go to the polls. Even just to spoil the ballot. Otherwise, don't complain.
49. The music you listened to in school was awesome.
50. Channeling anger into physical activity or creativity is the best way to let off steam.

51. It makes sense to keep in touch with classmates, classmates, acquaintances and teachers through social networks. Sometimes it pays off.
52. You only live once, but stop talking about it already.
53. Envy is weakness. If you don't transform envy into action, you will only be pitied.

54. Don’t dance badly, even if you move poorly.
55. Becoming a mentor to someone is cool because it’s cool to teach someone.
56. Some problems should be left in the past because taking care of them makes you look like Peter Pan. It's time to grow up.
57. The ability to neglect something is very valuable.
58. God probably created torrents.
59. “Too old for something” is a bad excuse.
60. Weddings drain your wallet and take away your weekends, but being able to be there and catch up with old friends makes it all worth it.

61. A nasty and dirty bathroom ruins your mood in one second.
62. You can’t help but put your hand into an open package of something: it enslaves!
63. No one can be called the voice of a generation.
64. No matter how cool your TV is, you will never be able to feel yourself at the scene of what is happening.
65. There is no point in putting off important things.
66. You feel much better if you eat at least something green a day. I don't mean marmalade.
67. The older generation will always judge the younger generation.
68. Stop talking about travel - go.
69. The best way to recover is to walk.
70. Appreciate time alone with yourself.

71. Money says nothing about your character.
72. Collect moments, not things.
73. There is no point in wasting time and energy on something you don’t enjoy, especially if it’s your free time.
74. Everyone sleeps with someone. It's unlikely that your track record is of particular value.
75. Listen.
76. Empathize.
77. The things you like are not a lifestyle.
78. Gossip is stupid.
79. Talk to strangers (in transport, in line - everywhere).
80. Sincerely thanking people is very important.

81. You usually do or understand something wrong when you don't ask enough questions.
82. Apathy can be cured by being interested in at least something.
83. Vacation is happiness. Always take a vacation!
84. If you have ever been sick and did not have a policy, you will understand that a policy is happiness.
85. Nothing in the news is worth losing your temper.
86. On social networks you can repost not only cats and GIFs.
87. Sometimes it makes sense to exchange a labor tent for a non-true hotel with a bed and hot water.
88. K financial affairs should be taken seriously.
89. Shopping online after drinking is a bad idea.
90. Routine is not always bad.

91. Unlimited beer, rolls, pizza and other things - this is bullshit. Usually you won't eat or drink that much (or you'll just get drunk from that much alcohol in too little time).
92. There is nothing tastier than the beer your friend bought you.
93. There is nothing more pleasant than treating a friend to beer.
94. If you don’t clean up, you’ll sit in shit.
95. The best results come from determination.
96. You can react to an error in different ways.
97. Your work is not you yet.
98. Your generation is not special at all.
99. There is no excuse for boredom.
100. A little modesty goes a long way.
101. Try hard. Everyone is trying. And that's okay.


We are used to reaching for a painkiller every time something gives us discomfort. A lot of trouble is caused by inflammation of the knee joint, pain in the fingers or toes. Do not immediately run for no-shpa, ibuprofen or analgin, so as not to accumulate excess chemicals in the body. Try one of these natural pain relievers instead.

1. Rosemary

Rosemary is a seasoning that will surprise no one today. It is one of the mandatory spices in the Mediterranean menu and is successfully used in cosmetology. By the way, rosemary essential oil is considered a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. But most importantly, rosemary is able to relieve pain, thanks to the presence of so-called ursolic acid.

200 g rosemary;
2 glasses of water (400 ml).

To prepare the infusion, add rosemary sprigs to boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. After twenty minutes, remove the container from the heat and let it brew. It is recommended to drink no more than two cups per day.

All types of horsetails; field, meadow, river, Bogota - can serve you well by relieving painful spasms. The so-called horsetail contains flavonoids, which are among the most powerful antioxidants in nature. It is an affordable and natural pain reliever. Horsetail infusion should be made and taken according to the same recipe as rosemary.

3. Turmeric

The bright yellow oriental spice is very popular on the Hindustan Peninsula. There it is considered a medicine along with many other spices. It is especially recommended for use by athletes, since turmeric promotes the elasticity of ligaments. In addition, it relieves joint pain. In addition, turmeric soothes inflammation and helps regeneration.

1 tablespoon of turmeric (20 g);
3 cups of water (750 ml);
3 tablespoons of honey (60 g).

Place a pan of water on the fire and add a spoonful of turmeric. The water will immediately become colored

Nice yellow color. Simmer for 10 minutes, then remove the pan from the stove, let it sit and cool. When the broth has cooled, strain it and add three tablespoons of honey. It is recommended to drink in small portions throughout the day.

4. Ginger

Also in ancient China knew about the pain-relieving qualities of the root and successfully used it in treatment. It is no less relevant now, in our days. Ginger acts especially quickly for joint pain.

200 g grated ginger root;
2 glasses of water (400 ml);
2 tablespoons of honey.

In the same way as in previous recipes, we will prepare an infusion from ginger root. Bring water to a boil and add grated ginger. Leave for about 20 minutes and remove from heat. Let it brew and cool for 10 minutes and strain the drink.

Then add honey. Honey is needed to add a little taste and enrich the broth with magnesium, iron, phosphorus, manganese, potassium, chlorine, and calcium. You can drink up to 4 cups of drink per day.

5. Flaxseed

Flaxseed can be found both in pharmacies and supermarkets at a very reasonable price. This product saturates the body with essential fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. It is their presence in the composition that relieves pain, especially joint pain. Flax seed works as a lubricant for joints. Eat two tablespoons of seeds daily. It is better not to subject them to any heat treatment.

a person is born, he receives a Guardian Angel who accompanies
his whole life, protecting him, helping him, sending him tips and signals. IN
in difficult times, our Guardian Angel calls other Angels for help,
to cope with adversity. We
We believe that we have well-developed intuition, we hear our inner
voice or see prophetic dreams, but in fact all this is the help of our
Guardian Angel. He communicates with us every day, and we don't even suspect
about this.Guardian Angel
tries not to interfere too much in our affairs, but is sensitive to
requests for help. So just ask him, give him a task, and he will
will come to you with joy
for help. But just don’t forget that you only need to ask
about good, because the Guardian Angel is not capable of harm and
cause harm. Do not
expect your wish to come true instantly, as if by magic. U
The Guardian Angel may have a different vision of the task and he fulfills

A desire when a person is ready to accept its result. So wait
patiently, and when the cherished hour comes, your desire will certainly
will come true if you don't
change your mind and decide not to give it up or want something completely opposite. Opportunities
Guardian Angels are limitless, so if you want to receive from him
constant help and support, do not forget to mentally communicate with him and
thank you for your help and for always being there. When are you going to
important matters or difficulties are coming, feel free to contact your
Guardian Angel, ask for his help and protection. But
and you must protect your Guardian Angel, because he is a gentle and
vulnerable. Don't swear, don't shout, don't use swear words. Angels
do not like quarrels and rudeness, cannot tolerate tobacco smoke or alcohol
miasma and narcotic fog. They get sick from negative energy and
losing strength.


In order to find joy in life, get rid of problems and achieve success, you do not need to make titanic efforts. The main thing is to believe in yourself and give yourself a positive attitude. This can be done using the power of words.
Even in ancient times, people realized that words spoken with conviction and repeated repeatedly can have a strong impact on a person’s life and destiny. It has been noted that the frequent use of words with a sharply negative meaning leads to worsening problems, and,

On the contrary, the predominance of “positive” words in speech gives a person such strength that he gets out of the most difficult life situations and achieves success. Our wise ancestors used this observation to make conspiracies truly effective. And modern psychologists have confirmed the connection between what we say and our sense of self and luck. The thing is that the words we often pronounce are deposited in the subconscious and cause a special reaction in the body, influencing our behavior and life in general. Therefore, if problems haunt you, it’s time to think about what words you say most often. Here is a list of 10 words that will help get rid of problems and attract good luck.

Luck. Yes, luck loves to be called by name. But you need to use this word confidently and only with a positive attitude. No “Oh, if only luck smiled at me...”. Instead, you should say, “I believe that luck will smile on me today.”

Happiness. Happiness is what you strive for. Remind yourself of this goal every day and look into the future with confidence: “I will definitely achieve my happiness.” By repeating this word, you will bring your goal closer to yourself, and after a while you will really feel like a happy person

Love. The ability to love yourself and the world- a guarantee of good luck, which does not like callous people. Remind your loved ones to talk about your feelings, and don’t be afraid to admit your love for the world. Say: “I love this world for its beauty and the opportunities it opens up for me.” And the world will rush to reciprocate your feelings.

Well-being. The word consists of two parts, and if we rearrange them, we will see the combination “receive good.” If you use this word often, and especially if you wish the well-being of other people, you will really begin to benefit from life and bring good luck to yourself.
Gratitude. If you break this word down into its components, you get the combination “to give a benefit.” Fortune turns its back on those who are only able to receive without giving anything in return.

Therefore, thank for your successes - pronouncing the word “thank you” - close people, fortunate circumstances, those who provided you with help, albeit insignificant, and next time luck will not deny you its favor again.
Success. To ensure that all your endeavors are crowned with success, say this word more often. This way you will program yourself for luck and achieve what you want.

Confidence. Confidence is one of the fundamental feelings lucky people. If you believe in yourself, then Fortune will give you favor. Frequent repetition of this word will help you feel confident in your abilities, convince yourself of your own faith, even if at first you had doubts.

Confidence. In order for circumstances to develop successfully, you need to trust life. Before something important to you, talk more often about trust: “I have confidence in life. I know that life circumstances will work out in my favor."
Health. The key to success is physical and moral health. Negative words, discussions of illnesses and constant complaints about well-being not only attract problems, but also worsen the condition of the body. But the word “health” in positive combinations will help you always feel good.

Hope. Hope forces a person to gather strength into a fist and move on even in the most difficult situations. Say “I hope for the best,” and luck will definitely hear you and justify your hope.
Change your life for the better by using the right words. Your happiness is in your hands. May Fortune always bestow its favor on you!

A healthy body is an amazing resource that allows a person to live a full life. In such a body, a person feels great, he has the strength to live, to realize everything he has planned. That's why it's such a value. You can strive for health in different ways, including magical ones. A properly selected health ritual will help with this.

How does a magical ritual for health work?

If you decide to do magic ritual for good health, then you may be wondering how it works. In general, many esotericists and magicians believe that a person’s level of health depends on his spiritual vibrations and emotional background. So, if a person is more tuned to joy, happiness, lightness, then it is believed that he will have few illnesses. But the important point here is that we are talking about sincere joy and happiness. And not when a person strains to feel these emotions in order to hide true pain and sadness.

If a person is more on the wave of sadness and sadness, then such an emotional background more easily attracts illnesses. But this does not mean at all that you need to forbid yourself to be sad or grieve. Rather, to begin with, it is better to simply observe yourself. What states are more natural to you?

So, health rituals help to raise vibrations from sadness to joy. This means that after them people will be in joy more often, and in this high-energy state it will be much more difficult to attract illnesses into life.

Rules for performing a health ritual

Health rituals will work much better if you carry them out according to the following rules:

  • To attract health with the help of magical rituals, you will need faith in them. If you are skeptical about such conspiracies and have little faith in them, then do not expect them to help. Magic works precisely on the energy of your faith, here it is of decisive importance.
  • It will be better to improve your health with the help of magic if you perform such a ritual on the waxing moon. This is the case if the ritual sounds like “to your health.” But if you want to banish a disease, that is, there is more emphasis on how to get rid of something, then it is better to perform the ritual on the waning moon. Then the moon itself will help you.
  • A strong magic word likes to be kept secret. If there is no special need, then do not tell anyone that you are performing a magical ritual.
  • A magical ritual on health will work better if you use it in combination with folk recipes. For example, your throat hurts. Prepare a healing infusion and speak on it magic spell. Then these two events will reinforce each other.
  • It is believed that a ritual for health will work even better if a prayer for illnesses is read before and after the ritual itself.

Spell to get rid of pain

If you are suffering from some kind of pain, and there is no access to analgesics, and perhaps they are no longer helping, then you can do a ritual to get rid of the pain. For this you will need a glass of water. It's better to do this on an empty stomach. You need to say the following magic word to a glass of water:

“I tried to persuade myself not to get sick, but I didn’t listen. The pain overcomes my strength. I ask the water for strength. You are pure, you are strong, you cannot persuade yourself. With your powerful and transparent power, wash away my pain. Wash it down to the last drop so that not a single cell hurts. Just as green grass sprouts in spring, so may my health sprout after this glass of water. My word is strong. Key. Lock. Find. Forward".

After this, you need to drink this glass of water in small sips. This is more of an emergency ritual that will help you get rid of acute pain. But still, you shouldn’t neglect the services of a doctor. Contact him at your convenience.

Church candle spell

To attract healthier people, this ritual must be performed during the waning moon. On the day of the waning moon, you need to go to church and buy a long candle there. This is where church candles are needed. It’s good if a prayer for health is read in church on the same day.

In the evening, retire. Create a space for yourself where no one can disturb you. Light a candle. Sit in front of her. You can simply look at the candle for a few minutes, this will help relax your mind and put it into a state of light trance. Then look at the candle and read the following plot:

“As the illness came to me, so may recovery come to me. I see myself as healthy, I see myself as strong. The illness comes out of me drop by drop, with each drop there is less and less of it in me. Strength and joy fill me, my soul and body. Beauty comes to me, I myself become beauty and strength. They can see, but they cannot treat the disease. Not to steal power, but to return mine, so that it has belonged to me since birth. They can move away, but they cannot approach. The servant of God (his name) is healthy and happy. Love will heal me, happiness will come to me, and pain will go away.”

While reading this plot, you may notice that the candle begins to smoke, crackle, and worry. This means that your illness is affecting her, this is a good omen. In such a ritual, it is necessary to use church candles; they are the most effective for treating illness.

When the necessary plot has been read, you need to let the candle burn out completely. And after that, when the candle itself goes out, you need to say the following words:

“To do - to do, to expel, to gain.”

Afterwards, a prayer for health is also read.

Conspiracy to the swamp

If your ill health is related to a psychological state rather than a physical state, then you can magical ritual in the swamp. This ritual is suitable in cases where you feel sad, have lost interest in life, when you are unlucky with money, luck, love, and this makes you very sad. In this case, on the day of the waning moon, you can go to the swamp, sit next to him and say the following magical spell:

“The whole world is not dear to me, there seems to be green melancholy everywhere. I’m not happy with myself, I’m not happy with anyone else, I don’t know what to do. My mental pain stagnated, like water in this swamp. Take that pain to your native swamp. There you feel closer, there you feel warmer, there you belong. And get out of my heart and leave. Don't live there anymore, don't hear my heart beat. In return I ask for joy and interest in life, but I leave my spiritual anguish here. As I said, this is how it will be, but it cannot be any other way. Amen".

It is advisable to put into this magical text all those feelings that you just want to get rid of. That is, say these words directly with sadness, resentment, longing. If you want to cry, then cry, it will be even more effective to leave all these feelings here in the swamp.

After that, go home without looking back. It is advisable to feed some of the animals on the way back. Therefore, take a bun for the birds or a bone for the dog with you into the forest. This way you will launch a wave of joy and abundance in the world, which will soon return to your mental health.

Conspiracy for a child

It is useful for a mother to know conspiracies for the recovery of her baby. So, if a child is suffering from some kind of illness, then you can read the following plot while he sleeps:

“Let that pain that is in the little body of God’s servant (name of the child) be transformed into vitality. And what cannot be reborn, then let it go to the cloud. The cloud will become a cloud, water will spill on the trees, for the benefit of the earth. Let all the pain become water, let everything come out, don’t harm him anymore, let not a trace remain. The pain is gone, health has returned. Forward. Find."

Food spell

Spells that attract health are good to put on food, because it enters our body. In this way, you can cure not only yourself, but also your loved ones. Prepare their favorite dish for them, and then just before serving, read this magical text:

“Everything that is here receives all the power of God, healing power. That strength is absorbed into the servant of God (name of the person) and becomes his health. Love itself spreads through it, beauty and kindness itself becomes. After dinner, he will begin to radiate health and happiness and will attract self-love. Everything sticks to him only the good, and the bad immediately comes off after eating this. Pain comes out - love comes. Forward. Find. Amen".

The more love and care you put into this healing ritual for that person, the better it will work. While reading, directly imagine a loved one who is glowing with health and smiling. Such visualization can also strengthen this magical conspiracy. After this, you can serve the dish immediately to a loved one. But make sure that he eats it alone, this is an important point, because you were talking about the dish for him. You can do the same with food for yourself. In general, it is good to always prepare food and think that whoever eats it will bring only the best. Then the food also acquires spiritual content. It becomes useful not only for the body, but also for the soul.

First there was the word...Words have great meaning, sometimes they are magical and creative, and sometimes they are negative and destructive. What we say greatly influences our lives.

Today I want to introduce you to some magic words with which you can make your life more pleasant and wonderful. Use these magic words in your Everyday life and miracles will very quickly enter into it.

Magic words: formulas for money, love and health

I I am and I choose

Nile Donald Walsh writes: “Use the great command that calls upon the creative force: 'I am.' Make “I am” statements out loud to other people. “I am” is the most powerful creative statement in the Universe. Everything you think, everything you say after the words “I am,” sets in motion the corresponding experiences, calls them, attracts them to you. The universe knows no other way of functioning. There is no other path she could have chosen. The universe reacts to the statement “I am” like a genie in a jar.”

And the word “I choose” can radically change your life. From these magic words you can come up with your own affirmations that will attract what you want into your life.

For example:

- I Am love!

- I Am a magnet for money!

- I Choose Happiness!

- I choose Success!


The word “More” gives a powerful signal to the Universe. Create your own with this word and say them several times a day.

For example,

- Every second I become EVEN happier,

- Every hour I become EVEN happier,

- Every day I become EVEN happier,

— Every year I become EVEN happier.

Instead of “happier,” say the word you want.


There are two wonderful formulas with this word: the formula of Destination and the formula of Solomon. When pronouncing formulas, focus on this word and imagine that your “I” merges with other “I”s and permeates the entire universe.

Destination formula:

I am a miracle of the Universe!

I am the property of the world!

I am a gift from God!

I recite Solomon’s formula every day; I really like it. It can be spoken, sung, written. This formula reflects the principle of trinity; Solomon, the founder of the Temple of Abundance, gave it to his followers. This unique formula is a kind of request addressed to the Universe.

Solomon's formula:

I attract money!

I affirm happiness!

I multiply love!


This word has magical powers. And the word “rich” too, since it comes from the word God. I bring to your attention a formula for wealth, which is recommended to be repeated as often as possible (mentally, in a whisper or out loud, as is convenient for you). This formula is an effective method of metaprogramming.

Wealth formula:

God is rich and I am rich.

And if you want to start thriving and living in abundance, having worked through all your blocks on a subtle energy level, you can read the information about

There is also another money formula that has worked well. During the week, write it on paper 54 times in the morning and evening. Say it as often as possible.

Money formula:

“Cosmic abundance manifests itself in the flow of money in my life.”

There's another one magic formula , created by Joe Vitale in his Ho'oponopono method.

These are the words:

- I'm really sorry!

- Please forgive me!

- I love you!

- I thank you!

Simple and simple 4 phrases that have the strongest effect. These phrases open the heart chakra and help you tune in to the Universe. Try this formula. Identify some of your problems and start saying these words. With the words “I’m very sorry” and “forgive me,” you cleanse your field and remove negativity, and with words of love and gratitude you fill your field with love.

These magic formulas for money, happiness and love, based on magic words, are advisable to say every day. It’s good to talk to them about water, since water is an excellent carrier of information.

Love and goodness to you!

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The energy power of words is limitless, speeches have incredible healing power. Prayers and conspiracies against illnesses can save a person from the most terrible ailments. Spell words protect against sorrows and improve a person’s general condition without medical intervention.

The health spell was used by our ancestors. Already at that time the Slavs believed in healing power words, so magical rituals were their life companions. Centuries later, the prayer speeches and spells of our ancestors are very popular among the present generation. Slavic rituals are considered the most effective and efficient to this day.

In the magical world of conspiracies, prayers and spells of the ancient Slavs were considered the most powerful. The complexity of the rituals significantly exceeds the practice of other peoples, and therefore they are very effective.

Types of spells for treatment

Prayers and conspiracies for illnesses have been popular at all times and in all nations. Despite the fact that medicine does not stand still, and today is equipped with the latest technologies and knowledge, people very often resort to the power of white magic. There are conspiracies to treat diseases great amount. Each ritual is applied separately. It all depends on the nature of the pain. Let's consider the types of rituals:

  • Conspiracies for all diseases. This ritual is universal and can be applied under different circumstances. For painful symptoms of the heart, abdominal and stomach spasms, cramps in the arms and legs, and skin diseases.
  • A conspiracy against all misfortunes. This type of ritual can be considered a preventive method. Even those people who are not bothered by anything use it. A prayer read can protect and protect from all possible diseases.
  • Conspiracies from established diagnoses. This type of ritual is performed when a person knows what ailment is bothering him. By reading a certain prayer, it will not be difficult to cure yourself of diseases.
  • Conspiracies for children's illnesses. Such a magical ritual is special; it can be classified as a special group. In this situation, the baby cannot read the spell on his own, so the mother or grandmother takes over the ritual.

Magic rituals for illness are read both on the waxing and waning moon. For conspiracies, any period is optimal and endowed with special energy power. Magicians and sorcerers are confident that the disease will go away as quickly as the month wanes, and health will appear as quickly as the young moon grows. You can read conspiracies for ailments at a time convenient for you. Only some rituals are performed in the required phase of the moon.

Proper conduct of Slavic rituals

The ancient Slavic peoples very often turned to higher powers for help. Spells and rituals focused on various needs and desires. People prayed for a successful end to the battle, attracted good luck and prosperity, love, and read conspiracies to cure ailments. But the ancient Slavs adhered to strict rules, violation of which was unacceptable:

  • Before you begin the ritual, fast for seven days. Exclude from the diet: alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, meat foods.
  • Read ancient spells in a whisper. No one should hear the words of the conspiracy; only in this case a successful result is ensured.
  • Only completely healthy people can perform ancient rituals. If a patient says a prayer, his condition will only worsen. Accordingly, you can forget about the positive outcome of the spell.
  • Our ancestors very carefully chose a magician to perform the ritual. The most basic rule is that a sorcerer must have healthy teeth. If the front two teeth are missing, the spell loses its effective force.
  • If the Slavs performed rituals not for themselves, then no one took a reward in the form of money. You can express gratitude with food.
  • The Man Who Reads Anciently Slavic prayers, must believe in the power of words and magic.
  • In order for the words of the healing spell to take effect in the shortest possible time, the prayer must be read on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Fridays.

For many years, the Slavs believed in witchcraft, which helped them solve the most difficult problems, cure illnesses, and gain faith in themselves.

Water spell for all diseases

This water spell will help cure the most severe ailments and improve the condition of the entire body. This rite does not contradict church Orthodoxy and is performed with the help of holy water. In order for the healing, holy liquid to have even greater energetic power, we will replenish it with magical speeches.

The first thing you need to do is visit the church, purchase three candles and holy water. Go to the icons, light candles and ask the Lord for a speedy healing for yourself or your neighbor. Then cross yourself and leave Holy place. When you come home, you need to calm down, believe in the healing process and trust in the power of the Lord. Then place the holy liquid, icons on the table and light the candle. Setting yourself up for the best, say the following spell:

“Holy water, God's tear. Heal me from illness and disease, turn away the damn dirty tricks from me. Pour a healing stream through your entire body and remove the sinful soot from your soul. I believe in you and conjure you for healing. May God not be angry, may the devil not be angry. Amen".

Then take a sip of the enchanted liquid crystals. For fourteen days, add this water to your food, tea and coffee. If necessary, the ritual can be repeated. To completely cure the disease, the spell should be performed in the waxing moon phase.

Water spell for colds

This water spell is very effective and has colossal energy power. It can not only cure an advanced cold, but also remove the evil eye and cleanse objects of negativity. To carry out the ceremony you will need melted or spring water. Pour it into a glass and add three pinches of coarse salt. After this, read the prayer:

“Mother, fast water will wash away all the pain and all the aches from God’s servant (name). Take them into the depths of the sea, pull them into deep pools, put stone clamps on them. So that they never sail again, forget about the servant of God (name) forever. Amen".

Then dip the middle finger of your right hand into the charmed water and touch it to your forehead, chest, right and left shoulder. Whisper:

“I command with holy water, I conjure with white salt. Let go of all the aches and pains. From a wild head, from a zealous heart, from clear eyes, black eyebrows, from bones, from brains, from fingers and joints. Amen".

This water spell can cure colds not only of an adult, but also of a child. In just two days you will feel much better. The ritual can be performed on both the waxing and waning moon.

Water spell for headaches

In many cases, when a headache occurs, medications, like traditional methods, are powerless. And here effective conspiracy will quickly cure migraines from ailments. One of the most effective rituals against headaches is the water spell. It’s not for nothing that most magicians and sorcerers resort to the power of unboiled water. A prayer that is recited over water gives it healing, energetic power. You will need to remember one thing for yourself: to unquestioningly believe in white magic, in higher powers and our creator.

The most unique and widespread substance on earth is water. And water spells are quite popular.

To carry out the ritual, you should purchase holy water, pour it into any container and read:

“Adam has a headache, Adam gives the pain to Eve. Eve is a snake. And the snake is like an apple. An apple will give pain to the sun, and the sun will give pain to the sea. At sea, the wind will pick up the pain and scatter it without a trace. Amen".

This ritual should be performed on the waxing moon, at midnight. Drink the charmed liquid constantly, 2-3 sips per day. Headaches and migraines will disappear forever. You can cast a spell on liquid crystals both for yourself and for loved ones.

Slavic conspiracy for all ailments

Slavic magical ritual has enormous power. He is able to cure any illness. The ancient Slavs were sure that there was no medicine stronger than magical prayer speeches. Pronounce the words of the conspiracy quietly but clearly. It is advisable to learn the lines of prayer:

“In a distant direction, on an island beyond the sea, lies a white stone. Near the fuel stone stands a man, a father to three sons, a sovereign to all. He takes out his sharp knife, cuts with it all diseases and ailments, aches and dryness. So let him cut off all the ailments and ailments of (the person’s name), put him under a stone and lock him up. He will throw the key into the sea and close all ailments forever. My words are strong, only those who can gnaw away a stone with their teeth can overcome them. Let it be so!".

This Slavic conspiracy is read over the course of one week. You can't miss a single day. A positive outcome will follow faster if you read the plot for the waxing moon. In two days the patient will feel much better!

Slavic ritual for baby health

The birth of a new life can be called a kind of magical miracle. All future parents look forward to this day. Slavic people believed that performing a ritual before childbirth was simply necessary. The spell was read for a woman in labor, thereby accompanying a successful birth and energizing the health of the unborn child. You need to wait for the waxing moon and whisper over the woman:

“Mother in labor, sister sister, hear our words, our prayers. Accept bloodless gifts and grant healthy offspring to the woman in labor (woman’s name). So that our family thread will never be broken. We sing your glory, and invite you into the mansion. From circle to circle, now and ever! Let it be so!”

Say the magic words at least three times. After this, there is no doubt that childbirth will be quick and painless, and the good health of the baby will bring happiness to all family and friends.

Slavic prayers for health are read for seven days. You can't miss a single day.

Slavic conspiracy for rashes on the skin of the face

Slavic beauty was famous throughout the world. Therefore, when the skin of a girl’s face or body became covered with a rash or various spots, special rituals were performed. This ritual is performed at home, without any special difficulties or incomprehensible actions. Despite the simplicity of the plot, all inflammatory diseases will disappear in a few days.

Wait until midnight, at the hour of the waxing moon, go to the mirror. Light the candle, when the mirror object fogs up, run the index finger of your right hand over it. Then apply the drops to the affected areas of the body and say:

“From the clean and transparent glass I send dryness to my sore. You will dry up to a drop, you will go to the pines, you will give me all the water! Amen!".

The plot is read three times. Never doubt yourself and your abilities. White magic can relieve a lot of diseases of different nature and create a real miracle.

Slavic conspiracy against infertility

The ancient rite will help women overcome various ailments associated not only with infertility, but also with all kinds of gynecological diseases. The conspiracy is carried out on the waning moon, read prayer words follows seven days and without a single pass. If you strictly adhere to all the rules, you can achieve a positive and quick result. When the chimes strike twelve o'clock at night, you should light two church candles. Looking at the flames, whisper:

“Just as the Mother of God was strong and healthy, she did not know women’s torments and problems, so I, the servant of God (name), did not suffer and did not suffer. It will always be like this. Amen!".

In many cases, medicine is powerless. That's when people resort to magical power conspiracies. Their advantage lies not only in the quick and positive results, but also in the fact that almost all rituals are carried out in a calm home environment. Negative consequences of rituals to cure various diseases can occur only in one case: if a person uses black magic.

The most basic rule for a happy outcome can be called unquestioning faith in magic spells and observance of all parts of the ritual. Clear pronunciation of prayers, without a single mistake. If all the rules are followed, the cure will follow very quickly.

The power of words affects the speaker 50% and the listener the other 50%. This article is not about communication between people at all. The topic of our conversation will be completely different - we will talk about the meaning of phrases that affect our condition.

5 useful phrases

1. I feel good

This may seem contradictory. How can you say that you feel good if in reality it is not? How can we express when in reality we feel disappointment, stress or pain? It is very important to add “and I can admit it” to this “I feel good.”
  • Positive thoughts are extremely important, we need them every day. This does not mean that we must deny existing problems or turn a blind eye to emerging difficulties. It's about what's needed for what's happening react positively without losing motivation and energy.
  • If we see the world in dark colors and say to ourselves “I feel bad”, “life has become impossible”, we close ourselves even more in sadness and melancholy. The best thing to do is always take a calm breath and tell yourself, “I feel good and I can admit it.”

Try a little experiment. Say out loud in a confident tone: “I feel good.” Do it with energy, with conviction. You will feel the inner strength that stimulates you to solve problems. You may not be in the best moment in your life right now, but you are ready to face challenges head on.

2. I can handle this

When difficulties arise in life, do not forget to repeat: “I can handle this.” You, not anyone else, are in charge actor. It is worth confidently tackling problems that arise. Don't be afraid to look them in the eye. If you don't feel motivated enough inside, no one else will do it for you.

Don’t think about failures and obstacles, don’t look for excuses: “I can’t do it because it’s too late to change anything,” “Other people are much more capable than me, why should I take risks.”

Never give in to such defeatist sentiments! Look carefully at your reflection in the mirror and convince yourself that you can cope with any difficulties. “I can handle this” is one of the phrases that heals. Repeat it every day.

3. I am worthy/worthy of this

Why not? Don't you deserve a few free hours a day for yourself, time that you can devote to your interests, hobbies, your inner world.

You do a lot for other people, and they come first. But have you forgotten about yourself? Be careful, your strength may eventually run out. You will notice that those around you cannot imagine half of what you do for them.

Try to maintain balance in life. Treat others with consideration and care. Wherein allow them to take care of you, help, sacrifice something for you. Why not? You deserve it!

4. Everything passes

Perhaps now you cannot abstract yourself from a serious problem. You are stressed and unable to live life to the fullest. You may have noticed that in Lately you feel tired, but they don’t go away.

Stop for a moment, breathe and sit down. It is very important to understand that everything in life passes. This is not just one of the phrases. Our life is in constant motion, like a big stormy river. Nothing can last forever, sooner or later everything comes to an end. The more attached you become to something, the harder it becomes: don’t keep your worries to yourself.

If you are worried about problems with your partner, talk to him about it. If you have difficulties at work, try to find a solution. Do not keep negative thoughts and emotions inside for a long time.

Life goes by very quickly, so it is very important to be able to feel yourself here and now. Appreciate currently. Nothing can last forever. Think that everything in our world is relative, everything passes.

5. Love yourself!

Love heals, protects and liberates. Of course, when speaking about love as a healing concept, we do not mean only love for loved ones.

It's also about self-love and strengthening self-esteem. It is so important to be able to find happiness in everyday life. Love your body, your character, your inner world. This will make you feel good. Of course you deserve it.

When you are faced with a problem, tell yourself that you are capable of solving difficult problems. and don't lose faith in yourself! After all, you love yourself, you know your inner world well, you know your strong traits.

A person who is not able to love himself can hardly give this wonderful feeling to others. Never forget this.

a lion