What question to ask a psychic for verification. How to ask questions correctly during fortune telling. Communication with a psychic during a detailed analysis of the situation

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Free help from psychics: they will tell you what really worries you

Each of us has at least once had questions that are extremely difficult or even impossible to answer on our own. Help from psychics for free is a unique opportunity to lift the veil of secrets that torment and deprive you of sleep, as well as to look into your own future.

How to seek help from experienced psychics?

Some problems and obstacles that arise in life path, can confuse, and sometimes even completely baffle a person. What to do when situations seem hopeless, and choosing between several options is simply impossible? Alas, constant reflection alone cannot always produce results and solve the difficulties that have arisen. From the very beginning of time, people, finding themselves face to face with problems, turned to magicians, sorcerers and high priests.

On our website you can contact highly qualified specialists - esotericists, tarologists, astrologers and numerologists. Their ability to communicate with other world undeniable. If you asked the question “Psychics: how to ask for help,” then you have already found the answer.


  1. Be specific. Preferably in such a way that the answer is unambiguous.

Wrong question: What will happen to me next?

Correct question: What should I expect in the area of ​​my personal life\career\family\creativity in the near future?

  1. If any people appear in your fortune telling, it is better to attach their photographs to the question that you decided to ask the psychic.
  2. Ask the question consciously. Often the psychic's answer depends on the state of the person who needs his help. For example, the intoxication of the questioner has an extremely negative effect on the correctness of the answer received.
  3. While waiting for the psychic's answer, try to immerse yourself in thoughts about the question that worries you and not be distracted from them.

These simple rules will help you get a 100% correct interpretation of the problem that has arisen. You can ask a question of interest on our website, leaving your contact information and describing the painful situation in as much detail as possible in a specially designed form.

Each of us has heard the expression “guess your destiny” at least once in your life, but no one has thought about the true meaning of this phrase. The thing is that from time immemorial, sorcerers, sorceresses and witches forbade people who turned to them to ask a number of questions, so as not to interfere with their fate and not to disrupt the natural course of events. As a rule, professional fortune tellers refuse to answer these questions or warn the questioner about the possible consequences, because the main rule of any esotericist is “do no harm.” Today we will tell you what questions you should not contact a fortune teller with, and we will also explain why this is due.

When and where will I meet my soulmate?

This is one of the most popular questions that women ask fortune tellers in the hope of finding out their fate. Agree that it will be very interesting to know in advance at what time you will meet your future spouse, as well as under what exact circumstances the fateful meeting will take place. In addition, women are interested in finding out what their chosen one will look like, what qualities he will have, and where he will work. These questions can be listed endlessly because they are clarifying. So why can’t you ask a fortune teller about this? Let's look at this issue with a specific example.

Imagine knowing in advance when you will meet your soulmate. And so, at the moment of meeting, you understand that it is he - the very “prince on a white horse” promised to you by fate. Esotericists are confident that this knowledge will definitely affect your behavior, and not in the most in the best possible way. A person who knows for sure that, regardless of the intensity of his efforts, there will be a salary at the end of the month, stops trying to achieve the goal. The same thing happens here. You will expect specific actions from a man, waiting for the moment when a marriage proposal arrives, and you yourself will not make any effort to build a relationship. It happens that people have been friends for a long time and communicate well, and at one fine moment they realize that the time has come when their feelings have grown into something more. If you know in advance that your friend is future husband, you can try to speed up the process of rapprochement, thereby disrupting the natural course of events. Therefore, fortune tellers often stop women in an attempt to find out when they will meet their other half. But getting an answer to the question of whether I will get married is quite possible.

Will I pass the exam?

Mothers who are worried about their fate often turn to a fortune teller with this question. own child. Fortune tellers try not to answer the question “will I pass the exam”, because the information received can negatively affect the fate of the future student. Imagine that online fortune telling has predicted that you will pass the exam. By relaxing, you will stop preparing intensely, because the outcome of the matter is already known. What if the fortune teller says that the result will be very negative and you will not draw the ticket that you know by heart? Will you have an incentive to prepare in this case, when you are sure that you are doomed to failure? Naturally not. Therefore, esotericists recommend avoiding such questions so as not to harm yourself personally.

What is my diagnosis and how many years will I live?

Esotericists, healers and psychics are people who have more developed intuition than others. They can easily scan the past and future of a person, seeing that in some part of the aura there is a cluster negative energy. Therefore, any fortune teller who is an expert in her field can tell you which vital organs you should pay attention to in order to prevent the likelihood of developing the disease. But an accurate diagnosis and prognosis of the course of the disease can be made by a qualified doctor with appropriate education. Therefore, you should not ask a fortune teller about this, but you can ask what you should pay attention to.

Am I pregnant?

When a woman asks a fortune teller the question “Am I pregnant?”, she is in a state of excitement and heightened emotional background. When we concentrate our attention on one single thought, the fortune teller may get confused with not scanning the real state of affairs, but counting your expectations. When asking such a question, women want the expert to act as a remote ultrasound machine. Any psychic will tell you that a professional fortune teller will not answer such questions. Firstly, you can upset the balance of your energy biofield, which will negatively affect the health of the unborn child. Secondly, conducting a test and passing tests is a guarantee of obtaining a 100% answer to the question without resorting to magical manipulations.

If you understand that you simply don’t need to know the exact answers to a number of questions, then the fortune teller will be able to tell you about the main trends in your life by answering questions about whether your husband is cheating on you or when the long-awaited promotion at work will happen. When contacting an expert, we recommend writing in advance a list of questions that, in your opinion, are the main ones. Only in this way will the fortune telling session be successful and leave you with positive emotions.

In contact with

Over time, he becomes a good intuitive psychologist. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that your fortune telling session will resemble working in a psychologist’s office.

Where to start communicating with a fortune teller?

Fortune tellers and are two different categories of people, so don’t expect that the moment you cross the threshold of the office, she will tell you everything. To get the best result, you need to explain the reason for the visit, briefly talk about the situation you are interested in and ask a specific question. If you have certain difficulties with it, a good fortune teller will help you formulate everything correctly.

It is at this moment that it is worth saying that if she sees something monstrous in your future, it is better not to talk about it. This approach has its drawbacks, but at least the fortune teller's story with an emphasis on the positive aspects of the future will “program” your subconscious for a good scenario.

You should not ask directly about the date of death, it is better to ask about the reasons.

If you want to know everything, believing that a warning about future troubles will serve you well, which means you can prevent them, tell the fortune teller directly about this. Almost any future events can be changed.

Accordingly, if a fortune teller, looking into your future, saw a bad event there, be sure to ask what exactly led to it and how it can be avoided. This, so to speak, is the basics of communicating with fortune tellers.

If you are a member romantic relationships, in which everything is fine, do not ask a question about them casually, just out of curiosity. Any roughness in the fortune teller's answer can ruin your mood for many days.

What can you learn from a fortune teller?

It is very important to understand that there are no irreversible events, so if you find out about something bad, the main thing is not to despair. If necessary, ask for a separate layout for a specific situation. You should not trust those who promise to save you from some kind of trouble if you pay more than the agreed amount.

Sometimes in the process of fortune telling you can learn about some hidden program for personality destruction or something else in the same vein. It is very important to get to the root of this program in order to “de-energize” it. Don’t be afraid to ask whatever questions you want in a situation like this; the more questions you ask, the clearer the answer you’ll get.

If the fortune teller is using Tarot cards, ask any additional questions about the reading before the cards are mixed together. This is an unspoken rule. Usually fortune tellers themselves check with the client whether there are any questions left regarding the alignment.

It all starts with a question. Every action or decision is preceded by a question. This is exactly the philosophy that the winner of the “Battle of Psychics” Alexander Sheps adheres to. There are several questions that are helpful to ask yourself regularly. They are suitable for every person, and the answers to them will help improve life, if, of course, they are honest and followed by action.

Psychic Alexander Sheps shared with readers of his website about what questions you need to ask yourself every Sunday in order to start the next week with new strength and energy.

What new things have I learned over the past week?

Every day you need to take one step forward. New information helps you achieve your dreams faster, easier and more efficiently.

What is my biggest achievement this week?

Looking back, we analyze our successes. Completed tasks increase self-esteem and self-confidence. It makes you stronger. If there were no achievements, ask yourself the question - why?

What do I want to achieve next week and what do I need to do to achieve this?

This will allow you to look at your situation and prioritize. If you have a goal in front of you, then your actions will be conscious, which means you have a greater chance of success.

Is there someone I want to thank

If someone helped you during the week, express your gratitude to them. This will raise your energy and, perhaps, will become the key to fruitful cooperation.

What was the most powerful experience I had this week?

If there were no impressions, then you spent this week in vain. You didn’t remember anything, nothing was deposited either in your memory or in your soul.

What prevents me from achieving my idea/dream/goal?

Alexander Sheps recommends objectively assessing your surroundings, your decisions, and your shortcomings. Ask yourself honestly - what is pulling you back?

What opportunities do I have in my life now?

Look around - there are new people, new knowledge, events around. There are always opportunities, but they come specifically for your goals. Clearly define your goal, then you will see a lot of opportunities.

What have I done for my health?

This question will help you always remain a strong, healthy and energetic person.

What am I afraid of now and how to overcome my fears

Everyone is afraid of something, but sometimes fear deprives us of movement and freedom. He can pull back. Face your fear head on.

What one thing will move me forward the most?

You can do a lot of things at the same time, imitating hectic activity, and ultimately not get results. Or you can do one thing and kill several birds with one stone. Define this matter.

What skill do I need to develop to get closer to my goal?

According to psychic Alexander Sheps, the development of new skills, character traits and new personality traits sometimes completely changes the situation.

What doesn't benefit my life

Highlight activities that do not bring you pleasure or benefit. Determine what is useless to do.

What one action would you take tomorrow if next week was the last week of your life?

By answering this question, you solidify your priorities.

Alexander Sheps claims that if you answer these questions honestly every week, then more opportunities and prospects will appear in life, goals will be clearer and more meaningful, and actions will be conscious and useful. Life will change for the better! We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

08.08.2014 09:22

Psychic Alexander Sheps claims that by looking at wrinkles you can learn a lot about a person’s past and his...

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How to ask a question to a psychic? Many people are eager to ask a psychic a question. First of all, they are interested in famous healers, best psychics, winners of the “Battle of Psychics”.

How can a specialist get an answer?

It’s no secret that many winners of the “Battle of Psychics” have their own, where they are ready to hear your questions and consider them.
It is important to be careful here so as not to fall into the hands of deception. After you ask a question, you should receive a real answer, and not a call to urgently come to an appointment with a psychic, and not a threat if you don’t come.
On the other hand, it is not correct to expect that you will receive a whole free consultation, due to the fact that every person is busy and there is no free cheese even in a mousetrap. Many forums deal with the topic of clairvoyance and extrasensory perception, where you can find indirect answers that suit your situation. There are many specialists with paranormal abilities of various kinds that may be useful to you.
Remember - this is impossible at a distance, so do not treat these questions as verbal solutions to problems. As for direct answers to your questions, for example, there is, where, regularly and absolutely free of charge answers your questions. Likewise, Mehdi

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