Dream interpretation of badgers of different colors. Dream Interpretation Badger. Why does the Badger dream in a dream? What did you have to do

Teledu, honey badger

Badger in Ukrainian dream book:

  • Dreaming of a badger - cunning, deception of some kind.
  • Interpretation in Modern dream book Badger sleep:

  • A badger seen in a dream symbolizes victory over life's difficulties.
  • Why does Badger dream about Miller's Dream Book?

  • Seeing a badger in a dream portends good luck after a long battle with fate.
  • IN Azar's Dream Book if you dream of a Badger:

  • Badger - cunning and deception
  • If you dream of a Badger? IN The newest dream book:

  • To lung disease; to infatuation with a person of the opposite sex.
  • Interpretation of the Badger's dream Eastern dream book:

  • A symbol of victory over life's difficulties.
  • Seeing a Badger in a dream Noble dream book:

  • To see a badger means you should beware of people you consider friends.
  • What does it mean to see a Badger in a dream? Gypsy dream book?

  • The badger is a sign of wisdom and insight.
  • What does a Badger mean in a dream? Dream book for women?

  • According to popular beliefs, it brings good luck in business. If the dream “came” in the first half of the week, happy days will come. If you dreamed of a badger in the second half of the week, especially if it bit you or attacked you, it means your health is fine, you will not get sick (even with a cold) in the next 3 months, perhaps even in the next year.
  • Do you want to know if your dream will come true? And how soon will this happen? Pay attention to the day of the week and always be ready to meet a joyful omen in reality.

    The influence of the Moon on our sleep

    Throughout human history, the Moon has seduced, fascinated and frightened us. Under the Moon we quarrel, kiss, declare our love. We spent 26 billion dollars to fly this mysterious planet. What is the phenomenon of the Moon and how does it affect our sleep and does it affect it at all?

    Diagnosis and prediction of diseases in sleep

    Do you have creepy and ominous dreams? If dreams begin to frighten you with their monstrous plots, know: your subconscious mind advises you to pay close attention to your health. If you want to learn how to recognize a barely emerging disease, compare the content of your dream with the interpretations that have come down to us from ancient times.

    Why do Badgers dream?

    Badger in a modern dream book

    According to popular belief, a dream about a badger brings success in business and luck. Anyone who saw a badger in a dream will experience a “white streak” in reality, their health will improve and new sources of profit will appear. But this is the case if in the dream you were favorably disposed towards the badger. But if you offend him in a dream or hit him, you can’t expect good luck in business, fate will immediately turn away from you. If the badger you saw in your dream was wet and slippery, you will have to face deception from acquaintances or friends. At work, your colleagues may slander you in order to get you out of your career path.

    Badger in Miller's dream book

    A badger in a dream is a symbol of wisdom. No matter what difficulties fate presents to you, you can always find a decent way out of the situation. In addition, the badger you see in your dream will bring stability and longevity.

    Badger in Vanga's dream book

    Seeing several badgers surrounding you in a dream means material wealth that you will earn for short period time. Profit will begin to appear out of nowhere if the badger was fat and its fur shone and sparkled in the sun. Playing with a badger in a dream is very good sign. You will be able to show your creativity and create interesting projects.

    Badger in Freud's dream book

    Seeing a badger in a dream is a sign of reconciliation with a loved one and a sexual surge in a relationship. If the badger ran away from you, it means that the idyll will not last long and you will eventually separate. A woman dreams of an attacking badger as an active lover who will pursue her by all means. For a man, such a dream promises new intimate adventures and good reviews from his partners about his inexhaustible fantasies.

    If sleep alleviates suffering, the disease is not fatal.

    The badger is known for its talent in home improvement, neatness, ability to store fat and hibernate in winter. This is a favorite hero of children's fairy tales and cartoons, in which this animal is endowed with such traits as thriftiness, prudence, good nature, and sometimes cunning and greed.

    These features are also reflected in the most common interpretations of dreams about this cute animal.

    Dream book for the whole family. Badger in a dream - how to understand this?

    Badger in folk beliefs is a symbol of good luck. Seeing it in your dreams before Wednesday means happiness and good luck, from Thursday means good health for several months (especially if this beast attacked or bit you).

    Dream book of the 21st century. What does the dream “Badger” symbolize?

    A badger carries the symbolism of good luck; such a dream during a period of any difficulties indicates that soon all problems will be left behind, and prosperity and profit will soon await you.

    Dream book of Gustav Hindman Miller. Interpretation of the dream “Badger”

    If a badger appears in a dream, it means that your long battles with fate will end in complete success.

    Noble dream book by N. Grishina. Why did you dream about a badger?

    A dream about a badger warns that you should not trust people who call themselves your friends.

    Old English dream book. “Badger” - what does such a dream portend?

    A dream about a badger is very positive; it predicts a long, prosperous life in abundance, reliable cash flows, and numerous travels.

    Vanga's dream book. Dream about a badger - what will happen now?

    If there are badgers near you in a dream, your wealth will increase in a short time. If the animal looks well-fed, with shiny fur, income will appear literally out of nowhere. Playing with this animal is a sign of new interesting projects and the realization of your creative abilities.

    Dream book of Sigmund Freud. What does the dream “Badger” mean?

    Dreams about a badger mean that you will be reconciled with your lover, and your sexual relationship will receive a new surge. A running badger warns that the stage of well-being will be short-lived, and yours is inevitable.

    A badger attacking a dreamer is a lover who will not passively wait for her favor, but, on the contrary, will show great initiative and persistence in trying to achieve it. For a man, such a dream means new love adventures and a high appreciation of his abilities and fantasies by his partners.


    Traditional interpretations of dreams about badgers are quite contradictory. Many dream books decipher this image as a warning about cunning and deception. Most authoritative dream interpreters are inclined to believe that such a dream is very positive.

    It predicts a reliable income, victory over life’s difficulties, and speaks of the foresight and worldly wisdom of the dreamer. Particularly favorable are dreams in which the dreamer catches a badger. This is a sign of good luck, and in this case the symbolism of the bite loses its negative meaning and only strengthens good interpretation sleep.

    Temptation or attempt to tease.

    I had a dream 😴

    Regular 0 Nightmare 0

    2 Historical women's dream book

    A symbol of victory over life's difficulties.

    The more strange a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

    Sigmund Freud

    3 Azar's Dream Book

    Badger - cunning and deception

    Dreams come true day of the week and date

    If you had a dream in Tuesday- the dream can come true in 7-10 days

    If you had a dream 9th- Meaningless, chaotic, you can not attach any significance to them.

    4 Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

    Dreaming of a badger means:

    Badger - You see a badger in a dream - until now, failures have haunted you; no matter what you undertake, it turns out badly or doesn’t work out at all; Now everything will turn out for the better, the vagaries of fate will end.

    Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast that wakes up when we sleep...


    5 Animal Dream Book

    Badger dream meaning:

    For the Chinese, badger means supernatural powers, deceit and playfulness.

    Among Europeans, it symbolizes clumsiness and is considered a weather predictor.

    6 Jewish dream book

    What does a Badger mean in a dream - Someone is slandering you.

    7 Big online dream book

    A badger seen in a dream means victory over life's difficulties.

    The badger sign is a sign of victory over adversity and blows of fate.

    If you suddenly dreamed that you yourself turned into a badger, don’t be scared. This means that in the near future you will have to start organizing your home, and you will devote all your energy and time to this pleasant activity.

    A badger hunt seen in a dream will not bring much joy. This dream means that soon you will have big troubles that will take up a lot of your time and effort, which will cause you great dissatisfaction with yourself and everything that is happening.

    If you dreamed that you caught a badger, be careful and attentive. This dream means that you will soon get yourself into trouble by some careless actions. Be careful and perhaps you will be able to happily avoid these troubles.

    After sleeping, we must wash our hands immediately, because when we fall asleep, the unclean spirit is applied to our hands and it is still there. You should wash your face without touching your eyes.

    8 Miller's Dream Book

    Badger in a dream means:

    Seeing a badger in a dream portends good luck after a long battle with fate.

    9 English dream book

    If a girl dreams of a badger, it means:

    If you dream of a badger, this is auspicious sign long, prosperous and prosperous life. Your business will bring you reliable income, and you will travel a lot in your lifetime.

    10 Dream book of the 21st century

    Why does a woman dream of a badger:

    A badger in your dream is a symbol of your good luck.

    If you saw him during a special great difficulties- a very good sign, promising you quick profits and prosperity.

    When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

    11 Dream book for a bitch

    Why does a woman dream about a badger:

    Badger - after long troubles, the time comes for good luck and luck, which will bring joy, success in all matters, good financial condition.

    12 Housewife's Dream Interpretation

    Seeing a badger in a dream means:

    What does a Badger mean in a dream - the desire to be alone.

    13 Dream Interpretation of Stealing Veles

    A dream with a badger in the dream book is interpreted as:

    Badger - cunning, deception; to catch is unexpected luck, joy.

    14 Gypsy dream book

    Dreaming of a badger means:

    The badger is a sign of wisdom and insight.

    15 Dream Interpretation 2012

    Badger dream meaning:

    Badger is good luck in general. The need to believe in your luck.

    16 Combined dream book

    What does it mean if a woman dreams of a badger:

    A dream in which you see a badger can symbolize future sadness and boredom. You will soon have to face cunning and dishonesty. To achieve success and profit in business and affairs, you will have to compete with fate for a long time, you will have to give up pleasant and frivolous actions.

    If in a dream you are trying to catch a badger, it means that there will be a tense relationship between you and your manager or immediate superior, and if you do catch a badger, the difficult situation will be resolved through a compromise found.

    If someone shudders in a dream, it means that person is growing.

    17 Dream Interpretation of the Healer Fedorovskaya

    What a badger might dream about:

    You dreamed of a badger - this is a sign of victory over life's difficulties.

    You yourself have turned into a badger - in the near future you will have to take care of your home.

    Hunting a badger - soon you will have a lot of trouble.

    If you dreamed that you caught a badger, you will soon get into trouble with some careless act.

    The badger is rightfully considered a brave and strong animal; it can even withstand a bear and emerge victorious from the fight. But why do you dream about a badger? According to the interpretation of most dream books, this cunning man foretells the dreamer unexpected luck, big money or a small scam that will bring benefits.

    Features of dream interpretation

    Before interpreting the dream, try to remember all its circumstances: what the animal looked like, how it behaved, how you acted, on what day of the week you had the dream, and so on.

    The badger is a very cunning animal, so a dream seen on Saturday promises deception from the outside loved one. On the remaining days of the week, the dream has a predominantly positive meaning. Special meaning has exactly what the animal looked like:

    • Sick, exhausted - your enemies are exhausted and no longer know what to do. Don't drive them into a corner, try to forgive and understand.
    • If the badger in the dream was strong, with shiny fur, there will be a battle for luck, which you will win. If, despite resistance, you managed to grab the badger, you will soon receive a promotion or salary increase, or profitably complete a major project or transaction.
    • The animal was sitting in a hole, and you couldn’t get it out of there - luck is not in a hurry for you, put in more effort - and everything will work out. Try to look at your life differently, expand your circle of friends. Perhaps new experiences and people will bring you love and joy.

    Views from different dream books

    Dream Interpretation of Medea. If the badger in the dream was extremely aggressive, attacked, wanted to bite - soon they will try to deceive you, slander your work colleagues, but it will backfire on them. You will not only justify yourself, but also achieve significant success in business; your superiors will notice you and will set you up as an example to their ill-wishers. If the animal does bite you, there may be some minor troubles that the dreamer will overcome without any problems.

    As explains Modern dream book, badger is a symbol of good luck, courage. Grabbing it by the hand means a favorable turn of fate. An affectionate, kind badger for an unmarried girl means the appearance of a wealthy patron who can get her out of any trouble. For a man, the dream promises the appearance of high-ranking friends, a change of job, and an increase in salary.

    Freud's Dream Book. To see a badger in a dream, intently digging the ground, means the dreamer will face painstaking work or a small promotion. Perhaps a close friend will try to outwit you, but he will not succeed. If you have had several dreams about this, fate itself is giving you a hint of what you need to do to achieve success. Think carefully about what you can do to change circumstances in your favor.

    Family dream book. Why do you dream of a badger without a paw or tail? You have driven your luck into a corner, now it is completely in your hands. For an unmarried girl, the dream promises a quick wedding with a wealthy man. Married woman you will be surprised by your spouse’s success at work, and the man’s dream predicts the emergence of promising business connections. In general, the dream promises family well-being, prosperity and comfort; no shocks or troubles will affect the dreamer’s home.

    Dream Book of the Wanderer. If you dreamed of a badger wounded by hunters, someone is trying to “put their paw” on the dreamer’s success. You should be extremely attentive and careful, think through every step.

    The second meaning of the dream is that scammers will try to deceive you, but they will not succeed. To lure a badger with food means you have to be cunning in order to achieve your goal, because this will help the dreamer save energy and time.

    General dream book. If in a dream you see one of your friends or acquaintances turning into a badger, it means that soon this very person will help you get out of a difficult situation. Feel free to turn to him for help, and you will be surprised how quickly he will respond to your call. Becoming a badger yourself means unprecedented luck not only for you, but also for those close to you. Usually such dreams predict a big win, a cash find or an unexpected bonus.

    Large collection of dream books. Badger - the intervention of providence in your affairs. You may feel bored with everyday life and dream of traveling. Catching an animal means fun entertainment awaits you, which will end in monetary interest.

    Small Velesov dream book. A dreaming badger warns the dreamer against frivolous actions and rash decisions. You shouldn’t waste money or lend money to strangers, or buy expensive and not very necessary things. The dream predicts that unmarried girl you will have to make a choice between love and money. For a married lady, a dream predicts the appearance of a wealthy admirer who will seek her attention by any means, even by cunning and deception. Author: Natalya Ivanova

    a lion