What days are true fortune telling? When and how to tell fortunes so that the fortune telling is truthful. On which days you can't guess

Who and when should not read the Tarot? site runologist, fortune telling with runes, runic amulets.

Tarot cards– a powerful tool for predicting the future, allowing you to avoid mistakes and choose the most optimal solution to a problem, make right choice. And of course, when working with any mantic system - be it Tarot cards, Runes, the I-Ching book of changes, shamanic oghams, etc., there is a set of certain rules, established customs among professionals. Anyone interested in Tarot simply needs to know about these rules.

The most common belief about fortune telling is that You can’t guess for yourself, your close friends, relatives, or children. Let's try to figure out why most tarot readers think so.

Firstly, When wondering to yourself, it is difficult to maintain a sober, slightly detached attitude towards an exciting issue. Agree that it is always easier to give advice to other people, since you see the solution to a problem from a fresh perspective. If the fortuneteller has certain expectations of how, in his opinion, events should develop, then most likely he will draw cards that will mean his subjective opinion on the topic of fortune telling. So, It is highly inadvisable to guess for yourself, unless you have mastered the art of managing emotions and learning how to stop your internal dialogue. In this case, you will most likely see on the cards only a reflection of the existing thought forms in your consciousness.

Secondly, when telling fortunes to your friends and family, you risk falling into the same trap of a biased attitude towards the question, drawn cards will show your expectations, and not an objective picture of future events.

If, for some reason, you take this slippery path and lay out the deck in front of your girlfriend, tearfully asking to find out what awaits her with her next gentleman, or go to meet relatives who want to choose where it is better for them to move, don't forget to charge them for fortune telling. This could be a symbolic amount of money, a reciprocal favor or a small present; “thank you” and “thank you” for fortune telling are not customary. However, it is much more effective to contact a professional who is able to see all the details of your situation and help you choose the right solution.

Now let's talk about strict prohibitions, which even the most experienced fortune tellers do not risk violating. Women and girls should not guess during critical days, as well as the day before and after them. This is due to a strong energetic restructuring of the body and consciousness as a whole, with the need to isolate from other people’s energies - during this period it is difficult for a woman to control herself and she becomes very vulnerable.

For the same reason It is not recommended to guess if you are feeling unwell, ill, very tired, or nervously exhausted.– the additional load on a weakened body can exhaust your strength, because fortune telling is a fairly energy-consuming process.

By the way, many practitioners of fortune telling and rituals on the Tarot, runes and other mantic and magical practices celebrate strong desire eat something satisfying. Thus, the body tries to replenish energy reserves spent on high-frequency practices.

If you are telling fortunes to a stranger, pay attention to his goals and general attitude to the Tarot. Those who doubt or do not respect the cards, those who ask the same question over and over again, those who are afraid to hear the answer from the cards, should not guess. IN best case scenario When telling fortunes to such people, you will interpret the cards incorrectly. At worst, the cards will begin to mock such a questioner and make fun of him with their inherent subtle, not always kind, humor.

In addition to the individual characteristics of each questioner, it is necessary to take into account the external energy and information flows of the Force. They do not tell fortunes on the 9th, 15th, 19th and 29th lunar days. The energy of these days can prevent an unprepared person from correct reading kart.

And in conclusion, I want to remind you - whatever the answer to your question, do not seek to ask it again, just because you don't like the answer. Over the years of practicing fortune-telling, I have seen many times when a fortune-teller, having changed his attitude to the subject, as if releasing the decision to the will of the Higher Powers, received a completely different result. After some time, the threads of fate may intertwine in a completely different way, and even then the cards will show you a much more successful scenario for the development of events.

In any case, if you have any doubts and concerns about whether you are approaching the fortune-telling process correctly, it is better to entrust such delicate work to someone who will select the most suitable deck and a schedule specifically for your case.

© Miroslava Emelyanova


How dangerous is it to tell fortunes with Tarot cards?

Is it possible to tell fortunes using Tarot cards? There are many prejudices on this topic. But this is for the better. Prejudices of various kinds become a kind of protection against fools. Let's look at the conventional prohibitions and dangers associated with Tarot cards and how they can be circumvented.

Fortune telling on the Tarot is dangerous - you will attract misfortune

When they ask whether fortune-telling with the Tarot is dangerous, the first thing they remember is that the troubles seen during fortune-telling inevitably begin to come true. And for some reason they claim that it is the Tarot (or other cards) that attracts misfortune. In general, maps are needed in order to anticipate certain events in advance.

Infantile people believe that life should shine with bright rainbow colors, and when faced with dangers and difficulties, such people prefer to go into the position of a victim and blame others. For example, on Tarot cards. They act as a textbook stool, on which a child hits his finger - a bad stool, an evil one! Therefore, it is not the person himself, but the Tarot cards that are to blame for the fact that everything is bad.

Tarot is a diagnostic and prognostic tool. In principle, it is intended, among other things, to look into the “future” and, seeing unpleasant events in it, with the help of one’s own will and determination, if possible, to go around the corners that fate wants to take. At least reduce the damage from a hard collision with the stool of reality. I specifically put the word “future” in quotation marks, because... This category is not 100% predictable.

The future is made up of the events we have accomplished in the current moment. Well, relatively speaking, if you decided to stop going to work today and have absolutely no plans in the future, you don’t have any special reserves of money, but with your last savings you went to a consultation with a tarot reader to find out your financial future.

With a high degree of probability, a tarot reader will predict that after such and such a time you will run out of money. Are the cards to blame for such a forecast, do they bring trouble, is fortune telling with Tarot cards dangerous? If you continue to sit idle, chances are you will actually run out of money after a while. But! You have an excellent tool for changing destiny - your will and determination to change something in your life.

If you, for example, get a job again, you will soon have money again. This example is primitive, the life situations with which people come to a tarot reader for a consultation are somewhat subtler, but still, most negative situations in the future can be avoided if you see them in advance and take action.

For some reason, many people do not understand this simple mechanism for changing fate and see a strange relationship between fortune telling with Tarot cards and complex ups and downs in their lives.

Fortune telling on the full moon is strictly prohibited

There is some truth in this prejudice. It is connected with the fact that the Moon, like the ebb and flow of the tides, controls human emotions. During the full moon, people are more anxious, emotional, irritable, many secret vices under the pale light of the moon become obvious. The atmosphere of the negative aspect of the full moon is reflected in the 18th lasso of the Tarot, Moon. The valley, illuminated by the deathly pale light of the Moon, is alarming, the shadow of the bushes swayed by the wind seems to be a lurking monster, someone’s prolonged howl is heard from afar, chilling horror shackles the soul of the traveler walking along this valley.

Tarot does not require the intervention of emotions, of any kind, in the process of fortune-telling, especially those emotions that the full moon evokes. There is one more conditional lunar map, whose state is desirable for Tarot fortune telling - the High Priestess. The Priestess teaches us an impartial attitude to the issue, a clear mind and purity of consciousness.

If you are wondering whether it is possible to tell fortunes with Tarot cards on a full moon, try to ensure that your internal state corresponds to the High Priestess card - in this state, the answers given by the cards will be true. Or put the cards aside until the Moon goes detrimental. For women wondering whether it is possible to tell fortunes with Tarot cards during menstruation, the same principle will apply as when telling fortunes on the full moon - it is better not to tell fortunes until the emotional state returns to normal.

During Lent and holidays, do not pick up cards.

Is it possible to tell fortunes using Tarot cards on Sunday, during Lent, and also during church holidays? The Church in general does not approve of Tarot fortune telling, to put it mildly. There are reasons for this, and they have nothing to do with divine wrath. But if you are wondering about some specific days, for example, considering working with the Tarot to be sinful, think about the fact that if you are afraid of God’s punishment, perhaps you should not pick up cards at all?

It’s not fortune telling on Sunday itself that’s dangerous, but the fact that you feel fear about it and expect punishment. What we fear tends to attract. And also these prohibitions are related to the fact that during church holidays you need to devote time to prayer and repentance; think about whether you devote enough time to spiritual practice, and not about, for example, the question, is it possible to tell fortunes with tarot cards at Christmas?

I also came across such a question as, is it possible to read fortunes with Tarot cards on Monday? I don’t know what it is connected with, perhaps due to the fact that Monday is the day of the Moon (in English, monday is well preserved - Moon day). And all the prescriptions associated with the Moon relate to a calm state during fortune telling.

Ban on daily fortune telling

Is it possible to read fortunes with Tarot cards every day? The ban on daily fortune telling applies to those who are impatient and want to see some good prescription, instead of the bad one that has fallen. Usually, Tarot advice is resorted to when there are important questions; if you draw cards to the same question every day, instead of a clear answer, you will have confusion in interpretation. Tarot readers usually do fortune-telling not just every day, but throughout the working day during the week, and sometimes even weekends are not free from fortune-telling. Only the questions they have, as well as the people who come to them, are different.

It is dangerous to let young children near Tarot cards.

There is no ban on fortune telling for young children, but they are very impressionable, so it is still better for them not to tell fortunes until a certain age, about 12 years. For questions related to children (predisposition to certain activities, issues related to school and training, the child’s condition, relationships with peers, etc.), it is better for their parents to lay out the Tarot, they will be able to guide their child in the right direction .

Several years ago I had a nice experience when, during one of the esoteric evenings, such as a fair, where I sat with cards for the purpose of self-promotion, among other audiences, girls of about 11-12 years old came up to me and asked about boys. The girls were very sincerely surprised when I described their attitude towards them, as well as recent events such as quarrels and dates. There were many boys about whose attitude the girl wanted to ask about her, about half a class, this made them compare favorably with the women from the same evening, who asked about a maximum of one or two men.

Night is not the time for fortune telling

Fears associated with the dark time of day have an esoteric connotation. Night is the time when evil spirits is the most active and can “confuse” the readings of the cards, especially if you are not experienced in fortune telling. This can be approached in different ways.

There is also a rational explanation for the difficulties associated with fortune telling at night. During the day, the body gets tired and consciousness becomes dull, mental clarity decreases, you may simply not understand what the cards actually advise you. If you choose when it is better to guess - during the day or at night, start with daytime practice. Although I personally like to tell fortunes at night - again, this is due to the fact that the activity of the mind becomes less active, there is less mental noise in the head, and the messages of the cards are more clearly perceived. But to each his own.

Is fortune telling with Tarot cards dangerous?

If you are still tormented by this question, then perhaps it is connected with all sorts of ways to charge the deck, as well as various frightening esoteric attributes that adorn some fortune tellers (by the way, not all tarot readers look like this).

I once came across this method of charging (it’s probably advisable to do it at night for greater effect). Tarot cards are placed in a bag, and on top is a plastic bag. Then you go to the cemetery and bury cards for several days (I don’t remember the exact number) in the grave of the dead person you like.

After this, when you remove the cards, the spirit of the person you climbed into the grave will help give very accurate answers to the questions. If you don't black witch, and read this method of charging cards, of course, Tarot fortune telling will seem like a dangerous activity to you. I jokingly recommend this method as an alternative when you don’t want to study the meaning of the cards.

As you can see, Tarot is shrouded in many superstitions. You can get around most of the horror stories associated with Tarot using simple logic. And then you will no longer ask the question: “Is it possible to tell fortunes with Tarot cards?”, and you will have in your hands an excellent tool with which you can improve your destiny, anticipating its turns in advance, and also help other people.

Who hasn't wondered at least once? Who wasn’t interested in looking into the future, lifting the veil of secrets and mysteries? Now it's Christmas week, so we decided to tell you how to tell fortunes during Christmas time. Having previously googled and asked our grandmothers, we armed ourselves with all sorts of “sacred” things to try on ourselves ancient rituals fortune telling. Well, what can I say, people are designed that way; they want to know what will happen. For a long time, humanity has been trying in every possible way to look into the future, it is impossible to find out what awaits us for sure, but we can reveal a little of the secrets with the help of fortune telling.

When can you guess in January?

With the onset of the year, the desire to find out what lies ahead becomes even greater, which is why during the holidays it is common to guess. The most favorable days for this:
— Night from December 31 to January 1 ( New Year)
— Night from January 6 to 7 (Christmas)
— Night from January 13 to 14 (Old New Year)
— January 17 (Feklistov day)
- January 18 (Epiphany).

At first, only prophets and psychics were able to look into the future; now everyone can tell fortunes.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve

On the main night of the year, an incredible atmosphere reigns around, and most importantly, powerful energy, which favors fortune telling. How can you look into the future?

  • An unmarried girl should place the first piece of food from the festive table at the head of the bed and invite her betrothed to taste it. The groom will come in a dream.
  • The future bride can also put kings from a card deck under her pillow; if the betrothed did not come in a dream, the card must be taken out at random in the morning.

Fortune telling at Christmas

They say they dream about Christmas night prophetic dreams, therefore their interpretation is the most reliable way to predict the future. In order not to forget a dream, it is better to write it down on a piece of paper immediately after waking up.

The most popular method of fortune telling at Christmas is fortune telling by shadows; this method does not require special preparation, you only need to use your imagination. To do this, take a large plate, set fire to a crumpled sheet of paper on it and move it all towards the wall. Then all that remains is to interpret the shadows seen on the wall. The main attribute of this kind of fortune telling is intuition, you just need to trust it.

Coffee magic

Surely you have once heard about fortune telling on coffee grounds. In order to look into the future with the help of this drink, you do not need any special skills. Just drink a cup of ground coffee, and then tip all the leftovers onto a plate so that the mass is distributed throughout the dish and patterns are formed. They are the ones worth deciphering. The most popular silhouettes are interpreted as follows:
- silhouettes of animals - to worry
- man - for a date
- buildings - to prosperity
- plants - to quarrels or travel

The most mysterious fortune telling

Fortune telling with a mirror evokes some fear, because it is intended for unmarried girls, and you need to guess at midnight alone.

To begin with large mirror two candles are placed for lighting and a smaller mirror, so that the illusion of an endless corridor is created, while saying “Betrothed, dressed up, show yourself!” When a man’s silhouette appears in the reflection from behind, you need to look at it, and then say: “Out of this place!”

You can tell fortunes using a ring; you need to place it at the bottom of a glass filled ¾ with water, and then peer into the center in the light of candles, and the betrothed’s face will appear there. When doing fortune telling, remember that symbols can have many interpretations. You make your own destiny, the main thing is to believe in a bright future.

Yuletide fortune telling

There are a great many Christmas fortune tellings, in every corner of Russia and other countries. Slavic people there were their own ways of predicting fate. For you, the most interesting and not requiring special preparations fortune-telling for Christmastide. Christmastide lasts from Christmas Day (January 7) to Epiphany (January 19).

Fortune telling with threads. You need to cut the threads of the same length according to the number of fortune tellers and set them on fire at once from one candle. The girl whose thread burns out the fastest will be the first to get married. If someone’s thread goes out before it burns halfway, this means that this girl will never get married.

Fortune telling by matches. You need to insert two matches into the sides of the matchbox, identified with a guy and a girl, and then set them on fire. If the matches turned their heads towards each other, this meant that this pair would be together.

Snow fortune telling. At midnight you need to go outside and walk through the freshly fallen snow. If no one crosses the tracks before dawn, married life will be easy; if the tracks are trampled, you will have to live your whole life in quarrels with your husband.

At midnight you need to go outside and throw a handful of snow in the direction opposite to the wind. If snowflakes fall directly on you, it means that the husband will be young and handsome; if the snowflakes scatter to the sides, the husband will be elderly.

Girls throw a shoe or any other shoe over some obstacle (fence, gate, house threshold). The place of residence of the future husband is judged by the direction in which the sock points.

Fortune telling for the betrothed. At night before going to bed, you need to pour a small amount of water into a glass and dissolve a decent amount of salt in it (within reason), then drink the water and say the following: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, give me a drink!” In a dream, your future spouse should appear and give you something to drink.

Before going to bed on one of the Christmas Eve evenings, put four card kings under your pillow and say the following: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, I will dream about him in my dreams!” The betrothed will appear in a dream in the form of a king.

Before going to bed, you need to put a comb under your pillow and say the following: “Betrothed, mummer! Comb my head!” In a dream, your betrothed will appear and comb your hair.

Fortune telling on paper. For this fortune-telling, you will need strips of paper of the same size, on which you need to write questions of interest and your desires. All strips are placed in random order in a wide bowl into which water is poured. The strips of paper will first swirl in a whirlpool and gradually float to the surface. The strip that comes out first means that what is written on it has a positive answer.

Those who begin to master the art of tarot must clearly understand that there are favorable and unfavorable days for fortune telling. IN unfavorable days There is a high risk of harming yourself or the fortuneteller, because the results will be distorted.

Tarot reading should be done on auspicious days

Periods when you can or cannot tell fortunes using tarot cards. At what age is fortune telling allowed?

The question of when you can’t tell fortunes with tarot occupies the minds of those who began their communication with cards quite recently. And in order to avoid controversial or dangerous situations, it is necessary to study several periods when guessing is prohibited.

Some deals should only happen in certain days lunar calendar, so their implementation should be clarified in the interpreter. Many beginners are interested in the question of whether it is possible to tell fortunes on a full moon, and the answer is given extremely clear. You can tell fortunes on a full moon; this day is most suitable for magic. The only contraindication is the presence of an unfavorable time, which falls together with the full moon.

Inspiration has arrived and the fortuneteller feels a favorable period for fortune telling - an alignment is necessary. At this moment there are no prohibitions.

There is such a type of fortune telling as festive. These days, tarot reading with a certain layout is recommended. But such fortune telling is harmful on an ordinary day, and in some interpreters it is strictly prohibited. Such fortune-telling includes the periods of Christmas and Christmastide.

The full moon is favorable for fortune telling

On which days is fortune telling allowed?

Not a single calendar or tarot reader will give an unambiguous answer to the question about the appropriate day of fortune telling for the fortuneteller. But there are days when fortune telling is possible and the meaning will not be distorted. Even our ancestors determined the most favorable time in the year, which was called Epiphany fortune-telling. During the period of Christmas fortune-telling, you can perform all kinds of layouts without the risk of receiving unreliable information.

According to lunar calendar, the most favorable day for fortune telling:

  • New moon
  • Calendar start of the year.

It is on these days that the fortuneteller receives the most full interpretation layout and the most truthful information regarding your problem.

But the best day of the year for tarot is Midsummer Day. On this day in the old days they predicted the future by various subjects and events, and some also used tarot cards. The fortuneteller will receive the most accurate prediction for a whole year.

But the presence of certain auspicious days in a year when fortune telling is allowed, does not exclude the possibility of using cards at the moment when they are really needed. If a fortuneteller needs advice, then you can get it. The reliability can be judged by the absence of prohibitions on performing layouts.

Ivan Kupala - the best day for fortune telling

At what age to start fortune telling and when is tarot safe?

Those who pick up cards for the first time wonder whether it is dangerous to tell fortunes with tarot cards and how to protect themselves. All interpreters have a clear rule that cannot be broken: fortune-telling is prohibited for children under 13 years of age. Children should not pick up cards or go to tarot readers for readings.

All these rules are connected with the fact that the fate of adolescents is a blank page in the book of life, which he fills out independently, without the participation of cards. It is difficult to predict the fate of young people, but even more difficult if the fortuneteller is young.

But if such moments arise in a person’s life when it is impossible to move on without wise advice, then age fades into the background. And the main danger for a fortuneteller at a young age lies only in the uncontrolled craving for obtaining secret knowledge.

Such behavior will confuse the fate of the young man and considering it in the future will not be an easy task. That is why in each case, fortune telling should occur after a detailed analysis of the problem.

Why can't you guess?

Many people firmly believe that fortune telling is a forbidden ritual from which nothing good should be expected. Most often, people who are deeply religious are confident in this. IN Christian religion everything that relates to magical rituals, is committed against the will of the Lord, and a church-going person should not succumb to these weaknesses.

But for other people this issue is a bone of contention, that is, it seems controversial. Sin is an act that represents an event alien to the morals of society (theft or murder). But fortune telling itself is not such an event and does not carry such a negative note in its meaning. That is why it is a sin, but a sin to a lesser extent. And churchgoers consider fortune telling to be a sin on an equal footing with adultery or theft, and claim that entire generations of fortune tellers must pay for this sin.

Tarot readings should be done infrequently and with caution

At its core, fortune telling is harmful only when abused, like medications. If you guess every day or do it uncontrollably, then you will not know the truth. If abused, the fortuneteller risks miscalculating his fate and losing the chance to improve his life. His life will go according to an unplanned plan and the situation cannot be improved.

Cards can cause harm to those individuals who have a hard time accepting negative predictions. Health problems will play a cruel joke and only this will reveal the negative properties of tarot cards.

On what days should you not pick up cards?

There are many days on which you cannot guess, because the prediction will be inaccurate and you can harm yourself, or the ban is imposed for other reasons.

Representatives Orthodox Church They have a negative attitude towards all manifestations of magic and appeals to otherworldly forces, therefore fortune telling during church holidays is strictly prohibited. But as an exception, holidays are added to the permitted days Christmas fortune telling, because this tradition has been going on since ancient times and has survived more than one generation of church ministers.

The most important day on which you absolutely cannot pick up cards is Sunday. The custom is not to contact magical help came to us from antiquity. In church legends this day is described as non-working and dedicated to God. All believers spend this day in repentance and prayers to the Almighty. For those who do not consider themselves believers, fortune telling on this day is allowed.

Women during menstruation should not do a spread. During this period, a woman is most vulnerable in her energy protection and can cause harm to yourself and close relatives.

But this does not mean that there are no fortune telling that are performed during this period.

You cannot resort to fortune telling at a time when the fortuneteller arrives in a bad mood. Fortune telling in a bad mood will negatively affect the fate of the fortuneteller and distort the meaning beyond recognition. The mood when working with cards is better neutral, then the fortuneteller will receive a true prediction.

People have always wanted to look into their future as much as possible, to find out about their betrothed, what kind of life will be poor or full of cash flows, how many children they will have, and so on. This is especially interesting for young girls, but they don’t have psychic abilities, so they can only guess.

When to guess

The most favorable time for true predictions chosen according to the lunar calendar. It is necessary for there to be light in the sky full moon, but here, too, certain days are chosen. The most suitable days will be 2, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12 and 13 during lunar cycles. But if the day falls on Friday or Saturday, you can't guess, the exception is if these days of the week fall on Christmas and Christmas days. Moreover, fortune telling at Christmas time and Christmas are considered the most favorable for looking into the future. This is especially true on the thirteenth and eighteenth of January; you can predict how many children you will have, when you will get married, and much more.

On what holidays can you predict the future?

  1. from the seventh to the nineteenth of January;
  2. on Ivan Kupala on the twenty-fourth of June;
  3. on the feast of John the Baptist on the seventh of July;
  4. on the twelfth of July is the day of the Apostle Paul;
  5. on the Feast of the Intercession on the fourteenth of October.

Simple fortune telling for the Christmas holidays

The simplest and most accessible is fortune telling with wax: light a candle and drop hot wax into a plate of cold water and determine the future based on the resulting figure.

Also just the following fortune telling, it predicts the gender of future children. To do this, you need a ring and a needle, put the ring in the water and lower the needle on a thread, if they begin to make circular movements in the water, the child will be female, like a pendulum, the gender of the unborn child will be male.

They also tell fortunes by the shadow of burnt paper on plates; for this they take only clean paper, then set it on fire and look at the resulting shadow from the planted leaf on the wall.

Fortune telling about the betrothed with logs is also simple, in the evening they go out to the barn with firewood and without looking they take a log; if they come across one with knots, the husband will have a quarrelsome character, and if they come across a smooth one, the husband will be kind and generous.

How to predict fate on Ivan Kupala and the feast of the apostles Peter and Paul and on Intercession

On the night of Ivan Kupala they tell fortunes mainly for love, in order to find out the fate of young people, in the evening they pick two leaves from the grass (at the same time they are given the names of the people they are telling fortunes about), near the water and bring them home, pin the blades of grass to the wall and when they If they are already dry, you need to look at the location of the grass; if sincere love is stuck together on both sides, they hang evenly, then there is no love.

On this night, they predict how many years a person will live in the world, for this they light a candle. An even flame and complete combustion of a candle means longevity and excellent health in old age. A sharply extinguished candle means short life fortuneteller, he needs to be careful in the future.

On July 12, they tell fortunes by looking at the grass; in order to determine how old the girl will be when she will get married, they tear up the grass and then count it. How many blades of grass are in your hand at that age and get married? They use dandelions to tell fortunes about the sex of future children; if, after blowing off the cap, the stem is empty, then there will be a son, and if there is still a cap left, it will be a girl.
