Vedic knowledge of the ancient Slavs. Slavic and Indian Vedas. Secret and obvious

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Today, many researchers know that the ancient sacred Vedic knowledge is encoded in our language. The Russian people were initiated into these secrets of the language by witches and Vestal witches, whom Christian tradition calls them witches. The very word “know”, i.e. “I know” determined the deep meaning of the Russian Vedic worldview. Modern Russian Vedism is not the exoticism of India on Russian soil, but the deepest historical layer of the systemic worldview and spirituality of our people. The prophecy of the clairvoyant Vanga comes true: “The most ancient teaching will come to the world.” (Stoyanova K.Istinata for Wang. Sofia, 1996).

The question of the nature of the systemic worldview of our distant ancestors goes beyond the scope of any science and requires an appropriate approach to study. The systemic worldview organically included the hierarchy of gods and the concept of the Supreme Deity. The problem of determining the Supreme Deity among the ancient Slavs and his role in the formation of spirituality among our ancestors was considered in the 18th century by M.V. Lomonosov and M.I. Popov. In the 19th century, N.I. Kostomarov, A.S. Famintsin, N.I. Tolstoy, A.F. Zamaleev. In the twentieth century, B.A. Rybakov, Ya.E. Borovsky, V.V. Sedov, G.S. Belyakov, O.S. Osipova and many others wrote on the issue of the religious worldview and pantheon of gods of the ancient Slavs. Unfortunately, in the twentieth century, the concept of the Supreme God of the ancient Slavs was replaced by the concept of the Main God, which provides for a change of gods in the very hierarchy of these gods. The Vedic tradition of understanding God as the Absolute was completely interrupted and almost forgotten. Hence the age-old dispute not only about the name, but also the functions of the God of gods. Which, according to the Vedas, did not have one personal name, but had a main hallmark- “luminosity”. The Supreme (Most High) god of the ancient Slavs is cosmic fire, cosmic fiery light (Sva), which had many manifestations and faces. In the world of people, as in a microcosm, there are all manifestations of light and darkness. “Light” people had not only brown hair and could be called Russians. They were supposed to be “luminous” and ““, i.e. "noble". This word from the language of the “sun” - Sanskrit is almost forgotten, but in Rus' the concepts of “Your Lordship”, “Your Nobility” are still remembered, and this assessment bore the original spiritual sign of the best Russian people. To be an Aryan means to be a “noble” and “luminous” person who gives his (clan) tribe and the whole world “good,” which was understood as “good” and was initially considered as the opposite of “evil.” Today we can imagine how the very concept of “Aryan” was distorted and distorted by Hitler and his followers.

For our ancestors, the “life-giving” face of the sun was especially important. Everyone deified him, and, according to the ancient Vedic tradition, the sun had a second sacred name Yara (Ya-Ra), which is better known as Yarilo. It was encoded in such Russian words as ve(Ra), zha(Ra), me(Ra), (Ra)duga, go(Ra), no(Ra) and many others. Even the concept of Ivan - du(Ra)k has a deep sacred meaning, providing for a special life path the main character of ancient Russian fairy tales. Linguistic and philosophical analysis of ancient fairy tales, myths and legends allows us to say that Russian Vedism is a coherent system of views that permeated the life of Proto-Slavic society, resolved emerging ideological issues, determined collective priorities and the resulting spiritual and active attitudes of people’s behavior.

In this study, the author invites the reader to familiarize himself with the ancient history of the Slavic world, its culture, and faith. How was the transition from Slavic Orthodoxy to Christian Orthodoxy carried out? Originality, the ability to communicate with nature and its inhabitants at different levels of existence. The book is intended for people seeking to increase their spiritual level and knowledge, asking themselves questions of existence and the essence of truth. The work provides materials: protective prayers, conspiracies, rituals.

© Nikolay Kozak, 2016

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero

Multidimensional world. Forbidden knowledge of the ancient Slavs

In the beginning there was a word

“Any science without correct investigation and applications useful to Humanity is like a body without a soul.”

Platon Lukashevich 1885

Many people now live in ignorance, that is, they do not know, do not know the heritage of their Ancestors. And for them, the news that 7519 years ago (2010 AD) there was a Creation of the World in the Star Temple between Russia and China will be perceived as another nonsense of the Slavs. Some will say that everything about the creation of the world has already been written in the Bible, and there is no need to invent something new. Others, more insightful, but equally ignorant, will say that how can you sign a peace treaty in a temple that is located among the stars. But our Ancestors had nothing accidental, including in the names of years. Each summer (year), month, day and smaller units of time had their own names, their own images, which were closely connected with cosmology. Therefore, let's look at what types of chronology existed and how it is connected with the Cosmos. And from here the names and images of these years will be clear, including the summer called the Star Temple. We had many calendar forms of numbering. According to the latter, it is now Summer 7519 from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (S.M.Z.H.). But this does not mean at all that our World was created 7519 years ago, as Christians believed and still believe, when this chronology had not yet been abolished by Peter I and the year-calculation from the Nativity of Christ (R.C.) was introduced. In ancient times, the creation of the world was called the conclusion of a peace treaty between warring peoples. Thus, we have " new system countdown." This very peace treaty, between the Great Race (Slavic-Aryans) and the Great Dragon (ancient Chinese or Arim - as they were then called) was concluded on the day of the Autumn Equinox, or on the 1st day of the First month of Summer 5500 from the Great Cold (Great Cold Cold - Glacial period). The Great Race won, which was depicted in the form of an image - a White Knight on a horse strikes a Dragon with a spear. The White Horseman (God is a knight), striking the Dragon (an ancient serpent) with a spear, was depicted on frescoes and bas-reliefs of ancient Temples and various buildings of the Great Race. But since Christians attributed all the achievements of our Ancestors to themselves, now this image is interpreted as the Christian holy Great Martyr George the Victorious defeating the serpent who was devastating the lands of the pagan king. As the legend says, when the lot fell to give the king’s daughter to be torn to pieces by the monster, George appeared on horseback and pierced the snake with a spear, saving the princess from death. The appearance of the “saint” contributed to the conversion of local residents to Christianity. This legend was often interpreted allegorically: the princess is the church, and the snake is paganism. But you understood that this same George has nothing to do with ancient events. This is simply a fact of Christians using an ancient image for their own purposes. Like much that remained from our ancestors from the pre-Christian era, it was distorted and specially adjusted to Christian faith, although those who created the Christian faith from the very beginning were against Jesus Christ, and created the faith to subjugate other nations with sword and fire, destroying ancient culture other peoples. That is why the Russian people constantly work as laborers for foreigners.

Hanuman (Asura, i.e. the prince of Russenia), who ruled in Belovodye and Ahriman (ruler of Arimiya, i.e. ancient China) “They created the World”, i.e. concluded a peace treaty between the Great Race and the Great Dragon, according to which the defeated Arima (Chinese) built a wall (with loopholes in their direction!) to mark the border of Russenia. The wall was built by the Chinese as indemnity. The wall was named Kii-Tai, which translated from Old Slovenian means Cue– fence, hedge; Tai- completion of the peak, great, that is, “the final, limiting great hedge (wall).” THE LOOPHOLES ON THE WALL ARE NOT DIRECTED TO THE NORTH, BUT TO THE SOUTH! And this is clearly visible not only in the most ancient, unreconstructed sections of the wall, but even in recent photographs and works of Chinese drawing. Previously, the Chinese themselves made the discovery that ancient Chinese writing belonged to another people. There are already published sons (daughters) proving that these people were Slavic-Aryans. The photographs show the direction of the shadow from the loopholes, since the wall is illuminated by the sun from the south, i.e. the loopholes are directed towards China from north to south. In ancient times, “China” was the name given to a high fence or fortress wall. For example: China Town in Moscow was named so because of the high wall that surrounded it, and not at all because of the Chinese. From that great event, a new countdown of years began for our Ancestors. In memory of that event, our Ancestors wrote Az-Vesta (first message), or otherwise - Avesta for 12,000 ox skins. Avesta, which is an example of the ancients Slavic books, written both on parchment and on gold, was destroyed by order of Alexander the Great, who, although he was a Slav by birth, was under the spiritual influence of the Jew Aristotle. The world later became aware of the longer-preserved distorted version of the Avesta - the Zend-Avesta, which Zarathustra distorted, adding his comments and corrections.

Our ancient system for measuring time intervals was simple, accessible and visual, as it was based on astronomical phenomena known to everyone at that time. The Slavs in ancient times had several calendar forms of numbering, but only a few have survived to this day. You could get acquainted with one of them if you have already read A.V. Trekhlebov’s book “The Blasphemy of the Finist of the Clear Falcon of Russia,” where he describes in detail the calculation system using the Achinsk rod.

The Achinsky staff was found in 1972 on the site of one of the oldest Paleolithic settlements in Siberia in the vicinity of Achinsk. The Achinsk calendar is approximately 18 thousand years old. Name of the Slavic-Aryan Calendar " Kolyada's Gift”, which literally means Kolyada’s gift. Those. the word "calendar" comes not from the "debt book" of the Romans, but from the fusion Kalyady Dar. Another name for the Calendar is Circle of Chislobog. The calendar is based on the 16-digit number system, in which the largest prime number 9 can still be traced. And, despite its unusualness for modern perception, this calendar system is the most accurate and convenient of all existing in the world. this moment calendars. Over the past few tens of thousands of years, our calendar has not “ran away” or “behind” by a single day. So let's start with simple data. Kolyada's Gift, contains three natural seasons: Autumn, Winter and Spring. These three seasons are combined into a single solar cycle called - Summer. Summer consists of 9 months, so there are three months for each natural season. There are two concepts in the calendar: Simple Summer And Sacred Summer. They make up Circle of Years, in which there are 15 simple and 1 Sacred Summer. Nine Circles of Years, amounted to Circle of Life, which consists of 144 years. These repeating cycles are called Around Chisloboga. Simple Summer consists of 365 days, all odd-numbered months contain 41 days, and even months contain 40 days. (5x41=205) + (4x40=160) =365. Sacred Summer consists of 369 days, all months contain 41 days. (9x41) =369. The New Year falls on the 1st day of the second month of Ouseni, i.e. on the Day of the Autumn Equinox. This, as a rule, is associated with the fact that the entire harvest was collected, the bins were filled, and the new Summer began with complete prosperity. In addition, the most important events It was customary to take it on the New Year. For example, the peace treaty with the Great Dragon (ancient China), as I already mentioned, was signed precisely in the New Year. This was very convenient for introducing a new starting point for peaceful life, and this did not affect the main calendar system in any way. After all, the Creation of the World (between nations) occurred on 1 day of 1 month of Summer 5500 from the Great Cold. Thus, 1 day of 1 month of Summer 5501 from the Great Cold, at the same time became 1 day of 1 month of Summer 1 from the Creation of the World, and since the peace treaty was signed in Summer bearing the name - the Star Temple on the Chislobog Circle, the name of the new Summer Calculation became – from Creation of the World in Star Temple e. The week of the Slavic calendar also consisted of 9 days. They carried a numerical form and were called: Monday, Tuesday, Triteinik, Chetverik, Friday, Sixth, Seventh, Octalic, Week.

It was very convenient, all odd months Happy Summer began on one day of the week, and all even numbers began on the other. And since Sacred Summer consists of 41 weeks, then the next Circle of Life, started on the same day of the week as Sacred Summer. So everyone Circle of Life, i.e. a cycle of 144 years began on Monday.

We can be convinced that the old nine-day week was remembered not so long ago by reading the tales of the Siberian storyteller Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov.

Well, Gavrilo, thatseventh week

Let's take them to the capital;

We'll sell it to the boyars there,

We'll split the money evenly

(The Little Humpbacked Horse)

Hereoctagon already passed

Anda week came up

(Stone bowl)

Our Midgard-Earth is moving around Yarily(The Sun), rotating around its axis, and the axis slowly moves along a circular cone. In this case, the north pole describes an ellipse in space, which is the base of this cone. The axis of this cone is perpendicular to the plane of the earth's orbit, and the angle between the axis and the generatrix of the cone is approximately 23. This movement of the axis of rotation along a circular cone is scientifically called precession, and our Ancestors called Days of Svarog. And as a result of this, a complete (visually observed from the Earth) revolution of the starry sky, all 16 Chertogov(constellations) occurs over 25920 years. At the moment, astronomers consider the length of precession to be 25,729 years (Platonov's year). However, astrologers believe that the precession cycle is 25,920 years, and one astrological era equal to 1/12 of a cycle and is 2160 years. Previously, before the cataclysm, there was no precession, the axis angle was approximately 30 and the axis strictly pointed towards the center of our galaxy. Yarilo-Sun enters the Hall of the “Fire Ladle”, which has the name Zimun(Ursa Minor).

The North Star itself (“ a Ursa Minor) is a triple star! The polar star is located near the North Pole of the world and, in essence, is the point in the firmament to which it is tuned Earth's gyroscope axis. The Big Dipper includes 7 bright stars, which visually also represent the silhouette of a duck – a dipper. Wherein popular name The Pleiades are the Seven Sisters, and constellation Ursa Major– Seven Sages, also indicates marital and/or sibling relationships.

Hall- this is a system of luminaries (Suns and Stars) moving in their orbits around the center of the Hall. To make a full revolution around the center of the Galaxy, according to modern data, the Sun requires about 250 million years, which is (galactic year), while the Sun crosses the galactic equator every 33 million years, then rises above its plane to a height of 230 light years and descends again down towards the equator. This oscillatory process, with a period of 33 million years, is the rotation of the Sun (in addition to revolving around the center of the Galaxy) around the center of the Hall.

On the coat of arms Belovodya you can see the location of Yarila (our Sun) in the Hall of Zimun. Yarila is depicted as Stars of England, surrounded by sixteen Halls, along which Yarila throughout the Svarog Circle (for an earthly observer) for

one Leta moves from Hall to Hall in the opposite direction from the usual annual cycle: Hall of the Maiden, Boar, Pike, Swans, Snake, Crow, Bear, Busla, Wolf, Fox, Tour, Elk, Finist, Horse, Eagle, Race: The names of the months were originally designated Runes, and later an entry was added with an Initial Letter with a brief disclosure semantic meaning. In the ancient Slovenian letter, when writing the name of the month, the initial letter “ Kommersant- er, sounding like O-short. In addition, each month carried its own meaning, determining people’s lives. Day of Svarog = 180 Circles of Life(25,920 Years). Now they consider centuries (100 years each), but the Slavic-Aryans considered Circles of Life, which consists of 9 Krugov Let or equal to 144 Leta- This is the minimum life span for people in this world. Respectively Circle of Years = 16 Years: fifteen simple years and sixteenth - Sacred Summer. This cycle is also connected with ancient events, namely, for 15 years the migration of the Clans of the Great Race from Daariya to Russenia (the territory from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean) took place, and in the 16th Summer our Ancestors settled in new lands and brought glory to Our Gods. In honor of this event, the Ancestors began to celebrate Easter, which translated from the Kh'Aryan runic means " The path the gods walked».

Report Years dated from the day of the Great Holiday Ramha-Ita(or from day New Years, i.e. new beginning Leta). Each Summer has its own name. Now (from September 19, 2010 to September 19, 2011) Summer « Divine(White) At home(In chorus)." To check this using the DKCh table, you need to year from R.H. add 5508, and if the day of the autumnal equinox has already passed, then add 5509. And from the result subtract 7376. We get Summer 143. According to the table DKCH We find that the number 143 corresponds to the Summer of the “Divine (White) House (Mansion).”

Calendar forms of notation as of 2010-2011

7519 Summer from the Creation of the World in the Star Temple (5508 BC)

13019 Summer from the Great Cold (Great Cooling) (11,008 BC)

40015 Summer from the 3rd Arrival of Vaitmana Perun (38,004 BC)

44555 Summer from the Creation of the Great Colo of Russia (42,544 BC)

106789 Summer from the Founding of Asgard of Iria (from 9 Taylet) (104,778 BC)

111817 Summer from the Great Migration from Daariya (109806 BC)

143001 Summer from the period of Three Moons (140990 BC)

153377 Summer from Assa Dei (151336 BC)

165041 Summer from the Time of Tara (163030 BC)

185777 Summer from the Time of Thule (183766 BC)

211697 Summer from the Time of Svag (209686 BC)

273905 Summer from the Time of H'Arra (271894 BC)

460529 Summer from the Time of Gifts (458518 BC)

604385 Summer from the Time of the Three Suns (beginning of the Daari calendar) (602,374 BC)

957519 Summer from Time from the time of the appearance of the Gods (955 508 BC)

1.5 billion. Summer from the arrival on Midgard of the first Whitemara of the Great Race of the Celestial Race.

The past millennia and the long period of lack of spirituality of the 20th century could not destroy ancient knowledge Slavs about the Universe and their roots. The Vedas, orally transmitted cosmogonic knowledge about the creation of the world and the laws of life, with the advent of writing, were reflected in the sacred writings of the Slavs “Star Book of Kolyada”, “Pigeon Book”, “Veles Book”, “Song of the Bird Gamayun”. The Indian Vedas, written in Sanskrit, which resembles a transformed Glagolitic alphabet, are also known. The Slavic and Indian Vedas have a lot in common about the creation of the Universe, the creation of the world of Gods, demigods, sages and people. The concepts of evolutionary cosmic cycles (south) among the Slavs begin with “Kolo” - the Wheel of Time, which makes a full revolution in 27 million earthly years. During this period, 12 zodiacal eras change and in each era a certain Deity is incarnated to carry out the “lila” or The divine game or, in scientific terms, support for the next evolutionary stage in the development of the Universe and humanity. “The Starry Book of Kolyada” contains 12 Vedas (Vedas of Rod, Kryshen, Perun, Dazhdbog, etc.) The cyclicity of day and night, the seasons of the year was found among the Slavs. a reflection in the cyclicity of evolutionary stages - the flourishing associated with the light of spirituality, and the decline and destruction associated with the influence of the forces of evil of Chernobog. The knowledge given to humanity by Divinity through the Vedas is consigned to oblivion, darkness comes and the world is destroyed. Kolyada - the Divine feminine principle. destroys the forces of evil, reviving the Vedas - knowledge of the Truth, and gives light to a new evolutionary cycle after the cleansing Flood. The ancient Slavs had a very developed astrology, and their way of life was built in accordance with the position of the planets in zodiac signs. The Vedas gave the Slavs the original religious knowledge. The entire Universe consisted of three worlds - Reality - physical. Nav is the astral world of spirits and Prav is the Divine world. The words “rule” and “truth” have the same root. “Orthodoxy” is a very ancient Vedic pre-Christian term, literally meaning “praise of the Divine world.” It is interesting that the Trident is a symbol of Ukraine, it is a sign or weapon of the god Siva (Shiva), who guards the path to the world of Rule for dead souls. The symbol of the emerging Universe among the Slavs was the Golden Egg. This is a symbol of spiritualized matter, which has come down to our times in Easter eggs and Easter eggs. The human aura, which includes the physical and subtle energy-informational bodies of a person, also has the shape of an egg. In the East, a person who reached the level of holiness was called “twice-born,” i.e. emerging from an egg and becoming a free bird. Today, at the beginning of the third millennium after the birth of Christ, scientists are increasingly saying that the solution to all of humanity’s problems lies in connecting the energy-informational structure of man with the energy-informational structure of the Universe, in connecting the macrocosm and the microcosm into a single system. The process of such union, reminiscent of the birth of a chick from an egg, is called Self-realization. This unique method was developed by the doctor of philosophy and medicine from India, Mrs. Shri Mataji Srivastava. Using ancient Vedic knowledge, giving thousands of lectures on all continents, Shri Mataji gives humanity modern Vedic knowledge about the Universe and man. The structural construction of the human microcosm and the macrocosm of the Universe are the same. As recent scientific discoveries confirm, there are three energy channels in the micro and macrocosm, corresponding in the human body to the left and right sympathetic nervous systems and the central parasympathetic, running along the spinal column. It is the central channel that is responsible for the process of spiritual evolutionary development of a person. This channel in the Universe was associated among the ancient Slavs with Milky Way. This is heavenly milk, spilled across the sky by the sacred cow Zemun, living in the world of Pravi, to show people the path of their spiritual evolution. The ancient word OUM, the first primordial vibrational sound with which the creation of the world began. “In the beginning was the Word,” that’s how the Bible begins. The three letters of this word correspond to three energy channels and three states of Time - past, present and future. OUM is the main mantra or prayer of the ancient Slavs, the “century-speaking”, i.e. praise of God. It was among the ancient Slavs that turning to God was called OUMnaya prayer, and silent meditation in the silence of the mind was called OUMnaya doing. In Christianity, this was preserved as “smart prayer,” and the word OUM was transformed into “Amen.” The altar, an elevated place in ancient temples, was called the “Washhouse”. Speech addressed to God was called “wash” and at the same time “washing” took place, i.e. vibrational cleansing of a person’s subtle energy body from sinful dirt. All this is extremely close to Indian Vedic traditions, and Sanskrit in ancient times was the native language of the Proto-Slavs. As in India, burial among the Slavs was carried out through cremation at the stake. Devotion to her husband in those distant times was so great that many wives voluntarily ascended to the funeral pyre of their husband so as not to be separated from him in the world of Navi. It is interesting that during the height of the struggle between Christianity and so-called “paganism,” the famous “Tale of Igor’s Campaign” appeared. Scientists who studied this monument of world culture came to the conclusion that it is structurally similar to the Mahabharata. And the philologist M. Matveeva compares A.S. Pushkin’s poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” with the “Ramayana”, where Guidon is Govinda, and the island of Guidon is Dwarka. The basis for A.S. Pushkin’s creativity was Russian epics and fairy tales, which hid ancient Vedic knowledge. And his nanny, Arina Rodionovna, passed on all the knowledge that she herself received from her relatives in the form of fairy tales, poems, and lullabies. All this speaks of the common roots of the Slavic and Indian peoples. And these two peoples, having a great spiritual history and culture, will give humanity a new spiritual evolutionary development. We all should know about our rich spiritual heritage and be proud of the history of our people. Modern science confirms that at the heart of the creation of the Universe, Earth and Man, there really is a Creator, the Universal Mind, the Absolute, God. Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences A. Akimov “Physics recognizes Supermind.” Academician of RAMI and RAS N. L. Bekhtereva “God exists.” President of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yu. Osipov “Scientists have come to the conclusion about the existence of a Creator.” Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences G.I. Shipov “I don’t know how God works, but I’m absolutely sure God is reality. It is impossible to know Him using the methods of science; it does not prove His existence, but points to Him.” However, knowledge about God and his creation was known to our ancient ancestors much deeper and in more detail than to our generation. Today, when the world is collapsing, and people, created by one God, artificially divide themselves by the borders of countries and religions, the subtlest Divine processes for the salvation of humanity are invisibly taking place. And in this salvation a huge role is assigned to Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and others Slavic peoples. I would like to end my report with the prophetic words of the honorable member. Peter's Academy of Sciences and Arts, Doctor of Philosophy and Medicine, named by UNESCO as an outstanding person of the planet, Mrs. Shri Mataji Nirmala Srivastava - “The Slavs will be the first in the field of spirituality. I am confident that they will become leaders of the world."

For reference: Platon Akimovich Lukashevich (1809-1887) - ethnographer, linguist. argued that the first language on earth was the Slavic language. Then came the “enchantment”, as a result of which the so-called “enchanted” languages ​​were formed, divided into Slavic, Slavic-Kalmyk or Mongolian, Slavic-Chinese, Slavic-African and Slavic-American branches. Arbitrarily manipulating the words of other languages, Lukashevich looked for and found hidden Slavic roots in them.

In order to understand how great the significance of the Word is and how deeply perverted the Russian language, and through it the consciousness of the Russian Man, is, it is enough to understand the familiar addresses “You” and “YOU”.

In Holy Rus' they never addressed each other in plural. Even the king and god were addressed with “YOU”, for in the original language the syllable “YOU” means light, and “YOU” means darkness. It’s not for nothing that a warrior, going to the enemy, said “I’m going to “YOU”,” i.e. to the darkness.

Modern science has confirmed the unique guess of Platon Lukashevich that sound vibrations affect the human condition, both positively and negatively, depending on the length of the emitted sound wave. This means that when We say “YOU” to each other, we light the Light in our comrades, and when “YOU” we destroy each other. Sound vibrations excite or dampen nonlinear systems, the awareness and understanding of which Platon Lukashevich came very close to.

The term “signal system” was introduced into scientific use by academician I. P. Pavlov. Conducting his experiments on dogs, Pavlov convincingly proved the presence of two signaling systems in both humans and animals.

First signaling system – these are conditioned and unconditioned reflexes that can be adjusted in accordance with the goal.

Second signaling system - this is muscle memory, the principle is simple: the body of the son (daughter) melts - the brain remembers, the hand writes - the brain of the son (daughter) melts, information is stored on a subconscious level and is used by the body as needed. (For more details, see the son (daughter) of G. A. Shichko “Second Signal System”)

Third signaling system – these are nonlinear systems, they remember the conditions of their excitation, that is, under what circumstances their own parts began to move.

They could not be discovered by I.P. Pavlov, only for the reason that he conducted his experiments on animals, and the third signaling system is inherent only in Man.

In 1949, three foreign Fermi scientists, Pasta and Ulom, discovered a new type of memory. So-called nonlinear systems have it: they remember the conditions of their excitation, that is, under what circumstances their component parts began to move.

This information is stored by solitons - unusual waves that can exist for a very long time, fueled by the energy of the environment. Thanks to their memory, nonlinear systems behave like intelligent beings, and solitons behave like thoughts.

A classic example of such a system is the DNA molecule (deoxyribonucleic acid, which serves as the keeper of genetic information in all cells - animal and plant).

But finding solitons in it turned out to be not so easy. Only forty years later, four Russian researchers managed to do this with ultra-sensitive instruments: P. Garyaev, A. Berezin, G. Komissarov, E. Andriankin. They found that soliton waves originate in DNA chains and, passing along them, as if along lines, change their characteristics, as if absorbing hereditary information.

Scientists have proven that DNA contains not only a program for the synthesis of proteins, but also the construction of an organism in space and time, where and when cells divide, where to grow an arm, a leg, and so on. These changes occur at the commands of solitons: after leaving the DNA, they penetrate into various structures of their cell and transmit to them the “baggage” of wave information. Under the influence of these waves, structures develop exactly according to plan. Moreover, solitons penetrate into neighboring cells and deposit “baggage” in their DNA. As a result of repeated exchange of such messages, cells coordinate their development.

Against this background, the discovery of Gennady Stanislavovich Grinevich is perceived in a completely different way. The man who managed to make him talk ancient writings, which opened the doors to the world to the past and future of Russia. The scientist undeniably proved to Humanity the commonality of Russian ancestral roots with the most ancient peoples: Etruscans, Cretans, Proto-Indians.

Our ancestors drew and cut their Life-Learning on stone, ceramics and wood, with the double-edged sword of understanding, in the writing “devils and cuts”... The main discovery of Gennady Stanislavovich Grinevich is that ANCIENT RUSSIAN WRITING WAS S-LO-GO-YOU-M. Each sign represented a syllable.

ALL ANCIENT SYLLABLE TEXTS ARE READ IN RUSSIAN LANGUAGE ONLY. Against the background of these discoveries, it becomes clear why the name of Gogol’s close friend, Platon Lukashevich, this Great Russian Scientist, an outstanding linguist, philologist, historian, poet, writer, mathematician, physicist, chemist, astronomer, meteorologist, was erased from the Memory of the People. The brightest world luminary illuminating the Earth in the 19th century.

The man who returned to the World the original language of eternity and infinity, understandable to the Pure Fields of the Universe. Until now, his books have been hidden in the most inaccessible library repositories. Several very significant letters were removed from the Russian language and we were taught to study the truncated Russian language at school.

Platon Lukashevich, comprehended the law of formation of all languages ​​of the Peoples of the World and the secrets of numbers. It was many years of titanic and painstaking work. Having studied more than 40 languages, compared and understood them world history, customs, songs, legends, myths of most Nations of the World, he came to irrefutable conclusions:

1. From the creation of the World, the Human Race has had a single universal language - ORIGINAL.

2. Over time, for various reasons, other languages ​​were formed from it - CHARMING.

3. All enchanting languages ​​were formed according to the same and unchanging laws.

The original Word CHARA means SPEECH, MIX – to interfere, to mix. This means literally CHARM – speech confusion. SOURCE - the original source, spring. How did the purest Source language become enchanted? And where did all the languages ​​of the Peoples of the World come from?

In ancient times, Kings, Princes, Magi, Priests and heads of Clans owned secret knowledge, which was called Sandras (Vedas). With the help of Sandra, they could communicate with Pure Fields (Soliton, information, torso ion fields, Prophetic Forest) and use the Wisdom of the Universe. Any person who knew Sandra could become a prince. To do this, it was only necessary to overcome three fortress walls.

To comprehend the truth of Labor, to master the depth of Knowledge and to know the law of Love. But not everyone aspired to become a prince. The only measure of evaluation of the Work of the Princes was the well-being of the Family that surrendered to Him. And if for some reason Rod’s well-being worsened,

A prince who had lost contact with the Prophetic Forest burned himself on a sacrificial pyre, voluntarily vacating the throne for someone more worthy, or went to his grave (dolmen) alive.

To preserve the purity of Sandra, the Priests used their secret tongue. The words of the Primitive language were written in one line without separation, with syllables from right hand to the left, and were read, with the exception of their endings, from left to right, and vice versa. Each Word had several hidden meanings.

This spelling was called CHARNAY ISTOT.

For example:

CHARA according to the syllables CHA-RA, the enchanting source is RA-CHA (SPEECH). The sum total is the charm of speech.

THE SORCERER in the syllables CHA-RO-DE-Y, the enchanting essence of Y-DE-RO-CHA (Y DERO ROCHA) - I am speechless.


If the Word read in this way has retained its Original purity, then it explains and defines the purpose of itself and can convey many simple and hidden meanings. The Original Word and Chara from it, put together, can form sentences, with different breakdowns of which into subordinate Words, various texts are formed that explain, indicate and deepen each other.

One of the secrets of the Source language is that the endings of Words have meaning and are readable - these are subordinate Words, through which the quality of the meaning or properties of the Word to which they are “attached” is expressed. That is, each syllable has its own meaning, forgotten by Us. Very often the end of a Word is the beginning of the next one.

Knowing these hidden laws, let's try to understand the Enchanted and Original meaning of some Words. In those Words where the integrity of the syllable is lost, we will supplement the missing letter with the letter “Ъ” stolen from the Russian language.

Origin – WORD (S-LO-VO); Chara - HAIR (VO-LO-SJ) Ancient God Volos, Valas, Veles. Single reading: POWER IN THE HAIR - strength in Veles, or SILOVO VOLOS - you catch the Hair. General meaning: Power is in the Prophetic Forest, you catch the Prophetic Forest. Same as SLAVA.

Hence POWER - V-LA-S-T + (T S'LAV). Power is the Word (Glory).

LIGHT = SEVET + (T VES) – light is the message, or the Joint Message is CONSCIENCE.

RAY + (CHLO) – ray of the forehead. Radiation from the Human Brow (head).


TSAR + (rtsa) – the king who speaks. The eldest of the princes who has the right to vote.

KNYAZ - prince = scribe (zanyak) - knowledgeable scribe. Possessor of secret knowledge.

VOLKHV = volsv + (v sylvo) – Vols savv Sylvo. Veles is advised by the Word.

PRIEST = zh retse + (cere zh) – the one who speaks life, the king of life.

HUSBAND = power = dregs = Mag + (gamma) – maggma. The Word Husband (Magician) has many meanings: power, might, power, face, height, forehead, power, tongue, word, son, sleep, death, life...

(for more details, see the son (daughter) of “An example of world-wide Slavic enchantment in the Word Muzh” by Platon Lukashevich. Kyiv - 1850)

WIFE + (nazhe) – tender wife = Zhenana nazhe – Life Nanny, tender.

VIRGO = diva + (vede) – knowledgeable of wonder.

WITCH + (mA to the virgin) – after all, the mother of the virgin. Knowing Mom is a miracle.

CHERT = devil = trait + (t speech) – drawing that speech. A clerk who writes with strokes and cuts.

*** = BLAD = BD + (BD LYAB) – Divine Lada, giving love.

(according to ancient legend Lada, the goddess of love, who was sold by a drunken husband to a passing merchant for a bottle of wine)


Original Slavic prayers

The word is a weapon. A word can heal, a word can kill.

What is prayer?

Prayer is a tool. Our Ancestors praised the Gods, but did not ask them for anything. We were engaged in SLAVO-words, therefore we are Slavs. Doxology is the creation of special vibrations, because language is given to us in order to glorify, that is, to WORD the resonance of attunement with the Gods (certain energy) with the help of words. Prayer- this is a vibration series associated with a certain hypostasis: either we turn to a specific God who controls specific elements, or to one of his manifestations - protection, help, support. This is a technique of attunement with certain vibrations. When we are attuned to this vibration, we appropriate this Power for our evolution. When a person believes, when he has an inner conviction that the object to which he is turning will help him, help and support come. At the same time, it doesn’t even matter whether we speak in our own words or without words, just a mental message and a mental touch to God works miracles. It is important from the Soul, with understanding, according to CONSCIOUSNESS, then the prayer of the son (daughter) attacks very strongly. And here it is important to accept these vibrations. Often a person is not ready to accept high vibrations if he lives for a very long time in low ones: aggression, anger, irritation and internal negativity. Praying means we tune in to the vibration of God and use His Power. Therefore, the prayer must be glorified, said, and not spoken (go - image, thief - steal. Steal images).


Holy honor Gods And your ancestors and live according to your conscience in harmony with Nature. What does this mean:

Holy honor - light, Light.

ReadRead – chi is the energy of life, thief - to appropriate - to appropriate the light power of the Gods for oneself, to unite with them and become one with them, not to grovel before them, not to deceive a son (daughter), but simply this recognition that we are one and the same with them.

Praise – sl A we infuse their power and use it for our evolution.

Live according to conscience - CO-shared Message: do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself.

Live in harmony with nature – harmonious – it is a relationship with natural vibrations.

Here are some of our native prayers to address the Gods. And remember that your intention to hear the Gods and accept their Light is important.

The path of the Orthodox Faith-Veda

IN I believe in the Most High Race - the One and Many-manifest God, the Source of all that exists and bears, who is the Eternal Krystal of all Gods. I know that the World is a Rod, and all the many-named Gods are united in it. I believe in the trinity of existence of Rule, Reveal and Navi, and that Rule is true, and was retold to the Fathers by our Forefathers. I know that Rule is with us, and we are not afraid of Navi, For Navi has no power against us. I believe in unity with the Native Gods, for we are Dazhboz’s grandchildren - the hope and support of the Native Gods. And the Gods keep their right hands on our rallies. I know that life in the Great Family is eternal, and we must think about the eternal while walking the paths of Rule. I believe in the power and wisdom of the Ancestors who are born among us, leading us to good through our Guides. I know that strength lies in the unity of the Orthodox clans, and that we will become glorious, glorifying the Native Gods! Glory to the Family and all the Gods who exist in Him!

Prayer of Devotion

R ode to the Almighty! Great our God! You are united and multi-manifest, You are our Light and Justice, You are the spring of Eternal Life, the source of boundless Love, the one that heals the Soul and Body. We praise You, God of Rule, Reveal and Navi. And we work every day on our souls in order to be Wise and Strong, a strong support for Mother Earth and defenders of our ancient Family, for You give us Inspiration and Joy, bestow Courage and Fortitude, give us the Veda and teach us Patience, so that we may walk the path with honor our life, inspiredly fulfilling Your sacred will. Glory to You, Rod Almighty! And to all the Native Gods existing in You!

Prayer to Rod. Protective

« ABOUT my father, Rod! You are the God of Gods. Take me under your wing. Let no one stop me from living and working in Your Name. You are Perfect, and I am perfecting my Love for You, for I Know that Love and justice are powerful protection from all evil. I thank You, my Father, for caring for me and my family. Om (Aum)" Malaya Perunitsa. Big Perunitsa. ⚡

Important: this prayer of protection copy from the site by hand onto paper. So it was handed over to me - on paper, by hand.

Unity Prayer

R ode to the Almighty, who gave birth to the life of Reveal and Navi! You are the God of Our Gods and the beginning of the entire Divine Family. You are Father Sky - Svarog, the Grandfather of God, You are the Great Mother Lada - Love and the birth of the World. Like Perun, we see You in many battles, which leads us to military victories and the establishment of a righteous life. You are the holy knight of our Faith - Svetovit, God of Rule, Reveal and Navi. Yet you are the Great Triglav of our Faith-Veda. Glory to the Native Gods!

Prayer of Encouragement

R ode to God! You are Holiness, more sacred than all saints!

The highest Generator and the Eternal Spirit of Light, with the movement of your thoughts in Diva you give birth to many worlds, therefore You are in everything and everything is in You, You fill all souls with the Limitless Light, You bless the Holy One for eternal life, happy are those who know Your highest wisdom ! They hold on to the Heavenly Parents, the Kin Gods and the Light Ancestors, asserting the Holiness of Rule on Earth, and go to the Most Pure Svarga! Filled with your strength, protected by your holiness, we live for You, faithfully fulfilling our destiny. Because You are the highest joy and boundless happiness! Thy love flows to us, with spiritual and physical gifts, and with all grace, for we abide in the unity of the Ancestral Fire, we sanctify our souls with pure deeds, we create a World of Good and Love! Glory to the Almighty Family!

Prayer "Dazhbozhya morning"

IN the Red sun is melting, our Dazhbozh, the world is illuminated with light, filled with joy! My soul wants grace, for I have a Vnu (chka) to

God bless

Dazhbozh(ya)y. I look at the sky and my heart trembles with unspeakable joy, because our Dido himself is entering my home. Greetings, Sunshine!

Bless my Spirit, Soul and body, so that I may remain in health and grace. Without You, there is no breath, no movement of anything on Earth - Mokosh! Bless me, God, on a clear day, so that all my good undertakings will be accomplished, and Krivda will sink into the Pit! Glory to Dazhbog!

Morning Praise

R od Almighty! Great our God! You are one and multi-manifest, You are our Light and justice, You are the storehouse of Eternal Life, the Spring of boundless Love, That which heals the Soul and Body. We praise You, God of Rule, Reveal and Navi. And every day we work on our Souls to be Wise and Strong, a strong support of Light Rus' and defenders of our ancestral Family, since You give us inspiration and Joy, bestow Courage and Fortitude, give us Knowledge and teach Patience, so that we pass the Path with honor our life, inspiredly fulfilling Your Sacred Will. Glory to You, God Almighty! Glory to all the Native Gods existing in you!

Prayer before starting any business to Svarog

Svarozhe, Dido of the Heavenly Family, You are the creator of the Explicit world - the sun, stars and Mother Earth. In You is the great power of creation, which manifests itself in the masters of our race. You are the beginning of all good deeds that are born in the hearts, ripen in the mind and bear fruit in reality. How can I begin without Your blessing? I pray to the Heavenly Father, may he bless my righteous deed, may he inspire me with his Light, so that I may do good and joy to the White Light, the Orthodox family, and my relatives. Glory to Svarog!

Prayer at the end of the case to Veles

T You are the crown of everything and earthly lives, Veles, our God! Let my heart be filled with joy from what has been created, For my deeds are with a pure heart and bright thoughts. May my deeds manifest themselves as fruits of goodness and glory to my family! Bless, Velese, let it be so!

Prayers of Glory before eating food

Option 1

Through the power of the Native Gods and human labor, food arrives, blesses the bodies and souls of Dazhbozh’s Grandchildren, sanctifying them with the desire for holiness. For the good and happiness of the Children of Svarozh, having food, we demand that we give, We create glory for the Great Family! Glory to the Native Gods!

Option 2

Glory to the Native Gods for our daily food, which gives us joy and our children a worthy life. We ask the Native Gods to bless food and treat our Ancestors, so that peace and harmony may reign between the Heavenly Family and the Earthly Family. Glory to the Native Gods!

Option 3

We praise the Gods of our Relatives for the daily food that they give us to create inspired works, we ask to sanctify this food with the Primordial Light, fill it with goodness and happiness for us and treat our bright Ancestors! Glory to the Native Gods!

Option 4

O Progenitor, manifesting himself in the form of Sventovit, Svarog, Perun and Dazhdbog, Mokosh, Lada, Glory to Thee! Bless this food so that it will benefit us. Aum (Om) ⚡ – Perunitsa for food.

Option 5

Glory to the Ancestor-Rod, the Heavenly Rod, we thank Thee for our meal, for the bread and salt that You give us to nourish our bodies, to nourish our Soul, to nourish our Spirit, may our Conscience be strong and may all our deeds be, Yes, for the Glory of all our Ancestors and for the Glory of the Heavenly Family. So be it, so be it, so be it!

Option 6

Glory to the Most High Family and all the Gods for the food they give us. We ask the Native Gods to taste our food and with their Power to illuminate and treat our Ancestors with it. So that there is peace and unity between the Heavenly Race and the Earthly Race. Glory to the Most High Family!

Option 7

Father Svarozhe! Almighty God bless!

Mother of God Lada! Makosh-Otrada!

We thank the Ancestors for this meal!

We fill you with our Love and Light!

We will nourish all our bodies.

We bless you with all the Power of God!

Prayer before bed

Option 1. P ode to the Almighty! Your blood children glorify You. As night sets foot on the Earth, Saint Veles walks on the Earth. And our souls go to Prav through Nav, calling our ancestors through deep sleep. Therefore, we ask Veles the Father, who brought children to our earthly Ancestor, to protect our souls from Navi, and to come to the world of Reveal, like Dazhbog, in the morning healthy and strong. Glory to the Native Gods!

Option 2. Father Rod! Your blood children glorify You. As night sets foot on the Earth, Veles walks across the Earth with light. And our Souls are sent to Prav through Nav, calling our ancestors through deep sleep. We glorify Father Veles, who brought children to our Earthly Ancestor, we ask to protect our Souls from Navi and come to the world of Reveal, like Dazhbog, in the morning healthy and strong and bring new strength to the Orthodox Family. Glory to the Native Gods!

Parents' prayer for children

R O Almighty, through Father Svarog and Lada Mother, You give birth to the existence of the World, You manifest yourself in the Native Gods and in every creation. Now we are filled with Your Holy Spirit, and we call upon all Your righteous powers! Let the Native Gods come and, through their physical manifestations, sanctify the souls of the children of our kind, who in Radeniya Svarozh become united with the Knowing Ones, the Saviors and the Native Gods! Glory to the Native Gods!

Prayer for family and children

R ode to the Almighty! I call your reviving Light! The power of Father Svarog and Mother Lada, and all the Light Gods, come and bless! Dana-Voditsa, living spring, bring us health and cleanse our bodies, illuminate our thoughts, as the morning ray illuminates our native meadows and forests. Life was born in you, renew and enrich the life in our bodies and souls. May there be strength in our family, may our children become ten times stronger, twenty times richer, and hundreds of times wiser than us! So be it! Glory to the Native Gods!

A girl’s (vesta) prayer for marriage. A prayer for her betrothed.

« IN I’ll get up early in the morning, wash myself, bless myself, and turn to the idols of the Slavic Gods and Goddesses. Lada - Mother, hear me! There is no wife in the World without a husband, just as there is no Lada in Svarga without Svarog, for the great end of life was spent this way! Our Most Blessed Mother of God, I see how the eyes of my spirit have begun to see clearly, I sense within myself a great need for the peace of my soul! Let the face of my betrothed appear to me, for I have realized my path to Reveal! I am ready to accept him and follow the path of life, I see how happiness comes to my house, the children smile and the Sun shines joyfully! Glory to You, Ladushka! Glory to the Heavenly Family!” Malaya Perunitsa, Big Perunitsa. Bow.

Prayer for parents

P We honor our parents and, glorifying the Gods, we turn to Them to take care of the old age of our parents. For they brought us into the Manifest World, taught us to give life in harmony, to glorify the Native Gods,

To honor the Holy Land and protect it from the alien race, the dashing eye. We call our Family, the Father of the Orthodox Gods: take our parents under Your guardianship. Let them live out their old age in peace, as Mother Share has created, and easily go to the Gods in their own time. And whoever needs it, let them return to Earth and happily overcome the intended path again. Glory to the Native Gods!

Prayer of husband and wife for the family

R ode to the Almighty! You, who hold within yourself everything that exists and bears, everything visible and invisible, let us join the well of Eternal Life, the source of endless love! God grant that our family union be kind and strong, send us beautiful, healthy and happy children for the good and happiness of the entire Orthodox family! Father Svarozh, make our life righteous in your strength and glory, so that we may have a good home and magnify the Gods, in unity of spirit and body, united in the Most High Family! Great Mother Lada, guardian of the Heavenly Family and the Earthly Family, be with us all our lives, may your maternal strength and affection envelop our family and protect it from all evil! Glory to the Most High Family, Svarog and Lada, and all the Gods and Ancestors!

Prayer to the family of the Almighty wife for her husband

R ode to God! You are the Originator of the Universe, the Source of the Heavenly Race and the Earthly Race. I praise You and ask you to give my husband good health, like an indestructible rock, a pure and bright mind, like a mountain spring, great strength, a courageous disposition, so that he can stand firmly on his feet in life, take care of our family, love his children, respect me, glorify the Gods . Glory to the Native Gods!

Here another prayer for my husband. This prayer should be read every morning when you sincerely want your husband to be truly happy.

Clear sun, red Dazhdbozh, hear my call and my prayer. I am your earthly daughter. I turn to you with boundless love, illuminate the righteous path of my husband, so that his thoughts are bright and fair. May his path be blessed by you, clear Dazhdbozhe. Unite your Divine Fire with his Spiritual fire. May strength and wisdom be in him as much as he needs. So that he could do his deeds in the glory of the Divine. So that the Gods bless him. Glory to the Almighty!

Prayer to Lada Mother of her husband for his wife

M Mother Lada, we praise Your all-encompassing love. You create harmony in the Universe, in the Families of Heaven and Earth, you fill our women with kindness and motherhood.

I ask You to give my wife good health, a long life, a gentle disposition, and a kind heart. So that she fills our family with love, raises our children, loves me devotedly, respects my mother and father, takes care of our household. Let only harmony reign in her soul, and let the words from her lips flow only like a song and in her beautiful eyes eternal love rules. Glory to Mother Lada and all the Native Goddesses!

Prayer to Mother Lada for women before rituals

IN Great Mother Lada! We glorify Your Comprehensive Love for our Family. You are the Mother of our Gods, and we are Your grandchildren. Bless each of your children who lives in three worlds, take us under your care, endow us with wisdom and spiritual strength, so that our race grows in Great Glory. Incomprehensibly sensual is Your Love, Great Mother of our Gods. We glorify You with our Love and Honor. Let our songs of praise fly to Iriy, falling like a ray of sunshine into Your palms. Glory to the Native Gods!

Prayer to Mother - Alive

WITH Lavna and Trislavna be Alive-Zhivitsa, Goddess of life and bearer of the Ancestral Light!

We see how you descend in the rays of Grandfather Dazhbog, enter the sources of our bodies and fill us with health, strength and goodness. Without you there is no life in a person, but there is only Mother Mara, who announces the end of the life of Man. Now we pray and glorify the Light of the Most High Family, which comes with You and radiates through our palms. In that Light all life exists and outside of it there is nothing, then the Generator Rod itself descends in Your face. Glory flows to You, hundred-voiced, Originator of life, Mother Alive! Glory to Zhiva-Zhivitsa!

Prayer for love between husband and wife

R one mother Lelya, red and beautiful Goddess Slavic, You guarded our hearts and eternal consolation to our souls. Wrap your canopy around the heart of my dear fret (my dear fret) (name), so that we may rejoice in heavenly treasure all the days. On every journey, in every bright deed, strengthen her (his) spirit, fill it with the power of love. Let the clear dawns and the red sun bring peace to my soul and strength of spirit, for our love will shine forever. Honor to You, Mother Lelya, we are filled with Your tenderness, we give happiness to each other. Glory to Lele!

Prayer of a pregnant woman to the Goddess Mokosh

M my little mother, Mother of God in heaven, Makosh is ours! Bless the fetus in my womb, so that my birth will be easy, so that my child will grow within me healthy and strong, and will be born in joy. All the days, mother, stay near me, as a protector and champion of women in labor of the Orthodox family. I will offer prayers and praise to you, as you are an all-loving and all-good guardian of the wives of the earthly race. Glory to Mokosh!

Prayer for the road

M He’s right when he goes on the road, not when he says he wants to be right. But he is right when his words and accomplishments coincide. Therefore, we say, from old to young, that we are the Children of the Gods, the Grandchildren of Dazhbog! He is with us all days and on all roads. During the day he sees with his golden eye, and in the night the silver Horse is His messenger. Therefore, it is appropriate for us to do our deeds according to our conscience, so we will have blessings in our ways and know Joy!

A woman's prayer for conception and birth of a child

M My bright mother, Makosh-Mother! I pray to Thee for the life-giving power, for the holy and bright power, the one that makes the women of the family earthly Mother of God, brings the souls of relatives and ancestors into our world. Bless me, Nanny, and autumn with great fertility, so that I may bring into the Reality of the Ancestors of my husband’s family, the bright and righteous souls that are in Navi. You are our loving and affable parent, glorious and tri-glorious, remain in the earthly race! Grant me good health, so that my children will be born easily and in joy, so that my burden will be born as offspring, to the glory of the Orthodox people. Let God's grace, bright thoughts and Thy wisdom settle in my soul. I must live according to Truth and Honor, with my husband in great love. Glory to Mokosh!

Healing prayer

M merciful Mother Alive, you are the very Light of the Most High Family, which heals all kinds of diseases. Look at the Grandson of Dazhbozhy, who is getting sick. Let me know the cause of my illness, let me hear the voice of the Gods, who speak through illness and direct me to the path of Rule. See, Goddess, that I comprehend the truth, and from this health and vigor return to me, longevity in the body is established, and illnesses recede! So be it! Glory to the Alive!

Prayer to Veles for sleep protection

N He steps on the ground, Veles walks through the dawns! Our God, he knows the Vedas and knows the way to Navi. I pray to Father Veles to take care of my soul in my sleep, to drive away the Basurs and not to let bad thoughts go. May I see good and prophetic dreams, so that my heart may remain in harmony and peace. Let my sleep be sweet, like that of a healthy and vigorous child, for in dreams health is the essence of life. So be it! Glory to Veles!

Prayer for the Soul of the Deceased

R Ode of the Almighty, you hold within yourself everything that exists and does not exist, everything visible and invisible, you are Truth and Goodness, Love and Justice. Great is your mercy, you reward the righteous, you have mercy and save the lost, taking care of our lives through the Gods of the Family! It was you who commanded us to learn the laws of Rule through Manifest Life, overcoming trials, and to sanctify the soul through noble labor! To love your relatives, to live in truth, to sow your path with honor, so that Glory will sprout! Ush (la) ate from the life of a relative (tsa) to our (a) (name of the deceased), therefore accept him (her) in your spiritual kingdom, reward him (her) according to his (her) worthy deeds, according to his (her) deeds ) to the righteous, forgive bad deeds, voluntary and involuntary lies, with your All-Light Spirit, cleanse him (her) and protect!

Prayer for the Ancestors

IN The Heavenly Ones are open and give Glory to the Ancestors! Our dear ancestors, Shchuras and Ancestors. We thank you for your health, for the strength that you send to us from the Dear Gods and help us in earthly affairs. May Svarog protect you and give you Strength! Stay happily in the Spiritual World, under our care! May the connection between generations exist forever - Sacred live connection between us! Glory to the Spirit of our Ancestors! Glory to the Native Gods!

Prayer for the blessing of water

R ode to the Almighty! I call your life-giving Light! The power of Father Svarog and Lada Mother, and all the Light Gods, come and bless this water! Dana-Voditsa, living spring, I pour you from the horn, I pray to Father Rod! Bring us health and cleanse our bodies, illuminate our thoughts, as the morning ray illuminates our native meadows and forests. Life was born in you, renew and enrich the life in our bodies and souls. May there be strength in our family, may our children become ten times stronger, twenty times richer, and hundreds of times wiser than us! So be it! Glory to the Native Gods!

Prayer of the Spiritual Path

B my gods, bright and tri-light ancestors! Great Rus' - Dear Fatherland! The primordial sun embraces its native land with its rays. Makosh-Mother weaves the threads of fate, Dana clasped her hands around Mother Earth, which is full of life and offspring. I am walking along the path of Rule to the gates of Iria with the Great-Grandfathers together. Perun leads me to the Eternity of the immortal Family. The soul hears the voice of the Ancestors in the whistle of the Stribozhy winds and there is that great Colo of the appearance of the Slavic clans, the Colo that is eternal and indestructible, immortal, like my Faith, solid, like the Alatyr stone!

ABOUT, Merciful Progenitor, may Your will be done, who wants everyone to grow and come to the light of truth, grow and have mercy on the Soul (name), accept this desire of mine as the voice of love commanded by You. AUM

Prayer for the family

R ode to the Almighty, Father of Heaven and Earth! Come to my family and fill it with your grace, as rivers fill the sea with water, bless it with spiritual and physical prosperity, as the earth blesses its fields with its harvest. Every day the sun rises, illuminates the world with light and confirms the family (surname) in happiness and strength. Glory to the Almighty!

Prayer for the Human Race

R ode Mighty! You are the Creator of Reveal, Navi and Rule, You created the Heavenly Family and the Earthly Family with the Women in Birth. I bring glory to You, as Your blood son (daughter). I praise the Sun-Dazhbog, who rises over the Earth-Makosh every morning, saturates and warms the Holy Land with a golden ray, and gives life to the earthly race - the children of the Orthodox Gods. Let the hundred-voiced glory of the Most Bright Dazhbog fly to Iriy and be filled there with the love of the children of the earth. Let Your seed sprout in human souls with the power of the Righteous, the power of the holy Svarozh, happiness, health and long years!

Prayer for the Fatherland

R Ode to the Almighty, our one and many-manifest God, Mother Russia (Ukraine, Poland, the Czech Republic, Belarus and other Slavic lands), glorifies You in his deeds, may God be with us all the days, as the Parent, the Bright Ancestor, which is to us Father and mother. For we are a strong, rich and free race! Our power is the covenant of the Forefathers, which we protect and increase more closely from the apple of our eye. Autumn, rule with the wisdom and bright mind of our Spiritual guides, fill our rulers, relatives of us by blood and spirit, with strength and courage, bless the honest and devoted rulers and the righteous Orthodox army, bless with gifts of spiritual and physical weights and workers, and all Orthodox native believers, exalt and enrich the Many-Wise Men who burn for the good and prosperity of our Power, who lay their lives on the altar of the Fatherland and the Orthodox Veda Faith, let it be so, now and ever, from Kolyada to Kolyada! Glory to the Native Gods!

Prayer to Mother Glory

T You blue sky, where the Ancestors came from, look at the earthly race, cover us with your gaze, for here at the present time stand the sons (daughters) of Dazhbozh’s Grandsons! We see a wondrous bird flying towards us and foreshadowing the good news that the Slavic race has been born again, for the opportune time has come and what was prophesied has come true! Spread your wings, Mother Glory, envelop our race with your cover, so that the power of all the Native Gods fills the people, and they create life with their own hands, Nanny trusting in You! Let us follow your path to Heaven, for there is real life, and here is joy and knowledge of the Explicit World! My heart fills with love and my spirit grows stronger, praising you Nanny! We honor you, Mother of the Slavic clans, our gifts to you today! Glory to Mother Swa!

Prayer to Yarila

B Ozhe Yarilo, our bright Sun, you gallop across the sky on a white horse, bringing spring to the land of the Orthodox family. There is no enlightenment either in the sky or in my soul without your life-giving ray. Appear your face in the Blue Sky, and let your spirit tremble in my soul. You are, our God, the Father of the son (daughter) of Rome and victorious, you are a mighty knight who creates a man from a young man. I pray to you, Father, drive the Basurs away from my family, illuminate the house and bless my relatives! May I be in unity, Yaril, with the Ancestors and Gods, inspired by You to walk my path, boldly and victoriously! Glory to Yarila!

Neo-pagans attach great importance to the sacred writings of the Magi, the priests of Perun and Veles, and there are more than one books of this kind. In addition to the old one, revealed in mid. XIX century, which all scientists recognized as a fake made by Sulakadzev, at the end of the 19th century. in Belgrade and St. Petersburg, “Veda of the Slavs” was published by S.I. Verkovich (1881), supposedly a collection of songs of the Bulgarian-Pomaks.



I did not find any reference to this fake anywhere in the professional works of Bulgarian and Serbian folklorists. But our ultra-patriots included the main myths from this book in the collection “The Book of Kolyada” (Asov 20006; 2003), a model for domestic falsifiers. By the way, they take Kolyada (ancient Russian kolyada, read deck) for an ancient Slavic god, although this is only a borrowed name of the holiday, derived from the Roman Latin calendae ("calends").

After the Second World War, in 1953, a new shrine appeared - the “Vlesov Book”, which was allegedly found in the form of tablets covered with runes in 1919 by a white officer Ali Izen-bek, baptized Theodor Arturovich Izenbek, in Kursk or Oryol province or not far from Kharkov at the Velikiy Burliuk station in the destroyed noble estate of the Donsky-Zakharzhevsky or Zadonsky princes, where it supposedly came from Sulakadzev or his widow (in his surviving catalog there was something similar). Isenbek took the tablets abroad. In Belgium, another White emigrant, engineer and journalist Yu. P. Mirolyubov, became interested in mysterious tablets in 1924, “unraveled” the pre-Kiev antiquity of the tablets (for some reason he called them “doshki”), by 1939 he allegedly copied them and translated them into Cyrillic, but he died (in 1970) without waiting for full publication (and Isenbek died back in 1941). Copies were published in parts in 1957-1959. in the Russian emigrant press (primarily in the magazine "Firebird". Other emigrants began studying the contents of the book - Mirolyubov's friend A. Kur (former General A. A. Kurenkov) and S. Lesnoy, who had appropriated Kur's translations and settled in Australia (under this The pseudonym refers to S. Ya. Paramonov, a doctor of biological sciences who fled with the Germans). They were the first publishers of the book (Lesnoy also introduced the title), and the tablets themselves were allegedly confiscated by the SS during the war.

And since 1976, after an article by journalists Skurlatov and N. Nikolaev in Nedelya, a stir began in the Soviet press.

Did Izenbek have the tablets in Mirolyubov’s hands too, or is this just another journalistic craft and forgery? Reading a book that is even more obvious rubbish than Sulakadzev’s fake immediately convinces of the latter.

For non-specialists it is clearer than the ancient Russian chronicles. But for specialists it is completely absurd (Buganov et al. 1977; Zhukovskaya and Filin 1980; Tvorogov 1990). It contains a lot of names and terms that are only apparently related to the Old Russian language. Sinich, Zhitnich, Prosich, Studich, Pticich, Zverinich, Dozhdich, Gribich, Travich, Listvich, Myslich (publication Kurenkova, 11b) - all this is the formation of names, alien to the Russian language: after all, these are like patronymics from the names Mysl, Grass, etc. . etc., but neither in the recent past nor in ancient times were such names given to men (Mysl Vladimirovich? Grass Svyatoslavich?). The name of the Slavs is explained in the text (Mirolyubov archive, 8/2) from the word “glory”: “they sing glory to the gods and therefore they are Slavs.” But in Old Russian there was no self-name “Slavs”, but there was “Slovene” - from “word”. One psychological difference in the text is striking. Typically, the chronicles of any nation (and Russian chronicles are no exception) contain not only reports of glorious deeds, but also descriptions of dark spots - fratricide, betrayal and greed of princes, crowd atrocities, drunkenness and fornication. In the Book of Vlesovaya the Slavs are completely devoid of these weaknesses; they are always ideal.

But this is not enough. In the 1990s. a certain Bus Kresen (aka Asov or A.I. Barashkov) published a new version of the “Veles Book”, declaring that this particular one is the only correct translation of Mirolyubov’s texts. However, in each edition (1994, 2000) this “canonical” text also changed. In fact, the reader received another “Veles Book”.

Asov also began defending the Veles Book from revelations. The journal "Questions of Linguistics" published an article by paleographer L.P. Zhukovskaya (1960) "Fake Pre-Cyrillic Manuscript", in "Questions of History" - critical note a group of authors with the participation of Academician Rybakov (Buganov et al. 1977), in “Russian Speech” there is the same note by the same Zhukovskaya and Professor V.P. Filin (Zhukovskaya and Filin 1980), in the Proceedings of the Department of Old Russian Literature of the Pushkin House - a lengthy revealing article well-known specialist in ancient Russian literature, Doctor of Philological Sciences O.V. Tvorogova (1990).


Read also on the topic:

  • "Vedas of the Slavs" and "Veles's Book"- Lev Klein
  • What do scientists think about the Book of Veles?- Vitaly Pitanov
  • Neopagans. Dot the i's- Kirill Petrov
  • Neopagan myths about Christianity. Analysis of the main anti-Christian doctrines of neo-pagan groups - priest Alexey Ostaev, Gennady Shimanov
  • Review of Neopaganism(thesis work) - Dmitry Adoniev
  • Magi from Lubyanka: modern Russian neo-paganism- analysis of sociopolitical phenomena - Roman Dneprovsky
  • Sect of the sorcerer Vladimir Bogomil the Second Golyak "The Burial of the Slovenian Hedgehog"- Vladimir Povarov
  • Fire and sword? Exposing the myths about the “mass atrocities” of Christians during the baptism of the Slavic tribes of Rus' - enJINRer


Zhukovskaya pointed out language inconsistencies in the book. For all Slavic languages ​​before the 10th century. Nasal vowels were characteristic, denoted in the Cyrillic alphabet by two special letters - “big yus” and “small yus”. In the Polish language these sounds have been preserved (“maz.” “husband”, “mieta” “mint”), but in modern Russian they have disappeared, merging with “u” and “ya”. In the "Book of Veles" they are conveyed by the letter combinations "he" and "en", which, however, are every now and then confused with "u" and "ya", and this is typical for modern times. In the same way, the sound designated “yatem” and eliminated in spelling after the revolution, because by that time it had already merged with “e,” in Old Russian sounded different from “e.” In the “Veles Book”, in the places where there should be “yat” there are either “yat” or “e”, and the same thing in the places where there should be “e”. I could only write like that modern man

, for whom this is the same thing and who did not know not only the history of the language, but even the rules of pre-revolutionary spelling, thoroughly.

The history of Rus' as it appears in this source is completely absurd. Where science very slowly deepens Slavic roots into the past from Kievan Rus(so far it has advanced only three centuries), the book abruptly takes events many millennia deep into the depths - to where there were no Slavs, Germans, Greeks, etc. simply yet, but there were their ancestors that had not yet separated, with a different language and names. And he finds ready-made Slavs there. When it comes to closer events, the book names several Gothic names, vaguely known from the Tale of Igor's Host and the writings of Jordan, but avoids naming Greek and Roman kings and generals - naturally: ancient history is too well known, one can easily make a mistake if you don't know her well. The book talks all the time about the Greeks and Romans, but without specific names.

Further, it is curious that all the critics of the book are famous specialists, professional Slavists: paleographer, historian, archaeologist, specialist in ancient Russian literature, linguist. And everyone who defended the book has no special education, is ignorant of Slavic studies and paleography - engineer-technologist in chemistry Mirolyubov, General Kurenkov (Kur), who was interested in Assyriology, doctor of biology entomologist (insect specialist) Lesnoy, that is, Paramonov (whose works on "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" was publicly rejected by professionals), journalists. In the monograph "Veles's Book" the writer Asov (1994; 2000a) tries to refute the arguments of specialists in Russian antiquities, but he has nothing substantive to say.

And in another book, “Slavic Gods and the Birth of Rus'” (2006), he mainly focuses on the non-Russian names and Jewish interests of some of his opponents: Walter Lacker is a professor at the Washington University for Strategic Studies, a leading employee of the Institute of Ethnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences V. A. Shnirelman teaches at the Hebrew University of Moscow and cooperates with Jerusalem - what can you expect from them (or, as another zealot for the Russian people, deputy Shandybin, says, “what do you want?”).

There, the classic of Russian linguistics Vostokov spoke disparagingly about the “Veles Book” - Asov (20006: 430) immediately nods: he is Osten-Sacken by birth! Well, maybe that's all bad people, but they can say the right things - it’s not the individuals that need to be considered, but their arguments. What about Zhukovskaya, Tvorogov and Filin? And the situation is really bad with another revealing article, which Asov simply suppresses, because among its authors is none other than academician B. A. Rybakov (Buganov, Zhukovskaya and Rybakov, 1977). Finally, let’s take a closer look at those through whom “The Book of Veles” was allegedly revealed to the world - Sulakadzev (Sulakadze, after all!), his widow Sophia von Goch, Ali Isenbek... Why shouldn’t we suspect these?

Archaeologists, historians and linguists are struggling with the material in order to enlighten the dark distances of the 6th century century after century. n. e. - there, already four centuries before Kievan Rus, everything is controversial and unclear. But everything, it turns out, has already been decided. If academician Rybakov extended the history of Russian culture and statehood by 5-7 thousand years, and the brave science fiction writer Petukhov spoke about 12 thousand years " true history Russian people", then Asov (20006: 6) read from " holy books"the truth" about twenty thousand years, during which Rus' was born, died and was reborn again. Who is greater? (There are more: the Ynglings trace their ancestry back to 100,000 years ago, and in the Russian "Rig Veda" V. M. Kandyba the Aryan the forefather of the Slavs, Orius, moved to earth from space 18 million years BC. This is all, if I may say so, in all seriousness).

To feel the flavor of the writings of Bus Kresen, that is, Asov, let’s take his last book.

I will quote several passages from the section “Slavic myths”. The myths were “restored” by Asov from the “Vedas of the Slavs”, “The Book of Kolyada” and other sacred books of equal authenticity.

“At the beginning of time, the world was in darkness. But the Almighty revealed the Golden Egg, in which was enclosed the Rod - the Parent of all things. The Rod gave birth to Love - Mother Lada... The Sun God Ra, who emerged from the person of the Rod, was established in a golden boat, and the Moon in the silver Rod released from its lips the Spirit of God - the bird Mother Sva. With the Spirit of God, the Rod gave birth to Svarog - the Heavenly Father... From the Word of the Most High, Rod created the god Barma, who began to mutter prayers, praises, and recite the Vedas" (Asov 20006: 21). So, the author of the scriptures ascribes to the ancient Slavs faith in the Almighty, the Spirit of God and the Word of God, knowledge the sun Ra (where is Egypt, and where are the primitive Slavs!) and the Indian term Vedas (unknown as a designation for sacred books anywhere except India). Barma (apparently from the Old Russian "barmy" - mantles in princely vestments) resembles the Indian "karma", but he knows how to babble and mutter age-old Slavic prayers.

And now the myths about Perun:

"Veles and Perun were inseparable friends. Perun honored the god Veles, for thanks to Veles he gained freedom, was revived and was able to defeat the fierce enemy of his Skipper-beast. But the story about the struggle between Perun and Veles is also known. Perun is the Son of God, and Veles - The Spirit of God... The reason for this struggle is also named: the incitement of the Dyya family. The fact is that both Perun and Veles fell in love with the beautiful Diva-Dodola, but Diva preferred Perun and rejected Veles. , nevertheless seduced Diva and she gave birth to Yarila from him.

But then, in sadness, rejected, he went wherever his eyes led him and came to the Smorodina River. Here he met the giants Dubynya, Gorynya and Usynya.

Dubynya pulled out oak trees, Gorynya moved mountains, and Usynya caught sturgeons in Smorodina with his whiskers." Then we drove together, saw a "hut" on chicken legs. "And Veles said that this was the house of Baba Yaga, who in another life (when he was Don ) was his wife Yasunya Svyatogorovna." Etc. (Asov 20006: 47).

I will omit the Slavic myths, in which the gods Vyshny and Kryshny, unknown to Slavists, appear (the reader, of course, will easily recognize the Indian Vishnu and Krishna, but how they got to the Slavs is left to the experts to guess). A little more about Perun. Peruna gave birth to mother Sva from the god Svarog, having eaten the Pike of Rod. When Perun was still a baby, the Skipper Beast came to Russian Land. “He buried Perun in a deep cellar and took away his sisters Zhiva, Marena and Lelya. Perun sat in the dungeon for three hundred years. And three hundred years later, the bird Mother Swa beat her wings and called the Svarozhichs.” Svarozhichi Veles, Khors and Stribog found Perun sleeping dead asleep

“- You fly, Gamayun, to the Ripaean mountains beyond the wide Eastern Sea! As in those in the Ripaean mountain ranges on the mountain on that Berezan you will find a well...” Etc. (Asov 20006: 98-99). Mother Sva in Asova’s program speaks just like the Russian epic storyteller of the early 20th century. By the way, only ancient Greek geographers called the Ural Mountains the Riphean Mountains, and in the ancient Slavic environment this name was unknown.

In general, the names are partly taken from literature on mythology and folklore collections (Perun, Vsles, Svarog. Stribog, Horse, Rod, Dodola, Zhiva. Marena, Baba Yaga. Gamayun, Usynya. Gorynya, Dubynya), partly distorted (Lelya from Lel) , partly made up (Sva, Yasunya, Kiska).

And here is the glorification of Perun from the hymn to Triglav in the “Book of Veles”: And to the thunderer -,
God Perun
They said to the God of battles and strife:
"You who animate things.
don't stop turning the wheels!
You who led us on the right path
to the battle and great funeral feast!
About those. that fell in battle.
those. who walked, you live forever

in Perunov's army!
"Hail Perun - the Fire-haired God!
He sends arrows at his enemies,
He leads the faithful along the path.
He is honor and judgment for soldiers,

He is righteous, golden-hearted, merciful!

(Asov 20006: 245-298)

According to East Slavic ideas.

Perun was black-bearded (in folklore) or (among the princes) gray-haired (the head was silvered), and only his mustache was “gold”, but the authors of the “Veles Book” did not know Russian folklore and mythology in such detail. ancient history, written in the 50s. Mirolyubov was fanatically obsessed with the idea of ​​proving that the “Slavic-Russian people” are the most ancient people in the world. He came up with a fantastic story - that the ancestral home of the Slavs was located next to India, that from there they moved about 5 thousand years ago to Iran, where they began breeding war horses, then their cavalry attacked the despotism of Mesopotamia (Babylon and Assyria), after which they captured Palestine and Egypt, and in the 8th century. BC e in the vanguard of the Assyrian army they invaded Europe. All this nonsense does not fit at all with the archeology and written history of all these countries, well known to specialists, but completely unknown to the engineer Mirolyubov.

So, in 1952, in the manuscript “Rig Veda and Paganism,” Mirolyubov complains that he is “deprived of sources,” and only hopes are expressed that such a source “will one day be found.” How "devoid of sources"?! And “Vlesova’s book”? Not a word is mentioned about the presence of the “Vlesovaya Book”, the tablets, which by that time, as they were assured, he had supposedly copied for 15 years and then examined! All his information about Slavic myths is provided with references to his nanny “great-grandmother” (great-grandmother?) Varvara and a certain old woman Zakharikha, who fed in the “summer kitchen” of the Mirolyubovs in 1913 - it is, of course, impossible to verify this information.

Meanwhile, exactly the information that later ended up in the “Vlesovaya Book” is presented! Those same nonsense - Reveal and Rule as the main holy concepts, the forefathers Beloyar and Ar, etc. Only in 1953 was the discovery of the “Vlesovaya Book” announced, but only one photograph was presented, which caused criticism - and no more photographs presented. The first publications of sketches began in 1957.

The smart and intelligent leader of some neo-pagans, Velimir (Speransky), analyzing the “sacred scriptures” of neo-pagans on the Internet, cannot hide his impression that both the “Vlesova Book” by Mirolyubov-Kura-Lesny and the “Vlesova Book” by Bus Kresen (Asov-Barashkov) were written not by ancient Magi, but by modern Magi, and in this sense - falsifications.

But he does not consider them any less interesting or less pagan. Does it really matter when they are made? What matters is what they teach. “The point is not the truth of ideas, but their functionality” (Shcheglov 1999: 7). Shcheglov (1999: 8) admires “the immortal idea of ​​the usefulness of myth for the masses.”

Lev Klein

Quoted from:

Resurrection of Perun. - St. Petersburg, 2004. The Vedas (Sanskrit - “knowledge”, “teaching”) - a collection of the most ancient sacred scriptures of Hinduism in Sanskrit (XVI-V centuries BC). Initially, Vedic knowledge was transmitted from mouth to mouth in poetic form; only in the Middle Ages did this knowledge become written down on the leaves of areca trees. It is believed that they arose from the Almighty himself, who is the source of all knowledge. Scientific knowledge contained in the Vedas were in many ways ahead of modern science

. The scientific community has come to some discoveries quite recently, while others have not even come close yet. Many famous scientists and prominent figures XIX-XX centuries recognized the value ancient teaching . For example, Leo Tolstoy, in a letter to the Indian guru Premananda Bharati in 1907, wrote: “The metaphysical religious idea of ​​Krishna is the eternal and universal basis of all true philosophical systems

and all religions." He wrote: “Only such great minds as the ancient Hindu sages could have come up with this great concept... Our Christian concepts of spiritual life come from the ancients, from the Jewish ones, and the Jewish ones - from the Assyrian ones, and the Assyrian ones - from the Indian ones, and everything goes along vice versa: the newer, the lower, the older, the higher.”

Albert Einstein specially learned Sanskrit in order to read the Vedas in the original, since they described the general laws of physical nature. Many other famous people, such as Kant, Hegel, Gandhi, recognized the Vedas as a source of diverse knowledge.


Indian Vedic knowledge is divided into four groups:

Rigveda is a collection of religious chants for brahmins, intended to be performed during sacrifices.

Samaveda - partly consists of tests from the Rigveda, but in a slightly modified form and sometimes with commentaries.

Atharva Veda has survived to this day in a couple of editions that shed light on unknown aspects of the life of the ancient inhabitants of the Hindustan Peninsula.

Modern scientists have proven that such works as the Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and Mahabharata were written down about five thousand years ago. These texts are collections of epic narratives, parables, legends, discussions of theological, political, legal nature, cosmogonic myths, genealogies, hymns, laments. According to the Vedas themselves, the era of Kali Yuga began five thousand years ago. During this era, there is a widespread influence of Kali energy, which contributes to the degradation of all positive qualities of people and an increase in negative qualities accumulated over previous reincarnations. In this regard, five thousand years ago, people's memory underwent degradation processes. The knowledge that was passed on from mouth to mouth was recorded on a material medium, since memory no longer met the requirements that would meet the full transmission of sacred knowledge.


But in addition to ancient Indian Vedic knowledge, there are Slavic (Russian) Vedas. Although, it would be fair to note that there are many scientists who question the very fact of the existence of the ancient Slavic Vedas. However, a number of researchers believe that this is essentially the same concept.

After all, the Russian language and Sanskrit are the closest languages ​​to each other, if we take into account the large family of Indo-European languages. Both of them call the books of knowledge Vedas. The Vedas, as is already known, are “knowledge”, hence words such as “ved” - “know” and “ignorance” - “lack of knowledge” come from. This word is familiar to us as well as component words “legal science”, “commodity science” and so on.

Another interesting fact is that our national currency is called “ruble”, while in India... that’s right, “rupees”.

In the fifties of the last century, Indian Sanskrit scholars began massive travels around the Soviet Union and were surprised to discover great amount similarities in culture, in language, in rituals of our two groups of Indo-Europeans. And these similarities are much greater than, say, between Indians and Europeans. The simplest language example: a comparison of some words in Russian, Sanskrit and English: “fire” - “agni” - “fire”, “darkness” - “tama” - “darkness”, “spring” - “vasanta” - “spring” . After such discoveries, Indian professor Rahul Sanskrityayan writes an entire work entitled “From the Ganga to the Volga,” where he introduces the concept of “Indo-glory.” This work was intended to show the special kinship in ancient times of the two branches of the Indo-Aryans and Slavic-Aryans.

Slavic written Vedic sources are divided into groups according to the material on which they were written. Santia - plates made of gold and other noble metals that are resistant to corrosion; texts are applied by stamping signs and filling them with paint; harathys - sheets or scrolls of high-quality parchment with texts; harathys were periodically copied, because parchment becomes dilapidated over the years; Magi - wooden tablets with written or carved texts. Santiy or Vedas of Perun- the oldest known documents related to the Vedic culture of antiquity.


Comparing the information presented by both Vedas, one can easily note obvious similarities.

In Ancient Rus' there was such a thing as Triglav or three main deities. They were called the Most High - the one who is above all. Svarog is the one who bungled the world, created it. And Siva. In India these three main deities were called "three murtis". "Three" is also "three", "murti" is "form". What the Slavs called Vyshny is called Vishnu in India. The Slavs called Svarog Brahma. Brahma=Creator. Siva in India sounds like Shiva. And they have three functions. Brahma or Svarog is a creation. Vishnu or the Supreme is maintenance. And Shiva or Siva is destruction. These are the three main deities, since according to the Vedas, all processes in this world go through three phases - creation, maintenance and destruction.

The next parallel is related to the chakras. Most people associate “chakras” with yoga. It turns out that the seven chakras were also known in Rus'. These chakras have their gross embodiments in the form of the glands of the endocrine system and are the connecting elements that connect our subtle body (psyche) with the physical body. In Rus', chakras were called by words more familiar to us. If in Sanskrit the lower chakra, which is located in the perineum, is called Muladhara, then in Rus' it was called Zarod. The next chakra of Swadiskhana was called the Belly. The third is Manipura - among the Slavs it was called Yaro or Solar Plexus, Yaro is the sun. The fourth chakra, which is called Anahata in Sanskrit, sounded like the Heart in Rus'. The fifth chakra, which is called Vishuddha in Sanskrit, was called the Throat. Then comes the chakra, which is called Agya or Azhna, in Russian it was called Chelo, i.e. This is the forehead, it is located in the area of ​​the third eye, in the area between the eyebrows.

The calculation of time in both traditions is also very similar: the year began in the spring. In March, in April, which corresponds to the passage of the sun through the first sign of the zodiac Aries and marks the awakening of nature after winter.

There is another similarity in the ancient cultures of the Indians and Slavs - this is the position that God exists in each of the people. In the Indian Vedas, this presence of the divine principle in a person is defined as superconsciousness. Among the Slavs, this very superconsciousness is represented through the well-known concept of “conscience.”

The Milky Way in both places is considered the path to the highest planet of this world, where the Creator of this cosmos, Brahma or Svarog, is located. And the North Star was considered both in India and in Rus' - the throne of the Almighty. Indeed, the position of the North Star is unusual - it is the only fixed star, and therefore navigators are guided by it.

The historical, cultural and linguistic connections between Rus' and India are obvious, but a typical mistake is to look for who influenced whom. Relatively speaking, Vedic culture can be called universal. It is easier to understand the connection between these two cultures ancient Rus' And Ancient India through the adoption of a single spiritual protoculture that preceded both. From which both civilizations drew knowledge and culture. The Vedas speak of the existence of a higher ideal world. But its representation naturally becomes distorted over time. If you believe the Vedic culture, initially there was a single civilization, with a single culture, common language. Under the influence of the universal law of entropy, consciousness began to narrow, culture began to be simplified, disagreements appeared, literally, different languages. And now people are having great difficulty finding only the remnants of their former community.

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“Until we ourselves learn to love our people, your Fatherland and
its history, its shrines - we and others cannot
teach us to respect"
Metropolitan John.

...And we are again at the line - the turn of the century, also aggravated by the awareness of the change of millennia, and in the cosmological sense - the change of Eras (or zodiacal eras). Such moments in history have always been filled with special significance in the minds of people, giving rise to apocalyptic sentiments and initiating new eschatological concepts and theories. Today the words of those who care are ringing alarm bells, thinking people about the crisis of civilization, about the advent of an era of technocracy and total lack of spirituality. And today the questions are heard with particular poignancy: Who are we? Where? How long will we be “Ivans who don’t remember their kinship”?

"Where did the Russian land come from..."

Russian historical science, which arose in the 18th century. through the efforts of German historians G. Bayer, G. Miller and A. Schlozer, to this day relies on the so-called “Norman theory” of the origin of Russian statehood created by them. Being carriers of the European mentality, very pragmatic and rationalistic, having a very limited number of primary sources created during the Middle Ages (such as Nestor’s famous “Tale of Bygone Years,” written by a monk who spoke negatively about the pre-Christian period of Russian history), these historians quite naturally come to conclusions about the primitiveness of the ancient Slavs, who called the Varangians to rule and complained that “there is no order in our land.” However, this theory, which became the basis of the official historical doctrine, has long been protested by Russian historians, such as M.V. Lomonosov, S.A. Gedeonov, D.I. Ilovaisky, A.F. Gilferding, as well as the Czechs P.I. Safarik, L. Niederle and others. If the ancient Slavs were as primitive and wretched as the Normanists claim, then how can one explain the behavior of Byzantium, which dictated the policy of all of Europe and allowed Prophetic Oleg nail your sword to the gates of Constantinople? After all, this is a political knockout. How to explain the ability of the “wild and primitive” Slavs to resist the constant insinuations of “enlightened” Europe: the Teutons and Livonians, the Poles and Swedes, the French and Germans?
If we talk about the cultural origins and historical significance of Europe and Rus', then the claims of Europe, which began its historical path after the 3rd century, seem very strange. n. e., when avalanches of nomads, leaving the Eurasian expanses, rushed to develop European lands, crushing the remains of the ancient civilization of Rome. The age of European civilization is about 17 centuries. Vedic texts of the ancient Slavs describe historical events, of which they were participants, numbering “four darkness” years - forty thousand years.
What are the cultural roots of Rus'? It is well known that the origins of culture are rooted in ancient layers of mythological consciousness. Being an alloy of intimate knowledge about the world, space, about man himself, presented in a figurative, metaphorical form, where fiction and reality, artistry and history alternate, myths have retained their relevance to this day. Poetry and philosophy, religion and ethics, understanding the laws of natural processes and man’s place in them - all this originated in myth and played an important role in the socio- and cultural genesis of both individual peoples and all of humanity.
Today, many of us are familiar with European (Greco-Roman, Scandinavian, etc.) mythological systems. This knowledge makes it possible to navigate relatively freely in space modern culture. But often ideas about Russian mythology are characterized by fragmentation, confusion, and, consequently, a lack of interest in their own cultural origins.
In fact, the Slavic mythological system is a developed esoteric doctrine, built on universal mythologemes, containing the deepest knowledge about the universe, which turns out to be relevant and in demand in modern times. scientific picture world (in particular, cosmogonic myths and calendar calculations provide a lot of food for thought for astronomers, historians, and philosophers). Slavic myths, which represent the most ancient layer of the Vedic doctrine of the Indo-Aryan superethnos, contain ancient archetypes of most Eurasian mythological systems.
For some reason it is generally accepted sacred texts Indians - the Puranas - the oldest body of Vedic knowledge of the Indo-Aryans. However, the complete set of Slavic folk songs, epics, spiritual poems and fairy tales contain the same Primordial Vedas, lost by the Aryans who came from the North to India and Iran. Thus, many mythological stories, briefly retold in the Puranas, in the Russian tradition give the song or legend itself, well known to the people and almost not distorted by time. Many ancient Vedic texts, hymns, sacred chants have been preserved in the collections “Pigeon Book”, “Animal Book”, “ secret book"and other folk books revered in Orthodox mystical sects, who made incredible efforts to preserve the Vedic tradition, which was stubbornly eradicated by the Orthodox Church.
In the 19th century, research began on the sacred writings of the ancient Slavs. One of the most important sources Vedic beliefs of the Slavs should be considered the book “Veda of the Slavs”, published in St. Petersburg and Belgrade by Stefan Verkovich. It contains ritual songs and prayers Slavic gods, preserved in the South Slavic tradition. According to A. Asov, “it is no less significant for the Slavs than the Rig Veda for the Hindus” (1)
In our time, the researcher and translator of the “Book of Veles” and “Boyanov’s Hymn” Alexander Asov published a unique work “The Star Book of Kolyada”, which is a complete set of the Primordial Vedas, preserved both in the oral tradition and in the folk books of the Slavs.
But besides the folklore tradition, Russian Vedic literature today it is also represented by monuments ancient writing. The most significant of them are “Boyanov’s Hymn”, “The Book of Veles” and “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”.
We are filled with great gratitude to the Greek monks Cyril and Methodius, who “created the Slavic alphabet.” However, in the “Book of Veles” there are the lines: “They (the Greeks - I.Zh.) said that they established their writing among us so that we would accept it and lose ours. But remember that Cyril, who wanted to teach our children and had to hide in our houses so that we would not know that he was teaching our writing and how to make sacrifices to our Gods” (2). And this is not the only evidence. In the “Pannonian Life” of Cyril it is said about the same thing: “...And having reached Khorsun... you will find that Gospel and the Psalter, written in Russian letters, and you will find a person speaking with that conversation, and having talked with him, and receive the power of speech, applying different skills to your conversation the letter is open and agreeable and making a prayer to God, soon begin to honor and say, and give him many wonders...” (3). It is now known that from ancient times, the Aryan and, in particular, the Proto-Slavic tribes owned writing: first knotted, later runic (the “Boyanov Hymn” is written in runes), the runic gradually transformed into Velesovitsa (with which the “Book of Veles” was written and which is close to the famous Novgorod birch bark certificates). And, apparently, it was these letters that Cyril taught, adapting the Greek alphabet to them to translate Byzantine church books.
"The Book of Veles" is Holy Bible ancient Slavs, which was carved on beech tablets by the Novgorod Magi (priests of the god Veles) in the 9th century AD. “We dedicate this book to our God, who is our refuge and strength” (4). The texts of the “Book of Veles”, like the ancient Indian Vedas, Avestan literature, biblical stories about the patriarchs they describe the history of the Slavs and many other peoples of Eurasia from the time of the Ancestors (XX millennium BC), as well as from the historical time, defined by historians as the beginning of the 5th millennium BC, and up to the 9th century. AD..
After reading the “Book of Veles”, multiple gaps in the history of ancient peoples are filled, a coherent system of mythological beliefs of the ancient Slavs is built, which until recently was defined by mythologists as undeveloped, pagan, which has come down to us in the form of scattered elements of folklore and decorative and applied arts.
The Vedic faith of the ancient Aryans, righteous faith (knowing the Truth, which is God, since it is based on prophetic knowledge), is essentially a monotheistic faith that embodied and consolidated in universal mythologies the archetypal images of the so-called primary monotheism, when a person had spiritual intuition that allowed him to fully experience the experience of direct contemplation of God. Let’s define it terminologically: archetypes are certain images that arise in the “collective unconscious” (C. G. Jung), reflecting a person’s intuitive perception of the world around him. The creation of mythologies is an attempt to bring unconscious intuitions to the intellectual level and put them into a certain form, a sign, a symbol, which is a code with the help of which a holistic picture of the vision of the world is formed, containing knowledge about the objective processes of the world order.
Even B.A. Rybakov, in his now classic monograph “Paganism of the Ancient Slavs,” emphasized: “The cardinal issue in the history of Slavic paganism is the question of ancient pre-Christian monotheism among the Slavs, which was always so objected to by church theologians, who considered monotheism exclusively a privilege of Christianity... The science of Slavic paganism for many decades made an incomprehensible, from the point of view of sources, but persistently repeated mistake - the cult of the Family was either hushed up or portrayed as the cult of the patron of the family, a small household god-brownie, a “lizun”, licking saucers of milk that were set for him in the oven. Meanwhile, Rod in Russian medieval sources is depicted as a heavenly god who is in the air, controlling the clouds and breathing life into all living things. The greatest number of menacing denunciations were directed by clergy against public celebrations in honor of the Family and women in labor” (5). Thus, it is necessary to agree on terms. The term “Slavic paganism”, which is still used by official science, naming the pre-Christian worldview system of the ancient Slavs, is at least incorrect, since the term “paganism” is usually used to define “a complex primitive beliefs and rituals that preceded the emergence of world religions” (6). This definition given in the dictionary “Christianity”, whose leaders most zealously fought against any manifestations of paganism. But even the authors of the dictionary admit that the opposition between Christianity and paganism is very conditional: “Russian Orthodoxy... could not displace ancient Slavic beliefs from the way of life and consciousness of our ancestors. The latter, in a slightly modified form and, being partially rethought, entered the Orthodox doctrine and cult of the Russian Orthodox Church"(ibid.). But the dictionary does not explain the reasons for this unique historical and cultural phenomenon. The Slavic pre-Christian doctrine was not a collection of primitive cults personifying natural elements (as many representatives of the Russian and especially Soviet mythological schools considered it), and had a coherent system of Vedic knowledge, the essence of which we will try to reveal below.
Due to the latest discoveries in the field of Slavic mythology, the definition of our traditional faith - Orthodoxy - sounds completely new. According to A.I. Asova, " ancient faith Slavs and Rus from ancient times, long before the Baptism of Rus', was called Orthodoxy. The Russians called themselves Orthodox, because they glorified the Rule and followed the Paths of the Rule. It was also called the Righteous Faith, because the Slavs knew the Truth, knew the Great Vedas, the most ancient Vedas, sacred legends about the source of the Vedic faith, which was the first faith of almost all the peoples of our planet” (7). The Vedic faith could not resist any monotheistic teaching (be it Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity or Islam), since it recognizes the path to the Almighty as the goal of spiritual improvement. And it doesn’t matter which path this or that people chooses - the world is diverse, just like humanity, which chooses different paths. But the goal is one!
The essential difference between the Vedic tradition, both ancient and modern, is that pagans are those who reject the path to the Supreme. “These may be polytheists who recognize many gods, but believe that the Universe is devoid of the Absolute, Goal and Source, i.e. God. These may be pantheists who spiritualize Nature, but reject Rod (God - I.Zh.). These can also be atheists who reject any religion” (8). “The Book of Veles” clearly states: “There are also those who are mistaken, who count the gods, thereby dividing Svarga. They will be rejected by Rod as atheists. Are Vyshen, Svarog, and others a multitude? After all, God is both one and multiple. And let no one divide that multitude and say that we have many Gods” (9).
Paganism is the main opponent of the Vedic doctrine. In the text of the “Book of Veles”, similar lines are often found: “And there we settled (on the Nepra River - I.Zh.), and for five hundred years we ruled the veche, and were protected by Gods from many, called pagans” (10). The “Book of Veles” calls those peoples who do not know the Supreme One Divine Reality pagans. And the most significant attribute of paganism is the presence of the institution of slavery. Slavery itself is justified only by pagan faith. Even the empires of the Greeks and Romans, despite their achievements in culture and science, were revered by the pagan Slavs, since they rejected the main thing: the spiritual freedom of man and relied on slave labor.
The Aryans (and among them the Slavs) - bearers of the Vedic faith - were opponents of slavery imposed by the pagans, served the Almighty, were preachers of the Path of Rule: “And we went to our God and began to praise him: “Blessed be our Leader, and now and ever and from century to century!”... And the fathers who led us along the Paths of Rule spoke about this” (11). “The Right Husband (Bus Beloyar - I.Zh.) *) ascended the Amvennitsa and spoke about how to walk along the Path of the Right. And his words coincided with his deeds... And then our priests took care of the Vedas. They said that no one should steal them from us” (12). The exodus of the Aryans was accompanied by great wars, the meaning of which was precisely in bringing the Vedic faith to other peoples, serving the Almighty: “And we will have help from the Most High as in former times. And this is our good, and we have received from Him firmness and strength, so that our enemies may taste what the truth is” (13). Where “the Vedic faith spread,” says A.I. Asov, “all types of violence were abolished, veche people’s power was introduced” (14).

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