Favorable days in the month of May. Growing Moon in Taurus. Lunar calendar, moon phases, favorable days

By applying the lunar calendar for May 2018 in practice, you can change your own life for the better. All people periodically experience unjustified laziness and fatigue. Such sensations can haunt men and women even in the early morning after a long night's rest. The sudden surge of irritation and physical weakness, in the absence of overwork and stress, is explained by the influence of the Small Sun. The Earth's satellite plays an important role in the life of the planet. It directly affects the energy of a person, who in all centuries has been distinguished by sensitivity to the power of the Moon.

Moon phases in May 2018 in the table:

Calendar date. Day of the week Day according to synodal calculation Lunar phase for a specific period of time Zodiac sign in which the Moon is active on this day Energy of the day: favorable, moderately positive, unfavorable
May 1, 2018


16 – 17 days according to the lunar calendarMoves from the sign of Scorpio to the constellation SagittariusGood day, positive
May 2, 201817 – 18 days according to the lunar calendarThird phase, in a state of declineIn the sign of Sagittarius
May 3, 2018


18th and 19th lunar daysThird phase. The moon is waning, activeIn the sign of Sagittarius
May 4, 2018


19th synodal dayPhase Three. Decreases, in a state of intense decline. The moon is strongMoves from the constellation Sagittarius to the sign CapricornPositively charged day, favorable
May 5, 2018


19th and 20th synodal daysDecreasing. Strong. In the third phaseZodiac sign Capricorn
May 6, 2018


20 and 21 days according to the lunar calendarThird phase. The moon is waningFrom the sign Capricorn to the constellation Aquarius
May 7, 2018


21st and 22nd synodal daysThe Moon is in the Third Phase, in a state of intense waning. The moon is weakIn the sign of Aquarius
May 8, 2018


22 – 23 synodal dayThe moon enters the Fourth phase. Decreasing, weak.Zodiac sign: Aquarius
May 9, 201823rd and 24th day of the lunar calendarMoon in phase Four. Waning, calmMoves from the sign of Aquarius to the constellation Pisces
May 10, 2018


24 and 25 lunar daysIn Phase Four. waning moonIn the sign of Pisces
May 11, 2018


25th and 26th synodal daysIn Phase Four. The moon is strong and waningMoves from the sign of Pisces to the sign of Aries
May 12, 2018


Days 26 and 27 according to the lunar calendarFourth phase. The moon is waningIn the constellation Aries
May 13, 2018


27th and 28th lunar dayFourth phase. The moon is waning and active.Moves from Aries to Taurus
May 14, 2018


28th and 29th lunar dayPhase Four. waning moonIn the constellation Taurus
May 15, 2018


29, 30 and 1 synodal dayNew MoonFrom Taurus to Gemini
May 16, 2018Days 1 and 2 according to the lunar calendarMoon in the First phase, young, growing, activeIn GeminiModerately favorable
May 17, 2018


2nd and 3rd synodal daysFirst phase. The moon is actively growing. StrongIn the sign of Gemini
May 18, 2018


3 – 4 synodal daysPhase One. Moon in growthTransition from the sign Gemini to the sign Cancer
May 19, 2018


4 – 5 synodal daysPhase One. The moon is growing.In the Constellation Cancer
May 20, 2018


Days 5 and 6 according to the lunar calendarMoon in the First Phase, in a state of rapid growthMoves from the sign Cancer to the constellation Leo
May 21, 2018


6th and 7th synodal dayMoon in phase One.

Growing, active

In the sign LeoPositive, auspicious day
May 22, 2018


7th and 8th synodal daysMoon in the First Quarter.Moves from Leo to VirgoGood start to the day
May 23, 20188th and 9th lunar daysPhase Two. Moon waxingIn the constellation Virgo
May 24, 2018


9th and 10th lunar daysPhase Two. Moon in growthMoves from Virgo to Libra
May 25, 2018


10th and 11th lunar dayThe moon is growing. Phase Two.In the sign of Libra
May 26, 2018


11th and 12th synodal daysSecond phase. The moon is growingMoves from the sign of Libra to the sign of Scorpio
May 27, 2018


12 – 13 lunar daySecond phase. The moon is growingIn the sign of ScorpioModerately favorable day
May 28, 2018


13, 14 synodal daySecond phase.

The moon is growing and active.

In the sign of ScorpioFavorable, positive day
May 29, 2018


14th and 15th lunar dayAt 17:19

Full moon

Moves from Scorpio to SagittariusThe first half of the day is favorable
May 30, 201815 – 16 lunar daysMoon in the Third phase, waningIn the constellation Sagittarius
May 31, 2018


1st and 17th synodal daysPhase Three. The moon is waningMoves from the sign of Sagittarius to the constellation Capricorn

May 2018 pleases with an abundance of days with positive energy. The month is beneficial for mental work and physical activity. This is the ideal time for travel and long trips. You can safely take serious steps in life, try something new, expand the horizons of your mentality.

How to use the lunar phase calendar

The lunar calendar makes it possible to make plans for the future, taking into account the intensity of cosmic flows sent to the planet. Those who have used the table at least once in practice no longer refuse such additional help. Lovers of agricultural work cannot do without a lunar calendar, otherwise many efforts may go in vain.

Man cannot ignore the power of nature, especially since it can be understood and can even be directed. In order for success to follow on your heels and troubles to avoid you, it is important to remember a few rules:

  • Even in favorable days You can’t risk your life, finances, or reputation.
  • During full moon periods, you should refrain from alcohol and risky operations.
  • Day s positive energy applies to part of the next day.
  • In serious matters, in addition to general recommendations, you need a personal astrological forecast.

The phases of the Moon during growth contribute to success in endeavors. This is a good time for moving, housewarming, changing your image or work. The waning satellite supports the tendency to contemplation and mental activity. This is a time for calm and measured everyday life, everyday work, and watching movies at home.

Adjusting your own plans for May 2018 according to the lunar calendar is useful for everyone, regardless of lifestyle, social status, or priorities. The energy of the Moon influences our planet constantly, whether we like it or not. Man, as an integral part of the ecosystem, can either use this power for his own benefit, or ignore it, experiencing difficulties and constant failures.

Look video about the influence of the moon on humans:

Table: Moon in zodiac signs, phases of the Moon and types of work with plants

May decorates the forests, summer awaits visitors.

May gives us an openwork lace of blooming plums and cherries. The most favorable time for planting most plants, as well as for protecting fruit and berry trees and shrubs from all kinds of pests and diseases.
At the beginning of the month, cold-resistant crops are planted in open ground: carrots, turnips, radishes, spring garlic.
In the middle of the month they plant onion sets, at the end - strawberries, beans, beets, and potatoes. Grow pumpkin seedlings.
Depending on weather conditions, in May, seedlings of various types of cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, celery, leeks, spicy and medicinal plants are planted in open ground, under film or in greenhouses.

Folk signs about the weather in May:
There are two cold periods in May: when the bird cherry blossoms and when the oak blossoms.
If there is a lot of rain in May, then there is little in September.
After wet May there is dry June.
May is cold - a grain-bearing year.

Based on one interesting folk sign Together with you, we will try to compile one, one of the main tasks of which is to help plan the work of the upcoming 2019 gardening season

Thematic calendar tables - selections from the main, universal gardener calendar:

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference with local time *)

Lunar calendar

Gardening work, plant care activities

from May 01, 2019 00:00 (Wed)
to 01 May 2019 13:24 (Wed)

Waning Moon in the sign of Pisces

This period takes only half a day, so it’s worth choosing those jobs that will bring the greatest benefit:
Watering and foliar feeding of plants with organic fertilizers. Favorable time for sowing carrot seeds, early ripening varieties of radish, radishes in greenhouses, beets in insulated soil for seedlings. Sowing nigella onions for seedlings to grow sets. Possible time for sowing cold-resistant green crops in greenhouses, as well as basil and marjoram for seedlings. Picking, and for short-growing tomatoes transshipment(transplant together with a lump of earth, without disturbing the roots) into separate pots. Loosening the soil, weeding seedlings. Replanting bulbous indoor flowers. In the garden, applying organic fertilizers to the tree trunks of fruit trees and berry bushes, and to strawberry plantations.
Depending on weather conditions, it is possible to plant seedlings of peppers, tomatoes, and eggplants in greenhouses under additional cover; planting seedlings of zucchini, pumpkin, and squash in open ground under cover.

* To determine the local time of a lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

** On the pages of the lunar calendar, to the monthly list of modern holidays in Russia, ancient traditional holidays have been added, which determined the timing of agricultural work or the upcoming weather (according to weather signs) - these dates are also built into the calendar table, they are in the column with a description of work with plants

Work on the page “Lunar calendar of gardener for May 2019” will be completed by May 1, 2019.

Lunar calendar for May 2018, indicating the days of the new moon, full moon, quarters of the moon, the location of the moon in the zodiac signs, as well as favorable and unfavorable lunar days. The lunar calendar will allow you to almost always be aware of what at the moment The moon, and what phase of the moon. The lunar calendar for May 2018 will be able to help you plan your affairs with minimal loss of time and effort. The lunar days calendar can help you determine favorable and unfavorable days months. On this page you will find the most accurate and up-to-date calendar of lunar days. You have chosen: Lunar calendar May 2018. Calculations of the lunar calendar are made using accurate astronomical data and the error is +/- 30 minutes. Here you will find information such as moon phases May 2018, moon in zodiac sign. Here you can find out when the Moon is waxing, the Moon is waning and find the full moon calendar for May 2018. New moons and full moons are important data necessary for planning many things (for example, fortune telling by the Moon). The lunar calendar for May 2018 will help you in implementing any plans and desires. Knowing how to use it correctly, you can help yourself choose the right lunar day for any task. Generally favorable days, choose from us!

Favorable days according to the lunar calendar in May 2018

Favorable days are the period when the lunar day, moon phase, zodiac sign and day of the week are filled with maximum activity. Such days are suitable for new beginnings, solving important issues and performing important tasks.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar in May 2018

Unfavorable days are a period when the lunar day, moon phase, zodiac sign and day of the week are filled with minimal activity. On such days, it is not recommended to start new things or resolve important issues.

May 11
25, 26
lunar day
Waning Moon
(Fourth phase)

May 13
27, 28
lunar day
Waning Moon
(Fourth phase)

May 27
12, 13
lunar day
Waxing Moon
(Second phase)

Lunar calendar for May 2018 for every day

May 1, 2018, 16-17 lunar day, waning Moon in Scorpio. It’s time to use your unconventional thinking, it will be appreciated, and what’s more, you will be able to surprise and win over even those who don’t treat you very well. Today is a great day for an expensive purchase, so give up on everything and buy a car, or a vacuum cleaner.

May 2, 2018, 17-18 lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius. Selfishness and idealization of everything around aside, it’s time to soberly assess the situation and listen to advice more wise people. Shift some of the responsibilities to someone else, it’s impossible to carry everything on your shoulders, and it’s time to learn to trust someone other than yourself.

May 3, 2018, 18-19 lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius. Today you will want to diversify your life and throw yourself into all the troubles; do not make hasty decisions, carefully weigh the pros and cons. You are one step away from destroying everything you have been working towards for so long, listen only to your intuition and the day will end in the best way.

May 4, 2018, 19th lunar day, waning Moon in Capricorn. This is the most favorable day to put your inner world in order and improve your emotional background. Dedicate the evening to friendly gatherings; only fun conversations and pleasant moments await you. Perhaps today you can speak out and ease your soul.

May 5, 2018, 19-20 lunar day, waning Moon in Capricorn. Luck is on your heels, stop dreaming and planning, start acting at this moment, today everything contributes to improving your standard of living. You can easily find a better job or move to better housing. It's a good time to get rid of bad habits in favor of useful ones.

May 6, 2018, 20-21 lunar days, waning Moon in Capricorn. Capricorn is a very passionate sign, don’t lose your mind from overwhelming feelings, don’t completely “dissolve” in another person, preserve your individuality. Today everything will be perfect, no matter whether these feelings are new or time-tested.

May 7, 2018, 21-22 lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius. Today is a great day to start a healthy lifestyle. Take care of healing your body and strengthening your immune system, it needs your care. You can involve your family and friends, it’s easier and more fun to do with a small group, and there’s minimal risk of abandoning this business.

May 8, 2018, 22-23 lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius. A fun adventure awaits you in which you will not be bored. An excellent reason to reconsider your life priorities and adjust them. It's time to add sophistication to yourself, even aristocracy. Start reading books and watching educational films and programs.

May 9, 2018, 23-24 lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces. On this day you will be more distracted than usual, get together and start working. Don’t waste time on empty conversations and everyday trifles, you can do this any day. The main task is to understand the methods of achieving the main goal and rush headlong into battle.

May 10, 2018, 24-25 lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces. It’s a great day to spend it for your own pleasure, don’t be afraid to refuse help, don’t burden yourself with other people’s problems and don’t try to please everyone, you can gain respect only through intelligence and rational prioritization.

May 11, 2018, 25-26 lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces. Take courage and talk to your household about all the factors that irritate you. Do not overdo it with emotions so as not to offend anyone and you will achieve a unanimous decision. Also today you can review your home budget and effectively redo it.

May 12, 2018, 26-27 lunar day, waning Moon in Aries. Be confident and make decisions quickly, otherwise someone might take advantage of your timidity. Learn from the mistakes of others, use the wisdom of your elders and listen to what your heart tells you, then everything will work out as successfully as possible and you will have no reason to be upset.

May 13, 2018, 27-28 lunar day, waning Moon in Aries. You can do anything, the main thing is to soberly assess the consequences and understand whether you are ready for them. Be careful outside the house, there is a risk of getting into the epicenter of an unpleasant showdown or accident. Better stay away from people.

May 14, 2018, 28-29 lunar day, waning Moon in Taurus. Today you will be able to do all the work with someone else’s hands and get a decent reward. But avoid the interference of strangers in your family, here you yourself will perfectly understand what is best for whom, and where something needs to be changed. Don't be afraid to experiment, your family will support you.

May 15, 2018, 29.30 and 1 lunar day, new moon in Taurus. You don’t really want to work, all your thoughts are about summer, and you are also surrounded by many beautiful representatives of the opposite sex. Try to pretend that you are working tirelessly, don’t get caught once again in the eyes of the authorities and everything will be fine.

May 16, 2018, 1-2 lunar day, waxing Moon in Gemini. This is a day of inactivity and rest from the hustle and bustle. Do not pay attention to reproaches and misunderstandings, isolate yourself from everyone and, in solitude, put your moral state in order. Tomorrow you will have such a surge of strength that you will redo not only the accumulated tasks, but also the upcoming ones.

May 17, 2018, 2-3 lunar day, waxing Moon in Gemini. The beautiful weather is conducive to a morning jog or at least a walk in the fresh air. Try not to sit in one place, movement is life, do as many things as possible while you have a surge of energy and strength.

May 18, 2018, 3-4 lunar day, waxing Moon in Cancer. Today you will have to endure a lot of tests, not all of them will end well, but you should not be upset and engage in self-flagellation, this will only strengthen you. In general, try to take everything today with a sense of humor and believe in your success, you can only count on yourself.

May 19, 2018, 4-5 lunar day, waxing Moon in Cancer. Light flirting or a non-binding romance is the result of today’s acquaintance with the opposite sex, but control yourself, do not give in to fleeting feelings, otherwise there may be unpleasant consequences, and you will soon regret this connection.

May 20, 2018, 5-6 lunar day, waxing Moon in Leo. No matter how hard it is, don’t stop fighting, you need to moderate your ardor a little and listen at least a little to the opinions of others, but don’t go off the chosen path. IN love affairs also, not everything is smooth, if you see that the person next to you is not yours, let him go and don’t get hung up on a serious relationship yet.

May 21, 2018, 6-7 lunar day, waxing Moon in Leo. Today, more than ever, watch your diet, exclude fried and spicy foods, which may worsen old diseases or acquire new ones. It’s better to go on a diet temporarily, you’ll be able to kill two birds with one stone: improve your health and become the owner of a toned figure.

May 22, 2018, 7-8 lunar day, waxing Moon in Virgo. Observe moderation in everything, do not engage in competition and go out of your way to prove to someone that you are right. Today you will be a little spontaneous, so you will easily agree to any experiments. This will do you good; you will finally be convinced of your strength.

May 23, 2018, 8-9 lunar day, waxing Moon in Virgo. On this day, you will uncontrollably want to experience the feeling of extreme sports on yourself; try to choose a safer way of getting thrills. Also today all experiments with appearance will be successful, just don’t overdo it, ask for advice from loved one, since you won’t feel the measures themselves and can spoil your appearance a little.

May 24, 2018, 9-10 lunar day, waxing Moon in Libra. The most ordinary, unremarkable day. Today, don’t expect impressions and emotions, everything will be quite monotonous, which will lead to greater fatigue than on an active day. Nothing new either at work or at home, maybe it’s for the better, but no stability.

May 25, 2018, 10-11 lunar day, waxing Moon in Libra. Today you will feel your best, a surge of strength and energy will inspire you to great deeds. On this day you will be able to establish yourself in the best way, even in an area where you yourself did not think. Don’t underestimate yourself, you are a leader in life, success follows on your heels.

May 26, 2018, 11-12 lunar day, waxing Moon in Libra. The day will delight you with increased attention from the opposite sex, there will be no escape from compliments and praise, but do not rush to succumb to flattering words. Today it is easy to lose your head and surrender to passion, but be careful that you don’t have to shed bitter tears tomorrow.

May 27, 2018, 12-13 lunar day, waxing Moon in Scorpio. Undoubtedly a magical and unpredictable day, you won’t even notice how most of the problems tormenting your soul resolve themselves. Close people will surprise you today, your work colleagues will delight you with good news, real magic will capture you today.

May 28, 2018, 13-14 lunar day, waxing Moon in Scorpio. On this day you will need a good shake-up. A great option would be a horse ride or a hot air balloon flight; you just need new experiences. Involve your friends with whom you have no time to meet, together it will be calmer, more fun, and there will be a great opportunity to pour out your soul.

May 29, 2018, 14-15 lunar day, full moon in Sagittarius. Today, spend time on all sorts of little things that at first glance are not significant, but they snowball in volume, and soon you will not be able to cope with them. This is also a favorable time to sort out relationships with the opposite sex and make adjustments; feelings will sparkle in a new way.

May 30, 2018, 15-16 lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius. Favorable time to improve your professional level, attend a master class, conference, or simply communicate with people more experienced in this field. Today you will grasp everything on the fly, don’t miss your chance and a raise or salary increase is just around the corner.

May 31, 2018, 16-17 lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius. Balanced day, today everything is interconnected, be vigilant. If you find money in the morning, most of all you will lose even more, if you hear a compliment, you will become a participant in a quarrel. Try to spend today as monotonously as possible so as not to incur losses.

The influence of the Moon on humans in May 2018

In the Lunar calendar for May 2018, various events have a certain effect on the nature and people around us. The new moon, full moon, days of the first and last quarters of the moon are considered a time of increased interaction between the Sun and the Moon. These are negative days. Favorable lunar days There are days when an aspect of 60 or 120 degrees is created in the sky between the Sun and the Moon. The lunar calendar is a cyclic change of 4 phases of the night star. The lunar month consists of 29-30 lunar days based on the length of the 1st day, and also determined by the proximity of the moon to the horizon during the new moon. Lunar day ( lunar days), are not always equal to each other in time. This is due to the fact that the completed lunar cycle is about 29.5 sunny days. The beginning lunar month, the starting point is the moment of the new moon. The first lunar day lasts from the onset of the new moon to the 1st moonrise according to astronomical data. It is very convenient to leave your personal notes about the Moon in the Google calendar or Yandex calendar. The cycle in the lunar calendar lasts about 29.5 Earth days - from one new moon to the next, going through four phases, also called quarters. An ordinary lunar day lasts from the rising of the moon until its next rising. A lunar day is longer than a solar one, and the moon rises the next day always later than on the previous day. Moonrise occurs not only at night, but also on a clear day - probably everyone has at least once observed both the sun and the moon in the sky at the same time.

We really hope that the lunar calendar for May 2018 was useful and easy to use! You can be sure that our service provides accurate data, but it is worth remembering that they are calculated to the minute only for the city of Moscow. For other cities, the lunar calendar for May 2018 may provide slightly different data. Just calculate your city's time zone and find the difference. You will receive the exact time of the beginning and end of the lunar day with an accuracy of +10-15 minutes. Lunar calendar May 2018 is the best way to find lunar days and moon phases for May 2018.

Increasingly, the habit of planning our affairs according to the lunar calendar is becoming part of our lives. This applies not only to gardening matters (carrying out gardening or garden work, crops and treatments), but also nutrition, changes in image, travel, and even dismissal and search for a new job.

But there are always pros and cons to the habit of sticking to Lunar calendar. This is especially true for sowing and other gardening work. Some people simply don’t believe in this, while for others, due to their busy life schedule, it is difficult to plan and carry out this work on favorable days according to the Lunar calendar. But if you still want to use it, then you first need to understand how it works.

Life in the reflection of the moon

The lunar month differs from the usual calendar month and lasts for 29.5 days. A lunar day also differs from an ordinary solar day and lasts 24 hours and 50 minutes. During this time, the Moon completes its revolution around the Earth. An important role is also played by what lunar phase is at that moment. There are the following phases: new moon, waxing moon, full moon, waning moon. The first and last lunar quarters are also important. Each phase lasts a week.

A few simple tips will help you understand which phase the moon is in. If the crescent of the Moon resembles the letter C, then the Moon is in a waning phase, and if this letter is the opposite, then the Moon is in a waxing phase. A full moon or full moon is when the entire moon is visible. The new moon is the opposite, when the moon is not visible. If a narrow crescent moon appears in the sky in the form of the letter C on the contrary, then this is a young Moon, then a growing Moon, and when its right half is illuminated, then this is already the first quarter. The last quarter of the moon is when, after the full moon, the moon begins to wane and is illuminated only right side Moons.

Thus, you can independently determine in which phase in present moment the Moon is located. This could be: new moon - young moon - first quarter of the moon - waxing moon - full moon - waning moon - last quarter of the moon - old moon and again the new moon. But there is another way to navigate the lunar phases, namely, purchase a ready-made lunar calendar for the current period.

The main features when taking into account the phases of the Moon are that when the Moon is growing, everything that grows above the earth actively develops. This means that this is a good time for sowing leafy vegetables, flowers, sowing a lawn, and replanting indoor plants. During the waning Moon, it is allowed to sow crops that bear fruit underground - these are carrots, beets, potatoes, onions and others. In full and new moon It is better not to carry out work, since this is a period of particularly vulnerable plants.

In addition to the lunar phases, it is also important to understand which zodiac sign the Moon is in during a given period. Having collected information in one table on the correspondence of calendar and lunar day(s), on the position of the Moon in zodiac signs, the following recommendations were formulated for carrying out work in May 2018 on your site.










gardening work

1 Tuesday 16-17 Sagittarius Waning Moon We plant tuberous plants, but not potatoes
2 Wednesday 17-18 Sagittarius
3 Thursday 18-19 Sagittarius We carry out work as necessary
4 Friday 19 Capricorn Recommended
5 Saturday 19-20 Capricorn Recommended

plant potatoes, turnips, radishes

6 Sunday 20-21 Aquarius Recommended

plant potatoes, turnips, radishes

7 Monday 21-22 Aquarius Not recommended

sow and plant

8 Tuesday 22-23 Aquarius

(last quarter)

Not recommended

sow and plant

9 Wednesday 23-24 Fish Recommended

plant radishes, bulbous and


10 Thursday 24-25 Fish Recommendedplant radishes, bulbous and


11 Friday 25-26 Aries Not recommended

sow and plant

12 Saturday 26-27 Aries
13 Sunday 27-28 Taurus
14 Monday 28-29 Taurus Recommended

plant tuberous, bulbous and root crops

15 Tuesday 29-30-1 Twins New moon not recommended
16 Wednesday 1-2 Twins Waxing Moon Recommended


climbing and legumes, as well as ornamental climbing plants

17 Thursday 2-3 Twins
18 Friday 3-4 Cancer Recommended

plant and replant most crops

(eggplants, zucchini, squash, beans and melons)

19 Saturday 4-5 Cancer
20 Sunday 5-6 Lion Recommended

plant trees and shrubs.

21 Monday 6-7 Lion
22 Tuesday 7-8 Virgo Recommended

Planting mainly climbing flowers, as well as plants

23 Wednesday 8-9 Virgo
24 Thursday 9-10 Scales Recommended

plant fruit stone trees and flowers

25 Friday 10-11 Scales
26 Saturday 11-12 Scorpion Recommendedplant: tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, peppers, pumpkin

plant trees

27 Sunday 12-13 Scorpion
28 Monday 13-14 Scorpion
29 Tuesday 14-15 Sagittarius Full moon Work must be carried out strictly
30 Wednesday 15-16 Sagittarius Waning Moon We carry out work as necessary
31 Thursday 16-17 Capricorn Recommended


potatoes, turnips, radishes

flower crops

As can be seen from the table above, in May 2018 there are few favorable days when it is possible to plant such popular crops as tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers and other crops. There are also two days - new moon and full moon - when it is better not to go out into the garden at all.

Zodiac signs - to plant or not to plant

Scorpio is a fertile sign, but after Cancer. When the Moon is in Scorpio, you can sow seeds or plant seedlings. During this period, seed germination will be good, seedlings will have strong roots, plants will be resistant to various diseases, the harvest will be plentiful and will be stored for a long time.

Scorpio – favorable:

Scorpio – not favorable:

  • transplant;
  • divide the bush.

Sagittarius is not such a fertile sign as Scorpio, but during this period it is possible to sow seeds, although the harvest may be slightly worse than if the sowing had taken place when the Moon was in Scorpio. This sign seems to drive the plants upward. During this period, it is good to sow plants for seeds and plant plants that should produce a tall stem.

Sagittarius – favorable:

  • sow and plant decorative flowering crops;
  • sow and plant plants that have climbing stems;
  • loosen the soil, hill up plants;
  • to trim and trim the mustache;
  • treat plants against pests and diseases.

Sagittarius – not favorable:

Capricorn is a zodiac sign of average fertility. Yes, the harvest will be and even be abundant and will be stored well, but the fruits may not be as large as expected. But fruiting will take a long time. This period also produces good seeds that retain their viability for a long time.

Capricorn – favorable:

  • soak the seeds;
  • sow or plant those plants whose fruits are stored for a long time;
  • replanting vegetable crops;
  • sow or plant legumes and grain crops;
  • feed the plantings;
  • carry out treatment with pesticides.

Capricorn – not favorable:

  • carry out work with the root system of plants (dividing, loosening, etc.).

Aquarius is one of the barren signs of the zodiac. Seeds sown during this period do not germinate well, transplanted plants do not take root well, and the harvest can be very low. However, if the plants planted during this period still survive, then, for example, the flowers will bloom beautifully and abundantly, the plants will have a strong root system and beautiful fruits.

Aquarius – favorable:

Aquarius – not favorable:

  • sow, plant and replant any crops;
  • water;
  • fertilize plants.

The sign of Pisces gives a very good harvest. But, unfortunately, the harvest will not be stored for long, and the seed material will be of poor quality. In general, the sign is productive, the fruits taste good, and the root system of the plants is also good.

Pisces – favorable:

  • plant any crops;
  • plant seedlings;
  • sow flowers;
  • plant potatoes;
  • loosen the soil;
  • water the plantings.

Pisces – not favorable:

  • treat against diseases and pests.

The sign of Aries is not fertile. Everything that you sow or do not plant during this period is weak, the fruits set poorly.

Aries – favorable:

Aries – not favorable:

  • dive;
  • transplant;
  • water the plantings;
  • feed the plants.

Taurus is very good sign in terms of fertility and high productivity. Seeds that will be sown during this period are guaranteed to have good germination, but germination will not be so fast. The plants will have a bountiful harvest that will be well preserved. But you need to keep in mind that the seed material during this period is not very good.

Taurus – favorable:

  • soak the seeds;
  • sow seeds;
  • water the crops.

Taurus – not favorable:

Gemini – This zodiac is more fertile than Aquarius, Aries and Leo. What is planted during this period will grow well due to a strong root system, but there will not be a good harvest.

Gemini – favorable:

  • plant plants that develop mustaches and vines (melons, peas, beans, hanging flowers);
  • loosen the soil;
  • thin out plantings;
  • hill up, weed;
  • treat with pesticides;
  • trim the overgrown mustache, trim the stepson.

Gemini - not favorable:

  • plant or replant herbaceous plants.

Cancer is the most fertile and highest in productivity zodiac sign. The peculiarity is that the seeds sown in this sign take a long time to sprout. But the harvest from crops planted during this period will be good, but will not be stored for long. In addition, it is not recommended to plant seeds during this period; it will be poor seed material.

Cancer – favorable:

Cancer – not favorable:

  • sow, plant or replant varieties of herbaceous, as well as hanging and climbing plants;
  • treat with pesticides.

Leo is also a fertile sign. This is the best time not to disturb the plants. But, nevertheless, during this period you can collect seeds, cut flowers, and form the crown of plants. And, in addition, it is good to collect root vegetables that need to be stored for a long time, for example, potatoes.

Leo – not favorable:

  • water the plantings;
  • carry out fertilizing.

Virgo is a less fertile zodiac sign, but still, when the Moon is in it, it is possible to sow annuals, for example, flowers; they will bloom with many small flowers. Vegetables sown during this period will take root well and will have strong roots, but the harvest will be small, and this harvest will not be particularly tasty.

Virgo – favorable:

  • pick seedlings;
  • transplant;
  • water;
  • add fertilizer to the soil.

Virgo – not favorable:

  • soak seeds for seedlings.

Libra is a zodiac sign with average fertility, although the harvest is good both in size and taste, it is stored well, the root system of the plants is strong and the seed material is good.

Libra – favorable for:

  • — plant plants whose fruits need to be stored for a long time;
  • - plant or sow climbing flowers;
  • - plant roses;
  • — plant flowers with a tuberous system;
  • - water the crops;
  • - feed and fertilize.

Libra – not favorable:

It is important that when the Moon is in some signs of the Zodiac, it is unfavorable to water your plantings or apply fertilizers during these periods. How can the most necessary components for the growth and development of plants harm them? It is indeed possible, for example, with fertilizers to simply burn the root system of a plant, but from watering the root system can simply fester. And this is connected with the processes that occur inside the plant during certain lunar phases, and these processes tend to intensify and slow down.

Everyone makes the decision whether to use the advice of the Lunar calendar or not for themselves, based on their beliefs and capabilities. But the fact is undeniable that everything must be done with a good mood and good thoughts. Then this positive energy will definitely bear fruit in the form of friendly, grateful shoots and a rich harvest.
