Philosophy as the most important part of spiritual culture. Spiritual culture in philosophy. Inevitably thinking about the most fundamental problems, they involuntarily turn to philosophy

1. The concept of “picture of the world” .

An inquisitive pilgrim has reached the “end of the world” and is trying to see: what is there, beyond the edge?

Concept "picture of the world" denotes a figurative and conceptual picture of the Universe in which man and humanity strive to determine their place. Pictures of the world, which assign a person a certain place in the Universe and thereby help him orient himself in existence, are the result of the spiritual and practical activities of people. Scientific, religious and philosophical pictures of the world provide their own vision of the world and man’s place in it.

A very important aspect of the picture of the world is what it is built around, which is its semantic center.

Scientific picture of the world is built around objects independent of humans; its core is a universal human reality.

Religious picture of the world puts the relationship between the heavenly and the earthly, the human sphere and the divine sphere in the center.

main topic philosophical picture of the world – the relationship between man and the world, taken in all aspects: ontological, cognitive, value, activity.

2. Religious picture of the world.

Michelangelo B. Part of the fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican depicting the scene of the creation of Adam

The historical significance of religion was that in both slave-holding and feudal societies it contributed to the formation and strengthening of new public relations and the formation of strong centralized states. Meanwhile, religious wars have occurred in history.

In our time, religion continues to be one of the most widespread worldviews, which occupies a significant place in the life of any society. Both mythology and religion arose from man’s practical relationship to the world and were aimed at overcoming the alienation and hostility of the outside world. Although they outlined the main ideological problems, they could not ensure that a person understands the full complexity of his social existence.

Religious picture of the world - a set of the most common religious ideas about the world, its origin, structure and future, an important element of the religious worldview. The religious picture of the world in a certain form is inherent in all religions and is developed in detail in developed religious systems. The main feature of the religious picture of the world is the division of the world into the supernatural and natural, with the absolute dominance of the first over the second. The religious picture of the world of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and a number of other religions is characterized by three-tier world structure (heaven, Earth, underworld), the opposition of the heavenly (most perfect) to the earthly (perishable), is inherent in it geo- And anthropocentrism . The most important elements of the religious picture of the world are creationism (religious doctrine about the creation of the world by God out of nothing) and eschatology (religious teaching about the end of the world). The religious picture of the world is contained in the “holy books” (Vedas, Bible, Koran). The Christian picture of the world was formed through the synthesis of biblical ideas of creation and divine providence, cosmological elements Greek philosophy and a number of natural scientific ideas of antiquity that were included in the geocentric system of Ptolemy. The traditional religious picture of the world was destroyed by the scientific picture of the world created by natural science.

3. Scientific picture of the world. Historical types of the scientific picture of the world.

Scientific picture of the world - this is a set of theories collectively describing known to man the natural world, a holistic system of ideas about the general principles and laws of the structure of the universe. Since the picture of the world is a systemic formation, its change cannot be reduced to any single discovery, even the largest and most radical one. As a rule, we are talking about a whole series of interrelated discoveries in the main fundamental sciences. These discoveries are almost always accompanied by a radical restructuring of the research method, as well as significant changes in the very norms and ideals of science.

Three such clearly and unambiguously fixed radical changes in the scientific picture of the world, scientific revolutions in the history of the development of science can be distinguished; usually they are usually personified by the names of the three scientists who played the largest role in the changes that took place.

1) Aristotelian (VI-IV centuries BC) as a result of this scientific revolution science itself arose, science was separated from other forms of knowledge and exploration of the world, certain norms and samples of scientific knowledge were created. This revolution is most fully reflected in the works Aristotle . He created formal logic, i.e. the doctrine of evidence, the main tool for deducing and systematizing knowledge, developed a categorical conceptual apparatus. He established a kind of canon for the organization scientific research(history of the issue, statement of the problem, arguments for and against, justification for the decision), differentiated knowledge itself, separating the natural sciences from mathematics and metaphysics.

2) Newtonian scientific revolution (XVI-XVIII centuries). Its starting point is considered to be the transition from a geocentric model of the world to a heliocentric one; this transition was caused by a series of discoveries associated with the names N. Copernicus, G. Galileo, I. Kepler, R. Descartes. I. Newton summed up their research and formulated the basic principles of a new scientific picture of the world in general view. Main changes:

1. Classical natural science spoke the language of mathematics, was able to identify strictly objective quantitative characteristics of earthly bodies (shape, size, mass, motion) and express them in strict mathematical laws.

2. The science of modern times has found powerful support in the methods of experimental research of phenomena under strictly controlled conditions.

3. The natural sciences of this time abandoned the concept of a harmonious, complete, purposefully organized cosmos; according to them, the Universe is infinite and united only by the action of identical laws.

4. Mechanics becomes the dominant feature of classical natural science; all considerations based on the concepts of value, perfection, and goal setting were excluded from the sphere of scientific research.

5. In cognitive activity, a clear opposition between the subject and the object of research was implied. The result of all these changes was a mechanistic scientific picture of the world based on experimental mathematical natural science.

3) Einstein's revolution (turn of the 19th-20th centuries). It was determined by a series of discoveries (the discovery of the complex structure of the atom, the phenomenon of radioactivity, the discrete nature of electromagnetic radiation, etc.). As a result, the most important premise of the mechanistic picture of the world was undermined - the conviction that with the help of simple forces acting between unchanging objects, all natural phenomena can be explained.

Fundamentals new painting world:

1. General and special theory of relativity (the new theory of space and time has led to the fact that all reference systems have become equal, therefore all our ideas make sense only in a certain reference system. The picture of the world has acquired a relative, relative character, key ideas about space, time, causality, continuity, the unequivocal opposition of subject and object was rejected, perception turned out to be dependent on the frame of reference, which includes both subject and object, the method of observation, etc.)

2. Quantum mechanics (it revealed the probabilistic nature of the laws of the microworld and the irremovable wave-particle duality in the very foundations of matter). It became clear that it would never be possible to create an absolutely complete and reliable scientific picture of the world; any of them has only relative truth.

Later, within the framework of the new picture of the world, revolutions took place in the private sciences, in cosmology (the concept of a non-stationary Universe), in biology (the development of genetics), etc. Thus, throughout the 20th century, natural science greatly changed its appearance in all its sections.

4. Philosophical picture of the world.

If a person wants to understand the meaning of his life, he does not turn to scientific treatises. Scientific knowledge can explain a lot to him, but it is not through this knowledge that he will move towards his ideals. They lie in a different plane. Understanding the meaning of life is an essential characteristic philosophical knowledge. Philosophy allows a person to find himself in the vast ocean of events, to deeply understand not only the external, but also his own spiritual world, to comprehend what its purpose is in the flow of being. No other science teaches what it takes to be human.

The main question of philosophy is that the relationship “man - world” is transformed into the relationship “spirit - body”, “consciousness - nature”, “thinking - being”. One solution or another to this issue forms the basis philosophical teaching. In the history of philosophy, several options can be traced for solving the problem of the relationship between the material and the spiritual, which acts as the first side of the main question of philosophy. However, all of them are either monistic (coming from the recognition of one principle of the world) or dualistic (coming from the recognition of two principles of the world). And philosophical monism is heterogeneous. Throughout the existence of philosophical knowledge, it acted as materialism and as idealism in its two varieties: objective and subjective. Materialism comes from the recognition of the primacy of the material principle. Idealism declares the spiritual to be primary and determining. However, idealists differ in their interpretation. Some believe that the spiritual principle, which determines everything that happens in the world of phenomena, exists in the form of human consciousness, sensations, perceptions, and ideas. These are subjective idealists. Others represent this spirituality in the form of a nobody, the so-called absolute consciousness, spirit, pure idea, etc. These are objective idealists. The main question of philosophy includes, in addition to the question of the primacy of the material and spiritual, also the question of man’s cognitive relationship to the world. Materialists view knowledge of the world as a reflection in human consciousness of a reality independent of it. Idealists oppose the theory of reflection and interpret cognitive activity either as a combination of sensory data, or as the construction of objects of knowledge using a priori (pre-experimental) categories, or as a purely logical process of obtaining new conclusions from existing axioms and assumptions.

The question of how the world works, what connections and relationships exist between objects and phenomena, processes, what laws characterize this world from the point of view of movement and development also deserves due attention. In other words, it is a question about the general structure of the world and the state in which the latter finds itself.

This question found its solution in two main concepts - dialectical and metaphysical. Dialectics- the concept according to which the world, in its structure, represents a single whole, where everything is interconnected and interdependent, and from the point of view of its state, it is in motion and development.

According to metaphysics, the world in its structure is a set of objects, phenomena, and processes that are not interconnected by mutual transitions. As for the state of the world, metaphysics recognizes movement and development only within a limited framework, as decrease and increase, as repetition.

The solution to the problem of the general structure of the world, which includes both man and the state in which he finds himself, is a relatively independent question. It can be solved in principle in the same way with different approaches to the main question of philosophy. That is, materialism can be metaphysical and dialectical. In the same way, idealism can be both metaphysical and dialectical.

Consequently, materialism and idealism, metaphysics and dialectics are different ways of revealing the relationship “man - world”. This attitude is a universal problem for all eras human history- from the emergence of man until his existence ceases. Although at each stage of history it is filled with specific content and is perceived differently, its comprehension is necessary condition life activity of society in its progressive development.

Types and methods philosophical understanding world are determined by common philosophical paradigms (paradigm is the initial conceptual scheme, a model for posing problems and their solutions, research methods that prevailed during a certain historical period in the scientific community).

It is they who focus attention on certain aspects of eternal philosophical problems. Such paradigms of philosophizing include ontologism paradigm And epistemologism paradigm. They can be found in any historical type philosophy, while one of them is able to play a dominant role.

1) Paradigm of ontology orients a person in knowledge and activity to the world outside of man, to the world not only objective, but also absolute, with which a person must coordinate both his mind and his goals and values.

2) The paradigm of epistemologism originates in ancient Greek philosophy, but truly develops in modern times on the basis of Rene Descartes’ thesis “I think, therefore I am.” It focuses on justifying the reliability scientific knowledge. Under its influence, such features of modern European culture as rationalism, technology, and pragmatism developed.

Thus, religion, science and philosophy create different pictures of the world, reflecting the complex, diverse real world.

Questions for self-examination and reflection

1) Define the concept “Picture of the World”.

2) What is at the center of the religious picture of the world?

3) What characterizes the scientific picture of the world?

4) What was Newton's scientific revolution?

5) Indicate the discoveries that changed the picture of the world?

Philosopher cards

Claudius Ptolemy (c. 100 - c. 170) - late Hellenistic astronomer, astrologer, mathematician, mechanic, optician, music theorist and geographer. Lived and worked in Alexandria of Egypt (reliably - in the period 127-151), where he conducted astronomical observations.
Author of the classic ancient monograph “Almagest”, which was the result of the development of ancient celestial mechanics and contained an almost complete collection of astronomical knowledge of Greece and the Middle East of that time. He left a deep mark in other areas of knowledge - in optics, geography, mathematics, and also in astrology.

Sir Isaac Newton (December 25, 1642 - March 20, 1727) was an English physicist, mathematician, mechanic and astronomer, one of the founders of classical physics. The author of the fundamental work “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy,” in which he outlined the law of universal gravitation and the three laws of mechanics, which became the basis of classical mechanics. Developed differential and integral calculus, color theory, laid the foundations of modern physical optics, created many other mathematical and physical theories.


Global problems of our time - main, key problems, the solution of which depends on the very existence, preservation and development of civilization. Distinctive feature modern civilization - the increase in global threats and problems. We are talking about the threat of thermonuclear war, the growth of armaments, the unreasonable waste of natural resources, diseases, hunger, poverty, etc. Of no small importance in the concept of global problems is the question of their objective “hierarchy”, i.e. about the priority of some of them in relation to others and their subordination.

Political science. Dictionary.

Ecological crisis - special type an ecological situation in which the habitat of one of the species or populations changes in such a way as to call into question its further survival


A crisis- A drastic change that occurs against our will. A crisis can be beneficial or unwholesome, but it is almost always difficult and painful. A crisis involves making a decision or making an assessment. This is truly a decisive moment, but not because it depends on our decision whether there will be a crisis or not, but because the crisis forces us to make a decision or decides for us. Crisis states are, for example, adolescence or agony.

Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

Search for definitions – Korenev E.

Philosophy is a phenomenon of the spiritual life of society, its spiritual culture. Spiritual culture represents a manifestation of the human spirit or human soul, or the souls of the people. This is the culture of human thought, intuition, and multifaceted human feelings. Spiritual culture is expressed in science, art, morality, religion, and everyday spiritual communication between people. The science is mainly a manifestation of rational, strictly logical thinking, although intuition is also manifested in it. IN art Logical thinking also appears, but there is much more intuition and feeling in it than in science. Often this is an impulse of the human soul, which is difficult to express logically, and in general in words (music, painting, etc.). A manifestation of spiritual culture is morality, as a system of moral feelings, beliefs and moral values, as which people’s ideas about goodness, conscience, honor, the meaning of life, etc. appear. All these are manifestations of the spiritual culture of people, their spirituality, including religious spirituality and religious culture. Philosophy occupies a special place in the system of spiritual culture. It reproduces the world in its unity and integrity and acts as the core of the individual’s worldview.

This or that philosophical worldview: 1. To a large extent guides the scientist’s search. 2. Underlies the creatively oriented artist. 3. Forms a system of moral values ​​for large masses of people. By forming a certain worldview in people, philosophy directs their spiritual activity, and thereby directs the development of all elements of spiritual culture, including science, art, morality, religion - all types of spiritual communication between people. The role of philosophy in the development of spiritual culture is fundamental. According to German philosopher Hegel “philosophy is an era captured by thought. The whole era." In other words, philosophy reflects the entire era and influences its spiritual content. The word “philosophy” itself means “love of wisdom.” Philosophers in both the East and the West acted as sages. “To be a philosopher is to be wise,” said Pythagoras. The 19th century Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov developed the doctrine of Sophia as a manifestation of the world soul and wisdom. Human wisdom is not only knowledge. Wisdom is the ability to see deeply into a problem and make appropriate decisions based on knowledge, experience and intuition. Philosophy concerns all these aspects of human spiritual activity. It teaches us to think and comprehend human spirituality in all its manifestations. This determines its role in spiritual development humanity and its spiritual culture.

1.3 Philosophy - as part of spiritual culture

Philosophy is a special form of knowledge of the world, a specific form of human spiritual activity, developing a system of knowledge about the fundamental principles and foundations of human existence, about the characteristics of human relations to nature, society and spiritual life in all its manifestations. In its searches, philosophy starts from literature, art, art criticism, political and legal consciousness, everyday thinking, which constitutes the spiritual part of culture and society.

Being a spiritual expression human activity, philosophy tries to understand various aspects of the world through the prism of the unique personality of a particular person. In philosophy, the main place is given to attempts to rationally explain the world.

Among the diverse functions of philosophy, all higher value V modern conditions acquires its prognostic function, its active and active participation in foreseeing and forecasting the ideals of the future, a more perfect structure human life, in search of new ideological orientations. There is an urgent need to develop such models and scenarios for the development of mankind, when the tendency towards increasing unity and integrity of the human community does not contradict the national interests of states, historically formed spiritual and cultural traditions, and the way of life of each people.

The development of universal human values ​​has become extremely important. Almost all the major thinkers of our time pose and discuss this problem in one way or another. It is possible that in the near future there will be an intensification of the tendency for philosophy to acquire its status as a kind of body of practical wisdom. During its formation, philosophy had this status, but then lost it, abstracted from the real demands and needs of a specific living person. Philosophy, apparently, will try to once again become - of course, taking into account all the realities of our time - necessary for a person to understand and solve problems that arise in the course of his life. Everyday life.

spiritual humanistic society personality

1.4 Religion - as part of spiritual culture

Religion arose in ancient times and, having undergone various changes, continues to influence the behavior and actions of many people today. This is due to the fact that in the history of mankind there was not a single people who did not know religion. In any society, religion, as part of culture, is one of the main social factors.

Religion is a necessary component public life, including the spiritual culture of society. In religion as a form spiritual development world, a mental transformation of the world is carried out, its organization in the mind, during which a certain picture of the world, norms, values, ideals are developed that determine a person’s attitude to the world and act as guidelines and regulators of his behavior. In modern conditions, the role of religion cannot be considered the initial and determining one, although religion has an big influence on economic relations and other spheres of social life. The religious factor influences the economy, politics, interethnic relations, family, culture through the activities of religious individuals, groups, organizations, sanctioning certain views. Religion influences society in accordance with its specific features, reflected in doctrine, cult, organization, ethics, and rules of attitude towards the world.

Both philosophy and religion, in competition with art, strive to master and assimilate its forms, its technology of communication with the widest (as well as with the narrowest, most selected) audience. And if religious and church directions in the course of the development of the culture of society are oriented in influencing the organization and self-organization of society on the standards and examples of the past, then art and artistic culture in its objective meaning, the real sense serve precisely in the direction of overcoming the past, self-renewal, self-organization and self-development. What philosophy develops theoretically as an understanding of the world, art and religion strive to master it practically. But if religion masters the traditional, stable world, then art masters the world of movement, development, self-renewal, self-organization, the world of contradictions, the world of forecasts and foresight, an intuitive sense of the future and accurate highlighting of its smallest sprouts and signs in the modern.

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Spiritual culture

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Topic 1. Philosophy in the system of spiritual culture.................................................. ........................... 2

Topic 2. Subject and functions of philosophy.................................................... ........................................... 2

Topic 3. Worldviews.................................................... .................................... 3

Topic 4. Philosophy of antiquity.................................................. ........................................................ ....... 5

Topic 5. Medieval philosophy............................................................................................... 7

Topic 6. Philosophy of the Renaissance.................................................... ......................................... 8

Topic 7. Philosophy of the New Age.................................................... ............................................... 9

Topic 8. Modern foreign philosophy.................................................. ............................... 13

Topic 9. Domestic philosophy.................................................. ................................................... 17

Topic 10. The problem of being................................................... ........................................................ ............. 21

Topic 12. Movement, space and time.................................................... .................................... 22

Topic 13. Dialectics and metaphysics.................................................. ................................................... 24

Topic 14. The problem of consciousness................................................. ........................................................ ........ 25

Topic 15. Human cognitive abilities................................................. ........................... 27

Topic 16. The problem of truth................................................... ........................................................ .......... 29

Topic 17. Scientific knowledge.................................................. ........................................................ .......... thirty

Topic 18. Man and nature................................................. ........................................................ .......... 33

Topic 19. Man and society................................................. ........................................................ ........ 34

Topic 20. Man and culture................................................. ........................................................ ......... 36

Topic 21. The meaning of human life................................................... ........................................................ .. 37

Topic 22. Society as a system................................................... ........................................................ .... 38

Topic 23. The problem of social development................................................. ........................................... 40

Topic 24. Technology and society................................................. ........................................................ ........ 42

Topic 25. Global problems of our time.................................................... ........................... 44

Philosophy is a special type of worldview.

Worldview– a person’s system of views on the world, on himself and on his place in the world; includes attitude, attitude and understanding of the world.

Mythology- This is historically the first form of a holistic and imaginative worldview. Function of myth consolidation of established traditions and norms.

Religion - a type of worldview defined by belief in the existence of supernatural forces. Religion is aimed at comprehending the sacred world. Religious values ​​are expressed in commandments. In the life of society, religion is the custodian of timeless values.

Philosophy– this is a systemically rationalized worldview, i.e. a system of rationally based views on the world and the place of man in it. Philosophy arose in the 7th-6th centuries. BC through overcoming myth. Philosophy was originally understood as “the love of wisdom.” European philosophy originated in Ancient Greece. The first to use the term “philosophical”, i.e. began to call himself a philosopher, was Pythagoras. Before mid-19th V. The conviction reigned that philosophy was the “queen of the sciences.”

Philosophy as a doctrine about the first principles of existence is called metaphysics. Philosophy is aimed at comprehending universal connections in reality. The most important value in philosophy is true knowledge.

Philosophy theoretically substantiates the basic principles of a worldview. Philosophy is the theoretical core, the core of the spiritual culture of man and society, an expression of the self-awareness of a historical era. Philosophical knowledge used in various fields people's lives as a guide for activities, acts as a methodology

Mastering philosophical thinking contributes to the formation of such personality qualities as criticality and self-criticism.

Philosophy and science. As rational knowledge, in which the essential connections of reality are revealed, philosophy acts as Sciences. The role of philosophy in science lies in methodology scientific knowledge. Unlike science, philosophy is characterized by the fact that most philosophical statements are empirically unprovable; philosophy comprehends the world in its universal integrity.

Philosophy and art. Implementing a personal approach to understanding reality, philosophy appears as art. Like philosophy, art is personal. Unlike philosophy, in art experience is translated in images (in philosophy - in concepts and theories).

Philosophy and religion. The difference between philosophy and religion is that it is a theoretical form of mastering the universe, and also that in philosophy the cognitive function is the leading one for it.

The specific object of philosophy is being as a whole. Philosophy explores the universal relationships in the “man – world” system. Philosophical problems characterized by the fact that they have a universal, ultimate character and are fundamentally open to new solutions (“eternal questions”).

Sections of philosophical knowledge:

-Ontology- the doctrine of being.

-Epistemology– the doctrine of knowledge and cognition.

-Anthropology- the doctrine of the origin, essence and evolution of man.

-Praxeology- the doctrine of human activity.

-Axiology– teaching about values .

-Aesthetics- the doctrine of beauty.

-Logics– the doctrine of basic laws and forms of thinking.

-Epistemology– the doctrine of scientific, reliable knowledge.

-Ethics- the doctrine of morality, morality, virtue.

-Social philosophy– the doctrine of society as a special kind of reality.

-History of philosophy– philosophy studied in the process of its prehistory, emergence, formation and development.

-Philosophy of history– the doctrine of the process of social life.

Functions of philosophy:

ideological(forms a picture of the world and a person’s existence in it; helps a person in resolving the question of the meaning of life);

epistemological(accumulates, generalizes and transmits new knowledge; helps a person understand his place in nature and society);

methodological(analyzes ways of knowing, clarifies the problems of specific sciences, acts as the basis for guiding activities);

logical-gnoseological(justifies the conceptual and theoretical structures of scientific knowledge);

explanatory and informational,ideological(forms a worldview in accordance with the latest achievements of science and existing social reality);

critical(teaches not to immediately accept or reject anything without deep and independent reflection and analysis);

heuristic(capable, in conjunction with science, of predicting the general course of development of existence; this function is associated with the methodological significance of philosophy);

integrating(combines the achievements of science into a single whole);

axiological(forms value orientations and ideals);

humanistic(gives justification for the value of man and his freedom, “purification of the soul”; helps to find the meaning of life in crisis situations);

practical(develops strategies for the relationship between man and nature).

Picture of the world– the intellectual component of any type of worldview, a system of ideas about the general structure of the universe. Any picture of the world highlights the essential aspects of reality, but at the same time simplifies and schematizes reality.

For mythological picture of the world Characteristic: anthropomorphism, humanization of nature, i.e. transfer of the main features of humanity to the universe; artistic imagery, syncretism, cosmocentrism.

For religious picture of the world Characteristic: belief in the existence of a supernatural world, theocentrism, the principle of creationism (the creation of the world by God), reliance on scriptures, the principle of revelation, the unconditional influence of authority.

For scientific picture of the world characterized by: mathematical design, focus on true knowledge of causes, validity by facts, the ability to make correct predictions. First classical The scientific picture of the world of the 17th century was mechanical in nature. Transition to non-classical(modern) scientific picture world began at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. in connection with the discoveries of the presence of randomness and the evolution of nature (quantum physics, theory of relativity, synergetics).

Philosophical picture of the world is associated with the question of the relationship of thinking to being (the “fundamental question of philosophy”, according to F. Engels). Depending on which sphere of existence is attributed primacy - nature or spirit - philosophers are divided into materialists and idealists.

Materialism – a philosophical direction that considers the material principle to be the basis of being (“matter is primary, consciousness is secondary”; “being determines consciousness”). According to materialism, there is nothing outside nature and man, and higher beings are just our fantasies. Being is revelation essential forces matter itself, its self-motion as a substance. Types of materialism: metaphysical (mechanistic) and dialectical materialism.

Metaphysical (mechanistic) materialism – a trend in philosophy, according to which nature does not develop, is qualitatively unchanged (Democritus, Leucippus, Epicurus, F. Bacon, J. Locke, J. La Mettrie, Helvetius, etc.).

Philosophical questions in the life of modern man.

The questions are the same as hundreds of years ago: Why is the World structured this way? What is a sense of life? What is Good and what is Bad, and why is this possible and not possible? Does everything really end with death, or is there something after? Is there a pattern in this mess and chaos around, and if there is, who needs all this?... Philosophy is not in the questions, but in the depth to which a person is able to reach in search of answers.

Subject of philosophy.

Philosophy- this is a theoretically developed worldview, a system of the most general theoretical views on the world, on the place of man in it, and an understanding of the various forms of his relationship to the world. Two main features characterize the philosophical worldview - its systematic nature, firstly, and, secondly, the theoretical, logically substantiated nature of the system of philosophical views.

Philosophy is a form of human activity aimed at understanding the basic problems of his existence. The subject of study is the world as a whole, man, society, principles and laws of the universe and thinking. The role of philosophy is determined primarily by the fact that it acts as a theoretical basis for a worldview, and also by the fact that it solves the problem of the cognizability of the world, and finally, the issues of human orientation in the world of culture, in the world of spiritual values.

Subject of philosophy developed and changed every historical era due to different levels of development of culture and society. Initially, it included knowledge about nature, man and space. For the first time as a separate area of ​​theoretical knowledge philosophy highlighted by Aristotle. He defined it as knowledge that is devoid of sensory specifics, knowledge about causes, about essence, about essence.

During the period of the scientific revolution (late 16th - early 17th centuries), specific sciences began to separate from philosophy: mechanics of terrestrial and celestial bodies, astronomy and mathematics, later physics, chemistry, biology, etc. At this time subject of philosophy is the study of the general laws of development of nature and society, human thinking. Philosophy becomes the methodology of scientific knowledge and practical activity.

Object of study modern philosophy is the world, which is presented as a multi-level system.

There are four subjects for understanding the surrounding reality: Nature (the surrounding world), God, Man and Society. These concepts differ from each other in their specific way of existing in the world.

Nature represents everything that exists in itself, spontaneously, spontaneously. Natural natural way of existence, it simply is, was and will be.

God combines ideas about other world, about mystical and magical creatures. God Himself appears to be eternal, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient. The way of existence of God is supernatural.

Society is a social system consisting of people, things, signs, institutions that cannot arise on their own. All this was created by people in the process of their activities. Social reality is inherent artificial way of existence.

Human- This Living being, however, it cannot be entirely attributed either to the natural, or to the social, or to the divine. A person has qualities that are genetically based, and those that are formed only in a social environment, as well as divine ones - the ability to create and create. Thus, it is inherent in man synthetic (combined) way of existence. Man, in a sense, is the intersection, the focus, the semantic center of existence.

Philosophy is possible divide into three parts in accordance with its specific “subjects”: the object of activity, the subject of activity and the activity itself, its methods and means of implementation. In accordance with this classification, the subject of philosophy is also divided into three parts:

1. Nature, entity peace as a whole (objective reality).

2. Essence and purpose person and society(subjective reality).

3. Activities - "man-world" system, interaction and relationship between subject and object, as well as directions, methods and nature of activity.

1. When studying the nature and essence of the world as a whole attention is paid objective reality, general idea about the world, its categorical structure, the principles of its existence and development. However, the world can be perceived by a person in different ways: as existing forever, on its own, regardless of man and society, or as a reality that arose as a result of the implementation of a certain idea. Based on various approaches to understanding the world, a fundamental question of philosophy: about the relationship of thinking to being (or spirit to matter), which sets as its task to determine what comes first: matter or creation. Depending on the answer to this question, there are two main philosophical directionmaterialism and idealism.

2. Exploring the essence and purpose of man, philosophy examines a person comprehensively, analyzes his capabilities, sensations, spiritual world, social aspect in a person, directs him on the path of self-knowledge, self-improvement and self-realization, determining the directions of activity of a person and society.

3. Considering the “man-world” system, philosophy explores the interaction of man with the world around him, their mutual perception of each other and their influence on each other. In this case, the main attention is paid to the forms and methods of human activity, his ways of knowing and transforming the world.

In general, we see that each of the subjects of philosophy explores its own specific area, in connection with which a number of specific features of the study of one direction or another, a special categorical apparatus, stand out. The views of philosophers on each problem under study differ significantly. As a result, differentiation of philosophy arises, individual currents and directions of philosophical thought are determined. Thus, philosophy represents a theoretically developed worldview, a system of general categories and theoretical views on the world, a person’s place in the world, a definition of various forms of a person’s relationship to the world.

Philosophy as a form of spiritual culture.

What is spiritual culture?

Novikov: The spiritual culture of humanity includes an array of experience

humanity, the attitude of people and society to nature and life. Manifold

forms of life manifestation are determined by the diversity of forms of consciousness.

Spiritual culture represents only a certain side, a “slice”

spiritual life, in a certain sense it can be considered the core of spiritual life

society. Spiritual culture has a complex structure, including

scientific, philosophical and worldview, legal, moral,

artistic culture. A special place in the system of spiritual culture is occupied by

religion. In society, spiritual culture manifests itself through the process of development

values ​​and norms of previous generations, production and development of new

spiritual values. The spiritual culture of society finds its expression in

various forms and levels of public consciousness.

Let us consider how the formation of philosophy took place in the system

spiritual culture.

1) F. as a theoretical level of worldview.

Worldview is a set of views, assessments, norms and attitudes,

determining a person’s attitude to the world and acting as guidelines

and regulators of his behavior. Historically the first form of worldview

is mythology - a figurative syncretic idea of ​​phenomena

nature and collective life. Another ideological form

religion that existed already in the early stages of human history. These

forms of worldview were spiritual and practical in nature and were associated with

low level of human mastery of reality, as well as insufficient

development of his cognitive apparatus. As human development progresses

society, improving the cognitive apparatus, a new

a form of mastering worldview problems that is not only spiritually

practical, but also theoretical. Philosophy originates as

an attempt to solve basic worldview problems using reason.

Initially it appeared in the historical arena as a search for worldly

wisdom. In fact, this term meant a set of theoretical

knowledge accumulated by humanity. Philosophy is a theoretical level


2) F. as universal theoretical knowledge.

As empirical material accumulates and methods improve,

scientific research there was a differentiation of forms of theoretical

mastery of reality, the formation of specific sciences and at the same time

philosophy acquiring a new look, changing its subject, method and functions.

Philosophy has lost its function of being the only form of theoretical development

reality. Under these conditions, the function of philosophy as

forms of universal theoretical knowledge. F. is a form of knowledge

the most general, or rather, universal foundations of existence. Another important

feature of philosophy - substantialism - the desire of philosophers to explain

what's happening internal organization and the development of the world is not genetically, but through

a single, stable beginning. The main problem with which one way or another

various problems of philosophical worldview are connected - the relationship between the world and


3) Marx: Philosophy as a form of socio-historical knowledge.

In the historical and philosophical tradition before Marx, it was firmly established

the idea of ​​philosophical reason as the bearer of “highest wisdom”, as

supreme intellectual authority, allowing you to deeply understand everything

existing, some eternal principles of it. In the light of new materialistic

views on society that Marx came to, the idea of ​​a special,

suprahistorical position of philosophical reason became fundamentally

impossible. In the traditional image of philosophy, Marx was not satisfied

a significant separation from real life, from the problems of our time.

Philosophy must take into account the forms of historical development and indicate the paths

ideals, goals based on the analysis of this experience. Philosophy in its new

interpretation revealed itself as a generalized concept of social life in

whole and its various subsystems – practice, knowledge, politics, law,

morals, art, science. Historical-materialistic understanding of society

allowed us to develop a broad view of philosophy as a cultural phenomenon,

understand its functions in the complex complex of socio-historical life of people,

realize the real areas of application, procedures and results of philosophical

world clarification.

Philosophy in the cultural system: Philosophical interests are addressed to everything

diversity of socio-historical experience. So, system, Hegel


Philosophy of nature

Philosophy of history

Philosophy of politics

Philosophy of law

Philosophy of art

Philosophy of religion

Moral philosophy

Reflecting the open nature of philosophical comprehension of the world of culture, this

the list can expand endlessly, adding new sections of philosophical


In this case, no aspect can be considered philosophical research V

abstraction from the rest of the complex of issues.
