Christian script for Christmas for the church. Christian Resources. Games and entertainment for older children

You can celebrate Christmas with a skit , it will be original and festive. On this site we have selected original skits Choose and Celebrate Christmas.

Scene "Christmas"

The scene depicts the courtyard of a small hotel. Two people are sitting on a bench: one of them is a merchant, the other is dressed as a craftsman. The girl peels vegetables. A boy a little further away sweeps the yard. The visitors speak quietly.

Merchant. It's good that I was able to stay at least in this hotel. All rooms are occupied. I barely persuaded the landlady to give me a room.

Craftsman. Why be surprised? Many had to go on a long journey because the Roman Caesar Augustus ordered a census of the population throughout the land. Everyone had to go to the city of their ancestors.

Merchant. Yes, many came to Bethlehem for the census. The cramped conditions are terrible.

A boy approaches a girl peeling vegetables.

Boy. At least take a little break.

Girl. Oh, and I'm tired. I worked all day: either bring water to someone or wash the floors. The people cannot be counted. Some could not find a place for themselves either in the house or in the hotel. I heard that the hostess refused two visitors - an old man and a young woman, and they were coming from Nazareth.

Boy. It's very far away. That's right, terribly tired.

Girl. I especially feel sorry for her, she’s so young, and besides, she’s about to give birth. But I know they took refuge in a cave where shepherds herd their cattle in inclement weather.

One of the shepherds. Who is the owner of the hotel?

Master. Me, what do you want?

The oldest shepherd. I will tell you, master, what wonderful things happened to us. Do you know that there are pastures around Bethlehem? That night some of us did not sleep, guarding our flock. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared to us, and we were afraid with great fear. But the Angel told us: “Do not be afraid, I bring you good news of great joy, which will be to all people, for today a Savior has been born to you in the city of David, who is Christ the Lord. And this is a sign for you: you will find a Child wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.”

Young shepherd. So we immediately left our flock and went to Bethlehem.

Master. The savior of the world in a stable? Yes, that's enough of a joke.

Everyone quickly runs away from the stage.

The innkeeper, his wife, the girl, and the shepherds return.

Girl. Indeed, in a manger lies a Baby in swaddling clothes.

The shepherds bring in an image of the Mother of God with the Child in a manger.

And there was a miracle on earth,
And there was a miracle in heaven:
Like the sun, it flashed in the rays
A star in the midnight darkness.
She floated over a world of tears,
And her light shone
And he told the poor shepherds,
That Christ was born.
And to Bethlehem the wise men followed her
They carried their gifts,
And they found it on the straw
They are the King of Kings.
G. Galina


Those were the times of miracles
The words of the prophet came true;
Angels descended from heaven
The star rolled from the east;
The world awaited redemption -
And in the poor manger of Bethlehem
To the song of praise
Eden's wondrous Child has shone...

Christmas scene: VASINO'S "CHRISTMAS".

- Scene 1 -

(Vasya’s house. Mother, father are sitting at the table, Vasya is sitting next to him on the floor. Mother is preening, father is getting ready to drink, Vasya is whittling something.)

Mother - What are you up to?

(Vasya is silent)

Mother - There is no need to litter if anyone is told.

(Vasya is silent)

Father - Why are you silent when they talk to you? Slacker,

I would run to the store or something...

Vasya - Yeah...

Father - What the hell? I'm telling you now. (takes off his belt)

(Granny comes through the door)

Grandmother - Happy holiday, my dears. Merry Christmas.

Father - It’s a holiday for you, mother-in-law, but for us it’s weekdays. (to his son) Come here now, I’ll congratulate you.

(The boy hides behind his grandmother)

Mother - Come on, stop it, mother has guests. Come in mother.

(Grandmother and grandson come to the table and give him candy)

Grandmother - Here's your granddaughter, happy holiday! (Strokes Vasya on the head)

Father - (taking the candy) He's welcome! And I have a snack! Ha ha ha.

(The grandmother baptizes her grandson; he breaks free, grabs the candy and

Runs out into the street)

Father - No problem, he’ll come back freezing. Your upbringing.

Mother - What am I, I’m nothing. When he returns, I’ll give him a holiday.

(Grandmother sighs bitterly.)

Scene 2 –

Vasya - They’re tired of it, they’re raising them, they’re scolding them. I'm tired of everything. I'll leave

I won't come back for crying. I need you. They scold and swear.

Candy, why take it away? Grandma gave it to me, to me.

I'm tired of all.

(the boys come running)

1 boy - Vasya, let’s go shoot the cats.

Vasya - How is this?

Boy 2 - Haha, how is that? So it is.

3 boy - From a slingshot, stones and glass.

Vasya - With stones, glass, cats?

1 boy - Well, he’s sick, he doesn’t understand!

2 Boy - He’s not sick, he’s a coward!

(Everyone laughs)

Vasya - (also starts laughing) Yes, I was joking, I’m even better than all of you

I shoot cats and dogs. Oh look, the dog is running. Here

Dog, here's a pebble, ale gop (throws a stone behind the scenes, from there

A dog whining is heard)

1 boy - Well done Vasily.

Boy 2 – Cool Vaska.

3 boy - Cool. There ran a lame woman.

1 boy - Look cat.

(everyone looks behind the scenes, takes aim)

2 boy - Sight, please. Got it.

3 boy - aimed, bam, hit.

1 boy - Oh meowed ha ha ha.

(everyone laughs, the cat falls silent)

Vasya - She fell silent, maybe she died? (runs backstage, screams from there)

We killed her, we killed her. And she has small kittens.

(comes out with small kittens, crying.)

Boy 2 - Ha, squeaky, I feel sorry for the pussy.

Everyone - Auntie, auntie cat, look out the window... ha ha ha. (run away)


Vasya - Little ones, forgive me, forgive me, what should I do?

(puts the kittens in a hat, a dog runs past and limps.)

Vasya - Doggie, doggie, forgive me, come to me.

(the dog avoids at first, but approaches the gentle voice

Vasya takes out candy and feeds the dog)


Vasya - Good dog, give me your paw, smart dog.

Scene 3 -

(a girl walks past and cries.)

Vasya - Girl, what’s wrong with you? Did someone offend you?

Girl - The boys took my purse.

Vasya - Hold the kittens, I'll be right back.

(the girl remains, Vasya runs backstage, the dog follows him.)

Vasya - Give me the bag.

1 boy - Oh, the hero is friends with the girl, the girl himself

2nd boy – Vasilisa-Vasilek!

Vasya - (sternly) Give it back. (dog barks)

Boy 3 - Yes, take it. (dog barks)

Everyone - Let's run, otherwise it will bite you to death.

(Vasya returns)

Vasya - Hold it.

Girl - Thank you Vasily.

Vasya - What's your name?

The girl is Masha.

Vasya - Maria!

Masha - Please take it (holds out two candies)


Vasya - (surprised, with delight) Masha, I just gave the dog one of these, and you’re treating me to two, great.

Masha - Yes, wonderful. Can I give her a treat too?

Vasya - (gives Masha candy) Here, treat!

Scene 4 -

(An old woman with heavy bags walks past Vasya and Masha.

Suddenly, boys sneak up from behind and scare the old woman with loud screams. The bags fall, the boys run away.)

Vasya - Grandma, we will help you! Don't be upset.

Masha - Everything will be fine, don’t worry.

Old lady - Thank you kids. Thank you! Let me thank you.

MUSIC SOUNDS - (Takes a handful of candies out of the bag)

Vasya - (Puzzled) Masha, how amazing the candies are again, there are still more of them


Masha - (Smiling) Not surprising. This comes back to you in a heartbeat.

Vasya - Grandma, let us help you carry your bags?

Where are you going?

Old lady - I’m going to church, today is the big holiday of Christmas!

When the Savior was born in the city of Bethlehem, in a cave, many

The shepherds also came to congratulate him...

Masha - And the Magi. They brought gifts of myrrh, incense, and gold to the baby.

Vasya - Oh, so you were carrying candy...

Old lady - YES, yes to the baby Christ.

Vasya - Oh, can I give my sweets to the baby?

Old lady - Of course you can. Here we come

(At the temple Vasya leaves Shapka with the kittens, the dog sits next to him

Protect. Masha and the old woman cross themselves and enter the temple.

Vasya, looking at them, also crosses himself...)


(In the temple, all three approach the nativity scene and place their offerings.

The priest enters, the old woman and the girl are blessed by him.

The priest approaches Vasya.)

Priest - Hello, who are you? Whose will you be?

Vasya - I am Vasya, Petrov’s son.

Priest - Oh, I remember your parents, when they were little they went to church,

And now they are not visible at all. How do they live?

Vasya - (with his head down, looking at the floor.)

Priest - (gives a bag of sweets) Here, Vasily, keep it for your holiday,

She is kind to your parents and your grandmother Matrona.

Vasya - Thank you, father!


(Vasya looks back at Masha, she smiles. The priest begins

The old woman and Masha join in singing the troparion, Vasya listens attentively. Masha and Vasya come up to be blessed)

Priest - We will be waiting for you, your parents!

Children - Thank you Father!

Scene 6 -

(On the street, Vasya takes the kittens and goes to see Masha off, the Dog is nearby)

Vasya - Masha, I don’t understand, while I was angry, I had nothing, no joy, no sweets, no friends. Just done little goodness, and for me

So happy at heart. I have a friend (takes Masha’s hand), kittens, a dog, a whole pile of candies. How good Masha.

Masha - And it’s always like that. Evil gives birth to evil, and good gives birth to good.

So I came, goodbye.

Vasya - Goodbye Masha.

Scene 7 -

(at Masha’s house)

Mom - Mashenka, how did you go to church?

Masha - Very good, Mom. You know I'm with this good boy I met, his name is Vasily...

Dad - Vasya, this is such a gloomy, angry boy, Petrov’s son.

I know his father...

Masha - Vasya is very good, kind. He saved kittens, protected me, helped an old lady, we went to church together, he’s my friend!

Mom - It’s amazing, there are miracles before Christmas.

Dad - It’s truly a miracle, but maybe it’s not the last one today...

We are going to the temple, daughter. Happy holiday to you.

Masha - Happy holiday daddy, happy holiday mommy.

Scene 8 -

(at Vasya’s house)

Vasya - Happy holiday mommy, happy holiday daddy.

(puts all the candies on the table)

Forgive me for everything, for everything, Merry Christmas!

(parents were stunned)

I was in the temple, the priest remembers you, he sent you a gift, he is waiting for you for the holiday. How good it is, mom and dad, we sang the troparion, I remember...

(Vasya sings, the parents look in bewilderment, but gradually they begin

Sing along with my son)

Mother - Do you remember Peter, we went to church as children, my mother took us.

Father - Yes, I remember, I remember. And then one thing, another, business, vanity...

They are mired in sins.

Mother - (timidly) Petya, let's go to festive service

(pause) - MUSIC SOUNDS - goes into bell ringing

Father - Well, why are you standing there? Get ready quickly, otherwise we’ll be late, and take the pies. Happy holiday son.

Mother - Happy holiday, son.

Vasya - Can the kittens live with us?

Father - (smiling) Let them live.

(Vasya looks out the window and sings the troparion.)


Scene "Christmas Eve"

The night before Christmas. The room is semi-dark. Only a small lamp under a greenish lampshade is lit. A boy lies on the bed, his mother sits on a chair next to him. The boy almost falls asleep.

Boy. How happy it is that tomorrow is a holiday, I will see a decorated Christmas tree, my friends will come, there will be gifts. It’s a pity: the snow never fell! It's so boring and gray outside.

Mother. Don't be sad, my friend. As the weather may wish, there is no snow. But it will definitely fall out and delight us, decorate the earth and trees with white fluffy decoration. Sleep!

The light goes out. Morning, outside the window it is light from the fallen snow. The boy is already dressed festively, he looks out the window with delight.

Boy. Mother! Have you seen this miracle! It snowed and just in time for the holidays! Here's a Christmas present!

Mother. Yes, it really is beautiful! How everything has changed! My soul became cheerful. Well, exactly like in Fet’s poem! Have I never read this poem to you? Then listen, and you will love our winter even more.
Mother! Look from the window -
You know, yesterday it was not for nothing that there was a cat
She sniffled.
There is no dirt, the whole yard is covered,
It has brightened, it has turned white -
Apparently there is frost.
Non-prickly, light blue,
Frost is hung along the branches -
Just take a look!
Like someone's tarnished
Fresh, white, plump cotton wool
I removed all the bushes.
Now there will be no argument:
For the sled - and up the hill
Have fun running!
Really, mom? You won't refuse
And you yourself will probably say:
“Well, hurry up and go for a walk!”

And how can there be such a winter holiday without snow? Do you know, my friend, that according to the signs of Christmas associated with snow, they determined what the harvest would be like and how many bees there would be. Nowadays we learn about the weather from TV reports, but in old times the peasant had to be very attentive to signs; his life and well-being depended on it. Christmas is replete with signs, rituals and customs. Therefore, the peasants tried to somehow appease nature, so that there would be a lot of grain produced and there would be a lot of living creatures in the farmstead.

Boy. How interesting! Tell me at least some of the signs.

Mother. Indeed, one can name only a few, unfortunately there were so many of them that it is impossible to list them, and yet how many of them were forgotten and lost. Well, for example, it was believed that if there was frost at Christmas, there would be a harvest for bread. But if Christmas is warm, then expect a cold spring.

Boy. Tell me, mom, it’s not just us in Russia who decorate Christmas trees, right?

Mother. Of course, son. And in other countries, for example Catholic ones, there is also a custom of decorating Christmas trees. To be completely precise, still in Ancient Rome people decorated their houses with branches of laurel, juniper, mistletoe, and these are evergreens. People thought that these plants personified eternal life, because they did not shed their leaves and were always green. Germanic tribes also decorated spruce trees (or rather, Christmas logs). I can also tell you that in Catholic countries they not only decorate fir trees. Nativity scenes are set up there: they reproduce the cave where Christ was born and place there figurines of the Virgin Mary, Joseph, animals surrounding the manger where the baby Jesus lies, the wise men who came to worship him, and shepherds. And sometimes real performances with biblical characters take place on the streets on Christmas Day.

Boy. What do they serve there?

Mother. As in Rus', throughout the Christian world the Christmas holiday is celebrated with a particularly rich table. As a rule, this is a traditional Christmas goose or turkey. Many different pies, rolls, cookies, and gingerbreads are baked for the Christmas table. Of course, every nation has something special. In many Christian countries, they bake a cake and put in it, for example, a coin, a raisin, or a nut. Of course, the lucky one will be the one who gets such a surprise.

Boy. And the gifts, tell us about the gifts!

Mother. Well, needless to say, on Christmas it is customary to give gifts to children everywhere. Gifts are placed under the Christmas tree, in stockings hung by children at night (children, of course, hang them especially for gifts), and tucked into children's shoes.

And also, son, in all countries (both Catholic and Rus') it was customary to make sacrifices to those who are poor. IN medieval Europe There were boxes for donations for the poor. And about our hospitable Orthodox Rus' and there is nothing to say. Compassion for one's neighbor and helping him have always been characteristic of Orthodox Christians. Wealthy people calculated in advance how much food to buy for the poor people for lunch, and how much money needed to be distributed. At such dinners the poor, beggars and orphans were treated very well, and alms were distributed generously.

It was a beautiful holiday, solemn, one of the most beloved and revered in Orthodox Rus'. And it’s very good that we are celebrating it again.

Well, now enough talk, go for a walk.

The boy runs away.

script for a Christmas play for children 7-11 years old

(based on the Russian folk tale "Morozko")

Christmas Santa
1st Angel – Guardian of Mashenka
2nd Angel – Guardian of Marfushi
1st Magus
2nd Magus
3rd Magus

Music. Village room. Marfusha is sitting on the stove. Mashenka sweeps the floor with a broom.

Presenter: Once upon a time there were two sisters: Mashenka and Marfusha. Mashenka got up early: she would pray to God, milk the cow, feed the chickens, clean the hut, and prepare breakfast. And Marfusha, you know, is lying on the stove, chewing gingerbread and stroking the kitten. This is how their day goes: Mashenka is busy with business and worries, and Marfusha is reluctant to get up from the stove. And it was on the eve of the great holiday - the Nativity of Christ.

Masha: My sister, Marfushka, don’t eat gingerbread, it’s Christmas Eve today. One day left before the saint's feast. Better yet, help me walk on the water. We need to have time to prepare it well and go to the Church of God for the all-night vigil.

Marfa: Here's more! No hunting! It’s freezing outside, and the entire path near the well is covered with ice - I’ll fall again.

Masha: My dear sister, for the sake of the holy day, help.

Marfa: Well, perhaps for the sake of the holiday and some treats to help...

Village street. Well.

Host: They each took a bucket and headed to the well. And at the well, the whole path was actually covered with ice. Marfusha leaned into the well to scoop up water with a bucket, but slipped and... splashed into the water.

Martha “falls” into the well.

Marfa: Oh-oh-oh! Help!

Masha: Don't be afraid, Marfusha! I will help you!

Presenter: Masha rushed to help her sister, followed her into the well.

Masha jumps into the well.

Music. Fairytale, winter forest. Masha and Marfa look around in surprise.

Marfa: Oh, where are we?

Masha: Where are our buckets? How are we going to fetch water?

Music. Father Christmas appears with buckets and gives them to the sisters.

Christmas Grandfather: Don’t be afraid, beauties, you came to visit me, and here are your buckets. I, old man, wanted to give you Christmas gifts. I just can’t give them to you. Yes, you yourself, each for yourself, take what you deserve.

Masha: Thank you, grandfather!

Marfa (to the side): What a harmful old man! I prepared gifts, but I myself said “I can’t give them”!

Father Christmas: But go straight, straight along this road, but don’t turn anywhere. And may your Guardian Angels help you.

Masha: Thank you. (bows)

Marfa (to the side): Why thank you, he didn’t give any gifts.

Father Christmas is leaving. Angels appear, the girls do not notice them.

1st Angel: A kind word is a precious diamond.

2nd Angel: A harsh word is an ordinary stone.

Masha's Guardian Angel puts something shiny in her bucket, and Martha's Guardian Angel puts a stone in her bucket. The angels are leaving. Masha and Marfa walk across the stage, holding hands to music or a song.

Host: They walked for a long time, for a short time, but they were completely tired.

Marfa: We don’t know where we’re going. It would be better if we returned home. The old man deceived us, there will be no gifts. Oh, how I want to eat!

Masha: What are you saying, Marfushka, this was Nikola the Ugodnik, and in Rus' they call him Father Christmas. He is kind and will not talk in vain. But it’s too early to eat, be patient, you need to wait for the first star.

Marfa: Here's more! I’ll be waiting for some star when my stomach is rumbling.

Marfa takes out the gingerbread and begins to eat it. The 1st Angel and 2nd Angel appear.

1st Angel: Patience is better than precious jewelry.

2nd Angel: And the one who pleases himself collects stones in his heart.

The angels put them in buckets for the girls, some with a precious gift, some with a simple stone, and leave.

Masha: Oh, Marfusha, look! Who's coming?

Marfa: I don't know. Their horses are so shaggy and strange.

Masha: These are not shaggy horses, these are camels!

Eastern music. Three wise men come out.

1st Magus: Hello, good maidens. We are king-magi, coming from distant eastern countries.

2nd Magus: We were on the road for a long time, we walked through the desert, we were tired.

3rd Magus: Will you give us some water to drink?

Marfa: Here's more! It's a lot of trouble to lift a heavy bucket.

Masha: Of course! Drink for your health. And forgive Marfa, she’s not out of malice.

Masha gives a bucket of water to the Magi to drink. The 1st Angel and 2nd Angel appear.

1st Angel: To serve your neighbor is to receive a precious gift.

2nd Angel: If you don’t help your neighbor, you’ll put a stone in your soul.

The angels place a stone and a jewel in the girls' buckets. They leave.

Masha: Where are you going?

1st Magus: We are going to worship the Savior born on earth. He was born in the land of Judea. The wonderful Star announced this to us.

2nd Magus: Although He is still just a baby, He is the One before whom both heaven and earth bow.

3rd Magus: We bring Him gold as a gift, because He is the King.
Miro - because He is a Man.
Frankincense because He is God.

The Magi bow and leave.

Masha: Marfushka, are these really the same Magi who come to worship the Infant Jesus Christ!

Marfa: Oh, Mashenka! How interesting! I would also like to look at Him at least with one eye. This is probably the gift that Father Christmas was talking about.

Masha: But how can we find our way? Where to go next?

Marfa: Mashenka, look what this is?

Music. The Christmas star appears.

Star. Masha, Marfa, don’t be afraid, follow me, I’ll show you the way!

Masha: Yes it is Star of Bethlehem!

Marfa: How beautiful she is! But I didn’t want to wait for her.

Star (takes the girls by the hands): Do you hear: the star sings -
Hurry up there, there, there,
Where on the straw, among the mangers,
The one who is brighter than all was born,
Who is the most beautiful and wisest of all -
Savior of the world, King of kings!

The nativity scene is brought onto the stage.

Star. There in that cave, not far from the city of Bethlehem, you will find the Divine Child. All who come to Him this night bring their gifts. Even animals and plants. The birds sing their beautiful songs to Him. Animals warm Him with their breath. And the flowers give Him their wonderful aroma.

Masha: What will we give?

Marfa: We have nothing.

Angels come out.

1st Angel: Why not? Look in your buckets!

Masha (takes out precious stones from her bucket): Oh, what beauty!

1st Angel: These are your good deeds. You will present them as a gift to the Divine Child.

Marfusha turns her bucket over and ordinary stones fall out of it. Marfusha clutches her head and cries bitterly.

2nd Angel: And these are your affairs, Marfusha. What will you give to the Christ Child?

Marfusha cries even more. Father Christmas appears.

Father Christmas: What should we do? Will Marfusha really not get to Holy holiday Christmas?

Beautiful, touching music sounds. Everyone takes turns, starting with Masha, and puts precious stones into Marfushino’s bucket.

Marfa (takes her hands away from her face and is surprised to see her bucket full of precious stones): Thank you! Please forgive me!

Star. Now let’s go and bring our gifts to the Christ Child!

Everyone approaches the nativity scene. Masha and Marfa lay gems at the nativity scene. Participants in the performance, at the director’s choice, read E. Grigorieva’s poem “Holy Bethlehem.”

Let's forget
And grief and sadness,
Born today
Baby Jesus!

He was born at night
In a cold cave
He was surrounded
Only birds and animals

Yes angels
Yes, shepherds and wise men,
Which means all people
And that means you too!

We stood on the sidelines
And together with everyone
We looked at a miracle
In Holy Bethlehem.

Everyone sings a Christmas song. They bow to the audience.


Three performers take part.

For the staging, you need a table covered with a beautiful tablecloth, three chairs around it, behind the table there is a wicker basket in which nativity dolls are placed: Mary, Joseph, little Jesus, the Sage, the Shepherd, an Angel, a Christmas star on a stand, a candle in a low candlestick.
You can use a soundtrack with classical melodies, poems (the composition features Boris Pasternak’s poem “The Christmas Star”, which can be set to music and sung if desired).

Three performers sit around a table.
There is a candle burning on the table in a low candlestick.

1st performer The holy solemn night descended to earth, promising to bring great joy to people.

2nd performer. It was on this night that the Virgin Mary (takes out a nativity doll depicting Mary from a basket and places it on the table) was supposed to give birth to the Divine Child.

3rd performer. But it so happened that Mary and her husband Joseph (takes out a doll representing Joseph from the basket and places it next to the doll Mary) were on the way, and the great night found them on the road... They decided to spend the night in a small shepherd’s cave on the outskirts city ​​of Bethlehem.

2nd performer (taking out a Baby doll from the basket). Here a great sacrament happened - the Divine Child Jesus Christ was born (lays the Baby doll at the feet of Mary and Joseph).

1st performer (to a musical soundtrack).

It was winter.
The wind was blowing from the steppe.
And it was cold for the baby in the den
On the hillside.

The breath of the ox warmed him.
We stood in a cave.
A warm haze floated over the manger.

2nd performer (taking out a star from the basket and raising a star above the table).

And nearby, unknown before,
Shy than a bowl
At the gatehouse window
A star twinkled on the way to Bethlehem

(passes the star to the 3rd performer).

3rd performer (raising the star high above his head)

She was burning like a haystack to the side
From heaven and God,
Like the glow of arson.
Like a farm on fire and a fire on the threshing floor

(passes the star to the 1st performer).

1st performer (placing the star on the table a little behind Mary and Joseph).

The growing glow glowed above her
And it meant something
And three stargazers
They hurried to the call of unprecedented lights.

The soundtrack ends.

2nd performer (taking out a Sage doll from the basket). And these astrologers were wise men from the East, or, as they were called then, magi. (Hands over the Sage doll to the 3rd performer.)

3rd performer. And so, when the Magi saw a new star in the sky, they immediately realized that the long-awaited thing had finally happened! (Hands over the Sage doll to the 1st performer.)

1st performer They gathered in a large caravan, took with them many gifts and set off for the Jewish land. (Hands over the Sage doll to the 2nd performer.)

The musical accompaniment sounds again.

2nd performer (to the soundtrack).

They were followed by gifts on camels.
And donkeys in harness, one small one
The other one was walking down the mountain in small steps (gets up).
And a strange vision of the coming time
Everything that came after rose in the distance:
All the thoughts of centuries, all dreams, all worlds...

3rd performer (standing up). The whole future of galleries and museums...

1st performer (standing up). All the pranks of fairies, all the deeds of sorcerers...

2nd performer. All the Christmas trees in the world, all the dreams of children.

3rd performer. All the thrill of warmed candles...

1st performer All chains...

2nd and 3rd performers together. All the splendor of colored tinsel...

1st performer The wind from the steppe blew angrier and more fiercely...

2nd performer. All the apples...

2nd and 3rd performers together. All golden balls.

All three sit down
The 2nd performer places the Sage next to Mary and Joseph. The soundtrack fades out.

1st performer It was night. The whole city was plunged into deep sleep...

2nd performer (taking out a Shepherd doll from the basket). Only the shepherds did not sleep. They tended flocks of sheep near Bethlehem.

3rd performer. Suddenly the shepherds saw an unusually bright light high in the sky. And from this light in white delicate robes a heavenly angel descended to them! (Takes out the last Angel doll from the basket.)

2nd performer. The shepherds were scared...

3rd performer. “Don’t be afraid,” the Angel told them. - I bring good news to all people! Go to Bethlehem, and there, in a cave, you will find a baby who is the Son of God! (Installs the Angel doll into the general row of dolls.)

2nd performer (placing the Shepherd doll next to the Sage). And they approached the cave, and entered, and stopped, amazed by the extraordinary miracle...

The phonogram sounds.

1st performer

He slept, all shining, in an oak manger,
Like a ray of moonlight in the hollow of a hollow.
They replaced his sheepskin coat
Donkey lips and ox nostrils.

All three performers rise and stand around the table.

2nd performer. They stood in the shadows, as if in the darkness of a stable.

3rd performer. They whispered, barely finding words.

1st performer

Suddenly someone in the dark turns a little to the left
He pushed the sorcerer away from the manger with his hand,
And he looked back: from the threshold to the Virgin,

(All three take the star in their hands and raise it high above their heads.)

As a guest, I watched...

Performers together. Star of Christmas!

The Nativity House A boy named Hans finds himself in the mysterious Nativity House on the eve of the holiday. He turns out to be a participant in all the episodes of the Nativity (Mary and Joseph, the shepherds, Herod, the Magi).

Scenario for a New Year's and Christmas party for children This script is good for showing in a shelter or other children's institution where children are not familiar with the essence of the Christmas holiday. The matinee begins with the arrival of Santa Claus and other characters. Then Little Star tells the children the story of Christmas and shows how much better Jesus is than Santa Claus. The scenario contains several games and competitions.

Lucky Star Do you know why the top of the Christmas tree is decorated with a star? This is in memory of the Star of Bethlehem, which showed the wise men the way to the Baby Jesus. The boy Kolya learns about this from a village boy. Kolya wants to see the Star of Bethlehem on Christmas night. The sketch is based on the film of the same name.

Happiness The main characters of the sketch are several people. Each of them finds their own happiness in something. But it is easy to take away and destroy. The meaning is that happiness can only be with God. The skit uses excerpts from the film "Jesus" or slides.

Three trees and four gifts. Grandmother and granddaughter are packing gifts for Christmas. The granddaughter finds four unusual boxes, inside of which are a manger, a boat, a cross and...). Grandmother tells her the story of three trees, each of which had its own dream. It turned out that they all served Jesus. What's in the fourth box?

In a series of New Year's events special meaning has Christmas - wonderful holiday, carrying faith in the best, love for people and life, for its eternal renewal. Every year the night before Christmas is shrouded in a unique aura of mystery and romance. And every morning on January 7th is marked by cheerful ritual carols and games, in which both children and young people in the village take part to this day. How to organize a wonderful Christmas Eve folk festival with children, is described on the pages of this section. Here you will find hundreds of different scenarios for holidays, entertainment and leisure activities dedicated to the Nativity of Christ.

The whole world is celebrating - Christmas is coming to us!

Contained in sections:

Showing publications 1-10 of 605.
All sections | Christmas. Christmas holiday scenarios for children

Entertainment scenario for the senior group “Christmas Tree” Entertainment script« Christmas tree» . Target: Clarify ideas about history Christmas holiday. Materials: Image Nativity scene, myrrh, incense, gold; flashlight; masks angel, shepherd, wise men, flower, fir tree, palm tree, olive; lace paper napkins, scissors, glue, oilcloth,...

Christmas scenario in senior and preparatory group: "Meet Christmas» There is a New Year tree in the center of the hall. To the music of the song « Christmas» , the children walk around the tree and sit down. Sounds festive bell ringing. The presenter enters and stops in front of...

Christmas. Scenarios for Christmas holidays for children - Scenario for the theatrical performance "Christmas" for children of the preparatory group

Publication “Script of the theatrical performance “Christmas” for children...” Goal: To introduce children to the traditions of the Christmas holiday and the historical past of Russia. Objectives: - to encourage children to creatively convey the musical image of a piece with their movements, to feel a change in character and mood different parts music; - develop intonation...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Scenario of the festive concert “Christmas Meetings” Scenario of the holiday concert (based on the film “Masha and the Bear”) “Christmas Meetings” (Music sounds. The Presenter comes out) Presenter: Hello, dear guests! Our guests are welcome kindergarten! He gives warmth and affection, revealing a fairy tale to children! Song “Our Favorite Kindergarten” (children...

Summary of continuous educational activities “Orthodox holidays: Christmas and Epiphany” Goal: forming the foundations of the spiritual and moral personality of a preschooler, cultivating interest in Orthodox holidays and traditions of the Russian people. Objectives: - introduce the history of the origin of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ and the Baptism of the Lord; - expand spiritual world child; -...

Entertainment scenario for the senior group “Christmas gatherings” Christmas gatherings Objectives: - continue to work on forming children’s ideas about the features of traditional holidays in Rus', customs, games, amusements, create a desire to learn more about folk holidays and traditions. - Develop emotional speech, imagination,...

Christmas. Christmas holiday scenarios for children - The Legend of the Christmas Tree. Story for entertainment “Christmas Holiday”

The Legend of the Christmas Tree The holy solemn night descended to earth, bringing with it great joy to people. In Bethlehem, in a wretched cave, the Savior of the world was born. Listening to the songs of the angels, the shepherds praise and thank God; Following the guiding star, the Magi rush with...

Christmas readings

On the night of the Nativity of the Lord
Don't sleep peacefully...
Listen today
To the star chimes.
In the sky the choirs sing,
They glorify name of god,
And shines solemnly
Milky Road.

Song "Hosanna"

Night. Poor manger. No windows, doors,
And there is no decoration, no view around...
A descendant of great kings was born here -
A king from the line and house of David.
Let the voices of the court singers not be heard,
And the nobles do not glorify the Child,
The heavens sing a wondrous song to him,
Exclaiming: “The Son of God is born!”

Song "Wonderful Winter Night"

There are many stars in the sky, but in a scattering of stars
One is clearer than all, more noticeable than all.
Lighted up like a lamp over a dark abyss,
And the light is warmer and more welcoming.
In the darkness of centuries over the distant East
She shone for the first time
To kings and slaves and leaders and prophets
Showed the way to love.

Song "Star of Hope"

Quiet all around. Everything sleeps peacefully, carefree.
The night stretched around endlessly.
The stars are burning with golden lights,
They pierce the darkness with their rays.
Nothing moves, nothing speaks.
Quiet all around. But no one knows
What's in Bethlehem, in the cave is simple
A child was born to the Holy Virgin.
Maria did not hide her happiness.
And involuntarily worrying about the Baby,
She bent over Him, and on her heart
It was joyful, sweet and painful.
Joseph was also with her all the time,
As a faithful guard of your Spouse.
The joy that filled their hearts,
There was no limit, there was no end.

Song "Silent Night"

There were then shepherds in the fields,
From the wondrous singing they were filled with fear.
And the Angel of the Lord brought them joy,
That Christ was born there in Bethlehem.
The night is quiet, on the unsteady firmament
The southern stars are trembling.
Mother's eyes with a smile
Quiet people look into the manger.
And above Him it burns high
That star of distant lands:
The Magi of the East carry her with her
Gold, myrrh and frankincense.

Song "Everyone around was busy with their own things"

Christmas for children
"Magic School"

Characters: Host, Bulkin (former pirate and toy boat seller) Pulkin (former gardener)

Hello, dear children and dear adults! We met with you again in this cozy room with a warm and friendly company, although the wind is blowing outside and fluffy White snow. But our meeting today will be unusual. We will take you to the Magic School. It is called so not because they teach to become wizards there, but because unusual lessons will be held there with fun and joy, which teach to love all people, regardless of whether they are familiar or unfamiliar, whether they are thin or plump, whether they wear glasses or without glasses... all of them. And most importantly, our Teacher today will be Almighty God Himself. And here are the lessons we will have:
1. Lesson of the Good News.
2. Lesson of Love.
3. Lesson of Magic Colors.
And our calls will also be unusual, festive, Christmas!

1 call(child)
I am the biggest bell
I’m calling, inviting you to class,
And I inform you: Christ is born!
This is great joy for us!
A lesson in good conscience

So our first extraordinary lesson began. The Lord in the Bible tells us a story that you all know well, the Birth of His Son - Jesus Christ. Now you will help me remember it.
1. In what city was Jesus Christ born?
2. What was the name of Jesus' mother?
3. What was the name of Jesus' father?
4. Where was our Savior born?
5. Who ruled the country then?
6. Who came to visit the newborn?
7. What gifts did the wise men bring to Jesus?
8. Who notified the shepherds about the birth of Christ?
When Jesus Christ was born, the heavenly army appeared in the sky, i.e. angels who glorified Christ.


1. Let glory rush in the highest,
Peace has been sent down to earth from above,
Goodwill in people
Let it be now and forever.

2. The Almighty sent us here
Talk about the Nativity of Christ,
He lies in a sheep cave,
A simple human baby.

3. Don't be afraid, people, don't be scared,
Try to find the Baby,
He is the right Path!
He is a beacon of truth!
In Him is life and truth!
In Him there is eternity of happiness!

4. And let the praise flow now
Because God appeared in the Son,
That the image took a person,
May He be honored forever!

5. Let the news of the miracle of the incarnation
Echoes into the distance of centuries,
Through the thickness of years and generations
Will be born again in human hearts!

“Do not be afraid: I bring you great joy that will be for all people!” This is the good news that an angel brought to earth with the birth of Jesus Christ. Why do you think the Lord called the Birth of His Son good news? (children's answer) Yes, because Jesus Christ brought peace, tranquility, salvation, eternal life, love and victory over death to earth.

2 call(child)
I am a vocal bell.
“The lesson is over,” I called.
The King was born in Bethlehem -
I bring this news to everyone!

Turn .

Our first lesson is over. It's time for us to take a break and play a little.
Game: At Grandfather Abram's.
Grandfather Abram has 40 sons,
There are 40 sons and 40 daughters.
Everyone didn’t drink or eat,
Everyone looked at grandfather.

3 call(child)
I am at least a quiet bell,
My voice is not clear,
But I'll tell you about Christmas
With a thin voice!

Lesson of love

Love, love, that's what people are looking for all their lives. Does it really happen? What types of love do you know? (children's answers)
Let's play a little. We will divide into two teams and come up with songs with the words “love”, “beloved”, etc. (play)
Jesus Christ brought into the world the highest love – sacrificial love. He died for us to forgive us all our wrongdoings and give us eternal life. What does it mean to love? (children's answers)
The Lord tells us: “Love is long-suffering, merciful, does not exalt itself over others, is not proud, does not act outrageously, that is, does not create disorder, does not seek its own, is not irritated, does not think evil, but always hopes for the best, does not envy, everything endures and will never cease." Why does love never stop? (children's answers) But because the Almighty Lord Himself is Love, and He is eternal.

4 call(child)
I am a little bell
I call as much as possible
How the Savior was born into the world,
How dear He is to my heart!

Game: Remember each other .

5 call(child)
I am the ringing bell!
I'm calling everyone today
What was born in a manger
My Jesus Christ!

Lesson of magic colors

And now you and I will draw, but not just draw like you draw in your drawing lessons, because our colors are magical. They can talk. Let's listen to them. (Draw in black)

Black color(child)

Black color, gloomy, scary,
Tells us about sin.
This sin is like a rainy day,
My soul is restless.

(Draw in red)

Red color (child)

Liberation from sins
Red gives us the color.
The blood of Christ is redemption,
Getting rid of troubles.
(Completely erase from the board)

White color(child)

God granted us Forgiveness,
Our heart has been renewed.
Gave us white clothes
And adopted in love.

(Draw in green)

Green color (child)

The color green is spiritual growth,
We all need to grow.
And when you're about a hundred,
And when it's only seven.

(Draw in yellow)


Yellow is the color of glory
He will meet us at the crossing.
There will never be tears
Where Christ reigns!

Let the colors today, people,
They tell you a lot.
Take care of your souls
To enter the Heavenly City.

6 call(child)
I am a melodic bell,
My voice sounds for you
And at this hour I proclaim,
That Jesus was born for us.

Games: “Fisherman”, “Jump rope”, “Rock, paper, scissors”, “Balls”, “Tangerines”

Bulkin and Pulkin enter the hall.

B. – Here it is – a school for idlers.
P. – Magical!
B. – Look at how luxurious the tree is! A wonderful place for robbers. And I’m so tired of selling wind-up steamboats to boys and girls, yelling nonsense all the time: “Who needs the pipe? Who needs a pipe?..” Ugh!
P. - And they drove me away! I was such a good gardener. I looked for bark beetles, worms and midges, bugs and cockroaches inside every apple and every pear. I tried so hard, I tried so hard... (Licks)
B. - Damn it! They also wanted to write me off to shore. Me! The best in the world... seller!
P. - You? An experienced sailor? A real sea wolf? For what?
B. - I worked so hard, I worked so hard!.. When all sorts of little scoundrels came to the store, instead of stupid wind-up steamboats, I sold them the most wonderful, most cheerful, most amusing toys. Haha... Soft slippers with push pins inside. Water pistols with caustic ink instead of water. Slingshots, ropes to pull them on the path, where all sorts of thoughtful, stupid people walk with books, with newspapers...
P. – What good toys you sold!
B. - Yes, yes! I sold them cobblestones so they could shoot accurately through the windows. Ha ha! Amazing! I have a lot of such wonderful toys (Patches his pockets) But there is no one to give them to.
P. – Why is there no one? Look how many boys and girls there are. Hello!
Ved. - Hello! Who are you?
B. - Ha, we are robbers!
P. - What robbers? What are these robbers? (Tugs Bulkin's sleeve) He was joking. He's very funny. Do you know who he is? Famous teacher! Hehe!.. I am also a teacher. A real teacher. Let's introduce ourselves. (They approach the children, ask for names and come up with nicknames)
B. – Is this how you should get acquainted? I'll teach you now. Come on, boy, name me some monkey! (Names the monkey) Very nice! Let's get to know each other! And my name is teacher Bulkin. Ha ha ha ha!
P. – Learning is light, and ignorance is darkness. Do not drink raw water. Wash your hands before eating.
B. – But not with soap and water, but with ink. Cut seven times, measure once. You see how scientific and unscientific we are.
P. – My famous learned friend knows a lot of funny fairy tales. Dear colleague, would you like to tell the kids an interesting fairy tale?
B. - Please, please! One kind, wonderful, smart gray wolf ate one girl. Well, just a little tangy, kind of like you, boy. And he put on her red cap. Grandma sees a familiar hat and says: “Why, girl, do you have such a cute tail?” “This is not a tail,” answered the polite gray wolf, this is a tassel from a hat...” And he ate his grandmother with great appetite.
P. - And I know funny children's songs. For example, one goat left his beloved grandmother into the dark forest. There is only one bone left from the goat. Hehe!.. a terribly funny song... Have you never been sung such wonderful songs? Are you probably bored? Some kind of school! What kind of lessons do you have here?
Children: Lesson of Good News Lesson of Love Lesson of Magic Colors
B. – Weren’t you trained to be a robber? Like real sea robbers? (Children answer) Oh, this is so interesting! Left-hand drive, right-hand drive! Full speed ahead! Wow, beauty!
P. – Dear children, I know a thousand different lessons and Fun and Joy! I don’t feel sorry at all, I’ll tell you, I’ll teach everyone. Oh, what fun lessons I know! Hehe!
B. – He is such a smart teacher.
P. – Listen to me! Lesson one: how to become cheerful if you are in a bad mood... Catch a cat, tie five iron cans to its tail. And then you have to shout “Scram!” She will run... It's very, very funny. Hehe!
B. - Ha-ha-ha! Oh ha ha! I'm tired of it.
P. – You see how fun it is.
B. - Ay, well done! I didn't know what kind of scientist you really are!
P. – And here’s the second lesson: If nothing in the world makes you happy, wrap a bitter, bitter pill in a bright candy wrapper, call a girl you know and say: “Please eat the candy, it’s sweet!..” The girl will unwrap the candy wrapper, will bite off a bitter pill... Oh, how funny it will be! Oh, how joyful it will be!
B. - Oh, I can’t! Ho-ho-ho! And I know something too! When some kind of grief hits you, you need to pick up a water pistol, pour black, very black ink into it, call someone and pull the trigger and the pistol will fire... Oh, funny! Oh, I can’t!.. With caustic ink... Terribly funny!
P. - Just a minute! And I know it's more fun. Look at me, dear children! Here I take out a stone...
Ved. - Wait, wait! What have you done here! We don't need teachers who teach us to do bad things to our loved ones. Our Teacher teaches us something else: “Love your neighbor as yourself!”
B. - Well, then we have nothing to do here. Let's go, friend, they don't understand us here. (Leave)
Ved. - Tell me, guys, is it possible to behave like this? Is this what the Great and Righteous Lord teaches us? He teaches this: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Farewell call

Well, the last, magical bell rang, the lessons were over, but the holiday Christmas Nativity let it continue for a whole year. (Bulkin and Pulkin enter with cakes and gifts)
And here are our guilty ones. They became good, well-mannered and even brought you gifts. So, the Magic School is closing! See you later, friends!

Christmas for children
"A Tale of Love and Malice"

Participants: Queen Spite, Presenter, Lies, Love, Envy, Rudeness

Introduction (Christmas song and games)

A rough knock on the door.
Leading: I wonder who came to us for the holiday? Let's get a look.
LIES, ENVY and RUDE run in.
Envy: Oh, how great it is here! How jealous I am that it’s so warm and dry here, but it’s cold outside, it’s snowing, the wind is blowing, Brrr! How beautiful! Christmas tree, colorful balls, little children...
Coarseness: Kids! Christmas tree! Lights! Ugh, what disgusting!
Lie: Do not deny, owners, three poor companions warmth and peace. And we will repay you for your kindness.
Leading: Well, guys, shall we welcome these three old ladies to our holiday? Well, only on the condition that you don’t mess around...
Coarseness: Of course of course! Let's get acquainted! I AM RUDE (laughs)
Envy: (stepping forward) I AM ENVY. Oh, how I would like to have such a huge house, such curtains on the windows, such cute children, such...
Lie:(interrupting) I AM A LIE. What’s your name, dear children?

Game "Dating".
The characters approach the children and ask questions. For example: Do you like bananas? And that means your name is Monkey. Etc. Envy: Great! Now we know everyone. Let's be friends? We will now choose our friends.
The children are divided into three teams, led by our heroes. They also hold games and give out bad gifts (empty candies, torn and broken things and toys, etc.)
1. Riddles about fairy-tale negative characters;
2. Riddles about bad habits
3. Who do children know among the negative heroes?
4. Fun villainous tasks

Envy: Well played! But I’m very sorry that our team didn’t win all the useful prizes!
Coarseness: Okay, stop whining! Kids, do you know who we are? We are the servants of the most powerful queen! The most beautiful, the most evil and the most disgusting in this world! Do you want to meet her? Then let's arrange a royal throne for her, otherwise she might come here at any moment.
Lie: You know, and you, too, without knowing it yourself, are serving our mistress. You love to tease each other, not listen to mom and dad, do what you shouldn’t... Many people serve her
(The proud queen of EVIL enters the hall)
Malice: Well, my faithful servants, have you found a palace for me? Have you prepared small, nasty and disgusting men for service?
All heroes: Yes, your evil majesty! Your order has been fulfilled!
Malice: Wonderful, as a reward I promise you one of the children for every day! Do with them what you want and teach them what you want!
Envy: Can we start right now, madam? Shall we torture them and let them cry?
Malice: Well, I allow it! And I'll sit and have fun!

Game "Tin Cans"
Children are divided into teams. The first thing to tie to the leg is an empty tin can. They run to the wall and return to the team, untie the can and tie it to the next one, etc. Whose team is first...Game "Masks"
The characters ask the children to make a sly face, a beggar's face, an evil face, a crybaby's face, etc.

Malice: Oh, how I love evil people! WITH today comes into force new law! From now on I reign over you! Classes are cancelled, lunches turn into food bombardments. Anyone who does nasty things to someone else will receive a big slap on the head as a gift!
All heroes: Hooray!
Leading: Stop, stop! Did we agree on this? We sheltered you, warmed you, and you misbehave! Come on guys, give me everything they gave you (collects bad prizes)
Lie: Let me, let me! We didn't agree on anything! This is not in our rules. And we won't go anywhere! This is the Castle of our wisest queen! Yes, we won’t leave your kids behind that easily! They love being with us! Really, guys?
(The lights turn off and the star lights up)
Envy, Rudeness, Lies: Oh! What it is? What is this glow? We're scared!
Malice: What kind of joke is this? Who lit such a bright star? What does it mean?
Voice: I am the Star of Bethlehem. The Great Lord, the God of love, lit me up! And that means the end has come for you, servants of Satan! With His love, Heavenly Father sent His Only Son to earth. In the small town of Bethlehem, the King, the Savior of the world, the Holy Child Jesus Christ was born. And you no longer have power over those people who have accepted Him as their Lord. Get out! And never come back!
Lie: It's not true, it's all a lie. There is no God, you all came from monkeys, aliens settled you on earth, there was no Jesus Christ!
(Enter LOVE)
Love: Who says there is no God? Who blatantly lies that people descended from monkeys? Who did the aliens settle? Jesus Christ is here on earth! And He tells you to get out! Love conquers all! And I am the love of God!
Malice: What kind of joke is this! I am the queen of this house and this is my territory! Envy, where did this shining scarecrow come from?
Envy: Oh, Lady! We are familiar with this creature that brought unrest to your kingdom!
Coarseness: This is Love! She came from heaven.
Malice: Destroy her!
Envy, Rudeness, Lies: We can't handle her! It has the power of God Himself! Yes, and it has such power that we simply melt! Oh! Oh! (the forces of evil are running away, a Christmas song is playing)

Game program

Leading: Ded Moroz and Snegurochka

Song Contest
Several people are selected using knowledge Christian songs. They sing in chorus the song “What Child Sleeps So Peacefully.” And they receive prizes.

Competition "Congratulations"
Call 5 people using 5 snowballs. 10 associations with the Christmas holiday are recorded. The players must write a congratulation to the church using these words. Read out congratulations and receive prizes

Quiz "How and where do they celebrate Christmas?"
(candy prizes)

In which country do they open the doors of their houses wide on the eve of Christmas? Anyone who wishes can enter any house. He will be received as a welcome guest, seated in a place of honor, fed, given water, not forgetting to say: “For peace in this house and in the whole world!” At half past eleven everyone goes out to the central square: they sing, dance, and have fun.

(In Ireland)

In this country, the Christmas season begins on December 8th with the “Feast of the Immaculate Conception” and ends on January 6th with the giving of gifts.

(In Spain)

In which country, during the Christmas period, farmers blow horns every day at sunset, announcing the arrival of the great holiday. (In the Netherlands)

This country is home to the tradition of burning a log in the fireplace on the eve of Christmas. (Norway) In this country, at Christmas, all the windows of rural churches and houses are lit with candles, so among the locals the night before Christmas is called “the night of candles.”

(In Great Britain)

In this country, Christmas is celebrated in 35-degree heat. Therefore, residents of the country, deprived of “snowy pleasures,” decorate the Christmas tree with flakes of cotton wool. In numerous Catholic churches, and Christmas is one of the most favorite holidays here. In every house the Christmas tree is decorated and the festive table is set. Here it is customary to serve figs together with flatbread - the so-called “Bread of Christ”. (Greece)

In this country, the celebration of Christmas was for a long time prohibited by Protestants. But by the middle of the 19th century the situation changed. Today is Christmas - one of the favorite holidays of all believers in this country. Unfortunately, nowadays the original meaning of Christmas has almost been lost. Many people don’t even think about whose birth is remembered on this day. Christmas is increasingly perceived as a reason to get together with the whole family and give each other nice gifts. (In America)

In this country, on Christmas Eve, everyone always takes a steam bath, and when the sun sets, they go to church. On this day, many visit cemeteries, candles are placed on the graves of loved ones, wreaths or fir branches are placed. The cemetery turns into thousands of candles burning among the snow.

(In Finland) In which country, when the hands approach 12, the owners of the houses open their doors and keep them open until the last blow sounds. So they release old year

and release a new one. And guests bring pieces of coal with them, throw them into the family fireplace and wish that the fire in this house would burn for a long, long time.

(In Scotland)

Christianity penetrated into this country only in the 16th century. Over the years, the government has often changed its attitude towards him. Today, only 2% of the population professes Christianity in this country. Interestingly, although Christmas is not considered a public holiday there, people still give each other gifts, and shops are decorated with Christmas trees and colorful lights.

(In Japan)

In this country, in every house, a candle made of pure wax is lit in front of the icon of Christ, which must burn all night. It is believed that at Christmas the heavens open and people can see God surrounded by saints. However, this is not given to everyone - only to people of strict and righteous life. People believe that all this happens very quickly, and those who see this can ask God for whatever they want. (In Romania)
2. Do we have many students? Hands up. A real student's lunch is being played out.
(Rolton noodles)
3. The self-assembled tablecloth is the one and only one.
(Tablecloth) 4. A surprise for gourmets of real Brazilian coffee. You will never forget the taste of its exquisite beans. (Coffee)
5. Very soft terry towel 54 m. Enough for everyone.
(Toilet paper)
6. Ultra-modern laser printers (Pens) are being raffled off
7. A surprise for lovers of rare valuables. There are almost none of them in our country. (Spoons) 8. Famous Chizhevsky chandeliers. They emit a pleasant and healthy smell.
(Candles) 9. Super effective visual massagers.)
(New Year's glasses)

10. Washing machines. They wash it themselves, wring it out themselves, iron it themselves.

(Erasers 11. Super prize! Automobile! (Machine)

Christmas traditions Christmas carols.

The first Christmas song appeared in the 4th century AD, but it was a bit dark. In Italy during the Renaissance, lighter and more joyful melodies appeared. Christmas tree.

Supposedly, the first undecorated Christmas trees appeared in Germany in the 8th century. Saint Boniface preached a sermon on Christmas to the Druids. To convince them that the oak was not a sacred tree, he cut down one of the oaks. When he fell, he knocked down all the trees in his path except the young spruce. Boniface presented the survival of the spruce as a miracle and exclaimed: “Let this tree be the tree of Christ.” The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree is associated with the tree of paradise, hung with fruits. Martin Luther was the first to light candles on the Christmas tree. One day he was walking home, writing a sermon. The sparkle of the stars twinkling among the fir trees delighted him, and he decided to reproduce this picture at home, decorating the tree with lit candles. Christmas pyramid.

Before the advent of the Christmas tree, the main Christmas decoration was considered to be a Christmas pyramid - a decorated wooden structure. Gifts and sweets were placed on the shelves of the pyramid. Glass jewelry.

The first Christmas trees were decorated with fruits and fresh flowers. Later nuts, sweets and Christmas candles were added. Such a load was too heavy for the tree. To replace heavy decorations, German glassblowers began producing hollow glass Christmas tree decorations. Bells came to us from winter pagan holidays. It was believed that the sun dies during the winter, and the evil spirit is very strong. To expel evil spirit, it was necessary to scare him with a loud noise. Even today, on Christmastide, bells are ringing in churches all over the world, but not to drive out evil spirits. In this way people welcome the coming of Christ.

Christmas carols performed by wind instruments. Christmas carols performed by wind instruments came to us from paganism, since in order to drive out evil spirits it was necessary to make a lot of noise. Nowadays, this tradition is followed in Germany and Scandinavia.

Christmas cards. Englishman Horsley drew the first Christmas card in 1843. 1000 copies of the postcard were sold that year in London. In 1875, publisher Louis Prang popularized Christmas cards by holding a competition to design the best card. Since then, the tradition of giving Christmas greetings with cards has become very common.

Candle on the windowsill. A lit candle on the windowsill is a symbol of light and shelter for the Virgin Mary and Righteous Joseph in this house.

Christmas candles. Christmas candles were an important part of pagan winter holidays. Evil spirits were driven out with the help of candles and bonfires. In Christianity, candles are considered a symbol of the significance of Jesus Christ as the Light of the world, and signify the victory of light over darkness.

Lights. One of the main dangers of celebrating Christmas was Christmas candles. Therefore, buckets of water were kept in the living rooms in case of fire. English telephone operator Ralph Morris began using electric garlands instead of candles.

Christmas wreath. The Advent wreath is of Lutheran origin. This is a green wreath with four candles. The first candle is lit four weeks before Christmas on Sunday as a symbol of the light that will come into the world with the birth of Christ. Every next Sunday another candle is lit. Before Christmas, all four candles are lit.

Chimney. In England and America, visiting Santa Claus is secret. It is believed that it enters the house through the chimney.

Plum pudding. Pagan tradition. The first plum puddings were made in the 17th century. They were prepared several weeks before Christmas in large copper cauldrons. During preparation, each family member made a wish. Four items were placed in the pudding: a ring, a thimble, a coin and a button. The coin meant wealth, the thimble meant unmarried life, the ring meant marriage, and the button meant single life.

Christmas presents. This tradition has many roots. They are special in each country. It is traditionally believed that Saint Nicholas is the giver of gifts. The gift giver can be Jesus Christ, Santa Claus, Christmas gnomes, various saints and even the invisible man.

First guest. The first guest is the first person to enter the house and “let” Christmas in. Sometimes such a person is specially hired because... he must be a dark-haired man. The first guest must hold in his hand spruce branch. They offer him bread and salt or some small gift as a symbol of hospitality.

Christmas log. Pagan tradition. The Christmas log must be cut down by the head of the family. It should burn in the fireplace along with the remains of last year's Christmas log all twelve days of Christmas.

A branch of kisses. Before the advent of the Christmas tree in the 19th century, England had the Kissing Branch. This is a double ring decorated with garlands, green sprigs of holly, ivy, apples, pears, candles and mistletoe. If a girl accidentally found herself under this branch, she was kissed.

Holly. Holly is an evergreen shrub with red poisonous berries, dark green foliage and thorns. This is a symbol of the rebirth of life in winter. Holly is believed to drive away frost and evil spirits.

Mistletoe. Mistletoe among the Druids was considered a sacred plant, a symbol eternal life. In Rome she was valued as a symbol of peace.

Twelve Days of Christmas. In the Middle Ages, religious holidays were the only holidays of the year. That's why they coped for quite a long time. Christmas was celebrated for 12 days - from Christmas to Epiphany. In rich families, it was customary to give each other gifts during all 12 days.

Carols. Carols - cheerful festivities on Christmas night, have the roots of an ancient pagan holiday. Christmas songs sung by young people are also called carols. These are small Christmas stories about a great event and glorification of the night that brought the Good News of the Nativity of the Savior of the world.

Nativity of Christ play script for Children's Sunday school

Antonina Teslenko Georgievna, member of the Russian Union of Writers, teacher-defectologist

NATIVITY. Script of the play for children's Sunday school.

(The Magi (shepherds) are sitting on stage by the fire. The presenter comes onto the stage.)
Presenter: (Luke 1:33; 35.38; Luke 2:7) “In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God to the city of Galilee, called Nazareth. To a Virgin betrothed to a husband named Joseph, from the house of David: and the name of the Virgin is Mary.
The angel came to Her and said: Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with You; Blessed are You among women. When she saw him, she was embarrassed by his words and wondered what kind of greeting this would be.
And the Angel said to Her: Do not be afraid, Mary, for You have found favor with God; And behold, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a Son, and you will call His name Jesus; He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David; And He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end. …. The Holy Spirit will come upon You, and the power of the Most High will overshadow You; therefore the Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God;...
Then Mary said: Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word.
And she gave birth to her firstborn Son, and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger...
(The lights go out. Quiet music plays. The Star of Bethlehem appears)
Star: I am the Star of Bethlehem,
I bring the good news here,
Was born God's son– Christ,
God brought salvation to the world.

There, Blessed Mary,
She gave birth to a baby son,
And she laid her Son in a manger,
Having fulfilled the duty of the Saint in full.

(The Magi (shepherds) stand up in surprise. And then they retreat into the depths of the stage in confusion. The Angel of the Lord appears.)

Angel: I am an Angel created by God,
Do not be afraid, shepherds, of me,
Saved by great joy,
From now on the world is in the prime of the day.

Today your Savior is born,
Who is Christ the Lord.
And here is a sign for you, you will find Him
You are in swaddling clothes, in a simple manger.

(The song of praise of the Angels sounds. The Star and the Angel sing together.)

Angels: Glory in to God on high, and there is peace on earth, good will toward men.

(Sing three times. Then the Angels fly away)

Magi (shepherds) 1st: Let's all go to Bethlehem together,
2nd. The star will show the path that is not close,
3rd: May we command everyone
What the Lord Almighty announced.

1st. We will bring gifts to Christ. Here's gold
2nd: Here is incense.
3rd: Smyrna (showing)
2nd: How grateful we are to the Creator
His love is incomprehensible.

(The Magi collect their things and go. The star goes ahead. At this time, King Herod appears on the stage to meet the Magi.)

Herod: Where are you going, Magi?
What do you need in Holy Jerusalem?

Magi: 1st. The star brought us here
Here King of the Jews was born.

2nd. Praise be to the Almighty, praise be,
The world was once again illuminated with hope.

Leading: Hearing this, King Herod was alarmed, and all Jerusalem with him.
(Matthew 2:3)

Herod: So, where should Christ be born?
Tell me where to go?
Magi. 3rd. The prophecy must come true
There, in Bethlehem, all the ways.
Herod: Well, go ahead and find out everything.
And I will hurry after you.

Magi: Goodbye, Herod,
2nd: It's time for us to follow the star to the Lord.

1st: We can’t go back to him,
This king is treacherous and cunning,
And we have reason to worry
We will not tell the king where Christ is.

3rd: Let's take a different route back,
Let's outwit this king,
Let time flow irrevocably,
The Almighty is invincible.

Magi: Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

(The Angels reappear and everyone sings.)

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.

(All participants go on stage.)

Leading: “And having received a revelation in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed to their country by another route.” (Matthew 2:12)
“And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all that they had heard and seen, as it had been told them.” (Luke 2:20)
“The child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.” (Luke 2:40)

All:(singing) Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.
