Icon by date of birth. Name day. Christian names. For those born in winter

In difficult life circumstances, we are supported by relatives, friends, and acquaintances. But there are times when the help of loved ones is not enough. It is then that we remember about the heavenly patron - the protector of all people who have received holy baptism.

Who is the patron saint

Parents give their newborn child the name they like, which is entered on the birth certificate. In church, the priest names the child in honor of the saint, whose memory falls on baptism or the day following it. This is how we receive a heavenly benefactor - an intercessor from troubles, misfortunes, and evil intent. bad people. Many people confuse their saint with their Guardian Angel. An angel is a nameless, disembodied spirit. A heavenly patron is a person who lived a pious life, performed many godly deeds and was canonized after his repose.

How to find out the name of your patron saint

It is necessary to know your saint. After all, we resort to his intercession in difficult times, and we thank him for his support and participation.

Where can you find out the name of your defender? In the church where you were baptized. Metric documents about all the rituals performed are stored there. Ask the clergyman to pull up the archival records, naming the date of the christening.

But not everyone remembers the time of the sacrament, because many of us were baptized in infancy. In this case, open the church calendar - calendar or calendar and find your name. The namesake saint, whose memory is celebrated shortly after your birthday, is your intercessor in heaven. If there are many saints with your name in the calendar, choose the one whose life is close to your spirit.

When a public name is missing from the calendar, or sounds in a Western European manner, the priest translates it into the Church Slavonic form. For example: Agatha - Agafya, Oksana - Ksenia, Svetlana - Fotinia, Zhanna - Joanna, Denis - Dionysius.

A saint, revered and loved by your family, who helps in difficult situations for many generations, can become a heavenly patron.

Feast of the patron saint

Name day is the day of remembrance of the saint whose name you were named at baptism. On this important day, attend a church service, pray for the well-being of friends and enemies, and give alms to the poor. At home, organize a holiday or tea party for your loved ones with all sorts of goodies, gifts, souvenirs, and intimate conversations. Buy an icon of a saint in the temple, pray to him not only when grief and misfortune are behind you, but also on happy days.

If you have rare name, and get personalized icon problematic, buy an icon of All Saints. This is a universal image, and whoever your heavenly intercessor is, he will hear the words of request or prayer and support you at the crossroads of life.

Heavenly patrons know all the problems and needs of man. They constantly intercede for us before the Lord, asking us for a happy and comfortable life. Don’t forget to say thank you to the invisible savior for all your blessings, behave with dignity and then you will feel the constant care of your heavenly patron.

From birth, everyone receives an intercessor icon to help them, which covers them with a divine veil from worries, protects them from adversity and helps them find happiness.

Faith defines future fate person. How strong is the love for the Lord, so strong is His protection over the life of the righteous. Each icon is a kind of divine revelation. Since ancient times, holy images of God's saints have saved entire cities, repelled the onslaught of enemies, healed and protected ordinary people.

But the purpose of icons is primarily to cleanse the soul of the person praying, to reunite him with the Creator. Every person living on earth has his own heavenly patron, and his image is an intercessor icon. Turn to the Lord in front of your shrine, asking through your defenders for the fulfillment of what you want, and it will certainly happen.

Born from December 23 to January 21

Your happiness is protected by the “Sovereign” icon of the Mother of God. This amazing icon, omnipotent and having shown miracles to the world more than once, will become your intercessor in the most difficult situations. People call for her help in moments of sorrow and despondency. In front of this icon of the Mother of God, they pray for the speedy acquisition of love, for peace in the whole world, for the salvation of Russian lands, for a great ruler who will raise Russia from its knees, for deliverance from enemies and for healing from mental and physical ailments.

Born from January 22 to February 21

Your patroness is the icon of the Mother of God “Vladimir”. For her miraculous power she is especially loved and revered by many Orthodox people. Vladimir icon Our Lady will repel the blows of fate from the lives of those praying before her. The power of the image is incomprehensible. People come to her intercession in moments of difficult trials. The image of the Mother of God heals bodily ailments, especially heart disease, and protects from the onslaught of enemies, from natural disasters and mortal dangers. The Vladimir shrine will soften people’s hearts, forever settling in them peace and tranquility, which will strengthen faith and give prosperity.

Born from February 22 to March 21

The Iveron Icon of the Mother of God will illuminate your life with divine help. At the request of the Virgin Mary herself, this image was drawn during the days of Her earthly life. Evangelist Luke worked tirelessly, trying to convey in detail the face of the Mother of God, so that afterward every believer could contemplate Her beauty and feel the miraculous help. The picturesque icon appears before the audience as if it were a mirror image of the Great Mother of God. And the Holy Mother’s instruction truly lives in her to this day: “As long as those present look at my image, my power and that of the one born by me passes to them...”.

In front of the Iveron Icon Mother of God people ask the Mother of God to console their hearts, strengthen their faith, deliver them from severe misfortunes, soften grief and sadness, heal earthly torments and help them get out of financial problems.

Born from March 22 to April 21

People born during this period should turn in prayer and ask for protection near the image of the Kazan Mother of God, which was painted from the Byzantine icon of the Mother of God, called “Hodegetria”. Translated from Greek language"Hodegetria" means "guidebook". The face of the Most Pure Virgin exudes warmth, majestic severity and genuine love. For those born in spring, the icon of Our Lady of Kazan will become a saving force in our world. She gives strength to the weak, restores sight to the blind, and strength of spirit to the faithless. A prayer said in front of the shrine will protect from the attacks of ill-wishers, enemies and all witchcraft.

Born from April 22 to May 21

The saving icon for you is the image of the Mother of God, popularly called the “Helper of Sinners.” It is worth turning to the miraculous image in moments of weakening faith. Our whole world is a battlefield with sinful acts, in which the Virgin Mary, a guarantor before the Lord and Jesus Christ, will help us win. Prayers addressed to the Mother of God will give liberation from sadness, despair, grief and healing from various ailments. The image of the Lady of Heaven will help you carry faith in your soul throughout your life and protect you from the fall.

Born from May 22 to June 21

If you were born at this time, then your intercessor icon is the image of the Mother of God “Seeking the Lost.” The face of the saint will help you achieve the highest spiritual perfection, invisibly protecting you from devilish attacks and temptations. The icon will give you part of its power, free your heart from vices, and help you family life. In front of her, you can pray to the Most Pure Virgin for the health and well-being of loved ones, in particular children. The icon “Seeking the Lost” will also deliver you from worldly ailments of any complexity, and free you from addictions and sinful temptations.

Born from June 22 to July 21

The icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” is designated as your intercessor. This image is widely known, loved and deeply revered by everyone. The icon gained fame thanks to numerous healings and deliverances from troubles. Prayers in front of the holy image will protect you from insults, illnesses, sorrows, and the fall. The icon of the Mother of God inspires hope and love even to greedy and selfish people, guiding them along the path of light and happiness.

Born from July 22 to August 21

Those born during this period are under the holy patronage of the “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos” icon. The very name of the image of the Mother of God contains a reference to the Orthodox festival and great intercession. If you were born under the tutelage of this image, do not hesitate to ask the Mother of God for intercession and help in everyday affairs. It was not in vain that it was given to you from Above. In power miraculous icon is the strengthening and preservation of the grace of the Lord.

Born from August 22 to September 21

Pray for protection and help near the icon of the Mother of God “Passionate”. The revered image protects family happiness, personal well-being, and acts as the keeper of the hearth, comfort and harmony. Through prayers in front of the holy image of the Mother of God, you can repel gossip, envy and intrigue of ill-wishers.

Born from September 22 to October 21

You were born under the protection of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God and the image of the “Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord.” The life-giving power of the Savior’s Cross, which at one time demonstrated miracles of revival and resurrection, extends to your life. And the image Holy Virgin will protect you from betrayal, gossip, envy, giving you justice that will accompany you throughout your life.

Born from October 22 to November 21

Your life is under the care of the intercessor icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear.” For several centuries, the image of the Mother of God showed miracles to the world, acting as an intercessor against fatal diseases and obsession. The power of the icon lies in its quick, almost lightning-fast help. Prayers addressed to the Virgin Mary will give spiritual insight that will illuminate any difficult situation, will relieve doubts, hesitations and illnesses.

Born from November 22 to December 22

You are protected by the icons of the Mother of God “Tikhvin” and “The Sign”. The miraculous Tikhvin Icon protects babies and children, helping to avoid serious illnesses, disobedience, bad influences, strengthens the bond between children and parents, and also helps them find true friends. The holy image, called the “Sign,” protects from thieves and criminals, returns what is lost, lost, stolen, stops internecine wars and provides support in the fight against diseases.

Find out your patron saint, indicate your name and date of birth and you will see the image of your Heavenly patron, and we will send more detailed information about him to the e-mail you specified.

Below you can see name icons by selecting the first letter of the name you are interested in.


Only from us you can order a personalized icon in the form of a folding icon with an image and a prayer

The saint of the same name to your name, that is, your heavenly patron, is the first assistant in your appeal to God. Having an icon with his image in your house, honoring it and praying to the saint imprinted on it, you receive his protection and patronage. The icon helps you throughout your life. Before her, you ask God for intercession in an hour of sadness and thank your saint for the joy you have experienced, since true joy is in life Orthodox man is accomplished, of course, with his assistance through his prayers to the Lord. You turn to the icon for a blessing before a difficult and important task. The heavenly protector will protect you from troubles and troubles, will help you avoid actions that are not necessary for your spiritual growth, and will also protect you from evil and illness or, if this is not possible, will soften their impact. Thus, with the Higher guidance, you can live a more joyful and harmonious life and with constant work in this direction, be healthier and happier.

On our website you can see reviews of those who became the owner of the Yuri Kuznetsov icon. The icon painter says: “In ordinary writing, only one event can be shown. Using the Kuznetsov writing technique, you can show not only the entire action from beginning to end, but also be present...”

Painting a personalized icon takes from 10 days, depending on the size and complexity of the plot. You can order it on the page order an icon

Personalized icon - great spiritual value

The need for a constant feeling of the invisible Lord's protection and connection with the Highest world gives rise to the need in us to bring the icon into our home, assigning it worthy place in his space. These can be images, when choosing which we are guided by the name given to us at baptism. Also, the saint of the same name is often considered the heavenly patron, especially revered in the family, regardless of the time of the name day celebration. A personalized icon has great spiritual value for a person, since it depicts his heavenly patron and intercessor. To everyone Orthodox Christian It would be nice to have in the house an image of the saint in whose honor he received his name. On his memorable day, we, as Orthodox Christians, go to church for Divine Liturgy, put candles in his face, bring flowers.

The historically established iconography (that is, the image diagram) of a nominal image is as follows: the image can be full-length or waist-length. Sometimes a guardian angel is written together with the saint; the saint can be depicted in prayerful admiration of the Lord or the Most Holy Theotokos, under Her Holy Veil or the Image Not Made by Hands. At the same time, let us mention that in home iconostasis there must certainly be an image of the Savior and to the left of Him - the Mother of God. All others are located next to them at the request of the household. Usually the home iconostasis is small - the current size of our homes does not always allow us to make it the way we would like. Therefore, if there is not much space allocated for the iconostasis, it is better to choose the namesake images first.

Previously, in Rus', a special place was always reserved for icons in the house - the so-called “red corner”, where they were all located together, and a lamp or candle was always burning. Nowadays, with the loss of this tradition, everyone determines the place at their own discretion. It is important to remember that this place should not be located near heating devices and be away from drafts, since the icon is painted on wood - a natural material and is therefore very sensitive to changes in its environment.

Since 1994, Yuri Kuznetsov has painted more than 1,400 icons, the bulk of which are personalized icons. The number of people wishing to have a personal icon of Kuznetsov’s writing is growing every day. Each icon is unique and has its own unique ornamental and color embodiment. Color and ornament, like scenes from life, symbolically convey the essence of the saint’s earthly deed and the place at the throne of God, which is now established for him by God forever and ever...

Look at the icon of the Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky. Bright rich colors. Courageous purple, bright as the sky blue, scarlet - a sign of beauty and valor; with his left hand he holds a light shield interspersed with pure greenery - evidence not of the desire to attack, but of the defense of the world of his Motherland. The halo shines in gold with the same scarlet color - like gold, which is called red. How many tones, how many shades, seemingly incomparable otherwise! However, thanks to a unique technique, they do not cross, do not merge, do not crowd each other, but create a magnificent harmonious chord of line and color. It contains everything – both a civil feat and a spiritual feat.
And just as different, but just as expressive, the artist chose for three images of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Helen, uniform in canonical execution, but different in palette, only five female saints were awarded this high rank! One image is predominantly scarlet hot tones, showing us the impulse of a soul loving the Lord, another image is made in cooler colors, the icon is more transparent, heavenly, for the third the icon painter used contrasting blue, scarlet, golden tones - rubies, sapphires and gold. It is clear that the icons were painted for three different individuals, three human souls, each of which needs its own spiritual healing. And the saint turns to each of them with that side of his Divine fullness that meets the needs of this particular human soul...

Spiridon is a rare name in Russia today, almost never seen, but popular in Hellas, where this amazing Christian saint comes from. However, despite the fact that we are now talking about a personalized icon, I would like to talk about it as an example of Yuri Kuznetsov writing an icon for a specific person. Based on the canonical model, the icon painter nevertheless created an image addressed to a specific person. This female soul - the icon painter created an icon for a woman - was sorely lacking in external spiritual warmth, some kind of warm pre-evening peace, strengthening in Love. And in this work - she herself spoke about this to the author of these lines - looking at it every morning, she draws warmth, compassion, and support flowing from the image. Feels the prayerful intercession of the icon before God. And now she has a need for a personalized icon. You can also purchase a ready-made, copied one - the miracle of the icon as such is also in the fact that their copies do not lose their wonderful heart-healing effect - what can we say about the amazing Kuznetsov letter! – but intended for a specific person, it is even more healing and effective.

You can buy or order a personalized icon by Marira Filippova on our website. Just select your saint, click on the frame with the inscription “Order an icon”, and you will have all the information on how to do this.

Hello, dear readers of my blog! Do you know your saint or your icon, which you need to worship and ask for protection? But every person has his own intercessor icon! It is given to a person by date of birth.

Name day is more important than birthday

This has always been the case in Rus'. But over the years of atheism, people have lost knowledge about the importance of name days, and now they have again begun to show interest in who protects them in life, which icon to worship.

In this article you will find your Intercessor Icon and your Guardian Angel. And by name a person celebrates his name day, which has always been more important than his birthday.

Nowadays, name days are not celebrated at all, and this is due to a person’s ignorance of the significance of his name, his heavenly patron.

What day is this? Believers call it “namesake”, which is where the word “namesake” comes from, meaning people with the same names.

When is name day celebrated? There is a certain day in the calendar on which one or another saint is remembered, or maybe several saints at once. This day will be a holiday for the person who bears the name of the saint who is honored on this day.

People often think that a saint is their Guardian Angel. But that's not true.

Given to a person at baptism to accompany him through life, guiding him on the path of salvation.

An angel is a good spirit that is invisible and has no name. It is very important for a person to mentally talk with his Angel and consult with him.

You probably noticed how after prayer appeal to our kind mentor, many cases are successfully resolved.

But the Guardian Angel will not abandon us even after earthly life, he will lead us through all the ordeals to God. This is what is written in the canon of the Guardian Angel.

Intercessor icon by date of birth

Those people who are born from December 22 to January 22, the intercessor is the image of the Mother of God “Sovereign”. The patron saint is Saint Sylvester and Venerable Seraphim Sarovsky.

Born from January 21 to February 20 are under the protection of Saints Athanasius and Cyril and the icons of the Mother of God “Vladimir” and “Burning Bush”.

An icon of intercession for those who were born from February 21 to March 20, is the image of the Iveron Mother of God and Saints Alexius and Milentius of Antioch.

Born from March 21 to April 20 are under the patronage of the Kazan Mother of God icon and saints Sophronius and Innocent of Irkutsk, as well as St. George the Confessor.

The icon “Sure Helper of Sinners” will protect everyone who is born from April 21 to May 20. Saints Stepan and Tamara, Apostle John the Theologian are their heavenly patrons.

If your birthday fell between May 21 and June 21, then your intercessors are the icons “Recovery of the Dead,” “Burning Bush,” and “Vladimir.” Saints Alexei of Moscow and Constantine protect you.

The icons “Joy of All Who Sorrow” and the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God are the intercessors of those who were born during the period from June 22 to July 22. And the heavenly patron is Saint Cyril.

Saint Nicholas the Pleasant and Elijah the Prophet, patronize born people during the period from July 23 to August 23. And their protector is the icon “Pokrov” Holy Mother of God».

Those people who were born should ask for protection from the “Burning Bush” and “Passionate Bush” icons from August 24 to September 23. Their heavenly patrons- Saints Alexandra, John and Paul.

Those who are born should seek protection from the icons of the Pochaev Mother of God and the “Burning Bush” from September 24 to October 23. Their patron is Saint Sergius of Radonezh.

In every home you must have the Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (Goalkeeper), which is the protector of the house from ill-wishers and enemies.

Merciful Intercessor The Zealous Mother of God, who gives us countless bounties, delivers us from sorrow, protects us and supports us in sorrow, has become our petitioner before God.

In Orthodoxy, it is generally accepted that any person is protected by a guardian angel, whom the Lord bestows on a newborn in the first minutes of his birth. The tradition of having your own icon of a personal intercessor has been preserved since ancient times. To do this, it is determined who is accompanied by which patron icon by date of birth and name, so in order to purchase it, it is enough to know the day of your birth and the name given at baptism.

The strength and power of the intercessor icon

The faces of the Patron Saints have repeatedly confirmed their miraculous power and assistance to believers in saving cities from destruction, capturing territories and churches from enemies and ill-wishers, as well as disasters and catastrophes.

The faces of Saints heal from illness, save from death and are a kind of amulet for every Christian. They perform miracles through which people strengthen their faith and gain strength and peace.

Any icon is a form of Divine revelation. Its main purpose is the intercession and purification of souls who honor and contemplate the faces of the Saints in prayer, regardless of which icons are suitable for their date of birth. All of them are intercessors and protect people from “black” forces and evil enemies.

Icons based on a person’s birthday differ from other church attributes in the clear purpose of guardian angels to protect the lives of those to whom they belong. People turn to them for spiritual and material help, asking for peace and prosperity, honoring God through the relics and faces of their intercessors.

Icons and patrons

To find out which icon by date of birth suits everyone personally, you need to familiarize yourself with the following list:

The intercessor icon by date of birth is a conductor between people and heavenly powers, so do not forget that prayers before it are primarily directed to God. The clergy teach to talk to the Lord and do it truthfully and faithfully, but people are weak by nature, so their desire to have their own icon is justified by the feeling of something close, dear and protecting.

Prayer before your intercessor

The Orthodox Church does not require special rules for reading prayer, since the essence of this action lies in the truthfulness of the thoughts and words that come from a person. Therefore, when communicating with God, true repentance, warmth and love for the Almighty, and sincerity of faith in His power are important.

Any prayer at the icon may be:

  • reading from the Prayer Book (canonical prayer);
  • simple statement (in your own words).

The clergy believe that expressing one’s feelings and sincere attitude towards the Lord does not require any preparation, therefore the main thing in prayer is repentance, tolerance and honesty before the Heavenly Creator as well as before oneself.

The meaning of patronage lists

Before the face of the Mother of God “Sovereign” they pray for spiritual joy, peace in the home, justice and truth, preservation of life, salvation of the country, unhypocritical attitude and healing of body and soul.

The Vladimir Icon has been considered miraculous for many centuries. Prayers are said before her for recovery from intractable diseases, blindness, plague and other serious illnesses. Its presence is mandatory in every family, as it reconciles warring parties, strengthens faith in grace and softens the hearts of believers.

“Burning Bush” confirms its essence and name with the image of a star with eight corners, which consists of 2 quadrangles with sharp and concave ends different colors. Inside the star there is a depiction of the Virgin and Child and a staircase, and in the corners of one of the quadrangles there is a man, an eagle, a lion and a calf, symbolizing the evangelists and Jesus who descended from heaven to earth through the Holy Mother of God. The icon relieves lightning, fires, disasters and any ailments.

The history of the “Iveron Mother of God” can be traced back to the 1st century, when the Virgin Mary, doomed to love people, commissioned the Evangelist and Apostle Luke to depict the image of the Mother of the Son Jesus during Her lifetime. Those contemplating the face of the “Iveron Mother of God” ask for consolation from troubles and sorrows, call for deliverance from suffering and grief, to give the land fertility, and farmers a rich harvest.

The icon “Hodegetria”, which is translated from Greek as “Guide”, belongs to the type of church attributes of the Kazan Mother of God, which also includes “Tikhvin” and “Sign”. The Mother of God was written by an ancient Russian monk who was inspired by the image of the Byzantine Saint, who restored sight to the blind and gave strength to the weak, with which the Saint is still addressed today.

“Help of sinners” is famous for many miraculous healings and means guarantee for sinful, suffering people before God and Jesus Christ. Before this church attribute, believers ask for repentance, seek protection from despair, despondency, sadness and other spiritual sorrow, and also pray for healing from illnesses and for the salvation of the souls of sinners.

The face of the Mother of God in the icon “Seeking the Lost,” according to legend, became glorified in the 6th century in the city of Adana, when the Holy Image delivered a repentant monk from death, who after that achieved the highest spiritual perfection and became glorified by the face of the monk. In his prayer, the sinful monk called his intercessor “Seeker of the Lost” and in each of his prayers he asked for forgiveness of his sins. In front of this icon they pray for the blessing of marriage, for liberation from dark thoughts and vices, alcoholism, for their own admonition and healing of children, as well as well-being and health.

"Joy of All Who Sorrow" is a popular and highly revered icon of the Virgin Mary during the times of Imperial Russia. Prayers before her image are associated with requests for help for all the deprived and wretched, for the salvation and admonition of sinners, recovery of the sick and intercession.

The Orthodox term "veil" means veil, which, in turn, implies patronage. On the Feast of the Patronage of the Virgin Mary people asked the Queen of Heaven to protect them and help them in difficult situations. This holiday was established by Prince Bogolyubsky during his reign, which falls on the 12th century of earthly life. His announcement served as proof of the power and miracles of the image of the Saint. The holiday was accepted by the entire people, who in reverent conviction thanked the Mother of God for the tireless manifestation of Her protection over Russia. This church attribute symbolizes the common prayer of the entire Orthodox and Heavenly Church for people living on Earth.

The “Passionate” icon confirms its name with the image of the Mother of God and Angels with weapons in their hands, which personifies the passion of the Lord. The holy image became famous for its miraculous actions associated with the cleansing of the soul, repentance and increasing faith in virtue.

The Cross of the Lord was found in 326 near the site of the crucifixion of Saint Jesus in Jerusalem. The miraculous and life-giving power of the Cross, in which he was subject to torture and human ridicule, is confirmed by the revival and resurrection of the deceased. Today, for believers, the cross is considered the sacred and most revered symbol. Orthodox Church. More than 2 billion people wear a cross on their chest and thus confirm their involvement in God. This symbol helps the poor, the weak, the sick, as well as the powerful and rich, all believers regardless of status and origin.

“Quick to Hear” began its history more than a thousand years ago. According to legend, this icon is the foundation of modern Dochiar Athos monastery. In the 10th century with the blessing of the creator of this monastery, it was made by the Monk Neophyte. The master’s work became famous not only for the talented depiction of the Mother of God, but also for her miracles and the love of believers for the Mother of God. Cases of rapid recovery from demonic possession and fatal diseases were especially identified.

Personalized patroness icons

By Orthodox tradition When infants were baptized, they were given names. The Church allows you to choose a patron icon by name, since the name of a person given to him at the time of baptism is endowed with the protection of the Saint.

The personalized icon also has the miraculous and intercessory power of the Holy One, which influences a person’s life. It can drive away illnesses, create harmony and peace in the soul and give prosperity.

Choose which Saint will become the patron saint of the baptized person, in the following ways:

  • thanks to the church calendar of names (often the child is named after the Saint, whose memory is honored on the nearest date from the date of his birth);
  • by the names of loved ones and relatives (sometimes the child is given the name of a person or Saint especially revered by his parents);
  • at the suggestion of the clergy (if the desired name is not in church calendar, a second name is given that is consonant with the first (for example, Alina - Angelina) or is suitable in meaning and meaning (Yuri - Georgy).

A personalized icon helps a person to visibly feel the presence of the Saint in his life. One of the strongest protective faces of the Saints is the image of the Mother of God, since according to the history of the Church, the Most Holy Mother of God descends to earth and herself looks for those who need help, enlightening everyone about faith in the Lord.
