How to summon the king of bubblegum. How to call an obscene gnome: several effective ways. More complicated way

What child doesn't love these fabulous, hardworking, funny and slightly grumpy creatures? According to legend, gnomes live underground and are famous for their hard work, skill and untold wealth. Of all mythical creatures, which are usually called, they are considered the safest and very useful creatures, capable of fulfilling any desires.

There are several opinions on how to summon a gnome, and since all the rituals are simple and not scary and can be easily done at home, you can try everything.

Call the good gnome

To call a good gnome, place a pie in front of a mirror, write a swear word on the pie and call three times:

“Good gnome, come!”

When the gnome appears, he will correct the obscene word into a good one and grant 1 wish.

Summon the wish gnome

To summon the gnome of desires, perform the following ritual. It is best to spend it on the eve of Halloween, Ivan Kupala, New Year or on your birthday.

Remove all things from the room white, you should also not be wearing anything white. Dwarfs especially like dark blue and black colors. Take a string (not white) and tie candies to it (chocolates for money, caramels and toffees for all other requests). While tying candies, you need to think of a wish, one wish for each candy. Choose different candies in order to remember which candy wrapper corresponds to which desire. After the sweets are secured and wishes are made, the rope needs to be pulled between the legs of two chairs. Also, for the wish gnome, you need to leave something dear to you as a gift - it could be a book, a CD, or a favorite toy. After all preparations are completed, turn off the lights, turn away and say loudly and clearly three times:

"Gnome come!"

If everything is done correctly, then soon you will hear a rustling sound - this is the gnome who has accepted your treat. After all the rustling noises have died down, you can turn around and turn on the light. If all the candies are eaten, then your wishes will come true. If some remain, it means that the wishes made on them will not come true.

Call the money gnome

To call a money gnome you will need:

  • regular thread, 40 cm long.
  • plantain leaf
  • 25 dried mosquitoes
  • Matchbox
  • 3 fragrant chamomile flowers.

On a full moon, after 12 o'clock at night, wrap chamomile flowers and 25 dried mosquitoes in a plantain leaf. The wrapped sheet needs to be tied with a thread saying:

"Money gnome come. Buy my package!"

Ideally, if you can say the formula 5 times! After this, put the plantain leaf in a matchbox and bury it under a tree near the house. After 10 days, instead of a box, you will dig up a chest with all kinds of coins.

How to summon a chewing gnome?

In a dark room, place the candy, take the lace and scissors in your hands and say three times:

"Gum gnome, come!"

When the Gum Gnome comes to you, cut off his finger with scissors and chewing gum will fall out of it, when you decide that you have enough chewing gum, then tie his finger with a cord. So that the gnome is not offended and comes next time, you need to thank him and then say:

"Gum gnome, go away!"

Taking the candy, he will disappear.

How to call a swearing gnome?

In order to have fun, you can call a swearing gnome. To do this, you will need a long thread, tie knots along the entire length of the thread, and then attach it to the legs of a bed or table at a height of 3 centimeters from the floor. Turn off the lights and say three times:

"Swearing gnome, come!"

After a while, a swearing gnome will appear and begin to get confused and trip over the rope with knots and will swear heavily.

What child doesn't love these fabulous, hardworking, funny and slightly grumpy creatures? According to legend, gnomes live underground and are famous for their hard work, skill and untold wealth. Of all the mythical creatures that are usually summoned, they are considered the safest and most useful creatures, capable of fulfilling any desire. There are several opinions on how to summon a gnome, and since all the rituals are simple and not scary and can be easily done at home, you can try everything.

Call the good gnome
To summon a good gnome, place a pie in front of a mirror, write a swear word on the pie and call three times: “Good gnome, come!” When the gnome appears, he will correct the obscene word into a good one and grant 1 wish.

Summon the wish gnome
To summon the gnome of desires, perform the following ritual. It is best to spend it on the eve of Halloween, Ivan Kupala, New Year or on your birthday. Remove all white things from the room; you should also not wear anything white. Dwarfs especially like dark blue and black colors. Take a string (not white) and tie candies to it (chocolates for money, caramels and toffees for all other requests). While tying candies, you need to think of a wish, one wish for each candy. Choose different candies in order to remember which candy wrapper corresponds to which desire. After the sweets are secured and wishes are made, the rope needs to be pulled between the legs of two chairs. Also, for the wish gnome, you need to leave something dear to you as a gift - it could be a book, a CD, or a favorite toy. After all preparations are completed, turn off the lights, turn away and say loudly and clearly three times: “Come gnome!” If everything is done correctly, then soon you will hear a rustling sound - this is the gnome who has accepted your treat. After all the rustling noises have died down, you can turn around and turn on the light. If all the candies are eaten, then your wishes will come true. If some remain, it means that the wishes made on them will not come true.

Call the money gnome
To call a money gnome you will need:
- regular thread, 40 cm long.
- plantain leaf
- 25 dried mosquitoes
- Matchbox
- 3 fragrant chamomile flowers.
On a full moon, after 12 o'clock at night, wrap chamomile flowers and 25 dried mosquitoes in a plantain leaf. You need to tie the wrapped sheet with a thread saying: “Come money gnome. Buy my parcel!” Ideally, if you can say the formula 5 times! After this, put the plantain leaf in a matchbox and bury it under a tree near the house. After 10 days, instead of a box, you will dig up a chest with all kinds of coins.

How to summon a chewing gnome?
In a dark room, put the candy, take the lace and scissors in your hands and say three times: “Gum gnome, come!” When the Gum Gnome comes to you, cut off his finger with scissors and chewing gum will fall out of it, when you decide that you have enough chewing gum, then tie his finger with a cord. So that the gnome is not offended and comes next time, you need to thank him and then say: “Gum gnome, go away!” Taking the candy, he will disappear.

How to call a swearing gnome?
In order to have fun, you can call a swearing gnome. To do this, you will need a long thread, tie knots along the entire length of the thread, and then attach it to the legs of a bed or table at a height of 3 centimeters from the floor. Turn off the light and say three times: “Mad gnome, come!” After a while, a swearing gnome will appear and begin to get confused and trip over the rope with knots and will swear heavily.

Many novice wizards try to summon a sweet gnome, a gum king, or a candy gnome on their own. But is it safe to come into contact with such entities, and how can you learn to do it correctly?

Almost all children and adults love sweets, and there are a number of magical helpers who are ready to give them delicious gifts. For example, a sweet gnome. This magical creature from the other world, which can be easily summoned. In order to get in touch with a sweet tooth, you will need:

  • any sweetness.

Remember, the gnome with a sweet tooth can bring you any treat. In order to summon him, before going to bed, choose your favorite sweet (it can be not only candy, but also chocolate, a piece of cake, halva, pastry, etc.) and put it on the table in the kitchen. Then say:

Sweet gnome, sweet gnome! Come to me, bring me sweets!

As soon as magic words will be said, quickly go to your room and go to bed. The next morning there will be a whole cake, several pies or sweets on the table. A kind helper generously gifts those who share various goodies with him.

How to summon a sweet gnome during the day

This ritual is suitable for a large company. Remember, if you use this ritual, do not expect that you will receive sweets right away.

During the day you will only be able to see a good spirit. But he will bring you the reward as expected - at night or the next morning. You can gather all your friends to perform the ritual.

But remember, while the ritual is being carried out, you cannot make noise, film the magical entity or take photographs. Otherwise you will scare away the assistant. For the ritual take:

  • long thread;
  • various sweets (it can be just candy or each participant takes their favorite treat).

Place as many chairs in the room as there are people who will participate in the ritual. Stretch a thread between their legs, having previously made as many knots as possible on it (so that the gnome will trip over them and fall into a trap). Each participant in the action must attach his prepared tasty treat to a thread that runs under his chair. After this, everyone needs to stand in a circle, hold hands and say:

The gnome has a sweet tooth, come to them and bring us sweets as a gift!

After this, leave the room for an hour. As soon as you hear noise in the room, immediately open the door and look inside. If you manage to enter before the gnome gets untangled and runs away, you will see him. If not, then pay attention to whose sweets he moved or bit into. It is these ritual participants who can expect a sweet gift at home the next morning.

How to get a treat from a chocolate gnome

The chocolate gnome is able to bring children only chocolates or candies that contain this ingredient. You won't get any lollipops or halva, cake or marshmallows from him.

But calling this little helper is very simple. To do this, you need to go out onto the balcony or porch in the evening, put a treat in front of you and say:

After this, immediately turn away. Wait a few seconds, after which you should hear a slurping sound. Once it subsides, you can turn around again. Your chocolate should disappear (the gnome will take it away), but in the same place he will leave a sweet gift for you.

How to Summon a Gum Gnome

If you love chewing gum, then you have probably already performed rituals to call the gum king more than once. This essence is capable of leaving you with as many chewing gums of various flavors as you wish.

The ruminant gnome is not much different from the king. This magical entity has the same abilities, but a less bad character. Therefore, you can get delicious chewing gum from him without even giving him such a delicacy as a gift.

To carry out the ceremony, you will need to draw a small gnome on a white sheet of paper (you can simply draw a diagram). After this, place both hands on the drawing and say:

Gum gnome, bring me a present!

After this, place the sheet under the bed, leave the room and lock the door. After half an hour, you can check the place where you placed the sheet of paper with the design. There will be various chewing gums on it. This is the simplest and most effective way to summon a chewing gnome.

Simple Candy Gnome Challenges

Among all the evil spirits that are ready to supply children with various sweets, there is a candy gnome. You can ask him for anything.

He will happily bring you a bag of toffees, lollipops or even expensive luxury sweets. There are two common rituals that will help any sweet tooth to receive the desired gift from a magical assistant.

Call for three lumps of sugar

  • a small bowl of water;
  • three lumps of sugar;
  • candy.

Before going to bed, stand in front of the window, holding a bowl of water in your hands, and say:

Candy gnome, I challenge you! If you come to my house, you will bring me a treat!

You need to say the words three times, each time dropping a piece of sugar into the bowl. After this, place a container of water on the windowsill and place candy (without wrapper) next to it. Now you can go to bed. The next morning, the magical assistant will leave you a lot of sweets on the windowsill.

Challenge the sweet gnome for candy

This method is suitable for those who do not have their favorite treat. Draw your favorite candy on a piece of paper (preferably draw the wrapper as clearly as possible) and place this piece of paper under your pillow.

Before you go to sleep, be sure to ask the candy gnome to bring it. The next morning, look under your pillow. Instead of a piece of paper with a picture, there will be a piece of candy underneath it.

How to evoke a sweet tooth - video

If you are a beginner wizard and want to summon a sweet gnome yourself, then these rituals are perfect for training your abilities. You can also try to call other good spirits who are not very dangerous and are ready to come into contact with a person.

How to call a sweet gnome - rituals for beginners

How to summon a sweet gnome, a fairy for wishes - since childhood we have been familiar with the calls of chocolate, chewing, and candy creatures. It would seem that good-natured gnomes easily make contact with people, let’s figure out whether communication with them is as safe as it seems.

How to call a sweet gnome

Since ancient times, man has tried to establish contact with various entities from other worlds. Thanks to this, the rituals of summoning werewolves, Cinderella, and demons have survived to this day. Many of these rituals are very dangerous and can only be performed by experienced wizards. But some can be summoned if you are just starting your magical path.

In this case, lovers of esotericism can call during the day. To do this, you need to prepare a small cardboard house, which can be made from an old box and sweets. It could be chocolate, cookies, halva.

Important: The product must not be in a wrapper. Before going to bed, put the prepared sweets in the house and say:

Dwarf Sweet Tooth, come and bring me some sweets.

At night, you may wake up to hear a magical creature slurping loudly as it eats the prepared delicacies. You cannot look into the house, as you will scare away the gnome. Rest assured that if you do not disturb magical creature, then the next morning you will find in a cardboard house a wide variety of sweets that your new magical friend will leave behind.

Calling the sweet-toothed gnome during the day

In fact, you can summon a gnome with a sweet tooth during daylight hours. This ritual is usually performed not alone, but in the company of friends. You will need to prepare candies in rustling wrappers, thick thread and place chairs in the room where the ceremony will be held.

The more people, the more chairs. Tie the legs of each chair with thread, and attach a piece of candy in the center, under the seat. After this, hold hands and say loudly three times:

Sweet tooth, come, take our sweetness, if you are not greedy, give us sweetness in return.

After the words are spoken, all participants in the ritual mandatory must leave the premises. You won't be able to go there for another 3 hours. You may hear noise, grumbling, or the sound of wrappers opening.

No matter what sounds are heard from the room, entering it is strictly prohibited, since such actions will simply scare away your sweet tooth. After 3 hours you can enter the room. Pay attention to whose candy was eaten. It is these ritual participants who will find sweet gifts from the kind gnome under their pillow the next day.

The main difference between the chocolate gnome and his fellow sweet tooth is that he can only give young wizards chocolates or chocolates. If you want to get marshmallows, lollipops, halva or any other sweets, then calling this magical entity is useless.

In order to summon a chocolate gnome, you will need to make a small hut in the kitchen, in a secluded corner. For three days before going to bed, put a chocolate bar or candy there with the following words:

Cunning gnome, come and have a treat with me, and leave me a gift.

In this way you will appease the magical entity. Rest assured that in three days he will thank you and leave you with lots of delicious chocolate treats.

Who is the chewing gnome? This is a relative of the well-known chewing king, which brings a lot of delicious chewing gum in exchange for your gifts. However, the main difference between these magical creatures is that the ruminant gnome is much kinder.

Method 1

If you still decide to appease a magical creature, use a simple ritual.

How to call a ruminant gnome at home:

place several chewing gums on the table; cover them with a scarf and say:

Gum gnome, come.

You need to go outside for 15-30 minutes. Come home. If the scarf is moved, then the chewing gnome has arrived and soon you will have a lot of treats.

Remember, while you are leaving, it is useless to leave the camera turned on in the room, since you will not be able to take a video of the magical spirit.

Method 2

This ritual is suitable for those who have this moment there is no tasty treat, but he wants to get it.

Go outside, knock three times on any object and say:

Gnome, gnome, come and bring me some chewing gum.

Return home - your magical friend will definitely leave tasty treats somewhere.

The candy gnome is also ready to constantly give delicious gifts to his little friends. You can ask him for a wide variety of sweets. From ice cream and candies to expensive luxury sweets.

Among all the existing rituals, there are two that will definitely help you establish contact with this magical entity.

Option 1

To carry out the ritual, you will need three small containers of water, three pieces of refined sugar and a treat for the magical entity.

The ritual is performed both during the day and at night. You need to place three containers with liquid on the windowsill, throw a piece of sugar into each, put a candy next to it and say:

Candy gnome, come. You will come to my house and bring some goodies.

If the ceremony is carried out during the day, then leave the room and enter it in an hour. If at night, then check the magical attributes in the morning.

  • If the candy is missing and the gnome drinks from one container, then the next day he will bring you a lot of sweets.
  • If all the magical attributes are intact, then the magical assistant will not come to you.
  • If he has drained all the bowls of sweet water, then he will give you candies for several days.

Option 2

This ritual is probably the simplest of all existing ones. Before you go to bed, draw on a piece of paper the treat you would like to receive.

After this, place the drawing under your pillow and mentally strongly ask the gnome to bring it to you. If your words are heard, then the next morning you will find the desired treat under your pillow.

Summoning a gnome is a ritual that every novice wizard can perform. With its help, you will learn to summon good magical helpers and establish contact with them.

My name is Amira. I was 11 years old then. Everything that I will tell you now is based on real events.

It was an ordinary summer day. I went outside and went to the site, which is located not far from our house. Friends with whom I had already agreed to meet were already waiting for me there. There were four of us. Me, two more girls and a boy. They were 9-10 years old. At first we had nothing to do, then we started looking for horror stories on the Internet on our phones. And we accidentally stumbled upon a site with summons for gnomes and spirits. It became very interesting, and we could not resist and looked there. There were a lot of calls there. We decided to call the Gum Gnome, since after the ritual he was supposed to bring us a lot of chewing gum! We had to go into a dark room, stretch a thread between two chairs, and put a pair of chewing gum on one side. Then say “Gum gnome, come” 3 times, these words are still ringing in my ears... Who knew that it was better not to do this, because we really risked our lives! Then we had to leave for 30 minutes. In theory, the Gum Gnome should have come, having seen the chewing gum, followed it and tripped over the thread.

So, instead of a dark room, we went into the entrance. We got into the elevator and went up to the 9th floor. Since there were no windows and it was quite dark. I brought an ordinary thread and tied it between the handrails of the stairs. On one end we put chewing gum that had expired; it wasn’t so bad. Now everything was ready. All that remains is to say “Spell” and go away for 30 minutes. They did everything and left.

After that, time passed, and it was time to go see the result. Having climbed to the 9th floor, we did not notice anything unusual. After seeing that the chewing gum was in place and the thread was still taut, we realized that it was all a hoax. And as soon as we wanted to call the elevator to go back down, that’s when it all started...

The elevator suddenly opened on the first floor. Well, we thought, nothing like that and decided to wait. The elevator was moving and stopped abruptly on the 2nd floor. After which the elevator moved to 3 and opened after 10 seconds. closed, then moved to the 4th floor and still the same! This alarmed us. We quietly went down from the 9th to the 8th floor. The elevator just went up to the 7th. Then I went down closer to him and saw a small creature with a bloody knife in his hand. I ate holding back my emotions and became so as not to be noticed! As soon as the creature was sure that there was no one on this floor, it went back in and the elevator closed. Without dozing, I rushed, stumbling, to the previous floor and waved my hand towards myself. Friends, looking at my shocked face, realized that something was wrong. And we all ran to the first floor. When we ran out of the entrance, barely catching our breath, we heard loud, evil laughter... It was him. Our emotions knew no bounds, we could not say a word. And only after 15 minutes, we moved away from the evil entrance.

Fortunately, the next day everyone forgot everything like a terrible nightmare. And only I, who saw Him, could not forget everything...
