Who was Umar al-Khattab? Umar al-Faruk: life path and virtues of the second righteous caliph. History of the adoption of Islam by Ammar

Umar ibn al-Khattab - second caliph (from 634). Born in Mecca. He was the second righteous caliph.

Meeting the Prophet

Umar ibn al-Khattab was initially ardent opponent Islam and Muslims. But over time, he revised his views on Islam under the influence of his sister, who gave him the Koran to read, and expressed a desire to meet Muhammad. After this event, Umar became one of the closest companions of the prophet.

After the death of Muhammad, the question of inheritance arose. Four faithful Muslims applied for the position of head of the community of believers: Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, Umar ibn al-Khattab, Usman ibn Affan and Ali ibn Abu Talib.

Even then, Umar acted like an intelligent and far-sighted person, preventing the possibility of internal strife. He grabbed and shook Abu Bakr's hand, which meant recognizing him as a leader. Following Umar, the others shook hands with the first caliph.

Umar became the heir in Abu Bakr's will.


Having become the head of the Muslim community, he begins campaigns of conquest in Syria, Egypt, Iraq and Persia. Under him, there was a significant expansion of state territories and, at the same time, the spread of Islam in the lands conquered by Muslims. A Muslim became the ruler of the conquered city, but Persian and Byzantine customs, foundations and the local language were preserved.

The apogee of his reign was the significant victory over the Persian Empire.


The campaigns of conquest under Umar continued successfully. In 633 Southern Palestine fell, then Hira. In September 635, after a 6-month siege, Damascus capitulated, and a year later, after the defeat of the Byzantines at the river. Yarmouk, Syria passed into Muslim hands.

The conquest of Syria became possible due to the fact that Byzantium, exhausted by the war with Iran, could no longer maintain sufficient border troops.

The situation in Iran was similar: the country was weakened by the political and religious intolerance of the old Sassanid dynasty, the raids of the Turks and Khazars, and the war with the Byzantine Empire. In 636-637, the greatest battle in Arab history took place at Qadisiya: Muslim troops defeated the Persian army. Later, Madain (modern Ctesiphon in Iraq), the summer residence of the Persian king, fell. These victories predetermined the final conquest of Iran. At the same time, the Arabs captured the Mosul area, reached the capital of Armenia and plundered it.

However, at that moment, Umar suspended the campaigns of Arab warriors in the East, believing that the time had not yet come to conquer Iran. Subsequently, the Iranians called Caliph Umar a usurper, and the day of his death began to be celebrated as a holiday.

Two years after the conquest of Upper Mesopotamia, which was carried out from Syria, the Arabs invaded Persia and were victorious at Nehavend (642). Yazdegerd III, the last sovereign of the Sassanid dynasty, retreated to the northeast, but was killed in Merv (651). His successor's attempts to revive the empire were unsuccessful.

In 639, Arab troops under the command of the Arab commander Amr ibn al-As crossed the Egyptian border. The moment was chosen appropriately: the country was torn apart by religious strife, the population hated the Byzantine rulers. Ibn al-As reached the walls of Babylon (a fortress on the outskirts of Cairo), and in 642 Alexandria, the key point of Byzantium in Egypt, passed into the hands of the Muslims. True, four years later the Byzantines tried to recapture it, but the Arabs held the city. The burning of the Alexandrian library, allegedly carried out at the same time on the orders of Caliph Umar, is most likely a legend.

Capture of Jerusalem

Under Caliph Umar, Muslim troops captured Jerusalem after a 4-month siege.

Umar personally received the keys to the city from the hands of a Greek Orthodox and said: "In the name of Allah... your churches will be kept safe and sound, will not be captured by Muslims and will not be destroyed."

Sophronius, at the request of the caliph, showed him the location. Then Umar asked Sophronius where the very mountain was located from where Muhammad ascended to heaven to Allah. Sophronius brought Umar to this mountain and told about its history. The caliph fell to his knees, clearing away the piles of rubbish, and prayed.


Under Umar, a tax system was created that operated throughout the state. The system separated Muslims and Christians, not only by taxes (Muslims pay zakat, and non-Muslims - by tax every year for their place of service in the army), but also by a whole list of prohibitions.

Thus, punishment was specifically stipulated for ridiculing the prophet and his faith and insulting Islamic symbols. It was prohibited to harass a Muslim woman, to attempt to attack the life and property of Muslims, to harbor enemies of Islam, etc.

In 637-638 A new chronology system was introduced, in which the hijra of the prophet was taken as the basis. At first it was a question of dating the correspondence, but then in the minds of Muslims there was a division of historical memory into the period before Islam (jahiliyya) and after the adoption of Islam - from the first year of the Hijri (622).

Thanks to Umar, the foundations of the legal system were laid; in a number of cities there were judges - qadis, who, on the basis of Islamic institutions, resolved conflicts and disputes. In particular, punishments for drunkenness and adultery were legalized.

At the proposal of the caliph, urban construction was carried out according to Byzantine principles: the width of the main streets should have been 40 cubits (cubit - 38-46 cm), and secondary streets - 20-30 cubits. The Caliph paid much attention to the development of crafts and trade. He believed that the craft of a merchant is no less complex than military affairs, for “Shaitan tries to seduce an honest merchant with easy profits by deceiving the buyer.”

During the period of famine (639), which struck Palestine, Syria and Iraq, by order of the Caliph, food began to be delivered from other provinces. The following year, the caliph temporarily abolished zakat.

Umar was also involved in religious affairs. In particular, under him the ritual of Hajj was finally recognized, which became one of the five mandatory principles of faith. Umar himself led the annual pilgrimage. On behalf of the caliph, the prophet's former secretary, Zayd ibn Thabit, began collecting scattered texts of revelations recorded from the words of Muhammad. The text of the Koran was finally canonized after the death of Umar.


During the reign of Umar, the character of the Muslim state changed. As a result of conquest and reasonable management, it turned into a multinational empire, of which only a quarter came from Arabia. And since the annexed provinces were at a higher level of social and economic development, than the political center of the Hejaz Caliphate, the Muslim aristocracy began to move to the conquered lands.

Many of Umar's companions proposed dividing the land of the new provinces between the warriors, but he refused to do this, citing the fact that the land also belonged to “those who come after us.” He introduced the payment of salaries (“ata”) and food rations (rizq) to all soldiers. Under him, land cadastres began to be formed, which provided for various types of land ownership: communal and private.

Umar added to the title of caliph the title of amir al-mu'aminin (commander of the faithful). Thus, the system of power that Umar created can be characterized as an Arab-Muslim theocracy. The population was divided into two classes - the ruling Muslims and the subordinate peoples who adhere to a different faith.

Methods of government were argued by divine revelation or based on precedent. All this was supposed to ensure the religious integrity of the ummah (Muslim community).

Umar enjoyed unquestioned authority among the ashabs (initially - the companions of the prophet, later the circle expanded to include everyone who at least once saw Muhammad with their own eyes), his orders were carried out strictly, although in the Arab chronicles there is information that he provided his advisers with greater freedom of action .

He had not only energy, but also the ability to use circumstances, people and their religious enthusiasm. The style of rule of Caliph Umar can be called authoritarian, but he did not reach the point of tyranny.


In November 644 during morning prayer in the mosque, the Persian slave Firuz, nicknamed Abu Lula, stabbed Umar in the stomach (before this, Firuz complained to the caliph about his master, but Umar did not heed his complaint).

Umar died three days later, but first appointed a council that was to elect a new caliph. One of his last instructions was to instruct the future caliph not to remove the governors of the provinces he had appointed during the year.

After the death of Umar, a council of six high-ranking Muslims appointed by him had to decide on a successor. During the election of the new caliph, supporters of the Banu Umayya clan, who thirsted for revenge, won. In the early period of Muhammad's activity, it was representatives of this clan, fearing the loss of their positions in Mecca, who persecuted Muhammad, forcing him to move to Medina.

The candidate they put forward for the place of caliph, Uthman, did not possess the creative energy that was inherent in his predecessor. However, the election of another candidate - Ali - according to the council, promised turbulent times, since the latter was known for his straightforwardness and assertiveness.

13th year of the Hijri, end of the month of Dhul-Hijjah. Morning prayer. Caliph of the Muslims Umar as usual, leads the collective prayer, reads Surah “Yusuf” or “Nakhl”. Suddenly his voice breaks. Those in the back rows do not understand what is causing the hesitation, and the Muslims standing in the front rows become witnesses to a vile attempt on the life of the Caliph. Before their eyes, Umar is dealt several fatal blows, and he falls to the ground from powerlessness. Abdurakhman ibn Awf urgently continues the prayer, and the bloodied caliph is taken home.

For that generation of Muslims who were personally acquainted with Umar, this assassination attempt was a real tragedy. Then it was difficult to find anyone indifferent to what happened; every Medina house mourned the caliph. But for Umar himself, this was a happy ending, which he fully strove for; he even prayed to Allah Almighty to grant him the degree of martyr.

Caliph Umar made such a request to the Almighty during his last hajj, a few weeks before the assassination attempt. Umar understood what reward awaited those who fell in the path of Allah, and besides, he personally heard from the Prophet that his earthly life will end with martyrdom.

Caliph Umar died at the hands of the fire worshiper Fairuz, better known as Abu Lulu al-Majusi, who by chance ended up in the blessed Medina. According to the decree of the Caliph, non-Muslims were prohibited from settling in the capital Islamic State. Their presence there could disrupt Islamic harmony.

But at the request of Mugira ibn Shu "Umar made one exception. He allowed Mugira's servant Abu Lyulyu to stay in Medina. Umar was captivated by his skill: he mastered several crafts, as they say, was a jack of all trades. But Mugira could not then know what this will all eventually turn out, as well as the fact that Fairuz will complain about him to the caliph. Fairuz was not satisfied with the percentage of funds charged by Mugira for his work.

The caliph did not satisfy his complaint, although in his heart he planned to talk with Mugira about this matter. Fairuz would later say that the caliph's justice affected everyone except him. This was far from the case, he had hostility towards Islam and Muslims, and the incident with the caliph only became a suitable reason for committing a high-profile murder in broad daylight.

Fairuz thoroughly prepared for the murder of the century. He acquired a double-edged dagger, which he carefully treated with poison. A person can escape from knife wounds, no matter how deep they are, but the poison that has entered the body makes saving a person almost impossible. This is what Fairuz was counting on.

Meanwhile, on the eve of the assassination attempt, the Caliph had a strange dream: he was pecked several times by a rooster. The interpretation of the dream sounded like a sentence. Umar called him the harbinger of his death.

The mosque of the Prophet ﷺ was chosen as the location of the assassination attempt during morning prayers, when the unsuspecting Umar stood with his back to the parishioners. At this time, Abu Lyulyu was hiding in one of the dark corners of the mosque. There were problems with lighting in those days, so no one noticed the fire worshiper inside the religious building.

Umar managed to read Al-Fatiha, but did not finish reading the surah after it. Fairuz deftly bypassed several rows and inflicted several penetrating wounds on the caliph. Umar managed to say:

« I was killed (or, according to another version, I was bitten) by a dog " Yes, it was a “dog” in human form, ready to kill a person of that rank and for which human life worthless.

Fairuz did not think to stop there; he thirsted for Muslim blood. Trying to get out of the Muslim encirclement, Fairuz wounded 13 more people, seven of whom received injuries incompatible with life. Finally, a piece of cloth was thrown over the enraged Fairuz, and, trapped, he committed suicide. Abu Liulya's deceit turned against him.

The assassination attempt on Umar was the result of a conspiracy in which, in addition to Fairuz, two more participated: the fire worshiper Hurmuz and the Christian Jufayna. This ill-fated trinity was once noticed together by Abdurahman ibn Abu Bakr. When he passed by them, one of them dropped a dagger - exactly the one that was later in the hands of Abu Lyulya at the time of the assassination attempt.

That is why Umar sought to protect Medina from representatives of other faiths. Times were different; it was hard to believe in interfaith friendship back then.

Umar spent the last days of his life at home. There was no hope for his healing. The Caliph himself understood this, and therefore ordered the fulfillment of his three main wills: to pay off his debts, to ask the wife of the Prophet ﷺ Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) to give him the opportunity to be buried next to the Prophet ﷺ and Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) ) and form a council of Muslims to elect a new caliph.

But most of all, Umar was worried about the second thing; he uncontrollably wanted to rest with those with whom he spent side by side his entire conscious Islamic life. And Aisha gave him this opportunity.

Umar remained mortally wounded for three days.. One of these days, Abdullah ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with both of them) came to him and spoke highly of the merits of the dying caliph: “ Rejoice in Paradise, O ruler of the faithful! You accepted Islam when others refused to do so, you fought jihad with the Messenger of Allah ﷺ when others left him without help. Prophet ﷺ passed on to another world, being pleased with you. There were no controversial situations in your caliphate, and you were awarded the degree of martyr ».

At the request of Umar, Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them both) repeated these words again. Hearing them a second time, Umar said: “ I swear by Allah, if I had all the reserves of gold and silver at my disposal, I would sacrifice them to save myself from the horrors of the Day of Judgment».

Umar's modesty knew no bounds. Despite the fact that the Prophet guaranteed him Paradise during his lifetime, and despite all the virtues that he possessed, fear of the Almighty prevailed over him. This is true fear of God.

The companion Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) witnessed the last moments of Umar's life. This is how he talks about it: “When I went to see him, his head was lying on the lap of his son Abdullah. And suddenly he asked to be laid with his cheek on the ground. Abdullah objected: “Why is my knee worse than the earth?” Umar was persistent in his request. When his request was fulfilled, I heard him say: “Woe to me and my mother if the Almighty does not have mercy on me.”

These words brought an end to the glorious life of Umar, which was dedicated to the service and defense of Islam. He lived for 63 years and was buried next to the Prophet ﷺ and Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with him) in the blessed Medina.

Khadzhimurad Aliyev

A Brief History of the Caliphate . "Umar ibn al-Khattab
His full name- "Umar ibn al-Khattab ibn Nufail ibn "Abd al-"Uzza ibn Riyah ibn "Abdullah ibn Kurt ibn Razakh ibn "Adi ibn Ka"b. He was one of the noble Quraysh and acted as an ambassador in the event of conflicts within the Quraysh tribe or military clashes between the Quraysh and other tribes. Kunya "Umara is Abu Hafs, and the nickname that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him!) gave him is "Faruk" (The Discriminator). He was born 13 years later than the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him!).


Umar was a strong and respected man who caused many insults and persecuted Muslims. Sa'id ibn Zayd ibn Amr ibn Nufail, cousin of Umar and husband of his sister Fatima ibn al-Khattab, said: “By Allah, Umar strengthened me in Islam before he himself accepted Islam.” For example, it is reported that “Umar tied up Sa”id in order to turn him away from the Islamic religion.

However, behind the external severity of Umar, mercy and compassion were hidden. It is reported that Umm Abdullah ibn Abu Hasma, who, along with other Muslims, migrated to Ethiopia, said: “I swear by Allah, when we were planning to move to Ethiopia and “Amir went for some then with our things, “Umar, who was then still a pagan and caused us the greatest offenses, came and stood next to us. He asked: “Are you leaving, O Umm Abdullah?” I said: “I swear by Allah, yes! We are leaving for Allah’s land, for you have offended and oppressed us, and (we will not return) until Allah shows us a way out. Then he said: “May Allah not leave you,” and I said. I noticed that he was showing sympathy, which was not there before. Then he left, and I think that our departure caused him grief. Then Amir came with things, and I told him: “Oh Abu “Abdullah, if you had seen.” Umar, who was just here, and how he sympathized with us and pitied us!” He asked: “Do you hope that he will convert to Islam?” I answered: “Yes.” He said: “But the one you saw will not accept Islam until the donkey accepts it!”

Umm "Abdullah said: "He said this out of despair, because he saw the rudeness of (Umar) and his (attempts to end) Islam by force. Thus, the woman turned out to be more insightful, since by that time the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) had already been praying to Allah for a long time to strengthen Islam with “Umar.
It is reported from the words of Ibn Umar that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) addressed Allah with the following prayer: “O Allah, strengthen Islam with those of the two whom You love more: “Umar ibn al-Khattab or Abu Jahl ibn Hisham!

Allah answered his prayer, and “Umar accepted Islam after the first migration of Muslims to Ethiopia, thanks to which Islam strengthened, and Muslims were able to pray at the Kaaba without being attacked by polytheists. It is reported that “Abdullah ibn Mas”ud said: “After that As Islam accepted "Umar, we constantly gained strength." He also said: “Before, we could not pray at the Kaaba, (and this continued until) Umar ibn al-Khattab accepted Islam, and after that he fought with the polytheists until they left us alone.” He He also said: “His acceptance of Islam was support for us.”

After “Umar accepted Islam, the polytheists began to create all sorts of obstacles for him, which often led to clashes between them. During the days of jahiliyya, “Umar was known for his eloquence and courage, but in Islam his strength, justice, asceticism, mercy, knowledge became famous and awareness of fiqh. He was a sane man, and on several occasions his wishes coincided with what was subsequently revealed in the Qur'an. Like, for example, the choice of Ibrahim’s place for prayers and the advice to the mothers of the faithful to appear on the streets in veils. The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) pleased Umar (may Allah be pleased with him!) with the news of paradise and that he would become a martyr.


It is known that the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) indicated to Muslims that after him, Abu Bakr should become their leader, as for Abu Bakr, then, according to his will, “Umar ibn” should become the caliph after him al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with both of them. Abu Bakr consulted with the people on this issue, and they left the choice of the heir to the discretion of Abu Bakr himself. Then he gathered his people and told them: “O people, you see what has happened. me by the decree of Allah. Now it is necessary for someone else to gain power over you, conduct prayers with you, fight with your enemies and give you orders, and if you wish, I will think about what to tell you regarding this. Besides Whom there is no other deity, you should not hope that I can recover!” After this, Abu Bakr cried, and everyone present cried with him, and then the people said: “You are the best and most knowledgeable of us, so make the choice yourself!” To this Abu Bakr said: “I will think about what to tell you, and I will choose for you the best from among you, if Allah wants.”

After this, Abu Bakr called Uthman to him and said: “Write: In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful! This is what Abu Bakr ibn Abu Kuhafa instructed, leaving this world and entering the eternal world, where the infidel will believe, and the wicked will be convinced, and will to the truthful the false. I leave over you "Umar ibn al-Khattab. Listen to him and obey him, but I, I swear by Allah, did not miss anything to do good for Allah, His Messenger, His religion, myself and for you. If he begins to show justice, he will act in accordance with what I think about him and what I know about him, and if he changes, then everyone will bear the burden of their sin. I strived only for the good, but the hidden is unknown to me, but the unjust will know what will happen to them. Peace be upon you, the mercy of Allah and His blessings."


As caliph, "Umar ibn al-Khattab followed the example of his predecessor Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with them both. When he was sworn in as caliph after the death of Abu Bakr, he climbed onto the minbar, glorified Allah and thanked him, and then said: “ O people, I will begin to cry to Allah, and you say “Amin.” O Allah, truly, I am rude, so make sure that by following the truth for Your sake and striving for Eternal peace, I will be gentle towards those who obey. You, and endow me with harshness and severity towards Your enemies, depraved people and hypocrites, but do not allow me to oppress them or transgress the boundaries of what is permitted! generous without wastefulness and excesses and showed generosity not for show and not for the sake of good glory, and so that I do this for the sake of You and the Eternal Peace! O Allah, endow me with humility and compliance towards the believers!

As a caliph, “Umar proved himself to be a skilled politician, distinguished by decisiveness and well-thought out his steps. He organized the administrative and financial systems of the state, outlined plans for new conquests, ensured the administration of the conquered territories, stood guard over the interests of his subjects and ensured that justice was observed in the territory country. He did not allow himself to take anything from public funds (bait al-mal), with the exception of one winter and one summer clothing, as well as a riding camel, as for his contents, it corresponded to the contents of the average Muhajir. The messages that “Umar sent to the governors of different regions testified to his deep understanding of his responsibility to Allah and his subjects, his trust in Allah and faith in his own strength.


“Umar set out to organize an Islamic state and did so with unflagging determination. This was necessary to cope with various difficulties and meet new demands, which was especially urgent due to the constant expansion of the Islamic state.

The following are the most important accomplishments of Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him:

1. Base government agencies(sofas). For example, he founded the military divan, which roughly corresponded to the modern Ministry of Defense, and the kharaj divan (land tax), the functions of which were similar to those of the Ministry of Finance.

2. The establishment of a public treasury (bayt al-mal), the appointment of judges and scribes, the introduction of the Hijri calendar as the basis for the calendar of the Islamic state, and the organization of a postal service.

3. Instead of dividing the conquered lands among the warriors, as was usually done before, “Umar left them in the hands of the indigenous people, who had to pay only the land tax.

4. “Umar divided the conquered lands into provinces and appointed a governor to govern each of them, who received a fixed salary from the common treasury. He chose governors from among those who were known for their piety and administrative abilities, without paying attention to the origin of these people.

5. By his order, several cities were founded in the conquered countries, for example, Basra and Kufa in Iraq, Fustat in Egypt and a number of others, each of which was to become the center of the Islamic state in a given region.


“Umar paid great attention to the continuation of jihad, the spread of Islam and the implementation of further steps towards the conquest of Iran and Byzantium, which was started by Abu Bakr.


Convinced that the Muslim troops in the territory of Sham were safe, "Umar concentrated all his efforts on the conquest of Iran and Iraq.
He considered this matter so important that he even wanted to lead troops there himself, but at the council of Muslims it was decided that he should stay and entrust the leadership of the troops to one of the most prominent companions. "Umar agreed with this opinion and appointed Sa"da ibn Abu Waqqas as commander.


Sa'd ibn Abu Waqqas marched on Iraq, which at that time was part of Iran, and set an example of correct leadership and correct policies carried out on the basis of Islamic principles. When the Persians sensed the impending danger, their king Yazdegerd assembled a well-trained and equipped army, the number which historians estimate to be 80,000 people. This army, with 33 war elephants, was led by the experienced commander Rustam. When the two armies met, Rustam asked Sad to send him a smart man. knowledgeable person, to whom he could ask some questions. He was interested in the reason for the amazing change in the Arabs, who had always been submissive to Iran and were satisfied with receiving food supplies in case of famine or when carrying out raids.

Sa"d sent several companions to him, among whom were Rib" and ibn "Amir, may Allah be pleased with him. Rib" and entered Rustam's tent, decorated with gold embroidered pillows and silk bedspreads, where he was shown precious yachts and pearls. On Rustam's head there was a shining crown, and he himself sat on a golden throne, Rib" and was dressed in shabby clothes, had with him only a shield and a sword and sat astride a small horse. Seeing all these decorations and the arrogance of the Persians, Rib" and decided to show his contempt for this imaginary splendor and rode into the tent without getting off his horse, which stopped at the edge of the carpet. After this, Rib dismounted and walked with a firm step towards the Persians, raising his head high and without taking off his weapons, armor and helmet. In response to the demand to take off his weapons, he said with dignity: “I did not come to you of my own free will! It was you who called me, and if you leave everything as it is, I will stay, otherwise I will come back.” Rustam said: “Let him leave the weapon,” after which Rib “and approached him, leaning on his spear and walking on the pillows, most of them. which he tore. Rustam asked: “What brought you here?” Rib" and replied: “Allah has sent us to lead those whom He wills from the worship of slaves to the worship of Allah, from the narrowness of this world to the immensity of the Hereafter, and from arbitrariness different religions- to the justice of Islam. He sent us to people with His religion so that we would call them to Him, and we will retreat from the one who accepts it, and with the one who refuses, we will fight until we are brought to what Allah has promised.” Rustam asked: “What did Allah promise you?” Rib" and replied: “Paradise for those who die in battle with those who refuse, and victory for those who survive.” After this, Rustam asked for a reprieve, but the Muslims refused to give him more than three days to think, after which the armies converged in a fierce battle that lasted all day, most of the night and two more days.

During this battle, war elephants caused a lot of difficulties for the Muslims, which frightened the Arabian horses, who were not accustomed to their appearance. However, the heroes of Islam stood and fought until Allah helped them achieve victory. On the fourth day of the battle, Allah sent strong wind, who scattered the camp of fire worshipers, after which they fled, and their leader died. In total, 10,000 Persians and about 2,500 Muslims died.

By sending Muslims victory in this decisive battle, Allah supported His religion and exalted His word, as a result of which Muslims began to be feared by both Arabs and non-Arabs, the leadership and justice of Islam spread, and unbelief and polytheism decreased.


Having learned about the entry of Muslim troops into their land, the Byzantines wrote about this to Heraclius, who was in Jerusalem at that time. Heraclius said: “I think that you should make peace with the Muslims, for if you agree with them that half of Sham remains with Byzantium, it will be better for you than to be defeated by them and lose all of Sham and half of Byzantium."

Such advice infuriated representatives of the Byzantine nobility, who thought that the weakened emperor had decided to hand over the country to the victorious invaders. Heraclius indeed showed weakness because, fearing the wrath of his own nobility, he decided to fight the Muslims, although he was convinced of the inevitability of his defeat. Gathering the indignant nobility, Heraclius headed to Hims, where he assembled a huge and well-equipped army to fight the Muslims.


Seeing that the Muslims were winning victories one after another, the Byzantine emperor Heraclius gathered all his forces, at the head of which he put his brother. The Byzantines concentrated near the Yarmouk River, one of the tributaries of the Jordan, and on the other bank the Muslim army took positions under the command of Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah. He instructed Khalid ibn al-Walid to build troops, and he lined them up in an excellent battle formation, which had previously was unknown to the Arabs. The Muslim cavalry bravely attacked the Byzantines, thanks to which they managed to cut off the Byzantine cavalry from the infantry. After the death of thousands of Byzantine horsemen, the cavalry fled under the blows of the valiant Muslim cavalry, and then the Muslims attacked the infantry, who died in battle or drowned in the river. More than one hundred thousand Byzantines and about three thousand Muslims died in the Battle of Yarmouk.

CONQUEST OF EGYPT At that time, Egypt was one of the provinces of Byzantium. Like the Byzantines, the Egyptians professed Christianity, but they treated their fellow believers poorly. So, for example, the Egyptians were strangled with taxes, and it came to the point that they were forced to pay for the dead, allowing them to bury the dead only after paying the established tax.

At the head of a four-thousand-strong detachment, Amr ibn al-As moved to Egypt. He crossed the Sinai desert and at the end of 18 AH. appeared at al-Arish, who was occupied without a fight, since there was no Byzantine garrison in it. Then he moved to al-Farama, which was taken after a month and a half siege at the beginning of 19 AH. During this siege, the Egyptians provided assistance to the Muslims Next, “Amr headed towards Bilbays, which he captured after a month of continuous fighting. He then besieged the fortress of Umm Dunain, for which a fierce battle broke out. The Byzantines took refuge behind the walls of one of their most impregnable fortresses, Babailun, which the Muslims besieged until Allah helped them win, and then victories followed one after another, and ultimately Egypt became a province of the Islamic state.


“Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, died at the hands of Fairuz, who was also called Abu Lu"a. He was a fire worshiper and was a slave of al-Mughira ibn Shuba. It is reported that he came to Umar with a complaint to the overstatement of the kharaj, to which Umar told him that his kharaj was small, and Fairuz left, harboring a grudge. However, was this the real reason for the murder? It is known that Abu Lulu was friends with the Jews, and he was especially often seen with them on the eve of the murder. .Allah knows best!

Fairuz killed Umar with a poisoned dagger with two blades, inflicting six blows on him. The wound below the navel turned out to be fatal. Fairuz made an attempt on Umar during morning prayer on the 23rd of Dhul-Hijjah, 23 AH. He struck at the time when "Umar was pronouncing the words of takbir on morning prayer, after which he ran out of the mosque and began to strike everyone he met with his dagger, as a result of which 13 people were injured, more than half of whom died. Realizing that he would definitely be captured, Abu Lyu"a stabbed himself with the same dagger, and the caliph was carried home. He lived for three more days and died on Wednesday 4 days before the end of the month of Dhul-Hijjah 23 AH. His son “Abdullah ibn” Umar washed his father’s body, wrapped the body in a shroud and performed a funeral prayer, after which “Umar was buried next to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him!) and Abu Bakr. His reign lasted ten and a half years, and may Allah reward him with goodness!

Praise be to Allah!

One of the signs that the Lord is pleased with his servant - this is that He leads him to perform good deeds and keeps him from doing bad deeds. This is confirmed by the words of Allah:

"To those who follow the straight path, He increases their adherence to the straight path and grants them piety." (Muhammad, 47:17)

“And those who fight for Us, We will certainly lead them along Our paths. Verily, Allah is with those who do good!” (Al-Ankabut, 29:69)

But if a person experiences difficulties that prevent him from doing good deeds and avoiding forbidden things - may Allah save us from this - then this is a sign that Allah is not pleased with him.

Allah has also made it clear in His Book that it is a sign of Allah's pleasure with His servant and His guidance that He opens his heart to true guidance and true faith. And a sign of delusion and distance from Straight Path is a feeling mental suffering and compression in the heart.

Allah says (translation of the meaning):“Whoever Allah wants to guide to the straight path, He opens his chest for Islam, and whoever He wants to lead astray, He squeezes and compresses his chest, as if he were climbing into heaven. Thus Allah sends defilement (or punishment) to those who do not believes." (Al-Anam, 6:125)

Umar ibn al-Khattab was born in Mecca approximately in 586 - 590. He was a fairly famous Quraish and acted as a mediator in resolving disagreements within his tribe, as well as in conflicts with other tribes.

For the first 30 years of his life, Umar was a fierce opponent of Islam, although his sister and brother-in-law became Muslims before him. Having learned about this, he severely punished his sister’s husband, but then decided to look into the Koran. Islam interested Umar so much that he went to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him!) and accepted the faith.


After accepting Islam, Umar began to actively resist the Quraish. The news of this instantly spread throughout Mecca, which had a beneficial effect on the lives of Muslims. Thanks to him, they performed prayer near the Kaaba for the first time. Umar himself was constantly close to the Prophet Muhammad and protected him.

Proof of Umar's fearlessness and courage was the public move from Mecca to Medina, although other Muslims, fearing the pagans, did it in secret.


In Medina, Umar became the closest companion of the Prophet Muhammad and even gave his daughter Hafsa to him as his wife. He participated in all state affairs and battles at Badr, Khandak, Uchud, Khaybar and others.
After the death of the Prophet, Umar became an adviser to the elected caliph Abu Bakr. In 634, before his death, Abu Bakru appointed Umar as his successor. No one objected, and he became the new caliph.


Now the caliph was required to take many measures. In 640, he finally established a system for paying salaries and providing food rations. In 637 Umar founded new system chronology, according to which new era began from the moment the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Almighty be upon him!) moved to Medina. The skillful management of the caliphate led to its great success. Umar became a significant figure in the spread Islamic faith. He became the ideal ruler, according to the Sunnis, who imagined him to be fair to Muslims and cruel to his enemies.

Umar's important deeds were:

  • Foundation of state sofas.
  • Establishment of a public treasury.
  • The conquered lands were divided into provinces, but remained in the hands of the indigenous people.

In the conquered countries, cities were founded - centers of the Islamic state.

In 644, during morning prayers, Umar was seriously wounded with a knife by the Persian slave Firuz. The reason for such actions was that Umar refused to respond to the slave’s complaints against the owner. Another version of what happened was Umar’s tough policy towards Persia, which was completely defeated by his armies. Before his death, Umar appointed Uthman ibn Affan as the third righteous caliph.

‘Umar ibn Al-Khattab - one of the great companions of the Prophet Mu X ammada. He was one of the first to accept Islam and became a great support for the Messenger of Allahha. ‘Umar was known for his justice, devotion to Allah h and obedience to His Messenger, as well as strictness in observing Shari'ah. For this he was respectfully called “Al-Faruk”, that is, “the just one, distinguishing between good and evil, separating the righteous from the unjust.” ‘Umar was brave and fearless. He is the only one who openly migrated from Mecca to Medina, despite the threats of the pagan Quraish. ‘Umar was the second righteous caliph and ruled after Abu Bakr As-Siddiq. He achieved the degree of holiness and was one of the ten pious Sahaba who were informed during their lifetime that Paradise awaited them.

How Umar accepted Islam

‘Umar ibn Al-Khattab was a Quraish. His father's name was Al-Khattab ibn Nufail ibn 'Abdul-'Uzza ibn Riyah ibn 'Abdullah ibn Kart ibn Razakh ibn 'Uday ibn Ka'ab ibn Lu'ay.

‘Umar became a Muslim at the age of 26. Before him, about forty men and ten women accepted Islam.

It is known that, being a pagan, ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattab was very hostile to the Prophet Mu X ammadu and was going to kill him.

Anas ibn Malik reported that one day ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattab went out into the street with a sword and on the way he met Nu’aim from the Bani Bison clan, who asked: “Where are you going, oh ‘Umar?” He replied: "I am going to kill Mu X ammada." Nu'aym asked: “Do you think that the members of the families of Bani Hashim and Bani Zuhra will not get even with you if you kill Mu X ammada? ‘Umar replied: “I see that you have renounced your religion!” Nu'aim continued: “I will say something that will surprise you even more: your sister Fa T Yima and her husband Zeid accepted Islam!”

Hearing this, ‘Umar went to his sister. Approaching the house, he heard them reading TO Uranus. ‘Umar said to them: “Have you really renounced our faith?!” To this, the sister’s husband replied: “Umar, don’t you see that the truth is not in your religion?!” Then ‘Umar rushed at him and hit him hard. ‘Umar’s sister pushed him away, and ‘Umar hit her in the face with his hand until it bled. She said: “Umar, don’t you see that the truth is not in your religion?” and recited the Islamic Testimonies. Then ‘Umar realized that he could not do anything, and said: “Show me the scroll that you have in your hands. I want to see what it says." There was Surah Touba. He began to read and came to the 14th verse where it says the meaning:

"Allah said: “IGod, there is no creator but Me. Worship Me, perform Namaz.”

These lines made a strong impression on ‘Umar - his heart opened to Islam, and he said that he wanted to see Mu X ammada. He went to the house of Al-Arqam, where Muslims were gathering at that time. At the entrance to the house stood X amza, T al X and some other companions. Having learned about the arrival of ‘Umar, the Prophet himself went to him. He grabbed him by the clothes and began to shake him. ‘Umar could not stand on his feet and fell to his knees. Prophet Mu X ammad told him: “When will you finally stop resisting?!” And then ‘Umar said: “I testify that there is no creator except Allah, the One and Only, Who has no partner, and I testify that Mu X ammad is His Servant and Messenger.” Seeing this, the Muslims exclaimed with joy: “Allahu Akbar!” so loud that they were heard even in the Al-Mosque X aram. This event occurred in the sixth year after the revelation of Mu to the Prophet. X to the ammad of the first Revelation.

What did Prophet Mu say? X ammad aboutUmare

When ‘Umar was still a pagan, the Prophet prayed to the Creator to accept Islam, and that thanks to this the Muslim community would become stronger.

Transferred a lot X hell is ov in which the Prophet praised ‘Umar for his excellent qualities: sincerity, strength, steadfastness in defending Islam and Islamic Ummah, justice. Prophet Mu X ammad said about him meaning:

Allah bestowed on ‘Umar ibn Al-Ha tt Abu truthful tongue and strong faith in the heart.

Once upon a time Prophet Mu X ammad said to 'Umar meaning:

"I swear to Allahhom! When the shaitan meets on your way, he immediately turns off and chooses another road,” that is, even the shaitans were afraid of ‘Umar and avoided him.

Imams of At-Tirmi h y, Ibn Ma'jah and Ha Kim reported the words of the Prophet: “In my ummah, Allah is the strongest in fulfilling the commandsha - 'Umar.'

‘Umar ibn Al-Khattab became one of the great scholars. Imams Al-Bukhariy, Muslim and At-Tirmi h they handed it over x hell is as once upon the Prophet Mu X ammad dreamed that they brought him a cup of milk, he drank from it and, having had his fill, gave the rest to ‘Umar. And when the Prophet was asked the interpretation of this dream, he said that it was knowledge.

Prophet Mu X ammad and ‘Umar were not only close friends, but also became related when the Messenger of Allah married X Afsu - daughter of 'Umar ibn Al-Ha tt aba.


‘Umar was tall, fair-skinned and fair-haired, with a slight bald spot on his head. Wahb ibn Munabbih said: “In Taurat there is a description of the appearance of ‘Umar ibn Al-Ha tt aba. It says he is strong as iron and he is the king of the strong.”

Caliph Umar

After the death of the first righteous caliph Abu Bakr, the rule of the caliphate passed into the hands of 'Umar ibn Al-Ha tt aba. Ruler 'Umar was the first to bear the title of "ruler of the believers" since he made a lot of efforts to spread Islam and establish justice. He strictly observed Sharia and made sure that no one violated the Laws of God. First of all, he was demanding of himself and was afraid to allow even the slightest injustice towards his subjects. One scholar who wrote a book about the companions of the Prophet Mu X ammad, noted that thanks to the justice of ‘Umar, there was no unrest (fitna) during his reign.

Scholars have collected so many stories about the justice of ‘Umar “Al-Far” To a” that they won’t fit in one book. Here are some of them.

Once, when there was a famine, people slaughtered camels and distributed the meat to the needy, and left the best part for ‘Umar. He didn't know about it. When they gave him meat, he asked: “Where does the meat come from?” The people replied that today they slaughtered the camels and distributed the meat. He said: “I will not be a good ruler if I eat the best part and give the bad part to others.” He asked for bread and butter and said to his assistant named Yarfa’: “Distribute this meat in the area of ​​Samg (an area near Medina). I haven’t been with them for three days and I think they are in need.”

There is also a known story when merchants came to ‘Umar, and he asked ‘Abdurr X m A on Ibn ‘Auf to help him guard their goods from thieves at night. 'Umar and 'Abdurra X m A We didn’t sleep all night, guarding other people’s property.

Suddenly they heard a child crying. ‘Umar went to the baby’s mother and said: “Fear Allah - feed him!” and came back. The child began to cry again, and he repeated his demand. Towards morning, ‘Umar again heard that the baby was crying. He came up and said: “I see your child didn’t sleep today.” The woman did not know that the Caliph ‘Umar himself was standing in front of her, and answered: “Oh, servant of Allah, I want to wean him, but he doesn’t want to.”

‘Umar asked: “Why do you want to wean him?” She replied: “Because ‘Umar gives help only to those children who are no longer breastfed.” He asked: “How old is he?” She replied: “So many months.” He replied: “Don’t rush!” and left to perform Namaz Sub X, after which he wept bitterly and said: “Woe to you, ‘Umar! How many children have suffered from this!” Then he issued a decree that women should not rush to wean their children, since the Caliph would give help to every child.

Under Caliph 'Umar The public treasury “Bayt Al-Mal” was organized. It was used for government spending, including helping those in need - both Muslims and non-Muslims. One day, the believers managed to replenish the treasury with a large sum of money. When Caliph ‘Umar saw the wealth arriving in the treasury, he exclaimed: “Truly, Muslims have shown honesty!” Standing nearby was 'Ali ibn Abu T Alib, who was the caliph's adviser, said: “You abstained from bad deeds, and your subjects abstained. And if you lived freely, then they would live the same way!”

Ruler ‘Umar himself was afraid to spend treasury funds on himself, for fear of taking more than he was entitled to. He was modest and ascetic. For example, Ibn Al-Jawziy in his book “Syfat As-Safua” said that even when ‘Umar spoke to people, he was wearing an izar with 12 patches.

‘Umar was very God-fearing and worshiped Allah a lot - he often fasted and prayed at night. He was afraid to make even the slightest omission in relation to his subjects. His son ‘Abdullah reported his father’s words:

“Even if the kid died near the bank of the Furat River, I’m afraid that I’ll be questioned for that too.”

‘Umar was a caring ruler and gave Special attention the needs of believers. He was the first to guard the peace of Muslims at night. Wearing simple clothes, he personally walked around the city and kept order, and also helped those in need. Many people did not know that the Caliph himself was helping them.

Abu Nu'aym in the book " X Ilyat al-Awliya" conveyed the story of how one day T Alha noticed how ‘Umar entered a house at night. The next morning T Alha went there and saw that a blind, weak old woman lived there. He asked her: “What kind of man comes to you?” She replied that he had been caring for her for a long time, bringing her what she needed and cleaning. AND T Alha reproached himself for his curiosity.

And also ‘Umar strictly monitored the activities of his governors. He asked ordinary people about how well they fulfill their responsibilities towards them.

As a ruler, he introduced many useful innovations. It was he who proposed a new calendar (according to Hijra) and gathered people to collectively perform Namaz Tara wow(formerly Tara wow each was performed separately). And his useful innovation in administrative affairs was the registration of sent decrees and letters.

Death of Umar

Ruler ‘Umar left this life as a martyr on the morning of 27 Z ul- X Ijjah in the year 23 Hijri. When he performed Namaz Sub X One unbeliever came along with the people and stabbed him with a knife with a forked blade. While running away, he stabbed everyone in his path with this knife, and when he realized that he could not escape, he stabbed himself with the same knife.

‘Umar ibn Al-Ha tt aba was buried in the house of ‘Aisha next to the Prophet and Abu Bakr. Thus, ‘Aisha’s dream about three moons setting into her house came true.

Wise sayings of 'Umar ibn Al-Ha tt aba

  • “Ask yourself about your affairs before you are asked in the Tomorrow. Weigh your actions before they are weighed on Libra. And it will be easier for you during the Great Report tomorrow if you make a report for yourself today.”
  • “Respect for those who laugh a lot decreases. And those who have a lot of fun are treated with disdain. One who constantly performs certain actions becomes known for it. He who speaks a lot often makes mistakes, and he who often makes mistakes ceases to be shy, and the one who ceases to be shy, the fear of God decreases, and with a decrease in the fear of God, the heart dies.”
  • “Three things make love for your brother sincere: say “salaam” when you meet, give him your seat at a meeting and, when addressing him, call him by the names that he likes.”

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Pilgrimage is a purposeful visit to the Ka'ba, the House that the Almighty spoke about in the Koran this word must be read in Arabic as - الْقُـرْآن(Sura “Ali ‘Imran”, Ayats 96-97) meaning:

“Truly, the first House that was built by Adam for people is the one that is located in Mecca. It was raised up for the worlds as a blessing and a guide to salvation. There are clear signs in it: the maqam of Ibrahim is there. this name is pronounced in Arabic as إبراهيم(Abraham) is the place where Prophet Ibrahim stood. Whoever enters this mosque will be safe.”

Every reasonable (non-crazy), adult and free from slavery Muslim is obliged to make a pilgrimage once in his life, if he has the financial ability to do so.

The history of this ritual goes back to antiquity. When Allah in the name of God in Arabic “Allah”, the letter “x” is pronounced like ه Arabic ordered the Prophet Ibrahim to call people to perform Hajj, the messenger asked: “How to call so that everyone can hear?” In response, Ibrahim was given a Revelation that the Lord Himself would allow the Prophet’s call to be heard. It is known that all the Prophets after Ibrahim performed the Pilgrimage.

When Prophet Ibrahim announced that Allah had commanded the Pilgrimage, his proclamation was heard by those souls who were destined to make the pilgrimage from that time until the End of the World. And the souls who were not destined to make the pilgrimage did not hear the call that day.

The Ayats of Surah Al-Hajj say that pilgrimage is one of the five Pillars of Islam. We find the same thing in the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced like ح in Arabic, peace be upon Him, meaning:

“Islam is based on five Pillars:

  1. Recognition and Faith that there is no deity except Allah and Muh ammad - His Prophet and Messenger
  2. Performing fivefold Namaz
  3. Annual deduction of funds by wealthy Muslims as Zakat
  4. Making a Pilgrimage (Hajj) to the Sacred House (Ka'bah)
  5. Observing Fasting in the month of Ramadan.”

The ritual of pilgrimage differs from other main pillars of Islam in that Hajj is a special kind of rite, characterized by the unity of time and place of its performance. It takes place only at a certain time and in a certain place, which are mentioned in the Qur'an.

The benefit of Hajj for people is cleansing from sins. Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said meaning:

“Whoever performed the Hajj without violating sexual intercourse, and did not commit major sins, was cleansed of sins and became pure, like a newborn.”

About the migration of the Prophet Ibr A h And ma, peace be upon him, to the territory of Sham (to Palestine)

People of the Prophet Ibr A h And Ma, peace be upon Him, still persisted in his unbelief. Only a small number of them believed. Then, seeing that people did not heed His call and stubbornly did not want to accept the Faith, Prophet Ibr A h And m, peace be upon Him, decided to leave for another area where He could freely worship Allah and call people to Islam. Maybe there people will respond to His call and accept Faith, recognizing that only Allah is the Only Creator, Who has Power over everything.

In the Sacred TO ur`ane it is said (Sura “A WithWITHA ff A t", Ayat 99):

﴿ وَقَالَ إِنِّي ذَاهِبٌ إِلَى رَبِّي سَيَهْدِينِ

It means: "Prophet Ibr" A h And m, peace be upon him, said,[moving from an unbelieving people] : “I am going where my Lord commanded me to go,[that is, to the territory of Sham] , where I can freely worship Allah Almighty.”

And also in other Ayats TO ur'ana is said about the Prophet Ibr A h And me (Surah Al-‘Anqab at t", Ayats 26-27):

﴿ فَآمَنَ لَهُ لُوطٌ وَقَالَ إِنِّي مُهَاجِرٌ إِلَى رَبِّي إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْعَزِيزُ الْحَكِيمُ X وَوَهَبْنَا لَهُ إِسْحَقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ وَجَعَلْنَا فِي ذُرِّيَّتِهِ النُّبُوَّةَ وَالْكِتَابَ وَءَاتَيْنَاهُ أَجْرَهُ فِي الدُّنْيَا وَإِنَّهُ فِي الآخِرَةِ لَمِنَ الصَّالِحِينَ

It means: "Prophet Lu" T was a believer like other Prophets, and He was the first to recognize Ibr A h And Ma, peace be upon Him, as the Prophet, when he saw that the fire did not harm Him. Prophet Ibr A h And m said: “I am moving to where my Lord commanded me[to the territory of Sham] . Indeed, Allah will protect me from my enemies, and He knows everything.” Allah granted Ibr A h And mu[son] Is hack a and[grandson] I' ku ba, and gave Ibr to the descendants A h And ma Prophecy and Heavenly Scriptures. Allah gave Ibr A h And mu special thing in this life[since Muslims very often praise Him by reciting the du' A` and h caviar] , and in the Next World He will be in Paradise.”

Prophet Ibr A h And m, peace be upon Him, fulfilling the Command of the Almighty, he moved with his wife Sarah and nephew Lou T om to the blessed land of Sham.

Allah Almighty said in TO ur`an (Sura Al-Anbi I`", Verses 71-73):

﴿ وَنَجَّيْنَاهُ وَلُوطًا إِلَى الأَرْضِ الَّتِي بَارَكْنَا فِيهَا لِلْعَالَمِينَ X وَوَهَبْنَا لَهُ إِسْحَقَ وَيَعْقُوبَ نَافِلَةً وَكُلاًّّ جَعَلْنَا صَالِحِينَ X وَجَعَلْنَاهُمْ أَئِمَّةً يَهْدُونَ بِأَمْرِنَا وَأَوْحَيْنَا إِلَيْهِمْ فِعْلَ الْخَيْرَاتِ وَإِقَامَ الصَّلاةِ وَإِيتَاءَ الزَّكَاةِ وَكَانُواْ لَنَا عَابِدِينَ

It means: “By the Command of Allah, Prophet Ibr A h And M and Lou T moved to a special, blessed territory[Sham] . Allah gave the Prophet Ibr A h And many pious descendants, among them – Isa hack a and I' ku ba. They were Prophets, leading people along the path of Truth, as the Almighty commanded them. Allah commanded Them through Revelation to do good deeds - perform Namaz, give Zakat. They worshiped only Allah Almighty.”


Sham is the territory of Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Jordan.

People of the Prophet Ibr Aһ And Ma decided to take revenge on Him for breaking their idols and thereby showing the insignificance of these idols. After Prophet Ibr A h And m won the argument with Numrud, presenting him with irrefutable mental evidence, Numrud and his subordinates decided to burn Him in fire, and thus punish Him.

Said in the Sacred TO ur'ane (Sura "A WithWITHA ff A t", Ayat 97):


It means: A h And ma into the fire."

It is also said in TO ur`an (Sura Al-Anbi I`", Ayat 68):

﴿ قَالُواْ حَرِّقُوهُ وَٱنصُرُواْ ءَالِهَتَكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ فَاعِلِينَ

It means: “Numrud said: “Burn him in the fire and take revenge on your idols if you want the idols to win.”

The unbelievers began to prepare a fire for the Prophet Ibr Aһ And ma, collecting firewood from everywhere. So they wanted to take revenge on Him for their idols, which they deified. Their hatred of Prophet Ibr Aһ And Mu and the thirst for revenge was so strong that even sick women vowed to collect wood for this fire if they recovered.

After it has been collected great amount firewood, the unbelievers dug a deep hole and piled the firewood in it. Then they lit a fire. A bright flame flared up and began to flare up with extraordinary force. Huge sparks flew upward, the likes of which had never been seen before. The fire was so strong that people could not even approach it and throw the Prophet Ibr into it A h And ma. Then they built a catapult to throw Him into the fire from afar. The unbelievers tied His hands and placed Him on the bowl of the catapult. Prophet Ibr A h And M, peace be upon Him, had great faith in His Creator, and when He was thrown into the fire, He uttered these words:

«حَسْبُنَا اللهُ وَنِعْمَ الوَكِيْل»

It means: “Our trust is in Allah, only He grants protection from harm.” Narrated by Al-Bukhariy from Ibn ‘Abb A sa.

By the Will of Allah, the fire did not burn the Prophet Ibr A h And Ma, peace be upon Him, and even His clothes remained intact, since fire does not create combustion, but Allah creates it.

In the Sacred TOI`", Verse 69):

﴿ قُلْنَا يَا نَارُ كُونِي بَرْدًا وَسَلامًا عَلَى إِبْرَاهِيمَ

It means: “Allah made the fire cool for Ibr A h And and did not burn Him.”

By the Will of Allah, this strong fire was cool and safe for the Prophet Ibr A h And ma, peace be upon him. Some scholars said that the fire only burned the ropes that bound His hands. Some Salafist scholars reported that at that moment in front of the Prophet Ibr A h And Angel Jabr appeared as mom A`And l, peace be upon Him, and asked: “Oh, Ibr A h And uh, do you need any help?” Why Prophet Ibr A h And m, trusting in the Almighty Creator, answered: “I don’t need you.”

After the flames of this huge fire went out and the smoke cleared, people saw that Prophet Ibr A h And m alive and well, and that the fire did not harm Him at all. So they saw the Miracle with their own eyes. But even despite this, they still remained in their delusion and did not believe in the Prophet Ibr A h And ma, peace be upon him.

Allah did not allow the unbelievers to win. They wanted to avenge their idols, but as a result they themselves were defeated.

In the Sacred TO ur`ane it is said (Surah Al-Anbi I`", Ayat 70):

﴿ وَأَرَادُواْ بِهِ كَيْدًا فَجَعَلْنَاهُمُ الأَخْسَرِينَ

It means: "The disbelievers wanted to punish Ibr A h And ma, but instead they themselves received a painful punishment from Allah.”

It is also said in TO ur'ane (Sura "A WithWITHA ff A t", Ayats 97-98):

﴿ قَالُواْ ٱبْنُواْ لَهُ بُنْيَانًا فَأَلْقُوهُ فِي الْجَحِيمِ فَأَرَادُواْ بِهِ كَيْدًا فَجَعَلْنَاهُمُ الأَسْفَلِينَ

It means: “Numrud said: “Build a catapult and throw Ibr from it A h And ma into the fire." The unbelievers wanted to burn Ibr A h And ma to stop His call. But as a result they failed, and Prophet Ibr A h And m was saved."
