Myths and tales of the ancient Slavs. Myths of the ancient Slavs. Son of Svarog in Slavic myths

Alexander Afanasyev

Myths of the ancient Slavs

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The origin of myths, the method and means of studying them

The rich and, one might say, the only source of various mythical ideas is the living human word, with its metaphorical and consonant expressions. To show how necessary and naturally myths (fables) are created, we must turn to the history of language. In the life of a language, relative to its organism, science distinguishes two different periods: the period of its formation, gradual addition (development of forms) and the period of decline and dismemberment (transformations).

Every language begins with the formation of roots or those basic sounds in which primitive denoted his impressions made on him by objects and natural phenomena. The emerging concept was plastically outlined by the word as a true and apt epithet. Even to this day, in our regional dialects and in the monuments of oral folk literature, one can hear that figurative expression that shows that for the common people a word is not always just a sign indicating a known concept, but that at the same time it depicts the most characteristic shades of the subject and bright, picturesque features of the phenomenon. Let's give examples: zybun - fragile soil of the earth in a swamp, run - running water, lei (from the verb to pour) - torrential rains, senognoy - light but persistent rain, listoder - autumn wind, creeping - snowblood that spreads low on the ground, torn - a skinny horse, a licker - a cow's tongue, a chicken - a hawk, a carkun - a raven, a chilly - a frog, a snake - a snake, a scab - an evil person, etc.; folk riddles are especially rich in such sayings: blink - an eye, blow your nose, sniff and sniff - a nose, babble - a tongue, yawn and yadalo - a mouth, robbers and waves - hands, dejected - a pig, babble - a dog, tenacious - a child and many others, in which we find a direct, obvious indication to everyone of the source of the representation. Because various items and phenomena can easily be similar in some of their characteristics and in this respect produce the same impression on the senses, then it is natural that man began to bring them together in his ideas and give them the same name, or at least names derived from the same root . The subject was outlined from different sides and received its full definition only in a variety of synonymous expressions. But it should be noted that each of these synonyms, denoting a certain quality of one object, at the same time could serve to designate the same quality of many other objects and thus connect them with each other. Here lies precisely that rich spring of metaphorical expressions, sensitive to the most subtle shades of physical phenomena, which amazes us with its strength and abundance in the languages ​​of the most ancient education and which subsequently, under the influence of the further development of tribes, gradually dries up. In ordinary Sanskrit dictionaries there are five names for hand, 11 for light, 15 for cloud, 20 for month, 26 for snake, 35 for fire, 37 for sun, etc.

Now let us imagine what confusion of concepts, what confusion of ideas should have occurred when the root meaning of words was forgotten; and such oblivion, sooner or later, certainly befalls the people. Moving more and more away from initial impressions and trying to satisfy newly emerging mental needs, the people discover the desire to turn the language they created into a firmly established and obedient instrument for transmitting their own thoughts. And this becomes possible only when the ear itself loses its excessive sensitivity to the spoken sounds, when, through the force of long-term use, the force of habit, the word finally loses its original pictorial character and from the height of poetic, pictorial representation descends to the level of an abstract name - it becomes nothing more than a phonetic sign to indicate a known object or phenomenon, in its entirety, without an exclusive relationship to one or another attribute. Most of the names given by the people under the inspiration of artistic creativity were based on very bold metaphors. But how soon were those torn original threads, to which they were originally attached, these metaphors lost their poetic meaning and began to be taken for simple, non-transferable expressions and in this form passed from one generation to another. Understandable to fathers and repeated out of habit by their children, they were completely incomprehensible to their grandchildren. Moreover, having survived centuries, fragmented into localities, exposed to various geographical and historical influences, the people were not able to preserve their language in all its integrity and the fullness of its original wealth: previously used expressions grew old and died out, became obsolete as grammatical forms, only sounds were replaced other related, old words were given new meaning. As a result of such centuries-old losses of language, the transformation of sounds and the renewal of concepts contained in words, the original meaning of ancient sayings became darker and more mysterious, and the inevitable process of mythical seductions began, which entangled the human mind all the more tightly because they acted on him with irresistible convictions native word. The celestial bodies are no longer only in a figurative, poetic sense called “the eyes of the sky,” but in fact appear to the people’s mind under this living image, and from here arise the myths about the thousand-eyed, vigilant night guard Argus and the one-eyed sun deity; winding lightning is a fiery serpent, fast-flying winds are endowed with wings, the lord of summer thunderstorms is endowed with fiery arrows. Looking at the thundercloud, the people no longer saw Perun’s chariot in it, although they continued to talk about the air trains of the thunder god and believed that he really had a wonderful chariot. Where there were two, three or more names for one natural phenomenon, each of these names usually gave rise to the creation of a special, separate mythical person, and completely identical stories were repeated about all these persons - for example, among the Greeks next to Phoebus we find Helios.

News from chronicles, archaeological finds, and records make it possible to literally recreate, bit by bit, a complex and original religious system Eastern Slavs.

The ideas of the pagan Slavs about the earthly structure were very complex and confusing. Slavic scholars write that it seemed to them like a large egg; in the mythology of some neighboring and related peoples, this egg was laid by a “cosmic bird.” The Slavs have preserved echoes of the legends about the Great Mother, the parent of Earth and Sky, the foremother of Gods and people. Her name was Zhiva, or Zhivana. But not much is known about her, because, according to legend, she retired after the birth of Earth and Heaven.

In the middle of the Slavic Universe, like a yolk, is the Earth itself. The upper part of the “Yolk” is our living world, the world of people. The lower “underside” side is the Lower World, the World of the Dead, the Night Land. When it's day there, it's night here. To get there, you need to cross the Ocean-Sea that surrounds the Earth. Or dig a well right through, and the stone will fall into this well for twelve days and nights. Surprisingly, whether it is an accident or not, the ancient Slavs had an idea about the shape of the Earth and the cycle of day and night.

Around the Earth, like egg yolks and shells, there are nine heavens (nine - three times three - a sacred number among the most different nations). This is why we still say not only “heaven” but also “heaven”. Each of the nine heavens Slavic mythology has its own purpose: one for the Sun and stars, another for the Moon, another for clouds and winds. Our ancestors considered the seventh to be the “firmament,” the transparent bottom of the heavenly Ocean. There are stored reserves of living water, an inexhaustible source of rain. Let us remember how they say about a heavy downpour: “the abyss of heaven opened up.” After all, the “abyss” is the abyss of the sea, the expanse of water. We still remember a lot, we just don’t know where this memory comes from or what it relates to.

The Slavs believed that you can get to any sky by climbing the World Tree, which connects the Lower World, the Earth and all nine heavens. According to the ancient Slavs, the World Tree looks like a huge spreading oak tree. However, on this oak tree the seeds of all trees and herbs ripen. This tree was very important element ancient Slavic mythology - it connected all three levels of the world, extended its branches to the four cardinal directions and with its “state” symbolized the mood of people and Gods in various rituals: green Tree meant prosperity and a good share, and dried up symbolized despondency and was used in rituals where evil Gods participated.

And where the top of the World Tree rises above the seventh heaven, in the “heavenly abyss” there is an island. This island was called “irium” or “virium”. Some scientists believe that the current word “paradise”, which is so strongly associated in our life with Christianity, comes from it. Iriy was also called Buyan Island. This island is known to us from numerous fairy tales. And on that island live the ancestors of all birds and animals: “elder wolf”, “elder deer”, etc.

The Slavs believed that migratory birds fly to the heavenly island in the fall. The souls of animals caught by hunters ascend there and answer to the “elders” - they tell how people treated them.
Accordingly, the hunter had to thank the animal for allowing him to take his skin and meat, and in no case mock him. Then the “elders” will soon release the beast back to Earth, allow it to be born again, so that fish and game will not be transferred. If a person is guilty, there will be no trouble... (As we see, the pagans did not at all consider themselves “kings” of nature, who were allowed to plunder it as they pleased. They lived in nature and together with nature and understood that every living creature has no less right for life than a person.)

Levels of Slavic mythology

Slavic mythology had three levels: highest, middle and lowest.

At the highest level were the Gods, whose “functions” were most important for the Slavs and who participated in the most widespread tales and myths. These are Svarog (Stribog, Sky), Earth, Svarozhichi (children of Svarog and Earth - Perun, Dazhdbog and Fire).

The middle level could include deities associated with economic cycles and seasonal rituals, as well as gods who embodied the integrity of closed small groups: Rod, Chur among the Eastern Slavs, etc. It is possible that most of the female deities belonged to this level, revealing close ties with the collective, sometimes less human-like than the gods of the highest level.

At the lowest level were various highly specialized beings, less human-like than the Gods highest level. These included brownies, goblins, mermaids, ghouls, banniki (baenniks), etc.

The common Slavic word “God” was probably associated with the designation of share, luck, happiness: one can compare the words “rich” (having God, share) and “poor” (opposite meaning), in the Ukrainian language - nebogo, neboga - unfortunate, beggar. The word “God” was included in the names of various deities - Dazhdbog, Chernobog and others. Slavic data and evidence from other most ancient Indo-European mythologies allow us to see in these names a reflection of the ancient layer mythological ideas Proto-Slavs

For clarity, you can depict a diagram of the levels of the Slavic Gods:

Supreme Gods of the Slavs

Mother Earth and Father Sky

The ancient Slavs considered the Earth and the Sky to be two living beings, moreover, a married couple, whose love gave birth to all living things. The God of Heaven, the Father of all things, is called Svarog. This name goes back to an ancient word meaning “sky”, as well as “something shining, brilliant.” Scientists note that another name for Heaven was Stribog - translated into modern language as “Father-God”. Legend tells that Svarog once gave people blacksmith's pliers, taught them how to smelt copper and iron, and before, according to the Slavs - and this is very similar to modern ideas - the Stone Age reigned on Earth, people used clubs and stones. In addition, Svarog established the very first laws, in particular, he ordered every man to have only one wife, and a woman to have one husband. In “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” - a famous monument of literature created at the end of the 12th century - among the richest pagan symbolism one can find the allegorical name of the winds: “Stribozh’s grandchildren”. This means that the winds were considered the grandchildren of Heaven.

We still call the Earth Mother, and this is difficult to dispute. But people don’t always treat her as respectful children should.

The pagans treated her with the greatest love, and all the legends say that the Earth paid them the same. In one of the epics, the hero is warned not to fight with such and such a hero, because he is invincible - “Mother Earth loves him”...

On the tenth of May they celebrated the “name day of the Earth”: on this day it could not be disturbed - plowing, digging. The earth witnessed the solemn oaths; at the same time they touched it with the palm of their hand, sometimes they took out a piece of turf and placed it on their head, mystically making a lie impossible. It was believed that the Earth would not carry a liar.

Some scientists believe that the Goddess of the Earth was called Makosh (however, others, no less authoritative, argue fiercely with them.) You can try to carefully select the word according to its composition. "Ma-" means mother, mother. What does “cat” mean?

Let's remember the words “WALLET”, where wealth is stored, “KSHAR”, where living wealth - sheep - is driven. “KOSH” is the name given to the leader of the Cossacks; “KOSH” was also used to describe lot, fate, and happiness. And also a box, a large basket, where they put the harvested crop - the fruits of the earth, but it was this that constituted the wealth, fate and happiness of the ancient man. So it turns out: Earth - Makosh - Universal Mother, Mistress of Life, Giver of the Harvest.

Dazhdbog Svarozhich

The ancient Slavs considered the Sun, Lightning and Fire - two heavenly Flames and one earthly - to be siblings, the sons of Heaven and Earth. The Sun God is called Dazhdbog (or, in another pronunciation, Dazhbog). His name does not come from the word “rain,” as is sometimes mistakenly thought. “Dazhdbog” means “the giving God,” “the giver of all good things.” The Slavs believed that Dazhdbog rode across the sky in a wonderful chariot drawn by four white golden-maned horses with golden wings. And sunlight comes from the fiery shield that Dazhdbog carries with him. At night, Dazhdbog crosses the lower sky from west to east, shining on the Lower World.

Twice a day (morning and evening) he crosses the Ocean on a boat drawn by waterfowl - geese, ducks, swans. Therefore, our ancestors attributed special power amulets (this word comes from the verb “to protect”, “to protect” and means an amulet, a talisman) in the form of a duck with a horse’s head. They believed that the Sun God would help them wherever he was - in the Day World or in the Night World, and even on the road from one to the other. In “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” Russian people are called “Dazhbozh’s grandchildren” - the grandchildren of the Sun. Although it tells about events that took place almost two hundred years after the official adoption of Christianity. This shows that the influence of paganism persisted for a very long time even in the conditions of Christianity, and some elements of paganism entered deeply into Russian Orthodoxy.

The Morning and Evening Dawns were considered sister and brother, and the Morning Dawn was the wife of the Sun. Every year, during the great festival of the summer solstice (now known as Midsummer), their marriage was solemnly celebrated.

The Slavs considered the Sun all-seeing eye, which strictly monitors the morality of people and the fair observance of laws. It is not for nothing that at all times criminals waited for the onset of night, hiding from justice - not only earthly, but also heavenly, and the eclipse in the same “The Word and Igor’s Campaign” is taken as a terrible sign. And since time immemorial, the sacred sign of the Sun has been... the Cross! It is not difficult to see if you squint at the Sun. Is this why the Christian cross, so similar to the ancient pagan symbol, has taken root so well in Rus'? Sometimes the Solar Cross was circled, and sometimes it was drawn rolling, like the wheel of a solar chariot. This rolling cross is called a swastika. It was turned in one direction or the other, depending on which Sun they wanted to depict - “day” or “night”. By the way, not only in Slavic legends do sorcerers, when casting their spells, walk “salt” (that is, on the Sun) or “anti-salt”, depending on whether their magic is good or evil.

Unfortunately, the swastika was used in fascist symbols and is now disgusted by most people as a fascist sign. However, in ancient times it was highly revered and was widespread from India to Ireland. It is often found on ancient Russian jewelry found by archaeologists. It can even be seen in the ornaments and patterns on clothes in the Ryazan Museum of Local Lore. As for the “fascist sign,” it is not difficult to see that it depicts the “night” Sun, rolling along the inner side of the lower sky. Thus, the real object of “worship” of fascist mystics is not the Sun, but rather its absence - the darkness of the night.

The interpretation of the swastika in the Buddhist tradition is interesting. It is called "manji" and is considered a symbol of perfection. The vertical line indicates the relationship between Heaven and Earth, the horizontal line indicates the struggle between the eternal opposites Yin and Yang, the essence of which we will not consider here. As for the transverse strokes, if they are directed to the left, then, from the point of view of Buddhists, this personifies movement, gentleness, compassion, goodness; to the right - firmness, constancy, intelligence and strength. Thus, the two types of manji complement each other: love and compassion are helpless without strength and firmness, and soulless intellect and strength without mercy lead only to the increase of evil. In general, “good must be with fists,” but it is Good.

Perun Svarozhich

Perun is the Slavic God of Thunder, the God of thunder and lightning. The Slavs imagined him as a middle-aged, angry husband with a red-gold, swirling beard. Let us immediately note that a red beard is an indispensable feature of the God of Thunder among a variety of peoples. In particular, the Scandinavians, neighbors and relatives of the Slavs in the Indo-European family of peoples, considered their Thunderer (Thor) to be red-bearded. The hair of the Thunder God was likened to a thundercloud. Scandinavian legends note that an angry Thor “shaked his hair.” It is not definitely said what color Thor’s hair was, but the Slavic Perun’s hair is really like a thundercloud - black and silver. It is not for nothing that the statue of Perun, which once stood in Kyiv, is described in the chronicle as follows: “The head is silver, the mustache is gold.” The Slavs saw their God rushing among the clouds on horseback or in a chariot drawn by winged stallions, white and black. By the way, the magpie was one of the birds dedicated to Perun, precisely because of its black and white color.

The name Perun is very ancient. Translated into modern language, it means “He who hits hard”, “Striking”. Some scholars see a connection between the name of the Thunder God and words such as “first” and “right”. As for the “first”, Perun was indeed the most important God in the pagan pantheon Kievan Rus and probably the eldest son of Svarog. The similarity of his name with the “right” is not without meaning: our ancestors considered Perun the founder of the moral law and the very first defender of Truth.

Perun’s chariot rushing desperately thunders across the uneven clouds - that’s where the thunder comes from, that’s why it “rolls” across the heavens. However, there were different opinions on this matter. They also said that thunder and lightning are the echo and reflection of the blows with which Perun rewards the Serpent Veles, who seeks to rob the Gods and people - to steal the Sun, cattle, earthly and heavenly waters. And in distant antiquity, it was believed that thunder was actually a “cry of love” at the wedding celebration of Heaven and Earth: it is known how well everything grows after a thunderstorm... According to some sources, Perun’s lightning was of two kinds: lilac-blue, “ dead”, striking to death, and golden, “living”, creating, awakening earthly fertility and new life.

It has long been noticed how clean and fresh the air is after a thunderstorm. The pagan Slavs found an explanation for this too. The whole point, they said, is that evil spirits scatter in fear before Perun’s wrath, hide in holes and do not dare to appear out for a long time.

Perun, largely “responsible” for fertility, has special treatment to bread. A legend has been preserved about how a certain woman went to the field to work on the holiday of Perun (July 20), which, according to custom, was impossible to do. The angry Perun initially restrained his anger. But when the child, left at the boundary, soiled his diapers and the mother wiped him with a bunch of ears of grain (according to another version, a piece of baked bread was desecrated), a whirlwind arose and carried away the entire harvest into the cloud. They still managed to grind some of it back, but the bread never became “hundred-eared” (a hundred ears on each stalk) again...

The legend about the origin of pearls is also connected with heavenly thunder. The Slavs believed that it originates from the reflection of lightning captured in the eyes of a pearl mollusk at the moment when it fearfully slams its shell shut at the sight of a thunderstorm...

Perun's weapons were initially stones, later - stone axes and finally - a golden ax: The gods “progressed” together with people.

Since ancient times, the ax - the weapon of the Thunderer - has been attributed miraculous power. An ax was used to hit the bench on which someone had died: it was believed that by doing so Death would be “cut down” and expelled. The ax was thrown crosswise over the cattle so that they would not get sick and would reproduce well.

With an ax they drew the Solar Cross over the sick person, calling on two brothers-Gods for help at once. And symbolic images of the Sun and Thunder were often engraved on the blades of axes. Such an ax, planted in a doorframe, was an insurmountable obstacle to evil spirits seeking to penetrate human habitation. There are countless customs and beliefs associated with the axe.
Even the well-known chicken god“, a pebble with a hole in the middle, which caring owners are now trying to hang in the chicken coop, is nothing more than a memory of an ancient stone ax, one of the symbols of the pagan God of the Thunderstorm...

Another symbol of Perun is the so-called thunder sign, similar to a wheel with six spokes. Scientists believe that ancient people used the shape of a snowflake here, because Perun’s sanctuaries were built as close as possible to the clouds and the Sky - on the most elevated places where snow appears first. This sign can still be seen on the old huts. It was cut both for beauty and for purely “practical” reasons - as a lightning rod...

When the Slavs had princes and fighting squads, Perun began to be considered the patron saint of warriors. Therefore, some researchers now write that Perun is an exclusively “army-princely” God, not at all popular among the common people. It is unlikely that this was really the case! After all, a thunderstorm is not only a heavenly battle, it is also necessary for a plowman waiting for the harvest. And Perun’s main feat was precisely that he returned fertility to the Earth, returned the Sun and rain.

An animal was dedicated to Perun - a wild aurochs, a huge, mighty forest bull. Unfortunately, in the wild, the last aurochs was killed back in 1627, and only the domesticated descendants of aurochs - domestic bulls and cows - have survived to this day. The tour was much more aggressive than the angriest domestic bull. Predatory animals were powerless against him, and among people, hunting aurochs was considered a feat.

People believed that Perun, walking around the world, willingly takes the form of a forest bull. And on July 20 (the holiday of Perun), the turs allegedly ran out of the forest themselves and allowed themselves to be slaughtered for a sacred feast. Later, when people angered the Gods with something, the tours stopped appearing, and sacrificial bulls were specially fattened in the villages. This tradition was strictly observed in many places even in the last century. Only now a pagan feast was held near the church, and a Christian priest blessed it.

Perun also had his own tree - an oak tree, and he also had a favorite flower, which in Bulgaria is still called “perunika”. It has six lilac-blue petals (thunder sign), overgrown with golden hairs (lightning). It blooms in the spring, when the first thunderstorms thunder. This iris flower is Greek for "rainbow".

The sanctuaries of Perun were built under open air. They were shaped like a flower; in those sanctuaries that have been excavated by archaeologists, there are usually eight “petals”, but in ancient times, according to scientists, there were six.
The “petals” were pits in which unquenchable sacred fires burned. A sculptural image of God was placed in the middle. It is sometimes said that the ancient Slavs believed in idols. But this is the same as saying that Christians believe in icons. An altar was placed in front of the image of God, usually in the form of a stone ring. Offerings were placed there, sacrificial blood was shed: most often - animal, and if the people were threatened with serious misfortune - then human. Life has always been considered a sacred gift of the Gods: human sacrifice was an extraordinary, exceptional act. And we must also take into account that, according to the plots of some films and works of art, the person designated as a sacrifice did not necessarily burst into bitter tears and try to escape. The sacrifices were also voluntary: a person went to the Gods to tell them about the needs of his people, to ask for help, to avert trouble - as we would put it now, he “closed the embrasure,” that is, he performed a revered feat...

After the adoption of Christianity, Perun was not forgotten. Only a few customs that have survived to this day are mentioned here; in fact there are a great many of them. When Orthodox Church forbade prayer to the former Gods, and the sanctuaries were destroyed with the same unnecessary cruelty with which churches were destroyed almost a thousand years later by militant atheists. However, scientists say that Christianity not only “smashed” paganism, but also tried to peacefully coexist with it, subordinating it to its hierarchy of values. It is no coincidence that particularly acute conflicts rarely occurred, because over time a kind of symbiosis arose. In particular, having been baptized, yesterday's pagans continued to honor the old Gods, only under new names. So Perun “transferred” many of his qualities to Ilya the Prophet, one of the most revered Christian saints. Another “heir” of the Thunder God is Saint George, the serpent fighter, whom we still see on the coat of arms of Moscow today.

Fire Svarozhich

The third brother of the Sun and Lightning, the third son of Heaven and Earth was Fire. We are still talking about the “fire of the hearth” - although most houses do not have fireplaces, but gas or electric stoves. In ancient times, Fire was truly the center of the world in which a person’s entire life took place, and even after death, a funeral pyre often awaited his body. In ancient times, Fire drove away darkness, cold and predatory animals. Later, he gathered around himself several generations of the clan - a large family, symbolizing its indivisible community.

During the meal, Fire was treated to the first and best piece. Any wanderer, a complete stranger, became “one of our own” as soon as he warmed himself by the fireplace. He was protected as if he were his own. Evil spirits did not dare to approach Fire, but Fire was able to cleanse anything defiled. The fire was a witness to vows, and this is where the custom of jumping in pairs over fires comes from: it was believed that if a guy and a girl were able to fly over the flames without releasing their hands, then their love was destined to live a long life.

What was the name of the God of Fire? Some scientists believe that the Western Slavs who lived along the southern shore of the Baltic Sea called it Radogost (Radigost). These researchers have serious evidence, and their no less authoritative rivals have refutations, so the final word has not yet been said. , the name of the God of Fire was so sacred (after all, this God did not live somewhere in the seventh heaven, but directly among people) that they tried to pronounce it out loud less often, replacing it with allegories. And over time, it was simply forgotten... This happened in the same way as the real name of the bear was forgotten: people tried to call strong and dangerous animals allegorically (in relation to a bear - “clubfooted”, “brown”). So the word “bear” means “knowing honey” - “loving honey.” Its real name is apparently lost forever.

But a great many signs and beliefs associated with Fire have not been forgotten. In the presence of Fire, it was considered unthinkable to swear: “I would tell you... but you can’t: there’s a stove in the hut!”

A Russian matchmaker, who came to woo the bride, would certainly stretch out her hands to the stove, warming her palms, no matter what time of year this happened: thereby she called upon Fire to be her ally and enlisted its support. The young husband solemnly led the newlywed three times around the hearth. And if at the moment of the birth of a child the Fire unexpectedly died out, then this was seen as a sure sign of the birth of a future villain. And here, finally, is why they break a plate in front of the newlyweds (“For good luck”), and before they broke a pot that had just been in the Fire: “How many pieces, so many sons!” Now most often they do not remember the meaning of this action.

A special sacred power was attributed to Fire, obtained in the most primitive way - friction. Why did everything ancient enjoy such honor, and still do today? The fact is that all the most ancient customs, techniques and tricks were believed to have been learned directly from the Gods by the forefathers and foremothers of living people. Let's remember the blacksmith's tongs and the plow, “fell from heaven,” or the “first” laws! Accordingly, all subsequent technical and social progress was partly a distortion of the ancestral “divine” wisdom, higher than which, in the opinion of ancient people, nothing could exist.

So, Fire produced by friction was considered “pure”, not in contact with any defilement. The coming of the new year was celebrated every time by lighting such a fire. At the same time, it was believed that all the sins of the past remain in the past year along with the extinguished old Fire: thus, every year the world is given a chance to be reborn, to become kinder and better. Let us note in passing that the beginning of the new year in Rus' was postponed several times, it was celebrated either in March or in September, but scientists still recognize it as one of the oldest New Year, celebrated during the winter solstice, December 22-23.

The pagan Slavs also associated the emergence of people with Fire. According to some legends, the Gods created a Man and a Woman from two sticks, between which Fire ignited - the very first flame of love... According to another legend, Perun and Fire competed in accuracy, and at the moment when the flame and lightning struck the same point. unexpectedly for the Gods themselves, the first people appeared.

And this is not all that can be said about Fire. There are a great many striking examples of modern traditions that have come to us from ancient times. Where, for example, did our “cheesecake” come from? This is from the Ancient word “vatra”, that is, “hearth”.

Other Gods of the ancient Slavs

Rod and Rozhanitsy

It has already been said that the light irium was considered by the ancient Slavs to be the source of all life, the ancestral home of plants, birds and animals. There were gods, especially
“responsible” for the prosperity and offspring of all living things in nature, as well as for the multiplication of the human race, for marriage and love between people. These are Rod and Rozhanitsy, mentioned in ancient Russian literature.

Scientists have long argued about how important the role the Slavs assigned to God named Rod. Some argue that this is a small “family” Deity like the Brownie. Others, on the contrary, consider Rod one of the most important supreme gods who took part in the creation of the Universe: according to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, it is he who sends the souls of people from heaven to Earth when children are born. In addition, researchers suggest paying attention to how much the most important words comes from the root "genus" consonant with the name of this God: KIN, HARVEST, HOMELAND, NATURE.

They usually talk about the Mother Goddesses in plural. Ancient manuscripts speak briefly about them, only mentioning bread, honey and “cheese” (previously this word meant cottage cheese), which were sacrificed to them. However, the manuscripts were compiled by Orthodox figures, so it is difficult to find detailed and accurate descriptions in them. However, modern scientists, having processed a large amount of archaeological, ethnographic, linguistic material, turning to information concerning neighboring peoples, came to the conclusion that there were two Rozhanits: Mother and Daughter.

The Slavs associated the Mother in Birth with the period of summer fertility, when the harvest ripens, becomes heavier, and becomes full. The ancient Slavs gave her the name Lada, and perhaps no fewer words and concepts are associated with it than with Rod. All of them have to do with establishing order: “GET GOOD,” “ESTABLISH,” etc.
The order in this case was thought of primarily as a family one: “LADA”, “LADO” - an affectionate address to a beloved spouse, husband or wife. "LADINS" - wedding conspiracy. Bulgarian “LADUVANE” - fortune telling about grooms. But the scope of activity

Lada is by no means limited to the home. Some researchers recognize the Great Lada as the mother of the twelve months into which the year is divided.

The ancient Slavs had a Goddess named Lelya - the daughter of Lada, the younger Rozhanitsa. Let’s think about it: it’s not for nothing that a child’s cradle is often called a “cradle”; a tender, caring attitude towards a child is conveyed by the word “cherish.” A stork that supposedly brings children is called “leleka” in Ukrainian. The Slavs believed that it was Lelya who took care of the barely hatched seedlings - the future harvest. Lelya-Vesna was solemnly “called out” - they invited her to visit, they went out to meet her with gifts and refreshments.

The holiday of Rozhanitsa was celebrated in the spring - April 22-23. On this day, sacrifices were made with vegetable and dairy products, which were solemnly eaten at a sacred feast, and then at night bonfires were lit: huge, in honor

Lada, and around it there are twelve smaller ones - according to the number of months of the year. According to tradition, it was a women's and girls' holiday, and men watched it from afar.


Often, unfortunately, Yarila is mistakenly considered the God of the Sun. Among the ancient Slavs, Yarila had a different role. What do we mean by the word "rage"? In Russian language dictionaries you can find: “fury; a mash of blind, spontaneous, often senseless force.” And there are many more related words, and they all talk about strong emotions uncontrollable by reason. This side of love, which poets call “ebullient passion,” was “under the control” of the Slavic God Yarila. Even in the last century, in some places in Russia they celebrated the holiday “Yarilki”, timed to coincide with April 27, the very peak of the spring riot of nature.
It was believed that this love increases the harvest, which meant so much to the ancient farmer. After all, as we remember, the pagans did not oppose themselves to nature and did not reject its laws.

Yarila was imagined as a young man, an ardent, loving groom. In some places, wanting to emphasize his youth and beauty, they dressed up a girl as “Yarila”. They put her on a white horse, put on a wreath of wild flowers, gave her ears of corn in her left hand, and in her right... a symbol of death - an image of a human head. The horse and “Yarila” were led through the fields, saying: “Wherever you step, there is a heap of life, and wherever you look, an ear of corn blooms!”

According to another version, Yarila appeared before people in the spring as a boy on a young stallion, in the summer as an adult man on a strong horse, and in the fall as an old man on an old horse. The ears symbolized life, and the image of the head may be due to the fact that he, like Egyptian Osiris, died and was reborn every year. The holiday was also dedicated to the farewell and “funeral” of the bald, aged Yarila. People knew: winter would pass and Yarila would return and rise.
Just as a grain buried in the ground is resurrected as a stalk, an ear, and ultimately a new grain. It is no coincidence that grain crops that are sown in the spring (as opposed to winter crops) are called “spring”...

Snake Veles

Scientists write that a fairy tale is a myth that has ceased to be sacred for those who tell and listen to it. This is a myth that is no longer widely believed. (By the way, in Ancient Rus' the word “fairy tale” meant a reliable story, more often a written one. And what we now call a fairy tale was then designated by the word “fable.” From him came the modern “fable” and the expression “fabulous” - embellished, fantastic, legendary.

So, there are many fairy tales about the Serpent Gorynych, who kidnaps (or is given as tribute to) beautiful girls and with whom heroes and heroes fight - from the epic Dobrynya Nikitich to Ivanushka the Fool. But this is also an echo of an ancient pagan myth that has survived to this day.
The myth about the struggle of the thunderer Perun with his eternal enemy - the monstrous Serpent. Similar legends exist among many nations.

In Slavic pagan mythology the “bestial God” Volos (or Veles) is known, clearly contrasted with Perun. His connection with the “cattle” (that is, animal) kingdom follows from his name: Hair - hairy - shaggy - shaggy. It is possible that the word “magician” comes from the name of this God and from the custom of his priests to dress in “shaggy” fur coats turned outward to imitate their Deity. Meanwhile, the name “Hair” just as definitely takes us into the world of snakes and worms. Anyone who has ever been to a village in the summer has probably heard chilling stories about “living hair” that lives in a river near the shore and can bite and be sucked under the skin. There is also a belief that the hair is animal or human, especially from bad person, - dropped into water or entangled in an egg, comes to life and begins to do evil deeds. In general, hair was considered an important receptacle of vitality. And there will be no trouble if the cut and discarded hair is picked up by an unkind sorcerer... This legend could have appeared from the legend of the forge Kiya, who was able to forge a person’s fate with the help of a hair.

In a word, many good reasons force some scientists to identify Volos with the legendary Serpent - the enemy of the Thunder God.
Let's listen to their story.

According to legend, the Hair Serpent somehow combines hairiness and scales in its appearance, flies on membranous wings, can breathe fire (although he himself is deathly afraid of fire, primarily lightning) and is very fond of fried eggs and milk. Therefore, another name for Volos is Smok or Tsmok, which means Sucker. Here it is appropriate to recall Smaug, the evil dragon from J. R. R. Tolkien’s fairy tale “The Hobbit”. This name was not chosen by the writer by chance!

But if you carefully re-read folk legends and fairy tales, it turns out that the Serpent in them is not so much evil as unreasonable and greedy. It is easy to see that the appearance of the Serpent is “composed” by the human imagination from parts taken from different animals. Perhaps it embodies the forces of primeval Chaos, the violent forces of disordered, wild, uninhabited nature, often hostile to ancient man, but essentially not at all evil?..

The pagan Slavs worshiped both divine opponents - Perun and the Serpent. Only the sanctuaries of Perun were built, as already mentioned, in high places, and the sanctuaries of Volos - in the lowlands. There is reason to think that Volos, tamed and driven underground, became “responsible” for earthly fertility and wealth. He partly lost his monstrous appearance and became more human-like. It’s not for nothing that the last bunch of ears of corn was left in the “Beard Hair” field. In addition, there is a connection

Volos-Veles with music and poetry, it is not for nothing that in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” the singer Boyan is called “Veles’s grandson”...

In 1848, a stone idol was found in the Zbruch River, clearly reflecting the division of the pagan Universe into the World of the Gods, the World of People and the Lower World. So, the Human World is supported from below by a kneeling mustachioed humanoid creature. He looks unhappy. Of course, there are no explanatory inscriptions on the ancient idol, but scientists believe that this is Veles, who settled in the depths of the Earth...

Dark Gods

The life of ancient man was not always easy. Difficulties forced us to look for the culprits; they appeared in the form of evil Gods. Among the Western Slavs, Chernobog was such an embodiment of evil: this name truly speaks for itself. It is known that his sculptures were black, with a silver mustache. Whether the Eastern Slavs (the ancestors of Belarusians, Ukrainians and Russians) believed in him or not cannot be said with certainty. Perhaps they believed, it is unlikely that they had less reasons for this than their Western brothers.

But the evil Goddess named Morana (Morena, Marana) was definitely known both in the West and in the Slavic East. She is associated with darkness, frost and death. Indeed, her name is related to such words as “pestilence”, “darkness”, “haze”, “haze”, “fool”, “death” and many more equally unkind ones. From India to Iceland, mythical characters are known who cause all sorts of evil: the Buddhist Mara, who tempted righteous hermits, the Scandinavian “Mara” - evil spirit, capable of tormenting a sleeping person, “trampling” him to death, Morrigan, Goddess of the ancient Irish, associated with destruction and war; finally, the French word for “nightmare.” You can also remember Morgana, Morgause and Mordred from the epic about King Arthur and his knights.

Echoes of the legends about Moran can be traced in the epics about Dobrynya and “Marinka”, who tries in every possible way to destroy the hero, in particular, turns him with her witchcraft into a tour - golden horns. The same epics tell about the unholy connection of “Marinka” with the Serpent. There is reason to see the ancient Morana in the Bulgarian legend about the “evil woman” who “killed many people” and threw a dirty veil over the silver Moon: from then on it became covered with dark spots and, frightened, began to walk above the Earth much higher than before (between By the way, astronomers write about secular changes in the orbit of the Moon...). Other legends tell how Morana and her evil minions try every morning to stalk and destroy the Sun, but each time they retreat in horror before its radiant power and beauty. Finally, the straw effigy, which is still burned in some places today during the ancient pagan Maslenitsa holiday, at the time of the spring equinox, undoubtedly belongs to Morana, the Goddess of death and cold. Every winter she briefly takes power, but she is not allowed to establish herself forever: again and again the Sun, Life and Spring triumph...

Low level gods and spirits

Among the many small deities, it should be noted Dvorovoy (the owner of the courtyard), who was already slightly less benevolent than Domovoy; Ovinnik (the owner of the barn) - even less so, and Bannik, the spirit of the bathhouse, which stood at the very edge of the yard, and even beyond it, is simply dangerous. For this reason, believers considered the bathhouse - a symbol of seemingly purity - unclean. Sometimes he is represented as a tiny old man with a long, moldy beard. Fainting and accidents in the bathhouse are attributed to his evil will. To pacify Bannik, the Slavs left him in the bathhouse clean water, a broom and food, otherwise the bannik could get angry and seriously harm the person, even killing him. Bannik’s favorite pastime is scalding those washing with boiling water, splitting stones in a stove and “shooting” them at people.

Behind the fence of the courtyard of the ancient Slav the forest began. The forest gave to the ancient Slav construction material, game, mushrooms, berries, etc. But in addition to the benefits bestowed on man, the wild forest has always been fraught with many deadly dangers. The owner of the forest was Leshy. Leshy literally means “forest”. His appearance is changeable. He seemed to be either a giant or a dwarf. IN different places There are different stories about Leshem. However, most often he looks like a person, but his clothes are wrapped “in reverse” (sometimes, however, instead of clothes he only wears his own fur). Leshy’s hair is long, gray-greenish, but on his face there are no eyelashes or eyebrows, and his eyes, like two emeralds, burn with green fire in the forest darkness. He could lead a person into a thicket, scare him, beat him, but he knew how to pay good for good.

When people began to clear forests and plow open “burns” for bread, of course, new deities appeared - Poleviki. In general, there are no fewer beliefs and signs associated with a grain field than with housing. Sometimes people also met old Belun in the field - nondescript in appearance and extremely snotty. He asked a passerby to wipe his nose. And if a person did not disdain, a purse of silver suddenly appeared in his hand. Perhaps in this way our ancestors wanted to express the simple idea that the Earth generously bestows only those who are not afraid to get their hands dirty?

The working day in the village always began early. But it’s better to wait out the midday heat. The ancient Slavs also had a mythical creature who strictly ensured that no one worked at noon. This is Midday. They imagined her as a girl in a long white shirt or, conversely, as a shaggy, scary old woman. Poludnitsy (or Rzhanitsy) were afraid: for non-compliance with the custom, she could severely punish - now we call it sunstroke. Having caught a man in the field at noon, she sometimes forced him to solve her riddles to the point of exhaustion. But Midday was not only formidable.
She taught the person who became friends with her to dance to the envy of everyone. Living in a region abundant with rivers and lakes, the ancient Slavs naturally developed a whole complex of religious veneration for water. For example, the Slavs were sure that the most inviolable oaths were made near water; they also tested it with water in court, and used water to tell fortunes about the future. Water was addressed as “you”. She could have drowned her, destroyed her for nothing. It could demand victims, wash away the village with a spring flood. That's why Vodyanoy, mythical inhabitant rivers, lakes and streams, often appears in legends as a creature hostile to humans.

The central myth of the ancient Slavs

Now that we have become acquainted with all the main Gods of the Slavs, we can convey the content of the fundamental legend of ancient Slavic mythology. This myth tells about the appearance of evil gods and the opposition of good gods to them.

One day, the Sun-Dazhdbog and his brother Perun traveled together in the Underworld. And here, from beyond the edge of the Universe, a dark star appeared without rays, with a long bloody tail. She wanted to strike the Earth, which was fast asleep, to death - her husband, Heaven, came to the rescue: he shielded the Earth and took a cruel blow. But he was unable to completely avert the misfortune. A tailed monster swept over the entire Earth, burning forests with a terrible, unprecedented fire, and finally fell somewhere at the far edge.

...The God Brothers almost drove the greyhound horses, flying to the eastern edge of the Ocean. When the boat crossed it, drawn by white swans, and the winged stallions soared again, Dazhdbog for many days did not dare to look down brightly and clearly as before. For a disfigured, dead strip stretched across the entire Earth, and there, in the black smoke, a frightened, understanding Fire was rushing about. And from the wounds of Heaven, water gushed down to the ground in streams, flooding the lowlands, destroying and washing away everything that had survived the fire...

The young Gods didn’t think twice: they rushed to save their mother and father. To save your world before it again becomes the shapeless lump it was before birth. They bandaged the wounds of Heaven with white stripes of clouds and damp shrouds of fog. Calmed the Fire. They lit a rainbow over the few surviving People, showing the way to salvation...

That’s when we saw mountains at the far edge of the Earth that were not there before, mountains that looked like monstrous clouds from a distance. They firmly fused into the body of the Earth. The Gods carefully headed towards those mountains... It turned out that the mountains were iron. Hot, they managed to cool down, and the sharp peaks breathed black frost, stored somewhere inside, and before our eyes they were overgrown with snow and ice. Never before had the young Gods seen anything like this... Well, most of these mountains fell down, beyond the edge of the Underworld, lifeless for centuries, and only one ugly ridge desecrated the face of the green Earth. The Gods saw: all living things were retreating from the Iron Mountains, everything was fleeing from the deadening cold - forests, rivers, grass, flowers...

They carefully drove around the Iron Mountains and in one deep abyss they discovered a path through the Earth, all the way to the Lower World. A thrown stone would have flown there for twelve days and nights, but the sparkling chariots, of course, were faster. Soon the brothers found themselves in the Underworld. And when Dazhdbog raised his fiery shield, they saw two creatures desperately shielding themselves from the light, a man and a woman, looking more like terrible dreams than People or Gods...

It was then that for the very first time Perun wanted to swing his ax not to ignite life, but to destroy it. But the man and woman fell to their knees and began to beg for mercy. And Perun lowered his hand with the ax raised. He has not yet learned to be merciless and strike when they kneel. Perun and Dazhdbog fed them and told them about the earthly and heavenly structure.

But a year later, frost began to come from the direction of the Iron Mountains, devastating the Earth, and the Svarozhichi brothers sought to quickly pass these places.

But then a lot of time passed, the Earth recovered from the blow, the wounds of Heaven healed, although a scar remained - Milky Way, where, according to Slavic beliefs, the souls of the dead flew away. Dazhdbog warned the Month not to approach the cold mountains when he was walking in the sky, because, although the gods of the Iron Mountains kindly received the brothers, they still aroused mistrust. The Young Moon gave his word to Dazhdbog and kept it for a long time, but once he could not control his curiosity.
He directed the white bulls that drove his chariot to the Iron Mountains. A dirty blanket rose from there and dragged the Month into the cave. When the brothers-gods entered this cave, they saw the completed feast and realized that Morana had seduced the Month, and immediately celebrated the wedding.

This time Perun’s thunder sounded angrily, and his ax cut the Month in half. The brothers took the dead Moon home, where morning Star Dennitsa, their sister, cured him alive and dead water. Since then, the Moon rarely appears in the sky full, and sometimes disappears completely, and after Morana wrapped him in a veil, he was able to wash away the stains. People believed that the Moon was waning and hoped to be born pure again, but fate was merciless.

The evil Morana and the lawless Chernobog were buried for a long time in the darkness of the damp caves, not daring to come out into the light. And Perun, who had desecrated his golden ax with blood, worked for a year in the workshop of the forge Kiya - he atoned for the sin. Murder was generally considered a terrible sin in Rus'. Even warriors who returned from a campaign did not sit down at the same table with their relatives for a long time and worked in forges and in the field, atonement for their guilt. Since then, all evil spirits have been afraid of iron, feeling the power of Perun, and if you line the door with iron or hang an iron horseshoe over it, then evil spirits will not dare to enter the house.

Meanwhile, Chernobog and Morana stole the snake's egg. Before this, snakes were not poisonous and lived in peace with people. They wrapped this egg around the hair of the woman who wiped the child with ears of bread and sucked out all the living things from it.

A snake hatched from the egg, which they called Volos, or Veles. He grew up quickly and became very strong. But he was not evil - just greedy and stupid. He flew around the earth, turned into whoever he wanted and committed various sins. But one day, Morana, with his help, took out an ice needle and made him an ice tooth, which could be used to put the Svarozhichi to sleep.

One day they stole Perun’s bride Lelya and Dazhdbog went to the Iron Mountains to check what was going on with Chernobog and Morana. But there Veles hit him in the back with an icy tooth, and the Sun did not rise over the Earth at the appointed hour. Perun went after Dazhdbog, leaving the Fire to shine on people and warm them. But no matter how much Perun fought with Veles, he could not defeat him - Chernobog and Morana stood behind him, helping him. Perun's eyes and heart were torn out and chained in ice.

For thirty-three years the Sun was not above the Earth, thunder did not roar and Perun’s lightning did not flash. But one day the grown-up children of the blacksmith Kiya - brother and sister Svetozor and Zorya - came to the sanctuary of Perun, lit a fire and
Svetozor sacrificed his blood. Then the earth opened up and the exhausted Perun climbed out of the crack. The cue helped him recover from his wounds, find new horses and find an ax, which, after the fatal battle, was not given to Veles, but flew away to the Earthly world.

Perun, having gained strength, with Kiy and the Kieviches came to the Iron Mountains and in a fierce duel defeated Veles, broke the ice tooth and imprisoned Chernobog and Morana in underground darkness. Despite all Morana’s assurances that it was impossible to melt the icy grave of Dazhdbog and Lelya, Perun and Kiy managed to do this and resurrected the Gods.

Religious holidays

If the Slavs worshiped natural phenomena, then it is easy to guess on what occasions and at what time of year they would celebrate their religious holidays, which are closely related to nature and changes in it. The holiday of Kolyada, Ivan Kupala, and Maslenitsa were deeply revered by the people. At these festivities, the Slavs worshiped stone and wooden idols - figures of gods.

These idols were placed in the center of a round platform with a raised middle or, conversely, with a funnel-shaped depression in the center. The site was surrounded by one or two ditches and low ramparts. Sometimes the inside of the shaft was fenced with a palisade. An altar was placed next to the idol. The places where idols were worshiped were called “temples” (from the Old Slavonic “kap” - image, idol), and those where sacrifices were made (“requirements”) were called “treasures”. By now, many pagan idols have already been found, but the most remarkable monument of Slavic paganism is the four-headed Zbruch idol, found in the 19th century on the Zbruch River, a tributary of the Dniester. Conventionally, this idol is called Svyatovit. This is a tall tetrahedral pillar three meters high, on each side of which there are a series of images. Three horizontal tiers of images symbolize the division of the Universe into heaven, earth and hell.
At the top, on each side of the pillar, crowned with one common cap, are carved full-length figures of four deities - the goddess of fertility, Perun, a female deity with a ring in right hand and a male figure with a saber at his belt. In the middle tier, figures of men and women alternate - this is the Earth and a round dance of people holding hands. In the lower tier there are three figures of mustachioed men. These are underground gods who support the Earth above them. The Slavs also had wooden statues. Around 980, the Kiev prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich placed huge idols of pagan deities in his capital. Among them, the wooden idol of Perun was especially luxuriously decorated: it had a silver head and a golden mustache. Wooden idols of the Eastern Slavs are pillars, in the upper part of which human heads were carved.

Sacrifices were made to these idols: animals, grain, various gifts, and sometimes human sacrifice. Near the image of the pagan gods, fortune-telling and ritual lots took place, which were performed by mysterious “magi.”

Magi, fortune tellers, magicians, Bedouins, witches... Very little is known about the Slavic Magi, but Sergei Mikhailovich Solovyov in his work on history ancient Russia draws a close connection from the Slavic Magi to the Finnish Magi, explaining this by the close proximity of the two peoples; and notes that after the adoption of Christianity, the Magi mainly appear in the Finnish north and from there they trouble the Slavic peoples.

The mythology of the ancient Slavs was created in distant times when there was no writing. What is known today was collected through folk art, beliefs and rituals. Myths reflect the ideas of people of those times about the forces of nature and the world around them.

The pantheon of gods of the ancient Slavs consisted of many gods, many of whom were identified with the forces of nature. People revered all gods and did not divide them into good and evil. Each god could do good deeds and help people, but at the same time punish.

The gods were imagined to be similar to humans, with the ability to transform into animals. Super abilities and changes in the surrounding world distinguished the gods from people. Each god had his own sphere of influence, responsibility for one part of the world. Sometimes the effect on the non-subject part was temporary and not lasting.

Slavic myth Yarilo

The Slavs revered Yarila as the god of the sun, fertility, and passion. He was also considered a skilled warrior and the very first farmer. Myths tell that the Slavs were not always farmers and did not know bread at all. The Slavs considered Mother Earth inviolable and could not hurt her. Having visited an overseas country and tasted bread cakes there, Yarilo learned to make them himself. When Yarilo gave bread to the gods to try, the gods all together decided to pass on to people the knowledge of cultivating the soil and baking bread. The Earth Goddess gave permission to Mikula Selyanovich, her son, to make the first furrow where Yarilo sowed grains.

Days associated with Yarilo and revered by the ancient Slavs:

March 20-21 is the spring solstice.
April 23 is the day of the first furrow.
July 1 is the peak of summer, peasants begin to prepare hay for the winter.

In addition, Yarilo is revered as the Wolf Shepherd, to whom shepherds turned to protect domestic animals from wild animals. He adopted the ability to be a werewolf and possess masculine strength from his father Veles. Yarilo inherited his attractiveness from his mother, Diva Dodola, which is why he is also revered as the God of Passion.

Slavic myth about the creation of the world

At the very beginning of time there was only Chaos. The Almighty lowered to Earth an egg containing Rod. He descended to earth and began to create the world. First of all, Rod separated darkness and light, released the sun from the golden egg, which illuminated everything around. Then the moon took its place in the sky. The time has come for the water world, and, of course, the land along which various animals ran. The clan divided the world into 3 kingdoms: earthly, heavenly and underworld. He left the sky to the gods to keep order from above, gave the earth to people, and the underworld to the dead. Thus, Rod created the world, nature (under Rod).

Son of Svarog in Slavic myths

Svarog is one of the main gods, heading the next pantheon of gods after Rod. He is considered the patron saint of blacksmiths. god of heavenly fire. Svarog taught people to forge iron by dropping blacksmith's tongs from the sky. So that people could make jewelry and weapons, Svarog sent heavenly fire to earth. In the mornings, Svarog brought the sun into the sky and it warmed everything with its warm rays. The Slavs also owe the appearance of the first plow to Svarog. He taught our ancestors to plow the land. Today we consider an iron horse shoe to be a talisman, as it is made of iron, which was considered sacred in ancient times. Svarog also taught people to live according to the laws. All of Svarog’s children were called Svarozhichi, after his retirement, his children began to rule the world, the very first of them - Dazhdbog.

Svarog's next son was Semargl

The most famous of the sons is Perun.

Slavic myths about the earth

IN Slavic myths the birth of the world tells how the earth was created and how people settled on it.

There are several legends:

  1. One myth tells of three golden eggs, the underworld and a princess. The hero descends into world of the dead, which is called dead, then passes into the gold and silver kingdom. In gold, he meets the princess and she gives him 3 eggs (the personification of life). Then the hero returns to the world of the living and scatters the eggs in three directions. Three kingdoms appear.
  2. Another myth tells that at first there was only a vast ocean. A duck flew over the ocean and dropped an egg, which opened and gave birth to the world. The firmament of the earth formed below, and the firmament above.
  3. The third myth tells about the fight between a snake and a hero for a golden egg. The good fellow won and broke the egg - three kingdoms were formed: earthly, heavenly and the dark kingdom of the dead.

Slavic myths Perun

Perun in Slavic mythology was the god of thunder and lightning, and also patronized warriors. His appearance was distinguished by a strong physique, golden armor, and a red cloak. Perun always has a sword or hammer in his hands. They depicted him on a chariot, in a team of deer or a mighty horse. The Slavs turned to him if they needed to make rain to save the harvest. Hurricanes and other destructive phenomena in nature were regarded as a manifestation of a warlike nature. The oak was considered the sacred tree of Perun, and when there was a thunderstorm, they believed that a deity was located in its crown. Cult images have always been in an elevated place.

In the pantheon of Prince Vladimir, Perun was the supreme deity who patronized the ruling military elite, princes and squads, and punished for non-compliance with the laws.

Slavic myths Mermaid

In Slavic mythology, mermaids are seen as malicious creatures, with long green hair (always flowing) and fish tails. Mermaids never had their hair braided; sometimes they wore a wreath of flowers on their heads. These were girls with beautiful faces and slender bodies. The ancient Slavs never doubted that mermaids exist. But where they come from differs in opinion. In some places it was believed that mermaids were drowned women, in others they were dead unbaptized children. In any case, the meeting with the mermaid did not bode well. She could make a young man fall in love with her and drag him to the bottom of a reservoir, she could tickle him to death, sink a boat, and take away milk from a cow. To protect yourself from evil spirits, people came up with amulets.

Slavic myths reader's diary, example of filling

The myth of Perun and Diva

Names of the main characters

  1. Perun is the god of thunder and lightning.
  2. Diva is the goddess of thunder, wife of Perun.
  3. Dyy is the god of the night sky, the father of Diva.
  4. Black Sea Serpent.
  5. Veles is the god of wealth and domestic animals.

Plot outline

  1. Perun and Diva meet, Perun asks her father for her hand in marriage.
  2. The Black Sea Serpent invites Diva to marry him.
  3. Diva's refusal to the Black Sea Serpent.
  4. The Black Sea Serpent is approaching the Irian Garden in darkness.
  5. Dyi and Perun are fighting the Serpent.
  6. Veles invites Diva to escape from the wedding.
  7. Perun and Diva are chasing the Black Sea Serpent and Veles across the sky.

Description of the plot.

One day Perun, walking in the Irian Garden, met Diva Dodola (daughter of the moon goddess Libya and the god of the night sky Dyya), who was very beautiful. And Perun liked her so much that he went to her father to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage. But, Diva liked not only Perun, but also the Black Sea Serpent (the Subbottom Tsar). Snake asked Diva to marry him, but she rejected him. The Black Sea Serpent got angry and moved in darkness onto the Irian Garden, turning into a three-headed serpent. An icy wind blew from one mouth, sparks scattered from another, and a scream came from the third. But, they found justice for him. Two eagles flew in (they were Perun and Dyi) and began throwing lightning. Then the Serpent went home, to the bottom of the Black Sea. But, during the wedding of Perun and Diva, another misfortune happened: Veles (son of Rod) fell in love with Diva and began to persuade her to run away from the wedding, but Diva did not agree. And Perun and Diva Veles and the Black Sea Serpent began to chase across the sky, spewing thunder and lightning. And after the thunder, rain began to pour on the ground.

the main idea

Victory over evil forces. You cannot force someone to love and marry an unloved person. The myth tells not only about the acquaintance and wedding of Perun and Diva, but also about when the rain began to water the earth.


From myths you can find out how our ancestors lived, what they believed in, how they imagined the world. The myth of Perun and Diva is one of the stories that essentially describes the same relationships between gods as people have.

Myths of the ancient Slavs. History of Slavic culture and mythology. The existence of the ancient Slavs was closely connected with nature. Sometimes helpless before her, they worshiped her, prayed for shelter, harvest and successful hunting, for life itself. They animated the tree and the river, the sun and the wind, the bird and lightning, noticed the patterns of natural phenomena and attributed them to the good or evil will of mysterious forces.

The white-flammable stone Alatyr was revealed at the beginning of time. He was raised from the bottom of the Milk Ocean by the World Duck. Alatyr was very small, so the Duck wanted to hide it in her beak.

But Svarog uttered the magic Word, and the stone began to grow. The duck couldn't hold it and dropped it. Where the white-flammable stone Alatyr fell, the Alatyr Mountain rose.

The white-flammable stone Alatyr is a sacred stone, the focus of the Knowledge of the Vedas, a mediator between man and God. He is both “small and very cold” and “great as a mountain.” Both light and heavy. He is unknowable: “and no one could know that stone, and no one could lift it from the ground.”

Churila, who lived in Svarga, was so handsome that he drove all the celestials crazy. Yes, he himself fell in love, and not even with an unmarried woman - with the wife of the god Barma himself, Tarusa.

“A sad thing happened to me,” Churila sang, “from the sweetheart of the red maiden, from the young Tarusushka... Are you sorry for you, my maiden, I keep suffering in my heart, is it because of you that I can’t sleep on a dark night...

IN in a broad sense The Vedic and pagan culture of the Russian people is the essence of Russian folk culture, in its foundations united with the culture of all Slavic peoples. These are Russian historical traditions, life, language, oral folk art (legends, epics, songs, tales, fairy tales, and so on), ancient written monuments with all the knowledge contained in them, Slavic wisdom (philosophy), ancient and modern folk art, the totality of all ancient and modern faiths.

In the beginning, Veles was born by the Heavenly Cow Zemun from the god Rod, who flowed from the White Mountain by the Solar Surya, the Ra River.

Veles appeared in the world before the Most High, and appeared as the Descent of the Most High. Vyshen then came to people and incarnated as the Son of Svarog and Mother Sva. Like the Son who created the Father. And Veles appeared as the Descent of the Almighty for the entire living world (for people, magical tribes and animals), and incarnated as the son of the Heavenly Cow and the Family. And therefore Veles came before Vyshny and paved the way for Him, preparing the world and people for the coming of Vyshny.

Veles and Perun were inseparable friends. Perun honored the god Veles, for thanks to Veles he gained freedom, was revived and was able to defeat the fierce enemy of his Skipper-beast.

But, as often happens, a woman destroyed a man’s friendship. And all because both Perun and Veles fell in love with the beautiful Diva Dodola. But Diva preferred Perun and rejected Veles.

When Dyi imposed too heavy a tribute on the people, they stopped giving him sacrifices. Then Dyy began to punish the apostates, and people turned to Veles for help.

God Veles responded and defeated Dyi, destroying his heavenly palace, made of eagle wings. Veles threw Dyya from the sky into the kingdom of Viy. And the people rejoiced:

Then Veles asked Svarog to forge him a plow, as well as an iron horse to match him. Svarog fulfilled his request. And Veles began to teach people arable farming, how to sow and reap, how to brew wheat beer.

Then Veles taught people faith and wisdom (knowledge). He taught how to make sacrifices correctly, taught stellar wisdom, literacy, and gave the first calendar. He divided people into classes and gave the first laws.

Then Surya ordered his sons Veles and his brother Khors to look for spouses. Khors and Veles shot arrows into the field - wherever the arrow lands, there they should look for the bride.

Bylinas, Russian folk epic songs and tales, arose as an expression of the historical consciousness of the Russian people of the ΙΧ-ΧΙΙΙ centuries, and in the process of existence they absorbed the events of later times. They talk mainly about heroes - defenders of the homeland; reflected the moral and social ideals of the people. Northern Slavic legends or ancient Russian northern epics are performed in one voice, usually in short chants of a declamatory-narrative style, while southern choral epics are similar in music to widely chanted Don songs.

All known epics, according to their place of origin, are divided into: Kyiv, Novgorod and later all-Russian. Bylinas are epic songs about Russian heroes; Slavic epic tales reflect the history of their lives, their exploits and aspirations, feelings and thoughts. Each of the epic songs speaks mainly about one episode in the life of one hero, and thus a series of songs of a fragmentary nature are obtained, grouped around the main representatives of Russian heroism.

Epic verse and versification of Russian oral folk poetry are quite multifaceted. There are three types: spoken verse (proverbs, sayings, riddles, jokes, etc.) - purely tonic, with paired rhymes, without any internal rhythm (raesh verse); recitative verse (epics, historical songs, spiritual poems) - unrhymed, with feminine or (more often) dactylic endings, the basis of the rhythm is a tact, sometimes simplified to trochee, sometimes loosened to accented verse; song verse (“lingering” and “frequent” songs) - the rhythm is closely related to the melody and fluctuates between a relatively clear trochee and very complex, not fully explored options.

In ancient times, including the Paleolithic, there are inscriptions made in the Old Slavic syllabary, the so-called “Makoshi runes”, “Rod runes” and “Mary runes”, that is, various types of Slavic writing associated with the corresponding Slavic deities. The word “runes” was also used on many medieval inscriptions.
The name "Makoshi runes" connects writing with the most ancient and most powerful Slavic goddess– Makosh, from whom all the other gods of the Slavic pantheon descended. The Mokosh runes were distinguished by their sacred character and were most likely intended not for the population, but for the priests. It is impossible to read Mokosh runes, especially those connected into ligatures; these texts require solving, like puzzles. During the Grand Duke's period, Mokosh runes were used everywhere in Rus', but they are gradually falling out of use, and in different cities at different times. Thus, in Kyiv they give way to the Cyrillic alphabet already in the 10th century, while in Novgorod they exist unchanged until the 19th century.

The runes of the Family are called proto-Cyrillic, that is, the letter that preceded the Cyrillic alphabet. The runes of Rod apparently originated from the runes of Mokosh and were used to sign products, first of all, of the Temple of Rod, for which it received its name. This letter existed in the form of secret inscriptions (pictocryptography) and was included in drawings throughout Europe until the middle of the 19th century. The Saints Equal-to-the-Apostles Cyril and Methodius, on the basis of the runes of Rod, by adding Greek and compound letters, created in the 6th century AD a Slavic Christian letter, named in honor of the first brother, the Cyrillic alphabet.

The runes of Mary are the most mysterious type of ancient Slavic writing. Presumably, this is not a special font, but a clue to the meaning of written words. Mara was the goddess of death and disease, and her cult was very strong during Paleolithic times. The runes of Mara should mean something not just secret, but also somehow connected with the afterlife. It should be noted that it was the mythical power of Mary over the afterlife that gave the temple of Mary very real power over her contemporaries, so that it was this temple that performed the most important social functions in Slavic communities.
