Open the internal screen to read information! Mental screen vision with closed

First, in a nutshell, how the mental screen differs from the usual visual one. The division is a bit arbitrary, but still. We see the visual screen with eyes closed. Usually when we dream or try to remember something.

I described the exercise with the rose. This is where we create the rose on the visual screen. But if you create a rose and just look at it without thinking about anything. The rose will begin to change and can become anything, or it will disappear altogether and a completely different picture will appear in its place.

This will already be information from the mental. Some people can easily build various images with eyes closed. Others close their eyes and see only darkness. The mental screen is superimposed on the visual one. You can observe various images on the mental screen with your eyes open, looking, for example, at one point. Many people do this.

When reading books, we see text and at the same time images on the mental screen. That's why so many people love to read science fiction, fantasy and romance novels. There's a lot to see here. It turns out that it is easy to see the mental screen when moving or during any physical activity.
The visual screen requires relaxation of the mind, and mental tension. Therefore, it is advisable to be alert when working with the mental screen.

In fact, almost all people work on mental planes, but do not know about it. They think that it is their imagination that draws images. In fact, the mind removes information from the mental planes. In the future, you can create a mental screen with your eyes closed. We create a screen the size of a large TV screen. We achieve a uniform glow.

White color is ideal, but it can be any other color. We ask a clear question and wait for an answer. The answer comes in the form of words, maybe in a ticker, or maybe in the form of images.

Creating a white screen requires concentration and mental effort. With prolonged practice, you may feel physically tired. The mind is trained and the ability to work in the mental comes. Training is very important, since being in the mental state will require effort.

Some practitioners may immediately have images that are not from our lives. A couple of parting words for them.

If you succeeded in what was written below, congratulations, you have begun to master the mental planes.

Various doors, arches, hatches and other entry points can often be seen. If you see a door, you can open it and see what’s there. But if the door doesn’t open or they don’t let you in, then you don’t need to go there yet. I have seen security more than once; she allows me to enter a specific door. Look for workarounds and there is no need to break into everything in your mental plans.

WE are guests there, like white crows, everyone can see you. It’s better to take a closer look first, remember the entry point, so that next time you can enter faster. The general rule when walking in the mental is always go upward, towards the light and sun. Go down and meet lower, very unpleasant entities.

What is the inner screen and what opportunities await you if you learn to open it? Learn about the amazing abilities available to every person!

In this article you will learn how to work with the internal screen and receive information directly from the subconscious¹.

We continue the amazing series of lessons “Infopole”. There are many fascinating topics and extraordinary experiences ahead that will make you doubt that you cannot acquire the gift of clairvoyance and direct reading of information from various information fields (people, Earth, Galaxies and the Universe).

These amazing abilities were given to me from birth, but I always continue to work on their development.

What will today's lesson allow you to develop?

This skill is the first thing you need to, but not only. First things first. I will tell you what the signs of the subconscious and the internal screen are later, but now read about the amazing cosmic experience that happened to me tonight (this is very important!)

Our Earth passes through the negative fields of Space!

To see some cosmic event, I simply go into a deep trance and fall asleep while in this state. Learn with me (description below).

When will our planet leave the negative “space zone”?

At the beginning of next year it will be easier. However, after some time, after a break of several years, our planet will again enter an even longer negative period.

So we need to prepare mentally for the great panic of the peoples. It will be hot!

How do I go into trance?

Very simple! I first lie down in bed on my back. Hands lie along the body. I watch my breathing for a few minutes and then begin to look at the hypnographic pictures (images) appearing on my psychic monitor. Then, when the images become more clear and drowsiness begins to set in, I turn onto my right side.

I put in a request and calmly fall asleep. I don’t think about anything, I don’t control anything. In a dream, as a rule, the answer comes to me. Not always of course, but in most cases.

* If you have little experience in this practice, it may not work out right away. There must be many attempts. And if you do them every day, then sooner or later your subconscious will get used to it and begin to respond to your requests. But perhaps you will succeed the first time. Need to try.

What is an internal screen?

The inner screen or psychic monitor (interface) is a special area of ​​your consciousness where you can see clairvoyant images and receive visual cues from the subconscious, called hypnographic imagery.

What is this area and how to see it?

Nothing could be easier!

If you simply close your eyes, then the observed area that you will observe in front of your closed eyes is your internal screen. In other words, this is the inside of your eyelids.

It is there that you can see the most incredible visions. And not with the third eye³, but with your consciousness. We will come to the third eye a little later, this is a higher level. You need to go through this one first.

My experience shows that there are several levels of working with the internal screen:

1. When on the inner screen you see black and white symbolic images (zigzags, spots, circles, some unclear shapes, lines, stains, etc.)
2. When you see clear, distinct symbolic black and white images - signs.
3. When you see clear, crisp, flat black and white concrete pictures (people, animals, landscapes, space, events, etc.)
4. When you see clear, crisp, three-dimensional (3D) black and white specific pictures (people, animals, landscapes, space, events, etc.)
5. When you see clear, crisp, three-dimensional (3D) color specific pictures (people, animals, landscapes, space, events, etc.)

I consider the sixth level to be the penultimate level and it is the most important. He is the object of our aspirations.

This is when you not only see three-dimensional color pictures of clairvoyance, but you can also completely immerse yourself in these pictures, i.e. there is an effect of your real presence in the reality that you see on your inner screen. And this is already the work of the third eye!

And this is truly an incredible ability!

Not only can you become a participant in events that happened in the distant past or will still happen in the future, but you can also edit them as you wish.

Describing real experience

I enter the state of the sixth level of vision (working with the present time) and observe a woman I know. At this time she is cooking in the kitchen. Suddenly I see her husband enter the kitchen and start shouting at her.

I can edit the picture...

With my consciousness I take (like a mouse on a computer) this husband and close his mouth, bring him to this woman and make him kiss her and ask her for forgiveness for his cry.

I come out of meditation and end the session.

The next day I call this woman on the phone. I ask her if she was preparing food yesterday at such and such a time, was she dressed in such and such clothes, did her husband come in and shout at her? She replies that everything was exactly like that! Everything coincided down to the smallest detail. Surprising even to myself!

She answers: then my husband suddenly completely stopped screaming and came up to me and started kissing me madly, saying that he loved me and asking for forgiveness. It’s not like him at all; if he starts screaming, he can’t be stopped. In general, miracles and nothing more...

This is absolutely real case from my practice (God knows!)

How to see and read the signs of the subconscious?

Let's move on to the main task of your lesson. In this way, you can see and read the signs that the subconscious gives you (the second level of clairvoyance).

² Trans is a series of altered states of consciousness (ASC), as well as a functional state of the psyche that connects and mediates the conscious and unconscious mental functioning of a person, in which, according to some cognitivist-oriented interpretations, the degree of conscious participation in information processing changes (Wikipedia).

³ Ajna (third eye) Skt. - “order”, “command”. The brow chakra, where the three main nadis (sushumna, ida and pingala) converge, is the abode of the “subtle, penetrating mind (manas)” (

How to develop astral vision and begin to see what is inaccessible to the vision of most people? The techniques are available to everyone, and they are described below. The existence of alternative vision has long been proven by scientists, and anyone can develop it.

In the article:

Astral vision - what is it and is such a phenomenon possible?

Astral vision is the ability to see or sense objects and navigate in space with your eyes closed. In addition, the ability to see what is happening behind one’s back, walls or other obstacles is also called. At the same time, the reliability of what is seen does not differ from that which is present in ordinary vision.

People first started talking about astral vision in the last century, and that’s when this term appeared. Sometimes it is called extrasensory or alternative vision. Ethereal Sight different from the astral. It allows you to see what cannot be seen with ordinary visual perception - flows of energy, aura, spirits and other entities.

Developing etheric vision is considered a dangerous undertaking. For example, there are legends about fairies who gouge out the eyes of those who happen to see them. Therefore, before you try to gain abilities, think about whether you can cope with their consequences?

Scientific research confirms the existence of such a phenomenon. Among the scientists who studied it are Bekhterev, Bronnikov and Pytyev. Bronnikov worked with children, some of whom suffered from visual impairments, and some were completely healthy. He founded a school of alternative vision, whose students eventually could see blindfolded - both blind children and children with excellent vision.

Bekhterev and Pytyev examined the brains of people who used alternative vision. They proved that during this process, brain impulses increase. At the same time, impulses were compared with normal vision and with alternative vision. Scientists have proven that every person is capable of using such vision, but this must be learned.

So, what opportunities does vision with closed eyes provide and what does a person who wants to master this skill get? There are people who are able to see the internal organs of people. This is also astral vision, and one of the areas of its application is in the appearance of organs. With the help of it, you can look through walls, keep an eye on what is happening behind you, and also understand what is happening underground and metal veins. Seeing auras will allow you to learn more about people without any questions. In general, finding a use for such abilities is much easier than developing them.

Astral vision - training with a table

The best time to train in astral vision is in the morning, but before breakfast. It is not advisable to train with a full stomach. It is better to have a snack long before class so that hunger does not distract you from it. The very first exercise of seeing with your eyes closed will require a chair and an empty table, as well as a blindfold. Having the latter is not necessary if you are not going to deceive yourself. After just a few trainings in astral vision, you will notice that you begin to see and feel much more than before.

So, sit on a chair in front of the table, with your eyes open for now. Relax, concentrate on the task you are trying to complete, discard extraneous thoughts. Now rub your palms together and remember this feeling. The heated palm needs to be held over the surface of the table without touching it. The distance between the hand and the table is two to three centimeters.

Try to catch how the sensations change when your hand approaches the edge of the table. If this is successful, repeat the exercise with your eyes closed. In the future, through constant practice, you will be able to determine the boundaries of any large object without touching it with your hands and without being able to see with normal vision.

After some time, the task can be complicated. To do this, you need any object made of a different material - not the same one from which the table is made. For example, it could be a plastic plate. Repeat the exercise with your eyes open, remembering how the plate feels. Then try to locate it on the table with your eyes closed.

The next option for training astral vision with a table is also aimed at determining the boundaries of objects. Hold your hand twenty centimeters from the tabletop and close your eyes. The goal is to stop your hand two centimeters from the tabletop. Over time, this will teach you to more accurately determine the boundaries of objects.

Stand close to the table and try to approach it with your eyes closed, without touching the table with your hands or opening your eyes. Understanding when to stop so as not to crash into the furniture can be considered success. Try to stop a couple of centimeters from her. After this, you can begin to try to navigate in space without using normal vision. Enter a room with an unfamiliar environment and try not to step on objects or bump into furniture.

Few people wonder how to learn to see through walls. Only advanced yogis can do this, but their secrets have been revealed for several decades and are available to almost everyone.

Indian yogis and Tibetan monks use the method of completing the missing parts. This is a fairly simple exercise, and it’s easier to explain its essence with examples. If you see a closet, try to imagine what its back wall and interior contents look like. The good thing about this method is that it can be practiced anytime and anywhere. Did a car drive by? Try to “see” what a part of it that is inaccessible to normal vision looks like. At the same time, you need to keep in mind everything that surrounds you - cars, people, houses.

This way you can move from easier tasks to more complex ones. Sooner or later you will be able to figure out on your own how to learn to see through walls. Yogis claim that this ability is closer to sensation than to vision. However, it makes it possible to understand what is happening behind the wall.

Development of alternative vision - visualization

It’s hard to believe that there is a technique that can easily answer the question of how to learn to see with your eyes closed and without spending a lot of time on training. You can do visualization at any time and anywhere, for example, on the way home or to work.

The point of the exercise is to determine appearance what you heard. Can you hear the roar of a car engine? Imagine what it looks like, which direction it is going, how many passengers are in its cabin. Did you hear a voice or footsteps? Try to imagine what the person making this noise looks like.

This technique allows you to develop subtle perception, which works not through ordinary vision, but completely different sensations. Over time, when you achieve success in small things, increase the load - try to determine the colors of the cars, the gender of their passengers, the topic of conversation of people traveling somewhere, their mood and, perhaps, even their character.

How to develop astral vision and see with your eyes closed

The essence of this technique is to teach vision with closed eyes. In this case, no other sensations play a role. You will have to rely solely on what the third eye will send, so techniques for opening it will not be superfluous here.

Relax completely and close your eyes. Look carefully at what appears before your eyes. You can see images and pictures. Your goal is to get a better look at them. It's good if you can notice something familiar. Remember what you see, you may have to see it with normal vision in the future.

A similar technique also exists for obtaining, and it is quite possible while performing such a vision with closed eyes. It helps not only to learn to see with your eyes closed, but also to develop clairvoyant talent.

Astral and etheric vision - the role of peripheral perception

Developed peripheral, or lateral vision is often the deciding factor on the path to success in alternative vision. It can be developed in parallel with any other techniques; this technique only affects peripheral vision, but it will be useful. Its dynamics are partly involved in astral vision.


Focusing on a lit candle. The candle should be approximately 50 cm away from the eyes. Not higher than eye level, maybe a little lower.

You need to look at the lit candle, trying not to blink and not to think about anything. That is, try to stop thoughts. If within 1 minute you succeed at least for a moment, this is already good. At first, the duration of the exercise should not exceed 1 minute. Gradually, week after week, you can increase the duration of the exercise by 1 minute each time, but no more than 10 minutes. You can combine this exercise with chanting the “AUM” mantra, which will be discussed later.and slow breathing.

Clearing the tear duct as the tears flow,
- calming the central nervous system,
- development and strengthening of attention,
- strengthening willpower,
- cleansing at the subtle level of the third eye, development of clairvoyance,
- development of the ability for insight, that is, connection to the information field of the planet.

Chanting the mantra “AUM”

A mantra is a combination of sounds, the constantly repeated chanting of which creates a vibration that leads to changes in the psychophysiological state of the body. The mantra “AUM” or “OM” is a sound analogue corresponding to Absolute Truth, that is, God.

Take a comfortable position and try to relax. Disconnect your consciousness from external problems.

As you exhale, slowly chant the entire mantra: “A-O-U-M!” The sound begins with an open sound “A”, the mouth should be open. The transition from sound to sound occurs spontaneously as the mouth gradually closes while singing. Moreover, the last “M-M-M” lasts 2 times longer than all other sounds. All sounds must be sung on the same note, without intervals, and equally loud. Close your eyes, think about space, distant bright stars, Milky Way. Feel how your internal organs, spine, and brain begin to resonate with the mantra. Carry this vibration consciously through all chakras. Feel how through the mantra you merge with the rhythms of the Cosmos. You can chant the mantra in the morning and evening 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, 33, 60, 108 times depending on the time you have. For convenience, use a rosary. After finishing singing, sit for 1 minute without opening your eyes, let the vibrations calm down.

This exercise can be combined with trataka. Then the eyes must be open.

Psychophysiological effects:

Balance of the central nervous system,
- quick stress relief,
- increasing intellectual abilities. The vibration created by the mantra massages the tissue structures of the brain,
- strengthening willpower.

Cleansing the trikuta area.

This exercise, like trataka, helps develop clairvoyance. Trikutta is an imaginary line inside the head connecting the forehead and the back of the head. You need to learn to work with this line, traveling along it mentally (mentally) until the line becomes clear, bright like a fluorescent tube. This must be done at least once a day for 3 minutes.


Bandhas are locks, closures of energy. They help accumulate and distribute prana in the body. We will look at 3 castles.

1. Jalandhara bandha - produced by lowering the chin into the cavity between the collarbones. Locks the energy of the upper centers. Upper castle.

2. Uddiyana bandha - produced by retracting the lower abdomen. Locks the energy of the lower centers. Lower castle.

3. Mula bandha - produced by tightening the anus. Locks the energy of the lower centers. Lower castle.

Clearing the mental screen.

To understand where the mental screen is, close your eyes and look through (through) your forehead in front of you. It turns out that he is not entirely in the physical body, but you can only see something on him with your eyes closed. In this case, the eyes involuntarily focus on the bridge of the nose. This screen needs to be cleaned in any way. You can clean it with white light. Through inhalation we draw white light to the area of ​​the 3rd eye, through exhalation we direct it to the mental screen. We do this until the screen turns white, like in a movie theater.

On the mental screen we visualize (imagine, imagine) the images we need.
