Orthodox calendar of the year with holidays. Orthodox church calendar. Great Sacraments of the Church

As you have given us an indestructible fortress, O Christ our God, through their prayers, destroy the plans of the pagans, strengthen the Holy Church, since You are the only Good and Humane One.

Trinity grace has entered into your honest hearts,/ blessed Cyrus and John,/ the exorcist of evil spirits has appeared./ And not just a revealed, but a secret illness to the physician, / by the same token, we have boldness towards the Lover of Mankind, / / ​​by unceasing prayer of our souls heal passions.

Translation: The Trinity, which has taken up residence in your precious hearts, blessed Cyrus and John, you began to cast out unclean spirits. And not only obvious, but also secret illnesses were healed, therefore, having God, the Lover of Mankind, heal our souls with constant prayer.

Troparion to the unmercenary martyrs Cyrus and John, tone 5

Glorious saints Cyrus and John, unmercenaries, martyrs and wonderworkers, with your mercy, like an invincible wall, protect us from all troubles, and keep us from enemies, visible and invisible, without ceasing. your prayer to the Lord.

Translation: The glorified saints Cyrus and John, martyrs and wonderworkers, with your mercy, like an indestructible wall, protect us from all troubles and preserve us from enemies visible and invisible by your constant prayer to the Lord.

Troparion to the unmercenary martyrs Cyrus and John, tone 5

Wisdom of the universal physician,/ Cyrus and John,/ received from God the power to heal mental and physical ailments,/ and now pray/ to save the city and people from those who have evils// and save prayers ami your souls ours.

Translation: Wise universal doctors, Cyrus and John, who received from God the power to heal mental illnesses, as well as physical illnesses, and now pray to save the city and people from the disasters that have declared and to save our souls through your prayers.

Kontakion to the unmercenary martyrs Cyrus and John, tone 3

From Divine grace we receive the gift of miracles, O saints,/ you work miracles unceasingly,/ all our passions are carried out by invisible handicraft,/ Cyrus the God-wise with John the glorious // you are divine doctors Ste.

Translation: Having received the gift of miracles from Divine grace, saints, you work miracles incessantly, cutting off all our passions with invisible healing, Cyrus the God-wise with John the glorious: for you are Divine doctors.

Kontakion to the unmercenary martyrs Cyrus and John, tone 6

The great healing of the universe, / the beloved marriage of Christ, / shining lamps, the dawn of healings, / let us sing loudly to the faithful, / crying out to them within the church: / Cyrus and John, / givers of miracles Here, as a physician to the sick, // you sanctify the whole country.

Translation: The great medicine for the universe, the beloved union of Christ, the lamps that shone with the dawn of healings, let us sing in prayers, believers, loudly, in the Church calling to them: “Cyrus and John, givers of miracles, doctors of the sick, you sanctify all directions of the world.”

Prayer to the unmercenary martyrs Cyrus and John

Oh, holy saints of God, martyr and unmercenary Cyrus and John! Having fought a good fight on earth, we have received in Heaven the crown of righteousness, which the Lord has prepared for all who love Him. Moreover, looking at your holy image, we rejoice at the glorious end of your life and honor your holy memory. You, standing before the Throne of God, accept our prayers and bring them to the All-Merciful God, to forgive us every sin and help us to stand against the wiles of the devil, so that we may be freed from more sorrows. knowledge, troubles and misfortunes and all evil, let us live piously and righteously in the present and through your representation we will be worthy, even though we are unworthy, to see good on the earth of the living, glorifying the One in His saints, glorifying God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever. Amen.

Venerable Sergius and Herman, Valaam Wonderworkers

Troparion to St. Sergius and Herman, Wonderworkers of Valaam, tone 4

The Gospel of Christ, the truth of the novices/ appeared, O venerables,/ the world and everything that was in it, as if it were not,/ having overcome love for the sake of Christ/ and settled in the island of the sea,/ and labored in it against labored through the machinations of invisible enemies, / by fasting, vigil and by standing all night/ your flesh obeyed the wise spirit of nature./ For this reason from the Almighty right hand the worthy crowns have been received by nature./ And now the Most Holy Trinity is coming,/ pray , all-blessed fathers, Sergius and Germans, / may our fatherland be preserved in peace // and our souls saved .

Translation: The real novices of the Gospel of Christ appeared, the world and everything in it, as unimportant, they despised for the love of Christ, and settled on a sea island, and laboriously on it against the machinations of invisible enemies, and by fasting and all-night standing you wisely subordinated your spirit. Because from right hand The Almighty received worthy crowns and now, standing before us, pray, the all-blessed fathers Sergius and Herman, for the preservation of our Fatherland in peace and for the salvation of our souls.

Troparion to St. Sergius and Herman, Wonderworkers of Valaam, tone 1

Fleeing from worldly rumors, / silence and piety, / the quiet refuge of Balaam / from the east, / and in it, following the evangelical virtues of Christ, / rose to the height of perfection of nature ./ And now, in triumph, enjoying the worldly sight of God,/ the all-blessed Fathers Sergius and Germans, / pray to God, the lover of mankind, / to save all of us who piously honor you.

Translation: Avoiding the vanity of the world, lovers of silence and, you came from the east to the quiet refuge of Valaam, and in it, following Christ according to the Gospel, you rose to the height of perfection, and now in triumph, enjoying the supramundane contemplation of God, all-blessed fathers Sergius and Herman, pray to the Lover of Mankind, so that He will save all of us who reverently honor you.

Kontakion to St. Sergius and Herman, Wonderworkers of Valaam, tone 4

You left the worldly life, / by rejecting the world you followed Christ, / and reached the great Neva River, / and, in it on the island of Valaam, / lived an equal life of the angels, / from there, rejoicing, we naturally went to the heavenly palace./ And now with the angels The Lord stands before the Throne, / remember us, your children, / as we have gathered together in nature, the Divine Wisdom, / let us cry with joy from our hearts: Rejoice, Sergius and Germans, blessed fathers.

Translation: From worldly life Having retired, rejecting the world, you followed Christ and reached the great Lake Nevo (Ladoga), and, having settled there on the island of Valaam, you lived a life similar to an angel, from where, rejoicing, you passed on to the Heavenly palaces. And now, standing with the Angels, remember us, your children, whom you, God-wise Ones, have gathered, and joyfully cry out from our hearts: “Rejoice, Sergius and Germanus, blessed fathers.”

Prayer to Saints Sergius and Herman, Valaam wonderworkers

Oh, our great fathers, saints of Christ and warm representatives to the Savior for our souls, Sergius and Herman! You have appeared as healers to those who are ill, as helmsmen on the sea, as safe deliverance to those who are drowning, and as guardians from every deadly invasion, and especially from unclean spirits and liberation from all kinds of slander, against us contained, cleansing and help. Oh, blessed fathers and wonderworkers of glory, Sergius and Germans, pray to the Lord Christ for us sinners, so that through your prayers we will be honored on the Day of Judgment for the coming and enjoyment of God's glory forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer to Saints Sergius and Herman, Valaam wonderworkers

Oh, our reverend and God-bearing fathers Sergius and Germans! With faith and love I fall before your holy icon, we tenderly pray to you: do not forget us, unworthy and sinners (names), but through your intercession protect us from the evil machinations of the enemy: quench the rebellion of passions: strengthen our weakness in the spiritual battles and struggles that are set before us: take away all despondency and sorrow, sin from our hearts, and send Heavenly consolation to us in our labors and sorrows. In the terrible hour of death, present yourself to all of us, as the blazing intercessors and dark eyes of demons drive away: so that in peace and repentance, having ended our earthly career, we will achieve eternal blessings of pleasure, Together with you, let us sing and glorify the all-holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Venerable Xenophon of Robey

Troparion to St. Xenophon of Robean, tone 4

You appeared in the desert through good vegetation,/ Father,/ from your youth you deigned to live a pure life,/ following the spiritual teacher,/ and therefore your mind was directed toward the Heavenly Ones,/ into the desert now you moved in,/ and in it you created an abode,/ and you appeared to your flock as a wise teacher, / to the great Novugrad praise and affirmation, / also Christ, like a bright lamp, / enriched you with miracles and glorified you. / Xenophon, Father ours, // pray to Christ God to save our souls.

Translation: You have become a beautiful growth of the desert, reverend father, for from your youth you preferred a pure life, following your spiritual teacher, and, with his instructions, directing your mind to the Heavenly, you settled in the desert and created a monastery in it, and for your flock you became a wise mentor, the Great Novgorod with honor and strength, therefore Christ, like a shining lamp, enriched you with miracles and glorified you, Xenophon, our father, pray to Christ God for the salvation of our souls.

The Most Holy Theotokos before the icon of Her, called “Three-Handed”

Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon of Her, called “Three-Handed”, tone 4

Today, universal joy has risen upon us:/ given to the holy Mount Athos/ Your celibate, Lady Theotokos, icon,/ with the image of three in number and inseparably pure hands of T voyah,/ for the glorification of the Holy Trinity,/ you call together the faithful and those who pray to you to know this,/ as The two of you hold the Son and the Lord,/ and show the third for refuge and protection to those who honor You,/ from all misfortunes and troubles,/ so that all who flow to You by faith will receive freely from all evils liberation, / protection from enemies, / for this reason we Together with Athos we cry: Rejoice, O Blessed One, the Lord is with Thee.

Translation: Today, great worldwide joy has dawned on us: the holy Mount Athos has been granted Your healing, the Lady Theotokos, an icon with the image of Your triply and indivisibly most pure hands for the glorification of the Holy Trinity, for You call the believers and those praying to You to learn about this, since with both (hands) You hold the Son and the Lord, but you showed the third for help and protection to those who worship You, for deliverance from all misfortunes and troubles, so that everyone who comes to You with faith would accept inexhaustibly liberation from all evils and protection from enemies, therefore we, together with Athos, cry : “Rejoice, full of grace, the Lord is with you.”

Today the reigning city of Moscow is shining brightly, / containing in itself, O Most Merciful, the Most Honest of all creatures, / Our Intercessor, the Virgin Mary, / Your honest image, / including the sunflower ends You astonish the earth/ and grant peace to the world,/ in the image of the Holy Trinity you appear three hand:/ for two you bear His Son, Christ our God,/ the third thing from misfortunes and troubles/ faithfully delivering to You those who resort,/ and taking away from drowning,/ and granting benefit to all,/ and to the venerable Show Mikhail Maleonskaya Mountain, / and everyone You are always gracious, / with Your honorable robe you cover this living / and all our cities and countries, so we call Thee // Rejoice, O Delighted One.

Translation: Today the reigning city of Moscow joyfully triumphs, having in its possession, O Most Merciful, above all creation, the Most Revered, Our Protector, the Virgin Mother of God, your sacred image, with which you surprise all the ends of the universe and grant peace to the whole world, for in the image of the Holy Trinity you show three hands: two You bear your son, Christ our God, the third - you deliver those who turn to you with faith from misfortunes and troubles, and you save them from the flood, and you give everyone useful things, and you showed Maleon Mountain, and you always show mercy to everyone, covering this state and everything with your precious robe Our cities and villages, let us cry to You: “Rejoice, O O Joyful One.”

Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon of Her, called “Three-Handed”, tone 4

Like a shining star, / from Serbia to Mount Athos came miraculously / the all-honorable icon of Your Three-Handed One, / the Hilandar monastery reverently received it, / like a Divine gift from above, / glorifies You , Lady,/ and tenderly cries out:/ do not leave Your mercy from us,/ / but abide with us forever.

Translation: Like a luminous star from Serbia, the icon of Your Three-Handed Mother, revered by all, miraculously arrived on Athos, and the Hilandar monastery, having reverently accepted it as a Divine gift from above, glorifies You, the Lady, and in heartfelt contrition cries out: “Do not remove Your mercy from us, but abide with us forever."

Kontakion to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon of Her, called “Three-Handed”, tone 8

Today the joyful day has come Your triumph, Most Pure Mother of God, / all the faithful are filled with joy and joy, / as if you were able to sing well / the wondrous appearance of the honest image of T his / and the Child born from You, the true God / Whose two hands embrace, / and the third from You take away misfortunes and troubles from us, // and deliver us from all evils and circumstances.

Translation: Today your joyful triumph has come, Most Pure Mother of God, all believers are filled with joy and joy, having been honored to especially sing the wondrous appearance of your revered image and the Child born of you, the true God, with whom you embrace with two hands, and with the third you rescue and deliver us from misfortunes and troubles from all evils and hardships.

Kontakion to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon of Her, called “Three-Handed”, tone 3

Today the Virgin shows favor towards us,/Mount Athos brings Her thanks,/Angels and foreigners praise,/The three-woman from Serbia travels miraculously:/for our sake she came//and dwelt in the holy abode Tel Hilandarskaya.

Translation: Today the Virgin shows favor towards us, Mount Athos brings thanks to Her, Angels and monks glorify Her in prayers, the Three-Handed One from Serbia travels miraculously, for for our sake she came and settled in the holy monastery of Hilandar.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon of Her, called “Three-Handed”

Oh, Most Holy Lady Theotokos, who showed a great miracle to Saint John of Damascus, showing true faith and undoubted hope! Hear us, sinners, before Your miraculous icon, fervently praying and asking for Your help: do not deny the prayer of many for the sake of our sins, but, as the Mother of mercy and generosity, deliver us from illnesses, sorrows and sorrows, forgive the sins we have committed, fill us with joy and Congratulations to all who honor Your holy icon, may we joyfully sing and glorify Your name with love, for You are chosen and blessed from all generations forever and ever. Amen.

Second prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before the icon of Her, called “Three-Handed”

Oh, Most Holy and Most Blessed Virgin, Mother of God Mary! We fall down and worship You before Your holy icon, remembering Your glorious miracle, with the healing of the truncated right hand of St. John of Damascus, from this icon which was revealed, its sign to now apparently there is on it, in the form of a third hand, attached to your image. We pray to You and ask You, the All-merciful and All-generous Intercessor of our race: hear us praying to You, and like blessed John, who cried out to You in sorrow and illness, You heard , so do not despise us, those who grieve and suffer from the wounds of many different passions, do not despise , those who are diligently running to You from a contrite soul. You see, O All-Merciful Lady, our infirmities, our embitterment, our need, I will need Your help, as the enemy surrounds us from everywhere, and there is no one who can help us, who stands lower than You, who is merciful talking about us, Lady. To her, we pray to You, listen to our painful voice and help us to preserve the patristic Orthodox faith until the end of our days, to walk unswervingly in all the commandments of the Lord, true repentance for sins always offer ours to God and be honored with a peaceful Christian death and a good answer at the terrible judgment of the Son Yours and our God. We implored Him for us with Your motherly prayer, may He not condemn us according to our iniquity, but may He have mercy on us according to His greatness and ineffable mercy. Oh, All-Good One! Hear us and do not deprive us of Your help, O sovereign, yes, having received salvation through You, we will sing and glorify You on the land of the living and Our Redeemer, Who was born of You, the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is like Him There is glory and power, honor and worship, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit , always, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Undoubtedly, each of us loves holidays. This is a wonderful time when pressing problems are forgotten, family and friends gather around the table, talk about simple things, laugh and enjoy life. Church holidays are especially important, which are honored by the entire Orthodox people year after year. These celebrations are somewhat different from state celebrations in that they were established by the Holy Church. To understand when the next one will come Divine holiday, you can turn to the Orthodox calendar.

Church holidays can be permanent or variable. Constant celebrations occur on the same day, and variable ones on different years have different dates.

Holidays in 2016

Permanent holidays Variable holidays
07.01 – Christmas 02/07 – Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia
14.01 – Circumcision of the Lord 14.02 – Week of Zacchaeus the Publican
19.01 – Epiphany 21.02 – Week of the Publican and the Pharisee
15.02 – Presentation of the Lord 28.02 – Sunday of the Prodigal Son
04/07 – Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary 06.03 – Week of the Last Judgment
21.05 – Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian 07.03 – Cheese Week
22.05 – St. Nicholas 13.03 – Memories of Adam’s exile. Forgiveness resurrection
07.07 – Nativity of John the Baptist 20.03 – Triumph of Orthodoxy
12.07 – Holy First. apostles Peter and Paul 27.03 – 2nd Sunday of Great Lent, St. Gregory Palamas, architect. Solunsky
19.08 — Transfiguration of the Lord 03.04 – 3rd Sunday of Lent, Worship of the Cross
28.08 – Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary 10.04 – 4th Sunday of Lent
11.09 – Beheading of John the Baptist 17.04 – 5th Sunday of Lent
21.09 – Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 23.04 – Lazarev Saturday
27.09 – Exaltation of the Holy Cross 24.04 – Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem
09.10 – Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian 25.04 – Maundy Monday
14.10 – Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary 26.04 – Maundy Tuesday
04.12 – Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the temple 27.04 – Great Wednesday
19.12 – St. Nicholas 28.04 – Maundy Thursday. Last Supper
29.04 – Good Friday. Crucifixion of Christ
30.04 – Holy Saturday. Entry of Christ into Hell
01.05 – Resurrection of Christ
08.05 — Anti-Easter
15.05 – 3rd week of Easter
22.05 – 4th week of Easter
29.05 – 5th week of Easter
05.06 – 6th week of Easter
09.06 – Ascension of the Lord
12.07 – 7th week of Easter
19.06 – Holy Trinity. Pentecost
20.06 – Holy Spirit Day
26.06 – 1st Sunday after Pentecost
03.07 – 2nd Sunday after Pentecost

More detailed information about the holidays, their descriptions and even some features of these holidays can be seen in the Orthodox calendars, which are compiled every year.

Calendar of Orthodox holidays for 2016 by month


06.01 – Christmas Eve. This holiday involves refusing to eat until the first star appears in the sky. To break your fast you need to eat kutya, which can be prepared from wheat, honey and fruits.

07.01 – Christmas. From this moment until January 17, people celebrate Christmastide, during which there is no need to fast.

14.01 – Circumcision of the Lord. This holiday is popularly known under another name - Old New Year.

18.01 – Eve of the Epiphany of the Lord. This holiday obliges people to prepare Epiphany holy water. The next day it is used in rites of purification and consecration.

19.01 – Baptism of the Lord. On this day it is necessary to sanctify water and honor the baptism of Jesus Christ.

26.01 – Tatyana’s day.

From January 20 to March 13, the winter meat-eating season begins, during which it is allowed to eat meat (at least every day), except Wednesday and Friday.


15.02 – Presentation of the Lord.


8.03 – 1st and 2nd Finding of the head of John the Baptist.

22.03 – day of remembrance of the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste. The spring equinox also occurs on this day. Housewives begin to prepare special ritual cookies - waders, larks and grouse.


23.04 – Lazareva Saturday. This holiday allows the consumption of fish caviar.

24.04 – Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. Another name for this holiday Palm Sunday(last day before Easter).

30.04 – End of Lent.


01.05 – . This celebration is also called the Bright Resurrection of the Lord. Traditional Easter cakes are baked, Easter eggs are colored and painted. Starting from May 1 and ending on May 7, a continuous Easter Week, during which you do not need to fast.

From 08.05 to 14.05 - Krasnaya Gorka.

10.05 – Radonitsa, during which people prefer to remember deceased relatives.

23.05 is the day of the Apostle Simon the Zealot.


07.06 – 3rd Finding of the Head of John the Baptist.

09.06 – Ascension of the Lord.

16.06 – The seventh day after Easter, when people remember relatives who did not die a natural death.

18.06 – Trinity Universe Parent Saturday.

19.06 – Pentecost. Day of the Holy Trinity.

20.06 – 26.06 – Trinity Week. During this period, you can celebrate the Day of the Holy Spirit, which is set on June 20, and Navatka Trinity Day - June 23.

27.06 – Petrov post. Its duration is only 15 days, moreover, this fast is not particularly strict.


On the night from 06.07 to 07.07 - the holiday of Ivan Kupala.

07.07 – Nativity of John the Baptist.

12.07 – Day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.


02.08 – Orthodox Christians celebrate Elijah’s Day. This day is dedicated to the prophet Elijah. The peculiarity of this holiday is that after it it is undesirable to swim in reservoirs.

14.08 – Honey Spas. From this day on, as is popularly believed, bees stop producing honey. You can eat honey and poppy seeds, as long as they are blessed.

19.08 – Transfiguration of the Lord. This holiday also has a second name - Apple Spas. Allowed foods for consumption: fish, apples, grapes.

28.08 – Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This celebration is considered protracted because it lasts directly until November 27th.

29.08 – Nut Spas.


11.09 – the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist. For a long time, Orthodox people remembered dead soldiers who gave their lives for their people, faith and homeland.

21.09 – Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

27.9 – Exaltation of the Holy Cross.


08.10 – day of remembrance of St. Sergius.

14.10 – Protection of the Holy Mother of God. The appearance of the Mother of God in the Blachernae Church is associated with this day.


05.11 – Dimitrovskaya Parents Saturday. On this day, it is customary to remember fallen soldiers, as well as pray for the souls of deceased relatives.

21.11 – day of Michael the Archangel.

Starting from November 28, believers adhere to the Nativity Fast, which will end directly on January 6, 2017. It is noteworthy that from November 28 to January 1, the fast is not strict.


04.12 – Feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As the legend says, it was on this day that the parents of the Most Holy Theotokos decided to bring her to the temple to conduct a rite of dedication of the child to the Lord. On this day, winter begins to come into its own. Often the first snow falls on December 4th.

09.12 – St. George’s day. It is customary to remember the deeds of St. George the Victorious, who in every possible way supported soldiers, landowners and livestock keepers.

19.12 – day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. It has long been known that Saint Nicholas did not skimp on good deeds; he had fabulous wealth, but was not greedy, but helped those in need. There is a custom for parents to put gifts under their children's pillows on St. Nicholas Day.

December 25 is the day of remembrance of St. Spyridon. This day is the longest night and the shortest day.

A week is a week from Monday to Sunday. These days there is no fasting on Wednesday and Friday.
There are five continuous weeks:
Christmastide - With Jan. 7 By January 17,
Publican and Pharisee – 2 weeks before Lent from February 22, 2016 By 28th of February,
Cheese (Maslenitsa) – week before Lent (no meat) from 7 By March 13,
Easter (Light) – week after Easter from 1 By May 7, 2016,
Trinity - week after Trinity 20 By June 26, 2016.

Fasting on Wednesday and Friday

Weekly fast days are Wednesday and Friday. On Wednesday, fasting was established in memory of the betrayal of Christ by Judas, on Friday - in memory of the suffering on the cross and death of the Savior. On these days of the week, the Holy Church prohibits the consumption of meat and dairy foods, and during the week of All Saints before the Nativity of Christ, one should also abstain from fish and vegetable oil. Only when the days of celebrated saints fall on Wednesday and Friday is vegetable oil allowed, and on the most big holidays, such as Pokrov, is a fish.
Those who are sick and engaged in hard work are allowed some relief, so that Christians have the strength to pray and do the necessary work, but eating fish on the wrong days, and especially the full permission of fasting, is rejected by the charter.

One-day posts

Epiphany Christmas EveJanuary 18, on the eve of Epiphany. On this day, Christians prepare for cleansing and consecration with holy water on the feast of Epiphany.
Beheading of John the Baptist11 September. This is the day of remembrance and death of the great prophet John.
Exaltation of the Holy CrossSeptember 27. The memory of the Savior's suffering on the cross for the salvation of the human race. This day is spent in prayer, fasting, and contrition for sins.
One-day fasts are days of strict fasting (except Wednesday and Friday).

Fish is prohibited, but food with vegetable oil is allowed.

Orthodox holidays. About meals on holidays

According to the Church Charter, there is no fasting on the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and Epiphany, which happened on Wednesday and Friday. On Christmas and Epiphany Eves and on the holidays of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord and the Beheading of John the Baptist, food with vegetable oil is allowed. On the feasts of the Presentation, Transfiguration of the Lord, Dormition, Nativity and Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, Her Entry into the Temple, the Nativity of John the Baptist, the Apostles Peter and Paul, John the Theologian, which occurred on Wednesday and Friday, as well as in the period from Easter to Trinity on Wednesday and Friday Fish allowed. The most important Orthodox holidays are distinguished by especially solemn divine services. The biggest and brightest event in the Christian church calendar is Easter. It has a special status and the most solemn service. The date of celebration is determined by solar lunar calendar

and is unique for each year (falls between April 4 and May 8).

The remaining great holidays are divided into twelfth and non-twelfth holidays. Twelve's

  • Intransient
    They have a fixed date and fall on the same date every year. These include 9 twelve holidays.
  • Transitional
    They have a unique date for each year, which depends on the date of Easter and moves with it. These include 3 twelve holidays.

Non-Twelfths– these are 5 great holidays Orthodox Church, dedicated to the birth and death of John the Baptist - the baptizer of Jesus Christ, the apostles Peter and Paul, the appearance of the Mother of God, the circumcision of the Lord and the memory of St. Basil.

Orthodox fasts and continuous weeks

Fast– a period of food restriction during which you should refrain from eating food of animal origin.

There are 4 multi-day fasts: Great, Petrov (Apostolic), Assumption, Christmas and 3 one-day fasts: Epiphany Eve, Beheading of John the Baptist and Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. There is also a fast on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Solid weeks- these are the weeks during which fasting on Wednesdays and Fridays is canceled. There are 5 such weeks in a year: Christmastide, Publican and Pharisee, Cheese (meat is prohibited), Easter, Trinity.

Days of special remembrance of the dead

On days of general remembrance of all deceased Christians, it is customary to visit the graves of deceased relatives and pray for them. In a circle liturgical year such dates are: Ecumenical parent's Saturday, 2-4 Saturdays of Great Lent, Radonitsa, Commemoration of the Deceased Soldiers, Trinity and Dimitrievskaya parental Saturdays.

Orthodox holidays include church-wide celebrations dedicated to the remembrance of some sacred events and revered saints.Orthodox church calendar consists of movable and fixed parts.The holidays of the fixed part of the calendar have a constant date and are celebrated annually on the same day. HolidaysThe movable part of the church calendar moves along with the date of Easter, which changes from year to year, whichdetermined according to the lunar calendar and a number of additional dogmatic norms.

Orthodox holidays of 2016 by month with explanations

All dates below are given according to the new style - according to which we live.

January 2016

Orthodox holidays in January 2016

1st of January. Memorial Day of St. right John of Kronstadt
On this day in Rus' they honored the memory of Ilya Muromets, an epic hero who was considered the deliverer of Kyiv from the Tatar Tsar Kalin. Ilya Muromets, together with Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich, are the guardians of Rus', symbols of the power of our Fatherland. It is believed that the prototype of the epic hero was the Monk Elijah of Pechersk, who lived during the time of Vladimir Monomakh. Relics and icons of St. Elias of Muromets are able to heal those who suffer from diseases of the spine and whose legs are paralyzed.

January 2. Memorial Day of St. right John of Kronstadt (1829 - 1909)

1909 - the date of the saint’s death is indicated in parentheses, since this is the date of transition to Eternity, meeting with God, to whom the saint so strived to join during his life. Most often, the day of remembrance of a saint is the day of his death, the day of the discovery of his relics, or the day of his church glorification). Righteous John was a prayer book, a prophet, his life was a feat of compassionate and effective love for people. Through the prayer of Fr. John, the sick were healed, and other miracles occurred.

Memorial Day of St. Alexy of Moscow, miracle worker (1378) Metropolitan of Kiev and All Rus', saint, statesman, diplomat. In church texts he is called the Metropolitan of Moscow and All Russia, the miracle worker. People pray in front of the icon when there are problems with the eyes. The icon of the saint will protect the house from collapse in the event of an accident or natural disaster. As the patron saint of the name, Saint Alexy will take care of health and maintain well-being in the family.

Mariino's standing - memory Venerable Mary Egyptian
On the fifth week of Great Lent, Matins is celebrated, which is popularly called the “Standing of Mary.” Usually Mary's standing takes place on Wednesday evening. This is a truly long service. During this service, the entire Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete is read in its entirety once a year. Also at this service the life of Mary of Egypt is read.
April 16.- Icons Mother of God "Everlasting color"

Since ancient times on the island of Kefalonia in the Ionian Sea, located near Athos, there is a tradition: on the day of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos, white flowers are brought here, similar to the lily with which the Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Most Pure One in his hand to reveal to Her the will of God about Her. Flowers are reverently and carefully placed under the icon case, to Her face, and there they remain until the very holiday of Her Assumption without water and without sunlight. But a miracle happens: after almost five months, their stems, dried out and in the twilight, are incredibly filled with moisture, come to life, new buds appear instead of dried inflorescences and bloom into white lush flowers, which symbolizes the “unfading color.”

April 23. Lazarev Saturday
On Saturday Lazarev's resurrection is celebrated righteous Lazarus. Many people turn to the multi-healing relics of the righteous Lazarus, especially those who are in a state of grave despondency and despair, and the saint invariably helps everyone, strengthening the spirit and increasing faith. The saint is also the patron of hospitality and other works of mercy.

The miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “The Unbreakable Wall” received its name due to the fact that for nine centuries it remained intact, despite the fact that both the Kiev St. Sophia Cathedral and the city were repeatedly destroyed. They pray in front of the icon, asking for healing from incurable diseases, to save a family on the verge of destruction.

June 11. St. Luke, Confessor, Archbishop of Simferopol (1961)

St. Luke, in the world Valentin Feliksovich Voino-Yasenetsky, was both a great surgeon who saved thousands of lives, who did not begin an operation without prayer, and an unbending confessor of Christ who spent 11 years in exile. Through the prayers of the saint, miracles and healings continue. His books “Essays on Purulent Surgery” and “Spirit, Soul, Body” are classics of medicine and theology.

June 11. Day of the Icon of the Mother of God “Helper of Sinners”
Many believers who turn to the Queen of Heaven for help and intercession in the event of some kind of disorder, family troubles, and especially when their “soul hurts,” testify that after praying in front of the icon they receive spiritual relief and peace, for She truly is the “Helper of Sinners.” "!

June 14. Memorial Day of St. right John of Kronstadt

1908 - the date of the saint’s death is indicated in parentheses, since this is the date of transition to Eternity, meeting with God, to whom the saint so strived to join during his life. Most often, the day of remembrance of a saint is the day of his death, the day of the discovery of his relics, or the day of his church glorification). Righteous John was a man of prayer, a prophet, his life was a feat of compassionate and effective love for people. Through the prayer of Fr. John, the sick were healed, and other miracles occurred.

June 18. Trinity Parents' Saturday, remembrance of the departed
Celebrated on the eve of Trinity. On this day, the Church especially commemorates people who did not receive a Christian burial, for example, those who went missing or died in the abyss of water. All Souls' Day was established before Trinity in order to show that the Holy Spirit acts both in the living and in the dead, and that everyone is alive to God.

June 19. Trinity Day, Pentecost

​Dedicated to the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles on the fiftieth day after the Resurrection of Christ (hence the name “Pentecost”). And the holiday is called the Holy Trinity because it was the descent of the Holy Spirit that revealed to people the trinity of God: God the Father, God the Son and the sanctification of the world by God the Holy Spirit. After the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles, the disciples of Christ received the gift of speaking different languages, thus began the preaching of Christianity to all nations. Therefore, Trinity is also considered a birthday. Christian Church. According to the church charter, for fifty days after Easter, until the Descent of the Holy Spirit, no bows are made, but on Trinity Day a special kneeling prayer is read, which calls for the Holy Spirit to descend on all of us. For the holiday, houses are decorated with greenery, people come to the temple with flowers - a sign of eternal life.

June 20. Holy Spirit Day
Continuation of the holiday of the Holy Trinity, dedicated to the third hypostasis of God - the Holy Spirit. In the week beginning with the Day of the Holy Spirit, fasting is canceled.

June 24. Day of the Icon of the Mother of God “It is Worthy to Eat”
They pray in front of the icon of the Mother of God during mental and physical illnesses, at the end of any task.

June 26. All Saints' Day
It is no coincidence that all the Saints are remembered a week after Trinity - on the day of Pentecost the Church was born. And the children of the Church, born into eternal life, are holy martyrs and confessors, saints and prophets, holy fools and saints. All Saints' Day is connected with the first resurrection after Pentecost, this shows that holiness is the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

June 27 - July 11. Petrov post
Established in honor of Christ's disciples Peter and Paul. It begins on the second Monday after Trinity and ends on the feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

July 2016

Orthodox holidays in July 2016

July 1. Day of the Bogolyubsk Icon of the Mother of God
The Bogolyubsk Icon of the Mother of God, one of the oldest miraculous icons in Russia, was painted in the 12th century at the request of the blessed Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky in memory of the appearance of the Mother of God to him. The glory of the miracles and signs performed by the icon prompted the believing people of Russia to turn to writing copies of the revered image, which over time became widespread and received the grace-filled power of miracles.

July 6. Day of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

Cathedral of Vladimir Saints.Vladimir icon The Mother of God has been revered for many centuries as miraculous icon, helping in the healing of diseases, all kinds of physical and mental ailments. Icon Vladimir Mother of God saves from mortal danger, from the invasion of enemies, from violence, patronizes Orthodox soldiers. In front of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in all centuries they prayed for the preservation of Russia. The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God is a family icon, prayer in front of which will help when making important decisions or in anticipation of some serious changes and significant events in life.

July 9. Day of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God
Tikh-Vin-skaya icon of God Ma-te-ri, according to tradition, one of the icons painted by the holy apostle and Evan- Ge-li-stom Lu-koy. In the 5th century from Ieru-sa-li-ma she was transferred to Kon-stan-ti-no-pol, where the Blachernae Temple was built for her. In 1383, 70 years before the capture of Tur-ka-mi Kon-stan-ti-no-po-la, Iko-na disappeared from the temple and in the lu-che-zar- a new light appeared over the waters of Lake La Doge. Chu-des-but-no-si-may from place to place, she stayed near the city of Tikh-vi-na. one day, in view of the Swedish army approaching, the foreigners decided to flee from the mo-sty-rya, taking the miraculously created icon, but could not move it from its place. This miracle left the little souls, and they remained in the monastery, trusting in the protection of God Ma-te -ri. After the miraculous victory over the Swedes, the royal envoys arrived in Monastery, taking down the list of the miraculously created icon. -we, they went to the village of Stol-bo-vo, 50 versts from Tikh-vi-na, where on February 10, 1617 there was a cape -chen peace with the Swedes. All-Russian celebration of the Tikh-Vin-skaya icon of God Ma-te-ri, the glorified indes-number of miracles we have -your-re-ni-I-mi, establish-the-Cer-co-view in memory of her miraculous appearance and defeat of enemies before -sta-tel-stvom Bo-go-ro-di-tsy.

July 11. Day of the icon of the Mother of God, called “Three-Handed”.
The Icon of the Mother of God “Three Hands” is a miraculous icon revered in the Orthodox Church. The celebration of the icon takes place on July 11 and 25. Before the icon of the Mother of God “Three-handed” she prayed Royal Family in the Ipatiev House on the eve of his martyrdom. They pray in front of the icon in case of illnesses of the hands, feet, mental unrest, or in case of fire.

July, 12. Day of the Holy Chief Apostles Peter and Paul

Christ said about the Apostle Peter that He would build His Church on his faith. The Apostle Paul was not a witness of Christ, that is, he did not see Christ with his own eyes during His earthly life; the Savior appeared to the Apostle Paul after His Ascension to Heaven. And ap. Peter, and ap. Paul left behind letters and were the greatest preachers. Prayer in front of the icon of the Holy Apostles helps in many ways. You can address both at once and each separately. Before the holy icon they pray for confirmation in the faith and its firmness. Prayer of St. Ap. She helps Pavel in studying subjects that are difficult to understand, in healing mental and physical trauma, and in starting his own business. Prayer to St. Peter is lifted up, asking for help for healing, especially with heat, fever, and a lingering cold. Holy apostle Peter helps fishermen: both whole flotillas and individuals. If the Holy Apostles are your patrons by name, then they will be your helpers and intercessors before the Queen of Heaven and the Lord Himself in all matters.

July 13. Council of the Glorious and All-Valuable 12 Apostles
This ancient holiday, mention of it is found already in the 4th century. The Holy Church, honoring each of the 12 apostles in different time year, from ancient times established a general celebration of it on the day after the memory of the glorious and supreme apostles Peter and Paul.

the 14 th of July. Memorial Day for the unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, victims in Rome

The holy mu-che-ni-ki-bes-sreb-reni-ki brothers Kos-ma and Da-mi-an lived in the 3rd century after the Birth of Christ in Ri-me, in the per-ri-od go-ne-niy on chri-sti-an, raised-dig-well them-per-ra-to-ra-mi-language-ni-ka-mi. In the course of their lives, the saints revealed the true Christian worship of mankind -ta: talent is a gift from God, which must be used not for the purpose of gain, but for the service of God and people. Saints are prayed to in illness.

July 17th. Memorial Day of St. Andrei Rublev, icon painter (XV century)
The brush of St. Andrei Ruble lives near the famous miraculous image of the Most Holy Trinity, which -that is still an unsurpassed example in iconography. Saint Andrei painted the Bla-go-ve-schen-sky Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin, icon-no-stas and the Assumption Cathedral itself in the city Vla-di-mi-re (1408). St. Andrey Rublev wrote the Vladimir Icon of Bo-go-ma-te-ri for the Assumption Cathedral in the city of Vladimir; na-pi-sal iko-no-stas and ras-pi-sal the walls of the Assumption So-bo-ra in Zve-ni-go-ro-de (late XIV - na-cha-lo XV centuries); de-i-sus-ny rank in iko-no-sta-se with-bo-ra of the Birth of the Most Holy Bo-go-ro-di-tsy Sav-in-Sto-ro-zhev- sko-th mo-na-sta-rya; painted the walls and filled the iko-no-stas Tro-its-ko-go so-bo-ra Tro-i-tse-Ser-gi-e-voy Lav-ry, etc.

July 20. Day of the Blachernae Icon of the Mother of God
This holy icon is also called Hodegetria, that is, the Guide. It was with this icon that Patriarch Sergius (610-631) walked around the walls of Constantinople with prayer services during the siege of the capital by the Avars in 626. The shrine is included in the collection of the State Museums of the Moscow Kremlin, where by God's providence it has been preserved unharmed to this day.
July 25. Day of the Icon of the Mother of God “Three-Handed”
The first list (copy) of the icon of the Mother of God “Three-Handed” was brought to Russia in 1661 and was installed by Patriarch Nikon in Voskresensky New Jerusalem Monastery. Currently in the museum's collection " New Jerusalem“There is a list made from that icon in 1854, but the image itself has disappeared. There are several more in Moscow ancient lists icons - one in the Assumption Church of the Bulgarian Metochion, the other in the Trinity Cathedral of the St. Daniel Monastery. They pray in front of the icon in case of illnesses of the hands, feet, mental unrest, or in case of fire.

26 July. Cathedral of the Archangel Gabriel
Archangel Gabriel was chosen by the Lord in order to proclaim the good news to the Virgin Mary, and with Her to all people, the great joy of the Incarnation of the Son of God. These days, we remember all the appearances of the Archangel Gabriel: he inspired Moses when writing the book of Genesis; the prophet Daniel announced the fate of the Jewish people; was righteous Anna with the news of the birth of the Virgin Mary from her; the priest Zechariah announced the birth of the Forerunner of the Lord; persistently remained with the Mother of God during Her earthly life; appeared to Saint Joseph the Betrothed. Prayers are offered to Archangel Gabriel in requests for conception in the absence of children for a long time and assistance in adoption; expectant mothers and fathers ask for help in a successful pregnancy. Archangel Gabriel serves as the patron saint of muses and educators, especially those who work with children.

July 30. Day of the Svyatogorsk Icon of the Mother of God
This miraculous icon is located in the Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Lavra. The Most Holy Lady Theotokos to this day sends Her all-powerful help to everyone who comes with faith to Her Most Pure Image.

July 31st.

August 2016

Orthodox holidays in August 2016

August 2. Prophet Elijah (Elijah's Day)

Elijah - great prophet, born 900 years BC, a formidable denouncer of idolatry, is especially revered in Rus'. icon of the Prophet Elijah - the patron saint of men named Elijah and military personnel serving in the ranks of the airborne troops, since the day of remembrance of the Prophet Elijah is celebrated in the Russian Orthodox Church on August 2 (new style). The icon of the prophet Elijah protects from passions, from anger and from strife. The icon of the Holy Prophet Elijah helps you succeed in any business. According to ancient tradition, those involved in agriculture turn to the saint with prayer. Elijah the prophet is asked for rain during drought or clear weather with continuous rainfall.

5th of August. Pochaev Icon Mother of God
The cha-ev-skaya icon of God Ma-te-ri is among the most revered shrines of the Russian Church. She is known throughout the Slavic world: she is revered in Russia, Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria and other places. Along with the right-glorious ones to venerate the miracle of the Most Holy Bo-go-ro-di- people come and christian other is-es. In the Po-chaevsky Lavra, the ancient stronghold of Pravo-slav-viy, the miraculously created icon has been around for about 400 years. Chu-de-sa, pro-is-te-ka-yu-shchie from the holy icon, many-number-of-linen-ny and for-wi-de-tel-stvo-va-ny in mo -on-the-books of faith, with prayers for deliverance from the inexorable healing my ailments, liberating God from captivity and the evil of sinners. In front of the icon they pray for protection from heresies and schisms, from the invasion of foreigners, for healing from blindness, both physical and spiritual, for liberation from captivity.

August 6. Day of the Martyrs of the Blessed Princes Boris and Gleb
The holy noble princes-passion-bearers Boris and Gleb (in Holy Baptism - Roman and David) are the first Russian saints, canonized by both the Russian and Church of Constantinople. They were the youngest sons of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir. The icon of saints helps believers get rid of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and promotes the reconciliation of warring parties. Through prayer, believers receive healing from the most serious ailments. Through the icon you can appeal for the salvation of the soul of a loved one or acquaintance, for peace on Russian soil.

August 9. Great Martyr Panteleimon (305), patron saint of the sick and doctors

The icon "Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon" is known as miraculous. She heals all diseases, patronizes the military, protecting them from death and injury, and helps to quickly heal wounds. For people whose profession is to save and protect the lives of other people, the icon will help successful work. It is appropriate to give such an icon to doctors, military personnel and rescuers - all people whose calling is to save and protect the lives of other people. In addition, the icon serves the wives and mothers of military personnel and rescue workers to appeal for the protection of their husbands and children.
10th of August. Smolensk icon Mother of God “Hodegetria” - Guide and Seraphim-Diveevskaya “Tenderness” or “Joy of All Joys”
On the icon of “Tenderness,” the Mother of God is depicted at half height, with her hands folded crosswise on her chest, before the birth of Jesus Christ, but after the Annunciation, when the Holy Spirit descended on the Virgin Mary, so the image glows with special tenderness and warmth. The Tenderness icon is considered feminine; it helps in conception and childbirth. The Seraphim-Diveevskaya Icon of the Mother of God "Tenderness" belonged to St. Seraphim Sarovsky, who called it “Joy of All Joys,” and was his cell icon. With oil from the lamp that burned in front of this holy icon, the Reverend anointed the sick, who then received healing.

August 14. Origin (deterioration) of honest trees Life-giving Cross The Lord, among the people - the First Savior

The first of the August holidays dedicated to the Savior, honey is blessed on this day.

August 14. - August 27. Dormition post

It was installed in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos, since the Mother of the Savior, preparing to depart to another world, spent the last two weeks of Her earthly life in fasting and prayer. This is a strict fast during which you cannot even eat fish.

August 19. Transfiguration

The holiday celebrates the event of the transfiguration of Christ before His disciples Peter, James and John on Mount Tabor, when Christ first revealed to them His Divine essence: “And His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became white like light.” On this day the fruits are blessed; in Russia it was customary not to eat apples and pears before this day. Another name is Apple Spas.

August, 26th. Day of the “Passionate” and “Seven Arrow” Icons of the Mother of God
The Passionate Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos received its name from the fact that near the face of the Mother of God two Angels are depicted with the instruments of the Passion of the Lord. The image of the Passionate Mother of God symbolizes not only the Passion of the Lord, but also human passions. In front of the icon they pray for healing from cholera, the blind and paralytic, as well as from fire.
In front of the “Seven Arrows” icon they pray during enmity and persecution, for the pacification of the suffering, and also in the embitterment of the heart - for the gift of patience.

August 28. Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The Dormition (putting to sleep) of the Mother of God is Her transition from earthly life to the heavenly world. When, on the third day after Her Dormition, the apostles opened the coffin, they saw only burial shrouds in it. Having physically left the world, the Mother of God did not die and intercedes for us before Her Son

August 29. Transfer from Edessa to Constantinople Miraculous Image Lord Jesus Christ (944), Third Savior, "nut"

The Savior Not Made by Hands is the first icon given to us by the Lord Himself.

August 29. Day of the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God
According to legend, the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God was painted by St. the apostle and evangelist Luke. Church history has preserved many miracles of icon renewal. But the opposite miracle happened with the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God. Shortly before the abdication of the passion-bearer Tsar Nicholas II, the image darkened and became almost black. The Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God has long been revered by believers not only as miraculous, but also as especially protective of family well-being, the birth and upbringing of children, and helping in difficult childbirths.

August 30. Day of the Svenskaya (Pechersk) Icon of the Mother of God
The Svensk-Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God was painted by the Monk Alypius of Pechersk around 1114. The icon became famous for its healing of the blind, the demon-possessed, and its intercession from enemies.

August 31. Icons of the Mother of God "Vsetsaritsa"

According to an ancient monastery legend, one day a young man approached the icon and began to mutter something inaudibly. Suddenly the face of the Mother of God shone with a wondrous light, some invisible force threw the young man away, and he fell to the ground. Rising, he ran in fear to the elder monks and with tears in his eyes confessed to them that he had led an ungodly life, practiced witchcraft, and had come to the monastery to test the power of his magic on the holy icons. The miracle that happened at the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos turned the young man away from witchcraft forever, directed him to the path of repentance and returned him to the path of a pious life. Having demonstrated its miraculous power for the first time against magical spells, the “Vsetsaritsa” also has the grace of healing cancer patients

September 2016

Orthodox holidays in September 2016

September 1. Day of the Don Icon of the Mother of God
The Don Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos was painted by Theophan the Greek. On the day of the Battle of Kulikovo (September 8, 1380), the icon was among the Russian army, giving him help, and after the victory it was given by the Don Cossacks as a gift to Grand Duke Dimitri Donskoy. They fervently prayed to the icon as the defender of the Fatherland. Since 1919, the Don Icon of the Mother of God has been kept in the Tretyakov Gallery. But every year, with the blessing His Holiness Patriarch on the day of celebration of the Icon, it is solemnly transferred from Tretyakov Gallery to the monastery for the festive procession of the Cross.

6 September. Cathedral of Moscow Saints and Day of the Georgian Icon of the Mother of God
This is a relatively new holiday - it has been celebrated for just over 15 years and is celebrated on the first Sunday in September, usually coinciding with Moscow City Day. The Cathedral of Moscow Saints includes 542 holy saints of God, of whom 81 people were canonized before the 20th century, and 461 people in the 20th century, of which 453 were new martyrs.

Georgian Icon of the Mother of God was taken from Georgia to Persia in 1622. In front of the icon they pray for the healing of those suffering from blindness and deafness, as well as other diseases of the eyes and ears.

September 14. Church New Year

The New Year according to the church calendar begins on September 1 (old style), which is September 14 in the new style.

September 15th. Day of the Kaluga Icon of the Mother of God (1748)
The Kaluga Icon of the Mother of God is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God revered in the Russian Church. She is considered the patroness of Kaluga and the Kaluga land.
Those suffering from ailments of relaxation, diseases of the ears and hearing pray in front of the icon.

September 17. Day of the Icon of the Mother of God “Burning Bush”
In Christianity, the Burning Bush became a prototype of the Mother of God, symbolizing virgin birth Virgin Mary. Among the people, the Burning Bush was quite naturally considered a protector from fire and lightning. The corresponding prayer was said on this holiday. In addition, there was a custom in the event of a fire to walk around a burning house with an icon of the Virgin Mary of the Burning Bush.
Memorial Day of Archangel Michael

September 21. Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Day of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God

The Virgin Mary's parents were childless for a long time, but they believed that, despite all human nature, God could give them a child. They made a vow to dedicate their child to the Lord. Their prayer was heard, and by God's providence their Daughter Mary was born. They pray to the holy righteous Joachim and Anna when they are childless.

The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered shrines of the Russian Church. It is considered miraculous by believers. In front of the icon they pray for protection from heresies and schisms, from the invasion of foreigners, for healing from blindness, both physical and spiritual, for liberation from captivity.

September 27. Exaltation of the Holy Cross and the Feast of St. John Chrysostom (c. 347 - 09/14/407)

On this holiday we remember how the holy Queen Helen, having destroyed a pagan temple, discovered three crosses and wanted to know which one was the Cross of the Lord. A procession with the deceased walked past, and when he was applied to the Cross of the Lord, he was resurrected. The Cross is not just an instrument of torture, it is an altar on which Christ once and for all offered His sacrifice, and since then the Cross has become both a protection and a fertile source of Life.

The Archbishop of Constantinople, a theologian, is revered as one of the three Ecumenical saints and teachers. He is revered as an ascetic and martyr, passionate and caustic, talented and brilliant speaker. The saint is the patron saint of students and all those who follow the path of knowledge. You can also pray to this saint for well-being, for help in trouble and grief, for salvation from invisible enemies and for the safety of your home when entering a new home.

. Day of Remembrance of the Holy Martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia Those who were martyred by Emperor Andrian for their commitment Christian faith. The icon “Holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia” is revered as one of the most “family” icons. Prayer before her will help strengthen the family hearth, save the marriage from breaking up, and protect you from the evil intentions and intrigues of ill-wishers. This image enjoys special veneration among married women, for there is much evidence of how fervent prayer to the Holy Martyrs helped honest women bring back harmony, peace and love to your family. The Martyrs also respond to requests for a successful marriage, the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy and an easy delivery. Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Mirozhskaya” they pray for all physical and mental weaknesses, for relief from ailments, from all epidemics.

October 8. Resignation St. Sergius Radonezh

Through labors, abstinence and prayer, the monk reached a ripe old age and notified the brethren of the monastery about his death. Sergius, abbot of Radonezh, founder of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, wonderworker of all Russia. He is revered by the Russian Orthodox Church as a saint and is considered the greatest ascetic of the Russian land. In front of the icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh they pray for the spiritual health of children and for their success in education. Prayers before the icon of the Saint, who himself was a model of humility, help in gaining humility and taming pride - both one’s own and that of others. They turn to him with prayer for protection from any problems in life.
October 9. Glorification of Patriarch Tikhon and Day of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian. (1st century)

The first Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, after the restoration of the patriarchate in 1917. In 1989, by the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, Saint Tikhon was canonized. Patriarch Tikhon tried to find a compromise between the church and the atheistic state and condemned the path of resistance to the authorities.

The Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian occupies a special place among the chosen disciples of Christ the Savior. All the writings of the Apostle John are permeated with love, which is why he is called the Apostle of Love. All dedicated to the service of Love life path Apostle John the Theologian. Saint John the Theologian became famous for many miracles. Those who work in the field of information can count on the patronage of the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian: writers, publishers, specialists working on the Internet. Evangelist icon helps to build strong family and make reliable friends.
In front of the icon of John the Theologian, you can pray for the protection of you and your family members from discord, quarrels and conflicts. It protects your home from people with malicious intent. John the Evangelist is the patron saint of fishermen and protects them from accidents on the water, natural Disasters, helps to get a good catch.

October 13. Day of the Hieromartyr Gregory the Illuminator (239-325/6, g.)
Saint Gregory is the enlightener of Greater Armenia and the first Catholicos of all Armenians.

October 14. Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The holiday recalls how Saint Andrew saw the Mother of God holding the Veil - a special wide ribbon, a symbol of protection - over besieged Constantinople. In front of the icon of the Mother of God they pray for the mercy and intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, for the sending of love, patience, complacency and the fulfillment of desires.

October 18. Day of the Council of Moscow Saints

On this day, the Russian Orthodox Church commemorates the great saints Peter, Alexei, Jonah, Macarius, Philip, Job, Hermogenes, Tikhon, Peter, Philaret, Innocent and Macarius, wonderworkers of Moscow and all Russia. Despite the difference historical eras, in which the saints lived, their different character from each other and appearance, Moscow miracle workers are united by deep love for Christ, selfless service to the Church, the Russian state and their neighbors.

The 20th of October. Day of the Pskov-Pechersk Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness”
The image of the Mother of God was brought to the Pechersk monastery around 1521. The icon became especially famous in 1524 for numerous miraculous healings, which were witnessed by the residents of Pskov and Veliky Novgorod. The icon represents the sacrifice of Christ the Savior on the cross, as the highest expression of God’s love for people. The revered icon, according to the faith of those who ask, gives them healing.

October 21. Day of St. Taisia ​​(end of the 3rd century - 340)
Christian saint, repentant harlot who lived in an Egyptian monastery. Taisiya’s life shows that the Lord is ready to accept every sinner, as long as we come to Him.

October 24. Cathedral of the Venerable Optina Elders
For a whole century, Optina was a source of spiritual enlightenment for the entire Russian society. For everyone who came here, the monastery was a healing source that healed spiritual wounds. The feat of life of the Great Elders is amazing; it is inscribed in the chronicle of Russian holiness. This is an example of selfless devotion to our Orthodox Fatherland.

the 25th of October. Day of the Kaluga Icon of the Mother of God (1748)
The Kaluga Icon of the Mother of God is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God revered in the Russian Church. She is considered the patroness of Kaluga and the Kaluga land.
Those suffering from ailments of relaxation, diseases of the ears and hearing pray in front of the icon.

October 26. Day of the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God
The Iveron Icon, which is now kept on Mount Athos, was in the possession of a blessed widow in the 9th century. you, who live near the city of Nikeya. During the reign of Fe-o-fi-le (829-842), the Iko-no-fighters, who had destroyed the holy icons, came to the house of this hri-sti-an-ki, and one warrior hit the image of Bo-go-ro-di-tsy. Immediately blood flowed from the other place. The widow, fearing the destruction of the saint, promised them money and pro-si-la Don't touch them until the morning. When they left, the woman and her son lowered it into the sea to preserve the holy icon. Iko-na, standing on the water, swam to Athos. The Athos monks came to the bank and found a holy image standing on the water. They accepted the holy icon and placed it in the temple, but the next day the icon was not in the temple, but above the gate. mi obi-te-li. This happened again several times, until the Most Holy Virgin revealed her will in a dream, saying that she did not want to be saved. -not my ino-ka-mi, but wants to be their Guardian. After this, the image was placed over the mo-na-styr-ski-mi-ro-ta-mi. That's why the holy icon is called Port-ta-i-tis-so, Vra-tar-no-tseyu. They pray to the icon for deliverance from various misfortunes and for consolation in troubles, from fire, and for increasing the fertility of the earth.

28 of October. Day of the Icon of the Mother of God “Spreader of the Loaves”
The icon was painted with the blessing of St. Ambrose of Optina (1891). Particularly revered in Optina Pustyn. The field that the Queen of Heaven blesses is the field of our spiritual life, bringing us closer to the Lord. In front of the icon they pray for deliverance from drought, loss of grain, and famine.

October 31. Day of the Apostle and Evangelist Luke
According to legend, Luke was a Syrian physician from Antioch who accompanied the Apostle Paul. Luke recounted the stories of Jesus on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean, from Antioch to Caesarea. Main feature The Gospel of Luke is that it is written as a biography. At the same time, Luke emphasizes that Jesus comes from God. Prayer before the icon of the Saint will help both the doctor before a complex operation and the patient preparing for surgery.

November 5. Dimitrievskaya Parents' Saturday, remembrance of the departed

November 6. Icons of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow"
An icon that strengthens people’s faith in the Mother of God, as a wondrous Intercessor, who hurries wherever the groan of human suffering is heard, wipes away the tears of those who cry and in the very grief gives moments of consolation and heavenly joy.

November 12. Day of the Martyr Anastasia of Thessaloniki (III century)
The icon of St. Anastasia will protect the whole family from evil and deceitful people.
For women baptized with the name Anastasia, the saint will become a heavenly patroness. It will help in cases of diseases of the joints and spine, women's diseases. With all the problems, all Anastasias can resort to her.

15th of November. Day of the Shuya-Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God
The icon was painted in 1654-1655 in the Resurrection parish of the city of Shuya, Vladimir diocese. Thanks to this icon displayed in the temple, many things happened miraculous healings, especially from eye diseases.

November 18th. Day of St. Tikhon of Moscow (1865-1925)
The first Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia, after the restoration of the patriarchate in 1917. In 1989, by the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church, Saint Tikhon was canonized. Patriarch Tikhon tried to find a compromise between the church and the atheistic state and condemned the path of resistance to the authorities.

November 21. Memorial Day of Michael the Archangel
The Church reveres Archangel Michael as a defender of the faith and a fighter against heresies and all evil. In iconography, Michael was often depicted as a warrior-defender, the patron of the people of God in their struggle for freedom. Saint Michael is revered as their heavenly intercessor by the sick and dying, as well as by doctors and ambulance drivers. He is also the patron saint of sailors, military, police and, of course, the knights of the Church.

November 22. Day of the Icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear”
The holy image was painted in the 10th century in the Dohiara monastery on Holy Mount Athos.
Through this holy icon of the “Quick to Hear,” the Most Holy Theotokos performed many healings in subsequent times: she gave sight to the blind, and restored the paralytic. Particularly noted were cases of healing from epilepsy and demonic possession. The Mother of God saved many from shipwreck and freed them from captivity.

November 24. Day of the Martyr Victor (2nd century)
Victor of Damascus is an early Christian saint, revered as a martyr due to the numerous tortures he endured. They pray to Saint Victor for healing for hand diseases, various skin and eye diseases. The icon will help men named Victor in their career advancement and protect them from dangers and enemies. The saint will help you find health, find reliable friends and life partners.

November 25. Day of the Icon of the Mother of God “Merciful” (Kykkos)
This icon was painted, according to legend, by the holy evangelist Luke. Until now, people resort to the help of this icon, they are healed of infertility, female diseases, and through prayers to the Kykkos image, rain descends on the earth in dry weather. The faces of the Mother of God and the Child of God on the icon “Merciful-Kykkos”, according to the custom established in ancient times, are hidden from people’s eyes with a dense cover that is never removed. Even when the monks change the cover due to dilapidation, they take the image out of the temple, lifting it and turning it towards the sky. According to a legend preserved in Cyprus, anyone who dares to lift the veil may go blind.

November 26. Memorial Day of St. John Chrysostom (c. 347 - 09/14/407)
The Archbishop of Constantinople, a theologian, is revered as one of the three Ecumenical saints and teachers. He is revered as an ascetic and martyr, passionate and caustic, talented and brilliant speaker. The saint is the patron saint of students and all those who follow the path of knowledge. You can also pray to this saint for well-being, for help in trouble and grief, for salvation from invisible enemies and for the safety of your home when entering a new home.

November 28 - January 6, 2017. Christmas post

A forty-day fast established in order to prepare us for the Nativity of Christ.

29th of November. Day of the Apostle and Evangelist Matthew
The holy apostle and evangelist Matthew is one of the 12 apostles. IN Holy Scripture he is also called Levi. The Gospel of Matthew preaches mainly that Jesus Christ is the Messiah promised by God, foretold in Old Testament prophets and sent from God, from the line of David and Abraham. Since the holy apostle and evangelist Matthew, before being called by the Lord to follow him, was a publican - a collector of taxes and taxes, today he is considered the patron saint of financiers, accountants, customs workers, and tax services. People also come to him asking for mental healing.

Orthodox holidays in December 2016

December 4. Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary into the Temple

The holiday recalls how, at the age of three, Mary was brought to the temple, how She herself climbed the stairs of high steps and entered the temple. On this day it is customary to bring children to confession, and it is good if the child’s first confession is made on this day. By Orthodox tradition, children begin to confess at the age of seven.

5th of December. Memorial Day of the Blessed Prince. Mikhail Tverskoy (1271W2 - 1318)
Grand Duke of All Rus', Prince of Tver, Grand Duke of Vladimir. He was tortured and killed in the Golden Horde at the instigation of his rival, Prince of Moscow Yuri Danilovich. Mikhail Yaroslavovich Tverskoy was the first to unite Rus', and therefore was the first to be called the “Grand Duke of All Rus'”. He was the first to enter an open military conflict with the Horde cavalry and defeat it. Prayer to the Saint helps in solving health problems. The defenders of the Motherland and their loved ones pray to him. He especially patronizes the natives of the Tver land in all matters.

December 6. Memorial Day of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky (1221 - 1263)
The holy noble prince Alexander Nevsky is heavenly patron military, security personnel, diplomats and all Alexanders. To make the service prosperous and successful, the icon of St. Alexander Nevsky can be placed in the office. For those men who bear the name Alexander, it is better to keep the holy image at home; it will help them maintain good health, build a good career, protect them from enemies and give prosperity to the home.

December 7th. Memorial Day of the Great Martyr Catherine
The Great Martyr Catherine is a very revered saint, and her relics were brought from Sinai, an ancient place of Orthodox asceticism and piety. The icon of St. Catherine will protect against mistakes that can ruin a person’s life. The holy image will strengthen you in faith and protect you from dangers. Women whose angel is Saint Catherine find the meaning of life with the image of their saint. The icon will protect their families from harm and bring peace and prosperity to the house.

9th December. Yuryev day. On this day the acts of St. George the Victorious (303) are mentioned.
This Saint has become extremely popular since the times of early Christianity. In the West, the cult of St. George appeared no later than the 5th century. St. George the Victorious is considered a symbol of Moscow and the protector of the Orthodox army. Prayer before the icon of the Saint helps to Russian soldiers, serving, as well as soldiers who have gone into reserve. An icon with the image of St. George and a prayer in front of it also helps farmers and livestock breeders, it will help preserve the harvest and the health of livestock.

December 10. Icon of the Mother of God, called "The Sign"
The icon depicts Holy Mother of God, raising her hands in prayer. On Her chest, against the background of a round shield, is the blessing Divine Child. Icons of this type appeared for the first time in Rus' in the 11th-12th centuries. In our country, this icon began to be considered an intercessor from enemies, and this is associated with the glorification of the miraculous Novgorod icon in 1170. In connection with this, the name “Sign” arose in the meaning of “a sign of mercy from the Mother of God.”

The Holy Icon protects against sudden death. They pray to the Great Martyr Varvara not to be deprived of Holy Communion on the day of her death, and there is a legend that the Saint herself gives communion to those who are honored with death on the day of her memory. The saint also prays for deliverance from illnesses, for children, for help in despondency and sadness, and for consolation in sadness.

December 19th. St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (about 335), St. Nicholas in winter

Even during his lifetime, Nicholas became famous as a pacifier of warring parties, a defender of the innocently convicted, and a deliverer from needless death. In the Russian state and Russian Empire the veneration of “everywhere honored in Rus'” Nicholas the Wonderworker was very widespread, the number of churches and icons dedicated to him was the largest after the Virgin Mary. His name was one of the most popular when naming babies until the beginning of the 20th century. Considered the patron saint of sailors, travelers, merchants and children. Saint Nicholas is the prototype of Santa Claus.

December 22. Day of the Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” of Seraphim-Diveevskaya or “Joy of All Joys” and Day of the Icon of the Mother of God “Unexpected Joy”
On the icon of “Tenderness,” the Mother of God is depicted at half height, with her hands folded crosswise on her chest, before the birth of Jesus Christ, but after the Annunciation, when the Holy Spirit descended on the Virgin Mary, so the image glows with special tenderness and warmth. The Tenderness icon is considered feminine; it helps in conception and childbirth. The Seraphim-Diveevskaya Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” belonged to St. Seraphim of Sarov, who called it “Joy of All Joys,” and was his cell icon. With oil from the lamp that burned in front of this holy icon, the Reverend anointed the sick, who then received healing.

The icon is named in memory of the healing of a certain sinner through the holy icon with prayers Holy Mother of God. The icon “Unexpected Joy” teaches us a grateful life. Joy and understanding that you have been accepted by the Most Pure One will come unexpectedly. Only prayer in front of the icon will help you realize that wide open spaces and unlimited possibilities are open to you.

Calendar of Orthodox church holidays for 2016 with brief explanations by month.All dates are given according to the new style - according to which we live.The online gift store "Fresh Solutions" has a wide range of , which you can buy for a suitable holiday.Delivery across Russia!
