Astral battles. Healing. Essences of the subtle plane. Astral battles: werewolves, changelings, larvae Astral battle

Astral battles.

Brief review of the book by A. Chernitsky

The magician sends the student to the astral plane with a pat between the shoulder blades. A sudden strong blow can throw the astral subtle body out of the physical one.
The path to an altered state of consciousness (ASC) is achieved in different ways - asceticism, a hard bed, cold, poor clothing, lack of sleep, malnutrition, forced loneliness, sexual abstinence, blockade of the senses (isolation in a dark, impenetrable room), pain shock (self-torture, imposition of verig), nervous stress...Countless bows, howls and rhythmic screams also lead to trance. Emotional delight displaces the usual worldview to the periphery of consciousness, and physical exhaustion causes oxygen starvation. Against such a background, the external frequencies of the astral resonate with brain cells and a person begins to see. The most common springboard for the astral double is fasting. ASC can also be achieved using nitrogen monoxide N2O (laughing gas) and other drugs. From drug use, the astral body becomes frail, without a reserve of energy, and when it enters reality (the subtle world), inorganic entities eat it, or rather absorb it.
The warrior’s task is to strengthen the world of habitual perception. The willingness to be in two worlds at the same time is called balance. We create our world with the help of internal dialogue, the most important thing is to cut off visual images, i.e. 90 percent of the information, either load maximum vision or minimize the possibility of automatic eye movement. You can walk for a long time with unfocused eyes. The audio signal is less involved than the video signal in describing the world. You can relieve the load on your eyes by transferring the load to your ears. You can use the correct way of walking. The most important thing is to overload your habitual worldview so that it recedes. First, the warrior draws attention to his hands, then, without fixing his eyes, to a point in front of him from the tips of his feet to a point above the horizon and fills in with information. Without focusing on the elements around us, our worldview cannot talk to itself.
The method of information overload is used in hypnosis to paralyze consciousness and introduce a mindset.
An absent-minded gaze notices many touches of the world. The fleeting worldview has nothing to say and is silent. In fact, the internal dialogue stops with the help of o l i. All methods serve to awaken the will. Will is a blind, continuous flow of energy that forces us to do one way and not another. The teacher uses his will, and we learn to control ours. There is an internal monologue of its own free will and it is our will to stop it.
When the first ordinary attention is extinguished, the second attention is focused and you can see reality. By destroying old cliches, it is important not to create new ones, but what you see in reality l n about s t i , this is your personal business. The state of I S S is vague for magic. The state of consciousness changes as a result of metabolic disorders in the brain and accompanies any brain poisoning. It doesn’t matter what caused it - fasting, alcohol, spinning in place, etc.
Staying in the IS does not guarantee the achievement of the second attention. Large psychedelics LSD-25, mescaline and psilocycin do not stimulate the pleasure center, unlike conabiol (cannabis) and opiates (poppy), they are not drugs, they only relax the senses and change our attention, the insignificance of drug intoxication allows this attention to be concentrated. Attention, unlike meditation, is directed not only inward, but also outward. This allows signals from reality to be distinguished from one’s own memories and expectations. Condition of a person who has taken mescaline:
- A person does not become dumber than usual / sobriety /
- The ability to remember and think consistently drops to almost zero / erasing personal history /
- The acuity of perception that took place in childhood is revealed to the eye
- Interest in spatial relationships decreases /destruction of the three-dimensional world/
- Interest in time drops almost to zero / destruction of the fourth coordinate, time /
- The reasons, in the normal state, prompting action and suffering, become deeply uninteresting / suppression of one’s own EGO /
- Interesting things appear that are worth thinking about /reaction of a liberated mind/
- These things are located both inside and in the external world simultaneously or sequentially / energetic unity of reality and the individual /. You can look at the legs of a chair and at the same time really be them; a person can really turn into anyone.
With a low level of self-discipline, you can’t go out into the wild, you can either go crazy or get into drugs.
You can collect the second attention through a dream; under the influence of psychotropic drugs, the second attention twists into a frightening figure. All the garbage at the bottom of the soul is generated by our subconscious and has nothing to do with the astral plane.
Focused, directed attention triggers the self-preservation mechanism, and the electrical resistance of the skin increases sharply. Attention is the shield of a warrior. It is also a sword with which the usual perception of the world is cut./Walking with unfocused eyes at a point just above the horizon/. At this moment, if a sensory signal that is inaccessible to ordinary world perception falls into the sphere of attention, it will switch ordinary attention to another mode of operation - to the second attention or attention to reality.
Man's first attention is animal awareness, developed through experience, and is all one can think about.
Second attention is the realm of the unknown, when radiations within the human cocoon are involved that are not perceived by our ordinary attention.
The first attention is the focus of the ordinary world in which normal human awareness resides. The space outside the cocoon is also permeated with radiations, but they are not of human nature. By redirecting attention, we change the configuration of energy fibers. A woman does not focus her attention most of the time, especially during her period. Her attention is always open - she is a born magician. During the cycle, there is an excess of energy - hence migraines, irritation, pain in the lower abdomen. The attention of an ordinary person absorbs all mental energy, and most do not have enough energy to switch first attention to second attention. We must learn the ability to conserve energy, the ability to use energy fields that are not involved in the perception of the everyday world. The movement of attention is the movement of energy within us. The warrior controls various attentional fixations and emotional reactions to perception. For an ordinary person, the energy cocoon is tightly sealed and this is his shield; he cannot switch attention and does not have free energy resources. A new shield for a warrior is selected with the help of the Teacher. The teacher gives a lesson to the student, introducing him into a state of second attention. In the process of painful recollection, the student then suddenly jumps into the state of second attention, the state becomes clearer and everything emerges in memory. The world we perceive is the result of a certain position of the assemblage point on the cocoon. The assemblage point is located 60 cm behind the right shoulder blade for all people on Earth. This glowing spot is the size of a tennis ball. The energy fibers of reality pass through the assemblage point, but not all, but only a part, the rest are beyond the threshold of our perception. Perception is a consequence of awareness when the radiations inside the cocoon are tuned to the radiations outside the cocoon through the assemblage point. If you move the assemblage point, a new beam of energy is formed and our perception of the world will be different. In each of the thousands of positions the assemblage point opens new picture world as objective and real as the one to which we are accustomed. A fixed assemblage point was needed for the survival of humans as a biological species with the least energy expenditure. The clap between the shoulder blades moves the assemblage point. In men, the cocoon looks like a slightly open shell, the assemblage point is depressed, and in women, the assemblage point protrudes outward, the cocoon resembles a spiral-shaped shell.
The transformation into an animal is a downward shift of the assemblage point and is called the animal position. A change in the assemblage point leads to a change in the energy cocoon. You can turn into anyone, even a living inorganic entity, if you know where to move the assemblage point and keep it in this position. An uncontrolled shift of the assemblage point can kill a person (death in a dream for no reason). People have known about transverse shifts of the assemblage point for a long time (E. Swedenborg, a medieval lover of astral wanderings, spent half his life on rubbish). On the left edge is spirituality, religion, everything connected with God, on the right are scenes of violence, murder, sensual active manifestations.
The human stripe is the plane of thread-like fields, illuminated by the cocoon’s own energy brighter than the rest and, like a wide blade, cuts the cocoon at the level of the assemblage point. When the assemblage point shifts along this band, perception becomes holistic, human, the person begins to perceive egregors. The warrior moves the assemblage point deeper into the human stripe away from the edges and keeps it in the middle position. The Lord appeared to the prophets in the form of a fireball, the assemblage point to the left along the human line, this is a human template, you can see your own reflection in reality. At the moment of death, everyone sees their own template. The template groups the life force (white threads of energy) in such a way that it takes on human form; meeting the template evokes religious feelings. The attention of an ordinary person absorbs all psychic energy, its reserves are protected because designed for extreme situations. The position of the assemblage point determines the picture of the world and the gender of a person. Egregors are perceived by a person when the assemblage point is shifted to the edge of the strip. The radiations of the human band give rise to an energy model, a human template. The template is the source, the beginning of every person, it groups the force of life (white threads of energy so that they take a human form). Meeting the template, meeting your God.
Another energy formation on the cocoon at the level of the solar plexus or navel is the lumen. The lumen is a filter; external radiation breaks through it. The lumen absorbs the necessary ones and reflects the harmful ones. When the assemblage point shifts, the lumen opens slightly. When returning from second attention, the solar plexus area may itch, and breathing may be painful and shallow. This assemblage point falls into place and the gap tightens. With a strong shift in the assemblage point, the gap opens and the energy storm roaring outside threatens to leave the t.s. forever. in a new position, and others will perceive you as crazy. External radiation can destroy the cocoon and then death will occur. Attention returns the assemblage point to its place or closer to it and the gap in the cocoon tightens.
When shifting t.s. an excess of energy of perception is born into the depths of the aura, so the warrior enters the energy gates leading to the second attention, with a significant shift of the t.s. so-called hallucinations begin. If t.s. push it outside the cocoon, the energy fibers of the cocoon will follow it and it will take the shape of a smoking pipe. Human radiations do not pass through the assemblage point because the assemblage point in the roaring astral plane, there are bubbles of energy and living tubular tunnels filled with awareness. Following t.s. You can drag the cocoon and the physical body of your own or someone else’s. Here is the solution to teleportation. If you move the vehicle within the human zone, then movement will be within other cities and continents, and if outside the human zone, you will find yourself in parallel worlds of the Universe. On the cocoons of small children, the assemblage point moves even with slight shaking. Children, schizophrenics and those who are characterized by the divine madness of Dionysian consciousness are aware of things and other people as extensions of their bodies. Man, thanks to reason and speech, fixes his assemblage point more strongly than other creatures; it collects the necessary radiations and removes unnecessary ones. So anthropologists found a wild tribe in the mountains, planes flew over them every day, the savages did not see or hear them, because... from their point of view, iron birds did not belong to the human world and their assemblage points rejected all radiation associated with the formation of auditory and visual images. The child’s assemblage point is not fixed and wanders throughout the human zone. The assemblage point is fixed using internal dialogue. A shift in the assemblage point may be accompanied by a buzzing or ringing in the ears. The Teacher helps to destroy the usual worldview, to transfer all its elements to one place in order to make room for the collection of will energy, which can influence the assemblage point, while the student is weak, the Teacher shares his energy. With holistic perception, the first attention merges with the second, i.e. the memory of what he saw is preserved. The assemblage point can be moved with the help of sound; as a result of experiments, a conditioned reflex is developed, some kind of rumbling vibrating sound. Numerous movements of the assemblage point create a zone of traces in the energy cocoon; they are activated and flare up, forming a ring of enhanced luminescence. The ring collects large amounts of radiation because has a large area. A magician who manages to stretch his cocoon into an energy strip lives a long time and periodically appears among people. The strip passes through itself a thousand times more radiation than a spherical cocoon, and does not disintegrate into individual fibers under the frantic pressure of the astral plane. Death does not exist, gust remember the death is not the end. Immediately after death, the human population feels reality at the age of 30, they become indifferent to the affairs of the physical world, and there may even be astral attacks from them. The desire for death is innate for people. The fear of death is manifested in human fussiness: sexual activity, fear of loneliness, desire for leadership, fear of wasting time and killing time with the help of friends, passion for entertainment, passion for socially useful activities. Pity is made up of fear of death and a sense of self-importance and drains our energy. Do not feel sorry for others, do not wait for help for yourself. In its usual position, the assemblage point collects a world of false compassion, but in reality a world of cruelty and self-centeredness. Destroying the usual worldview, it is necessary to go through the phase of erasing personal history. Most people are touchy, they resolve personal grievances and try to inflict retaliation as retribution. Impeccability is a special art of selfless life; it takes many years to master. For example, you can do some absurd work without an end result. The truth of the world is to be exalted without proud thoughts, to educate oneself without thinking about humanity and justice, to rule without merit. In this way, you can win the battle with the blind stream of will. To master the will means to master the assemblage point. A flower opening is a natural process of expansion. Freedom from tension, freedom from aggressiveness, disinterested action not aimed at achieving a result. Battle - a struggle against the "I", a battle within one's own habitual worldview - one of the most undesirable states, an impeccable life in order to end this battle, which deprives a person of strength. By refusing the fruits of action, we erase stereotypes, the psyche is freed, becomes mobile, and we are overcome by a feeling of unity with the flow of life. If the assemblage point is mobile, the impeccable warrior sees what others do not notice, he is invulnerable, so strength protects him.
How to defeat your own “Ego”? The main thing is the fear of death. The other side of fear is hope. A warrior does not fall into the trap of hope, he has no self-doubt, he has nothing to hope for and nothing to fear. Death is not a destroyer, it is an adversary - the active force of life. Man is passive, he acts only when he feels the pressure of death. In Australia, individuality is a useless burden. We cannot take with us either knowledge, feelings, or material values. Individuality that is harmful to a warrior is called a sense of self-importance. In a fight with a tyrant, the sense of self-importance burns out without a trace. Self-irony is a defense against feelings of self-importance, as well as humility in front of oneself. Will is an impersonal principle.
The mental transition to the second attention occurs when the internal dialogue stops and the object is visualized; the time can be noted. Dream control occurs when the assemblage point is motionless. Dreaming is not the art of dream management. An attempt to control sleep leads to the return of the assemblage point to its place. Manipulating the assemblage point is a deadly game. In the waking consciousness we are protected by the senses, in a dream - the control of the subconscious. Men focus and take energy from the Hara center, women from the place where the womb is located for lucidity of dreams. First we must learn to contemplate. Contemplation helps stop internal dialogue. A loss human form makes dreams easier. A symptom of loss of shape is the sensation of a large “third” eye in front of the face. Dreams occur during rapid eye movement (REM), which last 20 minutes at 90-minute intervals. Hypnosis, “power plants”, LSD and other products increase REM, while alcohol, tanquilizers and barbiturates reduce it, and the person then feels bad. REM sleep is very beneficial.
If the dreamer saw himself sleeping, then he has reached the third gate, then the dream catcher can separate his energy body in the form of a double. The third gate is guarded by a formidable guard - the subconscious. Emotions that have not been fully experienced prevent you from reaching the third gate. Behind the third gate, you must learn to see real objects; unlike illusory ones, they have a glow. The reality of the dream and the world are fused together, but the illusion has no glow, because... has no energy of its own, they are ghosts. Magicians have yellow energy, other people have white energy. Behind the third gate there is a threat of an astral attack, because... the energy body acquires complete immobility and can cross the boundaries of different worlds, and we live in the reality of predators, a quick glance serves as protection, do not look into their eyes, do not hold your vision.
Human energy flickers, but spies from other worlds will have energy not pink or reddish, but poisonous orange and motionless. The images of the unburied dead are especially dangerous; it is easier for spies to accept their image than those covered with earth, therefore, during military operations, the enemy is given time to collect and bury the dead.
The second gate is a passage into the world of inorganic beings, we need their energy, it is needed to shift the assemblage point (in myths this is called selling the soul to the devil). Dreaming is the key to the second gate. Magic is the exchange of energy between people and inorganic beings. The dreamer's skin must be cool, clean, and non-greasy for the passage of energy waves from the human energy body to the world of inorganic beings and back. Preferably a tight belt, headband, necklace or ring - this will provide the necessary pressure on the chakras (energy exchange centers), Golden ring It should be tight on the finger, it will make it easier to move between worlds. The ring attracts the energy of someone else's world and, when returning to the world of people, attracts this energy to the finger, it is enough to return, the feeling of pressure reminds of itself. The center of attention is in the mouth behind the palate; you need to learn to press the tip of your tongue to the palate in your dreams. Inorganic beings are not interested in women, all worlds carry the feminine principle, the masculine derivative of the feminine and is in short supply everywhere.
The art of shifting and immediately fixing one’s assemblage point in a new position under the influence of emotions is called talkin g. A stalker, with the help of an emotion, shifts his assemblage point and immediately fixes it with the help of another emotion. The astral body can move into ectoplasm (ecto - outside, plasma - formation, Greek). Hardness is given to all objects energy fields. If you need to distinguish whether it is a double or a person, this is determined by the temperature; the double gives off a cold air. The double leaves the center of the will and a click is heard at the base of the neck. The Indians have mastered the technology of duplicates since ancient times; they produced exact copies of physical bodies. The weak point was the eyes; a luminous awareness poured out of the doubles' eye sockets. They don’t eat duplicates; some magicians know how to move into the corpse of a child or young man. When practicing astral karate, you need to learn to concentrate energy in the limbs. Technique: sit down - inhale, stand up - exhale, do all forceful actions while exhaling and screaming. After practicing Chinese gymnastics, internal blocks that prevent the transfer of energy are destroyed. The meditative state of thoughtlessness / stopping the internal dialogue / is called differently: enlightenment, insight, samadhi, satori, insight, nirvana, trance, ecstasy. There are many altered states of consciousness: normal sleep, dreaming, fatigue, hypnosis, delight, panic, schizophrenia, paranoia... Various practices meditation changes our consciousness in different ways. So, by plunging into Nirvana, you can hide from reality (meaning the reality of the non-physical world and so on throughout the text) rather than getting closer to it. The yogi abstracts from external objects, all attention is turned to his own body and the person, like a turtle, hides in his shell, the awareness of the world and his body weakens and a state of ecstasy sets in and the person merges with himself as with God, yoga is a connection. Buddhists, being in an altered state of consciousness, can communicate with each other; the practice of Buddhists is the practice of awareness. The meditator’s attention easily glides over both internal and external objects, and special detachment allows him to see things without distortion, as they are, resulting in insight. Buddhists partially control their thoughts and sensations, yogis - completely. In deep Nirvana intellectual activity yoga stops completely. A yogi is not suitable for the role of a warrior, he is busy only with himself, a Buddhist is also not suitable, he is an observer. Yogis and Buddhists do not go to the Astral. You cannot meditate while lying down, because... impossible to breathe properly. In the world of sleep, internal “accumulators” are not recharged by dynamic energy. Breathing strengthens the aura. Astral bodies fight using beams of energy. The blood is saturated with energy and pulsates with it, the blood temperature is higher than the body. Exercise with a sword - you need to become a single energy body together with the weapon, such is the astral body of a person, emitting rays. A weapon is an extension of the human body and it must have a pulse. Connect the fingers of your free hand into a pinch, feel the pulsation of the blood, its viscosity, heaviness, volume, unity and warmth, remember the feeling of warmth in the fingers. Mentally place the warm viscous mass of the pulse at the center of gravity of the weapon. Take the sword, hilt in your left hand, blade towards you, right hand on the blade. 1st center - in the hilt, 2nd center - 1/3 of the hilt, 3rd center at the tip of the sword. Raise the sword and feel the beating of 3 pulses. Imagine the 2nd center as a funnel, now the pulse from the tip flows into the funnel, accelerates and intensifies by its rotation, and when it flows into the handle, you will feel the weapon as an extension of your body, to strengthen the connection with the weapon, bring it to the solar plexus, it is located here the aural chakram, which is responsible for bringing energy out of the physical body. An energy tandem is formed. Imagine that the weapon is attached to the solar plexus with an elastic thread and slowly move the sword away from the body. The thread is the third hand. The object is filled with energy through exhalation. (Many peoples of the world have legends about a magic sword that can only be wielded by a person with a pure soul).
Only relaxed muscles ensure the smooth movement of energy throughout the body. You can relax your whole body, except the top of your head - this is dangerous, that’s where the brain is. The energy center is located deep in the abdomen. Charging with energy through breathing: rhythm - inhale - 6, hold - 6, exhale - 8, hold - 4; then breathe without holding for a count of 8, hands – left over right on the stomach /for men/. On inhalation - blowing on the coals, on exhalation - the flame flares up, energy and intense heat are activated, the sleeping chakram is awakened / visualize /. In the “horse” stance between the palms, make a ball with a diameter of 20-30 cm from the center of the Hara, arms extended. Throw the ball at the enemy, and if he throws, then exhale, strengthen the stomach and buttocks, send all the energy to Hara, the blow is reflected. Magicians send emotionally colored balls - this is the output of internal energy outward. The attack occurs on the 3rd eye or solar plexus. Fasting leads to the rupture of all negative energy formations. Prolonged hunger and pain can completely destroy you. Exercise: lie on your back, imagine that the astral body is facing the physical, spin it around the physical axis, the centrifugal force will throw the cocoon out, there will be a sound, then a click in the neck or solar plexus, loss of consciousness for a moment and you are in the Astral. The psyche focuses on the astral plane, a person sees with an energy body without sensory organs. The solar plexus is attached to the m and r lines. Fixing your attention on the Hara will help you move in the energy ocean. From the neck, direct an energy impulse to the Hara. Hara is the navigator, move “I” to anahata / heart chakram/, anahata becomes the upper chakra, and ajna /the point between the eyebrows/ and Vishuddha /neck area/ - below. Turn consciousness from the head to the heart, there will be a growing sound near the ears or in the back of the head, go to the left horizontally - reincarnation, to the right - guardian angels, teacher; directly - the 5th dimension, the astral plane, where the souls of the dead go. On the way - just straight experienced magicians return mentally and physically unharmed. It is dangerous to go right, left and straight; you can only go to the threshold of reality. If in the Astral, under the guise of a villain, you defeat your guardian angel, you will lose your energy power (the myth of Samson) and become the prey of evil demons.
The fourth gate is to enter someone else's dream. Third attention – resonance with all energy flows of reality. 3rd attention – soul. Transition to the third attention - move the assemblage point far beyond the border of the known, then quickly return to the border, the assemblage point sweeps across the cocoon like lightning, tuning all energy fibers - radiation. Inside the cocoon, the fire of awareness flares up, in which everything unconscious, all the partitions inside the mental and physical parts of the body burn out. The large external ones merge with the internal small radiations of the cocoon and the entire cocoon becomes a conscious entity, the stereotypes of our consciousness are erased, the physical body goes along with the energy body. Therefore, there are not even bones in our attention; external emanations are not terrible, they are not capable of destroying the cocoon. The form in the 3rd attention is fluid, any. "Eagle" emits 3 streams of energy - beige-pink, peach and amber, which generate awareness. Pink, passing through radiation human world, generates awareness in plants, peach - in insects. In other bands they generate different types inorganic life. Inanimate creatures do not have a luminous cocoon, only the fibers that form them are visible, unlike ghosts.

Astral combat

I knew that Dracula himself was standing in front of me, in person. I knew, not because he looked exactly as I had imagined him, but I knew with my whole being, without a shadow of a doubt. And my whole being felt disgust, disgust and a little fear towards him. I was so absorbed in my disgust for this bloodthirsty creature that I was not even surprised that I had met him at all. I observed, as if from the outside, the revolt of my body and the reluctance of any contact with this creature.

The next thing I remember is my dislike for him dissolving. In a kind of daze, I watched Dracula approach. To my surprise, all negative emotions disappeared. The most amazing thing is that I realized that the coming detachment in me was the result of the influence of a third Force, with which Dracula had nothing to do. That Power that I used to trust. It was under Her influence that I watched Dracula approaching me with almost indifference. The long-term habit of trusting the One to whom I once gave all of myself without a trace has done its job. It was as if I was watching someone else, when Dracula himself began to enter not me, but someone else, and at the same time there was not the slightest emotion of rejection or hostility. The Force made me a completely detached observer.

In all this detachment, there was still room for surprise. This creature, which I disgustedly despised, began to disintegrate in me, turning into ordinary energy, devoid of any vectorial direction or emotional coloring. What was once called Dracula turned into a cloud of ordinary energy that my body absorbed. Well, you have to! So easy and simple, instead of a nightmarish battle with a mystical entity... This cannot even be called a victory!

My body simply rejoiced, having received a charge of free energy. Any negativity that was present in Dracula simply disintegrated into pure energy. All I had to do was let this creature into me, and I did it thanks to the detachment into which the Force plunged me!

The next time the Force arranged for me to meet with an ordinary witch-witch. The main feature of this witch, which actually made her a witch, was anger at the whole world. It was as if she was taking revenge on everyone for not being able to be happy and this made her even more gloomy and aggressive.

What do I care about some kind of witch, when just recently I absorbed Dracula himself and this only made me stronger! Now I have independently “opened” myself to accepting new energy...

Yes, the witch, like Dracula, crumbled into energy, like Dracula, she was gone. But not all the energy released from its decay was easily absorbed by my body. Suddenly it became very clear that both she and I had one similar component - sexual lust. It was neither my dominant trait nor hers, but it was present in both of us. It was this part of her energy that became almost indigestible for me. I fell ill for two weeks, processing her energy, using up all the previously accumulated reserves, including the free energy received from the meeting with Dracula. It wasn’t just my astral body that hurt, on the physical plane I was lying in bed with a fluctuating temperature, my whole body was breaking and twisting. I understood that pills couldn’t help here. You need to get over your illness and at the same time reflect on what happened.

No, astral combat may not be harmless at all. Not everything can easily come together, increasing energy potential. It is necessary to make allowances for your imperfections and develop, honing purity and impeccability. And in general, is such a task facing a person - to fight with someone external, even if only in the astral plane? Life is the same school: if you are clean, nothing will stick. Any battle ultimately comes down to working with yourself.

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Astral battle I knew that Dracula himself was standing in front of me, in person. I knew, not because he looked exactly as I had imagined him, but I knew with my whole being, without a shadow of a doubt. And my whole being felt disgust towards him, disgust and a little

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Astral Cord If we put together the various methods used to “leave the body,” then they are all approximately the same. Here are the ways and methods of manifestation of this phenomenon. Program your sleep in advance, learn to set it for yourself at your first desire. There must be sleep

From the book All the Secrets of the Subconscious. Encyclopedia practical esotericism author Naumenko Georgy

Astral World From occult literature we learn that the astral worlds are densely populated - phantoms, ghosts, doubles, duplications, penetrating creatures (viruses) from other physical worlds. Ghosts can be material, that is, ethereal or energetic,

From the book Where to Get Energy? Secrets of practical magic of Eros author Frater V.D.

Astral Sabbath We have already become acquainted with the magic of sex in the astral plane. The astral Sabbath is carried out according to the same principle, only by a whole group of magicians. For the operation to be successful, the participants must have extensive experience in astral travel. For this

Astral pressure is an impact on a person’s aura, coming from the subtle environment, striving to align the individual’s psychoenergetic field with the universal field, and from the outside dark entities that inhabit this environment. Astral pressure can be directed against any energy center of a person, but sometimes it covers the entire aura.

It aims to influence the will of a person and force him to abandon his intentions and narrow the range of actions.

Astral attachment to...

The astral world is the abode of many different creatures, usually not visible in the physical world; it is a conductor and mediator between the spiritual world and the material world. The information and energy of the astral plane is used for spells, rituals and other magical manipulations.

The energy of the astral plane is in constant circular motion. Note that the astral vortex and some astral beings can be created by our imagination, because our thoughts, passions and emotions are also part of...

Terrestrial death is always followed by an ebullient birth in the astral world. Trained guides and assistants await the surprised deceased there. Many people, having died, do not understand where they are and what is happening to them. They think they have gone to hell or heaven.

Assistants try to carefully explain to new arrivals where they are, where their things are and how to behave. “There are no pockets on the shroud,” say the assistants. They are then escorted to the Hall of Memory. There the dead are shown in detail their entire earthly life...

Astral Chariot

A set of meditative bioenergetic exercises

Training rules
Choose a place to train. Preferably, a separate well-ventilated room without extraneous noise or other distractions. Choose a time for training. At least half an hour. It is better early in the morning after washing, brushing your teeth and exercising. After the last meal, at least two hours should pass. Classes under the influence of alcohol or drugs are not permitted. No smoking...

The theory of astral projection is based on the assumption that a person has two bodies: the physical one, which grows, ages and dies, and its “double” - the astral body. It is the latter that can quite consciously leave the physical shell and observe it from a distance.

The ability to astral travel will give you a number of advantages. First of all, you will be able to look at the world with different eyes: new horizons of the universe will open before you. Realizing that the mind can exist...

So, twenty-four hours have passed since your first astral experience. It is possible that you are still excited and looking forward to your next astral exit.

Think carefully about your upcoming travel plan. Naturally, this time you won't want to limit yourself to the confines of the room.

Try testing yourself as follows. Ask someone to write some numbers on a piece of paper, and have that person put the sheet in their room. During an astral exit...

The etheric body, as if enveloping it, is followed by the astral body, formed by the energy of feelings and emotions. It is when a person feels and experiences that his astral energy-informational body (shell) reflects or records these psychophysical states.

The astral body is shaped like an egg and represents continuously flowing colored energy streams. The energy of the astral body is the energy of passions, which is more subtle than the energy of the etheric body, but much denser and more tangible for...

Over the years, I have been asked questions about astral travel, and I have become convinced that most people have a very wrong, distorted understanding of this phenomenon. That is why, before we set off on our first astral flight, it is worth saying a few words about what we will actually do.

Astral travel should be understood as leaving the physical body and moving the astral double outside of time and space.


", we were taken much further than planned. The result is below, but please note that this is just one version and requires multifaceted verification. It is also important to note that the mentee had NOT read any posts about Architects prior to the session. I am posting to collect your specific questions on the material for future sessions.

It's quite difficult to write comments. The information is volatile, and may differ from distance and when viewed closely. When you look closely, details and new possibilities appear. From afar - simple and clear. When I read my transcript, I saw that in the overall negative picture, rays of opportunity appeared. Although it may seem to you that there are many contradictions. When I was in the session, I tried to understand the relationships, but not with the same easy cavalry charge to understand the structure of the Universe. Everything is quite unsteady, the decision has not yet been made, but the strongest impression on me was made by the appearance at the end of the Sun - the Pope and the Love flowing from him. This is like salvation for us, the only way out. That is, all is not lost yet!

All comments are in italics.

1. A little about astral battles:

Q - Is it correct to say that in 1956 there was an astral battle that Hubbard (LRH) and his associates lost?

A- Yes, there was a battle in the astral space and LRH and his companions seemed to lose consciousness,

Q - Who is the battle with?

A- He has a personal enemy, an entity, but LRH was weaker, and this entity owns the Earth, and LRH lost this battle. Entity, bad, dark.

B- Who is he, describe

O- A bald old man with a demonic face, thin, crooked, unhealthy, he used to be strong, now he’s not.

When did he give up his position?

O- Since the 80s

Q- Is it correct to understand that now the Earth is owned by 3 groups?

O- He entered them, but now they are all very weakened. He was above the planet, then he descended to the planet, it’s just a game, he’s not that bad. I found him strong, how he weakened, I don’t know. He sat above the planet for thousands of years. But I may be confused. Now he is not a serious opponent.

(LRH started a small battle with a specific entity, at the planet level. He found an enemy of his level and wanted to fight him, but he didn’t succeed. He wanted to recruit warriors, but now I don’t see him, he’s not an active player. For him this there was a defeat and, having lost the business that he had started, he lost his energy.)

2. Is the earth a prison? How everything works.

Q- Do I understand correctly that the statement that only losers end up on Earth is incorrect?

O- That's incorrect.

Q- Is it right that the Earth is a prison?

O- Earth is a prison, for various reasons for different people. This is the wrong word, these are just very difficult conditions.

Q- School?

A- She is not a school, it cannot be a school, but in prison there is no way out, and here it is just a wrong game that has lost its meaning because the players on this planet have no choice. The conditions of the game turned out to be hopeless for the players on this planet; it is impossible to get out of it. This is a dead-end branch, a mistake, everyone was pushed onto the planet, but was not given a chance to get out. The universe is a game, the game has rules when you can act in some situations. It didn't work on Earth. The point is that the conditions to get out of this game are unattainable.

Q- Why?

A- We are deprived of all opportunities to get out of this game. I look at the current moment on the planet. No chance at all.

Q- What chance could there be?

A- There is no freedom to change the conditions of existence.

Q- There is no influence of thought on matter?

Oh yeah. Nothing can be changed. Everything is so rigidly organized, strict, a nightmare, impossible in any way. More precisely, theoretically there is a way out, all in the energy sector. There must be groups of people united by energy. It may be that an opportunity has emerged after all. If you look before, everyone was energetically tied up; there was no group of people who wanted to get out. (It’s not entirely clear here)

Q- How to get out?

O- Change something. Everything is in the net, like flies are glued and the wings are torn off.

Q- Who controls the network, why can’t it be turned off?

A- Someone, it turns out, won this battle, this is his decision, this is not our level of decision-making. All this happened by deception. Not all people were pushed here by force, some were lured by deception. A bunch of people came of their own free will without any idea why they came here.

Q- How is this? After all, many came to help?

O- That’s later. And initially they came because they did not understand the rules of the game. The one who lured him also came down to Earth and lost his energy. (This is a first approximation) I don’t see any Transition, unless you consider that the game was a failure and everything needs to be redone. Above. The flies remain in the jar, they can’t get out, and then if you change the game, you can let them get out, like an amnesty. ( It is very sad). Those who got in do not understand anything at all, and those who understand a little, they are so insignificant that it does not change anything. I don’t know who makes the decision; it seems that the decision was not to completely slam him down, but to somehow release him. But the whole project is a failure, that's understandable. The dark one who defeated everyone, he was just playing, he had rivals among the light ones, and everyone was pushed here. The dark one got bored, he went downstairs to play, and it became clear to the curator that everyone needed to be pulled out.

Q - Why can’t you just turn off the lights?

O- Impossible. Everyone has a bad time with awareness, they will all disappear, they won’t understand anything. They all need to be dealt with, sorted out different places to bring awareness back.

Q- There was information that some kind of Grid would be activated on January 18-19, I don’t remember exactly.

O- I didn’t watch it, what will happen next, I won’t even watch it, somehow they will pull everyone out and put them in different places for rehabilitation. It all turned out very unsuccessfully; oddly enough, there are a lot of people to blame for this story.

Q- What do you mean there will be no Transition?

A- No, it seems to me that they will pull me out little by little and for rehabilitation, for us it will be a wonderful miracle, a wondrous miracle, because now it’s a complete nightmare. Nobody understands anything. There are so few people who understand just a little, the level is the lowest. And all these aliens and ships are all attempts to revive, to reanimate slightly.

Q- This is the essence of the experiment, complete amnesia.

O- No, it’s not that simple. No need to talk about the experiment. Things are not so good here. It’s not like people said “I want to try it”, it’s all a deception, they didn’t know what they were agreeing to. It was such a game, it was necessary to take a bunch of people out of the game, and with the words “it will be interesting there, here you cannot do it, but there you will do whatever you want.” And all sorts of curious people flocked here like fools (adventurers) and they were all slammed. And now, because... They are immortal, they need to be returned to the game, they need to be pulled out. It is not clear why energetic people were needed, but they were probably needed for some reason.

Q- They say that in the higher worlds there is a dispute that the Earth is becoming obsolete as a productive platform for evolution, there is no progress here and it is necessary to close down the shop.

A- This is a playground where everyone is a loser, it needs to be wound down. Leaving someone behind would be very cruel. Everyone here has suffered a lot, it’s all unfair. Games should initially be interesting.

Q-And instead they became cruel?

O- And those who allowed us to do whatever we wanted here, they themselves were very fallen (Also not very clear). All beautiful words about free will - it's a camouflage, it's an excuse for allowing the game to go too far. Those who started this game have never experienced death, they don’t understand it. I don’t really understand how it was possible to create a food chain out of all this and eat each other and persuade animals that it is their role to be eaten and persuade people to devour and destroy each other. This is a wrong game, sadistic.

Q - Who invented it?

A- A very high level, and they are no smarter than us, because they did not understand at all what they were doing.

Q - Do you mean the fact of death?

A- Yes, when they created the 3rd-4th dimension. I do not understand the meaning of. Yes, they lowered the vibrations to the maximum permissible level, they became curious and did not understand anything at all. But they've been playing these games for so long that it's strange why they still don't understand anything.

Q- Because they themselves did not incarnate?

O- Of course, they weren’t even close. They didn’t go below the 7th level, but no, higher everything, higher.

Q- What do these entities look like, in what area do you see them?

O- Glowing balls, they are bored. They live forever, they need to have fun . (Or maybe they got an assignment?)

Q - And they generate realities and populate them?

A- Yes, they all do it, but somehow it looks like our Universe has failed.I don't know the size of our Universe.

Well, here we are. The entire Universe is in the red zone here, I understand correctly

A- No, 3D is our gaming area. It's strange there, in the whole Universe. There are a lot of lies, goals diverge from means, explanations do not correspond to anything, absurdity upon absurdity, deception upon deception. We are not the only ones who failed, our planet. Some kind of wrong game, a game of cat and mouse, and no one has free will, not only us, but also on other planets. Everyone is regulated, only under different conditions, some are easier, some are more difficult.

Q- Well, there is no complete free will, there is relative free will.

A- No, this is how this Universe works.

Q- Why did the problems start in the first place?

O- Laws have been created that limit, on different levels various restrictions.

There are a lot of restrictions, deception, in fact, a decrease in energy occurs due to the fact that the choice is removed and you can only go there (to a certain place). They tell you: “you are a very wonderful being, life is very interesting for you, there is a wonderful 3D game just for you, you can watch it, then you will tell us.” Everyone operates under very tough conditions and the game is on demotion. In this game, in this Universe, there is no way up, only down.

Well, hello, I was getting up.

O- No, you didn’t move there, you’re still here. You could have looked, please, but you are pinned here. And this Universe goes ( hand gesture in a downward spiral).

O- Well, somehow all this will end, they’ll push us somewhere.

Q- Let's see the beginning of this Universe - the Big Bang. What exactly happened? Are we really exhausted? This is called the breath of Brahma.

A- Yes, that's right, it was good. The fact that they created this particular Universe was very interesting. She was different than everyone else.

Q- How was she different?

O- It feels like joy, I don’t know about others, I feel it like joy. What a wonderful creation they launched!

Q- Is this her first breath?

Oh no.

Q - So she has already done this many times? Does it come out and shrink back from infinity to a point? And we are now on the exhale?

O- As you exhale.

Q- Is it correct to say that inhalation will begin in the near future?

A- Theoretically, yes, but for some reason it seems that it was so unsuccessful that it could be destroyed somehow simply - with one click. I didn’t even understand why it failed. Let me think. She was created (organized) essence of not very great intelligence, with limited capabilities (and experience), who did not know, generally speaking, what would come of it; the Lord God himself did not create it.

Q - So this means Logoi?

A- If the Lord God had created her, she would have remained joyful and bright, but she is crooked and irregular. They even thought it through incorrectly at the physics level.

Q - What did they come up with wrong?

O- It was made at random, like a toy. (No specifics, just feelings). She has there is no logic of development, this is key .

Q- Is it correct to say that in this Universe there are agents from the Creator, who sent them in order to study the situation, assess the situation and make a decision whether to remove this Universe or let it develop further?

O- I think so. But here it’s a little different. They feel sorry for us. We are at the very bottom, and there is an idea to somehow fix this, to get us out. Because complete annihilation is cruel and unfair. Someone made the Universe wrong, and we, as extreme ones, are already victims, so we should not disappear. There are some abnormal physical characteristics in this Universe.

Q- Which ones will change now?

A- I don’t know, it was created incorrectly.

Q-But it can be changed from the inside? Correct the code?

O- I don’t understand this, I don’t see it. I don't even see any way to fix anything.

Q- Look, the Universe consists of atoms, like pixels, you can reprogram them. You just give a different impulse, a different wave, a different frequency, and you can do it. Do you mean the physical Universe, because there are parallel Earths, times, or do you mean our current moment?

A- If you take a closer look... No, this only applies to 3D.

Q- But we are not three-dimensional everywhere, we are more complex.

O- So the one who created the three-dimensional Universe was mistaken. Our 3D level is wrong, but I can’t say higher.

Q- So, it turns out that not the whole Universe, but only the 3D part of it is erroneous?

O- The error is obvious in 3D. Above, I don’t know how they got it all connected there, it can’t be correct. 3D is the development of dimensions. It is not at all necessary to blow it up, because I only watched 3D, how we are sitting in a dead end, and if you look at other dimensions, rise high, then you can reformat 3D, but I don’t know how.

Q - Well, we’re unlikely to do that anymore.

O- Unreal. From our point of view. You know, there's still some kind of terrible fundamental mistake here.

Q - What's the matter?

Oh - Lord, forgive me for criticizing you, something with these measurements. I kind of understand that they are lowering it, densifying it, at some level, where?... This is the information that has arrived. Do you remember when the next souls were released, 100 million years ago, here they are, i.e. we were placed in obviously unwinnable circumstances. Those that are original live very well, but those that were released 100 million years ago were limited in some way, and development somehow went down . (Experimental subjects). You know, things are already starting to come out from Scientology, although everything turns out very logically. True, in Scientology I did not reach any inhalations and exhalations, but our group of souls - we were weaker and we were sent to the wrong place (? HERE?). The game is absolutely ill-conceived, that is, we fumbled around at one level, then they created sub-levels-sub-levels-sub-levels for us until it became pointless. And those who created us live wonderfully up there. ( I understand that logic is a bit difficult, I swim myself, so this information is completely outside the brackets - due to limited capabilities. Discussing Creation, and especially its shortcomings, is very presumptuous).

B- Try to leave the Universe, go up to the local Logos, ask permission to go up, see what’s next.

O- Well, what I see is energies shimmering different colors. By permission, I enter the Universe of energies.

Q- Is there a central vortex there? (an approximate description of the central vortex is given)

O- Yes, everything moves there, it’s unclear and I don’t need to understand it.

V-Okay. It started with a discussion: The Earth is a prison, then why are we told that it is Not jail?

A- It’s like it’s not quite a prison, it’s the end point where everyone is confused, it’s nowhere lower. They tell us: “Come out, why are you sitting there?” You know, if you tear off the wings of a fly and say: “Fly, why are you sitting here?” This is something like this. That you are all stuck, you are all low, base, worthless, get out, whoever is bothering you. They don’t want to understand us at all, and they can’t, because they have completely different capabilities. They egg us on: “Come on guys, jump up and fly, we admire you...” You see, those who tell us are the winners over us, because it was we who were pushed here, and they there. And I don’t see much warm feeling there at all.

B- Well, how about it? eternal love, light of the Creator, etc.

A- Our level is not at all the same.

Q- And what does it have to do with us, and with them?

O- And they are also very low. Maybe they are bright in some ways, they love each other, but for them we are like ants, brainless insects . (Or maybe I’m wrong and everything is completely wrong?)

You see, when a person wins, even not quite honestly, he tries to forget the rules by which he won, and that’s why now they are white and fluffy, and we sit in the dark and seem to have ourselves to blame.

When scientists talk about parallel worlds, they most often mean certain field forms of states in which the density of matter differs significantly from the density of our earthly physical environment. However, nature, living beings, landscapes, life itself in parallel spaces are sometimes not very different from the earthly world. Or rather, they differ, have their own nuances and characteristics, but are quite amenable to the descriptions of those who happen to be there. There are such people, they travel in other worlds in the so-called astral or mental bodies and sometimes they talk about their impressions.

"I'm there every night..."

16-year-old Veronica, in response to my request to try to find arguments to prove that the world is multidimensional and multi-populated, wrote to me in confusion: “And what do you want to hear from me about the hypothesis of the plurality of worlds? How will I prove this to you if I I communicate with representatives of these multiple worlds almost every night? I can’t imagine how to do this. Rise to our level - so, probably..."

However, there are people in my circle who are not new to astral travel. One of them is Nastya, and she only recently acquired the ability for this kind of wandering. But there are already a lot of impressions. True, she herself believes that she has not so much astral as vital travel, and explained the difference:

Vital is when I can control the process from start to finish,” she said.
-Have you learned this?
- Not perfect. I'm still practicing. And my first astral exit lasted for a few seconds. I was lying there, not sleeping, and suddenly - once! - I can see my room perfectly. My eyes are closed, but I see perfectly. I was so scared - bang! - and everything was gone. I was told that you have to be very careful in the astral plane. If you go out unprepared, the best thing is that you will stutter from fear for a while...
... That day she was very tired: she was preparing for exams at the institute, and only went to bed in the morning. And suddenly, all by itself, she easily left the body. Poo-uhh! - and found myself in another room. Immediately joy: it worked! I looked out the window...
“I was surprised by how the earth looks in the astral plane,” she shared the details. - The earth was not illuminated by the stars, but in general everything around emitted light. It was spring, and every blade of grass was glowing, every detail of the city landscape was outlined. There is no sun, the sky is dark, but everything is visible! I didn’t feel my body and didn’t even look at myself, there was only joy - I need to learn more, gain experience!..
Nastya decided that I would fly along my street: I wanted to see one of my friends. However, she flew into an incomprehensible maze of houses. I realized that I couldn’t get through. Means no luck...

And suddenly I discovered that someone was following me,” she continued the story. - Such a well-fed guy in pajamas, blond... I thought: “Dangerous!” I’m flying, I’m not walking on the ground, and I don’t know what I look like from the outside. And since I was at a dead end,
then you have to go back past this guy... He picked me up with his hand for a second and said: “What? For the first time? Well, see you later...” and waved his hand after me. And I quickly went home... I saw a light in the only window - and there...

Tragedy in a mental hospital

Nastya was told a dramatic story about the peculiarities of the astral plane by her older friend, an expert on other worlds, a psychologist by profession K. I confess, this is the first time I have learned such unusual details.
Through friends, K. was asked to meet with a 20-year-old girl, Anya, who at that moment was in a psychiatric clinic. She assured those around her that she sees entities from the Subtle World who follow people like shadows, and most often provoke people into scandals and all sorts of showdowns. At the same time, they were clearly fueled by some kind of energy from the quarreling citizens. Anya noticed how entities invisible to others were holding their hands on the backs of those arguing. Yes, people quarreled, swore, swore, and at the same time gave some energy to invisible tax collectors.

Anna told her friends and parents about what she saw, tried to stop the flaring scandals, but they did not believe her. It got to the point that the girl was sent to a psychiatric clinic for examination. The doctors, naturally, did not find any violations, so they advised Anna to remain silent about what she was seeing.
- Stop talking about it and we'll kick you out!

But one day Anna called K. very alarmed about something. She says that she observed a quarrel at a bus stop. One of the publicans immediately ran away, and the second only staggered, but did not retreat. "Get out of here!" - Anna sternly, but he only mentally asked: “Which eye do you see me with?” “I see both!” the clairvoyant snapped. “Get out of here!” The Inhuman turned and slowly disappeared.
“You know, I’m kind of scared...” she explained the call. - I'm afraid of something...
